RIZAL TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY Boni Avenue, Mandaluyong City College of Education
Abstracts for Quantitative Research Methods
In partial fulfillment of the course requirements for Introduction Introduction to Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches to Research Prof. Ed. 08
Submitted by: Capistrano, Kristine Joyce Dg. Third year/ CED-02-501P BSE-English
First semester 2009
Submitted to: Prof. Julius Meneses
Abstracts using the Descriptive Method
Scholarly appraisals of China’s post-1949 foreign policy have been largely shaped by qualitative research, using techniques such as “Beijingology” and the selective citations of primary and secondary sources. While helpful in conducting inquiries into into certai certain n his histor torica icall trends trends and policy policy issue issues, s, qualit qualitati ative ve method methodolo ologie gies s are susce suscepti ptible ble to resear researche cherr bias, bias, and can lead lead to dis disagr agreem eement ent over over the relati relative ve importance importance of different factors in shaping Chinese policy. This thesis asks whether a rigorous quantitative methodology can more effectively highlight trends and answer questions relating to modern Chinese history and government policy. Specifically, can a computer content analysis (CCA) based on news published by the state-run New China News Agency (NCNA) provide an accurate gauge of the international outloo outlook k of the the Chine Chinese se leader leadersh ship? ip? This This study study establ establis ishes hes the the reliab reliabili ility ty and effectiveness of quantitative, computer-driven historical research by undertaking a three-stage CCA of NCNA content concerning a specific topic: Beijing’s official views of Vietnam during the Deng Xiaoping era. The data from the CCA also answers an academic question framed by the qualitative research of Robert S. Ross and Charles McGregor McGregor:: During During the 1980s 1980s was China’s China’s central central leadersh leadership ip primaril primarily y concerned concerned with Hanoi’s military military and economic economic alliance alliance with Moscow, Moscow, and the potential potential for Soviet encirclement of China? Or was Beijing more worried about Vietnam’s regional ambitions in Southeast Asia? The CCA results clearly support the regionally themed thesis outlined by McGregor, while casting doubt upon the Soviet-focused findings of Ross. Not only was NCNA coverage of Vietnam overwhelmingly oriented toward issues touching Kampuchea and the brutal war there, but also NCNA reports about Vietnam’s interactions interactions with other counties in Southeast Asia were far more negative than NCNA articles about Hanoi and Moscow, even when sampled news reports excluded references to the dire situation in Kampuchea. The CCA methodology, which counted the frequency of country references in NCNA articles and gauged the positive and negative tone of NCNA coverage throughout the Deng era, serves as a template for further inquiry into China’s views of the world. It also establishes the
advantag advantages es of using using quantita quantitative tive research research to explore explore certain certain issues issues relating relating to modern Chinese history and foreign policy.
Most will agree with the statement that Organization Development implies change, and we accept accepted ed that that improv improveme ement nt in organi organizat zation ional al functi functioni oning ng means means that that change change has occurr occurred, ed, then then broadl broadly y defin defined, ed, Organi Organizat zation ion Develo Developme pment nt means means organization change. Not everyo everyone ne agrees agrees with with this this statem statement ent,, and the resear researche cherr does does not. not. Improvement in an organization’s way of operation may mean change from one procedure to a better one – such as putting an organization’s payroll procedure onto a compu computer ter rather rather proce process ssing ing checks checks by hand hand – but the the funda fundamen mental tals s of how problems are solved, how decisions are made, and how people are treated may not have changed at all. This more fundamental aspect of change in the organization and how social power and organizational politics are affecting it was the domain of this research study. There are four primary social-psychological social-psychological concepts for diagnosing an organization to be effect effective ive and effici efficien ent; t; they they are norms norms,, values values,, and rewards. rewards. The The fourt fourth h concept is power, and herein lies the center stage of my study. And the reason for choosing power is both significant and straightforward. Organization Development signif sig nifies ies change, change, and and for change change to occur occur in an organi organizat zation ion,, power power must must be exercised. The research study is to understand the nature of power, from both the perso personal nal and and organi organizat zation ional al perspe perspecti ctive, ve, and be able able to determ determin ine, e, within within an organization, specifically Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa, who has power, how power is exerc exercise ised, d, and where where the levera leverages ges for change change are likely likely to be, specifically on how to attain organization development in terms of human resource managemen managementt function functions s such such as; recruitm recruitment, ent, placement placement and involveme involvement, nt, staff staff development, and motivation. The initial concern of the study was power itself – individual need for power and the conseq consequen uences ces of this this need need on manag manageme ement, nt, sources sources of power power for an indivi individu dual al in a socia sociall conte context, xt, and organi organizat zation ional al source sources s of power. power. The study study considers management, which was define as the exercise of power, and then, who addr addres esse ses s the the impl implic icat atio ions ns of what what powe powerr and and poli politi tics cs can can do in affe affect ctin ing g management effectiveness and efficiency at Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa in the attainment of its organizational objectives. The general problem of this study is to determine the effects of social power and organizat organizational ional politics politics in organiza organization tion developme development nt in terms terms of human human resource resource mana manage geme ment nt func functi tion ons s such such as: as: recr recrui uitm tmen entt and and sele select ctio ion, n, plac placem emen entt and and involvement, staff development, and motivation. This study focuses its attention on the kind of social power and the indicators of orga organi niza zati tion onal al poli politi tics cs bein being g exer exerci cise sed d by the the admi admini nist stra rati tive ve and and acad academ emic ic personnel, in the furtherance of the educational philosophy and objectives of the
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa. The study only included as respondents the faculty who in one way are the major component of how social power and politics affects them personally and professionally. professionally. Through this study, the faculty will be learning with information on organization development that will serve as a way in providing quality education. For the present Administrators, for this study will be very useful and can be a source of information to evaluate their existing systems and practices and come up with another that is more responsive and effective. Lastly for future researchers, may this study be a source of information in making a future study in organization development. The research paradigm is to show the concept on how social powers namely: rewa reward rds, s, coer coerci cive ve,, leg legitim itimat ate, e, refe refere rent nt,, and and expe expert rt powe powerr can can affe affect ct the the effectiveness of organization development in terms of human resource functions of recruitm recruitment, ent, placemen placementt and involveme involvement nt of employees employees,, staff staff developm development ent and motiv motivati ation on in an organ organiza izatio tion. n. Organi Organizat zation ional al politi politics cs;; such such as the Palaka Palakasan san System, the Padrino System and Political Affiliation will also be a major variable that will be significant in the study of organization development plus the fact that all thes these e indi indica cato tors rs can can be mode modera rate ted d by the the pers person on-- rela relate ted d vari variab able les s of the the respondents such as gender and age and the professional-related factors such as status status of emplo employme yment, nt, highes highestt educa educatio tional nal attain attainmen ment, t, and length length of years years in teaching at the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa. Hypothesis Ho Ther There e is no sign signif ific ican antt rela relati tion on betw betwee een n soci social al powe powers rs and and orga organi niza zati tion onal al politics in the attainment of effective organization development at Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa. Ho
There is no significant difference between the respondent’s respondent’s
assessments of the effects social power and organizational politics in organization development. The study made use of the descriptive method of research. A Descriptive study is an inquiry into the nature of an unknown phenomenon or the occurrence of an event. It does not explain relationship but seeks knowledge for better understanding of the nature of the subject of the study to serve as basis for some future actions including formulation of hypothesis of relationship. The aim of the descriptive study is to infer to the reference population the findings from a sample. The research design describes what the study has done to answer the research questions. The study used the descriptive correlation survey. This is a study that shows the differ differenc ence e betwee between n two or more more variab variables les,, that that is, how a variab variable le varies varies with with
another. Since the present research is a status study, the correlation survey was the most appropriate method to use in gathering data. This research study was conducted within the confines of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa that is located at National Bilibid Reservation, Poblacion, Muntinlupa City. The respondents of the study were the faculty members of the Pamantasan ng Lungs Lu ngsod od ng Muntin Muntinlup lupa. a. Muntin Muntinlup lupa a City. City. The The data data collec collectio tion n was purpo purposiv sive e sampling, a method that involved all the members of the population. Since there are are only only 0ne hundr hundred ed and twenty twenty facult faculty y member members s of our ins instit tituti ution on that that were were served with the survey questionnaires, and only one hundred were retrieved or 83.33% of the faculty force were considered as respondent of this study. The study used the survey questionnaire as a research instrument. A questionnaire gather gathers s data data faster faster than than other other method methods s which which when when answer answered ed honest honestly ly and and properly by selected respondents, will supply the necessary information to complete a research study. The questionnaires were distributed to all faculty members of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa, and One hundred filled questionnaires were retrieved. The content of the questionnaires was focus on how social power and organizational politics that could affect the organization development of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa as a basis for policy direction. After presenting the analysis and interpreting the data gathered through the use of statistical tools, the following findings were arrived at: a. Among the Social organizational outcomes. 1.1
Reward Power
Coercive Po Power
Legitimate Po Power
Referent P Po ower
Expert Power
Based on the results, it can be perceived that power administrators do not use the reward power bestowed on them. Especially with a weighted mean of 2.41, the administrators never complemented their work in terms of their effectiveness and efficiency. On coercive Power there is a strong argument that the administrators uses coercive power in the organization especially when they are forced to participate actively in any civic affairs sponsored by the city hall and at sometimes at their own discretion.
On referent power, the respondents gathered a weighted mean of 3.35, thus they all agree the referent power is being used in our organization especially the appointments of teachers due to political referrals. On expert power, the respondents are neutral on how the administrators/deans exercises their rights in leading the institution to academic standards. b. Amon Among g the the indi indica cato tors rs of organ organiz izat atio iona nall poli politi tics cs,, whic which h one one is an effec effecti tive ve instrument in acquiring preferred outcome: 2.1 Palakasan System 2.2 Padrino System 2.3 Political System On the Palakasan System, the respondents agree that the majority of the members of the faculty are admitted because they know somebody influential from the organization. organization. While on the Padrino System, the respondents are neutral on the use of “ninong” and “ninang” in the facilitation of their regularization. regularization. On politi politica call affili affiliati ation, on, the genera generall weigh weighted ted mean mean of 3.11 3.11 agrees agrees that that loa loadin dings of subj ubject ects per semes emestter depen epend d of how how clos lose you are to the the administrators/deans. c. And An d last lastly ly,, betw betwee een n soci social al powe powerr and orga organi niza zati tion onal al poli politi tics cs,, whic which h has has the great great capacity capacity to influenc influence e organizat organization ion developm development, ent, the one that can greatly greatly influence changes in the Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa are social powers wherein it garnered 70% of the respondents who totally agree. In the light of the findings arrived, the following conclusions were formulated. The target dimensions of organizational organizational development in Pamantasan Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa that gives an outline, which are not mutually exclusive and distinct from each each othe other. r. Comp Compli lica cate ted d and and high high fall fallut utin ing g depa depart rtme ment nt obje object ctiv ives es can can be restructured restructured that will help in the realization of organizational goals. It should involve as many groups as possible through their representatives including the studentry. The involvement of these representatives by management in the goaling process helps helps insure insure its members members identify identify themselv themselves es with the organiza organization. tion. Thus, they would cooperate in the achievement of the objectives, which they help formulate. The organigram or table of organizations is usually the most visible written output of the organizing or re-organizing the structure. Span of control, height and width width of the organi organizat zation ion,, centra centraliz lizati ation on of decisi decision on makin making g are some some symbol symbols s
depicting to a great extent the presence or absence of authority in the organization. Change Change in individu individuals’ als’ duties, respons responsibil ibilities ities,, roles roles functions functions due to change change in struc structur ture e is eviden evidenced ced from from their their behavi behavior. or. Alt Althou hough gh struct structur ure e includ includes es three three componen components; ts; authorit authority, y, abilities abilities and skills, skills, and rewards, rewards, the last two are better placed under the category of people in terms of how organizational development can be used in changing them and the facility and difficulty by which they can be changed. Duties, responsibilities, roles and functions are important components of positions, which are structured under authority. Content includes the material dimensions used by the organization to achieve its goals. goals. In the busin business ess settin setting g these these consi consist st of funds, funds, facili facilitie ties, s, equipm equipment ent,, markets, products, services. In schools, the curriculum is a good example. Technolo Technology, gy, another another component component for organizat organizationa ionall developm development, ent, answers answers how jobs are better done. Developing and refining new ways, means, procedure of producing goods, products, services, are a continuous process. The most difficult target for organizational development is people. Due to their very nature of complexity and intricacy, this dimension is most elusive and challenging to deal with. It takes more time, effort and competence to know and understand people and more so to develop them in the image for which they can be useful to the organization. The latter has its own role, which can be accomplished by people who share with it the same values, interests and aspirations. By the same token, people would want the organization to share with them its joys, worries and commitments. Because of the symbiotic role of people development, the dimension of people comes most problematic in organizational development. Based on the conclusion, the following recommendations are being presented by the researcher.
Assu As sume me a cus custo tome merr or or ben benef efic icia iary ry orie orient ntat atio ion n
2. Integrate the three critical elements of effective performance in the organization: organization: strategy, structures, and spirit of service 3. Enab Enable le the the ind indiv ivid idua uall huma human n work worker er or or mana manage gerr to be be prod produc ucti tive ve in in work work and and achi achiev evin ing g in his his pers person onal al life life as a work worker er or prof profes essi sion onal al by taki taking ng tota totall responsibility responsibility for results. 4. Trans ransllate ate the task ask of self elf-res -resp pons onsibl ible perfo erforrmance nce into into org organiz aniza atio tional nal structures that promote a responsible work behavior. 5. Use Use co-c co-cre reat atio ion n (par (parti tici cipa pati tive ve appro approac ach) h) for peak peak perf perfor orm mance ance and work work commitment.
6. Prom Promot ote e the deve develo lopm pmen entt of enab enabli ling ng s ski kill lls s as well well as mak make e the ena enabl blin ing g leader, the model or ideal of leadership. 7.
Use Use dev devel elop opme ment ntal al tool tools s app appro ropr pria iate te to our our Fil Filip ipin ino o cul cultu ture re..
Studi Studies es on job job satisf satisfac actio tion n have have grown grown in recent recent years years becaus because e of their their basic basic import importanc ance e to the unders understan tandin ding g of a worke worker’s r’s behavi behavior or and the conti continuo nuous us effective operations of organizations. Stordeur et al. (2001) contend that the higher an employee’s job satisfaction and work commitment, the lower is his intention to leave the workplace. In the Philippines, nurses have been constantly exposed to considerable internal and external organizational issues which could have negative effects on their level of job satisfaction. Several literature on nursing have raised the issues on heavy work worklo load ad,, poor poor work workin ing g cond condit itio ions ns,, meag meager er comp compen ensa sati tion on pack packag ages es,, poor poor interper interpersona sonall relations relationships hips,, weak leadersh leadership, ip, non-recogn non-recognitio ition n of exemplary exemplary work, work, and lack of opportunities for career growth as possible major factors of work stress and dissat dissatisf isfact action ion.. These These issues issues may serve serve as possib possible le cause causes s for nurses nurses to recons reconside iderr their their long-r long-rang ange e work work option options s and seek seek opport opportuni unitie ties s outsid outside e their their chosen career.
It is based on the above mentioned scenario that the researcher developed the interest to examine the prospects of a nursing career at the DepEd by looking into the demogr demograph aphic ic profil profile e and the level level of job satis satisfac factio tion n among among public public schoo schooll nurses nurses,, and their their percep perceptio tions ns toward towards s suffic sufficien iency cy in remune remunerat ration ion and other other mone moneta tary ry bene benefi fits ts,, nonnon-mo mone neta tary ry bene benefi fits ts,, budg budget et allo alloca cati tion on and and care career er advancement. Using the Descriptive Method, the research was conducted at the School Health and Nutrition Section (SHNS) of DepEd, Southern Leyte Division where the thirty (30) respondents are working. Thr Three ee (3) (3) ques questi tion onna nair ires es were ere us used ed in the the gath gather erin ing g of data data,, nam namely: ely: 1.) 1.) Respon Responden dent’s t’s Profil Profile e Questi Questionn onnair aire, e, a 9-i 9-item tem ins instr trume ument nt develo develope ped d to gather gather information regarding work life variables which might affect the DepEd nurses’ job satis satisfac factio tion; n; 2.) Level Level of Suffi Suffici cienc ency y on Benefi Benefits, ts, Budget Budget Alloc Allocati ation on and Career Career Advan Advancem cement ent Questi Questionn onnair aire; e; and 3.) the ShortShort-For Form m Minnes Minnesota ota Satisf Satisfact action ion Questi Questionn onnair aire e (MSQ) (MSQ) which which repres represent ents s the the twenty twenty dimensi dimensions ons of the job. The statistical tools used in the analysis of data were frequencies and percentages, and mean. Findings of the study revealed that majority of the DepEd nurses have only been working with the agency agency from 2 to 10 years. 23.3% of them has attended attended masteral programs, programs, but no one has finished Master of Arts nor has reached the doctoral level. Already holding permanent positions, the respondents are dominantly married and young, young, with age bracket bracket ranging ranging from 31 to 40 years of age. Most of them are are assigned to workstations 4 to 30 kilometers away from their residences. In terms terms of remun remunera eratio tion n and other other moneta monetary ry benef benefits its,, major majority ity of the DepEd DepEd nurses nurses find find their their transp transport ortati ation on and field field work work allowa allowance nces, s, and medica medicall and hospitalization to be very insufficient; and their monthly salary, PERA and ADCOM, and step increment increment to be insufficient. insufficient. They however find their their hazard pay, year-end bonus and cash gift, productivity incentive, and clothing allowance to be sufficient. On the other hand, in terms of non-monetary benefits, the DepEd nurses reported them to be very insufficient, so are the budget allocated for their department, and the opportunities provided by management for career advancement. Over Over all, all, the the DepE DepEd d nurs nurses es are are sati satisf sfie ied d with with thei theirr job. job. Howe Howeve ver, r, they they are are dissatis dissatisfied fied in the aspect aspect of human human relations relations supervis supervision, ion, technical technical supervis supervision, ion, company policies and practices, compensation, compensation, and advancement. The researcher was able to conclude and generalize that only a small percentage of the total population of nurses would stay with DepEd beyond ten years. They either transfer transfer to other organizat organization, ion, or change other other career paths. paths. The dominanc dominance e of youn young g nurs nurses es indi indica cate tes s that that majo majori rity ty of them them do not not stay stay with with DepE DepEd d unti untill retirement, but only until they gain enough experience or find better opportunities. As perceived by the DepEd nurses, there is a level of insuffiency given to them by the organ organiza izatio tion n in terms terms of remun remunera eratio tion n and other other benefi benefits, ts, non-mo non-monet netar ary y
benefits, budget budget allocation, and career career advancement. They appeared to have been been satisfied with their job, except in the aspect of supervision, company policies and practices, compensation, and advancement. Based on the conclusion and generalization, the researcher has recommended the DepEd management to revisit and effect changes in their human resource policies and programs programs particularly on on the compensation compensation packages. The budget allocations allocations for nurses must be directed towards the increase of salary and other monetary bene benefi fitt incr increa ease ses, s, purc purcha hase se of offi office ce supp suppli lies es,, fixt fixtur ures es and and furn furnit itur ures es,, and and improvement of laboratory laboratory equipment equipment and facilities. Career advancement advancement programs such as career relevant trainings, scholarships and job promotions must also be regularly implemented as well as constant reorientation on the company policies and best practices to inculcate positive culture among the employees. And, lastly, supervisory trainings for supervisors must also be regularly conducted to improve and develop their human relations and technical skills.
Abstracts using the Survey Research Method
The study investigated the impact of Typhoon Reming among college students of Aquina Aquinas s Unive Universi rsity ty of Legazp Legazpi. i. It looked looked into the experien experiences ces,, psycho psycholog logica icall reactions, post-disaster stressors, and coping mechanisms of the respondents, and the support services services availed of. Results showed showed that majority of the the respondents expe experi rien ence ced d witn witnes essi sing ng floo floodi ding ng and and dest destru ruct ctio ion n to prop proper erty ty;; expe experi rien ence ced d psych psycholo ologic gical al reacti reactions ons which which resemb resemble le sympto symptoms ms of post-t post-trau raumat matic-s ic-stre tress ss disord dis order, er, depress depression ion and anxiet anxiety; y; repor reported ted financ financial ial difficu difficulti lties es at home home and problems in adjusting to the school environment; and coped by resuming of normal routines, and by the support support of family and friends. friends. Most of the respondents respondents availed of the individual counseling service, and perceived it as being the most effective. Limitations and implications implications of the study were discussed. discussed.
The main objective of the study was to develop and evaluate a module in reading for first year students to upgrade their level of reading comprehension skills. Specifically, the study hoped to develop a module in Reading and to evaluate its effectiveness. The The study study tested tested the hypothe hypothesis sis that that there there is no signifi significan cantt differ differenc ence e between the result of the pre-test and post-test of the students. The The study study utiliz utilized ed a pre-te pre-test st-po -postst-tes testt experi experimen mental tal design design to attain attain the objectives indicated. Data were gathered from two groups of respondents: three English specialists for the validation of the module using a Likert-type rating scale and 226 first year students enrolled at San Guillermo National High School using an adapted Achievement Test. The The data data were ere anal analyz yzed ed us usin ing g desc descri ript ptiv ive e stat statis isti tics cs like like freq freque uenc ncy y distribution, distribution, percentage, mean and analysis of variance to test the hypotheses.
Summary of Findings
1. As rated rated by the three experts experts,, the module module obtained obtained an overall overall rating rating of 4.43 described as very satisfactory. satisfactory. 2. The results results of of the pre-test pre-test and and post-test post-test are are as follows follows:: In the pre-test, the students obtained the highest rating of 14.88 in making inferences and obtained the lowest rating of 2.36 in identifying word word mean meanin ing. g. The The stud studen ents ts over overal alll rati rating ng is 32 32.5 .55 5 indi indica cati ting ng a satisfactory performance. performance. In the post-test, the students obtained the highest rating of 16.89 in making inferences and obtained the lowest rating of 2.72 in identifying word meaning. The students also obtained a very satisfactory rating in distinguishing facts from opinion. The overall rating in the post-test is 35.76 indicating a satisfactory performance. 3. The obtained obtained –value of the scores of the students in the pre-test and and post-test in all the areas of the reading skills are significant at .05 level of significance. Conclusions From the findings identified, the following conclusions conclusions are formulated: 1. The module module in reading reading was found found appropri appropriate ate for first first year students students,, well constructed and acceptable. 2. Since Since the the p-value p-value of the score scores s were all all found found signifi significan cantt at .05 level level of significance, the hypothesis that there is no significant difference in the result of the pre-test and post-test is rejected. Recommendations From the findings identified and the conclusions formulated, the following recommendations recommendations are given:
1. Since nce the module dule was foun found d effec ffecttive ive in upgr pgradin ading g the the read eading ing comprehension skills of the students, it is recommended that all English teachers of San Guillermo High School who are teaching in First Year must utilize the module as an additional instructional tool in reading. 2. The school school princip principal al of San Guillerm Guillermo o High School School must must see to it that the reproduction of the module be given financial assistance and that the use of the module be given time allotment in the school program.
3. For For furt furthe herr rese resear arch ch,, it is reco recomm mmen ende ded d that that the the same same stud study y will will be conducted to all first year students in the Division of Zambales to find out the effectiveness of the module to other first year students.
Abstracts using the Correlational Research
Organizational Organizational climate is indeed a substantial substantial tool that determines the area of effectiveness, productivity productivity and efficiency of an organization. organization. School effectiveness is a measure of quality and transcendental changes that govern the improvement improvement process. Organizational Organizational climate and school effectiveness are two constructs that should receive equal importance. This study aimed to determine the relationship between the organizational climate and school effectiveness in public, private and private sectarian Colleges of Nursing. Descriptive – comparative and descriptive – correlational correlational research designs were used in the study. A modified questionnaire of Leadership Orientation Instrument Instrument for organizational organizational climate and a self – reported survey on school effectiveness served as the principal instruments in data gathering. Expertise of professionals professionals was sought for construct validity. A test retest reliability method was employed and results revealed of reliability coefficient of 0.99. Thus, the instrument was highly reliable. Respondents include faculty members who have no administrative title and hold a full-time position as an instructor in a baccalaureate nursing program with one year teaching and at least one year clinical experience were purposively selected from public, private and private sectarian Colleges of Nursing. Statistical treatment of data was processed through weighted mean, ranking, one – way analysis of variance and Pearson r moment correlation of coefficient. The findings pointed out a significant difference in organizational climate and school effectiveness among public, private and private sectarian Colleges of Nursing. Findings revealed of positive, high correlation between organizational climate, faculty and physical plant and a negative correlation on instruction and student outcome. Recommendations were provided for further study, organizational climate assessment and review on specific school characteristics characteristics on faculty, instruction and physical plant and other indices of school effectiveness.
Abstracts using the Experimenta l Research
This chapter reviews experimental economics research relevant to law and economics. economics. The introduction includes a brief discussion of experimental methodology and a survey of the categories of economics experiments relevant relevant to law and economics, with citations to other reviews and compilations. The bulk of the chapter reviews two series of economics experiments designed to test theoretical claims of law and economics: those relating to the Coase theorem and those relating to pre-trial bargaining and settlement.