Software Requirements Specification For
Zobia Aziz 121
Shafaq Javaid 081
Muniba Ashraf 185
Munaza Asif 069
Ali Raza 193
<( )an *+,-
On/ine Rai/wa$ Reser0ation S$stem 1. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 1.1.Purpose ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 1.2.Scope ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 1.3.Defnitions, 1.3. Defnitions, acronyms & abbreviations abbreviations -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 1.4.Reerences ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 1.5.Overvie ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 2. Overall description-----------description-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 2.1.Pro!u 2.1. Pro!uct ct perspective --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 -5 2.1.1. "ser interaces ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 2.1.2. Sotare -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 --------------6 interaces---------------------------2.1.3. #ommunications #ommunications interaces------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 ----7 2.1.4. $emory constraints----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 -7 2.1.5. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Operations------------------------------------7 2.1.%. Site a!aptation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 ----7 reuirements --------------------------- 2.2.Pro!uct unctions----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 2.3."ser c'aracteristics------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10 2.4. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#onstraints--------------------------------------- 10 2 | Pa(e
On/ine Rai/wa$ Reser0ation S$stem 2.5.)ssumptions an! !epen!encies--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 3. Specifc Reuire!ents ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 3.1 *+terna interace reuirements -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 3.1.1 "ser interaces --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 3.1.2 Sotare interaces -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 3.1.3 #ommunication interaces ------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 3.2 Perormance reuirements ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 3.3 Desi(n constraints ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12 3.5 -ar!are Reuirements ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 3.% Sotare Reuirements --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 3. Ot'er Reuirements --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14 3./ 0on unctiona --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14 3.5.1 Reiabiity 3.5.2 )vaiabiity 3.5.3 Security 3.5.4 $aintainabiity 3. Dia(rams "se #ase ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15 #ass Dia(ram---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16 State Dia(ram---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17 Seuence Dia(ram --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1"
3 | Pa(e
On/ine Rai/wa$ Reser0ation S$stem DD----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1#
,1 INTRO2'.TION ,1,1
!'R!OSE Th !ur!os of "his sour# is "o ds#rib "h rail$a% rsrva"ion s%s"& $hi#h
!rovids "h "rain "i&in' d"ails( rsrva"ion( billin' and #an#lla"ion on various "%!s of rsrva"ion na&l%( ) *onfir& Rsrva"ion for #onfir& Sa"+ ) Rsrva"ion a'ains" *an#lla"ion+ ) ,ai"in' lis" Rsrva"ion+ ) -nlin Rsrva"ion+ Th ori'in of &os" sof"$ar s%s"&s is in "h nd of a #lin"( $ho i"hr $an"s "o au"o&a" "h .is"in' &anual s%s"& or dsirs a n$ sof"$ar s%s"&+ Th sof"$ar s%s"& is i"slf #ra"d b% "h dvlo!r+ /inall%( "h nd usr $ill us "h #o&!l"d s%s"&+ Thus( "hr ar "hr &aor !ar"is in"rs"d in a n$ s%s"& "h #lin"( "h usr( and "h dvlo!r+ A f$ fa#"ors "ha" dir#" us "o dvlo! a n$ s%s"& ar 'ivn blo$ 1+ /as"r S%s"& 2+ A##ura#% 3+ Rliabili"% + 4nfor&a"iv 5+ Rsrva"ions and #an#lla"ions fro& an%$hr "o an% !la#
Rail$a%s Rsrva"ion S%s"& is an a""&!" "o si&ula" "h basi# #on#!"s of an onlin Rsrva"ion s%s"&+ Th s%s"& nabls "o !rfor& "h follo$in' fun#"ions •
S7AR* /-R TRA4
:--;4< -/ A S7=7*T7> /=4<T
4 | Pa(e
On/ine Rai/wa$ Reser0ation S$stem •
S7R Ad&inCAd&inis"ra"o r ,b?or"al S"aBholdr >/> SRS
2EFINITION So&on $ho in"ra#"s $i"h s%s"& for "i#B"in' !ur!os+ S%s"& ad&inis"ra"or $ho is 'ivn s!#ifi# !r&ission for &ana'in' and #on"rollin' "h s%s"& A $b a!!li#a"ion $hi#h !rsn" s!#ial fa#ili"is for ad&in+ An% !rson $ho has in"ra#"ion $i"h "h s%s"& $ho is no" a dvlo!r+ >a"a /lo$ >ia'ra& Sof"$ar Rquir&n"s S!#ifi#a"ion
,1(1 REFEREN.ES D1E 4777 Sof"$ar 7n'inrin' S"andards *o&&i""( 4777 S"d 8301998( 4777 R#o&&ndd ?ra#"i# for Sof"$ar Rquir&n"s S!#ifi#a"ions( -#"obr 20( 1998+ $2% 6ttps788www1scri#"1com 93: 6ttp788www1s/i"es6are1net
$4% www1oocities1or; 9: www1a#out1com
Th r&ainin' s#"ions of "his do#u&n" !rovid a 'nral ds#ri!"ion( in#ludin' #hara#"ris"i#s of "h usrs of "his !ro#"( "h !rodu#"Fs hard$ar( and "h fun#"ional and da"a rquir&n"s of "h !rodu#"+ <nral ds#ri!"ion of "h !ro#" is dis#ussd in s#"ion 2 of "his do#u&n"+ S#"ion 3 'ivs "h fun#"ional rquir&n"s( da"a rquir&n"s and #ons"rain"s and assu&!"ions &ad $hil dsi'nin' of i"+ 4" also 'ivs "h usr vi$!oin" of !rodu#"+ S#"ion 3 also 'ivs "h s!#ifi# rquir&n"s of "h !rodu#"+ S#"ion 3 also dis#usss "h ."rnal in"rfa# rquir&n"s and 'ivs d"aild ds#ri!"ion of fun#"ional rquir&n"s+ S#"ion is for su!!or"in' infor&a"ion+ 5 | Pa(e
On/ine Rai/wa$ Reser0ation S$stem
*1 OVERALL 2ES.RI!TION This do#u&n" #on"ains "h !robl& s"a"&n" "ha" "h #urrn" s%s"& is fa#in'+ 4" lis"s and brifl% ds#ribs "h &aor fa"urs and a brif ds#ri!"ion of "h !ro!osd s%s"&+ Th onlin rsrva"ion S%s"& has i"s da"abas #n"rall% lo#a"d+ Th onlin rsrva"ion s%s"& involvs "hr &ain a#"ors "h da"abas( onlin o!ra"or and a da"abas s#hdulr+ Th da"abas s#hdulr u!da"s "h da"abas( "h onlin o!ra"or a##!"s and #onfir&s "h booBin' and u!da"s "h da"abas+
*1, !RO2'.T !ERS!E.TIVE E=ISTIN& SYSTEM Th .is"in' rail$a% rsrva"ion s%s"& has &an% shor"#o&in' asso#ia"d $i"h i"+ 4n "h .is"in' s%s"& rail$a% usd "o s" "rain rsrva"ion lvls hi'hr "han sa"in' #a!a#i"% "o #o&!nsa" for !assn'r #an#lla"ion and nosho$s a##oun"in' "o ovrbooBin' in "h a'n" frqun"l% "o do so "hus $as"in' "i& and &on% for all+ ,i"h "h advn" of "h onlin rsrva"ion s%s"& "hs fla$s #an b ovr#o&+ 2ISA2VANTA&ES OF E=ISTIN& SYSTEM • • •
i'h .!nsiv Ti& "aBn !ro#durs and &"hods o usr frindl%
!RO!OSE2 SYSTEM Th n$ onlin rsrva"ion s%s"& &ain"ains "h da"abas #n"rall% 'ivin' "h #lin"s "h infor&a"ion rquird fro& an%$hr in "h #oun"r% $hnvr rquird+ Throu'h onlin rsrva"ion s%s"& #us"o&r is abl "o booB G !ur#has a "i#B" "hus savin' "i& &on% for "h #us"o&r and an rail$a%Ca'n"+ As "h infor&a"ion is s"ord #n"rall% "h #us"o&r nvr loss his "i#B" as in "h .is"in' s%s"&+ 6 | Pa(e
On/ine Rai/wa$ Reser0ation S$stem A2VANTA&ES OF T%E !RO!OSE2 SYSTEM7 • • • •
Si'nifi#an"l% lo$r .!nss Ti& savin's Mor #o&!l" and &or a##ura" da"a R&o" d!lo%&n" "o "ravlrs and in &an% #ass
*1,1, 'SER INTERFA.ES A firs""i& usr should s "h lo'in !a' $hn hCsh o!ns "h si" "o rsrv hisC hr sa"+ s /i'ur 2+ 4f "h usr has no" r'is"rd( hCsh should b abl "o do "ha" on "h lo'in !a'+ 7vr% r'ular usr should hav a !rofil !a' $hr "h% #an di" "hir &ail addrss( !hon nu&br and !ass$ord( s /i'ur + Also( "h usr #an s" "h !rfrrd lan'ua'+
/ron" nd H Iisual :asi# :a#B nd H MSA##ss ,b !or"al
On/ine Rai/wa$ Reser0ation S$stem >s#rib "h rquir&n" asso#ia"d $i"h an% #o&&uni#a"ions fun#"ions rquird b% "his !rodu#"( in#ludin' &ail( $b bro$sr( n"$orB srvr #o&&uni#a"ions !ro"o#ols( and l#"roni# for&s and so on+ >fin an% !r"inn" &ssa' for&a""in'+ 4dn"if% an% #o&&uni#a"ion s"andards "ha" $ill b usd( su#h as /T? -R TT?+ S!#if% an%
#o&&uni#a"ion s#uri"% or n#r%!"ion
da"a "ransfr ra"s( and
s%n#hroniza"ion &#hanis&s+ 2+1+ M7M-R@ *-STRA4TS Th s%s"& is .!#"d "o hav a &&or% #a!a#i"% of 256 M: and disB s!a# of 500 M:+ :u" i" is r#o&&ndd "ha" "h s%s"& has a &&or% #a!a#i"% of 1<: and disB s!a# of 1 <:+ *1,1 -nO!ERATION for& for 6 !rsons onl%+ •
• • •
An% rsrva"ion #oun"r fro& 8a& "o !& and onlin 2 hours -n for& for 6 !rsons onl% To sav "i& G quus a'n" is o"hr 'uids
2+1+6 ?rior -n S4T7 for& "o 90 A>A?TAT4- for da%s 6 of#oun"r Journ%+ onl%+ R74R7M7T An% Rsrva"ion fro&is 8 o"hrs a& "o 8'uids+ !&+ To sav "i& G !rsons quus A'n" • •
Si" ada!"a"ion is n#ssar% in $i"h "his !ro#"+ :#aus "h rail$a% rsrva"ion s%s"& is "rans!or"d s%s"&+ o ."rnal d!ndn#is ar in !la# and o!ra"ion of "h s%s"& $ill nvr #han' du "o lo#a"ion+
*1* !RO2'.T F'N.TIONS :ooBin' a'n"s $i"h var%in' lvls of fa&iliari"% $i"h #o&!u"rs $ill &os"l% us "his s%s"&+ ,i"h "his in &ind( an i&!or"an" fa"ur of "his sof"$ar is "ha" i" b rla"ivl% si&!l "o us+ Th s#o! of "his !ro#" n#o&!asss
F'LL &RA!%I.AL INTERFA.ES FOR .ONTROLLIN& YO'R SYSTEM This sof"$ar !rovid full 'ra!hi#al in"rfa# for #on"rollin' s%s"&+
" | Pa(e
On/ine Rai/wa$ Reser0ation S$stem 5A.> OFFI.E MANA&EMENT AN2 A2MINISTRATION .ONTROL
:a#B offi# aras $i"hin rail$a% s"a"ion ar $hr %our &ana'&n" "a& and su!rvisors #on"rol ho$ %our businss runs+ sin' advan#d &ana'&n" "ools i" allo$s %ou "o &aB ra!id #han's "o #or da"a $i"hin "h s%s"&( ra#"in' "o &arB" #han's so "ha" %our s%s"& is !osi"iond $hr i" nd "o b+ Train S#hduls( /ar ?ri#in'( Srvi# /s( sr Mana'&n" and &u#h &or all full% &ana'd and #on"rolld usin' s"a"of"har" in"rfa#s in ral "i& +
SEAR.% This fun#"ion allo$s "h booBin' a'n" "o sar#h for "rain "ha" ar availabl b"$n "h "$o "ravl #i"is( na&l% "h K>!ar"ur #i"%K and KArrival #i"%K as dsird b% "h "ravllr+ Th s%s"& ini"iall% !ro&!"s "h a'n" for "h d!ar"ur and arrival #i"%( "h da" of d!ar"ur( !rfrrd "i& slo" and "h nu&br of !assn'rs+ 4" "hn dis!la%s a lis" of "rain availabl $i"h diffrn" airlins b"$n "h dsi'na"d #i"is on "h s!#ifid da" and "i&+ sr also sar#hs his favouri" sa" if i" availabl h #an rsrv i" o"hr$is lis" of availabl sa"s a!!ars and h #an sl#" fro& i"+
SELE.TION This fun#"ion allo$s a !ar"i#ular "rain "o b sl#"d fro& "h dis!la%d lis"+ All "h d"ails of "h "rain ar sho$n •
"rain u&br
>a"( "i& and !la# of d!ar"ur
>a"( "i& and !la# of arrival
TRA4 >ura"ion
/ar !r had
# | Pa(e
On/ine Rai/wa$ Reser0ation S$stem
7a#h 'rou! of usrs is assi'nd an offi# fro& *all *n"r( Ti#B" -ffi#s( Rail$a% S"a"ions( Rs *on"rol( and Rvnu Mana'&n" "o -!ra"ions and #on"rols ar assi'nd for a#h offi# "o !r&i" s%s"& us+ *rdi" =i&i"s #on"rollin' sals( invoi#in' ar all &ana'd basd on "h offi# $hi#h usrs ar assi'nd "o+
An individual !rofil is s" u! for a#h usr $i"hin an offi# $hi#h is usd "o #on"rol a##ss "o diffrn" aras of "h s%s"&( diffrn" fun#"ions and ho$ "h s%s"& bhavs basd on "ha" !rofil+ ,i"h 99 lvls of s#uri"% and fun#"ion #on"rols "h s%s"& ad&inis"ra"or #an #arfull% r'ula" a##ss and usabili"% for all usrs+
TRAVELLER INFORMATION 4" asBs for "h d"ails of all "h !assn'rs su!!osd "o "ravl in#ludin' na&( addrss( "l!hon nu&br and &ail id+
!AYMENT 4" asBs "h a'n" "o n"r "h various #rdi" #ard d"ails of "h !rson &aBin' "h rsrva"ion+ •
*rdi" #ard "%!
*rdi" #ard nu&br
*I* nu&br of "h #ard
10 | P a ( e
On/ine Rai/wa$ Reser0ation S$stem •
7.!ira"ion da" of "h #ard
Th na& on "h #ard
R7?-RT4< M->=7 4f #us"o&r fa#in' an% !robl& h #an r!or" i" #ovrin' b% Ad&in( Sals( /inan#( Rs *on"rol( -!ra"ions and Mana'&n" 4nfor&a"ion+ :u" $i"h our #us"o&r r!or"in' &odul i"hr 4T s"aff or n'inrs #an qui#Bl% &odif% r!or"s or build n"irl% n$ ons $i"hin &inu"s+
S7*R4T@ This s%s"& !rovids s#uri"% usin' bio&"ri# s%s"&+ An% "ravlr $hi#h idn"if% b% bio&"ri# s%s"& #an n"r and "ravls+
.AN.ELLATION Th s%s"& also allo$s "h !assn'r "o #an#l an .is"in' rsrva"ion+ This fun#"ion r'is"rs "h infor&a"ion r'ardin' a !assn'r $ho has rqus"d for a #an#lla"ion of hisChr "i#B"+ 4" in#luds n"ris !r"ainin' "o "h "rain o+( *onfir&a"ion o+( a&( >a" of Journ%( /ar ddu#"d+
A" las" usr of "h s%s"& should b #o&for"abl $i"h 7n'lish lan'ua'+ •
sr should b #o&for"abl usin' 'nral !ur!os a!!li#a"ions on "h #o&!u"r s%s"&+
*1( .ONSTRAINS Th s%s"& $ill run undr $indo$s L or hi'hr !la"for&s of o!ra"in' s%s"&+ 11 | P a ( e
On/ine Rai/wa$ Reser0ation S$stem *1 ASS'M!TIONS AN2 2E!EN2EN.IES •
:ooBin' A'n"s $ill b havin' a valid usr na& and !ass$ord "o a##ss "h sof"$ar+
Th sof"$ar nds booBin' a'n" "o hav #o&!l" Bno$ld' of rail$a%s rsrva"ion s%s"&+
Sof"$ar is d!ndn" on a##ss "o in"rn"+
3.S&'(I)I( R'*+IR','S 3.1 '/ternal interace reuire!ents 31,1, 'SER INTERFA.ES A firs""i& usr should s "h lo'in !a' $hn hCsh o!ns "h si" "o rsrv hisC hr sa"+ s /i'ur 2+ 4f "h usr has no" r'is"rd( hCsh should b abl "o do "ha" on "h lo'in !a'+ 7vr% r'ular usr should hav a !rofil !a' $hr "h% #an di" "hir &ail addrss( !hon nu&br and !ass$ord( s /i'ur + Also( "h usr #an s" "h !rfrrd lan'ua'+
12 | P a ( e
On/ine Rai/wa$ Reser0ation S$stem 31,1* SOFTWARE INTERFA.E
/ron" nd H Iisual :asi# :a#B nd H MSA##ss ,b !or"al
>s#rib "h rquir&n" asso#ia"d $i"h an% #o&&uni#a"ions fun#"ions rquird b% "his !rodu#"( in#ludin' &ail( $b bro$sr( n"$orB srvr #o&&uni#a"ions !ro"o#ols( and l#"roni# for&s and so on+ >fin an% !r"inn" &ssa' for&a""in'+ 4dn"if% an% #o&&uni#a"ion s"andards "ha" $ill b usd( su#h as /T? -R TT?+ S!#if% an%
#o&&uni#a"ion s#uri"% or n#r%!"ion
da"a "ransfr ra"s( and
s%n#hroniza"ion &#hanis&s+
F'N.TION RE?'IREMENTS 31*1 !erformance Requirements •
'ser Satisfaction7@ Th s%s"& is su#h "ha" i" s"ands u! "o "h usr .!#"a"ions+ Response Time7@ Th rs!ons of all "h o!ra"ion is 'ood+ This has bn &ad !ossibl b% #arful !ro'ra&&in'+ Error %an"/in;7 @ Rs!ons "o usr rrors and undsird si"ua"ions has bn "aBn #ar of "o nsur "ha" "h s%s"& o!ra"s $i"hou" hal"in'+ Safet$ an" Ro#ustness7 @ Th s%s"& is abl "o avoid or "a#Bl disas"rous a#"ion+ 4n o"hr $ords( i" should b foul !roof+ Th s%s"& saf'uards a'ains" undsird vn"s( $i"hou" hu&an in"rvn"ion+ !orta#/e7 @ Th sof"$ar should no" b ar#hi"#"ur s!#ifi#+ 4" should b asil% "ransfrabl "o o"hr !la"for&s if ndd+
'ser frien"/iness7 @ Th s%s"& is as% "o larn and undrs"and+ A na"iv usr #an also us "h s%s"& ff#"ivl%( $i"hou" an% diffi#ul"is+
13 | P a ( e
On/ine Rai/wa$ Reser0ation S$stem Thr ar a nu&br of fa#"ors in "h #lin"s nviron&n" "ha" &a% rs"ri#" "h #hoi#s of a dsi'nr+ Su#h fa#"ors in#lud s"andards "ha" &us" b follo$d( rsour# li&i"s( o!ra"in' nviron&n"( rliabili"% and s#uri"% rquir&n"s and !oli#is "ha" &a% hav an i&!a#" on "h dsi'n of "h s%s"&+ An SRS NSof"$ar Rquir&n"s Anal%sis and S!#ifi#a"ionO should idn"if% and s!#if% all su#h #ons"rain"s+ Stan"ar" .omp/iance7 @ This s!#ifis "h rquir&n"s for "h s"andards "h s%s"& &us" follo$+ Th s"andards &a% in#lud "h r!or" for&a" and a##oun"in' !ro!r"is+ %ar"ware Limitations 7@ Th sof"$ar &a% hav "o o!ra" on so& .is"in' or !rd"r&ind hard$ar( "hus i&!osin' rs"ri#"ions on "h dsi'n+ ard$ar li&i"a"ions #an in#lud "h "%!s of &a#hins "o b usd( o!ra"in' s%s"& availabl on "h s%s"&( lan'ua's su!!or"d and li&i"s on !ri&ar% and s#ondar% s"ora'+ Re/ia#i/it$ an" Fau/t To/erance7 @ /aul" "olran# rquir&n"s #an !la# a &aor #ons"rain" on ho$ "h s%s"& is "o b dsi'nd+ /aul" "olran# rquir&n"s of"n &aB "h s%s"& &or #o&!l. and .!nsiv+ Rquir&n"s abou" s%s"& bhavior in "h fa# of #r"ain Binds of faul"s ar s!#ifid+ R#ovr% rquir&n"s ar of"n an in"'ral !ar" hr( d"ailin' $ha" "h s%s"& should do 4 so& failur o##urs "o nsur #r"ain !ro!r"is+ Rliabili"% rquir&n"s ar vr% i&!or"an" for #ri"i#al a!!li#a"ions+ Securit$7 @ S#uri"% rquir&n"s ar !ar"i#ularl% si'nifi#an" in dfns s%s"&s and da"abas s%s"&s+ Th% !la# rs"ri#"ions on "h us of #r"ain #o&&ands( #on"rol a##ss "o da"a( !rovid diffrn" Binds of a##ss rquir&n"s for diffrn" !o!l( rquir "h us of !ass$ords and #r%!"o'ra!h% "#hniqus and &ain"ain a lo' of a#"ivi"is in "h s%s"&+
/or "h hard$ar rquir&n"s "h SRS s!#ifis "h lo'i#al #hara#"ris"i#s of a#h in"rfa# bC$ "h sof"$ar !rodu#" and "h hard$ar #o&!onn"s+ 4" s!#ifis "h hard$ar rquir&n"s liB &&or% rs"ri#"ions( #a#h siz( "h !ro#ssor( RAM siz "#+++ Thos ar rquird for "h sof"$ar "o run+ %ar"ware Requirements
?ro#ssor ?n"iu& 4I ard disB driv 80 <: RAM 256 M: *a#h 512 Bb
14 | P a ( e
On/ine Rai/wa$ Reser0ation S$stem 31-1
An% $indo$ basd o!ra"in' s%s"& $i"h >-S su!!or" ar !ri&ar% rquir&n"s for sof"$ar dvlo!&n"+ ,indo$s P? rquird+ Th s%s"&s &us" b #onn#"d via =A 311
Ot6er requirements7
Sof"$ar should sa"isf% follo$in' rquir&n"s as $ll • • • • • • •
S7*R4T@ Q ?-RTA:4=4T@ Q *-RR7*T7SS Q 7//4*47*@ Q /=7P4:4=T@ Q T7STA:4=T@ Q R7SA:4=T@
31B1 Non@Function Requirements Securit$7
This s%s"& !rovids s#uri"% usin' bio&"ri# s%s"&+ Th s%s"& us SS= Ns#urd so#B" la%rO in all "ransa#"ions "ha" in#lud an% #onfidn"ial #us"o&r infor&a"ion+ Th s%s"& &us" au"o&a"i#all% lo' ou" all #us"o&rs af"r a !riod of ina#"ivi"%+ Th s%s"& should no" lav an% #ooBis on "h #us"o&rs #o&!u"r #on"ainin' "h usrs !ass$ord+ Th s%s"&s ba#B nd srvrs shall onl% b a##ssibl "o au"hn"i#a"d &ana'&n"+ Re/ia#i/it$7
Th rliabili"% of "h ovrall !ro#" d!nds on "h rliabili"% of "h s!ara" #o&!onn"s+ Th &ain !illar of rliabili"% of "h s%s"& is "h ba#Bu! of "h da"abas $hi#h is #on"inuousl% &ain"aind and u!da"d "o rfl#" "h &os" r#n" #han's+ Also "h s%s"& $ill b fun#"ionin' insid a #on"ainr+ Thus "h ovrall s"abili"% of "h s%s"& d!nds on "h s"abili"% of #on"ainr and i"s undrl%in' o!ra"in' s%s"&+ A0ai/a#i/it$7
Th s%s"& should b availabl a" all "i&s( &anin' "h usr #an a##ss i" usin' a $b bro$sr( onl% rs"ri#"d b% "h do$n "i& of "h srvr on $hi#h "h s%s"& runs+ A #us"o&r frindl% s%s"& $hi#h is in a##ss of !o!l around "h $orld should $orB 2 hours+ 4n #as of a of a hard$ar failur or da"abas #orru!"ion( a r!la#&n" !a' $ill b sho$n+ Also in #as of a hard$ar failur or da"abas #orru!"ion( ba#Bu!s of "h da"abas should b r"rivd fro& "h srvr and savd b% "h -r'anizr+ Maintaina#i/it$7
A #o&&r#ial da"abas is usd for &ain"ainin' "h da"abas and "h a!!li#a"ion srvr "aBs #ar of "h si"+ 4n #as of a failur( a rini"ializa"ion of "h !ro#" $ill b don+ Also "h
15 | P a ( e
On/ine Rai/wa$ Reser0ation S$stem sof"$ar dsi'n is bin' don $i"h &odulari"% in &ind so "ha" &ain"ainabili"% #an b don ffi#in"l%+
Th #od and su!!or"in' &oduls of "h s%s"& $ill b $ll do#u&n"d and as% "o undrs"and onlin usr do#u&n"a"ion and hl! s%s"& rquir&n"s+
[email protected] 2IA&RAM
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On/ine Rai/wa$ Reser0ation S$stem
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On/ine Rai/wa$ Reser0ation S$stem
STATE 2IA&RAM 1" | P a ( e
On/ine Rai/wa$ Reser0ation S$stem
SE?'EN.E 2IA&RAM 1# | P a ( e
On/ine Rai/wa$ Reser0ation S$stem
2ATA FLOW 2IA&RAM Le0e/ +7
*nter !etai Raiay Reservation
20 | P a ( e "ser et ticet
On/ine Rai/wa$ Reser0ation S$stem
Le0e/ ,7
Le0e/ *7
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On/ine Rai/wa$ Reser0ation S$stem
#'ec avaiabiity
Reservation )ppy or ticet
ive avaiabiity
#onorm ticet #anceation process )ppy or canceation
#onorm canceation
Raiay !atabase
!atabase ie !etai Detais
*nter payment !etai
#'ec status Payment process
Payment !one
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