UNIT Unit 1
HEADWORD aggressive bad-tempered bring up business centre compromise concerned counter-argument critical desperate enthusiastic hard-wor$ing
impat mpatiient ent impolite
Part of speech adjectiv e adjectiv e phrasal verb noun noun adjectiv e noun adjectiv e adjectiv e adjectiv e adjectiv e adje adject ctiive adjectiv e
DEFINITION angry and v iolent towards another person describes a person who becomes angry and annoyed easily to care for a child until it is an adult, often giving them particular beliefs a city or town or part of a city or town in which there is a lot of business and financial activ ity when you agree to something which is not e"actly what you want worried an argument against another argument, idea or suggestion saying that someone or something is bad or wrong needing or wanting something v ery much feeling energetic interest in a particular subject or activ ity and an eagerness to be involv ed in it doing a job seriously and with a lot of effort
Example aggressiv e behav iour She's v ery bad-tempered in the mornings. They brought us up to be very independent. Singapore riv als ong !ong as a regional business centre. #t is hoped that a compromise will be reached in today's tal$s. #'m a bit concerned about her health. e put forward sev eral counter-arguments to their proposal. e is v ery critical of the way # wor$. y two o'cloc$ # was desperate for something to eat. The teacher was very enthusiastic about my project. She's a very hard-wor$ing student. # get very very impa mpatien tientt with the the chi children dren when the they won't on't do thei heir home homew wor$. or$. # found his (uestions rather impolite.
Translation agresivo malhumorado criar, educar centro empresarial compromiso preocupado refutaci%n cr&tico desesperado entusiasta aplicado impac mpaciiente nte maleducado
impressiv e industrial intentionally mature organised
adjectiv e adjectiv e adverb adjectiv e adjectiv e
#f you are are impa mpatien tient, t, you get get angr angry y with peop peoplle who ma$e ma$e mist mista a$es $es or you you hate hate waiti aitin ng for thing hings. s. rude #f something is impressive, you admire or respect it, usually because it is special, important, or very large. connected with industry in a way that is planned or intended behaving well, li$e an adult describes a person who is able to plan things carefully and $eep things tidy
an impressiv e collection of modern paintings an industrial city # didn't ignore her intentionally - # just didn't recognise her. She seems v ery mature for 1). *n office manager needs to be very organised.
impresionante industrial a prop%sito maduro organi+ado
prioritise reasonable residential respect responsible
v erb adjectiv e adjectiv e v erb adjectiv e
to decide which of a group of things are the most important so that you can deal with them first fair and showing good j udgment * residential area has only houses and not offices or factories. to be polite to someone and show that you admire them hav ing good judgment and the ability to act correctly and ma$e decisions on your own
ou must learn to prioritise your wor$. #t's not reasonable to e"pect people to wor$ those hours. This is a residential area. # really respect my colleagues. She'll be fine on her own - she's v ery responsible.
priori+ar ra+onable residencial respetar responsable
self-confident sensitive survey understanding unreliable urge
adjectiv e adjectiv e v erb adjectiv e adjectiv e v erb
feeling sure about yourself and your abilities able to understand what people are feeling and behave in a way that does not upset them to as$ people (uestions in order to find out about their opinions or behaviour showing sympathy for someone's problems or acceptance of the way they behave not able to be trusted or depended on to strongly adv ise someone to do something
ou need to be self-confident to be a manager. # li$e him because he's $ind and sensitiv e. ver /0 of the people surv eyed were in fav our of the new road. ortunately, my girlfriend is v ery understanding. The trains were noisy, dirty, and unreliable. inancial e"perts are urging caution.
seguro de s& mismo sensible encuestar comprensiv o poco fidedigno instar
a narrow road or path between buildings very surprising to ma$e a v ery strong and urgent re(uest to climb somewhere with difficulty, often needing to use both hands and feet wanting to win or be better than other people to help to cause an event or situation very pleasant or attractiv e needing a lot of your time, attention, or effort ma$ing you feel sad and without any hope for the future to ma$e someone stop giv ing their attention to something very bad to ma$e someone feel v ery unhappy or angry to write someone a short letter or note not costing much money e"tremely happy and e"cited interesting and enjoyable an untidy pile of things very sad because someone who you love has stopped loving you not important in a particular situation ma$ing you feel annoyed
The thieves escaped down an alleyway between two shops. 3 hat an astonishing thing to say4 # begged my father to let me go to the party. The baby clambered up the stairs. She's v ery competitiv e. is poor diet contributed to his illness. 3e had a delightful ev ening. a very demanding job The news is very depressing. The music distracts me from my worries. The journey was dreadful. er constant demands nearly drov e me to desperation. # hope you'll drop me a line soon. #t's a v ery economical car. e was elated at the news. an entertaining and informative boo$ a heap of rubbish # was heartbro$en when my boyfriend moved away. irrelevant information an irritating habit
callej%n asombroso suplicar trepar competitiv o contribuir a encantador e"igente deprimente distraer espantoso desesperar a alguien escribir unas l&neas econ%mico euf%rico ameno pila desconsolado irrelev ante irritante
Unit 2 alleyway noun astonishing adjectiv e beg v erb clamber v erb competitive adjectiv e contribute to phrasal verb delightful adjectiv e demanding adjectiv e depressing adjectiv e distract v erb dreadful adjectiv e driv e someone to desperat ph phrase drop someone a line phrase economical adjectiv e elated adjectiv e entertaining adjectiv e heap noun heartbro$en adjectiv e irrelevant adjectiv e irritating adjectiv e
ma$e sense passion red-faced superb swap time-consuming tremendous
phrase noun adjectiv e adjectiv e v erb adjectiv e adjectiv e
to have a meaning or reason that you can understand an e"treme interest in or li$ing for something having red chee$s because of embarrassment e"cellent to give something to someone and get something from them in return needing a lot of time very large, great, strong, etc
Suddenly my whole life began to ma$e sense. e has a passion for old cars. * red-faced boy stood ne"t to the bro$en window. a superb restaurant # often swap recipes with my friends. The legal process was time-consuming and e"pensive. a tremendous amount of money
tener sentido pasi%n rubori+ado soberbio intercambiar (ue re(uiere mucho tiempo tremendo
appreciate cope daily routine drag dump fed up forthcoming homeward outward overland party to the small hours round trip teamwor$ thrill tough
v erb v erb phrase v erb v erb adjectiv e adjectiv e adjectiv e adjectiv e adverb phrase noun noun noun adjectiv e
to recognise how good someone or something is and to v alue them to manage to do something in a difficult situation the things that you do ev ery day at the same time to ma$e someone go with you when they do not want to to get rid of someone, often by going away from them bored, annoyed or disappointed, especially by something you hav e e"perienced for too long going to happen soon towards home going to wards a particular place, rather than returning from it across the land rather than by sea or through the air to enjoy yourself at a party until past midnight a journey from one place to another and bac$ to where you started when a group of people wor$ well together a strong feeling of e"citement and pleasure difficult to do or deal with
5y trip taught me to appreciate other cultures. She has a lot of wor$ but somehow she copes. 5y daily routine usually includes going for a run. ur parents dragged us to an art e"hibition. 3e dumped my little brother and went out. They were fed up with the same old routine. the forthcoming election6visit the homeward journey an outward journey They trav elled ov erland to 7hina. 3e were out every night, partying to the small hours. The round trip ta$es nearly two days. Teamwor$ is vital to the success of the project. #t was a big thrill meeting the stars of the show. 8ife in such a cold region is very tough.
apreciar sobrellev ar rutina cotidiana arrastrar deshacerse de harto pr%"imo de v uelta a casa de ida por tierra estar de fiesta hasta la madrugada v iaje de ida y vuelta trabajo en e(uipo emoci%n duro
Unit 9
airy attractive balanced cheerful conv enience food edible elaborate elegant e"ceptional e"clusive filling genetically modified heav y meal informative isolated light meal nutrition organic protein rushed satisfactory satisfying shortage source stem c el ell supply welcoming well-balanced
noun adjectiv e adjectiv e adjectiv e noun adjectiv e adjectiv e adjectiv e adjectiv e adjectiv e adjectiv e adjectiv e phrase adjectiv e adjectiv e phrase noun adjectiv e noun adjectiv e adjectiv e adjectiv e noun noun noun noun adjectiv e adjectiv e
open to fresh air causing interest or pleasure * balanced meal contains a healthy mi"ture of different types of food. describes a place or thing that is bright and pleasant and ma$es you feel happy food that can be prepared (uic$ly and easily and is often already coo$ed safe to eat complicated or with a lot of details stylish and attractiv e very good and better than most other people or things e"pensive and only for people who are rich or of a high social class ood that is filling ma$es you feel that you have had a lot to eat. describes a plant or animal that has had some of its genes changed scientifically a large, rich meal that ma$es you feel v ery full giv ing a lot of useful facts not near to other places or people a small meal that does not ma$e you feel v ery full the food that you eat and the way that it affects your health not using chemicals when $eeping animals or growing plants for food one of many substances found in food such as meat, cheese, fish, or eggs, that is necessary for the hav ing to do things very (uic$ly good enough ma$ing you feel pleased by prov iding what you need or want when there is not enough of something where something comes from a cell, especially one ta$en from a person or anim al al at a v er ery early s ta tage of dev el elopment, that can d an amount of something that is ready to be used friendly or ma$ing you feel welcome * well-balanced meal contains a healthy mi"ture of different types of food.
airy rooms 3e need to ma$e the club attractive to young people. 7hocolate and chips is not a balanced meal. The room was painted in cheerful colours. 3e eat a lot of conv enience food. edible berries an elaborate design an elegant dining room an e"ceptional student an e"clusive private club a filling meal genetically modified plants ou shouldn't swim after a heavy meal. a very informative boo$ 8iving on the island meant that we were v ery isolated. 3e had a light meal at midday.
aireado atractivo e(uilibrado alegre comida de preparaci%n r:pida comestible intrincado elegante e"cepcional e"clusiv o (ue llena mucho modificado gen;ticamente comida pesada instructiv o aislado comida ligera nutrici%n org:nico prote&na apurado satisfactorio reconfortante escase+ fuente c ;l ;lula m ad adre suministro cordial bien e(uilibrado
Unit /
adjustment admission approval assessment chaotic confusion could do with e"pectation have it in for host family impression
noun noun noun noun adjectiv e noun phrase noun phrase noun noun
the ability to become familiar with a new situation when someone is giv en permission to become a member of a club, univ ersity, etc. official permission when you ma$e a judgment about the (uality, si+e or value, etc. of something in a state of chaos when people do not understand what is happening or what they should do #f you could do with something, that thing would help you if you could hav e it. what you e"pect to happen or what you e"pect something to be li$e to be determined to harm or criticise someone a family with whom a student stays, for e"ample when they are studying abroad an idea or opinion of what is someone or something is li$e
5oving to a new city meant a huge adjustment for me. She's applied for admission to law school. The project has now received approval from the government. That's a fair assessment of the situation. a chaotic situation There seems to be some confusion about who is actually giv in ing the tal$. # could do with some help on this project. 5y e"pectations were a bit unrealistic. e really has it in for the younger students. #'m living with a host family in 7ambridge. # had the impression he was angry about something.
adaptaci%n admisi%n aprobaci%n v aloraci%n ca%tico confusi%n v enir bien e"pectativ a tenerla tomada con alguien familia anfitriona impresi%n
Unit )
Unit ?
investigation involv ement job prospects ma$e it pass preference unprepared
noun noun noun phrase noun noun adjectiv e
when officials try to discov er all the facts about something, especially a crime or an accident when someone or something is involv ed in an activ ity or event your chance of getting a job or getting a better job to manage to go to or arriv e at a place a successful mar$ in an e"am when you li$e something or someone more than another person or thing not made ready or prepared
to carry out an investigation She had no inv olvement at all in the affair. This course should help help my job prospects. #'m afraid # can't ma$e it to the lesson this afternoon. #'m hoping for a pass in my e"am. 3e hav e white and brown bread. =o you hav e a preference> # was unprepared for what # found there.
inv estigaci%n implicaci%n perspectivas de trabajo poder ir aprobar preferencia no estar preparado
badly-paid brighten up clima" cool duty roster fascinating forbidding grab improv ise liv e up to e"pectations lose your temper ma$e full use of manual more than you bargained f over the rate potential shift s$illed stare ta$e pleasure in unco uncomp mpro romi misi sing ng wander well-paid under pressure worthwhile
adjectiv e phrasal verb noun adjectiv e noun adjectiv e adjectiv e v erb v erb phrase phrase phrase adjectiv e ph p hrase phrase noun noun adjectiv e v erb phrase adje adject ctiv ive e v erb adjectiv e phrase adjectiv e
#f a job is badly-paid, the person doing it does not get much money. to ma$e something more attractive or enjoyable the most important or e"citing point in a story or situation calm and not emotional a list of people's names and the jobs they have to do e"tremely interesting unfriendly to ta$e hold of something or someone suddenly to invent or ma$e something at the time when it is needed without already hav ing planned it if something lives up to e"pectations, it is as good as you e"pected it to be to become angry v ery (uic$ly to use something as much as possible inv olving physical wor$ rather than mental wor$ more than you were e"pecting or prepared for #f someone is paid ov er the rate, they get more than is usual for the job. someone's or something's ability to dev elop, achiev e or succeed a period of time when someone wor$s hav ing the abilities needed to do an activity or job well to loo$ at someone or something for a long time and not mov e your eyes to find something enjoyable #f peop people le or thei theirr beli belief efs s are are unco uncomp mpro romi misi sing ng,, they they are are fi"e fi"ed d and and do not not chan change ge even even if some someon one e trie trie to wal$ somewhere without any definite purpose #f a job is well-paid, the person doing it earns a lot of money. #f you do something under pressure, it is difficult because there or problems or because you hav e a l useful and enj oyable, despite needing a lot of effort
#t was a badly-paid job with long hours. Some yellow paint will brighten up this room. is act was the clima" of the show. She seemed cool and confident. She pinned the duty roster to the wall. a fascinating person6place e had a forbidding e"pression. * mugger grabbed her handbag as she was wal$ing across the par$. # hadn't prepared a speech, so # had to improvise. The hotel certainly liv ed up to e"pectations. She lost her temper and shouted at the children. 3e made full use of the sports facilities. uns$illed manual labour The job was more than # bargained for. She pays me ov er the rate for babysitting. She showed great potential as an writer. #'m on the night shift this wee$. a highly s$illed photographer =on't stare at people li$e that, it's rude. e ta$es pleasure in seeing his students succeed. an unco uncomp mpro romi misi sing ng atti attitu tude de 3e all wandered bac$ to the hotel. She can afford e"pensiv e clothes because she has a well-paid job. e doesn't wor$ well under pressure. She considers teaching a worthwhile career.
mal pagado alegrar punto culminante sereno lista de turnos fascinante adusto agarrar improvisar estar a la altura de las e"pectativ as perder los estribos sacar el m:"imo prov echo manual no esperarse algo as& por encima de la tarifa normal aptitud turno h:bil, e"perto (uedarse mirando disfrutar intr intran ansi sige gent nte e pasear bien pagado bajo presi%n (ue v ale la pena
athletic be around blister civ ilised come across cushion drop out endurance eternity e"treme furious guarantee hallucination ha+ardous heighten hop $eep up learning curve little in the way of made up of methodical opponent pace rough run into trouble safety-conscious set spectator trophy turn out
adjectiv e phrasal verb noun adjectiv e phrasal verb v erb phrasal verb noun noun adjectiv e adjectiv e v erb noun adjectiv e v erb v erb phrasal verb noun phrase phrase adjectiv e noun noun adjectiv e phrase adjectiv e v erb noun noun phrasal verb
strong, healthy and good at sports #f something has been around for a period of time, that is how long it has e"isted. a painful, raised area of s$in with li(uid inside, that you get if your s$in has been rubbed or burned polite and behaving in a calm, reasonable way to find something or someone by chance to ma$e the effect or force of something softer to stop doing something such as a race or a course before you hav e finished the ability to $eep doing something difficult, unpleasant, or painful for a long time a very long time the most unusual or the most serious possible e"tremely angry to ma$e certain that something will happen or e"ist an e"perience in which you see, hear, feel, or smell something which does not e"ist dangerous to increase or ma$e something increase, especially an emotion or an effect @informalA to go somewhere (uic$ly #f you $eep up with someone, you go as fast as them. the rate of someone's progress in learning a new s$ill #f someone or something has little in the way of a particular thing, it does not hav e much of it or man consisting of done in a careful, well-organised way someone who you compete against in a game or competition the speed at which someone or something moves or does something dangerous or v iolent to start to e"perience difficulties very careful to be safe or to $eep people safe #f you set yourself a goal, you giv e yourself goal. someone who watches an ev ent, sport, etc. a pri+e, such as a silv er cup, that you get for winning a race or competition to have a final, often surprising, result
She loo$s very athletic. This technology hasn't been around for long. #'v e got a blister on my toe. The meeting was v ery civ ilised. # came across the boo$ in the library. 5y thic$ coat cushioned the blow. e dropped out of university. a race to test athletes' endurance The wait seemed li$e an eternity. e"treme weather conditions # was late and he was furious with me. ou will be guaranteed a good night's sleep in this bed. She began to e"perience hallucinations. These roads are ha+ardous for cyclists. is words heightened the tension in the room. 3e hopped on the bus. They wal$ed so fast, # couldnBt $eep up with them. #t's a steep learning curve when you start a new job. The town has little in the way of entertainment. a team made up of past champions a methodical approach er opponent hurt his leg. a slow6fast pace a rough part of town 3e ran into trouble when our car bro$e down. The race organisers have to be v ery safety-conscious. e set himself a target of running 2C miles a wee$. They won 9-C in front of ov er 9C CCC cheering spectators. e's an e"cellent snoo$er player, but he's never won a major trophy. The truth turned out to be stranger than we e"pected.
atl;tico e"istir ampolla civili+ado encontrarse amortiguar abandonar resistencia eternidad e"tremo furioso garanti+ar alucinaci%n peligroso agudi+ar brincar seguir el ritmo curv a de aprendi+aje ofrece poco formado con met%dico rival ritmo peligroso meterse en problemas concienciado sobre los aspectos de la seguridad fijarse espectador rival resultar
Unit D
abandon adore a step ahead of aware brutal cause chance of a lifetime compulsory contestant disturb fulfil gain e"perience gee$ get your first taste of hoo$ed intense intimidated invaluable launch media nerv e-wrac$ing photogenic priv acy pursue realise an ambition release scandal sensation someone's F days are be strip away stuc$ in traffic tabloid turn down v oluntary
v erb v erb phrase adjectiv e adjectiv e v erb phrase adjectiv e noun v erb v erb phrase noun phrase adjectiv e adjectiv e adjectiv e adjectiv e v erb noun adjectiv e adjectiv e noun v erb phrase v erb noun noun phrase phrasal verb phrase noun phrasal verb adjectiv e
to stop doing an activ ity before you hav e finished it to li$e something or someone very much slightly better prepared or more successful than someone else hav ing $nowledge of something cruel and not considering someone's feelings to ma$e something happen a great opportunity that you will only hav e once in your life #f something is compulsory, you must do it because of a rule or law. someone who competes in a contest to interrupt someone in a way that they do not want to do something that is e"pected, hoped for, or promised, or to ma$e it happen to get $nowledge or s$ill from doing something a person, especially a man, who is boring and not fashionable to e"perience something for the first time enjoying something so much that you are unable to stop hav ing, watching, doing, etc. it e"treme and forceful or @of a feelingA very strong frightened or nerv ous because a person or a situation ma$es you lose your confidence e"tremely useful to ma$e something begin the internet, newspapers, maga+ines, television, etc., considered as a group causing a lot of worry having a face that face that loo$s attractive in photographs someone's right to $eep their personal matters and relationships secret #f you pursue a plan, activity or situation, you try to do it or achiev e it, usually over a long period of ti to do something that you had hoped to do #f a film is released, it is shown in public for the first time. @an action or ev ent that causesA a public feeling of shoc$ and strong moral disapproval someone or something that causes great interest and e"citement used to say that someone no longer does a particular activity to remove or peel something from someone or something unable to drive at the normal speed because there are too many v ehicles on the road a type of popular newspaper with small pages which has many pictures and short simple reports to refuse to accept something you are offered done, made or giv en willingly, without being forced or paid
The match was abandoned at half-time because of the poor weather conditi # adore horses. The filmma$er manages to $eep a step ahead of his critics by constantly tryi She needed to ma$e people aware of the danger. er criticism was brutal. er actions caused us a lot of problems. This competition is the chance of a lifetime for me. Swimming was compulsory at my school. #n tonight's (ui+, our contestants have come from all ov er the country. Their loud music disturbed our peace. # $now # will fulfil my dreams one day. # too$ a summer job to gain some e"perience. e's such a gee$. She got her first taste of success in that show. #'m hoo$ed on spy movies. intense cold6heat6hatred # was intimidated by all those clever people. er help was invaluable. to launch a career The media are cov ering the speech tonight. # find giving tal$s absolutely nerv e-wrac$ing. She's v ery photogenic. The new law is designed to protect people's privacy. e decided to pursue a career in telev ision. e realised his ambition of becoming a doctor. is new movie is due to be released ne"t month. a financial6political6se" scandal The boo$ was a sensation. 5y trav elling days are behind me now. She stripped away his mas$ of confidence. #'m sorry #'m late - # was stuc$ in traffic. # read all the gossip in the tabloids. She turned down the job. The e"tra homewor$ is v oluntary.
suspender adorar un paso por delante de consciente brutal causar oportunidad Enica obligatorio concursante perturbar cumplir ganar e"periencia bicho raro probar por primera ve+ enganchar intenso intimidado inv alorable lan+ar medios de comunicaci%n (ue destro+a los nerv ios fotog;nico intimidad ejercer cumplir una ambici%n estrenarse esc:ndalo sensaci%n dejar atr:s la ;poca deF arrancarse en un atasco de tr:fico peri%dico sensacionalista recha+ar v oluntario
Unit G
appropriate a variety of factors breathless complement cons consis iste tent nt count devote your life to dominating give and ta$e go to e"tremes have little to do with have something in commo immeasurably irrational irritable now you come to mention i opening gambit outgoing overall pager point out put up with recurring row
adjectiv e phrase adjectiv e v erb adje adject ctiv ive e v erb phrase adje adject ctiive phrase phrase phrase phrase phra phrase se adverb adjectiv e adjectiv e phrase noun adjectiv e adverb noun noun phra phrasa sall verb verb phrasal verb adjective noun
suitable or right for a particular situation or occasion appropriate to your age apropiado many different things that influence a situation * v ariety of factors influence our choice of partner. una variedad de factores not able to breathe easily, usually after doing something that needs a lot of effort 3e were 3e were breathless after the steep climb. sin aliento to ma$e something else seem better or more attractive when combining with it Strawberries and cream complement each other perfectly. complementar in agre agreem emen entt wit with h oth other er fact facts s or or wit with h typ typic ical al or prev previo ious us beha behavi viou ourr, or or hav havin ing g the the same same prin princi cipl ples es as 3hat 3hat the the wit witne ness ss said said in cour courtt was was not not con consi sist sten entt with with the the sta state teme ment nt he mad mad cons consec ecue uent nte e to have v alue or importance #'v e always believed that happiness counts more than money. contar to spend all your life doing something She devoted her life to her family. dedicar la v ida a * domi domina nati tin ng per perso son n li$es $es to be in char charg ge of of a sit situat uation and and tries ries to cont contro roll othe otherr peop peoplle. e ten tends to be be rat rathe herr domi domin nati ating. dominante *ll marriages rely rely on a bit of give and ta$e. willingness willingness to accept suggestions from another person and give up some of your own concesiones mutuas to do somethi something ng in the strong strongest est way way possib possible, le, in a way way that that most most peopl people e thin$ thin$ is unreas unreasona onabl ble e Hust do a littl little e bit of e"erci e"ercise se - there' there's s no need need to go to e"trem e"tremes. es. ser e"tremista to hardly be connected with something ur problems had little to do with his fame. tener poco (ue ver con to shar share e inte intere rest sts, s, e"pe e"peri rien ences ces,, or othe otherr chara charact cter eris isti tics cs with with someo someone ne 3e don' don'tt have have much much in comm common on.. tener algo en comEn in a way that is so great that it cannot be measured The damage from the 1G/? hurricane was immeasurably greater. inconmensurable not using reason or clear thin$ing #t's totally irrational, but #'m frightened of mice. irracional becoming annoyed v ery easily She was irritable with the children. (uis(uilloso used when something someone says reminds you of a fact Iow you come to mention it, he wasn't at wor$ today. ahora (ue se menciona the first thing you say when you start a conversation # tried to thin$ of a clever opening gambit. t:ctica para entablar conversaci%n @of a personA friendly and energetic and finding it easy and enjoyable to be with others Sales reps need to be outgoing, because they are constantly meeting custo e"trov er ertido considering ev erything or ev eryone verall, # thin$ the meeting went well. general a sma small ll devic device e tha thatt you you carry carry or wear wear,, whi which ch moves moves or ma$e ma$es s a nois noise e to to tel telll you you that that someo someone ne want wants s # alw alway ays s have have my page pagerr wit with h me. me. buscapersonas to tel telll some someon one e some someth thin ing, g, oft often en bec becau ause se you you bel belie ieve ve the they y do not not $now $now itit or have have for forgo gott tten en itit # poin pointe ted d out out that that Tom alr alrea eady dy had had a lot lot of of wor wor$ $ to do. do. seJalar to accept or continue to accept an unpleasant situation or e"perience # can't put up with her rudeness any longer. aguantar a recurring dream recurrente e"perienced repeatedly a noisy argument # heard my neighbours hav ing a row. riJa
statistically stimulate ta$e for granted
adver adverb b v erb phra phrase se
usin using g info inform rmat atio ion n based based on a stu study dy of of the the numb number er or or time times s that that som somet ethi hing ng hap happe pens ns or or is pre prese sent nt Stat Statis isti tical cally ly,, youn young g men men are are more more li$ li$el ely y to be be atta attac$e c$ed d than than you young ng wome women. n. to ma$e someone e"cited and interested about something The film was intended to stimulate and amuse. #f you you ta$ ta$e e som someo eone ne for for gra grant nted ed,, you you do not not rea reali lise se or show show that that you you are are grat gratef eful ul for for the the thin things gs they they d 5y husband is starting to ta$e me for granted.
estad&sticamente estimular tomar por descontado
threatening time well spent tremble
adjectiv e phra phrase se v erb
e"pressing a threat of something unpleasant or violent a peri period od of time time in whic which h you you have have done done somet somethi hing ng usef useful ul to sha$e slightly, usually because you are cold, frightened, or v ery emotional
The situation soon became threatening. The The time time it too$ too$ to corr correc ectt the the essay essay was was time time well well spent spent.. She trembled as she stood up to address the hall.
amena+ador tiempo bien invertido temblar
Unit 1C
bargain aw$ward silence bitter brand chec$ out competitive consumer counter debit card do e"cellent6good, etc. bus errand gap-toothed grocery list head out hit the gym in stoc$ $ic$ up a fuss masses mismatched mold out of stoc$ outs$irts oversimplify purchase purchase redesign sidewal$ spill out sweat tanned unavailable wrin$led
noun phrase adjectiv e noun phrasal verb adje adject ctiv ive e noun noun noun noun noun phra phrase se noun adjectiv e noun phrasal verb phrase phrase phrase plural noun adjectiv e v erb phrase noun verb noun v erb verb verb noun phrasal verb verb adjectiv e adjectiv e adjectiv e
something on sale at a lower price than its true v alue an uncomfortable pause in a conversation describes a person who is angry and unhappy with their life a type of product made by a particular company to have the cost added up and pay for things you have bought in a shop 7omp 7ompet etit itiv ive e pric prices es,, serv servic ices es,, etc. etc. are are as good good as or bett better er than than othe otherr pric prices es,, serv servic ices es,, etc. etc. a person who buys goods or serv ices for their own use a lon long g fla flatt nar narro row w sur surfa face ce or tabl table e in in a sho shop, p, ban$ ban$,, res resta taur uran ant, t, etc. etc. at whic which h peo peopl ple e are are serv served ed a sma small ll rect rectan angu gula larr pie piece ce of plas plasti tic c whi which ch allo allows ws you you to to ma$e ma$e a pay payme ment nt or get get mon money ey from from a ban ban$ $ #f a comp compan any y does does e"ce e"cell llen ent6 t6go good od,, etc. etc. busi busine ness, ss, it sell sells s a lot lot of its its prod produc ucts ts or servi service ces. s. a short journey either to ta$e a message or to ta$e or collect something hav ing a noticeable space between two teeth a shopping list to begin a journey @informalA to go to the gym av ailable to be bought in a shop @informalA to show a lot of anger, worry, or e"citement @informalA a large number #f things are mismatched, they are not similar and do not loo$ good together. to change or influence someone or something #f goods are out of stoc$, the shop does not hav e them av ailable to buy. the outer area of a city or town to describe or e"plain something in such a simple way that it is no longer correct or true something that you have bought to buy to desi design gn some someth thiing so that that it loo$s o$s dif differ ferent ent a path with a hard surface on one or both sides of a road, that people wal$ on to flow or fall out of a container to have salty li(uid coming through your s$in because you are hot, frightened, or ill Tanned s$in is brown from being in the sun. #f something is unav ailable, you cannot get it or use it. wrin$led s$in has small lines on it
This coat was half-price - a real bargain. 3 hen # as$ed if he was married, there was an aw$ward silence. # feel very bitter about my childhood and all that was denied me. This isn't my usual brand of deodorant. # put a load of food in my trolley and chec$ed out. The The stor store e has has very very comp compet etit itiv ive e pric prices es.. The new telephone rates will affect all consumers including businesses. Ther There e was was nobo nobody dy behi behind nd6o 6on n the the coun counte terr whe when n # went ent int into o the the ban$ ban$.. # don don't 't have have any any cash cash - can can # put put thi this s on on my debi debitt car card> d> 3e do e"ce e"cell llen entt busi busine ness ss in Hapan Hapan.. #'ll meet you at si", #'v e got some errands to do6run first. a gap-toothed $id # lost my grocery list. e headed out to meet his friends. *fter wor$, # usually hit the gym. There are no more blue s$irts in stoc$. 5um $ic$ed up a fuss about us being late home. There were masses of people there. The furniture was old and mismatched. to mold the character of a child 3e are out of stoc$ in this item. They liv e in the outs$irts of 5anchester. er article oversimplified the situation. # too$ my purchases home. She purchased her first house with the money she inherited. They hey have have rede redesi sign gned ed the the seat seatiing area area.. !eep to the sidewal$ Kosie, there's a good girl. er long hair was spilling out of her hat. 3e were all sweating in the hot sunshine. She stretched out her tanned legs. This information was previously unav ailable to the public. his wrin$led face
ganga silencio inc%modo resentido marca pagar en la caja competitivo consumidor mostrador tarjeta de d;bito hacer negocios e"celentes, buenos, etc. recados mellado lista de la compra dirigirse a ir al gimnasio en e"istencias montar el nEmero montones dispar moldear agotado afueras simplificar e"cesivamente compra ad(uirir rediseJar acera desbordarse sudar bronceado no disponible arrugado
Unit 11
anatomy cell biology chec$-up clinical dermatology disability functioning get over high point inability informal inspire investigate misdiagnose module neurology neuroscience occasional on duty operating theatre overloo$ persist practising put on weight supplementary surgery time-intensive
noun noun noun noun adjectiv e noun noun noun adjectiv e phrasal verb noun noun noun adjectiv e v erb v erb verb noun noun noun adjectiv e phrase noun noun v erb v erb adjectiv e phrase adjectiv e noun noun adjectiv e
the scientific study of the body and how its parts are arranged the the sci scien enti tifi fic c stud study y of of the the natu natura rall pro proce cesse sses s of of livi living ng thin things gs,, foc focusi using ng on the the sma small llest est basi basic c uni units ts of a a medical e"amination to test your general state of health connected with medical wor$ or the treatment of ill people the scientific study of the s$in and its diseases an ill illne ness, ss, inju injury ry,, or cond condit itio ion n tha thatt ma$e ma$es s it dif difficu ficult lt for for some someon one e to to do the the thi thing ngs s that that oth other er peo peopl ple e do #f something is functioning, it is wor$ing as it should. to get better after an illness The The hig high h poi point nt of an event event or peri period od of time time is is the the poin pointt at at whi which ch the the mos mostt enjo enjoya yabl ble e thi thing ng happ happen ens. s. lac$ of ability to do something not formal or official to ma$e someone feel that they want to do something and can do it to e"amine a problem, crime, statement, etc carefully to be wrong about the type of illness or medical condition a patient has one of the units that together ma$e a course of study the study of the structure and diseases of the brain and all the nerv es in the body the study of the structure and diseases of the brain and all the nerv es in the body not happening or done often or regularly at wor$, doing your job a room room in which hich surg surgic ical al oper operat atio ions ns are are perf perfor orme med d to fail to notice or consider something #f an unpleasant feeling or situation persists, it continues to e"ist. activ ely inv olved in a job #f someone puts on weight, they become heavier. e"tra the the tre treat atme ment nt of inju injuri ries es or or dis disea eases ses in peop people le or ani anima mals ls by by cutt cuttin ing g open open the the bod body y and and remo removin ving g or using or needing a lot of time
*n understanding of human anatomy is important to a dancer. a boo boo$ $ abo about ut cell cell biol biolog ogy y She goes to her doctor for regular chec$-ups. clinical tests6training e specialises in dermatology. a phys physic ical al6l 6lea earn rnin ing g disa disabi bili lity ty The country does not yet hav e a functioning democracy. #t too$ me wee$s to get ov er the virus. is is perf perfor orma manc nce e was was the the high high poin pointt of of the the eveni evening ng.. #nability to use a computer is a serious disadv antage when you are applying The two groups agreed to hold an informal meeting. is confident leadership inspired his followers. The doctor investigated his symptoms. er cancer was misdiagnosed as stress. 3e do a module on Sha$espeare. She wor$s in the neurology department. e wants to study neuroscience. # enjoy the occasional curry. e was suspended from the force for sleeping while on duty. They They too$ too$ him him dow down to the the oper operat atin ing g thea theatr tre. e. # thin$ there is one $ey fact that you have ov erloo$ed. #f the pain persists, consult a doctor. She's a practising lawyer. #'v e put on a lot of weight recently. The website includes some supplementary e"ercises. The The pat patie ient nt had had6u 6und nder erwe went nt surge surgery ry on his his hea heart rt.. 8earning a language is v ery time-intensiv e.
anatom&a biolog&a celular revisi%n cl&nico dermatol%gico discapacidad (ue funciona recuperarse de punto culminante incapacidad informal inspirar investigar diagnosticar incorrectamente m%dulo neurolog&a neurociencia de ve+ en cuando de servicio (uir%fano pasar por alto persistir en funciones engordar complementario cirug&a (ue re(uiere tiempo
treatment unaware uptight ward
noun adjectiv e adjectiv e noun
the use of drugs, e"ercises, etc. to cure a person of an illness or injury not understanding or realising something worried or nerv ous and not able to rela" one of the parts or large rooms into which a hospital is div ided, usually with beds for patients
free dental treatment e was unaware that the police were watching him. She's a bit uptight about her e"ams. a geriatric6maternity6psychiatric ward
tratamiento no ser consciente de algo tenso sala
Unit 12
at the top of your voice ban bar$ brief cactus commitment dare deny eyesight fade fragile gross habitat intruder $eep an eye out mar$ melt numb orphan penultimate pic$ out pric$ rule out run for your life serve a purpose species spine tangle to the untrained eye trample trun$ wild animal
phrase v erb v erb verb verb noun noun v erb verb noun v erb adjectiv e adjectiv e noun noun phrase v erb v erb adjectiv e v erb adjectiv e phrasal v er erb noun phrasal phrasal verb phrase phrase noun noun verb phrase v erb noun noun noun
very loudly to refuse to allow something, especially officially @of a dogA to ma$e a loud, rough noise to give give some someon one e inst instru ruct ctio ions ns abou aboutt what hat they they shou should ld do or say say a desert plant, usually with thic$ stems for storing water something that you must do or deal with that ta$es your time to be brav e enough to do something difficult or dangerous to not allow someone to do or have something the ability to see to lose colour, brightness or strength gradually easily damaged, bro$en or harmed @informalA e"tremely unpleasant the natural env ironment in which an animal or plant usually lives someone who is in a place or situation where they are not wanted to watch for something or someone to show where something is by drawing or putting something somewhere 3hen ice melts, it turns into water. #f a part of your body is numb, you are unable to feel it, usually for a short time if a person or animal is orphaned, their parents hav e died or been $illed ne"t to the last to recognis e, e, find, or ma$e a choice among different people or things in a group a small hole made by something sharp to decide decide or say that something something is impossibl impossible e or will will not happen happen to run away to sav e your life to be useful in some way a set of animals or plants in which the members hav e similar characteristics to each other and can b a long, sharp point li$e a needle to form a twisted mass to someone without the s$ill or $nowledge to judge what they see to step heav ily on something or someone, causing damage or injury the long, tube-shaped nose of an elephant an anim animal al that that live lives s ind indep epen ende dent ntly ly of peop people le,, in in nat natur ural al cond condit itio ions ns and and wit with h nat natur ural al char charac acte teri rist stic ics s
e was shouting at the top of his v oice. 7ycling is banned inside the shopping centre. The dog $ept bar$ing. 3e had had alre alread ady y been been brie briefe fed d abou aboutt what hat we had had to do. do. cactus leav es family6wor$ commitments # didn't dare @toA cross the river. Iobody should be denied a good education. good6bad6poor eyesight The light was fading. e careful with that v ase - it's v ery fragile. our feet are gross4 the natural habitat of the fo" # feel li$e an intruder when # visit their home. !eep an eye out for the postman. The route is clearly mar$ed. The snow usually melts by the end of 5arch. # had been lying aw$wardly and my leg had gone numb. She was orphaned at the age of fiv e. the penultimate scene of the play They hope to pic$ out future champions . # felt a little pric$. to rule out the possibili possibility ty of error error The captain told us to run for our lives. # suppose this $nob must serv e some purpose. 5ountain gorillas are an endangered species. a cactus spine 5y shoelaces were tangled. To the untrained eye, these insects all loo$ the same. Somebody trampled all over my flowerbed4 Llephants use their trun$s to drin$, wash and eat. 3e saw saw lot lots s of of wil wild d ani anima mals ls..
a vo+ en cuello prohibir ladrar informar cactus compromiso atreverse a negar visi%n perder intensidad fr:gil as(ueroso h:bitat intruso estar pendiente de marcar derretir dormido, entumecido hu;rfano penEltimo escoger pincha+o descartar correr para ponerse a salvo servir para algo especie espina, pEa enredar para el ojo ine"perto pisotear trompa animal salvaje
Unit 1)
breathe down someoneBs n phrase phrasal verb calm down cellar noun chatter noun phrase close to nature customary adjectiv e phrasal verb drop in verb fetch verb gibber handrail noun adjectiv e haunted hi-tech adjectiv e holler v erb invasion noun adjectiv e jumbled phrasal verb ma$e up oa$ noun adjecti adjective ve pale phrasal verb pop in v erb regard renew v erb shutter noun adjective steep storey noun supernatural phenomena phrase phrasal verb tell off
to stay close to someone, watching ev erything that they do # don't want my parents breathing down my nec$ all the time. to stop feeling upset, angry, or e"cited e calmed down a bit when we e"plained what had happened. a room under the ground floor of a building, usually used for storage 3e $eep our gardening tools in the cellar under the $itchen. conversation about things that are not important # can't concentrate with *nn's constant chatter. in a situation in which you e"perience and enjoy nature 3 hen you go camping, you really feel close to nature. traditional #n my v illage, it is customary for a girl to ta$e her mother's name. to v isit a person or a place, often for a short time #'ll drop in on my way home. The horse fetched M/C more than it cost. to be sold for a particular amount of money to spea$ (uic$ly in a way that is hard to understand, especially when you are frightened or confused Stop gibbering, and tell us what you saw4 a long narrow bar of wood or metal which people can hold on to for support, especially when going u 5a 5a$e sure you hold the handrail. describes a place where ghosts appear a haunted castle using the most advanced and developed machines and methods This weapons system is an affordable, hi-tech solution. @informalA to shout loudly e was hollering something about seeing a sna$e. when an army or country uses force to enter and ta$e control of another country They were planning an inv asion of the north of the country. mi"ed in an untidy and confused way a jumbled mass of toys This boo$ is made up of a number of different articles. to form a particular thing, amount, or number as a whole a large tree that is common especially in northern countries, or the hard wood of this tree a mighty oa$ descri describes bes someone someone's 's face face or s$in s$in when when it has less less colo colour ur than than usual, usual, for e"ampl e"ample e when when they they are are ill ill or# go pale pale at the sight sight of of blood blood.. @informalA to go to a place, often for a short time 5y friend popped in for fiv e minutes. to consider or have an opinion about something or someone They regarded her as their friend. to increase the life of or replace something old Lv ery year # renew my membership of the sports club. 3e closed the shutters at night. a wooden cover on the outside of a window which prevents light from coming into a room Those prices are too steep for me. @informalA @of a priceA higher than is reasonable a level of a building a three-storey house things that cannot be e"plained by our $nowledge of science or nature She does not believe in supernatural phenomena. to spea$ angrily to someone because they have done something wrong #t was about time that someone told him off.
agobiar a alguien calmarse s%tano ch:chara cerca de la naturale+a costumbre pasarse por sacar por farfullar barandilla encantado de alta tecnolog&a chillar inv asi%n revoltijo compuesto de roble p:lido pasarse por considerar renov ar postigo e"cesivo piso fen%meno sobrenatural regaJar
Unit 19
ups and downs warehouse well
phrase noun noun
the mi"ture of good and bad things that happen to people a large building for storing things before they are sold, used, or sent out to shops a deep hole in the ground from which you can get water
8i$e most married couples, we've had our ups and downs. The goods hav e been sitting in a warehouse for months. 3e went to the well every day.
catch your breath comm comme emora moratte disguise di++iness dress up dri++le finalise gather harv est hold juggle let off let your hair down liv ing ma$e a fool of ma$eshift ma$e your way mist myth overloo$ palpable parade stunt symbolise unwind vantage point wave wide-brimmed wind your way
phrase verb verb noun noun phrasal verb noun v erb v erb noun v erb verb phrasal verb phrase noun phrase adjectiv e phrase noun noun v erb adjectiv e noun nou noun v erb v erb noun noun adjectiv e phrase
to stop or rest until you can breathe comfortably again # stopped at the top of the hill to catch my breath. to rem remem embe berr of offici ficial allly an and gi give resp respe ect to a grea greatt per perso son n or or eve even nt, espe special ciallly by by a publ publiic cer cerem emon ony y o 3e gat gath here ered to to co commem mmemor orat ate e tho those se who lost thei heir lilives ves in in the the to throw several objects up into the air, and then catch and throw them up repeatedly so that one or e was juggling with burning torches. They were letting off firewor$s in the streets. to ma$e something such as a bomb or firewor$s e"plode to allow yourself to behave much more freely than usual and enjoy yourself 3 hy don't you let your hair down for once> the money that you earn from your job 3 hat do you do for a living> to tric$ someone or to ma$e them appear foolish She only as$ed me the (uestion to try to ma$e a fool of me. temporary and of low (uality, but used because of a sudden need Thousands of refugees are living in ma$eshift camps. C 3e made our way to the station. small drops of water of water in in the air which air which ma$e it difficult to see objects which are not near The mountains were cov ered in free+ing mist. an ancient story or set of stories, especially e"plaining in a literary way the early history of a group ancient myths to prov ide a v iew of, especially from above ur hotel room ov erloo$ed the harbour. so obvious that it can easily be seen or $nown er joy was palpable. a large number of people wal$ing or in v ehicles, all going in the same direction, usually as part of a a victory parade an e"c e"ciitin ting act actiion that that is dan dange gerrous ous or or app appea ears rs to be be dan dang gerou erous, s, often ften don done to to ent enter erta taiin pe peopl ople an acro crobat batic st stunt unt to represent something The $ey symobolises $nowledge. to rela" and allow your mind to be free from worry after a period of wor$ or some other activity that oga helps me to unwind after wor$. 3e could see the riders from our vantage point at the top of the hill. a place, especially a high place, which provides a good, clear view of an area a sudden strong feeling that gets s tr tronger as it s pr preads a wav e of panic * wide-brimmed hat has a wide part at the bottom which stic$s out around it. She wore a wide-brimmed hat to $eep the sun off her face. They wound their way bac$ down the valley. to go somewhere by a route that turns repeatedly in different directions
altibajos almac;n po+o recuperar el aliento conm conme emora morar r disfra+ mareo ponerse elegante llov i+na concretar reunirse cosecha mantener hacer malabarismos tirar, hacer estallar desmelenarse ganarse la vida dejar en rid&culo improvisado, prov isional encaminarse neblina mito dar a palpable desfile acrobacia peligrosa simboli+ar relaj arse mirador oleada de ala ancha seguir un camino sinuoso