This is an example Project Management Plan submitted for a TAFE assignment. It is fictional. Feel free to use it as you wishFull description
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marketing plan feasibility exampleFull description
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ICE Development Action Plan ExampleFull description
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Lifting Plan Sketch Date Site Visited:
Project Ref:
Approx. Scale:
Insert company address / contact details here
Client: Site Address:
Lift Plan Prepared By (A ppointed Person) :
Clients Site Representative:
Print Name: This Lifting Plan has been prepared within guidelines drafted by the Client/Main Contractor It must be read in conjunction with the attached Lifting Schedule/Method Statement/Risk Assessment and all associated documentation
Outrigger loadings are based on the worst case tonnes / m2 outrigger loading including the alternative: The crane company must not provide a larger crane without prior agreement. If a crane larger than this is provided, do not rig up and refer to AP for guidance. Crane Outrigger Jack Load: Crane Mat Size: