This is my formal report for Experiment 8 in Chem 28.1 Analytical Chem - UP Diliman Institute of Chemistry
A simple laboratory report on the preparation of acetanilide in the laboratory. Covered in this laboratory report will be the mechanisms behind the reaction (circa 2015)
biochemistry labFull description
A simple laboratory report on the preparation of acetanilide in the laboratory. Covered in this laboratory report will be the mechanisms behind the reaction (circa 2015)Full description
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Fluid lab experiment using a hydraulic bench and centrifugal pump
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Experiment 8 Title: Preparation and studies of potassium Tris(oxalato) aluminateIII Trihydrate{K 3[Al(!"#)3$%3&!"' and studies his reations "*eti+e To prepare Potassium tris("xalato)aluminate(III)trihydrate {K 3[Al(!"#)3$%3&!"' and study its reations Introdution Aluminium is a hemial element symoli,ed y Al -ith atomi numer .3/the element is a hard/stron0/and -hite metal%Element aluminium itself is learly metalli and ioni in thei theirr har harat ater er%I %Itt is the the 0rou 0roup p .3(I .3(III IIA) A) elem elemen entt in peri periodi odi tal tale% e%Th Thee elet eletro roni ni ! . onfi0uration is [1e$3s 3p as a result the tri+alent state is its most important state%It is the ommonest metalli element in the earth2s rust and ours -idely in nature in siliates suh a mias and an d feldspares (otton andd il4inson/.56!)% il4inson/.56!)% "xalate "xalate ion is a +ersatile li0and li0and sine it an at as a mono7/i7/tri7/and tetradentate li0and and apal of formin0 rid0ed polynulear omplexes% "xalate "xalate (IPA (IPA:: ethanedioate ethanedioate)) is the dianion -ith -ith the the form formul ulaa !"#!9/ also also -rit -ritte ten n !9 ("")! % Either name is often used for deri+ati+es/ suh as salts of oxali aid/ aid/ for example sodium sodium oxalat oxalatee 1a!!"#/ or dimethy dimethyll oxalat oxalatee ((&3)!!"#)% "xal "xalat atee also also forms oordination ompounds -here ompounds -here it is sometimes are+iated as ox% Alum Alumin inum um ou ours rs -ide -idely ly in natu nature re as alum alumin inos osil ili iat atee miner mineral alss and and as aux auxit ite/ e/ Al!"3%x&!" from -hih the metal an e produed y eletrolysis after dissol+in0 in molten molten ryoli ryolite/ te/ 1a3Al;% The metal etal is main mainly ly used used in alum alumiinum num all alloys oys% The or0anoalum or0anoaluminum inum ompounds ompounds (e%0%/ Et3Al) are used in the atalysts in+ol+ed in the polymerisation of ethene% uinoline -hih also 4no-n as ?oxine@ (5&6 1") and -ith the oxalate ox alate anion (!"#!7)% In this experiment/ experiment/ you are to prepare an oxalato7aluminum (III) omplex and study its reations% aterials andd apparatus B%B.BC mole Al!(D"#)3%.8&!"/distilled -ater/C 1a"&/ oxali aid/potassium oxalate monohydrate/ea4er/+auum filter/hot plate Proedure: .% B%B.BC mole Al!(D"#)3%.8&!" -as dissol+ed in .BB ml distilled -ater%A solution of C 1a"& -as prepared in !B ml of distilled -ater and -as added to the ao+e solution drop-ise -ith stirrin0% !%The freshly preipitated Al("&)3 -as filtered usin0 usin0 a +auum filtration tehni>ue and
the preipitate -as -ashed a fe- times usin0 !B ml of distilled -ater eah time% 3%B%B.C5mole oxali aid dihydrate -as -ei0hed and B%B.;3 mole potassium oxalate monohydrate and -as dissol+ed in CB ml distilled -ater in a CBB ml ea4er% Al("&)3 -as added to the solution and the mixture -as heated on a steam ath -ith stirrin0 usin0 a 0lass rod to dissol+e Al("&)3 sometimes a little preipitate may remain #%The solution to aout 3B ml -as e+aporate usin0 a rotary e+aporator or a hot plate%The onentrated solution into a !CB ml ea4er -as 0ra+ity filtered% C%A 3C ml of ethanol -as added to the solution drop-ise o+er .B minutes and ooled in ie to preipitate ompletely olourless rystals of the produt% ;%The produt -as +auum filtered as in step (!) and -ashed four times -ith .B ml ethanol/ dry ompletely y +auum sution% 6%The dry produt -as 4ept for the next experiment%(not finished) 8%The produt -as -ei0h%Aout B%C 0 -as transferred into a small ea4er to arry out the follo-in0 test for the presene of potassium/ aluminum and oxalate in the produt%(not finished) esults 1o results in the experiment Fisussion: Aluminium is a hemial element symoli,ed y Al -ith atomi numer .3/the element is a hard/stron0/and -hite metal%Element aluminium itself is learly metalli and ioni in their harater%It is the 0roup .3(IIIA) element in periodi tale%The eletroni onfi0uration is [1e$3s!3p. as a result the tri+alent state is its most important state%It is the ommonest metalli element in the earth2s rust and ours -idely in nature in siliates suh a mias and feldspares (otton andd il4inson/.56!)% "xalate ion is a +ersatile li0and sine it an at as a mono7/i7/tri7/and tetradentate li0and and apal of formin0 rid0ed polynulear omplexes% oreo+er oxalate an at as rid0in0 unit for polynulear omplexes and extended moleules assemly in order to studty ma0neti orderin0 eha+ior%or strutural point of +ie-/ioni/hain and layer strutures are 4no-n %
oreo+er/oxalate an at as rid0in0 unit for polynulear omplexes and extended moleules assemlies/not only o-in0 to their ma0netostrutural properties ut also due to the fat that polynulear oxalate system are ex ellent andidate to impro+e our still +ery limitin0 understandin0 of the -ay that moleules and ions are or0anised in the solidd state to form materials -ith physial and hemial properties% Dome preaution steps need to ta4e to ma4e the experiment to suess/oiled the -ater first durin0 experiment eause it -ill ta4e a lot of time to -hen oilin0%esides that/-hen you filtered please rememer e areful other-ise the filter paper -ill e ro4en% onlusion This experiment is failed eause didn2t ontrol the time -isely and filter paper al-a ys ro4en -hen doin0 this experiment so -e must ta4e are of this% eferene: "xalate7-i4ipedia the free enylopedia:http:GGen%-i4ipedia%or0G-i4iG"xalate "xalate omplexes:http:GG---hem%u-imona%edu%*mGlaHmanualsG.Bexpt.C%html