Executive Housekeeper Supervisor/Inspectress Room Attendant Houseman Laundry Lobby Porter/Com mercial Area Night Maid/Houseman
Job Cost
Salaried 512600 512000 512200 519000 512400
Minutes per Room
Hours for Day
Hourly Rate
#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!
Total Housekeeping Cost
$12.82 $12.00 $7.64 $7.35 $7.75 $7.25 $0.00 -
Total Cost
$ $ $ $ $ $ $
73.19 -
Cost per Occupied Room
Minutes per Room
0 3 28 5 6 0 0
Hours for Day
Hourly Rate
5.71 -
$12.82 $12.00 $7.64 $7.35 $7.75 $7.25 $0.00
Total Cost
$ $ $ $ $ $ $
73.19 -
Note: The Executive Housekeeper is to inspect 75 rooms daily. Any rooms over that are divided among the inspectresses and an average of 3 minutes per room is calculated to inspect. Typical cost for Laundry is 6 minutes per occupied room. This formula allows 8 minutes per occupied room due to ironer. To fill the 8 hour period, the inspectress will ins pect rooms at the above mentioned formula and clean rooms/laundry etc as hours allowed in the daily formula.
MTD MTD thro throug ugh: h:
7/30 7/30/2 /201 011 1
Numb Number er of Room Rooms s Clea Cleane ned: d:
Number of Rooms Forecast:
Executive Housekeeper Supervisor/Inspectress Room Attendant Houseman Laundry Lobby Porter/Com mercial Area Night Maid/Houseman
Job Cost
Salaried 512600 512000 512200 519000 512400
Minutes per Room
2 16 7 6 -
Total Housekeeping Cost
Hours for Day
Hourly Rate
171.30 205.25 1,548.25 628.75 614.75
$12.82 $12.00 $7.64 $7.35 $7.75 $7.25 $0.00
Rooms Rooms for the the Date Date of:
7/30 7/30/20 /2011 11
Job Cost
Total Housekeeping Cost Cost per Occupied Room
Total Cost
$ $ $ $ $ $ $
With Temp Labor
$ $
Numbe Numberr of Rooms Rooms Clea Cleaned ned:: Actual Minutes per Hours Hourly Room for Month Rate