EYE GLAMOUR SPELL You Will Need: One or more candle(s) of the color you want your eyes to be, a pentacle Light the candle(s) and sit in front of it. Clear your mind and chant three or more times "1 2 3 change for me, 1 2 3 (current color) to (color you want your eyes to be)" Once again, clear your mind and chant three or more times "By the power of three, Let it be seen" The more candles you use the better the spell will work. EYE COLOR Sit comfortably where you won't be distracted. Clear your mind and start by thinking about what color you want your eyes to be. I get an idea of what color I want and I think of my face like a mask I am holding up about 5 inches from my eyes so I can see behind it. Then I think of a light (like a flashlight) shining through the eyeholes of the mask. It starts dim but it gets really bright and he light is the color I want my eyes to look I try to hold that idea for as long as I can I see the eyes of the mask fill up with that color and then I visualize putting the mask on and absorb it under my skin so my eyes become that color. I don't chant or anything since I find it to take most of my concentration to visualize it and make it stick. I do burn a little incense sometimes but it doesn't really matter what I burn it's just to relax my mind. Mine last about an hour and a half for most of them. Which for the most part I'm only doing them for special occasions (like parties) so I don't need them for much longer if I do I can do a touch up in the bathroom (same Idea as makeup touch up just visualize a quick zap) SPELL TO CHANGE EYE COLOR Make sure it is night when you do this spell. Also, light one orange and one pink candle. Close your eyes. (You must have complete focus and be concentrating on the spell only.) Fill your mind with the color your eyes are. Picture that for about five minutes. Then picture the color you want. Chant: ''Become of me,'' three times. Repeat this whole process two times and you will see changes through the day. TO CHANGE THE COLOR OF YOUR EYES 1 pink rose 1 large red candle. Say: "This is to touch (touch rose) This is to be (put hand above candle) Shape and forment for all to see, By the powers of 3 times 3 (put hands over eyes) As I will it, so shall it be"... Candle (I use a candle who's color is the same as the color I want to change my eyes to) A pentacle (optional). You can get more candles, the more candles the better the spell will work. Light the candles and sit in front of the candle(s) and chant 3 or more times: 123 change for me, 123 (present color) to (color you want it to change to) Then chant 3 or more times: By the powers of three let it be seen Then visualize your eyes changing color then check in a mirror.
A SPELL TO CHANGE EYE COLOR Materials: 1 orange candle 1 pink candle A quiet night Light the candles. Close your eyes and begin to focus on the spell only. Fill your mind with the color that your eyes are. Meditate on it for about 5 minutes. Then picture the color slowly changing. Your old color fading, the new color taking over. Chant "become of me" 3 times. Repeat this process 2 more times. Your eyes will change throughout the day. TO MODERATELY CHANGE APPEARANCE Look into the flame of a pink candle while chanting Blazing Fire as you dance, Call upon my sacred glance. Call upon my second sight, Give me, ___a one or two word description of what you want__,with your sacred light. Blazing fire shining bright, Give me now my second sight. TO CHANGE YOUR EYE COLOR For the magic practitioner wishing to test their skill, there is a way to do this. You must be relatively advanced as a witch to use the magical method, but once you learn it's fun and entertaining. This type of magic is commonly called a glamour. It is really just a matter of taking a desire and making it surface so that it is visible to other people. Close your eyes. You must have complete focus and be concentrating only on changing the eye color, any other distractions must be cleared from the mind. Now fill your mind with the color your eyes are, right now, naturally. Now see that color slowly change to the color you wish your eyes to become. See it overpower your natural color. Imagine that the color shines like a ray of light from inside your mind out through your eyes. Visualize your eyes becoming that color as the light passes through them. (This process should take at least 15 minutes the first few times, and you will have to repeat it after awhile. Glamours fade as you "forget" them.) Upon opening your eyes, you may or may not be able to see the change in the mirror. For a more accurate check of whether it worked, ask someone what color your eyes are. If they know you really well they may see past the glamour. (Your parents may see past it, and often spouses or very close friends, because they know you too well.) The stronger you develop the talent to throw a glamour, the more people it can trick. It will take you practice. AN HERBAL BEAUTY CHARM SPELL You can use this charm to "fluff up" the glamour in your aura. This combination of herbs works to give you not only radiance, but also increased attractiveness and self-confidence. Keep the sachet on your altar or near your bed where you can see it daily. To make it you will need: 1 six-inch square of golden cloth 1 seven-inch square of green lace (dye some)
1 teaspoon of witch hazel bark or tincture 1 teaspoon of cardamom seeds (look in Grocery shop) 1 teaspoon grains of paradise (or use paprika) 1 teaspoon basil (Grocery or garden store) 1 teaspoon caraway seeds (Grocery store) 1 inch piece of dried ginger root and one of powdered icing sugar 1 inch piece of cinnamon stick (Grocers) 13 apple seeds (greengrocers or garden) 1 piece of rose quartz 1 garnet Red ribbon to make tiny red ribbon roses. Lay out the gold cloth squarely on top of the lace. In the center sprinkle the witch hazel, cardamom, grains of paradise, basil, and caraway. Hold the sugar ginger in your hands and focus on your inner beauty; see it as ray of light making its way into your aura. Place the sugar ginger on top of the herbs. Add the cinnamon stick, the apple seeds, the rose quartz, and the garnet. Bring the corners of the cloth and the lace up to a bundle; wrap three times with the ribbon. Tie three knots. Put the ribbon rose stems directly over the ribbon and wrap the ribbon ends three more times, tying three more knots to secure the ribbon roses to the sachet. Trim any ragged ends. Raise energy and charge the sachet, saying: "Treasures without, Treasures within the glamour comes from my heart, Beauty without, Beauty within, Never from me to part. " It is done. TO KEEP BEAUTY FROM FADING When all your face appears most fair, When the comets and meteors gild your hair, And in your eyes the moon and sun Contest, surrender, and burn as one, When ivory Venus smoothes your brow, And Mars recurves your lips' red bow, Make haste to utter this binding verse And hold the stars on their kindest course... "Figure of fire, That shifts and changes, Planets that move By heaven's hinge, Be siged and fixed Forever here, And close my image Within thy sphere" Measure a yard of golden string Loose from your fingers let it swing, Then tie it in thirteen sturdy knots, Hide it among your scents and pots. SPELL OF THE COMB AND MIRROR Purify area, cast circle, etc. Burn a white candle for yourself, and say: "O Lady of shimmering beauty, For whom the stars are shining jewels And the Universe Her creation and plaything, Weaver of destinies and Protectress of things wild and free Make me now, I do ask, to be thy daughter
Make me one with thee and grant me thy far-flung power Grant to this, thy Witch and Sorceress Strength within and without. As eternal as the boundless sea, The calm assurance of my powers To make any do my bidding, And the winds, waters, and fires, The hills themselves lend willingly themselves to me. Give to me, who am of thy ancient Craft The wisdom of ages, the lore of eons, Knowledge of light, knowledge of dark. Grant me beauty ever more perfect That I may reflect thee better. Build magic within me, build power within me. Power be drawn and power come. And make me one with thee. Make me greater, make me better Grant me strength and grant me power. O Goddess who is my friend and mother, I give you love and thanks O Beautiful One, may the magick I have summoned Return the stronger when I have need of it So mote it be!" A TRUE BEAUTY SPELL A dish full of earth (good soil, not dry, dusty dirt). A yellow candle A full-sized mirror Olive, patchouli, jasmine, or cinnamon essential oil A small flower pot A flower or plant seed Anoint the candle with the essential oil you have chosen. Place it in the center of the dish of earth. Light it and sit down with it between you and a mirror. Look deeply into the mirror, concentrate on your reflection. Without being vain, consider the things you find most beautiful about yourself-not just physically but mentally. What is your inner beauty, what is your outer beauty? It's important that you never think of what you feel must be "changed", be as positive about the beauty that you have already. Perform this ritual 3 nights in a row. Once the entire candle has burnt down, remove the wax from the dish. Place the earth from the dish inside a small flower pot and plant a seed inside it. Water it and care for it so that it grows properly. You will soon find that your beauty will grow, flourish, and shine brighter than ever before- just as the plant grows before you, emerging from its seed.
MOONSHINE STARSHINE GLAMOUR On a full moon, take a mirror and go outside. (if you can't then open a window, make sure the moon is reflected on the mirror) Take a piece of a picture (hair, lips, eyes, whatever you are interested in changing) Place it on the mirror and concentrate on it and say: "Moonshine, Starlight, let the wind carry your light, let your glow cover my body, and let your shine cover every eye." Say it 3 times and concentrate on the part that you want to change, Then say... "Moonshine, Starlight, shape and mould my body, as a rose is granted beauty, let me blossom in your light, the light that brings me beauty, and grant me beauty three times three" Say it 3 times and when you are finished light a candle (pink) or some flower scented incense. CASTING A GLAMOUR SPELL TO LOOK BEAUTIFUL TO PEOPLE You will need the following: 1 rose quartz crystal six rose petals a small bottle of witch hazel Look at your face in a mirror and all of its flaws. Visualize your face changing into the face you want and desire. Rub the rose quartz lightly over the problem areas and say the following: "Stone of Beauty, Stone of Love, Create loveliness as I rub, Bring to me the face I see, As I will so mote it be!!!" Open then the bottle of witch hazel and insert the rose quartz. Take the six rose petals in your right hand and say... "Venus, One of beauty rare. I offer you these petals fair. Bless them with your loveliness and bring the beauty I request." Rub the petals over any line, wrinkle, imperfection etc. Then drop them in the witch hazel. Cap the bottle tightly and give it six good shakes a day for a week. At the end of the week, use it every day as a toner after face washing. As you apply it say... " Loveliness is what I gaze. Beauty of Venus, come forth this day." INNER BEAUTY Look into the flame of a pink candle and say 3 times: Earth air fire sea let the Goddesses of Beauty shine though me “
Repeat as often as needed.
GLAMOUR AND BEAUTY SPELL The best time to perform this spell is during the Full Moon, although, you can also do it on a Friday during the Waxing Moon. Ingredients/Tools: -Bowl of spring water -herbs for beauty, such as lavender and catnip, -a white rose that has been separated from the stem, -mirror. A ritual bath or purification ritual is recommended before performing this spell to sort-of 'clean the slate' and allow magic to start anew. Cast the circle and become calm and centered. Sit or stand facing the West. Pour the spring water into the bowl and hold it up to the Western corner. Say: “I hail to the West and the forces of Water. Hear and aid me in this magick tonight. Grant
me your beauty, Shape and form this face and body and let me radiate with self-love. self-love. With harm towards none, and for the free will of all, So mote it be” Set afloat the rose on top of the water and stir it with your fingers three times round in a clockwise motion. Take the flower out of the water and hold it in your hands. Say: “By the powers of the West, The forces of Water, I charge this flower with love. Beauty is
here, It shines with the power. Beauty is here, contained throughout my Aura which is symbolized by this flower” Keep the flower in a box along with catnip and/or lavender to remind you of your true beauty. If a friend or loved one needs the power of love and beauty, tell them the story of the rose you have blessed and give them the rose to continue it's power. I hope you enjoyed this spell, and I hope you see the true beauty with your hearts. GLAMOUR AND BEAUTY Mix a tea of roses, Damiana, Ginger, Dong quai, Coriander, & Primrose flowers. Place the dry herbs in a green glass jar and place on your altar. On a night of Venus (Friday), take a bath in Lovage roots and Rose petals, dry yourself and rub Musk oil into your skin. Go to your altar nude and light a pink candle anointed with Venus Oil or
Rose oil or perfume and burn some Aura of Enchantment Incense. Place a small mirror on the altar, gaze into it deeply and say, "Soft, my skin as Diana's… Smoldering Smoldering eyes as Aradia, Sensuous as a Goddess. Figures of fire that shift and change, Change me, now, To a creature of beauty, Blessed Blessed be the Goddess of Love”
Repeat each night for 7 nights, leaving the tea on the altar until the spell is finished, then drink a cup daily and wash your face with rose water upon waking. IRRESISTIBLE BEAUTY When: on a Tuesday night Where: in your bathroom Items needed: - brand-new bath oil or body wash which ever scent you like (e.g. lavender, jasmine, musk, or ylang ylang) - a chopped-up carrot(to represent earthiness and tastiness) - three small orange candles Draw a super-hot bath--double the amount of bath stuff you usually use. Let steam fog up the mirror. With your fingertip write "(your name) is the handsome/ seductive !" in the mirror. Chop the carrot into 3 pieces and float it in the bathwater. Light the candles-don't get in yet it's too hot. chant: "In this water so from the heat bathe me with Beauty from head to feet" (repeat three times) When the bath as cooled a bit, hop in relax and breathe in the scented bath stuff, for at least 20 min. Blow out the candles and bury the carrot outside afterwards, and continue using the scent in the shower or bath every night. BE SEEN MORE ATTRACTIVELY Fill your bathtub with water and scatter some fresh rose petals in it. Light some vanilla candles and/or incense. As you lie in the water, meditate on the image you would like to project and say these words: Earth, Air, Fire, Sea, Let the Goddess' beauty, Shine through me
MOULIN ROUGE GLAMOUR SPELL For when you need to make a big entrance! For this spell wear colorful clothes, flamboyant and luscious! However if you can't bear to venture out in anything but black make sure you wear opulent jewelry - stones of topaz, sapphire and ruby. Stand in the center of four lit red candles that have been anointed with cinnamon oil. You need to invoke the blessings of the night when glamour and mystery abound.
"Guardians of the night Bless me so that I radiate a beautiful light and bewitch all held held in my sight." In your mind s eye see the flames leap up and join above your head, spiraling into the cosmos and know that you are the center of all beauty and glamour in the universe. ’
A SPELL FOR BEAUTY It is said that this spell was used by many Witch's long ago. The origin of this spell was probably based more on myth than fact. Hand mirror, never used by you. Vervain (Verbena officinalis) officinalis), 1/4 cup. Eye Bright, 1 pinch. Yerba Santa Leaves, 1 pinch. Spring water, 1/4 cup. A piece of red velvet in which to wrap the mirror. This Spell is done under the waxing Moon or the full Moon. In your chalice, mix the herbs and spring water, stirring with your Athame, singing the “Song For Beauty”. Paint the mirror with this potion, taking care that you do not catch your reflection in it. Capture in the magic mirror the reflection of Hathor, the Goddess of Beauty (females), or any other form of person you wish to resemble e.g. Eros for men. Wrap the mirror in the red velvet and take it with you to a starlit river or lake. When the surface is calm, look at your reflection and cast the magic Mirror in the water, shattering your reflection. Say: "Aphrodite, born of Sea, Let thy power transfigure me. Grant to me thy rounded breast, Slender limb and all that's best Of hair and eyes and nose and chin, A smooth, unwrinkled, silken skin To catch the eye and turn the head Of any man, that I be wed* For no man's proof against the Arts That, through his eyes, reach to his heart. O Goddess of the form divine, Make my appearance like to thine!" Then do a dance upon the shore, to Hathor-Aphrodite, or sing to the stars, Songs of Beauty. *The line "Of a man, that I be wed" may be changed to "Of him whom I desire to wed" or "I'll not be scorned but choose instead" or "Of lovers I desire to bed".
SPELL TO BE SEEN MORE ATTRACTIVELY Fill your bathtub with water and scatter some fresh rose petals in it. Light some vanilla candles and/or incense. As you lie in the water, meditate on the image you would like to project and say these words: Earth, Air, Fire, Sea Let the Goddess' beauty Shine through me
ETERNAL BEAUTY SPELL 1 wine glass of water 1 pinch of salt 1 red candle 1 light blue candle 1 red rose (no scars or imperfections for best results) 1 round hand-held mirror Drop the pinch of salt into the glass of water saying: “Beauty be within me. Beauty now set me free” Carve the symbol of sex into the red candle. Carve a mirror symbol (symbol of sex) into the light blue one. Light the two candles, first the light blue one and then the red. Lay the mirror between the two candles and scry into your reflection. Drop the rose petals, one by one onto the mirror. After this is done, drink the water and say, Beauty, beauty come to me. Beauty, beauty set me free. Let the candles burn down all the way. “
SPELL FOR BEAUTY Mix a tea of roses, Damiana, Ginger, Dong quai, Coriander, & Primrose flowers. Place the dry herbs in a green glass jar and place on your altar. On a night of Venus (Friday), take a bath in Lovage roots and Rose petals, dry yourself and rub Musk oil into your skin. Go to your altar nude and light a pink candle anointed with Venus Oil and burn some Aura of Enchantment Incense. Place a small mirror on the altar, gaze into it deeply and say, "Soft, my skin as Diana's Smoldering eyes as Aradia, Sensuous as a Goddess. Figures of fire that shift and change, Change me, now, To a creature of beauty, Blessed be the Goddess of Love. Repeat each night for 7 nights, leaving the tea on the altar until the spell is finished, then drink a cup daily and wash your face with rose water upon waking. VENUS/APHRODITE'S MIRROR BATH To be done on Friday (Venus' day) at 7:00. Best done on a Waxing moon, or when the sun or moon is in Libra or Taurus. Draw a romantic bath for one.
Decorate your bathroom with pale green candles and a single red rose. Run the bath as hot as you can comfortably stand it. Add to the bath water a mixture of myrtle, and clover oil to honor Venus. Add one cup of sugar for sweetness, one cup of pink wine for heady intoxication, and a dash of sandalwood perfume. Enjoy your bath with a special facial and relax. After you have bathed and washed off the facial, dry your hair, and give the old hundred strokes hair-brushing routine a magical twist. Let your hair hang down before you. Sweep a natural boar-bristle brush from your scalp to the ends of your hair. Have your hand follow the brush as it works its way through. Focus your attention on your hand, and imagine that you are impregnating your hair with power. Think, feel, and exude magnetic attraction to your hair with every stroke. Now, make yourself comfortable and take several deep, relaxing breaths. Surround yourself with vibrant green light and picture yourself beautiful. Really get into the image. This is who you are-your magical self-and if you can visualize it, you can become it. Note what you might do to make the astral you a reality and affirm to do it. Finally get dressed up in your best clothes, wear emerald, turquoise jewelry (Venus stones) for extra luck in love. Then hit the town! HAIR MAGICK TO MAKE YOURSELF ATTRACTIVE Need: a mixture of lemon juice and lavender Wash your hair in this mixture and let it air dry before an important meet!
Hê eis Hen Askêsis Exercitatio ad Unitatem Exercise for Unity or Tantra LITE
Instruction Empedocles was a Greek shaman ( iatromantis) of the fifth century BCE, explained that there are two great living forces in the universe, which he called Love (Philotês) and Strife (Neikos) and assigned to Aphrodite and Ares. According to Hesiod, the Goddess Love and the God Strife, offspring of Night (Nyx), were ancient deities, predating the Olympians. The original golden age was the Reign of Aphrodite, when all things were united and Love permeated the length and breadth of the well-rounded cosmic sphere. But Strife, as the River Styx surrounding the Sphere, broke its Unity, and cleaved the One into Many. It divided the four elements, which ever since combine and separate under the opposing actions of Love and Strife to produce the changing world with its manifold objects and qualities. As Heraclitus said, "Through Strife all things come into being." Into the world with Strife came dualism and the tools of discrimination (for good or ill): oaths (sworn on the Styx), bargains, justice, weights and measures, science. Empedocles said that Strife also divided the one immortal soul of Love into many individual souls, each comprising both Love and Strife in some proportion; these immortal souls are reborn time and again into mortal bodies, which are animated by mortal souls compounded from the four elements. In this day now we have come from the apex of the Reign of Aphrodite to the nadir of the Reign of Ares. We have come from the solidarity of the tribe to the strife of group against group and individual against individual. For Neikos is the attraction of like for like, which separates the four elements and divides people from those unlike them; Ares works through jingoism, racism, bigotry and selfishness. Aphrodite was called Pandemos - the Goddess of All People - for, like Philotes, She draws together everything, both like and unlike, into One. To return to the Reign of Aphrodite we must invite Philotes into our lives, for Aphrodite does not demand that we be passionate, sexual lovers of everyone else; it is sufficient that we be united by Philotes, whose name means Affection and Friendship as well as Love. She comes when Strife is banished, and whenever we dissolve the divisions between us, we take a step back to the "well- rounded sphere permeated by Philotes," which was the cosmos of the golden age. This is based on Empedocles' Hymn to Her: Philotes, Thou whose arms surround the world, embracing all together, joined as one, we contemplate Thee, who cannot be seen, and feel Thee dwelling in our mortal limbs. We call Thee Friend, for Harmony's Thy gift, and Joy Thou'rt named, and Aphrodite too.
When people gather, You arrive unseen; in lofty clouds You circle like a dove, and draw us close in bonds of common Love. Hail, fair Goddess! Khaire! The following "Exercise toward Unity" is one step in this direction.
Practice This exercise aims to dissolve interpersonal boundaries by encouraging openness, trust, compassion, kindness, connection, respect, affection and love. These attitudes are encouraged if the participants wear little or no clothing, but that's not necessary. After creating sacred space, banishing Strife and invoking Love, participants are paired up randomly, and a simple counting device ensures that eventually each participant is paired with each other participant. (Since sexual intimacy is not a specific goal, but dissolving inhibitions is, no distinction is made between different- sex and same-sex pairings.) Each pair works through three activities, Admiration, Praise and Touch, which may overlap or blend into each other. Central to all three is experiencing the embodied divinity in the other -- "Thou art God. Thou art Goddess." The work of each pair begins with the partners saluting each other. Admiration, each partner admires the other as embodied divinity and each accepts the (1) In Admiration, admiration of the other as that befitting a divinity. Every characteristic of the other is seen as a manifestation of this divinity, and therefore worthy of praise. This is a kind of meditation, in which the goal is for your awareness to zoom in and focus on the partner in the here-and-now; your partner should fill your consciousness, so that it begins to merge with the divine other. Allow your heart open to your partner and feel the boundaries begin to dissolve. In this first activity the partners connect primarily through their eyes and the sense of sight, secondarily through the sense of smell. (2) In Praise each partner compliments the other, and the hearer strives to accept the praise as the adoration that a devotee owes a divinity. This is not a time for lies, but for honest admiration of the other, for whatever their appearance may be, they are embodied divinity and therefore praise-worthy; giver and receiver should each accept it in this way. The partners connect through the sense of hearing. (3) In Touch each partner treats the other as a divinity to whom they owe the pleasure of touch, and by whom they expect to be blessed by touch. They may touch each other in whatever ways are acceptable to them both; caressing, hugging, kissing and licking are typical. Partners may feed each other fruit, candy etc. Sexual contact is fine, if mutually agreeable, but the limited time during which partners are paired (5-10 min.) will preclude serious sex. The attitude of each to the other is as a devotee to a God/dess; each strives to honor and expects to be honored.
In this activity the partners connect through the senses of touch and taste. The three activities together allow the partners to relate through all five senses. (The activities correspond loosely to the second and third sacraments of the Liturgia Philotetos; the first sacrament is also included if each participant engages in self-admiration, (silent) self-praise and self-touch - essentially honoring their own divinity.) At the end of a pair's time together, they salute each other with some words such as "Thou are God/dess." After all pairs have connected, the Goddess is thanked and the circle is opened. finis