Construction Safety Inspection Checklist PDFFull description
Facility Inspection Checklist Inspector:
This inspection inspection checklist checklist monitors the the compliance activities activities at the facility facility.. It also serves as a hazard assessment to current activities. The inspection shall be completed in all areas areas of the facility, including warehouse and oce areas as it is applicable. Issues shall be summarized summarize d on the last page. Corrections Corrections will be made and documented completion completion date on the summary page. All corrections are epected to be completed in a timely manner.
REVIEW OF PRIOR Ye Ye No N/ Comments CORRECTIONS s A Have all identifed issues been o!!eted and noted on t"e #!evious $ailit% ins#etion summa!%& A!e all o!!etions o$ #!eviousl% identifed issues still e'etive and not !eu!!in(& ))I$ issues a!e !eu!!in( a o!!etive ation must be o#ened* E+ER,ENCY -I,HTIN,
Ye s
N/ A
E+ER,ENCY Ye Ye PREPARE0NESS s A!e all al1a%s and aisle a%s $!ee o$ obst!utions& A!e all e.its $!ee o$ sto!a(e and lutte!& A!e stai!ells and o!!ido!s $!ee o$ sto!a(e and lutte!& A!e all em#lo%ees t!ained on Eme!(en% Evauation P!oedu!es& A!e all em#lo%ees aa!e o$ t"e #!o#e! meetin( loation in t"e event o$ an eme!(en%& A!e all mate!ials sto!ed in !a1s !a##ed and stable to #!event $allin(& Is t"e Fi!st Aid abinet $ull% sto1ed&
N/ A
All si(ns illuminated and !emain illuminated "en batte!% tested& All si(ns $!ee o$ dama(e&
Owner: Management Representative Revision Date:
Publishe Revision: !" P$%&: ! of 11
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Facility Inspection Checklist
E+ER,ENCY PREPARE0NESS Is t"e f!e ala!m #anel indiatin( an ala!m ondition& A!e all manual #ull stations unobst!uted and aessible& Is t"e!e an%t"in( else !elatin( to eme!(en% #!e#a!edness t"at needs attention at t"is time& FIRE E2TIN,3ISHERS
Ye s
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Ye s
N/ A
A!e all e.tin(uis"e!s in t"ei! desi(nated loation& A!e all e.tin(uis"e!s lea!l% identifed it" a all mounted si(n& A!e all e.tin(uis"e!s seu!el% mounted to t"e all& A!e all e.tin(uis"e!s easil% aessible and $!ee o$ obst!utions& Is t"e last annual ins#etion it"in t"e #ast 45 mont"s& A!e ins#etion ta(s u!!ent it" initial and date o$ ins#etion& A!e all seals and tam#e! #ins in #lae& A!e all e.tin(uis"e!s $!ee o$ dama(e6 o!!osion6 lea1a(e o! lo((ed no77les& 0o all #!essu!e (au(es indiate t"e e.tin(uis"e!s a!e !ead% $o! use& A!e all sta' membe!s t!ained on f!e e.tin(uis"e! use& 0o all sta' membe!s 1no "e!e t"e e.tin(uis"e!s a!e loated& Is t"e!e an%t"in( else t"at needs attention at t"is time& Owner: Management Representative Revision Date:
Publishe Revision: !" P$%&: , of 11
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Paper ocuments not stampe 'controlle( are not o))icial an shoul not be relie on" $lways veri)y the o))icial version o) this proceure in a controlle copy in the online &*+M+
Facility Inspection Checklist
Ye s
N/ A
Ye s
N/ A
A!e S0Ss available on all "a7a!dous mate!ials in t"e $ailit%& A!e all S0Ss !eadil% available $o! all em#lo%ees& A!e all em#lo%ees t!ained on "o to loate6 !ead and unde!stand an +S0S s"eet& >Ha7a!d Communiations? A!e all li@uids sto!ed in t"e a##!o#!iate ontaine!s& A!e all HW/3W ontaine!s labeled it" t"e ontents and an aumulation sta!t date& A!e all #e!sonnel e@ui##ed it" ade@uate PPE $o! t"ese mate!ials& A!e all s#ill 1its loated in t"e o!!et a!ea& A!e all s#ill 1its $ull% sto1ed it" t"e needed e@ui#ment& Is t"e!e an%t"in( else !elatin( to "a7a!dous mate!ials t"at needs attention at t"is time& HO3SE;EEPIN, A!e all a!eas leaned on a !e(ula! basis& A!e all al1a%s a!e at least 89 in"es and $!ee o$ ot"e! items t"at ould ause a t!i##in( "a7a!d&
Owner: Management Representative Revision Date:
Publishe Revision: !" P$%&: . of 11
Paper ocuments not stampe 'controlle( are not o))icial an shoul not be relie on" $lways veri)y the o))icial version o) this proceure in a controlle copy in the online &*+M+
Facility Inspection Checklist
Ye s
N/ A
A!e all oo!s $!ee o$ li@uids to avoid t!i#s and $alls& Is e@ui#ment !etu!ned to t"ei! #!o#e! sto!a(e loation "en not in use to avoid a t!i##in( "a7a!d& C"e1 OBe a!ea* Is t"e!e NO si(ns o$ s#ills Is t"e!e NO deb!is o! (a!ba(e A!e a!eas neat/o!(ani7ed& C"e1 outside o$ a!e"ouse* Is t"e!e NO si(n o$ s#ills lea! NO deb!is o! (a!ba(e& C"e1 inside o$ Wa!e"ouse* Is t"e!e no si(n o$ s#ills a!eas a!e neat/o!(ani7edD NO ontaine!s lea1in(& All ontaine!s lea!l% labeled& Flammable mate!ials su" as a!dboa!d and #a#e! a!e sto!ed aa% $!om f!e "a7a!ds and not aumulated t"!ou("out t"e a!e"ouse& Tools a!e sa$el% seu!ed and sto!ed "en not in use& A!e t"e!e an% ot"e! "ouse1ee#in( issues t"at need to be add!essed&
Ye s
N/ A
No i!uit b!ea1e!s !e(ula!l% t!i##in(& No e.tension o!ds used $o! a #e!manent o#e!ation& A!e all #lu(s and o!ds in (ood ondition& A!e all e.tension o!ds #lu((ed into a (!ounded outlet "en in use&
Owner: Management Representative Revision Date:
Publishe Revision: !" P$%&: / of 11
Paper ocuments not stampe 'controlle( are not o))icial an shoul not be relie on" $lways veri)y the o))icial version o) this proceure in a controlle copy in the online &*+M+
Facility Inspection Checklist
No elet!ial sit"es6 sit" #lates o! !ee#tales6 !a1ed6 b!o1en o! "ave e.#osed ontats& 0o all elet!ial #anels "ave a su!!oundin( s#ae o$ 8 $eet lea!& A!e all elet!ial i!uit b!ea1e!s identifed& A!e t"e!e an% ot"e! elet!ial issues t"at need attention at t"is time&
PERSONA- PROTECTIVE E3IP+ENT Is t"e!e ade@uate PPE $o! all ob t%#es on site& 0o all #e!sonnel !e@ui!in( #!es!i#tion sa$et% (lasses "ave t"em& A!e all #e!sonnel t!ained in t"e #!o#e! use o$ all PPE as !e@ui!ed b% t"ei! ob>s?& Is si(na(e dis#la%ed in a!eas "e!e PPE is !e@ui!ed& A!e em#lo%ees ea!in( #!o#e! $ootea! in ao!dane it" PPE !e@ui!ements& A!e em#lo%ees ea!in( (loves ea! !e@ui!ed b% t"e tas1s& A!e t"e!e an% ot"e! PPE issues t"at need to be add!essed at t"is time&
Ye s
N/ A
Owner: Management Representative Revision Date:
Publishe Revision: !" P$%&: 0 of 11
Paper ocuments not stampe 'controlle( are not o))icial an shoul not be relie on" $lways veri)y the o))icial version o) this proceure in a controlle copy in the online &*+M+
Facility Inspection Checklist
RESPIRATORY PROTECTION A!e em#lo%ees "o use !es#i!ato!s6 volunta!il%6 t!ained& A!e !es#i!ato!s sto!ed in a sealed ba(& A!e !es#i!ato!s dis#osed o$ "en soiled& A!e !es#i!ato!s used ao!din( to t"e NIOSH !atin(s& A!e t"e!e an% ot"e! Res#i!ato! issues t"at need to be add!essed at t"is time& -E,A- G OTHER RE3IRE+ENTS A!e ontaine!s it" batte!ies6 b!o1en lam#s6 b!o1en CRT (lass6 o! PC ballasts losed it" lids& A!e all 3nive!sal Wastes labeled it" a 3nive!sal Waste label& Is t"e Aumulation Sta!t 0ate flled
Ye s
Ye s
N/ A
N/ A
Owner: Management Representative Revision Date:
Publishe Revision: !" P$%&: 1 of 11
Paper ocuments not stampe 'controlle( are not o))icial an shoul not be relie on" $lways veri)y the o))icial version o) this proceure in a controlle copy in the online &*+M+
Facility Inspection Checklist
Ye s
N/ A
A!e all ent!% a%s seu!ed $!om unaut"o!i7ed aess& A!e su!veillane video ame!as in o!1in( o!de!& A!e video !eo!din( devies in o!1in( o!de! and sto!in( video ao!din(l%& A!e t"e!e an% ot"e! seu!it% issues to be add!essed&
Owner: Management Representative Revision Date:
Publishe Revision: !" P$%&: 2 of 11
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Paper ocuments not stampe 'controlle( are not o))icial an shoul not be relie on" $lways veri)y the o))icial version o) this proceure in a controlle copy in the online &*+M+
Facility Inspection Checklist
Ai! Com#!esso!
Ye s
N/ A
Was t"e ai! om#!esso! d!ained o$ uid& Is uid d!ain $!om t"e ai! om#!esso! a#tu!ed& A!e all belt (ua!ds in #lae& Is t"e #!essu!e (au(e in o!1in( o!de!& Is t"e o#e!atin( #!essu!e it"in manu$atu!e!Js s#eifations& Is t"e sa$et% valve in o!1in( o!de!& A!e t"e!e an% lea1s in t"e lines&
Owner: Management Representative Revision Date:
Publishe Revision: !" P$%&: ! of 11
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Facility Inspection Checklist Date of Review:
Mgmt Reviewer:
3nsa$e ondition o! o!1 #!atie
Pe!son Assi(ned
Co!!etive Ations
0ue 0ate
Resolutio n 0ate
Owner: Management Representative Revision Date:
Publishe Revision: !" P$%&: !! of 11
Paper ocuments not stampe 'controlle( are not o))icial an shoul not be relie on" $lways veri)y the o))icial version o) this proceure in a controlle copy in the online &*+M+