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Some parts of a System Unit Lesson Plan
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lesson plan
Lesson Plan in Science Elementary
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for future beed science
Descripción: It is a useful lesson plan on body parts
science 7
lesson plan for hs
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Respiratory System
Lesson Plan Class:
Standard Three (3)
Number in class:
Mrs Cian Ramsundar
External parts of a ower
Objectives: Draw and label the external parts of a ower showin the petals! sepals! anther! "lament (stamen)! st#le and stima ($istil)
Di%erentiate between the male and female parts of the ower
Set Induction/ Enaement:
Students are di&ided into roups roups of three' three' The teacher presents presents a hibiscus ower to pupils' Each roup ets a ower and the# discuss the parts the# now' This is recorded on a *+ chart' The teacher teacher then ass ass the students students if the# now what what are the external external parts of the ower' ower' She records this as *! *hat we want to now on the *+ *+ chart' E!ploration
, hibiscus ower is presented to pupils and the teacher points to the external parts of the ower and names the parts' -n selected roups based on learnin st#les of students the students follow as the# point and name the external parts of their ower with the teacher then amon themsel&es'
Learnin "ctivit#/E!planation
, &ideo is shown to pupils which hihlihts the external parts of the ower' -n their roups! students reinforce what was explained earlier b# pointin to the parts of the ower as it is explained in the &ideo' The teacher teacher then puts puts up a chart chart where she she ass students students to come up to to "nd the parts of the ower she names'
Sample parts of the ower diaram sample
$esources • • • • • • • • •
Sample drawin and labellin *orsheet *ord *ord list lis t .ibiscus ower $aper Coloured pencils /nline &ideo +aptop Tele&ision0M Tele&ision0Monitor onitor
-n one roup! students draw and label the parts of the ower as illustrated in the sample' -n another roup students are i&en a table which the# record record and di%erentiate the male and female parts of the ower'
The# are are reminded reminded that the# the# must include include the followin followin e# e# words1 words1
$etals stima
%aterials and $esources
To To end the acti&it#! acti&it#! students students from both both roups roups combine combine their wor wor to name all the parts of the owers identi"ed'
LE&EL O' PE$'O$%"NCE Distinuished , Student displa#s accurate nowlede of the external parts of the ower and applied to all 2uestions correctl#
Pro(cient Student displa#s ood understandin of the external parts of a ower and a minor error was made
)asic . Student displa#s partial understandin of the parts of a ower! few errors were made
*nsatis+actor# Student displa#s little or no nowlede of the parts of a ower remedial wor is needed'
E!tension o+ Lesson
Students collect pictures of di%erent owers and label the external parts to create diarams' These pictures would be placed in a proect proect boo for Science'
Worksheet: Group 1 Draw and label the parts of a hibiscus flower
Worksheet Group 2 Complete the Table
P"$TS O' T0E 'LO1E$ Name all the parts
Male Ma le 1 4444 444444 4444 4444 4444 4444 4444 4444 4444 4444 44
5emal emale1 e1
-t consist of
444444444444444444444444 444444444444444444444444 -t consists of