News Portal Report

Author:  navneet664

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Complete project details with full project source code and database visit at: This project Online News …Full description

The user can Search the job and and upload the Resume , and the job provider can see the information of job seeker.Full description

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The report of the two-member subcommittee comprising Paranjoy Guha Thakurta and K. Sreenivas Reddy set up by the Press Council of India (PCI) to examine the Paid News scandal which was originally s...

We have developed this project for a news site, where user can manage the news. The main objective for developing this project is to provide such a platform for a news agency to publish the news on...

We have developed this project for a news site, where user can manage the news. The main objective for developing this project is to provide such a platform for a news agency to publish the …Full description

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Description : News headlines

news values in journalism

News WritingFull description