Listado de preguntas para preparar el Speaking del ISE II, B2 de Trinity College LondonDescripción completa
Diagrama para práctica. Trinity. B2.
Prompts to practice ISE II
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Descripción: Examen B2
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Descripción: An exam to practise Trinity ISE II
Descripción: Trinity Ise II - Sample
Exam ISE II. Trinity College. Material de apoyoDescripción completa
...Descripción completa
Prompts to practice ISE IIDescripción completa
flasdfjañlDescripción completa
Descripción: Diagrama para práctica. Trinity. B2.
Trinity Ise II - Sample
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ISE II. Exam Trinity College. Conversation VocabularyDescripción completa
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Descripción: B2 Trinity ISE II practice exam
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Temarios ISE II TrinityDescripción completa
Temarios ISE II Trinity
Ejemplos de preguntas para el examen de ISE II de Trinity BY BLA BLA COMPANY COMPANY - ACADEMIA INGLES
27 FEBRERO, 2!"
Os pasamos algunas preguntas #ue pod$is pra%ti%ar para prepararos prepararos el examen de ISE II de Trinity&
So%iety and li'ing standards •
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()i%) type o* s%)ool did you go to and did you enjoy it+ o- long )a'e you .een learning Englis) and -)y do you t)in/ it is important+ I* you mo'ed to a .igger %ity -)at -ould you miss *rom your )ome to-n+ Is it .etter to -or/ -it) people to pre'ent diseases or treat t)em a*ter t)ey )a'e t)e disease+ 0o you t)in/ li'ing standards are good -)ere you li'e+ ()i%) %ustoms in your %ountry do people *rom a.road enjoy+ ()i%) aspe%t o* li*e in your %ountry mig)t .e di1%ult *or people *rom anot)er %ountry+ a'e you e'er .een to a %ountry -)ere you *ound %ertain aspe%ts o* li*e di1%ult+ ()at *esti'als do you %ele.rate in your %ountry+ ()at are some o* t)e %ustoms you dont li/e in your %ountry+ ()i%) %ustoms in your %ountry -)i%) are asso%iated to *ood+
()at do you t)in/ o* dis%riminati dis%rimination on and does it exist in your %ountry+ In your %ountry -)at is t)e major religious .elie*+ I* you %ould re%y%le more -ould you+ In your %ountry are people losing t)e a.ility to .e %ompassionate+ Tell T ell me some o* t)e personal 'alues you )a'e+ ()at t)ings do you .elie'e in+ ()at do you t)in/ -ould .e t)e .est t)ing a.out 'olunteering+ (ould you li/e to 'olunteer+
T)e -orld o* -or/ • • • •
3eople " years ago -erent as -ell edu%ated as -e are today+ It is important t)at employees are .ot) experien%ed and #uali4ed+ ()at do you t)in/ is a good age to start your -or/ing li*e+ 0o teenagers in your %ountry usually )a'e a part5time jo.+
a'e you )eard o* any young people -)o )a'e .e%ome 'ery su%%ess*ul and made lots o* money+ o- )a'e t)ey done it+()at -ould .e your dream jo.+ Unexplained phenomena and events ()y do you t)in/ people enjoy mysteries+ 0o you t)in/ people %an spea/ to people .eyond t)e gra'e+ 0o you .elie'e in g)osts and -)y+ a'e you e'er seen an 6FO and do you .elie'e t)ey exist+ I* you sa- a alien -)at -ould you do to pro'e it+ •
• • • • •
ational en'ironmental %on%erns •
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0o you t)in/ in t)e *uture -e -ill only it *ruit and 'egeta.les gro-n in our o-n %ountry+ Is t)ere a lot o* %ongestion in your %ity8to-n+ 0o you )a'e tra1% jams in your %ity+ 0o you re%y%le+ ()at do people do -it) t)eir in your %ountry+ ()at /ind o* en'ironmental disasters are t)e -orst *or your %ountry+ a'e you e'er seen an eruption+ ()at *or you is t)e most important issue t)at t)reatens t)e sur'i'al o* li*e on eart)+ 0o you /no- any animals t)at )a'e .e%ome extin%t in your %ountry+ ()at mista/es do you t)in/ your %ountry )as made -it) regards to t)e en'ironment+ 9any animals may .e%ome extin%t in a *e- years -)i%) animal -ould you sa'e and -)y+ o- many years does it ta/e *or an en'ironment to re%o'er *rom an oil spill+ 4gures past and present • • • • •
Tell me a.out a *amous person in your %ountry+ a'e you e'er met anyone *amous+ ame some *amous people in your %ountry t)at appear t)e most+ 0o 4gures )a'e t)e rig)t to /eep t)eir personal li*e pri'ate+ T)e media t)in/ t)ey )a'e t)e rig)t to report a.out e'ery.odys pri'ate li*e do you agree and i* not -)at s)ould and s)ould not report on+ 0o you t)in/ t)e people li/e t)e pope o* t)e /ing s)ould )a'e a pri'ate li*e+