Sec. 1 – Tile of Decree.
Sec. ! – Naure of Re"israio# $roceedi#"s% &urisdicio# of cours.
Nature Nature of of regist registrat ration ion proce proceedi edings ngs is is a. In rem b. ased on t!e genera""# accepted accepted princip"es under"#ing t!e Torrens S#ste$ RTC e&c"usi'e e&c"usi'e and co$p"ete co$p"ete (urisdiction (urisdiction o'er a. App"ic App"icati ations ons for for origin origina" a" regist registrat ration ion b. A"" ot!er subse)uent petitions after origina" origina" registration of tit"e C"er+ of court court s!a"" s!a"" furnis! furnis! t!e ,RA -it! -it! % certified certified copies copies of a"" p"eadin p"eadings gs e&!ibits order and decisions fi"ed or issued in "and registration
RD to issue t!e corresponding certificates of tit"e0 b. Super'ision and contro" o'er a"" Registers of Deeds and ot!er
S#ste$ S#ste$ of registration registration under under Spanis! Spanis! /ortgag /ortgagee ,a- is discontinu discontinued. ed. c. d.
personne" of t!e Co$$ission0 Reso"'e Reso"'e cases cases e"e'ated e"e'ated en en consu"ta consu"ta or or on appea" appea" fro$ t!e t!e RD. E&ecuti'e E&ecuti'e super'is super'ision ion o'er o'er a"" c"er+s c"er+s of court court of "and "and registrati registration on
considered unregistered "ands. A"" instru$ents instru$ents affecti affecting ng "ands under under t!e Spanis Spanis! ! /ortgage /ortgage ,a- $a# be be
courts -it! respect to t!eir duties and functions in re"ation to
recorded under Sec. 11* of t!is Decree. oo+s of of registratio registration n for unregist unregistered ered "ands "ands under under t!e Re'ised Re'ised
registration of "ands0 I$p"e$ent I$p"e$ent a"" a"" orders orders decision decisions s and decrees decrees re"ati'e re"ati'e to "and
registration0 7erif# 7erif# and appro'e appro'e subdi'isi subdi'ision on conso"id conso"idation ation and conso"i conso"idation dation88
,ands recorded under suc! s#ste$ not #et co'ered b# Torrens S#ste$ are
Deput# Co$$issioner A"" officia"s officia"s and and e$p"o#ees e$p"o#ees of t!e t!e Co$$issione Co$$issionerr s!a"" be appointe appointed d b# t!e
Registers of Deeds. Sec. – /e#eral 0u#cio#s. 1. 6uncti 6unctions ons of t!e Co$$is Co$$issio sioner ner a. Issue decrees of registration pursuant to fina" (udg$ent and direct t!e
Sec. ' – Saus of oer $ree*isi#" la#d re"israio# sysem.
t!e President T!e# T!e# s!a"" s!a"" be assi assiste sted d b# t!e t!e fo""o fo""o-in -ing g a. Di'i Di'isi sion on c!ie c!iefs fs b. Specia" Assistant to t!e t!e Co$$issioner c. C!ie C!ieff Geod Geodet etic ic Eng Engin inee eer r T!eir co$pensation s!a"" be *+ per annu$ "ess t!an t!at of t!e o
Secretar# of 2ustice upon reco$$endation of t!e Co$$issioner e&cept
ot! t!e Co$$issioner and t!e Deput# Co$$issioner are appointed b#
Ad$inistrati'e Code as a$ended s!a"" continue to r e$ain in force0 pro'ided t!at a"" instru$ents dea"ing -it! unregistered "ands be registered registered •
under Sec. 11* of t!is Decree Sec. 11* Recording of instru$ents re"ating to unregistered "ands
subdi'ision sur'e# p"ans of properties under Act. 59: e&cept t!ose %.
La#d Re"israio# Auoriy a#d is Re"isries of Deeds
co'ered b# PD9;< =Subdi'ision pro(ects>. 6unc 6uncti tion onss of of t!e t!e ,RA ,RA a. E&tend E&tend speed# speed# and effect effecti'e i'e assistanc assistancee to t!e DAR DAR ,and ,and an+ and and
Sec. + – La#d Re"israio# Auoriy.
b. c.
In order to !a'e !a'e a $ore efficient efficient e&ecution of "and "and registration registration "a-s "a-s t!ere is created a ,and Registration Aut!orit# under e&ecuti'e super'ision of t!e DO2. Sec. , – -fficials a#d Em$loyees of e LRA.
C o$ o$ $i $i ss ss io io ne ne r a. /e$ber /e$ber of t!e t!e P!i"ippine P!i"ippine ar -it! -it! at "east "east 13#rs 13#rs of practice practice b. 4as sa$e ran+ co$pensation co$pensation and pri'i"eges as t!ose of an an Associate 2ustice of t!e Court of Appea"s Depu Deput# t# Co$$ Co$$is issio sione ner r a. Sa$e )ua"ificatio )ua"ifications ns as t!ose t!ose re)uir re)uired ed of t!e t!e Co$$issi Co$$issioner oner b. Co$pensation s!a"" be *+ per per annu$ "ess t!an t!at of t!e Co$$issioner.
ot!er go'ern$ent agencies in i$p"e$enting "and refor$ progra$0 E&tend assistance to "and registration courts?cadastra" courts0 Centra" Centra" repositor# repositor# of record recordss of origina" origina" registra registration tion of "ands "ands under under
Torrens S#ste$ inc"uding subdi'ision and conso"idation p"ans. Sec. – -ffice of e Re"iser of Deeds. 1. At "east "east 1 RD RD for eac! pro'ince pro'ince and and for for eac! cit#. cit#. %. RD -it! #ear"# #ear"# a'erage a'erage of of co""ection co""ection of of $ore t!an t!an :3+ for for t!e past past *#rs *.
s!a"" !a'e 1 Deput# Register of Deeds. RD -it! #ear"# #ear"# a'erage a'erage of of co""ection co""ection of of $ore t!an t!an *33+ *33+ for t!e past past *#rs *#rs
s!a"" !a'e % Deput# Registers of Deeds. Secretar# Secretar# of 2ustice 2ustice s!a"" define define t!e t!e officia" officia" station station and and territoria territoria""
(urisdiction of eac! Registr# upon reco$$endation of t!e Co$$issioner. Co$$issioner. Sec. 2 – A$$oi#me# of Re"isers of Deeds a#d eir De$uies a#d oer su3ordi#ae $erso##el% salaries.
Registers of Deeds s!a"" be appointed b# t!e President upon
reco$$endation of t!e Secretar# of 2ustice. Deput# Registers of Deeds and a"" ot!er subordinate personne" of RDs s!a"" be appointed b# t!e Secretar# of 2ustice upon reco$$endation of t!e
*. 5.
Co$$issioner. Sa"aries not rea""# i$portant. Secretar# of 2ustice upon reco$$endation of t!e Co$$issioner s!a""
cause t!e rec"assification of Registries. Sec. 4 – 5ualificaio#s of Re"isers of Deeds a#d De$uy Re"isers of Deeds. 1. Registers of Deeds a. /e$ber of t!e P!i"ippine ar and -it! at "east *#rs of practice or !as been e$p"o#ed for at "east *#rs in an# branc! of go'ern$ent t!e functions of -!ic! inc"ude t!e registration of propert#. Deput# Register of Deeds a. /e$ber of t!e P!i"ippine ar. Sec. 16 – /e#eral 0u#cio#s of Re"isers of Deeds. 1. Pub"ic repositor# of records of instru$ents affecting a. Registered "ands b. @nregistered "ands c. C!atte" $ortgages %. I$$ediate"# register an instru$ent presented for registration dea"ing -it!
In case of ne-"#8created pro'ince or cit# and pending estab"is!$ent of RD and appoint$ent of Register of Deeds t!e RD of t!e $ot!er pro'ince
or cit# s!a"" be t!e e&8officio RD for t!e ne- pro'ince or cit#. Sec. 1! – -9#er:s I#de*. 1. S!a"" contain a"" registered o-ners. %. RD s!a"" sub$it to t!e ,RA a. /ont!"# reports on co""ections and acco$p"is!$ents0 b. Annua" in'entor# of tit"es s!a"" be sub$itted at t!e end of Dece$ber. Sec. 1' – ;ief /eodeic E#"i#eer. 4e s!a"" be t!e tec!nica" ad'iser tint !e ,RA on $atters in'o"'ing sur'e#s. -ri"i#al Re"israio#
rea" or persona" propert# -!ic! co$p"ies -it! a"" t!e re)uisites for registration. a. If t!e instru$ent is not registerab"e !e s!a"" den# registration. Denia" s!a"" be i . I n -r it in g0 ii. State t!e reason t!erefor iii. Ad'ise t!e app"icant of !is rig!t to appea" b# consu"ta Sec. 11 – Discar"e of duies of Re"iser of Deeds i# case of 7aca#cy8 ec. 1. @nti" a Register of Deeds s!a"" !a'e been appointed or in case of 'acanc# absence i""ness suspension or inabi"it# of t!e Register of Deeds !is duties s!a"" be perfor$ed b# t!e fo""o-ing officia"s un"ess t!e Secretar# of 2ustice designates anot!er to act te$porari"#0 a. Deput# Register of Deeds or %nd Deput# Register of Deeds s!ou"d b. %.
t!ere be one0 Pro'incia" or Cit# 6isca" or an# Assistant 6isca" designated b# t!e
for$er in p"aces -!ere t!ere are no Deput# Register of Deeds. In case of absence disabi"it# or suspension -it!out pa# or in case of 'acanc# t!e Secretar# of 2ustice $a# aut!orie pa#$ent of additiona" co$pensation to t!e acting Register of Deeds.
%. *.
b. c.
!a'e been in i. OCEN possession and occupation ii. of alienable and disposable "ands of t!e pub"ic do$ain iii. under bona fide claim of ownership i'. since June 12, 194, or earlier . T!ose -!o !a'e ac)uired o-ners!ip of pri'ate "ands b# prescription. T!ose -!o !a'e ac)uired o-ners!ip of pri'ate "ands or abandoned
ri'er beds b# ri!ht of accession or accretion. T!ose -!o !a'e ac)uired o-ners!ip of "and in an" other manner
pro#ided for b" law. Co8o-ners s!a"" fi"e t!e app"ication (oint"#. ,and so"d under pacto de retro 'endor a retro $a# fi"e an app"ication for registration pro'ided t!at s!ou"d t!e period of r ede$ption e&pire during t!e pendenc# of t!e registration proceedings t!e 'endor a retro s!a"" be
substituted b# t!e 'endee a retro. Trutee $a# app"# for origina" registration of an# "and !e"d in trust b# !i$
un"ess pro!ibited b# t!e trust agree$ent. Sec. 1, – 0orm a#d ;o#e#s. 1. T!e app"ication s!ou"d be a. In -riting0 b. Signed b# t!e app"icant0 c. S-orn to. % . It $u st con ta in a. A description of t!e "and0 b. Citiens!ip of app"icant0 c. Ci'i" status of app"icant if $arried na$e of spouse0 d. 6u"" na$es and addresses of a"" occupants0 e. 6u"" na$es and addresses of ad(oining "ot o-ners if +no-n if not +no- it s!a"" state t!e e&tent of t!e searc! $ade to find t!e$. *. See sa$p"e of app"ication in Ange" Notes. Sec. 1 – No#reside# a$$lica#.
A non8resident app"icant $ust a. 6i"e -it! !is app"ication an instru$ent appointing an agent or representati'e residing in t!e P!i"ippines gi'ing !is fu"" na$e and b.
posta" address 4e $ust t!erein agree t!at an# "ega" process $ade upon !is agent or representati'e pursuant to t!e app"ication s!a"" !a'e t!e sa$e "ega"
effect as if $ade upon !i$ -it!in t!e P!i"ippines. If t!e agent dies or "ea'es t!e P!i"ippines t!e app"icant $ust $a+e anot!er appoint$ent for t!e substitute. If !e fai"s to do so t!e court s!a""
dis$iss t!e app"ication. Sec. 1 – Wa a#d Were o file. 1. 6i"ed -it! t!e RTC of t!e pro'ince or cit# -!ere t!e "and is situated. %. App"icant $ust fi"e -it! t!e app"ication a. A"" origina" $uni$ents of tit"es or copies t!ereof0 b. A sur'e# p"an appro'ed b# t!e ureau of ,ands. *. C"er+ of court -i"" on"# accept t!e app"ication if it is s!o-n t!at a cop# of t!e app"ication and a"" anne&es !a'e been furnis!ed to t!e Director of ,ands. Sec. 12 – A$$licaio# co7eri#" ! or more $arcels. 1. App"ication $a# inc"ude % or $ore parce"s of "and pro'ided t!e# are %.
situated in t!e sa$e pro'ince or cit#. T!e court $a# order an a$end$ent of t!e app"ication at an# ti$e b#
stri+ing out one or $ore of t!e parce"s or b# se'erance of t!e app"ication. Sec. 14 – Ame#dme#s. 1. A$end$ents inc"uding (oinder substitution or discontinuance $a# be a""o-ed b# t!e court at an# stage upon (ust and reasonab"e ter$s. 2. A$end$ents in'o"'ing =a> substantial chan!e in the boundaries0 or =b> an increase in area of the land app"ied for -!ic! in'o"'e t!e i nc"usion of an additiona" "and s!a"" be sub(ect to t!e sa$e re)uire$ents of pub"ication and notice in an origina" app"ication. Sec. !6 – We# la#d a$$lied for 3orders o# road. 1. App"ication s!a"" state a. B!et!er or not t!e app"icant c"ai$s an# portion of t!e "and -it!in t!e b.
"i$its of t!e -a# or road And -!et!er t!e app"icant desires to !a'e t!e "ine of t!e -a# or road
deter$ined. Sec. !1 – Re@uireme# of addiio#al facs a#d $a$ers% ocular i#s$ecio#. 1. Courts $a# re)uire a. 6acts to be stated in t!e app"ication b. 6i"ing of an# additiona" paper %. Courts $a# a"so conduct an ocu"ar inspection if necessar#.
Sec. !! – Deali#"s 9i la#d $e#di#" ori"i#al re"israio#. 1. During t!e pendenc# of t!e registration proceedings t!e "and $a# sti"" be
*. 5.
transfer of portions Notice s!a"" be gi'en to t!e parties. T!e court s!a"" t!en order t!at t!e "and be sub(ect to t!e con'e#ance or
Co$$issioner s!a"" a"so cause a cop# of t!e notice to be posted b# t!e s!eriff in a conspicuous p"ace on i. eac! parce" of "and inc"uded in t!e app"ication0 ii. t!e bu""etin board of t!e $unicipa" bui"ding in -!ic! t!e "and or
encu$brance created b# t!e instru$ents or order t!at t!e decree of
portion t!ereof is situated Sec. !+ –
registration be issued in t!e na$e of t!e person to -!o$ t!e "and !as been
b# "a- !a'e been co$p"ied -it! s!a"" be fi"ed in t!e case before t!e date of initia"
co'e#ed b# t!e said instru$ents.
t!e sub(ect of dea"ings in -!o"e or in part. T!e interested part# $ust present to t!e court a. T!e pertinent instru$ents toget!er -it! a subdi'ision p"an b. Subdi'ision p"an appro'ed b# t!e Director of ,ands in case of
f> Director of /ines g> Director of 6is!eries and A)uatic Resources Posting at "east 15 da#s before t!e date of initia" !earing t!e
order settin! the date and hour of the initial hearin! . T!e !earing s!a"" not be ear"ier t!an 5; da#s nor "ater t!an 93 da#s fro$
!earing. Suc! certification s!a"" be conc"usi'e proof of suc! fact. Sec. !, – -$$osiio# o a$$licaio# i# ordi#ary $roceedi#"s. 1. An# person c"ai$ing an interest -!et!er na$ed in t!e app"ication or not $a# appear on or before t!e date of initia" !earing or -it!in suc! furt!er %.
t!e date of t!e order. Pub"ic s!a"" be gi'en notice of t!e initia" !earing b# $eans of a. Pub"ication upon receipt of t!e order of t!e court t!e Co$$issioner s!a"" cause t!e notice of initia" !earing addressed to a""
b# t!e Director of ,ands in t!e fo""o-ing cases a. B!en t!e opposition co'ers on"# a portion of t!e "and and said
persons and re)uiring t!e$ to appear in court to sub$it t!eir
opposition to be pub"is!ed i. Once in t!e OG ii. Once in a ne-spaper of genera" circu"ation /ai"ing i. Bit!in < da#s after t!e pub"ication in t!e OG t!e Co$$issioner s!a"" send notice to e'er# person na$ed in t!e app"ication -!ose ii.
address is +no-n. If t!e app"icant re)uests to !a'e t!e "ine of a pub"ic -a# or road
deter$ined notice s!a"" be sent to a> Secretar# of Pub"ic 4ig!-a#s b> Pro'incia" Go'ernor c> /a#or iii. If t!e "and borders on a ri'er na'igab"e strea$ or s!ore ar$ of a sea -!ere a ri'er or !arbor "ine !as been estab"is!ed or on a "a+e
portion is not proper"# de"i$ited on t!e p"an attac!ed to t!e app"ication b. @ndi'ided co8o-ners!ip c. Conf"icting c"ai$s of o-ners!ip or possession d. O'er"apping of boundaries Sec. ! – -rder of defaul% effec. 1. If t!ere are no oppositions $ade to t!e app"ication t!e court $a# upon $otion of t!e app"icant order a defau"t to be recorded and re)uire t!e %.
app"icant to present e'idence =genera" order of defau"t>. If t!ere -ere oppositions $ade a defau"t order s!a"" be entered against
t!ose -!o fai"ed to appear and fi"e and ans-er =specia" order of defau"t>. eari#"8 >ud"me#8 a#d Decree of Re"israio# Sec. ! – S$eedy eari#"% refere#ce o a referee. 1. Registration court s!a"" see to it t!at a"" cases s!a"" be disposed of -it!in
or if it appears t!at a tenant8far$er $a# !a'e a c"ai$ ad'erse to t!at of t!e app"icant notice $ust be gi'en to a> Secretar# of Agrarian Refor$ b> So"Gen c> Director of ,ands d> Director of Pub"ic Bor+s e> Director of 6orest De'e"op$ent
ti$e as $a# be a""o-ed b# t!e court. T!e opposition -!ic! s!a"" be signed and s-orn to s!a"" state a. Ob(ecti ons b. Interest c"ai$ed c. R e$e d# d es ir ed T!e court $a# re)uire t!e parties to sub$it a subdi'ision p"an appro'ed
93 da#s fro$ t!e date t!e case is sub$itted for decision. T!e court $a# refer t!e case or an# part t!ereof to a referee -!o s!a"" a. 4ear t!e parties and t!eir e'idence b. Sub$it a report to t!e court -it!in 1; da#s after t!e ter$ination of suc! !earing
4earing before a referee $a# be !e"d at an# con'enient p"ace -it!in t!e
Director of ,ands to cause to be $ade a cadastral sur#e" of t!e "ands and
pro'ince or cit# and after reasonab"e notice t!ereof s!a"" !a'e been sent to 5.
t!e parties concerned. T!e court $a# in its discretion accept t!e report or set it aside in -!o"e
sur'e# -i"" begin gi'ing fu"" and accurate description of the lands. Notice
or in part or order t!e case to be reco$$itted for furt!er proceedings. Sec. !2 – ud"me#. T!e court $a# render partia" (udg$ent in cases -!ere on"# a portion of t!e "and
s!a"" be published in a. OG b. Ne-spaper of genera" circu"ation =pursuant to due process> And sent to T!e notice s!a"" "i+e-ise be posted in a conspicuous p"ace on t!e bu""etin
is contested pro'ided t!at a subdi'ision p"an s!o-ing t!e contested and uncontested portions appro'ed b# t!e Director of ,ands !a'e been pre'ious"# sub$itted to it. Sec. !4 – >ud"me# co#firmi#" ile. If t!e court finds t!at t!e app"icant or t!e oppositor !as sufficient tit"e proper for registration (udg$ent s!a"" be rendered confir$ing ti t"e of t!e app"icant or t!e oppositior to t!e "and or portions t!ereof. Sec. '6 – We# &ud"me# 3ecomes fi#al% duy o cause i ssua#ce of decree. 1. 2udg$ent beco$es fina" upon t!e e&piration of 1; da#s fro$ t!e receipt of
t!e plans and technical description t!ereof prepared in due for$. Director of ,ands s!a"" gi'e notice to a"" persons of t!e da# on -!ic! t!e
board of t!e $unicipa" bui"ding. Cop# of t!e notice s!a"" a"so be sent to a. /a#or b. aranga# Captain c. Sangguniang Pan"a"a-igan d. Sangguniang a#an T!e Geodetic Engineers or ot!er e$p"o#ees in c!arge of t!e sur'e# s!a"" a. $ost a notice of t!e date on -!ic! t!e sur'e# is to begin in t!e
notice of t!e (udg$ent =*3 da#s in PD1;%9 -as a$ended b# P1%9 to 1; %. *.
bu""etin board of t!e $unicipa" bui"ding or barrio in -!ic! t!e "ands
da#s>. Appea"s $a# be ta+en as in ordinar# ci'i" cases. After (udg$ent beco$es fina" t!e court s!a"" order t!e issuance of t!e
decree of registration and t!e certificate of tit"e to t!e Co$$issioner. Sec. '1 – Decree of Re"israio# 1. T!e Decree of Registration issued b# t!e Co$$issioner $ust a. ear t!e date !our and $inute of its entr# b. e signed b# !i$ c. State ci'i" status of t!e o-ner if $arried na$e of spouse0
b. 5.
purpose is "a-fu". Dut# of e'er# person c"ai$ing an interest to co$$unicate -it! t!e
Geodetic Engineer upon !is re)uest. An# person -!o -i""fu""# obstructs t!e $a+ing of an# sur'e# or $a"icious"# interferes -it! t!e p"acing of an# $onu$ent or re$o'e suc! $onu$ent or re$o'e or destro# an# notice of sur'e# posted on t!e "and
pro'ided t!at if t!e "and for$s part of t!e con(uga" propert# t!en d. e. f.
t!e decree s!a"" be issued in t!e na$e of bot! spouses State t!e nature of disabi"it# if t!e o-ner is under disabi"it# State t!e age if t!e o-ner is a $inor Contain a description of t!e "and as fina""# deter$ined b# t!e
court g. Set fort! t!e estate of t!e o-ner !. A"" encu$brances to -!ic! t!e "and or o-ners estate is sub(ect Decree of Registration s!a"" bind t!e "and and )uiet tit"e t!ereto sub(ect on"# to encu$brances pro'ided b# "a-. It is conc"usi'e against a"" persons
inc"uding t!e go'ern$ent. Secio# '!'+ – Remedies =not inc"uded in $idter$s> ;adasral Re"israio#
are situated. &ar' the boundaries b# $onu$ents. T!eir entr# on t!e "ands for t!is
s!a"" be punis!ed b# i$prison$ent for not $ore t!an 1#r or b# a fine of not $ore t!an 1+ or bot!.
tit"e to suc! "ands be sett"ed and ad(udicated. Petition s!a"" contain t!e fo""o-ing a. Description of t!e "ands b. Acco$panied b# a p"an t!ereof c. Ot!er data as $a# ser'e to furnis! fu"" notice to t!e occupants and to a"" ot!er persons -!o $a# !a'e c"ai$ an# rig!t or interest t!erein Cadastra" "ot nu$bers -!ere t!e "and consists of % or $ore parce"s !e"d or occupied b# different persons t!e p"an s!a"" indicate t!e boundaries or
"i$its as accurate"# as possib"e. T!e parce"s s!a"" be nu$ber !ence 5.
cadastra" "ot nu$bers. Cadastra" "etter t!e cadastra" "ot nu$bers s!a"" not be c!anged after fina" decision e&cept b# order of court. 6uture subdi'isions of an# "ot s!a"" be
of registration and certificate of tit"e -?in 1; da#s fro$ fina" (udg$ent %.
designated b# a "etter. 4ence cadastra" "etter. A#s9er Sec. ' – A#s9er o $eiio# i# cadasral $roceedi#"s 1. An# c"ai$ant s!a"" appear before t!e court b# !i$se"f or b# an# representati'e in !is be!a"f and s!a"" fi"e an ans-er on or before the date
court. T!e ans-er s!a"" be a. Signed b. S-orn to It $ust a"so contain t!e fo""o-ing a. Ci'i" status0 if $arried na$e of spouse b. Nationa"it# c. Residence d. Posta" address e. Age f. Cadastra" nu$ber of "ots c"ai$ed g. Na$e of barrio and $unicipa"it# in -!ic! t!e "ots are situated !. Na$es and addresses of t!e o-ners of t!e ad(oining "ots i. If c"ai$ant is in possession of t!e "ots c"ai$ed and can s!o- no e&press grant of t!e "and b# t!e go'ern$ent to !i$ or to !is predecessors8in8interest !e s!ou"d state t!e i. "engt! of ti$e of possession ii. $anner in -!ic! it !as been ac)uired iii. "engt! of ti$e of possession of !is predecessors if an# (. If c"ai$ant is not in possession or occupation t!e ans-er s!a"" set
fort! i. interest c"ai$ed ii. ti$e and $anner of ac)uisition +. If t!e "ots !a'e been assessed for ta&ation t!e "ast assessed 'a"ue ". Encu$brances Sec. '2 – eari#"8 >ud"me#8 Decree Tria" s!a"" be conducted in t!e sa$e $anner as in ordinar# "and registration proceedings and s!a"" be go'erned b# t!e sa$e ru"es. Decrees a-arded and t!e certificates issued pursuant to suc! decrees !a'e t!e sa$e effect as t!ose granted in ordinar# "and registration proceedings. ;erificae of Tile Sec. '4 –
directing registration of tit"e. C"er+ of court s!a"" -?in 1; da#s fro$ entr# of (udg$ent send to t!e Co$$issioner a. Certified copies of t!e (udg$ent and t!e order of t!e court0 and b. A certificate stating t!at t!e decision !as not been a$ended
of initial hearin! or within such further time as ma" be allowed b" the %.
Court s!a"" issue an order directing t!e Co$$issioner to issue t!e decree
reconsidered nor appea"ed and !as beco$e fina". Decree of registration s!a"" be a. Signed b# t!e Co$$issioner0 b. Entered and fi"ed in t!e ,RA. Origina" of t!e origina" certificate of tit"e s!a"" be a. Signed b# t!e Co$$issioner0 b. Sent toget!er -it! t!e o-ners dup"icate cop# to t!e RD for entr# in its registration boo+.
Sec. +6 – E#ry of -ri"i#al ;erificae of Tile
@pon recei'ing t!e origina" and dup"icate of t!e origina" certificate of tit"e
t!e RD s!a"" a. Enter t!e sa$e in its record boo+0 b. T!e# s!a"" be nu$bered dated signed and sea"ed b# t!e RD. c. T!e certificates s!a"" ta+e effect upon t!e date of entr# t!ereof. RD s!a"" send notice b# $ai" to t!e registered o-ner t!at !is dup"icate is read# for de"i'er# upon pa#$ent of "ega" fees.
Sec. +1 – -9#ers du$licae cerificae of Tile
1. %.
O-ners dup"icate certificate s!a"" be de"i'ered to t!e registered o-ner or !is du"# aut!oried representati'e. If % or $ore persons are registered o-ners a. On"# one dup"icate $a# be issued OR b. A separate dup"icate $a# be issued to eac! of t!e$ in "i+e for$ but t!ese s!a"" a"" be surrendered to t!e RD upon an# subse)uent
transaction affecting t!e "and or an# interest t !erein. RD s!a"" note on eac! certificate of tit"e as to -!o$ a cop# t!ereof -as
issued. Sec. +! – Re"israio# BooCs 1. Origina" cop# of t!e origina" certificate s!a"" be fi"ed in t!e RD. %. ound in consecuti'e order -it! t!e certificates of tit"e. *. T!ese s!a"" constitute t!e registration boo+ for tit"ed properties. Sec. +' – Tra#sfer ;erificae of Tile 1. A TCT is a subse)uent certificate of tit"e issued b# t!e RD pursuant to an# 'o"untar# or in'o"untar# instru$ent re"ating to t!e sa$e "and. a. It s!a"" be in "i+e for$ and issued in dup"icate0 b. It $ust s!oi. t!e nu$ber of t!e ne&t pre'ious certificate0
ii. iii.
t!e fact t!at it -as origina""# registered0 Record nu$ber t!e nu$ber of t!e OCT and t!e 'o"u$e and page
of t!e registration boo+ -!ere t!e OCT is found. Sec. ++ – Sauory lie#s affeci#" ile 1. GR E'er# registered o-ner ta+ing a certificate of tit"e for 'a"ue and in %.
good fait! s!a"" !o"d t!e sa$e free fro$ a"" encu$brances. E&ception t!ose noted in t!e certificate and an# of t!e fo""o-ing -!ic! $a# be subsisting a. ,iens c"ai$s or rig!ts arising or e&isting under t!e "a-s and Constitution -!ic! are not re)uired to appear of record in t!e RD in b.
order to be 'a"id. @npaid rea" estate ta&es t!ose "e'ied and assessed -?in % #rs i$$ediate"# preceding t!e ac)uisition of an# rig!t o'er t!e "and b# an innocent purc!aser for 'a"ue -it!out pre(udice to t !e go'ern$ents rig!t to co""ect ta&es pa#ab"e before t!at period fro$
t!e de"in)uent ta&pa#er a"one. Pub"ic !ig!-a# or pri'ate -a# or an# go'ern$ent irrigation cana" or "atera" t!ereof t!ose estab"is!ed or recognied b# "a- if t!e certificate of tit"e does not state t!at t!e boundaries of suc! !ig!-a#
or irrigation !a'e been deter$ined. An# disposition?"i$itation on t!e propert# t!ose b# 'irtue of PD%< or an# ot!er "a- or regu"ations on agrarian refor$
Sec. +, – Saeme# of $erso#al circumsa#ces i# e cerificae 1. T!e certificate of tit"e s!a"" set fort! t!e fo""o-ing a. 6u"" na$es of a"" persons -!ose interests $a+e up t!e fu"" o-ners!ip
in t!e -!o"e "and0 b. Ci'i" status0 c. Na$es of spouses if $arried0 d . C it i ens !i p0 e. Resi dence0 f . P os ta" a dd res s0 If propert# for$s part of con(uga" partners!ip it s!a"" be issued in t!e
na$es of bot! spouses. Sec. + – /e#eral I#cide#s of re"isered la#ds 1. Registered "ands are sub(ect to burdens and incidents arising b# operation %.
of "a-. Registered "ands or t!e o-ners t!ereof s!a"" not be re"ie'ed fro$ a. Rig!ts incident to t!e re"ation of i. 4usband and -ife0 ii. ,and"ord and tenant0 b. ,iabi"it# to attac!$ent or "e'# on e&ecution0 c. ,iabi"it# to an# "ien estab"is!ed b# "a- on t!e "and or t!e bui"dings d. e. f. g.
co'ering t!e$ $a# do so b# fo""o-ing t!e sa$e procedure as pro'ided for in sp"itting. Sec. ,6 – Su3di7isio# a#d co#solidaio# $la#s Par =1> and =%> 1. An o-ner subdi'iding a tract of registered "and -!ic! do not constitute a subdi'ision pro(ect as defined under PD9;< s!a"" a. 6i"e a subdi'ision p"an -it! t!e Co$$issioner of t!e ,RA or -it! t!e b. %.
passage-a#s and -ater-a#s if an#. If t!e subdi'ision p"an !as been du"# appro'ed t!e fo""o-ing s!a"" be presented to t!e RD a. Subdi'ision p"an0 b. Tec!nica" descriptions c. Corresponding o-ners dup"icate certificate. @pon recei'ing t!e docu$ents t!e RD s!a"" a. Register t!e sa$e -it!out re)uiring furt!er court appro'a" in b.
t!ereon or on t!e interest of t!e o-ner on suc! "and or bui"dings0 C!anging t!e "a-s of descent0 C!anging t!e rig!ts of partition bet-een co8o-ners0 Rig!t to ta+e t!e "and b# e$inent do$ain0 ,iabi"it# to be reco'ered b# i. an assignee in inso"'enc# cases0 ii. trustee in ban+ruptc# cases0 C!anging or affecting ot!er rig!ts or "iabi"ities created b# "a- and
ureau of ,ands0 Distinct"# and accurate"# de"ineating t!e boundaries streets
accordance -it! t!e ,and Registration Act as a$ended0 Annotate on t!e ne- certificate of tit"e co'ering t!e street passage-a# or open space a $e$orandu$ to t!e effect t!at e&cept b# -a# of donation in fa'or of t!e go'ern$ent pro'ince cit# or $unicipa"it# no portion of an# street passage-a# -ater-a# or open space s!a"" be c"osed or disposed of b# t!e registered o-ner -?o court appro'a".
app"icab"e to unregistered "and e&cept as ot!er-ise pro'ided in t !is Decree Sec. + – Re"isered la#d #o su3&ec o $rescri$io#s Registered "ands cannot be ac)uired b# prescription or ad'erse possession. Sec. +2 – ;erificae #o su3&ec o collaeral aacC A certificate of tit"e cannot be a"tered $odified or cance""ed e&cept in a direct proceeding in accordance -it! "a-. Sec. +4 – S$lii#"8 or ;o#solidaio# of iles 1. Sp"itting a registered o-ner of se'era" distinct parce"s of "and co'ered b# a sing"e certificate of tit"e desiring to !a'e separate certificates $a# do so
b# a. 6i"ing a -ritten re)uest to t!e RD0 b. Surrendering t!e dup"icate0 c. RD s!a"" cance" t!e dup"icate and its origina"0 d. RD s!a"" issue separate certificates. Conso"idation a registered o-ner of se'era" distinct parce"s of "and co'ered b# separate certificates of tit"e desiring to !a'e a sing"e certificate
Par =*> 5.
A registered o-ner desiring to conso"idate se'era" "ots re)uiring netec!nica" descriptions s!a"" a. 6i"e -it! t!e ,RA a conso"idation p"an s!o-ing !o- t!e "ands -ere
and !o- t!e# s!a"" appear after suc! conso"idation @pon appro'a" of suc! p"an t!e fo""o-ing s!a"" be surrendered to t!e RD a. Dup"icate certificates0 b. Du"# appro'ed conso"idation p"an. T!e RD s!a"" t!en cance" t!e certificates and issue a ne- one.
:. Par =5> T!e ,RA cannot order an# c!ange $odification or a$end$ent in t!e certificate or an# decree or p"an inc"uding t!e tec!nica" description t!erein nor can it order t!e cance""ation of a ne- certificate -!ic! -ou"d resu"t in t!e en"arge$ent of t!e area co'ered b# t!e certificate.