Entered Apprentice Mason WM – (Puts on his jewel and hat; displays working tools) + Brother Juni or Deacon, Deacon, invite the brethren in and close the door. (Without rod, goes out of the door and invites the brethren in; reenters and closes door; goes to his place and sits down). The brethren will come to order and clothe themselves. (Fills vacant stations and places). The officers (all officers rise) will approach the East and receive their jewels. OFS – (Proceed to the East along the North in the following order: Senior. Warden, Junior Warden, Treasurer, Secretary, Chaplain, Marshal, Senior Deacon, Junior Deacon, Deacon, Senior Steward, Junior Steward, Organist, Organist, to receive their jewels; then then return to their respective places places along the South and remain standing. When the Senior Warden puts on his his jewel, others put on theirs)
WM – + (All sit down except Senior Warden ). Brother Senior Warden, satisfy yourself that all present are Masons. SW - (If satisfied). satisfied). Worshipful Master, all present are Masons. -----SW - (If not satisfied).
Deacon Deacon s, attend. (Deacons rise and take rods. Junior Deacon steps forward to
south-west corner of pavement, facing East and waits for Senior Deacon to be in line with him on the north-west corner. They face each other, meet meet in front of the station of Senior Warden, Warden, facing him, rods at attention). attention). As cer tai n i f al l p res ent are Mas on s. (Deacons separate and proceed to the East, Senior Deacon on the North side and Junior Deacon on the South side of Lodge. Lodge. They turn around, and on the way back to the West inspect inspect the brethren, with rods in pass, on their respective sides. If they find any brother who has no right to sit in the Lodge, or whose right is open to question, they face such brother, put rod at attention, and say : “Please rise and remain facing Senior Warden, puts rods at attention and report). report). standing”. They then meet in the West as before, facing (Deacons not satisfied, one or more brother challenged, standing up)
SD - Brot her Senio Senio r Warden, Warden, not all on the North si de of the Lodg e are are Masons Masons . JD - Brother Senior Senior Warden, Warden, not all on the South South side of the Lodge are are Masons. Masons. WM - The brethren brethren may consi der themselves themselves free from r estraint until th e sound o f the gavel in the East. + (He arranges for a vouchment or examination of such brother or brothers; while being done, ceremonies may be continued). (Deacons satisfied)
SD - Brot her Senior Senior Warden, all on the North side of the Lodge are are Masons Masons . JD - Brother Senior Senior Warden, Warden, all on the South South side of the Lodge are are Masons. Masons. (Deacons separate, return to places, put rods in stand, sit down)
SW – Worshi pfu l Master, Master, all present are Masons. -----WM - Call Call the b rethren to or der as Entered Entered Appr entice Masons, Masons, reserving yo urself for the last.
SW - The brethren will come to Order as Entered Apprentice Masons. (Senior Warden does not knock. Brethren rise, come under dueguard followed followed by the Senior Warden)
WM -
(SIGN is given and all seated except Junior Deacon)
WM – Brother Junior Deacon, Deacon, the first and most important care of a Lodge of Entered Entered Ap pr ent ic e Masons Maso ns , wh en c on vened. ven ed. JD - SIGN To SIGN To see that the Lodge is d uly tyl ed, Worshipf Worshipf ul. WM - Perform Perform that duty and inform the Tyler that we are about to open a Lodge of Entered Entered Ap pr ent ic e Maso ns in th is pl ace an d d ir ect hi m t o t yl e acc or di ng ly . JD – (Takes rod, goes to door, puts rod in left hand, and gives + + + on the door with knuckles of right hand; after hearing the Tyler’s + + + from outside, opens door with right hand; takes one step back, rod at attention in right hand ) Brother Tyler, we are about to open a Lodge of Entered Apprentice Masons in this place, and it is the order of the Worshipfu Worshipfu l Master Master that you tyle accordin accordin gly. gly . (Closes door with right hand, returns to his place, rod at attention attention in right hand) SIGN . Worshipful Master, Master, the Lodge is tyled. WM - How tyled? JD - By a brother Mason without t he door, armed with the prop er implement of his office. WM - His duty there? JD - To observe the approach of cowans and eaves-droppers and see that none pass or repass, without permission of the Worshipful Master in the East. (Places rod in stand, remains standing)
WM - + + (Only the Senior Warden, Junior Warden, Treasurer, Secretary and Senior Deacon rise) Brother Senior Warden, whence came you? SW - SIGN. From a Lodge of th e Holy Saints Saints J ohn at Jerusalem. WM - What What came you here to do ? SW - To learn to subdue my passion and imp rove myself in Masonry. Masonry. WM - Then Then yo u are a Mason, I presum e? SW - I am so taken and accepted among b rothers and fellows. WM - Where Where were you made an Entered Apprentic e Mason? Mason? SW - Within a body of a just and legally legally consti tuted lodge of Entered Entered Apprentice Masons. Masons. WM - How How many compose such a Lodge? SW - Seven or more, Wors Wors hipf ul. WM - Whence Whence but seven, seven, of whom does it cons ist? SW - The Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens, Treasurer, Secretary, Senior and Junior Deacons. Deacons.
WM – The The Junior Deacon’s Deacon’s place in the Lodge? SW - On On the righ t of the Senior Senior Warden in the West, Wors Wors hipf ul. WM. WM. - Your Your duty , Brother Junior? JD - SIGN . To carry messages messages from the Senior Senior Warden Warden in the West West to the Junior Warden Warden in the South, and and elsewhere about the Lodge as directed; attend to all alarms alarms at the door and see that the Lodge is duly tyled. WM. - The The Senio Senio r Deacon’ Deacon’ s place? JD - On the right of the Worshipfu l Master Master in the East, East, Worshipful. WM. - Your duty, Brother Senior? SD - SIGN . To carry Orders from the Worshipful Master Master in t he East, East, to the Senior Warden in the West, and elsewhere about the Lodge as required; attend to all alarms at the door of the preparation room, receive and and con duct c andidates, introdu ce and accommodate visiting brethren. WM. - The Secretary Secretary ’s p lace? SD - On the left of the Worshipful Master Master in t he East, East, Worshipful. WM. - Your duty, Brot her Secretary? Secretary? SEC – SIGN To observe the will and and pleasure pleasure of the Worshipful Master, Master, keep a true record off all things prepared to be written, turn a copy of the same to the Grand Lodge when required, receive all all mo nies from the brethren, pay the same to the Treasurer and take his receipt therefor. WM - The Treasurer’s place? SEC SEC - On On the r ight o f the Worship ful Master in the East, Worshipf Worshipf ul. WM. - Your dut y, Brot her Treasurer? TR - SIGN . To receive all monies from the hands of the Secretary, keep a just and accurate account thereof and pay the same out by Order of the Worshipful Master, Master, with the consent of the Lodge. WM - The The Junior Warden’s station? TR - In the Sout Sout h, Worshi pfu l. WM. WM. - Your Your d uty in the South, Brother Junior ? JW – SIGN As th e su n at mer id ian hei gh t is th e beau ty and gl or y of th e day , so st and s th e Junior Warden in the South, the better to observe the time, to call the crafts from labor to refreshment, and from refreshment to labor again, at the will and pleasure of the Worshipful Master. WM - The Senior Warden’s Station Station ? JW - In In th e West, West, Worship ful.
WM - Your duty in the West, Brot her Senior? SW – SIGN As th e su n i s i n th e West at t he c lo se o f d ay, s o is th e Seni or Ward en i n t he West , to assist the Worshipful Master in opening and closin g his Lod ge, to pay the crafts their wages, if any be due, that none may go away dissatisfied, harmony being the strength and support of all societies, especially o f ours . WM - The station of the Worshipfu l Master? SW - In the East, Worshi pfu l. WM. - And his duty, my Brother? SW – As the sun ri ses in the East to open and adorn th e day, so rises (Worshipful Master rises) the Worshipful Master in the East, to open and govern his Lodge, in due time to set the crafts at work, and give them the necessary instru ction whereby they may pursu e their labors. WM - + + + Brother Senior Warden, it is my will and pleasure that a Lodge of Entered Ap pr ent ic e Mas on s be no w op ened in th is pl ace fo r th e p ur po se of co nf err in g th e f ir st deg ree of Masonry (Or, for the purpose of examination) . This you will communicate to the Junior in the South, that the brethren may h ave due notice thereof . SW – (Places gavel over the left breast) . Brother Junior Warden, it is the Order of the Worship ful Master that a Lodge of Entered Apprentice Masons b e now opened in thi s place for the pur pose of conferring the first degree of Masonry (Or, for the purpose of examination). This you will report to the brethren that they m ay have due notice thereof. JW - (Places gavel over left breast ) Brethren, it is the Order of the Worshipfu l Master that a Lodge of Entered Apprentice Masons be now opened in this place for the purpose of conferring the first degree of Masonry (Or, for the purpose of examination). Of this take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly. WM - Together, Brethren. AL L - (Give dueguard and SIGN of EAM) WM
SD - (Goes to Altar with rod, arranges the Great Lights, turns on lights, gives the SIGN; takes one step to the left, rod at attention. If the Senior Deacon does not turn on, or light the lights, he must wait after arranging great lights until lights are lighted before making the SIGN). WM - (Removes hat; he or the Chaplain offers the following)
PRAYER Great Arch itect of the Universe! In Thy name we have assembled and in Thy name we desire to proceed in all our doing s. Grant that the sublime principles of Freemasonry may so subdue every discordant passion within us - so harmonize and enrich our hearts with Thine own love and goodness - that the Lodge at this time may humbly reflect that order and beauty which reign forever before Thy throne. Amen.
Supreme Ruler of the Universe! We reverently invok e Thy blessing at this tim e. Wilt Thou be pleased to gr ant that this meeting, thus begun in order, may be conducted in p eace and closed in harmony. Amen. AL L - So m ot e it be. WM - I now declare this Lodg e of Entered Apprentice Masons to be duly opened, requiring all herein assembled to conduct themselves with due order and propriety during the time the same may remain open. Brother Junior Deacon, inform the Tyler that the Lodge is now opened on the first degree of Masonry. JD - (Takes rod, goes to door, puts rod in left hand, and gives three knocks with right hand, waits for Tyler’s + + + ; opens door with right hand, takes one step back, rod at attention). Brother Tyler, the Lodge is now opened on the first degree of Masonry. (Closes door with right hand, goes to his place, rod at attention)
WM -
(Senior Warden erects column. All sit down; Senior Deacon goes to his place and puts rod in stand. Junior Deacon also puts rod in stand) +
- - - - - -
JD – SIGN Worshipful Master, there are several brethren who desire admission. WM – Admit them if prop erly clothed and vouch ed for. - - - - - -
WM – Brethren, this Lodge of Entered Apprentice Masons has convened for the purpose of examining Brother A.B. as to his proficiency in th e lecture of this degree. Brother A.B. (rises), are you pr epared for examination? CDT – SIGN I am, Worshipful. WM – Brother Senior Deacon, place chairs in the South (or West or East). Brother CD (rises) will conduc t the examination. SD – (Places two chairs facing each other in front of station designated. If a Warden or the Worshipful Master conducts the examination, place only one chair. Candidate takes seat. Senior Deacon returns to his place).
CD – (Sits opposite Candidate and conducts examination as given further on. If Warden or Worshipful Master, remains in station). - - - - - -
CD – SIGN Worshipful Master, the examination is concluded. WM – Broth er A.B., be seated among t he brethr en.
6 (The Lodge will be closed if opened on the first degree, raised if on a higher, or called off for congratulations; and to permit Senior Deacon to conduct the Candidate to anteroom. Candidate should not be sent out of open Lodge), - - - - - -
WM - Brethren, this Lodge of Entered Apprentice Masons has convened for the purpos e of conferring the first degree of Masonry upon Mr. A.B., who at our last (or, at a) stated meeting, was regularly elected to receive the degrees of Masonry in this Lodge. If there be no objection, I will direct the Marshal to retire and propoun d the usual interrogations to the Candidate. ( Pause). There being none, Brother Marshal (rises), you will retire with the Stewards, and propound the usual interrogations to the Candidate, and if answered in a satisfactory manner, the Stewards (rise) wil l prepare Mr. A.B., to receive the first degree of Masonry. MRL & STS – (Go to Altar, Stewards take rods when Worshipful Master stops speaking. Junior Steward goes directly to the Altar, Marshal follows, and last Senior Steward. All face East, salute, right face and proceed to anteroom door in single file. Junior Deacon without rod opens door without alarm, lets them pass, closes door, returns to place and sits down). (Outside the door, Marshal leads, Stewards abreast and one pace behind, the Senior on his left, the Junior on the right. Proceed to the anteroom) MRL - (In the anteroom) Mister A.B., before you can be initiated an Entered Apprentice Mason, it will be necessary for you to answer in a satisfactory manner the followi ng:
QUESTIONS: 1. Do you seriously declare, upon you r honor, that unbiased by friends and uninf luenced by mercenary motives, you freely and voluntarily offer yourself as a candidate for the mysteries of Masonry? 2. Do you seriously declare, upon you r honor, that you are prompted to solic it the privileges of Masonry by a favorable opinion conceived of the institution, a desire for knowledge, and a sincere wish to be serviceable to your fellow creatures? 3. Do you seriously declare, upon your honor, that you will cheerfully conf orm to all the ancient established usages and customs of the Fraternity? Having answered these questions satisfactorily, I will now leave you with these gentlemen, who will prepare you to receive the first degree of Masonry. It will be necessary for you to be divested of all minerals and metals, and so much of your clothing that you will be neither naked nor clad, barefooted nor shod. Satisfactory reasons will be given for these and all things else required of you. For the present, it is sufficient to say that you will be asked to submit to noth ing, except what all persons who have preceded you have been required to submit to. (Returns to Lodge room, without alarm, walks along South, left face to Altar). SIGN. Worshipful Master, the usual interrogations have been propounded to the candidate; he has answered them in a satisfactory manner and the Stewards are now preparing Mister A.B. to receive the first degree of Masonry. (Marshall, right face, walks along South to his place and sits down).
WM. - The Brethren may consider themselves free from restraint until the sound o f the gavel in th e East. + (Senior Warden’s column down, Junior Warden’s column up). (Stewards conduct Candidate to the preparation room and prepare him to receive the first degree. Senior Steward gives suit to candidate and tells him to put it on after removing all his clothing. Then leaves the Candidate alone. When Stewards return they complete the preparation of the Candidate)
7 (Candidate is taken to the door of the preparation room, the Senior Steward on the North, the Junior Steward on the South, the three standing abreast. Candidate is caused to give three distinct knocks with the knuckles of his right hand)
-----CDT - (In preparation room). +++ (Senior Warden’s column up, Junior Warden’s column down). WM - +
SD – (Rises but does not take rod) SIGN . Worshipful Master, there is an alarm at the door of the preparation room. WM. – Broth er Senior Deacon , ascert ain the cause of the alarm. SD – (Takes rod and goes to door of preparation room. Places rod in left hand at attention, gives three knocks on the door with knuckles of right hand, and opens the door with the right; with rod in right hand takes three steps back and places rod at attention). Who comes h ere? (The Stewards and Candidate stand abreast. Senior Steward on North, Junior Steward on South).
SSTD - A poor blind candidate, who desires to be brought from darkness to light, to receive and have a part of the rights and benefits of this Worshipful Lodge erected to God and dedicated to the Holy Saints J ohn, as all brothers and fellows h ave done, who h ave gone this way before. SD - Is this o f your o wn free will and accord? CDT - It is . SD - Is he duly and truly prepared, worthy and well qualified? SSTD - He is. SD - Of lawful age and properly vouched fo r? SSTD - He is. SD - Who vouches for him? SSTD - I do. SD - By what furt her right d oes he expect to gain admissio n into a lodge of Free and Acc epted Masons? SSTD - By being a man, free born, under the tongue of good report and coming well recommended. SD - It is well. You will await a time with patience until the Worshipful Master in the East is informed of your request and his answer returned. (Steps toward door, closes it with right hand, turns around to right, walks along North, right face to Altar, rod at attention)
WM – Brother Senior Deacon, who occasioned th e alarm at the do or o f the preparation roo m?
SD - SIGN . A po or bl ind Cand id ate, wh o des ir es to be br ou gh t fr om dar kn ess to li gh t, to receive and have a part of the rights and benefits of this Worshipful Lodge erected to God and dedicated to the Holy Saints J ohn, as all brothers and fellows h ave done, who have gone this w ay before. WM - Is it of his ow n free will and accord? SD - It is . WM - Is he duly and tru ly prepared, worthy and well qualified? SD - He is. WM - Of lawful age and properly vouch ed for? SD - He is. WM - Who vouches for him? SD - A bro ther. WM - By what further right does he expect to gain admission int o a Lodge of Free and Ac cep ted Maso ns ? SD - By being a man, free born, under the tongue of good report and coming well recommended. WM - It is well. Admit th e candi date, (Senior Deacon left face, walks along North, right face, stops in front of East, rod at attention, facing Worshipful Master, who rises, takes instrument and holds it in right hand ) and receive him upon the point of this sharp instrument, piercing his naked left breast, which is to teach him that as this instrum ent is a torture to the flesh, so may the recollection be to his mind and consc ience, should he ever preserved to reveal any of the secrets of Freemasonry unlawfully. (Hands instrument to Senior Deacon, who advances, rod in pass, receives instrument with right hand, backs to where he was standing, rod to right hand at attention. Worshipful Master sits down). Let him enter.
SD – (Right face, walks along South, right face along West, walks to door of preparation room, opens door with right hand without knocking but with noise to call attention of Stewards; takes three steps back, transfers rod to left and holds instrument in right hand ). It is the Order of t he Worshipful Master that the Candidate be admitted; you w ill therefore let him enter (Junior Steward conducts the Candidate towards Senior Deacon. Senior Steward closes door and steps abreast with Junior Steward. Senior Deacon stops Candidate with instrument in right hand ). On your first admission into a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, you
are received upon the point of a sharp instrument, piercing your naked left breast, which is to teach you that as this instrument is a tortur e to the flesh, so may the recollection be to your mind and conscience, should you ever persist to reveal any of the secrets of Freemasonry unlawfully. (Hands instrument to Senior Steward, Senior Deacon takes Candidate’s right arm with left hand, rod in right, conducts Candidate to Northwest corner of pavement, then along West to center, facing East, one step to right, one forward and faces North, rod at attention. Stewards follow and stop three paces before reaching northwest corner of pavement, rod at attention ). No man should ever enter upon any great or important
undertaking without first invoking the blessing of God; you will therefore kneel for the benefit of prayer. (Places left hand on Candidate's head) WM -
(Removes hat but does not rise)
SD – (Recites the following) PRAYER Vouchsafe Thine aid, Almighty Father of the Universe, to this our present convention, and grant that this candidate for Freemasonry may dedicate and devote his life to Thy service, and become a true and faithful broth er among us. Endue him with a competency of Thy Divine Wisdom, that, by the influ ence of the pure principles of Freemasonry, he may better be enabled to display the beauties of holiness, to the honor of Thy holy name. Amen. All - So m ot e it be. WM – (Goes down to candidate by way of south side of Altar and stops in front of Candidate. Places left hand on Candidate’s head after the Senior Deacon has removed his. Removes hat with right, asks aloud). In whom do you put your trust ? CDT - In God . (Must not prompt Candidate, repeat question if necessary) WM - Your trust being in God, (replaces hat, takes Candidate’s right hand with his right, place the left under the right elbow) arise, follow your gu ide and fear not what man can do unto you. (Returns to East by way of north side of Altar and sits) + SD – (Conducts Candidate to Northwest corner of pavement to commence perambulation. Stewards follow three paces behind, stop in front of East. Senior Steward advances, hands instrument with right hand to the Worshipful Master; backs beside Junior Steward. They then proceed to their places, put rods in stand quietly, and sit down). (During perambulation, Worshipful Master removes hat - it may be read or recited by Chaplain standing West of Altar, facing East, or Worshipful Master, sitting in the East, or may be done by Senior Deacon. One rap as Candidate passes each station commencing at South). +
“ Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!
“ It is like the precious ointment up on the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard; that went down to the skirts of his garments; As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion; +
“ For there the Lord commanded the blessing, even life forevermore.”
SD – (Conducts Candidate to the South, stops in front of Junior Warden; takes one step to West and one
back, in square; with butt of rod give s) +++
JW -
(Rises and places gavel over left breast). Who comes h ere?
SD - A poor blin d candidate, who desires to be brought fro m darkness to light, to receive and have a part of the rights and benefits of this Worshipful Lodge erected to God and dedicated to the Holy Saints Jo hn, as all brothers and fellows have done, who have gone this way before. JW - Is this o f your ow n free will and accord? CDT - It is . JW - Is he duly and truly prepared, worthy and well qualified?
SD - He is. JW - Of lawful age and properly vouched for ? SD - He is. JW - Who vou ches for him? SD - I do. JW - By what further right does he expect to obtain this favor? SD - By being a man, free born, under the tongue of good report and coming well recommended. JW - It is well. It is my direction t hat you con duct the candidate to the Senior Warden in the West for his examination. (Senior Deacon does not move until Junior Warden is seated) SD – (Conducts Candidate to the West, stops in front of Senior Warden, takes one step to North and one back, in square; with butt of rod gives) +++ SW – + (Rises and places gavel over left breast). Who comes here? SD - A poor blin d Candidate, who desires to be brough t from darkness to lig ht, to receive and have a part of the rights and benefits of this Worshipful Lodge erected to God and dedicated to the Holy Saints Jo hn, as all brothers and fellows have done, who have gone this way before. SW - Is this o f your own free will and accord? CDT - It is . SW - Is he duly and truly prepared, worthy and well qualified? SD - He is. SW - Of lawful age and properly vouched for ? SD - He is. SW - Who vo uches for him? SD - I do. SW - By what further right do es he expect to obt ain this favor? SD - By being a man, free born, under the tongue of good report and coming well recommended. SW - It is well. It is my direction th at you condu ct the Candidate to the Worship ful Master in the East for further examination. (Senior Deacon does not move until the Senior Warden takes seat). SD - (Conducts Candidate to the East; stops in front of Worshipful Master, takes one step South and one back, in square; with butt of rod gives) + + + WM - + (Does not rise) . Who comes h ere?
SD - A poor blind candidate, who desires to b e brought f rom darkness to light, to receive and have a part of the rights and benefits of this Worshipful Lodge erected to God and dedicated to the Holy Saints Jo hn, as all brothers and fellows have done, who have gone this way before. WM - Is this o f your ow n free will and accord? CDT - It is . WM - Is he duly and truly prepared, worthy and well qualified? SD - He is. WM - Of lawful age and prop erly vouched fo r? SD - He is. WM - Who vo uches for him? SD - I do. WM - By what further right do es he expect to obt ain this favor? SD - By being a man, free born, under the tongue of good report and coming well recommended. WM - It is well. Reconduc t the candidate to the Senio r Warden in the West, who wi ll teach him to advance by one regular step, his feet for ming a rig ht angle, body erect, facing th e East. SD - (Conducts Candidate along South. When one step to face West and stops;
West of Altar right face to center; turns so as takes one step to North, rod at attention). Brother Senior Warden (rises), it is the
Order of the Worshipful Master that you teach the Candidate to advance by one regular step, his feet for ming a rig ht angle, body erect, facing th e East. SW - (Comes down, turns candidate about face so as to face East, steps to Southwest corner of Altar and faces candidate. The Junior Deacon takes rod, goes towards the Altar with Senior Warden, and stands in line with the Senior Deacon. Deacons do not advance with Candidate). Take one step with your naked left foot and bring t he heel of th e right to th e hollow of t he left, your feet formin g a right angle, (steps behind the Candidate) body erect, facing the East. (Takes one step to the right behind the Candidate) SIGN . Worshipful Master, the Candidate is in order. (Then returns behind Candidate)
WM - Before proceeding any further with the ceremonies of this degree, it will be necessary for you t o take an obligation, by whic h you will bind yo urself to keep inviolate all the mysteries of Freemasonry appertaining to th e degree of Entered Apprentice Mason. This obligation w ill not, I assure you, interfere with the duties you owe to (uncovers) God, your country, your neighbor or yourself; it appertains to Freemasonry alone. With this assurance on my part, are you willing to proceed? CDT - I am. WM - Then Brot her Senior Warden (does not leave position), place the Candidate at the Altar in due form, to take the solemn obligation of an Entered Apprentice Mason, by causing him to kneel on his naked left knee, his right forming an angle of a square, body erect within a
square, his left hand supporting, his right resting upon the Holy Bible, square and compasses. (Deacons cross rods but remain where standing)
SW - (Advances, places Candidate's hands on the edge of the Altar ). Kneel on you r naked left kn ee, your right forming the angle of a square, body erect within a square (Deacons take one step forward, hold rods over candidate in form of a square), your left hand support ing, your right resting upo n the Holy Bible, square and co mpasses. (Takes one step back) SIGN . Worshipful Master, the Candidate is in due form. WM -
+ + +
(Lights out except lesser lights).
AL L - (Form parallel lines from Altar to East). WM - (Comes down and goes towards the Altar; stops for an instant one step from it. The Worshipful Master and Wardens advance as Entered Apprentice Masons forming an equilateral triangle). Say I, pronounce your name in full , A.B., and in an audi ble tone of vo ice repeat after me:
OBLIGATION Of my own free will and accord, in the presence of (removes hat) God at this worshipful Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons erected to Him and dedicated to the Holy Saints John, do hereby (kneels) and hereon (places right hand on candidate’s right hand) , solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I will always hele, forever conceal, and never reveal any of the secret arts, parts or points of the hidd en mysteries of Freemasonry, appertaining t o the degree of Entered Apprentice Mason, to any perso n under th e canopy of h eaven, except it b e to a true and lawful broth er Mason, or within the body of a just and legally constituted Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, and neither unto him nor th em, until by s trict trial, due examination, or legal information, I shall have found him or them to be as lawfully entitled to the same as I am myself. I further p romise and s wear that I will n ot w rite, indite, print, cut, carve, hack, hew, etch, letter or engrave the same, upon anything movable or im movable, whereby and w hereon the least letter, figure or character might be legible or intelligible to me or to any other person under the whole canopy of heaven, whereby the secrets of Freemasonry migh t be unlawfully communic ated. To all these, I do most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, with a fixed and steady purpos e to perform the same, without equivocation, mental reservation or secret evasion of mind in me whatsoever, binding myself under no less a penalty than that of having my throat cut from ear to ear, my tongue taken out by its root, and buried in the rough sands of the sea, a cable length from shore, where the tide regularly ebbs and f lows. So help me God, and keep me steadfast in the due observance of t his, my so lemn obligation as an Entered Apprentice Mason. WM - (Rises and puts on hat) Detach your hands, (Deacons detach rods and at attention ) bow your head, and in token of your sincerity, kiss the Holy Bible, upon which you have been obligated. (Done). Brother Senior Warden, release the Candidate from the cable tow, it being once around his neck which is to s ignify to h im that he is now bound to th e Fraternity by a stronger tie. (Done). WM - Being in a condition of darkness, what do you mos t desire? CDT - (Senior Warden prompts if necessary). Light.
WM - Brethr en, assis t me (all place hands as in due guard of Entered Apprentice Mason ) in bringing the candidate from darkness to see the light by which Masons work. (Worshipful Master about face and midway between East and Altar, passage):
turns facing the Candidate.
Removes hat while reciting the following
“ In the beginnin g God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon t he face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light; and there was light” . (Replaces hat, goes to Altar while repeating next sentence, and so time steps as to reach near the Altar as the word “I” is uttered, pointing to great lights with right hand). In humble commemoration of that august event, I now masonically say: “L et there be light” (All clap once).
WM - The first objects pr esented to your view, on being bro ught fr om darkness, are the three great lights of Freemasonry, the Holy Bible, square and compasses. The Holy Bible is given to us as the rule and guide of our faith; the square to square our actions; and the compasses to circums cribe our desires and keep our passions within due bounds towards all mankind. Thus you are the better enabled to observe by aid of (points) three lesser lights representing the Sun, Moon and Master of the Lodge. As the sun r ules the day and the moon g overns the nigh t, so should the Worshipful Master endeavor, with equal regularity, to rule and govern the lodge over which he is called to preside. (Worshipful Master goes to East about face and midway between East and Altar turns facing Candidate. - Lights on.) You now o bserve me as Master of t he lodge approaching yo u from the East, under the dueguard and sign of an Entered Apprentice Mason. (Advances as Entered Apprentice Mason and gives dueguard and sign). Entered Appr entice Masons are taught t o advance with the left foot (advances) and bring the heel of the right to the hollow of the left, (does it), their feet forming a right angle. This is the dueguard (gives it), and alludes to the position in which your hands were placed when you took the solemn obligation of an Entered Apprentice Mason, and this is the Sign (gives it ), and alludes to the penalty of your obligation, that of having your throat cut fro m ear to ear, your tongu e taken out b y its ro ot, and buried in the roug h sands of t he sea, a cable length from s hore, where the tide regularly ebbs and f lows. (Steps to north of Altar ). I now take pleasure in presenting to you my right hand, in token of friendship and brotherly love, and will in vest you with the grip and word of th is degree. This, I will do by aid of th e Senior Warden for your benefit. Brother Senior, attend. (Senior Warden takes one step to north and one forward. Senior Deacon steps back, turns right and goes to right side of Candidate in line with Junior Deacon)
WM - I hele. SW - I co nc eal. WM - What do you conceal? SW - All the secrets of Freemasonry, except it be to a true and lawful broth er of this degree, or within th e body of a just and legally constituted lodge. WM - What is this? SW - A grip . WM - A grip of what? SW - The grip of an Entered App renti ce Mason. WM - Has it a name?
SW - It has. WM - Give it to me. SW - I did not so receive it, neither will I so impart it. WM - What will you do with it? SW - I will letter it with you. WM - Begin. SW - No, you begin. WM – Nay, begin you . SW - (Begins).II; I; III; IV. I-II; III-IV. I-II-III-IV. WM - The word is right. I greet you, my brother. Arise, go (Senior Deacon takes Candidate with the left hand) and salute the Junior and Senior Wardens as an Entered Apprentice Mason. (Bows to Junior Warden, then to Senior Warden and returns with Wardens to stations )+ SD - (Conducts candidate directly to South and instructs him by setting example) Advance as an Entered Ap pr ent ic e Maso n by tak in g on e st ep wi th yo ur lef t fo ot and br in g th e heel of th e ri gh t to th e hollow of the left, your feet forming a right angle; give the dueguard, drop t he left hand, and make the SIGN thus. JW - (Does not rise or return the SIGN; merely nods) SD - (Conducts candidate toward the West by way of South). Do the s ame. SW - (Does not rise or return the SIGN; merely nods) SD - (Conducts candidate towards the East by way of North and stops three feet west of the Altar) WM - Brother Junio r Warden (rises), is the work right in the South? JW - SIGN. Right in the South, Worshipfu l (Sits down). WM - Brot her Senior Warden, (rises) is the work right in the West? SW - SIGN. Right in th e West, Worshipful (Sits down). WM - (Rises) I now take pleasure in presenting to you t his lambskin or wh ite leather apron.
LAMBSK IN APRON It is an emblem of innocence and th e badge of a Mason, more ancient than the Golden Fleece or the Roman Eagle, more honorable than the Star and Garter, or any distinction that can be conferred upon yo u, at this or any future period, by King, Prince, Potentate or any other person, and which it is hoped you w ill wear with pleasure to yourself and honor t o the Fraternity. (OPTIONAL) It is an emblem of innocence and the badge of a Mason, more ancient than the
Golden Fleece or the Roman Eagle, more honorable than the Star and Garter, or any distinction
that may be conferred upon you, at this or any future period by King, Prince, Potentate or any other person. It may be that in the coming years, upon y our head shall rest the laurel wreath of victory, upon your b reast may hang jewels fit to gr ace the diadem of an eastern potentate; nay more than these, with light added to the coming light, your ambitious feet may tread round after round the ladder that leads to fame in our mystic ci rcle and even the purple of our Fraternity may rest upon your honored should er. But never again from mortal hands, never again until your enfranchised spirit sh all have passed upward and inward thro ugh th e pearly gates shall any honor so distinguished, so emblematical of purity and all perfection, be bestowed upon you as this which I now confer. It is yours – your name is written upon it – yours to wear throughout an honorable life and at your death to be placed upon the coffin which shall contain your earthly remains and with them laid b eneath the silent c lods o f the valley. Let its pure and spotless surface be to you an ever-present reminder of an emblematical or unblemished puri ty of life and rectitude of co nduct, a never-ending argu ment for nobler deeds, for higher thoughts, for purer actions, and for greater achievements. And when at last your weary feet shall have come to the end of their toilsome journey, and from your nerveless grasp shall drop forever the working tools of life, may the record of your life and actions be as pure and spotless as this fair emblem which I now place in your hands (hands it). And when your trembling soul shall stand naked and alone before the Great White Throne, there to receive judgment fo r the deeds done while in the body, may it be your portion to hear from Him who sitteth as the Judge Supreme, the welcome words, “ Well done, Thou goo d and faithful servant: enter Thou into th e joy of Thy Lord.” It is hoped, my Brother, that you will wear that apron with pleasure to yourself and honor to the Fraternity. CDT – (Accompanied by the Senior Deacon, advances, receives the apron, backs to former position) WM – (Sits down). You will now be reconducted to the Senior Warden in the West, teach you to wear your apron as an Entered Apprentice Mason.
who will
SD - (Conducts Candidate towards the West by way of South; when one step West of Altar, right face to center, left face and advances towards West to within three feet of border of pavement, in front of Senior Warden’s station, and stops; takes one step to North but not back; places rod at attention) Brot her Senior Warden (rises), it is
the Order of th e Worshipful Master that yo u teach the Candidate to wear his apron as an Entered Ap pr ent ic e Maso n. SW - (Comes down, walks to Candidate, takes apron from him and ties it). Masonic tradition informs us that at the building of King Solomon's Temple the crafts were distinguished by the manner in which they wore their aprons. Entered Apprentices, being bearers of burden, wore theirs with the top turned up (illustrates), to protect their clothing from becoming soiled. As an Entered Ap pr ent ic e Maso n, yo u wi ll th us wear yo ur s. (Returns to station) . You will now be reconducted to the Worshipful Master in the East for furth er instructio ns (sits down). SD - (Conducts Candidate to East by way of North, stops in front of Worshipful Master, takes one step to South and one back rod at attention) . WM - (Rises). Having the pleasure of seeing you for the first time clad in the habiliments of a Mason, I now present to you th e working tools o f this degree. They are the twenty four in ch gauge and the common gavel.
THE TWENTY- FOUR INCH GAUGE Is an instru ment made use of by operative Masons to measure and lay out th eir work. But we, as Free and Accepted Masons, are taught to make use of it for the more noble and glor ious purpos e of dividing our time. It, being divided into twenty four equal parts, is emblematic of the twenty-four hours of the day, which we are taught to divide into three parts, whereby we find a part for the service of God and a distressed worthy brother; a part for our usual vocations; and a part for refreshment and repose.
THE COMMON GAVEL Is an instrument used by operative Masons to break off the rough and superfluous parts of stones, the better to fit them for the builder’s us e. But we, as Free and Accepted Masons, are taught to make use of it for the more noble and glorious purpose of divesting our hearts and consc iences of all the vices and superfluities of life; thereby fitting our minds, as living stones for that spiritual bu ilding, that hou se not made with h ands, eternal in the heavens. WM - (Sits down). It has been the custom among the Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons from ti me immemorial, at the initiation of a candidate, to demand that he deposit some mineral or metallic substance not for its intrinsi c value but that it may be placed in the archives of the Lodge as testimony that he was then and there made a Mason. I now make this demand of you. Will you make such a deposit? CDT - I wil l. WM - Anything you may leave about you, of a mineral or metallic nature, which you can deposit with our Bro ther, the Secretary? CDT - I have noth ing. WM - Do you find y ourself entirely destitute? CDT - I do. WM - So I expected to find yo u. Had it been otherwise, you wou ld not have been duly and truly prepared. Nor was this demand made to trifle with your person or feelings, but to teach you an imp ortant lesson, that should you ever meet a friend, particularly a wort hy brot her Mason, in as destitute a condition as that in which you now stand, it will be your indispensable duty to relieve him so far as you can do so, without serious in jury to you rself. You will now be reconducted to the place whence you came, invested with that of which you were divested, and in du e time return to the Lo dge. SD - (Conducts Candidate to Altar by way of South. Stewards rise and take rods when Senior Deacon turns. Junior Steward goes directly to Altar, Senior Deacon with Candidate following, Senior Steward last. All face East, advance as Entered Apprentice Masons, and with rods at slant give the SIGN. Then rods at attention).
WM - That SIGN, my Brother, you will give on entering and retiring from a Lodge of Entered Ap pr ent ic e Maso ns , and w hen add res si ng th e Worsh ip fu l Master in th e East . SD, STDs & CDT - (Left face and go to preparation room in following order: Junior Steward, Senior Deacon with Candidate, and Senior Steward). (Junior Steward opens door with right hand, Senior Steward takes Candidate, Senior Deacon closes door with right hand, goes to place, puts rod in stand, and sits down).
WM - The Brethren may consider themselves free from restraint until the sound o f the gavel in the East. - - - - - -
LECTURE CDT - (In preparation room + + + with knuckles of right hand at the door) WM –
SD - (Rises but does not take rod) SIGN. Worshipful Master, there is an alarm at the door of the preparation room. WM - Brot her Senior Deacon , ascertain the cause of the alarm. SD - (Takes rod and goes to door of preparation room. Places rod in left hand, gives + + + on door with knuckles of right hand, and opens door with right; with rod in right hand takes three steps back and places rod at attention). Who comes here? (The Stewards and Candidate stand abreast, rods at attention. Senior Steward on North of Candidate, Junior Steward on South).
SSTD - Our newly obligated brother desires admission. SD - (Without closing door, turns around facing East, salutes, places rod at attention). Worshipful Master, our newly obligated brother desires admission. WM - Admit him, cond uct him to th e North-east corner of the Lodg e and place him on the first step of a Mason . (The Junior Steward conducts candidate towards Senior Deacon, who takes him by the right arm. Senior Steward closes door and steps abreast of Junior Steward. They return to places by way of West. Senior Deacon conducts candidate to Northeast corner; asks candidate to advance as Entered Apprentice Mason and give SIGN; Senior Deacon goes back to place, puts rod in stand, sits down)
WM – (Rises) My Brother, you there stand a just and upright Mason, and as such I give it to you strictly in charge, ever to walk and act. There is a lecture appertaining to thi s degree, which , when you are seated in a chair provided for you, I will proceed to give. (Or, I will request Brother C.D. to give it) (Worshipful Master stands).
SD - (Places chair in East, near Northeast of Altar). WM - (Or some qualified Brother designated by him, stands in front of Candidate facing him). My Brother, the lecture for t he Entered Appr entice Mason degree is d ivided into three sections, the first, being a recapitulation of t he ceremonies throug h which y ou have just passed, will be omitted. The second rationally explains why you were caused to submit to the various forms and ceremonies made use of durin g your initiation. You were divested of all minerals and metals for two reasons. First, that you might bring nothing offensive or defensive into the Lodge, whereby its peace and harmony might be disturbed; secondly, at the building of King Solomon’s Temple there was not heard the sound of ax, hammer, or any tool of iron, that stupendous edifice having been erected in the following manner: the stones were hewn, squared, marked and numbered in the quarries whence they were
raised; the timbers were felled and prepared in the forest of Lebanon, transported on floats by sea to Joppa, and thence conveyed by land to Jerusalem, where they were put together by aid of wooden mauls prepared for the purpo se; and, when the whole buildi ng was completed, its several parts fitted with such exact nicety, that it had more the appearance of the handiwork of the Supreme Architect of th e Universe, than that of human hands. You were neither naked nor clad, because Masonry regards no man o n account of his w orldly wealth or honors. It was to signify to you that it is the internal and not the external qualifications which recommend a man to be made a Mason. You were neither barefooted nor shod, in allusion to an ancient Israelic custom, adopted among Masons. Concerning redeeming and changing, we read in the book of Ruth, that to confirm all things, a man plucked off his shoe and gave it to his neighbor; this was testimony in Israel. This, therefore, we do, when on solemn occasions like this, we do to testify in the strongest manner possible, to the sincerity of our intentions in the business in which we are engaged. You were hoodwinked and a cable-tow was placed around your n eck for several reasons, first that your heart might be taught to conceive, before your eyes behold the beauties of Freemasonry; secondly, as you were in darkness at that time, it was to signify to you that you should so keep the whole world regarding th e mysteries of Freemasonry, except him or them who are as lawfully entitled to the same as you yourself were then about to become; and lastly, had you proven refractory and refused to conform to the ceremonies of your initiation, thereby rendering yours elf unworthy to be taken by the hand as a brother, you might , by aid of the cabletow around y our neck, have been led out of the Lodg e without even beholding the form t hereof. You were caused to give three distinct knocks at the door, to alarm the Lodge and inform the Worshipful Master that a candidate was prepared for initiation. Those knocks allude to a passage of scriptu re, wherein it is written: ask and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knoc k, and it shall be opened unto you. This passage was applicable to your situ ation at the time in the following manner: you asked the recommendation of a friend to be made a Mason; that request was granted and you sought admission; you knocked, and the door of Freemasonry was opened unto you. You were received upon the point of a sharp instrument, piercing your naked left breast, for reasons which were at that time explained to you. You were conduc ted to the center of the Lodge and caused to kn eel for the benefit of prayer, because no man sh ould ever enter upon any great or important undertaking without first invoking the blessing of God. You were asked in whom you put your trust, it being necessary that you should express a belief in the Supreme Being, otherwise no obligation would be considered binding upon you; for be it know n unto you, my bro ther, no atheist can ever be made a Mason. You were taken by the righ t hand, told to arise, follow y our gu ide and fear not w hat man could do unt o you, being at that time when you cou ld neither foresee nor avoid d anger, it was to sign ify to you that you were then in the hands of a true and trustwor thy friend, in whose fidelity you could wit h the utmost conf idence rely. You were conducted once around the Lodge, that the Worshipful Master and brethren might see that you were duly and tru ly prepared. You were caused to stop at the South, West and East stations, because at the building of King Solomon's Temple, guards were placed at the South, West and East entrances, who su ffered none to pass except such as were duly qu alified and had permission .
You were caused to k neel at the Altar on yo ur naked left knee, and not on your r ight or both, because the left has always been considered the weaker side of man. It was to signify to y ou that it was the weaker part of Masonry you were then entering upon, it being that of the degree of Entered App rentice only. Your right hand w as placed upon the Holy Bible, square and com passes, and not your left o r both, because the right hand has always been considered the seat of fidelity. The ancients worshipped the Deity under the name of Fides, sometimes represented by two human figures holding each other by the right hand, at others, by two right hands joined. The right hand, therefore, we make use of as a pledge of our fidelity, thereby renouncing our own wills in all things appertaining to Freemasonry and becoming obedient to the rules and regulations of our ancient and ho norable Fraternity. You were presented with a lambskin apron, because the Lamb, in all ages, has been deemed an emblem of innoc ence. He, therefor e, who wears the lambski n as the badge of a Mason, is continu ally reminded of that purity of life and conduct so essentially necessary to his gaining admission into t he Celestial Lodge above where the Supreme Architect of the Universe presides. A dem and was mad e t hat yo u dep os it so me mi ner al or met all ic su bs tan ce, fo r reas on s wh ic h were at that time explained to you. You were then reconducted to the place whence you came, invested with that of which you have been divested, and on your return to the Lod ge, you were condu cted to the north -east corner thereof, and placed on the first step of a Mason, because in op erative Masonry the first s tone of a buildin g, is usually laid in the north-east corner thereof whereupon to erect the future superstruct ure. You were thus placed, being the youngest Entered Apprentice Mason in the Lodge, that you might be near the Worshipful Master in the East, and receive from him those necessary instruction s whereupon to erect your fut ure moral and Masonic edific e. This, my brother, concludes the second section of the lecture of this d egree. In the third section we receive instructio ns relative to the Form, Supports, Covering, Furniture, Ornaments, Lights , and Jewels of a Lod ge; how it is situ ated and to w hom dedicated. A Lo dg e is a cer tai n nu mb er of br eth ren du ly ass emb led , wi th a Hol y Bibl e, a Squ are and Compasses, and a Charter or Dispensation authorizing t hem to meet. A Ch art er i s an in st ru men t em anat in g f ro m a Gr and Lo dg e, and , in th is Ju ri sd ic ti on , si gn ed b y the Grand Master and Grand Secretary, authorizing certain brethren therein named, when duly assembled, to Initiate, Pass, and Raise all goo d men and true who may apply fo r the pu rpose and whom they may find worthy. A Dispensation is a like instrument, issued by the Grand Master during the recess of the Grand Lodg e, which, for a limited period, confers sim ilar powers. Our ancient brethren assembled on the highest hills and in the lowest vales, the better to observe the approach of c owans and eavesdropp ers. The Form of a Lodge is oblong. It extends from east to west and from nor th to south , and it is said to be thus extensive to denote the universality of Masonry and to teach us that a Mason’s charity should be equally extensive; for in every country and in every clime are Masons to be found. A Lo dg e i s met aph or ic all y sai d to be su pp or ted by th ree gr eat pi ll ars , d eno mi nat ed Wis do m, Strength, and Beauty; it being necessary that there should be wisdom to contrive, strength to suppor t, and beauty to adorn all great and important undertakings. These pillars are represented in the Lod ge by the Worshipf ul Master, and the Senior and J unior Wardens.
The Covering of a Lodge is n o less than t he clouded canopy or st ar-decked heaven where all good Masons hope at last to arrive by aid of that theological ladder which Jacob, in his vision saw, reaching from earth to heaven--- the three principal roun ds of w hich are denominated Faith, Hope, and Charity; which admonish us to h ave faith in God, hope of immort ality, and charity f or all mankind. The greatest of th ese is Charity; fo r our Faith may be lost in sight, Hope ends in fru ition, but Charity extends beyond the grave, throug h the boun dless realms of eternity. Every regular L odge is furnish ed with a Holy Bib le, Square and Compasses. The Holy Bible is dedicated to God, it being his i nestimable gift to man as the rul e and guide of his faith; and upon it always, regular Masons have been obligated; the Square to the Master, because it is the proper Masonic emblem of his office; and the Compasses to the Craft, for, by due attention to its use, we are taught to circumscribe our desires and keep our passions within due bounds tow ard all mankind. The Ornaments of a Lod ge are the Mosaic Pavement, the Indented Tessel and the Blazing Star. The Mosaic Pavement is a representation of the ground floor of King Solomon’s Temple, and is emblematic of h uman life, checkered with good and evil. The Indented Tessel is a representation of the beautiful tessellated border or skirting which surrounded the pavement, and is emblematic of the manifold blessings and comforts which surround us, and which we hope to enjoy by a faithful reliance upon Divine Providence, hieroglyphically represented by the Blazing Star in the center. The Lights of a Lodge are three, situated in the East, West and South . As you may obser ve, there is none in the North, because King Solomon’s Temple, of which every Lodge is a representation, was situated so far nort h of the Ecliptic that neither the Sun nor Moon, at meridian height, could dart its rays into the north p art of the building. The North, therefore, among Masons, has always been termed a place of darkness. The Jewels of a Lod ge are six, three immo vable and three movabl e. The Immo vable Jewels are the Square, the Level, and the Plumb; and they are termed immovable because they are the jew els of th e th ree pr in ci pal of fi cer s of th e Lo dg e, th e Wor sh ip fu l Mast er and th e Seni or and Jun ior Wardens, who are always statio ned in the East, West, and South. The Square denotes morality, the Level equality, and the Plumb rectitude of life. The Movabl e Jewels are the Rough Ash lar, the Perfect Ashlar and the Trestle Board. The Rough Ashlar is a stone as taken from the quarry in its rude and natural state. The Perfect Ashlar is a stone made ready by the hands of the workman, to be adjusted by the working tools of the Fellow Craft. The Trestle Board is for the Master Workman to draw his design s upon. By the Rough Ash lar we are reminded of our rude and imperfect state by nature; by the Perfect Ashlar, of that state of perfection at which we hope to arrive by a virtuous education, our own endeavors and the blessings of God; and by the Trestle Board we are reminded that , as the operative workman erects his temporal building agreeably to the rules and designs laid down by the Master on his Trestle Board, so sh ould we, both operative and sp eculative, endeavor t o erect our spirit ual building agreeably to the rules and designs laid down by the Supreme Architect of the Universe in the great book of nature and revelation, which is our spiritu al, moral, and Masonic Trestle Board. Lodges are situated due East and West because Moses, after having been instrumental in conduc ting th e children of Israel through the Red Sea when pursu ed by Pharaoh and his hosts, by divine command erected a tabernacle which he placed due east and west, to commemorate the mighty east wind by which their miraculous deliverance was wrought. This tabernacle was an exact model for Kin g Solomon’s Temple, for which reason all Masonic Lodges are, or should be, situated due east and w est.
Lodges were anciently dedicated to King Solomon, as it is said that he was our first Most Excellent Grand Master. Master. Lod ges at present time are dedic ated to Saint Saint John th e Baptist and Saint Saint John the Evangelist, who were two eminent patrons of Masonry; and since their time there is, or should be, represented in every regular Lodge a certain point within a circle---the point representing an individual brother, and the circle the boundary line of his conduct, beyond which he should never suffer his passions, his prejudices, or his interests to betray him. This circle is suppo rted by two perpendicular parallel lines, representing representing Saint Saint Joh n the Baptist and Saint John the Evangelist, and on its top rest the Holy Writings. In tracing its circumference we necessarily touch upon the parallel and also upon the Holy Bible; and while a Mason keeps himself thus circums cribed, it is imp ossible th at he can materially materially err. The three principal tenets o f Masonry are Brotherly Lo ve, Relief, Relief, and and Truth.
BROTHERLY LOVE By the exercise of Brotherly Love we are taught to regard the whole human species as one family, - the high and th e low, the rich and t he poor, - who, as created by one Almight y Parent, and inhabitants of the same planet, are to aid, support, and protect each other. On this principle Masonry unites men of every country, sect and opinion; and causes true friendship to exist among tho se who mi ght o therwise have remained remained at a perpetual distance. RELIEF To relieve the distressed is a duty inc umbent on all men, but particularly in Masons, Masons, who are linked together by an indissoluble chain of sincere affection. To soothe the unhappy, to sympathize with their misfortunes, to compassionate their miseries, and to restore peace to their trobled minds , is the great great aim we are in view. On this basis we form o ur friendsh ips and establish our connections. TRUTH Truth is a divine attribute and the foundation of every virtue. To good and true is the first lesson we are taught in Masonry. On this theme we contemplate; and by its d ictates endeavor endeavor to regulate our conduct . Hence, Hence, while influenced by t his prin ciple, hypocrisy and deceit are unknown among us; sincerity and plain dealings distinguish us;and with heart and tongue, we join in promoting each others welfare and rejoicing each others prosperity. Masons makes themselves known by certain Signs, a Token, a Word and the Perfect Points of Entrance. Signs (gives dueguard) right angle,horizontal and perpendicular, a Token(gives Token(gives grip) is a firm g rip whereby one brother may know another in the dark as well in the light; a Word(gives word) is the name of the token. These were explain to you at the altar but the Perfect Pointsof Entrance were not. These are the Gotteral, Pectoral, Manual and Pedal which exemplified by the Four Cardinal Virtues: Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence and Justice. TEMPERANCE Is that due restraint upon the affections and passions which renders our body tame and governable, and frees our mind from the allurements of vice. This virtue should be the constant practice of every Mason, as he is thereby taught to avoid excess or the contracting of any licentious or vicious habits, the indulgence in which might lead him to disclose some of those valuable secrets which he has promised to conceal and never reveal, which would consequently subject him to the contempt and d etastation etastation of all goo d Masons @ the penalty of your Obligation, that of your having throat cut from ear to ear, which is the Goterral, or the first perctect points of entrance.
FORTITUDE Is that noble and steady purpose of the mind whereby we are enabled to undergo any pain, peril, or danger, when prudentially deemed expedient. expedient. This virtue is equally distant from rashness and cowardice, and, like the former virtue, should be deeply impressed upon the mind of every Mason, Mason, as a safeguard or security against any illegal attempt attempt which may be made, made, by force or otherwise, to extort from him any of those valuable secrets with which he has been so solemnly entrusted, and and whic h was emblematically emblematically represented on his fir st admission into th e Lodge, when when you were received upon the point of a sharp instrument, piercing your naked left breast, which is the pectoral, or second perfect poi nt of entrance. PRUDENCE Teaches us to regulate our lives and actions agreeably to the dictates of reason, and is that faculty by which we wisely judge and prudentially determine on all things relative to our present, as well as as our futu re happiness. This virtue should be the peculiar characteristic characteristic of every Mason, not onl y for the government of his conduc t while in the Lodge, but also when abroad in the world. He should be particularly careful, in all all strange and mixed companies, never never to let fall the least sign, token, or word, whereby the secrets secrets of Freemasonry Freemasonry might be unlawfully obtained; ever remembering remembering the solemn obligation you took at the Altar, your left hand hand support ing, your right hand resting upon the Holy Bible, square and and compasses, which is the manual or third perfect point of entrance. JUSTICE Is that that standard or boundary of right wh ich enables enables us to render unto every every man his just due, without distinct ion. This virtue is not only consistent with divine and human laws, but is the very cement and support of civil society; and as justice in a great measure constitutes the really good man, so should it be the invariable practice of every Mason never to deviate from the minutest principles thereof; ever bearing in mind the solemn injunction you received from the Worshipful Master, ever to walk and act as a just and upright Mason, when on your return to the Lodge you were conducted to the northeast corner thereof, and placed on the first step of a Mason, Mason, which is the pedal, or fourth perfect point o f entrance. Our ancient brethren served their master with freedom, fervency and zeal, emblematically represented represented by chalk, charcoal charcoal and clay, there being being noth ing frail than chalk, the slightest touch of which will leave a trace behind; nothing more fervent than charcoal, charcoal, for to it, when properly ignited, the most o bdurate metal will yield; and not hing m ore zealous zealous than clay, our m other earth, which is daily employed for man’s use, and which so constantly reminds us that as from it we came, so to it we must r eturn. This my brother, concludes the lecture of the Entered Apprentice Degree.
(Lecturer faces
Worshipful Master, gives SIGN returns to seat)
-----WM - Brother A.B., if you w ill rise, I will deliver to you the charge. (Or, I will request Worshipful Brother CD to deliver the charge).
CHARGE MY BROTHER - Having passed through the ceremonies of your initiation, allow me to congratulate you on your admissio admissio n into our ancient and honorable Frate Fraternity. rnity. Ancient, as having existed from time immemorial; and honorable, as tending to make all men so who are strictly ob edient to its precepts. It is an institution having for its foundation the practice of the social and moral virt ues; and, to so high an eminence has has its c redit been advanced, advanced, that, in every every age and country, men preeminent for their moral and intellectual attainments have encouraged and promoted its interests. Nor has it been though t derogatory to their dignity that monarchs have, for a season, exchanged the scepter for the trowel, to patronize our mysteries and join in our assemblies. As a Maso n, yo u are to reg ard th e vo lu me of th e Sacr ed Law as th e gr eat ligh li gh t in yo ur profession; to consider it as the unerring standard of truth and justice; and to regulate your actions by the divine precepts precepts it contains. In it you will learn the important duties which you owe to God, God, your neighbor, and yourself. To God, by never never mentioning His name but with that that awe awe and reverence which are due from the creature to his Creator; by imploring His aid in all your lawful undertakings; and by looking up to Him in every every emergency emergency for comfort and support. To your neighbor, by acting with him upon the Square; by rendering him every kind office which ju st ic e or mer cy may req ui re; by rel ievin iev in g hi s di st res ses and so ot hi ng hi s aff li ct io ns ; and by doing to him as, in similar cases, cases, you would that he should do un to you. And to yours elf, by such a prudent and well-regulated well-regulated course of discipline as may may best conduc e to the preservation of your corporeal and mental faculties in their fullest energy; thereby enabling you to exert the talents wherewith God has blest you, as well to His glory as the welfare of your fellow-creatures. fellow-creatures. As a ci ti zen, yo u are enj oi ned to be exem pl ary in th e d is ch arg e of yo ur ci vil vi l du ti es, by nev er proposing or countenancing any act which may have a tendency to subvert the peace and good order of society; by paying due obedience to the laws under whose protection you live; and by never losing sight o f the allegiance allegiance due to your count ry. As an i nd ivid iv id ual , yo u ar e ch arg ed t o p rac ti ce t he d om est ic and pu bl ic virt vi rt ues . Let Temp eran ce chasten, Fortitude support, and Prudence direct you, and let Justice be the guide of all your actions. Be especially especially careful to maintain, in their fullest splendor, those truly Masonic ornaments – Brot Br ot her ly Lo ve, Reli ef an d Tr ut h. Finally: Be faithful faithful to the trust committed to your care, and manifest manifest your fidelity to your princip les by a strict observance of the Constitution of the Fraternity; Fraternity; by adhering to the An ci ent Lan dm ark s th ereo f; and by ref us in g to rec om men d any on e to a par ti ci pat io n in ou r privileges, unless you have strong reasons to believe believe that, by a similar fidelity, he will ultimately reflect honor on our ancient Institution . -----WM - You will now be seated seated among the Brethren Brethren (done). Brother AB, before you can be passed to the degree of Fellowcraft, it will be necessary for you to commit to memory the obligation and a portion of th e lecture lecture of this degree. Brother F.D. F.D. will be your inst ructor. (If opened on higher degree, call off off for congratulations so candidate candidate may be conducted to ante-room. Senior Deacon conducts him during recess. Then returns to Lodge. Do not order candidate to leave opened Lodge)
CLOSING WM - Brot her Senior Warden (rises), have you anything further in the West to bring before this lodge of Entered Apprentice Masons? SW - SIGN. Nothing in the West, Worshipful (Sits). WM – Have you anything in the South, Brother Ju nior? JW – (Rises) SIGN. Nothing in the South, Worshipful (Sits). WM – Is there anything upon your table, Brother Secretary? SEC - (Rises) SIGN. Nothing, Worship ful (Sits). WM – Has any bro ther anything t o offer for the benefit of Masonry in general or this Lodge of Entered Appr entice Masons in particul ar? (Any remarks). If not, we will proceed to close. Brother Junior Deacon, (rises but does not take rod) the last as well as the first and most important care of a Lodge of Entered Apprentice Masons when convened? JD - SIGN. To see that the Lodge is duly tyled, Worshipf ul. WM – Perform that dut y and inform the Tyler that we are about to close this L odge of Entered Ap pr ent ic e Maso ns and di rec t h im to ty le ac co rdin gl y. JD – (Takes rod, goes to door, puts rod in left hand, and gives +++with knuckles of his right hand; waits for Tyler’s +++, opens door with right hand, takes one step back, puts rod at attention in right hand). Brother Tyler, we are about to close this Lodge of Entered Apprentice Masons and it is the order of the Worshipful Master that you tyle accordingly. (Closes door with right hand, returns to his place, rod at attention in right hand). SIGN. Worshipful Master, the Lodge is tyled. WM – How tyl ed? JD – By a brother Mason without the door, armed with the prop er implement of his office. WM – His du ty th ere? JD – To observe the approach of cowans and eavesdroppers and see that none pass or repass, without permissio n of the Worshipf ul Master in the East. (Places rod in stand, remains standing).
WM – + + (Only Senior and Junior Wardens, Treasurer, Secretary, and Senior Deacon rise ). Brother Senior Warden, at the opening of this Lodge you informed me that you were an Entered Ap pr ent ic e Maso n mad e wi th in th e bo dy of a ju st and leg all y co ns ti tu ted Lo dg e of Entered Ap pr ent ic e Maso ns . How man y c om po se s uc h a L od ge? SW – SIGN. Seven or more, Worshipful. WM – Whence but s even, of whom does it c onsist? SW – The Worsh ipfu l Master, Senior and Junior Wardens, Treasurer, Secretary, Senior and Junior Deacons. WM – The Junior Deacon's p lace in the Lodg e?
SW – On the right of th e Senior Warden in t he West, Worshipful. WM – Your d uty, Brother Jun ior? JD – SIGN. To carry messages from the Senior Warden in the West to the Junior Warden in the South, and elsewhere about the Lodge as directed; attend to all alarms at the door and see that the Lodge is duly tyled. WM – The Senior Deacon ’s place? JD – On the right of the Worshipful Master in the East, Worshipf ul. WM – Your duty , Brother Senior? SD - SIGN. To carry orders from the Worship ful Master in the East to the Senior Warden in the West, and elsewhere about the Lodge as required; attend to all alarms at the door of the preparation room, receive and con duct c andidates, introdu ce and accommodate visiting brethren. WM - The Secretary’s pl ace? SD - On the left of the Worshipful Master in the East, Worshipfu l. WM – Your duty, Brother Secretary? SEC - SIGN. To observe the will and pleasure of the Worshipful Master, keep a true record of all things prepared to be written, turn a copy of the same to the Grand Lodge when required, receive all mo nies from the brethren, pay the same to the treasurer and take his receipt therefor. WM – The Treasur er’s pl ace? SEC - On the right o f the Worshipful Master in the East, Worshipfu l. WM – Your duty, Brother Treasurer? TR - SIGN. To receive all monies from the hands of the Secretary, keep a just and accurate account thereof, and pay the same out, by order of the Worshipful Master, with the cons ent of the Lodge. WM - The Junior Warden’s station? TR – In the South, Worshipful. WM – Your d uty in the South, Brother Junior ? JW - SIGN. As the sun at meridian height is the beauty and glory of the day, so stands the Junior Warden in the South, the better to observe the time, to call the crafts from labor to refreshment, and from refreshment to labor again, at the will and pleasure of the Worshipful Master. WM - The Senior Warden’s statio n? JW - In the West, Worshi pfu l. WM – Your duty in th e West, Brother Senior?
SW – SIGN. As the sun is in the West at the close of day, so is the Senior Warden in the West, to assist the Worshipful Master in opening and closing his Lodg e, to pay the crafts their wages, if any be due, that none may go away dissatisfied, harmony being the strength and suppo rt of all societies, especially of ours . WM - The station of the Worshipful Master? SW – In the East, Worship ful. WM - And his duty, my Brother? SW - As the sun rises in the East to open and adorn the day, so rises (Worshipful Master rises) the Worshipful Master in the East to open and govern his Lo dge, in due time to set the crafts at work, and give them the necessary instru ction wh ereby they may purs ue their labors. WM - + + + Brother Senior Warden, it is my will and pleasure that this Lodge of Entered Ap pr ent ic e Maso ns be n ow cl os ed. Th is yo u w il l c om mu ni cat e to th e Ju ni or in th e Sou th th at t he brethren may have due noti ce thereof. SW – (Places gavel over left breast) Brother Junior Warden, it is the Order of the Worshipful Master that this Lodge of Entered Apprentice Masons be now closed. This you will report to the brethren that they m ay have due notice thereof. JW - (Places gavel over left breast) Brethren, it is the Order of the Worshipful Master that this Lodge of Entered Apprentice Masons be now closed. Of this take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly. WM - Together, brethren. All - (Give Dueguard and SIGN of Entered Apprentice Masons.) WM
WM – (Removes hat; he or the Chaplain offers the following)
Supreme Grand Master! Ruler of Heaven and Earth! Now that we are about to separate and return to our respective places of abode, wilt Thou be pleased so to influence our hearts and minds that we may, each one of us, practice out of the Lodge those great moral duties which are inculcated in it, and with reverence study and ob ey the laws which Thou hast given us in Thy Holy Word. Amen. All – So m ot e it b e.
(All come down to the level, Worshipful Master and the Wardens form a triangle, three steps forward of those immediately around them).
WM - Brot her Senior Warden, how sho uld Masons meet? SW - (Takes jewel) On th e level, Worship ful.
WM - How act, B rother Junior? JW - (Takes jewel) By the plumb , Worshipf ul. WM – (Takes jewel) And p art upon t he square. So may we ever meet, act and part, my brethren. (Removes hat and recites the following).
May the bl essing of Heaven rest upon u s and all r egular Masons! May Bro therly Lo ve prevail, and every moral and social virtu e cement us ! Amen. All - So mot e it be. SD - (Goes to Altar with rod, gives SIGN; puts out light, or waits until lights are extinguished; disarranges Great Lights; takes one step to North, rod at attention).
WM – I now declare this Lodge of Entered Apprentice Masons to be duly clos ed. Brother Junior Deacon, inform the Tyler that the Lodg e is closed. JD – (Takes rod, goes to door, puts rod in left hand, and gives
with right hand; waits for Tyler’s
opens door with right hand, takes one step back, puts rod at attention) Brother Tyler, the Lodge is closed.
WM - (Goes to his station and raps. Senior Deacon goes to his place and puts rod in stand. Junior Deacon does likewise).
(The examination of an Entered Apprentice may be conducted in a Lodge opened on the first or higher degree. In the latter case the Lodge must be reconducted down to the first degree and afterwards raised) (Examiner and Candidate sit facing each other in front of the East, West or South. If the Master or Warden himself is the examiner he does not come down from his station).
Ex - Whence came you ? CDT - From a Lodge of the Holy Saints John at Jerusalem. What came you here to do?
To learn to su bdue my passion and imp rove myself in Masonry. Then you are a Mason, I presume ?
I am so taken and accepted among b rothers and fellows. What makes you a Mason?
My obligation. Where were you made a Mason?
Within the body of a just and legally constituted Lod ge of Free and Accepted Masons. How may I know you to be a Mason?
By certain signs, a token, a word and the perfect points of entrance. What are signs?
Right angle, horizontal and p erpendicular. What is a token?
A c ert ain fr ien dl y gr ip wh ereb y on e bro th er Maso n may kn ow ano th er in th e dar k as w ell as in the light. What is a word?
The name of the tok en. What are the perfect points of entrance?
The guttural, pectoral, manual and pedal and are exemplified by the four cardinal virtues: temperance, fortitud e, prudence and ju stice. Where were you first prepared to be made a Mason?
In my heart.
29 Where next?
In a room or place adjacent to the body of a just and legally constituted Lodge of Free and Ac cep ted Maso ns . How were you prepared?
By being divested of all minerals and metals, neither naked nor clad, barefooted nor shod, hoodwinked and with a cable-tow once around my neck, in which condition I was conducted to a door by a friend whom I afterward found to be a brother. Being hoodwinked, how did you know it to be a door?
By first m eeting with resistance and afterwards gaining admission. How gained you admission?
By giving three distinc t knocks on the door from withou t, which were answered by a like number from within, followed by the inquiry : " Who comes here?" Your answer?
A p oo r b li nd can di dat e, wh o d esi res to be b roug ht fr om dar kn ess to li gh t, t o rec eiv e and hav e a part of the rights and benefits of t his Worshipfu l Lodge erected to God and dedicated to the Holy Saints Jo hn, as all brothers and fellows have done, who have gone this way before. What was then asked?
If it was of my own free will and accord, if I was duly and truly prepared, worthy and well qualified, of lawful age and pr operly vouch ed for; all of whi ch being answered in the affirmative, I was then asked by what further right I expected to gain admission into a Lodge of Free and Ac cep ted Maso ns . Your answer?
By being a man, free born, under the tongue of good report and coming well recommended. What were you then told to do?
To await a time with patience, until the Worshipful Master in the East had been informed of my request and his answer returned. What was his answer?
Let him enter. On your first admission into a Lodge of Free and A ccepted Masons how were you received?
Upon the point of a sharp instrument piercing my naked left breast, which was to teach me that as that instrument is a threat to the flesh, so may the recollection be to my mind and consc ience, should I ever persist to reveal any of the secrets of Freemasonry un lawfully.
What was then done?
I was conducted to the center of the Lodge, caused to kneel for the benefit of prayer, for no man should ever enter upon any great or important undertaking, without first invoking the blessing of God. What were you then asked?
In whom I put my tru st. Your answer?
In God. My trust being in God, I was taken by the right hand, told and fear not wh at man could do un to me.
to arise, follow my guide
What was then done?
I was conducted once regularly around the Lodge that the Worshipful Master and brethren might see that I was duly and truly prepared, and caused to stop at the South, West and East stations, where the same questions were asked and like answers returned as at the door. What was then done?
I was reconducted to the Senior Warden in the West, who taught me to advance by one regular step, my feet forming a right angle, body erect, facing t he East. What was then said to you?
That before proceeding any fu rther with th e ceremonies of t his degree, it would be necessary for me to take an obligation, by which I would bind myself to keep inviolate all the mysteries of Freemasonry, appertaining to the degree of Entered Apprentice Mason. This obligation, I was assured, would no t interfere with the duties I owe to God, my country, my neighbor or myself; it appertains to Freemasonry alone. With that assurance, I was asked if I was willin g to proceed. Your answer?
I was. What was then done?
I was made an Entered Apprentice Mason in due form. What is that due form?
Kneeling at the Altar on my naked left knee, my right form ing the angle of a square, body erect within a square, my left hand suppo rting, my right resting upon th e Holy Bible, square and compasses, in which d ue form I took the solemn oblig ation of an Entered Apprentice Mason. Repeat the obligation.
OBLIGATION Of my own free will and accord, in the presence of God at this worshipful Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons erected to Him and dedicated to the Holy Saints John, do hereby and hereon solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, that I will always hele, forever conceal, and never reveal any of the secret arts, parts or points of the hidden mysteries of Freemasonry, appertaining to the degree of Entered Apprentice Mason, to any person under the canopy of heaven, except it be to a true and lawful brother Mason, or within the body of a just and legally constituted Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, and neither unto him nor them, until by strict trial, due examination, or legal information, I shall have found h im or them to be as lawfully entitled to the same as I am myself. I further p romise and s wear that I will n ot w rite, indite, print, cut, carve, hack, hew, etch, letter or engrave the same, upon anything movable or im movable, whereby and w hereon the least letter, figure or character might be legible or intelligible to me or to any other person under the whole canopy of heaven, whereby the secrets of Freemasonry mig ht be unlawfully communic ated. To all these, I do most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, with a fixed and steady purpos e to perform the same, without equivocation, mental reservation or secret evasion of mind in me whatsoever, binding myself under no less a penalty than that of having my throat cut from ear to ear, my tongue taken out by its root, and buried in the rough sands of the sea, a cable length from shore, where the tide regularly ebbs and f lows. So help me God, and keep me steadfast in the due observance of t his, my so lemn obligation as an Entered Apprentice Mason. What were you then told to do?
Detach my hands, bow my head, and in token of my sinc erity, kiss the Holy Bible, upon whic h I had been obligated. Of what were you then released?
The cable-tow, it being once around my neck was to signify to me that I was bound to the fraternity by a stro nger tie. What was then asked you?
Being in a conditio n of darkness what I most desired. Your answer?
Light. Did you receive it and how?
I did, by order of the Worshipful Master with the assistance of the brethren. On being brought from darkness, what were the first objects presented to your view?
The three great lights of Masonry, the Holy Bible, square and compasses. The Holy Bible is given to us as the rule and guide of our faith, the square to square our actions, and the compasses to circumscribe our desires and keep our passions within due bounds toward all
mankind. These I was was the better enabled enabled to observe by the aid of three lesser lights representing representing the sun, moon, and master master of the Lodge. As the sun rules the day day and the moon governs the night, so should the Worshipf Worshipf ul Master Master endeavor, endeavor, with equal regularity, to rule and and govern the Lodge over which he is called to preside. What did you then observe?
The Worshipful Master approaching me from the East under the dueguard and sign of an Entered Entered Apprentice Mason. Mason. He presented me with his right hand, in token of friendship and brotherly love, and invested me with the grip and wor d of this d egree. egree. Bade Bade me arise, go and salute the Juni or and Senior Senior Wardens Wardens as an Entered Entered Ap prentice Mason. What was then done?
I was reconducted to the Worshipful Master in the East, who presented me with a lambskin apron Repeat apron lecture
LAMBSK IN APRON It is an emblem of innocence and th e badge of a Mason, more ancient than the Golden Fleece Fleece or the Roman Eagle, more honorable than the Star and Garter, or any distinction that can be conferred upon yo u, at this or any future period, by King, Prince, Potentate Potentate or any other person, and which it is hoped you w ill wear with pleasure to yourself and honor t o the Fraternity. Fraternity. (OPTIONAL) It is an emblem of innocence and the badge badge of a Mason, Mason, more ancient than the Golden Fleece or the Roman Eagle, more honorable than the Star and Garter, or any distinction that may be conferred upon you, at this or any future period by King, Prince, Potentate or any other person.
It may may be that that in the coming years, upon y our head shall rest the laurel wreath wreath of victory , upon your b reast may hang jewels fit to gr ace the diadem diadem of an eastern potentate; nay more than these, with light added to the coming light, your ambitious feet may tread round after round the ladder that that leads leads to fame in our mystic ci rcle and and even the purple of our Fraternity Fraternity may rest upon your honored should er. But never again from mortal hands, never again until your enfranchised spirit sh all have passed passed upward and inward thro ugh th e pearly pearly gates shall any honor so distinguished, so emblematical of purity and all perfection, be bestowed upon you as this which I now confer. It is yours – your name is written upon it – yours to wear throughout an honorable life and at your death to be placed upon the coffin which shall contain your earthly remains and with them laid b eneath eneath the silent c lods o f the valley. Let its pure and spotless surface be to you an ever-present reminder of an emblematical or unblemished puri ty of life and rectitude of co nduct, a never-e never-ending nding argu ment for nobler deeds, for higher thought s, for purer actions, and for greater greater achievements. achievements. And when at last your weary weary feet feet shall have have come to the end end of their toilsome journey, and from your nerveless grasp shall drop forever the working tools of life, may the record of your life and actions be as pure and spotless as this fair emblem which I now place in your hands (hands it). And when your trembling trembling soul shall stand naked and alone before the Great Great White Throne, there to receive receive judgment fo r the deeds done while in the body, may it be your portion to hear from Him who sitteth as the Judge Supreme, Supreme, the welcome words, “ Well Well done, Thou Thou goo d and faithful servant: enter Thou Thou into th e joy of Thy Lord.” Lord.” It is hoped, my Brother, that you will wear that apron with pleasure to yourself and honor to the Fraternity.
What was then then done?
I was reconducted to the Senior Senior Warden Warden in the West, West, who taught me to wear wear my apron apron as an Entered Entered Apprentice Mason. How do Entered Apprentice Masons wear their their aprons?
With the tip turned up. What was then done?
I was reconduc reconduc ted to the Worship Worship ful Master Master in the East, East, who presented me the working tools of th is degree. What are the working tools of an Entered Apprentice Mason?
The twenty-four twenty-four inc h gauge and the commo n gavel. Repeat working tools lecture.
THE TWENTY- FOUR INCH GAUGE Is an an instrum ent made use of by operative Masons Masons to measure and and lay out their work. But we, as Free Free and and Accepted Masons, are are taught to make use of it for the more noble and glorious purpos e of dividing our time. It, being divided into twenty four equal parts, is emblematic emblematic of the twenty-four hours of the day, which we are taught to divide into three parts, whereby we find a part for the service of God and a distressed worthy brother; a part for our usual vocations; and a part for refreshment and repose. THE COMMON GAVEL Is an instrum ent used used by operative operative Masons Masons to break break off the rough and superfluous parts of ston es, the better better to fit them for the bu ilder’s use. But we, as Free Free and Accepted Masons, Masons, are taught to make use of it for the more noble and glorious purpose of divesting our hearts and consc iences of all the vices and superfluities of life; thereby fitting our minds, as living stones for that spiritual bu ilding, that ho use not made with h ands, eternal eternal in the heavens. What were you then asked?
That I deposit some mineral or metallic substance, not for its intrinsic value, but that it might be placed in the archives of the Lodge, as testimony that I was then and there made a Mason. Mason. Nor was was this demand made to trifle with my person or feelings, but to teach me an important lesson in Masonic charity. What was then done?
I was reconducted to the place whence I came, invested with that of which I had been divested, and on my return to the Lodge, I was conducted to the north-east corner thereof, and placed on the fir st step o f a Mason, where where the Worshipful Master Master was pleased to say to me, that I there stand stand a just and and uprigh t Mason, Mason, and as as such, gave it to me strictly in charge, ever ever to walk and act . (Examiner and Candidate both rise, still facing each other, join hands, give grip and word as given at the Altar)
34 I hele.
I conceal. What do you conceal?
All Al l th e sec ret s of Freemaso Freem aso nr y, exc ept it be to a tr ue and law fu l br ot her of th is deg ree, or within the body o f a just and legally legally const ituted lodge. What is this?
A gri g ri p. A grip of what?
The grip o f an Entered Apprentice Mason. Mason. Has it a name?
It has. Give it to me.
I did not so receive it, neither will I so impart it. What will you do with it?
I will letter it with y ou. Begin.
No, you begin. Nay, begin you.
BOAZ Ex - (To Candidate) Advanc e as an Entered Appr entice Mason, give the duegu ard and SIGN SIGN of this degree. degree. (Done) SIGN . Worshipful Master, the examination examination is concluded. concluded . WM - Brother A.B., you will be seated among the brethren. (The Lodge will be closed if opened on the first degree, raised if on a higher degree, or called off for congratulations).
(N.B. Except where described in detail, the floor work is as given in the corresponding parts of the first degree)
WM - (Puts on jewel and hat; displays working tools) + Brother Jun ior Deacon, invite the brethren in and close the door. (done). The brethren will come to Order and clothe themselves. (Fill vacant stations and places). The officers (all officers rise) will approach the East and receive their jewels (done as in the first degree). WM - + (All sit down except Senior Warden) Brother Senior Warden, satisfy yourself that all present are Fellowcraft Masons. SW - (If satisfied) Worshipf ul Master all present are Fellowcraft Masons. -----SW - (If not satisfied, proceeds to purge the Lodge as in the first degree) WM - Call the brethren to Order as Fellowcraft Masons, reserving y ourself f or th e last. SW - The brethren will come to Order as Fellowcraft Masons. (Senior Warden does not rap. Brethren rise, come under dueguard followed by Senior Warden) WM - + (SIGN is given and all are seated except Junior Deacon) Brother Junior Deacon, the first and most imp ortant care of a Lodge of Fellowcraft Masons when convened? JD - SIGN. To see that the Lodge is duly tyled, Worship ful. WM - Perform th at duty and i nform the Tyler that we are about to o pen a Lodge of Fellowcraft Masons in this place and direct him to tyle accordingly. JD - (Takes rod and goes to door. Gives + + +, waits for Tylers +++, opens door, steps back; rod at attention) Broth er Tyler, we are about to op en a Lodge of Fellowcraft Masons in this place, and it is the Order of the Worshipful Master that you tyle accordin gly . (closes door, returns to place, rod at attention) SIGN . Worshipful Master, the Lodge is t yled. WM - How tyl ed? JD - By a brother of this degree, without the door, armed with the proper implement of his office. WM - His du ty th ere? JD - To observe the approach of cowans and eavesdroppers and see that none pass or repass, without permission of the Worshipful Master in the East. (Places rod in stand, remains standing). WM - + + (Only the Senior Warden, Junior Warden, and Senior Deacon stand) Brother Senior Warden, are you a Fellowcraft Mason? SW - SIGN . I am, try me. WM - By what will y ou be tried?
SW - By th e square. WM - Why b y th e square? SW - Because it is one of the princ ipal working t ools of my professio n. WM - What is a sq uare? SW - An angle of ninety degrees, or the one-fourth part of a cir cle. WM - Where were you made a Fellowcr aft Mason? SW - Within t he body o f a just and legally constitut ed Lodge of Fellowcraft Masons. WM - How gained you admission? SW - By the benefit o f the pass . WM - Have you th e pass? SW - I have. WM - Call the deacons, ascertain if they have, and if so, bid time collect it on the north and south s ides of the Lodge and bear it up to the East. SW - Deacons attend. (Deacons take rods. Junior Deacon steps forward to south-west corner of pavement facing East, rod at attention, and waits for Senior Deacon to be in line with him on the north-west corner. They face in, with rods in pass, meet in front of station of Senior Warden. Junior Deacon whispers -- -- -- to Senior Deacon. Both face Senior Warden, rods at attention. Senior Deacon with rod in pass, advances and whispers him - - -, back beside Junior Deacon, rods at attention) SW – It is well, the pass is right; collect it o n the north and south s ides of the Lod ge and bear it up to the East. Ds - (Separate and proceed to East, with rods in pass collecting -- -- -- on the way. Senior Deacon on the north side of the Lodge, Junior Deacon on the south side. Each brother rises when giving -- -- --. All give except Worshipful Master. If any one fails to give -- -- -- , Senior or Junior Deacon as case may be, say: Brother --kindly remain standing. After collecting -- -- -- Deacons meet in front of station of Worshipful Masters. Junior Deacon whispers ------ to Senior Deacon. They face the Worshipful Master, rods at attention. Senior Deacon with rod in pass advances and whispers him ------, backs beside Junior Deacon, rod at attention). ------
WM – (If any one is standing) Brother Senior Deacon, you will give the pass in a low but dist inct tone of voice for the benefit of less informed brother – (or br eth ren ). SD – (Facing the Altar with rod in pass) - - - - WM – Brother (or brethren), be seated. -----WM – It is well; the pass is right. (Deacons return to places, put rods in stand, remain standing) Brother Senior Warden, how many compo se a Lodge of Fellowcraft Masons? SW – SIGN Five or more, Worshipfu l.
WM – Whence but f ive, of whom do es it cons ist? SW – The Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens, Senior and Junior Deacons. WM – The Junior Deacon’s place in t he Lodge? SW – On the right of th e Senior Warden in t he West, Worshipful. WM – Your d uty, Brother Jun ior? JD – SIGN To carry messages from the Senior Warden in th e West to the Junior Warden in th e South and elsewhere about the Lodge as directed; attend to all alarms at the do or and s ee that the Lodge is duly ty led. WM – The Senior Deacon’ s plac e? JD – On the right of th e Worshipful Master in the East, Worshipf ul. WM – Your d uty, Broth er Senior? SD – SIGN To carry orders fro m the Worshipful Master in the East to the Senior Warden in the West, and elsewhere about the Lodge as required; attend to all alarms at the door of the preparation r oom, receive and co nduct candidates, introdu ce and accommodate visiting brethren. WM – The Junio r Warden’s station? SD – In th e South, Worshi pfu l. WM – Your dut y in the South, Brother Junior ? JW – SIGN As th e su n at mer id ian hei gh t is th e b eaut y and gl or y of th e d ay, so st and s th e Junior Warden in the South, the better to observe the time, to call the crafts from labor to refreshment and from refreshment to labor again, at the will and pleasure of the Worshipful Master. WM – The Senior Warden’s station ? JW – In the West, Worship ful . WM – Your d uty in the West, Brother Senior? SW – SIGN As th e su n is in th e West at th e cl os e of day , so is th e Senior Ward en in th e West, to assist the Worshipful Master in opening and closing his Lodg e, to pay the crafts their wages, if any be due, that none may go away dissatisfied, harmony being the strength and suppo rt of all societies, especially of ours . WM - The station of the Worshipful Master? SW - In the East, Worsh ipfu l. WM – And his du ty, my Brother? SW – As the sun rises in the East to open and adorn the day, so rises (Master rises) the Worshipful Master in the East to o pen and govern his lodge, in due time to set the crafts at work , and give them the necessary instruc tions w hereby they may pursue their labors.
WM - + + + Brother Senior Warden, it is my wi ll and pleasure that a Lodge of Fellowcraft Masons be now op ened in this place for the purpose of examination (or, for the purpose of conferring the second degree of Masonry). This you will communicate to the Junior in the South, that the brethren may have due noti ce thereof. SW – (Places gavel over left breast) Brother Junior Warden, it is the Order of the Worship ful Master, that a Lodge of Fellowcraft Masons be now opened in this place for the purpose of examination (or for the purpose of conferring the second degree of Masonry) This you will report to the brethren that they m ay have due notice thereof. JW - (Places gavel over left breast) Brethren, it is the order of the Worshipful Master that a Lodge of Fellowcraft Masons be now opened in th is place for the pu rpose of examination. (or for the purpose of conferring the second degree of Masonry) Of this take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly. WM – Together, Br ethren. All – (Give dueguards and SIGNS of Entered Apprentice and Fellowcraft) WM + SW + JW
WM + SW + JW
SD - (Goes to Altar with rod; arranges the Great Lights, turns on lights, gives the SIGN; takes one step to North, rod at attention) WM – (Removes hat; he or the Chaplain offers the following) PRAYER
Great Architect of the Universe! In Thy name we have assembled and in Thy name we desire to proceed in all our doings. Grant that the sublime principles of Freemasonry may so subdue every dis cordant passion w ithin us – so harmonize and enrich o ur hearts with Thine own love and goodness - - - that the Lodge at this time may humbly reflect that order and beauty which reign forever before Thy throne. Amen. ANOTHER
Supreme Ruler of the Universe! We reverently in voke Thy blessings at this time. Wilt thou be pleased to grant that this meeting; th us begun in order, may be condu cted in peace and clos ed in harmony. Amen. All – So mo te i t b e. WM – I now declare this L odge of Fellowcraft Masons to be duly o pened, requiring all herein assembled to conduct themselves with due order and propriety during the time the same may remain open. Brother Junio r Deacon, inform the Tyler that the Lodge is now open on th e second degree of Masonry. JD – (Takes rod, goes to door, and gives + + + ; waits for Tyler’s +++ ; opens door, takes one step back) Brother Tyler, the Lodge is now open on the second degree of Masonry. (Closes door, goes to his place, rod at attention). WM -
(All sit. Senior Deacon returns to his place. Deacons put rods in stand. Senior Warden erects
WM – Brethren, this L odge of Fellowcraft Masons has convened for th e purpose of examining Brother A.B. as to his proficiency in the lecture of this degree. Brother A.B. (rises), are you prepared for examination? Cdt – SIGN I am, Worshipful. WM – Brother Senior Deacon, place chairs in the West (South or East). Brother C.D., (rises) will conduc t the examination. SD – (Places chairs in front of station designated. Returns to place after indicating to Candidate to take one of the chairs). CD – (Sits opposite Candidate and conducts examination as given further on) -----CD – SIGN Worshipful Master, the examination is conclu ded. WM – My Brother, you wil l be seated among the brethren (Call off to have Senior Deacon take Candidate to ante room or closes Lodge) ------
WM – Brethren, this L odge of Fellowcraft Masons has convened for th e purpose of co nferring the second degree of Masonry upon Brother A.B., an Entered Apprentice of this Lodge; he has made the necessary proficiency in the preceeding degree. If there be no objection, we will proceed to confer upon him the second degree of Masonry (Pause). There being none, Brother Stewards (rise) you will r etire and prepare Brother A.B. to receive the second degree of Masonry. Stds – (Go to Altar and salute East, face South and march single file to ante room. Junior Deacon opens door without alarm). WM – The brethren may consid er themselves free from restraint un til the soun d of t he gavel in the East. + (Stewards conduct Candidate to the preparation room and prepare him to receive the second degree. Proceed as described in the first degree). PASSING
CDT (In the preparation room + + + ) WM -
SD - (Rises but does not take rod). SIGN. Worshipful Master, there is an alarm at the door o f the preparation room. WM. – Brot her Senior Deacon , ascertain the cause of the alarm. SD - (Takes rod and goes to preparation room door).+++ (Senior Deacon opens door). Who comes here? Who comes here? (The stewards and Candidate stand abreast. Senior Steward on North, Junior Steward on South)
SSTD - Brother AB, who has been regularly initiated an Entered Apprentice Mason, and now seeks further light in Masonry by being passed to the degree of Fellowcraft. SD - Is this o f your o wn free will and accord? CDT - It i s. SD - Is he duly and truly prepared, worthy and well qualified? SSTD - He is. SD - Has he made the necessary proficiency in the preceding degree? SSTD - He has. SD - By what further right or benefit does he expect to gain admission into a Lodge of Fellowcraft Masons? SSTD - By th e benefit of the pass . SD - Has he the pass? SSTD - He has it n ot, but I have and w ill gi ve it for him. SD - Advance and give it . (Senior Steward advances to Senior Deacon with rods in pass and whispers - - -, returns to where standing). It is well, the pass is right. You will await a time with patience until the Worshipful Master in the East is informed of your request and his answer returned. (Closes door and goes to Altar in squares, rod at attention). WM. – Brother Senior room?
Deacon, who occasioned the alarm at the door of the preparation
. Brother AB, who has been regularly initiated an Entered Apprentice Mason, and SD - SIGN now seeks furt her light in Masonry by being p assed to the degree of Fellowcraft.
WM. - Is it o f his own free will and accord ? SD - It is . WM. - Is he du ly and t ruly p repared, worthy and well qualified? SD - He is. WM. - Has he made the necessary proficiency in the preceding degree? SD - He has. WM. - By what further right or benefit does he expect to gain admission into a Lodge of Fellowcraft Masons? SD - By the benefit of th e pass. WM - Has he th e pass? SD - He has it not, but I have and will give it for him.
WM - You will give the pass in a low but distinct tone of voice . (Senior Deacon takes one step forward with right foot, rod in pass and gives - - - ). It is well, the pass is right. Admit the candidate. (Senior Deacon approaches East and Worshipful Master rises), and after recapitulating to him the manner of his reception in the preceding degree, receive him upon t he angle of a square applied to his naked right breast, which is to teach him that as the square is an emblem of truth and morality, so should truth and morality be the square of his actions throughout life. (Hands instrument to Senior Deacon who advances and receives it; backs to place. Worshipful Master sits down). Let him enter. SD - (Faces South and goes in squares to door of preparation room; opens door without alarm). It is the order of the Worshipful Master that the Candidate be admitted; you will therefore let him enter. (Done; stops candidate with instrument in right hand ). On your first admission into a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, you were received upon the point of a sharp instrument, piercing your naked left breast, for reasons which were at that time explained to you. On your first admission into a Lod ge of Fellowcraft Masons, you are received upon th e angle of a square, applied to your naked right breast, which is to t each you that as the square is an emblem of truth and morality, so should truth and morality be the square of your actions throughout life. (Hands instrument to Senior Steward, conducts Candidate to commence perambulation. Stewards follow three paces behind; stop in front of the station of the Worshipful Master, Senior Steward gives him instrument; proceed to place). JW - + (Perambulation may be read or recited as in the first degree. One rap as Candidate passes each station, commencing at the South. Two raps on second round). + Though I speak with th e tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become a soundi ng brass, or a tinkling cymbal. + And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and thoug h I have all faith, so th at I could remove mountains, and have not ch arity, I am noth ing. + And though I bestow all my goo ds to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothin g. ++ Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up , Doth not b ehave itself unseemly. ++ Seeketh not her own, is not easily pro voked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in in equity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things , hopeth all things, endureth all things. ++ And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity." SD - (In the South, takes one step to West and one back, in square, gives with butt with rod)
JW -
+ + +
( Rises) Who comes here? Who co mes here?
SD - Brother AB, who has been regularly initiated an Entered Apprentice Mason, and now seeks further light in Masonry by being passed to th e degree of Fellowcraft. JW - Is this o f your ow n free will and accord? CDT - It i s. JW - Is he duly and truly prepared, worthy and well qualified? SD - He is.
JW - Has he made the necessary proficiency in the preceding degree? SD - He has . JW - By what further right or b enefit does he expect to obtain th is favor? SD - By the benefit of th e pass. JW - Has he th e pass? SD - He has it not, but I have and will g ive it for him. JW - Advance and give it. (Senior Deacon - With rod in pass advances in square and whispers - - -; backs abreast of Candidate, rod at attention.) It is well; the pass is right. It is my direction that you conduct the Candidate to the Senior Warden in the West for h is examination. (Sits) SD - (In the West, takes one step to North and one back, in square; gives with butt of rod + + +.) SW - + ( Rises) Who comes h ere? Who co mes here? SD - Brother AB, who has been regularly initiated an Entered Apprentice Mason, and now seeks further light in Masonry by being passed to th e degree of Fellowcraft. SW - Is this o f your own free will and accord? CDT - It i s. SW - Is he duly and truly prepared, worthy and well qualified? SD - He is. SW - Has he made the necessary proficiency in the preceding degree? SD - He has . SW - By what further right or benefit does he expect to o btain this favor? SD - By the benefit of th e pass. SW - Has he th e pass? SD - He has it not, but I have and will g ive it for him. SW - Advance and g ive it. (Senior Deacon - With rod in pass advances in square and whispers - - -; backs abreast of Candidate, rod at attention.) It is well; the pass is right. It is my direction that you conduct the Candidate to the Worshipful Master in the East for f urther examination (Sits) SD - (In the East, takes one step to South and one back in square; gives with butt of rod). +++ WM -
(Does not rise). Who comes here? Who comes here?
SD - Brother AB, who has been regularly initiated an Entered Apprentice Mason, and now seeks further light in Masonry by being passed to th e degree of Fellowcraft. WM - Is this o f your ow n free will and accord?
CDT - It i s. WM - Is he duly and truly prepared, worthy and well qualified? SD - He is. WM - Has he made the n ecessary p roficiency in t he preceding degree? SD - He has. WM - By what further right or benefit does he expect to obt ain this favor? SD - By the benefit of the pass. WM - Has he th e pass? SD- He has it not , but I have and will give it for him. WM - Advance and gi ve it. (Senior Deacon - With rod in pass advances in square and whispers - - -; backs abreast of Candidate, rod at attention.) It is well; the pass is right. Reconduc t the Candidate to the Senior Warden in th e West, who wi ll teach him to advance by two r egular steps, his feet forming a right angle, body erect, facing the East. SD - Conducts Candidate along South. When two steps West of Altar right, goes North to center; turns so as to face West and stops; takes one step to North, rod at attention ) Brot her Senior Warden (rises) it is the order of the Worshipful Master that you teach the Candidate to advance by two regular steps, his feet forming a right angle, body erect, facing the East. SW - (Faces Candidate East; steps to southwest corner of Altar. Jr. Deacon leaves his place with Sr. Warden and stations abreast of candidate and Senior Deacon ) Ad vance as an Ent ered Appr ent ic e Maso n; (done) give the due-guard and SIGN of th at degree. (Given) Take one step with your naked right foot and bring the heel of the left to the hollow of right, your feet forming a right angle, body erect, facing the East (takes 1 step right behind candidate.) SIGN . Worshipful Master, the Candidate is in order . (then retires behind candidate ). WM - Before proceeding any further with the ceremonies of this degree, it will again be necessary for you to take an obligation, by which you w ill bind you rself to keep inviolate all the mysteries of Freemasonry appertaining to t he degree of Fellowcraft Mason. This obligation, like the one you have heretofore taken, will not, I assure you , interfere with the duties y ou ow e to GOD (uncovers), your count ry, your neighbor or yourself; it appertains to Freemasonry alone. With this assurance on my part, are you will ing to pr oceed? CDT - I am. WM - Then, Brot her Senior Warden, (does not move) , place the Candidate at the Altar, in due form, to take the solemn obligation of a Fellowcraft Mason; by causing him to k neel on his naked right k nee, his left forming the angle of a square, body erect within a square, his right hand resting upon t he Holy Bible, square and comp asses, his left arm forming t he angle of a square, hand in a vertical position. (Deacons cross rods but do not move). SW - Kneel on your n aked right knee, your left formi ng the angle of a sq uare, body erect with in the square (Deacons take two steps forward, hold rods over candidate in form of square), your right hand resting up on the Holy Bible, square and co mpasses, your left arm forming the angle of a square, hand in a vertical position. (Senior Deacon helps candidate, if necessary. Senior Warden steps behind the candidate, takes one step back.) SIGN. Worshipful Master, the Candidate is in due form.
WM -
+ + +
(Lights out except lesser lights)
All - (Rise and remain in front of seats) WM - (Goes to Altar; stops for an instant one step from it. The Worshipful Master and Wardens advance as Fellowcrafts forming equilateral triangle.) WM - Say I, pro nou nce your name in full, A.B., and in an audibl e ton e of voic e repeat after me: OBLIGATION
Of my own free will and accord, in the presence of GOD (uncovers) at this Worshipful Lodge of Fellowcraft Masons, erected to Him and dedicated to the Holy Saints John ; do hereby (kneels) and hereon (places right hand on candidate’s hand) solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, in addition to my former oblig ation, that I will always hele, forever conceal, and never reveal any of the secret arts, parts or points of the hidden mysteries of Freemasonry appertaining to the degree of Fellowcraft Mason, to any person under the canopy of heaven, except it be to a true and lawful brother of this degree or within the body of a just and legally constituted lodge of Fellowcraft Masons, and neither unto h im nor them until b y stric t trial, due examination or legal inform ation I shall have found h im or t hem to be as lawfully entitled to the same as I am myself. I furthermore promis e and swear that I will answer all due signs given to me by the hand of a brother of this degree, and will ob ey all summonses sent from withi n a just and legally constituted lodge of Fellowcraft Masons, if within the first squ are or angle of my wo rk. Furthermore, that I will aid and assist all distressed wort hy bro ther Fellowcraft Masons, so far as I can do so withou t serious injury to myself; Furthermore, that I will not cheat, wrong or defraud a Lodge of Fellowcraft Masons, or a brother of t his degree, out of t he value of anything , knowingly and in tentionally. To all this, I do most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear with a fixed and steady purpos e, to perform th e same without equivocation, mental reservation or secret evasion of mind in me whatsoever, binding myself under no less a penalty than that of having my left breast torn open, my heart taken thence and given as a prey to the beasts of th e field and vultures o f the air. So help me God and keep me steadfast in the due obs ervance of t his my solemn obli gation as a Fellowcraft Mason. WM – Detach (Deacons detach rods and at attention) your hands, bow your head, and in token of your sincerity, kiss the Holy Bible, upon which you have been obligated. (done) Brother Senior Warden, release the candidate from the cable-tow, it being twice around his naked right arm wh ich is to sign ify to him that he is now boun d to the Fraternity by a two-fold tie. (done) WM – Being again in a condi tion of darkness, what do yo u most d esire? CDT – Ligh t. WM – Brother Senior Warden, assist me in b ringing the candidate from darkness to see the light by which Fellowcraft Masons work. (done) The first objects presented to your view on being again brought from darkness are the three great lights of Masonry, as before, the Holy Bible, square and compasses, but with this difference: you now observe one point of the compasses elevated above the square, which is to teach you that Masonry is a progressive moral science taught by degrees only. One point being still depressed is to signify to you that you are yet one material point in the dark regarding its mys teries.
WM - (About face, goes between East and Altar, turns around to face candidate). You now o bserve me as Master of the Lod ge approaching you from th e East, under the dueguard and SIGN of a Fellowcraft Mason. (Advances and gives dueguard and Sign). Entered Apprentices, as you have already been taught, advance with the left foot, bringing the heel of the right to the hollow of the left, their feet forming a right angle. Fellowcrafts are taught to advance with the right foot, and to bring the heel of the left to the hollow of th e right, their feet forming a right angle. This is the dueguard (gives it), and alludes to the position in whi ch your h ands were placed when you took th e solemn obligation of a Fellowcraft Mason, and this is the Sign (gives it) , and alludes to the penalty of your obli gation, that of having your left breast torn open, your heart taken thence and given as prey to the beastsof the field and vultu res of the air. WM - (approaches toward North of Altar) I again take pleasure in presenting to you my right hand, in token of the continuance of friendship and brotherly love, and will invest you with the pass, token of the pass, grip and word of t his degree. This I will do b y aid of the Senior Warden for your benefit. Brot her Senior, attend. (Senior Warden steps to northwest corner of Altar, between Worshipful Master and Candidate. Senior Deacon takes position besides Junior Deacon) . WM – I hele. SW – I conceal. WM – What do you conceal? SW – All the secrets of Freemasonry, except it be to a true and lawful brother, or within the body of a just and legally constitu ted Lodge. WM – What is this ? SW – A gri p. WM – A grip o f what? SW – The pass grip o f a Fellow craft Mason. WM - Has it a name? SW – It has. WM - Give it to me. SW - I did not so receive it, neither will I so impart it. WM – What will y ou do with it ? SW - I will syllable it with you. WM - Begin. SW - No, you begi n. WM - Nay, begin yo u. SW - (Begins: 2, 1-2, 3, 2-3, 1-2-3) WM - The pass is right; w ill you b e off or from ?
SW - Fro m. WM - From w hat to wh at? SW - From the pass gri p of a Fellowcraft Mason to the grip of th e same. WM - Pass (done). What is this? SW - The grip o f a Fellowcraft Mason. WM - Has it a name? SW - It has. WM - Give it to m e. SW - I did no t so receive it, neither will I so impart it. WM - What will yo u do with it? SW - I will letter it w ith y ou. WM - Begin. SW - No, you b egin. WM - Nay, begin you . SW - (Begins; 2, 1; 3, 4; 5, 6; 1-2, 3-4, 5-6; 1-2-3-4-5-6) WM - The word is right. I greet you my brother. Arise, go and salute the Junior and Senior Wardens as a Fellowcraft Mason. (Bows to Junior Warden, then to Senior Warden and returns with Wardens to stations). + SD - ( Conducts Candidate directly to South and instructs him by setting example). Ad vance as a Fellowcraft Mason; give the d ueguard, and make the SIGN thus. JW - (Does not rise or return the Sign; merely nods) SD - (Conducts Candidate towards West) Do th e same. SW - (Does not rise or return the Sign; merely nods). SD - (Conducts Candidate towards the East by way of North and stops three feet West of Altar) WM - Brother Junio r Warden (rises), is the work rig ht in the South? JW - SIGN. Right in the South, Worship ful. ( sits) WM - Brot her Senior Warden (rises), is the work right in the West? SW - SIGN. Right in the West, Worshipf ul. (sits) WM – Brother Senior Deacon, reconduct the Candidate to the Senior Warden in the West, who will teach him to wear his apron as a Fellowcraft Mason.
SD - (Conducts candidate to center, turns right and stops three feet of border of pavement, as in the first degree) Brother Senior Warden (rises), it is the order of the Worshipful Master that you teach the candidate to wear his apron as a Fellowcraft Mason. SW - (Comes down) Masonic tradition informs us that at the building of King Solomon’s Temple, the crafts were distingu ished by the manner in which they wore their aprons. Entered Ap pr ent ic es, as yo u h ave al read y b een i nf or med , wo re t heirs wi th th e to p t ur ned up . Fello wc raf ts , being hewers on the mountains and in the quarries, wore theirs with the top turned down. As a Fellowcraft Mason you will thus wear yours. (Returns to station) You will now be reconducted to the Worshipful Master in the East for further instruction s (Sits). (Senior Deacon conducts candidate to East by way of North, square corners, on edge of pavement. Stops in front of Worshipful Master; takes one step to South and one back, rod at attention, no SIGN).
WM - (Rises) Having th e pleasure of seeing you clad as a Fellowcraft Mason, I now present to you the work ing tool s of this degree. They are the plumb, square and level. THE WORKING TOOLS
The Plumb is an instrument made use of by operative Masons to try perpendiculars; the square, to square their work; and the level to prove horizontals; but we, as Free and Accepted Masons, are taught to make use of them for more noble and glorious purposes. The Plumb admonishes us to walk uprightly in our several stations before God and man, squaring our actions by the Square of virtue, and ever remembering that we are traveling upon the level of time to " that undiscovered country fro m whose bourne no traveler returns." WM - (Sits down) You will now be reconduct ed to the place whence you came, invested with that of which you were divested, and in due time return to t he Lodge. SD - (Conducts candidate to Altar by way of South. Junior Steward leads, Senior Deacon with Candidate follow and Senior Steward last. All advance as Fellowcraft Masons, salute then rod at attention). WM - That SIGN , my brother, you will give on entering or retiring from a Lodge of Fellowcraft Masons and when addressing the Worshipful Master in th e East. (Junior Steward, Senior Deacon with Candidate and Senior Steward face North and go to preparation room. Junior Steward opens door, Senior Steward takes Candidate. Senior Deacon goes back to place and sits down)
WM - The brethren may consid er themselves free from r estraint until th e sound o f the gavel in the East. + LECTURE
CDT - (In preparation room) + + + WM -
SD - (Rises) SIGN. Worshipful Master, there is an alarm at the door of the preparation room. WM – Brot her Senior Deacon , ascertain the cause of the alarm. SD - (Goes to door of preparation room with rod, gives + + + , opens door, rod at attention) Who comes here?
SStd - Our newly obligated broth er desires admission. SD - (Without closing door, turns around facing the East) SIGN. Worshipful Master, our newly obligated brother desires admission. WM - Admit him and regularly conduct him through an outer and an inner door to a place representing the Middle Chamber of Kin g Solomon 's Temple. JStd - (Conducts Candidate toward Senior Deacon who takes him by the right arm. Senior Steward closes door. Stewards return to their places by way of West). (It is the prerogative of the Senior Deacon to give the lecture, it may be given by any qualified brother designated by the Worshipful Master. Such brother is the Senior Deacon for the time being and should be the one to report the alarm).
SD - (Conducts Candidate to a point about one step West of and between the pillars, and leaves him; advances between the pillars on South side; places rod at attention, facing toward Candidate. Senior Deacon through the lecture stays on South of candidate until arriving at South). SD - My brother, in th e second section of th e Fellowcraft degree, Masonry is considered un der two denominations, operative and sp eculative. By Operative Masonry, we allude to a proper application of the useful rules of architecture, whence a structure will derive figure, strength and beauty, and from which will result a due proport ion and just correspondence in all its parts. It furnishes us with dwellings and convenient shelters from the vicissitudes and inclemencies of the seasons; and while it displays the effects of hu man wisdom, as well as in th e choice as in the arrangement of the several materials of w hich an edifice is composed, it demonstrates that a fund of science and industry is implanted in man for the best, most salutary and most beneficent purpo ses. By Speculative Masonr y, we learn to subdu e the passi ons , act upon the Square, keep a tongue of good report, maintain secrecy and practice charity. It is so far interwoven with religion as to lay us under obligations to pay that rational homage to the Deity which at once constitutes our duty and our happiness. It leads the contemplative Mason to view with reverence and admiration the glorious works of the Creation, and insp ires him with th e most exalted ideas of the perfections of his Divine Creator. Our ancient brethren were both operative and speculative Masons; we are speculative only. They wrought at the building of King Solomon's Temple, and other stately edifices. They worked six days i n the week, but did not labor o n the seventh, for in six days God created the heaven and the earth, and rested upo n the seventh day. The Seventh, therefor e, our ancient brethr en consecrated as a day of rest from their labors; thereby enjoying frequent opportunities to contemplate the gloriou s wo rks o f the Creation, and to adore their Great Creator. They received wages in the Middle Chamber of King Solomon's Temple, and on their way thither passed throu gh a long aisle or porch, at the entrance of which two brazen pillars were set up; of w hich we here have a representation. That on yo ur left was called Boaz and denoted strength; this on you r right was named Jachin and signified to establish. Taken together, they allude to a promise made by God, to David, "In strength will I establish this mine house and Kingdom forever." The pillars which these represent, were cast in the clay grounds on the plains of Jordan between Succoth and Zeredatha, where all the Holy vessels of King Solomon's Temple were cast by Hiram Abif, a widow's son of the trib e of Naphtali. They were of molten brass and were hollow, and the better to withstand co nflagration and inund ation, were cast a hands-breadth in thickness. They were five and thirty cubits high, twelve in circumference or four in diameter, and were
surmoun ted by chapiters of five cubits each, making in all forty cubits in height. These chapiters were ornamented with net-work, lily-work and pomegranates, denoting unity, peace and plenty. The net-work from the intimate connection of its several parts denoted unity; the lily, from its purity, and the retired situation of its growth, denoted peace; and the pomegranates from the exuberance of their seed denoted plenty. These chapiters were surmounted by pommels or balls representing globes. Their principal use, besides serving as maps to distinguish the outward parts of the earth and the situation of the fixed stars, is to illustrate and explain the phenomena arising from the annual revolution of the earth around th e sun, and its diu rnal rotation upon it own axis. They are valuable instrum ents for improving t he mind and giving it the most dis tinct idea of any problem or propos ition, as well as for enabling it to sol ve the same. Contemplating these bodies, we are inspired with a due reverence for the Deity and His works and are induced to encourage the studies of astronomy, geography, navigation, and the arts dependent upon them, by which society has been so mu ch benefited. The next thing to wh ich your attention is directed, is a representation of a flight of w inding stairs, consisti ng of three, five and seven steps. We will make an advance. (Senior Deacon advances and with rod in pass stops Candidate). This brings u s to the three steps. The number three alludes to the three great lights of Masonry, the three degrees of Masonry, and the three principal officers of the Lodge, the Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens, who represent in the Lodge the three great pillars of Masonry, wisdom, strength and beauty; it being necessary, as you have already been informed, that there be wisdom to contrive, strength to support and beauty to adorn all great and important undertakings. We will again make an advance. (Done as above). This brings us to the five steps. The number five alludes to the five ord ers in architecture. By order in architecture is meant a system of all the members, proportions and ornaments of columns and pilasters; or, it is a regular arrangement of the projecting parts of a building, which, united with those of a colu mn, form a beautiful, perfect and complete whole. From the first formation of society, order in architecture may be traced. When the rigor of seasons first obliged men to contrive shelter from the inclemency of the weather, we learn that they first planted trees on end, and then laid others across to su pport a covering. The bands which co nnected those trees at top and bottom are said to have given rise to the idea of a base and capital of pillars; and from this simple hint originally proceeded the more improved art of architecture. The five Orders are thus c lassed: the Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian and Composi te. The ancient and o riginal or ders of architecture, esteemed by Masons, are no mo re than thr ee - - the Doric, Ionic and Corinth ian - - - whi ch were invented by th e Greeks. To these the Romans added two: the Tuscan, which they made plainer than the Doric, and the Composite, which was more ornamental, if not more beautiful, than the Corinthian. The first three orders alone, however, show invention and particular character, and essentially differ from each other; the two others having nothing bu t that which is borrowed, and differing only accidentally. The Tuscan is the Doric in its earliest state, and the Composit e is the Corinthian enriched with the Ionic. To the Greeks, therefore, and not to the Romans, we are indebted for w hat is g reat, judiciou s and d istinct in archi tecture. The number five also allud es to th e five senses of human nature - - - hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling and tasting. The first th ree are particularly essential to Masons; for by hearing, we hear
the word Shiboleth; by seeing, we see the SIGN (gives); and by feeling we feel the grip (gives grip), whereby one brother Mason may know another in the dark as well as in t he light. We will make another advance (done as above). This brings us to the seven steps. The number seven alludes to the seven liberal arts and sciences; - - - Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, Ar it hm eti c, Geomet ry , Music and As tr on om y. Of these Geometry is the one most esteemed among Masons. GEOMETRY
Treats of the powers and properties of magnitudes in general; where length, breadth and thickness are consid ered; from a point to a line, from a line to a superfice, and from a superfice to a solid. A poi nt is th e beg in ni ng of all geo met ri cal mat ter . A lin e has len gt h, w it ho ut br eadt h o r thi ck nes s. A s up erf ic e has len gt h an d b read th , with ou t t hi ck nes s. A s ol id has len gt h, b read th and th ic kn ess . By this science the architect is enabled to construct his plans and execute his designs; the general, to arrange his soldiers; the engineer, to mark out grounds for encampments; the geographer, to give us the dimensions of the world and all things therein contained, to delineate the extent of seas, and to specify the divisions o f empires, kingdo ms and provinces. By it also, the astronomer is enabled to make his observations and to fix t he duration of t imes and seasons, years and cyc les. In fine, Geometry is the foun dation of architecture and the root of Mathematics. We will now make one more advance (done as before). This brings us to a place representing the outer door of the Middle Chamber of King Solomon's Temple, which we will find partially opened but closely guarded by the Junior Warden who will demand of you the pass and token of the pass of a Fellowcraft Mason, ere he will grant you admission. (if more than one candidate, gives pass to nearest one first; reverse when giving token) S - - -, is th e pass; th is is the tok en. SD - + + +. JW - (Rises) Who comes here? SD - A Fellowcraft on his way to a place representing th e Middle Chamber of King Solomon's Temple. JW - How does h e expect to gain admission? SD - By the pass and the token of the pass of a Fellowcraft Mason. JW - Give me the pass. CDT - (Gives pass) Sh - - -. JW - What does it denote? SD - Plenty. JW - How is it represented?
SD - By ears of corn suspended near a waterford. JW - How did it orig inate? SD - In a quarrel between Jephtha, Judge of Israel, and the Ephraimites, the latter being a turbulent and rebellious people, whom Jephtha endeavored to subdue by lenient measures without effect. The Ephraimites being highl y incensed against Jephtha, at not being called to fight and share in the rich spoils of t he Ammonitish war, assembled a mighty army, and passed over the river Jordan to give Jephtha battle; but he, being appraised of their intention, gathered together the men of Gilead; gave them battle, and put them to flight; and, to make his victory the more secure, he stationed guards at the several fords of the river Jordan, with the positive injunction; should any strangers attempt to pass by that way, they should demand of them "Say ye now unto S". The Ephraimites, being of a different tribe, could n ot frame their speech to pronou nce the word aright, but called it "S" . This trifling defect proved them enemies and cost them their lives, and there fell that day, on the field of battle and at the several fords of the river Jordan, forty and two thou sand of the Ephraimites. The word " Sh- - -" , therefore, has been adapted as the proper pass to gain admissio n into any regular Lodge of Fellowcraft Masons. JW - Give me the token. CDT - (Gives grip) JW - The pass and token of the pass are right, pass o n. SD - (Conducts Candidate and stops before arriving West). This brings us to a place representing the inner door of the Middle Chamber of King Solomon's Temple, which we will find partly open but more closely guarded by the Senior Warden, who will demand of you the grip and word of a Fellowcraft Mason, ere he will grant you admission. This is the grip (done); J- - - -, is the word. (proceeds to Sr. Warden) SW - + (Rises) Who comes here? SD - A Fellowcraft on his way to a place representing the Middle Chamber of King Solomon's Temple. SW - How does he expect to gain admission? SD - By the grip and wor d of a Fellowcraft Mason. SW - Give me t he gri p. CDT - (Gives grip). SW - Give me t he wor d. CDT - (Gives word) J - - - . SW - The grip is right , the word is right, pass in. SD - (With Candidate, approaches East by North). SIGN . Worsh ipfu l Master, I take pleasure in introducing to you, Brother A.B, who has regularly gained admission, through an outer and an inner door, to a place representing the Middle Chamber of King Solomon's Temple. (takes seat by way of South).
WM - (Rises) Brother A.B., I congratulate you on your arrival at a place representing the Middle Chamber of King Solomon's Temple. On your way hither you passed through a long aisle or porch , at the entrance of which two brazen pillars w ere set up, which were severally explained to you by yo ur guid e. The next thing to which your attention was directed, was a representation of a flight of winding stairs, consisting o f three, five and seven steps, which was also explained to you by yo ur guide. Having regularly gained admission, throug h an outer and an inner door to a place representing the Middle Chamber of King Solomon's Temple, where our ancient brethren assembled to receive wages and to have their names recorded, I am pleased to say to you that you there stand a just and upr ight Fellowcraft Mason, and as such are entitled to receive wages and have your name recorded. Our brother, the Secretary, will in due time make the proper entry. The wages of a Fellowcraft Mason are corn, wine and oil; th e corn o f nouris hment, the wine of refreshment, and the oil of jo y. I will now present to you t he three precious jewels of a Fellowcraft Mason. They are the attentive ear, the instructi ve tongue and the faithful breast. I now call your attention to t he letter G suspended in the East. It is the initial of Geometry. Geometry, the first and noblest of sciences, is the basis on which the superstructure of Freemasonry is erected. By Geometry, we may curiou sly trace nature through her various winding s to her most concealed recesses. By it we discover the power, wisdom and goodn ess of the Great Art ificer of the Universe (uncovers) and view with delight the proportions which connect this vast machine. By it we discover how the planets move in their respective orbits, and demonstrate their various revolutio ns. By it we account fo r the return of seasons and the variety of scenes which each season disp lays to the discerning eye. Numberless worlds are around us, all framed by the same Divine Artist (uncovers), which roll through the vast expanse and are all conduc ted by th e same unerring l aw of nature. A s ur vey of nat ur e, an d th e obs ervati on of her beau ti fu l pr op or ti on s, fi rs t det erm in ed m an to imitate the Divine plan, and to stud y symmetry and order. This gave rise to societies and birth to every useful art. The architect began to design; and the plans which he laid down, being improved by time and experience, have produc ed works w hich are the admiration of every age. The lapse of time, the ruthless hand of ignorance, and the devastations of war have laid waste and destroyed many valuable monuments of antiquity on which the utmost exertions of human genius were employed. Even the Temple of Solomon, so spacious and magnificent and constr ucted by s o many celebrated artists, escaped not the uns paring ravages of barbarous for ce. Freemasonry, notwithstanding, has still survi ved. The attentive ear receives the sound from the instructive tongue, and the mysteries of Masonry are safely lodged in the repository of the faithful breast. Tools and implements of architecture, most expressive, are selected by the Fraternity to imprint on the memory wise and serious truths; and thus, through a succession of ages, are transmitted uni mpaired the most excellent tenets of our Institu tion. I again call your attention t o the letter G, for a more important purp ose; + + + (uncovers with left hand) It is the initial of the name of the Supreme Being, at the mention of which all Masons, from the youngest Entered Apprentice in the Northeast corner of the Lodge to the Worshipful Master in the East, should with reverence bow (all bow) + (if he is to deliver the charge, remains standing, otherwise sits down) If you will remain standing, I will deliver to you the:
MY BROTHER - - Being advanced to the second degree of Freemasonry, I congratulate you on your preferment. Masonry is a progressive moral science divided into different degrees; and as its princip les and mystic ceremonies are regularly developed and illustr ated, it is int ended and hoped that they will make a deep and lasting impression up on you r mind. It is unnecessary to recapitulate the duties which, as a Fellowcraft, you are bound to discharge. Your general good reputation affords satisfactory assurance that you will not suffer any consideration to induce you to act in a manner unworthy of the respectable character which you now sustain; but t hat, on the contrary, you will ever display the discretion, the virtue, and the dignity which become a worthy and exemplary Mason. Our laws and regulations y ou are strenuously to suppo rt, and be always ready to assist in seeing them duly executed. You are not to palliate nor aggravate the offenses of your brethren; but in the decision of every trespass against our rules, you are to judge with candor, admonish with friendsh ip, and reprehend with jus tice. The impressive ceremonies of this degree are calculated to inculcate in the mind of the novitiate the importance of the study of the liberal arts and sciences, especially of the noble science of Geometry, which forms the basis of Freemasonry, and which being of a divine and moral nature, is enriched with the most useful knowledge; for, while it proves the wonderful properties of nature, it demonstrates the more important truths of morality. To the study of Geometry, therefore, your attention is especially directed. Your past regular deportment and upright conduct have merited the honor which we have conferred. In your present character it is expected that at all our assemblies, you will observe the solemnities of our ceremonies; that you will preserve the ancient usages and customs of the Fraternity sacred and inviolate; and thus , by your example, induce oth ers also to ho ld them in d ue veneration. Such is th e nature of your engagements as a Fellowcraft, and to a due observance of them you are bound by the strong est ties of fidelity and honor. WM - You will now be seated among the brethren. (done) Brot her A.B. (rises), before you can be raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason, it will be necessary for you to commit to memory the obligation and a portion of the lecture of this degree. Brother B.C. will be your instructor. (If opened on a higher degree, call off for congratulations, so candidate may be conducted to anteroom. Senior Deacon conducts him during recess. Then returns to Lodge. Do not order Candidate to leave open Lodge). CLOSING
WM - Brother Senior Warden (rises), have you anything further in the West to bring before this Lo dge of Fellowcraft Masons? SW - (Rises) SIGN. Nothing in the West, Worshipf ul. (Sits) WM - Have you anything in the South, Brother Junior? JW - (Rises) SIGN. Nothing in the South, Worshipful. (Sits) WM - Is there anything upon y our table, Brother Secretary?
Sec - (Rises) SIGN . Nothing, Worshipful (Sits) WM - Has any brother anything to offer for the benefit of Masonry in general or this Lod ge of . (Any remarks). If not, we will proceed to close. Brother Junior Fellowcraft Masons in particular Deacon (rises but does not take rod), the last as well as the first and mos t important care of a Lodge of Fellowcraft Masons wh en convened? JD - SIGN . To see that the lodge is duly tyled, Worship ful. WM - Perform that duty and inform the Tyler that we are about to close this Lodge of Fellowcraft Masons, and direct him t o tyle accordin gly. JD - (Takes rod, goes to door, +++; Tyler responds +++; JD opens door) Brother Tyler, we are about to close this Lodge of Fellowcraft Masons, and it is the order of the Worshipful Master that you tyle accordingly . (Closes door, returns to place). SIGN. Worshipful Master, the Lodge is tyled. WM - How tyl ed? JD - By a brother of this degree, without th e door, armed with the proper implement of his office. WM - His du ty th ere? JD - To observe the approach of cowans and eavesdroppers and see that none pass or repass without permission of the Worshipful Master in the East. (Places rod in stand remains standing). WM - + + (Same officers rise as in opening) Brother Senior Warden, at the opening of this Lodge you informed me that you were a Fellowcraft Mason made within the body of a just and legally constit uted Lodge of Fellowcraft Masons. How many compose such a Lodge? SW - (Rises) SIGN. Five or more, Worshipful. WM - Whence but five, of whom does it consist ? SW - The Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens, Senior and Junior Deacons. WM - The Junior Deacon's place in th e Lodge? SW - On the right of the Senior Warden in the West, Worshipful. WM - Your du ty Broth er Junior? JD - SIGN. To carry messages from the Senior Warden in the West to the Junior Warden in the South, and elsewhere about the lod ge as directed; attend to all alarms at th e door and see that the Lodge is duly tyled. WM - The Senior Deacon 's place? JD - On the right o f the Worshipful Master in the East, Worshipful. WM - Your duty , Brother Senior? SD - SIGN. To carry orders from the Worshipful Master in the East to the Senior Warden in the West, and elsewhere about the lodge as required; attend to all alarms at the door of the preparation room, receive and con duct c andidates, introdu ce and accommodate visiting brethren.
WM - The Junior Warden's s tation? SD - In the South, Worshi pfu l. WM - Your duty in th e South, Brother Junior? JW - SIGN. As th e s un at mer id ian hei gh t is th e b eaut y and gl or y of th e d ay, so st and s th e Junior Warden in the South, the better to observe the time, to call the crafts from labor to refreshment, and from refreshment to labor again, at the will and pleasure of the Worshipful Master. WM - The Senior Warden's statio n? JW - In the West, Worshi pfu l. WM - Your du ty in th e West, Brother Senior? SW - SIGN. As the sun is in the West at the close of day, so is the Senior Warden in the West to assist the Worshipful Master in opening and closing of his Lodge, to pay the crafts their wages, if any be due, that none may go away dissatisfied, harmony being the strength and suppo rt of all societies, especially of ours . WM - The station of t he Worshipful Master? SW - In the East, Worship ful. WM - And his du ty, my Brother? SW - As the sun rises in the East to open and adorn the day, so rises (WM rises) the Worshipful Master in the East to o pen and govern his l odge, in due time to set the crafts at work , and give them the necessary instruc tions w hereby they may pursue their labors. WM - + + + Brother Senior Warden, it is my will and pleasure that this Lodge of Fellowcraft Masons be now closed. This you will communic ate to the Junior in the South, that the brethren may have due no tice thereof. SW - Brother Junior Warden, it is the order of the Worshipfu l Master that this Lodge of Fellowcraft Masons be now closed. This you will report to th e brethren that they may have due notice thereof. JW - Brethren, it is the order of t he Worshipful Master that this Lod ge of Fellowcraft Masons be now closed. Of this take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly. WM - Together, b rethren. All - (Give dueguards and SIGNS of EAM and Fellowcrafts). WM + SW + JW
WM + SW + JW
WM - (Removes hat; he or the Chaplain offers the following).
Supreme Grand Master! Ruler of Heaven and Earth! Now that we are about to separate and return to our respective places of abode, wilt Thou be pleased so to influence our hearts and minds that we may, each one of us, practice out of the Lodge those great moral duties which are inculcated in it, and with reverence study and obey the laws which Thou hast given us in Thy Holy Word. Amen. All - So mo te it b e (All come down to the level) WM – Brother Senior Warden, how should Masons meet? SW - (Takes jewel) On th e level, Worship ful. WM - How act, Brother Junio r? JW - (Takes jewel) By the plumb , Worship ful. WM - (Takes jewel) An d par t up on th e squ are. So m ay we ever meet , act an d par t my br eth ren (Removes hat). BENEDICTION
WM - May the bl essing of Heaven rest u pon us and all r egular Masons! May Brot herly Love prevail, and every mo ral and soci al virtue cement us! Amen. All - So mo te it b e. SD - (Goes to Altar with rod, gives sign; puts out the lesser lights; or waits until extinguished, disarranges the Great Lights; takes one step to North, rod at attention) WM - I now declare this Lod ge of Fellowcraft Masons to be duly clo sed. Brother Junior Deacon, inform t he Tyler that the Lodge is closed. JD - [Goes to door, +++; (Tyler +++); opens door] Brother Tyler, the Lodge is closed. WM - (Goes to his station and raps)
C. C.
(The examination of a Fellowcraft may be conducted in a Lodge opened on the second or third degree. In the latter case the Lodge must be reconducted down to the second degree, and afterwards raised). (Examiner and Candidate sit facing each other in front of the East, West or South. If the Examiner is the Master or Warden, he does not come down from his station).
Ex - Are you a Fellowcraft Mason? CDT - I am, try me. By what will you be tried?
By the square. Why by the square?
Because it is one of the principal workin g tools o f my profession. What is a square?
An ang le o f n in ety deg rees , or th e on e-fo ur th par t o f a c ir cl e. What makes you a Fellowcraft Mason?
My obligation. Where were you made a Fellowcraft Mason?
Within the body of a just and legally constituted Lod ge of Fellowcraft Masons. Where were you prepared to be made a Fellowcraft Mason?
In a room or place adjacent to the body of a just and legally constituted Lodge of Fellowcraft Masons. How were you prepared?
By being di vested of all minerals and metals, neither naked nor clad, barefooted nor shod , hoodwinked, and with a cable-tow twice around my naked right arm, in which condition I was condu cted to a door by a Brother. Being hoodwinked, how did you know it to be a door?
By first meeting with resistance and afterwards gaining admission. How gained you admission?
By giving three distinct knocks on the door from without, which were answered by a like number from with in, followed by the inquiry, "Who comes here, who comes here?" Your answer?
Brother A.B. who has been regularly initiated an Entered Apprentice Mason, and now seeks further light in Masonry by being passed to the degree of Fellowcraft.
What was then asked?
If it was of my own free will and accord, if I was duly and truly prepared, worthy and well qualified, and had made the necessary proficiency in the preceding degree; all of which being answered in the affirmative, I was then asked by what further right or benefit I expected to gain admission i nto a Lod ge of Fellowcraft Masons. Your answer?
By the benefit of th e pass. Had you the pass?
I had it not but my guide had and gave it for me. What were you then told to do?
To await a time with patience until the Worshipful Master in the East had been informed of my request and his answer returned. What was his answer?
Let him enter. How were you received?
Upon the angle of a square applied to my naked right br east, which w as to teach me that as the square is an emblem of truth and morality, so should truth and morality be the square of my actions throug hout life. What was then done?
I was conducted twic e regularly around the Lodg e and caused to stop at the South, West and East stations, where the same questions were asked and like answers returned as at the door. What was then done?
I was re-conducted to the Senior Warden in the West, who taught me to advance by two regular steps, my feet forming a right angle, body erect, facing the East. What was then said to you?
That before proceeding any further with the ceremonies of this degree, it would again be necessary for me to take an obligation by which I would bind myself to keep inviolate all the mysteries of Freemasonry, appertaining to the degree of Fellowcraft Mason. This obligation, like the one I had heretofore taken, I was assured, would not interfere with the duti es I owe to God, my countr y, my neighbor or myself; it appertains to Freemasonry alone. With that assurance I was asked if I was willing to proceed. Your answer?
I was. What was then done?
I was made a Fellowcraft Mason in due form.
What is that due form?
Kneeling at the Altar on my naked right knee, my left forming the angle of a square, body erect within a squ are, my righ t hand resting upon the Holy Bible, Square and Compasses, my left arm forming t he angle of a Square, hand in a vertical position , in which du e form I took the solemn obligation of a Fellowcraft Mason. Repeat the obligation.
OBLIGATION Of my own free will and accord, in the presence of GOD at this Worshipful Lodge of Fellowcraft Masons, erected to Him and dedicated to the Holy Saints Jo hn; do hereby and hereon solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, in addition to my former obligation, that I will always hele, forever conceal, and never reveal any of the secret arts, parts or points of the hidden mysteries of Freemasonry appertaining to the degree of Fellowcraft Mason, to any person under the canopy of heaven, except it be to a true and lawful brother of this degree or within the body of a just and legally cons tituted lodge of Fellowcraft Masons, and neither unto him n or them until by strict trial, due examination or legal information I shall have found him or them to be as lawfully entitled to the same as I am myself. I furthermore promise and swear that I will answer all due signs gi ven to me by the hand of a brother of this degree, and will obey all summonses sent from within a just and legally constit uted lodge of Fellowcraft Masons, if within the first squ are or angle of my wo rk. Furthermore, that I will aid and assist all distressed worthy brother Fellowcraft Masons, so far as I can do so withou t serious injury t o myself; Furthermore, that I will not cheat, wrong or defraud a Lodge of Fellowcraft Masons, or a brother of t his degree, out of t he value of anything , knowingly and in tentionally. To all this, I do most solemnly and sincerely promise and swear with a fixed and steady purpos e, to perform th e same without equivocation, mental reservation or secret evasion of mind in me whatsoever, binding myself under no less a penalty than that of having my left breast torn open, my heart taken thence and given as a prey to the beasts of the field and vultures of the air. So help me God and keep me steadfast in th e due observance of this my so lemn obligation as a Fellowcraft Mason. What were you then told to do?
Detach my hands, bow my head and in token of my sincerity, kiss the Holy Bible upon which I had been obligated. Of what were you then released?
The cable-tow, it being twice around my naked right arm, was to signify to m e that I was bound to the Fraternity by a two-fold tie. What was then asked of you?
Being again in a conditi on of darkness, what I most desired. Your answer?
Did you receive it and how?
I did, by ord er of th e Worshipful Master with the assistance of th e Senior Warden. On being again brought from darkness, what were the first objects presented to your view?
The three great lights of Masonry, as before, but with this d ifference: I then observed on e point of the compasses elevated above the square, which was to teach me that Masonry is a progressive moral science taught by degrees only; one point being st ill depressed, was to signify to me that I am yet one material point in the dark regarding it s myst eries. What did you then observe?
The Worshipfu l Master approaching me fr om the East, under the du eguard and SIGN of a Fellowcraft Mason. He again presented me his right hand in token of the continuance of friendship and brotherly love and invested me with the pass, token of the pass, grip and word of this d egree. Bade me arise, go and salute the Junio r and Senior Wardens as a Fellowc raft Mason. What was then done?
I was reconducted to the Senior Warden in th e West, who taught me to wear my apron as a Fellowcraft Mason. How do Fellowcraft Masons wear their aprons?
With the tIp turned down . What was then done?
I was reconducted to the Worshipful Master in the East, who presented me with the working t ools of th is degree. What are the working tools of a Fellowcraft Mason?
The plumb, square and level Repeat working tools THE WORKING TOOLS
The Plumb is an instrument made use of by operative Masons to try perpendiculars; the square, to square their work; and the level to prove horizontals; but we, as Free and Accepted Masons, are taught to make use of them for more noble and glorious purposes. The Plumb admonishes us to walk uprightly in our several stations before God and man, squaring our actions by the Square of virtue, and ever remembering that we are traveling upon the level of time to " that undiscovered country fro m whose bourne no traveler returns." What was then done?
I was reconducted to the place whence I came, invested with that of which I had been divested, and on my return to the Lodge I was conducted through a long aisle or porch, at the entrance of which two brazen pillars were set up, which were severally explained to me by my guide. The next thing to which my attention was directed was a representation of a flight of winding stairs, consisting of three, five and seven steps which was also explained to me by my guide; and having regularly gained admission through an outer and an inner door to a place representing the Middle Chamber of King Solomon's Temple, where our ancient brethren
assembled to receive wages and to have their names recorded, the Worshipful Master was pleased to say to me that I there stand a just and upright Fellowcraft Mason, and as such, was entitled to receive wages and to h ave my name recorded. What are the wages of a Fellowcraft Mason?
Corn, wine and oil; the corn of nou rishment, the wine of refreshment and the oil o f joy. With what were you then presented?
The three preciou s jewels of a Fellow craft Mason. instruc tive tongue and the faithful breast.
They are the attentive ear, the
To what was your attention then directed?
To the letter G suspended in the East. It is the initial of Geometry, the first and nob lest of sciences, and the basis u pon w hich Freemasonry is erected; my attention was again called to the letter G for a more important purp ose. It is the initial of the name of the Supreme Being, at the mention of w hich all Masons, from the young est Entered Apprentice in the Northeast corn er of the Lodge, to the Worshipful Master in the East, should with reverence bow. (Examiner and Candidate both rise, still facing each other, clasp hands and give grips and words as given at the Altar) I hele.
I conceal. What do you conceal?
All th e s ecr ets of Freemaso nr y, exc ept it be to a t ru e an d law fu l br ot her , o r wi th in th e b od y of a just and legally constit uted Lodge. What is this?
A gri p. A grip of what?
The pass grip of a Fellowcraft Mason. Has it a name?
It has. Give it to me.
I did not so receive it, neither will I so impart it. What will you do with it?
I will syllable it with you . Begin.
No, you begin. Nay, begin you.
SHEBOLETH The pass is right; will you be off or from?
From. From what to what?
From the pass grip of a Fellowcraft Mason to th e grip of the same. Pass (done). What is this?
The grip of a Fellowcraft Mason. Has it a name?
It has. Give it to me.
I did not so receive it, neither will I so impart it. What will you do with it?
I will letter it with y ou. Begin.
No, you begin. Nay, begin you.
JACHIN Ex- - - (To Candidate) Advance as a Fellowcraft Mason (done); give the dueguard and SIGN of this degree (done). SIGN Worshipful Master, the examination is concluded. WM – Brother A.B. you will be seated among the b rethren. ------
(N.B. - Except where described in detail, the floor work is as given in the corresponding parts of the first and second degrees.)
WM - (Puts on jewel and hat; displays working tools. ) + Brother Ju nior Deacon, invite the brethren in and close the door . (Done.) The brethren will come to Order and clothe themselves. (Fill vacant station and places .) The officers (all officers rise ) will approach the East and receive their jewels. (Done as in the first degree.)
WM - + (All sit down except Senior Warden. ) Brother Senior Warden, satisfy yourself that all present are Master Masons. SW - (If satisfied.) Worshipful Master, all present are Master Masons. SW - (If not satisfied, proceed to purge the Lodge as done in the first degree.) ......... WM - Call the b rethren to Order as Master Masons reserving yours elf for th e last. SW - The brethr en will c ome to Ord er as Master Masons. (Senior Warden does not rap. Brethren rise, come under dueguard followed by Senior Warden.)
WM - + (Sign is given and all seated except Junior Deacon .) Brother Junior Deacon the first and most i mportant care of a Lodg e of Master Masons when convened? JD - (Sign) To see that the lodge is duly tyled, Worshipf ul. WM - Perform that duty and in form the Tyler that we are about to open a Lodge of Master Masons in th is place and direct him to ty le accordin gly. JD - (Takes rod and goes to door. Gives + + + , waits for Tyler + + +, opens door, steps back, rod at attention.) Brother Tyler, we are about to op en a Lodge of Master Masons in this place, and it is th e
Order of the Worshipful Master that you tyle accordingly. (Closes door, returns to place, rod at attention.) (Sign ) Worshipful Master, the Lodge is tyled.
WM - How tyled?
2 JD - By a Brother Master Mason without the door, armed with the proper implement of his office. WM - His du ty th ere? D -To observe the approach of cowans and eavesdroppers and see that none pass or repass, without permission of the Worshipf ul Master in the East. (Places rod in stand, sits down.) WM - + + (Only the Senior Warden and Junior Warden rise) Brother Senior Warden, are you a Master Mason? SW - (Sign) I am. WM - What induced you to become a Master Mason? SW - That I might travel in foreign countries, work and receive Master Masons' wages, the better to enable me to support myself and family, aid and assist a distressed worthy Master Mason, his widow and orphans. WM - Where were you made a Master Mason? SW - Within the body o f a just and legally cons tituted Lodge of Master Masons. WM - How many c ompose such a Lodge? SW - Three or more, Wors hipf ul. WM - Whence but three, of whom d oes it con sist? SW - The Worsh ipfu l Master, Senior and Junior Wardens. MW - The Junior Warden's station in the Lodge? SW - In the South, Worshipful. WM - Your d uty in the South, Brother Junior? JW - (Sign) As th e sun at meridian height is th e beauty and glo ry of the day, so stands the Junior Warden in the South, the better to observe the time, to call the crafts from labor to
3 refreshment, and from refreshment to labor again, at the will and pleasure of the Worshipful Master. WM - The Senior Warden's s tation ? JW - In the West, Worshipful. MW - Your duty in the West, Brother Senior? SW - (Sign) As the sun is in t he West at the close of th e day, so is the Senior Warden in the West, to assist the Worshipful Master in opening and closing his Lodge, to pay the crafts their wages, if any be due, that none may go away dissatisfied, harmony being the strenght and suppo rt of all societies, especially of ours. WM - The station of th e Worshipful Master? SW - In the East, Worship ful. MW - And his dut y, my Brother? SW - As the sun rises in the East to open and adorn the day, so rises (WM rises ) the Worshipful Master in the East to o pen and govern his Lo dge, in due time to set the crafts at work, and give them the necessary instructions wh ereby they may pursue their labors. WM - + + + Brother Senior Warden, have you ever t raveled? SW - (Sign) I have. WM - Whence and whith er? SW - From west t o east. WM - Of what were yo u in s earch? SW - Of that which was lost. WM - To what d o yo u allud e? SW - The secrets of a Master Mason . WM - Have you th ose secrets ?
4 W - I have them not , but I have a sub sti tute therefor e. WM - Brother Senior Warden, it is my w ill and pleasure that the subst itute for th e ancient Master's word, accompanied by the dueguards and Signs, be sent up to the East, through the Deacons on ly. SW - Deacons attend. (Deacons take rods, Junior Deacon steps forward to south-west corner of pavement facing East, rod at attention and waits for Senior Deacon to be in line with him on the north-west corner, facing East. Then Worshipful Master and Senior Warden come down, Senior Warden stands in line and between Deacons. Deacons face in, rods at attention, as Senior Warden turns. Senior Deacon places rod at salute and goes through the Signs with Senior Warden, takes rod from
salute in left hand, approaches Senior Warden and goes on
five points with him. Senior Warden begins word. Senior Deacon backs to north-west corner. Senior Warden turns around to face Junior Deacon. After going over the same procedure Junior Deacon backs to south-west corner. Senior Warden and Deacons face East.) (Deacons proceed to the East, and go over the same with Worshipful Master. Deacons begin words.)
WM - (Bows to Senior Warden and Senior Warden bows to him; both return to station.) Brother Senior Warden, the substitu te for the ancient Master's word, accompanied by the dueguards and Signs, has come up t o the East, through the Deacons, correctly; it is t herefore my will and pleasure that a Lodge of Master Masons be now opened in this place for the transactions of business. (Or, for the purpose of conferring the third degree of Masonry.) This you will communic ate to the Junior Warden in
the South, that the brethren may have due n otice thereof. SW - (Places gavel over left breast.) Brother Junior Warden, it is the Order of the Worshipf ul Master that a Lodge of Master Masons be now opened in this place for the transactions of business. (Or, for the purpose of conferring the third degree of Masonry. ) This you will report to the brethren that they m ay have due notice thereof. JW - (Places gavel over left breast.) Brethren, it is the Order of the Worshipful Master that a Lodge of Master Masons b e now opened in thi s place for the transactions o f busin ess. (Or, for the purpose of conferring the third degree of Masonry.) Of this take due notice and govern yourselves
accordingly. WM - Together, b rethren. (Deacons face the East.) All - (Give dueguards & Signs of Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft and Master Mason.) WM - + SW - + JW - + WM - + SW - + JW - + WM - + SW - + JW - +.
5 Ds -(Turn around and go to toward the West.) SD - (Goes to the Altar with rod; arranges the Great Lights, [Holy Bible Ecclesiastes 12] turns out lights, gives the Sign; takes one step to North, rod at attention.)
JD - (Goes to south-west corner of pavement, faces East, rod at attention.) WM - (Removes hat; he or Chaplain offers the following): PRAYER Great Architect of the Universe! In Thy name we have assembled and in Thy name we desire to proceed in all our doings. Grant that the sublime princ iples of Freemasonry may so subdue every discordant passio n within us - - so harmonize and enrich o ur hearts with Thine own love and goodness-- that the Lodge at this time may humbly reflect that order and beauty which reign forever before Thy throne. Amen. An ot her Supreme Ruler of the Universe! We reverently in voke Thy blessing at th is time. Wilt Thou be pleased to g rant that this meeting, thus began in order, may be conducted in peace and closed in harmony. Amen. All - So m ot e it be. WM - I now declare this Lodge of Master Masons to be duly opened, requiring all herein assembled to conduct themselves with due order and propriety during the time the same may remain open. Brother Junior Deacon, inform the Tyler that the Lodge is now open on the third degree of Masonry. JD - (Goes to door, and gives + + +; waits for Tyler's + + +; opens door, takes one step back.) Brother Tyler, the Lodge is now opened on the third degree of Masonry. (Closes door, goes to his place, puts rod at stand.)
WM - + (All sit down. Senior Warden stands column up)
6 B. U. S. WM - Brethren, this being our stated meeting for the month of ---------, the first order of business will be the reading of the minutes of our last stated and subsequent special meetings. Brother Secretary (rises), read. Sec - (Sign) (Reads minutes of last stated meeting.) WM - Brethren, you h ave listened to th e reading o f the minut es of our last stated meeting; if there are no errors or omissions, they will stand approved as read. (Pause) There being none, Brother Secretary, it is so o rdered. +. Sec - (Rises, gives Sign, and reads minutes of special meeting.) WM - Brethren, you have listened to th e reading of th e minutes of the special meeting of ------, (gives date); if th ere are no errors or o mission s, they will stand approved as read. (Pause) There being non e, Brother Secretary, it is so ordered. +. (Proceed in accordance with the Order of Business prescribed in the By-Laws.)
B.A.L. WM - Brethren, the Committee of Investigation upon the petition of Mr. A B (or application of Brother A. B.) has made a full and favorable report (or, the majority of the committee have made a favorable report.) Brother Senior Deacon, prepare the ballot.(Reads entire petition.) (Or, the committee ------ has made an unfavorable report. I therefore declare the applicant rejected and the Secretary will return to him the fee.)
SD - (Takes ballot box for inspection to the South, West, and East in proper order. The Worshipful Master and Wardens open the box personally when presented for inspection, seeing to it that it is properly prepared.)
WM - (After inspecting the ballot box, Worshipful Master casts ballot.) Brethren, we are about to ballot upon the petition of Mr. AB (or, application of Brother A. B. ) to receive the degrees of Masonry in this Lodge. (or, to become a member of this Lodge.) SD - (Takes ballot box first to the Senior Warden and then to the Junior Warden while voting without leaving their stations. He then places the box on the Altar. He stations three paces west and on to the north of the Altar, and keeps order seeing to it that only one brother at a time approaches the ballot box.)
7 WM - The breth ren of --------, Lod ge No. --, will approach the Altar and depos it their ballot s on the petition of Mr. A B (or, application of Brother A B ) to receive the degrees of Masonry in this Lodge. Remember that white balls elect and black cubes reject. Be careful how yo u vote. (The brethren on the South vote first, the Secretary leading. When all on the South voted, then Treasurer starts, others on North follow. Senior Deacon votes last. Each gives Sign before casting ballot, afterwards returns to station. Each deposits his ballot, remembering that the ballot is invaluable secret and that the ballot box is never the proper place to exhibit petty support toward an individual within o without the Lodge, and further, that the ceremony attending the casting of the ballot is equivalent to a sacred permission to cast it in accordance with one's obligation.
WM - (If Tyler is member of the Lodge.) Brother Junior Deacon (rises ), relieve the Tyler. (Junior Deacon stays outside until Tyler returns. Then Worshipful Master informs Tyler as to which is being balloted upon. Tyler returns after casting his ballot.)
WM - Brot her Senior Deacon, have all th e members o f -----, Lodge No.----, present voted? SD - (Sign) Worshipful Master, all the members of -------, Lodge No. -----, present have voted. WM - Therefore I declare the balloting closed. (Senior Deacon closes ballot box and steps back one pace.) + (Pause) Brother Senior Deacon, display the ballot. (Senior Deacon takes ballot box
inspection to the South and West. The Wardens open the box personally when presented for inspection. After inspection, Senior Deacon goes to North-West corner of pavement.)
WM - Brother Junior Warden (rises ), how find you the ballot in the South? JW - (Sign) Fair (or, Cloudy) in the South, Worship ful. WM - Broth er Senio r Warden (rises ), how find you the ballot in the West? SW - (Sign) Clear, (or, Dark ), in th e West, Worshipful. (Senior Deacon presents ballot to Worshipful Master. Worshipful Master inspects ballot.)
WM - And bright (or, black ) in the East. Brethren, by your ballots you have elected (or, rejected ) Mr. (or, Brother ) A B. Does any brother desire to verify the ballot? (Pause) Brother Senior
Deacon, destroy the ballot. (Ballots and cubes are mixed.)(If rejected Worshipful Master orders Secretary to so notify him and return fee.)
8 ---------WM - (Only one cube.) Brethren, to correct a pos sible mistake in the voti ng, we will again ballot upon the petition of the Mr. A B (or, application of Brother A B) to receive the degrees of Masonry in this L odge (or, to become a member of this Lodge). (Done as already described.) ---------WM - Brethren, this Lodg e of Master Masons has con vened for the purpos e of examining Brother A B, as to his pro ficiency in the lecture of the third degree. Brother A B (rises), are you prepared for examination? AB - (Sign) I am, Worshipful. WM - Brother Senior Deacon, conduct the brother to the Altar. (Conducts and leaves him standing in front of Altar.) Brother CD (rises), approach the Altar and conduct t he examination.
CD - (Stands between the Altar and East about halfway a little on side of center, and conducts examination as given further on.) (Examiner and Brother A B remain standing throughout the whole examination.)
--------CD - (Sign) Worshipfu l Master, the examination is conclu ded. WM - Brother A B, be seated among the brethren.
9 MM raising R. S. G. WM - Brethren, this Lodge of Master Masons has convened for the purpose of conferring the third degree of Masonry upon Brother A B, a fellowcraft of this Lodge; he has made the necessary proficiency in the preceding degree. If there be no objection, we will proceed to confer upon him the third degree of Masonry. (Pause) There being none, Brother Stewards (rise), you will retire and prepare Brother A B t o receive the third degree of Masonry. Stds - (Go to Altar, give sign, right face and go single file to ante room. Jr. Deacon opens door without alarm.)
WM - The brethren may consider themselves free from restraint until the sound of the gavel in the East. +. (Stewards conduct Candidate to the preparation room and prepare him to receive the third degree. Proceed as described in the first degree.)
------------Cdt - (In preparation room.) + + +. WM - +. SD - (Rises) (Sign ) Worshipful Master, there is an alarm at the door of the preparation ro om. WM - Broth er Senio r Deacon , ascertain the caus e of the alarm. SD - (Takes rod, goes to preparation room door.) + + +, Who comes here, who comes here, who comes here? (The Stewards and Candidate stand abreast Senior Steward on Candidate's left. Junior Steward on right.)
SS - Brother A B, who h as been regularly initiated an Entered Apprentice Mason, passed to the degree of Fellowcraft, and now seeks further light in Masonry by being raised to the sublime d egree of Master Mason. SD - Is this of y our ow n free will and accord? Cdt - It is.
10 SD - Is he duly and truly prepared, worthy and well qualified? JS - He is. SD - Has he made the necessary proficiency in the preceding degree? JS - He has. SD - By what further right or benefit does he expect to gain admission into a Lodge of Master Masons? JS - By the benefit of the pass. SD - Has he the p ass? JS - He has it not, but I have and will give it for him. SD - Advance and gi ve it. (Senior Steward advances to Senior Deacon, rod in pass and whispers ---------. Returns to where standing.) It is well; the pass is rig ht. You will await a time with patience until the
Worshipful Master in the East is in formed of yo ur request and his answer returned. (Senior Deacon, closes door. Goes to Altar, in square, rod at attention.)
WM - Brother Senior Deacon, who occasioned the alarm at the door of the preparation room? SD - (Sign) Brother A B, who has been regularly initiated an Entered Apprentice Mason, passed to the degree of Fellowcraft, and now seeks furth er right in Masonry b y being raised to t he sublime d egree of Master Mason. WM - Is it o f his own fr ee will and accord? SD - It i s. WM - Is he duly and truly prepared, worthy and well qualified? SD - He is. WM - Has he made the necessary proficiency in the preceding degree? SD - He has.
11 WM - By what further right or benefit does he expect to gain admission into a Lodge of Master Masons? SD - By the benefit o f the pass . WM - Has he th e pass? SD - He has it not, but I have and will gi ve it for h im. WM - You will give the pass in a low, but distin ct tone of voice. (Done) It is well; the pass is right. Admit the Candidate (Senior Deacon approaches East. Worshipful Master rises ), and after recapitulating to him the manner of his reception in the preceding degrees, receive him upon the points of the extended compasses applied to his naked breast, which is to teach him that as the most vital parts of man are contained within the breast, so are the most important tenets of Freemasonry contained within the points of the extended compasses; they are brotherly love, relief and truth. (Hands instrument to Senior Deacon, who advances, rod in pass, and receives it with right hand, backs to place. Worshipful Master sits down.) Let him enter.
SD - (Faces South and goes in squares to door of preparation room; opens door without alarm.) It is the Order of the Worshipf ul Master that the Candidate be admitted; you will th erefore let him enter. (Done; stops Candidate with instrument in right hand.) On your first admission into a Lodge of Free and
Ac cep ted Maso ns , yo u wer e rec eiv ed up on th e po in t of a sh arp in st ru men t pi erc in g yo ur nak ed left breast, for reasons which were at the time explained to you. On your first admissio n into a Lodge of Fellowcraft Masons, you were received upon the angle of a square applied to your naked right breast, for reasons wh ich were also at the time explained to you. On your first admissio n into a Lodge of Master Masons, you are received upon the points of the extended compasses applied to your naked breast, which is to teach you, that as the most vital parts of man are contained within the breast, so are the most important tenets of Freemasonry contained within t he points of the extended compasses; they are brotherly love, relief and truth. (Hands instrument to Senior Steward; conducts Candidate to commence perambulation. Stewards follow three paces behind, stop in front of station of the Worshipful Master and Senior Steward gives him instrument; proceeds to place.)
JW - + (Perambulation may be read or recited as in the first degree, raps by officers as Candidate passes each station)
[Eclesiastes 10-12, chapter 12, blue ri bbo n] "Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, + nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have to pleasure in them; While the sun, or the lig ht, or
12 the moon, or the stars, be not darkened, nor the clou ds return after the rain: +In the day wh en the keepers of the house shall tremble, and th e strong men shall bow themselves, ++ and the grinders cease because they are few, and those that look out of the windows be darkened, + + and the doors shall be shut in the streets, when the sound of the grinding is low, and he shall rise up at the voice of the bird, and all the daughters of music shall be brought low; + + also when they shall be afraid of that which is high , and fears shall be in t he way + + + and the almond tree shall flouris h, and the grasshopper sh all be a burden, and desire shall fail: + + + because man goeth t o his lon g home, and the mourners go about the streets: Or ever the silver be loosed, or the golden bowl b e broken, or the pitc her be broken at th e fountain, or the wheel broken at the ci stern. + + + Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it." SD - (In the South, takes one step to West and one back, in square; gives with butt of rod.) + + + . JW - + (Rises) Who com es here, who c omes here, who comes h ere? SD - Brother A B, who has been regularly initiated in an Entered Apprentice Mason, passed to the degree of Fellowcraft, and now seeks further light in Masonry b y being raised to the sublime d egree of Master Mason. W - Is this your own free will and accord? Cdt - It is. JW - Is he duly and truly p repared, worthy and well qualified? SD - He is. JW - Has he made the necessary proficiency in the pr eceding degree? SD - He has. JW - By what furth er right or benefit does he expect to obtain this favor? SD - By the benefit of the pass. W - Has he the pass ? SD - He has it not, but I have and will g ive it for him.
13 JW - Advanc e and give it. (With rod in pass advances and whispers T--; backs to side of Candidate, rod at attention.) It is well; the pass is right. It is my direction that you condu ct the Candidate to the
Senior Warden in the West, for his examination. (Sits.) SD - (In the West, takes one step to North and one back in square; gives with butt of rod .) + + +. SW - + (Rises ) Who co mes here, who comes here, who comes h ere? SD - Brother A B, who has been regularly init iated an Entered App rentice Mason, passed to the degree of Fellowcraft, and now seeks further light in Masonry by being raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. SW - Is this of your ow n free will and accord? Cdt - It is. SW - Is he duly and truly prepared, worthy and well qualified? SD - He is. SW - Has he made the necessary proficiency in the preceding degree? SD - He has. SW - By what further right o r benefit does he expect to o btain this favor? SD - By the benefit o f the pass . SW - Has he the p ass? SD - He has it not, but I have and will gi ve it for h im. SW - Advance and give it. (With rod in pass advances and whispers T --; backs to side of Candidate, rod at attention.) It is well; the pass is right. It is my direction that you con duct the Candidate to the
Worshipful Master in t he East fo r furt her examination. (Sits.) SD - (In the East, takes one step to South, and one back, in square, gives with butt of rod.) + + +. WM - + (Does not rise.) Who co mes here, who comes here, who comes here?
14 SD - Brother A B. who has been regularly initiated an Entered Apprentice Mason, passed to the degree of Fellowcraft, and now seeks further light in Masonry by being raised to the sublime d egree of Master Mason. WM - Is this of you r free will and accord? Cdt - It is. WM - Is he duly and truly prepared, worthy and well qualified? SD - He is. WM - Has he made the n ecessary p roficiency in t he preceding d egree? SD - He has. WM - By what further right or benefit does he expect to obt ain this favor? SD - By the benefit o f the pass . WM - Has he th e pass? SD - He has it not, but I have and will gi ve it for h im. WM - Advanc e and give it . (With rod in pass advances and whispers T --; backs to side of Candidate, rod at attention.) It is well; the pass is righ t. Whence came you and whither are you traveling?
SD - West tr avelling East. WM - Of what are you in search ? SD - Further light in Masonry. WM - Then, Brother Senior Deacon, reconduct the Candidate to the Senior Warden in the West, who wil l teach him to advance by th ree regular steps, his feet forming the angle of a squ are, body erect, facing the East. (Senior Deacon conducts Candidate along South. When three steps west of Altar right face to center; turns so as to face West and stops; takes one step to right, rod at attention.)
15 SD - Brot her Senior Warden (rises), it is the Order of the Worshipfu l Master that you teach the Candidate to advance by three regular steps, his feet forming the angle of a square, body erect, facing the East. SW - (Comes down and faces Candidate East; steps to south-west corner of Altar. Junior Deacon leaves his place with Senior Warden and stands abreast with Candidate and Senior Deacon. Advance as an Entered Apprentice Mason (done), give the dueguard and Sign of that degree (done.) Advance as a Fellowcraft Mason (done), give the dueguard and Sign of that degree (done ). Take one step with your left foot and bring the
heel of the right to the heel of the left, your feet forming t he angle of a square, body erect, facing the East. (Takes one step to right behind Candidate.) (Sign) Worshipful Master, the Candidate is in Order. (Then retires behind Candidate.)
WM - Before proceeding any further with the ceremonies of this degree, it will again be necessary for you to take an obligation, by which you will bind yourself to keep inviolate all the mysteries of Freemasonry appertaining to th e degree of Master Mason. This obligation, like those you have heretofore taken, will not, I assure you, interfere with the duties you owe to (uncovers) God, your cou ntry, your neighbor or y ourself; it appertains to Freemasonry alone. With this assurance on my part, are you will ing to pr oceed? Cdt - I am. WM - Then, Brother Senior Warden (does not move), place the Candidate at the Altar, in due form, to take the solemn obligation of a Master Mason; by causing him to kneel on his naked knees, his body erect within a squ are, hands resting u pon th e Holy Bible, square and compasses. (Deacons cross rods but do not move.)
SW - Kneel on your naked knees, body erect within a square. (Deacons take three steps forward, hold rods over Candidate in the form of a square), hands resting upo n the Holy Bible, square and
compasses. (Steps behind the Candidate, takes one long step back.) (Sign) Worshipful Master, the Candidate is in d ue form. WM - + + + (Lights out except lesser lights.) All - (Rise and remain in front of seats.) WM - (Goes to Altar; stops for an instant one step from it. Then Worshipful Master and Wardens advance as Master Masons forming equilateral triangle.) Say I, pronounce your name in full, A B, and in an
audible tone of voice repeat after me.
16 OBLIGATION Of my own free will and accord, in the presence of (uncovers hat) God and this Worshipful Lodge of Master Masons, erected to Him and dedicated to the Holy Saints Joh n, do h ereby (kneels) and hereon (places hands on candidate's hands,) solemnly and s incerely promise and swear, in addition to my former oblig ation, that I will always hele, forever conceal, and never reveal any of the secret arts, parts or po ints o f the hidd en mysteries of Freemasonry, appertaining to the degree of Master Mason, to any person under the canopy of heaven, except it be to a true and lawful bro ther of this degree, or within the body o f a just and legally constitut ed Lodge of Free and Acc epted Masons; and neither unto him nor them, until by strict trial, due examination or legal information, I shall have found him or them to be as lawfully entitled to th e same as I am myself. I furthermore promise and sw ear, that I will answer all due Signs gi ven to me by the hands of a brother of this degree, and will obey all summonses sent from within the body of a just and legally constituted Lo dge of Master Masons, if withi n the length of my cabletow. Furthermore, that I will aid and assist all dis tressed worthy brother Master Masons, their widows and orphans, whithersoever dispersed, so far as I can do so, without serious injuries to myself or family. Furthermore, that I will keep the secrets of a brother Master Mason as my own, when given to me in charge as such, murder and treason excepted. Furthermore, that I will conform to and abide by all the laws, rules and regulations appertaining to th e degree of Master Mason, and to the Lodg e of whic h I may become a member, and will maintain and support the constitution and edicts of the Grand Lodge under which the same may be holden, together with the general regulations of Freemasonry. Furthermore, that I will not assist in or be present at the making of a woman a Mason, a young man in his nonage, an old man in his dotage, an atheist, a mad man or a fool, knowing them to be such. Furthermore, that I will not cheat, wrong, or defraud a Lodge of Master Masons, or a brother of this degree out of the value of anything, knowingly and intentionally; nor will I injure a brother in his person or good name, but will give him due and timely notice of any approaching danger so far as the same may come to my k nowledge. Furthermore, that I will not violate the chastity o f a bro ther Master Mason's wife, daughter, mother, sister, or widow, nor will I permit it to be done by another, if within my power to prevent.
17 Furthermore, that I will not give the grand hailing Sign of this degree, unless I am in real distress, in imminent danger, within a Lodge or for instruction; and should I see the Sign given, and hear the words accom panying it sp oken, I will fly t o the relief of the brother giving it, provid ed there be greater probability of saving h is life, than of losing o f my own . Furthermore, that I will not give the substitute for the ancient Master's word in any other manner than that in w hich I may hereafter receive it, it being on the five points of fellowship , in a low ton e of voice, not above my breath. To all these, I do most solemnly and s incerely promise and s wear, with a fixed and steady purpos e to perform the same, without equivocation, mental reservation or secret evasion of mind in me whatever; binding myself under no less a penalty than that of having my body severed in twain, my bowels taken thence and burned to ashes, and the ashes cast to the four winds of heaven, that no more remembrance may be had of me among men or Masons forever. So help me, God, and keep me steadfast in the due obs ervance of this, my s olemn oblig ation as a Master Mason. Detach (Deacons detach rods and at attention.) your hands, bow your head, and in token of your sincerity, kiss th e Holy Bible, upon whic h you h ave been obligated. (Done. The hymn "Nearer, my God, to Thee" may be sung and Wor. Master removes hat.)
(Optional) " Nearer, My God , To Thee" Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee! E'en thoug h it be a cross That raiseth me; Still all my song sh all be, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer t o Thee
18 WM - Brot her Senior Warden, release the Candidate fro m the cable-tow, it being thri ce around his naked body, is to signi fy to him that he is now boun d to the Fraternity by a threefold tie. (Done) WM - Being again in a conditio n of d arkness, what do you mo st desire? Cdt - Light. WM - Brother Senior Warden, assist me in bringing the Candidate from darkness to see the light by w hich Master Masons work. (Done) WM - The first objects presented to your view, on being again brought f rom darkness, are the three great lights of Masonry as before, the Holy Bible, square and compasses, but with this important di fference: you now obs erve both poin ts of t he compasses elevated above the square, which is to signify to you th at you are now about to receive all the lights that can be given you in a Lodge of Master Masons; and to remind you that you are never to lose sight of the use of this valuable instrument (takes compasses and illustrates ), by which we are taught to circumscribe our desire and keep our passion within due bounds toward all mankind(one step back and points ), particularly our brethren in Freemasonry. WM - (About face and goes between East and Altar, about face so as to face Candidate. ) You now observe me as Master of the Lod ge approaching you from the East, under the dueguard and Sign of a Master Mason. (Advances and gives dueguard and Sign ) Entered Apprentices, as you have already been taught, advance with the left foot, bringing the heel of the right to the hollow of the left, their feet forming a right angle. Fellowcrafts advance with the right foot, bringin g the heel of the left to the hollow of the right, their feet forming a right angle. Master Masons are taught to advance with the left foot, and bring the heel of the right to the heel of the left, their feet forming the angle of the square. This is the dueguard (gives it ), and alludes to the positio n in which your hands were placed when you took to the solemn obligation of a Master Mason; and this is the Sign (gives it ), and alludes to the penalty of your obligation, that of having your body severed in twain, etc. (Approaches Candidate to north side of Altar, ) I again take pleasure in presenting to yo u my right hand
in token of the contin uance of friendship and brotherly lo ve, and will invest you with the pass grip and word of this d egree. This I will do by t he aid of the Senior Warder for your benefit. Brother Senior attend. (Senior Warden goes to north-west corner of Altar, between Worshipful Master and Candidate. Senior Deacon takes position by side of Junior Deacon.)
19 WM - I hele. SW - I conceal. WM - What What do y ou c onc eal? SW - All the secrets of Freemasonry, Freemasonry, except except it be to a true and lawful brother, or with in the body of a just and legally constitu ted Lodge. WM - What What is t his ? SW - A grip . WM - A grip of what? SW - The pass gr ip o f a Master Mason Mason . WM - Has it a name? SW - It has. WM - Give it to me. SW - I did not s o receive it, neither neither will I so impart it. WM - What What will yo u do with it? SW - I will syllable it with you. WM - Begin Begin . SW - No, you begin . WM - Nay, begin you . SW - (Begins) 11; 1-11; 111; 11-111; 1--11--111 WM - The word is right; Tubal Cain, Cain, my broth er, was was the eighth man from Ad am, the first known artificer in metals and brass, a brother of Jubal, the inventor of music, an account of both of whom you wil l find recorded in the fourth chapter of the Book of Genesis. Genesis. Arise, go and salute
20 the Junior and Senior Wardens, as a Master Mason. (Bows to Junior Warden then to Senior Warden and returns with Wardens to stations.) + .
SD - (Conducts Candidate directly to the South and instructs him by setting example. ) Advance as a Master Mason. Give the dueguard and make the Sign thus. JW - (Does not rise or return the Sign; merely nods.) SD - (Conducts Candidate to the West.) Do the same. SW - (Does not rise or return the Sign; merely nods.) SD - (Conducts Candidate toward the East by way of North and stops three feet North-West of Altar.) WM - Brother Junio r Warden, Warden, is the work righ t in the South? South? JW - (Sign) Right in the South, Worshipful (Sits.) WM - Brot her Senior Senior Warden, (rises ) is the work r ight in t he West? West? SW - (Sign) Right in the West, West, Worshipful (Sits.) WM - Brother Senior Deacon, reconduct the Candidate to the Senior Warden in the West, who will teach teach hi m to wear his apron as a Master Master Mason. Mason. SD - (Conducts Candidate toward West as in second degree.) Brother Senior Warden, (rises) it (rises) it is the Order of the Worshipful Master that you teach the Candidate to wear his apron as a Master Master Mason. SW - (Comes down.) Masonic tradition informs us that at the building of King Solomon's Temple, Temple, the crafts were distinguished by the manner in which they wore their aprons. Entered Entered Ap pr ent ic es, as yo u h ave al read y b een i nf or med , wo re t hei rs wi th th e to p t ur ned up . Fellow Fell ow cr aft s, with the top tu rned down. Master Master Masons, Masons, being overseers of the work, as a mark of distin ction, wore theirs with one corner turned up thus (demonstrate), forming the angle of a square. But as we no longer work in operative Masonry but in speculative only, this custom has become obsolete, and we now wear ours as Fellowcrafts. Fellowcrafts. As a Master Master Mason Mason you w ill thus w ear ear yours. yours . (Returns to seat ). ). You will now be recondu recondu cted to the Worshipfu Worshipfu l Master Master in the East East for further instruction s. (Sits down.)
21 WM - (Rises) Having the pleasure of seeing you clad as a Master Mason, I now present to you th e working t ools of this degree. They They are all all the implements of Masonry in discrimi nately, but especially the trowel. THE TROWEL is an instr ument made use of by operative Masons Masons t o spread the cement which uni tes the building into on e common mass; b ut we, as Free Free and and Accepted Masons, are taught to make use of it for the more nob le and glorious pu rpose of spreading the cement of brotherly lo ve and and affection -- that cement which unites us into one sacred band, or society of friends and brothers, among whom no c ontention sho uld ever exist but that noble contention, or rather emulation, of who best can work and best agree. This instrument, I now place in your hands (Candidate accompanied by Senior Deacon advances, receives trowel) , not doubting that you will make good use of it, as Masons have done in all ages
before you . (Sits down; Candidate and Senior Deacon back to former position).
You will now be
reconducted to the place whence you came, came, invested invested with that of whic h you were divested, and in due time return to the Lodge. Altar by way of South. Junior Steward leads and Senior Senior Steward inserts SD - (Conducts Candidate to Altar trowel under cord of apron of Candidate. All advance as Master Masons, salute, salute, then rods at attention.)
WM - That That Sign, my bro ther , you w ill give on entering or r etiring from a Lodge of Master Master Masons, Masons, and when addressing the Worship ful Master in the East. face and go to preparation preparation room. room. Candidate takes trowel with him. Junior SD, Stds and Cdt - (Left face Steward opens door, Senior Steward takes Candidate. Candidate. Senior Deacon closes door, goes back to place and sits down. Later Senior Steward Steward returns trowel to Lodge.)
WM - + Brother Junior Warden (rises), what is the hour? JW - (Sign) High twelve, Worshipf Worshipf ul. WM - Being high twelve, it is my will and pleasure that this Lodge of Master Masons be now called from labor to refreshment, for the purpose of conferring the second section of this degree, degree, to be called on again at the sound of th e gavel gavel in the East. JW - + + + (All rise except Worshipful Master.) Brethren, it is the Order of the Worshipful Master Master that this L odge of Master Masons Masons b e now called from labor to refreshment, for the purpo se
22 of conf erring the second section of this d egree, to be called on again at the sound of t he gavel in the East. +. (Column up in South, column down in West.) T. R. A. G. (No Signs in this section. The whole ceremony takes place while the Lodge is at ease. Junior Warden's column remains standing throughout the whole ceremony. After surrendering his seat to the Candidate Junior Warden does not occupy his station until the Worshipful Master + just before the lecture, when Senior Warden erects his column, Junior Warden lowers.) (Candidate in charge of Senior Deacon, without jewel and rod, enters and is met by King Solomon at the door of the preparation room. He congratulates the Candidate and then introduces him to the brethren. After the congratulations the Candidate is conducted to the South. Junior Warden puts his jewel on him. Senior Deacon returns to his regular place.)
JW - Take this s eat, my Broth er. (Candidate sits down.) HT - (Calls the Lodge to Order, if necessary.) KS - Brother A B, approach the East. (Senior Deacon rises and goes to South to get Candidate and escorts him to the East by way of north passing west of the Altar; steps behind Candidate.) You now no doubt
consider yourself a Master Mason, and as such entitled to all the rights and privileges of this degree. I presume you do, for I see you wear the jewel of a warden of the Lodge. It becomes my duty, however, to inform you that you have not yet been invested with all the secrets of a master mason, and before you can be it will be necessary for you to travel, to convince the brethren of your fidelity in keeping inviolate that hich has already been entrusted to your care. Your travels may be over a rough and rugged road, one beset with ruffians, who may demand of you the secrets of a master mason, and may even go so f ar as to threaten you r life. You will then remember in (uncovers) Whom you put your trust, and that he that endureth to the end, the same shall be saved. Heretofore, you have had some one to pray for you ; now you have no one; you must pray for yourself. You will therefore suffer yours elf again to be hood-winked. (done.) Now kneel and pray, orally or mentally, as you may prefer, and when you have finished your devotion say Amen aloud, arise and pursue your jo urney. Cdt - (Kneels in front of East and prays. King Solomon removes hat.) Cdt - Amen . (Arise.) All - So m ot e it be.
23 SD - (Conducts Candidate to south-east corner of pavement facing him West, takes one step toward the West, facing the South.) Masonic traditio n informs us that at the building of Kin g Solomon's Temple, it
was the daily custom o f our Grand Master Hiram Abif, at high twelve, when the crafts were called from labor to refreshment, to go into the Temple and view the work, to see if any improvement could b e made, either for strength or o rnament; and also to enter the Sanctum Sanctorum, or Holy of Holies, there to offer up his devotion to the ever living God, and pray for wisdom necessary to enable him to draw designs up on the trestle board, whereby the crafts might pursue their labors. After performing this pious duty, it was his custom to go out at the South gate. Let us, in imitation of him, go out at the South gate. (Conducts Candidate toward the West.) (All men of Tyre should employ voice more than action to impress Candidate, avoid brutality in all cases.)
Ja - (Meets Candidate exactly in the South.) Grand Master Hiram Abif, I am glad to meet you thus alone; give me the secrets of a master mason. SD - This is no time no r place to demand thos e secrets. Ja - Talk not to me of time or p lace, but gi ve me the secrets of a master mason. SD - Wait with patience until the Temple is completed, when, if found worthy, you will receive them lawfully, as I have. Ja - Talk not to me of time, place or patience, but give me the secrets of a master mason, or I will take your life. SD - I can no t. Ja - Then di e. (Smotes Candidate with a twenty-four inch gauge or the edge of his right hand across the throat. Ja goes to north-east corner and prepares canvas, then holds north-east corner of canvas. Other brethren must not arrange canvas before this time.)
SD - Let us attempt t o pass o ut at th e west gate. (Conducts Candidate toward the West.) Jo - (Meets candidate exactly in the West.) Grand Master Hiram Abif, I am glad to meet you thus alone; give me the secrets of a master mason. SD - This is no ti me nor p lace to d emand those secrets; wait w ith p atience until the Temple is completed.
24 Jo - Talk not to me of time, place or patience, but give me the secrets of a master mason or I will take your life. SD - It ill becomes you in this rude manner, thus to demand those secrets; when the Temple is co mpleted, if found wo rthy, you wi ll receive them lawfully, as I have. Jo - Give me the secrets of a master mason, or I will t ake your life. SD - I shall no t. Jo - Then die. (Smotes Candidate with the angle of a square or by the right elbow on the right breast. Goes to north-east corner and joins Jubila; then holds south-east corner of canvas.)
SD - Let us endeavor to make our escape out at the East gate. (Conducts Candidate to northeast corner.)
Jm - (Meets Candidate in the north-east corner.) Grand Master Hiram Abif, I am glad to meet you thus alone; gi ve me the secrets of a master mason, or I will take your life. SD - This is no t ime nor place to demand tho se secrets; wait with patience until the Temple is com pleted; when, if found wo rthy, you w ill receive them lawfully, as I have. Jm - Talk not to me of time, place or p atience but give me the secrets of a master mason, of I will take your life. SD - It ill becomes you in this rude and violent manner, thus to demand those secrets; wait until the Temple is completed, when, if found worthy, yo u will receive them lawfully, as I have. Jm - Ah! you have passed Jubila and Jubilo (turns Candidate around to face West) , me you cannot pass; my name is J ubilum, well kno wn for my determination of character. What I undertake, that I do. Give me the secrets of a master mason ins tantly, or I will take your li fe. SD - I will no t. Jm - What, sti ll persist ? Then die. (Smotes Candidate with setting maul upon the head. Remains near feet; consults Ja and Jo.)
Ja - What horrid deed is this we have done, slain our Grand Master Hiram Abif and not obtained that which we sought.
25 Jo - This is not the time for reflection; wh at shall we do with the body? Jm - We will bu ry it in the rubbish of the Temple and meet again at low twelve and consult further as to what we should do with it. Ja & Jo - Agreed. (They lift canvas and place it on south-east corner, cover body, then go single file toward West and sit down. Lights out except lesser lights.) (Chimes after lapse of twenty seconds. After last bell, Men of Tyre move singly, walk softly, speak guardedly. Position as before. Jubila North, Jubilo South near head, Jubilum at feet.)
Ja - We have met agreeably t o appo intm ent. Jo - What shall we do with t he body? Jm - We will con vey it a westerly direction from the Temple and brin g it at the brow o f a hill near Mount Mori ah, where I have prepared a grave. Ja & Jo - Agreed. (Lift body on their shoulders; move clockwise three diminishing rounds, finish in West, feet toward Altar.)
Ja - What shall we do n ow? Jo- Let us endeavor to make our escape out of the Kingdo m. Jm - We will travel by a circuitous route toward Jappa and endeavor to make our escape that way. Ja & Jo - Agreed. (Exchange places by rotating on position. Ja and Jo continue.) Jm- Hold (stop), before going, we will pl ant this acacia at the head of the grave that, should occasion require, we ourselves may know the spot. Ja & Jo - Agreed. (Done.) Jm- Now, let us be going. Ja & Jo - Agreed. (Jubilo moves toward South and faces East, Jubila lines with him, Jubilum steps forward between the other two. They walk abreast, pass around the Altar on East side and proceed to door of preparation-room; meet sea-faring man on north-west corner of pavement.)
26 Ja - There is a sea-farin g-man. Jo - Let us hail him. Jm - Hello. Sfm - Hello. Jm - Is that your ship yonder? Sfm - It is. Jm - Where are you bound ? Sfm - To Ethiop ia. Jm - When do yo u sail? Sfm - Immediately. Jm - Do you take passengers? Sfm - I do. Jm - Will you take us? Sfm - I will, if you have King Solomon's pass. M.T. - (Consult). Jm - We will pay you yo ur demand, but we have no pass. Sfm - Then you cannot go, for it is strictly fo rbidden. Jm - Let us turn b ack into the country . Ja & Jo - Agreed. (All face about and retrace steps, go quietly to West, and sit down near door of preparation room without noise. They should not leave Lodge room at this time.) (Members make confusion with feet; the three fellowcrafts go out at the ante room door; lights are turned on.)
27 KS - +. (Raps with palm of hand. ) Brother Hiram of Tyre (rises), what is the cause of the confus ion in th e Temple? HT -(Bows) Most Excellent King Solomon, the Grand Master Hiram Abif i s missin g. KS - How do you know him t o be missing? HT - By there being no designs drawn upon the trestle board, whereby the crafts may pursue their labors. KS - How lon g has he been missing? HT - Sinc e yesterday, at high twelve. KS - Brother Hiram of Tyr e, I fear some accid ent has befallen t he Grand Master Hiram Abif, or at least, that he may be seriously in dispos ed. You will cause diligent search to be made in the several apartments of the Temple, to see if he can be found, and have the roll of the workmen called. Sec - (Without Orders goes toward West; stops opposite South.) Have you seen our Grand Master Hiram Abif ? Brn - Not since yesterday at high twelve. Sec- (Crosses to North side west of Altar; stops.) Have you seen our Grand Master Hiram Abif? Brn - Not sinc e yesterday at high tw elve. Sec - (Walks along North to north-west corner, crosses to south side; stops.) Have you seen our Grand Master Hiram Abif? Brn - Not sinc e yesterday at high tw elve. JD - (Opens ante room door, Fellowcrafts enter, form in line.) Sec- Craftsmen, assemble for roll call. (Calls roll). Ah is har , Jo sep h, Nath an, Talmun , Ad on air am, Jar man ,
Obed ,
Zabu d,
Azariah ,
Jo ab,
Shal lu m, Zimry .Ju bi la--- (3T)
(3T) Jubilum--- (3T) (Fellowcrafts retire; Secretary shows roll book to Hiram of Tyre, returns to his place.)
28 HT - (Bows) Most Excellent King Solomon , your Orders have been duly executed. Diligent search has been made in the several apartments of the Temple without effect; but, upon the call of the roll, there appeared to be t hree Fellowcrafts missin g, named Jubila, Jubilo and Jubilu m, who, from the peculiarity of their names are supposed to be brot hers and men of Tyre. JD - (Gives + + + and opens door.) HT - Who com es here? SD - Twelve Fellowcrafts; w e come with important t idings. HT - (Continues without announcement being reported by Junior Deacon;Bows.) Most Excellent King Solomon, twelve Fellowcrafts are without. They say they come with important tidin gs. KS - Admit them. HT - Enter. (Sits.) JD - (Opens door, admits Fellowcrafts.) (Fellowcrafts enter, Senior Deacon in center, 1C on his right, 2C on the left. They walk abreast to north-west corner, then along North, and when opposite Altar, diagonally to center, stop in front of East, bow. )
SD - Most Excellent King Solomon, we twelve Fellowcrafts, with three others, seeing the Temple nearing its completion and fearing that we would not be able to obtain Master Masons' wages when traveling in foreign countries, entered into a conspiracy to extort from our Grand Master Hiram Abif t he secrets of a Master Mason or take his lif e. We twelve, however, reflecting with horror upon the atrocity of the intended crime, and dreading its evil consequences, have repented, but feared that the three others, named Jubila, Jubilo and Jubilum, have persisted in putting their murderous d esigns into execution . We, therefore, appear before you clad in w hite gloves and aprons, in token of our innoc ence, and humbly implo re your pardon. KS - Fellowcrafts you will travel, three East, three West, three North, and three South, in search of the Grand Master Hiram Abif, and the deserters from the Temple. (Fellowcrafts bow, all take one step back; 1C and 2C another step, face in; Senior Deacon about face, stops.)
1C - Whic h way sh all we travel?
29 SD - I propos e that we travel on a course toward Jappa; that being a seaport town, they may endeavor to make their escape that way. 1C & 2C - Agreed. (Fellowcrafts walk abreast diagonally to South, when opposite Altar walk down toward ante room door; meet wayfaring man on the south-west corner of pavement.)
1C - There is a wayfaring man. 2C - Let us hail h im. SD - Hello . Wfm - Hello. SD - Have you s een any w orkmen from the Temple pass b y this way? Wfm - I have, three, who w ere endeavoring to gain a passage into Ethiopi a, but not being able to obtain one, turned back into the countr y. 1C - Those must be the three of whom we are in search. 2C - What shall w e do? SD - I propose that we return to t he Temple and report thi s intelligence to King Solomon. 1C & 2C - Agreed. (All face about and abreast go to South and then diagonally to East, stop in front of East and bow.)
SD - Most Excellent King Solomon, we, who traveled on a cour se toward Jop pa, met with a wayfaring man, of whom we inquired if he had seen any workmen from the Temple pass by that way. He informed u s he had, three, who were endeavoring to gain a passage into Ethiopia, but no t being able to obtain one, turned back into the country. We deemed this intelligence of sufficient importance to return and report. KS - Fellowcrafts, you will travel as before, but with this positive injunction, that if you do not find the Grand Master Hiram Abif, or the deserters from the Temple, you yourselves will be deemed murderers and suffer accordingly; for it may be that you have taken not only the life of
30 the Grand Master Hiram Abif, but also the lives of the supposed deserters, the better to conceal your own guilt. (Fellowcrafts bow, all take one step back 1C & 2C another step, face in; Senior Deacon about face, stops.)
1C - Whic h way sh all we travel? SD - I propose that we tr avel a westerly directio n from the Temple. 1C & 2C - Agreed. (Fellowcrafts abreast pass along South to south-west corner of pavement, then turn north-west and then walk slowly toward East by way of North; pass around Altar toward East.)
1C - (When Fellowcrafts are between Altar and East.) We have already been out several days and our p rovision s are already exhausted. 2C - (When nearing Candidate.) I am weary and wo rn out; what shall we do? SD - (When near head, form triangle, Senior Deacon at head, 1C on his left and 2C on the right.) I propose that we return to the Temple, and if our brethren who have been sent out in different directions h ave met with no b etter success, that we deliver ourselves up and suffer accordingl y. 1C & 2C - (Pause and think.) Ag reed . (Turn as if to go) SD - Hold . (turns around.) On our w ay back, let us separate, but keep withi n hailing d istance, that should any disco very be made, we may communic ate with one another. 1C & 2C - Agreed. (1C & 2C walk slowly toward East, 1C along North and 2C along South; Do not sit down. Time walking so that upon reaching corners of boarders, Senior Deacon will have finished his lamentation.)
SD - (Passes around feet and goes near head.) I am weary and worn o ut, I will sit dow n here to rest and refresh mys elf. (Sits.) Alas! This is the result of evil companions hip; had I heeded
lesson taught me in my youth, I might now be in the Temple among my br ethren honored and respected instead of being an outcast and disgraced; but my brethren are almost out of sight; I must arise and pursue my journey. This acacia will assist in rising. What! giving way so easily; this is suspicio us. Hail, brethren. (1C & 2C run back to Senior Deacon, 1C on north side, 2C on south side.) 1C & 2C - Hail, what d isco very have you made?
31 SD - On ascending this hill, being weary and worn out I sat down here to rest and refresh myself, and on rising, caught hold of this acacia, which easily giving way, excited my suspicion whereupon I hailed you. 1C - (Looks down on canvas.) The earth has been recently removed. 2C - It has the app earance of a grave. (Men of Tyre gives lamentations inside, with all doors closed.)
Ja - Oh, that my throat has been cut from ear to ear, my tongue torn out by its roots and buried in the rough sands of t he sea, a cable-length from shore, where the tide regularly ebbs and flows (Fellowcrafts listen) ere, I had co nsented to t he death of our Grand Master Hiram Abif. 1C - That sounds like the voice of o ne of the deserters. Jo - Oh, that my left breast have been torn open, my heart taken thence and given as a prey to the beasts of the field and vultures of the air (Fellowcrafts take short step toward voice.) ere, I had consp ired against the life of so good a man as our Grand Master Hiram Abif. 2C - That sound s like the voic e of another of th e deserters. Jm - Alas! Jubila and Jubilo, I am more guilty than you both; it was I who struck the fatal blow, it was I who killed him. (Fellowcrafts take one more step.) Oh, that my bod y has been severed in twain, my bowels taken thence and burned to ashes and the ashes cast to the four winds of heaven that no more remembrance may be had of me among men or Masons forever, ere I had taken the life of so g reat and goo d a man as our Grand Master Hiram Abif. SD & Cfts - And that is the voice of Jub ilum. 1C -There are three of them and t hree of us . 2C - What shall w e do? SD - I propose that we rush upon, seize and bind them and take them before King Solomon. 1C & 2C - Agreed.
32 (Fellowcrafts rush softly to men of Tyre who sit near preparation room door and then march in twos with men of Tyre with hands behind back, their left hands on the right shoulders of later. Order; Ja-1C, Jo-2C, Jm-Senior Deacon. Proceed slowly to East along North, turn on square on reaching north-east corner of pavement, facing East. Men of Tyre with hands bowed.)
SD - (Takes one step to left and two steps forward, bows.) Most Excellent King Solomon, we who traveled a westerly direction fr om the Temple, had occasion to ascend a hill, at the brow of whic h I, being more weary than the others, sat down to rest and refresh myself and on rising, caught hold o f an acacia, which easily gi ving way, excited my sus picion, whereupon I hailed my brethren; and while in consultation on the spot, the earth having been recently removed and it having the appearance of a grave, rocks,
exclamations were heard issuing from the clefts
of the
we recognized as the voices of the deserters from the Temple, accusing
themselves and excusing one another of the murder of our Grand Master Hiram Abif; Jubila (points) said: Oh, that my throat has been cut from ear to ear, my tongue torn out by its roots and
buried in the rough sands of the sea, a cable-length from shore were the tide regularly ebbs and flows, ere I had consented to the death of our Grand Master Hiram Abif; Jubilo (points) said: Oh, that my left br east has been torn open, my heart taken thence and gi ven as a prey to the beasts of the fields and vultures of the air, ere I had conspired against the life of so good a man as our Grand Master Hiram Abif; and Jubilum (points) exclaimed: Alas! Jubila and Jubilo, I am more guilty than you both , it was I who struck the fatal blow, it was I who killed him. Oh, that my body has been severed in twain, my bowels taken thence and burned to ashes and the ashes cast to the four win ds of h eaven that no more remembrance may be had of me among men or Masons forever ere, I had taken the life of so great and good a man as our Grand Master Hiram Abif. There were three of them and three of us, we rushed up, seized and bound them and have brought them before you r Majesty. KS - Jubila, Jubilo and Jubilum, you stand before me charged with the murder of the Grand Master Hiram Abif. What have you to say for yourselves; guilty o r not guilt y? Ja, Jo & Jm - Guilty, Most Excellent King Solomon. KS - Vile and impious w retches, thus to have imbrued your hands in in nocent blood . (Raps with palm of hand and stands.) Hold up yo ur hands (raise their hands ) and receive your sentence; it is my
Order that you be taken without the gates of the city and there severally executed in accordance with the imprecations which have flown from your own mouths. Fellowcrafts (do not move), see this my Order duly executed.
33 (Fellowcrafts place right hands on left shoulders of Men of Tyre; walk in twos as before; go to preparation room and closes door; reenter after thirty seconds. Walk abreast with Senior Deacon in center, 1C on his right and 2C on the left; proceed along North, when opposite Altar, diagonal to center, stop in front of East, bow. )
SD - Most Excellent Kin g Solomon, yo ur Orders have been duly obeyed. KS - Fellowcrafts, you will repair to the place where the weary bro ther sat down to rest and refresh himself, and search fo r the body of the Grand Master Hiram Abif, and if f ound, seek diligently on and about it , for the secrets of a Master Mason or a key thereto. (Fellowcrafts bow, step back as before, about face, do not stop; diagonal to South.)
1C - (When near grave.) Here is th e acacia. (Goes around head to North side.) 2C - (When near grave.) And this is the spot. (Goes direct to North side between Altar and body, stops near feet.)
SD - (Stops opposite 1C on South side.) Let us remove the earth and see what this grave may contain. (Straightens out canvas.) Cfts & SD - (Stand erect, heads erect and turned to right shoulder, hands in dueguard of the third degree.) Here lies the body of our Grand Master Hiram Abif .
1C - We have Orders, if foun d, to seek diligently on and about it for the secrets of a Master Mason, or a key thereto. 2C - We are but Fellowcrafts; what do we kn ow of the secrets of a Master Mason. SD - That is true, my brother, but King Solomon's Orders must be obeyed.
(Then their
1C - (Takes jewel) I found noth ing except the jewel of his office. SD - Let us take it up with our report. Now let us be going. (1C and 2C turn as if to go ). Hold ( 1C and 2C turn), before going let us take the dimensions of the grave (goes near head, halts and takes dimension; 2C goes to feet and looks down for depth; 1C does not move. ) It is dug (faces North, extends right arm toward East ) due east and (left arm extended to West ) west and six (looks down)
let us be going.
feet in depth . Now
34 (Fellowcrafts line up, 1C with jewel in center, Senior Deacon on his right and 2C on his left; proceed to East along North, when opposite Altar diagonal to center and stop in front of East, bow.)
1C - Most Excellent King Solomon, we returned to the spot where our weary brother sat down t o rest and refresh himself and, on removing the earth, found the body o f our Grand Master Hiram Abif in a grave dug due east and west and six feet in depth. Diligent search was made on and about it, for the secrets of a Master Mason, but we found nothing except the jewel of his office, which was buried with t he body. (Steps forward, gives the jewel, then backs to position.) KS - (Rises and exclaims.) This is indeed, the jewel of the Grand Master Hiram Abif and the Master's word is lost. (Drops jewel.) Brother Hiram of Tyre, you will take to yourself suitable assistance and go wit h me to raise the body of the Grand Master Hiram Abif for more decent interment. HT - The twelve Fellowcrafts will form in procession on the North and South sides of the Lodge. (Fellowcrafts form on South side; Senior Deacon on south-west corner; 1C opposite Altar; 2C on southeast corner; all facing West. Men of Tyre form on North side; Jubila on north-east corner; Jubilo opposite Altar, Jubilum on north-west corner, all facing East. Each takes a brother placing him on his right on Altar side.) (When formation is completed, King Solomon and Hiram of Tyre come down, step between ends of lines, facing each other. Hiram of Tyre removes hood wink then returns to line.) (Procession moves clockwise, headed by King Solomon. At second round pass between Altar and East; at third round between Altar and West. All turns made on square while marching, singing ode arriving at halt at end of third stanza.)
PLEYEL'S HYMN Solemn stri kes the fun'ral chime Notes of our departing time; As w e jo ur ney her e bel ow , Through a pilgrimage of woe. Here another guest we brin g;
35 Seraphs of celestial wing, To our fun 'ral altar come, Waft this f riend and brother home. Lord of all! Below-- above-Fill our hearts with truth and lo ve; As di ss ol ves ou r ear th ly ti e, Takes us to Thy Lodge on High. (King Solomon halts at head of grave and Hiram of Tyre at feet, facing each other. Fellowcrafts and Men of Tyre turn in forming single lines on each side of grave. Only King Solomon and Hiram of Tyre give grand hailing Sign three times; followed by: Is there no help for the widow's son?)
KS - Brother Hiram of Tyre, you will raise the body by the grip of an Entered Apprentice Mason. HT -(Steps to right side of Candidate; tries, backs to original position and bows.) Most Excellent King Solomon, the body cannot be so raised owing to the advanced state of decomposition, it having been dead fifteen days, the skin slip s from the flesh. KS - Brother Hiram of Tyre, you will endeavor to raise the body b y the grip of a Fellowcraft Mason. HT - (Steps to right side of Candidate; tries, backs to original position and bows.) Most Excellent King Solomon, the body cannot be thus raised for like reasons as before, the flesh cleaves from the bone. KS - Brother Hiram of Tyre, what shall we do? HT - (Pause for a while, thinking.) Let us pray. KS - It is well; let us pray. (All kneel on right knee, rest left elbow on left knee, shading eyes with left hand.) (Chaplain or King Solomon requests other brethren present to arise while he offers the following.)
36 PRAYER Thou, Oh God! knowest our downsitting and our uprising, and understandest our though ts afar off. Shield and defend us from the evil intentions of our enemies, and suppo rt us under the trials and afflictions w hich we are destined to endure while traveling thro ugh thi s vale of tears. Man that is bo rn of wo man is of few days, and full of tro uble. He cometh forth as a flower and is cut d own; he fleeth also as a shadow, and continueth n ot. Seeing that his days are determined, the number of his months is with Thee; Thou hast appointed his bounds that he cannot pass; turn fro m him, that he may rest till he shall accomplis h his day. For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut dow n, that it will sprou t again, and that the tender branch thereof will not c ease. But man dieth and wasteth away; yea, man giveth up the ghost, and where is he? As the
fail from the sea, and the flood decayeth and drieth up, so man lieth down, and riseth not up till the heavens shall be no more. Yet, Oh Lord! have compassion on the children of Thy creation; administer them comf ort in time of trou ble; and save them with an everlasting salvation. Amen. All - So mo te it be. (Remain kneeling for few seconds; then rise with King Solomon; other brethren sit down.)
KS - My worthy Brother of Tyre, your suggestion was good and timely; when human strength and wisdom fail, we should ever remember that (uncovers) Divine assistance is vouchedsafe us throug h the medium of prayer. My mind is now clear; and though the skin slips fro m the flesh and the flesh cleaves from the bone, there is yet strength in the lion of the tribe of Judah. With your assistance , I will raise the body by the strong grip of the lion's paw, and on the five points o f fellowship; and the first word u ttered or spoken after the body is thu s raised, shall be the substit ute for the lost master's word until future ages may discover the right. (King Solomon faces North, goes North of grave passing around feet to center of body on South; Hiram of Tyre goes South, then West, then North and stops at center of body on North. King Solomon takes Candidate's right hand withlion's paw and prepares for five points, Hiram of Tyre grasps Candidate's left wrist with his left hand, and places right hand under Candidate's shoulder to rise. King Solomon gives companion word on five points.) That my brother, is the
word which you, in your obligation, swore never to give in any manner than that in which you might thereafter receive it, it being the five points of fellowship, in a low tone of voice, not above your breath. The five points of fellowsh ip are; foot to foot, knee to knee, breast to breast, hand to back and mouth to ear. Foot to foot denotes that you will never hesitate to go on foot and out of yo ur way to assist a distressed worthy brother; knee to knee, that in your adoration to the Ever Living (uncovers) God, you will remember the welfare of a brother Master Mason as your own; breast to
breast, that you will keep the secrets of a bro ther Master Mason as yo ur own , when given to you in
37 charge as such, murder and t reason excepted; hand to back, that you will be ever ready to s tretch forth a helping hand to raise a fallen brother; and mouth to ear, that you will whisper good counsel in his ear, gently admonishing him of his error, and in the most friendly manner possible endeavor to bring about a reformation. We will again go on the five points of fellowship for your benefit. (Done. Gives complete word on five points and whispers---.) A word of three syllables, the brother challenged gives the first, and brother challenging the second and the brother challenged the third. I will give you the first, you gi ve me the second (done.) You give the first, I will gi ve you the second . (Done, separates and steps back.) This, my brother, is the strong grip of the lion's paw, by which, it is said, the body of the Grand Master Hiram Abif was raised from the grave and since which time has been adapted as the t rue grip of a Master Mason. There is a lecture appertaining to this degree which, when you are seated in a chair provided for you, I will proceed to give. (Or, Brother CD, will proceed to give. (Bows to Hiram of Tyre, both return to stations, all others remain where standing.)
WM - (After resuming station.) +. (All brethren stand. Jubila puts canvas away, it must be left alone until this time. Senior Deacon conducts Candidate to chair for lecture. Junior Warden resumes station and lowers column, Senior Warden erects column.)
L. C. T. R. SD - (Places chair in East, near North-East near corner of Altar.) WM - (Or, some qualified brother designated by him, stands in front of Candidate.) We read in the Holy Writings that it was decreed in the wisdom and counsels of Deity aforetime, that a hous e should be built, erected to God and dedicated to His Holy Name. We also learn from the same sacred source that David, King of Israel, desired to bu ild the ho use, but that, in consequence of his reign having been one of many wars and much bloodshed, that disting uished pri vilege was denied him. He was not, however, left without hope, for God prom ised him that out of his loins there should come a man who would be adequate to the performance of so great and glorious an undertaking. That promise was verified in the person and character of Solomon, his son, who ascended the throne, and after David was g athered to his f athers, wielded the sceptre over Israel at a time when , as the great Jewish historian, Josephus, informs us, peace and tranqu ility pervaded the wo rld, and all eyes seemed dir ected toward Jerusalem, as if to witness the splendid display of the wisdom of Solomon.
38 About this time King Solomon received a congratulatory letter from Hiram, King of Tyre, desiring to participate, in a small degree at least, in the rich honors which then seemed to be clustering around his th rone. In his reciprocations with Hiram of Tyre, King Solomon desired him to furn ish a man well skilled in th e arts and sciences, and his attention was directed to Hiram Abif, a widow's son of the tribe of Napthali, and we learn that Solomon sent and had Hiram broug ht out of Tyre; and when the preliminary arrangements for t he building of the Temple were completed, it was commenced in the fourth year of the reign of Solomon und er the auspices of three Grand Masters, Solomon, King of Israel, Hiram, King of Tyre, and Hiram Abif, the widow 's son , but more particularly under the immediate direction and inspection of Hiram Abif, who was the architect of the work; and we have this evening, my brother, illustrated a tragedy, which Masonic tradition informs us actually took place when King Solomon's Temple was nearing its completion, and which resulted in t he death of the Grand Master Hiram Abif; his death was premeditated, and the circumstances attending it were as follows; Fifteen fellowcrafts, seeing the Temple nearing its completion and fearing that they would not be able to obtain Master Masons' wages when traveling in foreign countries, entered into a conspiracy to extort from the Grand Master Hiram Ab if f t he s ecr ets of a Master Mason or tak e his l if e. Twelve of them, however, reflecting with horror upon the atrocity of the intended crime and dreading its evil consequences, repented, but the three others, named; Jubila, Jubilo and Jubilum, being more hardened in villainy, persisted in putting their murderous designs into execution. They according ly stationed themselves at the South, West and East entrances to the Temple, for it was th e daily custom of th e Grand Master Hiram Abif, at high tw elve, when the crafts were called from labor to refreshment, to go into the Temple and view the work, to see if any improvement could be made, either for strength or ornament; and
to enter the Sanctum
Sanctorum or Holy of Holies, there to offer up his devotion to the Ever Living God and pray for wisdom necessary to enable him to draw designs upon the Trestle Board, whereby the crafts might purs ue their labors. After per fo rm in g th is pi ou s du ty , it was hi s c us to m t o go ou t at th e sou th gat e. At th e ti me this tragedy occu rred, he found th e south gate closely guarded by Jubila, who thrice demanded of him the secrets of a Master Mason or he would take his life, and on his third refusal, he smote him across th e throat with a twenty-four inch g auge. He then attempted to pass out at the west gate, which he found more closely
guarded by Jubilo, who also thrice demanded of him the
secrets of a Master Mason or he would take his life, and on his th ird refusal smote him on th e right breast with the angle of a square. He then endeavored to make his escape out at the east gate, which he found still more closely guarded by Jubilum, who, seeing the ill successes of his brother assassins, determined that he would accomplish the horrid purp ose. He, therefore, three several times demanded of the Grand Master Hiram Abif the secrets of a Master Mason or he
39 would take his life and on his thir d refusal, he smote him upon the head with a setting maul and felled him dead at his feet. They buried the bod y in the rub bish of the Temple and agreed to meet again at low twelve, which is twelve at night or mid night, and consult furth er as to what they should do with it. They met agreeably to appointment, conveyed the body a westerly direction from the Temple and buried it at the brow o f a hill near Mount Moriah, and planted an acacia at the head of the grave, that should oc casion require, they themselves would know the spot. They then traveled by a circuitous route towards Joppa and endeavored to gain a passage into Ethiopia, but not being able to obtain one, turned back i nto th e country and secreted themselves in a cave near the place where they had buried the bod y. On the day following, King Solomon, entering the Temple and finding the crafts in the utmost confusi on, demanded of Hiram of Tyre the cause, and was in formed that the Grand Master Hiram Abif was missing. He inquired how he knew him to be missing and learned that there were no designs drawn up on the trestleboard, whereby the crafts might pursue their labors. He then asked how long he had been missing, and was inform ed since the day before, at high twelve. King Solomon remarked that he feared some accident had befallen the Grand Master Hiram Abif or at least that he might be seriously indispo sed, and ordered diligent search to be made in the several apartments of t he Temple, to see if he could b e found, and have the roll o f the workmen called. His orders were duly executed. Diligent search was made in the several apartments of t he Temple without effect; but upon the call of the roll, there appeared to be three Fellowcrafts missing, named Jubila, Jubilo and Jubilum, who, from the peculiarity of their names, were suppos ed to be brothers and men of Tyre. Twelve Fellowcrafts th en appeared before King Solomon, clad in w hite gloves and aprons, in token of their innocence, humbly implo red his pardon and co nfessed that they twelve with th ree others, seeing the Temple nearing its completion and fearing that they would not be able to obtain Master Masons' w ages when traveling in f oreign coun tries, had entered into a consp iracy to extort from th e Grand Master Hiram Abif the secrets of a Master Mason or take his life; th at they twelve, however, reflecting with horror upon the atrocity of the intended crime and dreading its evil consequences, had repented, but f eared the three others named Jub ila, Jubilo, and Jubi lum, had persisted in putting their murderous designs in to execution.
40 Whereupon King Solomon ordered the Fellowcrats to travel, three east, three west, three north and thr ee south in s earch of the Grand Master Hiram Abif and the deserters from th e Temple. His order was duly executed. The three who traveled on a cours e towards Joppa met with a wayfaring man o f whom they inquir ed if he had seen any workmen from the Temple pass by that way. He informed them he had, three, who w ere endeavoring to gain a passage into Ethiopia, but not being able to obtain one, had turned back into the country. The Fellowcrafts returned to the Temple and reported this intelligence to King Solomon; whereupon King Solomon ordered the Fellowcrafts to travel as before, but with the
positi ve injuntio n, th at if they did not find the
Grand Master Hiram Abif or the deserters from the Temple, they themselves would be deemed murderers and suffer accordingly; for it may be, said he, that you have taken not only the life of the Grand Master Hiram Abif, but also the lives of the supposed deserters, the better to conceal your own guilt. His orders were duly executed. The three who traveled a westerly direction from the Temple had occasion to ascend a hill, at the brow of whic h one, being more weary than the others, sat down to rest and refresh himself, and on rising, caught hold of an acacia, which easily giving way, excited his suspicions, whereupon he hailed his brethren; and while in consultation on the spot, the earth having been recently removed and it having the appearance of a grave, exclamations were heard issuing from the clefts of the adjacent rocks, which they recognized as the voices of t he deserters from t he Temple, whereon they rush ed upon, seized and boun d them, and took them before King Solomon, where they confessed their guilt, and were, by his orders, taken without the gates of the city and there severally executed in accordance with the imprecations which had flown from their own mouths. King Solomon then ordered the Fellocrafts t o repair to the place where the weary brot her sat down to rest and refresh himself and search for th e body of the Grand Master Hiram Abif, and if foun d, to seek diligently on and about it, for t he secrets of a Master Mason or a key thereto. The Fellowcrafts returned to the spot, and on removing the earth, found the body of the Grand Master Hiram Abif, in a grave, dug due east and west and six feet in depth. Diligent search was made on and about it for the secrets of a Master Mason but they found nothing except the jew el of hi s of fice. This th ey to ok and pr esen ted to King Solom on wi th th eir rep or t; wh ereu po n King Solomon remarked, "this is indeed the jewel of the Grand Master Hiram Abif, and the Master's word is lost"; which latter expression, my brother, may lead you to suppose that none but the Grand Master Hiram Abif, possessed the word. Such, however, was not the case. Masonic tradition in forms us th at at the building of King Solomo n's Temple there were three
41 Grand Masters, Solomon, King of Israel, Hiram, King of Tyre and Hiram Abif, who entered into a solemn agreement not to give th e secrets of a Master Mason until the Temple was comp leted, and then only w hen the three were present and agreed. One of them being dead, rendered it impossible for the two others to give the secrets; hence, my brother, you will understand why King Solomon proclaimed the word lost, and why the Grand Master Hiram Abif, refused to give it when assaulted by the ruffians in t he Temple, but chose rather to lay down his life than for feit his integrity; an example, my brot her, well worthy o f imitation. King Solomon then ordered Hiram of Tyre to take to himself suitable assistance and go with him to raise the body of the Grand Master Hiram Abif for more decent interment; on arriving at the grave, they raised their hands thrice abo their heads, thus (give grand hailing Sign once) exclaiming, Oh lord, my God. (Three times) This (gives grand hailing Sign once again), therefore, has been adapted as the grand hailing Sign of this degree, or a Master Mason's signal of distress, which you are not to give unless you are in real distress, in imminent danger, within a Lodge, or for instruction; and should you see this (gives grand hailing Sign) sign given and hear the words accomp anying it spoken, you are to regard the person giving it
a Master Mason
and it
be your
indispensable duty to fly to his relief, provided there be greater probability of saving his life than of losing your own. In addition to the words accompanying the Sign, these words are also used: is there no help for the widow's son, which are also a signal of distress, to be given in the night time, or when the Sign cannot be seen, and to which you are to pay like attention. King Solomon th en ordered Hiram of Tyre to raise the body by the grip o f an Entered Apprentice Mason, but was informed that the body could not be so raised owing to the advanced state of decompositio n, it having been dead fifteen days, the skin slipped from th e flesh. King Solomon then ordered Hiram of Tyre to endeavor to raise the body by the grip of a Fellowcraft Mason, but was informed that the body could not be thus raised, for like reason as before, the flesh cleaved from t he bone. Whereupon King Solomon exclaimed: what shall we do? And at t he s ug ges ti on of Hiram o f Ty re t hey kn elt and pr ayed . Af ter pr ayer , Ki ng Sol om on remarked: My worthy brother of Tyre, your sug gestion was good and timely. When human strength and wisdom fail, we should ever remember that Divine assistance is vouchedsafe us throug h the medium of prayer. My mind is now clear, and though th e skin slipped from the flesh and the flesh cleaved from the bone, there is yet strength in the lion of the tribe of Judah. With your assist ance, I will raise the body by the strong g rip of th e lion's paw, and on t he five points of
42 fellowship; and the first word uttered or spoken after the body is thus raised, shall be the substit ute for the lost master's word, until future ages may discover the right. Thus, my brother, was the body of the Grand Master Hiram Abif, raised from the grave, conveyed to th e Temple and buried, which made three times, first, in th e rubbish of the Temple by the ruffians; secon dly at the brow of the hill n ear Mount Moriah by th e same, and lastly, near the Sanctum Sanctorum , or
of Holies,
traditions inform us, there was
erected to his memory a marble monument, consistin g of a beautiful column bro ken; by it a virgin weeping; an open book before her, an acacia in her right hand, an urn in her left, and time standing at her back, patiently unf olding t he ringlets of her hair. The column broken denoted th e untimely death of the Grand Master Hiram Abif; the virgin weeping, the unfinished state of the Temple; the book open before her, that the memory of his many virtues is duly recorded in every Mason's heart; the acacia in her right hand, the early discovery of his grave; the urn in her left, that the ashes of this truly distinguished Mason were safely deposited; while time, standing at her back patiently unfolding the ringlets of her hair, denotes that time, patience and perseverance will accomplis h all thing s. This, my Brother, concludes the second section of the lecture, or hist ory, of this d egree. The third section illustrates certain hieroglyphical emblems well calculated to increase knowledge and promote virtue. In it, also, many particulars relative to the building of Kin g Solomon's Temple are noticed. That famous fabric, as I before informed you, was commenced in the fourth year of the reign of Solomon, on the second day of the month Zif, being the second month of the sacred year. It was located on Mount Moriah, near the place where Abraham was about to o ffer up his son Isaac, and where David met and appeased the destroying angel. It was supported by fourteen hundred and fifty-three columns and two thousand nine hundred and six pilasters, all hewn from the finest Parian marble. There were employed it its erection three Grand Masters, three thousand three hundred Masters or Overseers of the work, eighty thousand Fellowcrafts or hewers on the mountains and in the quarries, and seventy thousand Entered Ap pr ent ic es or bear ers of bu rd ens ; and th ese wer e al l so cl ass ed and arr ang ed by th e w isdo m of Solomon that neither envy, discord, nor confusion was suffered to interrupt or disturb the peace and good fellowshi p which prevailed among the workmen; except on the one
occasion which
you have this evening represented and which resulted in the death of the Grand Master Hiram Ab if , and , as a str ik in g evid enc e of th e app ro bat io n an d int erp os it io n o f Divi ne Providen ce, w e are informed by the great Jewish historian Josephus t hat, although more than seven years were occupied in its building, yet during the whole term it did not rain in the day time, but in the night season only, that the workmen might not be obstructed in their labors. From sacred history we
43 also learn that there was not heard the sound of axe, hammer, or any tool of iron in the house while it was building, it having been put together in the manner described to you in the preceding degree. Entered Apprentices assembled on the ground floor of King Solomon's Temple, and their Lodges consisted of no less than seven; one Master, the others Entered Apprentices. Fellowcrafts met i n the Middle Chamber of King Solomon 's Temple, and their Lod ges consis ted of no less than five; two Masters, the others Fellowcrafts; Master Masons held their meetings in the Sanctum Sanctorum or Holy of Holies, and their Lodges cons isted of three; and a Lodge of Master Masons is now said to be supported by three great pillars, denominated wisdom, strength and beauty. The pillar of wisd om is said to represent Solomon, King of Israel for it was by his w isdom that the mighty edifice was erected which immortalized his name; the pillar of strength is said to represent Hiram, King of Tyre , who entered into an agreement with King Solomon to pay the crafts their wages, if any be due, that none might go away dissatisfied, harmony being the strength and support of all societies, especially of ours; and the pillar of beauty is said to represent Hiram Abif, the widow's son, whose duty it was to call the crafts from labor to refreshment at high twelve, which is th e beauty and th e glory of the day. The hieroglyphic al emblems explained in thi s degree are-The Three Steps; The Pot o f Incense; The Bee-hive; The Book of Constitutions, guarded by th e Tyler's Sword; The sword, pointing to a Naked heart, and the All-Seeing Eye; The Anchor and Ark ; The Forty-Seventh Problem of Euclid; and The Hour-glass and Scythe. The explanation of these eight classes is to be found in our Monitor, and with which it is hoped you will so on make yourself familiar.
44 There is a ninth class of emblem, however, which is not monitorial, the explanation thereof being confid ed only to the repositor y of faithful breasts. It consists of th e setting maul, the spade, the coffin and the acacia. The first three are emblems of mortality; the last is an emblem of immortality. By the setting maul, we are reminded of the instrument by which it is said the Grand Master Hiram Abif, was slain; by the spade, of that which du g his grave; and by the co ffin, of th at which received his remains. These to the rational thinking mind, are calculated to produce sad and melancholy reflections; bu t, when we look forward to the acacia, which b udded and bloom ed at the head of t he grave, we are reminded of th e immortal part, the spirit or soul o f man, which will leave when time sh all be no mo re. It is the inspiration of that great Divinity whom we adore, and bears the nearest resemblance or affinity to that Supreme Intelligence which pervades all n ature, which will, never, never, never die. Hence, my brother, how important it is that we should endeavor to imitate the Grand Master Hiram Abif in his truly exalted and exemplary character, in his unfeigned piety to God, and in h is inflexible fidelity to his trust; that we may be prepared to welcome death, not as a grim tyrant, but as a kind messenger sent to translate us from this im perfect to that all perfect, glorious, and celestial Lodge above, where the Supreme Grand Master of the Universe forever presides. This, my Brother, concludes the lecture of this degree. WM - If you will rise, I will (or, I will ask Worshipful Brother AB to) deliver to you the charge. CHARGE My Brother: -- Your zeal for our Institution, the progress which you have made in our mysteries, and you r steady conformity to our u seful regulations, have pointed you out as a proper object for this p eculiar mark of our favor. Duty and honor now alike bind you to be faithful to every trust; to support the dignity of your character on all occasions; and strenuously to enforce, by precept and example, a steady obedience to the tenets of Freemasonry. Exemplary conduct on your part will convince the world that merit is the just ti tle to our pr ivileges, and that on you ou r favors have not been undeservedly bestowed. As a Mast er Maso n yo u are aut ho ri zed to co rr ect th e ir reg ul ari ti es of yo ur les s in fo rmed brethren, to fortify their minds with resolution against the snares of the insidious, and to guard them against every allurement to vicious practices. To preserve unsullied the reputation of the
45 Fraternity ough t to be you r constant care; and, therefore, it becomes your provin ce to caution t he inexperienced against any breach of fidelity. To your inferiors in rank or office you are to recommend obedience and submission; to your equals, courtesy and affability; and to your superiors, kindness and condescension. Universal benevolence you are zealously to inculcate; and by the regularity of your conduct endeavor to r emove every aspersion against this venerable Institution. Our ancient landmarks you are carefully to preserved, and never to suffer them, on any pretense, to be infringed; and you are never to countenance any deviation from our established customs. Your honor and reputation are concerned in supporting with dignity the respectable character which you now bear. Let no motive, therefore, make you sw erve from your d uty, violate your vows or betray y our trust;
but be true and faithful, and imitate the example of that
celebrated artist whom you have this evening represented. Thus you will render yourself deserving of the honor which we have conferred, and worthy of the confidence which we have reposed in you. WM - (Comes down and shakes hand with Candidate.) Brother AB, I congratulate you upon becomin g a master mason and as such commend you t o the kind care, love and prot ection of all master masons whithersoever dispersed. The eyes of the Fraternity are now upon you. Be faithful, be just, be true and convince the world by your acts that, upon becoming a master mason, you have become a better man. Retain, I entreat you, that goodness of heart, that purity of intention and that love of virtue, which we think you now possess and to which this spotless vestment (touch apron) wherewith you are now girded, is at once the emblem, the badge and the reward. Nothing now remains to constitute you a member of ---- Lodge No. ---- under the ju ri sd ic ti on of th e Mos t Wo rs hi pf ul Gran d L od ge o f Fr ee and Ac cep ted Maso ns of th e Phi li pp in es, but to approach the Secretary's table and there sign its bylaws which will subject you to your share of its cares and responsibilities, and will also entitle you to its benefits and its privileges. (Worshipful Master returns to East.) (Senior Deacon conducts Candidate by way of West of Altar to Secretary's Table; & returns to place.)
WM - Brother AB (rises) you are cautioned not to visit any clandestine Lodge or converse masonically with any clandestine mason; if you are in doubt, consult your Worsh ipful master.
46 Our regulations require that you commit to memory the obligation and a portio n of the lecture of this degree. Brother CD will be your in structor . As the youngest master mason you now have the privilege of addressing th e Lodge in preference to any other bro ther. SW - (Sign) No (Lodge may be called off for congratulations .)
47 C. L. S. WM - Brother Senior Warden (rises), have you anything further in the West to bring before this L odge of Master Masons? SW – (Rises) (Sign) Nothing in the West, Worship ful. (Sits) WM - Have you anything in the South, Brother Jun ior? JW - (Rises) (Sign) Nothing in th e South, Worshipful. (Sits) WM - Is there anything up on yo ur table, Brother Secretary? Sec - (Rises) (Sign ) Nothing, Worshipful. (Sits) WM - Has any brother anything to offer for the benefit of Masonry in general or of this Lodge of Master Masons in particular? (Remarks if any) If not, we will proceed to close. Brother Junior Deacon (rises but does not take rod ), the last as well as the first and m ost impo rtant care of the Lodge of Master Masons when co nvened. JD - (Sign) To see that the Lodge is duly tyled, Worshipf ul. WM - Perform that duty and inform the Tyler that we are about to close this Lodge of Master Masons, and direct him to tyl e accordingly. JD - (Takes rod, goes to door, + + +(Tyler + + +), opens door ) Broth er Tyler, we are about to c lose this Lodge of Master Masons, and it is the Order of the Worshipful Master that you tyle accordingly. (Closes door, returns to place.) (Sign) Worshipful Master, the Lodge is tyled. WM - How ty led? JD - By a Brother Master Mason, without th e door, armed with the proper implement of his office. WM - His duty t here? JD - To observe the approach of cowans and eavesdroppers and see that none pass or repass without permission of the Worshipful Master in the East. (Places rod in stand, sits.)
48 WM - + + (Wardens only rise ) Brother Senior Warden, at the opening of this Lodge, you informed me that yo u were a Master Mason, made within t he body o f a just and legally constituted Lodge of Master Masons. How many comp ose such a Lodge? SW - (Sign) Three or more, Worshipful. WM - Whence but three, of whom d oes it con sist? SW - The Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens. WM - The Junior Warden's station in the Lo dge? SW - In the South, Worshipful. WM - Your du ty in the South, Brother Junio r? JW - (Sign) As th e s un at mer id ian hei gh t is th e b eaut y and gl or y of th e d ay, so st and s th e Junior Warden in the South, the better to observe the time, to call the crafts from labor to refreshment, and from refreshment to labor again, at the will and pleasure of the Worshipful Master. WM - The Senio r Warden's s tation ? JW - In the West, Worshipful. WM - Your duty in the West, Brother Senior? SW - (Sign) As the sun is in the West at the close of day, so is the Senior Warden in the West, to assist the Worshipful Master in opening and closing his Lodge, to pay the crafts their wages, if any be due, that none may go away dissatisfied, harmony being the strength and suppo rt of all societies, especially of ours . WM - The station of the Worshipful Master? SW - In the East, Worsh ipfu l. WM - And his dut y, my Brother?
49 SW - As the sun rises in the East to open and adorn the day, so rises (Worshipful Master rises) the Worshipful Master in the East to open and govern his Lodge, in due time to set the crafts
at work, and give them the necessary instructi ons whereby they may pursue their labors. WM - + + + Brother Senior Warden, have you ever tr aveled? SW - (Sign) I have. WM - Whence and wh ither? SW - From west t o east. WM - Of what were yo u in s earch? SW - Of that which was lost. WM - To what d o yo u allud e? SW - The secrets of a Master Mason . WM - Have you th ose secrets ? SW - I have them not, but at the opening of this Lodge I had a substitute therefor which, accompanied by the dueguards and Signs, was sent up to the East, through the Deacons only. WM - Brother Senior Warden, it is my wi ll and pl easure, that the subst itute for the ancient master's word, accompanied by the dueguards and Signs, be sent down to t he West thro ugh th e Deacons on ly. SW - Deacons attend. (Deacons take rods. Senior Deacon steps forward to north-east corner of pavement, facing West, rod at attention, and waits for Junior Deacon to be in line with him on the south-east corner facing West, rod at attention. Then Worshipful Master and Senior Warden come down. Worshipful Master stands in line and between Deacons facing West. Deacons face in, rods at attention, as Worshipful Master turns. Senior Deacon places rod at salute and goes through the Signs with Worshipful Master, takes rod from salute in left hand, approach Worshipful Master and goes on five points with him. Worshipful Master begins word. Senior Deacon goes back to north-east corner. Worshipful Master turns around to face Junior Deacon. After going through the same procedure, steps back to south-east corner. Worshipful Master and Deacons face West.)
SW - (Bows to Worshipful Master and Worshipful Master bows to him; both return to station.) Worshipful Master, the substitute for the ancient master's word, accompanied by the dueguards
50 and Signs, has come down to th e West th rough the Deacons, correctly, and is s afely (Places right hand over breast.) deposited until again called for.
WM - It is therefore my will and p leasure that this Lodge of Master Masons be now clo sed. This you will communicate to the Junior in the South, that the brethren my have due notice thereof. SW - (Places gavel over left breast.) Brother Junior Warden, it is the Order of the Worshipful Master that this Lo dge of Master Masons be now c losed. This yo u will report to the brethren that they may have due notic e thereof. JW - (Places gavel over left breast. ) Brethren, it is the Order of the Worshipful Master that this Lodge of Master Masons be now clo sed. Of this take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly. WM - Together, b rethren. (Deacons face East.) All - (Give dueguards and Signs of Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft and Master Mason.) WM + SW + JW + WM + SW + JW + WM + SW + JW + WM - (Removes hat; he or the Chaplain offers the following); PRAYER Supreme Grand Master! Ruler of Heaven and Earth! Now t hat we are about to s eparate and return to our respective places of abode, will Thou be pleased so to influence our hearts and minds that we may, each one of us, practice out of the Lodge those great moral duties which are inculcated in it, and with reverence study and obey the laws which Thou hast given us in Thy Holy Word. Amen. All - So m ot e it be. (All come down on the level.)
WM - Brother Senior Warden, how s hould Masons meet? SW - (Takes jewel) On the level, Worship ful. WM - How act, brother Junio r?
51 JW - (Takes jewel) By the plumb, Worshipful. WM - (Takes jewel) An d par t up on th e Squ are. So may we ever meet , act and par t, my brethren. (Removes hat and recites the following): BENEDICTION May the blessing of Heaven rest upon us and all regular Masons! May Brotherly Love prevail, and every moral and so cial virtue cement us! Amen. All - So m ot e it be. SD - (Goes to Altar with rod, gives Sign; puts out lesser lights; or waits until lights are extinguished; disarranges Great Lights; takes one step to North, rod at attention.)
WM - I now declare this Lodge of Master Masons to be duly closed. Brother Jun ior Deacon, inform t he Tyler that the Lodge is closed. JD - (Goes to door + + +, (Tyler + + +); opens door.) Broth er Tyler, the Lodge is clo sed. WM - (Returns to East.) + (Deacons return to places; puts rods in stand.)
52 C. C. The Candidate stands at the Altar. The Examiner stands between the Altar and East about halfway, a little on side of center.) Ex - Are
you a Master Mason?
Cdt - I am. What induced you to become a Master Mason?
That I mig ht tr avel in foreign c ountries, work and receive Master Masons' wages, the better to enable me to support myself and family, aid and assist a distressed worthy brother Master Mason, his widow and orphans. What makes you a Master Mason?
My obligation. Where were you made a Master Mason?
Within the body of a just and legally constituted Lod ge of Master Masons. Where were you prepared to be made a Master Mason?
In a room or place adjacent to the body of a just and legally constituted Lodge of Master Masons. How were you prepared?
By being divested of all minerals and metals, neither naked nor clad, barefooted, hoodwinked, and with a cable-tow thrice around my naked body in which condition I was conduc ted to a door by a brother. Being hood-winked, how did you know it to be a door?
By first meeting with resistance and afterwards gaining admission.
53 How gained you admission?
By giving three distinct knocks on the door from without, which were answered by a like number from w ithin, followed by th e inquiry who comes here, who com es here, who comes here? Your answer?
Brother AB, who has been regularly initiated an Entered Apprentice Mason, passed to the degree of Fellowraft, and now seeks further light in Masonry by being raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. What was then asked?
If it was of my own free will and accord, if I was duly and truly prepared, worthy and well qualified, and had made the necessary proficiency in the preceding degrees, all of which being answered in the affirmative, I was then asked by what further right or benefit I expected to gain admission in to a Lodge of Master Masons. Your answer?
By the benefit of the pass. Had you the pass?
I had it not , but my guide had and gave it for me. What were you then told to do?
To await a time wit h patience, until the Worshipfu l Master in the East has been informed of my request and his answer returned. What was his answer?
Let him enter. How were your received?
Upon the points of the extended compasses applied to my naked breast which was to teach me that as the most vital parts of man are contained within the breast, so are the most
54 important tenets of Freemasonry contained within the points of the extended compasses; they are brotherly lo ve, relief and truth . What was then done?
I was conducted three times regularly around the Lodge and caused to stop at the South, West and East stations, where the same questions were asked and like answers r eturned as at the door. What was then done?
I was reconducted to the Senior Warden who taught me to advance by three regular steps, my feet formin g an angle of a square, body erect, facing the East. What was then said to you?
That before proceeding any further with the ceremonies of this degree, it would again be necessary for me to take an obligation by which I would bind myself to keep inviolate all the mysteries of Freemasonry appertaining to the degree of Master Mason. That obligation, lik e those I had heretofore taken, I was assured, would not interfere with the duties I owe to God, my countr y, my neighbor o r myself. It appertains to Freemasonry alone. With that assurance I was asked if I was willing to proceed. Your answer?
I was. What was then done?
I was made a Master Mason in du e form. What is that due form?
Kneeling at the Altar on my naked knees, body erect within a square, hands resting upo n the Holy Bible, Square and Compasses, in which due form I took the solemn oblig ation of a Master Mason.
55 Repeat the obligation.
OBLIGATION Of my own free will and accord, in the presence of God and this Worshipful Lodge of Master Masons, erected to Him and dedicated to the Holy Saints John, do hereby ) and hereon solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, in addition to my former obligation, that I will always hele, forever conceal, and never reveal any of the secret arts, parts or points of the hidden mysteries of Freemasonry, appertaining to the d egree of Master Mason, to any person under the canopy of heaven, except it be to a true and lawful br other of th is degree, or with in the bod y of a ju st and leg all y co ns ti tu ted Lo dg e o f Free and Ac cep ted Maso ns ; and nei th er un to hi m no r th em, until by strict trial, due examination or legal information, I shall have found him or them to be as lawfully entitled to the same as I am mys elf. I furthermore promis e and swear, that I will answer all due Signs gi ven to me by the hands of a brother of this degree, and will obey all summonses sent from within the body of a just and legally constituted Lo dge of Master Masons, if within the length of my c abletow. Furthermore, that I will aid and assist all dis tressed worthy brother Master Masons, their widows and orphans, whithersoever dispersed, so far as I can do so, without serious injuries to myself or family. Furthermore, that I will keep the secrets of a brother Master Mason as my own, when given to me in c harge as suc h, murder and treason excepted. Furthermore, that I will conform to and abide by all the laws, rules and regulations appertaining to th e degree of Master Mason, and to the Lodg e of whic h I may become a member, and will maintain and support the constitution and edicts of the Grand Lodge under which the same may be holden, together with the general regulations of Freemasonry. Furthermore, that I will not assist in or be present at the making of a woman a Mason, a young man in his nonage, an old man in his dotage, an atheist, a mad man or a fool, knowing them to be such. Furthermore, that I will not cheat, wrong, or defraud a Lodge of Master Masons, or a brother of this degree out of the value of anything, knowingly and intentionally; nor will I injure a brother in his person or good name, but will give him due and timely notice of any approaching danger so far as the same may come to my k nowledge.
56 Furthermore, that I will not violate the chastity of a brother Master Mason's wife, daughter, mother, sister, or widow, nor will I permit it to be done by another, if within my power to prevent. Furthermore, that I will not give the grand hailing Sign of this degree, unless I am in real distress, in imminent danger, within a Lodge or for instruction; and should I see the Sign given, and hear the words accom panying it sp oken, I will fly to the relief of the brot her giving it, provided there be greater probability of saving h is life, than of losing o f my own. Furthermore, that I will not give the substitute for the ancient Master's word in any other manner than that in wh ich I may hereafter receive it, it being on the five points of fellowship , in a low ton e of voice, not above my breath. To all these, I do most solemnly and s incerely promise and s wear, with a fixed and steady purpos e to perform the same, without equivocation, mental reservation or secret evasion of mind in me whatever; binding myself under no less a penalty than that of having my body severed in twain, my bowels taken thence and burned to ashes, and the ashes cast to the four winds of heaven, that no more remembrance may be had of me among men or Masons forever. So help me, God, and keep me steadfast in the due obs ervance of this, my s olemn oblig ation as a Master Mason. What were you then told to do?
Detach my hands, bow my head, and in token of my sinc erity, kiss the Holy Bible upon which I had been obli gated. Of what were you then released?
The cable-tow, it being thrice around my naked body was to signify to me that I was then bound to the Fraternity by a threefold tie. What was then asked you?
Being again in a condition of darkness, what I most desired. Your answer?
57 Did you receive it and how?
I did, by Order of the Worshipful Master with the assistance of th e Senior Warden. On being again brought from darkness, what were the first objects presented to your view?
The three great lights of Masonry as before, the Holy Bible, square and compasses, but with this important difference: I then observed both points of the compasses elevated above the square, which was to signify to me that I was about to receive all the lights which could be given me in a Lodge of Master Masons, and to remind me that I was never to lose sight of the use of that valuable instrum ent by which we are taught to circumsc ribe our desires and keep our passions within due bounds tow ard all mankind, particularly our brethren in Freemasonry. What did you then observe?
The Worshipful Master approaching me from the East, under the dueguard and Sign of a Master Mason. He again presented me his rig ht hand in token of the continu ance of friendship and brotherly lo ve and invested me with the pass grip and word of this d egree. Bade me arise, go and salute the Junior and Senior Wardens as a Master Mason. What was then done?
I was reconducted to the Senior Warden in th e West, who taught me to wear my apron as a Master Mason . How do Master Masons wear their aprons?
As Fellow cr aft s. What was then done?
I was reconducted to the Worshipful Master in the East, who presented me with the working to ols of this degree. What are the working tools of a Master Mason?
They are all the implements o f Masonry ind iscriminately, but especially the tr owel.
58 THE TROWEL is an instr ument made use of by operative Masons t o spread the cement which uni tes the building into on e common mass; b ut we, as Free and Accepted Masons, are taught to make use of it for the more nob le and glorious pu rpose of spreading the cement of brotherly lo ve and affection -- that cement which unites us into one sacred band, or society of friends and brothers, among whom no c ontention sho uld ever exist but that noble contention, or rather emulation, of who best can work and best agree. What was then done?
I was reconducted to the place whence I came, invested with that of which I had been divested and upon my return to the Lodge I was seated in the South and caused to impersonate our Grand Master Hiram Abif in a tragedy, which, Masonic traditi on informs us, actually took place when King Solomon's Temple was nearing its com pletion and which r esulted in the death of our Grand Master Hiram Abif. I was ordered to approach the East where the Worshipf ul Master informed me that I had not yet been invested with all the secrets of a Master Mason and that before I could be, it would be necessary for me to travel to convince the brethren of my fid elity in keeping inviolate that whic h had already been intrusted to my care. I was told to kneel and pray. Af ter pr ayer I tri ed to get ou t at th e s ou th , west and east gat es wh ic h I f ou nd cl os ely gu ard ed by Jubila, Jubilo and Jubilum w ho thri ce severally demanded of me the secrets of a Master Mason or they would take my life and on my third refusal Jubilum s mote me on my head with a setting maul and felled me at his feet. I was buried in the rubbis h of th e Temple and later at the brow of a hil l near Mount Moriah. I was raised by the strong grip of the lion's paw and on the five points of fellowship. I was invested with the substitute for the ancient Master's word. I was seated in the East and listened to a lecture b y the Worship ful Master. In the rough and rugged road I saw the pathways of human life beset with trials, temptations and hardship , all terminating at last in the grave, the end for earthly ambitio ns. In the death, burial and raising of our Grand Master Hiram Abif, I seemed to see the transition f rom earth's uncertainties and fleeting pleasures to the lasting glories of a brighter and better land. I then remembered the injunc tion g iven to me in a preceding degree never to recommend anyone to a participation in our pr ivileges unless I had strong reasons to believe that by a similar fidelity he would ultimately reflect honor upon our ancient institution. I further recalled the unwritten law of the Fraternity never to solicit any one to take the degrees of Masonry in Order that he might trul y answer the question ---- is this of your ow n free will and accord?
59 Give me a Sign. (Gives grand hailing Sign.) What is that?
The grand hailing sign of a master mason or a signal of distress. Advance as an Entered Apprentice Mason (done), give the dueguard and Sign of that degree (done). Advance as a Fellowcraft Mason (done), give the dueguard and Sign of that degree (done) . Advance as Master Mason and give the dueguard and Sign of this degree (done). (Examiner steps to the side of the Altar on which he is standing, must not cross between Altar and East, Candidate steps also the side of Altar in front of examiner; join hands and give pass grip and word as given at the Altar.) I hele.
I conceal. What do you conceal?
All t he s ecr ets of Freemaso nr y, ex cep t i t b e to a tr ue an d l awf ul br ot her , or wi th in th e bo dy of a just and legally const ituted Lodge. What is this?
A gri p. A grip of what?
The pass grip of a Master Mason. Has it a name?
It has. Give it to me.
I did not s o receive it, neither will I so impart it.
60 What will you do with it?
I will syllable it with you . Begin.
No, you begin. Nay, begin you.
TUBALCAIN Will you be off or from?
From. From what to what?
From the pass grip o f a Master Mason to the true grip o f the same. Pass (done). What is this?
The true grip of a Master Mason or the stron g grip o f the lion's p aw. Has it a name?
It has. Give it to me.
I will if you put yours elf in the proper position to receive it.