This is a Harry Potter focused lesson plan with emphasis for students to read the books in their free time. The lesson includes an introduction to the books, the blurb from the back cover as wel...
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Lesson plan – Wh-Questions (Interrogative question-words: who, what, where, when, why, which, whose and how) Class: re-inter!ediate "#L students (teens $ young adults) %i!e: &' !inutes ssu!ptions: tudents have prior *nowledge on si!ple question-word +eatures and their respective +unctions present tenses the use o+ ver-to-e (is, are) .aterials: Whiteoard, whiteoard !ar*ers, posters, !aga/ines (e0g0 +ood and travel, newswee*, !otherhood, her world), catalogues (e0g0 I*ea) i!s: •
%o enale students to understand understand and practice the !eaning o+ the wh-question word choose the appropriate wh-question words to elicit the type o+ in+or!ation desired
%o allow students to de!onstrate practical understanding o+ the acquired *nowledge on wh-question word +or!s y using the! to co!plete the tas*
12ectives: •
%o enale to choose the correct interrogative word to elicit desired types o+ in+or!ation and supply relevant responses to wh-questions
%o use wh-questions to co!plete a tas* correctly
Page 1
re-activity (34 !inutes)
% as*s the class a +ew si!ple wh-questions e0g0 •
What is your +avourite drin*5
Where do you live5
6ow !any rothers and$or sisters do you have5
%o introduce a si!ple set o+ whquestion requiring in+or!ation aout the!selves
7uring activity (3' !inutes)
% will re+er to the poster (ppendi8 ) and chorally reads the +irst question-
%o give +urther e8planation and relate
answer pair with and as*s the class which sentence in the question and
to an e8a!ple +ro! a poster and
which is the answer, then as* the class how they can tell that 9Where is
highlighting the question-word and
%a*ashi!aya5 is a question0 chorally repeats the question wit h a word
structure with associated punctuation
stress pattern in the long word o+ ;%a*ashi!aya<0
% rein+orces the idea that one can tell this is a question ecause it egins with a question word 9Where and ends with a question !ar* y circling the questionword 9Where and 950 % will re+er to the 9where question word on the poster (ppendi8 =) le+t colu!n and as*s the class what *ind o+ in+or!ation the questioner is requesting, as*ing and writing down their accurate responses in the right colu!n0 (e0g0 9Where so!ething is, 9a place, etc0) and per+or! the si!ilar
%o illustrate !ore on the questionword and respective the!es y involving class participation0
tas* with the re!aining wh-question words0 >/ cc c h cc88 ost-activity (3' !inutes)
% as*s class to +or! pairs with their neighour and as*s their partner to co!e
%o enhance pair-wor* interaction +or
up with two or !ore wh-questions vice versa wit h re+erence to the given
+urther understanding through sharing
sessions with others in the class0
Page 2
% calls on a +ew students to share with their wh-questions0 Conclusion (' !inutes)
% repeats the whole process o+ the wh-question word and answer pairs with
%o drill on the question-words and
chorally with re+erence to the poster and to introduce the other wh-question
clari+y any douts or !isconceptions
words (e0g0which$who!$whose$how) in the +ollowing lesson0
on related question-words0
nticipated prole!s and possile solutions: •
tudents !ay have di++iculty +ollowing the tas*s during the activity hence teacher will guide the student $ pair in the process o+ the activity or give +urther clari+ication on what will e required +ro! the students esides !odeling
?e!ar*s: •
%his lesson adopts the hu!anistic approach +or the pre-activity and approaches to the standard !ethod, with as !uch student-centered questioning as possile0
Appendix A
3) Where is %a*ashi!aya5
@) Where are these oo*s +ro!5
%a*ashi!aya is at 1rchard ?oad0
%hese oo*s are +ro! the school lirary0
Page 3
A) What is your +avourite +ood5
&) What are they doing5
.y +avourite +ood is chic*en rice0
%hey are dancing0
') When is rea* ti!e5
) When are =en and Dane co!ing5
=rea* ti!e is at B0A4a!0
%hey are co!ing at 'p!0
E) Who is the president o+ the Fnited tates o+ !erica (F)5
G) Who are they5
=arac* 1a!a is the president o+ F0
%hey are !y neighours0
B) Why is Dohn late5
34) Why are the students here5
Dohn is late ecause o+ the heavy rain0
%hey are here ecause they want to *now their e8a! results0