LIST OF MY BOOKS (Collectible Books)
Soft copies only Philippine writings:
1. AKLAT NG CARTILLA MORAL . An! li"i# n! $t$%&$% by Anthony Ace A. Valderrama '. $l$t n! li*%o &elos #iste%ioso no#*%es espi%it+s infe%n$les by Anthony Ace A. Valderrama
,. $l$t n! el -e%&$&e%o -e%*o &e &ios by Anthony Ace A. Valderrama . $l$t $l$t n! #!$ p$n! p$n!$l $l$n $n n! li"i# li"i# n$ p$n! p$n!$l$ $l$n n/ by Anthony
Ace A.
0. Al$t n! espi%it+# $c2i# by Anthony Ace A. Valderrama T. Sabino 3. K$%+n+n!$n n! &ios by Melencio T. 4. Al$t n! enc$nto &e &ios edited by Tony Perez 5. Al$t n! $li$s$n annotated by Anthony Ace A. Valderrama 16. 7OT8NSIYA9 BISA9 AT ANTING:ANTING by Prof. Prospero Covar 11. Test$#ento Test$#ento n! n! ;+$t%o ;+$t%o e-$n!elist$ e-$n!elist$ unknown
revise sed d by AP! AP!A A S"C# S"C#$T $T% % Cinc Cinco o O> revi
edited by Li"i Li"i# # $t *$n$ *$n$ll n$ $s$ $s$ys ys$y $y$n $n n! #$ #$"$ "$ll n$ *i% *i%"en "en edited
1. 10. 13. 14. 15.
Glo%i$ $ltissi#o &e+s by Mon San -ie*o K$s$ys$y$n n! siete $%c$n!"eles Li*%o sec%eto &e s$to% co%on$&os unknown Al$t n! e#et
Al$t l$t n! AL7? L7?A OM8GA 8GA @8>S 8>S >NI< >NI<8R 8RS SO (INILIHIM KASAYSAYAN)
6. 1. . '.
T8STAM8NTO T8STAM8NTO <8R@A@8RO <8R@A@8RO (SA>7 7R8@O) 7R8@O) SANCTA ANIMASOLA compiled by Mon San -ie*o Siete -i%!enes:$t$%&$% revised by AP!A S"C#$T% P!##PP#&$S
Al$t sec%eto n! l$ co#p$ni$ -i$e st$. #$%i$ y enc$nto &ios &e $-$t$% by -emetrio Sibal
,. . 0. 3. 4. 5. '6. '1. '. ''. ',. '. '0.
Al$t sec%eto n! t$tlon! # -ie*os Version)
Cinco -oc$les (Vol. /01) by Mon San -ie*o T%onco T%onco &el &el #+n&o (Vol. /02) by Mon San -ie*o T%onco T%onco &el &el #+n&o by Anthony Ace A. Valderrama 3 $p$n!y$%i"$n n! -e%&$ c$*$l$ by -emetrio Sibal Al$t n! !$y+#$ by Anthony Ace A. Valderrama Al$t n$ iti# scanned by Arniel Somil Al$t n! $lp"$ $t o#e!$ by Mon San -ie*o $l$t n! B+en$ fo%t+n$ by Mon San -ie*o $l$t n! espi%it+ #e&ic$ unknown $l$t n! $t$$s:t$$s$n! $p$n!y$%i"$n unknown $l$t $l$t n! l$ co#p$ co#p$$ $ &e es+:c"% es+:c"%isto isto/ / compiled by Anthony Ace A.
'3. '4.
$l$t n! li*%o s$!%$&o 0, ll$-es/ unknown $l$t n! 7"ilippine *ene-olent #ission$%y $ssoci$tion ( P.B.M.A.)
scanned by Arniel Somil
'5. ,6. ,1. ,. ,'. ,,. ,. ,0. ,3.
$l$t n! s$!%$&on! p$n!$l$n/ unknown $l$t n! $y s$n *enito (#$y #!$ l$%$$n) unknown $l$t n! s$n 2i*$%:po%t+!+es $l$t n! +!$%+#/ by Mon San -ie*o $l$t n! #$so &el #+n&o/ by Mon San -ie*o li*%o po&e% test$#ento &e st# by Mon San -ie*o $l$t n! $st%o:l+Di#/ unknown $l$t n! s$!%$&o nio "es+s by Mon San -ie*o revise sed d by AP!A AP!A S"C# S"C#$T $T% % $l$t l$t ni $ #$%ci$l ci$l inocen centes/ tes/ revi
,4. ,5.
$l$t n! &ies #+n&+s/ by Mon San -ie*o $l$t $l$t n! t"e enc$nto enc$nto *elief *elief $n ess$y ess$y in inte% inte%p% p%et$ et$tio tion n by
3rancisco -emetrio
6. 1.
$l$t n! $%#$ #$&%$/ unknown compiled ed by Anthony Anthony Ace A. #!$ #!$ &$s$ &$s$ll $t po&e% po&e% s$ #e #e&$ &$ly lyon on / compil
M!$: M!$:S$ S$to to%%:N$: :N$:N$ N$! !$ $$l $loo oo*: *:N! N!:K :K$p $p$n $n!y !y$% $%i" i"$n $n
Anthony Ace A. Valderrama
'. ,.
Al$t n! oeD/ Al$t Al$t n! o%$cion o%$cion $ l$ s$nctissi s$nctissi#$ #$ T%ini&$& %ini&$&/ / by Anthony Ace A.
. Somil
Al$t Al$t n! p$!o p$!oo ons$! ns$!%$ %$ $t p$!*$* p$!*$*$s*$ $s*$s s n! !$#it/ !$#it/ by Arniel
compiled by Al$t Al$t n! p$n! p$n!on ons$! s$!%$ %$ is$n! is$n! #$ #$n n$l $l n$ !$$in !$$in compiled
Anthony Ace A. Valderrama
3. 4. 5. 06. 01. 0. 0'. 0,. 0. 00. 03. 04. 05. 36.
Al$t $y s$n *enito compiled by Marco Pa+lo Saban*an Al$t n! #yste%i+# -i%!in+#/ unknown Al$t n! $ct+# &ei/ by Mon San -ie*o Al$t n! $#$:$**$/ unknown Al$t n! $+#/ unknown Al$t sec%eto n! $*$listico by -emetrio Sibal Al$t n! cons$!%$t+# est/ unknown Al$t n! "$%in! *$$l/ compiled by Anthony Ace A. Valderrama Al$t n! p$n!!$!$#ot compiled by Anthony Ace A. Valderrama Al$t n! po&e% by Anthony Ace A. Valderrama Al$t n! siete ll$-es y siete -i%t+&es/ by Mon San -ie*o Al$t n! "$%in! $&$#$nt+#/ by Mon San -ie*o Al$t n! inEnito &e+s/ Al$t Al$t n! inEnito inEnito &e+s (&e %iles) may mga larawan ng 28 familiares
(COLORED) by Anthony Ace A. Valderrama
31. 3. 3'.
An! +n$n! $l$t n! $#o% &el #+n&o/ unknown Al$t n! !l$&i+s #$leEc$%+#/ by Mon San -ie*o Al$t n! $p$n!y$%i"$n n! #!$ li"i# n$ p$n!$l$n/ prod+ced by
Peters Mystical Book Center4 Manila.
Al$t n! li*%o sec%eto &e y%ie eleison/ prod+ced by Peters Mystical
Book Center4 Manila.
Al$t Al$t n! $*$*$l$! $*$*$l$!"$n! "$n! li"i# n! sto. sto. Nio Nio "es+s/ "es+s/ prod+ced by
Peters Mystical Book Center4 Cen ter4 Manila.
30. 33.
Al$t n! #et$t%on/ M!$ o%$syon p$%$ s$ i*$t:i*$n! p$n!$n!$il$n!$n by Anthony Ace
A. Valderrama
34. 35.
Al$t n! #o%te# #$leEc$%+#/ by Mon San -ie*o AKLA AK LAT T NG ORAC ORACION ION NG KA KABA BABALA BALAG? G?AN/ AN/ prod+ced by Peters
Mystical Book Center4 Manila.
46. 41.
AKLAT NG OH:KI@LAT/ by Mon San -ie*o AKLAT NG 7O@8R AT 7ON@O NG INFINITO @IOS/ by Anthony Ace
A. Valderrama
4. 4'. 4,. 4.
AKLAT NG RA7?A M8@ICA/ anonymous Al$t n! %e;+ie# #o%t+o#/ by Mon San -ie*o Al$t n! %et$*lo ni s$n ose/ by Mon San -ie*o Al$t n! #!$ o%$syon s$ c$*$l p$n! , o%$s/ by Anthony Ace A.
40. 43.
Al$t n! s$nct$ &el $%c$/ compiled by Anthony Ace A. Valderrama Valderrama Al$t n! s$ncti $%#$/ compiled by Anthony Ace A. Valderrama
44. 45. 56. 51. 5. 5'. 5,. 5. 50. 53. 54. 55.
Al$t n! s$nct+s &e+s fo%tis i##o%t$lis/ by Mon San -ie*o Al$t n! s"e#$y$/ by Mon San -ie*o Al$t n! Test$#ento n! cinco -oc$les/ anonymous Al$t n! +lti#$te ce$seE%e/ by Mon San -ie*o Al$t n! p$nip$s s$ t$n$n! pol-o%$/ anonymous M$"i$!$n! $l$t n! $!n+s &ei/ anonymous Al$t n! $2et$/ anonymous Al$t n! cefe%en+s/ anonymous Al$t n! solo #$t$/ by Anthony Ace A. Valderrama Li*%o sec%eto n! #!$ t$l$n&%o by Anthony Ace A. Valderrama Al$t n! n+e-e fo$s/ compiled by Anthony Ace A. Valderrama Al$t Al$t n! &oce &oce fo$s fo$s &elos &elos oo oos s inEnito inEnito &e+s/ by Anthony Ace A.
compil iled ed by Anth Anthon ony y Ace Ace A. Al$t Al$t n! p%$Di p%$Dis s #$ #$!i !ic$ c$ f$+st f$+sti$n i$n$/ $/ comp
Al$t Al$t n! -e%&$& -e%&$&es es ete%n ete%n$le $les/ s/ prod+ced by Peters Mystical Book
Center4 Manila.
16. 16'.
Al$t n! c%isol &el #+n&o/ compiled by Anthony Ace A. Valderrama
Li"i# n$ $l$t $y ose %i2$lio-e %eD$l/ compiled by Anthony Ace A.
Colore red d and compl complet ete e ) Al$t ( Colo Al$t n! -ient -iente e oc"o oc"o f$#il f$#ili$% i$%is is infe%n$les &e s$n I!n$cio &e loyol$/ compiled by Anthony Ace A. Valderrama
Al$t Al$t n! f$%&$2i f$%&$2ion on &e inEnito inEnito &e+s/ compiled by Anthony Ace A.
160. 163. 164. 165.
Al$t n! #!$ t$l$&%os/ by Anthony Ace A. Valderrama Al$t n! "$%in! $#$t$y$n/ by Anthony Ace A. Valderrama Al$t n! lo!os/ compiled by Anthony Ace A. Valderrama Al$ Al$tt n! li* li*%%o se sec% c%et eto o *%e*%e-is is o%$c o%$cio ioni nis/ s/ by Anthony Ace A.
116. 111.
Al$t n! #!$ pe%son$l n$ o%$ciones/ by Anthony Ace A. Valderrama Li*%o sec%eto &e solo oo &ios po&e%oso (colo%e&) by Anthony Ace
A. Valderrama
11. 11'.
An! $l$t n! s$!%$&on! +s$l/ by Anthony Ace A. Valderrama Al$ Al$tt n! t$! t$!$* $*+l +l$! $!t t$! $!ol olil ilon on!/ !/
comp compiiled led by Antho nthony ny Ace Ace A.
11,. 11.
Al$t n! siete ll$-es/ compiled by Anthony Ace A. Valderrama M+ntin! $l$t n! #iste%io p%incip$l n! solo oo/ by Anthony Ace A.
110. 113.
Arniel Somil Al$t n! spi%it+# $csi#/9 by Arniel
Li*%o sec%eto n! t$l$n&%o n! solo #$t$ $t t$tlon! pe%son$/ by
Anthony Ace A. Valderrama
114. 115. 16.
3 $p$n!y$%i"$n n! #ystesis#o by -emetrio Sibal Al$t n! spi%it+# $csi# M>NTING AKLAT NG STO. C%isto/ by Anthony Ace A. Valderrama
An! #!$ $l$t n! p$n!:$it s$ t$o!$y+#$ co#plete it" %it+$lsJ
Al$t n! c$&en$ &e $#o% ( co#plete) . Al$t n! p$n!!$!$y+#$ p$n!!$!$y+#$ ni "$%in! &$-i& &$-i& $t "$%in! solo#on '. M!$ o%$syon o%$syon n! p$n!"$lin$ p$n!"$lin$ s$ t$o ,. An! o*%$ o*%$ s$%$t$ s$%$t$ 1.
American and European writings:
1. M$!ic in t"e #i&&le $!es by ,ichard 5ieckhefer . Initi$tion into "e%#etics by 3ranz Bardon '. 8l #iste%ioso $p$%eci#iento &el$ s$nctissi#$ c%+2 &e c$%$-$c$ by J+an ,obles Corvalan
,. T"e 4t"9 5t"9 16t" *oos of #oses by !enry 6amache . T"e 3 n$#es n$#es of !o& by 7ri ,az 0. 161 #yt"s of t"e *i*le by 6ary 6reenber* 3. 116 $#$2in! #$!ic t%ics it" e-e%y&$y o*ects by Marvin Ber*las Arth+r $d)ard 8aite 8aite 4. T"e *oo *oo of *l$c #$!ic #$!ic $n& of p$cts p$cts by Arth+r 5. @iction$%y of sy#*ols by J. $. Cirlot 16. A co#plete *oo of #$!ic science by 3rederick !ockley 11. A t%e$tise on $n!el #$!ic by Adam Mc ean4 $ditor 1. Boo of t"e $$s"ic %eco%& by ,oberta S. !erzo* 1'. T"e #$!ic #$!ic of ne Is"t$% #$!ic by Al Meannin* 1,. Al*e%t+s #$!n+s 8!ypti$n sec%ets9 o% "ite $n& *l$c $%t Volumes: prod+ced by The de a+rence Company fo% #$n $n& *e$st 9Three Volumes:
1. 10. 13.
Andre)s A#+lets of $ncient 8!ypt by Carol Andre)s
A%s noto%i$ by ,obert T+rner
Sec%ets of #$!ic$l se$ls by Anna ,iva
A%c$n$ #+n&i #$!ic $n& t"e occ+lt in t"e !%ee $n& %o#$n o%l&s9 $ collection of $ncient teDts By 6eor* +ck
15. 6. 1.
A%t #$!ic By 7nkno)n; edited by $mma Britten Templi "rientis T"e e;+inoD e;+inoD p+blished by "rdo Templi
Boo of #$!ic9 it" inst%+ctions fo% in-oin! spi%its by Joseph
Peterson and -an !arms
. '. ,. . 0. 3. 4.
T"e *oo *oo of p%otection p%otection by Joseph Peterson
5. '6.
T"e ey ey to solo#ons solo#ons ey by on Milo -+<+ette
T"e *oo *oo of poe% by #dres Shah Boolet n$#es of !o& by 5eith $kber* ?o to c$st o+t &e#ons $n& *%e$ c+%ses by Bill S+britzky S$c%e& #$!ic of t"e $n!els by -avid 6oddard G%i#oi%es $ "isto%y of #$!ic *oos by ")en -avies
@e#ons of t"e es" $ co#plete !+i&e to left "$n& p$t" seD #$!ic by &ikolas Schreck T"e ei!"t ei!"t *oo of #oses #oses $ G%eco:e!ypti$n G%eco:e!ypti$n !%i#oi% !%i#oi%e e by !ans
-ieter Betz
'1. '. ''. ',. '. '0. '3.
8l li*%o &e s$n cip%i$no by Jonas S+f+rino Bessant 8sote%ic C"%isti$nity C"%isti$nity o% t"e lesse% #yste%ies by Annie Bessant
8sote%ic co+%se of $**$l$" by Samael A+n 8eor -r. John -ee G%i#o%i+# i#pe%i+# by -r.
T"e in-inci*le in-inci*le #$!ic #$!ic spells by Mohammed Ali Li*e% l+n$e (*oo of t"e #oon) -on 5arr T"e t$*lets t$*lets of &estiny ($ ($ o%*oo o%*oo of ce%e#oni$l ce%e#oni$l #$!ic) #$!ic) by
John ,. 5in* #V
'4. '5. ,6. ,1.
L$tin t"e l$n!+$!e of #$!ic by Carl &a*el T"e $ncients $ncients *oo of of #$!ic by e)is -. Claremont Li*e% f$lDife% t"e *oo of t"e left "$n&e& %e$pe% by &.A0A.=/> T"e encyclope&i$ encyclope&i$ of of #$!ic s;+i%es s;+i%es ( ebook only JJJ) JJJ) by &iniveh
,. ,'. ,,.
M$!ic$l $lp"$*ets by &i*el Pennick Boo of #$!ic unknown M$!i$ "ie%$ $ncient !%ee #$!ic $n& %eli!ion by Christopher
Ancient C"%isti$n #$!ic Coptic teDts of %it+$l #$!ic by Marvin
Meyer and ,ichard Smith
,0. ,3. ,4. ,5. 6. 1.
7ict+%es of $#+lets f%o# t"e *oo of le#e!eton unknown 7%$Dis #$!ic$ f$+sti$n$ by -r. John -ee T"e so%& so%& of #oses by Moses 6aster T"e *l$c p+llet unknown T"e *oo *oo of fo%*i&&en fo%*i&&en nole&!e nole&!e by Johnson Smith T"e *oo *oo of +%$nti$ by T"e >%$nti$ >%$nti$ Boo Fellos"ip Fellos"ip
8illiam 5iesel M$!ic ci%cles in t"e !%i#oi%e t%$&ition by 8illiam
'. ,. . 0.
Cl$-icle of in! Solo#on Sam+el Mac 6re*or Mathers S$c%e& *oo of $*%$#elin t"e #$!i T"e t%i$n!le t%i$n!le *oo of of s$int !e%#$ine !e%#$ine 7$p$l #$!ic $n& t"e occ+lt p%$ctices in t"e c$t"olic c"+%c"
by Simon
3. 4.
T"e *l$c se$ls of Solo#on9 Solo#on9 t"e in! in! by Carl &a*el T"e enc"i%i&ion enc"i%i&ion of of pope leo iii
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