Sample Lesson Plan on Conjunctions for high school students
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Grade 8 - Ang Katamaran ngm ga Pilipino ni Dr. JoseRizal
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ADDITION HILLS INTEGRATED SCHOOL Acacia Lane Extension, Welfareville Compound Addition Hills, Mandaluyong City ENGLISH DEPARTMENT DAILY DAILY LESSON PLAN IN ENGLISH JOURNALISM (Grade 7-Rizal, 8-C!"#$i#%&
Date: July , !"# $% &opic: 'e(s Lead )eference*s: )eference*s: Campus Journalism and +cool -aper Advising Advising .y Ceciliano/ Jose Cru0 et al% 1asic Campus Journalism .y Ceciliano/Jose 1% Cru0 $$% 2.3ectives: At te end of te period, students must .e a.le to: a% De4n De4ne e ne(s ne(s lead lead .% Enumerate Enumerate te # convent conventional ional leads leads c% $dentify $dentify te te type of of lead used used in selected selected ne(s ne(s stories stories $$$% -rocedures: $% Daily )outine a% -rayer .% 5reetings c% Classroom Management 6 Arranging of seats 6 -ic7ing up pieces of paper*tras d% Cec7ing of Attendance e% Cec7ing*C Cec7ing*Colle ollecting cting of assignment assignment $$% A% -re/Discussion* $nitial &as7 Motivation a% &e teacer teacer (ill (ill select select students students to give a sort sort report report on te ne(s ne(s stories so(n on te ne(s last nigt% During Discussion &e teacer (ill explain explain te follo(ing: 'EW+ LEAD 8 ans(ers (at te ne(s story is a.out9 it is found at te .eginning of te ne(s story% &e main functions of te lead, aside from from introducing te ne(s ne(s story, are to tell te story in capsule form and to ans(er rigt a(ay te uestions te reader (ould naturally as7% A good lead ans(ers all te important uestion of te reader read er%% &ypes &ypes of Lead "% Conven Conventio tional nal*+u *+umma mmary ry Lead a% Wo lead 8 used (en te te person involved involved is more prominent tan (at e does or (at appened to im .% Wat lead lead 8 used (en te te event or or (at too7 place place is more more important important tan te person involved in te story c% Were Were lead 8 used (en (en te place place is uniue and and no prominent prominent people people is involved
d% Wen lead 8 rarely used9 o(ever, tis lead is useful (en spea7ing of deadlines, olidays, or important dates e% Wy lead 8 used (en te reason is more prominent or uniue tan (at appens f% Ho( lead 8 used (en te manner, means, or mode of acieving te story is te unnatural (ay
%$-ost/Discussion*Evaluation Directions: $dentify te conventional lead used in te follo(ing leads% "% 2n +aturday, April ;!, te moon (ill pass directly in front of te sun causing a total eclipse for alf an our% % &o raise funds for te construction of 4ve more classrooms, te -arent/&eacer Association (ill sponsor a .eauty contest +aturday nigt at te scool social all% ;% +en% Al.erto )omulo today appealed for te immediate concurrence .y te Lo(er House of a +enate/approved .ill to repeal all automatic appropriations for foreign de.t payment% <% &e imposition of a real estate .onan0a (as proposed ' " to raise additional revenues for te government .y increasing te price of petroleum products% #% A.oard an airplane =ying ;!,!!! feet a.ove te ground (as .orn a plump .a.y .oy tis morning to a >!/year old (oman%
$$% Directions: $dentify te #Ws and "H "% A omeless man (as found dead in a sno(/covered par7ing lot Wednesday morning as te temperature fell .elo( free0ing for te 4rst time tis (inter, police said% WH2: WHA&: WHE)E: WHE': WH?: H2W: % Jose Aguilar Cru0 (ill receive te 4rst Wein.erg -ri0e for $nvestigative )eporting in a small ceremony &ursday in -ineurst Auditorium WH2: WHA&: WHE)E: WHE': WH?: H2W: ;% A ma3or eartua7e struc7 a.out #! miles nort(est of +an Jose, Costa )ica, on Monday morning, prompting a tsunami (arning along te country@s -aci4c Coast% WH2: WHA&: WHE)E: WHE': WH?: H2W: $% Assignment Cut out and paste in a sort .ond paper one ne(s item for eac conventional type of lead and identify te #Ws and "H% 2ne .ond paper is allotted for one conventional lead% $n total, you (ill to me # .ond papers% -ut it in your portfolio% it next &ursday%