Internship Report KPT
Ammad Jawed
Electrical Engineering
In the name of ALLAH The Gracious and The Benevolent
Internship Report KPT
Ammad Jawed
Electrical Engineering
Acknowledgements Acknowledgements
First of all the whole whole praise to ALMIGHT ALLAH! ALLAH! the creator of the "ni#erse and an$thing in this "ni#erse% He made "s s"per creat"re! &lessed "s to accomplish this wor'% (e are #er$ than'f"l to Allah Almight$! (ho has pro#ided "s s"ch an opport"nit$ opport"nit$ to gain gain 'nowledge 'nowledge in s"ch a precio" precio"ss organi)ation of pa'istan% It was a great e*perience to do internship o#er here% (e learnt man$ things practicall$ which we ha#e learnt theoreticall$ earlier% (e also pa$ o"r gratit"de to the Almight$ for ena&ling "s to complete this Internship Report within d"e co"rse of time% time% (ords are #er$ few to e*press enormo"s h"m&le o&ligations to o"r affectionate Parents for their pra$ers and strong determination to ena&ling me to achie#e this +o&% (e wo"ld li'e to than' all the administration engineers! operators and officials for helping "s and for their 'ind &eha#ior%
Internship Report KPT
Ammad Jawed
Electrical Engineering
Introduction Karachi Karachi Port Tru rust st (KPT) is is a Pakistan Pakistan Federal Federal government government agency agency that oversees the operations of Karachi Port at Karachi, Karachi, Sindh, Sindh, Pakistan Sea Pakistan Sea Port plays a vital role in !nternational "aritime Trade #fficient Port attracts more $%siness &hich in t%rns generates reven%e and strengthens economy of the co%ntry Port is more a service ind%stry not only for the nation $%t for inte rnational comm%nity as &ell The effects of its &orking are not limited and are reali'ed $eyond the co%ntry ! preferred this s%$ect to deal &ith considering the Karachi Port Tr%st an instit%tion of high importance, &ith varieties of f%nctions !n order order to compe compete te in inte intern rnat atio iona nall mark market et,, the the price price of good goodss and and time time factor are the main considerations for $%sinessmen Transportation cost contri$% tes aval%a$le part in determining the price of goods either in domestic or in international market Transportation thro%gh sea is mainly dominated $y ports The economists economists of the ocean carriers say that ships earn in sea and loose in the port !t is the port &hich makes the carrier cost efficient &ith its co%rteo%s reception and timely dispatch onger is the &aiting time lesser is the efficiency of the port The prod%ctivity of the port is meas%red &ith per ton cost of cargo handling This cost is %ltimately added to the price of goods and finally $orne $y the common cons%mer Karachi Port $eing a nat%ral har$or is a gift of *od !ts val%e can $e $etter assessed if compared &ith landlocked co%ntries &hich do not have access to the sea The investors al&ays try to set %p their prod%ctions %nits nearer to the port Practice of short term planning on the part of o%r *overnment to complete every proect &ithin their ten%re is a main $arrier &hich did not allo& the co%ntry co%ntry to develop develop at re+%ired re+%ired pace Karachi Port is an evident proect of o%r policy The sea $orne trade alone constit%tes -. of the &orld trade #fficient cost effective and timely clearance of goods thro%gh port tho%gh tho%gh partly partly depend dependss on effici efficient ent inland inland transpo transport rt net&or net&ork k yet econom economic ic t%rnaro%nd of vessel &ith reasona$le cost of cargo handling is the key factor in efficient $%siness of import and e/port Karachi Port in the eyes of port %sers is more reven%e generating organi'ation This aspect co%ld have $een tolerated had the re+%ired facilities &ere provided to the port %sers Port sho%ld have $alanced policy in providing service and generating its income to satisfy port %sers
Internship Report KPT
Ammad Jawed
Electrical Engineering
Historical Background Background Karachi d%e to its geographical and strategic location is kno&n as the gate&ay to 1sia onsidered as a safe har$or since time immemorial, Karachi &as a small fishing village in early nineteenth cent%ry istorians identify it &ith its pro/imity to a place from &here a part of 1le/ander4s 1rmy, 1rmy, $oarded the *reek Flotilla in 32 5 The first mention of Karachi as a port is fo%nd in an 1ra$ic treatise 4"%hit4 on navigation relating to the 6est oast of !ndia and the Persian *%lf 6ritten in 7889, this treatise &arns the sailors of &hirlpools and advises them to seek safety in Karachi ar$or if they fo%nd themselves drifting dangero%sly !t is also significant to mention that the first "%slim on+%eror of !ndia, "ohammad 5in :asim, landed at ;ai$al, in vicinity of Karachi in <77 1; Karachi also has the distinction of $eing the $irth place of the fo%nder of Pakistan, :%aid=e=1'am "ohammad 1li >innah and &as the first capital of Pakistan till 7?3 !t is no& the largest city &ith a $%stling and ever increasing pop%lation of over ten million 5y 7982, Karachi &as an esta$lished city &ith a pop%lation of a$o%t 70,--&ith a prospero%s trade in over=seas markets o&ever, the e/isting Port started taking shape in 7980, &hen the proects of dredging the main naviga$le channel an a nd the constr%ction of a mole or ca%se&ay oining the main har$or &ith the rest of the city &ere %ndertaken 1$o%t 8 years later, constr%ction of "anora 5reak&ater, Keam Keamari ari *royn *royne, e, the the @api @apier er "ole 5ridge, @ative >etty and the hinna reek &ere started &hich gave initial shape to the port The constr%ction of the &harves started in 7992, and $y 7?70 the #ast 6harves and the @apier "ole 5oat 6harf had $een completed ;%ring the period $et&een 7?2< and 7?00, the 6est 6harves of the Port, the lighterage $erths and the ship=repairing
Internship Report KPT
Ammad Jawed
Electrical Engineering
$erths &ere constr%cted "ost of these facilities &ere o$solete $y the time Pakistan came into e/istence in 7?0< Since then, the port administration has em$arked on e/tensive development of the port on modern lines 1t the time of independence in 7?0<, the Port capacity &as a$o%t 78 million tons of dry cargo and 7- million tons of PA prod%cts per ann%m Karachi Port is no& handling over 77<0 million tons of li+%id cargo and 2808 million tons of dry cargo, incl%ding 7,273,<00 T#Bs &hich constit%te a$o%t -. of importC e/port of the co%ntry
KPT Profile The The Kara Karach chii Port Port is adm adminis iniste tere red d $y a 5oar 5oard d of Tr%ste %stees es,, comp compri risi sing ng hairp hairpers erson on and 7- Tr%stee r%stees s The hairpe hairperson rson is appoin appointed ted $y the Federa Federall *ove *overnm rnmen entt and and is also also the the hie hieff #/ec #/ec%t %tiv ivee of Karac Karachi hi Port Port Tr%st r%st The The remaining 7- Tr%stees are e+%ally distri$%ted $et&een the p%$lic and the private sect sector or The five five p%$l p%$liic sect sector or tr%st r%stee eess are are nom nominat inated ed $y the the Fede Federa rall *ove *overn rnme ment nt The seat seatss for for priv privat atee sect sector or tr%s tr%ste tees es are are fill filled ed $y elec electe ted d representatives of vario%s private sector organi'ations This &ay all port %sers find a representation in the 5oard of Tr%stees
Head Office Building A%r national heritage em$arks o%r c%lt%ral sym$ol in form of Karachi Port Tr%stD %stDss ead ead Affi Affice ce 5%il 5%ildi ding ng !t &as &as inco incorp rpor orat ated ed in the era era of 5rit 5ritis ish h government in s%$=continent The first glance of the $%ilding reminds %s the renaissance of 5ritish Ea !t is a &onderf%l amalgamation of 5ritish, ind% and *othic c%lt%res * 6itted has designed the KPT ead Affice, &ho &as a cons cons%l %lta tant nt arch archit itec ectt of the the *ove *overnm rnmen entt of 5om$ 5om$ay ay 6itted tted &as also also the the 1rchitect of the Prince of 6ales "%se%m C the *ate&ay of !ndia (7?-9) This grande%r $%ilding is located on the opposite side of :amar o%se, #d%lee ;ins ;insha ha& & Eoad Eoad,, Kara Karach chi i !ts !ts str% str%ct ct%r %ree &as &as com complet pleted ed in 7?78 7?78 %nde %nderr the the s%pervision of the #ngineering ;epartment, KPT and the cost inc%rred for its completion &as Es?,<0,??-C= ord 6illingdone, the *overnor of 5om$ay ina%g%rated KPT ead Affice 5%ilding on 8 th>an%ary, 7?7 !t occ%pied a large area a$o%t 70-- s+ meter An the other side, KPT ead Affice 5%ilding has a
Internship Report KPT
Ammad Jawed
Electrical Engineering
the $%ilding &as converted into 8-- $eds hospital, aimed to serve people The color of $%ilding and material %sed in the constr%ction &as very %ni+%e as the color of the $%ilding is in a yello&ish color that is Sepia, stone $ased The c%rvat%re of this $%ilding is matchless and makes it stand tall amongst many str%ct%res !n $%ildingDs center c%rve, there is a large dome placed at the top of it ;omes are the prominent feat%re of Eoman 1rchitect%res ;esign of KPT ead Affice and architect seems to $e inspired $y Eoman 1rchitects 1ltho%gh, ;omes &ere common feat%re in !slamic architect%re $%t they &ere canvassed in differ different ent styles styles The other other classi classicc materia materials ls of the $%ildi $%ildings ngs are its doors, doors, &ind &indo& o&ss and and arch arches es,, &hi &hich are are h%ge h%ge in si'e si'e and and in green reen colo colorr The com$ination of *reen yello& color enhances its $ea%ty #/terior of the
and interior $%ilding is very
simple yet %ni+%e %ni+%e Eooms Eooms are specio%s specio%s and have have high ceiling on it The $%ilding seems as it consists of three to fo%r floors, $%t practically the t&o floors gap has $een kept to make it colossal The other interesting feat%re of the $%ilding is the teak &ood &orks Teak &ood is very e/pe e/pensi nsive ve and and %sed %sed in this this $%il $%ildi ding ng e/ces e/cessi sive vely ly The &ood &ood &orks &orks on the the &indo& is printed in dark green color, &hich adds more to its adornment KPT ead office $%ilding had only one entrance &ith a h%ge door and 2 large anchors are kept on $oth sides Striking arches of the corridors crafted in $oth e/terior and interior, &hich is sym$olic Eoman Styled 1rchitect%re The floors are tiled &ith $lack &hite color and easily &asha$le These tiles are called cemented tiles, p%rposely made of $y adding different colors in the cement 1s &e have already mentioned earlier, the %sage of teak &ood is fo%nd every&here in the $%ilding, even the elevator is also &ooden 6hile going %p in elevator, yo% can e/perience a site seeing of every floor that passes $y $eca%se there is no &all is present in $et&een There is only one railing $ack of the elevator, &hich is %ncovered and mechanism of the elevator is visi$le An its 2 nd floor, there is a h%ge and specio%s 5oard Eoom that adds great significance $eca%se it
Internship Report KPT
Ammad Jawed
Electrical Engineering
is located right %nder in dome, &here all the meetings held There are t&o h%ge arch shaped glass &indo&sG $ea%tif%l glass painting is done on them Ald clock kept there $y the name of #lliot 5rother ompany, ondon There is another $ig onference Eoom adacent to the 5oard Eoom @o&, all the meetings are held in conference room An 2nd floor, the third most important room is Eecord Eoom, &hich is %sed for keeping the records of the original proceeding and secret files 1ll the proceedings from 79?3 till to date are kept here This sym$ol of history is still in its original shape
Internship Report KPT
Ammad Jawed
Electrical Engineering
Internship Report KPT
Ammad Jawed
Electrical Engineering
Internship Report KPT
Ammad Jawed
Electrical Engineering
Vision tatement
KPT4s "ission Statement is as %nderH
"In pursuance of the Landlord Port Strategy, to lease out port infrastructure, land, access and assets to private port operators on long term basis while retaining regulatory functions”.
Internship Report KPT
Ammad Jawed
Electrical Engineering
Power Generation "o$ili "o$ili'in 'ing g and generat generating ing afforda afforda$le $le and enviro environme nment= nt=fri friend endly ly energ energy y reso%rces is one of the key challengers for any nation in today4s &orld Today Today the top priority for Pakistan is #nergy and Po&er *eneration Presently, A%t of aro%nd 72 million pop%lation only 8=<-. has access to electricityTo #nter into into po&er po&er generation generation is is one of the the diversifie diversified d decision decision of kpt &ith &ith the vision to provide &ith po&er &hen kesc is not availa$le to enhance its !nvestment into #nergy Sector !ts a <8- kva in east &harf and 8-- kva in &est &harf Po&er Plant $ased on Eeciprocating #ngine Technology Technology
The The prim primar ary y f%el f%el of the the Plan Plantt is Eesid%al F%rnace Ail (IEFAI) and its %ninterr%pted s%pply is g%aranteed $y S# Pakistan The Plant Plant onfig onfig%rat %ration ion is eleven eleven (77) (77) proven #ngine sets of type 79v0 man%fact%red $y Siemens germany and elevenThe primary f%el of the Plan Plantt is Eesi Eesid% d%al al F%rna F%rnace ce Ail Ail (IEFA (IEFAI) I) and and its its %nin %ninte terr% rr%pt pted ed s%pp s%pply ly is g%arant g%aranteed eed $y S# S# Pakist Pakistan an The Plant Plant onfig% onfig%rat ration ion is eleven eleven (77) (77) proven #ngine sets of type 79v0 man%fact%red $y Siemens germany and
Internship Report KPT
Ammad Jawed
Electrical Engineering
afet! "easures# Safety meas%res are activities and preca%tions taken to improve safety, ie red%ce risk related to h%man health ommon safety meas%res incl%deH Eoot ca%se analysis to identify ca%ses of a system fail%re and
correct deficiencies Jis%al e/amination for dangero%s sit%ations s%ch as emergency e/its $locked $eca%se they are $eing %sed as storage areas Jis%all e/amin e/aminati ation on for fla&s fla&s s%ch s%ch as cracks, cracks, peelin peeling, g, loose loose Jis%a connections hemical analysis =ray analysis to see inside a sealed o$ect s%ch as a &eld, a cement &all or an airplane o%ter skin ;estr%ctive testing of sample !mplementation of standard protocols and proced%res so that activities are cond%cted in a kno&n &ay Training of employees, vendors, prod%ct %sers !nstr%ction man%als e/plaining ho& to %se a prod%ct or perform an activity !nstr%ctional videos demonstrating proper %se of prod%cts !nd%stry reg%lation so s%ppliers kno& &hat level of +%ality is
Internship Report KPT !nd%st stry ry !nd%
Ammad Jawed
Electrical Engineering
reg% reg%llati ation is ofte often n impo impose sed d to avoi avoid d pot potenti ential al
government reg%lation Self=imposed reg%lation of vario%s types ;r%g testing of employees, etc Physica call e/am e/amin inat atio ions ns to dete determ rmin inee &het &hethe herr a perso person n has has Physi physical condition that &o%ld create a pro$lem Periodic eval%ations of employees, departments, etc *eological s%rveys to determine determine &hether land or &ater so%rces *eological are poll%ted, ho& firm the gro%nd is at a potential $%ilding site, etc
$ifferent afet! afet! igns Safety signs are %sed for indication of the ha'ard involved &hile carrying o%t the certain action action They are very helpf%l in for the s%$ect as they give clear g%ideline a$o%t the ha'ard that one co%ld face at the site &here they are erected Some different safety signs areH
!n safety there is a r%le of triple M. "an safety "achine safety "aterial safety
"an safet!
!n safety the first thing is man safety "an safety is one of the important things $et&een the r%les of safety "an safety means ho& to safe man in &orking area (plant)"ask, safe=g%ard, gloves etc are provided for safety 1lso no %se of mo$ile "achine safet!
"ach "achin inee safet safety y is also also impo import rtan ant t The The tro% tro%$l $lee shoot shoot,, main mainte tena nance nce of temperat%re is the important one @o %se of mo$ile near to machine $eca%se safety of tripping and matching of fre+%ency
Internship Report KPT
Ammad Jawed
Electrical Engineering
"aterial safet!
The safety of material is also important The thing like sand is safe according to its &ay of safety Ather things like PT1, "#* are store according to its conditions Power $istri%ution
The feeder lines are fed to the panels sit%ated there &hich are connected to each each other other &ith &ith $%s co%ple co%plers rs along along &ith J5 $reakers From there, these lines lines are are fed fed to Trans ransfo form rmer er Eoom Eoom &here &here the the volta voltage ge is step steppe ped d do&n do&n from 77KJ1 to 078J The lines from the the trans ransfo form rmer erss are are fed fed to J; Eoom in the form of $%s &ires The $%s &ires are fed to the panels in J; Eoom Eoom & here here the the pane panels ls are are connected in the form of Eing "ain Syst System em alon along g &ith &ith Po&e Po&err Fact Factor or ont ontro roll and and 15 5 5reak reaker erss for for safe safetty p%rp p%rpos ose e From From there here,, the po&er is s%pplied f%rther as per re+%irement "&& 'oom
The p%rpose of this room is to control the speed of the motors hence controlling the The speed is controlled thro%gh inverters &hich in t%rn are controlled thro%gh Ps via ontrol Eoom The e/planation of different terms and the e+%ipment mentioned a$ove &ill $e e/plained after giving the s%mmary of each section " is the motor motor control control centre &hich is controllin controlling g the all the motors and p%mps connected in the specific area !n " room the panels &hich are controlling the "otors parameters the technology &hich is %sing in " room is the one of the modern technology &hich the inverters $ased
Internship Report KPT
Ammad Jawed
Electrical Engineering
Internship Report KPT
Ammad Jawed
Electrical Engineering Engineering
7< | P a g e
Internship Report KPT
Ammad Jawed
Electrical Engineering Engineering
The main p%rpose of the invertors is that many motors &hich are %sing in the plant are proportional to the fre+%ency and the po&er &e having the fre+%ency of 8- ' so that $y %sing invertors &e can vary the fre+%ency of the po&er given to the motor 6e kno&n t the speed is directly proportional to the fre+%ency &e apply &ommunications#
The port has &ell lit channel aided $y leading lights and light ho%se The operation cent centre re is f%ll f%lly y e+%i e+%ipp pped ed &ith &ith vess vessel el trac tracki king ng syst system em alon along g &ith &ith all all mao maor r comm%nication facilities to assist all vessels KPT is honored to $e the first !SPS complaint port of Pakistan &ith follo&ing sec%rity meas%ring systemsH
TJ J#SS# TE1FF! SLST#" B1!S 5!A"#TE! #@TEL
Ather facilities incl%desH JF !@T#E@#T
A1 1E#1 E#1 @#T6 @#T6AE AEK K A@ F!5 F!5#E A1 APT!S F1!AJ#E 6!E##SS !@KS etc F1!AJ#E KPT has contin contin%ed %ed to %pgrad %pgradee comp%t comp%teri eri'ed 'ed port port access access contro controll system system The The system soft&are is integrated &ith follo&ing systems as &ellG P1SS !SSB!@* AFF!# A"PBT#E!M#; #@TE1 P1SS A"PBT#E!M#; J!S!TAES "1@1*#"#@T SLST#" S#BE!TL 1"#E1S 2; S"1ET 1E; S61KTEAB* *1T#S 5!A"#TE! #@TEL AF PAET BS#ES J!S!TAEDS K!ASK etc
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Internship Report KPT
Ammad Jawed
Electrical Engineering Engineering
Video "anagement !stem (V") 1s part of mitigation strategies, KPT has installed state of the art har$o%r and area scanning cameras on the port &ith follo&ing specificationH #spirit T" !mage Pak System, PTM o%tdoor colo%r ;igital amera System Spectra !!! T" Series igh Eesol%tion Speed ;ome, 7 / for s%rveillance of
gates, plinths and +%ay &all ;igital, l, distri distri$%t $%ted, ed, net&or net&orked ked integ integrat rated ed for Jideo ideo "anage "anagemen mentt and ;igita s%rveillance over !nter Protocol (!P) net&orks ;igital recording and s%rveillance serve as high capacity data$ase J"S greatly enhances sec%rity, safety and emergency response on the port and renders advantages as %nderH !t tracks ships right from anchorage to the $erth 1ssists in identification and monitoring of ships &itho%t transponders Provides s%rveillance and monitoring of all the shipsC crafts inside the
har$o%r 1ssists in identification of s%spicio%s shipsC crafts in the har$o%r 1llo&s s%rveillance and monitoring of the ships at the $erths S%rveillance and monitoring of cargo operations S%rveillance and monitoring of vehic%lar traffic on the port #na$le to activate prompt response to meet emergencies elps in maintaining historical record of movement of shipsC cargo
7? | P a g e
Internship Report KPT
Ammad Jawed
Electrical Engineering Engineering
Vessel Tracking !stem (VT)
KPT has installed c%tting edge Jessel Tracking System in the port to s%rveilC monitor vessels in the port area C territorial &atersC har$o%r The system receives vessel information transmitted $y them and displays their position on a shore $ased comp%ter &ork station station on an electronic chart Bser can select $oth the desired areas and amo%nt of details re+%iredG system contin%o%sly a%tomatically logs the reports, records latit%de and longit%de, speed and co%rse of all tracked vehicles istorical track information can $e recalled and printed o%t either as chart or data$ase report in real time along &ith history of the track JTS has greatly helped in managing vessel traffic diversity on the port The system providesH 5etter command and control #ffective %tili'ation of assets :%ick emergency response Safe and sec%re passage of ships !dentification and monitoring of alignedC non aligned ships
infor mationC activities ;ynamic data $ase for recording of informationC B1!S as per !SPS code re+%ired
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Internship Report KPT
Ammad Jawed
Electrical Engineering Engineering
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Internship Report KPT
Ammad Jawed
Electrical Engineering Engineering
*loating crafts # The Karachi Port has fo%r dredgers N trailer s%ction hopper dredger "ahmood=%l= assan, $ack hoe dredger 1li, $%cket dredger 1fta$ and trailer s%ction hopper dredger 1$%l
Trailer uction Ho++er $redger A%ul(TH$ AB,L)
opper dredger O15B proc%red $y the Karachi Port Tr%st (KPT) at a cost of 87 million #%ros from the @etherlands arrived at the port here in 2--9 KPT hairman Jice=1dmiral 1hmad ayat and other officers received the trailer s%ction hopper dredger, &hich sailed for 32 days to reach its destination The 7-00=metre=long and 2-=metre=&ide dredger has t&o 88-=kilo&att in=$%ilt et p%mp motors, 7777- et no''les and t&o 3,7--=kilo&att 3,7--=kilo&att engines engines ;%tch e/perts trained local &orkers in operating 15B for a year %nder a contract ship that that has a f%ll sailing capacity %sed to Trailing suction hopper dredger is a ship maintain naviga$le &ater&ays, &ater&ays , deepening deepening the maritime maritime canals canals that that are threatened to $ecome silted, to constr%ct ne& land else&here or to replace sand eroded eroded $y $y storms or &ave action on the $eaches This made possi$le $y large po&erf%l p%mps and engines a$le to s%ck sand, clay, silt and gravel 1 trai traili ling ng s%ct s%ctio ion n hopp hopper er dredg dredger er is self self=lo =load adin ingC gC%n %nlo load adin ing g and and some someti time mess e+%ipped &ith a press%ri'ed a press%ri'ed discharging discharging system Loading
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Internship Report KPT
Ammad Jawed
Electrical Engineering Engineering
From the side of the ship one or t&o s%ction pipes descend to the $ottom of the sea$ed An the end of the pipe a so=called trailing drag head is connected This head is compara$le to a large vac%%m cleaner and is trailed along the sea$ed !n the head there are no''les connected to a high press%re &ater installation that are capa$le of loosening the material on the sea$ed ;%e to lo&er press%re in the pipe, the material &ill $e s%cked in&ard and discharged in the hopper The vessel sho%ld al&ays have a positive speed over the gro%nd !t is possi$le to reg%late the density of the s%cked s%$stance !f the head is lo&ered, more material &ill &ill $e s%cked s%cked $%t there is a greate greaterr possi$ possi$ili ility ty of damagi damaging ng the the instal installat lation ion $eca%se the material can get st%ck inside the pipes Ance the mi/t%re is loaded inside the hopper, the s%$stance &ill sink and the &ater is discharged over$oard, creating more room for e/tra s%$stance 1 trailing s%ction hopper dredger is only capa$le to s%ck relatively loose s%$stance $eca%se the steel teeth are not so $ig arder s%$stances s%ch as rock, or iron$ased rock m%st $e destroyed $y a c%tter $ischarging
There are several &ays to discharge a TS; The most common &ay is d%mping the material ;%mping = This is done $y simply opening the doors that close the hopper Ance opened the s%$stance &ill simply drop to the sea$ed $eca%se of gravity The hopper &ill never $e completely empty $eca%se there &ill al&ays $e some resid%e and &ater left inside Pressing = igh press%re p%mps &ill p%mp &ater inside the hopper to loosen or even li+%efy li+%efy the the s%$stance, &hich can then $e p%mped via long hoses over great distances (i=e ashore) Eain $o&ing = This is the same principle as pressing, $%t instead of transporting the s%$stance it &ill simply $e $lo&n a&ay This This is often %sed to create land rane = !t is al&ays possi$le to discharge the load &ith a crane, $%t this &ill $e a time cons%ming process -.ui+ment
1 trailing s%ction hopper dredger is e+%ipped &ith the follo&ing e+%ipmentH 23 | P a g e
Internship Report KPT
Ammad Jawed
Electrical Engineering Engineering
Ane, or more, rear&ard e/tending s%ction pipes Ane or more, Dredging Dredging pumps to create an %nder press%re in order to s%ck
the s%$stance into the hopper transp spor ortt the the s%$s s%$sta tanc ncee from from the the pipe pipess to the the Tr Transportation ansportation tubes to tran hopper 1n overflow to discharge the red%ndant &ater over$oard Degassing installation to e/tract any possi$le gas from the s%$stance in order to red%ce damage and increase fl%ency *unctions
1 dredging dredging vessel vessel and partic%larly a TS; is mostly %sed for canal or or &ater&ay &ater&ay "aintaining the depth of a har$or , canal reclamation or $each no%rishment onstant delivery of sand for land reclamation or B,&K-T $'-$G-' A*TAB A*TAB (B/$ Afta%)
The $%cket dredger is one of the mechanical dredge dredgers rs 1 $%cket $%cket dredge dredgerr is a statio stationar nary y dredger that is e+%ipped &ith a contin%o%s chain of $%ckets, &hich are carried thro%gh a str%ct%re, the ladder This ladder is mo%nted in a B=sh B=shap aped ed pont pontoo oon n The driv drivee of the the $%cket chain is on the %pper side The $%cket dredger is anchored on si/ anchors ;%ring dredging, the dredger s&ings ro%nd the $o& anchor $y taking in or paying o%t the &inches on $oard The $%ckets, &hich are filled on the %nderside, are emptied on the %pper side $y tipping their contents into a ch%t ch%tee alon along g &hic &hich h the the dred dredge ged d mate materi rial al can can slid slidee into into the the $arg $arges es moor moored ed alongside The chain is driven $y the so called %pper t%m$ler at top of ladder frame, &hich is connected either via a $elt to the diesel or directly to an electro motor motor or hydro=m hydro=moto otor r Since 7?-, 7?-, $%cket $%cket dredge dredgers rs ( also also called called $%cket $%cket line line dredge(r) or $%cket chain dredger that &ere m%ch %sed $efore the Second 6orld 6ar, have $een almost entirely replaced $y 5ackhoe dredgers or trailing s%ction hopper dredgers and c%tter s%ction dredgers The reason for this is that the $%cket dredger, &ith its si/ anchors, is a $ig o$stacle to shipping "oreover maintenance 20 | P a g e
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Electrical Engineering Engineering
costs are high and the $%cket dredger re+%ires many highly skilled operatives 5%t a$ove all, their prod%ction has not kept pace &ith the increase in scale that has taken place in the s%ction dredgers $-I-L -0GI0-#
E%dolf ;iesel, &as the first inventor of dies diesel el engi engine ne The diesel diesel engine engine (also kno&n as a compression-ignition engine) is an internal com$%stion engine that %ses the heat compressio compression n to initiate ignition and $%rn the f%el that has $een inect inected ed into into the com$%s com$%stio tion n cham$e cham$er r This contrasts &ith spark=ignition engines s%ch as a petrol engine (gasoline engine) or gas engine (%sing a gaseo%s f%el as opposed to gasoline), &hich %se a spark pl%g to ignite an air=f%el mi/t%re The diesel engine has the highest thermal efficiency of any standard internal or e/ternal com$%stion engine d%e to its very high compression ratio o&=speed diesel engines (as %sed in ships and other applications &here overall engine &eight is relatively %nimportant) can have a thermal efficiency that e/ceeds 8-. ;iesel engines are man%fact%red in t&o=stroke and fo%r=stroke versions They &ere originally %sed as a more efficient replacement for stationary steam engines Since the 7?7-s they have $een %sed in s%$marines and ships
T1P- O* $I--L -0GI0- H
"ainly, their are three types of engine, &hich are c%rrently %sed in 5; 1fta$ and are as follo&sH
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Electrical Engineering Engineering
"1@ #ngine Q *enerator 1%/iliary #ngine Q *enerator ar$or #ngine Q *enerator "1@ #ngineH ;imensions ( / 6 / ) (mm)H 2?8-R733-R27-ylindersH #ngineH 0 Stroke #ngine PositionH !n$oard #ngine apacityH F%el TypeH ;iesel "1@ 2-C2< marine engine 5oreRstroke 2--R2<-mm ylindersH Po&erH 08-C<8- k&Crpm 1B!!1EL #ngineH ylinders and arrangementH cylinders in=line Operation mode: &ater cooled 0=stroke diesel engine &ith e/ha%st t%r$ocharger and intercooler Number of valves: 2 valves per cylinder uel s!stem: ;irect inection 5osch inection p%mp
igh=stre trengt ngth h castin casting g &ith &ith integr integrate ated d oil and &ater &ater d%cts d%cts and "ngine "ngine bloc#: bloc#: igh=s replacea$le cylinder liners "ngine lubrication: losed system &ith forced feeding, oil cooling and filtering
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Electrical Engineering Engineering
T!pe of cooling: Sea&ater cooled heat e/changer Power: 7-9C78-- pCrpm
1E5AE #ngineH ylinders and arrangementH cylinders in=line Operation mode: &ater cooled 0=stroke diesel engine &ith e/ha%st t%r$ocharger and intercooler Number of valves: 2 valves per cylinder uel s!stem: ;irect inection 5osch inection p%mp "ngine bloc#: igh=strength casting &ith integrated oil and &ater d%cts and replacea$le cylinder liners "ngine lubrication: losed system &ith forced feeding, oil cooling and filtering T!pe of cooling: Sea&ater cooled heat e/changer
Po&erH 8< p AI' &O"P'-O': &O"P'-O': 1n air compressor is a device that converts po&er (%s%ally from an electric motor, a diesel engine or a gasoline engine) into kinetic energy $y compressing and press%ri'ing air, &hich, on command, can can $e released in +%ick $%rsts $%rsts There are n%mero%s methods of air compression, divided into either positive=displacement or negative=displacement types
atlapa s%pplies air=cooled, &ater=cooled and scre& compressors for starting air, service air and control air #very compressor is p%t thro%gh its paces on a modern test $ench, and all &ell kno&n classification societies are present on a reg%lar $asis to carry o%t testing proced%res 1ir=cooled, 2 and 3 staged compressors of compact design &ith 2 to 0 cylinders and a capacity of %p to 0-- mCh at a final press%re of 0- $ar H1$'O*O' TA0K# TA0K#
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Electrical Engineering Engineering
!t is %sed to maintain the press%re of the &ater s%pplied to the different parts of the ship at vario%s heights to keep the constant presser of &ater in all lines and at all floors of the ship There are t&o hydro=fore systems %sed on $oardH Fresh &ater hydro=fore system Sanitary hydro=fore system 1 h!dro-fore (prono%nced as hi=dro=fore) is an instr%ment for o$taining samples of &ater (as in a river, lake, or ocean) from any desired depth4 1 hydro=fore hydro=fore system is %sed in tall $%ildings and marine environments to p%mp, store and s%pply fresh or grey &ater S%ch a system &ill consist of one or more cham$ers &ith valves, sensors and pipe&ork Aften %nder press%re and in com$ination &ith a calorifier, hydro=fore cham$ers can provide hot or cold fresh or sea &ater to a ship in a controlled manner, and provide additional reg%latory meas%res, s%ch as temperat%re temperat%re and press%re control BIL$G- BALLAT BALLAT P,"P#
1 bilge pump is a &ater p%mp %sed to remove $ildge &ater Since f%el can $e present in the $ilge, electric $ilge p%mps are designed to not ca%se sparks #lectric $ilge p%mps are often fitted &ith float s&itcher &hich t%rn on the p%mp &hen the $ilge fills to a set level Since $ildge p%mps can fail, %se of a $ack%p p%mp is often advised The primary p%mp is normally located at the lo&est point of the $ilge, &hile the secondary p%mp &o%ld $e located some&hat higher This ens%res that the secondary p%mp activates only &hen the primary p%mp is over&helmed or fails, and keeps the secondary p%mp free of the de$ris in the $ilge that tends to clog the primary p%mp The $ilge main is arranged to drain any &atertight compartment other than $allast, oil or &ater tanks and to discharge the contents over$oard The n%m$er of p%mps and their capacity depend %pon the si'e, type and service of the vessel 1ll $ilge s%ctions m%st $e fitted &ith s%ita$le strainers, &hich in the machinery space &o%ld $e m%d $o/es positioned positioned at floor plate level for easy access 1 vertical drop pipe &o%ld lead do&n to the $ilge
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The emergency $ilge s%ction or $ilge inection valve is %sed to prevent flooding of the ship !t is a direct s%ction from the machinery space $ilge &hich is connected to the largest capacity p%mp or p%mps 1n emergency $ilge p%mp is re+%ired for passenger ships $%t may also also $e fitted as an e/tra on cargo ships !t m%st $e a completely independent %nit capa$le of operating even if s%$merged $I--L -'VI&- TA0K# TA0K# A%r aim to provide o%r client good +%ality prod%ct and long life diesel tanks and f%el reserve tank
A%r engineer engineer and technical technical staffs check in every step diesel tank and f%el reserve tank progress so the chances of leak is impossi$le 6e give the diesel tank hydro testing system and BJ light testing system &e %nderstand the important of o%r client and o%r prod%ct 6e give the f%el tank s%n $lasting paint and $efore %se it &e clean all kind r%st and &ater and some thing else in the diesel tank 1ccording to the client re+%irement &e are man%fact%ring diesel tank and f%el reserve tank that help good and long relationship $et&een o%r clients 6e give the diesel and f%el reserve tank to sho& the ho& many level of diesel and f%el availa$le in the tank 6e done o%r diesel tanks ali$ration process so help the meas%re f%el in the tank
@o&, ! concl%de my report !n my report, ! have e/plained a$o%t 5%cket ;redger 1fta$ (5; 1fta$) and some f%nctions of #ngine Eoom ere, &e have o$served that their are 0 #ngines #ngines generator generator in the #ngine #ngine room T&o are "1@ #ngine and the other t&o are 1%/iliary and ar$or #ngine The main p%rpose of the engine is to generate electricity so that the 5; 1fta$, &hich &as man%fact%red for a certain p%rpose can $e easily done !t &as designed for dredging and to maintain the sea level 2? | P a g e
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Ammad Jawed
Electrical Engineering Engineering
Secondary operations are also done on 5; 1fta$ for the $etter goods of the cre& of the ship Some process &hich came %nder o$servations are 1ir ompressor, ydro=fore Tank, 5ildge 5allast P%mp, ;iesel Service Tank, 6ater Filtration Plant, Se&age Treatment Plant, "ain 1 1 Plant, 5o/ ooler etc Karachi Port Trust Trust O+eration O+eration &entre(KPO&)
The state of the art KPA has $een esta$lished at a strategic location having panoramic vie& of the port to s%pervise, monitor and control activities The centre is f%lly f%lly comp%t comp%teri eri'ed 'ed and all the report reportss and ret%rn ret%rnss are $eing $eing electr electroni onical cally ly generated !ntranet, internet and direct comm%nication facilities help in making prompt and real time decision making KPA serves as a nerve centre and ho%ses representatives of departments of the port F%nctions of KPA areH
To collect! collate process and disseminate information% control port operations% operations% Monitor and control comm"nication centre% centre% Act as comm"nication to render technical technical assistance% Act as focal point to control marine poll"tion poll"tion in the har&o"r har&o"r%% Monitor and control ,o-ordinate and maintain sec"rit$ acti#ities on the port% ,o-ordinate To acti#ate emergenc$ response to handle crises sit"ation
-sta%lishment of Port ecurit! *orce
Karachi Port &ith regard to sec%rity has taken a giant leap for&ard in the area of technology and sophistication The sec%rity sector has $een totally revamped &ith the ind%ction of Port Sec%rity Force Karachi Port Tr%st is f%lly alive to the glo$al sec%rity environments and is proactively poised to meet f%t%re formida$le sec%rity challenges The goal of Karachi Port Tr%st is to provide sec%re environment in &hich trade can $e cond%cted &ith high ass%rance and e+%ili$ri%m of sec%rity safe safety ty vers% vers%ss effi effici cien ency cy KPT KPT, afte afterr havi having ng eval eval%a %ate ted d the the glo$ glo$al al sec% sec%ri rity ty environments, has em$arked %pon revol%tioni'ing sec%rity on the port introd%cing 3- | P a g e
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Electrical Engineering Engineering
state of art sec%rity infrastr%ct%re as per re+%irements of !"A and implementation of !SPS ode in real spirit Follo&ing c%tting edge e+%ipments C meas%res have $een installedC implemented on the portH Video "anagement !stem (V")
1s part of mitigation strategies, KPT has installed state of the art har$o%r and area scanning cameras on the port &ith follo&ing specificationH #spirit T" !mage Pak System, PTM o%tdoor colo%r ;igital amera System Spectra !!! T" Series igh Eesol%tion Speed ;ome, 7 / for s%rveillance of
gates, plinths and +%ay &all ;igital, l, distri distri$%t $%ted, ed, net&or net&orked ked integ integrat rated ed for Jideo ideo "anage "anagemen mentt and ;igita s%rveillance over !nter Protocol (!P) net&orks ;igital recording and s%rveillance serve as high capacity data$ase J"S greatly enhances sec%rity, safety and emergency response on the port and renders advantages as %nderH !t tracks ships right from anchorage to the $erth 1ssists in identification and monitoring of ships &itho%t transponders
Providess s%rvei s%rveilla llance nce and monito monitorin ring g of all the shipsC shipsC crafts crafts inside inside the Provide
har$o%r 1ssists in identification of s%spicio%s shipsC crafts in the har$o%r 1llo&s s%rveillance and monitoring of the ships at the $erths S%rveillance and monitoring of cargo operations S%rveillance and monitoring of vehic%lar traffic on the port #na$le to activate prompt response to meet emergencies elps in maintaining historical record of movement of shipsC cargo
Vessel Tracking !stem (VT)
KPT has installed c%tting edge Jessel Tracking System in the port to s%rveilC monitor vessels in the port area C territorial &atersC har$o%r The system receives vessel information transmitted $y them and displays their position on a shore $ased comp%ter &ork station on an electronic chart Bser can select $oth the desired areas 37 | P a g e
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and amo%nt of details re+%iredG system contin%o%sly a%tomatically logs the reports, records latit%de and longit%de, speed and co%rse of all tracked vehicles istorical track information can $e recalled and printed o%t either as chart or data$ase report in real time along &ith history of the track JTS has greatly helped in managing vessel traffic diversity on the port The system providesH 5etter command and control #ffective %tili'ation of assets :%ick emergency response Safe and sec%re passage of ships !dentification and monitoring of alignedC non aligned ships
infor mationC activities ;ynamic data $ase for recording of informationC B1!S as per !SPS code re+%ired
Additional 'oles 'oles of P*
1nti #ncroachment ;%ty (Static C "o$ile) Patrol
The The Port Port .ec" .ec"ri rit$ t$ Forc Forcee in tand tandem em with with loca local l police helps the Anti Encroachment Encroachment /epartment of KPT to g"ard as well rid the precio"s precio"s KPT land from encroachers encroachers on land as well as in Karachi Har&o"r% Har&o"r% 1nti "angroves "angr oves Poaching Po aching ;%ty ;%t y C Patrol Pat rol The Port .ec"rit$ Force contri&"tes in maintaining the ecolog ecologica icall &alanc &alancee thro" thro"gh gh reg"l reg"lar ar patro patrolli lling ng with with small &oats to apprehend apprehend the poachers and handing them o#er to police for +"stice%
1nti Poll%tion Patrol 32 | P a g e
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Electrical Engineering Engineering
The The Port Port .ec" .ec"ri rit$ t$ For Force in tand tandem em with with Mari Marine ne Poll"tion /epartment KPT! patrols patrols 0 s"r#e$ the Karachi Har&o"r against poll"tion proliferators proliferators and &ring the c"lprits to +"stice% !mplementation of !SPS odes The Karachi Port has complied &ith !SPS ode as per re+%irements of !"A on 7 st>%ly, 2--0 The Karachi Port has has $een $een divi divide ded d into into thre threee port port faci facili liti ties es 1ll 1ll the the port port facil facilit itie iess are are $ein $eing g monitored $yH ar$o%r patrol $y $oats &ith armed port
sec%rity personnel "o$ile patrols thro%gh mo$ile vans and motor cyclist on &harves, roads and etties #/cess ss ont ontro roll Syst System em at entr entryC yC e/it e/itss #/ce gates is e+%ipped &ith 5iometrics, Smart ard Eecorders and TJ TJ omp%teri'ed *ate Pass System for rntry &ith in $onded area
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KPT *ire *ighting *ighting -.ui+ments
Karachi Port Port has has a very very mode modern rn and and effi effici cien entt fire fire fighting system the system can $e e/tended to the city of Karachi and co%ntless lives can $e saved the system can also $e operated in reverse to p%mp o%t &ate &aterr from from the the city city d%ri d%ring ng rain rainy y seas season onK KPT PT fire fire fighti fighting ng system system is the second second larges largestt fire fire fighti fighting ng reso%rce in the city !n case of receipt of an intimation of fire at any place Port area, a a$or AfficerCa$or 6elfare !nspector of !E6 department r%shes to the sites and starts f%nctioning from from the the &elf &elfar aree poin pointt of vie& vie& so that that the the fire fire is e/ting%ished immediately and loss to h%man life and property is eliminated The Fire and Safety Arganisation at KPT is %nder the overall control of the ;ep%ty onservator &ho is also designated the Port Safety Afficer 1 Professional Fire Afficer assists the ;ep%ty onservator in so far as the day to day &orking of the Port Fire Service is concerned e is also the 1sstSafety Afficer for the Port and looks looks after after the enforceme enforcement nt of Safety Safety Eeg%la Eeg%latio tions ns on $ehalf $ehalf of the ;ep%ty onservator thro%gh Safety !nspectors
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An Fire fighting side Fire Afficer is assisted $y 2 1sst Fire Afficers, Safety !nspectors and S%$ Afficers There are Five Fire Stations &ith a Total Strength of 7?- Fire Service Personnel located in Port Premises and rendering Eesc%e Service,
Figh Fighti ting ng
and and Fire Fire Prev Preven enti tion on 6ork ro%n ro%nd d the the cloc clock k
1ll the Port Premises incl%ding Affices have $een provided &ith First 1id Fire Fighting #+%ipments (Fire 5%ckets, fire 1id ose Eeel and Fire #/ting%ishers) and $eing maintained $y $y Port Fire Service Personnel
&onclusion 1fte 1fterr comp comple lete te my ind% ind%st stri rial al trai traini ning ng,, ! had had $een $een e/po e/pose sed d to an #lec #lectr tric ical al #ngi #ngine neer erss and and tech techni nici cian anss &ork &orkin ing g life life Thro% Thro%gh gho% o%tt my inte intern rnsh ship ip,, ! co%l co%ld d %nderstand more a$o%t the definition of an #ngineer and prepare myself to $ecome a responsi$le and innovative #ngineer in f%t%re 1long my training period, ! reali'e that o$servation is a main element to find o%t the root ca%se of a pro$lem @ot only 38 | P a g e
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Electrical Engineering Engineering
for my proect $%t daily activities too ;%ring my proect, ! cooperate &ith my coll collea eag% g%es es and and opera operato tors rs to dete determ rmin inee the the pro$ pro$le lems ms "ore "oreov over er,, the the pro proec ectt indirectly helps me to learn independently, discipline myself, $e considerate considerateCpat Cpatient, ient, self=tr%st, self=tr%st, take initiative initiative and the a$ility a$ility to solve solve pro$lems pro$lems 5esides, my comm%nication skills is strengthen as &ell &hen comm%nicating &ith others ;%ring my training period, ! have received criticism and advice from engineers and technician &hen mistakes &ere made o&ever, those advices are %sef%l g%idance for me to change myself and avoid myself making the same mistak mistakes es again again 1part 1part from that, that, ! had also also develo developed ped my engine engineeri ering ng skills skills thro%gh vario%s programs that ! had done !n s%m, the activities that ! had learned d%ring ind%strial training really are %sef%l for me in f%t%re to face challenges in a &orkin &orking g enviro environme nment nt Thro%g Thro%gho% ho%tt the ind%st ind%stria riall traini training, ng, ! fo%nd fo%nd that that severa severall things are importantH $ritical and %nal!tical Thin#ing To organi'e o%r tasks and assignment, &e need to analy'e o%r pro$lems and o
assignment, and to form%late for m%late a good sol%tion to the pro$lem 6e &o%ld have to set contingency plan for the sol%tion, so that &e are &ell prepared for the %nforeseea$le sit%ations o Time Management overalll techni technicia cian n and progra programme mmerr are al&ays al&ays racing racing agains againstt tight tight 1s overal timeline and packed sched%le, a proper time management &ill minimi'e facing overd%e deadlines 1n effective effective time management allo&s %s to do o%r assign assignmen mentt effici efficient ently ly and meet meet o%r o%r sched% sched%les les Sched% Sched%lin ling g avoids avoids time time &astage and allo&s %s to plan ahead, and gaining more as a res%lt o &oal Management Apposing to a erc%lean goal seemed to $e reacha$le at first sight, it is $etter to s%$=divide the goals to a fe& achieva$le tasks, so that &e &ill $e gaining more confidence $y accomplishing those tasks o $olleague 'nteractions &orking g enviro environme nment, nt, team&o team&ork rk is vital vital in contri contri$%t $%ting ing to a strong strong !n &orkin orga organi ni'a 'ati tion on Team&o am&ork rk is also also esse essent ntia iall in reac reachi hing ng the the goal goalss of the the organi'ation as an entity Th%s, comm%nicating and sharing is m%ch needed in the &orking environment Therefore, &e sho%ld $e respecting each other in &ork, and &orking together as a team, instead of &orking alone This is 3 | P a g e
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$eca%se &orking together as a team is easier in reaching o%r targets, rather than operating individ%ally ! &o%ld like to once again appreciate everyone &ho has made my ind%strial training a s%per$ e/perience
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