LESSON PLAN (RPP) Menelpon dan menerima telpon dalam membuat perjanjian dan reservasi kelas XI : SMA Negeri 1 PAKEM : Bahasa Inggris Peminatan : XI IPS 1 /1 : Menelpon dan menerima telpon dalam membuat perjanjian : " #P Alokasi waktu Nama satuan pendidikan Mata Pelajaran Kelas/semester
dan membuat reserasi!
A. Kompetens Kompetensii Inti (KI)
1! &!
Mengha$ati dan mengamal%an ajaran agama $ang dianutn$a! Mengha$ati Mengha$ ati dan menga mengamal%a mal%an n perila perila%u %u jujur jujur'' disipl disiplin' in' tangg tanggungja( ungja(ab' ab' peduli )goton )gotong g ro$o ro$ong' ng' %erjasama' toleran' damai*' santun' responsi+ dan pro,a%ti+ dan menunju%an si%ap sebagai bagian bag ian dari sol solusi usi ata atas s ber berbaga bagaii per permas masalah alahan an dal dalam am ber berint intera era%si %si sese-ara ara e+e e+e%ti %ti++ den dengan gan ling%ungan sosial dan alam serta dalam menempat%an diri sebagai -erminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia Mema Me maha hami mi'' me mene nera rap% p%an an'' me meng ngan anal alis isis is pe peng nget etah ahuan uan +a +a%t %tua ual' l' %o %ons nsep eptu tual al'' pro prose sedu dura rall berdas ber dasar% ar%an an ras rasa a ing ingin in tah tahun$ un$a a ten tentan tang g ilm ilmu u pen penget getahu ahuan' an' te% te%nol nologi ogi'' sen seni' i' bud buda$a a$a'' dan humaniora humani ora dengan (a(as (a(asan an %eman %emanusiaan usiaan'' %ebang %ebangsaan' saan' %enegaraan' %enegaraan' dan perada peradaban ban ter% ter%ait ait pen$ebab +enomena dan %ejadian' serta menerap%an pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang %ajian $ang spesi+i% sesuai dengan ba%at dan minatn$a untu% meme-ah%an masalah! Mengol Men golah' ah' mena menalar lar'' dan men$ men$aji aji dal dalam am ranah ranah %on% %on%ret ret dan dan ranah ranah abst abstra% ra% ter% ter%ait ait deng dengan an pengembangan pengem bangan dari $ang dipelajarin$a dipelajarin$a di se%ola se%olah h se-ara mandiri' dan mampu menggu mengguna%an na%an metoda sesuai %aidah %eilmuan!
B. Kompetensi dasar dan indicator pencapaian kompetensi: Kompetensi Dasar (KD): 1.1.
Mens$u%uri Mens$u %uri %es %esemp empata atan n dap dapat at mem mempel pelaja ajari ri bah bahasa asa Ing Inggri gris s seb sebaga agaii bah bahasa asa pen pengan gantar tar Komuni%asi internasional $ang di(ujud%an dalam semangat belajar
Menu nunj nju% u%%% %%an an 2 . 3 . Me
perila peri la%u %u ta tang nggu gung ng ja( ja(ab' ab' pe pedu dulili'' %e %erj rjas asam ama' a' da dan n -i -int nta a da dama mai' i' da dala lam m mela%sana%an Komuni%asi +ungsional 2 . 4 . Menganalisis +ungsi sosial' stru%tur te%s' dan unsur %ebahasaan da lam te%s lisan untu% menelpon dan menerima telepon dalam membuat perjanjian dan reserasi' sesuai dengan %onte%s penggunaann$a! 2 . 5 .
Men$usun te%s lisan untu% menelpon dan menerima telepon dalam membuat perjanjian dan reserasi' dengan memperhati%an +ungsi sosial' stru%tur te%s' dan unsur %ebahasaan $ang benar dan sesuai %onte%s!
! Materi pemelajaran •
0e%s lisan untu% menelpon dan menerima telpon dalam )a* membuat perjanjian dan )b* 0e%s membuat reserasi!
Fungsi sosial •
Menjaga %eharmonisan %omuni%asi antara pen$edia jasa dan pelanggan untu% saling menguntung%an Struktur text
• • • •
Melani: Good morning. This is Melani. How may I help you? Budi: Good morning. I’d like to make an appointment with the Personnel manager ! Melani: Hold on a moment please. I’ll !he!k his diary. ... Is "" tomorrow okay? Budi# Per$e!t% Thank you.
&nsur ke'ahasaan •
ng%apan ba%u $ang la2im diguna%an! Penggunaan nominal singular dan plural se-ara tepat' dengan atau tanpa a the this those my their ' dsb se-ara tepat dalam +rasa nominal
-apan' te%anan %ata' intonasi
Ejaan dan tanda ba-a
0ulisan tangan
3! Metode Pemelajaran : • •
Pende%atan Sainti+i% )4M* T() *Task *Task (ased )earning+ ,iskusi Tanya-awa'dan Tanya-awa'dan Presentasi
A. !an"ka#$lan"ka# pemelajaran Pertemuan % a. Ke"iatan Penda#uluan (%&') •
Men$iap%an peserta didi% untu% mengi%uti proses pembelajaran5 Mengaj Meng aju% u%an an pe pert rtan an$ $aa aan, n,pe pert rtan an$ $aa aan n un untu tu% % me mere rei ie( e( ma mate teri ri se sebe belu lumn mn$ $a tentang media $ang a%an diguna%an ter%ait dengan materi $ang a%an dipelajari!
dan da n
juga ju ga
Menjel Menj elas as%a %an n tu tuju juan an pe pemb mbel elaj ajar aran an at atau au %o %omp mpet eten ensi si da dasa sarr $a $ang ng a% a%an an di di-a -apa pai5 i5 da dan n men$ampai%an -a%upan materi dan penjelasan uraian %egiatan sesuai %egiatan sesuai silabus!
. Ke"iatan Inti (%%&') Men"amati (%) •
Peserta didi% mengamati ideo tentang 67o( to Ma%e Phone alls )8ormal and In+ormal* $ang a%an dita$ang%an oleh guru!
Peserta didi% mengamati te%s analisis $ang diberi%an oleh guru!
Peserta didi% mengamati perbedaan 98ormal and In+ormal membuat per-a%apan telepon! Menana (*&')
3engan bim 3engan bimbin bingan gan gur guru u ' pes pesert erta a did didi% i% mem memper pertan tan$a% $a%an an per perbed bedaan aan +or +ormal mal and in+ in+orm ormal al per-a%apan melalui telephon! Peserta didi% memper Peserta mempertan$a tan$a%an' %an' unsur unsur %ebaha %ebahasaan saan dari te%s te%s per-a% per-a%apan apan memb membuat uat perja perjanjian njian dan membuat reserasi! Men"eksplorasi (&)
Peserta Pesert a did didi% i% men meng%e g%elom lompo%a po%an n %at %ata a dal dalam am 8or 8ormal mal dan In+ In+orm ormal al mem membua buatt res reser erasi asi dan perjanjian melalui telepon! Peserta didi% se-ara indiidual mengerja%an soal tentang mengisi bagian $ang %osong dalam te%s membuat perjanjian dan membuat reserasi Peserta didi% se-ara indiidual mengerja%an tugas mendengar%an dan meleng%ap%an %ata $ang telah didengar%an! Peserta didi% se-ara ber%elompo% membuat topi% tentang membuat perjanjian dan reserasi dalam telepon dan mela%u%an simulasi /role-play’ ! Men"asosiasi (%')
Peserta men$ampai%an hasil %erja indiidu $ang mere%a %erja%an! 3alam %er 3alam %erja ja indi indiid idu u pes pesert erta a did didi% i% mengu mengumpu mpul%a l%an n tug tugas as $an $ang g mer mere%a e%a %e %erja% rja%an an dal dalam am meleng%api %ata! Se-ara ber%e ber%elompo% lompo% pesert peserta a didi% mempr mempresent esentasi%an asi%an simul simulasi asi 9role, 9role,pla$ pla$ tentan tentang g membu membuat at reserasi dan perjanjian melalui telepon! Men"omunikasikan (%&')
Peserta didi% mempr Peserta mempresenta esentasi%a si%an n hasil simul simulasi asi tentan tentang g membu membuat at reser reserasi asi dan perjan perjanjian jian melalui telepon di depan %elas!
c. Penutup (') •
• •
;uru memberi%an umpan bali% terhadap proses dan hasil pembelajaran5 0han% $ou er$ mu-h +or $our parti-ipation parti-ipation!! I +eel so glad -ause $ou are so a-tie'
B. Penilaian #asil pemelajaran
Penu"asan/ulan"an #arian
ber%elompo% $ang a%an dibagi dibagi%an %an oleh ;uru sis(a membuat simulasi 9role,pla$ 9role,pla$ %. 3alam tugas ber%elompo% dalam membuat reserasi dan perjanjian melalui telepon dengan (a%tu ",. menit!
>embar Pengamatan Si%ap Peserta didi% Bertang #uj gung ur N ja(ab o
Indi%ator Si%ap!
Nama Peserta didi%! 1 & " . 4 ? @ 1 C 1 1 1 & 1
Santun dalam ber%umu ni%asi
Pera$a diri
Kedisipl inan dalam tugas
Nilai Nilai rata, rata, rata )%ualitati+/ huru+*!
" 1 . 1 4
Note: Setiap aspe% mengguna%an s%ala 1 s!d! 4 1 D Sangat Kurang " D u%up 4 D Amat Bai% & D Kurang . D Bai% APP+NDI, * uriks Penilaian Bericara
N Aspec Excellent o. t 5 Grade d ". Fluen! 0ery smooth y with no pauses
Good 4
Fair 3
Poor 2
Very Poor 1
Smooth enough with 1ery $ew pauses
2ormal speed with $ew pauses
Slow pa!e with $re3uent pauses
The pa!e is 1ery slow with too many pauses
Se1eral mistakes in grammar with 1ery limited 1o!a'ulary 'ut still understanda'l e *7orre!tness <":;9:+
0ery poor di!tion and grammar whi! h lead to misunderstan ding *!orre!tness 9:=>:+
4. 5!!ura !y
6x!ellentgrammar *!omplex nounphrase+ with1arious wordsused*7orre !tness 89:-"99:+
0ery $ew mistakes in grammar withenough 1ariety o$ 1o!a'ulary *7orre!tness; ":-89:+
Few mistakes in grammar with1ery su$$i!ient1o!a'ul ary 'utstillunderstan da'le *7orre!tness<" :-;9:+
7larity .
0ery !leararti!ulationwi th goodpronun!iatio n
Goodpronun!i ation with 1ery $ewmistakes and!lear arti!ul ation
Few mistakes in pronun!iation with in!onsistent arti!ulation 'ut stillunderstanda 'le
=. Se1eral mistakes in pronun!iation with in!onsistent arti!ulation whi!h
Many mistakes in pronun!iation with un!lear arti!ulation and di$$i!ult to
lead to di$$i!ult understanding
<. Intonat 7orre!t ion intonationtone $or the words phrases senten!es with lead to appropriate the intended meaning
0ery $ew mistakes in intonationtone $or the words phrasessente n!es with lead to appropriate the intended meaning
Few mistakes in intonationtone whi!h inter$ere the intended meaning
Se1eral mistakes in intonationtone whi!h lead to misunderstand ing o$ the intended meaning
0olum e
Speak 1ery loudly that the audien!e in the !lass !an hear
Speak loudly that most o$ the audien!e in the !lass !an hear
Anly audien!e $rom the middle to the $ront row !an hear the 1oi!e
Speak so$tly that only 1ery $ew the audien!e !an hear !learly
7onte nt
The !ontent o$ The !ontent o$ the presentation the !ontains 1ery presentation !ompletein$ormati !ontains !ompl on ete *physi!aldes!ripti in$ormation*ph on+ ysi!al a'out theperson des!ription+ a' 'eingdes!ri'ed out the and person meet thepurpose 'eingdes!ri'ed o$ the$un!tion o$ andmeet the the purpose o$ spoken text the $un!tion o$ the spoken text
2o di$$eren!e o$ intonationton e $or the words phrasessente n!es whi!h lead to misunderstan ding o$ the intended meaning
@. Speak 1ery so$tly that the audien!e !annot hear
;. The !ontent o$ The !ontent o$ the presentation the !ontainssu$$i!ien presentation t !ontains little in$ormation*phys in$ormation*ph i!al ysi!al des!ription+a'ou des!ription+ t the a'out person 'eing the person des!ri'ed 'eing and$airly meet des!ri'ed and thepurpose o$ almost does the$un!tion o$ not the meet the spoken text purpose o$ the $un!tion o$ the spoken text
The !ontent o$ the presentation !ontains 1ery little in$ormation *physi!al des!ription+ a'out the person 'eing des!ri'ed and does not meet the purpose o$ the $un!tion o$ the spoken text
N -
1 & " . 4 ? @ 1C 11 1& 1" 1. 14 1? 1@ 1 1 &C &1 && &" &. &4 &?
!/ P > P P > P P P > > > P P P P P P P P P P P P > P P >
P en enilaian e ericara 4 0 * %
&@ & & "C "1 "&
2. 1! &! "!
Media5 Alat5 dan 1umer Pemelajaran :
Media : G3 dan Po(er Point Presentation' gambar Alat : >aptop' >3' dan Spea%er A-tie : 1umer Belajar uku teks a!asa In""ris #urikulum $%&' http://esl!about!-om/od/english+ormedi-alpurpose/a/ddentappt!htm http://esl!about!-om/od/ english+ormedi-alpurpose/a/ddentappt!htmhttp://esl!about!-om/od/ http://esl!about!-om/od/engli engli sh+ormedi-alpurpose/a/ddentappt!htm http://(((!bb-!-o!u%/( http://((( !bb-!-o!u%/(orldseri-e/learningenglish/business/tal%ingbusiness/uni orldseri-e/learningenglish/business/tal%ingbusiness/unit1telephone/1-o t1telephone/1-o nne-ting!shtml
Mengetahui' Kepala SMA Negeri 1 Pa%em 3rs! A;S SAN0FSA Pembina' IG/a NIP 14C@1C 1CC" 1 CC"
P > > > > P
Pa%em' Agustus &C14 ;uru Mata Pelajaran 3ra! Al+a Nurhasanah NIP
>AMPIAN Meng%ategori%an
;ood Morning!!
7i' its here =
0his is spea%ing =
Is there =
ould I spea% to someone please =
Im in the post o++i-e at the moment' and I just needed
Im tr$ing to -onta-t
Im -alling on behal+ o+
7ello' 3inas phone!
7o( ma$ I help $ou =
Hho is it =
spea%ing' ho( -an -an I help $ou =
#ust a minute!
Ma$ I as% (hos -alling' please =
F%a$' (ait a moment please
ould I spea% to someone (ho =
is out just the the moment
Im -alling on behal+ o+
Sorr$' I didnt -at-h that
I (ould li%e to ma%e a reseration reseration please!
I -ant hear $ou er$ (ell
Hould $ou mine holding +or a minute =
Ill as% him to ring $ou (hen gets ba-%!
Im sorr$' hes out o+ the o++i-e toda$!
Ill let %no( that $ou rang
Im a+raid m$ English isnt er$ strong' -ould $ou spea% slo(l$
please =
0al% soon
Sorr$' Sorr$' -ould $ou please repeat that!
Spea% to $ou again soon
an I leae a massage please =
I (ant to spea% to $our manager!
0han% $ou +or -alling
0ell me (ho is -alling!
0ASK 0A SK 1 HI0IN; )indiidual*
Fill in the blank in the dialogue with the phrases provided Making an Appointment with the Dentist Dentist Office Assistant: Good morning, this is Raya. ___________________ ? Patient: Good morning, _________________. Dentist Office Assistant: I'd be happy to do that for you. ave you been to !eautiful "mile before? Patient: #es, I have. $y last %he%k&up was si months ago. Dentist Office Assistant: Great. ___________ ? Patient: #es, of %ourse, sorry. $y name is Ron (ppleman. Dentist Office Assistant: )hank you $r. (ppleman. _____________? Patient: I'm not sure, really. Dentist Office Assistant: )hat's *+. et me %he%k your %hart... *h, -r. ee. Patient: #es, that's right. Dentist Office Assistant: *+... -r. ee has time net Friday in the morning. Patient: mmm... that's not good. I've got work. ow about the week after that?
• • • •
• • •
• • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • •
Dentist Office Assistant: #es, -r. ee has some times open._______________? Patient: ________________ in the afternoon? afternoon? Dentist Office Assistant: #es, we %ould fit you in on )hursday, anuary /0th at 1.23 in the afternoon. Patient: Great. )hat'll work. Dentist Office Assistant: *+, ____________ $r. (ppleman, we'll see you net week. Patient: )hank you, bye bye. Dentist Office Assistant: Goodbye.
0ASK & >IS0ENIN; )indiidual* 0ASK !isten to t#e conersation t#en5 complete t#e missin" e6pression . Mi-helle : Mr 7ibberds o++i-eL Peter : 7ello' )1* = Mi-helle : )&* until lun-htime! an I ta%e a message= Peter : Hell' )"* to see him' please! Its Peter #e++erson here! Mi-helle : ould $ou hold on +or a minute' Mr #e++erson! ).* ! So )4* $ou = Peter : Sometime net (ee% i+ possible! I gather hes a(a$ the +ollo(ing (ee%! Mi-helle :
: F%a$' then! B$e!
!isten to t#e conersation t#en5 complete t#e missin" e6pression(+1+7A3I-N)
8otel 2lerk
: 7ello! Sunn$side Inn! Ma$ I help $ou=
8otel 2lerk
: F%a$! >et me -he-% our -omputer here +or a moment! 0he &1st o+ Ma$' right= right=
: No! Mar-h' not Ma$!
8otel 2lerk
: Fh' sorr$! ! 7mmm!
: Are $ou all boo%ed that night=
8otel 2lerk
: Hell' (e hae one suite aailable' -omplete (ith a kit!henette and a sauna bath! And the ie( o+ the -it$ is great' too!
: is that =
8otel 2lerk
: ItOs onl$ &CC dollars' plus a 1CQ room ta!
: Fh' thatOs a little too epensie +or me! 3o $ou hae a -heaper room aailable either
the &Cth or the &&nd=
8otel 2lerk
: Hell' a smo%ing or a non,smo%ing room=
: Non,smo%ing' please!
8otel 2lerk
: F%a$' (e (e do hae a +e( rooms aailable on the &Cth5 (eOre +ull on the &&nd' unless
(ant a smo%ing room!
: Hell' ho( mu-h is the non,smo%ing room on the &Cth=
8otel 2lerk
: C dollars' plus the 1CQ room ta!
: F%a$' thatOll be +ine!
8otel 2lerk
: All right! ' please=
8otel 2lerk
: ' Mr! Maener= Maener=
: M,A,E,X,N,E,!
8otel 2lerk
: F%a$' Mr! Maener' (e loo% +or(ard to seeing $ou on Mar-h &Cth!
: !
o Aspect . Graded " .
Flu lue en!y
4 . 5!!ura !y
= .
7larity .
Fair 3
Poor 2
Very Poor 1
0ery smoo ooth th with no pauses
Smooth enough with 1ery $ew pauses
2ormal speed with $ew pauses
Slow pa!e with $re3uent pauses
The pa!e is 1ery slow with too many pauses
6x!ellentgrammar *!omplex nounphrase+ with1arious wordsused*7orre!t ness 89:-"99:+
0ery $ew mistakes in grammar withenough 1ariety o$ 1o!a'ulary *7orre!tness;" :-89:+
Few mistakes in grammar with1ery su$$i!ient1o!a'ula ry 'utstillunderstand a'le *7orre!tness<":;9:+
Se1eral mistakes in grammar with 1ery limited 1o!a'ulary 'ut still understanda'le *7orre!tness <":;9:+
0ery poor di!tion and grammar whi!h lead to misunderstandi ng *!orre!tness 9:=>:+
0ery !leararti!ulationwith goodpronun!iation
Goodpronun!iati Few mistakes in on pronun!iation pronun!iation with 1ery with in!onsistent $ewmistakes arti!ulation 'ut
Se1eral mistakes in pronun!iation pronun!ia tion with
Many mistakes in pronun!iation pronun!i ation with
< .
Intonati on
@ . 0olume
; onttent . 7on
and!lear arti!ula tion
stillunderstanda'l e
in!onsistent arti!ulation whi!h lead to di$$i!ult understanding
un!lear arti!ulation and di$$i!ult to understand
7orre!t intonationtone $or the words phrases senten!es with lead to appropriate the intended meaning
0ery $ew mistakes in intonationtone $or the words phrasessenten! phrasesse nten! es with lead to appropriate the intended meaning
Few mistakes in intonationtone whi!h inter$ere the intended meaning
Se1eral mistakes in intonationtone whi!h lead to misunderstandin g o$ the intended meaning
2o di$$eren!e o$ intonationtone $or the words phrasessenten phrasess enten !es whi!h lead to misunderstandi ng o$ the intended meaning
Speak 1e 1ery loudly that the audien!e in the !lass !an hear
Speak loudly that most o$ the audien!e in the !lass !an hear
Anly audien!e $rom the middle to the $ront row !an hear the 1oi!e
Speak so$tly that only 1ery $ew the audien!e !an hear !learly
Speak 1ery so$tly that the audien!e !annot hear
The !o The !onte ten nt o$ o$ The !ontent o$ the presentation the presentation !ontains 1ery !ontains !omplet !ompletein$ormatio e n in$ormation*phys *physi!aldes!ription i!al + des!ription++ a'o des!ription a'out theperson ut the 'eingdes!ri'ed and person meet thepurpose o$ 'eingdes!ri'ed the$un!tion o$ the andmeet spoken text the purpose o$ the $un!tion o$ the spoken text
The !ontent o$ The !ontent o$ The !ontent o$ the presentation the the !ontainssu$$i!ient presentation presentation presentation presenta tion in$ormation*physi! !ontains little !ontains 1ery al in$ormation*phys little des!ription+a'out i!al in$ormation the des!ription+ *physi!al person 'eing 'eing a'out des!ription+ des!ri'ed the person 'eing a'out and$airly meet des!ri'ed and the person thepurpose o$ almost does not 'eing the$un!tion o$ the meet the des!ri'ed and spoken text purpose does o$ the $un!tion o$ not meet the the spoken text purpose o$ the $un!tion o$ the spoken text