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Federal and local investigators have released a 43-page report examining the January fire that killed six people.Full description
Arson, What is it and Why?
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arson case digests
investigationFull description
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By Fire and Sword Miniatures Game, Eastern Reinassance, 15mm
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Fire Prevention and ProtectionDescription complète
Managing Engineering and Technology
Fire Technology Technology And Arson Investigation Reviewer criminologists 12:20 PM
Fire Technology
Fire Technology and Arson Investigation
3 State of matter
Solid Liquid Gas
4 General Categories Of Heat Energy Chemical Heat Energy Electrical Heat Energy Mechanical Heat Energy Nuclear Heat Energy Bacdraft - a phenomenon in which a ire that has consumed all a!aila"le o#ygen suddenly e#plodes when more o#ygen is made a!aila"le$ typically "ecause a door or window has "een opened% Boiling !oint - The temperature o a su"stance where the rate o e!aporation e!apor ation e#ceeds the rate o condensation% British Thermal "nit - &'T() The amount o heat heat needed to raise the temperature o one pound o water one degree F% Calorie - The amount o heat needed to raise the temperature o one
gram o water one degree Centigrade% Centigrade - &Celcius) *n the Centigrade scale$ +ero is the melting point o ice, .. degrees is the "oiling point o water% Chemical Heat Energy Heat o Com"ustion - The amount o heat generated "y the com"ustion &o#idation) process% Heat o /ecomposition - The release o heat rom decomposing compounds% These compounds may "e unsta"le and release their heat !ery quic0ly or they may detonate% Heat o Solution - The heat released "y the mi#ture o matter in a liquid% Some acids$ when dissol!ed$ gi!e o suicient heat to pose e#posure pro"lems to near"y com"usti"les% Spontaneous Heating - The heating o an organic su"stance without the addition o e#ternal heat% Spontaneous heating occurs most requently where suicient air is not present to dissipate the heat produced% The speed o a heating reaction dou"les with each 1. F &1. C) temperature increase% Classification of Fires Class 2 Fire - Fires in!ol!ing ordinary com"usti"le materials$ such as wood$ cloth$ paper$ ru""er and many plastics% Class ' Fires - Fires in!ol!ing lamma"le liquids$ greases and gases% Class C Fires - Fires in!ol!ing energi+ed electrical equipment% Class / Fires - Fires in!ol!ing com"usti"le metals$ such as magnesium$ titanium$ +irconium$ sodium and potassium% Class 3 Fires - Class 3 is a new classiication o ire as o 441 and in!ol!es ires in com"usti"le coo0ing uels such as !egeta"le or animal ats% Com#$stion - is the sel-sustaining process o rapid o#idation o a uel "eing reduced "y an o#idi+ing agent along with the e!olution o heat and light% %ry Chemicals and Halons - method o ire e#tinguishment$ interrupt the lame producing chemical reaction$ resulting in rapid e#tinguishment% Electrical Heat Energy /ielectric Heating - The heating that results rom the action
o either pulsating direct current$ or alternating current at high requency on a non-conducti!e material% Heat rom 2rcing - Heat released either as a high-temperature arc or as molten material rom the conductor% Heat Generated "y Lightning - The heat generated "y the discharged o thousands o !olts rom either earth to cloud$ cloud to cloud or rom cloud to ground% 5nduction Heating - The heating o materials resulting rom an alternating current low causing a magnetic ield inluence% Lea0age Current Heating - The heat resulting rom imperect or improperly insulated electrical materials% This is particularly e!ident where the insulation is required to handle high !oltage or loads near ma#imum capacity% 6esistance Heating - The heat generated "y passing an electrical orce through a conductor such as a wire or an appliance% Static Electricity Heating - Heat released as an arc "etween oppositely charged suraces% Static electricity can "e generated "y the contact and separation o charged suraces or "y luids lowing through pipes%
Endothermic Heat &eaction - 2 chemical reaction where a su"stance a"sor"s heat energy% E'othermic Heat &eaction - 2 chemical reaction where a su"stance gi!es o heat energy% Fahrenheit - *n the Fahrenheit scale$ 78 degrees is the melting point o ice, 88 degrees is the "oiling point o water% Fire (oint - The temperature at which a liquid uel will produce !apors suicient to support com"ustion once ignited% The ire point is usually a ew degrees a"o!e the lash point% Fire Triangle - *#ygen$ Fuel$ Heat Fire )ational Training Instit$te - &FNT5) the 5nstitution or training on human resource de!elopment o all personnel o the 'ureau o Fire 9rotection &'F9)% Flame - 2 gas-phased com"ustion% Flamma#le or E'(losive *imit - The percentage o a su"stance in air
that will "urn once it is ignited% Most su"stances ha!e an upper &too rich) and a lower &too lean) lamma"le limit% Flashover - an instance o a ire spreading !ery rapidly across a gap "ecause o intense heat% *ccurs when a room or other area "ecomes heated to the point where lames lash o!er the entire surace or area% Flash !oint - The minimum temperature at which a liquid uel gi!es o suicient !apors to orm an ignita"le mi#ture with the air near the surace% 2t this temperature$ the ignited !apors will lash$ "ut will not continue to "urn% F$el - is the material or su"stance "eing o#idi+ed or "urned in the com"ustion process% Material such as coal$ gas$ or oil that is "urned to produce heat or power% F$el &emoval - method o ire e#tinguishment$ ire is eecti!ely e#tinguished "y remo!ing the uel source% This may "e accomplished "y stopping the low o liquid or gaseous uel or "y remo!ing solid uel in the path o the ire or allow the ire to "urn until all uel is consumed% Glo+ing Com#$stion - 2 condensed phased com"ustion% Heat - the quality o "eing hot, high temperature% 2 orm o energy arising rom the random motion o the molecules o "odies$ which may "e transerred "y conduction$ con!ection$ or radiation% Heating - is transer o energy$ rom a hotter "ody to a colder one$ other than "y wor0 or transer o matter% Heat of Com#$stion - The amount o heat generated "y the com"ustion &o#idation) process% Heat Transfer Conduction - Conduction is the transer o energy through matter rom particle to particle% Heat may "e conducted rom one "ody to another "y direct contact o the two "odies or "y an inter!ening heat-conducting medium% Con!ection - is the transer o heat "y the actual mo!ement o the warmed matter% Transer o heat "y the mo!ement o air or liquid% 6adiation - Electromagnetic wa!es that directly transport energy through space% Ignition Tem(erat$re - The minimum temperature to which a uel in air must "e heated in order to start sel-sustained com"ustion independent o the heating source%
Heat - The orm o energy that raises temperature% Heat is measured "y the amount o wor0 it does% Heat of %ecom(osition - The release o heat rom decomposing compounds% These compounds may "e unsta"le and release their heat !ery quic0ly or they may detonate% Heat of Sol$tion - The heat released "y the mi#ture o matter in a liquid% Some acids$ when dissol!ed$ gi!e o suicient heat to pose e#posure pro"lems to near"y com"usti"les% ,echanical Heat Energy Frictional Heat - The heat generated "y the mo!ement "etween two o":ects in contact with each other% Friction Spar0s - The heat generated in the orm o spar0s rom solid o":ects stri0ing each other% Most oten at least one o the o":ects is metal% Heat o Compression - The heat generated "y the orced reduction o a gaseous !olume% /iesel engines ignite uel !apor without a spar0 plug "y the use o this principle% )$clear Fission and F$sion - The heat generated "y either the splitting or com"ining o atoms% O'idation - The comple# chemical reaction o organic material with o#ygen or other o#idi+ing agents in the ormation o more sta"le compounds% O'idi-ing Agents - are those materials that yield o#ygen or other o#idi+ing gases during the course o a chemical reaction% O'ygen %il$tion - is the reduction o the o#ygen concentration to the ire area% !hases of Fire 5ncipient 9hase &Growth Stage) Free-'urning 9hase &Fully /e!eloped Stage) Smoldering 9hase &/ecay Stage) !rod$cts of Com#$stion
Fire gases Flame Heat Smo0e
!yrolysis .also no+n as thermalde com(osition/ - is deined as the chemical decomposition o matter through the action o heat% &A 012 created the BF!5 'ureau o Fire 9rotection &'F9) - administers and enorces the ire code o the 9hilippines% The Fire 'ureau shall ha!e the power to in!estigate all causes o ires and$ i necessary$ ile the proper complaints with the city or pro!incial prosecutor who has :urisdiction o!er the case% Chie o the Fire 'ureau - ran0 is /irector% /eputy Chie or 2dministration o the Fire 'ureau - 8nd highest oicer in the 'F9% 6an0 is Chie Superintendent% /eputy Chie or *peration o the Fire 'ureau - the 7rd highest oicer in the 'F9% 6an0 is Chie Superintendent% Chie o /irectorial Sta o the Fire 'ureau - ;th highest oicer in the 'F9% 6an0 is Chie Superintendent% /irectors o the /irectorates in the respecti!e national headquarters oice - ran0 is Senior Superintendent% 6egional /irector or Fire 9rotection - The 'F9 shall esta"lish$ operate and maintain their respecti!e regional oices in each o the administrati!e regions o the country% 6an0 is Senior Superintendent% - Hes regional oices - ran0 is Senior Superintendent% /istrict Fire Marshall - the heads o the NC6 district oices ran0 is Senior Superintendent% 9ro!incial Fire Marshall - the heads o the pro!incial oices ran0 is Superintendent% /istrict Fire Marshall - heads o the district oices - ran0 is Chie 5nspector% Chie o Municipal
Fire Station - at least one in e!ery pro!incial capital$ city and municipality% LG( - &Local Go!ernment (nit) - shall pro!ide the site o the Fire Station% &A 1603 - this 2ct shall "e 0nown as the ?'ureau o Fire 9rotection and 'ureau o @ail Management and 9enology 9roessionali+ation 2ct o 8..;% The 'F9 is headed "y a Chie to "e assisted "y 8 deputy chie$ or administration and or operation$ all appointed "y the 9resident upon recommendation o /5LG Secretary rom among qualiied oicers with at least the ran0 o Senior Superintendent in the ser!ice% 5n no case shall any oicer who has retired or is retira"le within si# &A) months rom his
%efinition of Terms "nder &A 174 A#atement - 2ny act that would remo!e or neutrali+e a ire ha+ard% Administrator - 2ny person who acts as agent o the owner and ma nages
the use o a "uilding or him% Blasting Agent - 2ny material or mi#ture consisting o a uel and o#idi+er used to set o e#plosi!es% Cell$lose )itrate or )itro Cell$lose - 2 highly com"usti"le and e#plosi!e compound produced "y the reaction o nitric acid with a cellulose material% Cell$lose )itrate !lastic .!yro'ylin/ - 2ny plastic su"stance$ materials or compound ha!ing cellulose nitrate &nitro cellulose) as "ase% Com#$sti#le9 Flamma#le or Inflamma#le - /escripti!e o materials that are easily set on ire% Com#$sti#le Fi#er - 2ny readily ignita"le and ree "urning i"er such as cotton$ oa0um$ rags$ waste cloth$ waste paper$ 0apo0$ hay$ straw$ Spanish moss$ e#celsior and other similar materials commonly used in commerce% Com#$sti#le *i:$id - 2ny liquid ha!ing a lash point at or a"o!e 7%1 C &.. F)% Corrosive *i:$id - 2ny liquid which causes ire when in contact with organic matter or with certain chemicals% C$rtain Board - 2 !ertical panel o non-com"usti"le or ire resisti!e materials attached to and e#tending "elow the "ottom chord o the roo trusses$ to di!ide the underside o the roo into separate compartments so that heat and smo0e will "e directed upwards to a roo !ent% Cryogenic - /escripti!e o any material which "y its nature or as a result o its reaction with other elements produces a rapid drop in temperature o the immediate surroundings% %am(er - 2 normally open de!ice installed inside an air duct system which automatically closes to restrict the passage o smo0e or ire% %istillation - The process o irst raising the temperature in separate the more !olatile rom the less !olatile parts and then cooling and condensing the resulting !apor so as to produce a nearly puriied su"stance% %$ct System - 2 continuous passageway or the transmission o air% %$st - 2 inely powdered su"stance which$ when mi#ed with air in the proper proportion and ignited will cause an e#plosion% Electrical Arc - 2n e#tremely hot luminous "ridge ormed "y passage o an electric current across a space "etween two conductors or
terminals due to the incandescence o the conducting !apor% Em#er - 2 hot piece or lump that remains ater a material has partially "urned$ and is still o#idi+ing without the maniestation o lames% Finishes - Materials used as inal coating o a surace or ornamental or protecti!e purposes% Fire - The acti!e principle o "urning$ characteri+ed "y the heat and light o com"ustion% Fire Tra( - 2 "uilding unsae in case o ire "ecause it will "urn easily or "ecause it lac0s adequate e#its or ire escapes% Fire Alarm - 2ny !isual or audi"le signal produced "y a de!ice or system to warm the occupants o the "uilding or ire ighting elements o the presence or danger o ire to ena"le them to underta0e immediate action to sa!e lie and property and to suppress the ire% Fire %oor - 2 ire resisti!e door prescri"ed or openings in ire separation walls or partitions% Fire Ha-ard - 2ny condition or act which increases or may cause an increase in the pro"a"ility o the occurrence o ire$ or which may o"struct$ delay$ hinder or interere with ire ighting operations and the saeguarding o lie and property% Fire *ane - The portion o a roadway or pu"lic way that should "e 0ept opened and uno"structed at all times or the e#pedient operation o ire ighting units% Fire !rotective and Fire Safety %evice - 2ny de!ice intended or the protection o "uildings or persons to include "ut not limited to "uilt-in protection system such as sprin0lers and other automatic e#tinguishing system$ detectors or heat$ smo0e and com"ustion products and other warning system components$ personal protecti!e equipment such as ire "lan0ets$ helmets$ ire suits$ glo!es and other garments that may "e put on or worn "y persons to protect themsel!es during ire% Fire Safety Constr$ctions - 6eers to design and installation o walls$ "arriers$ doors$ windows$ !ents$ means o egress$ etc% integral to and incorporated into a "uilding or structure in order to minimi+e danger to lie rom ire$ smo0e$ umes or panic "eore the "uilding is e!acuated% These eatures are also designed to achie!e$ among others$ sae and rapid e!acuation o people through means o egress sealed rom smo0e or ire$ the coninement o ire or smo0e in the room or loor o origin and de lay their spread to other parts o the "uilding "y means o smo0e sealed and ire resistant doors$ walls and loors% 5t shall also me an to include the treatment o "uildings components
or contents with lame retardant chemicals% Flash !oint - The minimum temperature at which any material gi!es o !apor in suicient concentration to orm an ignita"le mi#ture with air% Forcing - 2 process where a piece o metal is heated prior to changing its shape or dimensions% F$lminate - 2 0ind o sta"le e#plosi!e compound which e#plodes "y percussion% Ha-ardo$s O(eration;!rocess - 2ny act o manuacturing$ a"rication$ con!ersion$ etc%$ that uses or produces materials which are li0ely to cause ires or e#plosion% Hori-ontal E'it - 9assageway rom one "uilding to another or through or around a wall in appro#imately the same loor le!el% Hose Bo' - 2 "o# or ca"inet where ire hoses$ !al!es and other equipment are stored and arranged or ire ighting% Hose &eel - 2 cylindrical de!ice turning on an a#is around which a ire hose is wound and connected% Hy(ergolic F$el - 2 roc0et or liquid propellant which consist o com"inations o uels and o#idi+ers which ignite spontaneously on contact with each other% Ind$strial Baing and %rying - The industrial process o su":ecting materials to heat or the purpose o remo!ing sol!ents or moisture rom the same$ and
O+ner - The person who holds the legal right o possession or title to a "uilding or real property% O'idi-ing ,aterial - 2 material that readily yields o#ygen in quantities suicient to stimulate or support com"ustion% !ress$ri-ed Or Forced %raft B$rning E:$i(ment - Type or "urner where the uel is su":ected to pressure prior to discharge into the com"ustion cham"er and