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ACI 318 – 2005 (Chapter 12 – Dev & Splices of Reinforcement – Pg 211 and Chapter 21 – Special provisions for seismic design – Pg 311 – 312)
Chapter 12 – Development and Splices of Reinforcement – Pg 211 Clause 121!3 12.14.3 – Mechanical and welded splices. 121!31 – "echanical and #elded splices shall $e permitted – – % full mechanical splice shall develop in tension or compression as re'uired at least 12 f of the $ar Chapter 21 – Special provisions for seismic seismic design – Pg 311 311 – 312 21.2.6 – Mechanical splices. - "echanical splices shall $e classified as either *pe 1 or *pe 2 mechanical splices as follo#s+
(a) *pe 1 mechanical splices shall confirm to; (b) *pe 2 mechanical splices shall confirm to and shall develop the specified tensile strength of the spliced $ar – – *pe 1 mechanical splices shall not $e used #ithin a distance e'ual to t#ice the mem$er depth from the column or $eam face for special moment frames or from sections #here ielding of the reinforcement is li,el to occur as a result of inelastic lateral displacements Type 2 mechanical splices shall e pe!mi""ed "# e $sed a" any l#ca"i#n.
A%M& %&CTI'( III) *i+isi#n 2) 2004 , CC – 4330 – %ICI(/ ' &I('CI(/ A% CC-!3312 Permitted tpes of Splices and .oints *he tpes of splices and /oints listed in (a) ($)and (c) $elo# are permitted #ithin the limitations descri$ed in the follo#ing su$paragraphs+ 1 l a p s p l i c es 2 mechan mechanica icall splice splicess of the the follo# follo#ing ing tpe tpes+ s+ a sleeve sleeve #ith #ith ferrou ferrouss fille fillerr metal metal splice splices s $ taper threaded splices c s#ag s#ageed spli splice ces s d thread threaded ed splice splicess in thread thread deforme deformedd reinfor reinforcin cingg $ars e slee sleeve ve #ith #ith ceme cement ntititio ious us grou grout t f cold cold roll roll formed formed parall parallel el thread threaded ed splice splicess 3 arc arc – #eld #elded ed /oin /oints ts
% 8110 a!" 1 185 %ec"i#n Th!ee) Iss$e 2) May 18 ,pae 3751 cla$se 312012 - ars in tension *he onl accepta$le form of full-strength $utt /oint for a $ar in tension comprises a mechanical satisfing the follo#ing criteria (a) hen a test is made of a representative gauge length assem$l comprising reinforcement of the si4e grade and profile to $e used and a coupler of the precise tpe to $e used the permanent elongation after loading to 5f should not e6ceed 51mm ($) *he tensile strength of the coupled $ar should 207 89mm2 for grade 25 2: 89 mm 2 for grade !5 hot rolled steel and 5 89mm2 for grade !5 cold #or,ed steel % 5400 a!" 4 10 ,ae 31 Cla$se 0 – ;aps and /oints Continuit of reinforcement ma $e achieved $ a connection using an of the follo#ing /ointing methods+ (a) ;apping $ars< ($) utt #elding (see !7)< (c) Sleeving (see 7322)< (d) *hreading of $ars parallel threads (see 7322)< (e) *hreading of $ars taper threads Such connections should occur if possi$le a#a from points of high stress and should $e staggered appropriatel *he use of the /ointing methods given in (c) and (d) and an other method not listed should $e verified $ test evidence =n the tests the follo#ing criteria should $e satisfied (a) hen a test is made of a representative gauge length assem$l comprising reinforcement of the si4e grade and profile to $e used and a coupler of the precise tpe to $e used the permanent elongation after loading to 5f should not e6ceed 51mm ($) *he design ultimate strength of the coupled $ar should e6ceed the specified characteristic strength $ the percentage specified in clause 15 of S !!!: + 1:00 7323 – *hreading *he follo#ing methods ma $e used for /oining threaded $ars (a) *he threaded ends of $ars ma $e /oined $ a coupler having left and right hand threads *his tpe of threaded connection re'uires a high degree of accurac in manufacture in vie# of the difficult of ensuring alignment
($) >ne set of $ars ma $e #elded to a steel plate that is drilled that is drilled to receive the threaded ends of the second set of $ars< the second set of $ars are fi6ed to the plate $ means of nuts (c) *hreaded anchors ma $e cast into a precast unit to receive the threaded ends of reinforcement here there is a ris, of the threaded connection #or,ing loose eg during vi$ration of in situ concrete a loc,ing device should $e used here there is difficult in producing a clean thread at the end of a $ar steel normall specified for $lac, $olts (see S !1:5) having a characteristic strength of !35 89 mm 2 should $e used *he structural design of special threaded connections should $e $ased on tests in accordance #ith Part 1 including $ehaviour under fatigue conditions #here relevant here test have sho#n the strength of the threaded connection to $e at least as strong as the parent $ar the strength of the /oint ma $e $ased on 05? of the specified characteristic strength of the /oined $ars in tension and on 155? for $ars in compression divided in each case $ the appropriate m factor