Domestic Data Enrty Operat or Question Bank
Table of content 1. Exam Detail………………………………………….Page no.3 2. Typing Test…………………………………………..Pag Test…………………………………………..Page e no.5 3. Data Entry Test……………………… Test…………………………………....Page …………....Page no.10 no.10 4. English……………………………………………….. . page no.12 5. Work Management………………………………Page no 53 . !ealth "
Table of content 1. Exam Detail………………………………………….Page no.3 2. Typing Test…………………………………………..Pag Test…………………………………………..Page e no.5 3. Data Entry Test……………………… Test…………………………………....Page …………....Page no.10 no.10 4. English……………………………………………….. . page no.12 5. Work Management………………………………Page no 53 . !ealth "
#a$ety……………………………………Page no. %. &asi' 'omp(ter )itera'y………………………Page no.*2 *. Data entry operator theory………………… Page no. 100
Exam Detail Domestic data entry operator course exam divide in 7 section, typing test, data entry test, English test, work management test, health and safety test, basic computer literacy test and data entry operator theory test Each section test detail given below:
S.o. !odule ame & ' ) + 7
"yping "est Data entry "est English -ork !anagement /ealth 0 Safety 1asic 2omputer 3itercy Data Entry 4perator "heory
"ime #!inutes$ 7 '( &* &( &( & &*
"otal %uestions ' ' &+ * && &7 &*
Typing Test Modul e
NoofQuest i ons Tot alTi me
Typi ngTest :
2 7Mi nut es
Mi ni mum no.ofquest i onst obeat t empt ed :2 You wi l laut omat i cal l yber edi r ect ed t ot henextpageaf t er1 mi n.Pl easecl i ck next onceyouhaver eadt hei nf ormat i on.Thi st i mei snotpartoft het ot alt estt i me.
Modul eDi r ect i ons Thi st estwi l lassessyourt ypi ngski l l s.Sent encesandpar agr aphsar epr ovi dedaspar t oft het ypi ngt est .I tcompr i sesof2quest i onst obeat t empt edi n7mi nut es.Pl easenot t hatt hesent enceasf i rs tquest i on i sonl yf orpr act i ce,andwi l lnotbeeval uat ed. You wi l laut omat i cal l yber edi r ect ed t ot henextpageaf t er1 mi n.Pl easecl i ck Next onceyouhaver eadt hei nf ormat i on.Thi st i mei snotpartoft het ot alt estt i me.
Pr at i ceoft ypi ngt hesepr ovi dedsent ancesont ypi ngsof t war el i ket ypi ngmast er
Di r ect i ons: Type t he gi ven sent ence i nt he space provi ded bel ow.One mi nut ei s provi ded f ort hi squest i on.Pl easenotet hatt hi sl i nei sonl yf orpracti ce,and wi l lnot beeval uat ed. 1Ques t i on:Manyeconomi st saredoubt f ul .Theyt hi nkt heFedi sl essc oncer nedwi t h bubbl est hanwi t hspur r i ngeconomi cgr owt h. 2Quest i on:Theworkl oad f orai rt r affi ccont r ol l erswi l li ncr easet r emendousl ywhen t het i mel i mi tgoesi nt oeffecti nApri l ,Churchsai d. 3Quest i on:Thei nt r oduct i on ofnat i onalt el evi si on meantt hatf ort hef i r stt i mei n hi st ory ,peopl ei neverycorneroft hecount r ywerewat chi ngt hesamet hi ngatexact l y t hes amemoment . 4Ques t i on:Wechosekeyst onef oral ongweekendf ami l yr euni on on snow becausei t wasconveni entt odenverandof f er edsome t hi ngf oral lt heki ds,aswel last headul t s i nourgr oup.
Di r ect i ons: A passagewi t h speci alcharact ersi sgi ven bel ow.Ki ndl yt ypet hepassage i nt hespacepr ovi ded.Assoon asyou f i ni sh t ypi ng,got ot henextquest i on.Donot spend t i me proof r eadi ng whatyou have t yped as t he sect i on measur es bot h your t ypi ng speed and accur acy. Ti me l i mi t of 6 mi nut es i s gi ven f or t ypi ng t he passage. 1Ques t i on:Fi l loutI RS For m 9465andt heI RS wi l lr espondi n about30days.Read
the instr('tions 'are$(lly +e'a(se there,s a lot o$ in$ormation in there that may pertain t oyou.Forexampl e,you maybequal i f yi ngf orguarant eedaccept ancei fyou
meetcert ai n cr i t eri a;al so, i fyou can pay wi t hi n 120 days, you can avoi dt he agre ementf ee
-105 / 52 i$ yo( 0o(l1,e pai ia ele'troni' e+its. The interest rate the # 'harge i st ypi cal l yt heFeder alshort t erm r at epl us3% andi supdat edquart erl y .I fyou want t hepar t i alpaymentopt i on,f i l loutFr om 9465asnormalandt henf i l loutForm 433A, Col l ect i onI nf ormat i onSt at ement#12345.Dt :8. 22.Cont a ctbr i es_164@t hyr . gf d. 2Quest i on:TheBi enni alspanst hr eef l oor s6 mor ewhen count i nganear l yy ear l ong show ofpermanent col l ect i on worksbyart i st sf eat ur ed i n past ,i n cel ecbr at i on oft he t h sho,s %5 year. 7ran'es'o &onami -this year,s 'o cur at or)br okei tdown f orus: f l o o r$o(r is 8spe'ta'le9: three is 8ieo9 an to is 8'reepy9. We are meant to 'hoose ourown path,butt hemostconveni entappr oachi st ot aket heel evat ort ot he f our t hf l oor andwal k,down.Muchoft hearther ei ssmal landt epi d.Thi svi ew seemedrei nf orc ed si;e repli'a o$ the 8
s: 20109. 3Ques t i on:Thi sr ese ar chpaperdi scussesandanal yz est hepos t humousResGest ae, oraccountofhi sst ewardshi pi noffi ce,l ef tbyt heEmper orCaesarAugust us( B. C.63 A. D.14)Accor di ng to +r(nt " oore: 8it may +e o(+te i$ 'ontemporaries ere m('h
impresse ith his 'laim to 'lemen'y.9 !e skips oer the etails o$ the 'onstit(tional
settlement o$ &.?. 2%. !e merely says in para: 34 that@ 8 trans$erre -the rep(+li'3 f r om my own cont r ol to the ill o$ the senate an the oman people. 8pg. 120: #134.
4 Ques t i on: Tropi'al ?y'lone Tomas +attere 7i Ai s northem islans on eni ngwi t hgust sofupt o275km/h ( 170mph)andheavyr ai n,butweat her Mon1ay ev eports o$ amage. 8The 'losest it ill 'ome offi ci al shad not r ecei ved i mmedi at er is 200 km -124 miles to the east o$ #(a:9 sai =lipate WaB(ai'el(a: $ore'aster $or the Ca1i Tropi calCycl one Cent er .St i l l ,t he st or m i nundat ed t he capi t alwi t h heavyr ai n and st r ong wi nds.School s have been or der ed cl osed t i l lThur sday,and banks wer e ,
sho(ttere till T(esay: sai resient Moses WaB(aonoono. 8#B(atter ho(ses e be en bl own away i n t he gust i ng wi nds, wi t h 49% of st r onger st r uct ur es ha
st i l lremaining9 he sai1.
Data Entry Test In this Section you fill data in a form Form like this type
English Modul e
NoofQuest i ons Tot alTi me
Engl i sh :
16 18Mi nut es
Mi ni mum no.ofques t i onst obeat t empt ed :8 Youwi l laut omat i cal l yber edi r ect edt ot henextpageaf t er1mi n.Pl easecl i cknext onceyouhavereadt hei nf ormat i on.Thi st i mei snotpartoft het ot alt estt i me.
Modul eDi r ect i ons
This test ill assess the 'aniate,s knolege an (nerstaning o$ English. There are t ot alof16 quest i ons i nt hi s sect i on whi ch have t o be answer ed i n 25 mi nut es.For e ach quest i on,t her e are t wo ormor e choi ces outofwhi ch onl y one c hoi c ei sc or r e c t .A di r ect i on i si ncl uded wi t h each quest i on.Al lquest i onshavet obeanswer ed and you cannotr evi ew anyques t i on,onceyouhavemovedont ot henextquest i on. You wi l laut omat i cal l yber edi r ect ed t ot henextpageaf t er1 mi n.Pl easecl i ck next onceyouhaver eadt hei nf ormat i on.Thi st i mei snotpartoft het ot alt estt i me.
Di r e c t i ons : Fi l li nt hebl ank 1-Ihel pyou? A.Need B.Musthave C.Canhave D.May ( corr ect ) 2Weof f ert hebestservi ces-ourcust omers. A.To ( c or r e ct ) B.On C.By D.Of 3Forl at es ti nf or mat i on,pl e as ev i s i twe bs i t e. A.Us B.They C.Our( corr ect ) D.Mi ne 4yous at i s f i e dwi t ht hequal i t yofours er v i c es ? A.Do B.Ar e( c or r e ct ) C.Di d D.How 5I nf orm meaf t eryourest art edt hesyst em. A.Hadbeen B.Had C.Havebeen D.Have ( corr ect )
……………not happy ith yo(r seri'es. A.I s B.Am C.Has D.Have
( corr ect )
7 ?an yo( please……………… yo(r B(estionD
A.Remi nd B.Al l ow C.Repeat D.St i ck
( corr ect )
8 …………………..ass(re yo( t hatt hi si st hebestsol ut i on t ot heprobl em. A.May B.Can C.Need
( corr ect )
D.Mi ght
This is the +est B(ote e 'an oFer $or…………….reB(irement. A.Your B.Us C.Them D.Mi ne
( cor r ect )
10 ……………………is yo(r (sernameD A.When B.Whom C.What D.Why
( corr ect )
11 Thank yo( so m('h $or letting (s………….a+o(t this iss(e. A.Know B.Knew C.Known D.Knows
( cor r ect )
12 ……………..not re'eie yo(r email yet. A. Has B. Was C.Am D.Have
( corr ect )
13 What kin…………….seri'es are yo( looking $ orD A.At B.I nof C.Of ( corr ect) D.For
14 Go(r 'all…………….important to (s.
A.I s ( cor r ect ) B.Ar e C.Wher e D.Have
15 Go(r 'all……………….re'ore $or B(ality improement p(rpose. A.Wer e B.=re C.Was D.Has ,
( corr ect )
1 ………………..yo( rite an email stating all the iss(esD A.Does B.Di d C.Ar e D.Why
( corr ect )
1% ill trans$er yo(r 'all to…….manger. A.Mi ne B.Me C.Myse l f D.My ( corr ect )
1* Go( ill +e 'harge a …………….$ee o$ 5s.30Hmonth. A.Ti ny B.Sl i ght C.Nomi nal D.Bar gai n
( corr ect )
1 Go(r $ee+a'k is……………… (s. A.I mpor t ant B.Bet t er C.Mat t er D.Enough
( cor r ect )
20 $ this o$$er 1oesn,t s(it yo(: yo( 'an………………… a +etter option. A.Si gn B.Swi t ch C.Shut D.St art
( corr ect )
21 ?an yo( please…………….yo(r B(estionD A.Remi nd B.Al l ow C.Repeat D.St i ck
( corr ect )
Di r ect i ons: Whati st heopposi t eoft hegi venword? 1Cont i nue( OPPOSI TE) A.Gi ve B.St op C.Push D.Get
( corr ect )
2Agr ee( OPPOSI TE) A.Hat e B.St op C.Ref use D.Repeat
( corr ect )
3 Benef i t( OPPOSI TE) A.Di sadvant age B.Di ffi cul t y
( cor r ect )
C.Di f f erence D.Di vi si on 4 Separ at e( OPPOSI TE) A.Gi ve B.Joi n C.Lose D.Show
( corr ect)
5 Acc ept( OPPOSI TE) A.Rever t
B.Gai n C.Use D.Rej ect
( corr ect)
Di r ct i ons:Whati st hemeani ngoft hegi venwor d?
1 Creat e A.Gi ve B.Make C.St op D.Repl y
( cor r ect )
2 Pr ef erence A.Sol ut i on B.Connect i on C.Choi ce ( corr ect ) D.Di f f erence 3Appr opr i at e A.Sui t abl e B.Fr equent C.Common D.Cost l y
( cor r ect )
4Ve r i f y A.Ref use B.Conf i rm C.Gi ve D.Pi ck
( corr ect)
Di r ect i ons:Readt hegi venpassageandanswert hequest i ongi venbel ow Passage: Onl i nechathast r adi t i onal l ybeenusedt omakef r i endsors t ayi n cont actwi t ht hem, buti tqui ckl yeme r gedasaneffect i vet oolf orbusi nesscommuni cat i on.I tenabl esyou t oc hatwi t hc l i e nt s ,c ol l e ag ue sandy ourbos s.I ti sf ast ,c os t e f f e ct i v eandbe s to fal l ,i t f unct i onsi nr ealt i me. You shoul dest abl i sh adedi cat ed account ,di st i nctf r om yourper sonalchataccount ,
$or +(siness 'hat. This ill ens(re that yo( 1on,t hae any 'lients harassing yo(
at home and i t wi l lal so prevent any embarr assi ng mi xups at t he offi ce .When
choosi ngani'kname or (ser name: aoi yo(th$(l ones: s('h as 8'ool (e 249 or 8pink la1y l i ke and 1.9 n orer to maintain yo(r pro$essional ainty: keep it +(siness si mpl e. Yourmai n goali st o hel pt he cust ome r .Assi s t ance mi ghtbe needed wi t h var i ous t hi ngs:pl aci ng an order :set t i ng up,f i xi ng or repl aci ng a pr oductschedul i ng an appoi nt ment ,et c.usepreci seand si mpl equest i onswhi l edeal i ngwi t ht hecust omer . Avoi dt ypi ng er r or and use pr oper spel l i ng.The best way t o wn hear t s ofyour cust omer si st ocl oset hei rc asesdur i ngonechat ,wi t houthavi ngt hem t ocomeback seve r al t i mes and go over t he same ques t i ons agi ng.Never l eave t he cust omer unanswer ed. Res t r ai nf r om comment s and own opi ni ons,keep t he sar casm f or your sel f .I nst eadofi nf l ami ngt hesi t uat i on,t r yt ocal m downt heangr yper sondont he ot hersi de. 1 Ques t i on: Whati st hemai nt hemeoft hepass age? A.Maki ngf r i endst hr oughchatsessi ons B.Maki ngmoneyt hr oughchatse ss i ons C.Support i ngcust omer st hr oughchatsessi ons D.Sel l i ngpr oduct st hr oughchatsessi ons
( cor r ect )
2 Ques t i on: Whatki ndofassi st ancec annotbepr ovi dedove rchat ? A.Li vedemons t r at i onofoperat i ngadevi ce ( corr ect) B.Gi vi ngi nst ruct i onsofi nst al l i ng asof t ware C.Fi xi ng upat i mef ormeet i ng D.Expl ai ni ngt hepr ocedur eofbuyi ng abookonl i ne
Di r ect i ons: Readt hegi venpassageandanswert hequest i ongi venbel ow Passage: Themast er yofcust ome rser vi cecanme ant hedi f f er encebet weensuccessandf ai l ur e. The t r end ofr at i ng cust ome rser vi ce i s a necessi t y.Cust ome r s ar e mor e wi l l i ng t o f orgi vea productf ai l uret han a servi cef ai l ur e.I fat t r act i ngcust omersi si mport ant , t hen i mpr ovi ngcust omerser vi cemustbenece ssar y .When cust omer sar enott r eat ed accordi ngt othei rexpect at i ons,t heywi l lst op usi ngyourproduct sorservi ces.They wi l levent el lmanyot herpeopl eaboutt hei rbadexper i ence.
The B(estion then +e'omes not hether yo(r 'ompany,s seri'e stanar has to +e i mpr ovedornot ,buthow i twoul dbedone.Thi si sbecauseexce l l encei ncust omer ser vi cei sbecomi ngveryusef uli n ever yi ndust r y .Byt horoughl yunder st andi ngyour
'(stomers, al(es: yo( 'an properly ienti$y hat they ant. E$$e'tie 'omm(ni'ation
t echni ques arecri t i calf orcust omersat i sf act i on.Devel opi ngeef f ect i ve maet hodsf or handi ngcompl ai nt sandmast eri ngdi ffi cul tsi t uat i onswi l lal l ow yout omakeaposi t i ve
impa't (ring the I?>?=) MJMECT9. Go( sho(l s(e simple lang(age $or
communi cat i ngasf araspossi bl eandavoi dt heuseoft echni calt erms.Li st eni ngski l l s
are also important. Go( sho(l +e a+le to ienti$y the '(stomer,s leel o$ $r(stration
he l anguage adopt ed by hi m/her . You shoul d know how t o manage +y t abusi ve cust omer s and di spl ay cour t esy and prof ess i onal i sm. You must underst and t he pr obl emsf acedbyyourcust omer sandgi vet hem cl eari nst r uct i onssoast ohel pt hem sol vet hei rprobl ems.Thi si st hekeyt oasuccessf ulcust omerser vi ce. 1 Ques t i on: What paragraph mean?
oes the
A.Expandi ngyourbusi ness B.Learni ngprof essi onal i sm C.I mprovi ngt hepr oduct sofyourcompany D.Ef f ect i vei nt eract i on wi t hcust omers ( correct ) 2 Ques t i on: I nt hepassage,whi chamongs tt hef ol l owi nghasnotbeenment i onedas amet hodt oi mpr ovet hecust omerser vi ce? A.Li st eni ngpr oper l yt ot hecust ome r B.Gi vi ngcl eari nst ruct i onst ot hecust omer ( correct ) C.Usi ngt echni call anguagewhi l et al ki ngt ot hecust omer D.Managi ngabusi vecust omer swi t hcour t es y
3 Ques t i on: Acc or di ng t ot he pass age,whatdo t he cust omer s do i ft hey ar e not t reat edaccordi ngt ot hei rexpect at i ons? A. They stop (sing the 'ompany,s pro1('ts an1 seri'es B.Theyabuset hei rcust omercareexecut i ves C.Theyst opcal l i ngatt hecust omercarecent r e D.Theydemandt hei rmoneyback
( c o r r e c t )
4 Ques t i on: Whatdoyout hi nki st hemai nt hemeoft hi spass age? A.Communi cat i onski l l s B.Cust omerf ocus ( corr ect ) C.Typesofcust omer s D.Prof essi onal i sm 5 Quest i on:whi choft hef ol l owi ngmakesonl i nechatmor eadvant aget hanphonecal l s? A.I ti saf ast erwayofcommuni cat i ngoverl ongdi st ance B.I tdoesnotr evealt heemot i onsofpeopl ewhoar ei nt eract i ng C.Chatmessagecannotbei gnor edunl i kephonec al l s
( corr ect )
D.Cl i ent scannotharesexecut i vesoveronl i nechat 6 Ques t i ons: Why hasi tbeen suggest ed t hatoneshoud cr eat ea separ at eaccountf orbusi ness chat? A.Toavoi dget t i ngt oomanychatmessages B.Tokeepyourf r i endsawayf r om offi cewor k C.Topr eventanyembar r assi ngmi xupsatwor kpl ace D.Tobei nt ouchwi t hyourbossatal lt i mes
( cor r ect )
Extra Questions Articles Questions and Answers D56E2"54S :Fill in the bl anks with correct Articles !"ew #ork is $$$$$ large city A a 1. an 2. the D. no article nswer = %Are you attending $$$$$ reception today . a 1. an & the D. no article nswer ? '$$$$$ (ranges are grown in "agpur . a 1. an 2. the D no article nswer D )She wants to become $$$$$ engineer . a * an 2. the D. no article
nswer & +$$$$$ lion is a ferocious animal . a 1. an & the D. no article
nswer ? ,$$$$$ unit means a measurement . a 1. an 2. no article D the nswer D - .e is $$$$$ honest official A a 1. an 2. the D. no article nswer =
/Ta0 mahal is built of $$$$$ marble . a 1. an 2. the D no article nswer D 1
.e is $$$$$ European . an * a 2. no article D. the nswer &
3et us play $$$$$ chess
A no article 1. a 2. an D. the nswer = !!I go to 4adurai by $$$$$ 5aigai Express . a 1. an 2. some D the nswer D !%.e hopes to 0oin $$$$$ uni6ersity soon A a 1. an 2. the D. no article nswer = !'3et us go to a restaurant and ha6e $$$$$ coffee A a 1. an 2. the D. no article nswer = !) It is $$$$$$ absurd story A an 1. a 2. no article D. the nswer = !+ I want to eat $$$$$ apple . no article 1. a & an D. the nswer ? !,$$$$$ 7andiyan Express is 6ery popular
. a 1. an 2. no article D the nswer D !-India will become $$$$$ super power shortly A a 1. an 2. the D. some nswer = !/8am was $$$$$ best student in the class . a 1. an & the D. no article
nswer ? !17lease gi6e me $$$$$ useful gift . an * a 2. no article D. the nswer & %2$$$$$ apples I bought are sour . no article 1. a 2. an D the nswer D %!The thief was sent to $$$$$ prison . a 1. an 2. no article D the nswer D %%$$$$$ meat you cooked tasted good . a 1. an & the D. no article
nswer ? %'(ur city will ha6e $$$$$ uni6ersity soon A a 1. an 2. the D. no article nswer = %)$$$$$ elephant is a 6egetarian
. an 1. a 2. no article D the nswer D %+This is $$$$$ car I bought yesterday . no article 1. a 2. an D the nswer D
"ouns Questions and Answers D56E2"54S : &hanging "ouns into 6erbs ! Application . applicant * apply 2. appliance D. applicable nswer & %
3ayer . lie 1. lair & lay D. layering nswer ?
4o6ement A mo6e 1. mo6able 2. mo6ingly D. mo6ably nswer =
Isolation . isolating 1. isolatingly 2. isolati6e D isolate nswer D
Thrill A thrill 1. thriller 2. thrilling D. thrillingly nswer = 8espect . respectful * respect 2. respecting D. respecti6e nswer &
&ompetition . complete * compete 2. competene D. competence
nswer & /
3ikelihood . liken 1. likely & like D. likeable nswer ?
Tune . tuner 1. tuneful 2. tuningly D tune nswer D
Selection . selecti6e * select 2. selection
D. selecti6ely nswer & Intention . intension * intent 2. intensity D. intention nswer & Elusion A elude 1. elusi6e 2. elusory D. elusi6eness nswer = Accord . according * accord 2. accordant D. accordance nswer &
Entrance A enter 1. entrant 2. entry D. entertain nswer = 8esponse
. resonsi6e 1. respondent & respond D. responsibility nswer ? 8esistance . resisti6e * resist 2. resistibility D. resistless nswer & Selection A select 1. selecti6e 2. selecti6ely D. selectingly nswer =
9nowledge . known 1. knowing 2. knowingly D know nswer D
confusion . confusi6e * confuse 2. confess D. confusedly nswer &
:o6ernment A go6ern 1. go6ernance 2. go6erness D. go6erning nswer = E6olution A e6ol6e 1. e6olute 2. e6oluti6e D. e6olution nswer = 4arriage . marry 1. marital 2. marriable D marriageable nswer D 7ersonification . person
* personify 2. personifer D. none of these nswer & %)
Desertion . dessert * desert 2. desertion D. dessertate nswer &
&ompetition A compete 1. complete 2. competent D. competence nswer =
Find opposite word We are presenting 25 K(estions in 7orm o$ K(i; 1.=>TJCJMG -a #(+missieness -+ Depenen'e -' #(+orination - #laery 2. #!=))JW -a !igh -+ Deep -' !ien - !ollo 3. JLET -a Deep -+ #hallo. -' #e'ret
- (nritten 4. =??JD -a #ol(tion -+='t
-' Dissent - ?on'or 5. =)LE -a Passie -+ Dea -' =sleep - Drosy . #GCT!ET? -a ?osmeti' -+ Plasti' -' =Fa+le - Cat(ral %. PE?=J> # -a Dangero(s -+ ?a(tio(s -' #a$e - Easy *. DEEP -a Elementary -+ #hallo -' #(per$i'ial - Per$(n'tory . )ECD -a !ire -+ Pan -' ?heat - &orro
10. P=>?TG -a #(rpl(s -+ #'ar'ity -' Presen'e - i'hness
-e Want 11. MCJ -a !eay -+ Tall -' MaAor - &ig 12. =PPJP=TE -a >nskille -+ >ns(ita+le -' >nB(alie - >na+le 13. JP=K>E -a Misty -+ ?oere -' ?lear - Transparent 14.>T!)E ## -a Min$(l -+ ?ompassionate -' MaAesti' - Mer'i$(l 15. LJ)ECT -a Tame -+ !(m+le -'
-' =+(nan'e - #(N'ien'y 1%. T=C#P=ECT -a ?olo(re
-+ ?hillike -+ JpaB(e - mminent 1*. EO!&T -a ?on'eal -+ Preent -' Withra - ?on'ee 1. !=>E -a Li'e -+ 7ra( -' Wi'keness - ?rime 21. E>DTE -a Pro$essional -+ mmat(re -' >nimaginatie - gnorant 22.=?K>TT ED -a Entr(ste -+
?oni'te -' &(rene - 7ree 23.)=?JC ? -a Prolix -+ Proigate -' Proli$i' - &('oli'
24.=J)> TE -a #'ar'e -+ )imite -' 7a(lty - De$i'ient 25.M=
:erunds Questions and Answers D56E2"54S : Find in the blanks with gerunds ! *oys like $$$$$ foot ball A playing 1. to playing 2. to played D. to be playing nswer = %Suganya is not capable of $$$$$$ hard w ork . do * doing 2. to be doing D. to be done nswer & '
They cannot stop $$$$$ . sing 1. sings & singing D. be singing nswer ?
) (n Sundays I go $$$$$ . fish 1. to fish 2. fishes D fishing nswer D +I remember $$$$$ you last year . meet 1. met & meeting D. to meet
nswer ? ,She felt an insect $$$$$ around . to fly 1. to be flying & flying D. fly nswer ? -The boys were punished for $$$$$ late . came 1. to come 2. to coming D coming nswer D /It is a common sight to see youngsters $$$$$ ;unk food . eat 1. to eat & eating D. is eating
nswer ? 1She ser6ant afraid of $$$$$ the master . disobey 1. disobeyed & disobeying D. be disobeying
nswer ? !2$$$$$ to many places enriches our knowledge . tra6el 1. to tra6el 2. tra6elled D tra6elling nswer D !! $$$$$ dogs do not bite . to bark 1. bark & barking D. is bark
nswer ? !%
nswer ? !'I detest $$$$$ in public places . smoke * smoking 2. smoked D. be smoking nswer & !)
I am a6erse to $$$$$ . drink 1. drunk 2. to be drink D drinking nswer D
!+Do you mind $$$$$ the window A closing 1. to closing 2. closed D. close nswer = !,$$$$$ away one=s time in an art A idling 1. idled 2. to idle D. be idling nswer =
I saw her $$$$$$ . dance * dancing 2. to dance D. is dancing nswer &
!/She is not interested in $$$$$ sw eets . eat 1. eaten & eating D. to be eating
nswer ? !1She felt an insect $$$$$ around . fly * flying 2. to fly D. to flying nswer & %2 .e went on $$$$$ foolishly . spoke 1. to speaking
& speaking D. speaks nswer ? I prefer $$$$$ by air . to be going 1. to gone & going D. to going
nswer ? %%3ock the door before $$$$$ out . go 1. be going 2. gone D going nswer D %' A drinking 1. drink 2. drinks D. drunk nswer =
Ad0ecti6e Questions and Answers D56E2"54S :Find out the Ad0ecti6e ! Season . seasonal 1. seasoning 2. seasonable D seasoned nswer D %
Affection . affect * affectionate 2. affectingly D. affectionately nswer &
&olour . coloury 1. colouring & colourless D. colourist nswer ?
Slow A slow 1. slowly 2. slowingly D. none of these nswer =
7arliament . parley 1. parliamentarian & parliamentary D. parleyed nswer ? *asis A basic 1. basically 2. basement D. basil nswer =
Thank . thankingly * thankfully thankfully 2. thankful D. none of these nswer &
Despair . despairing 1. despairingly & desperate D. none of these
nswer ? 1
:audiness . gaudy 1. gaud 2. gaudin D gaudily nswer D
&are . carelessness * careful 2. caringly D. carfulness nswer & Direct A directly 1. directfully 2. directi6ely D. directingly nswer =
.istory . historically * historical 2. histrionics D. histrionic nswer &
.abit . habitat 1. habitually & habitual D. habitable nswer ?
3audation A laud 1. laudable 2. lauding D. laudably nswer =
Diplomacy . Diploma * diplomatic 2. diplomat D. diplomatically nswer & Explosion . explorer 1. exploration & explosi6e D. explorati6e nswer ?
Despair A desperate 1. despairing 2. despairingly D. none of these
nswer = !/
7arliament . parley 1. parleyed & parliamentary D. parliamentarian nswer ?
Absurdity . absurdly * absurd 2. absurdingly D. none of these nswer &
Talk . talking 1. talker 2. talks D talkacti6e nswer D Affect . affection 1. affectedly 2. affectfully D affectingly nswer D
#outh . youths 1. youthfully 2. youthfull D none of these nswer D
8estriction . restrict 1. restricti6e & restricted D. none of these nswer ?
Exhaustion A exhausted 1. exhausti6e 2. exhausting D. exhaust nswer =
Experiment A experimental 1. experimentally 2. experimenter D. experimentation nswer =
.omophones Questions and Answers D56E2"54S : Find in the blanks with correct .omophones ! The king died $$$$$ . hareless * heirless 2. hairless D. airless nswer & %7lease remo6e the $$$$$ . rid * reed 2. read D. redo nswer & ' 4y friend is a $$$$$ officer . na66al 1. na6el & na6al D. none of these nswer ? ).e $$$$$ well when he was at school . rote * wrote 2. rout D. route nswer & +
$$$$$ is a hea6y metal . led 1. lid
& lead D. none of these nswer ? , $$$$$ is an attracti6e flower . rows * rose 2. rouses D. none of these
nswer & -
4y sister cooks . raise 1. rose & rice D. rise nswer
? /It is not h ealthy to use hair . dice * dye 2. die
D. dyes nswer & 1A6oid $$$$$ eating for healthy li6ing . meet * meat 2. meate D. mete nswer & !2The $$$$$$ of a snow clad mountain is exciting . site 1. cite & sight D. none of these
nswer ? !,The $$$$$ of the cats are sharp A paws 1. pauses 2. pause D. none of these nswer = !- The $$$$$ is the east A sun 1. son 2. sin D. soon nswer = !/$$$$$ men command respect . wholly 1. holey 2. holley D holy nswer D !1It is good to eat orange $$$$$ also . peal * peels 2. peales D. none of these nswer & legal $$$$$$ is sheela A heir 1. hare 2. hair D. here nswer = %!$$$$$ lands ha6e no market . baxen * barren 2. baron D. barron
nswer & %%The ser6ant $$$$$ up the mat . roll 1. rolle & rolls D. role nswer ? %'The child is $$$$$$ young to go to school alone . to * too 2. two D. none nswer & %) $$$$$ him 6ery well . no 1. now & know D. none nswer ? %+8aman was $$$$$ by the English 9ing . nighted 1. nighed & knighted D. knigretted nswer ?
Infiniti6es Questions and Answers !Do you want $$$$$ a cup of tea> . takes * to take 2. take D. taking nswer & %India is planning $$$$$ many atomic plants to generate power . builds * to build 2. building D. be build nswer & 'Experiments are going on $$$$$ a remedy for diabetes . find 1. finds 2. finding D to find nswer D )Try $$$$$ as many languages as possible . learnt * to learn 2. learn D. learning nswer & + It is not easy $$$$$$ all people . please 1. pleasing 2. to be pleased D to please nswer D ,The bright sunlight caused the colour $$$$$ . fade 1. fading 2. to fade D. to be fade nswer & -
It is not fair $$$$$ girls A to tease 1. to teasing 2. to be teased D. to be teasing nswer =
1E6eryone wants $$$$$$ something great . achie6e * to achie6e 2. be achie6e D. achie6ing
nswer & !2It is safe $$$$ in the middle of the road> . walk 1. be walk & to walk D. to walking
nswer ? !!Selfish people will not come forward $$$$$$ others . help * to help 2. to helping D. to helped nswer & !%4y teacher came forward $$$$$$ me in studies . help 1. helping & to help D. is helpful
nswer ? !'$$$$$$ in the middle of th e road is dangerous . walk * to walk 2. to be walk D. walking nswer & !)
I like $$$$$ on 6iolin . play 1. playing 2. be playing D to play nswer D
!+4any women lo6e $$$$$$ delicacies . prepare * to prepare 2. preparing D. be prepared nswer & !,9ings in the past fought with one another $$$$$$ their territories . expand * to expand 2. expanding D. expanded
nswer & !-They are generous $$$$$$ 8s+2?222 towards the flood relief fund
A to donate 1. donate 2. donated D. donating nswer = !/It is ad6isable $$$$$ by train as it is safe . go 1. gone & to go D. to be gone
nswer ? !1Try $$$$ the work before sunset . complete 1. completion 2. completing D to complete nswer D %2#ou are ill and so I ad6ise you $$$$$ a doctor . see * to see 2. seeing D. to saw nswer & %!Don=t try $$$$$$ rich by @uestionable means . became * to become 2. to be become D. becoming nswer & %%&hildren are cle6er enough $$$$$ languages easily . pick up 1. picked up & to pick up D. to picked up nswer ? %'I want you $$$$$$ the work in an hour A to complete 1. to be complete 2. to completion D. to completed nswer = %)"o one wants $$$$$$ any opportunity of going abroad . miss * to miss 2. to missed D. to be missed nswer & %+The speaker wants all $$$$$$ of him
. listened * to listen 2. to be listening D. listening nswer &
Synonyms Questions and Answers D56E2"54S : Find in the blanks with correct Synonyms !The 7resident was gi6en a hearty welcome . cold * warm 2. warmly D. cordially nswer & %All that glitters are not gold . shining 1. bright 2. gleams D gleaming nswer D '7erhaps there are se6eral other bodies . a few 1. some & many D. a lot of
nswer ? )4ost of the neighbours @uarrel among themsel6es . chat * dispute 2. disputes D. altercation nswer & +;udges must not be partial . fairless 1. une@ual 2. fa6ouring D biased nswer D ,.e li6es in a spacious house . small * large 2. cramped D. limited nswer & -(ne should not pass indecent comments on others . bad 1. ugly & 6ulgar D. indelicately
nswer ? /I like only fictions not biographies . essays 1. fact & story D. reality
nswer ? 1This e6ening rains are probable . like * likely 2. presume D. clear nswer & !24other Terasa=s eyes lit up with her usual kind smile A warm 1. cruel 2. style D. sad nswer = !!Suddenly 8ani heard t he sound of water trickling A dripping 1. crawling 2. gushing D. pouring nswer = !%The roads should be repaired immediately . hastily * at once 2. belatedly D. slowly nswer & !'.e taught the students to culti6ate their minds A de6elop 1. change 2. trained D. teach nswer = !)8a0u was exhausted after a long ;ourney . dull 1. brisk 2. ill D tired nswer D !+Some birds will fly away when the weather tuns cold . report * climate 2. reason D. sky nswer & !, 8a0a has a fragile frame A weak 1. weaker 2. strong D. soundless nswer =
!-4y chances of going abroad are remote . far 1. rare 2. nearly D distant nswer D !/
.umility always pays . bashful 1. shyness 2. modesty D humbleness nswer D
!1After half an hour? the rains ceased . seied * stopped 2. reduce D. seiure nswer & %2This e6ening rains are probable A likely 1. like 2. presume D. clear nswer = %!4y teachers were strict in those days A se6ere 1. tough 2. softly D. lenient nswer = %%It is rare to come across loyal ser6ants . disloyal 1. truly & faithful D. loyalty nswer ? %'8a0a looks lo6ely in the modern dress . fairly * charming 2. charmless D. lo6ingly nswer & %).e comes from a royal family A regal 1. great 2. noble D. prince
nswer =
%+(ur kings were liberal in grants to temples . greedy 1. liberality & generous D. generosity nswer ?
Wor kManagement( I T)
NoofQuest i ons Tot alTi me
10Mi nut es
Mi ni mum no.ofques t i onst obeat t empt ed :0 Youwi l laut omat i cal l yber edi r ect edt ot henextpageaf t er1mi n.Pl easecl i cknext onceyouhavereadt hei nf ormat i on.Thi st i mei snotpartoft het ot alt estt i me.
Modul eDi r ect i ons
+l Ls)L esa k+QLh ls tBM/h !k$ekksaR SAksy esa mEehnokA s keR le@R k#A >@ lkHk(ksa ks la!kky(s h @ksO@rk ks tkapk tk@sxk= +l (B!kkx esa By * i;U( g#a $t(k kiks 12 $e(L esa mVkA ns(k g#= i;@s i;U( s $y:R nks @k T@knk $oGi g#a $t( esa ls soy : $oGi gh lgh g#a= i;@s i;U( s lk7k : $(nsQUk kk$ey g#a= l!kh i;U(ksa s mVkA $n: tk(s g#a k#A : 'kA xys i;U( iA tk(s s 'kn ki $lh i;U( ks nks'kAk (gha nsXk lrs= This test ill assess the 'aniate,s a+ility to manage ork: time an other nI Trel at edr ol es.Therearet otalof8quest i onsi nt hi ssect i onwhi ch have reso(r'es i t obeanswer ed i n 12 mi nut es.For each quest i on,t her e are t wo or mor e choi ces outof whi ch onl y one choi ce i s cor r ect .A di r ect i on i si ncl uded wi t h each ques t i on.Al l quest i ont obeanswer edandyou cannotr evi ew anyques t i on,onceyouhavemovedon t ot henextquest i on. You wi l laut omat i cal l yber edi r ect ed t ot henextpageaf t er1 mi n.Pl easecl i ck Next onceyouhaver eadt hei nf ormat i on.Thi st i mei snotpartoft het ot alt estt i me.
1 Di r ect i ons: Chooset hecorr ectanswer . Quest i on: wer e gi ven a t ask by your manageron December1,2013.The f i nal r eporthast obedel i ver edt oacl i enton December20,2013.You areabl et ocompl et e oneoft het asksbyDecember10,2013.You r eal i zet hatt het askcannotbecompl et ed bef or eDecember20,2013.Whatshoul dyoudoi nt hi scase? A.You shoul di nf or m yourmanagert hatyou wi l lnotbeabl et ocompl et et he t askont i meandr eques tf oranot her B.Youshoul di mmedi at el yst artwor ki ngonot hert askst hatyouwer eassi gned so that een those 1on,t get elayed C.You shoul di nvol veot hermember sofyourt eam andt r yt ocompl et et het ask ont i me ( cor r ect ) D.You shoul d submi tt her ough dr af toft het ask t ot hecl i enton t hedat eof submi ss i on
2 Di r ect i ons: Chooset hecorr ectanswer . Ques t i on: You wor ki n an ei ghthourshi f t .You havet ocompl et e15t asksi n aday . I fyout ake30mi nut est ocompl et eeac ht ask,how mucht i medi dyou spendnotdoi ng t hewor k? A.15mi nut es B.30mi nut es C.1hour D.2hour s
( cor r ect )
Di r ect i ons: Chooset hecorr ectanswer .
Ao+9 training Ques t i on: Ther e ar ef ourt eam member s6 =: &: ? an D. 8Jn t heis conduct ed f ort hes ee mpl oyee s ever y mont h.A documentshows t he at t endance ofeach empl oyee i n t he t r ai ni ng sessi on f or ever y mont h. Accor di ng t o t he company pol i cyeveryempl oyeehast oat t endatl east6 t rai ni ngsessi onsi n ayear.I dent i f yt he empl oyeewhodi dnotf ol l ow t hegi vencompanypol i cy. A.A B.B C.C D.D
( cor r ect )
4 Passage: 1.You havet ol ear n new sof t waret oi ncr easeyoureffi ci ency .I tt akes1 dayt o l earnal lt heaspectsoft hi ssof t ware. 2. Yourmanagerhas asked you t o wr i t ear epor t .You areasked t o submi tt he samebyt hee ndofnextday . 3. You need t o compl et e ver i f i cat i on ofcl i entdocument s and pass t hem t ot he del i ver yt eam i nt wohour s. Di r ect i ons: Chooset hecorr ectanswer . Quest i on:
You haves omependi ngt asksatwor kass hown i nt hepass age .I n what
orderwi l lyou execut et heset asks? A.1 2 3 B.2 3 1
( cor r ect )
C.1 3 2 D.3 2 1 5 Di r ect i ons: Chooset hecorr ectanswer . Ques t i on: Gi venbel ow aref ourdi ffer entwor kar eas.I dent i f yt hewor kar eat hati s i deali nt er msofcl eanl i nessandkeepi ngt hi ngsi norder.
( cor r ect )
6 Di r ect i ons: Chooset hecorr ectanswer . Ques t i on: You wor ki n depar t mentA ofa company .You r ecei vea se r vi cer eques t f r om a cust omerwhi ch has t o be handl ed by depart mentB as pert he company gui del i nes.Whatshoul dyou doi nt hi sease? A.Youshoul daskt hecust omernotbesendsuchr equest st odepar t me ntA B.Youshoul df or war dt hes er vi cer equestt oyourmanager ( cor r ect ) C. Go( sho(l hanle the reB(est an meet the '(stomer,s reB(irement D.You shoul di nf or m t he head ofdepart mentB and ask hi m as t o why your depart menti sget t i ngsuchr equest s 7 Di r ect i ons: Chooset hecorr ectanswer . Ques t i on: Oneofyourcl i ent sse ndsyou an emai lcompl ai ni ngt hatt hesof t war ehe had pur chased f r om your company has bugs. Now they ant to 'he'k yo(r 'ompany,s pat ent edandconf i dent i alcodeoft hesof t ware.Whatwi l lyou doi nsucha s i t uat i on? A.Youwi l laskyourmanageri ft hecodecanbeshar edwi t ht hecl i ent ( cor r ect ) B.You wi l lsharet hecodewi t ht hecl i entsi ncei twoul dassur ehi mt hatt hecode 1oesn,t
hae +(gs
C.You wi l laskyourcol l eaguei ft hecodecanbesharedwi t ht hecl i ent D.You wi l lnott akeanyact i onf orsucharequestsi ncet hecl i entshoul dhavesent anemai lt oyourmanager 8 Di r ect i ons: Chooset hecorr ectanswer . Ques t i on: You wor ki n at eam off i vemember s.Yourt eam i swor ki ngonapr oj ec t whi chhast obedel i ver edwi t hi nt henextt hr eedays.Yourt eam l eaderhasassi gneda setoft askst oeach t eam member.You compl et e95% oft het asksassi gnedt oyou on t hef i r stdayand you know t hatt her estoft hewor k can becompl et edwi t hi n aday. Oneofyourt eam member s,r eques t syou t ohel p hi m wi t h hi swor k si ncehe coul d compl et eonl y10% oft het askon t hef i r stday.Whatwi l lyou doi nt hi ssi t uat i on? A.Youwi l lhel pyourcol l eagueandt hencompl et eyourwor kont het hi r dday B.You wi l ldi scuss wi t h yourt eam l eaderand t hen hel p yourcol l eague af t er compl et i ngyourwor k ( cor r ect ) C.You wi l lt el lyourcol l eague t hatworked was di st r i but ed equal l y and so you woul dnotbeabl et ohel phi m D.You wi l laskyourot hert eam memberst ohel pyourcol l eagueandyou wi l lmove ont ot henextpr oj ect
1 Di r ct i ons: Chooset hecor r ectanswer .
Quest i on: The gi ven document shows t he number of hours f or whi ch each empl oyeeA, B, C and D has wor ked i n a mont h( f our weeks) .Ever y empl oyee i s suppose dt owor kf orami ni mum of25 hour si n amont h.I dent i f yt heempl oyeewho does notcompl et et hemi ni mum wor ki nghour sr equi r ementi nt hatmont h A.A B.B
( corr ect)
8 Di rct i ons:
lgh mVkA
kiks kis e#(stA (s 1 $nlE'A 2013 ks : ke $n@k 7kk= x;kg ks kXkAh $AiksLQ 20 $nlE'A 2013 ks nh tk(h g#= ki 10 $nlE'A 2013 r i(s ke soy 0i;$rUkr ke gh iAk A ik: g#a= kiks :glkl gksrk g# $ ke 20 $nlE'A 2013 ls igys iAk (gha $@k tk lrk= :sls esa kiks D@k A(k pk$g:= Ques t i on:
i(s e#(stA ks 'rk(k pk$g: s ki ke le@ iA iAk (gha A ik@saxs k#A m(ls ks+Q nlAk ke ekYx ys(k pk$g:= B.kiks rBAar i(s nlAs keksa ks A(k kBZ A ns(k pk$g: $tlls $ m(esa nsAh (k gks= C.kiks Lhe s k#A yksxksa ks !kh kk$ey A(k pk$ g: k#A ke ks le@$ iA iAk A(s h ks$ UkUk A(h pk$g:=(correct) D.kiks M[k\L tek A(s okys $n( i.kQ ke k M[k\L Dyk+aL ks ns ns(k pk$g:=
7 Di rct i ons:
lgh mVkA
ki : Ei(h s = $MikLQesaL esa ke Ars g#a= kiks : )LeA ls : l$oQl h @kp(k S$ADos)L $eyrh g# tks $ ai(h h ikW$ylh s $glk' ls & $MikLQesaL k ke g#= +l ekeys esa kiks D@k A(k pk$g:] Ques t i on:
)LeA ks 'ksy(k pk$g: $ oks +l rAg h $ADos)L $MikLQesaL = ks ( !kstsa= B.kiks l$oQl $ADos)L i(s e#(stA ks !kst ns(h pk$g:= ( c o r r e c t ) C.kiks )LeA h $ADos)L ks nsXk(k pk$g: k#A m(h tZAr ks iAk A(k pk$g:= D.kiks $MikLQesaL & s e#(stA @k gsM ks 'rk(k pk$g: k#A m(ls iC(k pk$g: h kis $MikLQesaL ks :slh $ADos)L
D@Y $ey Agh g#= 6 Di rct i ons:
lgh mVkA
ki : * kaLs h $Uk\L esa ke Ars g#a= kiks : $n( esa 15 ke A(s g#a= xA kiks : ke A(s esa 30 $e(L yxrs g#a rks ki(s $r(k le@ ks+Q !kh ke (gha Ars gB: $'rk@k] Ques t i on:
$ e(L (correct) C.1 kaLs D.2 kLs 5 Di rct i ons:
lgh mVkA
kik : Dyk+aL iks +Q"esy !kstrk g# tks lkW\Los@A ml(s kils XkAhnk g# mlesa BC xy$r@kY g#a= ' og kih ai(h s xBr k#A isLsaL lkW\Los@A k ksM nsXk(k pkgrk g#= :sls esa ki D@k Asaxs] Ques t i on:
i(s e#(st( ls iCsaxs $ D@k m>gsa ksM $nXkk@k tk lrk
g#= ( c o r r e c t ) i(s Dyk+aL ks ksM $nXkk ns=xs D@ksa$ @s m>gsa $oUokl $nyk nsxk $ ksM esa ks+Q xG$r@kY (g ha g#= i(s lgehQ ls iCsaxs $ D@k Dyk+aL ks ksM $nXkk ns(k pk$g:= +ls $y: ks+Q ne (gha m&k:Yxs D@ska$ m>gsa kih txg e#(stA ks +Q"esy A(k pk$g: 7kk=
1^ kiks i(h _kerk '`/k(s s $y@s : lkW\Los@A lhXk(k g#= +l lkW\os@A s'kAs esa l' BC lhXk(s esa : $n( yxrk g#= 2^ kis e#(stA (s kiks : $AiksLQ $yXk(s ks gk g#= kiks +ls mlh $n( s Xke gks(s ls igys ns(k g#= 3^ kiks nks kaLksa esa Dyk+aL s l!kh kxtksa ks ps So#$AKk+ As Ms$yoAh Lhe ks ns(k g#= Di rct i ons:
lgh mVkA
kis BC ke okh g#a St#lk h i#lst esa $nXkk@k x@k g#= ki i(s k@ksaQ ks $l e Sigys ls 'kn esa Asaxs] Ques t i on:
2 3 B.2 3 1 C.1 3 2
( c o r r e c t )
2 1
3 Di rct i ons:
lgh mVkA
ki ikYp ln)@ksa h : Lhe esa ke Ars g#a= kih Lhe : i;kstsDL iA ke A Agh g# $tls xys rh( $n(ksa esa Xke A(k g#= kis Lhe yhMA (s gA ln)@ ks 7kksM/k 7kksM/k ke $n@k g#= ki(s igys $n (gh 5 i;$rUkr ke Xke A $y@k g# k#A ki tk(rs g#a $ 'kh k ke xys : $n( esa Xke gks tk:sxk= kih Lhe s : ln)@ ks kih enn pk$g:R D@ksa$ og ki(k soy 10 i;$rUkr ke gh Xke A ik@k g#= :sls esa ki D@k Asaxs] Ques t i on:
i(s lgehQ h enn Asaxs k#A $KA i(k ke rhlAs $n( Xke Asaxs= i(s Lhe yhLA ls 'kr Asaxs k#A mls 'kn i(k ke Xke A ( c o r r e c t ) s i(s lgehQ h enn Asaxs= i(s lgehQ ks gsaBxs $ l!kh ln)@ksa esa ke : t#lk 'kYLk x@k 7kk k#A +l$y: ki m(h enn (gha A ik:Yxs= i(s 'kh Lhe s ln)@ksa ks i(s lgehQ h enn A(s ks gsaxs k#A XkBn xys i;kstsDL iA ke A(k kBZ A nsaxs=
8 Di rct i ons:
lgh mVkA
ki pkA ln)@ksa s x;Bi esa ke Ars g#a= D@ksa$ @g i;kstsDL ai(h s $y: 'gBr tZAh g#R +l$y: ki(s K#lyk $y@k g# $ Lhe s soy rh( (B!koh ln)@ gh +lesa $g)lk ysaxs= brBR $tls ikl soy nks egh(s k (B!ko g#R mls ki +l i;kstsDL esa kk$ey (gha Ars= kih nks)rR $(rkR kiks 'rkrh g# $ brB 'gBr xB)lk g# D@ksa$ ki(s mls i;kstsDL esa kk$ey (gha $@k= :sls esa ki D@k Asaxs] Ques t i on:
$(rk ks brB ks (k kk$ey A(s k kA.k leck nYxk= B.e#a b rB ls 'kr ZYxk k#A mls 'rk naxk s mls xys i;kWtsDL esa kk$ey $@k tk:xk=
( c o r r e c t ) C.e#a
brB ks XkBUk A(s s $y: mls i;kWtsDL esa kk$ey A nYxk= D.e#a +l iAh kL(k ks (tAankt A nYxk D@ksa$ brB !kh @g l' K#lys lec (gha lrh= 5 Di rct i ons:
lgh mVkA
kiks BC Kk+Qy nh x+Q g#a $t( ks iks tkYp(k g# k#A lgh A(k g#= +( Kk+Qy iA ke Ars gB: ki nsXkrs g#a $ @g Kk+Qy kis ke ls tBMdh gB+Q (gha g#a= kiks k g# $ @g Kk+Q kis ikl xyrh ls !kst nh x+Q g#a= :sls esa ki D@k Asaxs] Ques t i on:
+l Kk+Qy iA ke A s 'kh Kk+y s lk7k +ls la'a$ Hkr J@$ f $o ! kkx ks !kst nsaxs= Kk+Qy ls tBM/s $o!kkx esa tk A m>gsa @s Kk+Qy ns nsaxs= +l elys s 'kAs esa i(s e#(stA ls 'kr Asaxs k#A og Kk+Qy m>gsa ns nsaxs= ( c o r r e c t ) +l elys s 'kAs esa i(s : lgehQ ls 'kr Asaxs k#A og Kk+Qy mls ns nsaxs=
3 Di rct i ons:
lgh mVkA pB(sa=
(ktB lek(R t#ls a@LA )h( ks lkWK A(s s $y: D@k +)rseky $@k tk(k pk$g:] Ques t i on:
';Uk B.ckM/ C.kWL( s ihCs D.)iat
( c o r r e c t )
Di r ect i ons:
lgh mVkA
Quest i on: A,B,C k#A D 6
pkA Lhe esa'A g#a= +( l!kh eQpk$A@ksa h (k#Ah s nk#Ak( Ls[a$(ax gA egh(s gksrh g#= $n@k x@k n)rkost SMkWD@B3esaL gA : eQpkAh s gA egh(s h Ls[$(ax lsUk( h gk$tAh $nXkrk g#= Ei(h h ikW$ylh s $glk' ls gA eQpkAh ks e ls e L[#$(ax lsUk>l esa gk$tA gks(k tZAh g#a= ml eQpkAh k (ke 'rk+@s $tl(s +l ai(h ikW$ylh k iky( (gha $@k= E.A F.B G.C H.D
( cor r ect )
.ealth and Safety Modul e
Heal t hAndSaf e t y
NoofQuest i ons Tot alTi me
11 10Mi nut es
Mi ni mum no.ofques t i onst obeat t empt ed :0 Youwi l laut omat i cal l yber edi r ect edt ot henextpageaf t er1mi n.Pl easecl i cknext onceyouhavereadt hei nf ormat i on.Thi st i mei snotpartoft het ot alt estt i me.
Modul eDi r ect i ons
+l Ls)L esa mEehnokA h )ok)7@ k#A k@Q )7ky iA lBA_kk s 'kAs esa tkxZrk k#A kikr $)7k$r ls $(iL(s s $y: mlh _kerk ks tkYpk tk:xk= +l (B!kkx esa By 11 i;U( g#a $t(k kiks 12 $e(L esa mrA ns(k g#= i;@s i;U( s $y:R nks @k T@knk $oGi g#a $t( esa ls soy : $oGi gh lgh g#= i;@s i;U( ss lk7k : $(nsQUk kk$ey g#= l!kh i;U(ksa s mrA $n: tk(s g#a k#A : 'kA xys i;U( iA tk(s s 'kn ki $lh i;U( ks nks'kAk (gha nsXk lrs= This test ill assess the 'aniate,s aareness a+out heal t h and saf et y at wor kpl ace and hi s/her abi l i t yt o dealwi t h emer genci es.Ther e ar eat ot alof11 quest i ons i nt hi s sec t i on whi ch have t o be answer ed i n 12 mi nut es.For e ach quest i on,t herearet woor morechoi cesoutofwhi chonl yonechoi cei scorr ect .A di r ect i on i si ncl udedwi t heach quest i on.Al lques t i onshavet obeanswer edandyou cannotr evi ew anyques t i on,once youhavemovedont ot henextquest i on. You wi l laut omat i cal l yber edi r ect ed t ot henextpageaf t er1 mi n.Pl easecl i ck Next onceyouhaver eadt hei nf ormat i on.Thi st i mei snotpartoft het ot alt estt i me.
1 Di r ect i ons: Chooset hecorr ectanswer . Ques t i on: Youroffi cehasi nst al l edonl yTypeA f i r eext i ngui sher s.Fi r ecaughtdue t owhi choft hef ol l owi ngi t emscannotbecont rol l edwi t ht hi sf i r eext i ngui sher?
( corr ect)
BAC T8AS.<((D7A7E8
8ire extinguishers with a 2lass rating are effective against fires involving paper, wood, textiles, and plastics. "he primary chemical used to fight these fires is monoammonium phosphate, because of its ability to smother fires in these types of materials.
8ire extinguishers with a 2lass 1 rating are effective against flammable li9uid fires. "hese can be fires where cooking li9uids, oil, gasoline, kerosene, or paint have become ignited. "wo commonly used chemicals are effective in fighting these types of fires. !onoammonium phosphate effectively smothers the fire, while sodium bicarbonate induces a chemical reaction which extinguishes the fire.
8ire extinguishers with a 2lass 2 rating are suitable for fires in live; electrical e9uipment. 1oth monoammonium phosphate and sodium bicarbonate are commonly used to fight this type of fire because of their nonconductive properties.
2 Di r ect i ons: Chooset hecorr ectanswer . Ques t i on:
Whatprocedur eshoul dyouf ol l ow i fadogbi t esaper son?
A.Covert hewoundwi t hdr ybandage B.Pourwar m wat erovert hewound C.Washt hewoundwi t hsoapandr unni ngwat er ( cor r ect ) D.Scr at cht hewoundandt hencl eani twi t hwat er
3 Passage: Gi ven bel ow are t he st at ement s oft he acci dentr eport s submi t t ed by f ourdi ffer ent 6 ,B,C andD. empl oyees A
8=9 rites Z =n ele'tri'al $ail(re takes pla'e in the +(i l di ngon 12th Dec ember ,2013, at 1pm duet oshortci r cui t .Al lt hewi r i nganddamageddevi ceswer er epl aced.
8&9 rites Z = orker got +(rnt hile (sing an a'i: in the a$ternoon: on 10 Mar'h: 2013.CCTV camer ashavebee ni ns t al l ednow.
8?9 rites Z 4 'omput er s of t he I T depar t ment got damaged due t o vol t age f l uct uat i on at 2 pm on 10 Mar ch, 2013. New comput er s wer ei nst al l ed i nt he depar t mentont hesameday .
8D9 rites Z =n a''ient takes pla'e in the T epartment on 10 Mar'h: 2013. 5eB(ire1
act i onwast akent opr eventsuchacci dent si nf ut ur e. Di r ect i ons: Chooset hecorr ectanswer . Ques t i on: Who among t he f ol l owi ng submi t st he acc i dentr eportwi t h al lr el evant andcompul sor yi nf or mat i on? A.A B.B C.C D.D
( cor r ect )
4 Passage: Gi venbel ow arei nci dent st hatoccur r edataworkpl ace.
Acomput ert hathadl ooseel ect r i calwi r i nggotoverheat ed.
Asmal lf i r ebr okeouti nt hecant ee noft hebui l di ng.
Anempl oye egotami norsc r at chonhi sar m duet oanai lont hewal l .
Di r ect i ons: Chooset hecorr ectanswer . Ques t i on: Whi ch oft he f ol l owi ng i nci dent s shoul d have been r eport ed t ot he appr opr i at eaut hori t yandi nvest i gat edi nat i mel ymanner ? A. A B. B C.C D.Al loft heabove ( cor r ect )
5 Di r ect i ons:Chooset hecor r ectanswer
Quest i on: A company mai nt ai ns r ecor ds ofal lt he acc i dent st hat happen i n di ffer entwor k ar easoft hecompany .I n how manymont hswer et her enoacci dent s recorded? A.4 B.5 C.6 D.7
( cor r ect )
Quest i onsi nhi ndi 1 Di r ect i ons:
lgh mVkA
kih $Uk\L s le@ kih $'$GMax esa kx yx tkrh g#= kx l!kh eAksa esa rsth ls K#y tkrh g#a= kx #ls yxh +l 'kr h tk(kAh kiks (gha g#= kik xyk ne D@k gksxk] Ques t i on:
ks Ask(s s $y: kiks i(s eAs h $XkM/$@ka k#A nAokts rBAar 'an A(s pk$g:= B.kiks l'ls ikl s 'kgA $(y(s k nAoktk `a`(k pk$ g: k#A rBAar 'kgA $(y tk(k pk$g:= (correct) C.kiks rBAar kx 'Bck(s okys miA.k k +)rseky A(k pk$g:= D.kiks rBAar nlAs eAksa esa tk A nsXk(k pk$g: s l!kh $'$GMax ls 'kgA $(y x@s g#a @k (gha=
2 Di r ect i ons:
lgh mVkA
Xkk(k Xkkrs le@ pk( ls ls kis lgehQ s xys esa Xkk(k L tkrk g# $tlh otg ls oks (k lkal ys ik Agk g#R (k 'ksy ik Agk g#= :slh gkyr esa $n: x: rAhksa esa ls k#( lk rAhk mlh enn A(s s $y: lgh (gha g#] Ques t i on:
( cor r ect )
3 Di r e c t i ons : lgh
mVkA pB(sa=
kW$Kl s K$(QpA SyM/h s o)rB esa kx yx x+Q g#= kx i(s kBZokrh nk#A iA g# k#A +ls k' $@k tk lrk g#= +l rAg h kx ks 'Bck(s s $y: $l rAg s Kk@A :$DL$OoUk( k i;@ksx (gha A(k pk$g:= Ques t i on:
Sik(h Lk+Qi Kk@A :$D)La$OoUkA B.k'Q( Mk+kWDlk+M Kk@A ( c o r r e c t ) :$D)La$OoUkA C.Mh lh ih SM[k+Q s$ey ikmMA Kk@A :$D)La$xoUkA D.Kkse Lk+Qi Kk@A :$D)La$OoUkA
4 Di r e c t i ons : lgh
mVkA pB(sa=
xA k k lgehQ pk( 'sgksUk gks tk: k#A og lkal (k ys Agk gks rks D@k A(k pk$g:] Ques t i on:
mlh (?t nsXk(h pk$ g: k#A mlh eBYg esaR i(s eBYg ls gok !kA(h pk$g:= ( c o r r e c t ) B.kiks
mls $yLk(k pk$g: k#A mls ek7ks iA xhyk iM/k AXk(k
mls aHkksa ks tksA ls iM/A $gyk(k pk$g:= D.kiks mlh Ckrh ks HkhAs ls (hps h ksA lgyk(k pk$g:= 5 Di r e c t i ons : lgh
mVkA pB(sa=
$n@s x: lk+( esa ls ks#( lk lk+Q( kikrkyh( $(kl kA S:etsQ>lh :$OtL nAokts iA +)rseky A(k pk$g:] Ques t i on:
ks Ask(s s $y: kiks i(s eAs h $XkM/$@ka k#A nAokts rBAar 'an A(s pk$g:= B.kiks l'ls ikl s 'kgA $(y(s k nAoktk `a`(k pk$g: k#A rBAar 'kgA $(y tk(k pk$g:= C.kiks rBAar kx 'Bck(s okys miA.k k +)rseky A(k pk$g:= D.kiks rBAar nlAs eAksa esa tk A nsXk(k pk$g: s l!kh $'$GMax ls 'kgA $(y x@s g#a @k (gha=
( cor r ect )
6 Di r e c t i ons : lgh
mVkA pB(sa=
ke Ars le@ kik )Le pk( ls 'an gks tkrk g#= ki(s )Le h ok+$Aax s ikl $paxkAh nsXkh= kiks D@k A(k pk$g:] Ques t i on:
i(s lgehQ ks 'rk(k pk$g: k#A ok+$Aax lgh A(s esa mlh enn ys(h pk$g:= B.kiks esaLs(s>l $MikLQesaL ks 'rk(k pk$ g: k#A m(ls +ls lgh A(s h @kp(k A(k pk$ g:= ( c o r r e c t ) C.kiks
ok+$Aax XkBn ps A(h pk$g: k#A mls XkBn lgh A(s h ks$UkUk A(h pk$g:= D.kiks i(s lgehQ s )Le is 'kAh 'kAh ls ke A(s h @kp(k A(h pk$g:= 7
Di r e c t i ons : lgh
mVkA pB(sa=
: Ei(h i(s l!kh k@Q_ksdksa esa gks(s okys nB kQL(kksa s $AkWMQ AXkrh g#= $r(s egh(ksa esa ks+Q nB kQL(k ntQ S$AkMQ (gha $@k x@k] Ques t i on:
A.4 B.5
( c o r r e c t )
C. D.%/ 8 Di rect i ons:
lgh mVkA pB(sa=
$n: x: rAhksa esa ls k#( lk rAhk $ny k nk#Ak k: gB: kneh iA K)LQ :sM h rAg (gha $@k tkrk g#] Ques t i on:
( cor r ect )
9 Di r ect i ons:
lgh mVkA
kis kW$Kl s inksQ esa kx yx +Q g#= kx i(s kBZokrh nk#A iA g# k#A +ls k' $@k tk lrk g#= +l rAg h kx ks 'Bck(s s $y: $l rAg s Kk@A :$D)L$OoUkA k i;@ksx (gha A(k pk$g:] Ques t i on:
Sik(h Lk+i Kk@A :$D)La$OoUkA
Mk+kWDlk+M Kk@A :$D)La$OoUkA ( c o r r e c t ) C.Mh lh ih SM[k+Q s$ey ikmMA Kk@A :$D)La$x@UkA D.Kkse Lk+Qi Kk@A :$D)La$xoUkA 10 Di r e c t i ons : lgh
mVkA pB(sa=
ke Ars le@ kiks : lgehQ xyrh ls $'tyh k rkA C ysrk g# ksA mls $'tyh k AaL yx tkrk g#= :sls esa kiksa rBAar D@k A(k pk$g:] Ques t i on:
i(s e#(stA ls iC(k pk$g: h D@k A(k pk$g:= B.kiks iko( lyk+Q 'an A ns(h pk$g:= ( c o r r e c t ) C.kks yksxksa ks psrko(h ns(s s $y: Kk@A ykeQ 'tk(k pk$g:= D.kiks i(s lgehQ h enn kikrkyh( $(kl S:etsQ>lh :$OtL nAokts ls 'kgA $(y(s esa A(h pk$g:=
11 Di r e c t i ons : lgh
mVkA pB(sa=
ki(s nsXkk h tks @ad S$Mok+l ki +)rseky A Ags g#a mls $'tyh s rkA lgh (gha g#a k#A `hys g#a= kiks D@k A(k pk$g:] Ques t i on:
rBAar i(s e#(stA ksA esaLs(s>l $MikLQesaL ks 'rk(k
pk$g:= ( c o r r e c t ) B.kiks XkBn ok+$Aax 'ny(h pk$g: k#A i(k ke pky AXk(k pk$g:= C.kiks nlAs @ad S$Mok+l iA ke A(k kBZ A ns(k pk$g: k#A i(h $Uk\L Xke gks(s iA i(s e#(stA ks 'rk(k pk$g:= D.kiks mlh @ad S$Mok+l iA ke Ars Ag(k pk$g: k#A $Uk\L Xke gks(s iA i(s e#(stA ks 'rk(k pk$g:=
lgh mVkA pB(sa=
Di rect i ons:
$n: x: $pd ks ns$Xk@s= yxkrkA Xk( 'g(s s le@ rBAar D@k A(k pk$g:] Ques t i on:
Xk( 'g(s ls Aks(s s $y: kko ks tksA ls n'k(k pk$g:= ( c o r r e c t )
Xk( 'g(s ns(k pk$g: D@ksa$ og XkAk' gks x@k g#= C.kiks kko s kl"ikl :aLhls$L he yxk(h pk$g:= D.Xk( ks Aks(s s $y: kiks kko iA xeQ ik(h Mky(k pk$g:= 13
Di rect i ons:
lgh mVkA pB(sa=
: nAokts esa : lk+( 'ksMQ St#lk $pd es a$nXkk @kx g# yxk gBk g#= $n: x: gkykrksa esa ls $l le@ ki +l nAokts k +)rseky Asaxs= Ques t i on:
$'$GMax esa $'tyh (k gks= B.t' kkAh$A Zi ls $oykax yksxksa ks eAs ls 'kgA Jghy ps@A is ys tk(k gks= C.t' $ y\L &h ls ke (gha A Agh gks= ( c o r r e c t )
14 Passage:
nh x+Q kL(k:a oks g#a tks k@Q_ksd iA gB+Q g#a=
= j : a@LA $tlh $'tyh h ok+$Aax `hyh g# oks 'gBr xeQ gks x@k
& j saLh( esa : CksLh lh kx yx x+Q g#= ? j : eQpkAh s gk7k esa nhokA h hy ls : CksLh XkAksap k
x+Q g#a=
Di r e c t i ons : lgh
mVkA pB(sa=
(hps $yXks esa ls k#( lh kL(k h tk(kAh lgh i;k$HkkAh S7kks$ALh ks ns(h p$kg: 7kh k#A mlh tkap lgh le@ is h tk(h pk$g: 7kh] Ques t i on:
C.C D.iA
$n@s x@s l!kh=
( c o r r e c t )
15 Di r e c t i ons : lgh
mVkA pB(sa=
xA kis lgehQ ks pk( ls lh(s esa tksA ls nnQ gks(s yxrk g# t#ls mls $ny k nk#Ak iM/ Agk gksR :sls esa ki rBAar D@k Asaxs] Ques t i on:
mls psgAk teh( h rAK AokA $yLk ns(k pk$g:= B.kiks mls !kki ns(h pk$g:= C.kiks mls Lk+L iM/ksa ks `hyk A(k pk$g:= ( c o r r e c t ) D.kiks mls rsth ls py(s esa enn A(h pk$g:=
16 Di r e c t i ons : lgh
mVkA pB(sa=
s$ey s pk( ls $xA tk(s h otg ls : kneh h max$y@kY ty x+Q g#a= :sls esa rBAar D@k A(k pk$g:] Ques t i on:
kko ks : lXkh iLLh ls 'kYHk ns(k pk$g:= kko ks &aMs ik(h s (hps AXkA &aMk $@k tk(k pk$g:= ( c o r r e c t )
kko iA 'KQ AXkA &aMk $@k tk(kk pk$g:= kko ks XkAksap(k k#A lkK A ns(k pk$g:= 17
$n@s x: nBkQL(k $AiksLQ s '@k( pkA yx"yx eQpk$A@ksa =:&:?: k#A D s g#a= Passage:
8=9 $yXkrk g# j $'tyh esa xM/'M/h ls 12 $nla'AR 2013 ks nksigA 1
'ts $'$GMax esa kkWLQ l$QL gBk= l!kh ok@$Aax k#A XkAk' @ad S$Mok+l ks 'ny $n@k x@k g#=
8&9 $yXkrk g#j 10 ekpQR 2013 h nksigA ks : eQpkAh rstk'
+)rseky Ars gB: ty x@k= lh lh Lh oh #eAs yxk $n@s x@s g#a=
8?9 $yXkrk g#a j oksGLst s rkA"p`/ko ls 10 ekpQR 2013 ks
nksigA 2 'ts k+Q Lh $o!kkx s pkA a@LA XkAk' gks x:= mlh $n( $o!kkx esa (: a@LA yxk $n: x:= 8D9 $yXkrk g# j 10 ekpQR 2013 ks k+Q Lh $o!kkx esa : nB
kQL(k kLh= kxs @s nBkQL(k nks'kAk (k kLs +ls $y: tZAh ne $y: x:=
Di r e c t i ons : lgh Ques t i on:
ls nh g#=
mVkA pB(sa=
+(esa ls $l(s nBkQL(k h tk(kAh iAh k#A lgh rAhs
A.A ( cor r ect ) B. B C. C D.D 18 Di r e c t i ons : lgh
mVkA pB(sa=
: kneh ks BVkk kL ysrk g#= :sls esa kiks D@k A(k pk$g:= Ques t i on:
kko ks lkXkh iLLh ls `sa= B. kko iA xAe ik(h Mkysa= C. kko ks 'grs ik(h esa lk'B( ls Hkks:a= ( c o r r e c t ) D.kko ks XkAkspsa k#A $KA mls ik(h ls lkK Asa=
*asic &omputer 3iteracy Modul e
Basi cComput erLi t er acy
NoofQuest i ons Tot alTi me
17 15Mi nut es
Mi ni mum no.ofques t i onst obeat t empt ed :0 You wi l laut omat i cal l yber edi r ect ed t ot henextpageaf t er1 mi n.Pl easecl i ck next onceyouhaver eadt hei nf ormat i on.Thi st i mei snotpartoft het ot alt estt i me.
Modul eDi r ect i ons
@g Ls)L mEehnokA h a@LA +)rseky A(s s k( k#A lec k#A :e :l :Dlsy iA mlh ke A(s h _kerk h tkYp Asxh= +l (B!kkx esa By 1% i;U( g#a $t(k kiks 1* $e(L esa mVkA ns(k g#= i;@s i;U( s $y:R nks @k T@knk $oGi g#a $t( esa ls soy : $oGi gh lgh g#a= i;@s i;U( s lk7k : $(nsQUk kk$ey g#a= l!kh i;U(ksa s mVkA $n: tk(s g#a k#A : 'kA xys i;U( iA tk(s s 'kn ki $lh i;U( ks nks'kAk (gha nsXk lrs= This test ill assess the 'aniate,s knolege an (nerstaning o$ (sing a comput erandhi s/herabi l i t yt oworkonMSExcel .Ther ear et ot alof17quest i onsi n
t hi ssect i on whi ch havet obeanswer ed i n 18 mi nut es.Foreach quest i on,t her eare t woormorechoi cesoutofwhi ch onl yonechoi cei scor r ect .A di r ect i on i si ncl uded wi t h each quest i on.Al lquest i ons have t o be answer ed and you cannotr evi ew any quest i on,onceyouhavemovedon t ot henextques t i on. You wi l laut omat i cal l yber edi r ect ed t ot henextpageaf t er1 mi easecl i ck Next onceyouhaver eadt hei nf ormat i on.Thi st i mei snotpartoft het ot alt estt i me.
Di rct i ons: Fi l li nt hebl ank Quest i on1: To enter a line +reak in the rappe text 'ell: press……………. . A.Al t+Ent er ( cor r ect ) B.Shi f t+Ent er C.Ct r l+Ent er D.Home+Ent er 2
Di r ec t i ons: Chooset hecor r ectanswer , Ques t i on: Whi ch oft hef ol l owi ngwoul dbet hebestf or mul at oi dent i f ywhet hera st udenthaspassedorf ai l edat estbasedont hescor esgi veni nt hei mage?Gi vent hat :st udent swhohavesec ur edascor egr eat ert han30% havepasse dt het est . A.HLOOKUP B.NOT C.I F ( cor r ec t ) D.LEN 3 Di r ect i ons:Chooset hecorr ectanswer . Ques t i on: 8Phoenix9D
What ill +e the res(lt o$ the $(n'tion )EC -=1 here =1
A.7 ( cor r ect ) B.8 C.3 D.10 4 Di rect i ons: Chooset hecor r ectanswer Ques t i on; You wantt o acc ess t he dat a on C :dri ve on yourPC.Wher e wi l lyou l ooki nt ot of i ndC:di r e c t o ry ? A.MyComput er ( cor r ect ) B.St ar tMenu C.Cont r olPanel D.Deskt op 5 Di r ect i ons:Chooset hecorr ectanswer Ques t i on:
Whati st heuseofaUPS?
A.Pr ovi deuni nt er r upt edpoweri ncaseof f l uct uat i onsorpowercut . ( cor r ect ) B.Ampl i f yt he power f r om t he vol t age suppl yt o mat ch comput er power r equi r ement . C.Conver tAC vol t agei nt oDC t oprov i deDC powert ocomput er D.Noneoft heabove 6 Di r ec t i ons: Chooset hecor r ectanswer . Ques t i on : I fyou ar e wor ki ng on t wo di f f er entexce lwor kbooks and you wi sh t o vi ew bot hatt hesamet i me ,whi choft hef ol l owi ngopt i onswi l ll etyoudot hat ? A.New Wi ndow B.Arr angeAl l ( cor r ect ) C.Swi t chWi ndows D.Spl i t
Di r ec t i ons: Chooset hecor r ectanswer . Ques t i on: Combi ned namesoft he peopl e ar e gi ve ni nt he i mage.Whi ch oft he f ol l owi ngf eat ur eswoul dbeusedt oseparat et hef i r standt hel astname? A.Sor tascendi ng B.Cust om f i l t er C.Textt oc ol umn D.Ungr oup
( cor r ect )
8 Di r ec t i ons: Chooset hecor r ectanswer Quest i on:
Whi chcommandcopi eshi ghl i ght edt exti nMSWor d?
A.Ct r l+V B.Ct r l+C C.Al t+C D.Al t+V
( cor r ect )
9 Di r ec t i ons: Choset hecor r ectanswer . Quest i on: Whatpi vott abl et ool barbut t onupdat est hedat ai napi vott abl eorpi vot chartr eport ,i ft hesour cedat ahasbeenchanged? A.For matr epor t B.Pi v ott abl e C.Ref r es hdat a ( cor r ect ) D.Show det ai l
. Quest i on: I n Hogwart ssc hool ,st udent sar epl acedi nt odi f f er enthousesbasedon t hei rbehavi or.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngf ormul acanbeusedt oassi gnahouset oHarr y , gi ven t hati fast udent is 8
( c o r r e c t )
Quest i on: Youwantt ochanget hef i gur eont hel ef tt omakei tappearl i ket hef i gur e ont heri ght .Whatst epswoul dyou f ol l ow f ort hi spur pose? A.Sel ectdat a>F5>bl anks>Ct r l +( ) ( cor r ect ) B.Sel ectdat a>F6>bl anks>Ct r l +( +) C.Sel ectdat a>F5>bl anks>Al t +( ) D.Sel ectdat a>F6>bl anks>Al t +( +) 12 Di r ct i ons: Chooset hecor r ectanswer Ques t i on: I nMSWi ndows,t oshutdownt hecomput ercor r ec t l y ,onewoul d. A.Tur nof ft hepowerswi t ch B.?li'k on I#tart,: then sele't I#h(t Don,: then sele't I#h(t Don ( c o r r e c t ) C.?li'k on I#tart,: then sele't I5eset, D.Si mpl yt ur nof ft hemoni t or ,
Quest i ni nHi ndi 1 Di r e ct i ons:lgh Quest i ons::e
$y@sR ki
mVkA k pB(ko Asa=
:l $oaMks (MSWindows)esa a@LA ks lgh ls 'an A(s s
s $)op ks 'an Asaxs )LkLQ )LkLQ 'L( iA $Dy Asaxs $KA UkL Mkm( ks pB(saxs k#A $KA UkL Mkm( Asaxs ( c o r r e c t ) C.)LkLQ
'L( esa $Dy Asaxs $KA $AlsL ks pB(saxs D.lhHks ekW$(LA ks 'an A nsaxs 2
Di rect i ons:
lgh mVkA k pB(ko Asa=
+est ks ns$Xk@sR @$n mi@ksxrkQ S@t/A kWye A s igys _kAksa ks 'M/s _kAksa esa $yXk(k pkgrk g#R oks D@k Asxk] Quest i on:
A.Sel ectB1cel l >Cat egor yTEXT>f unct i onPROPER B.Sel ectA1cel l >cat egoryTEXT>f unct i onPROPER ( cor r ect ) C.Sel ect B1c el l >cat egor yI NFORMATI ON>f unct i onTEXT D.Sel ec tA1cel l >cat egor yI NFORMATI ON>f unct i onTEXT 3
Di rect i ons:
lgh mVkA k pB(ko Asa=
+(esa ls k#("lk kkWLQL $lh lsy ksR tks !kh $lh nlAh lsy s nk@ha rAK g#R eo A(s s $y: $@k tk@sxk]
Qust i on:
A.LW' ( TAB)
k\L B.$ k\L
( cor r ect )
C.$Uk\L ( SHI FT) D.kGL
4 Di rect i ons:
lgh mVkA k pB(ko Asa=
Quest i on:
+Qesy eslst esa +(esa ls k#("lh KhGM (gha gksrh g#]
A.Acc ( cor r ect ) B.BCc C.CC D.To 5 Di rect i ons:
lgh mVkA k pB(ko Asa=
Quest i on:
+(esa ls D@k :?lkWG@L lsy AsKAsal g#a]
A.P72 B.G$9 C.$K356 D.$F$8 ( cor r ect ) 6
Di rect i ons:
lgh mVkA k pB(ko Asa=
: $y)L '(krs le@R : mi@ksxrkQ S@t/A ks $n@k x@k :AA eslst $nXkk+; nsrk g#= +l :AA k eBX@ kA.k D@k g#] Ques t i on:
S@Bt/A (s $y)L esa soy $laxy lsy lsysDL $@k= B.mi@ksxrkQ S@t/A (s $y)L esa soy : kWye lsysDL $@k= C.mi@ksxrkQ S@t/A (s : ls $Hk lsy lsysDL $@s ys$ ( iAh $y)L (gha= ( c o r r e c t ) D.mi@ksxrkQ S@t/A (s iAh $y)L lsysDL A yh=
7 Di rect i ons:
lgh mVkA k pB(ko Asa=
Ques t i on:
(hps $n@s x: esa D@k gkMQos@A (gha g#]
B.;aLA C.h'ksMQ D.lsE'yA ( c o r r e c t )
Di rct i ons:
lgh mVkA k pB(ko Asa=
lsy &2 esa % i;$rUkr L#Dl h $x(rh A(s s $y@s +(esa ls k#("lk KkWeQyk l'ls lgh gksxk] Ques t i on:
A.=A2* 0. 07 (correct) B.=A2* 7% C.=A2*1. 07 D.=A2+( A2*0. 07) 16 Di rct i ons:
lgh mVkA k pB(ko Asa=
Ques t i on:
h'ksMQ esa 71: 72: 73: 74 k$n 'L(ksa esa 879 k D@k
ery' gksrk g#]
Kk+> M B. Kk+y C.
Kkses QL D.
KaDUk( ( c o r r e c t )
mVkA k pB(ko Asa=
Di rct i ons:
nh x+Q +est ks ns$Xk@s= ki LsD)L ks KkWeQ = ls KkeQ & esa #ls 'nysaxs] Ques t i on:
A.etQ LsD)L B.ys\L yk+( LsD)L C. A#i LsD)L(correct) D.t)LhKk+Q LsD)L 14 Di rct i ons:
lgh mVkA k pB(ko Asa=
@$n mi@ksxrkQ S@tA 5 (@s ksye Mky(k SiBL A(k pkgrk g#R : 'kA esa mls $r(s kWye lsysDL A(s pk$g@s] Ques t i on:
A.1 B.2 C.3
( c o r r e c t )
I mage Di rct i ons:
lgh mVkA k pB(ko Asa=
oMQ i;ksls$lax i#st esa k#( lk KhpA g# tks : MksD@esaL ks yx!kx mlh Zi esa $nXkkrk g# t#lk h og MkWD@BesaL $i;aL gks(s s 'kn $nXkk+Q nsxk= Ques t i on: lsLi B.WG#WG< C.;aL i;hJ@ D.)Lk+y khL
( c o r r e c t )
Di rct i ons:
lgh mVkA k pB(ko Asa=
: M[kWi Mkm( '(k(s s $y:R t#lk $ $pd esa $n@k x@k g#R MsLk os$yMsUk( k D@k k+Lh$A@k gks(k pk$g:] Ques t i on:
A.ks+Q !kh osG@ B.LsD)L h ya'k+Q C.$y)L (correct) D.)Le 11
Di rct i ons:
lgh mVkA k pB(ko Asa=
+est ks ns$Xk@sR @$n mi@ksxrkQ S@tA kWye = h phtksa ks kWih As %oha Aks esa is)L A(k pkgrs g#a= $n@s x: KhplQ esa ls $lk +)rseky A(k pk$g:] Ques t i on:
is)L kWy B. $)y ?y#Dl C. L[ka)iksl
( c o r r e c t )
10 Di rct i ons:
lgh mVkA k pB(ko Asa=
$oaMksl OP esa ks("lk 'L( k$E'(sUk( pky $oaMksl ks CksLk A(s ery' Ms)LkWi $nXkk+Q ns(s s $y@s $@k tkrk g#] Ques t i on:
-#T=T / e B.
/ > C. )LkLQ
-#T=T / $ D. )LkLQ -#T=T / ( c o r r e c t ) 9 Di rct i ons:
lgh mVkA k pB(ko Asa=
Ques t i on:
lsy s esaL nsXk(s s $y@s "
+alLQ es(B esa :$ML ekaM ks $Dy Asa B.$oaMks es(B esa $M)iys esaL ekaM ks $Dy Asa C.ekl ikW+aLA ks lsy iA AXksa
( c o r r e c t )
D. J@
es(B esa esaL ekaM ks $Dy Asa
8 Di rct i ons:
lgh mVkA k pB(ko Asa=
ki : Kk+y ks L[k>lKA A(s s $y@s CksLk Sai;sl A(k pkgrs g#a= +lks CksLk Sai;sl A(s s $y@s ki k#( lk lkW\Los@A +)rseky Asaxs] Ques t i on:
A.$o(Ei;s)l B.$o($MyhL C.$o($ti (correct) D.+(esa ls ks+Q
6 Di rct i ons:
lgh mVkA k pB(ko Asa=
lsy esa $ns@s LsD)L ks lsaLA esa A(s s $y@s +(esa ls k#("lk kkWLQL n'k@k tkrk g#] Ques t i on:
A.aL[ksy B.aL[ksy C.aL[ksy D.aL[ksy
-?T) / ' -?T) / -?T) / E -?T) / M
( c o r r e c t )
5 Di rct i ons:
lgh mVkA k pB(ko Asa=
'gBr 'M/s MkLk S4000 :e 'h ks nlAs a@LA esa L[k>)KA A(s s $y: ki $l pht k +)rseky Asaxs] Ques t i on:
$M) B.lhMh" Akse -?D 6 JM C.MhohMh -DLD D.$ti M[k+o
( c o r r e c t )
4 Di rct i ons:
lgh mVkA k pB(ko Asa=
Ques t i on:
ki Kk+y k (ke #ls 'nysaxs S$A(se]
is #hi$t / ys\L $Dy Asaxs k#A es( esa ls $A(se ks
is ?trl / / ys\L $Dy Asaxs k#A es( esa ls $A(se ks
C.Kk+y D.Kk+y
is M'y $Dy Asaxs k#A es( esa ls $A(se ks pB(saxs is Ak+L $ Dy Asxs k#A e( esa ls $A(se ks pB(saxs ( c o r r e c t )
3 Di rct i ons:
lgh mVkA k pB(ko Asa=
Ques t i on:
KaDUk( )EC-=1 tgkY =1dUP!JECOU g#R k $AtyL D@k gksxk]
A.% (correct) B.* C.3 D.10 15 Di rct i ons:
lgh mVkA k pB(ko Asa=
xA ki 87>T>EU k?n $yXk(s s $y@s yxkrs g#a rks D@k i$A.kke gksxk] Ques t i on:
B.>>E C. (correct) D.1 6
)EC KkWeQyk
lgh pB(ko Asa= Di rct i ons:
ks+Q Ckd ikl gBk g# @k KsyR $pd es a$: x: )ksA s kHkkA iA @g tk( $y: k#("lk KkeQyk +(esa ls l'ls T@knk lgh gksxk] $n@k x@k g# $ Ckd (s 30 i;$rUkr ls T@knk )ksA $@k g# m>gksa(s Ls)L ikl $@k g#=] Ques t i on:
A.!)JJ>P B.CJT C.7 (correct) D.)EC 7
lgh pB(ko Asa= Di rct i ons:
@$n lkslQ MkLk ks 'ny $n@k tk@s rks osL pkLQ @k osL Ls'y esa MkLk ks k#("lh osL Ls'y 'L( iMsL Asxk] Ques t i on:
A.KkWesaL $AiksLQ B.osL Ls'y C. AssUk MkLk (correct) D.kks MhLsGl 8
lgh pB(ko Asa=
>P# +)rseky g#]
Di rct i ons:
Ques t i on:
pys tk(s iA @k 'kA"'kA tk(s iA $'(k $ lh ZkoL s $'tyh igBYpk(k ( c o r r e c t )
B.$'tyh ks oksGLkst lyk+Q ls a@LA s $glk' ls '`/k(k C.E@LA ks Mh lh -D? oksGLst ns(s s $y@s : lh -=? ls Mh
-D? oksGLst esa 'ny(k D.+(esa 9
ls ks+Q (gha
lgh pB(ko Asa= Di rct i ons:
:e :l oMQ -M# Wor esa k#("lk ekaM gk+yk+LsM LsD)L ks kWih Ark g#] Ques t i on:
A.aL[ksy -?T) / L B.aL[ksy -?T) / ? C.aL[ksy -?T) / ?
( c o r r e c t )
D. aL[ksy -?T) / L 10 Di rct i ons:
lgh mVkA k pB(ko Asa=
Ques t i on:
(hps $n@s x: esa D@k gkMQos@A (gha g#a]
gkMQ $M)
;aLA C.
h'ks MQ D.lsE'yA
( c o r r e c t )
11 Di rct i ons:
lgh mVkA k pB(ko Asa=
xA ki nks yx :D)lsy oQ'B iA ke A Ags g#a k#A ki nks(ksa : lk7k nsXk(k pkgrs g#a rks +(esa ls k#("ls rAhs ls ki @s A ik@saxs] Ques t i on:
>@ $oaMks B. Aast
kWy ( c o r r e c t )
$)op $oaMksl C.
$)yL 12 Di rct i ons: Ques t i on:
lgh mVkA k pB(ko Asa= A#i LsD)L lsy esa yk+( ';s Mky(s s $y@s n'k@saxs j
:aLA -=)T / ECTE ( c o r r e c t )
:aLA -#!7T / ECTE C. aL[ksy
:aLA -?T) / ECTE D. gkse :aLA -!JME / ECTE
Data Entry (perator theoryG Modul e
Dat aEnt r yOper at or( Theor y)
NoofQuest i ons Tot alTi me
18 18Mi nut es
Mi ni mum no.ofques t i onst obeat t empt ed :0 Youwi l laut omat i cal l yber edi r ect edt ot henextpageaf t er1mi n.Pl easecl i cknext onceyouhavereadt hei nf ormat i on.Thi st i mei snotpartoft het ot alt estt i me.
Modul eDi r ect i ons
@g Ls)L kih MsLk :aL[h ls tBM/h gB+Q 'B$(@knh lec k#A tk(kAh k eG@ka( Asxk= +l (B!kkx esa By 1* i;U( g#a $t(k kiks 25 $e(L esa mVkA ns(k g#= i;@s i;U( s $y:R rh( @k T@knk $oGi g#a $t( esa ls soy : $oGi gh lgh g#a= i;@s i;U( s lk7k : $(nsQUk kk$ey g#a= l!kh i;U(ksa s mVkA $n: tk(s g#a k#A : 'kA xys i;U( iA tk(s s 'kn ki $lh i;U( ks nks'kAk (gha nsXk lrs= This test ill assess the 'aniate,s +asi' (nerstaning an knolege pertaining to DataEnt r y .Therearet ot alof18 quest i onsi nt hi ssect i on whi ch have t obeanswer edi n25mi nut es.Foreachquest i on,t her ear et woormor echoi cesoutof whi chonl yone choi cei scorr ect .A di r ect i on i si ncl uded wi t h each quest i on.Al lquest i onshavet obe answer edand you cannotr ev i ew anyquest i on,onceyou havemoved on t ot henext quest i on. You wi l laut omat i cal l yber edi r ect ed t ot henextpageaf t er1 mi n.Pl easecl i ck Next onceyouhaver eadt hei nf ormat i on.Thi st i mei snotpartoft het ot alt estt i me.
Di r ct i ons: Chooset hecor r ectanswer . Ques t i on: Thei mages howsaner r ormes sage. I n whi choft hef ol l owi ngcaseswi l l t hi ser r ormessagebedi spl ayed? A.Whent heoper at orent er saspeci alchar act er B.Whent heoper at orent er sannumer i cval ue C.Whent heoperat orent er san i ncor r ectval ue D.Whent heoper at ordoesnotent eranyv al ue ( cor r ec t )
2 Passage: Li stoft askst obeper f or medason 10Mar ch2012( Fr i day) : A.Submi ta t askl i stf ort henextweek t ot her epor t i ngmanagersot hathecan assi gn pri ori t ytot het asks. B.Youhaver ec ei veda5pagesour cedocumentwhi chnee dst obet r ansc r i bedand del i veredt ot hecl i entwi t hi nt wohours. C.Learnt hel at estdat aent r ysof t waret oi ncr easeyourt ypi ngspeed. Di r ct i ons: Chooset hecor r ectanswer . Ques t i on: Whi choft hegi vent askswi l lbeperf ormedl astbyt heoper at or ? A.A B.B C.C
( cor r ect )
3 Di r ct i ons: Chooset hec or r ectanswer:
Ques t i on: Yourcowor kerAshi shwhosi t snextt oyou andhandl esi ncomi mi ngcal l s, hasgonef orl unch.Thel andl i nephonekeptathi sdesk,on whi ch heget scust ome mer cal l s,hasbeenr i ngi ngf ort hepast5mi nut es.Whatwi l lyou do? A.Iwi l lcal lAshi shonhi smobi l enumberandt el lhi mt hathi sl andl i nephonehas beenr i ngi ngf oral ongt i me. B.Iwi l lt aket herecei veroft hel andi l ephoneandkeep i tasi det i l lAshi sh ret urns sin'e it,s ringing is ist(r+ing others. C.Iwi l lanswert rt hephonecal land r equestt hecal l ert ocal laf t er1520 mi nut es si nceAshi shi snotathi sseat . ( cor r ect ) D.Iwi l ll ett hephonet ocont i nueri ngi ngt i l lAshi sh ret ur nsf rom l unchsi ncei ti s hi soffi ci alphone.
Di r ct i ons: Chooset hecor r ectanswer . Ques t i on: The i mage s hows an appl i cat i on f or m f i l ed by a candi dat e.How many det ai l sdi dt hecandi dat eent ercorrect l y? A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 5
( cor r ect )
Di r ect i ons: Chooset hecorr ectanswer . Ques t i on: e$er to the gien o'(ment. $ the 'oe is ith the $ormat 815D b3E9: 815D9 stans $or 15 o'(ments an 83E9 stans $or 3 errors in those 15 1o'(ments. Whi ch oper at orcommi mmi t t ed t hemi ni mum numberofer r or si n al lt he f ourweeks? A.A B.B C.C D.D 6
( cor r ect )
Di r ect i ons: Chooset hecorr ectanswer . Ques t i on: A.A B.B C.C
Ref ert ot hegi veni mageandi dent i f yt hecor r ectpost ur ewhi l et ypi ng.
( cor r ect )
7 Pass age:
Gui del i nesf orr epor t i ng:
1. Cont act t he I Tt eam f or probl ems ms r el at i ng t o comput ersof t ware.I ft hey ar e unavai l abl e,cont actt hema mai nt enancet eam. m. 2.Cont act t he supervi sor f or probl ems ms r el at i ng t o coworkers and ot her t eam member s. 3.Cont actt hemai nt enancet eam f oral lcomp mput erhar dwarer equi r eme ment s. 4. Cont actt he HR depart menti n case ofcomp mpl ai nt s agai nstI Tt eam, m,t echni cal t eam,ort heext ernalt echni ci an. 5.Cont act t he t echni calsupport t eam f or al lt he i nt ernet and server r el at ed probl ems ms.I ft heyar eunavai l abl e,cont actt heext ernalt echni ci an. 6.Co Cont actt heext er nalt echni ci an i n case t el ephoneconnect i on i sdown wn.I fhei s notavai l abl e,t hencal lt het echni calsupportt eam. Di r ect i ons: Chooset hecorr ectanswer . Ques t i on: Ref ert ot her epor t i nggui del i nesgi veni nt hepassagear ea.Underwhi ch oft hef ol l owi wi ngci r cumst ances,an ext ernalt echni ci ancan becal l ed? A.Whenyour equi r eacompanyspeci f i csof t war e B.Wh Whent hemo moni t orofyourcomp mput eri snotwor ki ng C.Wh Whenyou ar eunabl et oopenanywebsi t eonyouri nt er netbr ows wser D.Hes houl dbec al l edonl ywhent heI Tt eam i sunavai l abl e ( cor r ec t )
Di r ect i ons: Chooset hecorr ectanswer . Ques t i on:
Forwhatpur pose,i st hef ol l owi ngdevi ceused?
A.Phot ocopyi ngdocume nt s B.Scanni ngdoc ument s C.Fi nger pri nt i ng ( cor r ec t ) D.Pri nt i ngdocument s 9 Di r ect i ons: Chooset hecorr ectanswer . Ques t i on: $ the operator has any 'on$(sion hile entering the '(stomer,s personal det ai l s,whatshoul dbet hef i rs tst ept obet akenbyt heoperat or? A.I nf or mt hesuper vi sor ( cor r ec t ) B.Askhel pf r om col l eagues C.I nt er r ogat et hec ust omer D.Dowhathet hi nksi sr i ght 10 Di r ect i ons: Chooset hecorr ectanswer . Ques t i on: An oper at ort akes 2. 5 hour st o ent erdat af r om 50 f or ms.How many f ormswi l lhebeabl et ocompl et e,i fheworksf or10hour s? A.125 B.200 C.250 D.500 11
( cor r ect )
Di r ect i ons: Chooset hecorr ectanswer . Ques t i on: An oper at ori sr equi r edt oarr anget hef i l es( asshown i nt hei mage)i nt o di fferentf ol dersf orcl i ent s.I ft hef i l enamehast hef ormat6 8?120b=DD9: 8?1209 is the '(stomer 'oe an 8=DD9 is the type o$ seri'e reB(est. Ea'h '(stomer has a uni quef ol der .How manyf i l eswi l lbet her ei nt hef ol dermeantf ort hecust omer C120? A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4
( cor r ect )
Ques t i onsi nHi ndi 1 Di rct i ons:
m$nr Kks( As 'rkrk g# $ ml(s : egh(s igys i#( kMQ s $y: KkWeQ !kAk Syk+Q $@k 7kk $ i#( kMQ '( tk(s s 'kn mls kih rAK ls : :e:e:l $eysxk iA !kh r mls ks+Q :l:e:l (gha $eyk g#= mls i#( kMQ s 'kAs esa tk(kAh ysrs le@ kiks irk pyrk g# $ :tsalh h rAK ls : $pL&h !ksth x+Q g# $tlesa 'rk@k x@k g# $ mls kAk tek $: x: KkWeQ esa mls rk k (ke MkWD@BesaL esa $n: x: (ke ls yx g#= t' r @g KQ &h (gha $@k tkrk r' r mlk i#( kMQ (gha '(k@k tk lrk= ki m$nr ks D@k 'rk:Yxs] Ques t i on:
rk s (ke esa KQ gks(s s kA.k BC iAsUkk(h k x+Q g# $tls kA.k kiks :l:e:l (gha $eyk=
rk s (ke esa KQ gks(s kA.k ge(s kiks esy !ksth g#= i@k +lk t'k' nsa k#A l!kh m$pr la'a$Hkr MkWD@BesaL ( c o r r e c t ) !kh= C.kis rk s (ke esa BC KWQ $nXk Agk g#= i@k gekAh os'lk+L ps Asa k#A m$pr StZAh ne m&k:Y= D.@g gekAh xyrh (gha g#= kis kAk $n@s x: ?@k#As SMhLsGl esa rk k (ke xyr g#R +l$y: i#( kMQ '(k(s k ke (gha gks lk=
Di rct i ons:
lgh tok' pB(sa=
nh x+Q Ls'yt ks nsXksa= $ADos)L ksM KkWesaQL 21& esa k$XkAh _kA kWiAsLA s $y@s g#= $l egh(s esa ks+Q !kh $ADos)L #$>ly (gh h x+Q] Ques t i on:
E.x)r F.
e+Q G.
i;#y H.
( c o r r e c t )
Di rct i ons:
: )LeA (s i(h i;k7kQ(k"id h $)7k$r S:syhsUk( s )LsLl k irk yxk(s s $y: t' i(k $)yi (a'A Mkyk rks : :AA eslst k@kR $tlesa $yXkk 7kk $ @s (a'A xyr g#= os'lk+L esa ks+Q r(hh XkAk'h g#R +l$y: i;k7kQ(k"id h $)7k$r :syhsUk( s )LsLlS nsXk(s Si;kslsax esnsAh gks Agh g#= nks kWiAsLAksa ls iCk x@k $ +l eB$Uy ks lByck(s s $y: os D@k rAhs i(k:Yxs= nks(ksa kWiAsLAksa s rAhksa esa D@k 'M/k KQ 7kk] Ques t i on:
ks :s(kyk+t A(k Sl' rAg ls iAsUkk(h ks lec(k B.)LeA ks nsAh h lp(k ns(k C.iAsUkk(h s kA.k ks S)LeA ks 'rk(k D.)LeA ls la'a$Hkr m$ pr SAsysosaL tk(kAh ekYx(k ( c o r r e c t )
4 Passage:l$oQl
$ADos)L ks iAk SgsaMy A(s s $y: $(nsQUk Sxk+QMyk+>lj 1^ xA rh( @k mll T@knk is$>Max $ADos)L g#aR rks kWiAsLA ks igys l' i#a$Max $ADos)L ks iAk A(k pk$g:=
2^ xA is$>Max $ADos)L nks ls T@knk ( gksa rksR kWiAsLA ks l!kh tkYp okyh l$oQl $ADos)L iAh A(h pk$g:= 3^ lBHkkA okyh l$oQl $ADos)L ks :sM okyh l$oQl $ADos)L s 'kn gh iAk A(k pk$g:= 4^ :sM okyh l$oQl $ADos)L ks tkYp okyh l$oQl $ADos)L s 'kn gh iAk A(k pk$g:=