Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
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PLEASE NOTE: CADCENTRE has a policy of continuing product development: therefore, the information contained in this document may be subject to change without notice. CADCENTRE MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WITH REGARD TO THIS DOCUMENT, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. While every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of this document, CADCENTRE shall not be liable for errors contained herein or direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance or use of this material.
This manual provides documentation relating to products to which you may not have access or which may not be licensed to you. For further information on which products are licensed to you please refer to your licence conditions. Copyright 1991 through 2002 CADCENTRE CADCENTRE Limited
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PLEASE NOTE: CADCENTRE has a policy of continuing product development: therefore, the information contained in this document may be subject to change without notice. CADCENTRE MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WITH REGARD TO THIS DOCUMENT, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. While every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of this document, CADCENTRE shall not be liable for errors contained herein or direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance or use of this material.
This manual provides documentation relating to products to which you may not have access or which may not be licensed to you. For further information on which products are licensed to you please refer to your licence conditions. Copyright 1991 through 2002 CADCENTRE CADCENTRE Limited
All rights reserved. reserved. No part of this document document may be reproduced, reproduced, stored stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of CADCENTRE. The software programs described in this document are confidential information and proprietary products of CADCENTRE Ltd Ltd or its licensors.
For details of Cadcentre's worldwide sales and support offices, see our website at http://www.cadcentre.com/location
Cadcentre Ltd, High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HB, UK
Contents 1
How to Use This Manual Manual ....................... .................................. ....................... ....................... ....................... .....................1-1 .........1-1
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
The Scope of the Guide.......................... Guide............................................ .................................... .................................... ..............................1-1 ............1-1 Learning Learning to Use PDMS .................................. ................................................... .................................. .................................. .......................1-1 ......1-1 Further Further Training Training in PDMS .................................. ................................................... .................................. ..................................1-2 .................1-2 Some Terminology.................. Terminology................................... .................................. .................................. .................................. ..............................1-2 .............1-2 1.4.1 Instruction Instructionss ................................. .................................................. .................................. .................................. .................................1-3 ................1-3 How this Guide is Organised Organised .................................. ................................................... ................................... ...............................1-3 .............1-3
Introducing DRAFT.......................................................................................2-1
Starting Starting to Use DRAFT DRAFT ...................... ................................. ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... .............3-1 ..3-1
3.1 3.2
3.7 3.8
Starting Starting up PDMS DRAFT DRAFT .................................. ................................................... .................................. ..................................3-1 .................3-1 Using Using the Mouse........................ Mouse.......................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... ........................3-4 ......3-4 3.2.1 The Members Members List .................................... ...................................................... ................................... ................................... ...................3-4 .3-4 3.2.2 The DRAFT Database Hierarchy...................................................................3-5 3.2.3 Loading Loading an Existing Existing Sheet............................. Sheet.............................................. .................................. ...............................3-6 ..............3-6 3.2.4 The Mouse Buttons Buttons ................................... .................................................... ................................... ................................... ..................3-7 .3-7 Using Using Menus................... Menus..................................... .................................... ................................... ................................... ....................................3-9 ..................3-9 Using Using the Toolbar......................... Toolbar........................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... .....................3-9 ...3-9 The Status Status Area ................................. .................................................. .................................. .................................. .................................3-10 ................3-10 Using Using Forms Forms and their their Controls Controls .................................. .................................................... ................................... .......................3-10 ......3-10 3.6.1 Using Option Buttons...................................................................................3-10 3.6.2 Using Check Check Boxes Boxes ................................ ................................................. .................................. ................................... .....................3-11 ...3-11 3.6.3 Using Using Text-Boxe Text-Boxess .................................. ................................................... .................................. .................................. .....................3-11 ....3-11 3.6.4 Using Drop-Down Drop-Down Lists Lists ................................ ................................................. .................................. ...............................3-12 ..............3-12 3.6.5 Using Using Scrollabl Scrollable e Lists Lists ................................. .................................................. ................................... ................................3-12 ..............3-12 3.6.6 Actioning 3.6.6 Actioning Form Inputs......... Inputs .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. ......... 3-12 Alert Forms .................. ......... .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. ................. ........ 3-13 Accessing On-Line Help Help ................. ........ .................. .................. ................... ................... .................. .................. .................. ................ ....... 3-13
Setting Up the DRAFT Hierarchy.................................................................4-1
3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6
4.1 Creating Creating a Department Department............... ................................ .................................. .................................. .................................. .........................4-2 ........4-2 4.2 Creating Creating a Registry Registry ................................. .................................................. .................................. .................................. ..............................4-4 .............4-4 4.3 Creating Creating Drawings Drawings and Sheets ................................ ................................................. ................................... ..............................4-5 ............4-5 4.4 Viewing the Sheet ................... .......... .................. .................. ................... ................... .................. ................... ................... .................. ............... ...... 4-7 4.4.1 Using the Keyboard and Mouse to Manipulate the View..............................4-7
Views ...................... .................................. ........................ ....................... ....................... ........................ ....................... ....................... .................5-1 .....5-1
5.1 5.2
Creating and Modifying Views................................................................................5-1 User-Defi User-Defined ned VIEWs VIEWs ................................... ..................................................... .................................... ................................... ........................5-2 .......5-2 5.2.1 Defining Defining the Drawlist Drawlist Contents............................... Contents................................................. .................................... ....................5-3 ..5-3 5.2.2 Setting Setting the Scale................ Scale.................................. ................................... ................................... ................................... ........................5-4 .......5-4 5.2.3 Other Options Options ................................. .................................................. ................................... ................................... .............................5-4 ............5-4
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
contents-i contents-i
5.2.4 Displaying the Contents of the View .............................................................5-5 Creating a Limits-defined View..............................................................................5-5
6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4
6.5 6.6
Introducing DRAFT Labelling ................................................................................6-1 Creating a General Label........................................................................................6-1 Label Attributes ......................................................................................................6-3 Modify Mode ............................................................................................................6-5 6.4.1 Positioning......................................................................................................6-5 6.4.2 Using the Hotspots.........................................................................................6-6 Modifying Labels Graphically.................................................................................6-7 Menu Options for Modifying Labels .......................................................................6-8
Dimensioning ................................................................................................7-1
7.1 7.2
The Dimensioning Hierarchy..................................................................................7-2 Linear Dimensions ..................................................................................................7-2 7.2.1 Creating Linear Dimensions ..........................................................................7-3 7.2.2 Deleting Dimension Points ............................................................................7-6 7.2.3 Modifying a Linear Dimension Graphically ..................................................7-6 Angular Dimensions................................................................................................7-7 7.3.1 Editing Angular Dimensions Graphically ..................................................... 7-9 Radial Dimensions ................................................................................................7-10
Automatic Drawing Production ...................................................................8-1
8.1 8.2
General ADP............................................................................................................8-1 Steelwork Detailing ADP........................................................................................8-6 8.2.1 The SDADP Options.......................................................................................8-9 8.2.2 The SDA Customisation Macro....................................................................8-10 8.2.3 Creating Some Drawings Automatically ..................................................... 8-11 8.2.4 How the Sheets are Generated ....................................................................8-12 8.2.5 Changing the SDA Options..........................................................................8-12 8.2.6 Resetting the Options...................................................................................8-14
2D Drafting ....................................................................................................9-1
Introduction to 2D Drafting ....................................................................................9-1 9.1.1 2D Drafting Base Elements ...........................................................................9-1 9.1.2 2D Drafting Primitives...................................................................................9-2 9.1.3 The 2D Drafting Hierarchy............................................................................9-2 Creating Notes ........................................................................................................9-3 Creating 2D Primitives ...........................................................................................9-3 Editing 2D Geometry Graphically ..........................................................................9-4 9.4.1 Arcs .................................................................................................................9-5 9.4.2 Circles .............................................................................................................9-5 9.4.3 Diamonds........................................................................................................9-6 9.4.4 Ellipses ...........................................................................................................9-7 9.4.5 Hexagons ........................................................................................................9-8 9.4.6 Lines ...............................................................................................................9-8 9.4.7 Rectangles (and Tables) .................................................................................9-9 9.4.8 Symbols.........................................................................................................9-10 9.4.9 Text...............................................................................................................9-10
9.2 9.3 9.4
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
9.4.10 Triangles..................................................................................................9-11 9.4.11 Views........................................................................................................ 9-11 9.4.12 Outlines ...................................................................................................9-12
Appendix A: Menu Maps...................................................................................... A-1 Appendix B: The DRAFT Database..................................................................... B-1 Appendix C: Other Documentation..................................................................... C-1 Index
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
1 How to Use This Manual
1.1 The Scope of the Guide This guide introduces PDMS DRAFT, Cadcentre’s Drawing Production module. It assumes that you are already familiar with drafting practices, but does not assume any knowledge of computer-aided design systems. The guide explains the main concepts underlying DRAFT and its applications. A key feature of the guide is a hands-on tutorial which runs through the manual, and illustrates the basic principles of using DRAFT. The tutorial is based on the sample project and standard libraries of sheets and symbols supplied with PDMS. This guide does not give step-by-step instructions on how to carry out specific design functions, since you can access such information as you work by using the on-line help. You will be told how to do this at an early stage.
1.2 Learning to Use PDMS The aim of this guide is to help you to start to use DRAFT as quickly as possible. Once you have grasped the basic principles, you will find that most operations quickly become intuitive. The best way to learn is to experiment with the product for yourself. There are two sequences of information in this manual: Explanations of the concepts. The hands-on tutorial, which gives a step-by-step introduction to DRAFT. The intention is that you should work right through the manual, reading about each new concept and then doing the steps in the tutorial which illustrate the concepts. The start and end of each part of the exercise are marked by lines across the page to separate them from the general information sections, like this:
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
How to Use This Manual
1.3 Further Training in PDMS Although this guide will enable you to start using DRAFT, it cannot possibly show you all the facilities available, nor can it identify the best ways in which you might use the product to suit your own drafting practices. To get the best out of PDMS, it is important that you receive proper training from a qualified instructor, who can answer your questions as they arise and give you advice on tailoring your techniques to match your objectives. A wide range of training courses are provided by Cadcentre Ltd, covering all levels of expertise and different disciplines. To arrange attendance on such a course, contact your nearest Cadcentre support office for further details.
1.4 Some Terminology Modules are subdivisions of PDMS which you use to carry out specific types of operation. This guide is concerned with DRAFT, used for generating annotated and dimensioned drawings of 3D models produced in DESIGN. Applications provide interfaces to PDMS which are specific to particular disciplines. For example, DRAFT has separate applications for Dimensioning and Labelling.
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
How to Use This Manual
1.4.1 Instructions The following terms are used throughout this guide, to describe what action to carry out.
Place the mouse cursor over the specified point, then quickly press and release the designated mouse button. If no button is specified always use the lefthand mouse button.
Quickly click the left-hand mouse button twice over the designated object.
Click on the desired element in the 3D View window, to select it.
Place the mouse cursor over the specified point on the screen; then press and hold the designated mouse button move the mouse cursor to the required point. When the mouse cursor is over the required point, release the button.
Type text into the specified dialogue box and the press the Enter (or Return key).
1.5 How this Guide is Organised Chapter Error! Reference source not found., Overview, gives a general overview of the PDMS DRAFT. Chapter 3, Starting to Use DRAFT, describes how to start up PDMS DRAFT, and how to use the graphical user interface, including an explanation of how to access on-line help. If you are already familiar with Motif forms and menus interfaces, you should be able to read through this chapter rapidly. Chapter 4, Setting Up the DRAFT Database, explains how data is stored in PDMS.
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
How to Use This Manual
Chapter 5, Views, describes how to set up Views, which control which parts of the model are drawn, and how different information is displayed on the drawings. Chapter 6, Labelling , describes how to add Labels. It also describes how to change the appearance of annotation by changing pen settings. The principles apply to changing the appearance of dimensions as well. Chapter 7, Dimensioning, describes how to add dimensions. Chapter 8, Automatic Drawing Production, describes how to produce an annotated drawing automatically. Appendix A shows the menu hierarchy. Appendix B summarises the DRAFT database hierarchy. Lastly, there is an Index.
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
2 Introducing DRAFT DRAFT is the drawing production module of Cadcentre’s Plant Design Management System (PDMS). It allows you to generate fully annotated engineering drawings directly from data in the PDMS DESIGN model. Drawings can be easily updated to reflect changes in the design model. Drawing Creation The DRAFT Graphical User Interface has been designed to allow you to generate industry-standard engineering drawings quickly and efficiently. You select the part of the design model required and the direction and scale to use. You can then add dimensioning and other annotation. You do not need to do any calculations or data input as all annotation information comes directly from the design model. 3D Graphics The design model can be viewed from any angle at any scale, including isometric views, with perspective if required. The appearance of the 3D graphics is controlled from representation rules that are pre-defined by the project administrator. This allows different types of design items to have different line styles applied to them. You can select the required representation during view creation. Various levels of wireline and hidden-line removal can be used. Sectional views can be generated by the creation of flat or stepped section planes, and there are no restrictions on the number of planes created or the selection of items that can be sectioned. The scale of the 3D graphics can be selected from a set of Metric, Architectural and Engineering values with the option of an automatic scale selection to use the largest scale possible for the given design data and drawing sheet size. Labelling Labels can be attached to any design element and used to display any attribute of the element. You can control the format, content and appearance of the labels, with suitable project defaults defined by the administrator. Direct reference to the design data combined with a simple update annotation operation means that the annotation always reflects the current state of the design model. The position and orientation of the labels can be modified graphically to ensure a clear drawing layout.
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
Introducing DRAFT
Automatic Labelling (Autotagging) Labels can be automatically generated for a set of design items that match a tagging rule. The rule sets determine the type of label and what design items the labels will be applied to. For example, you could label all nozzles which have a bore of >100mm and <300mm with a pressure rating of #150. After the labels have been created, they can be automatically updated to reflect any changes to the design model. When the labels have been created, you can adjust their positions graphically. Dimensioning There are three generic dimension types available in DRAFT - Linear, Angular and Radial. These allow intelligent dimensions to be created to dimensioning standards. Dimensions are calculated directly from the design model. You can control the format, content and appearance of the dimensions, and suitable project defaults can be defined by the administrator. As with labelling, direct reference to the design data means that the annotation always reflects the current state of the design model with a simple update annotation operation. The position and orientation of dimensions can be adjusted graphically. 2D Drafting DRAFT's intelligent 2D drafting application allows you to generate additional 2D annotation on the drawing sheet. Operations such as grouping, multiple copying, rubber banding, nested symbols, symbol libraries, and full element editing functions are available. Like other DRAFT data, all 2D annotation can be linked to the design data and so can easily be updated to follow the changes that occur in the design model. AutoDRAFT This application is the DRAFT two-way interface to AutoCAD. It is possible to take a DRAFT drawing directly across to AutoCAD, where some users prefer to perform final annotation before drawing issue. The transferred drawing maintains the exact style and representation as set from DRAFT. Coming back from AutoCAD into DRAFT the user can develop symbol libraries and drawing frames in AutoCAD and import these directly for use in DRAFT.
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
Introducing DRAFT
Automatic Drawing Production The Automatic Drawing Production application enables you to produce annotated drawings automatically. You can set rules which determine how the annotation is produced. The drawings can then be edited, if necessary, using the normal drawing editing options in DRAFT. There are separate sub-applications for different disciplines: General ADP Steelwork Detailing Hangers & Supports ADP Administration This Guide only deals with the DRAFT User Applications. If you have administration rights within DRAFT, you will be able to use the Administration applications: for more information see the VANTAGE PDMS DRAFT Administrator Application User Guide. A brief summary of the Administration facilities follows. The administration application is used by the DRAFT administrator to customise DRAFT by setting default attributes, and creating libraries of drawing frames, symbols and labels. The Administrator can set default representation rules, labelling rules, naming conventions, line styles and hatching patterns. Template drawings, which contain predefined drawing data, can be set up, thus reducing drawing creation time. Symbology The DRAFT administrator can generate suites of symbols to be used in both 2D annotation and as part of a symbolic label definition. The symbols are built up from standard 2D annotation elements and can be created by grouping existing 2D annotation. The library approach to symbol definition maximises drawing consistency whilst minimising the required storage space for the symbol itself.
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
Introducing DRAFT
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
3 Starting to Use DRAFT This chapter describes how to start up PDMS and enter DRAFT. Before you start, PDMS and the supplied sample PDMS projects (SAM and MAS) must have been correctly installed and you must have been given read/write access to the project databases. This procedure, which should have been carried out as part of the product installation, is beyond the scope of this guide.
3.1 Starting up PDMS DRAFT Exercise begins: Start PDMS. Normally you will do this by clicking on the PDMS icon on your desktop:
TheVANTAGE PDMS Login form will be displayed. If this is the first time you have started up PDMS, the form will be blank. If you have started up PDMS before, some of the entries on the form will be filled from your last session. The information required on the form is: The name of the Project in which you want to work. All PDMS work is done within a Project. Enter SAM. You can either type into the text box, or click on the arrow at the right of the text box and then click on SAM in the list displayed. Your PDMS Username and Password. Enter SAMPLE for each. The MDB (Multiple Database) you want to work in. An MDB is a collection of PDMS databases which contain, for example, the Design data which you will be producing drawings from, and the DRAFT database which you will be storing drawings in. There will also be at least one catalogue database, and maybe others. Enter SAMPLE.
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
Starting to Use DRAFT
Click to select from list, or type in Type in password
The module of PDMS you want to use: select Draft. The Read Only button must remain Off: you may sometimes need to switch it on if you want to read information from a database which another user is using. Whether you want the PDMS forms and menus to Load from Macro Files (the only option available the first time you enter PDMS) or from a customised set-up saved during an earlier session (Binary Files). Select Macro Files. You can either type in each entry explicitly, or click the down arrow next to the text-box and select the required option from a list. The completed form should look like this:
Click OK and wait while the application is loaded. The macro files take a few seconds to read. When loading is complete, your screen should look like this:
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
Starting to Use DRAFT
Main toolbar
Main menu bar
2D View toolbar
Main Display
Status Area
The Main Menu Bar is located directly below the window title bar, displays the names of the available menus. The Main Tool bar provides short-cuts to some common operations and standard settings via icon buttons and drop-down lists. The Main Display is the window in which you will display the drawings. Note that this window has a pop-up menu, which you can see by moving the cursor into the main display window and pressing the right-hand mouse button. The Status Area displays prompts and other information about what PDMS is doing. You can reposition or minimise these windows at any time by using the standard window management controls, but generally you should not close them in this way: if there is an option on a PDMS form to close the form, use it.
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
Starting to Use DRAFT
3.2 Using the Mouse You use the mouse to move the cursor around the screen and to select or pick items by using the mouse buttons. The buttons perform different tasks depending on the type of window, and the area within the window where the cursor is positioned. The appearance of the cursor will change according to the type of item that is underneath it. To illustrate the different ways in which you can use the mouse and its buttons, we will first load an existing Sheet from the Sample project. This will need a short explanation of how elements are stored in the DRAFT database hierarchy.
3.2.1 The Members List First, display the Members list: select Display>Members from the main menu by moving the cursor over Display, holding down the left-hand mouse button to show a drop-down menu, and keeping the mouse button pressed, move the cursor until it is over Members. Then make the selection by releasing the mouse button. The Members list, in the Sample project as supplied, looks like this:
You may like to enlarge the Members list form so that you can read the list more easily. Many forms in DRAFT are resizable using the normal Window control, but the Members list is resized as follows: From the Menu on the Members form, select Control>Resize, and enter a value of 30 for the width on the Resize form (the width can be anything up to 45) and press OK.
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
Starting to Use DRAFT
Note: You can save this setting, and other changes you make to the display, by selecting Display>Save>Forms & Display from the main menu. When you save your work at the end of a DRAFT session, binary files will be created which you can load at the start of your next session using the Load From option on the PDMS Login form. You can load them at any other time by using the Display>Load options on the main menu.
3.2.2 The DRAFT Database Hierarchy The DRAFT database is a tree structure, in which the World is the top element. The next level down in the structure is a Department. The World can own several Departments, which are known as its Members, and the World is known as the Owner of the Departments. Departments can own Registries, which can own Drawings, which can own Sheets. See Figure 3-1. When you look at the Members list you will see that the first (top) element is the World element. The World is shown in the Members list as * and cannot be either created or deleted. There will also be three Departments (DEPT) several Point Worlds (PTWL), one for each DRAFT (PADD) database in the MDB. You do not need to use the Point Worlds, so they will not be discussed further. The Department named Stabilizer_Drawings contains drawings of the Stabilizer model supplied as part of the sample project. There are two other Departments supplied with the product: Project_Libraries contains sample sheets. Master_Libraries containing standard backing sheets, symbol libraries etc.
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
Starting to Use DRAFT
Figure 3-1
Structure of the DRAFT database hierarchy
3.2.3 Loading an Existing Sheet In the Members list, select the DEPT Stabilizer_Drawings by clicking on it with the left-hand mouse button. The hierarchy shown in the list will be expanded to show the REGIs owned by the DEPT. Continue to work down the tree by selecting the following elements: The REGI Stabilizer_EquipDetails. The DRWG STAB50001 The SHEE STAB50001/S1 Note that the element selected in the Members list is known as the Current Element. Now display the Sheet by clicking on the button on the toolbar. The Name of the sheet will be displayed in the drop-down list next to the button, and the sheet will be displayed in the Main Display. This Sheet shows Equipment D1201.
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
Starting to Use DRAFT
3.2.4 The Mouse Buttons Left-hand Mouse Button The left-hand mouse button is used for: Selecting from menus and drop-down lists. Picking a PDMS element in the Main Display window. Clicking the lefthand button with the cursor over an element makes the element the current element, that is, the element on which you want to carry out the next operation. The element may be a DESIGN element or a DRAFT element: the Members list will change to show the corresponding database. Picking and manipulating annotation and 2D Geometry. See later Chapters for details.
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
Starting to Use DRAFT
Middle Button The middle mouse button allows you to zoom in and out of the view. Zooming in. Position the cursor at one corner of the imaginary rectangle enclosing the part of the sheet that you want to fill the Main display, hold down the middle mouse button and move the cursor to the diagonally opposite corner. A 'rubber band', enclosing the area, will be displayed to help you. When you release the mouse button, the chosen area will fill the display area. Zooming out. Position the cursor at the point you want to become the centre of the view, and click the middle mouse button. Note that you can zoom out to the full extent of the Sheet using the View menu: see next sub-section. Right-Hand Button If you move the cursor into the Main Display Area and hold down the right-hand mouse button, you will see the pop-up View menu: Note that you can use the Reset Limits option to Zoom out to the full extent of the Sheet.
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
Starting to Use DRAFT
3.3 Using Menus There can be three types of option in a pull-down or pop-up menu: CE CE
Clashes ...
Options shown as plain text: selecting one of these initiates an action immediately. Options followed by three dots: selecting one of these displays a form on which to select options, enter data, etc Options followed by a triangular pointer: selecting one of these displays a subsidiary menu giving a further range of options.
Throughout this guide, related selections from menus are shown in abbreviated form by using the>symbol as a separator. Thus, the sequence Utilities>Reports>Create means ‘select Utilities from the main menu bar, then select Reports from the resulting pull-down menu, then move the cursor to the right and select Create from the resulting submenu’.
3.4 Using the Toolbar The toolbar is displayed immediately below the main menu bar in the application window. It contains a number of icon buttons which let you carry out common tasks without searching for the options in the menus. The actions of the buttons are explained in the on-line help. If you pause the cursor over a button, a tool-tip pop-up will remind you of the function of the button. To activate a button, simply click on it. Note: The toolbar can be switched off, or displayed with larger icons. To change these settings, select Settings>System from the main menu bar and then set the required options on the resulting System Settings form. Changes will take effect immediately after OK is clicked.
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
Starting to Use DRAFT
3.5 The Status Area The status area displays messages telling you what actions the application is carrying out. You should look at it frequently, especially if the system appears to be waiting for you to do something, since it will always prompt you for any input or action which is required to carry out the next step of your current activity. If the prompt lets you repeat a task an unspecified number of times, such as picking a selection of items using the cursor, you must press the Escape key (or click the Escape button on the Status Form) when you have finished, to indicate that you are ready to move to the next operation.
3.6 Using Forms and their Controls Forms are used both to display information and to let you enter new data. Forms typically comprise an arrangement of buttons of various types, text-boxes, and scrollable lists. Input to a form is usually via a combination of mouse and keyboard, the mouse being used to select appropriate controls and the keyboard to enter data. While you have access to a form, you may change a setting, return to the initial values, accept and act on the current data, or cancel the form without applying any changes, according to the nature of the form. This section describes how to use the principal types of gadget that you will see on the various forms.
3.6.1 Using Option Buttons Option buttons are used to select one, and only one, from a group of options. Selecting one option de-selects others in that group automatically. They typically have the following appearance: On Off
To change the selected option button in a group, click the required button.
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
Starting to Use DRAFT
3.6.2 Using Check Boxes Check boxes are used to switch an option between two states, typically On and Off. Unlike option buttons, they do not interact, so that you can select any combination to be On at the same time. They typically have the following appearance:
Off On
3.6.3 Using Text-Boxes You have already used text-boxes when you started up PDMS. Text-boxes are the areas where you type in alphanumeric data such as names or dimensions. A text-box will usually have a label to tell you what to enter. When you first open a form which contains text-boxes, the first text-box on the form will be current and a text editing cursor will be displayed in the box. A text-box often contains a default entry (e.g. unset) when first displayed. Some text-boxes will accept only text or only numeric data, and entries with the wrong type of data will not be accepted. To enter data into a text-box: Click in the box to insert the text editing cursor. Type in the required data, editing any existing entry as necessary. (You may need to delete the existing entry first.) When you have finished, confirm the entry by pressing the Enter (Return) key. Any text-box with an unconfirmed setting is highlighted by a yellow background.
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
Starting to Use DRAFT
3.6.4 Using Drop-Down Lists Drop-down lists let you choose one option from a multiple selection. The list will usually have a label to tell you what you are setting and will show the current selection. They typically have the following appearance:
To change the setting, click on the down arrow or button face to reveal the full list of available options, then pick the required option.
3.6.5 Using Scrollable Lists A scrollable list is displayed as a vertical list of options within the form, with vertical and horizontal scroll bars along its sides. To select an option, click on the line you want. The selected line will be highlighted. Some scrollable lists let you make only a single selection, so that selecting any option deselects all others automatically. Other lists let you make multiple selections, with all selected options highlighted simultaneously. To deselect a highlighted option in a multiple-choice list, click on it again (repeated clicks toggle a selection On and Off).
3.6.6 Actioning Form Inputs Most forms include at least one control button which is used either to enter the command option represented by your current form setting, to cancel any changes made to the form since you opened it, or to close the form. The common control buttons have the following actions:
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Enters the current form settings as command inputs and closes the form.
Enters the current form settings as command inputs and leaves the form displayed for further use.
Cancels any changes made to the form’s settings and closes the form.
Cancels any changes made to the form’s settings and leaves the form displayed for further use.
Closes the form, keeping the current settings.
Some forms contain more specific types of control button which carry out particular command options (as indicated by the text on the button face; e.g. Add or Remove).
3.7 Alert Forms Alert forms are used to display information such as error messages, prompts and requests for confirmation of changes. You should respond by carrying out the task prompted for or by clicking on the control buttons on the form (usually an OK or Cancel button).
3.8 Accessing On-Line Help Most bar menus end with a Help option. Where available, on-line help gives detailed instructions on the use of the forms and menus via which you control each application. The Help option gives you the following choices from its sub-menu: Help>On Context displays the Question-mark cursor. Move the cursor over the form on which you want help, and click the mouse button. A help topic for the form will be displayed. Help>Contents displays the top-level topic of the help. Help>Index displays a help topic with the Index tab already selected. Once the help is displayed, you can use the Contents list, the Index of keywords or Search for any word, and explore other topics by clicking on the hyperlinks.
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Starting to Use DRAFT
You are recommended to make full use of the on-line help whenever you want more information.
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4 Setting Up the DRAFT Hierarchy This Chapter describes how to create the administrative elements (Departments, Registries and Drawings) and Sheets in the DRAFT database hierarchy. The DRAFT database is a tree structure, in which the World is the top element. The next level down in the structure is a Department. The World can own several Departments, which are known as its Members, and the World is known as the Owner of the Departments. Departments can own Registries, which can own Drawings, which can own Sheets. See Figure 4-1. WORLD
Figure 4-1
Part of the DRAFT database hierarchy
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Setting Up the DRAFT Hierarchy
4.1 Creating a Department Departments, Registries and Drawings are administrative elements. You can see them in the members list, but you cannot display them graphically. At each stage the level above must already exist before you can create the level below. First we must create an element called a Department (DEPT). Departments can only be created under the World level. Exercise continues: 1. From the DRAFT General bar menu at the top of the screen, select: Create>Department
This will display the Create DEPT form which you can use to name your DEPT. A default name, DEPT1, is shown in the text box.
Create DEPT Form Figure 4-2 You would normally change the name of the Department to something meaningful, but in the following examples it is left at its default. If you want to change the name, move the cursor into the text box and click the left mouse key. Type the name, making sure that you do not use spaces. You can edit the contents of the text box by moving the cursor using the arrow keys or by moving the cursor with the mouse and pressing the left mouse key. You can delete text by using the BACKSPACE key to delete characters in front of the cursor or DELETE KEY for those behind. When you have finished, click the OK button using the left mouse key. Note that the Cancel button closes the form without any action being carried out.
When you click the OK button on the Create Department form, the Department Information form will be displayed. See Figure 4-3.
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Setting Up the DRAFT Hierarchy
Figure 4-3 Department Information Form This form shows the name of the DEPT and also gives you the chance to set up attributes of the Department. The attributes set default properties of the Sheets that will eventually be created under the Department. They are cascaded down through the Registries and Drawings, but they can be changed at any stage. Press the Attributes button and you will see the Department Attributes form. For this exercise, we will use the default attributes, and so just press Dismiss on the Department Attributes form. If the Create Registry toggle button on the Department Information form is on, as it is when the form is first displayed, the Create Registry form will be shown automatically after you click the OK button on the Department Information form. If the toggle button is off then you will have to use the Create Registry option on the DRAFT General bar menu to display the Create Registry form.
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Setting Up the DRAFT Hierarchy
4.2 Creating a Registry 1.
Make sure that the Create Registry toggle button is pressed on the Department Information form and press OK. The Create REGI form will appear. This is again allowing you to change the default name. Leave the default name as REGI1. Press the OK button. The Registry Information form will be displayed. See Figure 4-4.
Figure 4-4 Registry Information Form The Create Drawing option works in a similar way to the Create Registry toggle button on the Department Information form. If it is switched on, then the method of drawing creation will depend on whether you select Explicitly or From Template. The difference is explained in the next section. The Attributes button displays a similar form to the one on the Department Information form. For this exercise, use the default attributes, so you do not need to display the Registry Attributes form.
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Setting Up the DRAFT Hierarchy
Make sure that the Create Drawing button is switched on, and that the From Template radio button is selected. Press OK. The Create DRWG form is displayed, and when you press OK the Drawing and Sheet Templates form is displayed. See Figure 4-5.
Figure 4-5
Drawing and Sheet Templates Form
4.3 Creating Drawings and Sheets There are two methods of creating Drawings, Explicitly or From Template. Both methods are available whether you create the element by switching on the Create Drawing button on the Registry Information Form, or by selecting Create>Drawing on the DRAFT General menu. If you create a drawing from a template, several other elements will be created automatically. The Drawing will own a Sheet, which will own at least one View. The View will own several Layers: layers are discussed in more detail in Chapter 5. There may be other elements, such as Sheet Notes, which are used to store text and primitives for the 2D Drafting Application, which is not described in this Guide. The Drawing will also own a Library. DRAFT makes extensive use of libraries. Most of them are set up by the System Administrator and users Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
Setting Up the DRAFT Hierarchy
can only extract information from them, not change them. Libraries are used to store things like symbols and Drawlists (which can be used to define the contents of a View). Libraries are accessed by the Application automatically, and you will not need to access them directly. You should not try to rename or delete Libraries or their members. If you create a drawing explicitly, you will have to create all the element such as Sheets and Views yourself, using the Create options on the Main menu. Exercise continues: 3. Fill in the Drawing and Sheet Templates form as follows:
Note that at the top of the form, the Mode is set to Drawing Creation: the same form is used when you are creating a Sheet. The Option gadget shows the Department which contains the Drawing Template libraries. We will produce a drawing of some Equipment, and so select /DRA/PRJ/TMP/EQUI. Select the A0 option from the Drawings list. There will be a single sheet displayed (and selected) in the Sheets List. Press OK. A Sheet having all the attributes of the template will be created, and displayed in the Main View .
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Setting Up the DRAFT Hierarchy
4.4 Viewing the Sheet When you press OK on the Drawing and Sheet Templates form, the Sheet will be shown in the Main Display window. See Figure 4-6.
Figure 4-6
The Sheet displayed in the Main Display window
4.4.1 Using the Keyboard and Mouse to Manipulate the View View zooming and panning operations are carried out using the mouse or key presses (or a combination of both). Windowing in is done using the middle mouse button. Press and hold down the button, and move the mouse to describe a “rubber band” rectangle on the screen. Release the button; the view changes so that the graphics contained within the rectangle fills the main display. Zooming in is done by clicking the middle mouse button while holding down the key. The display zooms in, centred on the current cursor position, by a factor of 1.5.
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Setting Up the DRAFT Hierarchy
Zooming out is done by clicking the middle mouse button. The display zooms out, centred on the current cursor position, by a factor of 1.5. Holding down the Ctrl key while performing either of the above two operations doubles the zoom factor. The numeric keypad can also be used to perform zoom operations - see below. Panning is done by using the mouse pointer to move the main display slider controls. Alternatively, the up/down, left/right arrow keys can be used to pan the view. (The keys can either be held down to give a continuous pan, or ‘clicked’ to pan by a short distance - also see below.) Clicking the left-hand mouse button with the pointer in the slider trough gives a larger pan. Holding down the Ctrl key while clicking in the slider trough pans to the opposite side of the view in one step. The numeric keypad can also be used to perform pan operations - see below. 7
5 Full Out
1 Out
3 Out
Arrow keys pan in directions shown
Numeric Keypad keys 2, 4, 6, 8 pan in directions shown by half view width. Keys 7 and 9 zoom in Keys 1 and 3 zoom out Key 5 zooms out to the sheet limits
Holding down Ctrl while panning using the arrow keys increases the step size by a factor of 10; holding down decreases the step size by a factor of 10. You can also control some functions of the Main Display (e.g. Zoom out to show the complete view, change the background colour, etc.) from the options on the right-mouse button menu. This is displayed by clicking the right-mouse button over the Main display. Now you can experiment with some of DRAFT’s viewing controls.
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Setting Up the DRAFT Hierarchy
Exercise continues: If the current element is not already Sheet /DR1/S1, navigate to it 1. using the Members list.
Switch on the Grid by clicking on the toggle button on the toolbar at the side of the Main Display form. You can change the spacing of the grid by right-clicking with the pointer over the button and selecting Spacing… to give the 2D Snap Grid form. The Display grid can be set at some multiple of the snap grid. The Snap button can be used to position elements at grid points.
Zoom in to the bottom right corner of the sheet using the mouse. Imagine a box defining the area you wish to see, and position the cursor at the end of one diagonal. Hold down the middle mouse button and move the cursor to the other end of the diagonal. When you release the button the area enclosed by the box will be expanded to fill the available area in the window. See Figure 4-7.
Figure 4-7
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Zooming in to the Sheet.
Setting Up the DRAFT Hierarchy
You can zoom out of the Sheet by positioning the cursor at the point where you want the centre of the display to be, and clicking the right-hand mouse button. To display the whole Sheet again, select Reset Limits from the right-mouse button menu.
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5 Views VIEWs are used to show any part of the Design model. Drawing annotation can then be added to the VIEW. A VIEW element has attributes which: Define the viewing parameters (looking direction, scale, etc). Define the size, position and orientation of the VIEW on the Sheet. Define the contents of the VIEW by referring to a list of Design elements: the VIEW’s Drawlist. If you have created a Sheet from a template, the Sheet will normally contain at least one View, depending on how the template has been set up by the System Administrator. You can modify Views using the Modify>View options on the main DRAFT General menu, and create more Views on the Sheet using the Create>View options. You must be at Sheet level or below before you can create a VIEW. The options are similar, and they are described in the next Section.
5.1 Creating and Modifying Views There is only one type of view, but Views can be interpreted and modified in two different ways: Limits Defined Views are used to draw a specified volume of the model. The limits are defined in project coordinates, and are represented by the size of the View frame at the selected scale. The View frame can include matchlines with text showing the coordinates of the View limits. User-Defined Views are used to draw individual items or groups of items in the design model, when the volume or limits of the items are not known. The size of the frame is independent of its contents. The scale can be automatically set to fit the design elements into the available view frame area. Note that there are also the following options under Create/Modify View. They are summarised here, but detailed descriptions are outside the scope of this Guide. Detail. Once you have created a View and specified its contents, you can create a detail view of any part of the contents.
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Pre-defined. This option allows you to create several views at once, in a pre-defined layout on the Sheet. Section. These options allow you to create various types of section planes within existing Views. These options can be used to view a slice through the design elements or to remove parts of elements from the view. Local Rules. This option refers to Representation Rules, which define attributes such as line styles for different types of element. It allows you to override the representation rules that have been predefined by the System Administrator.
5.2 User-Defined VIEWs We will now modify the attributes of the View which has automatically been created as part of the template. We will define it as a User-defined View, and set up a drawlist for it. Exercise continues: 1. Select Modify>View>User-defined from the DRAFT General menu. If the View is not the current element, you will be prompted to pick an item in the View. In this case, you can only pick the View frame. If you have difficulty, press the Escape key (or the Escape button on the Unix Status Form), select the View in the Members list, and select Modify>View>Userdefined again. A User-Defined View form will appear, see Figure 5-1.
Figure 5-1
User-Defined View Form
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The next task is to set up the Drawlist, which will define which elements are drawn in the View. Select Graphics>Drawlist, from the User-Defined View form’s menu bar, and the Drawlist Management Form will be displayed. The default Drawlist Library is the Drawlist Library which is created automatically when the VIEW’s owning DRWG was created. To start with this will be empty, as shown by the empty Drawlist Members list on the right-hand side of the form. The Reference List Members list on the left-hand side of the form shows the elements in the Design database. You set up the Drawlist by selecting the required members in this list and then using the Add and Remove buttons at the bottom-left of the form.
Note: If the Members list itself is on display, it is removed while the Drawlist Management form is displayed.
5.2.1 Defining the Drawlist Contents
Drawlist Management Form Figure 5-2 In the Reference List Members list, select the Site STABILIZER. This list is used in the same way as the Members list The List will
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change to display the members of the Site. Select the Zone EQUIP, and the list will change to show the equipment elements in the Zone. 4.
Now add three equipment to the Drawlist. Select D1201 and press Add. The Equipment name will appear in the Drawlist Members list, with the word Add after its name. Repeat for the Equipments E1301 and C1101. You will need to return to the Zone level after adding each equipment, before you can see the other equipment in the List. Note that you can remove an element from the Drawlist Members list by highlighting it in the list and pressing the Delete Entry button. Delete All is used when you wish to empty the Drawlist completely. The Remove button is used when you want to add all the members of an administrative element to the view, for example a Zone, and then remove selected members of the Zone. The element’s name will be added to the Drawlist Members list with the word Remove after it. The actual drawlist is the result (union) of the add and remove elements in the list. Press Dismiss.
5.2.2 Setting the Scale The next step is to set the scale of the View. 5.
Press Auto Scale on the User-Defined View form, and the Scale text box will be updated to show a suitable scale, which will just fill the View with the graphics. This will not usually be a standard scale, so press Nearest to select the closest standard scale.
5.2.3 Other Options
Leave the other settings on the form at their defaults. See the online help if you want to know what they do.
Press Apply.
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5.2.4 Displaying the Contents of the View 8.
Design, which updates the design graphics in the Press Update Design, View. DRAFT will extract extract the information information from the Design database, and create the contents of the View. You will see messages in the Status form informing you of the progress. When the process is complete, the View should look like Figure 5-3.
Note: Note: If any settings settings on the form are are changed, changed, you must press press Apply and Update Design before any change will be seen. Dismiss the User-Defined View form.
Figure 5-3
The equipment items displayed
5.3 Creating a Limits-defined View In this Section we will create another Sheet, with a Limits-defined View.
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Select Create>Sheet>From Template from the main menu. Note that you must be at Drawing level or below in the hierarchy.
SHEE form. The Drawing and Sheet Click on OK on the Create SHEE form. Templates form will be displayed again, see Figure 4-5.
Options, and select the A2 Select /DRA/PRJ/TMP/EQUI from the Options, Sheet Template.
Select Modify>View >Limits-defined from the Main Menu. The Limits-Defined View form View form will be displayed. See Figure 5-4. This form is similar to the User-Defined View form. View form. The main differences are related to setting setting the limits: limits: the Limits option on the form’s menu, and the Matchlines button which switches matchlines on and off. The Scale options are slightly different.
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Figure 5-4
Limits-Defined View Form
Working Sheets Now you have two Sheets available, and you can see that both are listed in the drop-down list at the left of the toolbar. This is a list of working of working sheets: sheets: Sheets created in the current session are automatically automatically added to the list. The + and - buttons buttons are used to add and remove sheets from the option list. If you need to access a sheet that is not on the option button, select it in the Members list and press +.
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Note that you can also add Sheets to the Working Sheet List by selecting Draft>Select Working Sheet from the main menu. To make a Working Sheet the current sheet, and display it in the Main Display , select it from the option list. Exercise continues: 1. Set the contents of the View. Select Graphics>Drawlist from the menu at the top of the form. The Drawlist Management Form will be displayed. See Figure 5-2.
Create a new Drawlist by pressing Create, and name the drawlist /DR1/DRAWLIST/LIMITS. Add the Zone EQUIP. Dismiss the form.
We have created a new drawlist containing the EQUIP Zone and we now need to make the Limits-defined View reference this. By default, all new Sheets and Views reference the Drawlist cascaded from the Drawing. Returning to the Limits-Defined View form: 1.
Set the new Drawlist Reference by selecting Graphics>Drawlist Ref from the menu at the top of the form. Select the Drawlist you have just created. Press Apply and then Dismiss the form.
On the Limits-Defined View form, set the Limits, which will define the area of the model drawn in the View, as follows: North 2000 15000 East 2000 12000 Up 1500 25000
Set the Scale to 1/50.
Switch the display of Matchlines on.
Select Apply and Update Design, and the drawing will be created.
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6 Labelling
To enter the Labelling Application, click on the Labelling Application button
or select Draft>Labelling from the main menu.
Once the application has been loaded, you will see the Draft Labelling application menu. The options under the Draft, Display, Graphics, Query, Settings, Delete and Help menus remain the same in every application. Utilities also has options common to all the applications, in some cases with additional options. The Create and Modify options on this menu are exclusively for creating and modifying labels. Note that if you want to create or modify items such as Sheets, you can use Utilities>General Toolbar to display a small menu bar with the General Create and Modify options on it.
6.1 Introducing DRAFT Labelling There are two types of Labels: General Labels (GLAB), and Symbolic Labels (SLAB). General Labels only contain text. Symbolic Labels are generated from templates (which can contain 2D primitives, including text), defined by a reference to a Symbol Template (SYTM). Symbolic Labels are not described in this Guide. Labels are owned by Layers, which are in turn owned by VIEWs.
6.2 Creating a General Label Exercise continues: 1. Select Create>General Label. If necessary, identify the VIEW to which the General Label is to be added by acting on the message which appears. A General Labels form is displayed.
The current Layer is shown at the top of the form. Make sure that it is as shown in Figure 6-2. If not, change the current element by selecting DR1/S1/V1 in the members list and pressing the CE button. The correct labelling layer will be selected automatically.
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Figure 6-2 General Labels Form The Attach to drop-down list allows you to select the element type that you wish to label. The menu displayed on the list has two parts: the top part displays a list of submenus for different types of elements and the bottom part displays a list of Common Elements. Select Equipments from the Common Elements part of the menu. This means that a cursor pick to identify the element to be labelled will find an Equipment, rather than, for example, a Nozzle, which may be the actual element under the cursor.
Click on Create NEW to create a new Label. You will be prompted to pick the Design elements to be labelled. Pick each of the Equipments in turn, and a label containing the name of the Equipment will be created at the origin of each Equipment.
The contents of the label are set by default to be the Name of the element. This can be changed by selecting Text Contents from the Attributes drop-down list on the General Labels form. This displays the Dynamic Text form, see Figure 6-3.
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Figure 6-3 Dynamic Text Form The #NAME entry is an example of Intelligent Text: the information will be automatically taken from the DESIGN database. There are many different attributes which can be displayed in Labels using the Intelligent Text form, displayed when you select Intelligent Texts on the Dynamic Text form. Refer to the on-line help for more information. Exercise continues:
6.3 Label Attributes Set the Attributes option button to Leader Line. The Label Leader Attributes form will be displayed.
Figure 6-4 Label Leader Attributes Form You can experiment with changing the settings on this form, and see the effect they have on the Leader Line. Pen Settings The options to set the Leader Pen are common to several different types of pen in DRAFT. Pens can be set in two ways: either set the Standard
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options explicitly, or press Reselect. The Select User-defined Pen form will be displayed.
Figure 6-5 Select User-Defined Pen Form Use the Up and Down buttons to scroll through the list. When you see the linestyle you want, click Cursor Select, and pick the linestyle in the window. The Pen number will be filled in on the Select User-defined Pen form, and when you press OK, the pen number will be filled in on the Label Leader Attributes form. If you know which pen number you want, you could just type in the number on the Label Leader Attributes form. You can switch the Leader Line pen to either the User Defined or the Standard pen using the radio buttons. Note that changing the pen only affects the current Label. If you want to change the pen for any new Labels you create, you will need to change the Layer attributes. You will need to create a new label to see the effect. Dismiss the General Labels form.
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6.4 Modify Mode Modify mode is used to modify Dimensions, Labels and 2D Geometry by graphical interaction, rather than by using the modify options on the Main Menu. To enter Modify mode, click the toolbar.
button on the 2D View
Once you have picked an item it will be displayed in the current highlight colour. You can then modify the item you have picked, or pick another item for modification. When you pick an item, several hotspots will be shown. If you move the cursor over a hotspot you can modify the geometry of the item by moving the hotspot. If you move the cursor over any other part of the item, you can position it. While you are in modify mode, you can still control the view by zooming and panning as normal. If you press the Escape key, no changes to the item will be made. When you move the cursor away from a modifiable item and click the left-hand mouse button, the changes will be saved, but you will still be in modify mode and you can continue to pick other items for modification.
6.4.1 Positioning By default, an item or hotspot will be moved to the 2D cursor position. Once you have picked an item in modify mode, the 2D View menu, displayed when you hold down the right-hand mouse button with the cursor in the main display area, changes to include the different positioning options. All the options apart from the default 2D Cursor option allow you to choose a position relative to an existing item. Select the 2D Position option you want, pick the hotspot, and as you move the hotspot over an element which can satisfy the position, the element will be highlighted and the hotspot will snap to it. For example, if you set the 2D position as Centre point, the hotspot will snap to the centre of any arc or circle it moves over. If no suitable position has been found when you release the mouse button, the item will be dropped at the cursor position. If the Snap to Grid option is on, positions will be snapped to the grid, not to the 2D position setting.
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Menu options which are not applicable to the current element will be greyed out. The options are as follows: 2D cursor hit
The cursor position. This is the default, which is reset each time a new element is picked.
End point of
Move the hotspot over a line or arc, which will be highlighted when recognised
Centre point of
Move the hotspot over a circle or arc.
Mid point of
Move the hotspot over a line.
Intersect at
Move the hotspot over two items which actually intersect. The items will be highlighted in turn.
Intersect between
Move the hotspot over two items whose extensions intersect. The items will be highlighted in turn.
Nearest to
Move the hotspot over any Design or Draft item. The point will snap to the nearest point on the item.
Note that these options do not apply to moving text. The 2D positioning menu is automatically reset to 2D Cursor hit when an element is first picked
6.4.2 Using the Hotspots The current hotspot is shown in white, and the others in the current highlight colour (by default, cyan). There will be a hotspot at the centre of the item (this will be current when the item is first picked), and this hotspot is used to move the item. There are rotation handles attached to the central hotspot. The other hotspots will depend on the geometry, and are used to resize and reshape the item. Draft will exit from Modify mode when: You press the modify button again You load a new sheet or library You change applications You update the design, model, picture or annotation
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6.5 Modifying Labels Graphically This Section describes how to modify the geometry of a Label: similar information is provided for Dimensions and 2D Geometry in later chapters The Name label for Equipment C1101 is used in the illustrations.
Click on the Selection Arrow on the 2D View and then select the label. The hotspots will be shown in cyan. Move the text box away from the equipment by moving the cursor over the text, holding down the right hand mouse button and moving the text to where you want it. You will now be able to see the hotspots, which consist of: A Rotation handle The Attachment point The Connection point A Bend point at the mid point of the leader line. If you pick the bend point and move it to put a bend in the leader line, a second bend point will be created, and you can move this point as well. Note: You must pick the label itself (that is, the text) if you want to reselect it. You can move the attachment points and the connection point to create gaps and offsets: a dashed line will appear between the arrow hotspot and the default position of the point.
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Rotati Attach
Ben d poi
6.6 Menu Options for Modifying Labels All the operations you can carry out graphically can be done using the menu options, and there are many other non-geometrical modifications, such as changing the appearance of the text and linestyles, which can only be carried out using the menu options. See the on-line help for more information.
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7 Dimensioning
To enter the Dimensioning Application, press the Dimensioning button or select Draft>Dimensioning from the DRAFT main menu. Once the application has been loaded, you will see the Draft Dimensioning application menu. The options under Draft, Display, Graphics, Query, Settings, Delete and Help are the same in every application. Utilities also has options common to all the applications, in some cases with additional options. The Create and Modify options on this menu are exclusively for creating and modifying labels. Note that if you want to create or modify items such as Sheets, you can use Utilities>General Toolbar to display a small menu bar with the General Create and Modify options on it. Under the options on the toolbar there are three drop-down lists, see Figure 7-1: The current Sheet is selected from the left-hand list. The Add working sheet (+) button is explained in Section 5.3. The centre list allows you to make all the items on the Layer to either invisible (OFF) or visible (ON). The right-hand list shows all the Layers owned by the current View that are used to contain dimensioning information. Note that there are other Layers in the Members list, but these are used for other purposes.
Figure 7-1
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The main Dimensioning menu
7.1 The Dimensioning Hierarchy Dimensioning elements are created under Layers owned by Views, as shown in Figure 7-2. Different types of dimension are created on different layers. All these elements will be created automatically as you dimension your View. LAYE
Linear dimension
Angular dimension
Radial dimension
PCD (Pitch Circle Diameter) dimension j200
* These dimensions contain/own dimension points
Figure 7-2 Types of dimension Before you start creating Dimensions, make sure you have set the Layer button on the main Dimensioning menu, to show the correct Layer for the new Dimensions.
7.2 Linear Dimensions The simplest kind of Linear Dimension consists of a pair of points on a drawing, each of which relates to a point in the Design model. From each of these Dimension Points on the drawing, a projection line is drawn in a user-definable direction; between these parallel projection lines, dimension lines are drawn. Each dimension and projection line may have text associated with it.
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N Overshoot (positive)
Dimension Direction (Ea st)
} Dimension Line
Projection Line Direction (90º)
Offset Projection Line
Clearance (positive)
} Dimension Points
Figure 7-3
Attributes of a Linear Dimension
7.2.1 Creating Linear Dimensions We will create a Linear Dimension between the Nozzles along the centre of Equipment D1201, as shown in Figure 7-4. NOZZ 4 NOZZ 2 NOZZ 5
Figure 7-4
Equipment D1201
Exercise continues: Before you start creating Dimensions make sure that you have set 1. the Layer buttons, on the DRAFT Dimensioning form, to show the correct Layer for the new Dimensions, as shown on the option
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button below the main menu, see Figure 7-1. In our example, it will be /DR1/S1/V1/USER_Dims. 2.
Now Zoom into the Equipment D1201, (using the middle mouse button).
Select Create>Dimension Linear from the Dimensioning Menu. A Create Linear Dimension form will appear.
The name of the View and the View Direction are shown at the top of the form The dimension Types are Chain (chained), Tail (parallel) or Truncate (truncated parallel). See the online help for more information. We need to set the dimension line Direction to North, because this is the direction in which we want to dimension the Nozzles. Note that all dimensions in DRAFT are defined with respect to 3D World directions.
Figure 7-5 Create Linear Dimension Form Leave the other settings on the Create Linear Dimension form at their defaults, as shown in Figure 7-5. Click the OK button. The Linear/Angular Dimensions form will be displayed. See Figure 7-6. This form is used to create the points which define the Dimensions and form the link with the 3D-Model element.
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Figure 7-6 Linear/Angular Dimensions Form The list on the left of the form sets how Dimension Points are created. Make sure that Item is selected in the list. This will create the dimension point at the origin (P0) of the design primitive.
By default, you will have to press the Create button for each point. For this exercise, select the toggle to the right of the Create button, which allows you to pick several points of the same type one after the other. Note that this button must be off if you want to create Dimension Points in different ways, or if you want to use the 3D Pos, Cursor or Matchline positioning options.
Press Create.
Pick the first Nozzle. When you are prompted to pick an item in DRAFT, moving the cursor over the graphics area and holding down the left mouse button causes the cursor shape to change to a square. When you pass this over a suitable item, that element is highlighted and its name is displayed in the Status Bar . The Nozzles you should pick, in order, are shown in Figure 7-4.
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Press Esc to finish the process.
Figure 7-7
The completed dimension
7.2.2 Deleting Dimension Points 10. If you make a mistake, make the dimension point element current by highlighting it in the Members list , and select Delete>CE (Current Element).
7.2.3 Modifying a Linear Dimension Graphically The dimension as created may not be where you want it. You can enter Modify mode and move the dimension in a similar way to modifying Labels. Click the Selection Arrow on the View toolbar at the left of the Main Display window and then select the dimension. Modifying Linear dimensions is limited to changing the length of the leader lines, moving them to the other side of the dimensioned item and changing the standout distance of the text. See Section 6.4 for an introduction to using Modify mode. All the operations you can carry out graphically can be done using the menu options, and there are many other non-geometrical modifications, such as changing the appearance of the text and linestyles, which can only be carried out using the menu options. See the on-line help for more information.
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Figure 7-8 Moving the dimension line Note: The values shown in the dimension text have been taken directly from the 3D Design model. If the Nozzles are moved in DESIGN, the dimension can be updated automatically by selecting Graphics>Update>Annotation.
7.3 Angular Dimensions Next we will create angular dimensions between some of the Nozzles on Equipment C1101. Exercise continues:
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Select Create>Dimension Angular from the Dimensioning Menu. A Create Angular Dimension form will appear. See Figure 7-9.
Figure 7-9 Create Angular Dimensions Form Click OK on the Create Angular Dimensions form. You will be prompted to identify the item that the angular dimension is to be attached to. Click on DISH 1 of EQUIP C1101, as shown in Figure 7-10. The dimension will have its origin, that is the point from which the angular dimension directions will radiate, at the origin of the element picked. 1. Pick this Dish The origin will be here 2. Pick this Nozzle
3. Pick this Nozzle
Figure 7-10
Defining the origin of an angular dimension
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The Linear/Angular Dimension form will be displayed. See Figure 7-6. This is the same form as for Linear Dimensions, and it is used in the same way. Switch on the button, and press Create.
You will be prompted to pick the items to be dimensioned. Pick the Nozzles shown in Figure 7-10, in the order shown, because you have set the direction as Clockwise.
Press the ESCape key or click on the Escape button on the Status Form. The dimension will be drawn as shown in Figure 7-11.
Figure 7-11
An angular dimension
7.3.1 Editing Angular Dimensions Graphically See Section 6.4 for an introduction to using Modify mode. Click the Selection Arrow on the View toolbar at the left of the Main Display window to enter Modify mode, and then select the dimension. Modifying Angular dimensions is limited to changing the standout distance. There are many other non-geometrical modifications, such as changing the appearance of the text and linestyles, which can only be carried out using the menu options. See the on-line help for more information.
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7.4 Radial Dimensions Radial Dimension are created using the Dimensions form. This form consists of icons which allows you to create all types of Dimensions, not just Radial Dimensions. We are going to create a radial dimension on Equipment C1101. Exercise continues: 1. Zoom into Equipment C1101. Select Create>Dimension Toolbar from the Dimensioning menu. The Dimensions form will be displayed.
Dimensions Form Figure 7-12 Make sure that the Radial Dimensions option button is set to On Item (not Vertex), then select the Radius icon:
You will be prompted to select the item to dimension. Click on DISH 1 of EQUIP C1101, the same item as you selected for angular dimensions, see Figure 7-10. The dimension will be created, as shown in Figure 7-13.
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The Radial Dimensions form will appear, as shown in Figure 7-14. You can modify the dimension using this form. See the on-line help for details.
Figure 7-13
Radial Dimension
Radial Dimensions Form Figure 7-14 You can edit Radial Dimensions graphically in a similar way to other dimension types. See Section 6.4 for an introduction to using Modify mode.
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8 Automatic Drawing Production This Chapter is an introduction to Automatic Drawing Production (ADP) in DRAFT. There are three ADP utilities: General ADP, for the production of General, Pipework and Equipment drawings. Steelwork Detailing ADP. Hangers and Supports ADP, which is described in Support Design Using PDMS.
8.1 General ADP The General ADP Utility uses special backing sheets which enable schedules and lists of reference drawings to be generated and placed on the Sheet automatically. It also uses intelligent keyplans (in the form of overlays) which can be used to define the limits of the model shown on the drawings. ADP depends on having rules set up which define how different types of drawing will be created and annotated. There are defaults supplied as part of the sample project, which will be used in this Example. Changing the defaults is a System Administration task, and so is outside the scope of this manual.
Exercise begins:
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Enter the ADP application, by selecting Draft>Auto Drawing Production from the main menu.
Create another Drawing, this time using the ADP forms. Select Create>General ADP>Drawing from the main menu. Note that the Drawing will be created under the current Registry, assuming that the current element is a Registry or lower. If you are at a higher level, and more than one Registry is available, you will be prompted to move to the Registry required, by selecting it in the Members list.
Press OK on the Create DRWG form and the Modify General ADP Drawing Form will be displayed, as shown in Figure 8-1.
Figure 8-1
Modify General ADP Drawing Form
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Select the Backing Sheet /DRA/MAS/BACKS/MET/A2 from the Frame drop-down list. You can give the Drawing a Title. Note that the Date and Drn options are filled in automatically. Press Apply.
Press Create ADP Sheet, and the Create SHEE form will be displayed. When you press OK on this form, the backing sheet will be shown in the Main Display and the Modify General ADP Sheet form will be displayed. See Figure 8-2.
Figure 8-2 Modify General ADP Sheet Form The Frame drop-down list shows the Backing Sheet already selected. 6.
The Keyplan drop-down list allows you to select a Keyplan which will define the limits of the drawing. Set it to Above Grade, and the Area button will become available: set it to North. Press Apply, and the Keyplan will be displayed in the appropriate area of the sheet. You can zoom into the area using the button to the left of the text box:
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Click the Create ADP View button, and the Create VIEW form will be displayed.
Figure 8-3
Create VIEW Form
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Set the Function of the View to be DRA-GENADP-PIPING which will create a View which references a Piping GA defaults file. When you press OK, the Modify General ADP View form will be displayed. See Figure 8-4.
Figure 8-4 Modify General ADP View Form Fill in the form as follows:
Check that the Drawlist is set to Volume Defined. Set the Style to be /DRA/PRJ/REPR/GEN/PIPE. Set the Limits to be taken From Keyplan. Press Apply. The View Frame will appear on the Sheet.
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10. Press Update. The View Update form will be displayed. See Figure 85. This form allows you to specify which elements in the View will be updated. As this is the first time the Drawing has been generated, you need to switch on all the options. Note that Automatic Savework is on by default. 11. Press Update Now. You will see messages in the Status Form giving you information about the creation process. The View will be updated to produce the completed drawing.
Figure 8-5
View Update Form
8.2 Steelwork Detailing ADP This Section describes automatic drawing production for steelwork detailing. SDADP (Steelwork Detailing Automatic Drawing Production) allows you to produce dimensioned and annotated drawings of the most commonly used structural elements (straight Beams and Columns, and flat Plates) automatically.
Exercise begins: 1. For this exercise you must switch to the /STRUC MDB. Do this by selecting Draft>Modules>Monitor… to enter the Monitor module.
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Select STRUC from the MDB pull-down list, then re-enter Draft by selecting Monitor>Modules>Draft>Macro Files… . 2.
Enter the ADP application, by selecting Draft>Auto Drawing Production from the main menu. If you see the Drawing Selection form, click Cancel . Sheets are created automatically for SDA.
Select Create>Steelwork Detailing, and you will see the Steelwork Detailing form:
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The first step in SDA is selecting a set of Options. Options are stored as attributes of an SDAOPT element: the current option element is shown at the top of the Steelwork Detailing form. To see the settings, press the Edit button at the right of the Options list, and you will see the Steelwork Detailing Options form. The numbers refer to the key on the next page.
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6 7 8 9
8.2.1 The SDADP Options The option element sets the SDA defaults which you will initially see displayed on the Steelwork Detailing Options form. You can change the values, and save the changes as the same or a new option element. The options define:
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A Sheet Library containing suitable backing sheets.
A view scale.
How DESIGN elements are associated with DRAFT elements: for example, you can specify that Sites correspond with Departments.
The hierarchic level at which separate Sheets are produced for identical items.
Whether or not Detail Views are required.
Whether or not Picture files are created.
A Representation Ruleset Reference, defining which Styles are used for displaying the profiles.
A Symbol Library containing suitable annotation symbols.
The Customisation Macro, see Section 8.2.2.
The SDADP elements supplied with the product are in the Department Master_Libraries. The backing sheets in the Library DRA/MAS/BACKS can be used for SDA. The Library DRA/MAS/SDADP contains Libraries of Styles, Symbols and Representation Rules for SDA. It also contains two SDAOPT elements: SDA-Default SDA-Main-Views The only difference is that SDA-Main-Views will not output detail views. If you create your own SDAOPT element, it will be created in the current LIBY. If your current element is the World, a LIBY will be created automatically to store the options in. You will have to give this LIBY a suitable name, if required, after the SDAOPT element has been created.
8.2.2 The SDA Customisation Macro The last option on the Steelwork Detailing form specifies a macro which defines how the sheets created in SDADP are named. The names of the Sheets created are generated from the names in the DESIGN hierarchy. The macro supplied with the product, in the PDMSDFLTS directory is named DRA-SDADP-MACRO. You can edit this macro, or write your own, if you are familiar with PML, the Cadcentre Programming Language. See the VANTAGE Plant Design Software Customisation Guide and the VANTAGE Plant Design Software Customisation Reference Manual for more information about PML, and
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the VANTAGE PDMS DRAFT Administrator Application User Guide for more information about the supplied macros.
8.2.3 Creating Some Drawings Automatically Make sure that you are in the Auto Drawing Production application, and display the Steelwork Detailing form by selecting Create>Steelwork Detailing from the main menu. If the Members list is not already displayed, select Display>Members from the main menu, and change to the DESIGN database by selecting Control>Switch DB from the menu at the top of the Members list. Navigate to the FRMW element FAB_DRAWINGS under the Site SDADP-TUTORIAL-SITE. We will now produce drawings for the SBFR element /PLTF_2390_TOS. Add this Design element to the Design selection list on the Steelwork Detailing form by navigating to it in the Members list and selecting Add>CE from the menu at the top of the Steelwork Detailing form. Press the Generate Sheets button. Processing a large number of sheets will take some time. There is no batch mode as such in SDA, but once you have started a processing run, you can leave it to complete, for example, overnight. After a few moments, four Sheets will be created, one for each SCTN. The names of the Sheets and the names of the Design elements from which the Sheets have been generated are shown in the Sheets list at the bottom of the form. Refresh refreshes the Sheets list, for example, if you have just deleted some of the Sheets. You can limit the contents of the list to Only design selection sheets, which will only show Sheets for the elements in the Design Selection list, or to Only outdated sheets. The first Sheet in the list will be displayed in the Main Display. You can display the other sheets by clicking on them (Left-hand mouse button) in the list of Sheets. Note that two of the sheets contain detail views. SDA creates a DRAFT Database hierarchy in which to store the SDA output. The elements created are a DEPT, and REGIs and DRWGs to contain the Sheets. You can control how the DESIGN elements of SITE, ZONE and FRMW map to the DRAFT elements. The DEPTs REGIs and DRWGs are not named automatically: you will have to give them suitable names, if required, after an SDA run.
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8.2.4 How the Sheets are Generated A main front view is always created. If other views are required, they are arranged on the Sheet as shown: BACK TOP LEFT
Detail Views are displayed in this area, starting in the bottom left-hand corner
The system selects a backing sheet from the ones available in the list, splits the available area as shown (according to the views required), and attempts to fit the required views using the available scale ranges. If a fit is not possible the system will select the next backing sheet from the array, if there are no more backing sheets left, the system will keep incrementing the size until a fit is achieved. As dimensioning requirements are analysed at the same time, the system makes allowance for them when selecting a view scale.
8.2.5 Changing the SDA Options Start from one of the SDA Options supplied, and save it as a new element. Press the Save As button at the bottom of the Steelwork Detailing Options form (see Section 8.2), or select Control>Save As from the menu at the top of the form. You will see a small form:
Select the options you want to save from the drop-down list, and type a new name into the text box. Press Save.
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Now you can edit your options as follows. After each edit, save your changes by pressing the Save button on the Steelwork Detailing Options form. Backing Sheets You can change the content of the Backing Sheets list using the Add and Remove options on the menu at the top of the form. The arrow buttons at the right of the list allow you to change the order in the list, which is the order in which PDMS tries to select a suitable Sheet. View Scales You can add a new scale to the lists for Main Views and Detail Views by selecting one from the Add a Scale drop-down lists of standard scales. You can also define a scale which is not in the lists by scrolling to the bottom of the Add a Scale drop-down list and selecting User-defined. Enter the scale you want on the form:
You can also Remove the scale selected in the list. Association The DRAFT elements available are DEPT, REGI and DRWG. SCTNs or PANEls are always associated with Sheets. Add the following SBFRs to the Design Selection list: PLTF_2390_TOS DK_4850_TOS Generate the Sheets, using the default association. Note the structure created. Then delete the whole DEPT, associate SBFRs with REGIs and save the options. Now generate the Sheets again. Two REGIs will be produced, one for each SBFR. Merging Look at the Sheets for DK_4850_TOS. Note that with the default merge level of SBFR, Sheet DK_4850_TOS_SO2_ADP contains the text "2 required . . ". , and there are no Sheets for several of the SCTNs. Delete the Sheets, switch Merging off, and Generate the Sheets again. Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
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Separate Sheets will be produced for each SCTN. You can specify the extent to which Sheets are to be merged by selecting from the Level dropdown list. Detail Views Look at Sheet DK_4850_TOS_SO4_ADP. It contains four detail views. If you change the Threshold to 0.1 and regenerate the Sheet, only two detail views will be produced. You can regenerate a single Sheet by selecting it in the Sheets list, holding done the right-hand mouse button to display the menu option Regenerate and clicking the left-hand mouse button. Picture Files Because SDADP Sheets are typically fairly simple, the graphics can be generated quickly each time you want to view a Sheet, and so by default, no picture files are created for Sheets produced by the SDADP application. However, this means that whenever a Sheet is displayed or plotted it will reflect the current state of the DESIGN database, and not the state of the DESIGN database at the time of the last Update Design operation. You can force Picture files to be generated by switching on the Picture Files option. Note that for SDADP, saving Picture files may result in a very large number of files being created, which will take up disk space and may have an effect on performance, and so we recommend that you do not use this option unless really necessary.
8.2.6 Resetting the Options If you select Control>Defaults, most of the settings on the form are reset to default values, and you can then start to define a new set of values. The exceptions are the list of Backing Sheets and the Ruleset Reference: there are no defaults for these values, and you must enter these yourself.
Note: Occasionally fabrication drawings produced by SDADP will be under-dimensioned, although it will always be at least 70% of that required for fabrication of the component. If a dimension is missing, it may be due to the way the catalogue component is defined.
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2D Drafting
9 2D Drafting This Chapter is an introduction to the DRAFT 2D Drafting Application. Note that the 2D Drafting Application is intended to be used for tasks such as designing graphics on backing sheets, and adding additional manually-drafted details which may not be generated when DRAFT produces drawings from the DESIGN database: it is not intended to be a drafting package. To enter the 2D Drafting Application, press the 2D Drafting button select Draft>2D Drafting from the DRAFT main menu.
Once the application has been loaded, you will see the Draft 2D Drafting application menu. The options under Draft, Display, Graphics, Query, Settings, Delete and Help are the same in every application. Utilities has some options common to all the applications, with others only available in some applications. The Create and Modify options on this menu are exclusively for creating and modifying 2D Geometry. Note that if you want to create or modify items such as Sheets, you can use Utilities>General Toolbar to display a small menu bar with the General Create and Modify options on it. There are three sets of menu options specific to 2D Drafting: Draw
Lets you draw 2D Primitives and Local Symbols
Lets you construct lines and other primitives using existing primitives
Lets you change the attributes of a primitive, move primitives and nodes, insert gaps in lines, trim lines and arcs, rotate primitives, reduce a symbol to its components and manipulate groups
9.1 Introduction to 2D Drafting 9.1.1 2D Drafting Base Elements 2D Drafting primitives can only exist as members of Sheet Notes (NOTE elements) or Layer Notes (VNOT) elements. By default, these elements will be created automatically whenever a Sheet or Layer element is created, but you can create additional ones if you wish.
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Whenever a VIEW is created, a number of Layers are automatically created, one of which will be reserved for Notes. You can also create additional Layers if you wish via the Create>Layer from the Draft 2D Drafting bar menu.
9.1.2 2D Drafting Primitives These are basic geometric shapes which can be drawn on a Sheet. The primitives exist in the hierarchy as members of NOTEs, VNOTs or SYTMs. Primitives that exist as members of VNOTs may have their dimensions and positions defined in terms of 3D Design values.
9.1.3 The 2D Drafting Hierarchy The following diagram shows the 2D Drafting part of the DRAFT Hierarchy. It shows the related elements and at what level in the hierarchy they may be created. All of these elements, with the exception of extra Layers, can be created as you add extra 2D Elements to your Sheet or View. SHEE
Sheet Note LAYE
View Note
Text Primitive Symbol
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The Layers drop-down lists below the toolbar allow you select a Layer and to make all the items on the Layer to either invisible (OFF) or visible (ON). The list of Layers is a list of all the Layers owned by the current View that are used to contain 2D Drafting elements. Note that there are other Layers in the Members list , but these are used for other purposes.
9.2 Creating Notes Notes (for use by 2D drafting, text and symbol elements) may be created at Sheet (Sheet Note) or Layer (View Note) level. To create a Note, navigate to the appropriate element and select Create>Note. A Sheet Note (NOTE element) or a Layer Note (VNOT element) will be created, as appropriate. As the Notes are created, they are added to the list of Notes shown on the Draft 2D Drafting main menu.
9.3 Creating 2D Primitives Starting at Sheet level (to create primitives on a Sheet Note) or Layer level (to create primitives on a Layer Note), select Draw>Primitives from the 2D Drafting bar menu. A Draw form will appear.
Select a primitive from the drop-down lists of icons on the form. Hold down the left–hand mouse button over the relevant icon to reveal a display of alternative icons. Move to the required icon and then release the mouse button.
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For all primitives except Symbols (the S icon), the Point Construction Option Form will appear. The prompt text included in this form tells you what to do next. The text will vary according to the type of primitive being created.
The default option is a 2D cursor hit. This enables you to draw the selected type of primitive free-hand. Pick the points requested, and press Cancel to exit from Create mode. You can edit the geometry you have created using the options under Modify, or graphically, as described in the following Section.
9.4 Editing 2D Geometry Graphically Like Labels and Dimensions, you can edit 2D Geometry graphically. The hotspots available, and the operations you can carry out, depend on the type of primitive, and are described in detail in the following sections.
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9.4.1 Arcs
A hotspot at the centre of the arc, to allow the whole arc to be moved. A hotspot at each end of the arc, to allow the corresponding end of the arc to be repositioned. The repositioning will be such that the bulge factor remains the same. A hotspot mid way round the arc. This may be moved anywhere, and the bulge factor will adjust appropriately. A dotted line cross and four hotspots round the centre - the arc can be made to rotate about its centre by rotating any of these hotspots.
9.4.2 Circles
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A hotspot at the centre of the circle to allow the whole circle to be repositioned. A hotspot on the circumference, which will allow the radius of the arc to increase or decrease as it is moved, while the centre remains fixed.
9.4.3 Diamonds
A hotspot in the centre of the diamond to allow the whole diamond to be moved. A hotspot at each end of the axes. These hotspots can be moved along their axis, and the axis will alter length as it moves. A dotted line cross and four hotspots round the centre - the diamond can be made to rotate about its centre by rotating any of these hotspots.
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9.4.4 Ellipses
A hotspot at the centre of the ellipse to allow the whole ellipse to be moved, with its major axis parallel to its original position. A hotspot at one end of the major axis. This hotspot can be moved along the major axis, and the major axis alter length as it moves. A hotspot at one end of the minor axis. This will be constrained to move only perpendicular to the major axis, and can be used to increase the length of the minor axis. A dotted line cross and four hotspots round the centre - the ellipse can be made to rotate about its centre by rotating any of these hotspots.
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9.4.5 Hexagons
A hotspot in the centre of the hexagon to allow the whole hexagon to be moved. A hotspot at each corner. These enable the hexagon to be resized. A dotted line cross and four hotspots round the centre - the hexagon can be made to rotate about its centre by rotating any of these hotspots.
9.4.6 Lines
A hotspot in the middle of the line to allow moving of the whole line parallel to its original position A hotspot at each end to allow the associated end of the line to be moved. This may involve rotation or lengthening of the line. The other end of the line remains fixed.
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9.4.7 Rectangles (and Tables)
A hotspot in the centre of the rectangle to allow the whole rectangle to be moved parallel to its original position. A hotspot in the centre of each of the edges. These will enable the rectangle to be stretched in that direction. The opposite edge will remain fixed, and the opposite sides remain parallel. A hotspot on each corner. This will enable the rectangle to be enlarged in such a way that the opposite corner remains fixed, and the opposite sides remain parallel to each other. A dotted line cross and four hotspots round the centre - the rectangle can be made to rotate about its centre by rotating any of these hotspots.
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9.4.8 Symbols
A hotspot in the centre of the symbol to allow the symbol to be moved. A dotted line cross and four hotspots round the symbol’s origin - the symbol can be made to rotate about its origin by rotating this hotspot.
9.4.9 Text
A box round the text. Picking and dragging this box causes the text to move. A dotted line circle and four hotspots round the centre - the text can be made to rotate about its centre by rotating any of these hotspots.
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9.4.10 Triangles
A hotspot in the centre of the triangle to allow the whole triangle to be moved parallel to its original position. A hotspot at two of the edges of the triangle. Moving either of these enables the triangle to be resized while the other hotspot remains fixed. (Note that the triangle remains equilateral.) A dotted line cross and three hotspots round the centre - the triangle can be made to rotate about its centre by rotating this hotspot.
If view frames are not visible, the user can select the Graphics>View frames on option on the main bar menu: Hotspots on view frames cannot be snapped to construction points, but they can be snapped to the grid.
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9.4.12 Outlines There are two type of outline: Polyarc - A series of connected arcs and lines Spline - A smooth bi-cubic curve connecting the points on the outline An outline may be closed, but this property is not preserved if the user chooses to move one of the ends and not the other. Both types of outline may be picked and dragged to a new position. The detailed modification behaves differently, as described below: Polyarcs A hotspot at each end of the arc or line. Moving either of these will move the endpoint of that arc or line (in the same way as for arcs or lines above), and will also move the endpoint of the next arc or line connected to that same endpoint. A hotspot at the mid point of the arc/line. Moving this will change the bulge factor of the arc/line - and could thus change a line into an arc. If the user clicks on a hotspot, it becomes ‘selected’ and changes colour to be white. The user can then select from the popup menu either: Delete point: if it is an and point, the whole arc or line is deleted. If it is a mid point, the arc becomes a straight line. The first point cannot be deleted. Insert After: the user then picks a new position on the screen, and a new straight-line span is created from the end of the currently selected span, and connected to the following one. Splines A hotspot at each vertex. Moving any of these will cause the curve to be recalculated dynamically. If the user clicks on a hotspot, it becomes ‘selected’ and changes colour to be white. The user can then select from the popup menu either: ·
Delete point: The point is deleted, and the curve recalculated without it. The first point on the outline cannot be deleted. Insert After : the user then picks a new position on the screen, and a new curve is calculated which includes this point positioned after the selected hotspot. A new point cannot be placed before the first one.
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
A The DRAFT Menu Hierarchies A.1
The Common Menu
This section shows the part of the menu hierarchy which is common to all applications. Draft
Save Work Getwork Extract control Session Comment . . . Select Working Sheet . . . General . . . Dimensioning . . . Labelling . . . 2D Drafting . . . Auto Drawing Production AutoDRAFT . . . Administration… Modules > Exit
Main . . . Reference . . . Plot . . . Members . . . Command Line. . Save > Restore > Appware Load Errors
Extension for 2D
Forms & Display Forms & Display As. . . Forms As. . . Display As. . .
Draft General… Design General 2D… Project > DB Changes . . . Status… Users… Teams… DBs… MDBs…
Update System Update
Forms & Display Forms & Display From.. Forms From . . Display From . .
You will only see the Administration option if you have the appropriate access rights
System… Global… User Defaults… Point Construction Units… Enhance Colour… Feedback Colour… Ppoint Display…
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Picture Instances Refs Names
Design Annotation Tagging Tagging Regenerate All
Continued : see
Utilities Plot CE… DXF CE DGN CE... Clash Plotting… Dynamic Text… Lists…
> >
menus for each Application
Standard… Configurable...
Run… Create… Modify… Delete…
Different extensions for Dimensioning, Labelling and 2D Draftin
The DRAFT Menu Hierarchies
The General Menu Create
Copy > Layer… Note… Department… Registry… Drawing > Sheet > Overlay… View > Drawlist…
CE Identified… Drawing… Sheet… Sheet Note… View… Layer… Layer Note… Explicitly... From Template...
Limits-defined… User-defined… Detail… Predefined Frame… Section Flat… Section Perpendicular... Section Stepped… Local Rules… Hatching Rules…
Name… Layer > Note > Hierarchy > Department… Registry… Drawing > Sheet > Overlay… View > Drawlist…
Definition… Attributes… Members… Sheet… Layer… Reorder… Definition… Attributes… Drawlist Ref… Definition… Drawlist Ref… Limits-defined… User-defined… Section Flat… Section Perpendicular... Section Stepped… Local Rules… Hatching Rules… Drawlist Ref…
CE Members Owner Owner Members
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
The DRAFT Menu Hierarchies
The Dimensioning Menu
Load Text… Clean Up Annotation Dynamic Dim Text… Dynamic Proj Text… Sort Dimension Points
Copy > Layer… Dimension Linear… Dimension Angular… Dimension Toolbar…
Name… Layer > Hierarchy > Dimension Definition… Dimension Colour & Font… Dimension Line… Projection Line… Dimension Points… Dimension Blanking…
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
CE… Identified… Drawing… Sheet… Sheet Note… View… Layer… Layer Note. . .
Definition… Attributes… Members…
CE Members Owner Owner Members
The DRAFT Menu Hierarchies
The Labelling Menu
Load Text… Clean Up Annotation…
Create Copy Layer… Symbolic Label… General Label… Autotagging… Autotagging… Pipe End Labels
CE… Identified… Drawing… Sheet… Sheet Note… View… Layer…
Identified Automatic…
Name… Layer > Hierarchy > Symbolic Label > General Label > Autotagging… Autotagging… Placement… Label Blanking…
Definition… Attributes… Members…
CE Members Owner Owner Members
Reorder… Definition… Attributes… Definition… Text Contents… Text Settings… Frame… Leader Line
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
The DRAFT Menu Hierarchies
The 2D Drafting Menu
Group Filter… Icon Menu Styles…
Load Text… Sketch Drafting… Dynamic Primitives…
Name… Layer > Note > Hierarchy > Blanking…
Copy > Layer… Note…
CE… Identified… Drawing… Sheet… Sheet Note… View… Layer… Layer Note…
Definition… Attributes… Members…
CE Members Owner Owner Members Group Members
Primitives… Local Symbol…
Sheet… Layer…
Group… 2D Copy Repeat > Mirror… Fillet Arc… Chamfer Line… Parallel Line… Tangent Line… Ray Line… Constructed Line… Bisector Line… Local Symbol…
Offset… Rows & Columns… Polar…
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
Primitive… Line Gap > Line Trim Rotate… Demolish Symbol Action Group…
Zero Length Default Length Start, End
The DRAFT Menu Hierarchies
The AutoDRAFT User Menu
Transfer File…
CE Members Owner Owner Members
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
The DRAFT Menu Hierarchies
The Automatic Drawing Production Menu
Create Copy > Layer… Note… Department… Registry… General ADP > H&S Drawings… Steelwork Detailing…
General ADP Toolbars >
Drawing… Sheet… View…
Dimensioning… Labelling… Equipment Centres… Modify
Name… Layer > Note > Hierarchy > Department… Registry… General ADP >
Definition… Attributes… Members…
CE… Identified… Drawing… Sheet… Sheet Note… View… Layer… Layer Note…
CE Members Owner Owner Members
General ADP Views…
Sheet… Layer…
Reorder… Drawing… Sheet… View…
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
The DRAFT Database WORLD
(see overleaf)
(see overleaf)
: (see overleaf)
: (see overleaf)
NOTE: Automatically created system elements are not shown.
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
The DRAFT Menu Hierarchies
Note: Automatically created system elements are not shown. Note: Not all elements shown are discussed in this manual.
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
Other Documentation This guide is only an introduction to using PDMS DRAFT. For more detailed information, see the following documentation. On-Line Help On-line help is provided as an integral part of the user interface. It gives detailed instructions on the forms and menus. VANTAGE PDMS DRAFT Administrator Application User Guide This documents explains more of the basic concepts behind the administration of PDMS DRAFT. VANTAGE PDMS DRAFT User Guide This document describes the DRAFT commands, and gives fuller information about some of the command options. VANTAGE Plant Design Software Customisation Guide This document explains how to use the CADCENTRE programmable macro language (PML) and how to create your own forms and menus.
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
2D Drafting
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
Index 2D Drafting, 1
Double Click, 1-3
2D Geometry, 5
Drag, 1-3
editing, 5
Drawing templates, 4-6
2D Primitives, 3
Drawings, 3-5, 4-1
3D view, 3-3
Drawlist Management form, 5-4
ADP, 8-1
DRWG elements, 3-5, 4-1
Dynamic text, 6-2
definition, 1-2
Enter key, 1-3
Attributes, 4-3
Graphical view, 3-3
Automatic drawing production, 8-1
Grid, 4-9
Steelwork detailing, 8-5 Button
Help, on<#106>line, 3-13
Hierarchy, 4-1
control, 3-12
Intelligent text, 6-2
option, 3-12
Layer (LAYE) element, 2
radio, 3-10
toggle, 3-11
scrollable, 3-12
Check box, 3-11
MDB selection, 3-1
Click, 1-3
Members, 3-5, 4-1
Control button, 3-12
Creating elements, 4-2
pull<#106>down, 3-9
Database, 4-1
Menu bar, 3-3, 3-9
Departments, 3-5, 4-1
DEPT elements, 3-5, 4-1 Detail views steelwork detailing, 8-12 Dimensions types of, 7-4
Drawing Production Using VANTAGE PDMS Version 11.4
definition, 1-2 Mouse buttons functions, 3-4 Multiple database selection, 3-1 NOTE (Sheet Note) element, 2