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Engineering Solutions...
G A LPERTI EN EN G IN EERIN G is an Internationa Internationa l Com pa ny w hose busines businesss is the design, design, man ufacture and supp ly of hig h integrity connectors, connectors, forged fittings and flow control pro ducts ducts.. O il, G as, Pow Pow er and Petrochemical Petrochemical Compa nies utilize our prod uct uctss in a var iety of app lications lications,, where often complex technical problems can now be solved cost effectively. In order to focus our effort upo n our Cus Customer tomer requirements, requirements, G A LPERTI EN EN G IN EERIN G offer a tot total al d es esign ign and manufacturing capability, from our dedicated in-house forge through to finished product, a unique feature in today’s ever demanding global marketplace. The G -L -LO O K ® Connector has an estabilished record throughout the world, meeting or exceeding all current industry dust ry codes and stand stand ard s. O ur facility is accredited wi th IS ISO 90 01 and our pr oducts meet all current indust industry ry stand stand ard s. The G -L -LO O K ® Clamp Connector is a fully proven alternative to the conventional flanged connection used throughout the oil, gas, petrochemical and power generation industries. Produced in a comprehensive range of sizes and materials they offer versatility, compactness, weight and cost effectiveness in connecting piping system. The Connector Connector is des designed igned to meet AN SI B 16 .5 , A SM E VII VIII, I, API API 6A / Q 1 a nd other design design cod es es.. The The design design has the the app roval of Lloyd Lloyd s, DN V and Stoomw ezen. Clamp Connectors offer: • Easy Assembly Assembly • Compa ct Cons Constru truct ction ion • Reduc educed ed W eight • M et etal al to metal metal sealing sealing technology – re-usab re-usab le • Fle lexibility xibility • Full Des Design ign ap proval
G-LOK ® ADVANTAGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 G-LOK ® SEVERE CONDITIONS APPLICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 G-LOK ® SIZING SELECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 G-LOK ® ASSEMBLY AND DIS-ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 G-LOK ® BUTTWELD HUBS / BLIND HUBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 G-LOK ® HEAVY DUTY BUTTWELD HUBS / BLIND HUBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 G-LOK ® SEAL RINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 G-LOK ® CLAMPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 G-LOK ® OTHER CONFIGURATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13 G-LOK ® CARBON STEEL PRESSURE TEMPERATURE RATING . . . . . . . . . 14-15 G-LOK ® STAINLESS STEEL PRESSURE TEMPERATURE RATING . . . . . . . . 16-17 G-LOK ® SUPERDUPLEX PRESSURE TEMPERATURE RATING . . . . . . . . . . 18-19 G-LOK ® QUALITY TYPE APPROVAL AND TESTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-21
The G-LOK ® Connector is designed to offer the strength and sealing integrity of a welded joint and the versatility of a mechanical joint. It serves the same purpose as a bolted flange assembly, with the advantages of being more easily installed, lighter and smaller. A self-energized, pressure activated connection, the G-LOK ®, clamp-type connector consists of four basic elements: • (1) Hub • (2) Clamps • (3) Seal • (4) Bolting The hubs are usually welded to pipe; the seal is installed and the bolting is tightened on the clamps to form a pipe connector that provides superior strength and leak integrity. The G-LOK ® is commonly used in service with temperatures of up to 650°C. The G-LOK ® also excels in high pressure applications, with working pressure of 30,000 psi not uncommon. The G-LOK ® clamp has been designed for the optimum strenght of a bolted connection. Since the bolts are at right angles to the axis of the pipe, they do not receive direct bending and pressure loads. This system of clamping provides greater strength than ANSI or API flanges at a fraction of the seal size and weight as a result of this design. Less bolting torque is required for proper seating of the seal. The design of the connector provides considerable stored energy in the system when compared with ANSI or API flanges. This stored energy works to provide leak resistance during thermal cycling and maintains proper bolt loading. When properly installed, the G-LOK ® will usually provide greater bending and torsional strength than the connecting pipe. The full face contact of the connector resists bending and ensures rigidity not provided by other clamp-type connectors. The pressure and temperature limitations are determined only by the materials of construction.
G-LOK ® – The Advantages the two hubs, and as they draw the hubs together the seal ring rib ensures proper seal alignment. As the hubs are drawn together by the clamp assembly, the seal ring lips deflect against the inner sealing surfaces of the hubs. This deflection elastically loads the lips of the seal ring against the inner sealing surface of the hub, forming the self-energized seal. Internal pressure reinforces this seal, so the sealing action of the G-LOK ® is both self-energized and pressure energized.
G-LOK ® in FREE position
The seal ring in the G-LOK ® resembles a “T” in cross section. The base of the “T” is the rib that is held by abutting hub faces as the connection is made up. The top of the “T” forms the lips that seal against the inner surfaces of the hubs. In the assembly of the connection, the clamps fit over
G-LOK ® in MADE-UP position
G-LOK ® clamp connectors are interchangeable with other connectors designed and manufactured according to the same standard.
Designed To Withstands Severe Conditions
The G-LOK ® connector has been designed for many different critical service applications. Many of these involve rapid cyclic operating conditions over extended periods of time, with various combinations of both pressure and temperature. To ensure compliance with the applicable design codes with regard to these severe thermal and pressure excursions, G-LOK ® utilizes state of the art engineering technology. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) allows the detailed examination of all connector elements under these varying conditions.
G-LOK ® Finite Element Model
The G-LOK ® clamp connection has a significantly smaller diameter and a shorter lenght than that of a comparably rated ANSI or API ring joint flange connection, reducing weight and space required for make-up. The G-LOK ® is especially well suited to systems that require close piping and hookup arrangements. As there are no bolt holes to align, the G-LOK ® clamp may be rotated to conveniently locate the bolts for easy make-up and break-down of the connections.
2” 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” 16”
WEIGHT KG. 9 18 24 62 100 190 280 560
WEIGHT KG. 27 50 74 175 300 485 730 1.370
Sizing Selections
HOW TO SELECT THE G-LOK ® CONNECTOR 1) Determine the following information needed to correctly size the G-LOK ® connector: • Maximum Service Pressure and Temperature (Your Design Conditions) • The engineering or industry code your project has specified. (ASME VIII, B31.3, etc.) • Pipe size and schedule or the I.D. and O.D. of the weld end. • Your piping material. 2) Refer to the tables in this catalogue: • Locate your pipe size and schedule in the Butt weld hub table on pages 6 to 7, then read across to the corresponding hub size (third column). As an example, the 4” schedule 40 Pipe requires a G-LOK ® Hub size of 4GR40. Also note that this chart has weights and dimensions for this hub and for most popular hub sizes. • The G-LOK ® number for the 4GR40 designates the correct clamp, bolting and seal ring sizes for this connection. The first number refers to the pipe and clamp size, in our example the pipe size is 4” and the clamp would be the 4. More information on the clamp can be located in the Clamp table on page 11. • The final set of numbers is the G-LOK ® seal for this connection (in our example this would be a 40). The G-LOK ® seal chart is located on page 10.
4” G-LOK ® HUB
3) Finally, refer to the pressure-temperature rating charts, on pages 14 to 19, to ensure that the G-LOK ® connector selected meets the design pressure and temperature requirements for the code to which it is being specified.
The standard line of G-LOK ® connectors and products are available in materials and sizes to fit nearly any requirement. But if your requi- rements, pipe size, material or design condi- tions, are not covered by one of our charts, please contact Galperti Engineering. We have an engineering and design staff ready to help you solve your most demanding needs.
HOW TO ORDER THE G-LOK ® CONNECTOR After following the selection procedures the information necessary for ordering G-LOK ® connectors is the quantity, the hub number and material, the seal number and seal material, and the clamp number and clamp material. A G-LOK ® assembly consists of the following: • Two G-LOK ® Hubs • One G-LOK ® Clamp Set, with four studs and eight nuts (Spherical washer available on request) • One G-LOK ® Seal Ring
Assembly and Dis-Assembly Procedure
DIS-ASSEMBLY INSPECT COMPONENTS PRIOR TO ASSEMBLY Hub and sealring seating surfaces must be clean and free from foreign matter. Damage to hub seats is not acceptable, and should be rectified before asse mbly. LUBRICATE Usually sealrings are coated which acts as lubrificant during make-upe. If required light oil or MoS2 spray can be used. Take care that no solid particles are present in the lubricant. CHECK SEALRING STANDOFF The sealring should rock slightly against hub face. Stand-off dimensions given below in mm.
A4 A5 A7 A1 1 14 A1 6 A2 0 23 A2 5 27 31 34 40 46 52 56 62 67 72
0, 4 0, 4 0,45 0,45 0, 5 0, 5 0,55 0, 6 0, 6 0,65 0, 7 0,75 0, 8 0, 9 0, 9 0, 9 1, 1 1, 1 1, 1
0,20 0,20 0,23 0,23 0,25 0,25 0,28 0,30 0,30 0,33 0,35 0,38 0,40 0,45 0,45 0,45 0,55 0,55 0,55
76 82 84 87 94 97 10 2 10 6 11 2 12 0 13 0 13 7 14 0 14 4 15 2 16 0 17 0 18 0 19 2 20 0 21 0 21 3 22 0
1, 2 1,35 1, 2 1, 2 1, 4 1, 5 1, 7 1, 7 1, 4 1, 8 1, 9 1, 5 1, 9 2 2, 1 2, 3 2, 5 2, 7 2, 9 3 3, 1 3,15 3,25
0,60 0,68 0,60 0,60 0,70 0,75 0,85 0,85 0,70 0,90 0,95 0,75 0,95 1,00 1,05 1,15 1,25 1,35 1,45 1,50 1,55 1,58 1,63
ASSEMBLE COMPONENTS Install sealring into the hubs, and assemble clamps around the hubs. Lubricant applied to the hub/clamp contact area will aid assembly. The studbolts should be fitted ensuring that spherically faced nuts locate into spherical seats of the clamps. Lubrication of nut faces and bolt threads is recommended. TIGHTEN BOLTS IN UNIFORM MANNER Bolting should be tightened to keep spacing between clamp halves approximately equal. Clamp segments should be shocked with suitable soft faced hammer to aid assembly. Always re-tighten bolts after shocking to the torque/preload values given below. ALIGN HUBS Hubs should be aligned so that sealring can be installed between hubs. DO NOT attempt to correct badly mis-aligned piping by clamping force alone; piping pulling forces should only be released when clamps is fully assembled. CLAMP SIZE
1 1,5 2 3 4 D 6 XF 8 X8 10H X10H 12M X12M A-P 5P S U 3V 3Y
1/2" 5/8" 3/4" 3/4" 7/8" 1" 1-1/8" 1-1/4" 1-1/4" 1-3/8" 1-5/8" 1-3/4" 1-3/4" 2" 2" 2-1/2" 2-1/2" 2-1/2" 2-1/4" 3-1/4"
8,3 22 24 34 47 62 81 103 103 129 187 220 220 295 295 478 478 478 381 833
12,4 33 36 49 69 91 119 152 152 189 275 324 324 435 435 703 703 703 561 1227
20 59 57 79 163 215 351 486 486 652 1089 1367 1367 2054 1951 4048 4048 4048 3939 8963
29 87 83 116 241 316 517 716 716 961 1604 2013 2013 3024 2873 5961 5961 5961 4328 12006
DE-PRESSURISE THE LINE Always check, never take for granted that the line has been de-pressurised. Proceed with caution in case seepage has caused pressure to build up again. SLACKEN NUTS BUT DO NOT REMOVE THE NUTS FROM THE BOLTS - THEN SLACKEN CLAMP SEGMENTS Gradually run the nuts back along the bolts until just loose. If clamp segments remain bound onto hubs, then BOTH segments must be slackened by hitting the inner face of the clamp lugs with a suitable hammer. REPEAT SLACKENING PROCEDURE Re-loosen nuts and re-slacken BOTH clamp segments until the maximum nut travel shown below is reached. This should release seal ring contact and any residual pressure will then be released through, with the joint. X CLAMP SIZE MM STANDARD CLAMP SERIES
1” 12 ” 2” 3” 4” 5” 6” 8” 10” 12”
3 3 3 4 5 7 12 14 16 18
6 6 6 8 10 14 25 28 32 36
3 4 5 12 16 19 20 20 21 22 23
6 8 11 24 32 38 40 41 42 44 46
B C D X8 X10H X12M A--P S U 3V 3Y
X = Nut travel at each end of bolt 2X = Total nut travel from assembled position CHECK CLAMPS ARE SLACK AND FREE TO ROTATE AND/OR ROCK ABOUT HUBS Do not proceed until discharge ceases and clamps are slack, free to rotate or rock. NOTE - If pressure is still in the line, the sealring might remain seated, making the joint tight even though it is part dis-assembled. Dis-assembly can be completed when clamps are free to mo ve.
Buttweld Hubs Blind Hubs
Designations The G-LOK ® connector designation (example 4 GR 40) designates the correct hub, clamp, bolting and sealring sizes. The first number (“4” in the example) refers to the hub and clamp size. The correct clamp can be located in the clamp table on page 11. The second number in the designation (“40” in the example) refers to the sealring size. The correct sealring can be located in the sealring table on page 10.
G-LOK ® blind hubs are designed to save space. Available for all standard size G-LOK ® connectors, they can carry the full basic pressure rating of the G-LOK ® connector. They can also be used as closures for pressure vessels and heat exchangers, and can be drilled and tapped to incorporate instrumentation, and customised to fit your specific requirements.
0,5” 0,5” 0,5” 0,5” 0,75” 0,75” 0,75” 0,75” 1” 1” 1” 1” 1” 1,5” 1,5” 1,5” 1,5” 1,5” 2” 2” 2” 2” 2” 2” 2” 2” 2” 2” 2,5” 2,5” 3” 3” 3” 3” 3” 3” 3” 3” 3” 4” 4” 4” 4” 4” 4” 4” 4” 4” 4”
40 80 160 XXS 40 80 160 XXS 40 80 160 XXS 10 mm 40 80 160 XXS 14,2 mm 40 80 160 160 XXS XXS XXS 12,5 mm 14,2 mm 17,5 mm XXS 20 mm 40 80 160 XXS XXS XXS 16 mm 17,5 mm 25 mm 40 80 80 120 160 XXS XXS XXS 7,5 mm 20 mm
1GR-A5 1GR-A5 1GR-A4 1GR-A4 GR-A7 1GR-A7 1GR-A5 1GR-A4 1GR-A11 1GR-A11 1GR-A7 1GR-A5 1GR-A5 1,5GR14 1,5GR14 1,5GR14 1,5GR-A11 1,5GR-A11 2GR-A20 2GR-A20 2GR-A20 2GR-A16 2GR-A20 2GR-A16 2GR14 2GR14 2GR14 2GR-A11 2,5-3GR-A20 2,5-3GR-14
3GR27 3GR27 3GR-A25 3GR-A25 3GR23 3GR-A20 3GR23 3GR23 3GR14 4GR40 4GR40 4GR34 4GR34 4GR34 4GR34 4GR31 4GR27 4GR31 4GR27
21,3 21,3 21,3 21,3 26,7 26,7 26,7 26,7 33,4 33,4 33,4 33,4 33,4 48,3 48,3 48,3 48,3 48,3 60,3 60,3 60,3 60,3 60,3 60,3 60,3 60,3 60,3 60,3 73,0 73,0 88,9 88,9 88,9 88,9 88,9 88,9 88,9 88,9 88,9 114,3 114,3 114,3 114,3 114,3 114,3 114,3 114,3 114,3 114,3
15,8 13,9 11,8 6,4 20,9 18,9 15,6 11,0 26,6 24,3 20,7 15,2 13,4 40,9 38,1 34,0 27,9 19,9 52,5 49,2 42,9 42,9 38,1 38,1 38,1 35,3 31,9 25,3 45,0 33,0 77,9 73,7 66,7 58,5 58,5 58,5 56,9 53,9 38,9 102,3 97,2 97,2 92,1 87,3 80,1 80,1 80,1 79,3 74,3
50,8 50,8 50,8 50,8 50,8 50,8 50,8 50,8 50,8 50,8 50,8 50,8 50,8 79,4 79,4 79,4 79,4 79,4 92,1 92,1 92,1 92,1 92,1 92,1 92,1 92,1 92,1 92,1 127,0 127,0 127,0 127,0 127,0 127,0 127,0 127,0 127,0 127,0 127,0 152,4 152,4 152,4 152,4 152,4 152,4 152,4 152,4 152,4 152,4
44,5 44,5 44,5 44,5 44,5 44,5 44,5 44,5 44,5 44,5 44,5 44,5 44,5 60,3 60,3 60,3 60,3 60,3 69,9 69,9 69,9 69,9 69,9 69,9 69,9 69,9 69,9 69,9 82,6 82,6 82,6 82,6 82,6 82,6 82,6 82,6 82,6 82,6 82,6 92,1 92,1 92,1 92,1 92,1 92,1 92,1 92,1 92,1 92,1
44,50 44,50 44,50 44,50 44,50 44,50 44,50 44,50 44,50 44,50 44,50 44,50 44,50 54,00 54,00 54,00 54,00 54,00 50,80 50,80 50,80 50,80 50,80 50,80 50,80 50,80 50,80 44,50 63,50 54,00 63,50 63,50 63,50 63,50 63,50 63,50 63,50 63,50 54,00 54,00 54,00 73,00 73,00 73,00 73,00 73,00 73,00 73,00 73,00
38,1 38,1 38,1 38,1 38,1 38,1 38,1 38,1 38,1 38,1 38,1 38,1 38,1 60,3 60,3 60,3 60,3 60,3 73,0 73,0 73,0 73,0 73,0 73,0 73,0 73,0 73,0 73,0 101,6 101,6 101,6 101,6 101,6 101,6 101,6 101,6 101,6 101,6 101,6 127,0 127,0 127,0 127,0 127,0 127,0 127,0 127,0 127,0 127,0
7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 7,95 11,10 11,10 11,10, 12,70 12,70 11,10 11,10 11,10 11,10 11,10 11,10 11,10 11,10 11,10 12,70 12,70 11,10 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70
0,30 0,30 0,30 0,30 0,20 0,20 0,30 0,30 0,20 0,20 0,30 0,30 0,40 0,70 0,80 0,80 1,10 1,10 1,00 1,10 1,20 1,30 1,20 1,40 1,50 1,60 1,60 1,90 3,50 4,00 2,10 2,30 2,90 3,20 3,40 3,50 3,50 3,60 4,50 2,80 3,20 3,70 4,10 4,40 4,70 5,20 5,40 5,30 5,70
0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 1,30 1,30 1,30 1,40 1,40 1,60 1,60 1,60 1,70 1,60 1,70 1,80 1,80 1,80 1,70 4,30 3,80 4,00 4,00 4,10 4,10 4,20 4,30 4,20 4,20 3,90 4,70 4,70 7,10 7,10 7,10 7,10 7,30 7,40 7,30 7,40
Buttweld Hubs Blind Hubs
4” 5” 5” 5” 5” 5” 5” 6” 6” 6” 6” 6” 6” 6” 6” 6” 6” 8” 8” 8” 8” 8” 8” 8” 8” 8” 8” 8” 8” 8” 8” 8” 8” 8” 10” 10” 10” 10” 10” 10” 10” 10” 10” 10” 10” 10” 10” 10” 10” 10” 10” 10” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12” 12”
22,2 mm 40 80 120 160 XXS 22,2 mm 40 80 120 120 160 XXS XXS 25 mm 28 mm 30 mm 60 100 120 140 140 160 160 25 mm 25 mm 28 mm 28 mm 28 mm 30 mm 30 mm 32 mm 32 mm 36 mm 60 100 120 140 140 160 20 mm 28 mm 30 mm 32 mm 32 mm 32 mm 36 mm 36 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 45 mm 60 100 120 120 140 140 160 25 mm 31,8 mm 32 mm 36 mm 40 mm 45 mm 50 mm
4GR27 5GR52 5GR52 5GR46 5GR40 5GR40 5GR40 6GR62 6GR62 6GR62 6GR56 6GR52 6GR52 6GR46 6GR46 6GR46 6GR40 8GR82 8GR76 8GR72 8GR76 8GR72 8GR72 8GR67 8GR72 8GR67 8GR72 8GR-A64 8GR62 8GR-A64 8GR62 8GR-A64 8GR62 8GR62 10H97 10H94 10H94 10H94 10H87 10H84 10H87 10H84 10H84 10H84 10H82 10H72 10H84 10H82 10H84 10H76 10H72 10H72 12M120 12M112 12M112 12M106 12M112 12M106 12M102 12M112 12M102 12M102 12M102 12M84 12M94 12M87
PIPE O.D. A 114,3 141,3 141,3 141,3 141,3 141,3 141,3 168,3 168,3 168,3 168,3 168,3 168,3 168,3 168,3 168,3 168,3 219,1 219,1 219,1 219,1 219,1 219,1 219,1 219,1 219,1 219,1 219,1 219,1 219,1 219,1 219,1 219,1 219,1 273,0 273,0 273,0 273,0 273,0 273,0 273,0 273,0 273,0 273,0 273,0 273,0 273,0 273,0 273,0 273,0 273,0 273,0 323,8 323,8 323,8 323,8 323,8 323,8 323,8 323,8 323,8 323,8 323,8 323,8 323,8 323,8
INSIDE OUTSIDE BW-HUB DIAMETER DIAMETER LENGTH B C D 69,9 152,4 92,1 128,2 190,5 111,1 122,3 190,5 111,1 115,9 190,5 111,1 109,5 190,5 111,1 103,3 190,5 111,1 96,9 190,5 111,1 154,1 235,0 117,5 146,3 235,0 117,5 139,7 235,0 117,5 139,7 235,0 117,5 131,9 235,0 117,5 124,5 235,0 117,5 124,5 235,0 117,5 118,3 235,0 117,5 112,3 235,0 117,5 108,3 235,0 117,5 198,5 292,1 136,5 188,9 292,1 136,5 182,7 292,1 136,5 177,9 292,1 136,5 177,9 292,1 136,5 173,1 292,1 136,5 173,1 292,1 136,5 169,1 292,1 136,5 169,1 292,1 136,5 163,1 292,1 136,5 163,1 292,1 136,5 163,1 292,1 136,5 159,1 292,1 136,5 159,1 292,1 136,5 155,1 292,1 136,5 155,1 292,1 136,5 147,1 292,1 136,5 247,6 346,1 152,4 236,6 346,1 152,4 230,2 346,1 152,4 222,2 346,1 152,4 222,2 346,1 152,4 215,8 346,1 152,4 233,0 3461, 152,4 217,0 346,1 152,4 213,0 346,1 152,4 209,0 346,1 152,4 209,0 346,1 152,4 209,0 346,1 152,4 201,0 346,1 152,4 201,0 346,1 152,4 193,0 346,1 152,4 193,0 346,1 152,4 193,0 346,1 152,4 183,0 346,1 152,4 295,2 406,4 168,3 281,0 406,4 168,3 273,0 406,4 168,3 273,0 406,4 168,3 266,6 406,4 168,3 266,6 406,4 168,3 257,2 406,4 168,3 273,8 406,4 168,3 260,2 406,4 168,3 259,8 406,4 168,3 251,8 406,4 168,3 243,8 406,4 168,3 233,8 406,4 168,3 223,8 406,4 168,3
BL-HUB LENGTH D1 73,00 73,00 73,00 73,00 88,90 88,90 88,90 73,00 73,00 73,00 88,90 88,90 88,90 85,70 85,70 85,70 85,70 76,20 76,20 88,90 76,20 88,90 88,90 88,90 88,90 88,90 88,90 108,00 108,00 108,00 108,00 108,00 108,00 108,00 88,90 95,30 95,30 95,30 108,00 108,00 108,00 108,00 108,00 108,00 127,00 127,00 108,00 127,00 108,00 127,00 127,00 127,00 98,50 108,00 108,00 133,40 108,00 133,40 133,40 108,00 133,40 133,40 133,40 142,90 133,40 142,90
HUB BACK LIP BW-HUB FACE Ø THICKNESS WEIGHT E F KG 127,0 12,70 5,90 165,1 15,88 5,40 165,1 15,88 5,90 165,1 15,88 7,70 165,1 15,88 9,20 165,1 15,88 9,90 165,1 15,88 10,50 196,9 19,05 9,30 196,9 19,05 9,90 196,9 19,05 10,10 196,9 20,63 12,70 196,9 20,63 14,50 196,9 20,63 15,30 196,9 20,63 16,30 196,9 20,63 17,10 196,9 20,63 17,70 196,9 20,63 19,00 254,0 19,05 14,50 254,0 19,05 18,50 254,0 19,05 21,80 254,0 19,05 19,10 254,0 19,05 22,40 254,0 19,05 22,90 254,0 19,05 24,70 254,0 19,05 23,10 254,0 19,05 25,20 254,0 19,05 23,10 254,0 19,05 27,50 254,0 19,05 28,60 254,0 19,05 28,00 254,0 19,05 29,40 254,0 19,05 28,30 254,0 19,05 30,10 254,0 19,05 31,10 295,3 31,75 25,90 295,3 31,75 30,70 295,3 31,75 31,80 295,3 31,75 32,50 295,3 31,75 37,30 295,3 31,75 40,60 295,3 31,75 34,30 295,3 31,75 40,30 295,3 31,75 41,20 295,3 31,75 42,00 295,3 31,75 43,30 295,3 31,75 44,20 295,3 31,75 43,00 295,3 31,75 44,80 295,3 31,75 43,30 295,3 31,75 48,80 295,3 31,75 50,00 295,3 31,75 53,00 355,6 34,93 38,70 355,6 31,75 48,20 355,6 31,75 50,00 355,6 34,93 55,00 355,6 31,75 51,00 355,6 34,93 57,00 355,6 31,75 63,00 355,6 34,93 50,00 355,6 34,93 62,00 355,6 34,93 62,00 355,6 34,93 64,00 355,6 34,93 71,00 355,6 34,93 74,00 355,6 34,93 80,00
BL-HUB WEIGHT KG 7,40 11,10 11,10 11,50 14,70 14,70 14,70 16,00 16,00 16,00 21,10 21,40 21,40 21,10 21,10 21,10 21,60 26,50 27,20 33,00 27,30 33,00 33,00 33,50 33,00 33,50 33,00 41,60 42,10 41,60 42,10 41,60 42,10 42,10 45,20 49,30 49,30 49,30 57,00 58,00 57,00 58,00 58,00 58,00 69,00 70,00 58,00 69,00 58,00 69,00 70,00 70,00 72,00 80,00 80,00 102,00 80,00 102,00 103,00 100,00 103,00 103,00 103,00 113,00 104,00 113,00
Heavy Duty Buttweld Hubs Heavy Duty Blind Hubs
The G-LOK ® heavy duty series is also part of our standard connector range. Lightweight connectors in series X14, X16, X18, X20 and X24 are available on request.
2” 2” 2” 2” 3” 3” 3” 3” 4” 4” 4” 4” 4” 4” 4” 6” 6” 6” 6” 8” 8” 8” 8” 8” 8” 10” 10” 10” 10” 12” 12” 12” 12” 14” 14” 14” 14” 14”
40 B-A20 80 B-A20 160 B-A16 XXS B14 40 C27 80 C27 160 C-A25 XXS C23 40 D40 80 D40 120 D34 160 D34 XXS D27 17,5 mm D31 20 mm D27 XXS ZX52 32 mm ZX-A42 28 mm G46 30 mm G46 25 mm X8GR72 25 mm X8GR67 28 mm X8GR-A64 30 mm X8GR62 32 mm X8GR-A64 36 mm X8GR62 20 mm X10H87 36 mm X10H84 36 mm X10H82 40 mm X10H76 25 mm X12M112 36 mm X12M102 45 mm X12M94 50 mm X12M87 60 A-P130 100 A-P130 120 A-P120 140 A-P120 160 A-P112
60,3 60,3 60,3 60,3 88,9 88,9 88,9 88,9 114,3 114,3 114,3 114,3 114,3 114,3 114,3 168,3 168,3 168,3 168,3 219,1 219,1 219,1 219,1 219,1 219,1 273,0 273,0 273,0 273,0 323,8 323,8 323,8 323,8 355,6 355,6 355,6 355,6 355,6
52,5 49,2 42,9 38,1 77,9 73,7 66,7 58,5 102,3 97,2 92,1 87,3 80,1 79,3 74,3 124,5 104,3 112,3 108,3 169,1 169,1 163,1 159,1 155,1 147,1 233,0 201,0 201,0 193,0 273,8 251,8 233,8 223,8 325,4 308,0 300,0 292,0 284,2
120,7 120,7 120,7 120,7 139,7 139,7 139,7 139,7 171,5 171,5 171,5 171,5 171,5 171,5 171,5 268,0 268,0 292,1 292,1 292,1 292,1 292,1 292,1 292,1 292,1 346,1 346,1 346,1 346,1 406,4 406,4 406,4 406,4 469,9 469,9 469,9 469,9 469,9
82,6 82,6 82,6 82,6 88,9 88,9 88,9 88,9 101,6 101,6 101,6 101,6 101,6 101,6 101,6 196,0 196,0 136,5 136,5 136,5 136,5 136,5 136,5 136,5 152,4 152,4 152,4 152,4 168,3 168,3 168,3 168,3 184,2 184,2 184,2 184,2 184,2 184,2
63,50 63,50 63,50 63,50 66,70 66,70 66,70 66,70 73,00 73,00 73,00 73,00 73,00 73,00 73,00 95,30 95,30 108,00 108,00 88,90 88,90 108,00 108,00 108,00 108,00 108,00 108,00 127,00 127,00 108,00 133,40 133,40 142,90 152,40 152,40 152,40 152,40 152,40
95,3 95,3 95,3 95,3 114,3 114,3 114,3 114,3 146,1 146,1 146,1 146,1 146,1 146,1 146,1 230,0 230,0 241,3 241,3 254,0 254,0 254,0 254,0 254,0 254,0 295,3 295,3 295,3 295,3 355,6 355,6 355,6 355,6 419,1 419,1 419,1 419,1 419,1
15,88 15,88 15,88 15,88 15,88 15,88 15,88 15,88 15,88 15,88 15,88 15,88 15,88 15,88 15,88 21,14 21,14 27,00 27,00 19,05 19,05 19,05 19,05 19,05 19,05 31,75 31,75 31,75 31,75 31,75 34,93 34,93 34,93 30,16 30,16 31,75 31,75 28,57
2,80 2,90 3,20 3,40 3,30 3,60 4,20 4,70 5,40 5,80 6,80 7,20 8,20 8,10 8,60 32,50 38,80 32,00 32,40 23,10 25,20 27,50 29,40 28,30 31,10 34,30 43,00 44,80 48,80 50,00 64,00 74,00 80,00 64,00 69,00 83,00 85,00 93,00
3,70 3,70 3,80 3,90 5,10 5,10 5,30 5,50 8,70 8,70 9,10 9,10 9,50 9,40 9,50 31,00 32,10 34,90 34,90 33,00 33,50 41,60 42,10 41,60 42,10 57,00 69,00 69,00 69,00 100,00 103,00 104,00 113,00 158,00 158,00 161,00 161,00 162,00
Heavy Duty Buttweld Hubs Heavy Duty Blind Hubs
14” 14” 14” 14” 14” 14” 14” 14” 14” 16” 16” 16” 16” 16” 16” 16” 16” 16” 16” 16” 16” 16” 16” 18” 18” 18” 18” 18” 18” 18” 18” 18” 18” 18” 18” 20” 20” 20” 20” 20” 20” 20” 20” 20” 24” 24” 24” 24” 24” 24” 24” 24”
25 mm 34,9 mm 34,9 mm 36 mm 38 mm 40 mm 45 mm 55 mm 60 mm 60 100 120 120 140 140 160 28 mm 34,9 mm 40 mm 45 mm 50 mm 55 mm 65 mm 60 100 120 160 160 32 mm 34,9 mm 44 mm 45 mm 50 mm 55 mm 60 mm 40 60 100 120 160 34,9 mm 55 mm 60 mm 65 mm 40 60 100 120 160 65 mm 70 mm 75 mm
A-P120 A-P112 A-P120 A-P112 A-P112 A-P112 A-P102 A-P97 A-P94 S152 S140 S140 S137 S140 S137 S130 S140 S-A134 S130 S130 S120 S120 S112 U170 U160 U152 U152 U144 U152 U152 U152 U152 U152 U140 U-A134 3V210 3V192 3V180 3V170 3V170 3V180 3V160 3V152 3V152 3Y244 3Y220 3Y210 3Y210 3Y200 3Y192 3Y180 3Y180
PIPE O.D. A 355,6 355,6 355,6 355,6 355,6 355,6 355,6 355,6 355,6 406,4 406,4 406,4 406,4 406,4 406,4 406,4 406,4 406,4 406,4 406,4 406,4 406,4 406,4 457,2 457,2 457,2 457,2 457,2 457,2 457,2 457,2 457,2 457,2 457,2 457,2 508,0 508,0 508,0 508,0 508,0 508,0 508,0 508,0 508,0 609,6 609,6 609,6 609,6 609,6 609,6 609,6 609,6
INSIDE OUTSIDE BW-HUB DIAMETER DIAMETER LENGTH B C D 305,6 469,9 184,2 285,8 469,9 184,2 285,8 469,9 184,2 283,6 469,9 184,2 279,6 469,9 184,2 275,6 469,9 184,2 265,6 469,9 184,2 245,6 469,9 184,2 235,6 469,9 184,2 373,0 533,4 200,0 354,0 533,4 200,0 344,6 533,4 200,0 344,6 533,4 200,0 333,4 533,4 200,0 333,4 533,4 200,0 325,4 533,4 200,0 350,4 533,4 200,0 336,6 533,4 200,0 326,4 533,4 200,0 316,4 533,4 200,0 306,4 533,4 200,0 296,4 533,4 200,0 276,4 533,4 200,0 419,2 635,0 200,0 398,4 635,0 222,2 387,4 635,0 222,2 366,8 635,0 222,2 366,8 635,0 222,2 393,2 635,0 222,2 387,4 635,0 222,2 369,2 635,0 222,2 367,2 635,0 222,2 357,2 635,0 222,2 347,2 635,0 222,2 337,2 635,0 222,2 477,8 660,4 228,6 466,8 660,4 228,6 443,0 660,4 228,6 431,8 660,4 228,6 408,0 660,4 228,6 438,2 660,4 228,6 398,0 660,4 228,6 388,0 660,4 228,6 378,0 660,4 228,6 574,8 793,8 254,0 560,4 793,8 254,0 531,8 793,8 254,0 517,6 793,8 254,0 490,6 793,8 254,0 479,6 793,8 254,0 469,6 793,8 254,0 459,6 793,8 254,0
BL-HUB LENGTH D1 152,40 152,40 152,40 152,40 152,40 152,40 146,00 146,00 146,00 162,00 162,00 162,00 162,00 162,00 162,00 178,00 162,00 178,00 178,00 178,00 190,00 190,00 190,00 181,00 184,00 184,00 184,00 184,00 184,00 184,00 184,00 184,00 184,00 184,00 184,00 133,40 159,00 181,00 187,00 187,00 181,00 178,00 178,00 178,00 181,00 245,00 203,00 203,00 203,00 203,00 203,00 203,00
HUB BACK LIP BW-HUB FACE Ø THICKNESS WEIGHT E F KG 419,1 31,75 80,00 419,1 28,57 92,00 419,1 31,75 87,00 419,1 28,57 93,00 419,1 28,57 95,00 419,1 28,57 96,00 419,1 31,75 107,00 419,1 31,75 117,00 419,1 31,75 122,00 482,6 42,88 99,00 482,6 42,88 121,00 482,6 42,88 126,00 482,6 41,28 127,00 482,6 42,88 129,00 482,6 41,28 131,00 482,6 42,88 144,00 482,6 42,88 123,00 482,6 42,88 135,00 482,6 42,88 144,00 482,6 42,88 148,00 482,6 44,47 162,00 482,6 44,47 166,00 482,6 41,28 179,00 584,2 41,28 176,00 584,2 41,28 203,00 584,2 41,28 218,00 584,2 41,28 230,00 584,2 41,28 239,00 584,2 41,28 213,00 584,2 41,28 218,00 584,2 41,28 229,00 584,2 41,28 230,00 584,2 41,28 232,00 584,2 41,28 256,00 584,2 41,28 266,00 609,6 31,75 93,00 609,6 31,75 156,00 609,6 31,75 193,00 609,6 31,75 215,00 609,6 31,75 229,00 609,6 31,75 196,00 609,6 31,75 252,00 609,6 31,75 266,00 609,6 31,75 273,00 743,0 41,28 242,00 743,0 41,28 325,00 743,0 41,28 373,00 743,0 41,28 387,00 743,0 41,28 430,00 743,0 41,28 453,00 743,0 41,28 457,00 743,0 41,28 488,00
BL-HUB WEIGHT KG 161,00 162,00 161,00 162,00 162,00 162,00 158,00 158,00 159,00 225,00 228,00 228,00 228,00 228,00 228,00 254,00 228,00 253,00 254,00 254,00 274,00 274,00 275,00 366,00 380,00 382,00 382,00 384,00 382,00 382,00 382,00 382,00 382,00 385,00 387,00 265,00 337,00 393,00 411,00 411,00 393,00 397,00 399,00 399,00 564,00 796,00 658,00 658,00 669,00 672,00 677,00 677,00
G-LOK ® sealrings are available in the following standard materials: AISI 4140, A56 4 GR 630 (174PH) and Alloy 718. They can also be supplied in other materials on request. They are coated with either PTFE or MOS 2 to provide lubrication during makeup. Sealrings manufactured of materials or with coatings other than
Seal Ring those specified in the table can be available to meet specific service conditions. For applications greater than 400° C, consult Galperti Engineering for advice on materials and coatings. Al l G- LO K ® sealrings meet the hardness requirements of NACE MR01-75. For easy of identification G-LOK ® sealrings are coloured.
A4 A5 A7 8 A11 13 14 A16 A20 23 A25 27 31 34 40 A42 46 52 54 56 62 A64 67 72 76 82 84 87 94 97 102 106 112 116 120 122 130 A134 137 140 144 152 160 170 180 192 200 210 213 220 232 244 260 264 280 292
12,79 15,96 23,08 25,55 28,73 38,10 40,90 47,71 53,24 61,21 69,15 78,71 83,50 94,66 104,32 107,50 121,85 136,14 140,20 147,25 156,50 167,60 177,14 186,70 199,70 212,10 218,40 227,90 243,80 253,30 262,90 275,60 288,30 298,45 308,30 314,70 332,20 344,90 354,40 357,60 370,30 389,30 408,40 433,50 459,10 490,70 509,70 535,30 544,80 561,10 592,90 625,10 663,60 676,30 714,90 746,60
25,40 27,80 34,90 40,80 44,00 60,30 66,70 68,30 82,50 88,90 101,60 108,00 114,30 127,00 139,70 168,30 157,20 168,30 173,10 190,50 200,00 222,40 222,30 241,30 254,00 257,20 282,60 282,60 304,80 304,80 304,80 323,90 358,80 358,80 352,40 358,80 381,00 393,70 419,10 419,10 431,80 450,90 469,90 495,30 520,70 558,80 577,90 609,60 619,10 635,00 666,80 704,90 749,30 762,00 797,00 819,20
9,53 9,53 9,53 9,53 9,53 9,62 14,29 15,87 19,05 19,05 19,05 19,05 19,05 19,05 25,40 25,40 25,40 25,40 25,40 25,40 34,93 34,93 34,93 34,93 34,93 34,93 34,93 34,93 34,93 34,93 34,93 34,93 41,28 34,93 34,93 34,93 38,10 38,10 41,28 38,10 38,10 38,10 38,10 44,50 44,50 44,50 44,50 50,80 50,80 50,80 50,80 50,80 50,80 50,80 50,80 50,80
3,17 3,17 3,17 3,17 3,17 3,17 6,35 6,35 6,35 6,35 6,35 6,35 6,35 6,35 6,34 6,34 6,34 6,34 6,34 6,34 9,53 9,53 9,53 9,53 9,53 9,53 9,53 9,53 9,53 9,53 9,53 9,53 15,88 9,53 9,53 9,53 12,70 12,70 15,88 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70
3,18 3,18 3,18 3,18 3,18 3,22 3,97 4,76 6,35 6,35 6,35 6,35 6,35 6,35 9,53 9,53 9,53 9,53 9,53 9,53 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 12,70 15,90 15,90 15,90 15,90 19,05 19,05 19,05 19,05 19,05 19,05 19,05 19,05 19,05
0,01 0,01 0,02 0,03 0,03 0,05 0,13 0,12 0,20 0,20 0,30 0,30 0,30 0,40 0,50 0,90 0,60 0,60 0,71 0,80 1,50 1,90 1,70 2,00 2,20 2,00 2,70 2,40 2,80 2,60 2,30 2,70 5,50 3,26 2,70 2,70 3,90 4,10 6,20 5,00 5,20 5,50 5,70 6,70 7,10 8,10 8,40 10,20 10,40 10,50 11,10 12,20 13,50 13,70 13,90 13,20
G-LOK ® clamps are manufactured in low alloy steel or stainless steel. Other material grades and additional sizes can be supplied on request. Low alloy steel clamps are coated with a green industrial paint system for standard supply. Clamps are supplied complete with stud bolting in either A193 B7, A320 L7, or A193 B8 grades. Bolting is supplied with hot deep galvanized as standard, UNC/8UN thread series, and spherically faced heavy hex nuts. Other coating and bolt supply options are available on request. Spherical washer are also available on request. Refer to page 5 for bolting and assembly procedures. STANDARD CLAMPS CL
1 1,5 2 3 4 5 6 8 10H 12M
42,9 68,3 81,0 111,1 136,5 174,6 212,8 269,9 311,2 371,5
81,0 127,0 146,0 190,5 215,9 260,3 320,7 387,4 463,6 558,8
71,4 114,3 128,6 174,6 206,4 247,6 304,8 368,3 453,6 527,3
108,0 165,1 190,0 234,0 266,7 314,3 381,0 463,6 558,8 654,1
34,9 50,8 50,8 60,3 60,3 76,2 88,9 90,4 143,0 149,4
25,4 36,5 41,2 52,3 61,9 73,0 76,3 85,9 117,6 117,6
67,0 97,0 111,0 136,0 156,0 184,0 217,0 256,0 316,0 364,0
1/2” 5/8” 3/4” 3/4” 7/8” 1” 1-1/8” 1-1/4” 1-5/8” 1-3/4”
88,90 127,0 133,4 152,4 177,8 203,2 238,1 266,7 358,8 406,4
58,7 79,4 90,1 88,9 104,8 112,7 122,2 149,2 187,5 190,5
31,8 41,3 46,0 46,0 52,4 58,7 61,9 73,2 92,2 95,3
1,70 4,60 6,40 10,00 14,00 22,00 34,00 51,00 105,00 140,00
B C D E F XF ZX G XG X8 X10H X12M A-P 5P S U V 3V 5V Y 3Y
104,8 123,8 155,6 174,6 212,8 212,7 246,0 257,2 257,2 269,7 311,2 371,5 435,0 435,0 500,1 601,6 627,0 627,0 627,0 760,4 760,4
184,2 203,2 242,9 260,4 320,7 343,0 410,0 406,4 406,4 412,8 495,3 590,6 635,0 711,2 765,2 860,4 762,0 889,0 952,4 984,3 1137,6
174,6 196,8 228,6 247,6 304,8 327,0 388,0 375,0 381,0 384,0 463,6 546,1 584,2 650,9 698,5 793,8 804,9 836,6 887,4 952,50 1079,5
228,6 254,0 295,8 314,3 381,0 406,0 485,0 477,0 508,0 482,6 590,6 692,2 736,6 838,2 892,2 990,6 870,0 997,0 1079,5 1111,3 1299,2
73,0 76,2 76,2 76,2 88,9 102,0 125,0 116,0 127,0 104,6 165,1 184,0 154,0 203,2 228,6 222,3 165,1 203,2 247,7 228,6 322,3
58,7 61,9 68,3 73,0 76,3 83,0 105,0 89,0 114,3 85,9 119,0 131,7 114,3 142,9 149,2 165,1 233,4 152,4 177,8 220,7 222,3
141,0 151,0 175,0 184,0 217,0 234,0 273,0 271,0 284,0 271,0 338,0 398,0 403,0 465,0 500,0 541,0 535,0 563,0 593,0 642,0 711,0
7/8” 7/8” 1” 1” 1-1/8” 1-1/4” 1-1/4” 1-3/8” 1-3/8” 1-3/8” 1-3/4” 2” 2” 2-1/2” 2-1/2” 2-1/2” 2-1/4” 2-1/4” 2-1/2” 2-3/4” 2-1/4”
171,5 177,8 203,2 203,2 238,1 279,4 217,5 279,4 330,2 279,4 406,7 469,9 419,1 508,0 558,8 558,8 685,8 609,6 609,60 730,3 762,0
99,9 103,2 112,7 112,7 122,2 130,0 150,0 152,4 152,4 152,4 190,5 216,0 209,5 266,7 266,7 279,4 235,0 235,0 279,4 279,4 362,0
50,8 52,4 58,7 58,7 61,9 70,0 75,0 79,4 79,4 82,6 95,3 114,3 108,0 139,7 139,7 139,7 127,0 127,0 139,7 152,4 190,5
13,00 16,00 20,00 22,00 34,00 48,00 90,00 60,00 71,00 59,00 145,00 225,00 175,00 360,00 440,00 450,00 330,00 440,00 720,00 570,00 1230,00
Other Configurations
G-LOK ® connectors are higly versatile and can be used in many different applications. In addition to the standard products, there are many other configurations in the G-LOK ® range, some of wich are illustrated below. 316 stainless steel, inconel 625, hastelloy C276 weld overlaid hub are also available for corrosive service.
Weld Overlaid Hub
Transition Hubs
Threaded Hubs
Socket Weld Hubs
Shroud Hubs
Adapter Hubs
Pressure - Tapped Hubs
Other Configurations
T-Let Hubs
Nozzle Hub
Spade / Spacers
Orifice Seal
Blind Seal
Transition Seal
Pressure Temperature Rating – Carbon Steel
Clamp material-Low Alloy Steel PRESSURE RATING (BAR)
1GR4 1GR5 1GR7 1GR11
984 893 572 286
934 845 543 272
911 828 530 265
884 803 514 257
839 762 488 244
781 709 454 227
773 701 449 225
1,5GR11 1,5GR14
861 485
817 461
797 450
773 436
734 414
683 385
676 381
2GR14 2GR16 2GR20
751 560 414
713 532 393
696 519 383
675 503 372
641 478 353
596 445 328
590 440 325
3GR20 3GR23 3GR25 3GR27 3GR31
835 726 529 304 212
792 689 502 289 201
773 672 490 282 196
750 652 475 273 190
712 619 451 260 181
662 576 420 242 168
655 570 415 239 166
4GR25 4GR27 4GR31 4GR34 4GR40
818 675 576 364 198
777 641 547 345 188
758 625 533 337 184
735 606 517 327 178
698 576 491 310 169
649 536 457 289 157
643 530 452 286 156
5GR31 5GR34 5GR40 5GR46 5GR52
868 760 656 400 209
824 740 623 380 199
804 722 608 371 194
780 700 590 359 188
741 665 560 341 179
689 619 521 317 166
682 612 515 314 164
6GR40 6GR46 6GR52 6GR62
843 694 507 245
800 659 481 233
781 643 470 227
757 623 455 220
719 592 433 209
669 551 402 195
662 545 398 193
8GR62 8GR72 8GR76 8GR82
658 378 265 174
643 359 251 165
627 350 245 161
608 339 238 156
578 322 226 148
538 300 210 138
532 297 208 137
10H84 10H87 10H94
427 412 346
406 394 318
395 368 284
388 342 265
367 324 245
342 312 323
326 302 218
12M102 12M112 12M120
458 275 201
441 268 196
413 252 185
398 239 166
381 226 151
353 206 141
321 198 128
Pressure Temperature Rating – Carbon Steel
Clamp material-Low Alloy Steel PRESSURE RATING (BAR) NOM. SIZE
B14 B16 B20
935 853 784
887 810 744
866 790 726
840 766 704
797 728 669
742 677 622
734 670 616
C20 C23 C25 C27
908 822 730 535
862 780 693 507
841 761 676 495
816 738 655 480
775 701 622 456
721 652 579 424
713 645 573 420
D27 D31 D34 D40
823 779 606 456
782 740 594 432
763 722 580 422
740 700 562 409
703 665 534 389
654 618 497 362
647 612 491 358
XF40 XF46 XF56
1240 920 640
1200 881 604
1146 826 566
1114 796 521
1035 722 496
995 693 465
960 639 419
X862 X864 X867 X872
617 505 416 320
586 479 395 304
572 468 385 296
555 453 373 287
57 431 355 273
490 401 330 254
485 396 326 251
X10H82 X10H84 X10H87 X10H94 X10H97
471 423 46 233 176
447 401 328 221 167
436 391 320 215 163
423 380 311 209 158
401 361 295 198 150
373 335 274 185 140
369 332 272 183 138
X12M102 X12M106 X12M112 X12M120
427 342 264 166
405 325 250 158
395 317 244 154
383 308 237 150
364 292 225 142
339 272 209 132
335 269 207 131
A-P106 A-P112 A-P120 A-P130
595 532 427 280
577 505 406 265
563 493 396 259
546 478 384 251
518 454 365 239
482 423 339 222
477 418 336 220
S112 S120 S130 S134 S137 S140 S152
763 689 551 488 443 429 278
724 654 523 464 421 407 264
707 638 510 452 411 397 257
685 619 495 439 398 385 250
651 588 470 417 378 366 237
605 547 437 388 352 340 221
599 541 433 383 348 337 218
U152 U160 U170
390 355 316
371 340 299
354 323 287
335 306 273
311 291 258
296 276 244
289 268 236
3V160 3V170 3V180 3V192
385 337 316 241
363 324 300 227
345 310 292 220
331 293 284 214
312 276 269 200
296 261 250 184
289 254 248 179
3Y192 3Y200 3Y210 3Y220
534 516 453 365
525 518 427 342
510 503 416 335
493 482 403 324
478 452 379 307
433 418 347 282
416 402 341 276
Pressure Temperature Rating – Stainless Steel
Clamp material-Low Alloy Steel PRESSURE RATING (BAR)
1GR4 1GR5 1GR7 1GR11
803 746 564 330
706 656 496 290
646 600 453 265
595 553 418 244
559 519 392 229
530 493 372 218
524 487 368 215
1,5GR11 1,5GR14
700 450
616 395
563 361
519 333
487 313
462 297
457 294
2GR14 2GR16 2GR20
620 493 359
546 434 316
499 397 289
459 365 266
432 343 250
409 326 237
405 322 235
3GR20 3GR23 3GR25 3GR27 3GR31
663 584 433 264 132
583 514 381 232 116
533 469 349 212 106
491 433 321 195 98
461 406 302 183 92
438 385 286 174 87
433 381 283 172 86
4GR25 4GR27 4GR31 4GR34 4GR40
645 536 461 303 174
568 472 406 267 153
519 431 371 244 140
478 397 342 225 129
449 373 321 211 121
426 354 305 200 115
421 350 301 198 113
5GR31 5GR34 5GR40 5GR46 5GR52
677 612 517 324 177
596 539 455 285 156
545 492 416 260 143
502 454 383 240 131
471 426 360 225 123
447 404 341 214 117
442 400 337 211 116
6GR40 6GR46 6GR52 6GR62
655 542 401 202
576 477 352 178
527 436 322 163
485 401 297 150
456 377 279 141
432 358 264 134
428 354 262 132
8GR62 8GR72 8GR76 8GR82
526 301 214 144
463 265 188 126
423 424 172 116
390 223 159 106
366 209 149 100
347 199 141 95
343 196 140 94
10H84 10H87 10H94
342 330 277
325 315 254
316 294 227
310 274 212
294 259 196
274 250 186
261 242 174
12M102 12M112 12M120
366 220 161
353 214 157
330 202 148
318 191 133
305 181 121
282 165 113
257 158 102
Pressure Temperature Rating – Stainless Steel
Clamp material-Low Alloy Steel PRESSURE RATING (BAR) NOM. SIZE
B14 B16 B20
737 679 630
648 597 554
593 546 506
546 503 467
513 472 438
487 448 416
481 443 411
C20 C23 C25 C27
713 651 585 434
628 573 514 382
574 524 470 349
528 483 433 322
496 453 407 302
471 430 386 287
466 425 382 284
D27 D31 D34 D40
647 614 496 368
569 541 437 324
520 494 399 296
479 455 368 273
450 428 345 256
427 406 328 243
422 401 324 240
XF40 XF46 XF56
992 736 512
960 705 483
917 661 453
891 637 417
828 578 397
796 554 372
768 511 335
X862 X864 X867 X872
483 397 330 257
425 349 290 226
388 319 265 207
358 294 244 191
336 276 229 179
319 262 218 170
315 259 215 168
X10H82 X10H84 X10H87 X10H94 X10H97
368 331 274 187 143
324 292 241 164 126
296 267 220 150 115
273 246 203 138 106
256 231 191 130 100
243 219 181 123 95
240 216 179 122 94
X12M102 X12M106 X12M112 X12M120
332 269 209 134
293 237 184 118
267 216 168 108
246 199 155 99
231 187 145 93
219 177 138 89
217 176 136 88
A-P106 A-P112 A-P120 A-P130
468 411 332 220
412 362 292 193
376 331 267 177
347 305 246 163
326 286 231 153
309 271 219 145
305 268 217 143
S112 S120 S130 S134 S137 S140 S152
586 529 424 377 343 332 218
516 465 373 332 302 292 192
472 425 341 303 276 267 175
434 392 315 279 254 246 161
408 368 295 263 239 231 152
387 349 280 249 227 219 144
383 345 277 246 224 217 142
U152 U160 U170
262 237 211
260 237 211
260 237 211
251 228 205
237 215 193
223 204 181
218 200 178
3V160 3V170 3V180 3V192
254 225 204 177
254 225 204 177
254 225 204 177
246 218 196 171
231 204 183 161
218 193 180 151
214 189 169 148
3Y192 3Y200 3Y210 3Y220
464 459 394 316
453 448 394 316
409 402 367 316
374 367 336 306
354 347 312 284
338 329 296 270
331 324 291 265
Pressure Temperature Rating – Superduplex
Clamp material-Low Alloy Steel PRESSURE RATING (BAR)
1GR4 1GR5 1GR7 1GR11
1669 1551 1172 685
1612 1499 1132 662
1556 1446 1092 639
1511 1404 1061 621
1489 1384 1045 611
1,5GR11 1,5GR14
1456 934
1407 903
1357 871
1318 846
1299 834
2GR14 2GR16 2GR20
1289 1025 747
1245 991 722
1202 956 696
1167 928 676
1150 915 666
3GR20 3GR23 3GR25 3GR27 3GR31
1378 1214 901 548 275
1332 1173 871 529 266
1285 1131 840 511 257
1248 1099 816 496 249
1229 1083 804 489 245
4GR25 4GR27 4GR31 4GR34 4GR40
1341 1114 959 630 361
1296 1077 927 609 349
1250 1039 894 587 336
1214 1009 868 570 327
1197 994 856 562 322
5GR31 5GR34 5GR40 5GR46 5GR52
1319 1037 840 623 360
1319 1037 840 623 356
1312 1037 840 622 244
1275 1037 840 610 334
1256 1037 840 601 329
6GR40 6GR46 6GR52 6GR62
1108 822 663 421
1108 822 663 407
1108 822 663 392
1108 822 663 381
1108 822 663 375
8GR62 8GR72 8GR76 8GR82
661 472 415 299
661 472 415 288
661 472 414 278
661 472 403 270
661 472 397 266
10H84 10H87 10H94
534 515 433
508 493 398
494 460 355
485 428 331
459 405 306
12M102 12M112 12M120
573 344 251
551 335 245
516 315 213
498 299 208
476 283 189
Pressure Temperature Rating – Superduplex
Clamp material-Low Alloy Steel PRESSURE RATING (BAR) NOM. SIZE
B14 B16 B20
1532 1411 1309
1480 1363 1265
1428 1315 1220
1387 1278 1185
1367 1259 1168
C20 C23 C25 C27
1483 1354 1216 903
1433 1308 1175 872
1382 1262 1133 842
1343 1226 1101 818
1323 1208 1084 806
D27 D31 D34 D40
1345 1210 950 765
1299 1210 950 739
1254 1191 950 713
1218 1157 934 693
1200 1140 920 683
XF40 XF46 XF56
1550 1150 800
1500 1101 755
1433 1033 708
1393 995 651
1294 903 620
X862 X864 X867 X872
703 616 554 501
703 616 554 501
703 616 55 498
703 616 554 484
703 616 554 477
X10H82 X10H84 X10H87 X10H94 X10H97
666 629 569 388 298
666 629 550 375 288
666 629 531 362 278
666 624 515 352 270
666 615 508 346 266
X12M102 X12M106 X12M112 X12M120
549 501 434 279
549 501 420 270
549 501 405 260
549 501 393 253
549 498 387 249
A-P106 A-P112 A-P120 A-P130
624 548 484 414
624 548 484 414
624 548 484 414
624 548 484 414
624 548 484 407
S112 S120 S130 S134 S137 S140 S152
889 785 672 625 592 582 453
889 785 672 625 592 582 438
889 785 672 625 592 582 422
889 785 672 525 592 582 410
889 785 672 625 592 582 404
U152 U160 U170
462 422 374
462 422 374
462 422 374
462 422 374
462 422 374
3V160 3V170 3V180 3V192
476 401 362 284
476 401 362 284
476 401 362 284
476 401 362 284
476 401 362 284
3Y192 3Y200 3Y210 3Y220
623 607 525 429
623 607 525 429
623 607 525 493
623 607 525 429
623 607 525 429
EXTERNAL LOADING Tension The G-LOK ® connector is capable of withstanding higher tensile loads than a conventional ANSI flange. Tensile loads can cause conventional flange faces to separate, providing a leak path across the flange face. With the pressure energised bore seal, this does not occur and the G-LOK ® connector will remain leak tight.
Bending G-LOK ® connectors are designed to withstand severe bending loads without leaking or loosening. Independent tests evaluating G-LOK ® clamp connectors have shown that even under severe pressure and bending conditions, the connector does not leak and the bolting remains tight. Increasing the bending movement to ultimate failure of the pipe has not resulted in connector leakage.
Quality Type Approval & Testing Compression As in most cases the bearing area of the sealring rib is larger than the cross section of the adjoining pipe it becomes impossible to over compress the sealring within the G-LOK ® connector. For normal piping applications, the compressive limits are governed by other factors such as piping flexibility analysis or anchor loads and in practice the G-LOK ® connector will always perform under the applied compressive loading.
Thermal Shock G-LOK ® connectors have been applied to both Cryogenic and high temperature service which are subject to thermal transient conditions. For very severe thermal shock (i.e. quenching), the connectors can be provided with thermal shrouds to protect the sealring lips from the full effects of the thermal shock.
QUALITY ASSURANCE GALPERTI ENGINEERING has been successfully audited and awarded the prestigious BS EN ISO 9001 accreditation for its thorough Quality Assurance Programme. This ensures strict compliance with all relevant Regulatory Specifications and codes including ANSI, API, ASME, BS, NACE. Material specifications to ASTM and BS are adhered to, and full traceability of all components is assured. Using the latest CNC machine tools in a modern factory environment, manufacture is carried out in accordance with all current specification. G-LOK ® connectors, in addition to meeting the current Industry Standards for Interchangeability, can be supplied in accordance with various design codes/regulations including: x ANSI/ASME x API x BS 5500 x UK Offshore Regulations x Customers’ special requirements x Country Codes
TYPE APPROVAL TESTING The G-LOK ® range of connectors has been subjected to extensive strain gauge and destructive testing and has been awarded full design approval by Lloyd’s Register.
Q ua lity Typ e A pp rova l & Testing
A PI FIRE TESTIN G The need for correct analysis of p rod uct performa nce is a prerequisite when specifying pip e connectors. Having successfully comp leted strai n g aug e testing und er full loa d conditions and fire testing to A PI 6FB pa rts 1 and 2, the G -LO K ® ran ge o f clamp connectors suits most app lications. Independent testing and witnessing, resulting in Lloyds Register, Type Approval coupled with extensive Finite Element Analysis during the fire test programme, affords clients one of the most comprehensively tested clamp connector available.
O 9 0 0 1
6A – 0388
AD - Merkblatt WO/TRD 100.
G ALPERTI EN G IN EERIN G AN D FLO W CON TRO L Area Industriale 22050 COLICO (LC) ITALY Te l. 0 3 4 1 / 9 3 0 7 8 0 Fa x 0341/ 930777