The project RTO MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is proposed to install a system that shall enable the proposed RTO SYSTEM interface with the existing system with maximum accuracy .This project is very use…Full description
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The main objective of the RTO Vehicle Registration System is to manage the details of Vehicle,Registration,Customer,Order,Vehicle Maker. It manages all the information about Vehicle, Vehicle Type, ...
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Project Report On [Online RTO Management System] MCA – 406
1.1.1 Introduction T!e project RTO MA#A>?M?#T SBST?M is propose: to install a system t!at s!all enale t!e propose: RTO SBST?M inter-ace 3it! t!e e@isting system 3it! ma@im%m acc%racy .T!is project is &ery %se-%l -or t!ose 3!o are concern 3it! t!e :i--erent processes on RTO. /%ring st%:y p!ase 3e !a&e :one a preliminary analysis s%--icient :ept! to permit a tec!nical an: economic e&al%ation o- propose: system. As a total manpo3er ase: system is c%rrently r%nning -or t!e 3!ole proce:%res :esigning a ne3 system 3!ic! ma"es t!e 3!ole process online :eman:s a :eep "no3le:ge ao%t t!e e@isting system. T!ro%g!o%t t!e project 3e -oc%s on presenting in-ormation an: comman:s in an easy an: intelligile manner. T!e p%rpose o- o%r RTO management system is to pro&i:e a lea:ing tec!nological tool -or t!e ease o- RTO -%nctions s%c! as Registration earners icense an: ;itness etc...9t 3ill re:%ce consi:eraly t!e :i--ic%lties -ace: on e@isting system 3it! minim%m error an: :i--ic%lties.
1.1.! Purpose RTO O--ice A:ministration is a go&ernment transport organi7ation an: t!e main p%rpose o- t!is o--ice is to iss%e / &e!icle registrations etc. in t!is :oc%ment 3e propose t!e comp%teri7e: system o- managing all t!e :ata 3or"s. 9t !elps to ring t!e smoot! -lo3 o- 3or" an: also increase e--iciency. T!is :oc%ment !ig!lig!t t!e re<%irements an: also gi&e t!e g%i:elines t!at are necessary -or t!e :e&elopment o- t!e project 3or" t!at is mentione: ao&e. 9n also gi&e g%i:elines in rie- ao%t !o3 to :esign t!e project. T!is project is "no3n to e a pilot project an: !elps to e prepare: y t!e o--ice o- RTO to maintain recor:s o- all t!e / t!at is iss%e:. At t!e same time it also jot :o3n t!e :etails -or t!e registration o- &e!icles . !en all t!ese 3or"s 3ill e starte: in a comp%teri7e: system t!en it 3ill !elp to increase t!e employeeDs e--iciency. T!e scope o- t!is project is to maintain t!e recor:s o- t!e / registration o- &e!icles. in:o3s EP is t!e most i:eal operating system an: 1is%al 'asic 6.0 is %se: as t!e :e&elopment tool -or t!is project. MS Access is t!e :ataase t!at is %se:. #o3 t!e 3or"s o- registrations in t!e o--ice are amen:e: accor:ing to t!e man%al system 3!ic! re<%ires a lot o- time an: paper3or". 9t also :ecreases t!e 3or" press%re an: t!e e--iciency o- t!e employees. it! t!e mo:erni7ation e&eryt!ing 3ill ecome comp%teri7e: t!%s increasing t!e e--iciency an: smoot! -lo3 o- 3or". T!e system 3ill also !elp to manage t!e :aily operations <%ic"ly an: easily.
1.1." Scope T!is is a project prepare: RTO o--ice to maintain all t!e recor:s li"e iss%ing t!e / 1e!icle registration. Once all t!ese get comp%teri7e: to 3or" e--iciency o- t!e employee 3ill get increases. T!e RTO management system project consist o- t3o -%nction mo:%le i.e. &e!icle registration an: license mo:%le.
1.1.# Benefits •
Sa&e ?nergy
9n %sing o%r system %ser :o not nee: to 3aste energy to stan: in a ro3. •
?asy to Access or %ser -rien:ly O%r system is a &ery easy to access an: %ser -rien:ly eca%se t!e %ser t!at canDt "no3 ao%t t!e online ser&ice can also e %se: t!is project eca%se it is accor:ing to t!is type o- %ser so 3e can say t!at o%r project is %ser -rien:ly.
84@5 A&ailaility T!e %ser can access o%r project -rom any3!ere an: any time. T!ere is no nee: to %se project in o--ice timing.
Sa&e Time O%r so-t3are is &ery time cons%ming eca%se in c%rrent time t!e %ser 3ait -or -ill a -orm an: 3ait -or a appointment %t in o%r project t!e se&eral %ser go online an: :o registration on a 3esite an: -ill t!e re<%ire: -iel: in a -orm an: get appointment -or t!e license an: &e!icle registration.
1.1.$ %unctional Re&uirement O%r system !as mainly t!ree mo:%les an a:ministration mo:%le an a%t!ori7e: %ser mo:%le an: ot!er %ser mo:%le. 1ario%s processes in&ol&e: in t!ese t!ree mo:%les are$ •
icense Application 9ntro:%ction$ Any a%t!ori7e: %ser can %ploa: a -orm -or license application. 9np%t$ /etails pro&i:e: y t!e %sers in t!e :o3nloa:e: application -orm. Process$ T!e a:ministrator 3ill &eri-y t!e entere: :ata an: procee:s it i- it is o". O%tp%t$ =ser 3ill get a mail regar:ing t!e license test.
1e!icle Registration 9ntro:%ction$ A%t!ori7e: %ser can register t!e &e!icle y %ploa:ing t!e -orm -or &e!icle registration. 9np%t$ /etails pro&i:e: y t!e a%t!ori7e: %ser in t!e :o3nloa:e: application -orm. Process$ T!e a:ministrator procee: it a-ter &eri-ying t!e :etails pro&i:e: y t!e %ser. O%tp%t$ =ser 3ill get a mail regar:ing t!e license test.
Mail 9ntro:%ction$ A:ministrator can sen: message to t!e a%t!ori7e: %ser regar:ing t!e license rene3al an: all. 9np%t$ T!e message sent y t!e a:ministrator. Process$ T!e a%t!ori7e: %ser can rea: t!e message -rom !is message o@. O%tp%t$ T!e %ser can e get %p:ate:.
Searc! 9ntro:%ction$ A:ministrator an: a%t!ori7e: %ser can select a partic%lar &e!icle an: license !ol:er y %sing license n%mer &e!icle n%mer or color 9np%t$ T!e &e!icle n%mer license n%mer or t!e ot!er in-ormation ao%t t!e &e!icle Process$ 'y entering partic%lar in-ormation ao%t t!e &e!icle or license can retrie&e all t!e :etails ao%t t!at &e!icle O%tp%t$ T!e complete :etails o- t!e &e!icle 3ill get.
1.! 'omponent Description T!e system s!o%l: e :esign in s%c! a 3ay t!at t!e a%t!ori7e: an: %na%t!ori7e: %ser can access t!e project mo:%les an: t!e A:ministrator gi&e t!e response o- %ser.
Penti%m 91 8>F7 an: Ao&e 8>' RAM )G Color Monitor
$ $ $
in:o3s EP 1is%al 'asic 6.0 MS Access
1.# Tools and Tec*nolo+y ,sed ang%age ;ronten: 'ac"en:
!. System -nalysis
$ $ $
!.1 Information at*erin+ 9n-ormation gat!ering can e %se: -or a &ariety o- :i--erent reasonsJ !o3e&er t!e main ene-it 3it! regar:s to yo%r aca:emic st%:ies is t!at yo% 3ill ecome a3are o- more :i&erse so%rces opinions an: approac!es 3!ic! can only en!ance yo%r aca:emic 3or".
!.! E/istin+ System A total man%al system 3!ic! is r%nning 3it!o%t any participation o- a comp%ter :e-initely !a&e its o3n :isa:&antages. e "no3 t!at t!e pro:%ction an: %se o- &e!icles are increasing :ay y :ay. Fence t!e nee: o- RTO is &ery important no3 :ays. T!e comple@ -%nctions s%c! as Registration o- &e!icles etc. ecomes &ery :i--ic%lt i- 3e are %sing t!e e@isting system. To "no3 ao%t t!e prolems speci-ically 3e !a&e :one a :etaile: st%:y on t!e 3!ole proce:%re o- t!e system 3!ic! is c%rrently r%nning. 9n t!e e@isting system o- RTO o--ice per-orms -%nctions s%c! as registration license. T!ere are certain proce:%re an: -ormalities re<%ire: to per-orm t!ese -%nctions. 9t is essential t!at t!e partic%lars o- e&ery &e!icle an: its o3ner s!o%l: e a&ailale in t!e concerne: :epartment or o--ice o- >o&ernment an: t!at t!e &e!icle s!o%l: e :isting%is!ale -rom ot!er &e!icles y sig!t. T!e registration mar" s!o%l: e :isplaye: in speci-ie: places an: in speci-ie: manner. 9n t!e registration section application -or registration o- a ne3 &e!icle s!all e s%mitte: e-ore t!e Registering A%t!ority in 3!ose j%ris:iction t!e applicant is resi:ing or !a&ing !is %siness an: t!e &e!icle is normally "ept. T!e application -or registration s!all e ma:e in ;orm 3it!in a perio: o- 5 :ays -rom t!e :ate o- :eli&ery o- s%c! &e!icle e@cl%:ing t!e perio: o- jo%rney. Many people !a&e cra7e on t!eir &e!icle registration n%mers. Some o- t!em 3ant -ancy n%mers 3!ile t!e ot!ers 3ant n%mers accor:ing to t!eir elie- in t!e n%merical astrology. !ate&er it may it 3ill e interesting to "no3 ao%t t!e t!eory o- -ormation o- &e!icle registration n%mers in t!e state "eeping it as a %ni<%e i:enti-ier -or eac! &e!icle. 9n t!e license section at t!e RTO a-ter t!e &eri-ication o- t!e -orm yo%r "no3le:ge on tra--ic r%les an: reg%lations as 3ell as interpretation o- symols 3ill e teste:. Fo3e&er i- t!e nee: arises t!ey may ta"e a 3ritten test too. A-ter all t!is a learnerDs license 3ill e iss%e:. T!is license is &ali: -or a perio: o- 6 mont!s an: can e rene3e: -or anot!er 6 mont!s j%st once t!o%g!. T!e ne@t time a -res! learnerDs license 3ill !a&e to e ma:e -ollo3ing t!e 3!ole earlier proce:%re.
!." Proposed System T!e propose: system is aime: to a%tomate t!e major processes in t!e Regional Transport O--ice.
Decomposition of Proposed System
T!e asic mo:%les in t!e total proce:%re are$ •
A:ministrator$ A:ministrator is po3er %ser. Fe !as t!e po3er to &eri-y t!e :ata entere: y t!e %ser processing o- :ata an: pro&i:e appropriate sol%tions.
A%t!ori7e: %ser$ Any person 3!o !a&e een a%t!ori7e: y t!e a:ministrator. An a%t!ori7e: %ser s!o%l: !a&e a %ser name an: pass3or: to access :etaile: in-ormation -rom t!e site e@cl%:ing -or accessing general in-ormation in s!are: p%lic pages.
=ser$ Fe is t!e person 3!o gets t!e -%ll ene-its o- t!is application. %eatures of Proposed System
Propose: system is an online system$ so any persons can ro3se t!e sit an: :o3nloa: K %ploa: t!e application -orm.
ess time cons%ming.
Fig!ly sec%re in :ata storing.
9t is more %sers -rien:ly$ t!e sections s%c! as registration license etc are comine: toget!er in a single 3in:o3.
=sers can !a&e "no3le:ge ao%t t!e ne3 r%les an: reg%lations -rom t!e in-ormationDs K
a3areness section.
9n t!e online system t!e repetition o- 3or" K :%plication o- :ata can e a&oi:e:.
!.# SRS So-t3are re<%irement speci-ication is a :oc%ment in 3!ic! completely :escrie 3!at t!e propose: system :o it. T!e asic goal o- t!e re<%irement p!ase is to pro:%ce t!e SRS. !ic! :escrie t!e complete e!a&ior o- t!e propose: so-t3are. SRS is also !elp-%l -or t!e %ser 3!o %se o%r so-t3are to %n:erstan: t!%s o3n nee:.
!.#.1 Need for SRS •
=ser :o not al3ays "no3 t!%s nee:s.
M%st analyses an: %n:erstan: t!e potential.
T!e re<%irement process !elps clari-y nee:s.
Clear %n:erstan:ing ao%t 3!at is e@pecte:.
Re<%irement errors get mani-este: in -inal so-t3are.
T!is is t!e so-t3are con-ig%ration in 3!ic! t!e project 3as s!ape:. T!e programming lang%age %se: tools %se: etc are :escrie: !ere. •
FTM an: Ha&a Script is %se: as -ront en:
Microso-t SI ser&er is %se: as ac" en:
e tec!nology %se: is
!.$ %easibility Study ;easiility st%:y is t!e :etaile: st%:y e@pan:e: -rom t!e res%lt o- initial in&estigation. T!is is :one y in&estigating t!e e@isting system in t!e area %n:er in&estigation or generally i:eas ao%t a ne3 system. 9t is t!e test o- a system proposal accor:ing to its 3or" aility impact on organi7ation aility to meet %ser nee:s an: e--ecti&e %se o- reso%rces. Ojecti&e o- -easiility st%:y is to ac<%ire a sense o- t!e scope o- t!e prolem. 9t is carrie: o%t to select t!e est system t!at meets per-ormance re<%irements.
!.$.1 Tec*nical %easibility Tec!nical -easiility centers on e@isting system an: to 3!at e@tent it can s%pport propose: mo:i-ications. 9t in&ol&es -inancial en!ancement. T!is e&al%ation :etermines 3!et!er t!e tec!nology nee:e: -or t!e propose: system is a&ailale or not. T!is is concerne: 3it! speci-ying satis-y t!e %ser re<%irements. T!e tec!nical nee:s o- t!e system may incl%:e -ronten: an: ac"en: selection. An important iss%e -or t!e :e&elopment o- a project is t!e selection o- s%itale -ronten: an: ac"en:. 'ase: on some aspects 3e select t!e most s%itale plat-orm t!at s%its t!e nee:s o- t!e organi7ation.
!.$.! 0perational %easibility T!e present system is easily %n:erstan:ale. T!e %sers are presente: 3it! -rien:ly %ser inter-ace t!at !elps t!em to %n:erstan: t!e -lo3 o- t!e system more easily. Ma@im%m transparency !as een pro&i:e:. T!e ne3 system is &ery m%c! %ser -rien:ly an:operational cost is earale. T!e maintenance an: 3or"ing o- t!e ne3 system nee:s less !%man e--orts. T!e propose: project is ene-icial to t!e organi7ational an: is %ser -rien:ly. T!e system is :irectly %se: y t!e %sers an: nee:s no ot!er operators to coor:inates t!e system. So t!e system can e j%:ge: operationally -easile.
!.$." Economic %easibility ?conomic -easiility is %se: to :etermine t!e ene-its an: sa&ings e@pecte: -rom t!e can:i:ate system an: to compare t!em 3it! costs inc%rre:. 9- ene-its o%t3eig! cost t!en :ecision 3ill e to :esign an: implement system. Ot!er3ise alterations 3ill !a&e to e ma:e to t!e propose: system. T!e propose: system is economically -easile.
". System Desi+n System :esign typically -oc%ses on t!e e@ternal inter-aces o- t!e mo:%les an: cannot e e@ten:e: to speci-y t!e internals. /etaile: :esign is one 3ay in 3!ic! t!e :esign can e comm%nicate: precisely an: completely to 3!ate&er :egree o- :etail :esire: y t!e :esigner. T!e p%rpose o- t!e So-t3are /esign /oc%ment is to pro&i:e a :escription o- t!e :esign o- a system -%lly eno%g! to allo3 -or so-t3are :e&elopment to procee: 3it! an %n:erstan:ing o- 3!at is to e %ilt an: !o3 it is e@pecte: to %ilt. T!e So-t3are /esign /oc%ment pro&i:es in-ormation necessary to pro&i:e :escription o- t!e :etails -or t!e so-t3are an: system to e %ilt. T!is So-t3are /esign /oc%ment is -or a ase le&el system 3!ic! 3ill 3or" as a proo- o- concept -or t!e %se o- %il:ing a <%ality control system t!at pro&i:es a ase le&el o- -%nctionality to s!o3 -easiility -or large scale pro:%ction %se.
".1 2o+ical Desi+n ".1.1 E R Dia+ram T!e ?ntity Relations!ip /iagram ,also "no3n as an ?R/ or ?R :iagram is a net3or" mo:el t!at :escries t!e store: :ata layo%t o- a system at a !ig! le&el o- astraction. T!e ?R/ s!o%l: represent t!e relations!ips et3een all t!e entities. Any t3o entities m%st e connecte: to eac! ot!er y some relations!ip set an: type o- relations!ip s!o%l: also e speci-ie:. Components o- an ?R/ T!ere are t3o major components o- an ?R/$ ?ntity$ 9t is :e-ine: as any oject ao%t 3!ic! in-ormation is collecte:. 9t !as :i--erent attri%tes 3!ic! :escrie it. 9t s!o%l: e represente: y a reg%lar o@ as s!o3n elo3$ Relations!ips$ ?ntities are connecte: to one anot!er y relations!ips. a relations!ip represents a set o- connections et3een entities an: represent y a :iamon:. A relations!ip is a t3o:irectional signi-icant association. T!ere are t!ree types o- relations!ips •
".1.! Data %lo) Dia+ram As t!e name s%ggests /;/ is a representation o- t!e :ata -lo3 3it!in t!e system. 9t incl%:es processes :ata stores an: e@ternal inter-aces to t!e system. ?@ternal inter-aces may e treate: as e@ternal entities. /;/Ds can y e@plo:e to s%processes. Any t3o entitiesL:ata stores m%st e connecte: to eac! ot!er y some process. T!e processes cannot e :irectly connecte: to eac! ot!er. T!e -ollo3ing are t!e -o%r major components o- t!e /;/$ •
?@ternal ?ntity
/ata Store
T!e /;/ is also "no3n as t!e %le c!art. 9t is a simple grap!ical -ormalism t!at can e %se: to represent a system in terms o- t!e inp%t :ata to t!e system &ario%s processing carrie: o%t in t!ese :ata an: t!e o%tp%t :ata generate: y t!e system. T!e main reason 3!y t!is /;/ tec!ni<%e is so pop%lar is proaly eca%se o- t!e -acts t!at /;/ is &ery simple -ormalism. 9t is simple to %n:erstan: an: %se. A /;/ mo:el %ses a &ery limite: n%mer o- primiti&e symols to represent t!e -%nctions per-orme: y a system an: t!e :ata -lo3 among t!ese systems. Starting 3it! a set o- !ig!le&el -%nctions t!at a system per-ormance o- /;/ mo:el in !ierarc!ically it represents &ario%s s% -%nctions. T!e /ata ;lo3 /iagramming tec!ni<%e also -ollo3s a simple a simple set o- int%iti&e concepts an: r%les .
342eel D%D Process USER
Issue 2icense A#MI$
Issue e*icle Re+istration
142eel D%D
".1." %lo) '*art
".! Database Desi+n A :ata ase is a collection o- relate: :ata. 'y :ata 3e mean "no3n -acts t!at can e recor:e: an: t!at !a&e implicit meaning. /e-ining a :ataase in&ol&es speci-ying t!e :ata types str%ct%res an: constraints o- t!e :ata to e store: in t!e :ataase. T!e general ojecti&e is to ma"e :ataase access easy <%ic" ine@pensi&e an: -le@ile -or t!e %sers. #ormali7ation is :one to get internal consistency o- :ata an: to !a&e minim%m re:%n:ancy an: ma@im%m staility. T!is ens%res minimi7ing :ata storage re<%ire: an: optimi7ing -or %p:ates. T!e :ata in t!e system !as to e store: an: retrie&e: -rom :ataase. /esigning t!e :ataase is a part :etaile: :esigning. /ata elements an: :ata str%ct%res to e store: !a&e een i:enti-ie: in t!e analysis stage. T!ey are str%ct%re: an: p%t toget!er to :esign t!e :ata storage an: retrie&al system. MS SI is t!e :ataase o- t!e system. 9t pro&i:e a sec%re acc%rate an: :ata management. T!e :ataase o- o%r project is :esigne: %sing SI an: it comprise o- tales. •
. Tale #ame $ icense N-5E Description =9/ #ame o- =i: /apply /ate o- apply /test /ate o- test Ttest Time o- test 9a%t!ority 9ss%e o- a%t!ority Res%lt Res%lt o- passL-ail Type Type o- M1LFM1
Data Type 9nt 1arc!ar 1arc!ar 1arc!ar 1arc!ar 1arc!ar 1arc!ar
#. System Testin+ and Implementation #.1 Testin+
Si6e *8 8 *8 Ma@
'onstraints Primary "ey
*8 8 0 0 *0 40 *0 *0
Si6e *0 80 80 )0 *0 )0 )0
'onstraints Primary "ey
System testing is act%ally a series o- :i--erent 3!ose primary p%rpose is to -%lly e@ercise t!e comp%ter ase: system. So-t3are testing is critical element o- so-t3are <%ality ass%rance an: represent t!e %ltimate re&ie3 o- t!e speci-ication :esign an: co:ing. System testing ma"es a logical ass%mption t!at all t!e part o- t!e system is correctJ t!e goal 3ill e s%ccess-%lly ac!ie&e:. Testing is t!e -inal &eri-ication an: &ali:ation acti&ity 3it!in t!e organi7ation itsel-. /%ring testing t!e major acti&ities are concerne: on t!e e@aminations an: mo:i-ication o- t!e so%rce co:e. Testing is a process o- e@ec%ting a program 3it! t!e inten: o- -in:ing an error. A goo: test is one t!at %nco&ers an as yet %n:isco&ere: error. Testing ojecti&es are$ •
=nit testing =nit testing enales a programmer to :etect error in co:ing. A %nit test -oc%ses &eri-ication o- t!e smallest %nit o- so-t3are :esign. T!is testing 3as carrie: o%t :%ring t!e co:ing itsel-. 9n t!is testing step eac! mo:%le going to e 3or" satis-actorily as t!e e@pecte: o%tp%t -rom t!e mo:%le. Project aspect$ T!e -ront en: :esign consists o- &ario%s -orms. T!ey 3ere teste: -or :ata acceptance. Similarly t!e ac"en: also teste: -or s%ccess-%l acceptance an: retrie&al o- :ata.
9ntegration testing T!ro%g! eac! program 3or" in:i&i:%ally t!ey s!o%l: 3or" a-ter lin"ing toget!er. T!is is re-erre: to as inter-acing. /ata may e lost across t!e inter-aceJ one mo:%le can !a&e a:&erse e--ect on t!e ot!er s%ro%tines a-ter lin"ing may not :o t!e :esire: -%nction e@pecte: y t!e main ro%tine. 9ntegration testing is t!e systematic tec!ni<%e -or constr%cting t!e program str%ct%re 3!ile at t!e same time con:%cting test to %nco&er errors associate: 3it! t!e inter-ace. =sing integrate: test plan prepare: in t!e :esign p!ase o- t!e system :e&elopment as a g%i:e t!e integration test 3as carrie: o%t. All t!e errors -o%n: in t!e system 3ere correcte: -or t!e ne@t testing step. Project Aspect A-ter connecting t!e ac"en: an: t!e -ronten: as 3!ole mo:%le t!e :ata entere: in t!e -ronten:. Once s%mitte: 3ere s%ccess-%lly entere: in t!e /ataase. On re<%est :ata 3ere s%ccess-%lly retrie&e: in to -orms.
System testing A-ter per-orming t!e integration testing t!e ne@t step is o%tp%t testing o- t!e propose: system. #o system co%l: e %se-%l i- it :oesnDt pro:%ce t!e re<%ire: o%tp%t in a speci-ie: -ormat. T!e o%tp%ts generate: are :isplaye: y t!e %ser. Fere t!e o%tp%t -ormat is consi:ere: in to t3o 3ays. One in on screen an: ot!er in printe: -ormat. Project aspect$
=ser acceptance testing =ser acceptance o- a system is a "ey -actor o- t!e s%ccess o- any system. T!e system %n:er consi:eration 3as teste: -or %ser acceptance y r%nning a prototype o- t!e so-t3are. Project aspect$ An Al-a &ersion is :emonstrate: to t!e %sers. T!eir s%ggestions are recor:e:.
#.! Implementation Once t!e system 3as teste: t!e implementation p!ase starte:. Cr%cial p!ase in t!e system :e&elopment li-e cycle is s%ccess-%l implementation o- ne3 system :esign.
9mplementation simply means con&erting ne3 system :esign into operation. T!is is t!e moment o- tr%t! t!e -irst <%estion t!at stri"es in e&eryoneDs min: t!at 3!et!er t!e system 3ill e ale to gi&e all t!e :esire: res%lt as accepte: -rom system. Prior to starting t!e project implementation process project m%st !a&e s%ccess-%lly complete: t!e project e&al%ation process an: t!e project !as een appro&e: -or implementation. T!e project e&al%ation process incl%:es per-orming a nee:s analysis an: arc!itect%re re&ie3. T!e implementation p!ase o- t!e so-t3are :esign consists o- :i--erent tas"s to e :one se<%entially -or otaining t!e :esire: res%lt. Se&eral :istinct implementation projects rat!er t!an one large implementation co%l: limit ris" an: in scope an: reso%rce management. So t!e project 3as implemente: mo:%le 3ise.