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Quang Lam
IB Economics Internal Assessment School code
Name of school
United World World College Maastricht
Quang Lam
Candidate name Candidate number
Louis Odendaal
Title of the article
Reserve Bank of Australia cuts official cash rate to record low 2% at May meeting
Source of the article
The Sydney Morning Herald Mark Mulligan
Date the article was published
5 May 2015
Date the commentary was written
15 September 2015
Word count (750 words maximum
5! "ords
Section of the syllabus the article relates to
Section 2# Macroeconomics
Reserve Bank of Australia cuts official cash rate to recor lo! "# at Ma$ meeting Ma$ %& "'(% ) The S$ne$ Morning *eral ) Mark Mulligan The Reserve Bank of Australia on Tuesday cut the cash rate to a new record low of 2 !er cent" citing some ongoing economic weakness for its decision# The widelye$!ected uarter!oint reduction" the second in three months" takes lending rates to the lowest !oint since at least the late 1&'(s# The Australian dollar immediately reacted" !lunging more than )S(#*(+ to )S**#,,+# However" it uickly recovered to a new day-s high of )S*('+ as details emerged on why the .oard voted to cut rates# RBA governor /lenn Stevens said the decision came des!ite some 0im!roved trends in household demand over the !ast si$ months and stronger growth in em!loyment0# However" he added 0ooking ahead" the key drag on !rivate demand is likely to .e weakness in .usiness ca!ital e$!enditure in .oth the mining and nonmining sectors over the coming year# 03u.lic s!ending is also scheduled to .e su.dued#
0The economy is therefore likely to .e o!erating with a degree of s!are ca!acity for some time yet#0 The latest round of rate cuts" which .egan with 4e.ruary-s dro! to 2#2' !er cent" is aimed at s!urring .usiness investment outside mining and encouraging the socalled 0animal s!irits0 which create 5o.s and drive innovation# However" it could also further fan the flames of the hot Sydney !ro!erty market and run the risk of creating a .u..le# According to Rate6ity#com" Tuesday-s cash rate cut will euate to home loan rates di!!ing .elow 7 !er cent this month" the lowest on record# 3eter Arnold" .anking analyst at Rate6ity#com" said ty!ical .orrowers would save around 812(( this year on their home loan re!ayments com!ared with what they !aid the !revious year# 4or a lot of !eo!le in the ca!ital cities it will .e around dou.le that# 09t-s not 5ust the RBA who-s .een cutting rates: the lenders have .een getting in on the action as well"0 he said# A;< was the first of the ma5or .anks to announce its res!onse to the Reserve Bank-s cut" saying it would lower its standard varia.le home loan rate .y (#2' !ercentage !oints" effective this 4riday# Tuesday-s cut comes 5ust days ahead of the RBA-s uarterly statement on monetary !olicy" in which the .ank will detail !revailing weaknesses in the Australian economy such as low commodity !rices" the falloff in ca!ital investment" restraints on fiscal s!ending and relatively high unem!loyment# The central .ank-s language on Tuesday" however" a!!eared to suggest less of an easing .ias" meaning this might .e the last cut in the current cycle# Mr Stevens said 0the inflation outlook !rovided the o!!ortunity for monetary !olicy to .e eased further" so as to reinforce recent encouraging trends in household demand0# 0This is likely to .e inter!reted .y markets as a sign that the RBA .elieves it is near the end of the easing cycle"0 said Australia and ;ew ther commentators disagreed#
Commentary The Reserve Bank of Australia cut the cash rate to a low record of 2 !ercent as a monetary !olicy with the e$!ectation to correct some ongoing economic weakness" es!ecially in .usiness ca!ital e$!enditure and !u.lic s!endings# Monetary !olicy is the !rocess .y which the government" central .ank" or monetary authority of a country controls the su!!ly of money" availa.ility of money" and cost of money or rate of interest" in order to attain growth and sta.ility of the economy# Monetary !olicy generally refers to .e either e$!ansionary !olicy" which aims at increasing the money su!!ly or contractionary !olicy" which aims at decreasing the money su!!ly# 6ash rate is a term" used .y Australia and ;ew
/1# The effect of the decreasing of cash rates .y the Reserve Bank of Australia
As shown in the gra!h a.ove @/1" the increase of households consum!tion and firms investment shifts the aggregate demand from AC1 to AC 2# As a conseuence" the real out!ut shifts from D 1 to D 2" which demonstrates that the economy e$!anded# Therefore" if it worked" would increase consum!tion" ca!ital investment and decrease the rate of unem!loyment" which Australian government recogniEed as !revailing weaknesses of the economy# However" .eside these advantages" average !rice level also shifts from 31 to 32" which demonstrates an increase in the rate of inflation and if the Reserve Bank did not calculate the accurate of cash rate" it might lead to high inflation rate which go against one of the main macroeconomic o.5ectives of every government to maintain a low and sta.le inflation# The decision of the Reserve Bank was risky and received mi$ed comments from the s!ecialists as some .elieved it would hel! the economy .ut others argued that it could cause high rate of inflation and affect negatively the economy" including less savings" social unrest and if it turned worse" the .ank needed to increase the cash rate" which .ackfired their own !olicy# Still" little or no inflation would ha!!en due to e$cess ca!acity of unem!loyed la.or and resources and inflation should not .e a high !riority in Australia-s recessionary environment# >nly when consumer and investor confidence is restored" a condition that reuires low .orrowing costs" will the weaknesses of Australian economy can .e resolved# Therefore" if the !olicy worked as the .ank e$!ected" in the shortrun" it would hel! the economy to increase out!ut and em!loyment# But as mentioned in the article" the cash rate had .een cut many times and these cuts only showed negligi.le im!act on real out!ut as the economy still faced its weaknesses# =hile it is acknowledged that in the long run the economy will revert .ack to its original level and will have e$!erienced increased inflation in the !rocess# 9n short" the cut would not hel! the Australian stagnant economy while it leaded to the increase of inflation" even though it was not significant .ut still had .ad im!acts on the economy which had suffered already# Therefore" instead of continuing this !olicy" to resolve the issues" the government of Australia could use other solutions such as fiscal !olicy using government-s ta$es and e$!enditures to influence the economy more directly#