KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan Bahan % 'elas 'elas % Semester Semester Bentuk Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Re(ount Re(ount % ) % 1 !ertul !ertulis is * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR ." Meres-on Meres-on makna makna dan langkah langkah retorika retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/ha sehari/hari ri dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk re(ount, narrati0e, dan -ro(edure
N. SA2 : 1
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : 4
B3'3 B3'3
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
6e0e 6e0elo lo-i -ing ng 5ngl 5nglis ish h 4om4om-et eten en(i (ies es 7or 7or rade )
The Football Match My rother and I 8ent to a 7ootall mat(h yesterday. yesterday. ur s(hool team 8as -laying against another High S(hool team. ur team 8ore red and 8hite shirts, 8hite shorts, and red sto(kings. !he other team MATERI 8ore orange and la(k shirts, orange shorts, and la(k sto(kings. 9!hey look like ees9, my rother said, and 8e laughed. !hey -layed like ees too. !hey ran 0ery 7ast, atta(ked 0ery hard, and -assed the all to Recount ea(h other 0ery 7ast. Soon they s(ored their 7irst goal. My rother and I shouted and shouted, 94ome on, alley S(hool; 4ome on, the alleys;< ur headmaster 8as near us and he 8as shouting too. He seemed 0ery enthusiasti(. Ho8e0er, the high s(hool s(ored another goal. =e 8ere 0ery sad. !hen, one o7 the 9ees< sto--ed the all 8ith one o7 his hands, so our team got the 7ree ki(k. ur INDIKATOR SOAL (a-tain took it and s(ored a goal. =e shouted, 9Hooray;< !he s(ore 8as no8 ":1. !hat 8as etter. No8 our team egan to -lay etter>or the 9ees< 8ere getting tired. ur team s(ored another goal e7ore hal7/time. In the se(ond hal7 o7 the mat(h, oth teams tried 0ery hard, ut neither s(ored, so at the ¤ Menentukan Menentukan gamaran gamaran umum dari teks end the s(ore 8as still t8o all. erentuk re(ount
1. !he te?t tells aout @ a. joining a 7ootall mat(h . 8inning a 7ootall mat(h (. attending a 7ootall mat(h d. the s(hool 7ootall team e. -laying 7ootall
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan Bahan % 'elas 'elas % Semester Semester Bentuk Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Re(ount Re(ount % ) % 1 !ertul !ertulis is * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR ." Meres-on Meres-on makna makna dan langkah langkah retorika retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/ha sehari/hari ri dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk re(ount, narrati0e, dan -ro(edure
N. SA2 : "
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : A
B3'3 B3'3
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
6e0e 6e0elo lo-i -ing ng 5ngl 5nglis ish h 4om4om-et eten en(i (ies es 7or 7or rade )
The Football Match My rother and I 8ent to a 7ootall mat(h yesterday. yesterday. ur s(hool team 8as -laying against another High S(hool team. ur team 8ore red and 8hite shirts, 8hite shorts, and red sto(kings. !he other team MATERI 8ore orange and la(k shirts, orange shorts, and la(k sto(kings. 9!hey look like ees9, my rother said, and 8e laughed. !hey -layed like ees too. !hey ran 0ery 7ast, atta(ked 0ery hard, and -assed the all to Recount ea(h other 0ery 7ast. Soon they s(ored their 7irst goal. My rother and I shouted and shouted, 94ome on, alley S(hool; 4ome on, the alleys;< ur headmaster 8as near us and he 8as shouting too. He seemed 0ery enthusiasti(. Ho8e0er, the high s(hool s(ored another goal. =e 8ere 0ery sad. !hen, one o7 the 9ees< sto--ed the all 8ith one o7 his hands, so our team got the 7ree ki(k. ur INDIKATOR SOAL (a-tain took it and s(ored a goal. =e shouted, 9Hooray;< !he s(ore 8as no8 ":1. !hat 8as etter. No8 our team egan to -lay etter>or the 9ees< 8ere getting tired. ur team s(ored another goal e7ore hal7/time. In the se(ond hal7 o7 the mat(h, oth teams tried 0ery hard, ut neither s(ored, so at the ¤ Menentukan Menentukan in7ormasi rin(i tersurat tersurat dari end the s(ore 8as still t8o all. teks erentuk re(ount
". =hat did the 8riter and his rother do a7ter a7ter the ri0al team s(ored their their 7irst goal a. !hey shouted to su--ort their s(hool team. . !hey shouted to the headmaster. headmaster. (. !hey laughed at their s(hool team. d. !hey ran 0ery 7ast. e. !hey -layed like ees.
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan Bahan % 'elas 'elas % Semester Semester Bentuk Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Re(ount Re(ount % ) % 1 !ertul !ertulis is * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR ." Meres-on Meres-on makna makna dan langkah langkah retorika retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/ha sehari/hari ri dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk re(ount, narrati0e, dan -ro(edure
N. SA2 :
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : 5
B3'3 B3'3
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
6e0e 6e0elo lo-i -ing ng 5ngl 5nglis ish h 4om4om-et eten en(i (ies es 7or 7or rade )
The Football Match My rother and I 8ent to a 7ootall mat(h yesterday. yesterday. ur s(hool team 8as -laying against another High S(hool team. ur team 8ore red and 8hite shirts, 8hite shorts, and red sto(kings. !he other team MATERI 8ore orange and la(k shirts, orange shorts, and la(k sto(kings. 9!hey look like ees9, my rother said, and 8e laughed. !hey -layed like ees too. !hey ran 0ery 7ast, atta(ked 0ery hard, and -assed the all to Recount ea(h other 0ery 7ast. Soon they s(ored their 7irst goal. My rother and I shouted and shouted, 94ome on, alley S(hool; 4ome on, the alleys;< ur headmaster 8as near us and he 8as shouting too. He seemed 0ery enthusiasti(. Ho8e0er, the high s(hool s(ored another goal. =e 8ere 0ery sad. !hen, one o7 the 9ees< sto--ed the all 8ith one o7 his hands, so our team got the 7ree ki(k. ur INDIKATOR SOAL (a-tain took it and s(ored a goal. =e shouted, 9Hooray;< !he s(ore 8as no8 ":1. !hat 8as etter. No8 our team egan to -lay etter>or the 9ees< 8ere getting tired. ur team s(ored another goal e7ore hal7/time. In the se(ond hal7 o7 the mat(h, oth teams tried 0ery hard, ut neither s(ored, so at the ¤ Menentukan Menentukan in7ormasi rin(i tersurat tersurat dari end the s(ore 8as still t8o all. teks erentuk re(ount
. =hi(h statement statement is true a((ording to the te?t a. !he 8riter and his rother 8ill 8at(h a 7ootall mat(h. INDIKATOR SOAL . !he 8riterCs s(hool team 8ore orange and la(k la(k shirts. (. !he 8riter (alled his s(hool team the 9ees<. d. !he 8riterCs s(hool team s(ored their 7irst goal. ¤ Menentukan Menentukan in7ormasi rin(i tersurat tersurat dari e. !he o--onent s(ored their 7irst goal. teks erentuk re(ount
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Re(ount % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR ." Meres-on makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk re(ount, narrati0e, dan -ro(edure MATERI Recount
Menentukan makna erentuk re(ount
N. SA2 : D
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : 4
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
6e0elo-ing 5nglish 4om-eten(ies 7or rade )
The Football Match My rother and I 8ent to a 7ootall mat(h yesterday. ur s(hool team 8as -laying against another High S(hool team. ur team 8ore red and 8hite shirts, 8hite shorts, and red sto(kings. !he other team 8ore orange and la(k shirts, orange shorts, and la(k sto(kings. 9!hey look like ees9, my rother said, and 8e laughed. !hey -layed like ees too. !hey ran 0ery 7ast, atta(ked 0ery hard, and -assed the all to ea(h other 0ery 7ast. Soon they s(ored their 7irst goal. My rother and I shouted and shouted, 94ome on, alley S(hool; 4ome on, the alleys;< ur headmaster 8as near us and he 8as shouting too. He seemed 0ery enthusiasti(. Ho8e0er, the high s(hool s(ored another goal. =e 8ere 0ery sad. !hen, one o7 the 9ees< sto--ed the all 8ith one o7 his hands, so our team got the 7ree ki(k. ur (a-tain took it and s(ored a goal. =e shouted, 9Hooray;< !he s(ore 8as no8 ":1. !hat 8as etter. No8 our team egan to -lay etter>or the 9ees< 8ere getting tired. ur team s(ored another goal e7ore hal7/time. In the se(ond hal7 o7 the mat(h, oth teams tried 0ery hard, ut neither s(ored, so at the teks end the s(ore 8as still t8o all.
D. A 8ord in the te?t 8hi(h has the same meaning as 9leader< is @ a. rother . goal (. (a-tain d. team e. s(ore
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Re(ount % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR ." Meres-on makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk re(ount, narrati0e, dan -ro(edure MATERI Recount
Menentukan makna erentuk re(ount
N. SA2 :
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : 6
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
6e0elo-ing 5nglish 4om-eten(ies 7or rade )
The Football Match My rother and I 8ent to a 7ootall mat(h yesterday. ur s(hool team 8as -laying against another High S(hool team. ur team 8ore red and 8hite shirts, 8hite shorts, and red sto(kings. !he other team 8ore orange and la(k shirts, orange shorts, and la(k sto(kings. 9!hey look like ees9, my rother said, and 8e laughed. !hey -layed like ees too. !hey ran 0ery 7ast, atta(ked 0ery hard, and -assed the all to ea(h other 0ery 7ast. Soon they s(ored their 7irst goal. My rother and I shouted and shouted, 94ome on, alley S(hool; 4ome on, the alleys;< ur headmaster 8as near us and he 8as shouting too. He seemed 0ery enthusiasti(. Ho8e0er, the high s(hool s(ored another goal. =e 8ere 0ery sad. !hen, one o7 the 9ees< sto--ed the all 8ith one o7 his hands, so our team got the 7ree ki(k. ur (a-tain took it and s(ored a goal. =e shouted, 9Hooray;< !he s(ore 8as no8 ":1. !hat 8as etter. No8 our team egan to -lay etter>or the 9ees< 8ere getting tired. ur team s(ored another goal e7ore hal7/time. In the se(ond hal7 o7 the mat(h, oth teams tried 0ery hard, ut neither s(ored, so at the teks end the s(ore 8as still t8o all.
. 9He seemed 0ery enthusiastic.< !he antonym o7 the underlined 8ord is @ a. energiEed . e?(ited (. eager d. a-atheti( e. im-atient
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Narrati0e % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR ." Meres-on makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk re(ount, narrati0e, dan -ro(edure
MATERI Narrative
INDIKATOR SOAL ¤ Mengidenti7ikasi kejadian dalam teks yang dia(a
N. SA2 : F
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : A
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R : 5nglish Gor A Better 2i7e )
R3M3SAN B3!IR SA2 : n(e u-on a time there 8as a -oor 8ido8 8ho had an only son amed a(k. !hey 8ere so -oor that they didnCt ha0e anything e?(e-t a (o8. =hen the (o8 had gro8n too old, his mother sent a(k to the market to sell it. n the 8ay to the market, a(k met a ut(her 8ho had some eauti7ul eans in his hand. !he ut(her told the oy that the eans 8ere o7 great 0alue and -ersuaded the silly lad to sell the (o8 7or the eans. a(k rought them ha--ily. =hen he told his mother aout this, his mother e(ame so angry that she thre8 the eans out o7 the 8indo8. =hen a(k 8oke u- in the morning, he 7elt the sun shining into a -art o7 his room, ut all the rest 8as uite dark and shady. So he jum-ed to the 8indo8. =hat did he see !he eanstalk gre8 u- uite (lose -ast a(kCs 8indo8. He o-ened the 8indo8 and jum-ed to the eanstalk 8hi(h ran u- just like a ig ladder. He (limed and (limed till at last he rea(hed the sky. =hile looking around, he sa8 a 0ery huge (astle. He 8as 0ery amaEed. !hen a(k 8alked along the -ath leading to the (astle. !here 8as a ig tall 8oman on the doorste-. a(k greeted her and asked or the giantessC mer(y to gi0e him reak7ast, e(ause he 8as 0ery hungry. Although the giantess grumled at 7irst, 7inally she ga0e a(k a hunk o7 read and (heese and a jug o7 milk. a(k hadnCt 7inished 8hen the 8hole house egan to tremle 8ith the noise o7 someoneCs (oming. 9h; ItCs my husand;< (ried the giantess. 9=hat on earth shall I do<. Hastily the giantess o-ened a 0ery ig (u-oard and hid a(k there. F. =here did a(k sell his (o8 a. n the 8a y to the market (. at the gi antsC (ast le e. at a (astle . at the market d. at the ut(herCs house
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Narrati0e % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR ." Meres-on makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk re(ount, narrati0e, dan -ro(edure
MATERI Narrative
Mengidenti7ikasi main idea dari seuah teks
N. SA2 : J
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : B
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R : 5nglish Gor A Better 2i7e )
R3M3SAN B3!IR SA2 : n(e u-on a time there 8as a -oor 8ido8 8ho had an only son amed a(k. !hey 8ere so -oor that they didnCt ha0e anything e?(e-t a (o8. =hen the (o8 had gro8n too old, his mother sent a(k to the market to sell it. n the 8ay to the market, a(k met a ut(her 8ho had some eauti7ul eans in his hand. !he ut(her told the oy that the eans 8ere o7 great 0alue and -ersuaded the silly lad to sell the (o8 7or the eans. a(k rought them ha--ily. =hen he told his mother aout this, his mother e(ame so angry that she thre8 the eans out o7 the 8indo8. =hen a(k 8oke u- in the morning, he 7elt the sun shining into a -art o7 his room, ut all the rest 8as uite dark and shady. So he jum-ed to the 8indo8. =hat did he see !he eanstalk gre8 u- uite (lose -ast a(kCs 8indo8. He o-ened the 8indo8 and jum-ed to the eanstalk 8hi(h ran u- just like a ig ladder. He (limed and (limed till at last he rea(hed the sky. =hile looking around, he sa8 a 0ery huge (astle. He 8as 0ery amaEed. !hen a(k 8alked along the -ath leading to the (astle. !here 8as a ig tall 8oman on the doorste-. a(k greeted her and asked or the giantessC mer(y to gi0e him reak7ast, e(ause he 8as 0ery hungry. Although the giantess grumled at 7irst, 7inally she ga0e a(k a hunk o7 read and (heese and a jug o7 milk. a(k hadnCt 7inished 8hen the 8hole house egan to tremle 8ith the noise o7 someoneCs (oming. 9h; ItCs my husand;< (ried the giantess. 9=hat on earth shall I do<. Hastily the giantess o-ened a 0ery ig (u-oard and hid a(k there. J. =hat is the story aout a. a(k and a ut(her (. a(k and the giantess e. !he giantess and her husand . a(k and the eanstalk d. A -oor 8ido8 and his son
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Narrati0e % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR ." Meres-on makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk re(ount, narrati0e, dan -ro(edure
N. SA2 : $
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : 6
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R : 5nglish Gor A Better 2i7e )
n(e u-on a time there 8as a -oor 8ido8 8ho had an only son amed a(k. !hey 8ere so -oor that they didnCt ha0e anything e?(e-t a (o8. =hen the (o8 had gro8n too old, his mother sent a(k to the market to sell it. n the 8ay to the market, a(k met a ut(her 8ho had some eauti7ul eans in his hand. !he ut(her told the oy that the eans 8ere o7 great 0alue and -ersuaded the silly lad to sell the (o8 7or the eans. a(k rought them ha--ily. =hen he told his mother aout this, his mother e(ame so angry that she thre8 MATERI the eans out o7 the 8indo8. =hen a(k 8oke u- in the morning, he 7elt the sun shining into a -art o7 his room, ut all the rest 8as uite Narrative dark and shady. So he jum-ed to the 8indo8. =hat did he see !he eanstalk gre8 u- uite (lose -ast a(kCs 8indo8. He o-ened the 8indo8 and jum-ed to the eanstalk 8hi(h ran u- just like a ig ladder. He (limed and (limed till at last he rea(hed the sky. =hile looking around, he sa8 a 0ery huge (astle. He INDIKATOR SOAL 8as 0ery amaEed. !hen a(k 8alked along the -ath leading to the (astle. !here 8as a ig tall 8oman on the doorste-. a(k ¤ Mengidenti7ikasi makna kalimat dalam greeted her and asked or the giantessC mer(y to gi0e him reak7ast, e(ause he 8as 0ery hungry. Although the giantess grumled at 7irst, 7inally she ga0e a(k a hunk o7 read and (heese and a jug o7 milk. teks yang dia(a a(k hadnCt 7inished 8hen the 8hole house egan to tremle 8ith the noise o7 someoneCs (oming. 9h; ItCs my husand;< (ried the giantess. 9=hat on earth shall I do<. Hastily the giantess o-ened a 0ery ig (u-oard and hid a(k there. $. “Oh, It’s my husband!” cried the giantess. (Paragraph 7). “What on earth sha I do”. Grom the senten(e 8e kno8 that the giantess is @@@@@. her husand. a. annoyed 8ith (. 7ed u- 8ith e. dis-leased 8ith . angry 8ith d. a7raid o7
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Narrati0e % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR ." Meres-on makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk re(ount, narrati0e, dan -ro(edure
MATERI Narrative
Mengidenti7ikasi urutan -eristi8a dalam teks
N. SA2 : &
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : A
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R : 5nglish Gor A Better 2i7e )
R3M3SAN B3!IR SA2 : n(e u-on a time there 8as a -oor 8ido8 8ho had an only son amed a(k. !hey 8ere so -oor that they didnCt ha0e anything e?(e-t a (o8. =hen the (o8 had gro8n too old, his mother sent a(k to the market to sell it. n the 8ay to the market, a(k met a ut(her 8ho had some eauti7ul eans in his hand. !he ut(her told the oy that the eans 8ere o7 great 0alue and -ersuaded the silly lad to sell the (o8 7or the eans. a(k rought them ha--ily. =hen he told his mother aout this, his mother e(ame so angry that she thre8 the eans out o7 the 8indo8. =hen a(k 8oke u- in the morning, he 7elt the sun shining into a -art o7 his room, ut all the rest 8as uite dark and shady. So he jum-ed to the 8indo8. =hat did he see !he eanstalk gre8 u- uite (lose -ast a(kCs 8indo8. He o-ened the 8indo8 and jum-ed to the eanstalk 8hi(h ran u- just like a ig ladder. He (limed and (limed till at last he rea(hed the sky. =hile looking around, he sa8 a 0ery huge (astle. He 8as 0ery amaEed. !hen a(k 8alked along the -ath leading to the (astle. !here 8as a ig tall 8oman on the doorste-. a(k greeted her and asked or the giantessC mer(y to gi0e him reak7ast, e(ause he 8as 0ery hungry. Although the giantess grumled at 7irst, 7inally she ga0e a(k a hunk o7 read and (heese and a jug o7 milk. a(k hadnCt 7inished 8hen the 8hole house egan to tremle 8ith the noise o7 someoneCs (oming. 9h; ItCs my husand;< (ried the giantess. 9=hat on earth shall I do<. Hastily the giantess o-ened a 0ery ig (u-oard and hid a(k there. &.
a(kCs mother looked 0ery 7urious 8hen a(k told that @@@@. a. he traded his (o8 7or the eans (. he had sold his (o8 to a ut(her . the ut(her ought his (o8 d. the eans 8ere -re(ious e. he met a ut(her on the 8ay to the market
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Narrati0e % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR ." Meres-on makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk re(ount, narrati0e, dan -ro(edure
MATERI Narrative
Mengidenti7ikasi main idea dari seuah teks
N. SA2 : 1#
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : 4
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R : 5nglish Gor A Better 2i7e )
R3M3SAN B3!IR SA2 : n(e u-on a time there 8as a -oor 8ido8 8ho had an only son amed a(k. !hey 8ere so -oor that they didnCt ha0e anything e?(e-t a (o8. =hen the (o8 had gro8n too old, his mother sent a(k to the market to sell it. n the 8ay to the market, a(k met a ut(her 8ho had some eauti7ul eans in his hand. !he ut(her told the oy that the eans 8ere o7 great 0alue and -ersuaded the silly lad to sell the (o8 7or the eans. a(k rought them ha--ily. =hen he told his mother aout this, his mother e(ame so angry that she thre8 the eans out o7 the 8indo8. =hen a(k 8oke u- in the morning, he 7elt the sun shining into a -art o7 his room, ut all the rest 8as uite dark and shady. So he jum-ed to the 8indo8. =hat did he see !he eanstalk gre8 u- uite (lose -ast a(kCs 8indo8. He o-ened the 8indo8 and jum-ed to the eanstalk 8hi(h ran u- just like a ig ladder. He (limed and (limed till at last he rea(hed the sky. =hile looking around, he sa8 a 0ery huge (astle. He 8as 0ery amaEed. !hen a(k 8alked along the -ath leading to the (astle. !here 8as a ig tall 8oman on the doorste-. a(k greeted her and asked or the giantessC mer(y to gi0e him reak7ast, e(ause he 8as 0ery hungry. Although the giantess grumled at 7irst, 7inally she ga0e a(k a hunk o7 read and (heese and a jug o7 milk. a(k hadnCt 7inished 8hen the 8hole house egan to tremle 8ith the noise o7 someoneCs (oming. 9h; ItCs my husand;< (ried the giantess. 9=hat on earth shall I do<. Hastily the giantess o-ened a 0ery ig (u-oard and hid a(k there. 1#. =hat do 8e learn 7rom the te?t a. Po0erty makes -eo-le ho-eless . a(kCs mother 8as a 7urious mother (. Sin(erity makes a(k get something -re(ious
d. !he giantess took -ity on a(k e. a(k 8as an inno(ent oy
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Pro(edure % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR ." Meres-on makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk re(ount, narrati0e, dan -ro(edure
MATERI Proce$ure
Menentukan in7ormasi rin(i tersirat dari teks yang dia(a
N. SA2 : 11
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : 4
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
: 6e0elo-ing 5nglish 4om-eten(ies 7or rade )
R3M3SAN B3!IR SA2 : Main! an O"elette !his is the 8ay an omelette should e made. It is im-ortant that the 7rying -an should e -ro-ortionate to the numer o7 eggsK in other 8ords, to the siEe o7 the omelette. !he 7rying -an must e made o7 iron, not o7 aluminium, tin or enamel. And here I 7eel I must stress a -oint essential to 8hat might e (alled the a(kground o7 omelette/making, namely that the 7rying/-an must ne0er e 8ashed 8ith 8ater ut rued, 8hen hot, 8ith salt and tissueL-a-er, as this is the only 8ay to -re0ent sti(king. Gor three -ortions, 8e take si? eggs, reak them into a o8l, season them 8ith salt and 7reshly ground -e--er, and add a good teas-oon7ul o7 8ater. =e eat this lightly 8ith a 7ork or the 8ireLroom, not the 8hisk, until large ules 7orm on the to-. !his takes hal7 a minuteK it is 7atal to eat too long. Mean8hile, our 7rying -an is getting hot, not too hot, and 8e dro- in an oun(e and a hal7 o7 utter, or utter and est lard, o0er a ui(k 7lame 7or a minute or t 8o, until it gi0es no more 7roth and has turned light golden. =e gi0e our egg/mi?ture another stir and -our it into the 7an, letting it s-read e0enly o0er the 7ryingL-an. All this is a s8i7t usiness, and 8e may 8ell 7eel a 7e8 e?tra heartLeats and a little reath lessness at that moment. !he 7lame is no8 turned do8n a little. =ith a 7ork or -alette/kni7e *a 7ork seems to 8ork -arti(ularly 8ell+ 8e loosen the edges o7 the omelette all round and, on(e or t8i(e, in the middle, letting the liuid 7lo8 into the em-ty s-a(es, taking (are al8ays to mo0e to8ards the middle. !his takes aout t8o minutes. !hen, kee-ing as (alm as 8e -ossily (an, 8e 7old it. !his is easy i7 8e 7old o0er and -in do8n 8ith t8o or three 7ork/-ri(ks aout an in(h and/a/hal7 o7 the omelette along one side. !hen, it is uite easy to roll it into sha-e. ur omelette should e golden ro8n outside and 8et inside: baveuse, as the (lassi(al Gren(h term says. It is then slid on to a hot -late and its sur7a(e made shiny 8ith a little utter. !his last tou(h makes all the di77eren(e. ( Taen #ro" www.recipetips.com )
11 . What is important about the frying pan? a. It should be the same size as the omelette the eggs b. It should never be a small one
c. It should never be too small to hold d. It should never be a very at one
e. It should be the smallest one
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Pro(edure % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR ." Meres-on makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk re(ount, narrati0e, dan -ro(edure
MATERI Proce$ure
INDIKATOR SOAL ¤ Menentukan in7ormasi rin(i tersurat dari teks yang dia(a
N. SA2 : 1"
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : 4
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
: 6e0elo-ing 5nglish 4om-eten(ies 7or rade )
R3M3SAN B3!IR SA2 : Main! an O"elette !his is the 8ay an omelette should e made. It is im-ortant that the 7rying -an should e -ro-ortionate to the numer o7 eggsK in other 8ords, to the siEe o7 the omelette. !he 7rying -an must e made o7 iron, not o7 aluminium, tin or enamel. And here I 7eel I must stress a -oint essential to 8hat might e (alled the a(kground o7 omelette/making, namely that the 7rying/-an must ne0er e 8ashed 8ith 8ater ut rued, 8hen hot, 8ith salt and tissueL-a-er, as this is the only 8ay to -re0ent sti(king. Gor three -ortions, 8e take si? eggs, reak them into a o8l, season them 8ith salt and 7reshly ground -e--er, and add a good teas-oon7ul o7 8ater. =e eat this lightly 8ith a 7ork or the 8ireLroom, not the 8hisk, until large ules 7orm on the to-. !his takes hal7 a minuteK it is 7atal to eat too long. Mean8hile, our 7rying -an is getting hot, not too hot, and 8e dro- in an oun(e and a hal7 o7 utter, or utter and est lard, o0er a ui(k 7lame 7or a minute or t 8o, until it gi0es no more 7roth and has turned light golden. =e gi0e our egg/mi?ture another stir and -our it into the 7an, letting it s-read e0enly o0er the 7ryingL-an. All this is a s8i7t usiness, and 8e may 8ell 7eel a 7e8 e?tra heartLeats and a little reath lessness at that moment. !he 7lame is no8 turned do8n a little. =ith a 7ork or -alette/kni7e *a 7ork seems to 8ork -arti(ularly 8ell+ 8e loosen the edges o7 the omelette all round and, on(e or t8i(e, in the middle, letting the liuid 7lo8 into the em-ty s-a(es, taking (are al8ays to mo0e to8ards the middle. !his takes aout t8o minutes. !hen, kee-ing as (alm as 8e -ossily (an, 8e 7old it. !his is easy i7 8e 7old o0er and -in do8n 8ith t8o or three 7ork/-ri(ks aout an in(h and/a/hal7 o7 the omelette along one side. !hen, it is uite easy to roll it into sha-e. ur omelette should e golden ro8n outside and 8et inside: baveuse, as the (lassi(al Gren(h term says. It is then slid on to a hot -late and its sur7a(e made shiny 8ith a little utter. !his last tou(h makes all the di77eren(e. ( Taen #ro" www.recipetips.com )
12. Which of the following frying–pan is among those mentioned by the writer? a. ne made of aluminium c. ne made of iron. b. ne made of aluminium and enamel d. ne made of tin
e. ne made of plastic
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Pro(edure % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR ." Meres-on makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk re(ount, narrati0e, dan -ro(edure
MATERI Proce$ure
INDIKATOR SOAL ¤ Menentukan in7ormasi rin(i tersurat dari teks yang dia(a
N. SA2 : 1
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : A
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
: 6e0elo-ing 5nglish 4om-eten(ies 7or rade )
R3M3SAN B3!IR SA2 : Main! an O"elette !his is the 8ay an omelette should e made. It is im-ortant that the 7rying -an should e -ro-ortionate to the numer o7 eggsK in other 8ords, to the siEe o7 the omelette. !he 7rying -an must e made o7 iron, not o7 aluminium, tin or enamel. And here I 7eel I must stress a -oint essential to 8hat might e (alled the a(kground o7 omelette/making, namely that the 7rying/-an must ne0er e 8ashed 8ith 8ater ut rued, 8hen hot, 8ith salt and tissueL-a-er, as this is the only 8ay to -re0ent sti(king. Gor three -ortions, 8e take si? eggs, reak them into a o8l, season them 8ith salt and 7reshly ground -e--er, and add a good teas-oon7ul o7 8ater. =e eat this lightly 8ith a 7ork or the 8ireLroom, not the 8hisk, until large ules 7orm on the to-. !his takes hal7 a minuteK it is 7atal to eat too long. Mean8hile, our 7rying -an is getting hot, not too hot, and 8e dro- in an oun(e and a hal7 o7 utter, or utter and est lard, o0er a ui(k 7lame 7or a minute or t 8o, until it gi0es no more 7roth and has turned light golden. =e gi0e our egg/mi?ture another stir and -our it into the 7an, letting it s-read e0enly o0er the 7ryingL-an. All this is a s8i7t usiness, and 8e may 8ell 7eel a 7e8 e?tra heartLeats and a little reath lessness at that moment. !he 7lame is no8 turned do8n a little. =ith a 7ork or -alette/kni7e *a 7ork seems to 8ork -arti(ularly 8ell+ 8e loosen the edges o7 the omelette all round and, on(e or t8i(e, in the middle, letting the liuid 7lo8 into the em-ty s-a(es, taking (are al8ays to mo0e to8ards the middle. !his takes aout t8o minutes. !hen, kee-ing as (alm as 8e -ossily (an, 8e 7old it. !his is easy i7 8e 7old o0er and -in do8n 8ith t8o or three 7ork/-ri(ks aout an in(h and/a/hal7 o7 the omelette along one side. !hen, it is uite easy to roll it into sha-e. ur omelette should e golden ro8n outside and 8et inside: baveuse, as the (lassi(al Gren(h term says. It is then slid on to a hot -late and its sur7a(e made shiny 8ith a little utter. !his last tou(h makes all the di77eren(e. ( Taen #ro" www.recipetips.com )
1!. What is the only way to prevent stic"ing? a. #ubbing with hot salt and tissue–paper. b. #ubbing with hot water.
c. #ubbing with salt and paper. d. Washing with salt and paper.
e. Washing with salt and tissue$paper
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Pro(edure % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR ." Meres-on makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk re(ount, narrati0e, dan -ro(edure
MATERI Proce$ure
Menentukan in7ormasi rin(i tersirat dari teks yang dia(a
N. SA2 : 1D
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : B
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
: 6e0elo-ing 5nglish 4om-eten(ies 7or rade )
R3M3SAN B3!IR SA2 : Main! an O"elette !his is the 8ay an omelette should e made. It is im-ortant that the 7rying -an should e -ro-ortionate to the numer o7 eggsK in other 8ords, to the siEe o7 the omelette. !he 7rying -an must e made o7 iron, not o7 aluminium, tin or enamel. And here I 7eel I must stress a -oint essential to 8hat might e (alled the a(kground o7 omelette/making, namely that the 7rying/-an must ne0er e 8ashed 8ith 8ater ut rued, 8hen hot, 8ith salt and tissueL-a-er, as this is the only 8ay to -re0ent sti(king. Gor three -ortions, 8e take si? eggs, reak them into a o8l, season them 8ith salt and 7reshly ground -e--er, and add a good teas-oon7ul o7 8ater. =e eat this lightly 8ith a 7ork or the 8ireLroom, not the 8hisk, until large ules 7orm on the to-. !his takes hal7 a minuteK it is 7atal to eat too long. Mean8hile, our 7rying -an is getting hot, not too hot, and 8e dro- in an oun(e and a hal7 o7 utter, or utter and est lard, o0er a ui(k 7lame 7or a minute or t 8o, until it gi0es no more 7roth and has turned light golden. =e gi0e our egg/mi?ture another stir and -our it into the 7an, letting it s-read e0enly o0er the 7ryingL-an. All this is a s8i7t usiness, and 8e may 8ell 7eel a 7e8 e?tra heartLeats and a little reath lessness at that moment. !he 7lame is no8 turned do8n a little. =ith a 7ork or -alette/kni7e *a 7ork seems to 8ork -arti(ularly 8ell+ 8e loosen the edges o7 the omelette all round and, on(e or t8i(e, in the middle, letting the liuid 7lo8 into the em-ty s-a(es, taking (are al8ays to mo0e to8ards the middle. !his takes aout t8o minutes. !hen, kee-ing as (alm as 8e -ossily (an, 8e 7old it. !his is easy i7 8e 7old o0er and -in do8n 8ith t8o or three 7ork/-ri(ks aout an in(h and/a/hal7 o7 the omelette along one side. !hen, it is uite easy to roll it into sha-e. ur omelette should e golden ro8n outside and 8et inside: baveuse, as the (lassi(al Gren(h term says. It is then slid on to a hot -late and its sur7a(e made shiny 8ith a little utter. !his last tou(h makes all the di77eren(e. ( Taen #ro" www.recipetips.com )
1%. Is it a good thing to beat the omelette too long? a. &es' it is c. It doesn(t matter..
b. )o' it is not time.
d. It is better than beating it for too short a e. It is sweet beating it too long
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan Bahan % 'elas 'elas % Semester Semester Bentuk Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Pro(edure Pro(edure % ) % 1 !ertul !ertulis is * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR ." Meres-on Meres-on makna makna dan langkah langkah retorika retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/ha sehari/hari ri dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk re(ount, narrati0e, dan -ro(edure
MATERI Proce$ure
INDIKATOR SOAL ¤ Menentukan in7ormasi rin(i tersurat dari teks yang dia(a
N. SA2 : 1
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : 4
B3'3 B3'3
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
: 6e0e 6e0elo lo-i -ing ng 5ngl 5nglis ish h 4om-eten(i 4om-eten(ies es 7or rade )
R3M3SAN B3!IR SA2 : Main! an O"elette !his is the 8ay an omelette should e made. It is im-ortant that the 7rying -an should e -ro-ortionate to the numer o7 eggsK in other 8ords, to the siEe o7 the omelette. !he 7rying -an must e made o7 iron, not o7 aluminium, tin or enamel. And here I 7eel I must stress a -oint essential to 8hat might e (alled the a(kground o7 omelette/making, namely that the 7rying/-an must ne0er e 8ashed 8ith 8ater ut rued, 8hen hot, 8ith salt and tissueL-a-er, as this is the only 8ay to -re0ent sti(king. Gor three -ortions, 8e take si? eggs, reak them into a o8l, season them 8ith salt and 7reshly ground -e--er, and add a good teas-oon7ul o7 8ater. =e eat this lightly 8ith a 7ork or the 8ireLroom, not the 8hisk, until large ules 7orm on the to-. !his takes hal7 a minuteK it is 7atal to eat too long. Mean8hile, our 7rying -an is getting hot, not too hot, and 8e dro- in an oun(e and a hal7 o7 utter, or utter and est lard, lard, o0er a ui(k ui(k 7lame 7or a minute or t8o, until it gi0es no more 7roth and has turned light golden. =e gi0e our egg/mi?ture another stir and -our it into the 7an, letting it s-read e0enly o0er the 7ryingL-an. All this is a s8i7t usiness, and 8e may 8ell 7eel a 7e8 e?tra heartLeats and a little reath lessness at that moment. !he 7lame is no8 turned do8n a little. =ith a 7ork or -alette/kni7e *a 7ork seems to 8ork -arti(ularly 8ell+ 8e loosen the edges o7 the omelette all round and, on(e or t8i(e, in the middle, letting the liuid 7lo8 into the em-ty s-a(es, taking (are al8ays to mo0e to8ards the middle. !his takes aout t8o minutes. !hen, kee-ing as (alm as 8e -ossily (an, 8e 7old it. !his is easy i7 8e 7old o0er and -in do8n 8ith t8o or three 7ork/-ri(ks aout an in(h and/a/hal7 o7 the omelette along one side. !hen, it is uite easy to roll it into sha-e. ur omelette should e golden ro8n outside and 8et inside: baveuse, baveuse, as the (lassi(al Gren(h term says. It is then slid on to a hot -late and its sur7a(e made shiny 8ith a little utter. !his last tou(h makes all the di77eren(e. ( Taen www.recipetips.com ) Taen #ro" www.recipetips.com )
1*. When should we pour in the egg mi+ture?
a. When the ame gives no more froth. golden. b. When the butter is a di-erent shade. hotter
c. ,s soon as the ame is light d. When the frying$pan is getting e. When it gets brown
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan Bahan % 'elas 'elas % Semester Semester Bentuk Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Pro(edure Pro(edure % ) % 1 !ertul !ertulis is * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR ." Meres-on Meres-on makna makna dan langkah langkah retorika retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/ha sehari/hari ri dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk re(ount, narrati0e, dan -ro(edure
MATERI Proce$ure
INDIKATOR SOAL ¤ Menentukan in7ormasi rin(i tersurat dari teks yang dia(a
N. SA2 : 1F
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : B
B3'3 B3'3
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
: 6e0e 6e0elo lo-i -ing ng 5ngl 5nglis ish h 4om-eten(i 4om-eten(ies es 7or rade )
R3M3SAN B3!IR SA2 : Main! an O"elette !his is the 8ay an omelette should e made. It is im-ortant that the 7rying -an should e -ro-ortionate to the numer o7 eggsK in other 8ords, to the siEe o7 the omelette. !he 7rying -an must e made o7 iron, not o7 aluminium, tin or enamel. And here I 7eel I must stress a -oint essential to 8hat might e (alled the a(kground o7 omelette/making, namely that the 7rying/-an must ne0er e 8ashed 8ith 8ater ut rued, 8hen hot, 8ith salt and tissueL-a-er, as this is the only 8ay to -re0ent sti(king. Gor three -ortions, 8e take si? eggs, reak them into a o8l, season them 8ith salt and 7reshly ground -e--er, and add a good teas-oon7ul o7 8ater. =e eat this lightly 8ith a 7ork or the 8ireLroom, not the 8hisk, until large ules 7orm on the to-. !his takes hal7 a minuteK it is 7atal to eat too long. Mean8hile, our 7rying -an is getting hot, not too hot, and 8e dro- in an oun(e and a hal7 o7 utter, or utter and est lard, lard, o0er a ui(k ui(k 7lame 7or a minute or t8o, until it gi0es no more 7roth and has turned light golden. =e gi0e our egg/mi?ture another stir and -our it into the 7an, letting it s-read e0enly o0er the 7ryingL-an. All this is a s8i7t usiness, and 8e may 8ell 7eel a 7e8 e?tra heartLeats and a little reath lessness at that moment. !he 7lame is no8 turned do8n a little. =ith a 7ork or -alette/kni7e *a 7ork seems to 8ork -arti(ularly 8ell+ 8e loosen the edges o7 the omelette all round and, on(e or t8i(e, in the middle, letting the liuid 7lo8 into the em-ty s-a(es, taking (are al8ays to mo0e to8ards the middle. !his takes aout t8o minutes. !hen, kee-ing as (alm as 8e -ossily (an, 8e 7old it. !his is easy i7 8e 7old o0er and -in do8n 8ith t8o or three 7ork/-ri(ks aout an in(h and/a/hal7 o7 the omelette along one side. !hen, it is uite easy to roll it into sha-e. ur omelette should e golden ro8n outside and 8et inside: baveuse, baveuse, as the (lassi(al Gren(h term says. It is then slid on to a hot -late and its sur7a(e made shiny 8ith a little utter. !his last tou(h makes all the di77eren(e. ( Taen www.recipetips.com ) Taen #ro" www.recipetips.com )
1. We may well feel a few e+tra heart–beats because ///////.. a. we feel tired c. we feel rela+ed b. we feel impatient d. we(re in a rush e. we0re hungry
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan Bahan % 'elas 'elas % Semester Semester Bentuk Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Pro(edure Pro(edure % ) % 1 !ertul !ertulis is * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR ." Meres-on Meres-on makna makna dan langkah langkah retorika retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/ha sehari/hari ri dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk re(ount, narrati0e, dan -ro(edure
MATERI Proce$ure
INDIKATOR SOAL ¤ Menentukan in7ormasi rin(i tersurat dari teks yang dia(a
N. SA2 : 1J
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : 6
B3'3 B3'3
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
: 6e0e 6e0elo lo-i -ing ng 5ngl 5nglis ish h 4om-eten(i 4om-eten(ies es 7or rade )
R3M3SAN B3!IR SA2 : Main! an O"elette !his is the 8ay an omelette should e made. It is im-ortant that the 7rying -an should e -ro-ortionate to the numer o7 eggsK in other 8ords, to the siEe o7 the omelette. !he 7rying -an must e made o7 iron, not o7 aluminium, tin or enamel. And here I 7eel I must stress a -oint essential to 8hat might e (alled the a(kground o7 omelette/making, namely that the 7rying/-an must ne0er e 8ashed 8ith 8ater ut rued, 8hen hot, 8ith salt and tissueL-a-er, as this is the only 8ay to -re0ent sti(king. Gor three -ortions, 8e take si? eggs, reak them into a o8l, season them 8ith salt and 7reshly ground -e--er, and add a good teas-oon7ul o7 8ater. =e eat this lightly 8ith a 7ork or the 8ireLroom, not the 8hisk, until large ules 7orm on the to-. !his takes hal7 a minuteK it is 7atal to eat too long. Mean8hile, our 7rying -an is getting hot, not too hot, and 8e dro- in an oun(e and a hal7 o7 utter, or utter and est lard, lard, o0er a ui(k ui(k 7lame 7or a minute or t8o, until it gi0es no more 7roth and has turned light golden. =e gi0e our egg/mi?ture another stir and -our it into the 7an, letting it s-read e0enly o0er the 7ryingL-an. All this is a s8i7t usiness, and 8e may 8ell 7eel a 7e8 e?tra heartLeats and a little reath lessness at that moment. !he 7lame is no8 turned do8n a little. =ith a 7ork or -alette/kni7e *a 7ork seems to 8ork -arti(ularly 8ell+ 8e loosen the edges o7 the omelette all round and, on(e or t8i(e, in the middle, letting the liuid 7lo8 into the em-ty s-a(es, taking (are al8ays to mo0e to8ards the middle. !his takes aout t8o minutes. !hen, kee-ing as (alm as 8e -ossily (an, 8e 7old it. !his is easy i7 8e 7old o0er and -in do8n 8ith t8o or three 7ork/-ri(ks aout an in(h and/a/hal7 o7 the omelette along one side. !hen, it is uite easy to roll it into sha-e. ur omelette should e golden ro8n outside and 8et inside: baveuse, baveuse, as the (lassi(al Gren(h term says. It is then slid on to a hot -late and its sur7a(e made shiny 8ith a little utter. !his last tou(h makes all the di77eren(e. ( Taen www.recipetips.com ) Taen #ro" www.recipetips.com )
1. What does the word baveuse mean? a. he states of an omelette. b. he shape of an omelette.
c. he size of an omelette. d. ,n omelette made in 3rance. e. ,n omelette comes from
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Introdu(tion % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR .1 Mengungka-kan makna dalam -er(aka-an transaksional *to get things done+ dan inter-ersonal *ersosialisasi+ resmi dan tak resmi se(ara akurat, lan(ar dan erterima yang menggunakan ragam ahasa lisan sederhana dalam eragai konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan meliatkan tindak tutur: erkenalan, ertemu%er-isah,menyetujui ajakan ta8aran%undangan, menerima janji, dan mematalkan janji MATERI Intro$uction
N. SA2 : 1$
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : 6
% &&&&&&' to my 7riend, 6edy. 1$. 5ka % Ho8 do you do 6edy % Reni Ho8 do you do a. Ill introdu(e . ou are introdu(ed (. =ont you introdu(e d. 2et me introdu(e you e. Ni(e to meet you
B3'3 S3MB5R
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
6e0elo-ing 5nglish 4om-eten(ies 7or rade )
O Melengka-i -er(aka-an dengan ungka-an -erkenalan
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Introdu(tion % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR .1 Mengungka-kan makna dalam -er(aka-an transaksional *to get things done+ dan inter-ersonal *ersosialisasi+ resmi dan tak resmi se(ara akurat, lan(ar dan erterima yang menggunakan ragam ahasa lisan sederhana dalam eragai konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan meliatkan tindak tutur: erkenalan, ertemu%er-isah,menyetujui ajakan ta8aran%undangan, menerima janji, dan mematalkan janji MATERI Intro$uction INDIKATOR SOAL
O Melengka-i -er(aka-an dengan ungka-an
N. SA2 : 1&
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : 5
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R : 2ook Ahead An 5nglish 4ourse 1
1&. Mr. An8ar : Mr. Ha7idh, ICd like to introdu(e you to Mr. Surya 7rom the Surya il 4o. Mr. Surya, this is Mr. Ha7idh 7rom the Ministry o7 !rade and Industry o7 Malaysia. Mr. Ha7idh : @@@@@@@@@@@@ Mr. Surya : Ho8 do you do a. Ho8 are you . Ni(e to meet you (. Hello, ho8 are you doing d. Hi, ICm Ha7idh e. Ho8 do you do
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Introdu(tion % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR .1 Mengungka-kan makna dalam -er(aka-an transaksional *to get things done+ dan inter-ersonal *ersosialisasi+ resmi dan tak resmi se(ara akurat, lan(ar dan erterima yang menggunakan ragam ahasa lisan sederhana dalam eragai konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan meliatkan tindak tutur: erkenalan, ertemu%er-isah,menyetujui ajakan ta8aran%undangan, menerima janji, dan mematalkan janji MATERI Intro$uction
N. SA2 : "#
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : 4
"#. Heldy % Ho8 do you do My name is Heldy. Gerry % &&&&&&&&&'' I am Gerry. a. ood morning. . Ho8 are you ( . Ho8 do you do d. 2et me introdu(e mysel7 e. My name is Gerry
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R : 2ook Ahead An 5nglish 4ourse 1
O Melengka-i -er(aka-an dengan ungka-an -erkenalan
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS reeting % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR .1 Mengungka-kan makna dalam -er(aka-an transaksional *to get things done+ dan inter-ersonal *ersosialisasi+ resmi dan tak resmi se(ara akurat, lan(ar dan erterima yang menggunakan ragam ahasa lisan sederhana dalam eragai konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan meliatkan tindak tutur: erkenalan, ertemu%er-isah,menyetujui ajakan ta8aran%undangan, menerima janji, dan mematalkan janji MATERI (reetin!
N. SA2 : "1
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : 6
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R : 2ook Ahead An 5nglish 4ourse 1
ItCs nine -.m. Nany is g oing to ed, 7amily,<@@@@@@@@@@@@@.<. a. see you soon . ye/ye (. good ye d. good night e. good e0ening
o 7 the
O Melengka-i -er(aka-an dengan ungka-an salam
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Parting % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR .1 Mengungka-kan makna dalam -er(aka-an transaksional *to get things done+ dan inter-ersonal *ersosialisasi+ resmi dan tak resmi se(ara akurat, lan(ar dan erterima yang menggunakan ragam ahasa lisan sederhana dalam eragai konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan meliatkan tindak tutur: erkenalan, ertemu%er-isah,menyetujui ajakan ta8aran%undangan, menerima janji, dan mematalkan janji MATERI Partin!
N. SA2 : ""
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : 4
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R : 2ook Ahead An 5nglish 4ourse 1
"". elo0e e?ia is going to (ontinue her study in Gran(e. !oday she lea0es akarta. In the air-ort she says, 9 @@@@@@@<. Her 7amily re-lies y saying take (are hersel7. a. see you soon . good a7ternoon (. good ye d. good night e. good e0ening
O Melengka-i -er(aka-an dengan ungka-an salam -er-isahan
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS In0iting Someone % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR .1 Mengungka-kan makna dalam -er(aka-an transaksional *to get things done+ dan inter-ersonal *ersosialisasi+ resmi dan tak resmi se(ara akurat, lan(ar dan erterima yang menggunakan ragam ahasa lisan sederhana dalam eragai konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan meliatkan tindak tutur: erkenalan, ertemu%er-isah,menyetujui ajakan ta8aran%undangan, menerima janji, dan mematalkan janji MATERI Invitin! So"eone
N. SA2 : "
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : 4
". 50i % =ill you (ome 8ith me to the (on(ert Adi % @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 50i % Alright. Ill 7et(h you at $ -.m. a. !hats 0ery kind o7 you, ut Im 0ery usy. . !hanks a lot, ut some other time, maye. (. es, that 8ould e 0ery ni(e. !hanks. d. Id e unha--y to a((e-t it. e. I ha0e e0er 8at(hed it.
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R : 2ook Ahead An 5nglish 4ourse 1
O Melengka-i -er(aka-an dengan ungka-an menyetujui ajakan%undangan
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS In0iting Someone % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR .1 Mengungka-kan makna dalam -er(aka-an transaksional *to get things done+ dan inter-ersonal *ersosialisasi+ resmi dan tak resmi se(ara akurat, lan(ar dan erterima yang menggunakan ragam ahasa lisan sederhana dalam eragai konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan meliatkan tindak tutur: erkenalan, ertemu%er-isah,menyetujui ajakan ta8aran%undangan, menerima janji, dan mematalkan janji MATERI Invitin! So"eone
N. SA2 : "D
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : B
B3'3 S3MB5R
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
6e0elo-ing 5nglish 4om-eten(ies 7or rade )
"D. Rina : 6e8i, letCs go to the I(e 4ream Palla(e, ICll treat you; 6e8i : ICm sorry. ICm a7raid I ha0e to go home 7irst a7ter s(hool. !hatCs the rule. Grom the dialog, 8e kno8 that @@@@@.. a. 6e8i agreed to join Rina . 6e8i re7used the in0itation (. 6e8i a((e-ted the in0itation d. 6e8i joined Rina to the I(e 4ream Palla(e e. 6e8i a--re(iated and a((e-ted the in0itation
O Melengka-i -er(aka-an dengan ungka-an menyetujui ajakan%undangan
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS 4an(elling Promise % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR .1 Mengungka-kan makna dalam -er(aka-an transaksional *to get things done+ dan inter-ersonal *ersosialisasi+ resmi dan tak resmi se(ara akurat, lan(ar dan erterima yang menggunakan ragam ahasa lisan sederhana dalam eragai konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan meliatkan tindak tutur: erkenalan, ertemu%er-isah,menyetujui ajakan ta8aran%undangan, menerima janji, dan mematalkan janji MATERI )ancellin! Pro"ise
N. SA2 : "
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : B
B3'3 S3MB5R
". 5lly : Sony, I am terrily sorry. I 7orget to ring your noteook. Sony : @@@@@.. I donCt need it until the day a7ter tomorro8. a. h, really . Ne0er mind (. Ho8 lu(ky you are d. =hat a -ity e. Not too ad
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
6e0elo-ing 5nglish 4om-eten(ies 7or rade )
O Melengka-i -er(aka-an dengan ungka-an mematalkan janji
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS 5?-ressing Ha--iness % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR ." Mengungka-kan makna dalam -er(aka-an transaksional *to get things done+ dan inter-ersonal *ersosialisasi+ resmi dan tak resmi yang menggunakan ragam ahasa lisan sederhana se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan meliatkan tindak tutur: mengungka-kan -erasaan ahagia, menunjukkan -erhatian, menunjukkan sim-ati, dan memeri instruksi MATERI E*+ressin! ,a++iness
O Melengka-i -er(aka-an dengan ungka-an
N. SA2 : "F
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : 4
B3'3 S3MB5R
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
6e0elo-ing 5nglish 4om-eten(ies 7or rade )
"F. Rahma : ICm 0ery ha--y today. My mother got a ank lottery 7or aout ten millions ru-iah. Nidya : ICm ha--y 7or you, too. Grom the dialog ao0e, Rahma e?-resses @@@@@@@. a. A-ology . Introdu(tion (. Ha--iness d.reeting e. In0itation
-erasaan ahagia
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS 5?-ressing Sym-athy % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR ." Mengungka-kan makna dalam -er(aka-an transaksional *to get things done+ dan inter-ersonal *ersosialisasi+ resmi dan tak resmi yang menggunakan ragam ahasa lisan sederhana se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan meliatkan tindak tutur: mengungka-kan -erasaan ahagia, menunjukkan -erhatian, menunjukkan sim-ati, dan memeri instruksi MATERI E*+ressin! S-"+ath-
O Melengka-i -er(aka-an dengan ungka-an
N. SA2 : "J
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : A
B3'3 S3MB5R
"J. Ri(ky : My hamsters died e(ause o7 a mysterious disease. Gey : ICm sorry to hear that. !he underlined e?-ression e?-resses GeyCs @@@@@. a. sym-athy . a-ology (. -raise d. sur-rise e. un(ertainty
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
6e0elo-ing 5nglish 4om-eten(ies 7or rade )
-erasaan sim-ati
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS 5?-ressing Sym-athy % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR ." Mengungka-kan makna dalam -er(aka-an transaksional *to get things done+ dan inter-ersonal *ersosialisasi+ resmi dan tak resmi yang menggunakan ragam ahasa lisan sederhana se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan meliatkan tindak tutur: mengungka-kan -erasaan ahagia, menunjukkan -erhatian, menunjukkan sim-ati, dan memeri instruksi MATERI E*+ressin! S-"+ath-
O Melengka-i -er(aka-an dengan ungka-an
N. SA2 : "$
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : 4
B3'3 S3MB5R
"$. Randy : =hats 8rong 8ith you ou look unha--y today. Sania : I los t my -ur se thi s morning. Randy : h, ho8 a87ul; Im so sorry. !he underlined senten(e e?-resses a. ha--iness. . gratitude. (. sym-athy. d. (om-liment. e. (ongratulation
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
6e0elo-ing 5nglish 4om-eten(ies 7or rade )
-erasaan sim-ati
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS 4an(elling Promise % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR .1 Mengungka-kan makna dalam -er(aka-an transaksional *to get things done+ dan inter-ersonal *ersosialisasi+ resmi dan tak resmi se(ara akurat, lan(ar dan erterima yang menggunakan ragam ahasa lisan sederhana dalam eragai konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan meliatkan tindak tutur: erkenalan, ertemu%er-isah,menyetujui ajakan ta8aran%undangan, menerima janji, dan mematalkan janji MATERI )ancellin! Pro"ise
N. SA2 : "&
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : A
B3'3 S3MB5R
"&. Ruen : 4an I see you at & a.m. tomorro8 Ayu : . I ha0e a (lass at & a.m. a. Sorry, I donCt think so. . Sure, that 8ill e 7ine. (. ICll e 8aiting 7or you. d. es, I think so. e. reat. ItCs a -er7e(t time.
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
6e0elo-ing 5nglish 4om-eten(ies 7or rade )
O Melengka-i -er(aka-an dengan ungka-an mematalkan janji
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS 4an(elling Promise % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR .1 Mengungka-kan makna dalam -er(aka-an transaksional *to get things done+ dan inter-ersonal *ersosialisasi+ resmi dan tak resmi se(ara akurat, lan(ar dan erterima yang menggunakan ragam ahasa lisan sederhana dalam eragai konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan meliatkan tindak tutur: erkenalan, ertemu%er-isah,menyetujui ajakan ta8aran%undangan, menerima janji, dan mematalkan janji MATERI )ancellin! Pro"ise
N. SA2 : #
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : A
B3'3 S3MB5R
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
6e0elo-ing 5nglish 4om-eten(ies 7or rade )
#. Arnis
: Mar(ell -romised to take me to the outiue, ut he did not (ome. He didnCt tell me 8hy he (ouldnCt make it. Adia : a. Ho8 u-setting. . Ho8 mar0ellous. (. !hat sounds ni(e. d. !hatCs great; e. !hatCs 7antasti(;
O Melengka-i -er(aka-an dengan ungka-an mematalkan janji
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS 5?-ressing Ha--iness % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR ." Mengungka-kan makna dalam -er(aka-an transaksional *to get things done+ dan inter-ersonal *ersosialisasi+ resmi dan tak resmi yang menggunakan ragam ahasa lisan sederhana se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan meliatkan tindak tutur: mengungka-kan -erasaan ahagia, menunjukkan -erhatian, menunjukkan sim-ati, dan memeri instruksi MATERI E*+ressin! ,a++iness
O Melengka-i -er(aka-an dengan ungka-an
N. SA2 : 1
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : A
B3'3 S3MB5R
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
6e0elo-ing 5nglish 4om-eten(ies 7or rade )
1. 6enias : My un(le 8ill e dire(ting a drama 7or a ! -rogramme. He 8ould like to ask you to -lay in it. Ayu : a. ICm delighted to hear aout that. . Ho8 annoying. (. ICm sorry to hear that. d. !hatCs a -ity. e. 6onCt mention it.
-erasaan ahagia
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS i0ing Instru(tion % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR ." Mengungka-kan makna dalam -er(aka-an transaksional *to get things done+ dan inter-ersonal *ersosialisasi+ resmi dan tak resmi yang menggunakan ragam ahasa lisan sederhana se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan meliatkan tindak tutur: mengungka-kan -erasaan ahagia, menunjukkan -erhatian, menunjukkan sim-ati, dan memeri instruksi MATERI (ivin! Instruction
O Melengka-i -er(aka-an dengan ungka-an
N. SA2 : "
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : A
B3'3 S3MB5R
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
6e0elo-ing 5nglish 4om-eten(ies 7or rade )
". Mother : !omy, @@@.. s(ru the 7loor o7 the athroom ItCs a it sli--ery. !omy : 4ertainly, Mom. a. =ould you . =hy donCt you (. 6o you think I should d. =ill you ha0e to e. 6o you need to
memeri instruksi
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS i0ing Instru(tion % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR ." Mengungka-kan makna dalam -er(aka-an transaksional *to get things done+ dan inter-ersonal *ersosialisasi+ resmi dan tak resmi yang menggunakan ragam ahasa lisan sederhana se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan meliatkan tindak tutur: mengungka-kan -erasaan ahagia, menunjukkan -erhatian, menunjukkan sim-ati, dan memeri instruksi MATERI (ivin! Instruction
O Melengka-i -er(aka-an dengan ungka-an
N. SA2 :
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : A
B3'3 S3MB5R
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
6e0elo-ing 5nglish 4om-eten(ies 7or rade )
G ariE : 5? (use me, 6ad. Could you please turn down the radio a little? ICm doing my home8ork. Gather : 7 (ourse, I 8ill. !he underlined e?-ression means that @@@ a. GariE asks his 7ather to turn do8n the radio . GariE hel-s his 7ather turn do8n the radio (. Gather 8ill turn do8n the radio 7or GariE d. Gather asks GariE to turn do8n the radio e. GariE 8ill turn do8n the radio
memeri instruksi
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS 5?-ressing Sym-athy % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR ." Mengungka-kan makna dalam -er(aka-an transaksional *to get things done+ dan inter-ersonal *ersosialisasi+ resmi dan tak resmi yang menggunakan ragam ahasa lisan sederhana se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan meliatkan tindak tutur: mengungka-kan -erasaan ahagia, menunjukkan -erhatian, menunjukkan sim-ati, dan memeri instruksi MATERI E*+ressin! S-"+ath-
O Melengka-i -er(aka-an dengan ungka-an
N. SA2 : D
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : 6
B3'3 S3MB5R
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
6e0elo-ing 5nglish 4om-eten(ies 7or rade )
D. Nelly : Almost t8o hundred -eo-le died in the om last in 'uta Bali. N ino : ICm terrily so rry to hear that. !he underlined utteran(e e?-ress @@@@@ a. anger . regret (. disa--ointment d. sym-athy e. a-ology
-erasaan sim-ati
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Announ(ement % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR .1 Meres-on makna dalam teks tulis teks 7ungsional -endek *misalnya -engumuman, iklan, undangan, dll+ resmi dan tak resmi se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan MATERI Announce"ent
Menentukan in7ormasi rin(i tersurat dari seuah -engumuman
N. SA2 :
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : 4
B3'3 S3MB5R
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
6e0elo-ing 5nglish 4om-eten(ies 7or rade )
R3M3SAN B3!IR SA2 : ANNOUN)EMENT !he s(hool drama (lu is going to organiEe the 9Sangkuriang< (asts audition. Gor those 8ho are interested to join the audition, -lease (ome to our o 7. (e on Monday, D August, at " -.m. register. !he 7ollo8ings are the reuirements: / your latest -hotogra-h o7 -ost(ard siEe *"+ / the registration 7orm *get it in the o7. (e+ !he audition 8ill e held on Sunday, 1# August, at & a.m. !he list o7 the sele(ted (andidates 8ill e announ(ed in a 8eek. =e do a--re(iate your -arti(i-ation. !hank you. !he 4ommittee -.s.: no (harge 7or the registration 7orm
. =hat is the s(hool drama (lu holding a. !he s(hool drama (lu is holding a drama (om-etition. . !he s(hool drama (lu is holding an audition 7or re(ruiting ne8 memers. (. !he s(hool drama (lu is holding a sele(tion 7or (asts in a drama.
d. !he s(hool drama (lu is holding a singing (om-etition e. !he s(hool drama (lu is holding a theater (om-etition
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Announ(ement % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR .1 Meres-on makna dalam teks tulis teks 7ungsional -endek *misalnya -engumuman, iklan, undangan, dll+ resmi dan tak resmi se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan MATERI Announce"ent
Menentukan in7ormasi rin(i tersurat dari seuah -engumuman
N. SA2 : F
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : B
B3'3 S3MB5R
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
6e0elo-ing 5nglish 4om-eten(ies 7or rade )
R3M3SAN B3!IR SA2 : ANNOUN)EMENT !he s(hool drama (lu is going to organiEe the 9Sangkuriang< (asts audition. Gor those 8ho are interested to join the audition, -lease (ome to our o77i(e on Monday, D August, at " -.m. register. !he 7ollo8ings are the reuirements: / your latest -hotogra-h o7 -ost(ard siEe *"+ / the registration 7orm *get it in the o77i(e+ !he audition 8ill e held on Sunday, 1# August, at & a.m. !he list o7 the sele(ted (andidates 8ill e announ(ed in a 8eek. =e do a--re(iate your -arti(i-ation. !hank you. !he 4ommittee -.s.: no (harge 7or the registration 7orm
F. n 8hat date the audition o7 Sangkuriang (asts 8ill e held a. !he audition 8ill e held on 1J August. . !he audition 8ill e held on 1# August. (. !he audition 8ill e held on D August.
d. !he audition 8ill e held in a 8eek e. !he audition 8ill e held in ne?t month
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Announ(ement % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR .1 Meres-on makna dalam teks tulis teks 7ungsional -endek *misalnya -engumuman, iklan, undangan, dll+ resmi dan tak resmi se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan MATERI Announce"ent
Menentukan in7ormasi rin(i tersurat dari seuah -engumuman
N. SA2 : J
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : 4
B3'3 S3MB5R
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
6e0elo-ing 5nglish 4om-eten(ies 7or rade )
R3M3SAN B3!IR SA2 : ANNOUN)EMENT !he s(hool drama (lu is going to organiEe the 9Sangkuriang< (asts audition. Gor those 8ho are interested to join the audition, -lease (ome to our o77i(e on Monday, D August, at " -.m. register. !he 7ollo8ings are the reuirements: / your latest -hotogra-h o7 -ost(ard siEe *"+ / the registration 7orm *get it in the o77i(e+ !he audition 8ill e held on Sunday, 1# August, at & a.m. !he list o7 the sele(ted (andidates 8ill e announ(ed in a 8eek. =e do a--re(iate your -arti(i-ation. !hank you. !he 4ommittee -.s.: no (harge 7or the registration 7orm
J. =hat time the audition o7 Sangkuriang (asts 8ill e held a. !he audition 8ill e held at " -.m. !he audition 8ill e held at & -.m. (. !he audition 8ill e held at & a.m.
d. !he audition 8ill e held in the a7ternoon e. !he audition 8ill e held in the night
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Announ(ement % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR .1 Meres-on makna dalam teks tulis teks 7ungsional -endek *misalnya -engumuman, iklan, undangan, dll+ resmi dan tak resmi se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan MATERI Announce"ent
Menentukan in7ormasi rin(i tersurat dari seuah -engumuman
N. SA2 : $
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : B
B3'3 S3MB5R
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
6e0elo-ing 5nglish 4om-eten(ies 7or rade )
R3M3SAN B3!IR SA2 : ANNOUN)EMENT !he s(hool drama (lu is going to organiEe the 9Sangkuriang< (asts audition. Gor those 8ho are interested to join the audition, -lease (ome to our o77i(e on Monday, D August, at " -.m. register. !he 7ollo8ings are the reuirements: / your latest -hotogra-h o7 -ost(ard siEe *"+ / the registration 7orm *get it in the o77i(e+ !he audition 8ill e held on Sunday, 1# August, at & a.m. !he list o7 the sele(ted (andidates 8ill e announ(ed in a 8eek. =e do a--re(iate your -arti(i-ation. !hank you. !he 4ommittee -.s.: no (harge 7or the registration 7orm
$. =hen 8ill the sele(ted (andidates e announ(ed a. !he list o7 the sele(ted (andidates 8ill e announ(ed a 8eek a7ter D August. . !he list o7 the sele(ted (andidates 8ill e announ(ed a 8eek a7ter 1# August. (. !he list o7 the sele(ted (andidates 8ill e announ(ed a 8eek a7ter 1J August.
d. !he list o7 the sele(ted (andidates 8ill e announ(ed ne?t t8o 8eeks e. !he list o7 the sele(ted (andidates 8ill e announ(ed a 8eek e7ore 1J August
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Announ(ement % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR .1 Meres-on makna dalam teks tulis teks 7ungsional -endek *misalnya -engumuman, iklan, undangan, dll+ resmi dan tak resmi se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan MATERI Announce"ent
Menentukan in7ormasi rin(i tersurat dari seuah -engumuman
N. SA2 : &
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : B
B3'3 S3MB5R
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
6e0elo-ing 5nglish 4om-eten(ies 7or rade )
R3M3SAN B3!IR SA2 : ANNOUN)EMENT !he s(hool drama (lu is going to organiEe the 9Sangkuriang< (asts audition. Gor those 8ho are interested to join the audition, -lease (ome to our o77i(e on Monday, D August, at " -.m. register. !he 7ollo8ings are the reuirements: / your latest -hotogra-h o7 -ost(ard siEe *"+ / the registration 7orm *get it in the o77i(e+ !he audition 8ill e held on Sunday, 1# August, at & a.m. !he list o7 the sele(ted (andidates 8ill e announ(ed in a 8eek. =e do a--re(iate your -arti(i-ation. !hank you. !he 4ommittee -.s.: no (harge 7or the registration 7orm
&. =hat should the (andidates do to register the Sangkuriang (asts audition a. !o register, they should uy the registration 7orm at the drama (lu o77i(e. . !o register, they (an get the registration 7orm 7or 7ree at the drama (lu o77i(e. (. !o register, they do not need to 7ill in the registration 7orm.
d. !o register, they do nothing e. !he register, they ha0e to (ome the o77i(e a 8eek a7ter 1# August
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Ad0ertisement % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR .1 Meres-on makna dalam teks tulis teks 7ungsional -endek *misalnya -engumuman, iklan, undangan, dll+ resmi dan tak resmi se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan
N. SA2 : D#
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R : Intisari Bahasa Inggris 3ntuk SMA kelas ), )I, )II
'3N4I : A
!his ne8 and unusual uilding in the do8nto8n usiness distri(t o77ers uniue o--ortunities 7or small to midsiEed tenants to o((u-y an entire 7loor.
MATERI A$vertise"ent
Grom 1.F## to F.### suare 7eet are a0ailale 7or immediate o((u-an(y. 4ommuni(ating is easy, 8ith the nearest su8ay sto- only one lo(k a8ay. 4on0enient to sho-s, restaurants, hotels, and usiness ser0i(es. Gor leasing in7ormation (all #/J"/&JD
D#. =hat is the ad0ertisement aout a. 2easing o77i(e s-a(e . Buildings in usiness distri(ts (. 4on0enien(es o77ered y the (om-any O Menentukan gamaran umum dari seuah d. A0ailaility to get uniue o--ortunities iklan e. Hotels and restaurants in the do8nto8n INDIKATOR SOAL
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Ad0ertisement % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR .1 Meres-on makna dalam teks tulis teks 7ungsional -endek *misalnya -engumuman, iklan, undangan, dll+ resmi dan tak resmi se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan
N. SA2 : D1
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : A
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R : Intisari Bahasa Inggris 3ntuk SMA kelas ), )I, )II
!his ne8 and unusual uilding in the do8nto8n usiness distri(t o77ers uniue o--ortunities 7or small to midsiEed tenants to o((u-y an entire 7loor.
MATERI A$vertise"ent
O Menentukan in7ormasi rin(i tersurat dari seuah iklan
Grom 1.F## to F.### suare 7eet are a0ailale 7or immediate o((u-an(y. 4ommuni(ating is easy, 8ith the nearest su8ay sto- only one lo(k a8ay. 4on0enient to sho-s, restaurants, hotels, and usiness ser0i(es. Gor leasing in7ormation (all #/J"/&JD
D1. =hi(h o7 the 7ollo8ing is N! (lose to the uilding a. Parks . Hotels (. Restaurants d. Sho--ing (enters e. Business ser0i(e
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Ad0ertisement % ) % 1 !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR .1 Meres-on makna dalam teks tulis teks 7ungsional -endek *misalnya -engumuman, iklan, undangan, dll+ resmi dan tak resmi se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan
N. SA2 : D"
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : A
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R : Intisari Bahasa Inggris 3ntuk SMA kelas ), )I, )II
!his ne8 and unusual uilding in the do8nto8n usiness distri(t o77ers uniue o--ortunities 7or small to midsiEed tenants to o((u-y an entire 7loor.
MATERI A$vertise"ent
O Menentukan in7ormasi rin(i tersurat dari seuah iklan
Grom 1.F## to F.### suare 7eet are a0ailale 7or immediate o((u-an(y. 4ommuni(ating is easy, 8ith the nearest su8ay sto- only one lo(k a8ay. 4on0enient to sho-s, restaurants, hotels, and usiness ser0i(es. Gor leasing in7ormation (all #/J"/&JD
D". 9Gor leasin! in7ormation (all #/J"/&JD.< !he underlined 8ord means @@@@@@@@@@. a. Pur(hasing . Building (. Selling d. Buying
e. Renting
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Narrati0e % ) % " !ertulis * P +
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
N. SA2 : D 11." Meres-on makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk narrati0e, des(ri-ti0e, dan ne8s item
'3N4I : A
B3'3 S3MB5R : Interlanguage: 5nglish 7or Senior High S(hoo l Students )
The .hite /utter#l-
An old man named !akahama li0ed in a little house ehind the (emetery o7 the tem-le o7 SoEanji. He 8as e?tremely 7riendly and generally liked y his neighours, though most o7 them (onsidered him a MATERI little mad. !hat 8as e(ause he 8as 0ery old ut he did not 8ant to get married. He did not ha0e the desire 7or intimate relationshi- 8ith 8omen. ne summer day he e(ame 0ery ill, so ill, in 7a(t, that he sent 7or his sister/in/la8 and her son. Narrative !hey oth (ame and did all they (ould to ring (om7ort during his last hours. =hile !akahama 7ell aslee-, they 8at(hed a large 8hite utter7ly 7le8 into the room and rested on the old manCs -illo8. !he young man tried to dri0e it a8ay 8ith a 7anK ut it (ame a(k three times, as i7 it 8as 0ery loath to lea0e the su77erer. At last !akahamaCs ne-he8 (hased it out into the garden, through the gate, and into the (emetery INDIKATOR SOAL eyond, 8here it lingered o0er a 8omanCs tom, and then mysteriously disa--eared. n e?amining the tom the young man 7ound the name 9Akiko< 8ritten u-on it, together 8ith a des(ri-tion narrating ho8 Akiko died 8hen she 8as eighteen. !hough the tom 8as (o0ered 8ith moss and must ha0e een ere(ted ¤ Menentukan gamaran umum dari teks 7i7ty years -re0iously, the oy sa8 that it 8as surrounded 8ith 7lo8ers, and that the little 8ater tank had erentuk narrati0e een re(ently 7illed.
=hen the young man returned to the house he 7ound that !akahama had -assed a8ay, and he returned to his mother and told her 8hat he had seen in the (emetery. 9Akiko< murmured his mother. 9=hen your un(le 8as young he 8as etrothed to Akiko. She died shortly e7ore her 8edding day. =hen Akiko le7t this 8orld your un(le resol0ed ne0er to marry, and to li0e e0er near her gra0e. Gor all these years he has remained 7aith7ul to his 0o8, and ke-t in his heart all the s8eet memories o7 his one and only lo0e. 50ery day !akahama 8ent to the (emetery, 8hether the air 8as 7ragrant 8ith summer reeEe or thi(k 8ith 7alling sno8. 50ery day he 8ent to her gra0e and -rayed 7or her ha--iness, s8e-t the tom and set 7lo8ers there. =hen !akahama 8as dying, and he (ould no longer -er7orm his lo0ing task, Akiko (ame 7or him. !hat 8hite utter7ly 8as her s8eet and lo0ing soul.< "dapted #rom$ http$%%&&&.pitt.edu
D. !he te?t tells you aout @ a. an old man 8ith his 7aith . an old man 8ith his neighors (. a mad old man d. a (raEy old man e. dying old man
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Narrati0e % ) % " !ertulis * P +
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
N. SA2 : DD 11." Meres-on makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk narrati0e, des(ri-ti0e, dan ne8s item
'3N4I : 6
B3'3 S3MB5R : Interlanguage: 5nglish 7or Senior High S(hoo l Students )
The .hite /utter#l-
An old man named !akahama li0ed in a little house ehind the (emetery o7 the tem-le o7 SoEanji. He 8as e?tremely 7riendly and generally liked y his neighours, though most o7 them (onsidered him a MATERI little mad. !hat 8as e(ause he 8as 0ery old ut he did not 8ant to get married. He did not ha0e the desire 7or intimate relationshi- 8ith 8omen. ne summer day he e(ame 0ery ill, so ill, in 7a(t, that he sent 7or his sister/in/la8 and her son. Narrative !hey oth (ame and did all they (ould to ring (om7ort during his last hours. =hile !akahama 7ell aslee-, they 8at(hed a large 8hite utter7ly 7le8 into the room and rested on the old manCs -illo8. !he young man tried to dri0e it a8ay 8ith a 7anK ut it (ame a(k three times, as i7 it 8as 0ery loath to lea0e the su77erer. At last !akahamaCs ne-he8 (hased it out into the garden, through the gate, and into the (emetery INDIKATOR SOAL eyond, 8here it lingered o0er a 8omanCs tom, and then mysteriously disa--eared. n e?amining the tom the young man 7ound the name 9Akiko< 8ritten u-on it, together 8ith a des(ri-tion narrating ho8 Akiko died 8hen she 8as eighteen. !hough the tom 8as (o0ered 8ith moss and must ha0e een ere(ted ¤ Menentukan in7ormasi rin(i tersurat dari 7i7ty years -re0iously, the oy sa8 that it 8as surrounded 8ith 7lo8ers, and that the little 8ater tank had teks erentuk narrati0e een re(ently 7illed.
=hen the young man returned to the house he 7ound that !akahama had -assed a8ay, and he returned to his mother and told her 8hat he had seen in the (emetery. 9Akiko< murmured his mother. 9=hen your un(le 8as young he 8as etrothed to Akiko. She died shortly e7ore her 8edding day. =hen Akiko le7t this 8orld your un(le resol0ed ne0er to marry, and to li0e e0er near her gra0e. Gor all these years he has remained 7aith7ul to his 0o8, and ke-t in his heart all the s8eet memories o7 his one and only lo0e. 50ery day !akahama 8ent to the (emetery, 8hether the air 8as 7ragrant 8ith summer reeEe or thi(k 8ith 7alling sno8. 50ery day he 8ent to her gra0e and -rayed 7or her ha--iness, s8e-t the tom and set 7lo8ers there. =hen !akahama 8as dying, and he (ould no longer -er7orm his lo0ing task, Akiko (ame 7or him. !hat 8hite utter7ly 8as her s8eet and lo0ing soul.< "dapted #rom$ http$%%&&&.pitt.edu
DD. Ho8 8as !akahamaCs (hara(ter a. He 8as a humorous -erson . He 8as an indolent -erson (. He 8as a -atheti( - erson d. He 8as a so(iale -erson e. He 8as a hilarious -erson
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Narrati0e % ) % " !ertulis * P +
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
N. SA2 : D 11." Meres-on makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk narrati0e, des(ri-ti0e, dan ne8s item
'3N4I : A
B3'3 S3MB5R : Interlanguage: 5nglish 7or Senior High S(hoo l Students )
The .hite /utter#l-
An old man named !akahama li0ed in a little house ehind the (emetery o7 the tem-le o7 SoEanji. He 8as e?tremely 7riendly and generally liked y his neighours, though most o7 them (onsidered him a MATERI little mad. !hat 8as e(ause he 8as 0ery old ut he did not 8ant to get married. He did not ha0e the desire 7or intimate relationshi- 8ith 8omen. ne summer day he e(ame 0ery ill, so ill, in 7a(t, that he sent 7or his sister/in/la8 and her son. Narrative !hey oth (ame and did all they (ould to ring (om7ort during his last hours. =hile !akahama 7ell aslee-, they 8at(hed a large 8hite utter7ly 7le8 into the room and rested on the old manCs -illo8. !he young man tried to dri0e it a8ay 8ith a 7anK ut it (ame a(k three times, as i7 it 8as 0ery loath to lea0e the su77erer. At last !akahamaCs ne-he8 (hased it out into the garden, through the gate, and into the (emetery INDIKATOR SOAL eyond, 8here it lingered o0er a 8omanCs tom, and then mysteriously disa--eared. n e?amining the tom the young man 7ound the name 9Akiko< 8ritten u-on it, together 8ith a des(ri-tion narrating ho8 Akiko died 8hen she 8as eighteen. !hough the tom 8as (o0ered 8ith moss and must ha0e een ere(ted ¤ Menentukan in7ormasi rin(i tersurat dari 7i7ty years -re0iously, the oy sa8 that it 8as surrounded 8ith 7lo8ers, and that the little 8ater tank had teks erentuk narrati0e een re(ently 7illed.
=hen the young man returned to the house he 7ound that !akahama had -assed a8ay, and he returned to his mother and told her 8hat he had seen in the (emetery. 9Akiko< murmured his mother. 9=hen your un(le 8as young he 8as etrothed to Akiko. She died shortly e7ore her 8edding day. =hen Akiko le7t this 8orld your un(le resol0ed ne0er to marry, and to li0e e0er near her gra0e. Gor all these years he has remained 7aith7ul to his 0o8, and ke-t in his heart all the s8eet memories o7 his one and only lo0e. 50ery day !akahama 8ent to the (emetery, 8hether the air 8as 7ragrant 8ith summer reeEe or thi(k 8ith 7alling sno8. 50ery day he 8ent to her gra0e and -rayed 7or her ha--iness, s8e-t the tom and set 7lo8ers there. =hen !akahama 8as dying, and he (ould no longer -er7orm his lo0ing task, Akiko (ame 7or him. !hat 8hite utter7ly 8as her s8eet and lo0ing soul.< "dapted #rom$ http$%%&&&.pitt.edu
D. =ho 8as Akiko a. She 8as !akahamaCs 7ian(e . She 8as !akahamaCs nie(e (. She 8as !akahamaCs sister/in/la8 d. She 8as !akahamaCs sister e. She 8as !akahamaCs mother
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Narrati0e % ) % " !ertulis * P +
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
N. SA2 : DF 11." Meres-on makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk narrati0e, des(ri-ti0e, dan ne8s item
'3N4I : 5
B3'3 S3MB5R : Interlanguage: 5nglish 7or Senior High S(hoo l Students )
The .hite /utter#l-
An old man named !akahama li0ed in a little house ehind the (emetery o7 the tem-le o7 SoEanji. He 8as e?tremely 7riendly and generally liked y his neighours, though most o7 them (onsidered him a MATERI little mad. !hat 8as e(ause he 8as 0ery old ut he did not 8ant to get married. He did not ha0e the desire 7or intimate relationshi- 8ith 8omen. ne summer day he e(ame 0ery ill, so ill, in 7a(t, that he sent 7or his sister/in/la8 and her son. Narrative !hey oth (ame and did all they (ould to ring (om7ort during his last hours. =hile !akahama 7ell aslee-, they 8at(hed a large 8hite utter7ly 7le8 into the room and rested on the old manCs -illo8. !he young man tried to dri0e it a8ay 8ith a 7anK ut it (ame a(k three times, as i7 it 8as 0ery loath to lea0e the su77erer. At last !akahamaCs ne-he8 (hased it out into the garden, through the gate, and into the (emetery INDIKATOR SOAL eyond, 8here it lingered o0er a 8omanCs tom, and then mysteriously disa--eared. n e?amining the tom the young man 7ound the name 9Akiko< 8ritten u-on it, together 8ith a des(ri-tion narrating ho8 Akiko died 8hen she 8as eighteen. !hough the tom 8as (o0ered 8ith moss and must ha0e een ere(ted ¤ Menentukan in7ormasi rin(i tersurat dari 7i7ty years -re0iously, the oy sa8 that it 8as surrounded 8ith 7lo8ers, and that the little 8ater tank had teks erentuk narrati0e een re(ently 7illed.
=hen the young man returned to the house he 7ound that !akahama had -assed a8ay, and he returned to his mother and told her 8hat he had seen in the (emetery. 9Akiko< murmured his mother. 9=hen your un(le 8as young he 8as etrothed to Akiko. She died shortly e7ore her 8edding day. =hen Akiko le7t this 8orld your un(le resol0ed ne0er to marry, and to li0e e0er near her gra0e. Gor all these years he has remained 7aith7ul to his 0o8, and ke-t in his heart all the s8eet memories o7 his one and only lo0e. 50ery day !akahama 8ent to the (emetery, 8hether the air 8as 7ragrant 8ith summer reeEe or thi(k 8ith 7alling sno8. 50ery day he 8ent to her gra0e and -rayed 7or her ha--iness, s8e-t the tom and set 7lo8ers there. =hen !akahama 8as dying, and he (ould no longer -er7orm his lo0ing task, Akiko (ame 7or him. !hat 8hite utter7ly 8as her s8eet and lo0ing soul.< "dapted #rom$ http$%%&&&.pitt.edu
DF. =ho 8as Akiko a. She 8as !akahamaCs 7ian(e . She 8as !akahamaCs nie(e (. She 8as !akahamaCs sister/in/la8 d. She 8as !akahamaCs sister e. She 8as !akahamaCs mother
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Narrati0e % ) % " !ertulis * P +
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
N. SA2 : DJ 11." Meres-on makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk narrati0e, des(ri-ti0e, dan ne8s item
'3N4I : 4
B3'3 S3MB5R : Interlanguage: 5nglish 7or Senior High S(hoo l Students )
The .hite /utter#l-
An old man named !akahama li0ed in a little house ehind the (emetery o7 the tem-le o7 SoEanji. He 8as e?tremely 7riendly and generally liked y his neighours, though most o7 them (onsidered him a MATERI little mad. !hat 8as e(ause he 8as 0ery old ut he did not 8ant to get married. He did not ha0e the desire 7or intimate relationshi- 8ith 8omen. ne summer day he e(ame 0ery ill, so ill, in 7a(t, that he sent 7or his sister/in/la8 and her son. Narrative !hey oth (ame and did all they (ould to ring (om7ort during his last hours. =hile !akahama 7ell aslee-, they 8at(hed a large 8hite utter7ly 7le8 into the room and rested on the old manCs -illo8. !he young man tried to dri0e it a8ay 8ith a 7anK ut it (ame a(k three times, as i7 it 8as 0ery loath to lea0e the su77erer. At last !akahamaCs ne-he8 (hased it out into the garden, through the gate, and into the (emetery INDIKATOR SOAL eyond, 8here it lingered o0er a 8omanCs tom, and then mysteriously disa--eared. n e?amining the tom the young man 7ound the name 9Akiko< 8ritten u-on it, together 8ith a des(ri-tion narrating ho8 Akiko died 8hen she 8as eighteen. !hough the tom 8as (o0ered 8ith moss and must ha0e een ere(ted ¤ Menentukan in7ormasi rin(i tersurat dari 7i7ty years -re0iously, the oy sa8 that it 8as surrounded 8ith 7lo8ers, and that the little 8ater tank had teks erentuk narrati0e een re(ently 7illed.
=hen the young man returned to the house he 7ound that !akahama had -assed a8ay, and he returned to his mother and told her 8hat he had seen in the (emetery. 9Akiko< murmured his mother. 9=hen your un(le 8as young he 8as etrothed to Akiko. She died shortly e7ore her 8edding day. =hen Akiko le7t this 8orld your un(le resol0ed ne0er to marry, and to li0e e0er near her gra0e. Gor all these years he has remained 7aith7ul to his 0o8, and ke-t in his heart all the s8eet memories o7 his one and only lo0e. 50ery day !akahama 8ent to the (emetery, 8hether the air 8as 7ragrant 8ith summer reeEe or thi(k 8ith 7alling sno8. 50ery day he 8ent to her gra0e and -rayed 7or her ha--iness, s8e-t the tom and set 7lo8ers there. =hen !akahama 8as dying, and he (ould no longer -er7orm his lo0ing task, Akiko (ame 7or him. !hat 8hite utter7ly 8as her s8eet and lo0ing soul.< "dapted #rom$ http$%%&&&.pitt.edu
DJ. =hi(h statement is not true a((ording to the te?t a. !akahama 8ent e0ery day to AkikoCs gra0e and -rayed 7or her ha--iness. . !akahama li0ed near AkikoCs gra0e. (. !akahama resol0ed not to marry a7ter AkikoCs death. d. !akahama e(ame 0ery ill on summer day. e. !akahama (hased the 8hite utter7ly out into the garden.
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Narrati0e % ) % " !ertulis * P +
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
N. SA2 : D$ 11." Meres-on makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk narrati0e, des(ri-ti0e, dan ne8s item
'3N4I : 4
B3'3 S3MB5R : Interlanguage: 5nglish 7or Senior High S(hoo l Students )
The .hite /utter#l-
An old man named !akahama li0ed in a little house ehind the (emetery o7 the tem-le o7 SoEanji. He 8as e?tremely 7riendly and generally liked y his neighours, though most o7 them (onsidered him a MATERI little mad. !hat 8as e(ause he 8as 0ery old ut he did not 8ant to get married. He did not ha0e the desire 7or intimate relationshi- 8ith 8omen. ne summer day he e(ame 0ery ill, so ill, in 7a(t, that he sent 7or his sister/in/la8 and her son. Narrative !hey oth (ame and did all they (ould to ring (om7ort during his last hours. =hile !akahama 7ell aslee-, they 8at(hed a large 8hite utter7ly 7le8 into the room and rested on the old manCs -illo8. !he young man tried to dri0e it a8ay 8ith a 7anK ut it (ame a(k three times, as i7 it 8as 0ery loath to lea0e the su77erer. At last !akahamaCs ne-he8 (hased it out into the garden, through the gate, and into the (emetery INDIKATOR SOAL eyond, 8here it lingered o0er a 8omanCs tom, and then mysteriously disa--eared. n e?amining the tom the young man 7ound the name 9Akiko< 8ritten u-on it, together 8ith a des(ri-tion narrating ho8 Akiko died 8hen she 8as eighteen. !hough the tom 8as (o0ered 8ith moss and must ha0e een ere(ted ¤ Menentukan re7erensi kata dari teks 7i7ty years -re0iously, the oy sa8 that it 8as surrounded 8ith 7lo8ers, and that the little 8ater tank had erentuk narrati0e een re(ently 7illed.
=hen the young man returned to the house he 7ound that !akahama had -assed a8ay, and he returned to his mother and told her 8hat he had seen in the (emetery. 9Akiko< murmured his mother. 9=hen your un(le 8as young he 8as etrothed to Akiko. She died shortly e7ore her 8edding day. =hen Akiko le7t this 8orld your un(le resol0ed ne0er to marry, and to li0e e0er near her gra0e. Gor all these years he has remained 7aith7ul to his 0o8, and ke-t in his heart all the s8eet memories o7 his one and only lo0e. 50ery day !akahama 8ent to the (emetery, 8hether the air 8as 7ragrant 8ith summer reeEe or thi(k 8ith 7alling sno8. 50ery day he 8ent to her gra0e and -rayed 7or her ha--iness, s8e-t the tom and set 7lo8ers there. =hen !akahama 8as dying, and he (ould no longer -er7orm his lo0ing task, Akiko (ame 7or him. !hat 8hite utter7ly 8as her s8eet and lo0ing soul.< "dapted #rom$ http$%%&&&.pitt.edu
D$. !he 8ord 0It1 *-aragra-h , senten(e "+ re7ers to @@@@@@ a. the garden . the (emetery (. the tom d. the 8hite utter7ly e. the gate
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Narrati0e % ) % " !ertulis * P +
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
N. SA2 : D& 11." Meres-on makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk narrati0e, des(ri-ti0e, dan ne8s item MATERI Narrative
Menentukan makna erentuk narrati0e
'3N4I : A
B3'3 S3MB5R : Interlanguage: 5nglish 7or Senior High S(hoo l Students )
The .hite /utter#l-
An old man named !akahama li0ed in a little house ehind the (emetery o7 the tem-le o7 SoEanji. He 8as e?tremely 7riendly and generally liked y his neighours, though most o7 them (onsidered him a little mad. !hat 8as e(ause he 8as 0ery old ut he did not 8ant to get married. He did not ha0e the desire 7or intimate relationshi- 8ith 8omen. ne summer day he e(ame 0ery ill, so ill, in 7a(t, that he sent 7or his sister/in/la8 and her son. !hey oth (ame and did all they (ould to ring (om7ort during his last hours. =hile !akahama 7ell aslee-, they 8at(hed a large 8hite utter7ly 7le8 into the room and rested on the old manCs -illo8. !he young man tried to dri0e it a8ay 8ith a 7anK ut it (ame a(k three times, as i7 it 8as 0ery loath to lea0e the su77erer. At last !akahamaCs ne-he8 (hased it out into the garden, through the gate, and into the (emetery eyond, 8here it lingered o0er a 8omanCs tom, and then mysteriously disa--eared. n e?amining the tom the young man 7ound the name 9Akiko< 8ritten u-on it, together 8ith a des(ri-tion narrating ho8 Akiko died 8hen she 8as eighteen. !hough the tom 8as (o0ered 8ith moss and must ha0e een ere(ted teks 7i7ty years -re0iously, the oy sa8 that it 8as surrounded 8ith 7lo8ers, and that the little 8ater tank had een re(ently 7illed.
=hen the young man returned to the house he 7ound that !akahama had -assed a8ay, and he returned to his mother and told her 8hat he had seen in the (emetery. 9Akiko< murmured his mother. 9=hen your un(le 8as young he 8as etrothed to Akiko. She died shortly e7ore her 8edding day. =hen Akiko le7t this 8orld your un(le resol0ed ne0er to marry, and to li0e e0er near her gra0e. Gor all these years he has remained 7aith7ul to his 0o8, and ke-t in his heart all the s8eet memories o7 his one and only lo0e. 50ery day !akahama 8ent to the (emetery, 8hether the air 8as 7ragrant 8ith summer reeEe or thi(k 8ith 7alling sno8. 50ery day he 8ent to her gra0e and -rayed 7or her ha--iness, s8e-t the tom and set 7lo8ers there. =hen !akahama 8as dying, and he (ould no longer -er7orm his lo0ing task, Akiko (ame 7or him. !hat 8hite utter7ly 8as her s8eet and lo0ing soul.< "dapted #rom$ http$%%&&&.pitt.edu
D&. =hi(h o7 the 7ollo8ing 8ords is the antonym o7 Qresol0edC a. unde(ided . resolute (. unyielding d. determined e. unendale
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Narrati0e % ) % " !ertulis * P +
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
N. SA2 : # 11." Meres-on makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk narrati0e, des(ri-ti0e, dan ne8s item MATERI Narrative
Menentukan makna erentuk narrati0e
'3N4I : A
B3'3 S3MB5R : Interlanguage: 5nglish 7or Senior High S(hoo l Students )
The .hite /utter#l-
An old man named !akahama li0ed in a little house ehind the (emetery o7 the tem-le o7 SoEanji. He 8as e?tremely 7riendly and generally liked y his neighours, though most o7 them (onsidered him a little mad. !hat 8as e(ause he 8as 0ery old ut he did not 8ant to get married. He did not ha0e the desire 7or intimate relationshi- 8ith 8omen. ne summer day he e(ame 0ery ill, so ill, in 7a(t, that he sent 7or his sister/in/la8 and her son. !hey oth (ame and did all they (ould to ring (om7ort during his last hours. =hile !akahama 7ell aslee-, they 8at(hed a large 8hite utter7ly 7le8 into the room and rested on the old manCs -illo8. !he young man tried to dri0e it a8ay 8ith a 7anK ut it (ame a(k three times, as i7 it 8as 0ery loath to lea0e the su77erer. At last !akahamaCs ne-he8 (hased it out into the garden, through the gate, and into the (emetery eyond, 8here it lingered o0er a 8omanCs tom, and then mysteriously disa--eared. n e?amining the tom the young man 7ound the name 9Akiko< 8ritten u-on it, together 8ith a des(ri-tion narrating ho8 Akiko died 8hen she 8as eighteen. !hough the tom 8as (o0ered 8ith moss and must ha0e een ere(ted teks 7i7ty years -re0iously, the oy sa8 that it 8as surrounded 8ith 7lo8ers, and that the little 8ater tank had een re(ently 7illed.
=hen the young man returned to the house he 7ound that !akahama had -assed a8ay, and he returned to his mother and told her 8hat he had seen in the (emetery. 9Akiko< murmured his mother. 9=hen your un(le 8as young he 8as etrothed to Akiko. She died shortly e7ore her 8edding day. =hen Akiko le7t this 8orld your un(le resol0ed ne0er to marry, and to li0e e0er near her gra0e. Gor all these years he has remained 7aith7ul to his 0o8, and ke-t in his heart all the s8eet memories o7 his one and only lo0e. 50ery day !akahama 8ent to the (emetery, 8hether the air 8as 7ragrant 8ith summer reeEe or thi(k 8ith 7alling sno8. 50ery day he 8ent to her gra0e and -rayed 7or her ha--iness, s8e-t the tom and set 7lo8ers there. =hen !akahama 8as dying, and he (ould no longer -er7orm his lo0ing task, Akiko (ame 7or him. !hat 8hite utter7ly 8as her s8eet and lo0ing soul.< "dapted #rom$ http$%%&&&.pitt.edu
#. =hi(h o7 the 7ollo8ing 8ords is the synonym o7 QetrothedC a. alienated . di0ided (. se-arated d. estranged e. engaged
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS 6es(ri-ti0e % ) % " !ertulis * P +
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
N. SA2 : 1 11." Meres-on makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk narrati0e, des(ri-ti0e, dan ne8s item
'3N4I : A
B3'3 S3MB5R : Interlanguage: 5nglish 7or Senior High S(hoo l Students )
My Very Best Friends
I elie0e that a 7riend is an angel 8ho li7ts us o77 our 7eet 8hen our 8ings ha0e troule rememering ho8 to 7ly. It means that our 7riends are -eo-le 8ho 8ill al8ays e there 7or us any time 8e MATERI need them. ICm so lu(ky e(ause I ha0e three est 7riends. !hey are Girsty, Ronald and onathan. =e ha0e kno8n ea(h other sin(e 8e 8ere 7our years old. =e met in the kindergarten. Sin(e then, 8e al8ays go to Descri+tive the same s(hool. Moreo0er, our houses are still in the same lo(k. =e do e0erything together. ur motto is 93nited 8e stand, di0ided 8e 7all<. It means 9together 8e are stronger<. No8, let me introdu(e my 7riends one y one. Girsty is the youngest among us e(ause she 8as orn in 6e(emer. =e (all her 9!he S8eety INDIKATOR SOAL Girsty<. Her 7ather is Gren(h. She is tall and slim. SheCs aout 1J1 (m. She has long straight hair. A(tually the (olor o7 her hair is londe. Ho8e0er, she dyed her hair la(k sin(e last year. She has eauti7ul lue eyes, an o0al 7a(e and -ointed nose. 9!he S8eety Girsty< is a (heer7ul, (on7ident, and determined girl. ¤ Menentukan tujuan komunikati7 dari teks Ho8e0er, she is a little it (areless and stuorn. She has many (ats in her house. !here are aout nine erentuk des(ri-ti0e (ats. She lo0es them all. ne o7 her 7a0orite is a little orange (at. She (alls her QShinnyC. Girsty lo0es to
dan(e and sing. Ne0ertheless, she 8ants to e a model. RonaldCs ni(kname is Ron. Most o7 girls in our s(hool lo0e and adore him. !hereCs no dout aout his good looking. =e (all him 9!he 4harming Ron<. His height is 1JF (m. Ron has straight hair and -er7e(t 7a(e. He is an intelligent and intro0ert -erson. Ao0e all, he is humle. He 8as (ro8ned as !he Best Student this year. He 8on so many -riEes on Math, 4hemistry and Physi( (om-etition. Ho8e0er, his 7a0orite suje(t is 4hemistry. He 8ants to e a (hemist someday. onathan is a 7unny -erson. He (an al8ays 7ind a 8ay to make the -eo-le around him laugh. I 8onder 8hat it is in his head 7or he (an (reate jokes s-ontaneously. onathanCs ni(k name is o. He is -lum-. HeCs aout 1F$ (m tall. His 8eight is $# kg. !hatCs 8hy 8e (all him 9!he Big o<. He has a round 7a(e 8ith ro8n eyes. His s-iky hairstyle makes him easily re(ogniEed. o is a humorous, 7riendly and an easy going -erson. He is a mo0ie 7reak. He 8ould ne0er miss any ne8 mo0ie in the (inema. He dreams o7 e(oming a 7amous a(tor one day. Aout me =ell, my name is Hana. ICm the shortest one among them. ICm aout 1F# (m tall. I ha0e long 8a0y hair 8ith round 7a(e. My 7riends (all me 9!he 4huy Hana< e(ause I also ha0e a (huy (he(k. Most -eo-le, e0en my -arents say that ICm a (are7ul, generous and diligent -erson. !hey also say that ICm a it sensiti0e. I lo0e -ainting. I s-end mu(h time in my small studio just -ainting. !hatCs all aout me and 7riends o7 mine. 50en though 8e are uite di77erent, 8e lo0e ea(h other and 8ill kee- this relationshi- 7or good. 1. !he -ur-ose o7 the te?t is @ a. to des(rie -ersons and (hara(ters . to tell a seuen(e o7 e0ents (. to entertain the readers d. to -ersuade the readers to ha0e many 7riends e. to tea(h the readers ho8 to make 7riends
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS 6es(ri-ti0e % ) % " !ertulis * P +
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
N. SA2 : " 11." Meres-on makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk narrati0e, des(ri-ti0e, dan ne8s item
'3N4I : B
B3'3 S3MB5R : Interlanguage: 5nglish 7or Senior High S(hoo l Students )
My Very Best Friends
I elie0e that a 7riend is an angel 8ho li7ts us o77 our 7eet 8hen our 8ings ha0e troule rememering ho8 to 7ly. It means that our 7riends are -eo-le 8ho 8ill al8ays e there 7or us any time 8e MATERI need them. ICm so lu(ky e(ause I ha0e three est 7riends. !hey are Girsty, Ronald and onathan. =e ha0e kno8n ea(h other sin(e 8e 8ere 7our years old. =e met in the kindergarten. Sin(e then, 8e al8ays go to Descri+tive the same s(hool. Moreo0er, our houses are still in the same lo(k. =e do e0erything together. ur motto is 93nited 8e stand, di0ided 8e 7all<. It means 9together 8e are stronger<. No8, let me introdu(e my 7riends one y one. Girsty is the youngest among us e(ause she 8as orn in 6e(emer. =e (all her 9!he S8eety INDIKATOR SOAL Girsty<. Her 7ather is Gren(h. She is tall and slim. SheCs aout 1J1 (m. She has long straight hair. A(tually the (olor o7 her hair is londe. Ho8e0er, she dyed her hair la(k sin(e last year. She has eauti7ul lue eyes, an o0al 7a(e and -ointed nose. 9!he S8eety Girsty< is a (heer7ul, (on7ident, and determined girl. ¤ Menentukan in7ormasi rin(i tersurat dari Ho8e0er, she is a little it (areless and stuorn. She has many (ats in her house. !here are aout nine teks erentuk des(ri-ti0e (ats. She lo0es them all. ne o7 her 7a0orite is a little orange (at. She (alls her QShinnyC. Girsty lo0es to
dan(e and sing. Ne0ertheless, she 8ants to e a model. RonaldCs ni(kname is Ron. Most o7 girls in our s(hool lo0e and adore him. !hereCs no dout aout his good looking. =e (all him 9!he 4harming Ron<. His height is 1JF (m. Ron has straight hair and -er7e(t 7a(e. He is an intelligent and intro0ert -erson. Ao0e all, he is humle. He 8as (ro8ned as !he Best Student this year. He 8on so many -riEes on Math, 4hemistry and Physi( (om-etition. Ho8e0er, his 7a0orite suje(t is 4hemistry. He 8ants to e a (hemist someday. onathan is a 7unny -erson. He (an al8ays 7ind a 8ay to make the -eo-le around him laugh. I 8onder 8hat it is in his head 7or he (an (reate jokes s-ontaneously. onathanCs ni(k name is o. He is -lum-. HeCs aout 1F$ (m tall. His 8eight is $# kg. !hatCs 8hy 8e (all him 9!he Big o<. He has a round 7a(e 8ith ro8n eyes. His s-iky hairstyle makes him easily re(ogniEed. o is a humorous, 7riendly and an easy going -erson. He is a mo0ie 7reak. He 8ould ne0er miss any ne8 mo0ie in the (inema. He dreams o7 e(oming a 7amous a(tor one day. Aout me =ell, my name is Hana. ICm the shortest one among them. ICm aout 1F# (m tall. I ha0e long 8a0y hair 8ith round 7a(e. My 7riends (all me 9!he 4huy Hana< e(ause I also ha0e a (huy (he(k. Most -eo-le, e0en my -arents say that ICm a (are7ul, generous and diligent -erson. !hey also say that ICm a it sensiti0e. I lo0e -ainting. I s-end mu(h time in my small studio just -ainting. !hatCs all aout me and 7riends o7 mine. 50en though 8e are uite di77erent, 8e lo0e ea(h other and 8ill kee- this relationshi- 7or good. ". !he 7ollo8ings are GirstyCs (hara(ters, e?(e-t @ a. (heer7ul, humorous, and sensiti0e . (heer7ul, (on7ident, and strong/minded (. determined, sensiti0e, and 7unny d. determined, humorous, sensiti0e e. sensiti0e, (on7ident, serious
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS 6es(ri-ti0e % ) % " !ertulis * P +
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
N. SA2 : 11." Meres-on makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk narrati0e, des(ri-ti0e, dan ne8s item
'3N4I : A
B3'3 S3MB5R : Interlanguage: 5nglish 7or Senior High S(hoo l Students )
My Very Best Friends
I elie0e that a 7riend is an angel 8ho li7ts us o77 our 7eet 8hen our 8ings ha0e troule rememering ho8 to 7ly. It means that our 7riends are -eo-le 8ho 8ill al8ays e there 7or us any time 8e MATERI need them. ICm so lu(ky e(ause I ha0e three est 7riends. !hey are Girsty, Ronald and onathan. =e ha0e kno8n ea(h other sin(e 8e 8ere 7our years old. =e met in the kindergarten. Sin(e then, 8e al8ays go to Descri+tive the same s(hool. Moreo0er, our houses are still in the same lo(k. =e do e0erything together. ur motto is 93nited 8e stand, di0ided 8e 7all<. It means 9together 8e are stronger<. No8, let me introdu(e my 7riends one y one. Girsty is the youngest among us e(ause she 8as orn in 6e(emer. =e (all her 9!he S8eety INDIKATOR SOAL Girsty<. Her 7ather is Gren(h. She is tall and slim. SheCs aout 1J1 (m. She has long straight hair. A(tually the (olor o7 her hair is londe. Ho8e0er, she dyed her hair la(k sin(e last year. She has eauti7ul lue eyes, an o0al 7a(e and -ointed nose. 9!he S8eety Girsty< is a (heer7ul, (on7ident, and determined girl. ¤ Menentukan in7ormasi rin(i tersurat dari Ho8e0er, she is a little it (areless and stuorn. She has many (ats in her house. !here are aout nine teks erentuk des(ri-ti0e (ats. She lo0es them all. ne o7 her 7a0orite is a little orange (at. She (alls her QShinnyC. Girsty lo0es to
dan(e and sing. Ne0ertheless, she 8ants to e a model. RonaldCs ni(kname is Ron. Most o7 girls in our s(hool lo0e and adore him. !hereCs no dout aout his good looking. =e (all him 9!he 4harming Ron<. His height is 1JF (m. Ron has straight hair and -er7e(t 7a(e. He is an intelligent and intro0ert -erson. Ao0e all, he is humle. He 8as (ro8ned as !he Best Student this year. He 8on so many -riEes on Math, 4hemistry and Physi( (om-etition. Ho8e0er, his 7a0orite suje(t is 4hemistry. He 8ants to e a (hemist someday. onathan is a 7unny -erson. He (an al8ays 7ind a 8ay to make the -eo-le around him laugh. I 8onder 8hat it is in his head 7or he (an (reate jokes s-ontaneously. onathanCs ni(k name is o. He is -lum-. HeCs aout 1F$ (m tall. His 8eight is $# kg. !hatCs 8hy 8e (all him 9!he Big o<. He has a round 7a(e 8ith ro8n eyes. His s-iky hairstyle makes him easily re(ogniEed. o is a humorous, 7riendly and an easy going -erson. He is a mo0ie 7reak. He 8ould ne0er miss any ne8 mo0ie in the (inema. He dreams o7 e(oming a 7amous a(tor one day. Aout me =ell, my name is Hana. ICm the shortest one among them. ICm aout 1F# (m tall. I ha0e long 8a0y hair 8ith round 7a(e. My 7riends (all me 9!he 4huy Hana< e(ause I also ha0e a (huy (he(k. Most -eo-le, e0en my -arents say that ICm a (are7ul, generous and diligent -erson. !hey also say that ICm a it sensiti0e. I lo0e -ainting. I s-end mu(h time in my small studio just -ainting. !hatCs all aout me and 7riends o7 mine. 50en though 8e are uite di77erent, 8e lo0e ea(h other and 8ill kee- this relationshi- 7or good. . =hat is onathan like a. He is 7at, easy going, and 7unny . He is 7at, stuorn, and 7unny (. He is (huy, diligent, and sensiti0e d. He is -lum-, humle, and sensiti0e e. He is 7riendly, easy going, and slim
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS 6es(ri-ti0e % ) % " !ertulis * P +
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
N. SA2 : D 11." Meres-on makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk narrati0e, des(ri-ti0e, dan ne8s item
'3N4I : 6
B3'3 S3MB5R : Interlanguage: 5nglish 7or Senior High S(hoo l Students )
My Very Best Friends
I elie0e that a 7riend is an angel 8ho li7ts us o77 our 7eet 8hen our 8ings ha0e troule rememering ho8 to 7ly. It means that our 7riends are -eo-le 8ho 8ill al8ays e there 7or us any time 8e MATERI need them. ICm so lu(ky e(ause I ha0e three est 7riends. !hey are Girsty, Ronald and onathan. =e ha0e kno8n ea(h other sin(e 8e 8ere 7our years old. =e met in the kindergarten. Sin(e then, 8e al8ays go to Descri+tive the same s(hool. Moreo0er, our houses are still in the same lo(k. =e do e0erything together. ur motto is 93nited 8e stand, di0ided 8e 7all<. It means 9together 8e are stronger<. No8, let me introdu(e my 7riends one y one. Girsty is the youngest among us e(ause she 8as orn in 6e(emer. =e (all her 9!he S8eety INDIKATOR SOAL Girsty<. Her 7ather is Gren(h. She is tall and slim. SheCs aout 1J1 (m. She has long straight hair. A(tually the (olor o7 her hair is londe. Ho8e0er, she dyed her hair la(k sin(e last year. She has eauti7ul lue eyes, an o0al 7a(e and -ointed nose. 9!he S8eety Girsty< is a (heer7ul, (on7ident, and determined girl. ¤ Menentukan in7ormasi rin(i tersurat dari Ho8e0er, she is a little it (areless and stuorn. She has many (ats in her house. !here are aout nine teks erentuk des(ri-ti0e (ats. She lo0es them all. ne o7 her 7a0orite is a little orange (at. She (alls her QShinnyC. Girsty lo0es to
dan(e and sing. Ne0ertheless, she 8ants to e a model. RonaldCs ni(kname is Ron. Most o7 girls in our s(hool lo0e and adore him. !hereCs no dout aout his good looking. =e (all him 9!he 4harming Ron<. His height is 1JF (m. Ron has straight hair and -er7e(t 7a(e. He is an intelligent and intro0ert -erson. Ao0e all, he is humle. He 8as (ro8ned as !he Best Student this year. He 8on so many -riEes on Math, 4hemistry and Physi( (om-etition. Ho8e0er, his 7a0orite suje(t is 4hemistry. He 8ants to e a (hemist someday. onathan is a 7unny -erson. He (an al8ays 7ind a 8ay to make the -eo-le around him laugh. I 8onder 8hat it is in his head 7or he (an (reate jokes s-ontaneously. onathanCs ni(k name is o. He is -lum-. HeCs aout 1F$ (m tall. His 8eight is $# kg. !hatCs 8hy 8e (all him 9!he Big o<. He has a round 7a(e 8ith ro8n eyes. His s-iky hairstyle makes him easily re(ogniEed. o is a humorous, 7riendly and an easy going -erson. He is a mo0ie 7reak. He 8ould ne0er miss any ne8 mo0ie in the (inema. He dreams o7 e(oming a 7amous a(tor one day. Aout me =ell, my name is Hana. ICm the shortest one among them. ICm aout 1F# (m tall. I ha0e long 8a0y hair 8ith round 7a(e. My 7riends (all me 9!he 4huy Hana< e(ause I also ha0e a (huy (he(k. Most -eo-le, e0en my -arents say that ICm a (are7ul, generous and diligent -erson. !hey also say that ICm a it sensiti0e. I lo0e -ainting. I s-end mu(h time in my small studio just -ainting. !hatCs all aout me and 7riends o7 mine. 50en though 8e are uite di77erent, 8e lo0e ea(h other and 8ill kee- this relationshi- 7or good. D. =hat is HanaCs 7a0orite a. She lo0es 4hemistry . She lo0es (ats (. She lo0es 8at(hing ! d. She lo0es -ainting e. She lo0es singing
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS 6es(ri-ti0e % ) % " !ertulis * P +
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
N. SA2 : 11." Meres-on makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk narrati0e, des(ri-ti0e, dan ne8s item
'3N4I : 5
B3'3 S3MB5R : Interlanguage: 5nglish 7or Senior High S(hoo l Students )
My Very Best Friends
I elie0e that a 7riend is an angel 8ho li7ts us o77 our 7eet 8hen our 8ings ha0e troule rememering ho8 to 7ly. It means that our 7riends are -eo-le 8ho 8ill al8ays e there 7or us any time 8e MATERI need them. ICm so lu(ky e(ause I ha0e three est 7riends. !hey are Girsty, Ronald and onathan. =e ha0e kno8n ea(h other sin(e 8e 8ere 7our years old. =e met in the kindergarten. Sin(e then, 8e al8ays go to Descri+tive the same s(hool. Moreo0er, our houses are still in the same lo(k. =e do e0erything together. ur motto is 93nited 8e stand, di0ided 8e 7all<. It means 9together 8e are stronger<. No8, let me introdu(e my 7riends one y one. Girsty is the youngest among us e(ause she 8as orn in 6e(emer. =e (all her 9!he S8eety INDIKATOR SOAL Girsty<. Her 7ather is Gren(h. She is tall and slim. SheCs aout 1J1 (m. She has long straight hair. A(tually the (olor o7 her hair is londe. Ho8e0er, she dyed her hair la(k sin(e last year. She has eauti7ul lue eyes, an o0al 7a(e and -ointed nose. 9!he S8eety Girsty< is a (heer7ul, (on7ident, and determined girl. ¤ Menentukan in7ormasi rin(i tersurat dari Ho8e0er, she is a little it (areless and stuorn. She has many (ats in her house. !here are aout nine teks erentuk des(ri-ti0e (ats. She lo0es them all. ne o7 her 7a0orite is a little orange (at. She (alls her QShinnyC. Girsty lo0es to
dan(e and sing. Ne0ertheless, she 8ants to e a model. RonaldCs ni(kname is Ron. Most o7 girls in our s(hool lo0e and adore him. !hereCs no dout aout his good looking. =e (all him 9!he 4harming Ron<. His height is 1JF (m. Ron has straight hair and -er7e(t 7a(e. He is an intelligent and intro0ert -erson. Ao0e all, he is humle. He 8as (ro8ned as !he Best Student this year. He 8on so many -riEes on Math, 4hemistry and Physi( (om-etition. Ho8e0er, his 7a0orite suje(t is 4hemistry. He 8ants to e a (hemist someday. onathan is a 7unny -erson. He (an al8ays 7ind a 8ay to make the -eo-le around him laugh. I 8onder 8hat it is in his head 7or he (an (reate jokes s-ontaneously. onathanCs ni(k name is o. He is -lum-. HeCs aout 1F$ (m tall. His 8eight is $# kg. !hatCs 8hy 8e (all him 9!he Big o<. He has a round 7a(e 8ith ro8n eyes. His s-iky hairstyle makes him easily re(ogniEed. o is a humorous, 7riendly and an easy going -erson. He is a mo0ie 7reak. He 8ould ne0er miss any ne8 mo0ie in the (inema. He dreams o7 e(oming a 7amous a(tor one day. Aout me =ell, my name is Hana. ICm the shortest one among them. ICm aout 1F# (m tall. I ha0e long 8a0y hair 8ith round 7a(e. My 7riends (all me 9!he 4huy Hana< e(ause I also ha0e a (huy (he(k. Most -eo-le, e0en my -arents say that ICm a (are7ul, generous and diligent -erson. !hey also say that ICm a it sensiti0e. I lo0e -ainting. I s-end mu(h time in my small studio just -ainting. !hatCs all aout me and 7riends o7 mine. 50en though 8e are uite di77erent, 8e lo0e ea(h other and 8ill kee- this relationshi- 7or good.
. =hi(h statement is TRUE a((ording to the te?t a. Girsty has a round 7a(e . onathan 8ants to e a (hemist (. Ron 8ants to e an artist d. Hana has long straight hair e. onathan is -lum-
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS 6es(ri-ti0e % ) % " !ertulis * P +
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
N. SA2 : F 11." Meres-on makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk narrati0e, des(ri-ti0e, dan ne8s item MATERI Descri+tive
Menentukan makna erentuk des(ri-ti0e
'3N4I : 4
B3'3 S3MB5R : Interlanguage: 5nglish 7or Senior High S(hoo l Students )
My Very Best Friends
I elie0e that a 7riend is an angel 8ho li7ts us o77 our 7eet 8hen our 8ings ha0e troule rememering ho8 to 7ly. It means that our 7riends are -eo-le 8ho 8ill al8ays e there 7or us any time 8e need them. ICm so lu(ky e(ause I ha0e three est 7riends. !hey are Girsty, Ronald and onathan. =e ha0e kno8n ea(h other sin(e 8e 8ere 7our years old. =e met in the kindergarten. Sin(e then, 8e al8ays go to the same s(hool. Moreo0er, our houses are still in the same lo(k. =e do e0erything together. ur motto is 93nited 8e stand, di0ided 8e 7all<. It means 9together 8e are stronger<. No8, let me introdu(e my 7riends one y one. Girsty is the youngest among us e(ause she 8as orn in 6e(emer. =e (all her 9!he S8eety Girsty<. Her 7ather is Gren(h. She is tall and slim. SheCs aout 1J1 (m. She has long straight hair. A(tually the (olor o7 her hair is londe. Ho8e0er, she dyed her hair la(k sin(e last year. She has eauti7ul lue eyes, an o0al 7a(e and -ointed nose. 9!he S8eety Girsty< is a (heer7ul, (on7ident, and determined girl. teks Ho8e0er, she is a little it (areless and stuorn. She has many (ats in her house. !here are aout nine (ats. She lo0es them all. ne o7 her 7a0orite is a little orange (at. She (alls her QShinnyC. Girsty lo0es to
dan(e and sing. Ne0ertheless, she 8ants to e a model. RonaldCs ni(kname is Ron. Most o7 girls in our s(hool lo0e and adore him. !hereCs no dout aout his good looking. =e (all him 9!he 4harming Ron<. His height is 1JF (m. Ron has straight hair and -er7e(t 7a(e. He is an intelligent and intro0ert -erson. Ao0e all, he is humle. He 8as (ro8ned as !he Best Student this year. He 8on so many -riEes on Math, 4hemistry and Physi( (om-etition. Ho8e0er, his 7a0orite suje(t is 4hemistry. He 8ants to e a (hemist someday. onathan is a 7unny -erson. He (an al8ays 7ind a 8ay to make the -eo-le around him laugh. I 8onder 8hat it is in his head 7or he (an (reate jokes s-ontaneously. onathanCs ni(k name is o. He is -lum-. HeCs aout 1F$ (m tall. His 8eight is $# kg. !hatCs 8hy 8e (all him 9!he Big o<. He has a round 7a(e 8ith ro8n eyes. His s-iky hairstyle makes him easily re(ogniEed. o is a humorous, 7riendly and an easy going -erson. He is a mo0ie 7reak. He 8ould ne0er miss any ne8 mo0ie in the (inema. He dreams o7 e(oming a 7amous a(tor one day. Aout me =ell, my name is Hana. ICm the shortest one among them. ICm aout 1F# (m tall. I ha0e long 8a0y hair 8ith round 7a(e. My 7riends (all me 9!he 4huy Hana< e(ause I also ha0e a (huy (he(k. Most -eo-le, e0en my -arents say that ICm a (are7ul, generous and diligent -erson. !hey also say that ICm a it sensiti0e. I lo0e -ainting. I s-end mu(h time in my small studio just -ainting. !hatCs all aout me and 7riends o7 mine. 50en though 8e are uite di77erent, 8e lo0e ea(h other and 8ill kee- this relationshi- 7or good.
F. A 8ord in the te?t that has the same meaning as 9strong/minded< is @ a. sensiti0e . 7riendly (. determined d. (on7ident e. (heer7ul
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Ne8s Item % ) % " !ertulis * P +
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
N. SA2 : J 11." Meres-on makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk narrati0e, des(ri-ti0e, dan ne8s item MATERI Ne3s Ite"
¤ Menentukan in7ormasi rin(i tersurat dari teks erentuk ne8s item
'3N4I : 6
B3'3 S3MB5R : Interlanguage: 5nglish 7or Senior High S(hoo l Students )
Inul Ai"s to Drill A#ter ,a2 A'AR!A: 6angdut singer Inul 6aratista says she 8ill not sto- -er7orming her raun(hy hi-/ gyrating dan(e, 9the drill< a7ter re(ently (om-leting a s-iritual -ilgrimage to Me((a. 93Etad *(leri(+ ad0ised me to run my usiness as usual a7ter the haj. He only told me to sto- i7 I 8as too tired. Ho8 am I su--osed to 7eed my 7amily i7 I donCt sing and dan(e< said the singer 8hose dan(ing 8as on(e the sour(e o7 a major (ontro0ersy here. Inul said she 8ouldnCt e (hanging her ty-i(ally/tight stage out7i ts like many other a(tresses and 7emale singers 8ho start 8earing heads(ar0es a7ter (oming a(k 7rom the haj. 9 @.. *the (ostume+ de-ends on the songs: I7 I 8as ordered to sing asyidah *Arai( songs+. ICd ha0e to adjust. 9Inul said uoted y 6etik(om. Inul 8ho tra0elled to Me((a 8ith her husand, Adam Suseno, said they had een im-ressed y the eauty o7 the (ity and 8ere -lanning to make a return tri- 8ithin the ne?t 7our months. 9Ne?t year, 7our months 7rom no8, 8eCll take the umroh *minor haj -rogram+, 9 she said. A$a+te$ #ro"% 'he aarta Post, *ecember +7, +7
J. =ith 8hom did Inul take haj a. alone (. 3Etad . her 7riend d. her husand
e. her -arents
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Ne8s Item % ) % " !ertulis * P +
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
N. SA2 : $ 11." Meres-on makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk narrati0e, des(ri-ti0e, dan ne8s item MATERI Ne3s Ite"
¤ Menentukan in7ormasi rin(i tersurat dari teks erentuk ne8s item
'3N4I : B
B3'3 S3MB5R : Interlanguage: 5nglish 7or Senior High S(hoo l Students )
Inul Ai"s to Drill A#ter ,a2 A'AR!A: 6angdut singer Inul 6aratista says she 8ill not sto- -er7orming her raun(hy hi-/ gyrating dan(e, 9the drill< a7ter re(ently (om-leting a s-iritual -ilgrimage to Me((a. 93Etad *(leri(+ ad0ised me to run my usiness as usual a7ter the haj. He only told me to sto- i7 I 8as too tired. Ho8 am I su--osed to 7eed my 7amily i7 I donCt sing and dan(e< said the singer 8hose dan(ing 8as on(e the sour(e o7 a major (ontro0ersy here. Inul said she 8ouldnCt e (hanging her ty-i(ally/tight stage out7i ts like many other a(tresses and 7emale singers 8ho start 8earing heads(ar0es a7ter (oming a(k 7rom the haj. 9 @.. *the (ostume+ de-ends on the songs: I7 I 8as ordered to sing asyidah *Arai( songs+. ICd ha0e to adjust. 9Inul said uoted y 6etik(om. Inul 8ho tra0elled to Me((a 8ith her husand, Adam Suseno, said they had een im-ressed y the eauty o7 the (ity and 8ere -lanning to make a return tri- 8ithin the ne?t 7our months. 9Ne?t year, 7our months 7rom no8, 8eCll take the umroh *minor haj -rogram+, 9 she said. A$a+te$ #ro"% 'he aarta Post, *ecember +7, +7
$. =hat is InulCs de(ision a7ter haj
a. She 8ill sto- her raun(hy dan(e. . She 8ill run her usiness as usual. (. She 8ill sing Arai( songs. d. She 8ill start 8earing heads(ar0es. e. She 8ill take a reak 7or 7our months.
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Ne8s Item % ) % " !ertulis * P +
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
N. SA2 : & 11." Meres-on makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk narrati0e, des(ri-ti0e, dan ne8s item MATERI Ne3s Ite"
¤ Menentukan in7ormasi rin(i tersurat dari teks erentuk ne8s item
'3N4I : A
B3'3 S3MB5R : Interlanguage: 5nglish 7or Senior High S(hoo l Students )
Inul Ai"s to Drill A#ter ,a2 A'AR!A: 6angdut singer Inul 6aratista says she 8ill not sto- -er7orming her raun(hy hi-/ gyrating dan(e, 9the drill< a7ter re(ently (om-leting a s-iritual -ilgrimage to Me((a. 93Etad *(leri(+ ad0ised me to run my usiness as usual a7ter the haj. He only told me to sto- i7 I 8as too tired. Ho8 am I su--osed to 7eed my 7amily i7 I donCt sing and dan(e< said the singer 8hose dan(ing 8as on(e the sour(e o7 a major (ontro0ersy here. Inul said she 8ouldnCt e (hanging her ty-i(ally/tight stage out7i ts like many other a(tresses and 7emale singers 8ho start 8earing heads(ar0es a7ter (oming a(k 7rom the haj. 9 @.. *the (ostume+ de-ends on the songs: I7 I 8as ordered to sing asyidah *Arai( songs+. ICd ha0e to adjust. 9Inul said uoted y 6etik(om. Inul 8ho tra0elled to Me((a 8ith her husand, Adam Suseno, said they had een im-ressed y the eauty o7 the (ity and 8ere -lanning to make a return tri- 8ithin the ne?t 7our months. 9Ne?t year, 7our months 7rom no8, 8eCll take the umroh *minor haj -rogram+, 9 she said. A$a+te$ #ro"% 'he aarta Post, *ecember +7, +7
&. =hat Inul -lanned 7our months ahead
a. She 8ill take the umroh. . She 8ill tra0el to Me((a. (. She 8ill sing asyidah. d. She 8ill start 8earing heads(ar0es. e. She 8ill sto- -er7orming her raun(hy dan(e.
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Ne8s Item % ) % " !ertulis * P +
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
N. SA2 : F# 11." Meres-on makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis esei se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu -engetahuan dalam teks erentuk narrati0e, des(ri-ti0e, dan ne8s item MATERI Ne3s Ite"
Menentukan makna erentuk ne8s item
'3N4I : 5
B3'3 S3MB5R : Interlanguage: 5nglish 7or Senior High S(hoo l Students )
Inul Ai"s to Drill A#ter ,a2 A'AR!A: 6angdut singer Inul 6aratista says she 8ill not sto- -er7orming her raun(hy hi-/ gyrating dan(e, 9the drill< a7ter re(ently (om-leting a s-iritual -ilgrimage to Me((a. 93Etad *(leri(+ ad0ised me to run my usiness as usual a7ter the haj. He only told me to sto- i7 I 8as too tired. Ho8 am I su--osed to 7eed my 7amily i7 I donCt sing and dan(e< said the singer 8hose dan(ing 8as on(e the sour(e o7 a major (ontro0ersy here. Inul said she 8ouldnCt e (hanging her ty-i(ally/tight stage out7i ts like many other a(tresses and 7emale singers 8ho start 8earing heads(ar0es a7ter (oming a(k 7rom the haj. 9 @.. *the (ostume+ de-ends on the songs: I7 I 8as ordered to sing asyidah *Arai( songs+. ICd ha0e to adjust. 9Inul said uoted y 6etik(om. Inul 8ho tra0elled to Me((a 8ith her husand, Adam Suseno, said they had een im-ressed y the eauty o7 the (ity and 8ere -lanning to make a return tri- 8ithin the ne?t 7our months. 9Ne?t year, 7our months 7rom no8, 8eCll take the umroh *minor haj -rogram+, 9 she said. A$a+te$ #ro"% 'he aarta Post, *ecember +7, +7
F#. A 8ord in the te?t that has the same meaning as 90ulgar< is @
a. usual . s-iritual (. minor d. major e. raun(hy
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS 5?-ressing ratitude % ) % " !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR &.1 Mengungka-kan makna dalam -er(aka-an transaksional *to get things done+ dan inter-ersonal *ersosialisasi+ resmi dan tak resmi se(ara akurat, lan(ar dan erterima yang menggunakan ragam ahasa lisan sederhana dalam eragai konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan meliatkan tindak tutur: erterima kasih, memuji, dan mengu(a-kan selamat
E*+ressin! (ratitu$e
'3N4I : A
F1. Ayu : !hanks a million 7or your hel-. Arnis : . a. 6onCt mention it. . ICd lo0e to. (. Really d. !hatCs 8onder7ul. e. !erri7i(;
N. SA2 : F1
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R : Interlanguage: 5nglish 7or Senior High S(hoo l Students )
menggunakan kasih
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS 5?-ressing ratitude % ) % " !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR &.1 Mengungka-kan makna dalam -er(aka-an transaksional *to get things done+ dan inter-ersonal *ersosialisasi+ resmi dan tak resmi se(ara akurat, lan(ar dan erterima yang menggunakan ragam ahasa lisan sederhana dalam eragai konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan meliatkan tindak tutur: erterima kasih, memuji, dan mengu(a-kan selamat MATERI E*+ressin! (ratitu$e
N. SA2 : F"
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : A
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R : 2ook Ahead An 5nglish 4ourse 1
F". An old lady : 'ids, 8ould you like to hel- me to (arry my ags, -lease 'ids : es, (ertainly. An old lady : Than -ou #or -our in$ness' 'ids : ItCs a -leasure. !he underlined e?-ression sho8s@@@@... a. gratitude . (om-liment (. (ongratulation d. in0itation e. sur-rised
¤ Mengidenti7ikasi -enggunaan ungka-an erterima kasih dalam suatu -er(aka-an
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS 5?-ressing 4om-liment% ) % " !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR &.1 Mengungka-kan makna dalam -er(aka-an transaksional *to get things done+ dan inter-ersonal *ersosialisasi+ resmi dan tak resmi se(ara akurat, lan(ar dan erterima yang menggunakan ragam ahasa lisan sederhana dalam eragai konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan meliatkan tindak tutur: erterima kasih, memuji, dan mengu(a-kan selamat MATERI E*+ressin! )o"+li"ent
N. SA2 : F
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : A
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R : 2ook Ahead An 5nglish 4ourse 1
F. Marissa : .o34 -ou loo so char"in! to$a-. our !/shirt mathes your jeans. Andika : !hanks. Grom the dialog ao0e, Marissa e?-resses her @@@@@@@@@ to Andika. a. (om-liment . sur-rise (. (ongratulation d. in0itation e. gratitude
¤ Mengidenti7ikasi -enggunaan ungka-an memuji dalam suatu -er(aka-an
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS 5?-ressing 4om-liment% ) % " !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR &.1 Mengungka-kan makna dalam -er(aka-an transaksional *to get things done+ dan inter-ersonal *ersosialisasi+ resmi dan tak resmi se(ara akurat, lan(ar dan erterima yang menggunakan ragam ahasa lisan sederhana dalam eragai konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan meliatkan tindak tutur: erterima kasih, memuji, dan mengu(a-kan selamat MATERI E*+ressin! )o"+li"ent
N. SA2 : FD
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : B
FD. Adi : !hatCs a 0ery (ute s8eater. Retno : . a. ItCs no troule at all. . !hank you 7or saying so. (. =ith my -leasure. d. ery 8ell, thanks. e. !hat 8ould e ni(e.
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R : Interlanguage: 5nglish 7or Senior High S(hoo l Students )
¤ Melengka-i -er(aka-an dengan menggunakan ungka-an memuji
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS 5?-ressing 4ongratulation% ) % " !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR &.1 Mengungka-kan makna dalam -er(aka-an transaksional *to get things done+ dan inter-ersonal *ersosialisasi+ resmi dan tak resmi se(ara akurat, lan(ar dan erterima yang menggunakan ragam ahasa lisan sederhana dalam eragai konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan meliatkan tindak tutur: erterima kasih, memuji, dan mengu(a-kan selamat MATERI E*+ressin! )on!ratulation
N. SA2 : F
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : 6
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R : 2ook Ahead An 5nglish 4ourse 1
F. Aisa : Praise Allah, I got the 7irst 8inner in 5nglish s-ee(h (om-etition last 8eek. Gahri : )on!ratulation' 5ou6re !reat' In the dialog Gahri e?-resses @@@@@@ a. sur-rise . gratitude (. a-ology d. (ongratulation e. in0itation
¤ Mengidenti7ikasi -enggunaan ungka-an mengu(a-kan selamat dalam suatu -er(aka-an
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS 5?-ressing 4ongratulation% ) % " !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR &.1 Mengungka-kan makna dalam -er(aka-an transaksional *to get things done+ dan inter-ersonal *ersosialisasi+ resmi dan tak resmi se(ara akurat, lan(ar dan erterima yang menggunakan ragam ahasa lisan sederhana dalam eragai konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan meliatkan tindak tutur: erterima kasih, memuji, dan mengu(a-kan selamat MATERI E*+ressin! )on!ratulation
N. SA2 : FF
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : B
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R : 2ook Ahead An 5nglish 4ourse 1
FF. Annisa : I must (ongratulate you on your -romotion. Alya : @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ a. ICm sorry to hear that . !hank you 0ery mu(h (. ItCs okay d. ICm sad e. ouCre 8el(ome
¤ Melengka-i -er(aka-an dengan menggunakan ungka-an mengu(a-kan selamat
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS 5?-ressing Sur-rise% ) % " !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR &." Mengungka-kan makna dalam -er(aka-an transaksional *to get things done+ dan inter-ersonal *ersosialisasi+ resmi dan tak resmi yang menggunakan ragam ahasa lisan sederhana se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan meliatkan tindak tutur: menyatakan rasa terkejut, menyatakan rasa tak -er(aya, serta menerima undangan, ta8aran, dan ajakan MATERI E*+ressin! Sur+rise
N. SA2 : FJ
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : 6
FJ. Mar(ell : . irga : Really !hatCs 8onder7ul; a. My lo0ely kitten died last night. . My little sister killed my hamster. (. My horse has een si(k 7or three days, d. My dog 8on a s8imming (ontest yesterday. e. My rait 8as hit y a (ar this morning.
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R : Interlanguage: 5nglish 7or Senior High S(hoo l Students )
¤ Melengka-i -er(aka-an dengan menggunakan ungka-an menyatakan rasa terkejut
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS 5?-ressing Sur-rise% ) % " !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR &." Mengungka-kan makna dalam -er(aka-an transaksional *to get things done+ dan inter-ersonal *ersosialisasi+ resmi dan tak resmi yang menggunakan ragam ahasa lisan sederhana se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan meliatkan tindak tutur: menyatakan rasa terkejut, menyatakan rasa tak -er(aya, serta menerima undangan, ta8aran, dan ajakan MATERI E*+ressin! Sur+rise
N. SA2 : F$
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : 5
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R : 2ook Ahead An 5nglish 4ourse 1
F$. Rangga : ou kno8, 4inta. Aldy is going to marry Alya ne?t month. 4inta : Reall-7 He said nothing aout that 8hen I met him yesterday. !he underlined e?-ression ao0e sho8s..@@@@.. a. (ongratulation . (om-liment (. gratitude d. in0itation e. sur-rise
¤ Mengidenti7ikasi -enggunaan ungka-an menyatakan rasa terkejut dalam suatu -er(aka-an
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS 5?-ressing 6iselie7% ) % " !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR &." Mengungka-kan makna dalam -er(aka-an transaksional *to get things done+ dan inter-ersonal *ersosialisasi+ resmi dan tak resmi yang menggunakan ragam ahasa lisan sederhana se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan meliatkan tindak tutur: menyatakan rasa terkejut, menyatakan rasa tak -er(aya, serta menerima undangan, ta8aran, dan ajakan MATERI E*+ressin! Disbelie#
N. SA2 : F&
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : 6
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R : 2ook Ahead An 5nglish 4ourse 1
F&. Mr. 6aud : !hatCs terrile. ur !homas team lost in semi7inal session last night. Mr. Sutiyoso : I #in$ that har$ to believe' Mr. 6aud : =e lost again this year. Mr. Sutiyoso e?-resses his.........@. to Mr. 6aud. a. in0itation . (om-liment (. (ongratulation d. diselie7 e. a-ology
¤ Mengidenti7ikasi -enggunaan ungka-an menyatakan rasa rasa tak -er(aya dalam suatu -er(aka-an
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS 5?-ressing 6iselie7% ) % " !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR &." Mengungka-kan makna dalam -er(aka-an transaksional *to get things done+ dan inter-ersonal *ersosialisasi+ resmi dan tak resmi yang menggunakan ragam ahasa lisan sederhana se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan meliatkan tindak tutur: menyatakan rasa terkejut, menyatakan rasa tak -er(aya, serta menerima undangan, ta8aran, dan ajakan MATERI E*+ressin! Disbelie#
N. SA2 : J#
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : 5
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R : 2ook Ahead An 5nglish 4ourse 1
J#. Gandi : Rina, ha0e you heard that Andri has een arrested y the -oli(e e(ause o7 using drugs. Rina : Are -ou serious7 5ou "ust be 2oin!' In the dialog ao0e, Rina e?-resses her @@. a. (om-liment . (ongratulation (. gratitude d. in0itation e. diselie7
¤ Mengidenti7ikasi -enggunaan ungka-an menyatakan rasa rasa tak -er(aya dalam suatu -er(aka-an
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS A((e-ting an In0itation% ) % " !ertul !ertulis is * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR &." Mengungka-kan makna dalam -er(aka-an transaksional *to *to get things done+ dan inter-ersonal *ersosialisasi+ resmi dan tak resmi yang menggunakan ragam ahasa lisan sederhana se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan meliatkan tindak tutur: menyatakan rasa terkejut, menyatakan rasa tak -er(aya, serta menerima menerima undangan, ta8aran, dan ajakan MATERI Acce+tin! an Invitation
N. SA2 : J1
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : 4
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R S3MB5R : 2ook Ahead Ahead An 5nglish 5nglish 4ourse 1
J1. irga irga : =onCt =onCt you you ha0e a dinner dinner 8ith 8ith my 7amily 7amily tomorro8 tomorro8 night night Adi Adi : : .. a. ou must e joking; . My goodness; (. !hat 8ould e great. d. =ell done. e. 4ongratulations;
¤ Melengka-i -er(aka-an dengan -enggunaan ungka-an menerima ajakan
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS A((e-ting an In0itation% ) % " !ertul !ertulis is * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR &." Mengungka-kan makna dalam -er(aka-an transaksional *to *to get things done+ dan inter-ersonal *ersosialisasi+ resmi dan tak resmi yang menggunakan ragam ahasa lisan sederhana se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan meliatkan tindak tutur: menyatakan rasa terkejut, menyatakan rasa tak -er(aya, serta menerima menerima undangan, ta8aran, dan ajakan MATERI Acce+tin! an Invitation
N. SA2 : J"
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : 5
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R S3MB5R : 2ook Ahead Ahead An 5nglish 5nglish 4ourse 1
J". J". 6eny 6eny : 2ail 2aila, a, are are you you usy usy thi thiss a7te a7tern rnoo oon n 2ail 2ailaa : No. No. ICm ICm 7ree 7ree toda today y. 6eny : =ould =ould you like like to a((om-any a((om-any me to (ome (ome to AndyC AndyCss irthday irthday -arty -arty 2aila : Sure. Grom the dialog ao0e, 8e kno8 that 2aila @@@@@@.. a. res-ond res-ondss the the in0ita in0itatio tion n . a--re(iates the in0itation (. re7use re7usess the the in0ita in0itatio tion n d. de(lin de(lines es the the in0i in0itat tation ion e. a((e-t a((e-tss the the in0ita in0itatio tion n
¤ Mengidenti7ikasi -enggunaan ungka-an menerima ajakan dalam suatu -er(aka-an
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS A((e-ting an 77er% ) % " !ertul !ertulis is * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR &." Mengungka-kan makna dalam -er(aka-an transaksional *to *to get things done+ dan inter-ersonal *ersosialisasi+ resmi dan tak resmi yang menggunakan ragam ahasa lisan sederhana se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dan meliatkan tindak tutur: menyatakan rasa terkejut, menyatakan rasa tak -er(aya, serta menerima menerima undangan, ta8aran, dan ajakan MATERI Acce+tin! an Invitation
N. SA2 : J
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : B
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R S3MB5R : 2ook Ahead Ahead An 5nglish 5nglish 4ourse 1
J. Nino : Do -ou "in$ i# I hel+ -ou #inish the re+ort7 Santy Santy : Not at all. all. ICm glad glad you you (ould (ould helhel- me. me. Nino e?-resses his @@@@@ to Santy. a. in0itation . o77er (. sur-rise d. gratitude e. a-ology
¤ Mengidenti7ikasi -enggunaan ungka-an menerima ta8aran dalam suatu -er(aka-an
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Ad0ertisement% ) % " !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR 11.1 Meres-on makna dalam teks 7ungsional -endek *misalnya -engumuman, iklan, undangan, dll+ resmi dan tak resmi se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima yang menggunakan ragam ahasa tulis dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari
N. SA2 : JD
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : 4
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R : 2ook Ahead An 5nglish 4ourse 1
Looking for Secretary. Not more than 21 years old, fluent in English, interesting performance, and good-experienced. Send the application letter enclosed the curriculum vitae to !."!# $%%$. !ne &eek the latest.
¤ Menentukan gamaran umum dari suatu
JD. Grom the ad0ertisement, 8e (an get the in7ormation that @@@@@@. a. !he 0a(an(y is 7or oth male and 7emale
. (. d. e.
I7 -eo-le need a jo, they (an a--ly 7or that 0a(an(y !he 0a(an(y looks 7or 7emale under "1 years old and 7luent in 5nglish ou (an send the a--li(ation letter in 7ourteen days !he 7emale 8ho are more than "1 years old (an a--ly 7or it
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS In0itation 4ard% ) % " !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR 11.1 Meres-on makna dalam teks 7ungsional -endek *misalnya -engumuman, iklan, undangan, dll+ resmi dan tak resmi se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima yang menggunakan ragam ahasa tulis dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari
N. SA2 : J
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : B
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R : 2ook Ahead An 5nglish 4ourse 1
Dear Maya, I want to congratulate you for your success in Miss Indonesia Contest 2008 as Miss Congeniality. You’re really te !est. Congratulation once again"
MATERI Invitation )ar$
¤ Menentukan gamaran umum dari suatu
J. Al0in 8rites the (ongratulation (ard ao0e is to @@@@@ a. in0ite Maya to (ome to Miss Indonesia (ontest "##$
. (. d. e.
kartu undangan
(ongratulate Maya on her 8inning as Miss 4ongeniality -ersuade Maya to join in Miss Indonesia (ontest "##$ join in Miss Indonesia (ontest "##$ (ongratulate Miss Indonesia "##$
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS ratitude 4ard% ) % " !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR 11.1 Meres-on makna dalam teks 7ungsional -endek *misalnya -engumuman, iklan, undangan, dll+ resmi dan tak resmi se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima yang menggunakan ragam ahasa tulis dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari MATERI (ratitu$e )ar$
N. SA2 : JF
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : A
B3'3 S3MB5R : 2ook Ahead An 5nglish 4ourse 1
Dear4 Na-la Than -ou so "uch #or -our attention' 5ou6re the true #rien$ to "e' R-an
JF. =hat did Ryan 8rite the (ard ao0e 7or a. He 8anted to e?-ress his gratitude to Nayla
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
¤ Menentukan gamaran umum dari suatu kartu u(a-an terima kasih
. (. d. e.
He 8anted to (ongratulate Nayla He 8anted to say that he like Nayla He 8anted to in0ite Nayla to go 8ith him He 8anted to -ay attention to Nayla
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Ne8s Item% ) % " !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR 11.1 Meres-on makna dalam teks 7ungsional -endek *misalnya -engumuman, iklan, undangan, dll+ resmi dan tak resmi se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima yang menggunakan ragam ahasa tulis dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari MATERI Ne3s Ite"
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
N. SA2 : JJ
'3N4I : A
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R : 2ook Ahead An 5nglish 4ourse 1
Gried ri(e -arty 9Nasi oreng Sejagad< is su--orted y "J# 0endors o7 7ried ri(e in Bandung. It a(uires uali7i(ation o7 the Indonesia Re(ord Museum *M3RI+ e(ause it has the most -arti(i-ants. It 8ill e re(ommended to 8rite in uiness Book o7 Re(ords.
JJ. =hat is the suitale headline 7or the (ontent o7 the ne8s ao0e a. Gried ri(e -arty . uiness Book o7 Re(ords (. Gried ri(e -arty in Bandung
¤ Menentukan headline dari seuah teks erentuk ne8s item
d. M3RI notes 7ried ri(e re(ord e. "J# 0endors su--ort the -arty
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Passi0e oi(e% ) % " !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR 1"." Mengungka-kan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei sederhana se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dalam teks erentuk narrati0e, des(ri-ti0e, dan ne8s item
N. SA2 : J$
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : 4
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R : 2ook Ahead An 5nglish 4ourse 1
MATERI Passive 8oice
¤ Menguah entuk kalimat akti7 ke kalimat
J$. IndonesiaCs go0ernment rededi(ated the Boroudur !em-le as an Indonesian national monument in 1&$. !he -assi0e 7orm o7 the senten(e is @@@.. a. !he Boroudur !em-le is rededi(ated y IndonesiaCs go0ernment as an Indonesian national monument in 1&$ . !he Boroudur !em-le are rededi(ated y IndonesiaCs go0ernment as an Indonesian national monument in 1&$ (. !he Boroudur !em-le 8as rededi(ated y IndonesiaCs go0ernment as an Indonesian national monument in 1&$
d. !he Boroudur !em-le 8ere rededi(ated y IndonesiaCs go0ernment as an Indonesian national monument in 1&$ e. !he Boroudur !em-le rededi(ated y IndonesiaCs go0ernment as an Indonesian national monument in 1&$
-asi7 dalam entuk -ast tense
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Passi0e oi(e% ) % " !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR 1"." Mengungka-kan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei sederhana se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dalam teks erentuk narrati0e, des(ri-ti0e, dan ne8s item
N. SA2 : J&
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : B
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R : 2ook Ahead An 5nglish 4ourse 1
MATERI Passive 8oice
¤ Menguah entuk kalimat akti7 ke kalimat
J&. !he tea(hers al8ays ask the third year students to study mu(h harder to -re-are 7or the national e?amination. !he -assi0e 7orm o7 the senten(e is @@@... a. !he third year students al8ays asked y the tea(hers to study mu(h harder to -re-are 7or the national e?amination . !he third year students are al8ays asked y the tea(hers to study mu(h harder to -re-are 7or the national e?amination (. !he third year students 8ere al8ays asked y the tea(hers to study mu(h harder to -re-are 7or the national e?amination
d. !he third year students 8as al8ays asked y the tea(hers to study mu(h harder to -re-are 7or the national e?amination e. !he third year students is al8ays asked y the tea(hers to study mu(h harder to -re-are 7or the national e?amination
-asi7 -resent sim-le tense
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Passi0e oi(e% ) % " !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR 1"." Mengungka-kan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei sederhana se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dalam teks erentuk narrati0e, des(ri-ti0e, dan ne8s item
N. SA2 : $#
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : A
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R : 2ook Ahead An 5nglish 4ourse 1
MATERI Passive 8oice
¤ Menguah entuk kalimat akti7 ke kalimat
$#. alih and Ratna are doing a (lonning e?-eriment in the Biology laoratory right no8. !he -assi0e 7orm o7 the senten(e is @@@. a. A (lonning e?-eriment is doing y alih and Ratna in the Biology laoratory right no8 . A (lonning e?-eriment 8as done y alih and Ratna in the Biology laoratory right no8 (. A (lonning e?-eriment is done y alih and Ratna in the Biology laoratory right no8 d. A (lonning e?-eriment 8as eing done y alih and Ratna in the Biology laoratory right no8 e. A (lonning e?-eriment is eing done y alih and Ratna in the Biology laoratory right no8
-asi7 dalam entuk -resent (ontinuous tense
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS Passi0e oi(e% ) % " !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR 1"." Mengungka-kan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei sederhana se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dalam teks erentuk narrati0e, des(ri-ti0e, dan ne8s item
N. SA2 : $1
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : B
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R : 2ook Ahead An 5nglish 4ourse 1
MATERI Passive 8oice
$1. !he students ha0e 7inished the (om-osition aout the im-ortan(e o7 eing dis(i-line in daily li7e. !he -assi0e 7orm o7 the senten(e is @@@.. a. !he (om-osition aout the im-ortan(e o7 eing dis(i-line in daily li7e ha0e 7inished y the students . !he (om-osition aout the im-ortan(e o7 eing dis(i-line in daily li7e is 7inished y the students (. !he (om-osition aout the im-ortan(e o7 eing dis(i-line in daily li7e ha0e een 7inished y the students d. !he (om-osition aout the im-ortan(e o7 eing dis(i-line in daily li7e has een 7inished y the students
¤ Menguah entuk kalimat akti7 ke kalimat -asi7 dalam entuk -resent -er7e(t tense
e. !he (om-osition aout the im-ortan(e o7 eing dis(i-line in daily li7e has 7inished y the students
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS 6ire(t S-ee(h% ) % " !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR 1"." Mengungka-kan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei sederhana se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dalam teks erentuk narrati0e, des(ri-ti0e, dan ne8s item
N. SA2 : $"
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : 4
B3'3 S3MB5R : 2ook Ahead An 5nglish 4ourse 1
MATERI Direct S+eech
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
$". Mrs. 4ayandra8ati said,<6onCt 8orry aout it.< !he indire(t s-ee(h o7 the senten(e is @@... a. Mrs. 4ayandra8ati told me not 8orry aout it. . Mrs. 4ayandra8ati told me donCt 8orry aout it. (. Mrs. 4ayandra8ati told me not to 8orry aout it. d. Mrs. 4ayandra8ati told me to not 8orry aout it. e. Mrs. 4ayandra8ati told me to donCt 8orry aout it.
¤ Menguah entuk kalimat langsung ke kalimat tidak langsung
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS 6ire(t S-ee(h% ) % " !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR 1"." Mengungka-kan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei sederhana se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dalam teks erentuk narrati0e, des(ri-ti0e, dan ne8s item
N. SA2 : $
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : A
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R : 2ook Ahead An 5nglish 4ourse 1
MATERI Direct S+eech
$. He s(reamed at me,
¤ Menguah entuk kalimat langsung ke kalimat tidak langsung
that. d. He s(reamed at me that I kno8 I am (raEy and he asked me 8ho makes me (raEy and makes me like this. e. He s(reamed at me that he had kno8n he has een (raEy and he asked me 8ho had made him (raEy and had made him like that.
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS 6ire(t S-ee(h% ) % " !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR 1"." Mengungka-kan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei sederhana se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dalam teks erentuk narrati0e, des(ri-ti0e, dan ne8s item
N. SA2 : $D
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : B
B3'3 S3MB5R : 2ook Ahead An 5nglish 4ourse 1
MATERI Direct S+eech
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
$D. She said,
¤ Menguah entuk kalimat langsung ke kalimat tidak langsung
KARTU SOAL Nama Sekolah Mata Pelajaran Bahan % 'elas % Semester Bentuk Soal
: : : :
SMA Negeri 1 Angkinang BAHASA INRIS 6ire(t S-ee(h% ) % " !ertulis * P +
KOMPETENSI DASAR 1"." Mengungka-kan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei sederhana se(ara akurat, lan(ar, dan erterima dalam konteks kehidu-an sehari/hari dalam teks erentuk narrati0e, des(ri-ti0e, dan ne8s item MATERI Direct S+eech
¤ Menguah entuk kalimat langsung ke kalimat tidak langsung
N. SA2 : $
Penyusun !ahun Ajaran
'3N4I : B
: Nidya Rahma Sari, S. Pd : "##$%"##&
B3'3 S3MB5R : 2ook Ahead An 5nglish 4ourse 1
$. 9!om, I didnCt mean to hurt you< she said ner0ously. a. She said ner0ously that !om had not meant to hurt him. . She said ner0ously that she had not meant to hurt him. (. She said ner0ously that she has not meant to hurt him. d. She said ner0ously that I did not mean to hurt !om. e. She said ner0ously that she had not meant to hurt you.
Mengetahui, 'e-ala Sekolah
Angkinang, anuari "##& uru Mata Pelajaran
us-eri, S.Pd NIP. 11FJD"$1
Nidya Rahma Sari, S.Pd NIP. D##1#
4I5I$4I5I 67)89I5,) 5,9
:,;,5, I)<<#I5 479,5 =