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Disasters continue to cause thousands of deaths and injuries and biions of doars of econo!ic osses each "ear. Disasters can be natura# accidents and !an$!ade. Natura disaster is a !ajor ad%erse e%ent resutin& fro! natura 'rocesses of the Earth( e)a!'es incude foods# %ocanic eru'tions# earth*ua+es# tsuna!is and other &eoo&ic 'rocesses. Accide Accidents nts are incide incidenta nta and un'anne un'anned d e%ent e%ent that that coud coud ha%e ha%e been been 're%ent 're%ented ed had circu! circu!sta stance ncess eadin eadin& & to the accident accident been reco&ni,e reco&ni,ed# d# and acted acted u'on# u'on# 'rior 'rior to its its occurrence( e)a!'es incude shi'-rec+# structura faiures and coa'ses. Man$!ade disasters are !ade b" 'eo'e rather than b" nature( e)a!'es are terrorists incidents# -ars# and !assacres. Disasters can cause oss of ife or 'ro'ert" da!a&e# and t"'ica" ea%es so!e econo!ic da!a&e in its -a+e# the se%erit" of -hich de'ends on the affected 'o'uations 'o'uations resiience or abiit" to reco%er. reco%er. /o 're%ent or reduce the disru'ti%e i!'acts of a disaster on co!!unit"# certain !easures0actions can be ta+en such as a-areness# education# 're'aredness# and 'rediction and -arnin& s"ste!s. 1o- can these he' the co!!unit"2 A-arenes -arenesss $ !edia !edia has a %er" %er" si&nif si&nifica icant nt roe roe in infor! infor!ati ation on disse! disse!ina inatio tion. n. E%er"one re" on !edia for infor!ation. In de%eo'in& 'o'uations disaster a-areness# !edia is a 'o-erfu too to do it. Educati Education on $ /he roe roe of educati education on for disast disaster er ris+ ris+ reduct reduction ion strate strate&ie &iess can be 'resented accordin& to three t"'es of acti%ities3 45 sa%e i%es and 're%ent injuries shoud a ha,ardous e%ent occur# 65 're%ent interru'tions to the 'ro%isions of education# or ensure its s-ift resu!'tion in the e%ent of an interru'tion# and 75 de%eo' a resiient 'o'uation that is abe to reduce the econo!ic# socia# and cutura i!'acts shoud a ha,ardous e%ent occur. 8rediction and 9arnin& S"ste! $ ad%ances in technoo&" are 'ro%idin& decision$ !a+ers -ith increasin&" accurate and usefu infor!ation on the 'otentia i!'acts of natura disasters on societ". /he chaen&e is to a''" this infor!ation and transate current understandin& of natura ha,ards into !eanin&fu action at the co!!unit" e%e. /he ai! of these !easures is to reduce socio$econo!ic %unerabiities to disaster as -e as deain& -ith the en%iron!enta and other ha,ards that tri&&er the! and this is a res'onsibiit" of de%eo'!ent and reief a&encies ai+e. It shoud be an inte&ra 'art of the -a" such or&ani,ations do their -or+# not an add$on or one$off action. E*ua" i!'ortant is the hu!an side of !iti&ation( 'ro&ra!s shoud refect the needs of an urban# a&in technoo&ica" oriented societ". societ". Des'it Des'itee increa increasin sin& & %unera %unerabi biit" it" to natura natura disast disasters ers## !an" !an" co!!un co!!uniti ities es resist resist ado'ti ado'tin& n& !iti&a !iti&ati tion on 'ro&ra 'ro&ra!s. !s. /he barrie barriers rs are econo! econo!ic# ic# socia socia and 'oiti 'oitica ca and !iti&ation is often 'ercei%ed as restricti%e# cost" and inco!'atibe -ith the co!!unit"s econo!ic de%eo'!ent &oas.