8inse s#all a#ounts to the sanitary se.er drain .ith 3lenty of .ater Mo3 u3 s3ills and rinse area thorou!hly .ith .ater FI8ST AID $8OCED=8ES If in!ested
Do not indu"e %o#itin!
8inse #outh .ith .ater 2efore drin t.o !lasses of .ater
Conta"t 3hysi"ian or $oison Control Center>
Do not !i%e anythin! 2y #outh to un"ons"ious 3erson
If in eyes 8inse out 3ro#3tly and thorou!hly .ith .ater If irritation 3ersist "onta"t 3hysi"ian If on ears 8inse out 3ro#3tly and thorou!hly .ith .ater If irritation 3ersist "onta"t 3hysi"ian INDICATIONS ODEX is used for "leansin! sin( .ounds( and 2urns( and it used for sur!i"al instru#ents or "lini"al ther#o#eter disinfe"tions .ith an e+"e3tional a2ility to ill .ide .ide ran!e ran!e of #i"roo #i"roor!a r!ani nis# s#s s
Chlorhe+idine !lu"onate is a"ti%e in!redient and "etri#ide is a deter!ent .hi"h in"reases the 3enetration of "hlorhe+idine>
$a!e ' of 7
$8ECA=TIONS For Antise3ti" '> For e+ternal use only 7> Do not use in eyes( #outh and ears ?> It has 2een re3orted to "ause deafness .hen instilled in the #iddle ear throu!h 3erforated eardru#s @> If ad%erse rea"tions o""ur( this 3rodu"t should 2e 3ro#3tly dis"ontinued> If "ondition 3ersist for #ore than 7 hours( "onsult a 3hysi"ian )> ee3 this and all dru!s out of the rea"h of "hildren For disinfe"tion of sur!i"al instru#ents '> Do not use for #etal instru#ents unless stainless steel 7> For "leansin! tu2in! and needle( rinse .ith sterile .ater STABILIT9 4 STO8AGE Sta2le under nor#al "onditions of handlin! Store in "ool area $ACAGING )11 #l( 2ottle ) liter( !allon 8EGIST8ATION N=MBE8 De3es 8I ; $D> 71)17)11'
Manufa"tured 2y ; $T> A9AMAS MEDICA IND=ST8I Dl> By $ass AM> 7( Arian SidoarGo East Da%a < Indonesia Tel3> , 1?' 0 C7?@C( C)7HC Fa+> , 1?' 0 C)7H E#ail ; G#ione#edhealth"are>"o#