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test bank for james hall accounting information systems. version 5E. year:2011
test bank for james hall accounting information systems. version 5E. year:2011
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test bank for james hall accounting information systems. version 5E. year:2011Full description
test bank for james hall accounting information systems. version 5E. year:2011
Hall 5e TB Ch04
test bank for james hall accounting information systems. version 5E. year:2011Full description
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Chapter 7—The Conversion Cycle
1. The philosop philosophy hy of customer customer satisfactio satisfaction n permeates permeates the world-cl world-class ass firm. firm. ANS: T 2. Reports generated generated by the cost cost accounting accounting system include performance reports reports and budget reports. reports. ANS: T . The cost account accounting ing system system authori!es authori!es the release release of raw materials materials into into productio production. n. ANS: " #. $atch processing processing creates a homogeneous homogeneous product product through a continuous continuous series series of standard procedures. ANS: " %. The bill of materials specifies the the types and &uantities &uantities of the raw materials and subassemblies subassemblies used in producing a single single unit of finished product. product. ANS: T '. A purchase re&uisition re&uisition authori!es authori!es the store(eeper to to release materials materials to indi)iduals or wor( centers centers in the production process. ANS: " *. The SA+ R, system system organi!es organi!es business business processes processes into four categories: categories: financial financial logistics logistics human human resources and business process support. ANS: T . The ob/ecti)e ob/ecti)e of the 0conomic rder rder uantity model is to reduce total in)entory in)entory costs by minimi!ing minimi!ing carrying costs and ordering costs. ANS: T 3. The wor(-in-process wor(-in-process file is the subsidiary subsidiary ledger ledger for the wor(-in-process wor(-in-process control account. ANS: T 14. 5o)e tic(ets tic(ets authori authori!e !e the store(eep store(eeper er to release release materials materials to wor( centers. centers. ANS: " 11. An operating characteristic of of modern manufacturing manufacturing firms is that labor is replaced replaced with capital so that the firm can be more efficient and therefore more competiti)e. ANS: T
12. 6omputer 7ntegrated 7ntegrated 5anufacturing 5anufacturing focuses focuses on reducing the comple8ity comple8ity of the physical physical manufacturing manufacturing layout of the shop floor. ANS: " 1. The only ob/ecti ob/ecti)e )e of the 9ust-7n-T 9ust-7n-Time ime philosop philosophy hy is to reduce in)ent in)entory ory le)els. le)els. ANS: " 1#. Accounting in a world-class manufacturing en)ironment emphasi!es standard cost and )ariance )ariance analysis. ANS: " 1%. 7dentifying cost dri)ers dri)ers is an essential essential step in implementing implementing the 9ust-7n-Time 9ust-7n-Time philosophy. philosophy. ANS: " 1'. A world world class class information information system system produces produces )ery )ery little little paper. paper. ANS: T 1*. 7nternal control control procedures procedures are )irtually identical in a world-class manufacturing en)ironment and in a traditional manufacturing en)ironment. ANS: " 1. 7n a world-class world-class company company all acti)ities from ac&uisition of raw materials materials to selling selling the final product product form a chain of customers.; ANS: T 13. The two subsystems of a traditional traditional con)ersion con)ersion cycle are the production production system system and the the deli)ery system. ANS: " 24. 5anufacturing resources planning planning <5R+ 77= 77= has e)ol)ed into into electronic electronic resource planning <0R+=. ANS: " MULTIPLE CHICE
1. >hich item does not descri describe be a worldworld-clas classs company company?? a. the goal goal of a world world-clas -classs company company is to delight delight its its customer customerss b. customers in a world-class world-class company are e8ternal departments departments only c. world-clas world-classs companie companiess wor( wor( in in cross-fu cross-functi nctional onal teams d. a world-cl world-class ass company company has has a flat flat organi!a organi!ationa tionall structur structuree ANS: $ 2. >hich subsy subsystem stem is not a part part of the the product production ion system? system?
a. b. c. d.
directing directing the mo)emen mo)ementt of wor( through through the the proces processs determining raw material material re&uirements author authori!i i!ing ng wor( wor( to to be be perf perform ormed ed monitorin monitoring g the flow flow of cost cost information information relate related d to product production ion
ANS: @ . The purpo purpose se of the cost cost accoun accounting ting system system is to a. produc producee informa informatio tion n for in)ent in)entory ory )alua )aluatio tion n b. authori!e release of raw materials materials c. direct direct the mo)em mo)ement ent of of wor(wor(-in in-pr -proce ocess ss d. determ determine ine materi material al re&u re&uire iremen ments ts ANS: A #. >hich process process creates a homogeneous homogeneous product product through through a continuous series of standard procedures? procedures? a. batch pr process b. ma(e-to-order process c. cont contin inuo uous us pro proce cess ss d. none none of the the abo abo)e )e ANS: 6 %. An e8ample e8ample of a continuo continuous us process process is is the produc production tion of a. wedd weddin ing g in)it in)itat atio ions ns b. mil( products c. /et aircraft d. all all of of th the abo abo)e )e ANS: $ '. All of the follow following ing are charact characterist eristics ics of batch batch processin processing g e8cept e8cept a. each each item item in the batch batch is simila similar r b. batches are produced in accordance with detailed customer specifications specifications c. batches batches are produc produced ed to replenish replenish depleted depleted in)ent in)entory ory le)els le)els d. setting setting up and retool retooling ing is re&uired re&uired for for different different batches batches ANS: $ *. >hen determinin determining g which which items items to produce produce a firm must must (now (now a. last last year years s prod produc ucti tion on le) le)el el b. raw material in)entory in)entory le)els c. the the stan standa dard rd cos costt of the the item item d. the the sal sales es fore foreca cast st ANS: @ . The produc productio tion n sche schedul dulee is is a. the e8pect e8pected ed demand demand for for the firm firmss finishe finished d goods goods for a gi)en gi)en year year b. the formal plan and authority authority to begin production production c. a descriptio description n of the type type and &uantity &uantity of raw materi materials als and subasse subassembli mblies es used to produ produce ce a single unit of finished product d. the se&uence se&uence of operat operations ions during during manufac manufacturi turing ng ANS: $
3. A mo)e o)e tic tic(e (ett a. is the the formal formal plan and authority authority to begin begin productio production n b. specifies the materials and and production re&uired re&uired for each batch c. record recordss the the wor( wor( done done in in each each wor( wor( cent center er d. authori!es authori!es the the store(ee store(eeper per to release release materia materials ls to wor( wor( centers centers ANS: 6 14. The internal internal control control significa significance nce of the e8cess e8cess materials materials re&uisi re&uisition tion is that that it a. indicates indicates the amount amount of material material released released to to wor( wor( centers centers b. identifies materials used in production that that e8ceed the standard amount amount allowed c. indicates indicates the standa standard rd &uanti &uantities ties re&uired re&uired for for product production ion d. documents documents the the return to to raw materials materials in)ento in)entory ry of unused unused producti production on materials materials ANS: $ 11. 11. 7n)entory 7n)entory control control perform performss all of the followi following ng tas(s tas(s e8cept e8cept it a. pro)ides pro)ides productio production n planning planning and control control with with the in)entory in)entory status status report report of finished finished goods goods b. updates the raw material in)entory in)entory records c. prepares prepares a materi materials als re&ui re&uisitio sition n for each produc production tion batch batch d. records records the completed completed produc production tion as an increa increase se to finished finished goods goods in)ento in)entory ry ANS: 6 12. The store( store(eeper eeper releases releases raw raw materia materials ls based based on on the a. prod produc ucti tion on sche schedu dule le b. materials re&uisition re&uisition c. wor( order d. bill bill of mate materi rial alss ANS: $ 1. >hich of the the following following is not an assumpti assumption on of the 0conomic 0conomic rder rder uantity uantity model? model? a. demand demand for for the produ product ct is (nown (nown with with cert certain ainty ty b. total cost per year year of placing orders is fi8ed c. lead lead time time is (now (nown n and and is is const constant ant d. there there are are no no &uan &uantity tity discou discount ntss ANS: $ 1#. "irms hold safety safety stoc( stoc( to compensat compensatee for for a. mathematica mathematicall wea(ness wea(nesses es of the the 0conomi 0conomicc rder rder uantity uantity model b. )ariations in lead time time or daily demand c. fluctu fluctuati ations ons in carryi carrying ng costs costs d. uncertainty uncertainty in the the estim estimation ation of orderi ordering ng costs costs ANS: $ 1%. >hat is the economic economic order &uantity &uantity if the the annual demand is 14444 14444 units units set up cost of placing placing each order is B and the holding cost per unit per year is B2? a. 1*# b. 12 c. 2#% d. none none of the the abo abo)e )e ANS: A
1'. 7f the daily daily demand demand is #4 units units and the lead lead time time is 12 days the the reorder reorder point is a. %2 units b. # units c. #4 units d. none none of the the abo abo)e )e ANS: 6 1*. 1*. >hich >hich stat stateme ement nt is is not not corre correct? ct? a. general general ledger ledger creates a new new cost record record upon upon receipt receipt of a wor( order order from product production ion planning and control control b. cost accounting updates updates the cost record with with data gathered from the materials materials re&uisition c. general general ledger ledger posts summary summary inform information ation about about the the manufacturi manufacturing ng process process based based on a /ournal )oucher prepared prepared by cost accounting d. cost accounti accounting ng computes computes )ariances )ariances and applie appliess o)erhead o)erhead to indi)idual indi)idual cost cost records records ANS: A 1. >hich of the following following is not not a category of critical success success factors in most manufacturing companies? a. produ roduct ct &uali uality ty b. customer ser)ice c. re)e re)enu nuee gen gener erat atio ion n d. reso resour urce ce mana managem gemen entt ANS: 6 13. 6omputer 6omputer integrated integrated manufact manufacturing uring groups groups all of the following following technolo technologies gies e8cept e8cept a. robotics b. materials re&uirements planning planning c. automa automated ted stor storage age and and retri retrie)a e)all system systemss d. comp comput uter er aide aided d des desig ign n ANS: $ 24. The SA+ R, system pro)ides pre-defined pre-defined modules modules to support support business business processes in the all all of the the following categories e8cept a. hum uman an reso resour urce cess b. business process support support c. strategic d. financial ANS: 6 21. >hich situat situation ion )iolates )iolates the segrega segregation tion of functio functions ns control control procedure? procedure? a. production production planning planning and control control is located located apart apart from from the wor( wor( centers centers b. in)entory control control maintains custody of of in)entory items c. cost accoun accounting ting has custody custody of and ma(es ma(es entries entries on cost cost records records d. wor( centers centers record record direct direct labor labor on /ob /ob tic(e tic(ets ts ANS: $ 22. All of the the following following are internal internal control procedures that that should be in place place in the con)ersion cycle e8cept a. calculati calculation on and analys analysis is of direct direct material material and direct direct labor labor )ariance )ariancess b. retention of e8cess materials materials by wor( centers
c. physic physical al count count of of in)ent in)entory ory item itemss on hand hand d. limited limited access access to to raw materia materiall and finis finished hed goods goods in)ent in)entories ories ANS: $ 2. 2. +roces +rocesss simpli simplific ficati ation on focus focuses es on a. using using 6omputer 6omputer Numerical Numerical 6ontrolle 6ontrolled d machines machines which stand stand alone alone within within a traditional traditional setting b. completely automating automating the manufacturing en)ironment en)ironment c. reducing reducing the comple8 comple8ity ity of the physical physical manufac manufacturi turing ng layout layout of the shop shop floor floor d. organi!i organi!ing ng the the process process into into functional functional department departmentss ANS: 6 2#. A manufacturing process process that is organi!ed organi!ed into group technology technology cells utili!ing no human labor is called a. isla island ndss of tec techn hnol olog ogy y b. process simplification simplification c. 6omput 6omputer er 7nte 7ntegra grated ted 5anufa 5anufactu cturin ring g d. trad tradit itio iona nall manu manufa fact ctur urin ing g ANS: 6 2%. An e8ampl e8amplee of autom automation ation of manufact manufacturing uring design design is a. 6ompu 6ompute terr Aide Aided d 0ngin 0nginee eeri ring ng b. Automated Storage and Retrie)al Systems c. 6ompu 6ompute terr Nume Numeri rica call 6ont 6ontro roll d. robotics ANS: A 2'. An e8ample e8ample of autom automation ation of manufact manufacturing uring planning planning is is a. 6ompu 6ompute terr Aide Aided d 0ngin 0nginee eeri ring ng b. Automated Storage and Retrie)al Systems c. 5ateri 5aterials als Re&uir Re&uireme ements nts +lanni +lanning ng d. 6ompu 6ompute terr Numer Numeric ical al 6ont 6ontro roll ANS: 6 2*. "irms implem implement ent a 9ust-7n 9ust-7n-Ti -Time me in)ento in)entory ry approach approach to to a. reduc reducee in)es in)estm tment ent in in)ent in)entori ories es b. determine the optimum optimum in)entory le)el using using the 0 model c. camouf camouflag lagee prod produc uctio tion n proble problems ms d. ensure ensure o)er o)erpro produc ducti tion on of of in)en in)entory tory ANS: A 2. 6haracteri 6haracteristic sticss of 9ust-7n-Tim 9ust-7n-Timee manufacturin manufacturing g include all of the followin following g e8cept a. push push manu manufa fact ctur urin ing g b. !ero defects c. reduc reduced ed setu setup p time time and and smal smalll lot lot si!es si!es d. reli reliab able le )end )endor orss ANS: A 23. The cost cost of poor poor &uality &uality includes includes all of the the followin following g e8cept e8cept
a. b. c. d.
cost of of re rewor( warranty claims sche schedu duli ling ng dela delay ys procee proceeds ds from from the the sale sale of of scra scrap p