Light Therapies

Sharing his 30 years of research, Anadi Martel demonstrates light’s incredible effects on the physical, energetic, and cognitive dimensions of life. H...

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Sharing his 30 years of research, Anadi Martel demonstrates light’s incredible effects on the physical, energetic, and cognitive dimensions of life. He examines several forms of light therapy and e...

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The human body is a miraculous thing. It can survive serious injuries and recover from great illnesses. In the “old” days, people relied on “Alternative Healing Therapies”, known to them as home remedies to heal illnesses. Today, as a culture, we hav

Light From Light

Behavior of light through refraction

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1 Résistance contra el mundo groseramente eficaz i Morton Feldman “Coptic Light” Por Manfred Karallus “Todo lo bello en el arte consiste en la destrucción sistemática y autoconsciente de la…Descripción completa

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Light Tower information

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A easy to look sheet that may help preppers decide on what type of source of light to choose from.

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