Episode 4 TOOLS OF THE TRADE (Teaching Aids Bank)
My Learning Learn ing Episode Overview Overv iew
Episode 4 provides an oppo rtunity for me to examine my own knowledge about how to use technology in teaching through the TPACK framework
Techno'ogy in !he Learning Environ#en!
My n!ended n!en ded Learning Learni ng O"!co#es O"!co#e s
!n this this Episo Episode de"" ! must must be able able to use use my tech technol nolog ogy y peda pedago gogic gical al conte content nt knowledge in choosing appropriate teacher resources to use for a particular unit of study
My $er%or#ance $er%o r#ance &ri!eria &ri!er ia
!n will be rated along the following#
$uality of my observations and documentation" Completeness and depth of analysis" %epth and clarity of classroom observation&based reflection" Completeness" organi'ation" clarity of portfolio and Time of submission of portfolio
My Learning Learni ng Essen!ia' Essen! ia'
The TPACK (ramework The TPACK is a framework that shows the !ypes o% know'edge invo'ved in !he !eachers capaci!y !o in!egra!e !echno'ogy in the teaching&learning process This was
proposed by )ishra and Koehler in *++, These three types or bodies of knowledge can be described separately but they work together" each time you -as the future teacher. use technology for instruction /eflect on yourself as you read about the three# 0 Techno'ogica' echno'ogica' know'edge know'edge this refers not only on whether you are computer literate but also on knowing what technology is best to use and how they should be utili'ed in teaching Technology here can be as simple as the chalk and the blackboa blackboard rd or as complic complicate ated d as augment augmented ed reality reality As technolo technology gy is ever& ever& changing" your technological knowledge is also something that must be ever& developing * $edagogica' know'edge this refers to the principles principles and strategies of teaching !t includ includes es your your knowl knowled edge ge of the the lear learner ners" s" and and in formul formulat ating ing ob1ec ob1ectiv tives es"" designing activities and assessing your learners 2 &on!en! &on!en! know'edge know'edge this refers to how well you know the sub1ect area or topic that you will teach !t includes how wide and how deep you know about what you will teach 3ou can see from the diagram that two circles overlap with each other" while all three of them overlap as well Each two circle overlap indicates the interaction of technological and content knowledge -TCK." content and pedagogical knowledge -CPK." and pedagogical and technological knowledge The middle most part of the diagram shows the interaction or interfacing of the three" which is the technological pedagogical content knowledge -TPACK. This is what is very important for you to be able to use technology effectively in teaching 3ou need to be aware of your strengths and weakness in the three and reflect how you can grow in each one and use them together as best as you can owever this framework framework in mind as you analy'e and reflect in this episode about your own knowledge in using technology in teaching
Techno'ogica' $edagogica' &on!en! *now'edge (T$A&*)
Technological Pedagogical Knowledge -TPK.
Technological Knowledge -TK.
Pedagogical Knowledge -PK.
Technological Content Knowledge -TCK.
Content Knowledge -CK.
Pedagogical Content Knowledge -PCK.
Reproduced withpermission of the publisher, c. 2012 by tpack.org tpack.org
My Map To realize my Intended Learning Outcome, I will work my way through these
steps S!ep ,- %ecide on a specific content area and the level of learner5s technology technology
S!ep 0- (ind out the learning resources relevant to topic that are available
S!ep .- %evelop a pile of teaching aids -flashcards" pictures" cut ‐outs transparencies.
S!ep /- 6rgani'e them in a box
My Too's Too 's
7ub1ect Area 8 Topic# Topic# 9olcanoes :rade 8 3ear ;evel# 7cience < =ig !deas about the topic# 1o'canoes What is a volcano? A volcano is a mountain that opens downward downward to a pool of molten rock below the surface of the earth >hen pressure builds up" eruptions occur :ases and rock shoot up through the opening and spill over or fill the air with lava fragments Eruptions can cause lateral blasts" lava flows" hot ash flows" mudslides" avalanches" falling ash and floods 9olcano eruptions have been known to knock down entire forests An erupting volcano can trigger tsunamis" flash floods" earth?uakes" mudflows and rockfalls How are volcanoes formed? 9olcanoes are formed when magma from within the Earth@s upper mantle works its way to the surface At the surface" it erupts to form lava flows and ash deposits 6ver time as the volcano continues to erupt" it will get bigger and bigger What are the different types of volcanoes? 9olcanoes are grouped into four types# cinder cones" composite volcanoes" shield volcanoes and lava volcanoes Cinder ConesCinder cones are circular or oval cones made up of small fragments of lava from a single vent that have been blown into the air" cooled and fallen around the vent
Composite 9olcanoesComposite volcanoes are steep&sided volcanoes composed of many layers of volcanic rocks" usually made from high&viscosity lava" ash and rock debris )t /ainier and )ount 7t elens are examples of this type of volcano 7hield 9olcanoes7hield volcanoes are volcanoes shaped like a bowl or shield in the middle with long gentle slopes made by basaltic lava flows =asalt lava flows from these volcanoes are called flood basalts The volcanoes that formed the basalt of the Columbia Plateau were shield volcanoes
=efore preparing learning materials" a resourceful teacher# (irst" checks the available learning resources from varied sources 7econd" determines which will be most appropriate for her learning goals Third" makes adaptations for more effective use of materials (ourth" creates own materials
sho"'d re#e#2er
=efore preparing An O2serva!ion3S"rvey learning The =ank varied ;avaof9olcanoes;ava domes are formed when erupting lava is4"ide materials" a Teaching ! willand makes a steep&sided mound as the lava too Aids thickthat to flow ame of near the 7chool# Colegio dethere San Se2as!ian createpiles mustup contain well the‐ volcanic vent Thelearning eruption of )ount 7t for resourceful learnin g resources resource s useful your topic in the 1. Are teacher# organi'ed Teaching Aidwas causedresource center youOccvisitedB elens in of 0<+ part by a lava shifting to ;ocation the 7chool# Brgy-inB"enavis!a6 S2y- dome Mdo(irst" checks the materials" with a gas and steam to escape from inside the alloweach explosive learning 3es" there is a0;,< learning resource usefulavailable for my topic in %ate of 9isited# A"g"s! ,6 06 76 86 ,96 ,: writtenmountain description of the resources from the learning resource center -classroom. ! had visited following# varied sources The books" ;%C pro1ector" laptop" and learner5s material 7econd" 0 :rade8y :rade8year ear level" level" ! need for for my topic were ere all present sent in the said determines which 6b1ectives# center8classroom sub1ect area and will be most %efine sub1ectvolcano matter for appropriate for Enumerate the process of volcanic formations which the teaching her learning !dentify the different types of volcanoes available materials appropriate appropriategoals for your target 2. Are the available aid is used Appreciate Appreciate the importance importance of volcanic volcanic activities activities in earth5s earth5s grade8year levelB Third" makes ecosystem * Procedu Procedures res in using using 3es es The The availa available ble mater material ials s are appro appropri priat ate e for forformy adaptations =uild a model of the different types of volcanoes target year level for the students alsomore knows how to the teaching aid effective manipulate and use these learning materials use of materials 3. Teaching Approach (ourth" creates 3. ;ist down those that can be useful for your where the teaching owntopic materials The materials that can be useful for my topic are ;aptop" aid could be used ;C% Pro1ector" 7peaker" /eference book and learner5s best materials 4.
>hat other materials can you makeB -like flash cards" posters" cut ‐outs" transparencies" etc.B The other materials that ! can make are# Tarpaper" chart" cut&out cut&out words" words" printed printed pictures pictures"" model model of volcan volcanoes" oes" printed ?ui' and activity sheets
My Ana'ysis
=ha! ski''s did yo" have which he'ped yo" prepare !he #a!eria's> =ha! ski''s did yo" 'ack #ade i! di%%ic"'! d i%%ic"'! %or yo"> (T ( Techno'ogica' *now'edge)
The skills that probably helped me to prepare the materials ! needed for my topic are# being computer literate and my sense of art %uring my high school days" every graduation ! always received the D=est in Computer Award and the D=est in Arts Award ! must say that my ability to manipulate computer especially with )icrosoft power point make it easy for me to prepare my visual aids Also" my sense of art or becoming artistic helped me to make my visual aids -power point and charts. more attractive and eye& catching >hen it comes to difficulty" ! didn5t encounter any (or when it comes to visual aids and making learning materials it is my Dspecialty and making visual aid is a passion and provides en1oyment for me
Disc"ss so#e s!ra!egies on how yo" wi'' "se !he #a!eria's yo" inc'"ded here in !his episode- ($edagogica' *now'edge)
(irst material that ! had included in this episode is my power point presentation presentation and the tarpaper or chart ! had made" the strategies of teaching that ! am going to includ include e in these these are are the the dedu deducti ctive ve appr approa oach ch for discus discussio sion" n" pass pass the ball ball for for my generali'ation" and informal hand raising for my ?uestioning ! am going to use the art of ?uestioning also and differentiated instruction for my activity
How we'' do yo" know !he !opic yo" have chosen> (&on!en! *now'edge)- Disc"ss !he 2ig ideas o% !his !opic !ha! yo" wo"'d wan! !o %oc"s on-
Actually" Actually" this topic is the one given to me by 7ir %ave in my final demonstration demonstration for this semester so ! must say that ! am very familiar and has mastery on the topic that ! had chosen The first big idea of this topic that ! gave focus on is the definition and origin of volcano >hat is volcanoB volcanoB >here did the name volcano came fromB >hat are the main description of volcanoB And what are the main features of volcanoB The second big idea of this topic that ! give focus on is the formation process of volcano ow it ends up as volcano and the natural process occurring on earth5s plate when there is a formation of volcano occurring The third big idea ! gave focus on is the diffe differe rent nt types types of volca volcano no whic which h are the the compo composi site te"" shiel shield" d" cinder cinder and and lava lava dome dome volcano ! am going to discuss their differences from one another in terms of their formations" structure" volcanic activities and si'e Also" ! will give some importance of volcano in the heat releasing process occurring on the surface of the earth and the relevance of volcano in man5s life and in maintaining the natural process in earth5s cycle
My Re%'ec!ions3 Re%'ec !ions3nsigh! nsigh!s s
/eflect how your your technolo technologica gicall knowled knowledge ge -TK." -TK." pedago pedagogica gicall knowled knowledge ge -PK. ,- /eflect and content knowledge -CK. worked together in fulfilling the tasks in this episode These TPACK (ramework consisting of the technological knowledge -TK." pedagogical knowledge -PK. and content knowledge -CK. worked together in fulf fulfil illi ling ng the the task tasks s re?u re?uir ired ed in this this epis episod ode e by maki making ng sure sure that that ! am knowled knowledgeab geable le and capable capable enough with the technolo technologies gies that can help help me deliver my topic well making it more attractive to my students and listeners" with the help also of my pedagogical knowledge" the teaching strategy and approach ! will use to deliver and present my topic efficiently to the class and of course" provided with the informative content and my mastery of the lesson making this topic successful and attainment of learning to be achieve The The Techno echnolog logic ical al Knowl Knowled edge ge in the the TPAC TPACK K (rame (ramewo work rk makes makes my Pedagogical and Content Knowledge to be applied in real life teaching such as using computer for my lesson" making slideshow presentations and video clips )y Pedagogical Knowledge makes my technological and content knowledge be more effective by making sure that they are carried out and executed executed properly in my teaching And my Content Knowledge makes sure that ! have mastery with the conce concept pt of my lesso lesson" n" to choos choose e the the right right techn technolo ology gy and and strate strategi gies es of learning that will best explain and elaborate the contents of my lesson Thus" each of them complement each other and they work together to make sure that learning will occur for my students and learners >hat are are some ome of the the thin things gs you can can do to enh enhance ance and and enri enrich ch your your 0- >hat technological" pedagogical content knowledge -TPACK. to be able to facilitate an active" interesting" learning and fun&filled learning environment in the futureB )aybe some of the things ! can do to enhance and enrich my technological" pedagogical content knowledge to be able to facilitate an active" interesting" learning and fun&filled learning environment in the future is by reading a lot of informat informative ive books" books" surfing surfing internet internet with with useful useful and educati educational onal article articles s and websites" undergo seminars and be open to any suggestions that ! think will help me to boost my knowledge in these fields
My Learning Learni ng $or!%o'io $or!% o'io
Fse this graphic graphic organi' organi'er er to present present the learning learning resources resources relevant relevant to the topic topic chosen 6n the line inside the box" indicate if the resource is already A9A!;A=;E" )A3 =E PF/CA7E%" 6/ >!;; =E )A%E T6P!C# 9olcanoes
:rade8year level# :rade <
Available Available
?"i@ Shee!
>ill be made
>ill be made
7pecific Content
>ill be made
Available Available
?"es!ion Shee!
>ill be made
Available Available
L&D $roec!or
Available Available
My Learning Learn ing R"2rics
(ield 7tudy 2" Episode 4 & Technology in the ;earning Environment (ocused on# T66;7 6( TE T/A%E -Teaching -Teaching Aids =ank. Learning Episodes Learning Ac!ivi!ies
Ee#p'ary /
All episodes episodes were done with outstanding ?ualityG work exceeds expectations /
All ?uestions8episod Ana'ysis o% es were !he Learning answered completelyG in Episode depth answersG thoroughly grounded on theories Exemplary grammar and spelling
Re%'ec!ions3 nsigh!s
/ /eflection statements are profound and clearG supported by experience from the learning episodes
Learning $or!%o'io
/ Portfolio is complete" clear" well&organi'ed and all supportingG documentations are located in sections clearly designated
S"2#ission o% Learning Episode
S"perior .
Sa!is%ac!ory 0
All or nearly nearly all episodes were done with high ?uality
early all episodes were done with acceptable ?uality
. Analysis ?uestions were answered completely
0 Analysis ?uestions were not answered completely
Clear connection with theories :rammar and spelling are superior
/ 7ubmitted before the deadline
. /eflection statements are clear" but not clearly supported by experiences from the learning episodes . Portfolio is complete" clear" well&organi'edG most supporting documentation s are available and logical and clearly marked locations . 7ubmitted on the deadline
9aguely related r elated to the theories
5eeds #prove#en! , (ewer than half of episodes were doneG or most ob1ectives were met but need improvement , Analysis ?uestions ?uestions were not answered
:rammar and spelling are unsatisfactory
:rammar and spelling are acceptable
0 /eflections statements are shallowG supported by experiences from the learning episodes
, /eflection statements are unclear and shallow and are not supported by experiences from the learning episodes
0 , Portfolio is Analysis ?uestions ?uestions incompleteG were not supporting answered documentation :rammar and s are organi'ed spelling but are lacking unsatisfactory
0 7ubmitted a day after the deadline 0
, 7ubmitted two days or more after the deadline ,
6ver&all 7core
0+ <<
/ating# -=ased on transmutation.
TRA5SMCTATO5 OF S&ORE TO 4RADE3RAT54 0<& 02& 0, 0H 0I 04 00 0+ <& 0 0* 0*I 0I 0,I *++ **I *I+ *,I 2++ 2I
,&below I++ ,0&below
Fie'd S!"dy &o"rse . Techno'ogy in !he !h e Learning Environ#en! Episode 4# T66;7 6( TE T/A%E -Teaching -Teaching Aids =ank. ame# opie % Aranda Course and 3ear# =7E% L Physical 7cience !9 3ear ;evel# 7TE) 00 and :A7 0* %ate# August 0" *" " <" 0I" 0H" *+0, Time# ,#2+ L #2+" ,#2++ /esource Teacher# 7ir Maldy 7er?uinia" )s )onette )oises )s 7harmaine 9illaflore'" ) )ark Anthony 7abido Cooperating 7chool# Colegio de 7an 7ebastian