Academic Projects in, Mini or Major Projects We at Raksha Infotech provide you best solution for your Academic projects. Academic Projects, Project training and consultation fo...Full description
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Software Requirements Specification For ONLINE RAILWAY RESERVATION SYSTEM The purpose of this source is to describe the railway reservation system which provides the train timing details, …Full description
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The objective of RTS Project is to design software to fully automate the process of issuing a railway ticket.Full description
bus reservation system finalFull description
it is a project on DBMS database s/wFull description
c++Full description
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Project on Bus Reservation System... With Code In The Project Report.........Full description
Student Bus System Route, Ticket Pass Fees , Route Time, Bus Number
The main objective of the Railway Ticket Reservation system is to manage the details of Booking, Timetable, Fare, Stations,Trains. It manages all the information about Booking, Customers, Tr…Full description
The main objective of the Bus Ticket Booking System is to manage the details of Bus,Ticket,Booking,Agent,Seats. It manages all the information about Bus, Customer, Seats, Bus. The project is totall...
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The online bus ticket reservation system will be designed based on relational databases.
SCOPE: The customer will be able to book the tickets by visiting the nearest booking counters at their place to the respective destination as required. An authorised staff will be able to log in and register a customer and then book the tickets.
A database will be maintained where the bus details along with the bus number, route, the places it covers throughout the distance and the timings are registered. Customer details entered at the time of booking need to be stored in the database so that the company can track the details of the customers later. Employee details to be maintained in a database. Only an employee can book a ticket with the username and password. The list that is to be maintained is personal details, contact details, location, qualification, age. There will be option for cancelling the ticket, such that, if cancelled before 2 days then all money is refundable. If one day before, then15% is debited from the total amount and the remaining amount is refunded and if done on that day 30% is debited from the total amount and the remaining is to be refunded. The system will be configured to capture this functionality. After the ticket is booked, user will be able to print the ticket, including the details like age, name, Date and time for which the ticket is booked and as well the destination and Starting locations and the charges for the ticket including the taxes.
PROBLEM STATEMENT: XYZ LTD. is a domestic transportation company that runs the vehicles all over the country. They have several branches at different locations of the country, so that they can provide the transportation facilities between the places. They want a desktop application to be developed, where the details of the bookings done and the customer will be updated from time to time and user can track the details of the available seats immediately. ERD OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM:
The Fare(price) depends on age and can be changed because of that
SCREENSHOTS OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM: Below illustrates the working of the proposed system