!s lo"#cost smartphones and tablets become commonplace in the developin$ "orld% mobile data collection apps are increasin$ly used &or health services in the 'eld and &or public health monitorin$ (obile apps that inter&ace "ith personal medical sensors have proven particularly e&&ective e&&ective &or community health#data health#data collection ! rapid $ro"th o& android phones has enabled to replace )c*s so&t"are and other licensed so&t"are development technolo$ies because most phones used today are usin$ android operatin$ system so applications that run on android operatin$ system are more pre&erable and easily accessible . !ny health data collection system should include contextual in&ormation% "here# ever pertinent% alon$ "ith the medical readin$s to enhance 'delity o& the health data% data% in their provenance provenance &rame"or+ &or health. health. ,lood pressure pressure -,) mana$ement% monitorin$ and treatment are very important and help&ul &or the people "ith hypertension. The proposed monitor can help user to periodic measurin$ ,) and mana$in$ ,) and achieve the $oal $oal o& prevention and health care to improve the /uality o& li&e. The ob0ective o& the pro0ect is to desi$n and implement a reliable% cheap% lo" po"ered% non#intrusive% non#intrusive% and accurate system that can be be "orn on a re$ular basis and monitors the vital vital si$ns and displays displays the output to the user user cell phone.
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The desi$n pro0ect is entitled !ndroid !ndroid ,ased !pplication !pplication &or ,lood )ressure. The system has the ability to measure the blood pressure o& the patient .data is extracted &rom the di$ital blood pressure% and trans&errin$ it to main system*s system*s (. ata is then processed and trans&erred to the android phone via ,luetooth.
Fi$ure1. onceptual Frame"or+ o& ,lood )ressure (onitorin$ System
This application is developed in ava )ro$rammin$ an$ua$e by usin$ android studio. The user inter&ace o& the application +ept simple and understandable. ! common user can easily understand the &unctionality o& this application. The icons are selected in such a "ay that the user can easily understand and reached the desired in&ormation
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The system has the ability to measure the blood pressure o& the patient .data is extracted &rom the di$ital blood pressure% and trans&errin$ it to main system*s system*s (. ata is then processed processed and trans&erred to the android android phone via ,luetooth.
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,elo" is the estimated cost &or purchasin$ the materials needed &or the completion o& the pro0ect
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)hoto copy )rintin$
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Stationary )aper )ac+ ,indin$ )cs ,oo+s and related )cs materials online Total
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The table $iven belo" sho"s the brea+do"n o& the pro0ect sta$es and the time schedule.
1 iter iterat atur uree 7e 7evie" ie" ata collection !naly?e data interpretation o& results ra&t report preparation Final report preparation Final report Submission