INTRODUCTION Project Proposal
The Project “Railway Reservation” deals with the automation of the reservation and enquiry of the railway reservation system. It maintains all information starting from reservation to cancellation of tickets. It also acts as an enquiry system about the different different trains available. available. It gives the details of t he he d is is ta ta nc nc e e a rr rr iv iv al al t im im e a nd nd d e! e! ar ar t ur ur e t im im e o f t h e different trains. The com!uteri"ation is aimed at job sim!lification a nd nd r e du du ci ci n g t he he m a nu nu al al w o rk rk a nd nd e f f ec ec ti ti v e r e co co rd rd maintenance.
FEASIBILITY STUDY $easibility is the determination of whether or not a !roject is worth doing the !rocess followed making making this determination determination is called feasibility feasibility study. This of determines if a !roject can and should be taken. %nce it has been determined that a !roject is feasible the analyst can go ahead and !re!are the !roject s!ecification which finali"es !roject requirements. requirements. &enerally feasibility studies are undertaken within right time constraints and normally culminate in a written and oral feasibility re!ort. The contents and recommendation recommendationss of such a study will will be used as a sound basis for deciding whether to !roceed !ost!one or cancel the !roject. Thus since the feasibility study may lead to the commitment of large resources it becomes necessary that it should be conducted com!etently and that no fundamental and that no fundamental fundamental errors of judgment are made. 'n initial investigation culminates in a !ro!osal that determines whether a system is feasible or not. It determines its workability im!act on the organi"ation ability to meet user needs and effective user resources. The objective of feasibility study is not solving the !roblem but to acquire a sense of its sco!e. (uring the study the !roblem definition is crystalli"ed and as!ects of the !roblem to be included in the system are determined. )onsequently cost and benefits are estimated with greater accuracy at this stage. This is a bridge in between the *ser Requirements and the out!ut that he can avail under a set of given constraints in!uts and out!uts. The main ste!s are+ 1. ,tatement of constraints. 2. Identification of s!ecific system objectives. 3.
(escri!tion of out!uts.
%nce the constraints are s!elled out the analyst identifies the systems s!ecific !erformance objectives which are the candidate systems antici!ated benefits and measurable objectives. •
Increased vessel utili"ation.
Real handshake between client and customer.
Im!roved transshi!ment routes.
)ost savings.
/ase account management.
Im!roved customer service.
$easibility study is a high level version of the entire system analysis and design a !rocess. The !ur!ose of the feasibility is not to solve the !roblem but to determine determine if the !roblem is worth solving. solving. It is conduct !erformance !erformance is defined by the identification of s!ecific system objects and descri!tive of out!ut. There are following following ty!es of inter+related inter+related feasibility. feasibility. They are0 •
Technical $easibility.
1conomic $easibility %r )ost $easibility.
%!erational $easibility %r Time $easibility.
TECNICAL FEASIBILITY De!"#"t"o# $ The !rocess of !roving that the conce!t is technically !ossible.
O%ject"&e $ The objective of the Technical $easibility ste! is to confirm that the !roduct will !erform and to verify that there are no !roduction barriers.
Pro'(ct $ The !roduct of this activity is a working model. Tec)#"cal Act"&"t"es $ (uring the Technical $easibility ste! the following must be com!leted0 •
Test for technical feasibility3
14amine the o!erational requirements3
Identify !otential safety and environmental environmental ha"ards3
)onduct a !reliminary !roduction feasibility assessment3
)onduct a !reliminary manufacturing assessment3
1stimate engineering !rototy!e costs3
Tec)#"cal I#!or*at"o# $ The technical feasibility ste! generates knowledge about the !roduct or !rocess5s design !erformance !erformance !roduction requirements and !reliminary !roduction costs. This is concerned with s!ecifying equi!ment and software and hardware that will successfully satisfy the user requirement. The technical needs off the system may vary considerably but might include0
The facility to !roduce out!ut in a given time. Res!onse time under certain conditions.
'bility to !rocess a certain volume of transaction at a !articular s!eed.
$acility to communicate data to distant location.
In e4amining e4amining technical technical feasibility feasibility configuration configuration of the system is given more im!ortance than the actual make of hardware. The configuration should give the com!lete !icture about the system requirements. 7hat s!eeds of in!ut and out!ut should be achieved at !articular quality of !rinting. 'ccording to the definition of technical feasibility the com!atibility between front+end and back+end back+end is very im!ortant. In our !roject the com!atibility com!atibility of both is very good. good. The degree of com!atibility of 8isual /asic and 9s+ 'ccess : $o4!ro is very good. The s!eed of out !ut is very good when we enter the data and click button then the res!onse time is very fast and give result very quickset. I never find difficulty when we use com!le4 query or heavy transaction. The s!eed of transaction is always smooth and constant. This software !rovides facility to communicate data to distant location. 7e use 8isual 8isual /asic the designing of of front+end front+end of any !roject is very im!ortant so we select 8isual /asic as front+end due to following reason0 •
1asy im!lementation of code.
7ell define interface with database.
7ell define hand shaking of 9,+'ccess.
1asy debugging.
It centers around the e4isting com!uter system ;
Technical feasibility is based on three questions 0 +1$, Is the !ro!osed technology or solution !ractical? +2$, (oes the organi"ation currently uses the necessary technology? +3$, (oes the organi"ation have necessary technically e4!ertise?
&enerally the technology for any defined solution is available. The question which should be consider is whether that technology is mature enough to be easily a!!lied to the !roblem. 7e can say that the technical feasibility the analyst must find out whether current technology resources which are available in the organi"ation are ca!able of handling the user requirement.
ECONO-IC FEASIBILITY 1conomic analysis is the most frequently used technique for evaluating the effectiveness of a !ro!osed system. 9ore commonly known as costAbenefit analysis0 the !rocedure is to determine the benefits and saving that are e4!ected from a !ro!osed system and com!are them with cost. if benefits outweighs cost a decision is taken to design and im!lement the system. %therwise further justification or alternative in the !ro!osed system will have to be made if it is to have a chance of being a!!roved. This is an ongoing effort that im!roves in accuracy at each !hase of the system life cycle. ,o total cost of the !ro!osed !ro!osed system is very chea!.
9anagement time.
Time s!end by system analyses team.
)ost of doing full system study.
1stimated cost of hardware.
1stimated cost of software or software develo!ment.
OPERATIONAL FEASIBILITY *sers are inherently resistant to change and com!uters have been known to facilitate change. 'n estimate should be made of how strong a reaction the user is likely to towards the develo!ment of a new system. 's the !ro!osed system is user friendly !ackage with all visual aids the effort that goes into education and training the user is almost negligible. Therefore resistance to the !ro!osed system is nil. %!erational feasibility is the !roblem or acce!tability of the solution. There are two as!ects of the o!erational feasibility. •
If the !roblem worth solving or will the solution of the !roblem worth. 7hat to the end users : the management feal about the !roblem or solution.
The following !oints are consider for the above issue D
1. Per Per!o !or*a r*a#ce #ce $, The should be able to !rovide adequate out!ut : res!onse time.
2. I#! I#!or* or*at at"o# "o# $, The system should generates timely accurate : useful information for the managers : users.
3. Ec Eco# o#o* o* $, The system should !rovide service label : ca!acity to reduce the cost of the business or increase increase the !rofit of the the business.
/. Co Co#t #tro roll $, The system should have a !robigen for take control to !rotect the system against fraud : should should guarantee of the security of data : information.
0. E! E!!"c !"c"e# "e#c c $, The system should make the o!timum use of the available resources including time minimum !rocess delay : other related activities.
. Se Ser& r&"c "ces es $, The system should !rovide desirable : reliable services to those who request for it.
-ODULE DESCRIPTIONS The !ro!osed system5s design contains five modules0
EN+UIRY $ This functional module includes two entities + P',,1G&1R and $R%GT (1,H.
-ODIFICATION OF FARE RATES $ *nder a !assword !rotected module the booking officer is allowed to modify the fare rates of the trains for a !articular class ;reservation categories= for a !articular distance. This hel!s in maintaining or u!dating the new rates.
RESERATION RESERATIO N$ This module includes booking of the ticket by any !assenger as !er the in!uts ;like station date of journey class of reservation etc.=. 'nd then after checking the availability and status of reservation tending !assenger a unique PGR Go. along with a reservation ticket with full details of journey vi". arrival de!arture etc. The booking officer has to collect either verbally or in written the !ersonal data of the !assenger;s= and then enters to the database. The !assenger is issued a PGR Go.
In )ancellation module the advance booking for a train by a !assenger is cancelled by on !assenger5s request. It requires only PGR Go. to enter. The com!uter+based system cancels the reservation by deleting the !assenger5s record and automatically adding a seat to the seats available field for that train or converting the waiting status of first a!!licant in waiting list to confirmed !assenger ;as !er which is a!!licable=.
PASSORD $ Password is allotted to the user in order to guard the system from unauthori"ed access at system5s level. It firstly checks for validity of old !assword. If is found found valid the user is is allowed to modify modify the safety data.
PROBLE- ANALYSIS To develo! software the first thing which comes in mind is that why we need to develo! software. 7hat are the !roblems faced by the user or staff to maintain manually their records so that they decided to com!uteri"ed their working. In Railway Reservation there are so many tasks which are tedious and time consuming. The !erson who maintain the reservation manually face so many !roblems like searching searching details of a booked booked tickets security security !roblem is the main !roblem which is faced by the !erson that they maintain registers and any one can change details easily. ,o to solve these ty!es of !roblems we design a com!uteri"ed railway railway reservation system which is easy to o!erate and only authori"ed !erson can edit the information. Record entry and searching is not time consuming and fine is calculated automatically.
RE+UIRE-ENT SPECIFICATIONS 7e choose our !roject to automate the “Railway Reservation system”. Railway reservation includes various tasks. 8isual basic is gra!hical user interface based language and using it the user knows the a!!earance of the out!ut. $or managing databases we used 9,+'ccess visual basic su!!ort 9,+ 'ccess for connecting databases using (ata )ontrol. In 9,+'ccess we can easily create tables queries and many more useful o!erations.
ANALYSIS $ 7e collected data needed for the !roject by0 •
Personal interaction with staff members.
$rom manuals.
$rom information brochures.
$rom catalogues.
$rom Internet.
FACT FINDIN4 $ The requirement gathering is an art the !erson who gathers requirement should have knowledge of what : when together information : by what resources. The requirements are gather regarding organi"ation which include
information regarding its !olicies objectives : organi"ation structure regarding user staff. It includes the information about job function : their !ersonal details regarding regarding the functions functions of the organi"ation organi"ation including information about workflow work schedules : working !rocedures.
'fter obtaining this background knowledge the analyst begins to collect data on the e4isting systems out!uts in!uts and costs. The tools used in data collection are0 •
Record Reviews.
%n+site observations.
1. Rec Recor' or' Re& Re&"e5 "e5ss $, ' review of recorded documents of the organi"ation is !erformed !rocedures manuals forms : book are reviewed to see format : functions of !resent system. The search time in this technique is more.
2. O#,s O#,s"te "te O%se O%ser&at r&at"o# "o# $, In case of real life system the actual site visit is !erformed to get a close look of system. It hel!s the analyst to detect the !roblems of e4isting system.
3. I#t I#ter& er&"e5 "e5ss $, ' !ersonal interaction with staff is !erformed to identified their requirements. It requires e4!erience of arranging the interview setting the stage avoiding arguments : evaluating the outcome.
/. +(es +(est"o# t"o##a"r #a"res es $, It is an effective tool which requires less effort : !roduces a written document about requirements. It e4amines a large number of res!ondents simultaneously : gets customi"ed answers. It gives !erson sufficient time to answer the query : give correct answers.
In %n+site %bservation we find that the !erson who maintain railway reservation. In that system he faces so many !roblems. Jike
SOFTARE ENIRON-ENT 8isual /asic is used as front end.
ISTORY OF ISUAL BASIC $ 8isual /asic evolved from /',I) ;/eginners 'll+Pur!oses ,ymbolic Instruction )ode=. /asic was develo!ed in the mid+#E@F by Professor Kohn Hemeny and Thomas Hurt" of (artmouth )ollege as a language for writing sim!le !rograms. The wide s!read use of /asic with various ty!e com!uter and led to many enhancements to the language. 7ith develo!ments of the 9icrosoft 7indows &ra!hical *ser Interface ;&*I= in the late of #ECFs and the early #EEFs the natural evaluation of /',I) was 8isual /asic which was created by 9icrosoft )or!oration in #EE#.
ADANTA4ES ADANTA4E S 6 FEATURES OF ISUAL BASIC $ 8isual /asic is a high level !rogramming language. /y going through 8isual /asic !rogramme one can easily understand the logic of the !rogramme !rogramme and various ste!s involved involved in solving the define define !roblem. !roblem. 8isual /asic su!!orts %bject %riented Programming through which an !rogramme !rogramme o!eration can be logically logically se!arated from from each other. 8isual /asic Programs are easily readable and understandable understandable because their statements are almost similar to the 1nglish Janguage ,tatements. 8isual /asic Programs are created in an Integrated (evelo!ment 1nvironment 1nvironment
;I(1=. The I(1 allows the !rogrammer to create run and debug 8isual /asic Programme Programme conveniently. 8isual /asic is the worlds most widely used Ra!id '!!lication (evelo!ment ;R'(=. It has inde4ing table handling multi!le !age re!ort and other s!ecial features which are general requirements of any !rogramming !rogramming environment. 8isual /asic Programs can be com!iled to run as a stand+alone !ackage. 8I,*'J /',I) is one of the easiest !rogramming tool to master. 7ith some basic guidance anybody could come+u! with a nice little windows+ based !rogramme !rogramme within a short time time age is not the limit. limit.
AT IS ISUAL BASIC $ The L8isualL !art refers to the method used to create the gra!hical user interface ;&*I=. Rather than writing numerous lines of code to describe the a!!earance and location of interface elements you sim!ly add rebuilt objects into !lace on screen. If you5ve ever used a drawing !rogram such as !aint you already have most of the skills skills necessary to create an effective user interface. The L/asicL !art refers to the /',I) ;/eginners 'll+Pur!ose ,ymbolic Instruction )ode= Janguage a language used by more !rogrammers !rogrammers than any other language in the history of com!uting. 8isual /asic has evolved from the original /',I) language and now contains several hundred statements functions and keywords many of which relate directly to the 7indows &*I. /eginners can create useful a!!lications by learning just a few of the keywords yet the !ower of the language allows !rofessionals to accom!lish anything that can be accom!lished using any other 7indows !rogramming language. The visual /asic !rogramming language is not unique to 8isual /asic. The 8isual /asic !rogramming system '!!lications 1dition included in 9icrosoft 14cel 9icrosoft access and many other 7indows a!!lications #B
uses the same language and a subset of the 8isual /asic language the investment you make in learning 8isual /asic will carry over to these other areas.
-ICROSOFT ACCESS $ *sing 9icrosoft 'ccess you can manage all your information from a single database file. 7ithin the file you can use0 •
Tables to store your data.
ueries to find and retrieve just the data you want.
$orms to view add and u!date data in tables.
Re!orts to analy"e or !rint data in a s!ecific layout.
(ata access !ages to view u!date or analy"e the database5s data from the Internet or an Intranet.
-ICROSOFT ACCESS PROIDES TE FOLLOIN4 FEATURES $ ,tore data once in one table but view it from multi!le locations. 7hen you u!date the data it5s automatically u!dated everywhere it a!!ears. •
(is!lay data in a query.
(is!lay data in a form.
(is!lay data in a re!ort.
(is!lay data in a data access !age.
In our a!!lication 9,+'ccess used as a back end. #C
SYSTE- RE+UIRE-ENT SPECIFICATION %nce the system analyst have identified the !recise user requirements and analy"ed these requirements to weed out inconsistencies they !roceed to write the document called the ,oftware Requirements Requirements ,!ecification ;,R,=. It is the final out!ut of the requirements analysis and s!ecification !hase. This document is generated as out!ut of requirement analysis. The requirement analysis involves obtaining a clear : through understanding of the !roduct to be develo!ed. Thus ,R, should be consistent correct unambiguous : com!lete document. The develo!er of the system can !re!are ,R, after after detailed communication communication with the customer. customer. 'n ,R, document should clearly document the following + •
14ternal interfaces of the system they identify the information which is to flow “$rom” : “To” the ,ystem. ,ystem.
$unctional : Gon $unctional Requirements of the system.
(esign )onstraints of the system.
' ,R, should have characteristics like concise unambiguous consistent com!lete well structured etc. The ,R, outline is given below D
7a8 Pur!ose 7%8 ,co!e 7c8 (efinition 'cronyms #E
7'8 References 7e8 %verview
7a8 Product Pers!ective 7%8 Product $unction 7c8 *ser )haracteristics 7'8 )onstraints 7e8 'ssum!tion : (e!endencies
7""" 7" ""88 Sp Spec ec"! "!"c "c Re Re9( 9("r "re* e*e# e#ts ts 7a8 14ternal Interfaces 7%8 $unctional Requirements 7c8 Gon $unctional Requirements 7'8 (atabase Requirements 7e8 (esign )onstraints 7!8 ,oftware ,ystem 'ttributes 7:8 'dditional )omments
7"&8 7" &8 S( S(pp ppor ort" t"#: #: I#!o I#!or* r*at at"o "o# # 7a8 Table of )ontents : Inde4 7%8 '!!endi4es
BAC;4ROUND $ The basic objective behind the creation of this !roject was the innumerable !roblems faced by the the users in managing managing database of Railway Railway Reservation ,ystem. Gormally if someone decides to check the information of Railway Reservation of any year then heAshe face a lot of task for that. $or e4am!le *ser wants to know information of Railway Reservation of !articular subject in a !articular state then no !resent system that generate directly re!orts in this concern and we have collect information from different documents . The entire !rocess !rocess was very time consuming consuming and monotonous. monotonous.
' system was needed which can overcome these !roblems and make the entire !rocess very sim!le.
OERALL DESCRIPTION $ This !roject is being develo!ed with the intention of fi4ing all the !roblems currently affecting the manual system. It contains all the im!ortant links to the various tasks or categories of to!ics related to manage Railway database. The !roject is an im!ortant resource for !eo!le who want studies about the Railway Reservation degree outturn in a different subjects and different fields also state wise estimation. 7ith the hel! of this !roject user can collect details about doctoral degree the related tasks that they wants to !erform and that that is all with just few few clicks of mouse. mouse.
RE+UIRE-ENT ANALYSIS $ Requirement analysis is done in order to understand the !roblem which the software system is solve. The em!hasis is on identifying what is needed for the system and not how the system will achieve the same. %ften at least two !arties are involved in software develo!ment+' client and a develo!er. The develo!er has to develo! the system to satisfy the clients needs.
DEELOP-ENT 4UIDELINES $ The following as!ects are generally recogni"ed recogni"ed in in the industry industry as the goals of software engineering which are ke!t in mind during develo!ment of software systems. • • •
9odifiability 'ccuracy Reliability -#
• • • • • •
1fficiency ,im!licity $uture Proofing 9odularity ,calability Integrability
-o'"!"a%"l"t $, The !ro!osed a!!lication must be structured to su!!ort latter e4!ected modification !u!ation and cancellation resulting from change to the !erformance requirements desire out!uts.
Acc(rac $, The e4tent to which the reimbursement system sy stem satisfies its s!ecifications and fulfills user objectives.
Rel"a%"l"t $, Reliability is the future free o!eration of software in a s!ecified environment for a s!ecified time.
E!!"c"e#c $, The amount of com!uting resources and code required by the reimbursement reimbursement management system are !erformed !erformed for its function. The efficiency of source code is directly tied to the efficiency of algorithms defined during detail design.
S"*pl"c"t "# (se $, 'll !rograms used in this a!!lication should be understood without difficulty.
F(t(re Proo!"#: $, The a!!lication should be able to incor!orate further enhancements from Intranet to InternetA14tranet based on requirements technologies develo!ed and usability.
-o'(lar"t $, The a!!licationAsystem should be designed as a hierarchy of modules.
Scala%"l"t $, The a!!lication should be scaleable to su!!ort any number of users !rovided the hardware requirements are met.
I#te:ra%"l"t $, The a!!lication should integrate with the e4isting system that has direct relations. --
Usa%"l"t $, The effort required for learning to o!erate the in!ut and inter!reting the out!ut of an a!!lication.
-a"#ta"#a%"l"t $, The effort required for learning o!erate !re!are in!ut inter!ret out!ut and fi4 error in the software should be as minimum as !ossible.
Fle<"%"l"t $, 9odification of this a!!lication should be done without many efforts.
Testa%"l"t $, The effort required in testing software that !erforms its intend function should be minimum.
Porta%"l"t $, The effort required in transferring the a!!lication from one hardware to another should be minimum and the entire !rocess of doing the same as for as !ossible the same should be accom!lished through installation of !rogramsAinterfaces whether feasible.
Re(sa%"l"t $, The function and structure are so created that a !rogram ;i.e. both source code as well as com!lied com!onents= can be reused in other a!!lication.
Sec(r"t $, The a!!lications should be secured from unauthori"ed access or !hysical damage.
SYSTE- DESI4N $ The design of the information system !roduce the detail that state how a system will meet the requirement identified during system analysis is often referred to as stage of logical design in contrast to the !rocess of develo!ing !rogram software which is referred to as !hysical design. ,ystem analysts being the !rocess by identifying re!orts the requirement and out!ut need by the system. Then the s!ecific data on each are !in!ointed. *sually designers sketch the form or dis!lays they e4!ect from the system. This can also be done on a !a!er or on the com!uter dis!lay with the hel! of automated system tools available. The system design also describes the date to be in!ut calculated or stored. Individual date items and calculation calculation !rocedures are written in detail. The !rocedures tell how to !rocess the data and !roduce the out!ut. (esigners are res!onsible for !roviding !rogrammers with com!lete and clearly outlined software s!ecification. 's !rogramming starts designers are able to answer questions clarify fu""y areas and handle !roblems that confront the !rogrammers !rogrammers when using the design s!ecifications 's the software is to be designed in 8isual /asic and back+ end 9,+'ccess the conce!t of database is must for quantity designing. (esign is the central unifying !rocess for software develo!ment and maintenance. It is a decision making task often concerning major decisions of a structural nature. The design !rocess ma!s the “7hat to do?” of user requirements s!ecifications s!ecifications into the “
The out!ut of requirements management defines what the system will do3 the out!ut of design ;design document or design model= defines how it will be done and !rovides !rovides the relevant amount amount of information information to the develo!ers develo!ers to enable himAher to write a valid and efficient code.
DESI4EN OERIE $ The design stage takes the final s!ecification of the “('T'/',1 %G R'IJ7'M R1,1R8'TI%G ,M,T19 ” from analysis and finds the best way of fulfilling them give the technical environment and !revious decision on required level of automation. The ,ystem design is carried out in two !hases0 • •
design ;
I4 LEEL DESI4N $ The high+level design ma!s the business system described in the !rogram requirement requirement s!ecification to logical data structure. It involves+ •
I'e#t"!"#: t)e e#t"t"es $ , 'll the entities related to the module were identified checked and consolidated. I'e#t"!"#: t)e relat"o#s)"p re lat"o#s)"p $, The relationshi!s between entities within and outside the system were identified. Attr "%(te 'e!"# Attr"%(te 'e!"#"t"o "t"o# # $, The !ertaining to the entities was identified and their field characteristics were s!ecified. Nor*al"=a Nor*a l"=at"o# t"o# $, The entities were normali"ed. I#t er!ac I#ter! acee $, Interfacing with other system was done and attributes related to e4ternal entities were identified. %nce the entities and their attributes were defined entity relationshi! diagrams.
LO LEEL DESI4N $ The low+level design ma!s the logical3 model3 of the system to a !hysical database design0
DEFAULT DATABASE DESI4N $ This utility create column and constraint definitions form the entity model and the table A entity ma!!ing entered in 0 CASE> '"ct"o#ar $
This database design can be refined according to your a!!lication regarding using can be refined according to your a!!lication regarding using the tables columns sand key constraint definition screen to make amendments. The ste! involved here were0 • • • •
&eneration of table. Primary key. *nique key. $oreign key.
-ODULE DESI4N $ This screen is used to enter module information during the design stage of business system develo!ment. The a!!lication systems function tables and columns must already e4ist in )',1N dictionary before being referenced.
USER PREFERENCE $ /ased on user !reference like form name validation of !rimary key layout of forms layout of fields. )reating title for forms mandatory in!ut field !rom!ts etc. was incor!orated here.
4ENERATE TE PRO4RA- $ The !rogram was generated based on the relationshi! s!ecified and according to the user !references.
TREE TIER ARCITECTURE $ ' three tier distributed clientAserver architecture includes a user system interface to! tier where user services ;such as te4t in!ut dialog and dis!lay management= reside.
The third tier !rovides database management functionality and is dedicated to data and file services that can be o!timi"ed without using any !ro!rietary database management system languages. The data management com!onent com!onent ensures that the data is consistent throughout the distributed environment through the use of features such as data locking consistency and -B
re!lication. It should be noted that connectivity between tiers can be dynamically changed de!ending u!on the user5s request for data and services. The middle tier !rovides !rocess management services ;such as !rocess develo!ment !rocess enactment !rocess monitoring and !rocess resourcing= that are shared by multi!le a!!lications. The middle tier server ;also referred to as the a!!lication server= im!roves !erformance !erformance fle4ibility maintainability reusability reusability and scalability by centrali"ing !rocess logic. )entrali"ed !rocess logic makes administration administration and change management easier by locali"ing system functionality so that changes must only be written once and !laced on the middle tier server to be available throughout the systems. 7ith other architectural designs a change to a function ;service= would need to be written into every a!!lication.
ARDARE RE+UIRE-ENTS This software requires following configuration of an I/9 or com!atible P.). D
9icro!rocessor 6C@ or higher.
R'9 D#@ 9./. or higher.
7indows -FFB A OP %!erating ,ystem.
$lo!!y (isk (rive.
)om!act (isk (rive.
' 9ouse.
' Heyboard.
' 9onitor.
LI-ITATIONS $ 7e have made humble efforts in !re!aring the software so that it can be in the functioning condition. /ut due to lack of time some conditions cannot be a!!lied like D This !roject cannot work in clientAserver environment. 'nother limitation is that software will not run under 2.## o!erating system.
FUTURE SCOPE OF TE PRO?ECT $ The future enhancement of the software can !rovide many more other facilities like barcode reading book reservation tickets of the Railways.
FURTER I-PROE-ENTS I-PROE-ENTS $ The further im!rovements im!rovements can be done in !roject are list can be generated in different format as according to the requirements !rinting of list on !rinter directly given the commands or by !ressing the command button backu! of all the records in the database. It can be made like it can work in clientAserver environment.
DATABASE -ANA4E-ENT SYSTE' ('T'/',1 is a collection of related data. ' database re!resents some as!ects of the real world sometimes called the miniworld or the *niverse of (iscourse ;*o(=. (atabase is a logically coherent collection of data with some inherent meaning. It is designed built and !o!ulated with data for a s!ecific !ur!ose. This data is used by organi"ationAindividuals to meet their information !rocessing requirements. requirements. The most im!ortant thing in a database is that the database should be treated as a foundation stone for the future a!!lication for the organi"ation. ' database may be generated and mani!ulated manually or it may be com!uteri"ed. ' com!uteri"ed database may be created and maintained either by a grou! of a!!lication !rograms written s!ecifically for that task or by database management management system. ' ('T'/',1 9'G'&191GT ,M,T19 ;(/9,= is a collection of !rograms that enables enables user to create and and maintain a database. database.
LO4IN $, This relation is used to store the *,1R I( and P',,7%R( of various authori"ed users.
S. NO. 1. 2.
The field Jogin is used to acce!t the Jogin+I(s of the *ser which are !rovided only to a few !ersons in the railway to !rovide !rovide security. The $ield Password is used to acce!t !assword from the user to !revent unauthori"ed access.
S. NO. 1. 2. 3. /. 0. . @. . .
ATTRIBUTE NA-E *,1RG'91 P',,7%R( R1P1'T P',,7%R( '((R1,, $'T<1Rs G'91 ( %/ ,T ' T 1 (I,TRI)T PIG)%(1
DATA TYPE T 1O T T 1O T T 1O T T1O T T 1O T ('T1ATI91 T 1O T T 1O T G*9/1R
This relation is used to store the !assenger details for reservation of the train. The $ield *,1RG'91 is used to acce!t the name of the !a ! a s s e n g e r f o r w h o m t h e r e s e r v a t i o n i s r e q u i r e d . The $ield P',,7%R( is used to acce!t !assword from the user to !revent unauthori"ed access. The $ield R1P1'T P',,7%R( is used to acce!t re!eat !assword. The $ield '((R1,, is used to acce!t address of the user. The $ield $'T<1Rs G'91 is used to acce!t the fathers name of the !assenger for whom the reservation is required. The $ield (%/ is used to acce!t dob of the user. The $ield ,T'T1 is used to acce!t state of the user. The $ield (I,TRI)T is used to acce!t district of the user to !revent unauthori"ed access. The $ield PIG)%(1 is used to acce!t !in code of the city of the user.
S. NO. 1. 2. 3. /. 0. . @. . . 1.
ATTRIBUTE NA-E TR'IG G%. TR'IG G'91 TI)H1T G%. G'91 $'T<1Rs G'91 '&1 &1G(1R ('T1 %$ K%*RG1M )%')< /1RT<
DATA TYPE G*9/1R T 1O T G*9/1R T1OT T 1O T G*9/1R T 1O T ('T1ATI91 T 1O T T 1O T
11. 12. 13.
,1'T G%. )J',, R1G T
G*9/1R T 1O T G*9/1R
This relation is used to store the reservation details of all the trains. The field TR'IG G%. is used to acce!t the train number of the trains. The field TR'IG G'91 is used to acce!t the train name. The field TI)H1T G%. is used to acce!t the ticket number of the trains. The $ield G'91 is used to acce!t the name of the !assenger for whom the reservation is required. The $ield $'T<1Rs G'91 is used to acce!t the fathers name of the !assenger for whom the reservation is required. The $ield '&1 is used to acce!t the age of the !assenger for whom the reservation is required. The $ield &1G(1R is used to acce!t the name of the se4 for whom the reservation is required. The $ield ('T1 %$ K%*RG1M is used to acce!t the date of the reservation. The $ield )%')< is used to acce!t the coach of the reservation. The $ield /1RT< is used to acce!t the berth of the reservation. The $ield ,1'T G%. is used to acce!t the seat no. of the !a ! a s s e n g e r o f t h e r e s e r v a t i o n . The $ield )J',, is used to acce!t the class in which the reservation is required.
The $ield R1GT is used to acce!t the rent of the reservation.
S. NO. 1. 2. 3. /. 0. . @. . . 1. 11. 12. 13. 1/. 10. 1. 1@. 1. 1. 2. 21. 22. 23. 2/. 20. 2. 2@. 2. 2. 3. 31.
ATTRIBUTE NA-E TR'IG G%. TR'IG G'91 P ;P'GTRM= $R%9 (1P ;(1P'RT*R1 TI91 'T T<1 $R%9 ,T'TI%G= T% 'RR ;'RRI8'J TI91 'T T<1 T% ,T'I%G= TR'81J ;TR'81J TI91 %$ T<1 TR'IG= R 9%G T* 1 71( T< * $RI ,' T ,* G #' ;') #+TI1R ,J11P1R %G T<1 T%P= -' ;') -+TI1R ,J11P1R %G T<1 T%P= 2' ;') 2+TI1R ,J11P1R %G T<1 T%P= )) ;') )<'IR )'R %G T<1 T%P= $) ;$IR,T )J',, %G T<1 T%P= ,J ;,J11P1R )J',, %G T<1 T%P= -, ;,1)%G( ,ITTIG& %G T<1 T%P= 21 ;2 ') 1)%G%9M %G T<1 T%P= ') #,T )J )J',, )<'R&1 G( ') - )J )J',, )<'R&1 R( ') 2 )J ) J',, )<'R&1 )) )<'R&1 $) )<'R&1 ,J )<'R&1 -, )<'R&1
DATA TYPE G*9/1R T 1O T T1O T T1OT ('T1 A TI91 T1O T ('T1 A TI91 ('T1 A TI91 T 1O T T1O T T 1O T T 1O T T 1O T T1O T T 1O T T1O T T 1O T T 1O T T 1O T T 1O T T 1O T T1O T T 1O T T 1O T )*RR1G)M )*RR1G)M )*RR1G)M )*RR1G)M )*RR1G)M )*RR1G)M )*RR1G)M
This relation is used to store the train details for reservation of the train. 2>
The field TR'IG G%. is used to acce!t the train number of the trains. The field TR'IG G'91 is used to acce!t the train name. The field P'GTRM is used to acce!t the ticket number of the trains. The field $R%9 is used to acce!t the initial !oint of the train. The field (1P is used to acce!t the time of the de!arture of the train. The field T% is used to acce!t the time of the destination of the train. The field 'RR is used to acce!t the time of the arrival time of the train. The field TR'81J is used to acce!t the travel time of the train.
DATA FLO DIA4RAThe (ata $low (iagram shows the flow of data or information. It can be !artitioned into single single !rocesses or functions. functions. (ata $low (iagrams can be grou!ed together or decom!osed into multi!le !rocesses. 's information moves through software it is modified by a series of transformations. ' data flow diagram ;($(= is a gra!hical re!resentation that de!icts information information flow and the transform that are a!!lied as data move from in!ut to out!ut at any level of data abstraction. In fact (ata $low (iagrams may be !artitioned into levels that re!resent increasing information flow and functional details. Therefore the ($( !rovides a mechanism for functional modeling as well as information flow modeling. It is a gra!hical re!resentation of flow of data through a system. Its !ictures a system as a network of functional !rocesses. The bases of ($( is a data flow gra!h which !ictorially re!resents information on data as shown+
In!ut (ata 14ternal 1ntity
In!ut (ata Jevel # Processing
14ternal 1ntity
Intermediate (ata %ut!ut (ata 14ternal 1ntity
Jevel Processing
14ternal 1ntity
Intermediate (ata
Jevel 2 Processing (ata store %ut!ut (ata 14ternal 1ntity
In this diagram the e4ternal entities !rovide in!ut data for the !rocessing during the !rocessing some intermediate data is generated. The data store is the re!ository of data. The structure a!!roach of system design requires e4tensive modeling of the system. Thus instead of making a com!lete model e4hibiting the functionality of system. The ($(s are created in a layered manner at the first layer the ($( is made at block level : in lower layers the details are shown. Thus level+F ($( makes a fundamental system.
I1 I2
Le&el DFD
($(s can re!resent the system at any level of abstraction. ($( of F level views entire software elements as a single bubble with indication of only in!ut : out!ut data. Thus F level ($( is also called as “)onte4t diagram”.
R(les !or *a"#: DFD $ , The following factures should be considered while making ($(s+ •
Hee! a note of all the !rocesses : e4ternal entities give unique names to them identify the manner in which they interact with each other.
(o numbering of !rocesses.
The ($( should be internally consistent.
1very !rocess should have minimum of one in!ut : out!ut.
The data store should contain all the data element that flow as in!ut : out!ut.
Tpes o! DFD $ , (ifferent levels of ($( show the a!!lication at different levels of detail+
LEEL OR CONTEGT CONTEGT DIA4RA- $, The highest+level ($( ;Jevel F= shows the entire a!!lication as a single !rocess surrounded by by its data stores and is sometimes known as as )onte4t (iagram. ' conte4t diagram !lays a very im!ortant role in software develo!ment. It contains a single !rocess which describes the system interfaces to the business : outside the world or we can say say that it determines determines the boundaries.
LEEL , 1 OR PYSICAL DIA4RA- $, The ne4t level down ;Jevel #= shows the whole a!!lication again but with the main Processes the data flows between them and their individual links to the data ,tores. (ata ,tores remain the same at all levels of abstraction but new stores may may be introduced at any any level. These are usually usually tem!orary stores such as views and cursor which are required in lower level !rocesses. The !hysical ($( defines who is doing a !articular o!eration. It shows how things ha!!en in the !hysical com!onents.
LEEL , 2 OR LO4ICAL DIA4RA- $, ' logical ($( shows what a system is doing rather than what is being done. It shows what occurs i.e. it only s!ecifies ty!e of the o!eration !erform.
)ustomer Gew Reservation
Railway Reservation ,ystem
1dit Reservation
'llow new *ser
ENTITY RELTIONSIP DIA4RA'n entity relationshi! diagram is a gra!hical re!resentation re!resentation of entities and their relationshi!s to each other. Ty!ically used in com!uting regarding the data within database or information system. The 1+R data model is based on a !erce!tion of a real word which consist of a set of basic object. The overall logical structure of a database can be e4!ressed gra!hically by an 1+R diagram. 1ntity Relationshi! (iagrams have three different com!onents0 • • • •
1ntity 'ttributes Relationshi! Hey 'ttributes
ENTITY $ 1ntities are the !rinci!al data object about which information is to be collected. 1ntities are usually recogni"able conce!ts either concrete or abstract such as !erson !laces things or events which have relevance to the database. 'n entity is analogous to a table in the relational model. )ategories of different entities include D 1. 2. 3. /.
Pe rso# Pers o# $, ,tudent Teacher 1m!loyee 9anager etc. Plac Pl acee $,
7a8 E#t E#t"t "t Set $, 'n entity set is the collection of entities of the same ty!e i.e. the entities which are share common !ro!erties or attributes. E< $, The set of all em!loyees of an organi"ation can be called as the entity set em!loyee.
ATTRIBUTE $ 1ach entity can have a number of characteristics which is called “attribute” of that entity. ' data attribute is a characteristic common common to all or most instances of a !articular entity. entity. 'n attribute or or combination of attributes that uniquely uniquely identifies one and only one instance of an entity is called a !rimary key or identifier. E< $, 'n entity “)lient” can have characteristic like #a*eH a''ressH p)o#e #(*%er etc.
,ome attributes can be logically grou!ed into su!er attribute called co*po(#' attr"%(tesJ .
TYPES OF ATTRIBUTES $, 1. S"*ple 6 Co*pos"te Attr"%(tes $, The attributes have been sim!le i.e. they are not divided into sub!arts. )om!osite attributes can be divided into sub!arts ;i.e. other attributes=. E< $, 'n attribute name could be structured as a com!osite attribute consisting of first name middle name and last name. 2. S"#:le a#' -(lt",al(e' Attr"%(tes $ + The 'ttributes that has single value is called single valued attributes and the attributes that has more than one value is called multi valued attributes. E< $, The loan number attributes for a s!ecific loan entity refers to only one loan number such attributes are said to be single value.
'n em!loyee entity set with the attribute !hone number is said to be multi+valued attributes. 3. Der"&e' Der" &e' Attr Attr"%(te "%(tess $, The value for this ty!e of attributes can be derived from the values of other related attributes or entities.
E< $, ,u!!ose that the customer entity set has an attribute age which indicates the customers age. If the customer entity set also has an attribute date of birth we can calculate age from date of birth and the current date. Thus age is a derive attribute.
RELATIONSIP $ ' data relationshi! is a natural association that e4ists between one or more entities. The connectivity of a relationshi! describes the ma!!ing of associated entity instances in the relationshi!. The values of connectivity are “one” or “many”. The cardinality of a relationshi! is the actual number of related occurrences for each of the two entities. The basic ty!es of connectivity for relations are 0 • • •
%ne+to+one ;#0#= %ne+to+many ;#0m= 9any+to+many ;m0m=
' o#e,to,o#e ;#0#= relationshi! is when at most one instance of an entity ' is associated with one instance of entity /. ' o#e,to,*a# ;#09= relationshi! relationshi! is when for one instance of entity ' there are "ero one or many instances of entity / but for one instance of entity / there is only one instance of entity '. ' *a#,to,*a# ;90 9= relationshi! sometimes sometimes called non+s!ecific is when for one instance of entity ' there are "ero one or many instances of entity / and for one instance of entity / there are "ero one or many instances of entity '.
;EY ATTRIBUTES $ The key attribute is an attribute that uniquely identifies an entity in the entity set. E< $, 1m!loyeeQcode can be the key attribute for the entity set em!loyee because it uniquely identifies identifies each em!loyee em!loyee entity. 66
SY-BOLS OF E,R DIA4RA- $ 'n 1+R diagram can e4!ress the overall logical structure of a database gra!hically. 1+R diagram consist of the following major com!onents0 •
Recta# Rec ta#:le :le $ 7hich re!resent entity set.
Ell" El l"ps pses es $ 7hich re!resent attributes.
D"a*o D" a*o#' #'ss $ 7hich re!resent relationshi! sets.
L" #ess $ 7hich link attributes to entity sets and entity sets to L"#e relationshi! sets.
Do(%lee Ell" Do(%l Ell"pses pses $ 7hich re!resent multi+valued attributes.
Das)e' Das) e' Ell" Ell"pse pse $ 7hich denotes derived attributes.
Do( %le L"# Do(%le L"#ear ear $ 7hich indicate total !artici!ation of an entity in a relationshi! set.
Do(%lee Rect Do(%l Recta#:l a#:lee $ 7hich re!resent weak entity set.
1ntry (ate
Boo T"cet I#!or*at"o#
Passenger details
$ore Train
Train Game
(istance Ne5 Rates
'ddress 'ge Game
Passe#:er Deta"ls
Phone Go.
,tate Pin code ,e4
JoginQid Password
)ustomer Start
Reserve Ticket
)ancel Ticket
)heck $or ,eat Reservation
Go 8iew (etails Mes Inform )ustomer $ill $orm
&ive (etails
)heck Rese+ rvation Jist
Mes ,ubmit $orm
Issue Ticket &ive $orm
Return Payment
TESTIN4 6 DEBUU44IN4 SYSTE- TESTIN4 $ Test"#: -et)o'olo: $ The various test cases have been made to find out the bug if any in the a!!lication. The test cases have been made kee!ing in mind to test the individual module as well as system as a whole. The test cases have been given by the client which in my a!!lication was GI,T'(, team. Gow the a!!lication is fully functional without any bugs. The testing activities are done in all !hases of the lifecycle in an iterative software develo!ment a!!roach.
Testing is a !rocess of e4ecuting a !rogram with the intent of finding an error. ' good test case is one that has a high !robability of finding an as+yet+undiscovered error. ' successful test is one that uncovers as+yet+undiscovered error.
UNIT TESTIN4 $ *nit testing is done as !er Testing &uidelines. It refers to the !rocess of changes made to a new or e4isting system. *nit testing is a !rocess in which a tester test the each module individually.
-ODULE TESTIN4 $ 9odule testing is also known as unit or com!onent testing !hase module testing is concerned with the testing of the smallest !iece of software for which a se!arate s!ecification e4ists. It focuses on verification of the smallest unit of software design ++ the module. *sing the detailed design s!ecification as a guide im!ortant control !aths are tested to uncover errors within the boundary of the module. The man to machine interfaces are tested to assure that information information !ro!erly flows into and out of the module allowable boundary values are verified and module+data structure interface is tested to assure that data is !ro!erly stored according to established established integrity rules. 9odule testing is !erformed during the /uild ,tage. ,tage.
INTE4ERATION INTE4ERATIO N TESTIN4 $ The system integrator com!iles and links the system in increments. 1ach increment needs to go through testing of the functionality that has been added as well as all tests the !revious builds went through ;regression tests=. 7ithin iteration integration testing is e4ecuted several times until the whole system has been successfully integrated. Testing is done as !er the Test Plan for the !roject. ' Testing Team who may be an inde!endent team or may include members of the !roject team carries out the tests.
SYSTE- TESTIN4 $ ,ystem testing is initiated through a ,ystem release and a Release Gote from (evelo!ment team to the testing team. The !ur!ose of the ,ystem Testing is to ensure that the com!lete system functions are intended. The system roles in P9P com!ile and link the system in increments. ,ystem Testing is similar to the Integration testing e4ce!t that it is run under customer environment or in an environment as similar as to the customer environment as !ossible. (uring the ,ystem testing the !erformance criteria is tested and factors like stress transaction timing volume of data transaction frequency etc. are validated. The ability of the ,oftware to be installed in an environment likely to be encountered at the site of the customer is also checked here. ,ystem testing of the software is !erformed against base lined software and the base lined documentation of the customer requirements requirements and the software requirements s!ecification documentation. documentation. 'fter ,ystem Testing efforts should be made to conduct other ty!es of testing such as0 •
,tress TestingA8olume Testing ;testing the !erformance etc.= ,ecurity testing ;testing the system against security measures e.g. !assword etc.= Recovery testing ;the recovery techniques in case the system crashes= Regression testing ;to ensure that changes have not caused unintended effects on the baseline=.
(uring system testing the system is used e4!erimentally to ensure that the software does not fail i.e. it will run according to its s!ecifications and in the way users users e4!ect. ,!ecial test data are in!ut for the
!rocessing and the results e4amine. ' limited number of users try to use it in unforeseen ways. It is !referable to discover any sur!rise before the organi"ation im!lements im!lements the system and de!end u!on it. In many organi"ations !ersons other than those who wrote the original !rograms to ensure more com!lete and unbiased testing and more reliable testing !erform testing. The norms that were followed during the !hase were that after the develo!er of the software has satisfied regarding every as!ect of the software under consideration he is required to release the !rogram source code. ' setu! name release is used to co!y the name file from the develo!ers user area to a !roject area in the directory named with develo!er user name.
)onsistent 1asy to use
)"te Bo< Test"#: $ 7hite bo4 test focus on the !rogram control structure. Test cases are derived to ensure that all statement in the !rogram has been e4ecuted at least once during testing and that all logical condition has been e4ercised. /asic !ath testing a white bo4 testing makes use of
!rogram gra!h to derive the set of linearly inde!endent test that will ensure coverage. In white bo4 testing the test develo!er has access to the source code and can write code that links into the libraries which are linked into the target software. This is ty!ical of unit tests which only test !arts of a software system. They ensure that com!onents used in the construction are functional and robust to some degree. In this testing internal functioning of the !roduct is tested. 1ach !rocedures is tested for its accuracy. *nlike black bo4 testing white bo4 testing uses s!ecific knowledge of !rogramming code to e4amine out!ut i.e. s!ecific knowledge about the internal structure. This test is accurate only if the tester knows what !rogram is su!!osed to do. 7hite bo4 testing is also known as :lass %o
Co#'"t"o# Test"#: $ )ondition testing is tests case design method that e4ercise the logical conditions contain in a !rogram module. a sim!le condition is a /oolean variable or a relational e4!ression.
Bra#c) Test"#: $ I have used /ranch testing is !robably the for com!ound condition the true and false ;in !roject i.e. null values= for each branch.
Data Flo5 Test"#: $ I have used data flow testing due to check the !ath of !rogram according to the locations of definitions and uses of variables in the !rogram.
BLAC; BOG TESTIN4 $ /lack bo4 testing focuses on the functional requirements of the software. That is black+bo4 testing enable the software engineer to
derive set of in!ut conditions that will fully e4ercise all functional requirements for a !rogram. In black bo4 testing the test engineer only accesses the software through the same interfaces that the customer or user would or !ossibly through remotely controllable automation interfaces that connect another com!uter or another !rocess into the target of the test. In this test overall functioning of the !roduct is tested. In!uts are given : out!uts are checked. It does not care about internal structure of the !roduct. /lack bo4 test treats the system as black bo4 so it does not e4!licitly use knowledge of internal structure. /lack bo4 test design usually described as focusing on testing functional requirement. /lack bo4 testing is also known as Be)a&"oralH F(#ct"o#al 6 Close' %o< test"#:. /lack bo4 testing test the overall functional requirements of the !roduct. In!uts are su!!lied to the !roduct : out!uts are verified. If the out!ut obtained are same as the e4!ected once then the !roduct needs the functional requirement. In this a!!roach internal !rocedures are not considers.
DISADANTA4ES DISADANT A4ES OF BLAC; BOG TESTIN4 $ /lack bo4 testing uncovers following ty!es of errors D •
Incorrect or missing functions.
Interface errors.
14ternal database access.
Performance errors.
Initiali"ation : termination errors.
4rap),Base' Test"#: -et)o' $
I have used gra!h+based testing method for removing errors associated with relationshi!s. The first ste! in this testing is to understand the objects that are modeled in software and the relationshi! that connect these objects.
E9("&ale#ce Part"t"o#"#: $ This testing is used for the following reason0 • • • •
s!ecific numeric values range of values set of related values /oolean condition
For e
Bo(#'ar al(e A#als"s $ /oundary value analysis is a test case design technique that com!lements equivalence !artitioning. Rather than selecting any element of equivalence class the selection of test cases at the edges of the class. Rather than focusing solely on the in!ut condition. The !oint of equivalence !artitioning as 0 •
'n in!ut condition s!ecifies a range boundary by values a and b test cases should be design with values a and b and just above and just below a and b. 'n in!ut condition s!ecific a number of values test cases should be develo!ed that e4ercise the minimum and ma4imum number.
USER ACCEPTANCE TESTIN4 $ 'n 'cce!tance Plan is !re!ared and handed over to the customer.
Test Pla# $ Initial test !lan addresses system test !lanning and over the elaboration construction and transition !hases this !lan is u!dated to cater other testing requirements of these !hases like unit : integration testing. The test Plan must contain the following0 ,co!e of testing. 9ethodology to be used for testing. Ty!es of tests to be carried out. Resource : system requirements. requirements. ' tentative Test ,chedule. • • • • •
Identification of various forms forms to be used to record test cases and test results The Test Plan is reviewed as !er the Review Procedure as defined by the Project 9anager. 'dequate Review Records are maintained.
Test Reports a#' De%(::"#: $ The testing team !re!ares all the defects are re!orted in the organi"ations standard defect tracking system. The defects found are categori"ed !rioriti"ed and re!orted re!orted as Testing &uidelines. &uidelines. (evelo!ment (evelo!ment team also uses the defect tracking system to re!ort the status of defects. Testing team before closure validates the defects eliminated by develo!ment team.
Error -essa:e a#' al"'at"o#s $ The goals of verification and validation activities are to access and im!rove the quality of work !roducts generated during develo!ment and modification of software . There are two ty!es of verification D •
Jife cycle verification
$ormal verification
Jife cycle verification is the !rocess of determining determining the degree degree to which the work !roducts of a given !hase of the develo!ment cycle fulfill the s!ecification established during !rior !hases. $ormal verification is a rigorous mathematical demonstration that source code confirms to its s!ecification. 8alidation is the !rocess of evaluating software at the end of software (evelo!ment !rocess to determine com!liance with requirements.
The following error messages and validations are used in the system. 1rror Jisting $or Jogin ,creen
Error 1$
7hen *serid and !assword fields both are blank or invalide
Error 2$
7hen userid is wrong
Error 3$
7hen Password is wrong
Error /$
7hen all fields are blank
Error 0$
7hen Go. of doctoral (egree awarded in in not numeric 1nter numeric value
Error $
7hen no of others students is not numeric 1nter numeric value
Error @$
7hen rety!e !assword is not same as new !assword
Error $
7hen entered values e4ist in data base 8alue already e4ists
Error $
7hen no value find in data base ,orry G% data found
Error 1$
7hen database is not ready ,orry )onnection failed
Error 11$
7hen Page is not found ,orry !age not found
Error 12$
7hen Internet connection not available ,orry connection failed
Test Data a#' Test Cases $ Test cases describe the details of every test for each feature of the module. The in!uts for !re!aration of test cases are the software requirement requirement s!ecifications andAor (esign documentAmodel. documentAmodel. ,ystem test cases are !re!ared in elaboration elaboration !hase and initial initial integration test cases are !re!ared !re!ared which are refined and com!leted in construction !hase. These test cases are reviewed as !er Review Procedure as defined by the Project 9anager and adequate review records are maintained. These reviews are done against requirements and (esign to ensure adequacy and com!leteness. The e4!ected results are s!ecified in test cases against test to be carried out.
(im ' 's Integer (im s 's ,tring (im n 's Integer Private ,ub $ormQJoad;= $ormQJoad;= '# n#
Progress/ar#.9a4 #FF Progress/ar#.9in # Timer#.Interval Timer#.Interval #FF s L Railway Reservation Project ,ystemL Image#.,tretch True Image#.Picture Image#.Picture JoadPicture;'!!.Path JoadPicture;'!!.Path S LL S LTR'IG.KP&L= 1nd ,ub Private ,ub Timer#QTimer;= Timer#QTimer;= (im b 's Integer Jabel#.$ore)olor /)olor;Rnd N B= b Jen;s= Jabel#.)a!tion Jeft;s n= nnS# Progress/ar#.8alue Progress/ar#.8alue Progress/ar#.8alue Progress/ar#.8alue S # If ;Progress/ar#.8alue U EC= Then )all $orm-.,how $orm-.,how *nload 9e 1nd If 1nd ,ub
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Te4t-.Te4t LL Te4t#.,et$ocus rs.9oveGe4t 1nd If Ge4t ' 1nd ,ub
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Private ,ub newQ)lick;= )all $orm2.,how $orm2.,how @@
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In todayXs world com!uters are making us manage different fields much more more easily easily and effici efficient ently. ly. Throug Through h there there are differ differenc encee areas areas where where com!ut com!uter er has gained gained a !romi !rominen nentt !lace !lace like like 1ntert 1ntertain ainme ment nt 1ducat 1ducation ion /ankin /anking g and variou variouss indust industrie ries s variou variouss colleg colleges es univer universit sities ies are using using com!uters for accom!lishing different kinds of tasks.
's todayXs railways are nothing less than organi"ation various de!artments like 'ccounts /ooking !lacement cell administration etc are in o!eration. %ne of the above s!ecified areas in Indian railways system. 7hich have really really transf transform ormed ed itself itself from from those those old days days of maint maintain aining ing court court less less registers regarding information of ticketsY. In todayXs era every things is on cycle of mouse whether it is know about ticket status or u!dating list of ticket calculation of cost. If books are late com!uter have made easy not only for the Railways lines !ersonnel but also for the !assen !assenger ger manage manageme ment nt of railwa railways ys line line regard regarding ing any kind kind of information.
This railways system tries to !erform each of the activity stated above in an effective manner. It is easy to use user+friendly software. The system allows Railway lines !ersonnel to different laid of activities such as0
9aintaining the train status 9aintaining 9aintaining the issue issue of ticket.
9aintaining the memberXs list etc . so on
(ifferent kinds of re!orts for various informationXs are !rovided.
Indian Railways offers the facility of general Train 1nquiry and reserving the ticket in advance. It allows the !eo!le to !lan out their journey in advance comfortably and almost effortlessly. The Railway 'dministration !rovides the reservations of seats berths com!artments com!artments or carriage as !er the rules and conditions documented in the )oaching Tariff.
' !assenger looking for reservation of berth or seats should acquire tickets from the Railway Reservation %ffices or 'uthori"ed Travel 'gency only. The timings for booking the reservation and general enquiry are usually between C am to C !m every day e4ce!t for ,unday when the timings are C am to - !m. $acility for enquiry related to the seats berth and train timings are also available at all these reservation counters. In order to ease the booking !rocedure in metros like 9umbai (elhi and )hennai multi!le centers of ticket booking are set u!.
4e#eral Co#'"t"o#s !or Tra"# Reser&at"o#
'dvance reservations ;'RP= can be made 'as in advance of the journey date for all classes and every train. This !eriod of advance reservation e4cludes the day of train de!arture. 'RP is calculated in relation to journey date from originating train station. Therefore at intermediate stations if the train arrives on the following day reservations can be made over @F days in advance of journey date from the intermediate intermediate station.
Passengers seeking reservation need to com!lete and submit a reservation requisition form. It should be com!letely filled with all the required details includ including ing the train train num number ber journ journey ey date date and class class of accom accommo modat dation ion origin originati ating ng and the destin destinati ation on statio station. n. Reserv Reservati ation on can be a!!lie a!!lied d for for ma4imum of @ !ersons in a single form !rovided they should have the same destination station and booking for same train. %nce the requisiti requisition on form is acce!ted then ticket is booked booked by com!uter com!uter in accordance with !re defined logic. ' !erson can submit only one requisition form at a time however if he is a!!lying for onward or return journey then one can submit - or 2 forms. ' journey ticket needs to be !urchased in order to reserve the accommodation and no !rovisional reservation is entertained.
Passengers are advised to quote PGR number for any enquiry or com!laint concer concernin ning g to reserv reservati ations ons.. )om!ut )om!uteri eri"ed "ed Reserv Reservati ation on ticket ticket sho should uld be accom!anied by the journey tickets on train. Passengers should note down the correc correctt de!art de!artur uree time time !rinte !rinted d on the ticket ticket and mu must st make make certai certain n timings from the Railway station on the journey day. 's the tickets are issued u! to @F days in advance it is not !ossible to advise any changes in timing.
'dvance Reservation and 1nquiry0 Indian Railways offers the facility of general Train 1nquiry and reserving the ticket in advance. It allows the !eo!le to !lan out their journey in advance comfortably and almost effortlessly. The Railway 'dministration !rovides the reservations of seats
berths com!artments com!artments or carriage as !er the rules and conditions documented in the )oaching Tariff. ' !assenger looking for reservation of berth or seats should acquire tickets from the Railway Reservation %ffices or 'uthori"ed Travel 'gency only. The timings for booking the reservation and general enquiry are usually between C am to C !m every day e4ce!t for ,unday when the timings are C am to - !m. $acility for enquiry related to the seats berth and train timings are also available at all these reservation counters. In order to ease the booking !rocedure in metros like 9umbai (elhi and )hennai multi!le centers of ticket booking are set u!.
Passenger Indian Railways o!erates about EFFF !assenger trains and trans!orts -F million !assengers daily across twenty+eight states and two union territories. territories . ,ikkim and ,ikkim and 9eghalaya 9eghalaya are are the only states not connected by rail. ' standard !assenger train consists consists of eighteen coaches coaches but !o!ular trains can have u! to -@ coaches.
)oaches are designed to accommodate anywhere from #C to #FC !assengers but during the holiday holiday seasons andAor on busy routes more more !assengers may travel in unreserved coaches. 9ost regular trains have coaches connected through vestibules vestibules..
9ountain Railway ;G9R= which still relies on ,wiss+built O class steamers to do the job.
Tpes o! passe#:er ser&"ces $ Trains are classified by their average s!eed. ' faster train has fewer sto!s ;LhaltsL= than a slower one and usually caters to long+distance travel.
D(ro#to E
Descr"pt"o# These are the non+sto! !oint to !oint rail services ;e4ce!t for o!erational sto!s= introduced for the first time in -FFE. These trains connects the metros and major state ca!itals of India and are faster than Rajdhani 14!resses. The (uronto services consists of classes of accommodation namely first ') two+tier ') three+tier ') ') 2 Tier 1conomy ,lee!er )lass&eneral )lass.
Raj')a#" E
These are all air+conditioned trains trains linking major cities to Gew (elhi. (elhi. The Rajdhanis have high !riority and are one of the fastest trains in India travelling at about #6F kmAh ;CB m!h=. There are only a few sto!s on a Rajdhani route.
S)ata%'" a#' ?a# S)ata%'" E
The ,hatabdi trains are ') intercity seater+ty!e trains. Kan+ ,hatabdi trains consists of both ') and non+') classes.
4ar"% Rat)
$ully air conditioned trains designed for those who cannot afford to travel in the e4!ensive ,hatabti and Rajdhani 14!resses &arib Rath means L)hariot of the PoorL. The ma4imum s!eed is #2F kmAh. k mAh.
S(per!ast -a"lKE
These are the most common kind of trains in India. They -a"lKE
These are slow trains that sto! at most stations along the Passe#:er and route and are the chea!est trains. The entire train consists of Fast Passe#:er the &eneral+ty!e com!artments. com!artments.
S(%(r%a# tra"#s
These are trains that have an average s!eed greater than >> kmAh ;26 m!h=. Tickets for these trains have an additional su!er+fast surcharge.
Trains that o!erate in urban areas usually sto! at all stations.
Suburban rail
9any cities have their own dedicated suburban networks to cater to commuters. )urrently suburban networks o!erate in 9umbai 9umbai )hennai )hennai Holkata (elhi Holkata (elhi
,uburban trains that trains that handle commuter traffic are mostly electric multi!le units. They usually have nine coaches or sometimes twelve to handle rush hour traffic. %ne unit of an 19* train consists of one !ower car and two general coaches. Thus a nine coach 19* is made u! of three units having one !ower car at each end and one at the middle. The rakes in 9umbai 9umbai run run on direct current current while those elsewhere use alternating current. current .Z-@[ ' standard coach is designed to accommodate E@ seated !assengers but the actual number of !assengers can easily double or tri!le with standees during rush hour.
Acco**o'at"o# classes
,everal long trains are com!osed of two to three classes of travel such as a #st and -nd classes which have different !ricing systems for various amenities. The #st )lass refers to coaches with se!arate cabins coaches can be air+conditioned air+conditioned or non air+conditioned. air+conditioned. $urther other ') classes can have - or 2 tier berths with higher !rices for the former 2+tier non+') coaches or -nd class seating coaches which are !o!ular among !assengers !assengers going on shorter shorter journeys. In air+conditioned slee!er classes !assengers are !rovided with sheets !illows and blankets. blankets. 9eals and refreshments refreshments are !rovided to all all the !assengers of reserved reserved classes either through through the on+board !antry service or through s!ecial catering arrangements in trains without !antry car. *nreserved coach !assengers have o!tions of !urchasing from licensed vendors either on board or on the !latform of intermediate sto!s. The amenities de!end on the !o!ularity and length of the route. Javatories are communal and feature both the Indian style as well as the 7estern style. The following table lists the classes in o!eration. Got all classes may be attached to a rake though.
Class Descr"pt"o# The F"rst class AC0 This is the most e4!ensive class where the fares 1A are on !ar with airlines. /edding is included with the fare in IR. This
air conditioned coach is !resent only on !o!ular routes between metro!olitan metro!olitan cities and can carry #C !assengers. The coaches are car!eted have slee!ing accommodation and have !rivacy features like !ersonal cou!es. AC,T5o t"er0 'ir conditioned coaches with slee!ing berths am!le leg room curtains and individual reading lam!s. /erths are usually arranged in two tiers in bays of si4 four across the width of the coach then the gangway then two berths longways with curtains !rovided to give some !rivacy from those walking u! and down. /edding is included with the fare. ' broad gauge coach can carry 6C !assengers. F"rst class0 ,ame as #') without the air conditioning. This class is not very common. AC t)ree t"er0 'ir conditioned coaches with slee!ing berths. /erths are usually arranged as in -') but with three tiers across the width and two longways as before giving eight bays of eight. They are slightly less well a!!ointed usually no reading lights or curtained off gangways. /edding is included with fare. It carries @6 !assengers in broad gauge. AC t)ree t"er 7Eco#o*80 'ir conditioned coaches with slee!ing berths !resent in in &arib Rath Trains. Trains. /erths are usually usually arranged as in 2') but with three tiers across the width and three longways. They are slightly less well a!!ointed usually no reading lights or curtained off gangways. /edding is not included with fare. AC c)a"r car0 'n air+conditioned seater coach with a total of five seats in a row used for day travel between cities. E
accommodation with seats made of U#reser&e'0 The chea!est accommodation !ressed wood and are rarely cushioned. cushioned. 'lthough entry entry into the com!artment com!artment is guaranteed a sitting seat is not guaranteed. Tickets issued are valid on any train on the same route if boarded within -6 hours of buying the ticket. These coaches are usually very crowded.
't the rear of the train is a s!ecial com!artment known as the guard5s cabin. cabin. It is fitte fitted d with with a transceiver and and is where the guard usually gives the all clear signal before the train de!arts. ' standard !assenger rake generally has four general com!artments two at the front and two behind of which one is e4clusively for ladies. The e4act number varies according to the demand and the route. ' luggage com!artment can also e4ist at the front or the back. In some trains a se!arate mail com!artment is !resent. In long+distance trains a !antry car is is usually included in the centre.
Freight Rail
' single line rail bridge IR carries a huge variety of goods ranging from mineral ores fertili"ers and !etrochemicals !etrochemicals agricultural !roduce iron : steel multimodal traffic and others. Ports and major urban areas have their own dedicated freight lines and yards. 9any im!ortant freight sto!s have dedicated !latforms and inde!endent lines.
Indian Railways makes BF\ of its revenues and most of its !rofits from the freight sector and uses these !rofits to cross+subsidise the loss+making !assenger sector.
Recent changes have sought to boost the earnings from freight. ' !rivati"ation scheme scheme was introduced recently recently to im!rove im!rove the !erformance !erformance of freight trains. )om!anies are being allowed to run their own container trains. The first length of an ##FFF+kilometre ;@CFF mi= freight corridor linking India5s biggest cities has recently been a!!roved. The railways has increased load limits for the system5s -->FFF freight wagons by ##\ legali"ing something that was already ha!!ening. (ue to increase in manufacturing trans!ort in India that was augmented by the increase in fuel cost trans!ortation by rail became advantageous financially. Gew measures such as s!eeding u! the turnaround times have added some -6\ to freight revenues.
De'"cate' Fre":)t Corr"'or *nder the 1leventh $ive Mear Plan of Plan of India;-FFBD-F#-= India;-FFBD-F#-= 9inistry of Railways is constructing a new (edicated $reight )orridor ;($)= covering about -B@- route km long two routes + the 1astern )orridor from Judhiana to ,one Gagar and the 7estern )orridor from Kawaharlal Gehru Port at Ghava ,heva ,heva 9umbai 9umbai to to TughlakabadA(adri along with interlinking of two corridors at (adri (adri.. *!grading of trans!ortation technology increase in !roductivity and reduction in unit unit trans!ortation cost are the focus areas areas for the !roject. 'ccording to initial estimates estimates the !roject !roject would cost -F>FF crore ; crore ;*,] *,]6.6 6.6 billion=.
' new com!any L(edicated L(edicated $reight )orridor )or!oration of India Jimited;($))IJ=L Jimited;($))IJ=L designated as a Xs!ecial !ur!ose vehicleX has been created to undertake !lanning : develo!ment mobili"ation of financial
resources and construction maintenance and o!eration of the (edicated $reight )orridors. ($))IJ has been registered as a com!any under the )om!anies 'ct #E>@ on 2F %ctober -FF@. Rail budget and finances The Railway /udget deals with !lanned infrastructure e4!enditure on the railways as well as with the o!erating revenue and e4!enditure for the u!coming fiscal years the !ublic elements of which are usually the induction and im!rovement of e4isting trains and routes !lanned investment in new and e4isting infrastructure elements elements and the tariff for freight and !assenger travel. The Parliament Parliament discusses discusses the !olicies and allocations !ro!osed in the budget. budget. The budget needs needs to be !assed by a sim!le sim!le majority in the Jok ,abha ;Jower ,abha ;Jower
dividend obligations to the government government with ;unaudited= o!erating !rofits Z6F[ going u! substantially. The railway re!orted a cash sur!lus of EFF crore ;*,] *,]#E>.2 #E>.2 million= in -FF> #6FFF crore crore ; ;*,] *,]2 2 billion= in -FF@ -FFFF crore ; crore ;*,] *,]6.2 6.2 billion= in -FFB and ->FFF crore crore ; ;*,] *,]>.6 >.6 billion= for the -FFB+-FFC fiscal year. Its o!erating ratio im!roved to B@\ while in the last four years years its !lan si"e si"e increased from #2FFF crore crore ; ;*,] *,]-.C -.C billion= to 2FFFF crore crore ; ;*,] *,]@.> @.> billion=. The !ro!osed investment for the -FFC+-FFE fiscal year is 2B>FF crore crore ; ;*,] *,]C.# C.# billion= -#\ more than for the !revious fiscal year. /udget 1stimates+-FFC for $reight Passenger ,undry other 1arnings and other )oaching )oaching 1arnings 1arnings have been ke!t at >-BFF crore ;*,] *,]##.6 ##.6 billion= -#@C# crore crore ; ;*,] *,]6.B 6.B billion= >FFF crore crore ; ;*,] *,]#.# #.# billion= and -6-F crore crore ; ;*,] *,]>->.# >->.# million= res!ectively. 9aintaining an overall double digit growth &ross Traffic 1arnings have been !rojected as E2#>E crore in -FFED#F ;#E.# billion *,( at current rate= e4ceeding the revised estimates estimates for the current current fiscal fiscal by #FB@@ crore crore ; ;*,] *,]-.2 -.2 billion=. 'round -F\ of the !assenger revenue is earned from the u!!er class segments of the !assenger segment ;the air+conditioned classes=. The ,i4th Pay )ommission was constituted by the &overnment of India in -FF> to review the !ay structure of government em!loyees and submitted its recommendations in '!ril -FFC. /ased on its recommendations the salaries of all Railways officers and staff were to be revised with retros!ective effect w.e.f. Kanuary # -FF@ resulting in an e4!enditure of over #2FFF crore crore ; ;*,] *,]-.C -.C billion= in -FFC+FE and #6FFF crore crore ; ;*,] *,]2 2 billion= in -FFED#F. -FFED#F. )onsequently )onsequently staff costs have risen from from 66\ of ordinary working e4!enses to >-\.
's mo most st of the the bu busi sine ness ss do docu cume ment ntat atio ion n work workss thro throug ugh h com! com!ut uter er therefore this is useful for railway lines. The !ur!ose of com!uteri"ation is basi basicc need need for for orga organi ni"a "ati tion onss at this this time time beca becaus usee it is hel! hel!fu full to decrease the lot of mistakes which are comes through manual work and redu reducce the the cal calcul culati ation gra!h ra!h thatX hatXss why why such such mod odif ific icat atiion : im!rovement im!rovement is nothing but com!uteri"ation in India. This !roject focuses on how we can maintain the all transaction like Reservatio Reservation n of !assenger !assengers. s. 't this this time time !rojec !rojectt is develo develo!ed !ed only for single user and my future future sco!e is to add all o!erations regarding regarding multi multi user so as to connect all Reservation counters with each other to find out the any transaction and records of any train and also we can find out the current information of any train.
This !roject is one of the modules of RAILAY RESERATION SYSTE-J . 7e have taken different forms and try to cover or fulfill all the requirements of the R'IJ7'M R1,1R8'TI%G.
This !roject is hel!ful for Railway reservation which deals with reserving tickets for different categories and maintains their database.
The !roject on railway reservation is like a challenge for us which we acce!ted : com!leted com!leted with the best of our efforts knowledge knowledge : skills.
Information Information Practices D ;,umita 'rora=
8isual /asic @.F D ;&ary )ornell=
8/ @.F Programming /lack /ook D ;,teven
9, D 'ccess