:1 No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : Man : Excuse me! Is there a grocery store around here? Woman : Yeah, there is one near here. Man : Can you tell me how to get there? Woman oman : ur ure. o o stra straig ight ht dow down n this this s str trai aigh ghtt "or "or two two #loc #loc$s $s tur turn n le"t le"t whe when n you you get to Ma%le treet. treet. tay on Ma%le treet treet "or hal" o" #loc$. It&s on the le"t'hand side. (uestion ion ). *. C. . E.
: What is the wo woman do doing?
ho%%i ho%%ing ng at a groce grocery ry stor store. e. oing oing to to a gro grocer cery y stor store. e. +ollo +ollowing wing direct direction ions. s. i-ing i-ing dire directi ctions ons to to the man. man. Wal$ing al$ing down down Ma%l Ma%le e treet. treet.
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : LISTENING Mendengar$an/ Memaha Memahami mi ma$na ma$na dalam dalam wacana wacana lisan lisan inter% inter%ers ersona onall dan transa transa$si $siona onal, l, secara secara "ormal, mau%un in"ormal, dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, narrative, procedure, procedure, descriptive, descriptive, news ews item item,, report , analyt analytica icall exposi expositio tion n, hortatory exposition, exposition, explanation, explanation, discussion, discussion, dan dan revi review ew dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari' hari. I#.%*a$o& : Mene Menent ntu$ u$an an gam# gam#ara aran n umum0 umum0in in"or "ormas masii tert tertent entu0 u0 in"o in"orm rmas asii rinci rinci dari dari se#u se#uah ah %erca$a%an inter%ersonal0 transa$sional secara "ormal atau in"ormal. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M#.#a&*a# 1. Memaham Memahamii ma$na ma$na dalam dalam %erca$ %erca$a%a a%an n trans transa$s a$siona ionall dan dan inte inter%e r%erso rsonal nal dalam dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari Ko",$#s% Dasa& : 1. Meres%on ma$na yang terda%at dalam %erca$a%an transa$sional to to get things done/ done/ dan inter%erson inter%ersonal al #ersosiali #ersosialisasi/ sasi/ resmi resmi dan ta$ ta$ resmi resmi yang menggun mengguna$an a$an ragam ragam #ahasa #ahasa lisan lisan sederh sederhana ana secara secara a$ura a$urat, t, lancar lancar dan #erter #erterima ima dalam dalam $onte$s $onte$s $ehidu%an $ehidu%an sehari'hari sehari'hari dan meli#at$an meli#at$an tinda$ tinda$ tutur: tutur: mengung$a%$ mengung$a%$an an %erasaan %erasaan #ahagia, #ahagia, menun2u$$a menun2u$$an n %erhatian, %erhatian, menun2u$$an menun2u$$an sim%ati, sim%ati, dan mem#eri instru$si Baha# Baha# Kas/S Kas/S"s "s$& $& : 1
301 : No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : Woman : Man : Woman : Man : "rom morning (ues (uesttion ion ). *. C. . E.
Why didn&t you answer my call? id you call me? When? )round 4 in the e-ening. 5h, I was alr alre eady in #ed. I "eel ex exhausted a"ter wor$in $ing in the garden till a"ternoon.
: Whe When n did did the woma woman n cal calll th the man man? ?
In the the mor morni ning ng.. In the the a"te a"tern rnoo oon. n. In the the ee-enin ening. g. )t n no oon. )t midn midnig ight ht..
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : LISTENING Mendengar$an/ Memaha Memahami mi ma$na ma$na dalam dalam wacana wacana lisan lisan inter% inter%ers ersona onall dan transa transa$si $siona onal, l, secara secara "ormal, mau%un in"ormal, dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, narrative, procedure, procedure, descriptive, descriptive, news ews item item,, report , analyt analytica icall exposi expositio tion n, hortatory exposition, exposition, explanation, explanation, discussion, discussion, dan dan revi review ew dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari' hari. I#.%*a$o& : Mene Menent ntu$ u$an an gam# gam#ara aran n umum0 umum0in in"or "ormas masii tert tertent entu0 u0 in"o in"orm rmas asii rinci rinci dari dari se#u se#uah ah %erca$a%an inter%ersonal0 transa$sional secara "ormal atau in"ormal. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M#.#a&*a# 1. Memahami Memahami ma$na dalam te$s te$s %erca$a%a %erca$a%an n transa$siona transa$sionall dan inter%ersonal inter%ersonal resmi resmi dan #erlan2ut dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. Ko",$#s% Dasa& : 1.1 Meres% Meres%on on ma$na ma$na dalam dalam %erca$ %erca$a%a a%an n transa transa$si $siona onall to get things done/ done / dan inter%ersona inter%ersonall #ersosialis #ersosialisasi/ asi/ resmi resmi dan #erlan2ut #erlan2ut sustained/ sustained/ secara secara a$urat a$urat,, lancar lancar dan #erter #erterima ima dalam dalam $onte $onte$s $s $ehid $ehidu%a u%an n sehari sehari'ha 'hari ri dan meli#a meli#at$a t$an n tinda$ tutur: mengusul$an, memohon, mengeluh, mengeluh, mem#ah mem#ahas as $emun $emung$i g$inan nan atau atau untu$ mela$u$an sesuatu, dan memerintah. Baha# Baha# Kas/S Kas/S"s "s$& $& : 3II 0 1
301 : No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : Woman : Man : Woman : Man : "rom morning (ues (uesttion ion ). *. C. . E.
Why didn&t you answer my call? id you call me? When? )round 4 in the e-ening. 5h, I was alr alre eady in #ed. I "eel ex exhausted a"ter wor$in $ing in the garden till a"ternoon.
: Whe When n did did the woma woman n cal calll th the man man? ?
In the the mor morni ning ng.. In the the a"te a"tern rnoo oon. n. In the the ee-enin ening. g. )t n no oon. )t midn midnig ight ht..
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : LISTENING Mendengar$an/ Memaha Memahami mi ma$na ma$na dalam dalam wacana wacana lisan lisan inter% inter%ers ersona onall dan transa transa$si $siona onal, l, secara secara "ormal, mau%un in"ormal, dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, narrative, procedure, procedure, descriptive, descriptive, news ews item item,, report , analyt analytica icall exposi expositio tion n, hortatory exposition, exposition, explanation, explanation, discussion, discussion, dan dan revi review ew dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari' hari. I#.%*a$o& : Mene Menent ntu$ u$an an gam# gam#ara aran n umum0 umum0in in"or "ormas masii tert tertent entu0 u0 in"o in"orm rmas asii rinci rinci dari dari se#u se#uah ah %erca$a%an inter%ersonal0 transa$sional secara "ormal atau in"ormal. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M#.#a&*a# 1. Memahami Memahami ma$na dalam te$s te$s %erca$a%a %erca$a%an n transa$siona transa$sionall dan inter%ersonal inter%ersonal resmi resmi dan #erlan2ut dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. Ko",$#s% Dasa& : 1.1 Meres% Meres%on on ma$na ma$na dalam dalam %erca$ %erca$a%a a%an n transa transa$si $siona onall to get things done/ done / dan inter%ersona inter%ersonall #ersosialis #ersosialisasi/ asi/ resmi resmi dan #erlan2ut #erlan2ut sustained/ sustained/ secara secara a$urat a$urat,, lancar lancar dan #erter #erterima ima dalam dalam $onte $onte$s $s $ehid $ehidu%a u%an n sehari sehari'ha 'hari ri dan meli#a meli#at$a t$an n tinda$ tutur: mengusul$an, memohon, mengeluh, mengeluh, mem#ah mem#ahas as $emun $emung$i g$inan nan atau atau untu$ mela$u$an sesuatu, dan memerintah. Baha# Baha# Kas/S Kas/S"s "s$& $& : 3II 0 1
:6 No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : Man Woma oman
: I heard you %ass your exam with 7ying color lors. I&m -e -ery %roud o" you. : 8ha 8han n$ yo you, dad. dad. I got got 19 "or "or Mat Math h and and *iol *iolog ogy y.
(ues (uesti tion on
: Wha Whatt is is the the to% to%ic ic o" the the con con-e -ers rsat atio ion? n?
). *. C. . E.
Ex%r Ex%res essi sing ng ho%e ho%e.. Ex%r Ex%res essi sing ng %ri %ride de.. Ex%res Ex%ressin sing g satis"a satis"acti ction. on. howin howing g ha%%in ha%%iness ess.. )s$ing )s$ing "or an a%ol a%ology ogy.
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : LISTENING Mendengar$an/ Memaha Memahami mi ma$na ma$na dalam dalam wacana wacana lisan lisan inter% inter%ers ersona onall dan transa transa$si $siona onal, l, secara secara "ormal, mau%un in"ormal, dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, narrative, procedure, procedure, descriptive, descriptive, news ews item item,, report , analyt analytica icall exposi expositio tion n, hortatory exposition, exposition, explanation, explanation, discussion, discussion, dan dan revi review ew dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari' hari. I#.%*a$o& : Mene Menent ntu$ u$an an gam# gam#ara aran n umum0 umum0in in"or "ormas masii tert tertent entu0 u0 in"o in"orm rmas asii rinci rinci dari dari se#u se#uah ah %erca$a%an inter%ersonal0 transa$sional secara "ormal atau in"ormal. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M#.#a&*a# . Memaha Memahami mi ma$na ma$na dalam dalam %erca$ %erca$a%a a%an n transa transa$si $siona onall dan inter% inter%erso ersonal nal dalam dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari Ko",$#s% Dasa& : .1 Meres% Meres%on on ma$na ma$na dalam dalam %erca$ %erca$a%a a%an n transa transa$si $siona onall to get things done) dan inter%ersona inter%ersonall #ersosialis #ersosialisasi/ asi/ resmi resmi dan ta$ resmi resmi secara secara a$urat, a$urat, lancar dan #erter #erterima ima yang yang menggu mengguna$ na$an an ragam ragam #ahasa #ahasa lisan lisan sederh sederhana ana dalam dalam #er#ag #er#agai ai $onte$s $onte$s $ehidu%an $ehidu%an sehari'hari sehari'hari dan meli#at$an meli#at$an tinda$ tinda$ tutur: tutur: #erterima #erterima $asih, $asih, memu2i, dan menguca%$an selamat Baha# Baha# Kas/S Kas/S"s "s$& $& : 30
:; No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : Woman oman : 8han 8han$ $ you you -ery -ery much much "or "or the the #ea #eaut uti" i"ul ul #oo #oo$, $, Mr Mr. ug ugen eng. g. It was was -er -ery y nice o" you to remem#er remem#e r my #irthday #irthda y. Man : It was the least I could gi-e you. I ho%e you li$e it. (ues (uesttion ion ). *. C. . E.
: Wha What is the the dialo ialog gue a#ou a#outt?
*uying *uyi ng a #oo #oo$. $. Cele#ra Cele#ratin ting g a #irthda #irthday y. ettin etting g a #eauti" #eauti"ul ul #oo$ #oo$.. i-ing i-ing a #irth #irthday day %re %resen sent. t. 8han$i 8han$ing ng the the man man "or "or his gi"t. gi"t.
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : LISTENING Mendengar$an/ Memaha Memahami mi ma$na ma$na dalam dalam wacana wacana lisan lisan inter% inter%ers ersona onall dan transa transa$si $siona onal, l, secara secara "ormal, mau%un in"ormal, dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, narrative, procedure, procedure, descriptive, descriptive, news ews item item,, report , analyt analytica icall exposi expositio tion n, hortatory exposition, exposition, explanation, explanation, discussion, discussion, dan dan revi review ew dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari' hari. I#.%*a$o& : Mene Menent ntu$ u$an an gam# gam#ara aran n umum0 umum0in in"or "ormas masii tert tertent entu0 u0 in"o in"orm rmas asii rinci rinci dari dari se#u se#uah ah %erca$a%an inter%ersonal0 transa$sional secara "ormal atau in"ormal. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M#.#a&*a# . Memaham Memahamii ma$na ma$na dalam dalam %erca$ %erca$a%a a%an n transa transa$si $siona onall dan inter% inter%erso ersonal nal dalam dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. Ko",$#s% Dasa& : .1 Meres% Meres%on on ma$na ma$na dalam dalam %erca$ %erca$a%a a%an n transa transa$si $siona onall to get things done) dan inter%ersona inter%ersonall #ersosialis #ersosialisasi/ asi/ resmi resmi dan ta$ resmi resmi secara secara a$urat, a$urat, lancar dan #erter #erterima ima yang yang menggu mengguna$ na$an an ragam ragam #ahasa #ahasa lisan lisan sederh sederhana ana dalam dalam #er#ag #er#agai ai $onte$s $onte$s $ehidu%an $ehidu%an sehari'hari sehari'hari dan meli#at$an meli#at$an tinda$ tinda$ tutur: tutur: #erterima #erterima $asih, $asih, memu2i, dan menguca%$an selamat. Baha# Baha# Kas/S Kas/S"s "s$& $& : 30
:< No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : Man Woman Man
: =i e##y! 8han$ you "or the #oo$ you ga-e me. : on&t mention it. o you li$e it? :>
What would the man %ro#a#ly answer? ). *. C. .
8han 8han$ $ good goodne ness ss.. Yes, I&m I&m amaed amaed read reading ing it. it. I li$e li$e the the way you treat treat me. me. ure, ure, a#solutely a#solutely.. You You are right.
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : LISTENING Mendengar$an/ Memaha Memahami mi ma$na ma$na dalam dalam wacana wacana lisan lisan inter% inter%ers ersona onall dan transa transa$si $siona onal, l, secara secara "ormal, mau%un in"ormal, dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, narrative, procedure, procedure, descriptive, descriptive, news ews item item,, report , analyt analytica icall exposi expositio tion n, hortatory exposition, exposition, explanation, explanation, discussion, discussion, dan dan revi review ew dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari' hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an Menentu$an res%on res%on yang te%at terhada% terhada% %erca$a%a %erca$a%an n transa$sion transa$sional0inte al0inter%erso r%ersonal nal secara "ormal atau in"ormal. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M#.#a&*a# 1. Memahami Memahami ma$na dalam dalam %erca$a%an %erca$a%an transa$s transa$sional ional dan inter%ers inter%ersonal onal resmi resmi dan #erlan2ut sustained sustained// dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari Ko",$#s% Dasa& : 1.1 Meres% Meres%on on ma$na ma$na dalam dalam %erca$ %erca$a%a a%an n transa transa$si $siona onall to get things done/ done / dan inter%ersona inter%ersonall #ersosialis #ersosialisasi/ asi/ resmi resmi dan #erlan2ut #erlan2ut sustained/ sustained/ secara a$urat, lancar, lancar, dan #erterima #erterima yang mengguna$a mengguna$an n ragam ragam #ahasa #ahasa lisan dalam $onte$s $onte$s $ehid $ehidu%a u%an n sehar sehari'ha i'hari ri dan meli#a meli#at$a t$an n tinda$ tinda$ tutur tutur:: menyam menyam%ai %ai$an $an %enda%a %enda%at, t, meminta %enda%at, menyata$an %uas, dan menyata$an tida$ %uas Baha# Baha# Kas/S Kas/S"s "s$& $& : 3I 0 1
:@ No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : Man Woman Man Woman Man
: : : : :
I really made a mista$e. What a#out? I ha-e #ro$en your %en. 8hat %en? 5h, no! >
What would the man most li$ely re%ly? ). *. C. .
I lo-e that %en. 8han$ you. I&m %roud o" you. I&m -ery sorry.
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : LISTENING Mendengar$an/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana lisan inter%ersonal dan transa$sional, secara "ormal, mau%un in"ormal, dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari' hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an res%on yang te%at terhada% %erca$a%an transa$sional0inter%ersonal secara "ormal atau in"ormal. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M#.#a&*a# 1. Memahami ma$na dalam te$s %erca$a%an transa$sional dan inter%ersonal resmi dan #erlan2ut dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari Ko",$#s% Dasa& : 1. Meres%on ma$na dalam %erca$a%an transa$sional to get things done/ dan inter%ersonal #ersosialisasi/ resmi dan #erlan2ut sustained/ secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan meli#at$an tinda$ tutur: menga$ui $esalahan, #er2an2i, menyalah$an, menuduh, mengung$a%$an $eingintahuan dan hasrat, dan menyata$an #er#agai si$a% Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 3II 0 1
: No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : Man Woman Man Woman
: : : :
o you want me to carry these #oo$s to your room? Ao, than$s. Bet me #ring your #ag, then. >
What is the woman %ro#a#ly res%onse? ). *. C. .
My #ag is #lac$ and #ig. I will go to the teacher room. 8han$ you -ery much. It&s a handmade leather #ag.
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : LISTENING Mendengar$an/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana lisan inter%ersonal dan transa$sional, secara "ormal, mau%un in"ormal, dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari' hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an res%on yang te%at terhada% %erca$a%an transa$sional0inter%ersonal secara "ormal atau in"ormal. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M#.#a&*a# . Memahami ma$na dalam %erca$a%an transa$sional dan inter%ersonal dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari Ko",$#s% Dasa& : .1 Meres%on ma$na dalam %erca$a%an transa$sional to get things done) dan inter%ersonal #ersosialisasi/ resmi dan ta$ resmi secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima yang mengguna$an ragam #ahasa lisan sederhana dalam #er#agai $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan meli#at$an tinda$ tutur: #erterima $asih, memu2i, dan menguca%$an selamat Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 30
:4 No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : Woman : id you come to our school reunion last night? Man : Ao. I had surgery with some "ellow doctors in the emergency room. id you go? Woman : Yes. I met so many old "riends there. *ill is a lawyer. =e wor$s "or his own law rm. Edward is a math teacher in =ouston. Dohn is in the )rmy and his #rother, Dimmy, is a %ilot. Which %icture shows the man occu%ation?
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
: )
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : LISTENING Mendengar$an/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana lisan inter%ersonal dan transa$sional, secara "ormal, mau%un in"ormal, dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari' hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an gam#ar yang te%at sesuai dengan in"ormasi yang ada di dalam %erca$a%an inter%ersonal0transa$sional secara "ormal atau in"ormal. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : 4. Memahami ma$na dalam te$s "ungsional %ende$ dan monolog yang #er#entu$ narrative, descriptive, dan news item sederhana dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. Ko",$#s% Dasa&
: 4
4.Meres%on ma$na dalam te$s monolog sederhana yang mengguna$an ragam #ahasa lisan secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dalam te$s #er#entu$ narrative, descriptive, dan news item
Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 30
:F No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : Man : =a-e you coo$ed the rice, honey? Woman : Aot yet. I thin$ we need a new gas sto-e. 8his old one does not wor$ -ery well anymore. Man : 5$, then. Bet&s #uy one then. Which %icture shows what they want to #uy?
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : LISTENING Mendengar$an/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana lisan inter%ersonal dan transa$sional, secara "ormal, mau%un in"ormal, dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari' hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an gam#ar yang te%at sesuai dengan in"ormasi yang ada di dalam %erca$a%an inter%ersonal0transa$sional secara "ormal atau in"ormal. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : 4. Memahami ma$na dalam te$s "ungsional %ende$ dan monolog yang #er#entu$ narrative, descriptive, dan news item sederhana dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. Ko",$#s% Dasa& : 4.Meres%on ma$na dalam te$s monolog sederhana yang mengguna$an ragam #ahasa lisan secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dalam te$s #er#entu$ narrative, descriptive, dan news item Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 30 F
: 19 No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : 8his animal has a %air o" wings. =e is acti-e at night and it slee%s during the day. Geo%le regard the animal as the mani"estation o" racula. It has #road round eyes and shar% "angs. 8his animal can #e "ound in ca-es, hanging u%side down. Which %icture goes with the monologue?
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : LISTENING Mendengar$an/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana lisan inter%ersonal dan transa$sional, secara "ormal, mau%un in"ormal, dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari' hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an gam#ar yang sesuai dengan te$s monolog yang di%erdengar$an. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : . Memahami ma$na te$s "ungsional %ende$ dan monolog #er#entu$ reports, narrative, dan analytical exposition dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. Ko",$#s% Dasa& : 22Meres%on ma$na dalam te$s monolog yang mengguna$an ragam #ahasa lisan secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dalam 19
te$s #er#entu$: report, narrative, dan analytical exposition
Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 3I 0 1
: 11 No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : I lo-e gardening. I ha-e a small garden in my #ac$yard. 8here are daHodils, Cam#odian 7owers, orchids, red roses, and white lilies. My oldest daughter, )nnisa, is cray a#out red roses. he always hel%s me water the 7owers in the a"ternoon. I lo-e all my 7owers. Which 7ower does )nnisa li$e?
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : LISTENING Mendengar$an/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana lisan inter%ersonal dan transa$sional, secara "ormal, mau%un in"ormal, dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari' hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an gam#ar yang sesuai dengan te$s monolog yang di%erdengar$an. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : . Memahami ma$na te$s "ungsional %ende$ dan te$s monolog sederhana #er#entu$ recount, narrative dan procedure dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari' hari. Ko",$#s% Dasa& : . Meres%on ma$na dalam te$s monolog sederhana yang mengguna$an ragam #ahasa lisan secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam #er#agai $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dalam te$s: recount, narrative, dan procedure 11
Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 301
: 1 No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : CAA ) ma2or snow storm slammed the east coast and "oiled the #usy holiday tra-el season, as air%ort shutdown the runways, rail ser-ices were slowed, and #us routes were sus%ended on the last wee$end #e"ore Christmas. J8hree deaths in Kirginia were #lamed on the storm, Jstate oLcial said. 5ne %erson was $illed late +riday in a single car crash. 8wo other deaths were re%orted aturday as there were more hea-y snow than ex%ected.
What is the monologue a#out? ). *. C. . E.
ail ser-ices. Christmas holiday. )ir%orts. now"all. nowstorm.
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : LISTENING Mendengar$an/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana lisan inter%ersonal dan transa$sional, secara "ormal, mau%un in"ormal, dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari' hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an gam#aran umum0in"ormasi tertentu0 in"ormasi tersirat atau in"ormasi rinci dari se#uah te$s monolog yang di%erdengar$an. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : 4. Memahami ma$na dalam te$s "ungsional %ende$ dan monolog yang #er#entu$ narrative, descriptive, dan news item sederhana dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. Ko",$#s% Dasa& : 4.Meres%on ma$na dalam te$s monolog sederhana yang mengguna$an ragam #ahasa lisan secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dalam te$s #er#entu$ narrative, descriptive, dan news item 1
Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 30
: 16 No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : CAA ) ma2or snow storm slammed the east coast and "oiled the #usy holiday tra-el season, as air%ort shutdown the runways, rail ser-ices were slowed, and #us routes were sus%ended on the last wee$end #e"ore Christmas. J8hree deaths in Kirginia were #lamed on the storm, Jstate oLcial said. 5ne %erson was $illed late +riday in a single car crash. 8wo other deaths were re%orted aturday as there were more hea-y snows than ex%ected.
=ow many casualties were there in the incident? ). *. C. . E.
8wo. 8hree. +our. +i-e. ix.
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : LISTENING Mendengar$an/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana lisan inter%ersonal dan transa$sional, secara "ormal, mau%un in"ormal, dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari' hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an gam#aran umum0in"ormasi tertentu0 in"ormasi tersirat atau in"ormasi rinci dari se#uah te$s monolog yang di%erdengar$an. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : 4. Memahami ma$na dalam te$s "ungsional %ende$ dan monolog yang #er#entu$ narrative, descriptive, dan news item sederhana dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. Ko",$#s% Dasa& : 4.Meres%on ma$na dalam te$s monolog sederhana yang mengguna$an ragam #ahasa lisan secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an 16
sehari'hari dalam te$s #er#entu$ narrative, descriptive, dan news item
Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 30
: 1; No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : 8he )naconda is the largest sna$e in the world. )lso $nown as the water #oa. 8his giant meat'eater li-es in the swam%y areas o" tro%ical outh )merica. It s%ends a lot o" time in shallow water, hidden "rom unsus%ecting %rey. )nacondas are related to #oa constricti-e. 8hey gi-e #irth to 9 ;9 #a#y sna$es at one time. Bi$e all sna$es, anacondas are cold'#looded. 8hey ha-e the same tem%erature as their en-ironment. 8hey continue to grow all their li-es, getting #igger and #igger each year. 8he largest anaconda e-er "ound was 11.; meters long. 8here are %ro#a#ly e-en #igger anacondas that ha-e not #een seen. )nacondas are greenish #rown with the dou#le row o" #lac$ o-al s%ots on the #ac$ and smaller white mar$ings on the sides.
What is the monologue a#out? ). *. C. . E.
na$es. )nacondas. Ninds o" sna$es. What an anaconda loo$s li$e. )nother name "or an anaconda.
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : LISTENING Mendengar$an/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana lisan inter%ersonal dan transa$sional, secara "ormal, mau%un in"ormal, dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari' hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an gam#aran umum0in"ormasi tertentu0 in"ormasi tersirat atau in"ormasi rinci dari se#uah te$s monolog yang di%erdengar$an. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : . Memahami ma$na te$s "ungsional %ende$ dan monolog #er#entu$ reports, narrative, dan analytical exposition dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari 1;
Ko",$#s% Dasa& : 22Meres%on ma$na dalam te$s monolog yang mengguna$an ragam #ahasa lisan secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dalam te$s #er#entu$: report, narrative, dan analytical exposition Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 3I 0 1
: 1< No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : 8he )naconda is the largest sna$e in the world. )lso $nown as the water #oa. 8his giant meat'eater li-es in the swam%y areas o" tro%ical outh )merica. It s%ends a lot o" time in shallow water, hidden "rom unsus%ecting %rey. )nacondas are related to #oa constricti-e. 8hey gi-e #irth to 9 ;9 #a#y sna$es at one time. Bi$e all sna$es, anacondas are cold'#looded. 8hey ha-e the same tem%erature as their en-ironment. 8hey continue to grow all their li-es, getting #igger and #igger each year. 8he largest anaconda e-er "ound was 11.; meters long. 8here are %ro#a#ly e-en #igger anacondas that ha-e not #een seen. )nacondas are greenish #rown with the dou#le row o" #lac$ o-al s%ots on the #ac$ and smaller white mar$ings on the sides.
=ow many #a#ies does an anaconda gi-e #irth to at one time? ). *. C. . E.
19 19 9 9 69
9. 69. 69. ;9. ;9.
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : LISTENING Mendengar$an/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana lisan inter%ersonal dan transa$sional, secara "ormal, mau%un in"ormal, dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari' hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an gam#aran umum0in"ormasi tertentu0 in"ormasi tersirat atau in"ormasi rinci dari se#uah te$s monolog yang di%erdengar$an. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : . Memahami ma$na te$s "ungsional %ende$ dan monolog #er#entu$
reports, 1<
narrative, dan
analytical exposition dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari
Ko",$#s% Dasa& : 22Meres%on ma$na dalam te$s monolog yang mengguna$an ragam #ahasa lisan secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dalam te$s #er#entu$: report, narrative, dan analytical exposition Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 3I 0 1
: 1@ No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : ear Mr. )nwar, We regret to in"orm you that we are una#le to lend you the sum o" O <99 that you ha-e rePuested, #ut it is %ossi#le to grant you %art o" the sum. I" you are still interested, %lease contact our main oLce to arrange an a%%ointment with the assistant manager. =e will #e ha%%y to discuss the matter "urther. Your sincerely Bending 5Lcer/
Instead o" a loan o" O<99, what alternati-e is oHered #y the oLcer? ). )n a%%ointment to discuss the oHer. *. ) cash o" O<99. C. )n a%%ointment with the lending oLcer. . ) loan o" less than O<99. E. )n a%%ointment with the assistant manager.
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : !E"#ING Mem#aca/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an gam#aran umum0in"ormasi rinci0in"ormasi tersirat0in"ormasi tertentu atau ma$na $ata0"rasa0$alimat atau %i$iran utama %aragra"0ru2u$an $ata0tu2uan $omuni$ati" dari te$s tertulis "ungsional %ende$ #er#entu$ letter 0e-mail. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M")a'a <. Memahami ma$na te$s "ungsional %ende$ dan
te$s tulis esei #er#entu$ 1@
narrative, explanation dan discussion dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan
Ko",$#s% Dasa& : <.1Meres%on ma$na dalam te$s "ungsional %ende$ resmi dan ta$ resmi yang mengguna$an ragam #ahasa tulis secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan. Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 3II 0 1
: 1 No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : G)NQ)A G)GE C5MG)AY Dl, aan Mogot 1 ' 1; 8angerang IA5AEI) March, 1F,91 Mr. Mu$hlis iady G8 )gung Ausa Dl. Nol. )tmo 4<'4 Galem#ang ear Mr. iady, In res%onse to your letter o" +e#ruary @, 91, we a%ologie "or the error in our shi%ment. We are sending immediately the additional 1999 cases o" "acsimile %a%er, model G'6;<3, that were not included in the shi%ment. We -alue our relationshi% with your com%any, and we regret the incon-enience. 8he incom%lete shi%ment may ha-e caused you incon-enience. You can #e assured that this will not ha%%en again in the "uture. incerely yours,
Indawan 8an Indawan 8an Manager, 5rder e%artment
Why did the %a%er com%any send another shi%ment? ). 8he rePuested %a%er was excluded in the %re-ious shi%ment. *. 8here was a not "unction "orm "acsimile machine. C. 8he "acsimile %a%ers were included in the %re-ious shi%ment. . G8 )gung Ausa rePuested more than 1999 cases o" G'6;<3 "acsimile %a%er. E. 8he %a%er com%any had to com%lete another rePuest "rom other com%any.
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : !E"#ING Mem#aca/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an gam#aran umum0in"ormasi rinci0in"ormasi tersirat0in"ormasi tertentu atau ma$na $ata0"rasa0$alimat atau %i$iran utama %aragra"0ru2u$an $ata0tu2uan $omuni$ati" dari te$s tertulis "ungsional %ende$ #er#entu$ letter 0e-mail. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M")a'a <. Memahami ma$na te$s "ungsional %ende$ dan te$s tulis esei #er#entu$ narrative, explanation dan discussion dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan Ko",$#s% Dasa& : <.1Meres%on ma$na dalam te$s "ungsional %ende$ resmi dan ta$ resmi yang mengguna$an ragam #ahasa tulis secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan. Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 3II 0 1
: 14 No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : G)NQ)A G)GE C5MG)AY Dl, aan Mogot 1 ' 1; 8angerang IA5AEI) March, 1F,91 Mr. Mu$hlis iady G8 )gung Ausa Dl. Nol. )tmo 4<'4 Galem#ang ear Mr. iady, In res%onse to your letter o" +e#ruary @, 91, we a%ologie "or the error in our shi%ment. We are sending immediately the additional 1999 cases o" "acsimile %a%er, model G'6;<3, that were not included in the shi%ment. We -alue our relationshi% with your com%any, and we regret the incon-enience. 8he incom%lete shi%ment may ha-e caused you incon-enience. You can #e assured that this will not ha%%en again in the "uture. incerely yours,
Indawan 8an Indawan 8an Manager, 5rder e%artment
We $now "rom the text that the rst shi%ment >. ). was not com%lete *. was not insured C. arri-ed late . was damaged E. was sent to the wrong address
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a 1F
Ko",$#s% : !E"#ING Mem#aca/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an gam#aran umum0in"ormasi rinci0in"ormasi tersirat0in"ormasi tertentu atau ma$na $ata0"rasa0$alimat atau %i$iran utama %aragra"0ru2u$an $ata0tu2uan $omuni$ati" dari te$s tertulis "ungsional %ende$ #er#entu$ letter 0e-mail. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M")a'a <. Memahami ma$na te$s "ungsional %ende$ dan te$s tulis esei #er#entu$ narrative, explanation dan discussion dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan Ko",$#s% Dasa& : <.1Meres%on ma$na dalam te$s "ungsional %ende$ resmi dan ta$ resmi yang mengguna$an ragam #ahasa tulis secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan. Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 3II 0 1
: 1F No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa :
8he good %oint a#out the oLce suit is >. ). they are "urnished *. they are a-aila#le in one ty%e sies C. they are "ar "rom %u#lic %laces . they are se-eral #loc$s away to "rom su#way sto% E. they are easy to reach "or commuters
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : !E"#ING Mem#aca/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an in"ormasi tertentu0gam#aran umum0 in"ormasi rinci0in"ormasi tersirat0ru2u$an $ata atau ma$na $ata0"rasa dari te$s tertulis "ungsional %ende$ #er#entu$ advertisement/brochure. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M")a'a <. Memahami ma$na te$s "ungsional %ende$ dan esei #er#entu$ report, narrative 1
dan analytical menga$ses ilmu
exposition dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ %engetahuan
Ko",$#s% Dasa& : <.1Meres%on ma$na dalam te$s tulis "ungsional %ende$ misalnya %engumuman, i$lan, undangan dll./ resmi dan ta$ resmi secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 301
: 9 No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa :
What is the ad-ertisement a#out? ). ) new oLce #uilding. *. 5Lce suites to rent. C. 8he unusual #uilding downtown. . 5Lce suites to sell. E. ) #uilding in the #usiness district.
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : !E"#ING Mem#aca/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an in"ormasi tertentu0gam#aran umum0 in"ormasi rinci0in"ormasi tersirat0ru2u$an $ata atau ma$na $ata0"rasa dari te$s tertulis "ungsional %ende$ #er#entu$ advertisement/brochure.
S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M")a'a <. Memahami ma$na te$s "ungsional %ende$ dan esei #er#entu$ report, narrative dan analytical exposition dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan Ko",$#s% Dasa& : <.1Meres%on ma$na dalam te$s tulis "ungsional %ende$ misalnya %engumuman, i$lan, undangan dll./ resmi dan ta$ resmi secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 301
: 1 No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : 5nce, a ca% seller was %assing through a 2ungle. =e was dead tired and needed to rest. 8hen, he sto%%ed and s%read a cloth under a tree. =e %laced his #ag "ull o" ca%s near him and lay down with his ca% on his head. 8he ca% seller had a sound slee% "or one hour. When he got u%, the rst thing he did was to loo$ into his #ag. =e was startled when he "ound all his ca%s were not there. =e was wondering where they could ha-e gone. Indeed, he was greatly %uled. When he loo$ed u% the s$y, he was -ery sur%rised to see mon$eys sitting on the #ranches o" a tree, each wearing a ca% on his headR 8hey had e-idently done it to imitate him. =e decided to get his ca%s #ac$ #y ma$ing a hum#le rePuest to the mon$eys. In return, the mon$eys only made "aces o" him. When he #egan to ma$e gestures, e-en when he raised his st towards them to threaten them, they also imitated him. )t last he hit u%on a cle-er idea. JMon$eys are a great imitator,R he thought. o he too$ oH his own ca% and threw it down on the ground. )s he had ex%ected, all the mon$eys too$ oH the ca%s and threw them down on the ground. (uic$ly he stood u% and collected the ca%s, %ut them #ac$ into his #as and went away. Why was each mon$ey wearing a ca% on their head? ). 8hey li$ed them. *. 8hey li$ed wearing ca%s. C. 8hey were imitating the ca% seller. . 8hey were teasing the ca% seller. E. 8hey had stolen the ca%s.
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : !E"#ING Mem#aca/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an in"ormasi tertentu0in"ormasi rinci0 %i$iran
utama %aragra"0%esan 6
moral0gam#aran umum0 in"ormasi tersirat0ru2u$an $ata0"rasa0$alimat dari te$s tertulis #er#entu$ narrative.
S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M")a'a 11. Memahami ma$na te$s "ungsional %ende$ dan esei #er#entu$ narrative, spoo$ dan hortatory exposition dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan Ko",$#s% Dasa& : 11. Meres%on ma$na dan lang$ah retori$a dalam esei yang mengguna$an ragam #ahasa tulis secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan dalam te$s #er#entu$ narrative, spoo$, dan hortatory exposition Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 3I 0
: No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : 5nce, a ca% seller was %assing through a 2ungle. =e was dead tired and needed to rest. 8hen, he sto%%ed and s%read a cloth under a tree. =e %laced his #ag "ull o" ca%s near him and lay down with his ca% on his head. 8he ca% seller had a sound slee% "or one hour. When he got u%, the rst thing he did was to loo$ into his #ag. =e was startled when he "ound all his ca%s were not there. =e was wondering where they could ha-e gone. Indeed, he was greatly %uled. When he loo$ed u% the s$y, he was -ery sur%rised to see mon$eys sitting on the #ranches o" a tree, each wearing a ca% on his headR 8hey had e-idently done it to imitate him. =e decided to get his ca%s #ac$ #y ma$ing a hum#le rePuest to the mon$eys. In return, the mon$eys only made "aces o" him. When he #egan to ma$e gestures, e-en when he raised his st towards them to threaten them, they also imitated him. )t last he hit u%on a cle-er idea. JMon$eys are a great imitator,R he thought. o he too$ oH his own ca% and threw it down on the ground. )s he had ex%ected, all the mon$eys too$ oH the ca%s and threw them down on the ground. (uic$ly he stood u% and collected the ca%s, %ut them #ac$ into his #as and went away. What is the moral -alue o" the text? ). Mon$eys are cle-er animals. *. Gut your #elongings in a sa"e %lace. C. Nindness must #e %ossessed #y e-eryone. . +oolishness is a source o" "aulty. E. You ha-e to $now who you are tal$ing to.
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : !E"#ING Mem#aca/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan ;
review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari.
I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an in"ormasi tertentu0in"ormasi rinci0 %i$iran moral0gam#aran umum0 in"ormasi tersirat0ru2u$an $ata0"rasa0$alimat dari te$s tertulis #er#entu$ narrative.
utama %aragra"0%esan $ata atau ma$na
S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M")a'a 11. Memahami ma$na te$s "ungsional %ende$ dan esei #er#entu$ narrative, spoo$ dan hortatory exposition dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan Ko",$#s% Dasa& : 11. Meres%on ma$na dan lang$ah retori$a dalam esei yang mengguna$an ragam #ahasa tulis secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan dalam te$s #er#entu$ narrative, spoo$, dan hortatory exposition Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 3I 0
: 6 No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa :
To!&%s$ )oa$s 'o%.. %# Tha%a#. 2 I#+!&. 8hailand: +orty'two %assengers were in2ured and two were missing a"ter two #oats carrying 8hai and "oreign tourists collided in the %o%ular island #each %arty, %olice said unday. 8he s%eed#oats were "errying tourists to the Gha'Agan island "or a R+ullmoonR %arty, a monthly e-ent that attracts thousands o" young, mostly western tourists. Gro-incial %olice oLcer, )di%ong 8a%ee said o" the ; tra-elers in2ured, 6F were hos%italied including "our *ritons, "our )ustralians and "our inga%oreans. )lso among them were lrish, Aorwegian, Malaysian and 8hai tourists, he said. 8he #oats collided and o-erturned #e"ore midnight aturday, throwing the %assengers into the rough sea water 2ust oH the island, the we#site o" The Nation news%a%er said. "%
We $now "rom the text that >. ). the #oat carried "orty two %assengers *. the accident ha%%ened not "ar "rom Gha'Agan C. the two missing %assengers were westerners . the %assengers were mostly "oreign tourists E. the #oats collided on the way #ac$ to Gha'Agan island
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : !E"#ING Mem#aca/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam <
#entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari.
I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an gam#aran umum0in"ormasi tertentu0 ru2u$an $ata0in"ormasi rinci0in"ormasi tersirat atau ma$na $ata0"rasa0$alimat atau tu2uan $omuni$ati"0%i$iran utama %aragra" dari te$s tertulis #er#e ntu$ news item. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : 11.Memahami ma$na te$s "ungsional %ende$ dan esei sederhana #er#entu$ narrative, descriptive dan news item dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan Ko",$#s% Dasa& : 11. Meres%on ma$na dan lang$ah'lang$ah retori$a dalam esei sederhana secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan dalam te$s #er#entu$ narrative, descriptive, dan news item Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 30
: ; No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa :
To!&%s$ )oa$s 'o%.. %# Tha%a#. 2 I#+!&. 8hailand: +orty'two %assengers were in2ured and two were missing a"ter two #oats carrying 8hai and "oreign tourists collided in the %o%ular island #each %arty, %olice said unday. 8he s%eed#oats were "errying tourists to the Gha'Agan island "or a R+ullmoonR %arty, a monthly e-ent that attracts thousands o" young, mostly western tourists. Gro-incial %olice oLcer, )di%ong 8a%ee said o" the ; tra-elers in2ured, 6F were hos%italied including "our *ritons, "our )ustralians and "our inga%oreans. )lso among them were lrish, Aorwegian, Malaysian and 8hai tourists, he said. 8he #oats collided and o-erturned #e"ore midnight aturday, throwing the %assengers into the rough sea water 2ust oH the island, the we#site o" The Nation news%a%er said. "%
What had %ossi#ly caused the accident? ). ) careless ca%tain. *. 8oo many %assengers on #oard. C. 8here were too many #oats. . ) rough weather. E. 8he #oats were s%eeding.
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a @
Ko",$#s% : !E"#ING Mem#aca/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an gam#aran umum0in"ormasi tertentu0 ru2u$an $ata0in"ormasi rinci0in"ormasi tersirat atau ma$na $ata0"rasa0$alimat atau tu2uan $omuni$ati"0%i$iran utama %aragra" dari te$s tertulis #er#e ntu$ news item. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : 11.Memahami ma$na te$s "ungsional %ende$ dan esei sederhana #er#entu$ narrative, descriptive dan news item dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan Ko",$#s% Dasa& : 11. Meres%on ma$na dan lang$ah'lang$ah retori$a dalam esei sederhana secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan dalam te$s #er#entu$ narrative, descriptive, dan news item Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 30
: < No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : )l"red *ernhard Ao#el was a wedish chemist, engineer, inno-ator, and ornament manu"acturer. =e was the in-entor o" dynamite. =e also owned *o"ors, which he had redirected "rom its %re-ious role as %rimarily an iron and steel %roducer to a ma2or manu"acturer o" cannons and other ornaments. =e held 6<< diHerent %atents, dynamite #eing the most "amous. In his last will, he used his enomous "ortune to institute the Ao#el Gries. 8he synthetic element no#elium was named a"ter him. =e was the third son o" Immanuel Ao#el and )ndriette )hlsell Ao#el. *orn in toc$holm on 1 5cto#er 1466, he went with my "amily to aint Geters#urg in 14;, where his "ather in-ented modern %lywood. =e studied chemistry with Gro"essor Ai$olay Ai$olae-ich Sinin. When he was 14, he went to the Qnited tates to study chemistry "or "our years and wor$ed "or a short %eriod under Dohn Ericsson, who designed the )merican Ci-il War ironclad Q Monitor. eturning to weden with his "ather a"ter the #an$ru%tcy o" his "amily #usiness, he then de-oted himsel" to the study o" ex%losi-es, and es%ecially to the sa-e manu"acture and use o" nitroglycerine disco-ered in 14; #y )scanio o#rero, one o" his "ellow students under 8heo%hile'Dules Geloue at the Qni-ersity o" 8urin/. ) #ig ex%losion occurred on e%tem#er 14@; at his "actory in =elene#org in toc$holm, $illing -e %eo%le. )mong them was his younger #rother, Emil. 8he "oundations o" the Ao#el Grie were laid in 14F< when )l"red Ao#el wrote his last will, lea-ing much o" his wealth "or its esta#lishment. ince 1F91, the %rie
has honored men and women "or outstanding achie-ements in %hysics, chemistry, medicine, literature and "or wor$ in %eace. Where did )l"red Ao#el wor$ with Dohn Ericsson? ). In weden *. In the Q) C. In toc$holm . In =elene#org E. In aint Geters#urg
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : !E"#ING Mem#aca/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an in"ormasi tertentu0%i$iran utama %aragra" atau ma$na $ata0"rasa0$alimat atau in"ormasi rinci0gam#aran umum0tu2uan $omuni$ati"0in"ormasi tersirat0 ru2u$an $ata dari te$s tertulis #er#entu$ recount. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M")a'a <. Memahami ma$na te$s tulis "ungsional %ende$ dan esei sederhana #er#entu$ recount, narrative dan procedure dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan Ko",$#s% Dasa& : &2Meres%on ma$na dan lang$ah retori$a te$s tulis esei secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan dalam te$s #er#entu$: recount, narrative, dan procedure Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 301 : @ No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : )l"red *ernhard Ao#el was a wedish chemist, engineer, inno-ator, and ornament manu"acturer. =e was the in-entor o" dynamite. =e also owned *o"ors, which he had redirected "rom its %re-ious role as %rimarily an iron and steel %roducer to a ma2or manu"acturer o" cannons and other ornaments. =e held 6<< diHerent %atents, dynamite #eing the most "amous. In his last will, he used his enomous "ortune to institute the Ao#el Gries. 8he synthetic element no#elium was named a"ter him. =e was the third son o" Immanuel Ao#el and )ndriette )hlsell Ao#el. *orn in toc$holm on 1 5cto#er 1466, he went with my "amily to aint Geters#urg in 14;, where his "ather in-ented modern %lywood. =e studied chemistry with Gro"essor Ai$olay Ai$olae-ich Sinin. When he was 14, he went to the Qnited tates to study chemistry "or "our years and wor$ed "or a short %eriod under Dohn Ericsson, who designed the )merican Ci-il War ironclad Q Monitor. eturning to weden with his "ather a"ter the #an$ru%tcy o" his "amily #usiness, he then de-oted himsel" to the study o" ex%losi-es, and es%ecially to the sa-e manu"acture and use o" nitroglycerine disco-ered in 14; #y )scanio o#rero, 4
one o" his "ellow students under 8heo%hile'Dules Geloue at the Qni-ersity o" 8urin/. ) #ig ex%losion occurred on e%tem#er 14@; at his "actory in =elene#org in toc$holm, $illing -e %eo%le. )mong them was his younger #rother, Emil. 8he "oundations o" the Ao#el Grie were laid in 14F< when )l"red Ao#el wrote his last will, lea-ing much o" his wealth "or its esta#lishment. ince 1F91, the %rie has honored men and women "or outstanding achie-ements in %hysics, chemistry, medicine, literature and "or wor$ in %eace. What is the main idea o" %aragra%h ? ). )l"red Ao#el de-oted himsel" to the study o" chemistry. *. =is success with ex%losi-e nally led to the 14@; tragedy. C. ) #ig ex%lotion in =elene#org in in toc$holm $illed many %eo%le. . ) #ig ex%lotion destroyed his "actory in =elene#org toc$holm. E. )l"red Ao#el %lanned the sa"e manu"acture and use o" nitroglycerine.
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : !E"#ING Mem#aca/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an in"ormasi tertentu0%i$iran utama %aragra" atau ma$na $ata0"rasa0$alimat atau in"ormasi rinci0gam#aran umum0tu2uan $omuni$ati"0in"ormasi tersirat0 ru2u$an $ata dari te$s tertulis #er#entu$ recount. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M")a'a <. Memahami ma$na te$s tulis "ungsional %ende$ dan esei sederhana #er#entu$ recount, narrative dan procedure dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan Ko",$#s% Dasa& : &2Meres%on ma$na dan lang$ah retori$a te$s tulis esei secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan dalam te$s #er#entu$: recount, narrative, dan procedure Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 301 : No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : )l"red *ernhard Ao#el was a wedish chemist, engineer, inno-ator, and ornament manu"acturer. =e was the in-entor o" dynamite. =e also owned *o"ors, which he had redirected "rom its %re-ious role as %rimarily an iron and steel %roducer to a ma2or manu"acturer o" cannons and other ornaments. =e held 6<< diHerent %atents, dynamite #eing the most "amous. In his last will, he used his enomous "ortune to institute the Ao#el Gries. 8he synthetic element no#elium was named a"ter him. =e was the third son o" Immanuel Ao#el and )ndriette )hlsell Ao#el. *orn in toc$holm on 1 5cto#er 1466, he went with my "amily to aint Geters#urg in 14;, where his "ather in-ented modern %lywood. =e studied chemistry with Gro"essor Ai$olay Ai$olae-ich Sinin. When he was 14, he went to the F
Qnited tates to study chemistry "or "our years and wor$ed "or a short %eriod under Dohn Ericsson, who designed the )merican Ci-il War ironclad Q Monitor. eturning to weden with his "ather a"ter the #an$ru%tcy o" his "amily #usiness, he then de-oted himsel" to the study o" ex%losi-es, and es%ecially to the sa-e manu"acture and use o" nitroglycerine disco-ered in 14; #y )scanio o#rero, one o" his "ellow students under 8heo%hile'Dules Geloue at the Qni-ersity o" 8urin/. ) #ig ex%losion occurred on e%tem#er 14@; at his "actory in =elene#org in toc$holm, $illing -e %eo%le. )mong them was his younger #rother, Emil. 8he "oundations o" the Ao#el Grie were laid in 14F< when )l"red Ao#el wrote his last will, lea-ing much o" his wealth "or its esta#lishment. ince 1F91, the %rie has honored men and women "or outstanding achie-ements in %hysics, chemistry, medicine, literature and "or wor$ in %eace. What was *o"ors& main #usiness under )l"red Ao#el? ). It manu"actured cannons and other ornaments. *. It designed the ironclad monitor. C. It %roduced iron and steel. . It %roduced dynamite. E. It in-ented no#elium.
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : !E"#ING Mem#aca/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an in"ormasi tertentu0%i$iran utama %aragra" atau ma$na $ata0"rasa0$alimat atau in"ormasi rinci0gam#aran umum0tu2uan $omuni$ati"0in"ormasi tersirat0 ru2u$an $ata dari te$s tertulis #er#entu$ recount. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M")a'a <. Memahami ma$na te$s tulis "ungsional %ende$ dan esei sederhana #er#entu$ recount, narrative dan procedure dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan Ko",$#s% Dasa& : &2Meres%on ma$na dan lang$ah retori$a te$s tulis esei secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan dalam te$s #er#entu$: recount, narrative, dan procedure Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 301 : 4 No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa :
8he condition "or candidates to 2oin the #id is that it must >. ). #e an international organiation *. ha-e success"ul ex%eriences in %urchasing car#on credit C. #e a local organiation . #e nancially sa"e E. #e in-ited #y GBA
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : !E"#ING Mem#aca/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an gam#aran umum0in"ormasi tertentu atau ma$na $ata0"rasa0$alimat atau ru2u$an $ata0in"ormasi tersirat0 in"ormasi rinci dari te$s "ungsional %ende$ #er#entu$ announcement. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M")a'a 11.Memahami ma$na te$s "ungsional %ende$ dan esei sederhana #er#entu$ narrative, descriptive dan news item dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan Ko",$#s% Dasa& : 11.1 Meres%on ma$na dalam te$s "ungsional %ende$ misalnya %engumuman, i$lan, undangan dll./ resmi dan ta$ resmi secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima yang mengguna$an ragam #ahasa tulis dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 30 : F No Soa 61
R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa :
J8his notication does not cause any nancial lia#ility to G8 GBA Gersero/. 8he underlined word is closest in meaning to >. ). guarantee *. %rocedure C. res%onsi#ility . de-elo%ment E. im%ro-ement
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : !E"#ING Mem#aca/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an gam#aran umum0in"ormasi tertentu atau ma$na $ata0"rasa0$alimat atau ru2u$an $ata0in"ormasi tersirat0 in"ormasi rinci dari te$s "ungsional %ende$ #er#entu$ announcement. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M")a'a 11.Memahami ma$na te$s "ungsional %ende$ dan esei sederhana #er#entu$ narrative, descriptive dan news item dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan Ko",$#s% Dasa& : 11.1 Meres%on ma$na dalam te$s "ungsional %ende$ misalnya %engumuman, i$lan, undangan dll./ resmi dan ta$ resmi secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima yang mengguna$an ragam #ahasa tulis dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari' hari 6
Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 30 : 69 No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : emote sensing is the acPuisition o" in"ormation a#out an o#2ect or %henomenon, without ma$ing %hysical contact with the o#2ect. In modern usage, the term generally re"ers to the use o" aerial sensor technology to detect and classi"y o#2ects on Earth #oth on the sur"ace, and in the atmos%here and oceans/ #y means o" %ro%agated signals e.g. electromagnetic radiation emitted "rom aircra"t or satellites/. 8here are two main ty%es or remote sensing: %assi-e remote sensing and acti-e remote sensing. Gassi-e sensors detect natural radiation thats is emitted or re7ected #y the o#2ect or surrounding area #eing o#ser-ed. e7ected sunlight is the most common source o" radiation measured #y %assi-e censors. Exam%les o" %assi-e remote sensors include lm %hotogra%hy, in"ra'red, charge'cou%led de-ices, and radiometers. )cti-e collection, on the other hand, emits energy in order to scan o#2ects and areas whereu%on a sensor then detecs and measures the radiation that is re7ected or #ac$scattered "rom the target. )) and BI) are exam%les o" acti-e remote sensing where the time delay #etween emission and return is measured, sta#iliing the location, height, s%eed and direction o" an o#2ect.
+rom the text we $now that remote sensing >. ). is a way to o#tain in"ormation a#out an o#2ect or %henomenon *. does not diLcult to do C. ma$es %hysical contact with the o#2ect . does not ma$e use o" censors E. does not ma$e use %ro%agated signals
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : !E"#ING Mem#aca/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an gam#aran umum0in"ormasi tertentu0 in"ormasi tersirat0 in"ormasi rinci0 tu2uan $omuni$ati" atau ma$na $ata0"rasa0$alimat atau ru2u$an $ata0 %i$iran utama %aragra" dari te$s tertulis #er#entu$ explanation. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M")a'a <. Memahami ma$na te$s "ungsional %ende$ dan te$s tulis esei #er#entu$ narrative, explanation dan discussion dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan Ko",$#s% Dasa& : <. Meres%on ma$na dan lang$ah retori$a dalam esei yang mengguna$an ragam #ahasa tulis secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari' hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan dalam te$s #er#entu$: narrative, explanation, dan discussion 66
Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 3II 0 1
: 61 No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : emote sensing is the acPuisition o" in"ormation a#out an o#2ect or %henomenon, without ma$ing %hysical contact with the o#2ect. In modern usage, the term generally re"ers to the use o" aerial sensor technology to detect and classi"y o#2ects on Earth #oth on the sur"ace, and in the atmos%here and oceans/ #y means o" %ro%agated signals e.g. electromagnetic radiation emitted "rom aircra"t or satellites/. 8here are two main ty%es or remote sensing: %assi-e remote sensing and acti-e remote sensing. Gassi-e sensors detect natural radiation thats is emitted or re7ected #y the o#2ect or surrounding area #eing o#ser-ed. e7ected sunlight is the most common source o" radiation measured #y %assi-e censors. Exam%les o" %assi-e remote sensors include lm %hotogra%hy, in"ra'red, charge'cou%led de-ices, and radiometers. )cti-e collection, on the other hand, emits energy in order to scan o#2ects and areas whereu%on a sensor then detecs and measures the radiation that is re7ected or #ac$scattered "rom the target. )) and BI) are exam%les o" acti-e remote sensing where the time delay #etween emission and return is measured, sta#iliing the location, height, s%eed and direction o" an o#2ect.
What is the main idea o" the second %aragra%h? ). )cti-e sensing is #etter than %assi-e sensing. *. 8he energy in sunlight is im%ortant "or remote sensing. C. Gassi-e sensing is not as strong as acti-e sensing. . 8he source o" energy radiated "or sensing determines whether it is the acti-e or %assi-e ty%e. E. )cti-e remote sensing and %assi-e remote sensing are ePually use"ul "or the de-elo%ment o" $nowledge and technology.
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : !E"#ING Mem#aca/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an gam#aran umum0in"ormasi tertentu0 in"ormasi tersirat0 in"ormasi rinci0 tu2uan $omuni$ati" atau ma$na $ata0"rasa0$alimat atau ru2u$an $ata0 %i$iran utama %aragra" dari te$s tertulis #er#entu$ explanation. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M")a'a <. Memahami ma$na te$s "ungsional %ende$ dan te$s tulis esei #er#entu$ narrative, explanation dan discussion dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan
Ko",$#s% Dasa& : <. Meres%on ma$na dan lang$ah retori$a dalam esei yang mengguna$an ragam #ahasa tulis secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari' hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan dalam te$s #er#entu$: narrative, explanation, dan discussion Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 3II 0 1 : 6 No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : emote sensing is the acPuisition o" in"ormation a#out an o#2ect or %henomenon, without ma$ing %hysical contact with the o#2ect. In modern usage, the term generally re"ers to the use o" aerial sensor technology to detect and classi"y o#2ects on Earth #oth on the sur"ace, and in the atmos%here and oceans/ #y means o" %ro%agated signals e.g. electromagnetic radiation emitted "rom aircra"t or satellites/. 8here are two main ty%es or remote sensing: %assi-e remote sensing and acti-e remote sensing. Gassi-e sensors detect natural radiation thats is emitted or re7ected #y the o#2ect or surrounding area #eing o#ser-ed. e7ected sunlight is the most common source o" radiation measured #y %assi-e censors. Exam%les o" %assi-e remote sensors include lm %hotogra%hy, in"ra'red, charge'cou%led de-ices, and radiometers. )cti-e collection, on the other hand, emits energy in order to scan o#2ects and areas whereu%on a sensor then detecs and measures the radiation that is re7ected or #ac$scattered "rom the target. )) and BI) are exam%les o" acti-e remote sensing where the time delay #etween emission and return is measured, sta#iliing the location, height, s%eed and direction o" an o#2ect.
*ased on the text we can say that >. ). remote sensing is ex%ensi-e technology *. remote sensing is use"ul "or trans%ortation C. we can a%%ly the technology to study animals . medical science can #e im%ro-ed through remote sensing E. remote sensing ma$e it %ossi#le to collect in"ormation o" an o#2ect in a dangerous area
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : !E"#ING Mem#aca/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an gam#aran umum0in"ormasi tertentu0 in"ormasi tersirat0 in"ormasi rinci0 tu2uan $omuni$ati" atau ma$na $ata0"rasa0$alimat atau ru2u$an $ata0 %i$iran utama %aragra" dari te$s tertulis #er#entu$ explanation. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M")a'a <. Memahami ma$na te$s "ungsional %ende$ dan
te$s tulis esei #er#entu$ 6<
narrative, explanation dan discussion dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan
Ko",$#s% Dasa& : <. Meres%on ma$na dan lang$ah retori$a dalam esei yang mengguna$an ragam #ahasa tulis secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari' hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan dalam te$s #er#entu$: narrative, explanation, dan discussion Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 3II 0 1
: 66 No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : AEEI em#ilan is uniPue among Malaysian states "or its )dat Ge%atih, a matrilineal social system which came together with the Minang$a#au %eo%le "rom the Indonesian island o" umatra who settled in the state. 8he cultural heart o" Minang$a#au culture in Aegeri em#ilan is the %retty royal town o" eri Menanti, a#out <9$m "rom the state ca%ital, erem#an. =ere, you will nd a traditional tim#er %alace. It was the residence o" Aegeri em#ilanls rulers until 1FF when it was turned into the oyal Museum. It is a showcase o" Minang$a#au architecture and design, and was #uilt #y two local ua"tsmen in 1F94. Ao screws or nails were used in its construction. Many houses in the -icinity o" eri Menanti ado%t the distinct "eature o" Minang$a#au architecture ' the cur-ed roo" which resem#les the horns o" the #uHalo. +or more o" the stateTs history, you can head to the tate Museum in erem#an which is also housed in a "ormer %alace, the Istana )m%ang 8inggi. 8he )dat Museum in em#au, <$m south o" erem#an, contains a "ascinating array o" cultural arte"acts "rom handcra"ted antiPues to community heirlooms. +urther to the south is the Geng$alan Nem%as =istorical Com%lex. Its most "ascinating "eature is a grou% o" stone megaliths which are re"erred to as #atu hidu% li-ing roc$s/. Killagers #elie-e the roc$s can grow and mo-e on their own.
8he second %aragra%h is a#out >. ). eri Menanti *. Aegeri em#ilan C. 8raditional culture in umatera . )rchitectural #uilding in Aegeri em#ilan E. Minang$a#au %alace in Aegeri em#ilan
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : !E"#ING Mem#aca/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an gam#aran umum0in"ormasi tertentu0 in"ormasi rinci0 ru2u$an $ata0in"ormasi tersirat atau ma$na $ata0"rasa0$alimat atau tu2uan $omuni$ati"0 6@
%i$iran utama %aragra" dari te$s tertulis #er#entu$ descriptive.
S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M")a'a Memahami ma$na te$s "ungsional %ende$ dan esei sederhana #er#entu$ narrative, descriptive dan news item dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan. Ko",$#s% Dasa& : 11. Meres%on ma$na dan lang$ah'lang$ah retori$a dalam esei sederhana secara a$urat, lancar #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan dalam te$s #er#entu$ narrative, descriptive, dan news item Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 30 : 6; No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : AEEI em#ilan is uniPue among Malaysian states "or its )dat Ge%atih, a matrilineal social system which came together with the Minang$a#au %eo%le "rom the Indonesian island o" umatra who settled in the state. 8he cultural heart o" Minang$a#au culture in Aegeri em#ilan is the %retty royal town o" eri Menanti, a#out <9$m "rom the state ca%ital, erem#an. =ere, you will nd a traditional tim#er %alace. It was the residence o" Aegeri em#ilanls rulers until 1FF when it was turned into the oyal Museum. It is a showcase o" Minang$a#au architecture and design, and was #uilt #y two local ua"tsmen in 1F94. Ao screws or nails were used in its construction. Many houses in the -icinity o" eri Menanti ado%t the distinct "eature o" Minang$a#au architecture ' the cur-ed roo" which resem#les the horns o" the #uHalo. +or more o" the stateTs history, you can head to the tate Museum in erem#an which is also housed in a "ormer %alace, the Istana )m%ang 8inggi. 8he )dat Museum in em#au, <$m south o" erem#an, contains a "ascinating array o" cultural arte"acts "rom handcra"ted antiPues to community heirlooms. +urther to the south is the Geng$alan Nem%as =istorical Com%lex. Its most "ascinating "eature is a grou% o" stone megaliths which are re"erred to as #atu hidu% li-ing roc$s/. Killagers #elie-e the roc$s can grow and mo-e on their own.
Where can -isitors nd 'atu hidup? ). In the tate Museum. *. In Geng$alan Nem%as. C. In the )dat museum. . In em#au. E. In the Istana )m%ang 8inggi.
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : !E"#ING Mem#aca/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. 6
I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an gam#aran umum0in"ormasi tertentu0 in"ormasi rinci0 ru2u$an $ata0in"ormasi tersirat atau ma$na $ata0"rasa0$alimat atau tu2uan $omuni$ati"0 %i$iran utama %aragra" dari te$s tertulis #er#entu$ descriptive. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M")a'a Memahami ma$na te$s "ungsional %ende$ dan esei sederhana #er#entu$ narrative, descriptive dan news item dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan. Ko",$#s% Dasa& : 11.6 Meres%on ma$na dan lang$ah'lang$ah retori$a dalam esei sederhana secara a$urat, lancar #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan dalam te$s #er#entu$ narrative, descriptive, dan news item Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 30 : 6< No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : AEEI em#ilan is uniPue among Malaysian states "or its )dat Ge%atih, a matrilineal social system which came together with the Minang$a#au %eo%le "rom the Indonesian island o" umatra who settled in the state. 8he cultural heart o" Minang$a#au culture in Aegeri em#ilan is the %retty royal town o" eri Menanti, a#out <9$m "rom the state ca%ital, erem#an. =ere, you will nd a traditional tim#er %alace. It was the residence o" Aegeri em#ilanls rulers until 1FF when it was turned into the oyal Museum. It is a showcase o" Minang$a#au architecture and design, and was #uilt #y two local ua"tsmen in 1F94. Ao screws or nails were used in its construction. Many houses in the -icinity o" eri Menanti ado%t the distinct "eature o" Minang$a#au architecture ' the cur-ed roo" which resem#les the horns o" the #uHalo. +or more o" the stateTs history, you can head to the tate Museum in erem#an which is also housed in a "ormer %alace, the Istana )m%ang 8inggi. 8he )dat Museum in em#au, <$m south o" erem#an, contains a "ascinating array o" cultural arte"acts "rom handcra"ted antiPues to community heirlooms. +urther to the south is the Geng$alan Nem%as =istorical Com%lex. Its most "ascinating "eature is a grou% o" stone megaliths which are re"erred to as #atu hidu% li-ing roc$s/. Killagers #elie-e the roc$s can grow and mo-e on their own.
Why can Minang$a#au culture #e "ound in Aegeri em#ilan? ). Minang$a#au %eo%le ado%t the culture. *. 8he resident line together with Minang$a#au %eo%le. C. Minang$a#au %eo%le inha#ited the town. . Many homes ha-e the culture o" Minang$a#au. E. 8he oyal museum has Minang$a#au characteristics.
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% !E"#ING Mem#aca/
Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari.
I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an gam#aran umum0in"ormasi tertentu0 in"ormasi rinci0 ru2u$an $ata0in"ormasi tersirat atau ma$na $ata0"rasa0$alimat atau tu2uan $omuni$ati"0 %i$iran utama %aragra" dari te$s tertulis #er#entu$ descriptive. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M")a'a Memahami ma$na te$s "ungsional %ende$ dan esei sederhana #er#entu$ narrative, descriptive dan news item dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan. Ko",$#s% Dasa& : 11.; Meres%on ma$na dan lang$ah'lang$ah retori$a dalam esei sederhana secara a$urat, lancar #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan dalam te$s #er#entu$ narrative, descriptive, dan news item Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 30 : 6@ No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : ) la%to% is a $ind o" com%uter unit which has the same "unction as a GC %ersonal com%uter/, #ut it is smaller, lighter and o" diHerent sies. Aowadays, most %eo%le choose la%to%s "or se-eral reasons. ) la%to% is a %orta#le de-ice. 8his %orta#ility is -ery hel%"ul "or our wor$, study and other acti-ities. We do not need com%licated ca#le installations to acti-ate a la%to%, and with a la%to%, we can do our wor$ anytime anywhere. Moreo-er, a la%to% allows us to access the internet in %u#lic %laces which %ro-ide "ree access called hot s%ot areas. ome %eo%le li$e to use this "acility to camy out their tas$s. +inally, a la%to% consumes energy more eLciently than a GC does. 8his de-ice uses a rechargea#le #attery as a source o" electric energy. o i" we %re"er using a la%to%, it means that we su%%ort the go-ernment %rogram to sa-e energy. 8hatTs why a la%to% has #ecome -ery %o%ular recently.
) %u#lic %lace where we can ha-e "ree access to the internet is a0an >. ). "ree access *. hot s%ot C. internet installation . la%to% "acility E. hot s%ot areas
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : !E"#ING Mem#aca/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam 6F
#entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari.
I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an gam#aran umum0in"ormasi tertentu0 in"ormasi tersirat0 in"ormasi rinci0%i$iran utama %aragra" atau ma$na $ata0"rasa0$alimat atau ru2u$an $ata0tu2uan $omuni$ati" dari te$s tertulis #er#entu$ exposition. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M")a'a <. Memahami ma$na te$s "ungsional %ende$ dan esei #er#entu$ report, narrative dan analytical exposition dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan. Ko",$#s% Dasa& : <.Meres%on ma$na dan lang$ah retori$a dalam esei yang mengguna$an ragam #ahasa tulis secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan dalam te$s #er#entu$: report, narrative, dan analytical exposition. Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 3I 0 1
: 6 No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : ) la%to% is a $ind o" com%uter unit which has the same "unction as a GC %ersonal com%uter/, #ut it is smaller, lighter and o" diHerent sies. Aowadays, most %eo%le choose la%to%s "or se-eral reasons. ) la%to% is a %orta#le de-ice. 8his %orta#ility is -ery hel%"ul "or our wor$, study and other acti-ities. We do not need com%licated ca#le installations to acti-ate a la%to%, and with a la%to%, we can do our wor$ anytime anywhere. Moreo-er, a la%to% allows us to access the internet in %u#lic %laces which %ro-ide "ree access called hot s%ot areas. ome %eo%le li$e to use this "acility to camy out their tas$s. +inally, a la%to% consumes energy more eLciently than a GC does. 8his de-ice uses a rechargea#le #attery as a source o" electric energy. o i" we %re"er using a la%to%, it means that we su%%ort the go-ernment %rogram to sa-e energy. 8hatTs why a la%to% has #ecome -ery %o%ular recently.
) la%to% has #ecome -ery %o%ular #ecause >. ). it is %orta#le *. it allows us to access internet C. it gi-es se-eral #enets to the user . it doesn&t need com%licated ca#le installation E. we can do our wor$ with it anytime anywhere
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a
Ko",$#s% : !E"#ING Mem#aca/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an gam#aran umum0in"ormasi tertentu0 in"ormasi tersirat0 in"ormasi rinci0%i$iran utama %aragra" atau ma$na $ata0"rasa0$alimat atau ru2u$an $ata0tu2uan $omuni$ati" dari te$s tertulis #er#entu$ exposition. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M")a'a <. Memahami ma$na te$s "ungsional %ende$ dan esei #er#entu$ report, narrative dan analytical exposition dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan. Ko",$#s% Dasa& : <.Meres%on ma$na dan lang$ah retori$a dalam esei yang mengguna$an ragam #ahasa tulis secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan dalam te$s #er#entu$: report, narrative, dan analytical exposition. Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 3I 0 1
: 64 No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : ) la%to% is a $ind o" com%uter unit which has the same "unction as a GC %ersonal com%uter/, #ut it is smaller, lighter and o" diHerent sies. Aowadays, most %eo%le choose la%to%s "or se-eral reasons. ) la%to% is a %orta#le de-ice. 8his %orta#ility is -ery hel%"ul "or our wor$, study and other acti-ities. We do not need com%licated ca#le installations to acti-ate a la%to%, and with a la%to%, we can do our wor$ anytime anywhere. Moreo-er, a la%to% allows us to access the internet in %u#lic %laces which %ro-ide "ree access called hot s%ot areas. ome %eo%le li$e to use this "acility to camy out their tas$s. +inally, a la%to% consumes energy more eLciently than a GC does. 8his de-ice uses a rechargea#le #attery as a source o" electric energy. o i" we %re"er using a la%to%, it means that we su%%ort the go-ernment %rogram to sa-e energy. 8hatTs why a la%to% has #ecome -ery %o%ular recently.
+rom the text we $now that >. ). a la%to% is usually more ex%ensi-e than a GC *. more %eo%le li$e a la%to% #etter than GC C. more %eo%le li$e a GC #etter than a la%to% . "or a mo#ile %erson a la%to% is more handy than a GC E. a la%to% is chea%er now than it was #e"ore
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
:* ;1
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : !E"#ING Mem#aca/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an gam#aran umum0in"ormasi tertentu0 in"ormasi tersirat0 in"ormasi rinci0%i$iran utama %aragra" atau ma$na $ata0"rasa0$alimat atau ru2u$an $ata0tu2uan $omuni$ati" dari te$s tertulis #er#entu$ exposition. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M")a'a <. Memahami ma$na te$s "ungsional %ende$ dan esei #er#entu$ report, narrative dan analytical exposition dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan. Ko",$#s% Dasa& : <.Meres%on ma$na dan lang$ah retori$a dalam esei yang mengguna$an ragam #ahasa tulis secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan dalam te$s #er#entu$: report, narrative, dan analytical exposition. Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 3I 0 1
: 6F No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : mo$ing is dangerous "or %eo%le, not only "or smo$ers themsel-es, #ut also "or %eo%le around them who are called %assi-e smo$ers. mo$ers ha-e ris$s o" suHering "rom cancer, heart diseases, including heart attac$, #reathing %ro#lems, cough0sore throat. 8his is #ecause there are more than ;,999 chemicals "ound in cigarettes, <9 are toxic %oisons and <9 cause cancer. ome other chemicals "ound in to#acco include: )mmonia, )rsenic, Golonium I9, Car#on Monoxide, and )cetone. Aicotine remains in the #ody "or * to 1 hours a"ter a single use o" to#acco. 8he smo$e which arises when a %erson is smo$ing a cigarette is -ery haardous, and the smo$e o" #idi or cigar is e-en more haardous to %assi-e smo$ers who inhale the smo$e in the -icinity o" acti-e smo$ers. 8he smo$e inhaled #y the "ormer is unltered there#y causing more ill eHects. e-eral %ulmonary diseases such as cough, #ronchitis asthma and last #ut not the least carcinoma o" lungs may occur as a consePuence o" #reathing in cigarette or cigar smo$e.
What remains in the #ody "or 1 hours a"ter a %erson smo$es? ). )rsenic. *. Aicotine. C. Golonium. ;
. )mmonia. E. )cetone.
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : !E"#ING Mem#aca/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an gam#aran umum0tu2uan $omuni$ati"0 in"ormasi tertentu0%i$iran utama %aragra"0in"ormasi tersirat atau ma$na $ata0"rasa0$alimat atau ru2u$an $ata0in"ormasi rinci dari te$s tertulis #er#entu$ report. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M")a'a <. Memahami ma$na te$s "ungsional %ende$ dan esei #er#entu$ report, narrative dan analytical exposition dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan. Ko",$#s% Dasa& : <. Meres%on ma$na dan lang$ah retori$a dalam esei yang mengguna$an ragam #ahasa tulis secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan dalam te$s #er#entu$: report, narrative, dan analytical exposition Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 3I 0 1
: ;9 No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : mo$ing is dangerous "or %eo%le, not only "or smo$ers themsel-es, #ut also "or %eo%le around them who are called %assi-e smo$ers. mo$ers ha-e ris$s o" suHering "rom cancer, heart diseases, including heart attac$, #reathing %ro#lems, cough0sore throat. 8his is #ecause there are more than ;,999 chemicals "ound in cigarettes, <9 are toxic %oisons and <9 cause cancer. ome other chemicals "ound in to#acco include: )mmonia, )rsenic, Golonium I9, Car#on Monoxide, and )cetone. Aicotine remains in the #ody "or * to 1 hours a"ter a single use o" to#acco. 8he smo$e which arises when a %erson is smo$ing a cigarette is -ery haardous, and the smo$e o" #idi or cigar is e-en more haardous to %assi-e smo$ers who inhale the smo$e in the -icinity o" acti-e smo$ers. 8he smo$e inhaled #y the "ormer is unltered there#y causing more ill eHects. e-eral %ulmonary diseases such as cough, #ronchitis asthma and last #ut not the least carcinoma o" lungs may occur as a consePuence o" #reathing in cigarette or cigar smo$e.
)ccording to the text, smo$ers ha-e ris$s o" suHering "rom cancer #ecause >. ). they #reathe in so many harm"ul chemicals *. they inhale too much smo$e C. their #ody can not stand dangerous smo$e . they are not strong enough to inhale smo$e E. they are %assi-e smo$ers
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : !E"#ING Mem#aca/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an gam#aran umum0tu2uan $omuni$ati"0 in"ormasi tertentu0%i$iran utama %aragra"0in"ormasi tersirat atau ma$na $ata0"rasa0$alimat atau ru2u$an $ata0in"ormasi rinci dari te$s tertulis #er#entu$ report. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M")a'a <. Memahami ma$na te$s "ungsional %ende$ dan esei #er#entu$ report, narrative dan analytical exposition dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan. Ko",$#s% Dasa& : <. Meres%on ma$na dan lang$ah retori$a dalam esei yang mengguna$an ragam #ahasa tulis secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan dalam te$s #er#entu$: report, narrative, dan analytical exposition Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 3I 0 1
: ;1 No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : mo$ing is dangerous "or %eo%le, not only "or smo$ers themsel-es, #ut also "or %eo%le around them who are called %assi-e smo$ers. mo$ers ha-e ris$s o" suHering "rom cancer, heart diseases, including heart attac$, #reathing %ro#lems, cough0sore throat. 8his is #ecause there are more than ;,999 chemicals "ound in cigarettes, <9 are toxic %oisons and <9 cause cancer. ome other chemicals "ound in to#acco include: )mmonia, )rsenic, Golonium I9, Car#on Monoxide, and )cetone. Aicotine remains in the #ody "or * to 1 hours a"ter a single use o" to#acco. 8he smo$e which arises when a %erson is smo$ing a cigarette is -ery haardous, and the smo$e o" #idi or cigar is e-en more haardous to %assi-e smo$ers who inhale the smo$e in the -icinity o" acti-e smo$ers. 8he smo$e inhaled #y the "ormer is unltered there#y causing more ill eHects. e-eral %ulmonary ;;
diseases such as cough, #ronchitis asthma and last #ut not the least carcinoma o" lungs may occur as a consePuence o" #reathing in cigarette or cigar smo$e.
J8he smo$e o" #idi or cigar is more haardous to %assi-e smo$erU. %aragra%h 6/ 8he underlined word can #e re%laced #y >. ). dangerous *. serious C. nutritious . disad-antageous E. mischie-ous
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : !E"#ING Mem#aca/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an gam#aran umum0tu2uan $omuni$ati"0 in"ormasi tertentu0%i$iran utama %aragra"0in"ormasi tersirat atau ma$na $ata0"rasa0$alimat atau ru2u$an $ata0in"ormasi rinci dari te$s tertulis #er#entu$ report. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M")a'a <. Memahami ma$na te$s "ungsional %ende$ dan esei #er#entu$ report, narrative dan analytical exposition dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan. Ko",$#s% Dasa& : <. Meres%on ma$na dan lang$ah retori$a dalam esei yang mengguna$an ragam #ahasa tulis secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan dalam te$s #er#entu$: report, narrative, dan analytical exposition Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 3I 0 1
: ; No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : 8here are many arguments in "a-or o" a #oarding school education. Ae-ertheless, the #oarding school is not always the #est education institution "or e-eryone. )t an early age interacting and communicating with %eo%le is -ery im%ortant "or a childTs %ersonal li"e and can #e es%ecially hel%"ul "or hisVer "uture. In a #oarding school, shy children can ta$e ad-antage o" interaction through communal acti-ities. 8he #oarding school also oHers a great -ariety o" acti-ities such as arts, s%orts, and music that allow children to demonstrate and de-elo% s%ecialied s$ills in their "ree time. ;<
+urthermore, the structured way o" li"e and strict rules at the #oarding school may hel% students to get used to a well ordered way o" li"e. 8he manners and social s$ills will hel% them to #ecome more res%onsi#le and condent, and to de-elo% their talents in leadershi%. Gro"essionally trained teachers and educators in the #oarding school can oHer excellent education without the %arentsT constant su%er-ision. In s%ite o" these good %oints, it is not ad-isa#le to send a child to a #oarding school i" he0she is a de%endent leaner. ) #oarding school usually demands that student learn inde%endently. In addition, the #oarding school should not #e seen as a measure to sol-e ina%%ro%riate #eha-iour or unsatis"actory study %er"ormance. Instead o" im%ro-ing, %ro#lematic children may close oH their relationshi% with their %eers and teachers. In conclusion although a #oarding school may %ro-ide good education to many children, it is not recommended "or those who are strongly attached to their "amilies. 8hey may #ecome "rustrated and socially isolated. )ccording to the writer, children in a #oarding school can de-elo% s%ecialied s$ills in >. ). entre%reneurshi% *. community ser-ice C. reading . drama E. music
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : !E"#ING Mem#aca/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an gam#aran umum0%i$iran utama %aragra"0 in"ormasi tersirat0in"ormasi tertentu0tu2uan $omuni$ati"0in"ormasi rinci atau ma$na $ata0"rasa0$alimat atau ru2u$an $ata dari te$s tertulis #er#entu$ discussion. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M")a'a <. Memahami ma$na te$s "ungsional %ende$ dan te$s tulis esei #er#entu$ narrative, explanation dan discussion dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan. Ko",$#s% Dasa& : <.Meres%on ma$na dan lang$ah retori$a dalam esei yang mengguna$an ragam #ahasa tulis secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan dalam te$s #er#entu$: narrative, explanation, dan discussion Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 3II 0 1 : ;6 No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : 8here are many arguments in "a-or o" a #oarding school education. Ae-ertheless, the #oarding school is not always the #est education institution "or e-eryone. ;@
)t an early age interacting and communicating with %eo%le is -ery im%ortant "or a childTs %ersonal li"e and can #e es%ecially hel%"ul "or hisVer "uture. In a toarding school, shy children can ta$e ad-antage o" interaction through communal acti-ities. 8he #oarding school also oHers a great -ariety o" acti-ities such as arts, s%orts, and music that allow children to demonstrate and de-elo% s%ecialied s$ills in their "ree time. +urthermore, the structured way o" li"e and strict rules at the #oarding school may hel% students to get used to a well ordered way o" li"e. 8he manners and social s$ills will hel% them to #ecome more res%onsi#le and condent, and to de-elo% their talents in leadershi%. Gro"essionally trained teachers and educators in the #oarding school can oHer excellent education without the %arentsT constant su%er-ision. In s%ite o" these good %oints, it is not ad-isa#le to send a child to a #oarding school i" he0she is a de%endent leaner. ) #oarding school usually demands that student learn inde%endently. In addition, the #oarding school should not #e seen as a measure to sol-e ina%%ro%riate #eha-iour or unsatis"actory study %er"ormance. Instead o" im%ro-ing, %ro#lematic children may close oH their relationshi% with their %eers and teachers. In conclusion although a #oarding school may %ro-ide good education to many children, it is not recommended "or those who are strongly attached to their "amilies. 8hey may #ecome "rustrated and socially isolated. Why do %arents send their children *oarding chool? *ecause >. ). it is good "or shy children *. it gi-es good education "or adults C. interacting and communicating with %eo%le is -ery im%ortant . it does not allow children demonstrate excellence and de-elo% their s$ills E. it is sa"e and ma$es children #ecome res%onsi#le and de-elo% talents in leadershi%
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : !E"#ING Mem#aca/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an gam#aran umum0%i$iran utama %aragra"0 in"ormasi tersirat0in"ormasi tertentu0tu2uan $omuni$ati"0in"ormasi rinci atau ma$na $ata0"rasa0$alimat atau ru2u$an $ata dari te$s tertulis #er#entu$ discussion. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M")a'a <. Memahami ma$na te$s "ungsional %ende$ dan te$s tulis esei #er#entu$ narrative, explanation dan discussion dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan. Ko",$#s% Dasa& : <.Meres%on ma$na dan lang$ah retori$a dalam esei yang mengguna$an ragam #ahasa tulis secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan dalam te$s #er#entu$: narrative, explanation, dan discussion Baha# Kas/S"s$& : ;
3II 0 1 : ;; No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : 8here are many arguments in "a-or o" a #oarding school education. Ae-ertheless, the #oarding school is not always the #est education institution "or e-eryone. )t an early age interacting and communicating with %eo%le is -ery im%ortant "or a childTs %ersonal li"e and can #e es%ecially hel%"ul "or hisVer "uture. In a toarding school, shy children can ta$e ad-antage o" interaction through communal acti-ities. 8he #oarding school also oHers a great -ariety o" acti-ities such as arts, s%orts, and music that allow children to demonstrate and de-elo% s%ecialied s$ills in their "ree time. +urthermore, the structured way o" li"e and strict rules at the #oarding school may hel% students to get used to a well ordered way o" li"e. 8he manners and social s$ills will hel% them to #ecome more res%onsi#le and condent, and to de-elo% their talents in leadershi%. Gro"essionally trained teachers and educators in the #oarding school can oHer excellent education without the %arentsT constant su%er-ision. In s%ite o" these good %oints, it is not ad-isa#le to send a child to a #oarding school i" he0she is a de%endent leaner. ) #oarding school usually demands that student learn inde%endently. In addition, the #oarding school should not #e seen as a measure to sol-e ina%%ro%riate #eha-iour or unsatis"actory study %er"ormance. Instead o" im%ro-ing, %ro#lematic children may close oH their relationshi% with their %eers and teachers. In conclusion although a #oarding school may %ro-ide good education to many children, it is not recommended "or those who are strongly attached to their "amilies. 8hey may #ecome "rustrated and socially isolated. +rom the text we can conclude that >. ). the #oarding school can #e -ery ex%ensi-e *. there are good and #ad #oarding school C. the #oarding school is the solution to our educational %ro#lems . it&s not necessary to send children to a #oarding school #ecause students can li-e inde%endently E. not e-eryone thin$s that the #oarding school is the #est educational institution "or children
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : !E"#ING Mem#aca/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an gam#aran umum0%i$iran utama %aragra"0 in"ormasi tersirat0in"ormasi tertentu0tu2uan $omuni$ati"0in"ormasi rinci atau ma$na $ata0"rasa0$alimat atau ru2u$an $ata dari te$s tertulis #er#entu$ discussion. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M")a'a <. Memahami ma$na te$s "ungsional %ende$ dan te$s tulis esei #er#entu$ narrative, explanation dan discussion dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan. ;4
Ko",$#s% Dasa& : <.Meres%on ma$na dan lang$ah retori$a dalam esei yang mengguna$an ragam #ahasa tulis secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan dalam te$s #er#entu$: narrative, explanation, dan discussion Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 3II 0 1 : ;< No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : Las*a& Pa#%3: Th A!.a'%$4 o Ho, 8his is a mo-ie ada%ted "rom a #est'selling Indonesian no-el. It too$ ;9 days o" lming on *elitung Island, *ang$a'*elitung %ro-ince. In-ol-ing 1 local actors, it re%ortedly cost % 4 #illion. With all the eHorts o" trans"orming Bas$ar Gelangi ain#ow Wanior/ into a mo-ing %icture, will it satis"y readersT imaginations? Bas$ar Gelangi, the no-el, was written #y )ndrea =irata in 99<, #ased on his own ex%eriences. It is a#out an ins%iring teacher and her 19 students in the %o-erty' stric$en Nam%ung antong in *elitung, 8he %oor condition o" their school #uilding does not dam%en their high s%irits and ho%es "or a #etter "uture. 8wo years later, the no-el #ecame a %henomenon in Indonesian literature. With its humanistic touch, Bas$ar Gelangi has sold more than <99,999 co%ies and has won the %osition o" Must'ead Ao-el in e-ery corner o" the nationTs #oo$sho%s and media re-iew %ages. It has nally o-ercome the domination o" teen'lit, chic$'lit and e-en religious no-els, the %o%ular theme o" today. )ndrea entrusted the lming o" the story to the res%ected gures in the lm industry, Mira Besmana and ia, as %roducer and lm director. In Duly 99, Mira and iri started the %re'%roduction, which too$ a year to nish. 8ogether with the scri%twriter alman )risto they decided to create a diHerent scenario "or the lm. What is the main idea o" the second %aragra%h? ). TBas$ar GelangiT is the story o" %oor %eo%le at the *ang$a *elitung %ro-ince, *. TBas$ar GelangiT is the story o" %oor school children o" the *elitung Island, C. TBas$ar GelangiT is a#out %o-erty in Nam%ung antong in *ang$a *elitung. . TBas$ar GelangiT is a#out an ins%iring story towards a #etter li"e. E. TBas$ar GelangiT is a#out )ndrea =irata.
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : !E"#ING Mem#aca/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an gam#aran umum0in"ormasi tertentu0 in"ormasi tersirat0in"ormasi rinci0tu2uan $omuni$ati" atau ma$na $ata0"rasa0$alimat atau ru2u$an $ata0 %i$iran utama %aragra" dari te$s tertulis #er#entu$ review. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M")a'a 11. Memahami ma$na te$s tulis monolog yang #er#entu$ narrative dan review secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan ;F
untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan
Ko",$#s% Dasa& : 11. Meres%on ma$na dan lang$ah retori$a dalam te$s monolog yang mengguna$an ragam #ahasa tulis secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan dalam te$s #er#entu$: narrative dan revie Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 3II 0 : ;@ No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : Las*a& Pa#%3: Th A!.a'%$4 o Ho, 8his is a mo-ie ada%ted "rom a #est'selling Indonesian no-el. It too$ ;9 days o" lming on *elitung Island, *ang$a'*elitung %ro-ince. In-ol-ing 1 local actors, it re%ortedly cost % 4 #illion. With all the eHorts o" trans"orming Bas$ar Gelangi ain#ow Wanior/ into a mo-ing %icture, will it satis"y readersT imaginations? Bas$ar Gelangi, the no-el, was written #y )ndrea =irata in 99<, #ased on his own ex%eriences. It is a#out an ins%iring teacher and her 19 students in the %o-erty' stric$en Nam%ung antong in *elitung, 8he %oor condition o" their school #uilding does not dam%en their high s%irits and ho%es "or a #etter "uture. 8wo years later, the no-el #ecame a %henomenon in Indonesian literature. With its humanistic touch, Bas$ar Gelangi has sold more than <99,999 co%ies and has won the %osition o" Must'ead Ao-el in e-ery corner o" the nationTs #oo$sho%s and media re-iew %ages. It has nally o-ercome the domination o" teen'lit, chic$'lit and e-en religious no-els, the %o%ular theme o" today. )ndrea entrusted the lming o" the story to the res%ected gures in the lm industry, Mira Besmana and ia, as %roducer and lm director. In Duly 99, Mira and iri started the %re'%roduction, which too$ a year to nish. 8ogether with the scri%twriter alman )risto they decided to create a diHerent scenario "or the lm. +rom the text a#o-e, we $now that >. ). the mo-ie was %layed #y %oor children *. )ndrea =irata is the %roducer o" Bas$ar Gelangi C. the no-el o" Bas$ar Gelangi was a %henomenal wor$ o" literature . %eo%le li$e the mo-ie #etter than the no-el E. %eo%le li$e the no-el #etter than the mo-ie
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : !E"#ING Mem#aca/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an gam#aran umum0in"ormasi tertentu0 in"ormasi tersirat0in"ormasi rinci0tu2uan $omuni$ati" atau ma$na $ata0"rasa0$alimat atau ru2u$an $ata0 %i$iran utama %aragra" dari te$s tertulis #er#entu$ review. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s%
: <9
M")a'a 11. Memahami ma$na te$s tulis monolog yang #er#entu$ narrative dan review secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan Ko",$#s% Dasa& : 11. Meres%on ma$na dan lang$ah retori$a dalam te$s monolog yang mengguna$an ragam #ahasa tulis secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan dalam te$s #er#entu$: narrative dan revie Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 3II 0 : ; No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : Las*a& Pa#%3: Th A!.a'%$4 o Ho, 8his is a mo-ie ada%ted "rom a #est'selling Indonesian no-el. It too$ ;9 days o" lming on *elitung Island, *ang$a'*elitung %ro-ince. In-ol-ing 1 local actors, it re%ortedly cost % 4 #illion. With all the eHorts o" trans"orming Bas$ar Gelangi ain#ow Wanior/ into a mo-ing %icture, will it satis"y readersT imaginations? Bas$ar Gelangi, the no-el, was written #y )ndrea =irata in 99<, #ased on his own ex%eriences. It is a#out an ins%iring teacher and her 19 students in the %o-erty' stric$en Nam%ung antong in *elitung, 8he %oor condition o" their school #uilding does not dam%en their high s%irits and ho%es "or a #etter "uture. 8wo years later, the no-el #ecame a %henomenon in Indonesian literature. With its humanistic touch, Bas$ar Gelangi has sold more than <99,999 co%ies and has won the %osition o" Must'ead Ao-el in e-ery corner o" the nationTs #oo$sho%s and media re-iew %ages. It has nally o-ercome the domination o" teen'lit, chic$'lit and e-en religious no-els, the %o%ular theme o" today. )ndrea entrusted the lming o" the story to the res%ected gures in the lm industry, Mira Besmana and ia, as %roducer and lm director. In Duly 99, Mira and iri started the %re'%roduction, which too$ a year to nish. 8ogether with the scri%twriter alman )risto they decided to create a diHerent scenario "or the lm.
1/ In Bos )ngeles, we had a great time in its most "amous district, =ollywood. / In Cle-eland, I watched Cle-eland Ca-alier #as$et#all match. 6/ I -isited some great %laces Cle-eland, Bos )ngeles, and Aew Yor$. ;/ l,ast summer, I had a "antastic holiday, Bastly, I went to the tatue o" Bi#erty and Manhattan in Aew Yor$. @/ In =ollywood I had a chance to $now the world'"amous lm industry. 8he #est arrangement o" the #entences is >. ). ; 6 @ 1 < *. ; 6 1 @ < C. ; @ < 1 6 . ; 6 1 @ < E. ; 6 1 < @
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% !E"#ING Mem#aca/
: <1
Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari.
I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an gam#aran umum0in"ormasi tertentu0 in"ormasi tersirat0in"ormasi rinci0tu2uan $omuni$ati" atau ma$na $ata0"rasa0$alimat atau ru2u$an $ata0 %i$iran utama %aragra" dari te$s tertulis #er#entu$ review. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M")a'a 11. Memahami ma$na te$s tulis monolog yang #er#entu$ narrative dan review secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan Ko",$#s% Dasa& : 11. Meres%on ma$na dan lang$ah retori$a dalam te$s monolog yang mengguna$an ragam #ahasa tulis secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan dalam te$s #er#entu$: narrative dan revie Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 3II 0
: ;4 No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : I canTt #elie-e that my time in Kalencia was a %er"ect ending to my %er"ect ;4/ > a#road. )"ter listening one last time to my %anish "riends %lay the guitar, ha-ing lunch with )nna a wonder"ul %anish girl who I ;F/ > %anish with/, saying good' #ye to my <9/ > roommates and other "riends I met here, itTs ine-ita#le that I will miss Es%ana and all the ex%eriences I ha-e had there.
). *. C. . E.
ad-enture chance ris$ treatment threat
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : !E"#ING Mem#aca/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an in"ormasi tertentu0%i$iran utama %aragra" atau ma$na $ata0"rasa0$alimat atau in"ormasi rinci0gam#aran umum0tu2uan $omuni$ati"0in"ormasi tersirat0 ru2u$an $ata dari te$s tertulis #er#entu$ recount. <
S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M")a'a <. Memahami ma$na te$s tulis "ungsional %ende$ dan esei sederhana #er#entu$ recount, narrative dan procedure dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan. Ko",$#s% Dasa& : <.Meres%on ma$na dan lang$ah retori$a te$s tulis esei secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan dalam te$s #er#entu$: recount, narrative, dan procedure Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 301
: ;F No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : I canTt #elie-e that my time in Kalencia was a %er"ect ending to my %er"ect ;4/ > a#road. )"ter listening one last time to my %anish "riends %lay the guitar, ha-ing lunch with )nna a wonder"ul %anish girl who I ;F/ > %anish with/, saying good' #ye to my <9/ > roommates and other "riends I met here, itTs ine-ita#le that I will miss Es%ana and all the ex%eriences I ha-e had there.
). *. C. . E.
%er"ormed ex%ressed %racticed ex%lained said
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : !E"#ING Mem#aca/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an in"ormasi tertentu0%i$iran utama %aragra" atau ma$na $ata0"rasa0$alimat atau in"ormasi rinci0gam#aran umum0tu2uan $omuni$ati"0in"ormasi tersirat0 ru2u$an $ata dari te$s tertulis #er#entu$ recount. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M")a'a <. Memahami ma$na te$s tulis "ungsional %ende$ dan esei sederhana #er#entu$ recount, narrative dan procedure dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan. <6
Ko",$#s% Dasa& : <.6Meres%on ma$na dan lang$ah retori$a te$s tulis esei secara a$urat, lancar dan #erterima dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ menga$ses ilmu %engetahuan dalam te$s #er#entu$: recount, narrative, dan procedure Baha# Kas/S"s$& : 301
: <9 No Soa R!"!sa# B!$%& Soa : I canTt #elie-e that my time in Kalencia was a %er"ect ending to my %er"ect ;4/ > a#road. )"ter listening one last time to my %anish "riends %lay the guitar, ha-ing lunch with )nna a wonder"ul %anish girl who I ;F/ > %anish with/, saying good' #ye to my <9/ > roommates and other "riends I met here, itTs ine-ita#le that I will miss Es%ana and all the ex%eriences I ha-e had there.
). *. C. . E.
wonder wondering wonder"ul wonder"ully wonder"ulness
K!#'% Ja(a)a#
K%s%-*%s% U+%a# Nas%o#a Ko",$#s% : !E"#ING Mem#aca/ Memahami ma$na dalam wacana tertulis secara "ormal mau%un in"ormal dalam #entu$ te$s "ungsional %ende$, recount , narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report , analytical exposition, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, dan review dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari. I#.%*a$o& : Menentu$an in"ormasi tertentu0%i$iran utama %aragra" atau ma$na $ata0"rasa0$alimat atau in"ormasi rinci0gam#aran umum0tu2uan $omuni$ati"0in"ormasi tersirat0 ru2u$an $ata dari te$s tertulis #er#entu$ recount. S$a#.a& Ko",$#s% : M")a'a <. Memahami ma$na te$s tulis "ungsional %ende$ dan esei sederhana #er#entu$ recount, narrative dan procedure dalam $onte$s $ehidu%an sehari'hari dan untu$ <;