Example of on the job training assigned at mechanical maintenance department.Full description
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OJT Narrative Report
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a narrative report about On the job trainingFull description
OJT Narrative Report
Not yet done. Haha.
Not yet done. Haha.
Narrative Report
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brigada narrative
Sample narrative report
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Narrative on GAD
Narrative ReportFull description
Sample narrative report
Narrative ReportFull description
narrative reportFull description
LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY – CAVITE CAMPUS College of Business Adminis!"ion Adminis!"ion
A N"!!"i#e Re$o! P!esened o %e College of Business Adminis!"ion Adminis!"ion
In P"!i"l Fulfillmen of %e Re&ui!emens Fo! %e 'eg!ee of B"(%elo! of S(ien(e in Business Adminis!"ion Adminis!"ion M")o! in O$e!"ions M"n"gemen
P"ul N* Rend"l +,-+ – -,.+/
T%e ""inmen of %is n"!!"i#e !e$o! "nd %e eni!e On2%e23o0 T!"ining 4ill no 0e $ossi0le 4i%ou %e %el$ of 5od Almig%67 %e $eo$le "nd eniies %" %"#e me %e o$$o!uni6 o e8$e!ien(e %is !"ining ouside %e fou! sides o f %e (l"ss!oom* To m6 $"!ens 4%om g"#e me %e mo!"ls I need o f"(e %e 4o!ld "s " $!ofession"l indi#idu"l in !efle( of %e n"me %" %e6 %old 4i%in %ei! 0lood "s %ei! $!ide "nd )o6 of 4%" I %"#e "((om$lis%ed fo! " s$"n of ime* T%"n9 6ou fo! %e su$$o! "nd !eminde! o "l4"6s $!io!ii:e %" "!e im$o!"n o %ose 4%" "!e u!gen* ;,, %ou!s7 fo! me7 4"s " long 4"6 0u 6ou! 4o!9 "s m6 $"!ens is "l!e"d6 " lifeime of (ommimen* Pus%ing me o m6 limis "nd s!uggles7 g"ining (onfiden(e e#e!6 no4 "nd %en7 0eing %e!e 4%ene#e! I "m do4n7 "nd %"n9 6ou* T%"n9 6ou indeed fo! 0elie#ing "nd !using me inde$endenl6* M"6 5od 0less 6ou 4o "l4"6s* To m6 sise! 4%o %el$ed me o 0e "((e$ed o %e (om$"n6 "nd fo! "l4"6s 0eing %e!e 0eside me7 %"n9 6ou* You ins$i!e me o s!i#e mo!e "s 6ou gi#e " $e!fe( e8"m$le of " suden* As C%in9ee T"n s"id7 e "((om$"n6 ou!sel#es in se"!(%ing fo! " (om$"n6 "nd ou! %"!ds%i$s "(u"ll6 $"id off*
To %e L6(eum of %e P%ili$$ines Uni#e!si6 – C"#ie C"m$us7 es$e(i"ll6 %e (l"ss of B"(%elo! of S(ien(e in Business Adminis!"ion M")o! in O$e!"ions M"n"gemen B"(% +,-; "nd %e LPU H"!moni( C%o!"le7 I %"n9 6ou fo! %e su$$o! "nd %e o$$o!uniies %" 6ou! 0!oug% o %e sudens? 6ou! su$$o! o m6 $!og!"m "nd o %e A!s "nd Culu!"l Aff"i!s 'e$"!men* To m6 $!ofesso!s7 es$e(i"ll6 in %e College of Business Adminis!"ion7 %"n9 6ou fo! %e 9no4ledge 6ou %"#e $"ssed on o us7 sudens* I "nd m6 (l"ssm"es !e"ll6 do "(&ui!ed unde!s"nding 4i% %e On2%e23o0 T!"ining e8$e!ien(e? 4e (le"!l6 s"4 %e "$$li("ion of "ll %e %ings 4e@#e le"!ned* T%"n9 6ou Ms* So!i"no "nd Ms* P"ul" fo! unde!s"nding m6 uni&ue siu"ion* To %e Isu:u Auomoi#e 'e"le!s%i$ In(o!$o!"ed C"#ie B!"n(%7 %"n9 6ou fo! 6ou! 4"!m 4el(ome "nd s!i( im$lemen"ions of 6ou! !ules o4"!ds me "s 6ou! !"inee* To %e #"!ious de$"!mens es$e(i"ll6 %e P"!s 'e$"!men 4%e!e I 4"s design"ed7 %"n9 6ou fo! $us%ing me men"ll6 "nd $%6si("ll6 (%"llenging me* T%e s!ess %" I en(oune!ed du!ing m6 %ou!s in IA'I !e"ll6 g"#e me "n im$"( of 4%" !e"ll6 4o!9ing is "ll "0ou "nd I ("n ell 6ou %" in %e se!#i(e indus!67 6ou! )o0 is " no )o9e* F!om %e M"n"ge! o %e )"nio!7 6ou gu6s "!e !e"ll6 good " 6ou! 4o!9 "nd !e"ll6 ni(e Si! V"l"n(e7 M"@"m H6dee7 M"@"m Len7 M"@"m Lin7 M"@"m M"(e7 Si! No67 Si! Rei"nn7 Si! 3"son7 Si! 3"mes7 Si! 3ose$%7 Si! M"!97 C%!isi"n7 u6" Neso!7 u6" A!nold7 %e eni!e S"les Re$!esen"i#e Elie7 %e me(%"ni(s "nd Bod6 Re$"i! g!ou$ 6ou "ug% me %ings %" "!e !e"ll6 fund"men"ls in doing " )o0 in " (om$"n6* T%" e#e!6d"6 g!e"s6 life is indeed " $!oof o 0e %um0le "l4"6s* Re$"i! )o0s "!e no " )o9e es$e(i"ll6 if 6ou 4"n o inis% 4%" %e (usome! needs 0u sill 6ou find o%e! (onfli(s on %e 4"67 6ou $oliel6
ell 6ou! (usome!s "0ou %ose $!o0lems %" "!e no e"s6 0u 6ou )us "0ou i – $e!se#e!"n(e "nd )o6 in %e )o0* T%ese m"de me !e"li:e %" 4e s%ould find " )o0 %" 4e "!e !e"ll6 %"$$6 "0ou o do7 no "0ou %e mone67 0u 6ou! $"ssion* You gu6s ins$i!e me e#e!6 d"6 %" 0e6ond $!o0lems7 smiles "!e sill seen in %e offi(e "nd %" 0oos me fo! %e ;,, %ou!s I@#e 0een %e!e* And l"sl6 o m6 5od Almig%6* T%"n9 6ou fo! %e s!eng% 6ou g"#e me %!oug%ou m6 #e!6 long ;,, %ou!s %" 4e!e !ende!ed f!om A$!il o 'e(em0e! 0e("use of m6 ig% s(%edule* T%"n9 6ou %" 6ou g"#e me %e $eo$le %" "!e $osii#e "l4"6s "nd %" %el$ed me sill o !eg"in m6 (om$osu!e in m6 s"6 " Isu:u* T%"n9 6ou %" 0e6ond m6 dis(ou!"gemen of o%e! $eo$le7 mo(9ing me7 "0ou m6 se!#i(e o Isu:u7 I sill finis%ed %is !"ining "nd in %e end %" 4"s 4%" im$o!"n – finis%ing* T%"n9 6ou 5od " ne#e! ending 0lessing o %e 4o!ld7 m6 uni#e!si67 m6 (%u!(%7 m6 minis!67 m6 (%o!"le g!ou$ "nd m6 f"mil6* T%"n9 6ou fo! %e s"fe !"#el e#e!6 ime I go o 4o!9 "nd go %ome* I ("nno do %is "ll 4i%ou 6ou! lo#e "nd me!(67 F"%e! I %"n9 6ou* You m"9e 4"6 4%ene#e! I en(oune! de"d ends "nd enlig%ened me o ou(% imes* T%"n9 6ou fo! m6 %e"l% "nd m6 f"mil6* T%"n9 6ou Lo!d fo! e#e!6%ing* T%"n9 6ou e#e!6one fo! %el$ing7 guiding7 "nd "ssising me e#e!6 se$ of %e 4"6 o m6 !"ining* You lo#e 4ill fo!e#e! 0e in m6 life* To 5od 0e "ll %e glo!67 "men