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No. 1 Vigy Vigyan an Vihar ihar, New Delh Delhi. i. Ph. Ph. 6527 652702 0275 75 : North Delhi : E-16 E-16/28 /289, 9, Secto Sector-8 r-8,, Rohin Rohini, i, New New Delhi. Delhi. Ph. Ph. 6539 653954 5439 39
The spac The spacee betwe between en proton proton and and elect electron ron in in hyd hydrog rogen en atom atom is is : (A) Absolutely empty (B) Full of electromagnetic radiation (C) Full of air (D) Full of Ether
Nucleons ons are equal to : (A) Nu Number of of electron tronss in in an atom tom (C) (C) Num Numbber of neut neutron ronss in in the the nuc nucel elus us
(B) Numb umber of of proton otonss in in the the nucleus (D) (D) Num Numbber of proto protonns an and neu neutr tron onss in the the nuc nuclleus eus
Water aterm melon elon mode modell of atom atom was was prop propos osed ed by by: (A) Rutherford (B) Thomson (C) Bohr
(D) Sommerfeld
Accordi According ng to classi classical cal theory theory,, the proposed circ circul ular ar path of an ele electron ctron in Ruthe Rutherf rford ord atomic atomic model model will will be: be: (A) Circular (B) Straight line (C) Parabolic (D) Spiral
Alphapha-pa parti rticl clee that that com comee cl closer oser to nucl nuclei ei:: (A) Are deflected more (B) Are deflected less (C) Make more collisions (D) None
Q6. Q6.
Posi Positi tivve cha charg rgee in in an atom is : (A) scattered all over the atom (C) Revolving around the nucleus
Quest (B) Concentrated in the nucleus (D) None is true
Which Which particl particlee may may be remove removedd from from a stable stable neutral neutral atom with with least least energy energy change change : (A) An a − particle (B) A neutron (C) A proton (D) An electron
If each each hydrog hydrogen en atom is is excited excited by giv givin ingg 8.4 eV of energ energyy then then the num number ber of spectral spectral lines lines em emitted is is equal to: (A) None (B) Two (C) Three (D) Four
Rutherf Rutherford ord crea created ted a theoreti theoretical cal picture picture of the atom base basedd on : (A) Stars in galaxy (B) Model of planets revolving round the sun (C) (C) Beh Behav aviior of waves aves in the the ocea oceann (D) (D) Cl Clouds uds in in sky th that mov movee an and mi mix in ch changin ging sh shapes
Q10. Q10. An atom atom is def defined ned as as : (A) Largest particle of matter (C) The smallest particle of element
(B) Non-divisible particle (D) None
Q11. Many Many elem elements ents have have non-integra non-integrall atomi atomicc masse massess becau because se : (A) They have isotopes (B) Their isotopes isoto pes have non-integral masses masses (C) Their isotopes isoto pes have different different masses (D) The constituents neutro neut rons, ns, protons proto ns and electr electrons ons combine combine to give fract fractional ional masses masses Q12. Q12 . According According to dalton’s dalton’s atomic atomic theory, theory, the small smallest est particle particle in which which matter matter can exist, exist, is call called ed (A) an atom (B) an ion (C) an electron (D) a molecule
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Q13. Accord Accordiing to dal dalton’s ton’s atomic atomic theory theory,, an atom atom (A) can not be subdivided (B) can be further subdivided (C) (C) contai contains ns neutr neutrons ons,, proton protonss and and elec electron tron (D) (D) none none of thes thesee Q14. Accordin Accordingg to dalton’ dalton’ss atomic atomic theory theory,, atoms atoms of an element element are (A) simi similar lar in in all respects respects except except their masses masses (B) sim similar ilar in all all respects respects except their their sizes (C) identical (D) different Q15. Which Which of the follow followin ingg is is the correct correct statement statement for for an ele electron ctron (A) electron electro n is a particle part icle having having a negative charge of o f one unit and zero zer o atomi ato micc mass (B) electron is a particle having having a positive p ositive charge of unit and zero atomic mass (C) electron electro n is a particle having having a negative charge of one unit and a mass of about 9 ×10 −28 g (D) electron electro n is a particle having a negative charge and a mass of about 1.7 ×10−24 g Q16. Ruthe Rutherfo rford’ rd’ss exper experim imen entt on sca scatteri ttering ng of α -particles -particles showed for the tim t imee that the t he atom has (A) electrons (B) protons (C) nucleus (D) neutrons
Q17. Rutherfor Rutherford’ d’ss scatteri scattering ng experi experime ment nt is is related related to the size size of the (A) nucleus (B) atom (C) electron
(D) neutron
Q18. The elem element ent used by by Rutherf Rutherford ord in his his famous famous scatteri scattering ng experi experime ment nt was (A) tin (B) gold (C) lead (D) silver Q19. The proton proton and and neutron neutron are are coll collectivel ectivelyy cal callled as (A) deuteron (B) positron (C) meson
(D) nucleon
Q20. Q2 0. The atomic atomic weight weight of an elemen elementt is 39. The number number of neutrons neutrons in its its nucleus nucleus is one more than the number number of protons. prot ons. The number of protons, proto ns, neutrons and electrons respectively in in its atom would wou ld be (A) 19, 20 , 19 (B (B) 19,19, 20 (C) 20,19,19 (D) 20,19,20 Q21. Rutherford’ Rutherford’ss experime experiment, nt, which which establi established shed the nucl nuclear ear model model of the atom, atom, used a beam of (A) β − particles, part icles, which impin impinged ged on a metal foil and got absorbed abso rbed (B) γ − rays, which impinged impinged on a metal foil and ejected electrons electro ns (C) helium atoms, which im impinged pinged on a metal meta l foil and got scatter scat tered ed (D) helium nucleus, nucleus, which impinged impinged on on a metal foil and got scattered scat tered Q22. Q22. Atomi tomic num number mea meanns (A) number number of protons (B) number of electrons electrons (C) number number of neutrons (D) number number of nucleons Q23. The numbe numberr of electr electrons ons in in one one mole molecul culee of urea urea ( NH 2CONH 2 ) is (A) 20 (B) 22 (C) 28 Q24. The The uni unit of atom atomiic wei weight ght is is (A) gram (B) kg
(D) 32
(C) gram per mole
Q25. Atomic Atomic weigh weightt of an elem element ent is x. The actual actual mass mass of one atom of that elemen elementt is (A) x gram
(B) x amu
(C) x × 6.023 × 10 23 amu
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6.023 × 10 23
Q26. The mass of one hydroge hydrogenn atom atom isis of the order order of of (A) 10 −23 kg (B) 10 −24 kg (C) 10–28Kg
(D) 10 −27 kg
Q27. The number number of el electrons ectrons in in 2.1 2.1 gram gram-i -ion on of Cl − is (A) 2.1 (B) 2.1×18 (C) 2.1× 18 × 6.023 ×10 23 (D) 2.1× 18 × 6.023 × 10 23 Q28. If the mass mass table table of atomic atomic weights weights were establi established shed with with oxygen oxygen atom assign assigned ed a value value of 100, the atomi ato micc weight of carbon would be (A)24 (B) 50 (C) 75 (D) 112 Q29. If the mass mass attribu attributed ted to a neutron were were halved halved and and that attributed attributed to the electron electron were were doubled, doubled, the atomic ato mic mass mass of 6 C 12 would (A) remain appro proximately the the same (B) be appro proximately doub oubled (C) be approximately halved (D) be reduced approximately by 25% Q30. Q30 . When When alpha alpha particle particle are sent sent through a thin thin metal metal foil, foil, most most of them go straight through the foil foil because because (A) a-particles are much much heavier heavier than electrons (B) a- particles are are positively positively charged (C) (C) most most part part of the atom is empty empty space space (D) (D) a-p a-par arti ticl clee mov movee wi with high high vel veloci ocity
Q31. Many Many atoms have have non-i non-integral ntegral atomic atomic masse massess becaus becausee (A) they have isotopes (B) their isotopes have non-integral masses (C) their t heir isotopes have different different masses (D) the constituent constitu ent neutrons, neutro ns, protons proto ns and electrons electro ns combine combine to give fractional masses masses
Q32. In the neutral neutral state the the elem element ent M consi consists sts of the the isotope isotopess 14 M 28 ,14 M 29 and 14 M 30 in the ratio 60 : 30 : 20 respectively. respectively. Correct statements about M in the natural state include include that (A) the atomic ato mic weight weight is between 28.0 and 28.5 (B) atoms ato ms of M condition condition 24 electron each ea ch (C) atoms ato ms of M may contain 14,15 or o r 16 neutrons neutro ns each (D) atoms ato ms of M contain 16 protons proto ns each Q33. Q33 . The nucleus nucleus and and an atom can be be assumed assumed to be spherical spherical .The radius radius of the nucleus nucleus of mass mass no. A is given given by 1.25 × 10 −13 × A1 / 3 cm. The atomi ato micc radius of o f atom is 1Å . If the mass no . is 64, the fraction fract ion of the atomi atomic volum volumee that that is is occupi occupied ed by nucle nucleus us is is : (A) 1.0 × 10 −3 (B) 5.0 ×10 −5 (C) 2.5 × 10 − 2 (D) 1.25 × 10 −13 Q34
A: R: (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (E)
Atom is electrically neutral A neut neutra rall par parti ticl cle, e, neutro neutronn is is pres presen entt in in the the nuc nuclleus of atom. atom. If both both asserti assertion on and and reason reason are true and and reason reason is the correc correctt expl explana anation tion of asserti assertion on If both both asse asserti rtion on and and reason reason are true but but reason reason isis not not the correct correct expl explana anation tion of asserti assertion on If assertion is true but reason is false (D) If both assertion and reason are false If asse asserti rtion on is fal false se but rea reasson is tru truee
Q35. Q35. A: R: (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (E)
Thomso Thom son’ n’ss atom atomiic model odel isis kn known own as as ‘ra ‘raiisin pud puddi dinng’ model odel. The aotm aotm is is visua visuallized as a puddi pudding of positiv positivee charge charge wi with electr electrons ons (rai (raisi sins ns)) embe embedded dded in it. it. If both both asserti assertion on and and reason reason are true and and reason reason is the correc correctt expl explana anation tion of asserti assertion on If both both asse asserti rtion on and and reason reason are true but but reason reason isis not not the correct correct expl explana anation tion of asserti assertion on If assertion is true but reason is false (D) If both assertion and reason are false If asse asserti rtion on is fal false se but rea reasson is tru truee Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q36. Wh What at is the the value value of azimu azimuthal thal quantum quantum num number ber for for ‘g’ sub sub shel shell? l? Q37. Radi Radius us of the nucl nucleus eus is equal equal to 10-12 cm. and that of the atom is equal to 10-8cm. What is the fraction of the volum vo lumee of the atom at om occupied by nucleus nucleus ? 12 -12 (A) 10 (B) 10 (C) 10-20 (D)10-4 Q38. The The core core ch charge arge on oxyge oxygenn is is equa equall to (A) +2 (B) -2 Q39. The dual dual nature nature of photons photons is decrib decribed ed by by: 2 (A) Interference (B) E = mc
(C) -6 (C) Diffraction
(D) +6 (D) E =hv
Q40. Light, Light, a wellwell-known known from of ener energy gy,, is treated as a from of matter, matter, by sayi saying ng that it consis consists ts of: (A) (A) Photo Photonns whi which ch are are bun bundl dles es of ener energy gy (B) (B) Elec Electr tron onss or a wav wavee lilike mat matte terr (C) Ne Neutron tronss, since electri trically neutra tral (D) None one Q41. Which hich isis not not the prop propert ertyy of the photon photonss : (A) Momentum (B) Energy
(C) Velocity
Q42. A quan quanta ta wil willl hav havee more more energ energyy ifif : (A) The wavelength is larger (C) The amplitude is higher
(B) The frequency is higher (D) The velocity is lower
Quest (D) Rest mass
Q43. The energy energy of ele electrom ctromagne agnetic tic radiati radiation on depends depends on : (A) Amplitude and wavelength (B) Wavelength (C) Amplitude (D) Temperature of medium through which it passes Q44. Quan Quantum tum theor theoryy was was postul postulate atedd by : (A) Rutherford (B) Maxwell
(C) Max Planck
(D) Becquerel
Q45. Q45 . The maxi maximum mum wavelength wavelength of radiation radiation that can ionis ionisee a sodium sodium atom is is 2414 A0 . The ionisation energy of sodium sod ium per mole shall be (A) 241.4 Jmo1−1 (B) 497.7 Jmo1−1 (C) 241.4kJmo1−1 (D) 497.7kJmo1−1 Q46. 46. A: R: (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (E)
Electroma omagnetic radiatio tions aroun ound 1015 Hz are called as visible visible light. This Th is is the the only only part of electr electroma omagen genti ticc radi radiation ation whi which ch isis vi visibl siblee to eyes eyes.. If both both asserti assertion on and and reason reason are true and and reason reason is the correc correctt expl explana anation tion of asserti assertion on If both both asse asserti rtion on and and reason reason are true but but reason reason isis not not the correct correct expl explana anation tion of asserti assertion on If asse asserti rtion on is tru truee but but reas reason on is false alse If both asse asserti rtion on and and rea reaso sonn are are false alse If asse asserti rtion on is fal false se but rea reasson is tru truee
Q47. Q47. A: R: (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (E)
VIB VIBGYOR GYOR sign signiifies the the sev seven col colour our of of visib sible light. ght. Red colour colour corresp corresponds onds to highe higherr frequ frequenc encyy and and blue blue col colour our to lower lower freque frequency ncy region. region. If both both asserti assertion on and and reason reason are true and and reason reason is the correc correctt expl explana anation tion of asserti assertion on If both both asse asserti rtion on and and reason reason are true but but reason reason isis not not the correct correct expl explana anation tion of asserti assertion on If asse asserti rtion on is tru truee but but reas reason on is false alse If both asse asserti rtion on and and rea reaso sonn are are false alse If asse asserti rtion on is fal false se but rea reasson is tru truee Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q48. A: R: (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (E)
Quantum Quantum in the energy energy equation equation signi signifi fies es the the pri princi ncipal pal quantum quantum number number.. If both both asserti assertion on and and reason reason are true and and reason reason is the correc correctt expl explana anation tion of asserti assertion on If both both asse asserti rtion on and and reason reason are true but but reason reason isis not not the correct correct expl explana anation tion of asserti assertion on If asse asserti rtion on is tru truee but but reas reason on is false alse If both asse asserti rtion on and and rea reaso sonn are are false alse If asse asserti rtion on is fal false se but rea reasson is tru truee
Q49. Q49. A: R: (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (E)
Energy Ener gy of radi radiat atiion is large arge if its wave wavellengt engthh is lar large ge.. Energy = h ν ( ν = frequency freque ncy,, ν = c/ λ) If both both asserti assertion on and and reason reason are true and and reason reason is the correc correctt expl explana anation tion of asserti assertion on If both both asse asserti rtion on and and reason reason are true but but reason reason isis not not the correct correct expl explana anation tion of asserti assertion on If asse asserti rtion on is tru truee but but reas reason on is false alse If both asse asserti rtion on and and rea reaso sonn are are false alse If asse asserti rtion on is fal false se but rea reasson is tru truee
h e
e n e r g y o f
q u a n t u m
o f
r a d i a t i o
i s
g i v e n
b y
Q50. If the the ioni ioniza zati tion on potenti potential al of Li Li+2 is 122.4 eV. eV. What is the 5th I.P I. P. of carbon. car bon.
Q51. Wh What at is the wavel waveleng ength th of light light require requiredd to raise raise an electron electron in the the O7+ ion from n=1 to shell to n=2 shell. Q52. Wh What at is is the radius radius of Bohr’ Bohr’ss fif fifth th orbi orbit for B+4.
Q53. If the the potential potential energy energy of the electron electron is is –10eV –10eV what what iiss total energy? energy?
Q54. First First and second second excitati excitation on potentials potentials of hydrogen hydrogen atom (in eV) eV) would would be respectiv respectively ely (A) 10.2, 12.1 (B) 12.1, 10.2 (C) 13.6, 3.4 (D) 3.4, 13.6
Q55. Q55 . The separation energy energy of the electron present in in the shell shell n = 3 is is 1.51 eV. eV. What What is the energy energy in the first first exicted state ? (A) -1.51eV (B) -3.4eV (C) +1.51 (D) +3.eV Q56. The energy energy required required for the ioniza ionization tion of excited excited hydrogen hydrogen atom would would be (in (in eV)(A) 13.6 (B) >13.6 (C) <13.6 (D) None of these Q57. What What is the potential potential energy energy of the electron electron in the L-shell L-shell of the the hydrogen hydrogen atom? atom? (A) -13.6eV (B) -6.8eV (C) -10.2eV (D) -3.4eV Q58. For ionisi ionising ng an an excited excited hydrogen hydrogen atom, atom, the required required in eV will will be(A) 3.4 or less (B) More than 13.6 (C) Little less than 13.6
(D) 13.6
Q59. If the electron electron jumps jumps from 7.00eV energy energy level level to 5.0eV energy energy level, level, it: (A) Absorbs 2.0eV kinetic energy (B) Absorbs 2.0eV potential energy (C) Emits 2.0eV electrical energy (D) Emits 2.0eV photon Q60. Q60 . Photon of the nmaxi nmaximum mum frequeney frequeney wil willl be be absorbed absorbed in in the transition transition (for (for H atom): (A) From n = 1 to n = 4 (B) From n = 2 to n =1 (C) From n = 2 to n = 3 (D) From n = 3 to n = 2
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Q61. Q61 . Supposing the energy (in arbitrary units) of the energy levels levels in the hydrogen hydrogen atom isis given given as under: Energy level K L M N..... n =1 n=2 n=3 n = 4....n = ∞ Energy - 864 a.u. Zero the excitation energy needed to raise the electron from M level to n = ∞ would be : (A) 192 (B) 96 (C) 188 (D) 384 Q62. Circum Circumfe ferenc rencee of the first first orbit orbit of hyd hydrogen rogen atom is is given given by by the formul formula: a: πα 22 (A) α 0 (B) 0 (C) 4 πα 0 (D) 7 2
πα 0
Q63. When When an electron electron moves moves from from L-shell L-shell to M-shell, M-shell, then itit will will be be accompani accompanied ed by: by: (A) Energy absorption (B) Energy emission (C) gamma-ray emission (D) gamma-ray absorption Q64. When When the electron electron passes passes from energy energy state nearest nearest to the nucleus nucleus to third energy energy level level,, it will will : (A) Emit one quantum of energy (B) Absorb one quantum of energy (C) Emit two quantum of energy (D) Absorb two quantum of energy
Q65. Evalua Evaluate te the follow followin ingg ratios ratios for the energy energy of the electron electron in a parti particul cular ar orbit orbit : [Kinetic : Potential Pot ential ] and [Total : Kinetic] (A) [1 : -2] and [-1 : 1] (B) [1 : 2] and [1 : 1] (C) [1 : 1] and [1 : 2] (D) [1 : 2] and [1 : 2] Q66. 66. If the the I.E I.E. of of He+ us 54.4eV then (A) I.E.of I.E.o f H is 13.6eV and that of Li+2 122.4eV (B) I.E.of I.E. of H is 13.6eV and that of o f Li+2 cannot be determi det ermined ned (C) I.E.of H is 13.6eV and that of Li+2 is 27.2eV 27.2e V (D) All All of the above are wrong Q67. Whi Which part partiicle cle can can not not be acc accel elera erated ted (A) α -particle (B) Electron
(C) Neutron
(D) Proton
Q68. Supposing Supposing the electron electron of the H-atom is is present present in the L-shel L-shell.l. If itit liberates liberates 10.2eV 10.2eV, what is is the energy of the system ? (A) -3.4eV (B) -13.6eV (C) -10.2eV (D) 0eV Q69. For H-atom, the the energy required required for the removal removal of electron electron from from various various sub-shel sub-shells ls is is given given as under: under:
The order of o f the energies would be be : (A) E1 > E2 > E3 (B) E3 > E2 > E1
(C) E1 = E2 = E3
(D) None of these
Q70. Going Going from from K-sh K-shel elll to N-she N-shelll in in case case of H-atom H-atom : (A) K.E. decreases (B) Total energy decreases (C) Potential energy decreases (D) None of the above Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q71. What What is is the the radi radius ratio ratio for for 2nd 2nd orbit orbit of of Li Li+2 ion 3rd orbit of Be+3 ion ? (A) 3 : 1 (B) 16 : 27 (C) 4 : 9 (D) 3 : 4 Q72. The ratio ratio of the energy energy of the the electrons electrons in in ground state state of hydrogen hydrogen to the electrons electrons in in first first excite excitedd state of Be 3+ is : (A) 1:4 (B) 1:8 (C) 1:16 (D) 16:1. Q73. Normal Normally ly,, the time time taken in the transition transition is : (A) Zero (B) 1
(C) 10 −5 sec
(D) 10 −8 sec
Q74. The The total energy energy of an an atom atomic elect electron ron is is : (A) Zero (B) Less than zero (C) More than zero (D) Sometim So metimes es more and sometimes less than zero Q75. The The exp expres ressi sion on Ze giv gives : (A) The charge of α − particle (B) The charge on an atom (C) The charge on o n the nucleus of o f atomic atomic number Z (D) The T he kinetic kinetic energy of an α − particle
Q76. The energy energy of the electron electron at infin infinite ite dista distance nce from from the nucl nucleus eus in in Bohr’s Bohr’s model is taken taken as : (A) Zero (B) Positive (C) Negative (D) Any value
Q77. As an electron is is brought from an infi infinite nite distance distance close close to the nucleus nucleus of the the atom, the energy energy of the electron-nucleus system : (A) (A) Incr Increa ease sess to a gre great ater er pos posiitive tive val value (B) (B) Dec Decre reas ases es to a sm small aller pos posiitive tive val value (C) (C) Decre Decreas ases es to a sm smalle allerr nega negati tive ve val value ue (D) (D) Incr Increa ease sess to a sm smalle allerr negat negatiive val value ue Q78. Q78 . The energy energy of an an electron electron in the first first Bohr’s Bohr’s orbit of H atom atom is -13.6eV -13.6eV. The possible possible energy energy value value (s) of the excited state stat e (s) for electron e lectron in Bohr’s orbits orbits of hydrogen is is (are) : (A) -3.4eV (B) -4.2eV (C) -6.8eV (D) +6.8eV Q79. Which Which electron electron transiti transition on in a hydrogen hydrogen atom requi requires res the the largest largest amount amount of energy energy : (A) From n = 1 to n = 2 (B) From n = 2 to n = 3 (C) From n = ∞ to n = 1 (D) From n = 3 to n = 5 Q80. Bohr’ Bohr’ss mode modell of atom atom exp expllains ains : (A) (A) Ze Zeeman effect (B) (B) Hei Heissenbe enberg rg’’s pri prinnciple (C) (C) Str Straak ef effect ect
(D) (D) Non Nonee of of the these
Q81. Bohr’s Bohr’s atomi atomic theory theory gave gave the idea idea of : (A) Quantum numbers (B) Shape of sublevels (C) Nucl ucleus
(D) Stat tationa onary states
Q82. Q82 . The ionzati ionzation on potential potential of hydr hydrogen ogen atom is 13.6 13.6 eV. eV. The energy energy required required to remove remove an electron electron from the n = 2 state of o f hydrogen hydrogen atom at om is : (A) 27.2 eV (B) 13.6 eV (C) 6.8eV (D) 3.4 eV Q83. The total energy energy of the electron electron in in the hydrogen hydrogen atom in in the ground ground state is -13.6 eV. eV. What What is the stopping potential : (A) 13.6 volts (B) Zero (C) -13.6 volts (D) 6.8 volts
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Q84. Q84 . In an atom two electrons move move around the the nucleus nucleus in in circul circular ar orbits orbits of radii R & 4R. The The ratio of the time time taken by them to compl co mplete ete one o ne revolution is is : (A) 1 : 4 (B) 4 : 1 (C) 1 : 8 (D) 8 : 7 Q85. Ioni Ionisati sation on of H–atom H–atom woul wouldd prod produc ucee (A) hydride ion (B) hydronium ion
(C) proton
(D) hydroxyl ion
Q86. The The radi radius us of an atom atom is of the order order of (A) 10 −10 cm (B)10 −12 cm
(C)10 −15 cm
(D) 10 −8 cm
Q87. The The radi radium um of an atom is abou aboutt (A) (A) the the sam samee as the the vol volum umee of its its nucl nucleus eus (C) 10,000 times the radius its nucleus
(B) (B) four four tim times the the radi radius us of its nuc nuclleus eus (D) 1012 times the radius of its nucleus
Q88. (i) (ii (ii) (ii (iii) (iv (iv) (v) (v)
Cal Calcul culate the radi radius us of first irst Bohr Bohr orbi orbitt of hydr hydroge ogenn atom atom Calcul Calculate ate the veloc velocity ity of an electr electron on in the the groun groundd state state of hydroge hydrogenn atom. atom. What What fraction fraction of the veloci velocity ty of light light is is the vel velocity ocity of an the ground ground state of hydrogen hydrogen atom atom ? How long long does an electron electron takes to comp comple lete te one revoluti revolution on around around the nucleus nucleus in in fir first st Bohr Bohr orbit orbit of hydrogen hydrogen atom ato m ? How many many times times in one second second does does an electron electron travel travel around around the nucleus nucleus in in fifirst Bohr Bohr orbit orbit of hydr hydrogen? ogen?
Q89. Bohr’s Bohr’s model model can not not explai explainn the the emiss emission ion spectrum of (A) H (B) He+ (C) Li2+
(D) Na
Q90. Angul Angular ar mome momentu ntum m of an an elec electron tron in in the the nth orbit of hydrogen hydrog en atom ato m is is given by (A)
2∏ nh
(D) nh
Q91. The maxi maxim mum energy energy is is possessed possessed by an electrons, electrons, when when itit is present present (A) in nucleus (B) in ground energy state (C) in first excited state (D) at infinite distance from the nucleus Q92. As we we move move away away from from the the nucl nucleus, eus, the energy energy of the el electron (A) (A) de decrea reases (B) rem remains the same (C) increa reases (D) first dec decreases the then increases Q93. Q9 3. Which Which of the followin followingg electronic electronic transitions transitions in in a hydrogen atom will will require the largest largest amount of energy (A) from n= 1 to n=2 (B) from n = 2 to n = 3 (C) from n = ∞ to n = 1 (D) from n = 3 to n = 5 Q94. Q94 . In Bohr’s Bohr’s model model of atom when an electron electron jumps jumps from n =1 to n=3, how much much energy energy will will be absorbed (A) 2.15 × 10 −10 ergs (B) 0.1911 x 10–10ergs (C) 2.389 x 10–10ergs (D) 0.239 x 10–10ergs Q95. Q95 . If energy energy of the electro electronn in in hydrogen atom in in some some excited excited state is -3.4eV, -3.4eV, then what what will be its its angular momentum (A) 1.8 ×10 −30 kgm 2 s −1 (B) 2.1× 10 −34 kgm 2 s −1 (C) 9.2 ×10 −37 kgm 2 s −1
(D) 1.2 ×10 −32 kgm 2 s −1 Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q96. Potentia Potentiall energ energyy of an an electr electron on in in the the atom is (A) Ze 2 / r (B) − Ze 2 / r
(C) Ze 2 / r 2
(D) − Ze 2 / r 2
Q97. Electrostati Electrostaticc force of attracti attraction on between between electron electron and and the nucle nucleus us in the hydrogen hydrogen atom is is (A)
r 2
2r 2
Q98. Wh Which ich one of the the follow followin ingg is incorre incorrect ct for the Bohr Bohr model model of hydrogen hydrogen atom (A)
Ze 2 r 2
mv 2
(B) angular momentum is quantized
(C) mass of proton is ignored
(D) none of the above
Q99. In which which orbit orbit of the Bohr Bohr model model of the hydrogen hydrogen atom is the speed speed of electron electron maxi maximum mum (A) n = 2 (B) n = 1 (C) n = 3 (D) n = 4 Q100. The mass mass of the proton is 1840 times times that of electron. electron. If a proton is accelerated accelerated through a potential difference difference of V volts, the kinetic kinetic energy of the proto p rotonn would be (A) 1 e V (B) 1keV (C) 1840 eV (D) 1849 keV
Q101. With increasing principle principle quantum qua ntum number, the energy difference between adjacent ad jacent energy levels in H atom (A) increases (B) decreases (C) (C) decrea decrease sess for for low low val value ue of Z and and inc increa rease sess for for high high valu valuee of Z (D) (D) rem remains ains const constan antt Q102. Q10 2. Energy levels levels A, B, C of a certain atom corresponds to increasin increasingg values values of energy, energy, i.e., E A < E B< E C . If λ 1 , λ 2 and λ 3 are the wavelength of radiat radiations ions corresponding correspo nding to the t he transitions C to B, B to A and C to A
respectively, respectively, which of the following stat statement ement is correct :
λ 3
λ 1 + λ 2
λ 3
λ 1λ 2 λ 1
+ λ 2
λ 1
+ λ 2 + λ 3
= 0 (D)
λ 3
λ 1
+ λ 2
Q103. Q10 3. Bindin Bindingg energy of hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV . The bindi binding ng energy of a singly singly ionized ionized helium helium atom is is : (A) 13.6 eV (B) 27.2 eV (C) 54.4 eV (D) 3.4 eV Q104. Q10 4. The ionization ionization potential of sodium sodium is is 5.48 eV. eV. The I.P. I.P. of potassium is is (A) Equal to that of sodium (B) 5.68 eV (C) 4.68 eV (D) 10.88 eV Q105. Q105. A: R: (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (E)
The rad The radiius of the the fifirst rst orb orbit of hydr hydroge ogenn atom atom is 0.5 0.529 29Å Å. Radius for each circu rcular orb orbiit (r (rn) = 0.529Å (n2 /Z), where wher e n = 1, 2, 3 and a nd Z = atomic number. If both both asserti assertion on and and reason reason are true and and reason reason is the correc correctt expl explana anation tion of asserti assertion on If both both asse asserti rtion on and and reason reason are true but but reason reason isis not not the correct correct expl explana anation tion of asserti assertion on If asse asserti rtion on is tru truee but but reas reason on is false alse If both asse asserti rtion on and and rea reaso sonn are are false alse If asse asserti rtion on is fal false se but rea reasson is tru truee Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q106. 06. A: R: (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (E)
The trtransition tion of electrons n3 → n2 in H atom will emit greater great er energy energ y than n4 → n3. n3 and n2 are closer to nucleus nucleus than n4. If both both asserti assertion on and and reason reason are true and and reason reason is the correc correctt expl explana anation tion of asserti assertion on If both both asse asserti rtion on and and reason reason are true but but reason reason isis not not the correct correct expl explana anation tion of asserti assertion on If asse asserti rtion on is tru truee but but reas reason on is false alse If both asse asserti rtion on and and rea reaso sonn are are false alse If asse asserti rtion on is fal false se but rea reasson is tru truee
Q107. Q107. A: R: (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (E)
In H atom atom when when elec electron tronss jum jumpp from from 1s to 2s orb orbiital tal, atom atom beco becom mes cati cation on.. H atom tom has onl only one one electron tron.. If both both asserti assertion on and and reason reason are true and and reason reason is the correc correctt expl explana anation tion of asserti assertion on If both both asse asserti rtion on and and reason reason are true but but reason reason isis not not the correct correct expl explana anation tion of asserti assertion on If asse asserti rtion on is tru truee but but reas reason on is false alse If both asse asserti rtion on and and rea reaso sonn are are false alse If asse asserti rtion on is fal false se but rea reasson is tru truee
Q108. A: R: (A) (A) (B) (B) (C) (C) (D) (E)
The spectrum of He+ is expected to be simil similar ar to t o that t hat of hydrogen. He+ is also an one electron electro n system. If both both asserti assertion on and and reason reason are true and and reason reason is the correc correctt expl explana anation tion of asserti assertion on If both both asse asserti rtion on and and reason reason are true but but reason reason isis not not the correct correct expl explana anation tion of asserti assertion on If asse asserti rtion on is tru truee but but reas reason on is false alse If both asse asserti rtion on and and rea reaso sonn are are false alse If asse asserti rtion on is fal false se but rea reasson is tru truee
Q1. A Q8. A Q1 5 . C Q2 2 . A Q2 9 . D
Q2. D Q9. B Q16. C Q23. D Q30. C
Q3. B Q1 0 . C Q1 7 . A Q2 4 . C Q31. ABCD
Q4. D Q11. D Q18. B Q25. B Q32. C
Q5. A Q12. A Q19. D Q26. D Q33. D
Q6. B Q1 3 . A Q2 0 . A Q2 7 . C Q34 B
Q7. D Q14. C Q21. D Q28. C Q35. A
Q3 9 . D Q4 6 . A
Q40. A Q47. C
Q41. D Q48. C
Q4 2 . B Q4 9 . E
Q43. B
Q3 7 . B Q4 4 . C
Q38. D Q45. D
Q50. 489.6 V Q51. 1.9 nm Q52. 2.645 Å Q53. –5eV Q54. A Q5 5 . B Q56. C Q5 7 . B Q58. A Q5 9 . D Q60. A Q61. B Q6 2 . C Q63. A Q6 4 . B Q65. A Q6 6 . A Q67. C Q68. B Q6 9 . C Q70. A Q7 1 . B Q72. A Q7 3 . D Q74. B Q75. C Q7 6 . A Q77. C Q7 8 . A Q79. A Q8 0 . D Q81. D Q82. D Q8 3 . A Q84. C Q8 5 . C Q86. D Q8 7 . C Q88.(i) 0.5Å; (ii) 2.188 × 10 8cm/sec. (iii) (iii) 7.29 × 10–3; (iv) 1.528 × 10–16 sec.; (v) 6.54 × 10 15sec–1 Q8 9 . D Q90. C Q9 1 . D Q92. C Q93. A Q9 4 . B Q95. B Q9 6 . B Q97. B Q9 8 . D Q99. B Q100. A Q1 0 1 . B Q102. B Q1 0 3 . C Q104. C Q1 0 5 . A Q106. B Q107. E Q1 0 8 . A Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
What transition transition in the hydro hydrogen gen spec spectrum trum have the same same wave waveleng length th as Balme Balmerr transition, transition, n=4 to n= 2 of of He He+ spectrum?
In case case of of hydrog hydrogen en atom atom when when elec electron tron falls falls from from higher higher leve levell to M shell, shell, the corre correspo sponding nding spec spectral tral line line will will form form the part of : (A) (A) Bal Balme merr se serie ries(B s(B) Ly Lyman man se serie ries (C) (C) Pas Pascchen hen se serie ries (D) (D) Pf Pfund und se serie ries
Q3. Q3.
Whichh of Whic of the the foll folloowing stat stateement ment is is inc incoorrect rrect ? (A) The third quantum shell can hold a maximum of 18 electrons (B) An electron falling to the same energy level from any higher level always emits the same quantum of energy (C) The Balmer series of lines is in the visible region of the emission spectrum of hydrogen atom (D) The electron of hydrogen atom in its ground state remains in the first quantum shell
Total otal numbe numberr of spectral spectral lines lines when when elec electron tron jumps jumps from from 8th orbit orbit to 2nd orbit orbit:: (A) 6 (B) 36 (C) 21 (D) 38
Suppos Supposing ing the elec electron tron is pres present ent in the 4th 4th energy energy level level of of H- atom. atom. When When the elec electron tron returns returns to to ground ground state state the possible transitions would be : (A) 4 → 1 (B) 4 → 2, 2 → 1(C) 4 → 3, 3 → 2, 2 → 1 (D) All the th e above
The radiation radiation is emitted emitted when when a hydroge hydrogenn atom goes goes from from a high energy energy state to a lower lower energy energy state. state. The waveleng wavelength th of one line in visible region of atomic spectrum of hydrogen is 6.5 × 10 −7 m. Energy difference between the two states is: (A) 3.0 × 10 −19 J (B) 1.0 ×10 −18 J (C) 5.0 × 10 −10 J (D) 6.5 × 10 −7 J .
Q7 .
Ritz itz co combina inatio tion pri princ nciiple ple is :
1 1 (A) v = R H ( z ) 2 − 2 n 1 n2 −
(C) E =
hc λ
(B) E n =
− 2 ∏ 2 mz 2 e 4
(D) none
The wave waveleng length th of of a spec spectral tral line for for an an electro electronic nic transiti transition on is inve inverse rsely ly related related to : (A) the number of orbital undergoing the transition. (B) the nuclear charge of an atom (C) the difference in energy levels involved in the transition. (D) the velocity of the electron undergoing the transition.
Q9. Q9.
The hydro hydroge genn spec spectrum trum from from an inca incade desc scent ent sou source rce of hydro hydroge genn is : (A) A band spectrum rum in em emission (B) A line spectrum rum in em emission (C) (C) A band spectrum trum in abs absorpti rptioon (D) A line line spec pectru trum in in ab absorpti rptioon
Q10. Q10.
Which Which statem statement ent relating relating to to the spectru spectrum m of of H atom atom is is fals false: e: (A) The lines can be defined by quantum number (B) The lines of longest wavelength in the Balmer series corresponds to the transition between n-3 and n=2 levels (C) The spectral lines are closer together at longer wavelength (D) A contin continuum uum occurs at n = ∞
Fill in in the the blanks nks :
(i) (ii) (iii)
The light radiations with discrete quantities of energy are called ...... . (I.I.T. 1993) (R.E.E. 1990) h / ∏ is the angular momentum of the electron in the ..........orbit of He+. The transitio transitionn of the elec electron tron in hydrog hydrogen en atom atom from from fourth fourth to the first first energ energyy state state emits emits a spec spectral tral line which which falls falls in ........... series. (R.E.E. 1990)
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q12. Q12.
The obs observ ervatio ationn of line spec spectrum trum of hydrog hydrogen en atom atom indicate indicatess that that (A) the electrons do not lose energy when in stationary states (B) there is emission of energy when a sample of hydrogen is heated (C) an electron in excited state loss energy continuously (D) an electron in excited state loses energy in the form of bundles or packets of of energy
Q13. Q13.
Lines Lines of of Lym Lyman an serie seriess of of spec spectrum trum of hydroge hydrogenn are in (A) ultraviolet r egion (B) infrar ed region (C) visible region (D) far infrar ed region
(E) none of the above
When the electron electron of hydrogen hydrogen atom return to L shell from from shells shells of of higher energy energy,, we get a series of lines lines in the spectrum. This series is called (A) (A) Balme almerr ser serie ies(B s(B)) Lyman man ser serie iess (C) (C) Bracke rackett tt serie seriess (D) (D) Pasc Pasche henn ser serie iess
In hydrogen hydrogen atoms atoms electro electrons ns are excited excited to the 5th quantum quantum level. level. How How many many diff different erent lines may may appear in the spectrum (A) 4 (B) 12 (C) 8 (D) 10
A certain certain transition in the hydrogen hydrogen spectrum spectrum from an excited excited state state in one one or more more steps steps gives gives rise to a total total of ten lines. Number of lines lying in visible spectrum is (A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6
The wave wave number number of the first Lym Lyman an transition in H atom spec spectrum trum is equal equal to the wave wave number number of second second balmer balmer transition in the spectrum of (A) Li2+ (B) Be3+ (C) He+ (D) B4+
In Bohr Bohr series of lines of hydrogen hydrogen spectrum, spectrum, the third line from the red end correspo corresponds nds to which one of of the following inter-orbit in an atom of hydrogen (A) 4 → 1 (B) 2 → 5 (C) 3 → 2 (D) 5 → 2
The wavele wavelength ngth of the radiation radiation emitted, emitted, when when in a hydrogen hydrogen atom electron electron falls from infinity infinity to stationary stationary state 1, would be (Rydberg constant = 1.097 × 10 7 m _1 )
(A) 406nm
(B)192 nm
(C) 91 nm
(D) 9.1× 10 −8 nm
A certain certain atomic transition from from an excite excitedd state to the ground state state of of the hydrogen hydrogen atom atom in one one or more more steps steps give give rise to four line in the th e ultraviolet region of the spectrum. How many lines does this transition tran sition produce in the infrared in frared region of the spectrum (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 6
The masses masses of photons photons correspo corresponding nding to the first first lines of of Ly Lyman and Balmer Balmer series of of the spec spectrum trum of hydrogen hydrogen atom are in the ratio of (A) 27 : 5 (B) 3 : 2 (C) 2 : 3 (D) 4 : 9
If the series limit of of wavel wavelength ength of the Lym Lyman an series for the the hydrogen hydrogen atom atom is 912Å, 912Å, then the series limit of wavelength for the Balmer series of radiation which may be emitted is : (A) 912 Å (B) 912× 2 Å (C) 912 × 4Å (D) 912/2 Å + What hat tra transit nsitio ionn in He ion shall have the same wave number as the first line in Balmer series of hydrogen atom : (A) 3 → 2 (B) 6 → 4 (C) 5 → 3 (D) 7 → 5
Q2 3 .
Q24. Q24.
An ato atom m emi emits ts energ nergyy equ equal al to 4 ×10 −12 erg .To .To which which part of electromagnetic spectrum it belongs belongs : (A) UV region (B) Visible r egion (C) IR r egion (D) Microwave region
Q25. Q25.
A metal metal surface surface emits emits photo photo elec electrons trons,, when the incide incident nt radiatio radiationn posses possesse sess minimum.. minimum..... ... (A) Fr equency (B) Intensity (C) Velocity (D) Wave-length
Electroma Electromagnetic gnetic radiatiati radiatiations ons of freque frequency ncy ‘v’ consists consists of of a stream stream of particle particless called called photons. photons. Which Which of the follow following ing statements is / are true about photons : (A) as the frequency increases, the number of photons in the beam increases. (B) as the intensity of light increases ‘ the number of photons in the beam increases. Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
(C) the number of photons in the beam are independent of frequency (D) the number of photons in the beam are independent of the intensity of light. Q27. Q27.
In photo photoel elec ectri tricc effe effect ct,, the satur saturati ation on phot photoc ocurre urrent: nt: (A) Increases Incr eases with with increase of frequency of incident photon (B) Decreases with increase of frequency of incident photon (C) Does not depend on the frequency of photon but depends only on intensity of incident light (D) Depends both on intensity and frequency of the incident Photon
A photon-sensitiv photon-sensitivee metal metal is not not emitting photoelectro photoelectronn when irradiated. irradiated. It will will do so so when when threshold is crosse crossed. d. To To cross the threshold we need to increase: (A) Intensity (B) Fr equency (C) Wavelength (D) none
The photoelec photoelectric tric effec effectt is describe describedd as the ejection ejection of of electro electrons ns from the surface surface of a metal metal when when : (A) ItIt is is hea heated to a hi high te temperat rature (B) El Electrons rons of suitable velocity impinge nge on itit (C) Light of of suitable suitable wavelength wavelength falls falls on on it (D) It is placed placed in a strong strong magnetic field
Q30. Q30.
Pho Photoe toelect lectric ric eff effect ect sho show ws : (A) (A) Pa Partic rticle le-l -liike behav havior ior of of lig light ht (B) Wave-lik like be behav havior of of lig light ht (C) Both wave-like and particle-like behavior of light (D) Neither wave-like nor particle-like behavior of light
The photoel photoelectric ectric effec effectt occurs occurs only when the incident incident light has more more frequenc frequencyy than a certain certain minium: (A) Fr equency (B) Wavelength (C) Speed (D) Charge
Q32. Q32.
When When the frequ frequenc encyy of light incid incident ent on on a metalli metallicc plate plate is is doub double, le, the KE of the emitted photoelec ph otoelectrons trons will be : (A) Doubled (B) Halved (C) Increased but more than doubled of the previous KE (D) Unchanged
A surface surface ejec ejects ts electrons electrons when when hitted by green light but not. not. When hitted by by yello yellow w light. Will Will electrons electrons be ejec ejected ted if the surface is hitted by red light: (A) Yes (B) No (C) Yes, Yes, if the red r ed beam is quite intense i ntense (D) Yes, if the red beam continues to fall upon the surface for a long time
The work work function function for a metal is 4 eV. eV. To To emit emit a photo elect electron ron of zero zero veloc velocity ity from from the surface surface of the metal, metal, the wavelength of incident light should be : (A) 2700Å (B) 1700 Å (C) 5900 Å (D) 3100 Å
Q35. Q35.
Photo Photoel elec ectric tric effe effect ct is the phen phenom omeno enonn in whic whichh (A) Photons come out of a metal when it is hit by a beam of electrons. electrons. (B) Photons come out of the nuclues of an atom under the action of an electric field (C) Electrons come out of a metal with a constant velocity which depends on the frequency and intensity of incident light wave. (D) Electrons Electrons come come out of a metal with different different velocitie velocitiess not greater than a certain value which only on the frequency of the incident light wave and not on its intensity.
Q36. Q36.
In pho photo toel elec ectric tric effe effect ct,, the the photo photocu curre rrent nt (A) Increases with increasing frequency of incident photon. (B) Decreases with increasing frequency of incident photon (C) Does not depend on the frequency of photon (D) Depends both on intensity and frequency of the incident photon
Q37. Q37.
Photo Photoel elec ectric tric effe effect ct can can be caus caused ed by (A) visible light but not X-rays (C) U.V. light only
depends depends
(B) Gamma rays but not by X-rays (D) Visible light, U.V. r ays and Gamma r ays also
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q38. Q38.
Pho Photoe toelect lectric ric effe effect ct sho shows (A) Particle nature of light (C) dual natur e of light
(B) wave natur e of light (D) neither of the natures of light
Q39. Q39.
When When light is direc directed ted at the metal metal surfa surface ce,, the emitte emittedd elec electrons trons (A) are called photons (B) have random energies (C) have energies that depend upon the frequency of light (D) have energies that depend upon the intensity of light (E) have energies less than the energy of incident photons
Q4 0 .
If λ L, λ m and λ N are the wave lengths length s of electron in L, M, N energy levels of H-atom respectively. respectively. What is their decreasing order: (A) λ L> λ M> λ N (B) λ L< λ M< λ N(C) λ L> λ M< λ N (D) λ L< λ M> λ N
Q41. Q41.
The wave wave-- lengt lengthh of of a movi moving ng elec electro tronn(A) Increases Incr eases with with the increase in crease of the velocity of the electron (B) Does not depend upon the t he velocity of of the electron (C) Decreases with the increase of velocity of of the electron (D) Is equal to zero
How How fast fast is an electron electron moving moving if it has a wavele wavelength ngth equal to the distance it travels travels in one one second? second? (A)
h m
Quest m
2( KE )
If travelling travelling at equal equal speeds speeds,, the longest longest wavele wavelength ngth of the follow following ing matter matter waves waves is that for for a: (A) electron
Q44. Q44.
(B) proton
(D) alpha particle ( He 2 + ) .
(C) neutron
The Heise Heisenbe nberg’ rg’ss uncertainty uncertainty principle principle can be be appli applied ed to : (A) A cricket ball (B (B) A football (C) A jet aeroplane
(D) An el electron
The de Broglie Broglie wavelength wavelength of of a tennis ball ball of 60 60 g moving moving with with a velocity velocity of 10 meters per second second is approximately approximately –16 –25 –33 –31 (A) 10 meters (B) 10 10 meters (C) 10 meters (D) 10 meters
Q4 6 .
It is not not true rue that hat (A) The wavelength associated with an electron is longer that of proton if they have the same speed (B) violet radiations have a longer wavelength that red radiations (C) the energy of light with wavelength 600 nm is lower than with wavelength 500 nm (D) spectrum of an atom is known as line spectrum
Q47. Q47.
The The co condit nditio ionn fo for a sta stabble wave ave is is (A) nλ = 6 ∏ r (B) nλ =
1 ∏ r 2
(C) nλ = 8 ∏ r (D) nλ = 4 ∏ r
Q48. Q48.
Numbe Numberr of wave wavess formed formed by by a Bohr Bohr electron electron in one com comple plete te revolu revolutio tionn in its third orbit orbit is (A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3
Q49. Q49.
Bohr ohr mode modell of of ato atom m is contr contrad adic icte tedd by by (A) Pauli’s exclusion pr inciple (C) Heisenberg uncertainty principle
(B) Plank quantum theor y (D) all the above
Heis Heisen enbe berg rg unce uncerta rtainty inty princi principle ple is not not vali validd for: for: (A) Moving electrons (B) Motor car
(C) Stationary par ticles
Q50. Q50. Q51. Q51.
(D) All
What acce accelerat lerating ing potenti potential al must must be imparte impartedd to a proton proton beam beam to give give it an effe effecti ctive veλ = 0.05 Å. –27 (V=33 volt) (mp = 1.672 x 10 kg) Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q5 2 .
Calculate the λ associated with an electron moving with the velocity of light.
Q53. Q53.
The The K.E K.E.. of of an an ele elect ctro ronn is 4.55 4.55 x 10 10–25J Calculate its λ.
Q5 4 .
Calculate the λ of CO2 molecule moving with a velocity 440 m/s.
Q55. Q55.
Show how that that the the De-Bro -Brogl glie ie λ of the electron in nth Bohr orbit is proportional to n (no. of orbit)
Q5 6 .
The De De-brog roglie λ of electron in the 2st Bohr orbit is (A) πr1 (B) 4πr1 (C) 2πr1
(D) 6πr1
For Assertion–Reason type questions (A) If both both asser assertio tion n and and reason reason are tru truee and and reaso reason n is the the corr correct ect expla explana natio tion n of asse asserti rtion on (B) If both both asser assertio tion n and and reas reason on are are tru truee but but reas reason on is is not not the the corr correct ect expla explana natio tion n of assertion (C) (C) If asse assert rtio ion n is true true but but rea reaso son n is fals falsee (D) (D) If both both asse assert rtio ion n and and reas reason on are are fal false se (E) (E) If asse assert rtio ion n is fals falsee but but reas reason on is true true
Hydrogen has only electron in its orbit but it produces several lines. Assertion : ar e many excited energy levels levels available. Reason :There are
Line emission spectra hels in the study of electronic spectra. Assertion: Reason: Each element has a unique line emission spectrum.
On increasing the intensity of incident radiation, the number of photoelectrons ejected and their K.E. increase in crease.. th e total energy Reason: Greater the intensity means greater the
Electron are ejected from a certain metal when either blue or violet light strikes the metal surface. However, However, only violet light causes electron electron ejection from a second metal. Reason :The electron in the first metal require less energy for ejection.
The kinetic energy of the photoelectron ejected increases with increase in intensity of incident light. Reason: Increase in intensity of incident light increase the rate of emission
Threshold frequency is a characterstic for a metal. Assertion: Reason: Threshold frequency is a maximum freuency required for the ejection of electron fom the
metal surface. Q63.
Assertion: Matter waves consist of oscillating electric and magnetic fields. Reason: Matter waves require medium for propagation.
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q1 .
Q4 .
Q6 .
Q9 .
Q10. C
Q11. (i) quanta (ii) IInd (iii) Lyman
Q12. D
Q1 3 . A
Q14. A
Q1 5 . D
Q16. A
Q17. C
Q1 8 . D
Q19. C
Q2 0 . C
Q21. A
Q22. C
Q2 3 . B
Q24. B
Q2 5 . A
Q26. BC BC
Q27. C
Q2 8 . B
Q29. C
Q3 0 . A
Q31. A
Q32. C
Q3 3 . B
Q34. D
Q3 5 . D
Q36. C
Q37. D
Q3 8 . A
Q39. CE CE
Q4 0 . B
Q41. C
Q42. A
Q4 3 . A
Q44. D
Q4 5 . C
Q46. B
Q47. C
Q4 8 . D
Q49. C
Q50. BC Q5 7 . A Q6 2 . C
Quest Q52. 2.5 x 10–12m Q53. 97.2 x 10–7 m Q54. Q58. A
Q59. D
= 2.06 x 10–11Q56. B
Q6 0 . A
Q61. E
Q63. E
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Dedu Deduce ce the poss possib ible le set setss of of fo four qua quantu ntum m numb number er whe when n n = 2.
What What is the maximum maximum numb number er of elec electro tron n that may be pres present ent in in all the atomic atomic orbit orbitals als with with princip principal al quantum quantum numbe numberr 3 and azimuthal quantum number 2 ?
How How many electro electron n in an an atom atom can can have have the follo follow wing sets sets of of quantu quantum m numb number er ? (i) n = 3 (i (ii) n = 2, l = 0
(iii) n = 2, l = 2
(iv) n = 2, l = 0, m = 0, s = +
1 2
Although Although no currently currently known known element element contains contains electro electrons ns in g orbitals orbitals in the the ground ground state, state, it is possib possible le that such such element will be found found or that electrons el ectrons in excited states stat es of known elements could be in g orbita orbitals. ls. For g orbitals, l = 4. What is the lowest value of n for which g orbitals could exist? What are the th e possible values of m? How many electrons could a set of g orbitals hold?
Arrange the electro electrons ns represe represented nted by by the follo following wing sets of quantum quantum numbers numbers in the decreas decreasing ing order order of of energy energy. (R.E.E. 1987) (i) n = 4, l
(iii) n
= 0, ml = 0, ms = +
1 2
= 3, l = 2, ml = 0, ms = +
1 2
(ii) n = 3, l
= 1, ml = 1, ms = −
(iv) n = 3, l = 0, m l = 0, ms = –
1 2
1 2
Note : Magnetic and spin quantum numbers are denoted by by ml and ms respectively respectively in this question Q6.
Maximum Maximum numbe numberr of of unpaired unpaired electro electrons ns which which can can be acommo acommodated dated in the sub-she sub-shell: ll: s, p, d, d, f, g is___ is____ _
Whic Which h of of the the fo follow llowing orb orbitals itals has has a dumb dumbbe bell ll shap shapee (A) s (B) p (C) d
(D) f
Whic Which h of of the follo follow wing orb orbitals itals is is non non-d -dire irect ctio ional nal (A) s (B) p
(D) f
(C) d
Which of the follo following wing quantum quantum number number is not obtaine obtained d by by the solu solution tion of of Schrod Schrodinger inger wave wave equatio equation n (A) magnetic quantum number (B) principal quantum number (C) spin quantum number (D) azimuthal quantum number
Q10. 10.
Principal, Principal, azimuthal azimuthal and magnetic magnetic quantu quantum m numbe numbers rs are are respe respectiv ctively ely related related to (A) size, shape and orientation (B) shape, size and orientation (C) size, orientation and shape (D) none of these
Dege Degene nera rate te ato atom mic orb orbit ital al hav havee (A) equal energy (C) different energy
(B) nearly equal energy (D) none of above
The orbi orbital tal occ occup upied ied by an elec electro tron n with with quantu quantum m numbe numbers rs n (A) 1s subshell (C) 4f subshell
= 4, l = 3, m = 0ands = −
1 2
is called
(B) 4d orbital (D) 3s subshell
Which Which of of the foll follow owing ing sets sets of of quantu quantum m numbe numberr is not not poss possib ible le (A) n
= 2, l = 1, m = − 1, s = − 1 / 2
(B) (B) n = 3, l
(C) (C) n
= 2, l = 0, m = 0, s = +1 / 2
(D) (D) n
= 2, m = −3, s = +1 / 2
= 3, l = 2, m = −2, s = +1 / 2
Which Which of of the fol follo lowi wing ng sets sets of of quantu quantum m numbe numberr is not not correc correctt (A) n = 2, l
= 0, m = 0, s = +
(C) (C) n = 2, l
= 2, m = 0, s = −
1 2 1 2
(B) (B) n
= 4, l = 3, m = +2, s = +
1 2
(D) all of these
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Q16. 16.
Which hich is corr correc ectl tly y matc matche hed d (A) n
= 5, l = 2, m = +2, s = −1 / 2
(B) (B) n = 5, l
(C) (C) n
= 3, l = 2, m = +2, s = 0
(D) (D) n
= 5, m = −2, s = +1 / 2
= 3, l = 2, m = +3, s = +1 / 2
Which of of the follow following ing sets sets of quantum quantum numbers numbers is corre correct ct for for an electro electron n in 4f orbital orbital (A) n = 4, l
= 3, m = +1, s = +
(C) (C) n = 4, l
= 3, m = +4, s = +
(B) (B) n = 4, l
2 1 2
(D) (D) n
= 4, m = −4, s = −
= 3, l = 2, m = −2, s = +
1 2
1 2
In the n th quantum level, the number of electronic subshell is (B) (B) 2 n 2
(A) n
(D) (D) 2 × (2l + 1)
Q18. 18.
For For the energy energy level level with with the principal principal quantum quantum numbe numberr 3, the numbe numberr of possib possible le orbitals orbitals is (A) 1 (B) 4 (C) 3 (D) 9
Q19. 19.
For electro electrons ns having principal principal quantum quantum number number are 3, 3, the number number of (i) subsh subshells ells and (ii) orbitals orbitals would would be be respect respectivel ively y (A) 3 and 5 (B) 3 and 7 (C) 3 and 9 (D) 2 and 5
The The mag magneti neticc quan quantu tum m numb numbeer ml is fixed by the azimuthal quantum number, l . If If l
orbitals indicated by (A) f, 7 Q21.
(B) d, 5
(C) p, 3
The electro electrons, ns, ide identif ntified ied by quantu quantum m by by numbe numbers rs (iv) n
num ber of the = 2, the type and number
(D) s, 1
n and l , (i) n = 4, l = 1 (ii) n = 4, l = 0 (iii) n = 3, l = 2
energy, from the low l owest est to highest, as = 3, l = 1 can be placed in order of increasing energy,
(A) (iv) < (ii) < (iii) < (i) (C) (i) < (iii) < (ii) < (iv)
(B) (ii) < (iv) < (i) < (iii) (D) (iii) < (i) < (iv) < (ii)
(I.I.T. 1999)
Q22. 22.
Which electro electron n level level wou would ld allow allow the hydrog hydrogen en atom atom to abso absorb rb a photon photon but but not emit emit a photon photon (A) 3s (B) 2p (C) 2s (D) 1s (I.I.T. 1984)
The maximu maximum m prob probabilit ability y of of find finding ing an an elec electro tron n in the d xy orbital is (A) along the x-axis
(B) along the y-axis
(C) at an angle of 45 0 from the x and y axes Q24.
(D) at an angle of 90 0
The quant quantum um numb numbers ers +1/2 +1/2 and -1/ -1/2 2 for for the elec electro tron n spin spin repres represent ent (A) rotation of th e electron in clockwise clockwise and anticlockwise direction direction respec r espectively tively (B) rotation of the electron in i n anticlockw a nticlockwise ise and clockwise direction respectively respectively (C) magnetic moment of the electron pointin g up and down respectively (D) tw two quantu ntum mechani haniccal spin state tatess whic hich ha have no clas lassica ical ana analo log gue
(I.I.T. 2001)
Q25. 25.
An electron electron has magnetic magnetic quantum quantum numbe numberr as -3. Its Its principal principal quantum quantum numb number er can can be be (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
Q26. 26.
Magnetic Magnetic and spin spin quantum quantum number number of an electron electron are -1 -1 and +1/2 +1/2 respec respective tively ly.. This electro electron n cannot be in (A) s orbital (B) p orbital (C) d orbital (D) f orbital
Q27. 27.
Which of the follo following wing statement statement is not corre correct ct for for an an electron electron that has the quantum quantum numbe numbers rs 4 = and m =2 (A) then electron may have the quantum number s = +1/2 (B) the electron may ma y have the quantum quan tum number l = 2 (C) the electron electr on may have the quantum quan tum number l = 3 (D) the electron may have the quantum number l = 0,1,2, or 3 Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Which Which one one the follo followi wing ng sets sets of quantu quantum m numbe numberr is incorr incorrec ectt principal quantum azimuthal quantum magnetic quantum number (n) number (l) number (m) (A) 1 0 0 (B) 2 0 and 1 0 and 0, ± 1 (C) (D)
3 0 and 1 and 2 none of the above
0 and 0,
± 1 and 0, ± 1, ± 2
Whic Which h of of the the fol follo low wing is not not poss possib ible le (A) two electrons of an atom may have identical values of n,l and m (B) a 4d electrons of may have n = 4 and l = 3 (C) two electrons of equal energy occupying p-orbitals of an atom may have parallel spin (D) two electron of equals energy occupying p-orbitals of an atom may have opposite spin
The orbita orbitall angular angular mom momen entum tum of of an elec electro tron n in 2s orb orbitals itals is
+ .
Quest (B) zero
(D) all of these
For For a d elec electro tron, n, the the orbita orbitall angul angular ar mome momentum ntum is (A)
Q33. 33.
2 2∏
h (B) 0
The orbita orbitall angular angular momen momentum tum of an elec electro tron n in an s orbi orbital tal is is (A) 1
(B) (B)
(D) 2
The quantum quantum number/s number/s needed needed to describe describe an electro electron n fully fully in an atom is/are: (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3
(D) 4
The princi principal pal quantu quantum m numb number er of an atom atom is relate related d to the: the: (A) size of the orbital (B) orbital angular momentum (C) spin angular momentum (D) orientation of the orbital in space
The magne magneti ticc quan quantu tum m is a nu number mber rel relate ated d to: to: (A) size (B) shape
(C) orientation
(D) spin
The prin princi cip pal quant quantum um numb number er rep repre rese sent nts: s: (A) shape of an orbital (B) number of electrons in an orbit (C) distance of electron from nucleus (D) number of orbitals in an orbit The The ato atomic mic orb orbiital tal is is: (A) (A) the the cir circcular lar pat path h of of the the elec lectro tron (B) ellip llipti ticcal shap haped orbit rbit (C) three-dimensional field around nucleus (D) the region in which there is maximum m aximum probability of finding an electron el ectron
Q38. 38.
Principal Principal,, azimuthal azimuthal and magne magnetic tic quant quantum um numb numbers ers are are respe respectiv ctively ely related related to: to: (A) size, shape and orientation (B) shape, size & orientation (C) size, orientation and shape (D) none of the above
Any Any p-or p-orb bital ital can can acco accomm mmo odate date up to: to: (A) 4 electrons (C) 6 electrons
(B) 2 electrons with parallel spins (D) 2 electrons with opposite spins
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Q41. 41.
Whic Which h orb orbital ital is is dumb dumb-b -bel elll shap shaped ed?? (A) s-orbital (B) p-orbital
(C) d-orbital
(D) f-orbital
The maximum maximum number number of of electr electrons ons that can can be be acco accommo mmodate dated d in f-she f-shell ll is: (A) 2 (B) 8 (C) 18
(D) 14
Which Which one one of of the fol follo lowi wing ng repres represents ents an imposs impossib ible le arrange arrangemen ment? t? n m s n l (A) 3 2 -2 1/2 (B) 4 (C) 3 2 -3 1/2 (D) 5
m 0 0
Which Which of of the the foll follow owing ing is is corr correc ectt for for 2p-o 2p-orb rbitals itals?? (A) n = 1, l = 2 (B) n = 1, l = 0
l 0 3
(C) n = 2, l = 0
s 1/2 1/2
(D) n = 2, l = 1
Q44. 44.
Which of of the follo following wing represents represents the correct correct set set of four four quantum quantum numbers numbers of of a 4d electron? electron? (A) 4, 3, 2, +1/2 (B) 4, 2, 1, 0 (C) 4, 3, -2, +1/2 (D) 4, 2, 1, -1/2
A subshell with l = 2 is called? (A) s (B) p
(C) d
The angular angular momen momentum tum of an elec electro tron n depe depends nds on: on: (A) principal quantum number (C) magnetic quantum number
(B) azimuthal quantum number (D) all of these
The The ene energ rgy y of of an an elec electr tro on of of 2p 2py orbital is: (A) greater than 2px orbital (C) equal to 2s orbital
(D) f
(B) less than 2pz orbital (D) same as that of 2px and 2pz orbitals
The two two elec electro trons ns occu occupy pying ing the same same orb orbital ital are distin distingu guish ished ed by by: (A) principal quantum number (B) azimuthal quantum number (C) magnetic quantum number (D) spin quantum numbers
Q49. 49.
The maximum maximum number number of of elec electrons trons in subshell subshell is give given n by the expre expressio ssion: n: (A) 4l + 2 (B) 4l - 2 (C) 2l + 1 (D) 2n2
Q50. 50.
An elec electron tron has a spin quantu quantum m number number +1/2 and magnetic magnetic quantum quantum number number -1. -1. It cannot cannot be be present present in: (A) d-orbital (B) f-orbital (C) s-orbital (D) p-orbital
Q51. 51.
The value value of of azimuthal azimuthal quantum quantum number number of electro electrons ns prese present nt in 4p4p-orb orbital ital is: is: (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) (C) any any value alue betwee tween n 0 and and 3 exce except pt 1 (D) zero zero
Q52. 52.
For For the energy energy levels levels in an atom atom which which one one of of the follow following ing statements statements is correc correct? t? (A) the 4s sub-energy level is at a higher energy that the 3d sub-energy level (B) The M-energy level can have maximum max imum of 32 electrons (C) The second principal energy level can have four orbitals orbitals and an d contain a maximum of 8 electrons (D) The 5th main mai n energy level can have maximum of 50 electrons electrons
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The set set of of quantu quantum m numbe numbers rs not not applic applicab able le for for an elec electro tron n in an atom atom is l l n m s n (A) 1 1 1 1/2 (B) 1 0 (C) 1 0 0 +1/2 (D) 2 0
m 0 0
Quantum No No. l = 2 and m = 0 represent which orbital: (A) dxy (B) dx2 - y2 (C) dz2
(D) dzx
s +1/2 +1/2
dz2 orbital has: (A) A lobe along Z-axis and a ring ri ng along X-Y plane (B) A lobe along Z-axis an d a lobe along X-Y plane (C) A lobe lobe along Z-axis and a ring rin g along Y-Z Y-Z plane (D) A lobe and ring rin g along Z-axis
Q56. 56.
For For the energy energy levels levels in an atom atom which which one one of of the follow following ing stateme statements nts is(are) is(are) corre correct? ct? (A) There are seven seven principal electron energy levels levels (B) The second principal energy level can have 4 subenergy levels and contain a max. of 8 electrons (C) The M energy level can have h ave a maximum of 32 electrons (D) The 4s sub-energy level is at a lower energy that the 3d sub-energy level
Q57. 57.
Which of the follo following wing statements statements are are corre correct ct for for an electron electron that has n = 4 and m = -2? -2? (A) The electron electr on may be in a d-orbital d-orbit al (B) The electron electron is in the t he fourth fourth principal electronic shell (C) The electron may be in a p-orbital (D) The electron must have the spin quantum quan tum number = +1/2.
Which Which of the follo follow wing statem statement ent is/are is/are wrong wrong?? (A) If the value of l = 0, the electron distribution is spherical (B) The shape of the orbital is given by magnetic magnetic quantum n o. (C) Angular moment of 1s, 2s, 3s electrons are equal (D) In an atom, at om, all electrons travel with the same velocity velocity
The wav wavee mechan mechanica icall mode modell of of atom atom is base based d upon upon (A) de Broglie Broglie concept concept of dual dual character of matter matter (B) Heisenbe Heisenberg’ rg’ss uncertainty principle (C) Sch r odi n ger wa ve equat ion (D) all t h e a bove t h r ee
Which Which of of the the fol follo lowi wing ng state statemen ments ts is incor incorrec rect? t? (A) Probabilities are found by solving Schrodinger wave equation (B) Energy of the electron at i nfinite distan ce is zero and yet yet it is maximum (C) Some spectral lin es of an element may have the same wave number (D) The position position an d momentum of a rollin g ball can be measured accurately
Cho Choose the the corre correct ct sta state teme ment nt (A) Electronic energy is positive
ψ 2 represents the pr obability obability of finding an electron per unit volume volume (C) ψ represents the probability of finding an electron (B)
(D) none of the above is correct Q62.
For s-o s-orb rbit ital alss, sin sincce ψ (orbital) (orbital) is independent of angles, the probability probability ( ψ 2) is (A) al al so i n depe nden t of of an gl es (B) spheri cally symmet ri c (C) bot h (A) a nd nd (B) ar e corr ec ect (D) bot h (A) an d (B) a re re i nc ncor re rect
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Q63. 63.
Splitting Splitting of spectral spectral lines lines when when atoms atoms are subjec subjected ted to to strong strong electric electric field field is called: called: (A) zeema n effect (B) st ark effect (C) deca y (D) di sin t egr ation
Which Which of of the the follo followi wing ng state stateme ments nts is is not not correc correct? t? (A) The shape of an atomic orbital depends on the azimuthal quantum number (B) The orientation of an atomic orbital depends on the magnetic quantum number (C) The energy of an electron in an at omic orbital orbital of multi election atom depends on on the principal quantum number (D) The number of degenerate atomic orbitals of one type depends on the values of azimuthal and magnetic quantum numbers.
Q65. 65.
Which Which of the follow following ing statement statement conc concerning erning the four four quantum quantum numbe numbers rs is false false (A) n gives idea of the size of an orbital (B) l gives the shape of an orbital (C) m gives the energy of the electron in the orbital (D) s gives the direction of spin of the electron in an orbital.
Which Which one one of of the the statem statement ent of of quant quantum um numb numbers ers is false false?? (A) Quantu m number were proposed out of necessity in Bohr model of the atom. (B) Knowing Knowing n and l it is possible possible to designate a subshell. subshell. (C) The principal quantum number alone can give the complete energy of an electron in any atom. (D) Azimut Azimut al quantum n umber refers to the subshell to which an electron belongs and describes the motion of the electron.
Q67. 67.
Which Which of the follow following ing transitions transitions are allowe allowed d in the normal normal electronic electronic emissio emission n spectru spectrum m of an atom? atom? (A) 2s → 1s (B) 2p → 1s (C) 3d → 2p (D) 5d → 2s
The proba probabi bility lity of findin finding g an an electr electron on in the px orbital is (A) z er o a t n ucl eus (B) t he sam e on al l th e sides ar oun d n ucleus (C) zero on the the z-axis (D) (D) max maxim imu um on on the the two two opposite ite si sides of of the the nu nucleu leus alo alon ng the the x-axis axis
The The spin spin of the the elec lectro tron (A) increases the angular momentum (B) decreases the angul ar momentum (C) can be forward (clockwise) relative to the direction of the path of the electron. (D) can be backward (ant i-clockwise) relati ve to the dir ection of the pat h of the electron
Q70. 70.
When When an atom atom is placed placed in the magnetic field, field, then then due to the presence presence of electrons electrons in it (A) the orbitals do not orient themselves themselves relative to the magnetic field. (B) the orbitals orient themselves relative to the magnetic field. (C) there a re (2l + 1) di fferent values of m for for each value of l (D) there ar e (2) different val ues of m for for each value of 1.
The quan quantum tum numb numbers ers +1/2 +1/2 and and -1/2 -1/2 for for the electro electron n spin repre represe sent nt (A) rotation of the electron in clockwise and anticlockwise derection respectively (B) rotation of the electron in anticlockwise and clockwise direction respectively (C) magneti c moment of the electron poin ting up and down respectively (D) two quantum mechanical spin states which have no classical analogue
The set set of of quant quantum um numb number er for for the the 19 19th electrons electrons in chromium is (A) n = 4, l = 0, s = +1/2 or -1/2 (B) n = 3, l = 2, m = 1, s = +1/2 or -1/2 (C) (C) n = 3, l = 2, m = -1, -1, s = +1/ +1/2 2 or or -1/ -1/2 2 (D) (D) n = 4, l = 1, 1, m = 0, 0, s = +1/2 +1/2 or -1/ -1/2 2
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Q73. 73.
Which of the follo following wing subshell subshell can can accommo accommodate date as many many as 10 10 electro electrons? ns? (A) 2d (B) 3d (C) 3dxy (D) 3dz 2
The questions given below consist of an ‘Assertion’ (A) and the ‘Reason’ (R). Use the following key for the appropriate answer. (A) If both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct corre ct reason for (A). (B) If both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation for (A) (C) If (A) is correct but (R) is not. (D) If (A) is incorrect but (R) is correct (E) If assertion (A) & reason (R) both are incorrect.
Assertion :
For n = 3, l = 0, 1 & 2, and m = 0, 0, + 1, & 0, +1, +2
Reason :
For a given value of n, the values of l are all integers i ntegers from 0 to n-1 and for a given value of l , the values of m are all al l integers int egers from
including 0.
Assertion :
The energy of an electron is largely determined by its principal quantum number. number.
Reason :
The principal quantum number ( n) is a measure of the most probable distance of finding the electrons around the nucleus.
Assertion :
The p-orbital is dumb bell shaped.
Reason :
The magnetic quantum number ( m) can have three values in the t he case of a p-orbitals.
Assertion :
For n =3, l may be 0, 1, and 2 and an d m may be 0,
± 1 and 0, ± 1 and ± 2 .
Reason :
For each value of n, there are 0 to (n -1) possible values of l: for each value of l, there are 0 to ± l values of m.
Assertion : Reason :
p-orbital is dumb-bell shaped. Electron present in p-orbital can have any one of the three th ree values of magnetic quantum quant um number, i.e. 0, +1 or -1.
Assertion : Reason :
A special line lin e will be seen for 2px - 2py transition. Energy is released in the form of wave of light when the electron drops from 2p x to 2py orbital.
Assertion : Reason :
Limiting line in the Balmer series has a wavelength of 364.4 364.4 mm. Limiting Limitin g line is obtained obtain ed for a jump of electron from n = ∞ .
Assertion : Reason :
Each electron in an atom has two spin quantum number. number. Spin quantum numbers are obtained by solving schrodinger wave equation.
Assertion : Reason :
The main shell with principal quantum number n = 2 h as four four orbitals present in it. Number Number of orbitals present in a shell is given by n2.
Assertion : Reason :
Ten distinct set of four quantum numbers are possible for d-subshell. d-subshell d-subshell splits into five orbitals.
Assertion :
3d z 2 orbital is spherically spheri cally symmetrical symmetrical
Reason :
3d z 2 orbital is the only d-orbital d-orbital which is spherical in i n shape.
Assertion :
Orbitals form the basis of the electronic structure of atoms. An atomic orbital is the wave function ψ for an electron in an atom.
Reason :
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Assertion : Reason :
Fine lines are observed in spectra if an atom is placed in a magnetic field. Degenerate orbitals orbitals split in the th e presence of magnetic field
Assertion : Reason :
Spin quantum number can have the value +½ or –½. (+) sign here signi fies the wave function. function.
Assertion : Reason :
Magnetic quantum number n umber can have the value l = 0, ........, (n–1) Magnetic quantum n umber specifies specifies the number of orbitals.
Assertion : Reason :
5s orbital has greater energy than 4s. Energy of of the orbital depends on the azimuthal quantum number.
Assertion : Reason :
Total Total number of orbitals associated associated with principal quantum number n = 3 is 6 Number Number of orbitals in a shell equals to 2n.
Assertion : Reason :
Energy of the orbitals increases in creases as 1s < 2s = 2p < 3s = 3p < 3d < 4s = 4p + 4d = 4f < ..... .... . Energy of the electron depends completely on principal quantum number.
Assertion : Reason :
Splitting of the spectral lines in the presence of magnetic field is known as stark effect. effect. Line spectrum is simplest for hydrogen atom.
Assertion : Reason :
Orbit and orbital are synonymous. Both represent a circular path ar ound which which electron moves.
Assertion : Reason :
Atomic orbital orbital in an atom is designated by n, l, ml and ms. These are helpful in designated electron present in a n orbital.
Assertion : Reason :
Assertion : Reason :
Shape associated with the orbital designated by n=2, l=1 is double dumb-cell. It belongs to d-orbital.
Assertion : Reason :
A spectral line will be observed for a 2px – 2py transition.. The energy is released in the form of of wavelight wavelight when electron drops from 2px to 2py orbital.
Assertion :
An orbital cannot cann ot have more than two electrons, moreover, moreover, if an orbital orbit al has two t wo electrons electrons they th ey must have opposite spins. No two electrons electrons in an atom can have ha ve same set of all the four quantum numbers.
Reason :
Total Total numbero n umberoff electrons in a subshell designated by azimuthal quantum n umber l is 2l + 1. 3.... .......n–1, ...n–1, where n is principal quantum number. l can have value 1, 2, 3
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ANSWERS Q1. n = 2, l = 0, m = –1, 0, +1, s = +½
Q2. 10es – {3d10} Q3. (i) (i) - (18), (ii)-(2), (ii)-(2), (iii)-(10), (iii)-(10), (iv)-(1) (iv)-(1)
Q4. Q4. n = 5, m = –4 to +4, +4, no. no. of of el electron ectronss = 18 Q5. Q5. (i (iii) > (i (i) > (ii (ii) > (iv) (iv)
Q6. Q6. g subsh ubshel elll
Q7. B
Q8. A
Q9. C
Q10. A
Q11. A
Q12. C
Q13. B
Q14. C
Q15. A
Q16. A
Q17. A
Q18. D
Q19. C
Q20. B
Q21. A
Q22. D
Q23. C
Q24. D
Q25. D
Q26. A
Q27. D
Q28. D
Q29. B
Q30. B
Q31. B
Q32. A
Q33. D
Q34. A
Q35. C
Q36. C
Q37. D
Q38. A
Q39. D
Q40. B
Q41. D
Q42. C
Q43. D
Q44. D
Q45. C
Q46. B
Q47. D
Q48. D
Q49. A
Q50. C
Q51. A
Q52. CD
Q53. A
Q54. C
Q55. A
Q56. A
Q57. AB
Q58. BD
Q59. D
Q60 . C
Q 61. B
Q62 . C
Q 63. B
Q6 4. D
Q65. C
Q66. ACD
Q68. ACD
Q69 . CD
Q 70. BC
Q7 1. D
Q72. A
Q73. B
Q74. A
Q75. A
Q76. B
Q77. A
Q78. B
Q79. D
Q80. A
Q81. D
Q82. A
Q83. A
Q84. E
Q85. A
Q86. A
Q87. C
Q88. D
Q89. C
Q90. E
Q91. C
Q92. D
Q93. E
Q94. D
Q95. C
Q96. E
Q97. E
Q98. A
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Write down the electroni electronicc configura configurations tions of the elem elemen ents ts havin having g the foll followin owing g atomic atomic numbers numbers in s, p, d and f notation : (i) (i) 17 (ii (ii) 18 (ii (iii) 19 (iv (iv) 24 (v) (v) 25 (vi (vi) 29 (vi (vii) 30 (vi (viii) 31 (ix (ix) 39 (x) 47 (xi) 56
Write rite down down the ele electron ctroniic confi configur gurati ations ons of the follo followi win ng ions ions : (i) (i) Cr 3+ (ii) Mn 4 + (iii) Ti 2 + Atomic Ato mic number: number: Cr=24, Mn=25, M n=25, Ti= 22, Cu= 29.
(iv) Cu 2 +
Arrange Arrange the electrons electrons represen represented ted by the follow followin ing g sets of quantum quantum numbers numbers in the decreas decreasing ing order of energy. (i) n = 4, l
(iii) n = 3, l
0, ml
2, ml
0, ms
0, ms
1 2
1 2
(ii) n = 3, l
= 1, ml = 1, ms = −
1 2
(iv) n = 3, l = 0, m l = 0, ms = –
1 2
Note Not e : Magnetic and spin quantum numbers numbers are denoted denot ed by ml and ms respectively in in this question quest ion Q4.
How man many y unpa unpaire ired d elec electrons trons are are there there in in each each of of the follow followin ing g in the ground ground state ?
(i) O, (ii) O + , (iii) O − , (iv) Fe, (v) Mn, M n, (vi) S (vii) F, F, (viii) Ar.. Q5.
State State wheth whether er the the fol folllowing owing statem statemen ents ts are are true true or fal false se :
The The outer outer ele electr ctroni onicc confi configu gurati ration on of the the groun ground d state state ch chromiu romium m atom is 3d 4 ,4s 2. (If false, give the correct statement)
The The ele electr ctron on dens densit ity y in the the xy plan planee in 3d x 2 − y 2 orbital is zero.
Expl Explai ain n the the fol folllowin owing with with prope properr reas reasoni oning ng : Fe3+ is more more stable than Fe 2 +
The The num numbe berr of of noda nodall pl planes anes in a Px orbitals is (A) o ne (B) one (C) three
The elec electron trons, s, iden identif tifie ied d by by quantum quantum by numb numbers ers n and and l , (i) n = 4, l (iv) n = 3, l
0 (iii) n = 3, l
(B) 4d
(C) 3p
(D) 5s
The electron electronic ic conf config igurati uration on of fluori fluorine ne is is 1
(C) 1s 2 ,2 s 2 ,2 p x ,2 p y ,2 p z
(B) 4
(B) 1s 2 ,2 s 2 ,2 p x ,2 p y ,2 p z
(D) 1s 2 ,2 s 2 ,2 p x ,2 p y ,2 p z
The num numbe berr of unpai unpaired red ele electron ctronss in chromi chromicc ion (Cr 3+ ) is (A) 6
(B) (ii) < (iv) < (i) < (iii) (D) (iii) < (i) < (iv) < (ii)
(A) 1s 2 ,2 s 2 ,2 p x ,2 p y ,2 p z
(ii) n = 4, l
Krypton ( 36 Kr ) has the electronic configuration [ Ar ]4 s 2 ,3d 10 ,4 p 6 .The 37th electron will go into which of following subshells (A) 4f
can be placed in order of increasing increasing energy, energy, from the t he lowest to t o highest, highest, as
(A) (iv) < (ii) < (iii) < (i) (C) (i) < (iii) < (ii) < (iv) Q9 .
(D) zero
(C) 3
(atom tomic number of Cr = 24 ) (D) 1
The number number of unpai unpaired red electrons electrons in in ground state state of nickel nickel atom is is (Atomic (Atomic numb number er of Ni = 28 ) (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q13. Q13 .
Which Which of the foll following owing has maxim maximum um numb number er of unpaired unpaired electrons electrons (A) Fe + + (B) Co + + (C) Mn + + (Atomic numbers numbers : Fe = 26, Co = 27, Mn = 25, Cr = 24, )
(D) Cr + +
If the nitrogen nitrogen atom had electroni electronicc conf confiiguration guration 1s 7 , it would have energy llower ower than t han of the normal ground state configuration configuration 1s 2 ,2 s 2 ,2 p 3, because the electron electr on would wo uld be closer closer to t o the nucleus. Yet Yet 1s 7 , is not observed because it violates (A) He Heisenberg’s uncertai tainty principle (C) Pauli’s exclusion principle
Whic Which h one one of the follow followin ing g is is param paramagn agneti eticc (A) Zn 2 +
Q16. Q16 .
(B) Hu Hund’s rule (D) Bohr postulate of stationary orbit
(B) Ni 2 +
(C) Cu +
(D) none of the above
Which Which of the followi following ng ions ions has has the maxim maximum um magneti magneticc moment moment (A) V 3+
(B) Mn 3+
(C) Fe 3+
(D) Cu 2 +
Q17. Q17 .
The maxim maximum um numb number er of permissi permissibl blee rotational orientati orientations ons of the 2s electron electron of lithium lithium atom in in ground state is (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
Q18. Q18 .
Beryll Beryllium ium’’s fourth electron electron wil will have have the the four four quantum numbers: numbers: l l n m s n (A) 1 0 0 1/2 (B) 1 1 (C) 2 0 0 -1/2 (D) 2 1
Quest m 1 0
s 1/2 +1/2
For the energy energy levels levels in an an atom which which one of the foll followin owing g statements statements is is correct? (A) the 4s sub-energy level level is at a higher energy that the 3d sub-energy level (B) The T he M-energy M-ener gy level level can have maximum maximum of 32 electro ns (C) The T he second principal energy level can have four four orbitals o rbitals and contain a maximum of 8 electro ns (D) The T he 5th main energy level can have maximum maximum of 50 electrons electr ons
For the energy energy level levelss in an an atom which which one of the foll followin owing g statements statements is(are) is(are) correct? correct? (A) There are seven principal electron electro n energy levels (B) The second princi p rincipal pal energy level can have 4 subenergy levels levels and contain co ntain a max. of 8 electrons (C) The Th e M energy level can have a maximum maximum of 32 electrons electro ns (D) The T he 4s sub-energy level level is at a lower energy that the 3d sub-energy level
The electr electroni onicc config configurati uration on of a diposi dipositi tive ve ion ion M2+ is 2,8, 14 and its atomi ato micc mass is 56. The number of neutrons neutro ns in the nucleus would be: (A) 30 (B) 32 (C) 34 (D) 42
Correct set of four quantum quantum num numbers bers for for the outermost outermost electron electron of rubidi rubidium um (Z=37) (Z=37) is: is: (A) 5, 0, 0, 1/2 (B) 5, 1, 0, 1/2 (C) 5, 1, 1, 1/2 (D) 6, 0, 0 1/2
The magn magneti eticc quantum number number for for valenc valency y electron electron of sodi sodium um atom is: is: (A) 3 (B) 2 (C) 1 (D) zero
After After fill fillin ing g the 4d-orbita 4d-orbitals ls,, an electron electron will will enter enter in: in: (A) 4p (B) 4s (C) 5p
(D) 4f
The order order of incr increas easin ing g energi energies es of the orbital orbitalss foll follows: ows: (A) 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p (B) 3s, 3p, 3d, 4s, 4p (C) 3s, 3p, 4s, 4p, 3d (D) 3s, 3p, 3d, 4p, 4s
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q26. Q27.
How man many y of unpai unpaired red elec electron tron in in carbon carbon atom is: is: (A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 1
(D) 4
The energy energy is lowes lowestt for for the the orbi orbital tal:: (A) 3d (B) 4p
(D) 4f
(C) 4s
Consi Conside derr the fol folllowing owing state stateme men nts: (a) Electron E lectron density in the XY plane in 3dx2 - y2 orbital is zero (b) Electron Electro n density in in the XY plane in 3dz2orbital or bital is zero (c) 2s orbital or bital has one nodal surface (d) For 2pz orbital YZ is the nodal plan p lane. e. Specify True True or o r False.
Consid Consider er the elec electroni tronicc conf configurati iguration on for for neutral neutral atoms atoms:: 2 2 6 1 2 2 6 1 (i) 1s 2s p 3s (ii) 1s 2s 2p 4s Which of the followin following g statements st atements is/are false? (a) Energy is required to change (i) to (ii) (b) (i) represents ‘Na’ atom (c) (i) and (ii) represent different different elements (d) More Mo re energy is required required to t o remove one electron electro n from (i) (i) than t han (ii) (ii)
The The set set of quantu quantum m numb number er for for the the 19th electrons electro ns in chromium is is (A) n = 4, l = 0, s = +1/2 or -1/2 (B) n = 3, l = 2, m = 1, s = +1/2 or -1/2 (C) (C) n = 3, 3, l = 2, 2, m = -1, -1, s = +1/2 +1/2 or -1/ -1/2 2 (D) (D) n = 4, 4, l = 1, 1, m = 0, 0, s = +1/ +1/2 2 or -1/2 -1/2
When When 4 d orbital is compl complete, ete, the the newly newly entering entering electrons electrons goes goes in in to (A) 5f (B) 5d (C) 5p
Quest (D) 6d orbital
Phosphorous Phosphorous is is havi having ng three three unpai unpaired red electrons electrons accordin according g to (A) Hund’s rule (B) Aufbau principle (C) Pauli’s exclusion principle (D) Heisenberg’s principle
Q33. Q33 .
The electronic electronic conf configurati iguration on together with with the quantum quantum number number of last last electron for lith lithium ium is 2 1 2 1 (A) 1s 2s 2, 0, 0 + 1/2 (B) 1s 2s 2, 0, 0 + 1/2 or - 1/2 (C) 1s22s02p1 2, 1, 0 ± 1/2 (D) 1s22s1 2, 1, 0 ± 1/2
The The elec electron troniic conf configurati gurations ons of of Cr24 and Cu29 are abnormal (A) Due D ue to t o extra ext ra stabili st ability ty of o f exactly half filled filled and exactly exact ly fully fully fil filled led sub shells shells (B) Because they belong to d-block (C) Both the above (D) None of the above
Choose the the correct altenativ altenatives. es. The The number number of unpaire unpaired d electrons electrons in in an an atom of (A) 14Si is 2. (B) 14Si is 0 (C) 15P is 3 (D) 15P is 1
Whic Which h of the follow followin ing g ions ions are diama diamagne gnetic tic?? + 3+ (A) He2 (B) Sc
(C) Mg2+
(D) O22-
Choose the the pair whose ions ions have have the simi simila larr electroni electronicc config configurati uration on (A) Lithium and sodium (B) Potassium and calcium (C) Sodium and potassium (D) Oxygen and chlorine
The el electronic ectronic confi configura guration tion of an an elem element ent is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d5 4s1. This represents its (A) excit ed state (B) ground state (C) catio nic form (D) anionic form
In potassiu potassium m atom, ele electroni ctronicc energy energy leve levell is in in the follow followin ing g order (A) 4s > 3d (B) 4s < 2p (C) 4s < 3d
(D) 4s > 4p
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
The subsh subshell ell that arises arises after after f is called called g subshe subshell ll.. (a) How Ho w many g orbital are present in the g subshell? subshell? (b) In what principal electronic electro nic shell shell whould the g subshell first occur and what is the total to tal number of orbitals in this principal shell?
Write rite app approp ropri riat atee valu values es of n & l quantum quantu m numbers for each of the following orbital designations. Also Also arrange in the increasing increasing order ord er of energy (a) 4s (b) 3p (c) 5f (d) 6g (e) 3d (f) 7s
Q42. Q42 .
State the basic basic ideas ideas that are viol violated ated by each of the the followi following ng electron electron configurati configuration on and replac replacee each by by the correct co rrect confi co nfiguration: guration: 2 3 (a) B5 - 1s 2s (b) Na11 - 1s22s22p62d1 (c) K19 - (Ar)3d1 (d) Ti22 - (Ar)4s24p2 (e) Hg80 - (Xe) 4f 105d106s26p4
Whic Which h of the foll followin owing g will will be be coloured coloured ion: ion: 2+ + (A) Fe (B) Cu
(C) Sc3+
(D) Mn2+
What What would be the electroni electronicc configu configuration ration of Cs(Z=5 Cs(Z=55) 5) in in each each case. case. (a) If I f there were three t hree possibili possibilities ties of the electron spin. (b) If the quantum quant um number, l, could co uld have the value, n, and if all the rules governing electron confi co nfiguration guration were otherwise o therwise valid. valid.
Q45. Q45 .
Which Which of the followin following g arrangements arrangements of electrons electrons in mostly likely likely to be stable: stable: (A) (C)
Quest (B)
Q46. Q46 .
Which Which of the foll following owing orbitals orbitals has/have has/have zero zero probabili probability ty of findi finding ng the electron electron in xy plane: plane: (A) pz (B) dyz (C) dzx (D) px
Each orbital orbital has has a nodal plane. plane. Whi Which ch of the foll followin owing g statements statements about nodal plan planes es are not true: (A) A plane on which there ther e is zero probability pr obability that the t he electron electro n will be found (B) A plane plane on which there is maximum maximum probability that the electron elect ron will be found (C) both (D) none
Write rite the the elec electroni tronicc conf confiiguration guration of S2- and Ni2+.
Write detailed detailed elec electronic tronic cofi cofigurati gurations ons for for the followi following ng atoms and and ions: ions: Br-, Ca, Fe2+, P.
How many many unpair unpaired ed el electrons ectrons are are there there in the the Ni2+ ion?
Write the elec electronic tronic configu configuration ration for each each of the the followi following ng ions: ions: (a) Co3+, (b) Ni4+, (c) Zn2+.
Write rite the elec electroni tronicc conf configuratio gurations ns of (a) Ti Ti4+, (b) V3+.
Nickel Nickel has the electron electron config configurati uration on [Ar]3 [Ar]3d d84s2. How do you account for the fact that the configuration of the next element, Cu is [Ar]3d104s?
What What would you predict predict for for the atomic atomic number number of the noble noble gas beyond beyond Rn, if if such an eleme element nt had suffici sufficient ent stabi st abili lity ty to be prepared prepar ed or observed? Assume that g orbitals are still not occupied occ upied in in the ground g round states of o f the preceding eleme elements? nts?
(a) Wri Write te the electron electron confi configurati guration on for for the ground state of Pr3+. (b) How many unpaired electro electrons ns would there be?
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
What What are are the elec electron tron confi configur gurati ations ons of Re Re3+ and Ho3+? How many unpaired electron spins are in each of these ions?
Q57. Q57 .
Which Which properties properties of the elemen elements ts depend depend on the elec electronic tronic configuration configuration of the atoms atoms and which which do not? not?
The questions given below consist of an ‘Assertion’ (A) and the ‘Reson’ (R). Use the following key for the appropriate answer. (A) If both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct reason for (A). (B) If both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation for (A) (C) If (A) is correct but (R) is not. (D) If (A) is incorrect but (R) is correct (E) If (A) & (R) both are incorrect Q58. Assertion : Reason :
Q59. Assertion : Reason :
is diamagnetic.
The electrons are lost from fro m 4s orbital to from Zn 2 + . The configuration of b boron oron atom can not be 1s 2, 2 s 3 . Hund’s rule demands that tha t the configuration configurat ion should sho uld display maximum maximum multiplicity multiplicity..
Q60. Assertion : Reason :
The free gaseous Cr atom has six unpaired unpaired electrons. electro ns. Half filled filled s orbital o rbital has greater great er stability stability..
Q61. Assertion : Reason :
An orbital cannot cannot have more than two electrons The two electrons in an orbital create opposite magnetic magnetic field. field.
Q62. Assertion : Reason :
Electronic Electro nic configuraton of o f an element element is 1s22s1. In 2s, 2 signifies signifies the maximum maximum capacity of o f s-subshell.
Q63. Assertion :
Energy of the t he orbitals increases as 1s < 2s = 2p < 3s = 3p < 3d < 4s 4 s = 4p + 4d = 4f < ..... Energy of the electron electr on depends completely on principal quantum number.
Reason :
Q64. Assertion :
The electronic configuration of nitrogen atom ato m is is represented as as and not as
Reason :
Q65. Assertion : Reason :
The electronic configuration configuration of the ground state stat e of an atom at om is the one which has has the greatest nultiplicity. There are two t wo spherical nodes in 3s orbital. There is no planar node is 3s orbital.
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
ANSWERS: Q1. (i) ( i) Cl; (ii) (ii) Ar; (iii) (iii) K; (iv) Cr; (v) Mn; ((vi) vi) Cu; (vii) (vii) Zn; (viii) (viii) Ga; Ga ; (ix) ; (x) Ag; (xi) Ba Q3. Q3. (i (iii) > (i) (i) > (ii (ii) > (i (iv)
Q4. Q4. (i (i) 2; (ii (ii) 3; 3; (iii) 1; 1; (i (iv) 4; 4; (v) 5; (vi (vi) 2; 2; (vi (vii) 1; 1; (v (viii) 0
Q5. (i) False (ii) Fa False
Q6. Half-filled
Q7. A
Q8 . A
Q9. D
Q10. C
Q11. C
Q12. A
Q13. C
Q14. C
Q15. B
Q16. C
Q17. B
Q18. C
Q19. CD
Q20. AD
Q21. A
Q22. A
Q23. D
Q24. C
Q25. A
Q26. A
Q27. A
Q28. (a) F (b) T (c (c) T (d) F
Q29. (a) T (b) T (c) F (d) T
Q30. A
Q31. C
Q32. A
Q33. B
Q34. A
Q35. A
Q36. C
Q37. AC
Q38. B
Q39. C
Q40. (a) 9; (b) 2s
Q41. (a) 4, 0 (b) 3, 1 (c) 5, 3 (d) 6, 4 (e) 3, 2 (f) 7, 0; 3p < 4s 3d < 7s < 5f < 6g Q42. (a) 2s22p1; (b) 3s1; (c) 4s1; (d) 3d2; (e) 4f 145d106s2
Q43. A
Q44. (a) 1s32s32p93s33p93d154s34p95s1; (b) 1s21p62s22p62d10, 3s23p63d103f 14s24p65s2 Q45. A
Q46. A
Q47. A
Q50. 2
Q58. B
Q59. B
Q60. C
Q61. B
Q62. C
Q63. E
Q64. A
Q65. A
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Mole fraction fraction of solvent solvent in in 0.2 m binary binary aqueous aqueous solution solution of camph camphor or (m = molal molality ity)) ( A) 0.996 ( B) 0. 004 ( C) 0. 96 ( D) 0. 976
Q2 .
Volume V1 ml of 0.1 M K2Cr2O7 is needed needed for compl co mplete ete oxidati o xidation on of 0.678g 0.67 8g N 2H4 in acidic medium. The volume of 0.3 M KMnO4 needed for same s ame oxidation oxidat ion in acidic medium will be (A)
2 5
5 2
(C) 113 V 1
(D) can't say
Ocid Ocidati ation on state state of sul sulph phur ur in in Caro Caro's 's aci acid, H2SO5 is ( A) +8 ( B) +6 ( C) +3
( D) - 2
Q4. Q4.
The mola olarity rity of Cl- in an aqueous solution so lution which was (w/V) 2% NaCl, 4% CaCl 2 and 6% NH 4Cl will be ( A) 0. 342 ( B) 0. 721 ( C) 1. 12 ( D) 2.18
Q5. Q5.
The mola olar rati ratio o of of Fe++ to Fe+++ in a mixture of FeSO 4 and Fe 2(SO 4) 3 having equal number of sulphate sulphate ion in both bot h ferrous and ferric sulphate is ( A) 1 : 2 ( B) 3 : 2 ( C) 2 : 3 ( D) can't be det er mined
How many many mg of quick quick lime lime is is required required to remove remove hardn hardness ess of 1 Kg of hard hard water havi having ng 366 366 ppm ++ of HCO3 and Ca as the only cation ( A) 72 mg (B) 84 mg ( C) 168 mg (D) 170 mg
DNA has densi density ty 1.1 gm/m gm/mll and and its molecu molecula larr weight weight is 6 x 103 g/mol. Average Average volume occupied by its single molecule will w ill be -20 (A) 9.1 x 10 cc ( B) 9.1 x 10-21cc ( C) 9.8 x 10 -21cc ( D) 9.6 x 10-20cc
Q8. Q8.
How many ml of 0.3M K2Cr 2O7 (acidic) is required for complete oxidation of 5 ml of 0.2 M SnC2O4 solution (A) 3.33 ml (B) 2.22 ml ( C) 11 ml (D) 4.44 ml
In th the bal balan ance ced d chem chemiical cal rea react ctiion: on:
aCrO 4
bFe(OH ) 2 + 4H 2 O → cCr (OH )3 + dFe(OH ) 3 + OH
the value of a, b, c and d are respect r espectively ively ( A) 1, 4, 3, 1 ( B) 1, 3, 1, 3 Q10.
Q11. Q11.
( C) 1, 3, 4, 1
In whic which h of the compound compound(s) (s) Iodine Iodine has positive positive oxidation oxidation state (A) Io doform ( B) I2O5 ( C) I Cl
( D) 3, 4 , 3, 1
( D) HIO3
For For the the con conve vers rsiion of 0.240 0.240 g NaH NaH 2PO4 in a solution to monohydrogen mono hydrogen phosphate, phosphate , 21.4 ml NaOH solution solutio n is needed. The molarity of NaOH solution so lution will be ( A) 0. 093 ( B) 0.93 ( C) 0. 087 ( D) 0. 083
Q12. Q12. 22.7 22.7 ml of N/10 N/10 Na2CO3 solution neutralises neut ralises 10.2 ml of dilute H 2SO4. Then the volume of water that must be added to 400 ml of same same H 2SO4 to make it exact ly N/10 is ( A) 245 ml ( B) 484. 6 ml ( C) 480 ml ( D) 490. 2 ml Q13. Q13. The The volum olumee of of NH3(at STP) STP ) needed to pass into 30 ml of 1N H 2SO 4 solution to bring down its strength to M/10 is (A) 0.5 lit re ( B) 636 ml ( C) 537. 6 ml ( D) 540. 3 ml
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
1.0 1.0 gm gm of a mi mixture xture of CaCO CaCO3 and NaCl reacts completely with 120 ml of N/10 HCl. The percentage percent age of NaCl in the mixture is ( A) 40% (B) 50% ( C) 60% (D) 66%
50 g of 8% by mass mass NaOH is mixed mixed with with 100 g of 8% by mass mass of HCl, the resulting resulting solution solution is is (A) acidic ( B) basic (C) neutral (D) st rongly basis
Q 1 6.
0.62g Na 2CO 3 . xH2O completely neutralises neutr alises 100 ml of N/10 N/1 0 H 2SO 4. The value of x muxt be (A) 1 (B) 6 ( C) 8 ( D) 10
Q17. Q17.
How How ma many litre of O3 at STP will be needed to completely oxidise 10 ml of 0.4M KI into I 2 ( A) 0. 448 ( B) 0. 0448 ( C) 4. 48 ( D) 2.24
Q18. Q18.
How many any moles oles of FeCr eCr 2O4 can be oxidised co mpletely by 1 mole of KMnO 4 in acidic medium. (A) 7 (B) 5 ( C) 7/ 5 (D) 5/7
Q19. Q19. A sampl amplee of of Ca3(PO 4) 2 contains 3.1 g phosphorous, phospho rous, the t he weight of Ca in the sample sample is (A) 6 gm (B) 4 gm ( C) 2 gm (D) 5.56 gm Q20. Q20 .
For an infi infini nitely tely dilute dilute aqueous solution solution molal molality ity will will be equal equal to (A) formality (B) molarity (C) mole fraction
(D) ppm
Q 2 1.
KI + I 2 + HNO3 → HIO3 + KIO3 + NO2 If 3 mole of KI & 2 moles I2 are reacted with excess of HNO3, volume of NO2 gas evolved at NTP is (A) 716.8Lt (B) 1075.2Lt (C) 44.8Lt (D) 67.2Lt
If a piece piece of iron iron gains gains 10% 10% of its its weigh weightt due to partial rusting rusting into into Fe2O3. the percentage of tot total al iron iron that has rusted is (A) 23 (B) 13 (C) 23.3 (D) 25.67
In which which of the foll followin owing g reaction equival equivalent ent weight weight of oxidan oxidantt is not difin difined ed + (A) 2BrO3 + 12H + 10e → Br2 + 6H2O (B) BrO3 + eH+ + 6e- → Br- + 3H2O (C) 3Br2 + 6CO3 + 3H2O → 5Br- + BrO3 + 6HCO3 (D) CaOCl2 + H2O → Ca(OH)2 + Cl2
In which which of the followin following g redox reaction reaction 'n' factor factor of every every reactant reactant is non non fractiona fractionall ++ (A) CsBr + Br2 → CsBr3 (B) Mn3O4 → Mn (C) KI + I2
water →
(D) NaNH2 + N2O
→ NaN3
+ H2O
How many many mole mole of electron electron is needed for reduction of each mole mole of Cr in the reaction CrO5 + H 2SO4 → Cr2(SO4)3 + H 2O + O2 (A) 4 (B) 3 (C) 6 (D) 7
To prepare prepare 0.5M 0.5M KCl KCl solutio solution n from from 100 100 ml ml of 0.40 M KCl (A) add add 0.745 g KCl KCl (B) add add 20 ml of water water (C) add add 0.1 mole mole KCl KCl (D) evapor evaporate ate 10 ml of water water
The mole moless of Amm Ammoni onium um sulp sulpha hate te needed needed to react with one mole mole of MnO MnO2 in acidic medium medium in a reaction reactio n giving MnSO4 and (NH4)2S2O8 is (A) 2 (B) 1/2 (C) 1 (D) 1/3 Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
A 20 ml (specifi (specificc gravity gravity 1.02) of chlorine chlorine water water is treated with exce excess ss of KI and and thr liberated liberated iodine iodine required 25 ml of 0.2N Na2S2O3. The percentage perce ntage of free chlorine in chlorine water is (A) 0.87 (B) 87 (C) 0.78 (D) 0.82
An ore of of iron iron,, Wus Wusti tite te has has the the form formul ulaa Fe0.93O1.00. The mole fraction of total to tal iron present in the form of Fe(II) is (A) 0.82 (B) 0.85 (C) 0.15 (D) 0.37
If 1 gm of HCl HCl an and 1 gm of MnO MnO2 heated together to gether the t he maximum maximum weight of Cl2 gas evolved will be (A) 2 gm (B) 0.975 gm (C) 0.486 gm (D) 0.972 gm
35ml sample sample of hydrogen hydrogen peroxide peroxide gives gives off off 500 500 ml ml of O2 at 27oC and 1 atm at m pressure. Volume Volume strength of H2O2 sample will be (A) 10 volume (B) 12.8 volume (C) 11 volume (D) 12 volume
Q32. Q32.
When 143. 143.6 6 mg mg Zn ZnSO4 . xH2O is heated strongly in the absence of air, 40.5 mg yellow residue is obtained. obt ained. Value Value of x is (A) 7 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 2
Q33. Q33.
Perc Percen enta tage ge of fre freee SO SO3 in an oleum bottle bott le labelled 113.5% 113.5% H2SO4 is (A) 40 (B) 60 (C) 50
Quest (D) 45
Q3 4 .
For 1.34 x 10-3 moles of KBrO3 to reduce into bromide 4.02 x 10 -3 mole of Xn+ ion is needed. New oxidation state of X is (A) n + 2 (B) n - 2 (C) 2 (D) -2
Each molec molecule ule of tear gas, gas, Lewisi Lewisite te contains contains 2 Hydrogen Hydrogen atoms, atoms, 1.78 x 10 -22 gm. Chlorine, Chlorine, 2 carbon -22 atoms ato ms and and 1.25 x 10 gm of an unknown metal. Its molecular weight will be (A) 206 (B) 207.5+1 (C) 280 (D) 280.8
We hav have three separa separate te solutio solutions ns of KCl, KCl, MgCl MgCl2 and AlCl3. The concentration of Cl- ion is same in all three solution. Which Which solution will require the least volume to coagulate (precipi ( precipitate) tate) a negatively negatively charged colloidal solution. (A) KCl solut ion (B) MgCl2 solution (C) AlCl3 solution (D) All the same
Q37. Q37.
What hat vol volum umee of 0.3N 0.3N Cr2O7-- /H+ is needed for complete oxidation of o f 200 ml of 0.6M FeC2O4 soution. (A) 1.2 cc (B) 1.2 Litre (C) 120 cc (D) 800 cc
Q3 8 .
25 ml of Na2CO3 solution requires 100 ml of 0.1N HCl to reach end point with Phenolphthalein as indicator. indicator. Molarity of resulting solution with respect to t o HCO3- ion ion (A) 0.008M (B) 0.004M (C) 0.16M (D) 0.08M
Whic Which h concen concentration tration of a solution solution wil willl chang changee on heatin heating g a solution solution (A) molality (B) mole fraction (C) volume strength
(D) %(W/V)
5 gm of a metal carbonate carbonate on heatin heating g strongly strongly rele releases ases 1.51 litre litre CO2 gas at STP S TP.. The equivalent weight of metal is (A) 7 (B) 23 (C) 21 (D) 5
If equa equall vol volum umes es of 0.1M 0.1M KMn KMnO O4 and 0.1M K2Cr2O7 solutions are allowed allowed to t o oxidi o xidise. se. Fe2+ to Fe3+ in acidic medium, medium, then t hen Fe2+ oxidised will be (A) more mor e by KMnO4 (B) more by K2Cr2O7 (C) equal in in both cases (D) can't be determin determined. ed.
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Equi Equiva vallent ent weig weigh ht of MnO MnO4- in acidic, basic and n nuet uetral ral medium are in the ratio of o f (A) 3 : 5 : 15 (B) 5 : 3 : 1 (C) 5 : 1 : 3 (D) 3 : 15 : 5
Q4 3 .
Cl2 reacts with hot ho t NaOH solution, oxidation number of chlorine changes changes from (A) -1 to 0 (B) 0 to -1 (C) 0 to +5 (D) b; c.
Q44. 44.
Molarity of H2SO4 is 18 M. Its I ts density is 1.8 g/cm3, hence molality is (A) 18 (B) 100 (C) 36
(D) 500
x g of the metal metal gave gave y g of its its oxide. oxide. Hence Hence equiva equivalen lentt weight weight of the metal metal (A)
y−x x
x (y − x)
x y
x+y x
Mole fraction fraction of ethyl ethyl alcohol alcohol in in aqueous ethyl ethyl alcohol alcohol solution solution is is 0.25. Hence percentag percentagee of ethyl alcohol by weight is (A) 54% (B) 25% (C) 75% (D) 46%
Q47. Q47 .
254g of Iodine Iodine and 142 g of Chlori Chlorine ne are are made made to react completel completely y to give a mixture mixture of ICl and and ICl3. The moles of each one formed is (A) 0.1M ICl and 0.1M ICl3 (B) 1.0M ICl and 1.0M ICl3 (C) 0.5M ICl and 0.1M ICl3 (D) 0.5M ICl and 1.0M ICl3
Q48. Q48.
0.1M of MnO4-(in acidic medium) can(Assume the volume of o f reducing agent wil w illl be same in in the MnO4-) (A) oxidise 0.25M C2O42(B) oxidise 0.5M Fe2+ (C) oxidise 0.166M FeC2O4 (D) oxidise 0.6M Cr2O72-
Whic Which h of the follow ollowiing are are redox redox reacti reactions ons?? (A) Zn + 2HCl → ZnCl2 + H2 (C) Disproportionation of Cu+ ions ons in a gav gave sol soluti ution on
Q50. Q50 .
(B) Al(OH)3 + 2HCl → AlCl3 + 3H2O (D) (D) Ag Ag+(aq.) + I-(aq.) → AgI(s)
In which which of the following following species, species, valen valency cy and oxidation oxidation numbers numbers have have diffe different rent numerical numerical values? values? (A) CO2 (B) CH4 (C) CHCl3 (D) CCl4
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
X gm of a certain certain oxide oxide of nitrogen nitrogen was was slowly slowly passed passed over over heated heated copper copper to yiel yield d CuO CuO and and N2 gas. The 0 increase in the weight of copper was 5.33 gm 4 litre of N2 gas at 14 C and 754 mm of Hg was also obtained. What is the formula for mula of the oxide. (A) N2O5 (B) NO2 (C) NO (D) N2O
Q2 .
CN– is oxidised by NO 3– in presence of acid : aCN– + bNO3– + cH+
(a + b) NO + aCO 2 +
What are the values of a, b, c in that order. o rder. (A) 3, 7, 7 (B) 3, 10, 10
c 2
(C) 3, 10, 7
(D) 3, 7, 10
Q3 .
One gram of Na3AsO AsO4 is boiled boiled with excess of solid KI in presence of o f strong HCl. H Cl. The iodine evolved is absorbed in KI KI solution solutio n and titrate tit rated d against 0.2 N hypo solution. Calculate the t he volume of thiosulphate thiosulphat e hypo used. (At. wt . of As = 75) (A) 48.1 ml (B) 24.7 ml (C) 38.4 ml (D) 30.3 ml
How man many y grams grams of Zn of 90% 90% purity purity would would be be need needed ed to reduce reduce 8.5 gm of NaNO NaNO3 in presence of alkali. (At. wt. of Zn = 65.4) (A) 32.2 gm (B) 19.8 gm (C) 29.1 gm (D) 23.11 gm
Q5. Q5.
7gm 7gm of a mixture ture of KClO3 and KCl are strongly heated, 2.50gm of O 2 is produced. The residue on analysis analysis proves to be only KCl. KCl. Calculate the t he weight fraction of KCl in the t he original mixture. mixture. (A) 0.0886 (B) 0.123 (C) 0.886 (D) 0.213
Q6 .
S2O32– ion is oxidised by S 2O82– ion, the products are S 4O6– – and SO4– – ions. What volume of 0.25 M thiosulphate solution so lution would be needed to reduce 1 gm of K2S2O8. (A) 36.92 ml (B) 32.69 ml (C) 29.63 ml (D) 62.93 ml
An elem element ent forms forms two diffe different rent sul sulpha phates tes in which which its its weig weight ht % is 28 and and 37. What What is is the ratio ratio of oxidation oxidat ion numbers of the element in these sulphates. (A) 1 : 2 (B) 1 : 3 (C) 2 : 1 (D) 3 : 2
Q8 .
12 gm urea (NH2CONH2) was treated treat ed with excess nitrous acid. The following following reaction occurred. occur red. NH2CONH2 + 2HNO2 → CO2 + 2N 2 + 3H 2O The gases evolved were passed through thr ough aqueous KOH solution so lution and the final v volume olume of the remainin remaining g gas was measured measur ed at STP. The volume of the remaini re maining ng gas will be (A) 44.8 ml (B) 89.6 ml (C) 134.4 ml (D) 13.4 ml
The The reacti reaction on betw betwee een n Yttrium Yttrium meta metall and and dil dilute ute HCl HCl prod produce ucess H2(g) and Y3+ ions. The molar ratio of Y used to hydrogen produced is (A) 1 : 2 (B) 2 : 1 (C) 2 : 3 (D) 3 : 2
The The num numbe berr of moles oles of Cr2O72– needed to oxidize oxidize 0.136 equivalen equivalents ts of o f N 2H5+ by the reaction rea ction is – N2H5+ + Cr2I7 – – → N2 + Cr3+ + H2O (A) 0.136 (B) 0.272 (C) 0.816 (D) 0.0227
Q11. Q11.
The dens density ity of liq liquid uid ethanol ethanol is 0.7893 0.7893 g/ml g/ml at at 20 0C. If 1.2 mol of ethanol are needed for a particular experiment, experiment, what volume of ethanol should be measured out. out . (A) 55 ml (B) 58 ml (C) 70 ml (D) 79 ml
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q12. Q12 .
A 10gm sam sample ple of a mix mixture ture of Calcium Calciumchloride chloride and and sodium sodium chl chloride oride is treated with Na2CO3 to precipitate the calcium calcium as calcium carbonate. When CaCO 3 is ignited ignited 1.62 1.6 2 gm CaO is obtained obt ained.. The T he % by mass mass of CaCl2 in the original mixtu mixture re is (A) 15.2% (B) 32.1% (C) 21.8% (D) 11.07%
The mole moless of Amm Ammonium onium sulp sulpha hate te needed needed to react with one mole mole of MnO MnO2 in acidic medium in a reaction reaction giving MnSO4 and (NH4)2S2O8 is (A) 2 (B) 1/2 (C) 1 (D) 1/3
Q14. Q14.
In a rea react ctiion FeS2 is oxidised by O 2 to Fe2O3 and SO2. If the t he equivalent equivalent of O 2 consumed are X, then the equivalents equivalents of o f Fe2O3 and SO2 produced are (A) X and X
Q15. Q15.
and X
10 X
10 X
2 11 11 11 11 100 100 ml of 0.6 N H2SO4 and 200 ml of 0.3 N HCl were mixed toget her. The normality nor mality of the resulting re sulting solution will be (A) 0.1N (B) 0.2N (C) 0.3N (D) 0.4N
1g of carbonate carbonate of a metal metal was dissolv dissolved ed in 25ml 25ml of N HCl. HCl. The resultin resulting g liquid liquid required required 5 ml of N NaOH for neutralization. neutr alization. The eq. wt. of the t he metal metal carbonate is (A) 50 (B) 30 (C) 20 (D) none
Q17. Q17.
5 ml ml of of N – HCl HCl,, 20 20 ml ml of of N/2 N/2 – H2SO4 and 30ml of N/3 – HNO 3 are mixed mixed together t ogether and the volume made to 1 litre. (i) The normality of the resulting solution is (A) N/5 (B) N/10 (C) N/20 (D) N/40 (ii) The wt. of pure NaOH required to neutralize the above solution is (A) 10 g (B) 2 g (C) 1 g (D) 2.5 g
Q18. Q18.
If 0.5 0.5 mol of BaC BaCl2 is mixed mixed with 0.20 mol mo l of Na3PO4, the t he maximum maximum amount amount of Ba3(PO4)2 that can be formed is (A) 0.70 mol (B) 0.50 mol (C) 0.20 mol (D) 0.10mol
The The equi equiv valen alentt mass mass of of Mn MnSO4 is half half of its molar mass when it is converted to to – (A) Mn2O3 (B) MnO2 (C) MnO4 (D) MnO42–
The anion anion nitrate nitrate can be be converted converted into into ammoni ammonium um ion. ion. The equival equivalent ent mass mass of NO3– ion in this reaction would be (A) 6.20g (B) 7.75g (C) 10.5g (D) 21.0 g
The The equ equiival valent ent mas masss of Na2S2O3 in its reaction with I 2 is equal to
(A) molar molar mass mass (B)
molar lar mass 2
molar lar mass 3
molar lar mass 4
Q22. Q22.
A solut olutiion of KMnO4 is reduced to MnO2. The normality of solution is 0.6. The molarity is : (A) 1.8 M (B) 0.6 M (C) 0.1M (D) 0.2 M
Q23. Q23.
When When one one gra gram m of of KMn KMnO O4 reacts react s with HCl, the volume of chlorine chlorine liberated at NTP will be be (A) 11.2 litres (B) 22.4 litres (C) 44.8 litres (D) 56.0 litres
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
8g of sul sulphur phur are are burnt burnt to to form form SO2 which is oxidised by Cl2 water. The solution is treated treate d with BaCl2 solution. The amount of BaSO 4 precipitated is (A) 1 mol (B) 0.5 mol (C) 0.24 mol (D) 0.25 mol
In an experimen experimentt 50 ml of 0.1M solution of a salt reacted reacted with 25 ml ml of 0.1M solution of sodium sodium sulphite. The half equation for the oxidation of sulphite ion is: SO32– (aq.) + H2O (l) → SO42–(aq.) + 2H+ (aq.) + 2e– If the oxidation number of metal in the salt was 3, what would be the new oxidation number of metal? (A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 4
Q2 6 .
When BrO3– ion reacts with Br– ion in acid solution Br2 is liberated. liberated. The equivalent equivalent weight of o f KBrO3 in this reaction is (A) M/8 (B) M/3 (C) M/5 (D) M/6 where M is its molar mass.
Q27. Q2 7.
Hydrogen peroxide peroxide in in aqueous solution solution decomposes decomposes on warmi warming ng to give give oxygen oxygen according according to the equation 2H2O2(aq.) → 2H2O(l) + O2(g) under u nder conditions where where one o ne mole mole of gas g as occupies 24 dm 3, 100cm3 of X M solution of H2O2 produces prod uces 3 dm3 of O2 X is thus (A) 2.5 (B) 1 (C) 0.5 (D) 0.25
One One mol molee of a mix mixture ture of CO and and CO2 requires exactly 20 grams of NaOH in solution for complete co mplete conversion of all the CO 2 into Na2CO3. How many extra grams of NaOH would it require for conversion into Na2CO3 if the mixtur mixturee (one mole) is completely oxidized to CO2 (A) 60 grams (B) 80 grams (C) 40 grams (D) 20 grams
A sol soluti ution on contai containi ning ng both both Na Na2CO3 and NaHCO3 was treated treat ed with excess of CaCl2 solution and filter filtered. ed. The precipitate precipitate weighed weighed m1 grams. On adding NaOH in drops to t o the t he filtrate filtrate avoiding excess, excess, a further m2 grams was precipitated. If I f after adding excess CaCl2, the t he solution (had not been filtered filtered but) was simply simply boiled boiled and then filtered, filtered, what would be the total t otal weight of the precipitate?
(A) (m1 + m2) grams
m1 + m 2 2 grams
m2 + m (B) 1 2 grams
(D) m 2
Q30. Q30.
One One gra gram m of a mi mixtur xturee of of Na Na2CO3 and NaHCO3 consumes y gram equivalents equivalents of HCl for co mplete neutralization. One gram of the mixture is strongly heated, then cooled and the residue treated with HCl. How many many grams equivalents equivalents of HCl would w ould be required for complete neutralization? (A) 2 y gram equivalent (B) y gram equivalents (C) 3y/4 gram equivalents (D) 3y/2 gram equivalents
Q31. Q31 .
The oxidation oxidation states states of the most most electronegative electronegative elemen elementt in the products of the reaction, reaction, BaO2 with dilute H2SO4 are (A) 0 and –1 (B) –1 and –2 (C) –2 and 0 (D) –2 and +1
Q32. Q32.
A sol solution ution cont contai ains ns Na2CO3 and NaHCO3. 10ml of the solution required 2.5 ml of 0.1M H 2SO4 for neutralization using phenolphthalei phenolphthalein n as indicator. Methyl orange is then t hen added when a furt further her 2.5 2. 5 ml of 0.2 M H2SO4 was required. The amount of Na 2CO3 and NaHCO3 in 1 litre litre of o f the solution is (A) 5.3 g & 4.2g (B) 3.3 g & 6.2 g (C) 4.2 g & 5.3g (D) 6.2 g & 3.3 g Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q33. Q33.
0.5 0.5g of fumi uming H2SO4 (Oleum) is diluted with water. This solution is completely neutralized by 26.7 ml of 0.4 N NaOH. The percentage of free SO 3 in the sample is (A) 30.6% (B) 40.6% (C) 20.6% (D) 50%
34g of hydrogen hydrogen peroxide peroxide is presen presentt in 1120 1120 ml of solution. solution. This This solution solution is is called called (A) 10 vol solution (B) 20 vol solutio tion (C) 30 vol solutio tion (D) 32 vol solution
Q35. Q35 .
A 2g sampl samplee of xenon xenon reacts reacts with fluorine. fluorine. The The mass mass of the compoun compound d produced is 3.158g. The empiri empirical cal formula of the compo compound und is (A) XeF2 (B) XeF4 (C) XeF5 (D) XeF6
In which which of the followi following ng redox redox reaction reaction ‘n’ ‘n’ factor factor of every reactant is is non fractional fractional ++ (A) CsBr + Br 2 → CsBr3 (B) Mn3O4 → Mn (C) KI + I2 → KI3 (D) NaNH2 + N2O → NaN3 + H2O
Q3 7 .
For 1.34 x 10–3 moles of KBrO3 to reduce r educe into bromide 4.02 x 10–3 mole of Xn+ ion is needed. New oxidation state of X is (A) n + 2 (B) n – 2 (C) 2 (D) –2
The iodide iodide content content of a solution solution was determin determined ed by titration with with cerium cerium (IV) sulfate sulfate in in the presenc presencee of – HCl, in which I is converted to t o ICI. I CI. A 250 ml sample sample of the solution required r equired 20ml of 0.05 N Ce 4+ solution. What is the iodide concentration concentr ation in the original solution, in g/litre (A) 0.254 g/lit (B) 2.54 g/lit (C) 0.508 g/lit (D) 5.08 g/lit
0.218g of an alkal alkaline ine earth earth metal when when dissol dissolve ved d in dilute dilute HCl evol evolved ved 218.2 cc of hydrogen hydrogen at 17 0C and 754.4 mm collected over water. wat er. Tension Tension of aqueous vapour at 17 0C = 14.4 mm. The equivalent weight of o f metal metal is (A) 12.22 (B) 24.22 (C) 23.93 (D) 11.96
Q4 0 .
1 mol molee of of Fe2S3, 2 moles of H 2O and 3 moles of O 2 are allowed allowed to react according accor ding to the t he equation 2Fe2S3(s) + 6H2O(l) + 3O2(g) → 4Fe(OH)3(s) + 6S(s) The number of moles of Fe(OH) 3(s) that t hat can be produced is (A) 1.34 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 3
The The equi equival valent ent wei weight ght of Cl2 in the following following two reactions r eactions are MnO2 + 4HCl → MnCl2 + Cl2 + 2H2O 6NaOH + 3Cl2 → 5NaCl + NaClO3 + 3H2O (A) 35.5 & 35.5 (B) 35.5 & 71 (C) 35.5 & 14.2
Quest (D) 35.5 & 42.6
0.3 g of a sampl samplee of an oxalate oxalate salt salt is dissolved dissolved in 100cc 100cc of water. It required 90 cc of N/20 KMnO4 solution for complete oxidation. The percentage of o f oxalate oxalate (C ( C2O42–) in the given sample is (A) 66 (B) 33 (C) 68 (D) 64
Two acids acids (A) (A) and (B) (B) are titrated separately separately each time with 25 25 ml of 1N Na Na2CO3 solution and required 10ml and 40 ml ml respectively for complete neutralization. The volumes vo lumes of acid (A) and (B) require to t o mix to produce p roduce one o ne litr litree of 1N acid solution are respectivel respect ively y, (A) (A) 200 ml of (A) an and 800 ml of (B) (B) (B) (B) 800 ml of (A) an and 200 ml of (B) (B) (C) (C) 40 400 ml of (A) (A) an and 400 ml of (B) (B) (D) (D) 600 ml of (A) (A) and 400 ml of (B) (B)
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q44. Q44.
In a re reaction tion,, Cu Cu2S is oxidized by reacting react ing with oxygen to give Cu 2+ and SO2. If I f the equivalents equivalents of O 2 2+ used were x, the equivalents equivalents of o f Cu and SO2 produced w.r.t. Cu 2S would be (A) x and x (B) x and 0.25 x (C) 0.25x and 0.75 (D) 0.75x and 0.25x
When When those compounds compounds are used used as reduci reducing ng agents, agents, the equival equivalent ent weight weight of KHC 2O4, H2C2O4·2H2O each is (A) (A) th the same as its mole olecul cular we weight (B) (B) half of its mole olecular weight (C) 1/4 of its molecular weight (D) 1/8 of it s molecular weight
A hyd hydrate rate of of iron iron(III (III)) thiocy thiocyn nate, ate, Fe(SC Fe(SCN) N)3 was found to contain 19% H2O. The T he empirical empirical formula of the hydrate is (A) Fe(SCN)3·H2O (B) Fe(SCN)3·2H2O (C) Fe(SCN)3·3H2O (D) Fe(SCN)3·4H2O
Manganese Manganese forms non-stoichiome non-stoichiometric tric oxide oxide havi having ng the general general formula formula MnO MnO x. The value of x for a compound that contained co ntained 63.7% 63.7% Mn, is (A) 2.08 (B) 1.958 (C) 1.858 (D) 2.18
A sam sampl ple, e, sup suppos posed ed to be be pure pure CaCO CaCO3, is used to standardize a solution of HCl. The substance substance was actually a mixture mixture of MgCO 3 and BaCO3, but the standardization was corect in spite spite of erroneous assumption. The percentage of MgCO3 in the mixture mixture would be (A)30.2% (B) 72.1% (C) 27.9% (D) 69.8%
An oleu oleum m sam sampl plee conta contain inin ing g 40% SO SO3 is diluted with sufficient sufficient H 2O. The % labelling labelling of this oleum sample would be (A) 105% (B) 107% (C) 109% (D) 111%
Q50. Q50.
6 eq equiv uivale alent of FeC FeC2O4 on treatment with 2 mole of K2Cr2O7 in acidic medium evolves x litre of CO 2 gas at STP ST P. The value of x would wou ld be (A) 22.4 l (B) 44.8 l (C) 67.2 l (D) 89.6 l
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Students should solve this Question Bank by 17th Sept. 2006 positively positively
Questions No.1 to 6 (6 questions) Acid strength is measured by the position of o f equilibrium equilibrium of ionisation ionisation in water. In other ot her words wor ds acid strength str ength is the function of the stabil st ability ity of conjugate base of the acid. More is the stability stability of conjugate conjugat e base of the acid, more is the t he acidity of acid. Whic Which h one one of the foll ollowing owing is the most most aci acidi dic? c?
(A) Q.2
Quest (II)
Select the correct corr ect answer from fro m the codes given given below: below: (A) III > II > IV > I (B) III > II > I > IV (C) II > III > I > IV
Whic Which h one of the the fol folllowing owing is strong stronges estt aci acid? (A) Cl–CH2–CH2–COOH (C) Cl–CH2–CH2–CH2–COOH
(D) II > III > IV > I
(B) Cl–CH2–COOH (D) CH3 – COOH
The The corre correct ct order order of acid acidiity of the give given n aci acids: (I) CH3COOH
will be: (A) II > IV > III > I
(B) I > II > III > IV
(C) II > III > IV > I
(D) II > I > IV > III
Whi Which of the the followi ollowing ng is weake weakest st acid acid??
Arrang Arrangee the follo followi wing ng com compoun pounds ds in in decre decreas asin ing g order order of acid acidity ity??
(I) C6H5–OH
(D) CH2=CH–CH3
Whic Which h one of the fol follow lowin ing g phen phenols ols wil willl show show hig highe hest st acidi acidity ty??
Question No. 7 to 9 (3 questions) Basicity of nitrogen nitro gen containing compounds are determined by the realtive realt ive availabili availability ty of the t he non-bonding electrons on nitrogen atom to a proton donor or Lewis acid and by the stabilisation of the positive charged nitrogen nitro gen atom by solvation or, o r, in some special cases by resonance. Con Consider der the the foll ollowi owing bas bases es:: (I) o-nitroaniline (II) m-nitro troaniline (III) p-nitroaniline The decreasing order of basicity is: is: (A) II > III > I (B) II > I > III (C) I > II >III (D) I > III > II Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Consi Consider der the the bas basic icity ity of the the fol follow lowin ing g arom aromati aticc amin amines es:: (I) aniline (II) pp-nitroaniline (III) p-methoxyaniline (IV) p-methylaniline The correct corr ect order or der of decreasing basi basicity city is: is: (A) III > IV > I > II (B) III > IV > II > I (C) I > II > III > IV (D) IV > III > II > I
Whi Which one one of the the foll following owing is is leas leastt basi basicc in in char charac acter? ter?
(A) Q.10
Match List List I with with List List II and select select the correct answer answer from the codes given given below below the lists: lists: List I
O O || || CH 3 − C − CH 2 − CH 2 − CH 3 and CH 3 − CH 2 − C − CH 2 − CH 3
Quest and
List II
(1) Enantiomer (3) Metamers Codes: (a) (b) (A) 3 2 (C) 1 2 Q.11
(2) Position isomers (4) Tautomers (c) 4 3
(d) 1 4
(B) (D)
(a) 3 2
(b) 2 3
Arrang Arrangee pH of the the give given n compoun compounds ds in in decreas decreasin ing g order: (1) Phenol (2) Ethyl alcohol (3) Formic acid (A) 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 (B) 2 > 1 > 4 > 3 (C)3 > 2 > 4 > 1
(c) 1 4
(d) 4 1
(4) Benzoic acid (D) 4 > 3 > 1 > 2
Arrange Arrange acidity acidity of given given compounds compounds in decreasi decreasing ng order: (I) CH3–NH–CH 2–CH2–OH (II) CH3–NH–CH2–CH2–CH2–OH ⊕
(III) (CH 3 ) 3 N − CH 2 − CH 2 − OH (A) III > I > II
(B) III > II > I
(C) I > II > III
(D) II > I > III
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q.13 Q. 13
In each of the followi following ng pair of compounds, compounds, which which is is more more basic basic in aqueous solution? Give an explanati explanation on for your choice:
(a) (c) (e) (e)
CH3NH2 or CF3NH2 (b) n-PnNH2 or CH3CN (d) m-nitroa troan niline or p-n p-niitroa troan niline
Q.14 (a) (a)
Answe nswerr the the fol folllowi owing: Whi Which proton proton is more rapi rapidl dly y abs abstra tracte cted d by by etho ethoxi xide de ion ion and and why why??
(b) (b)
Whi Which compoun compound d is is more rapidl rapidly y attacked attacked by a nucle nucleophi ophile le and why? why?
CH3CONH2 or H 2N NH2 C6H5N(CH3)2 or 2,6-dimethyl-N-N-dimethylaniline
Quest (i)
Q.15 (a) (c)
From From the fol folllowing owing pair pair,, select select the strong stronger er base: base: p-methoxy aniline or p-cyanoaniline (b) CH3CN or CH3CH2NH2
Q.16 (a) (c)
Write equations equations showing showing the the Lewis Lewis acid acid-base -base reaction reaction that takes takes place place when when Meth ethyl alcohol ohol reacts acts with BF3. (b) Methyl chlo ride reacts with AlCl3. Dimethy thyl ether ther reac eacts with BF3.
Which Which of the followi following ng are lewi lewiss acids acids & which which are lewis lewis bases? bases?
(a) CH 3CH 2 − N − CH 3 | CH 3 ••
(d) ••Br•• ••
pyridine o r pyrrole
CH 3 | (b) CH 3 − C ⊕ | CH 3
(e) (CH3)3B
(c) (C6H5)3 P:
− (f) H :
Q.18 (a) (c)
Which Which would would you expect expect to be the stronger acid? acid? Explai Explain n your your reasoning reasoning in in each instance instance.. CH2ClCO2H or CHCl2CO2H (b) CCl3CO2H or CHCl2CO2H CH2FCO2H or CH2FCH2CO2H
Write equations equations for for the acid base reaction that would occur occur when when each each of the followin following g compounds compounds or solution are mixed. In each case label the stronger acid & str onger base,& the weaker acid & weaker base. NaH is added to CH3OH NaNH2is added to CH 3CH2OH Gaseous NH3 is added to ethyl et hyl lithium lithium in hexane NH4Cl is added to NaNH 2 in liq. NH3 (CH3)3CONa is added to H 2O NaOH is added to (CH3)3 C-OH C2H5OH is added to a solut solution ion of HC ≡ C–Na+ in liquid NH3.
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
CH3CH2MgBr + CH3C ≡ CH → A + B
Choose the memb member er of each each of the followin following g pairs pairs of compunds compunds that that is likel likely y to be the stronger base. base.
(a) NH 2− or NH3
(b) OH– or H2O
(c) OH– or SH–
(d) CH3CH2O– or
O || (e) CH 2 − C − OH or CH3CH2O–
(f) NH3 or NH ⊕ 4
Choose the memb member er of each each of the following following pairs of compunds compunds that is likely likely to be the weaker weaker base. base. – 2– – – ⊕ (a) H2O or H3O (b) H2S, HS , S (c) Cl , SH (d) F–, OH–, NH2–, CH 3−
(f) OH–, SH–, SeH–
(e) HF, H2O, NH3
Label Label the reactants reactants in these these acid acid – base base reactions reactions as Lewis Lewis acids acids (electrophil (electrophiles) es) or Lewis bases bases (nucleophiles). (nucleophiles). Use curved arrows arro ws to show the movement movement of electron electro n pairs in the recations. recat ions.
CH 3 •O•••
CH 3 − O − CH 3 + •• O − H → → CH 3 − O •• + CH 3 − O − H | | | | CH 3 H CH 3 H • •— • • O •O• || | H − C − H + •• NH 3 → → H − C − H | + NH3
+ CH 3 − Cl • → → CH 3 − O − CH 3 + •• Cl • ••
• •+
CH 3 − CH 2 − •C• l••
CH 3 − N H 2
(CH3)3CCl + AlCl3 → (CH3)3C+ + –AlCl4
CH2 = CH2 + BF3 → B F3 − CH 2 − C H 2
→ →
CH 3 − N H 2 − CH 2CH 3
• •
C l•• ••
(g) (g) (h) (h)
B F3 − CH 2 − C H 2 + CH2 = CH2 → B F3 − CH 2 − CH 2 − CH 2 − C H 2
(i) (i) Q.24
Predict Predict the products of the followi following ng acid_b acid_base ase reactions. reactions. – H2SO4 + CH3COO l
Q.25 (a) (a)
Meth Methy yllithi thium (CH (CH3Li) is often used as a base in organic reactions. reac tions. Predi Predict ct the the produ products cts of the foll ollowing owing acid acid – bas basee rea reacti ction. on. CH3CH2 – OH + CH 3 – Li → What is is the the conj onjugate gate acid of of CH3Li ? Wou Would ld you expect CH3Li to be a strong base or a weak base ?
(b) (b) Q.26
Which Which reagent reagent in each pair listed listed here here would would be the more more reactive reactive Nu in in a protic solvent solvent ? (a) CH3NH– or CH3NH2 (b) H2O or H3O⊕ (c) CH3O– or CH3COO– (d) CH3SH or CH3OH (e) Ph3N or Ph3P (f) CH3COO– or –OH (g) H2S or HS– (h) NH3 or NH4⊕ Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Arrange Arrange the foll followi owing ng compounds compounds in in order of increas increasin ing g basici basicity ty..
CH3NH2, CH 3 NH 3⊕ , CH 3NH–
CH3CH = CH–, CH 3CH2 CH 2− , CH 3C≡C–
Suggest what what specie speciess would be be formed formed by each each of the foll followin owing g combinati combinations ons :
(a) PhO – + CH3COOH
CH3O–, CH 3NH–, CH3 CH 2−
+ CH3O –
(c) Pyri P yridini dinium um ion + trifluoroacetate ion Q.29 Q.29
Say which pk a belong to which w hich functional group in case of following amino amino acids :
cysteine :
glut glutaamic aci acid :
Record the followin ollowing g sets of compound compoundss accordi according to incre increasi asing ng pKa ( = – log Ka)
: 2.19 .19, 4.2 4.25, 9.67 9.67
(a) (c) (c) (d) Q.31
1.8, 8.3 & 10.8
, cyclo hexane carboxylic acid.
1-butyne, 1-but ene, butane
Propan Propanoi oicc aci acid, d, 3-brom 3-bromopr opropan opanoi oicc aci acid, 2-n 2-nit itropr ropropa opanoi noicc aci acid d Phenol,o-nitrophenol, o-cresol (e) Hexylamine, aniline, methylamine Expl Explain ain whi which compo compound und is the weaker weaker base base..
CH2 = CH – CH = CH – CH2– or CH2 = CH – CH 2–
O O | | || − O − C − C − OH or
Rank Rank the follow followin ing g amines amines in in incre increasi asing ng basi basicc nature. nature.
O O || || HO − C − C − OH
(a) (i)
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q.33 Q.3 3 (a) (a) (b) (b)
Dimethyl Dimethyl furmami furmamide de (DMF) is is an example example of polar aprotic solvent, solvent, aprotic meani meaning ng it it has no no hydrogen atoms attached att ached to highly highly electro electronegative negative atoms. Draw Draw wha whatt you you predi predict ct to be its its most most importan portantt resona resonanc ncee form forms. s. DMF when when used used as as the reacti reaction on solve solvent, nt, greatl greatly y enha enhanc nces es the reacti reactivi vity ty of nucl nucleoph eophil iles. es. e.g. e.g. NaCN + CH3CH2Br → CH3CH2 C ≡ N + NaBr Suggest an explanation for for this t his effects. effects.
Q.34 (a)
Arrange Arrange the the basi basicc strength strength of the foll followi owing ng compoun compounds. ds. – – – OH CH 3COO CO O Cl (i) (ii) (iii)
CH (i)
CH2 = CHCH2NH2 (i)
CH2 = CH– (ii)
CH3 CH2 – (iii)
CH3CH2 CH2NH 2 (ii)
CH ≡ C – CH2NH2 (iii)
(d) (i)
(e) (i)
Quest (ii)
Cl– (i)
Q.35 (i)
Set the the foll followi owing ng in in inc increa reasi sing ng order order of pk b : CH3NH2 , (CH3)2 NH , (CH 3)3 N , NH3 [In aqeous aqeou s medium] medium]
(ii) Q.36
RCOO– (ii)
OH – (iii)
RO– (iv)
NH2 – (v)
Arrange Arrange the the foll followi owing ng in in incr increas easin ing g acid acid strength strength :
CH3– OH (i)
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
O || CH 3 − C − OH
O O || | | HO − C − C − OH
O O || || HO − C − CH 2 CH 2 − C − OH
Q.37 (i)
Set the the follow followiing in in inc increas reasiing order order of pk pk a : Meth Methan anee sul sulffoni onic aci acid, d, acet acetiic aci acid d & meth ethanol anol..
CH3– CH2 – CH3 , CH2 = CH – CH3 , CH3 – CHO , CHO – CH 2 – CHO , CH 4
CH3NO2 , (NO2)2 – CH 2 , (NO2)3 – CH
CH3COOH , NO2– CH 2 – COOH , CH 3 − C − CH 2 − C − OH || || O O
Quest ,
CHO – CH2 – CHO , CH 3 − C − CH 2 − C − CH 3 , Et − O − C − CH 2 − C − O − Et , || || || || O O O O
Et − O − C − CH 2 − C − CH 3 || || O O Q.38 Q.38 (a) (b) (b) Q.39
Cyani anic aci acid d (HO (HO–C –C≡N) & isocyanic acid (H–N=C=O) differ differ in the positions of their electrons but their structure do not no t represent resonance structures. Explain Loss of a proton proton from from cyan cyanic ic aci acid d yie yield ldss the the same same anion anion as that that obtain obtained ed by loss loss of a proton from from isocyanic isocyanic acid. Explain E xplain.. Arrange Arrange the incre increasi asing ng order of acid acidic ic strength strength of the the followi following ng compounds compounds..
(a) (i)
CH2=CH–CH2CO2H (i)
CH3OH (i)
(ii) CF3 OH (ii)
(iii) CCl3–OH (iii) Quest Tutorials
North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Expl Explain ain which which is a stron stronger ger acid. acid.
O O || || (b) CH 3 − C − CH 3 & CH 3 − C − CH 2CN
(a) CH3CH3 BrCH2NO2
(d) O=C–CH3
(e) Q.41
Which Which of the foll followin owing g would you predi predict ct to be the the stronger stronger acid acid ?
CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – OH or CH 3 – CH = CH – OH
CH3 – CH = CH – CH 2 – OH or CH 3 – CH = CH – OH
Whi Which is is a stronger stronger base? base? & Why Why.. (a) ethylamine or aniline (c) phenoxide ion or etho thoxide ion
(b) ethylamine or ethoxide ion (d) cyclohexylamine or aniline
Q. 43
The Ka of phenylacetic acid is 5.2 × 10–5, and the pKa of propionic propio nic acid is is 4.87.
(a) (b) (b) (c)
Calculate t he pKa of phenylacetic acid acid and the Ka of propionic acid. Which hich of the these is th the stro strong nger er aci acid? Predict Predict whethe whetherr the the foll followin owing g equi equili libri brium um will will favor favor the reactants reactants or the the products. products.
Q.44 Q.4 4
Which Which of the foll following owing system system show show H–bondi H–bonding ng during during tautomeris tautomerism. m.
Q.45 Q.4 5
What is is the attacking attacking site site of conjugate conjugate base base of triketo triketo form of phlorogluci phloroglucinol nol in in protic & aprotic solven solvent. t.
In each each of the foll followin owing g pairs pairs whic which h is is more more stable stable :
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
In each each of the foll following owing pairs pairs whic which h is is less less stabl stablee :
Quest l
In each each of the foll followin owing g pairs pairs whic which h is is more more stable stable :
In each each of the foll following owing pairs pairs whic which h is is less less stabl stablee :
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
In each of the follow followin ing g pairs which which will will have have highe higherr enol content content :
( c)
(d) Q.51
Quest and
In each each of the the follow followin ing g pairs pairs whic which h will will have have less less enol enol content content :
(e) CH 2 − CHO and CH 3 − CHO | Cl Q.52
In each of the follow followin ing g pairs which which will will have have highe higherr enol content content :
(a) CH − CHO and CH 2 − CHO 2 | | Cl NO 2 (c)
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
In each each of the the follow followin ing g pairs pairs whic which h will will have have less less enol enol content content :
Q.54 Q.5 4
Quest ( e)
Which Which of the followi following ng compoun compounds ds can exhibi exhibitt tautoimeris tautoimerism m:
(a) Q.57 Q.5 7
Which Which of the followi following ng compounds compounds can not not exhib exhibit it tautoim tautoimerism erism : (a)
Q.56 Q.5 6
Which Which of the followi following ng compoun compounds ds can exhibi exhibitt tautoimeris tautoimerism m: (a) CH2 = C = O (b) CH2 = CH – OH OH (c) (c) HO HO – CH = CH CH – OH
(d) CH3CN Q.55 Q.5 5
Which Which of the followi following ng compounds compounds can not not exhib exhibit it tautoim tautoimerism erism :
(d) Q
. 5
(e) CH3 – NO
h a t
f o r m
i s
e d
t h e
b y
r e l a t i o n
t h e
s h i p
b e t w
d e p r o t o n a t io n
e e n
t h e s e
e a c h
t w
c o m
p o
o l e c u l e s ?
i s c u s s
t h e
s t r u c t u r e
o f
t h e
a n i o
t h a t
o u
l d
b e
u n d .
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Write down tautomeri tautomeric c structure of 5,5 – dimeth dimethyl ylcy cycl clohexa ohexane ne –1,3 –1,3 –dione –dione (dimedone (dimedone). ).
Draw enol forms forms of these carbonyl carbonyl compounds compounds and commen commentt on the stabili stability ty of the enol enol forms. forms.
( a )
Q. 61
Shows tautomeric taut omeric forms of (a) & (b). Q.62
Isati Isatin n was was the fi first compoun compound d to show show tautomeri tautomerism sm..
What is the tautomeric taut omeric form of isatin. Q.63
1, 3 – dicarbonyl dicarbonyl compounds compounds such as as (A) are usually usually mostly mostly enoli enolized. zed. Why is this this ? Draw the enols enols available available to compounds co mpounds A & B comment on the dif d ifferent ferent pattern patt ern of enolization.
(A) Q.64
Quest (B)
In each each of the foll followin owing g sets of compounds compounds write write the increasi increasing ng order order of % enol enol content content
(e) Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
In each each of the foll followin owing g sets of compounds compounds write write the decreasin decreasing g order of % enol content. content.
(e) Q.66
. 6
Out of enol form form of cyclob cyclobutanone utanone and and enol form form of triketocy triketocyclo clobutane butane,, which which is is more stable? stable? Give Give reason also.
has lower boiling boiling point than
even when former has – OH group. Explain. Explain.
Q.68 Among these give ease of enoli eno lization. zation. Q.69
% enol content content of acetyla acetylacetone cetone in in foll followin owing g solvents solvents is is found found as : Solvent % enol content H2 O 15 Liquid state 76 hexane 92 gas phase 92 Explain Explain the observation.
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Explain Explain the observation.
This tautomeric taut omeric system exist almost exclusively in favour favour of phenol and it is insensitive to change in solvent.
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
ANSWER KEY Q. 1 Q. 8 Q. 13 Q. 17 Q. 20 Q.22 Q.22 Q.27
B Q. 2 C Q. 3 D A Q. 9 A Q. 10 A (a) i, (b) ii, (c) i, (d) ii, (e) i LA b,e LB acdf CH3CH3 + CH3C ≡ CMgBr (a) (a) 2; 2; (b) (b) 1; 1; (c) (c) 1; (d) (d) 1; 1; (e) (e) 1; (f) (f) 3 (a) 2<1<3 2<1<3;; (b) (b) 1<2 1<2<3; <3; (c) 3<1<2 3<1<2
Q. 28
(a) PhOH + AcO , (b) MeOH +
Q. 29
Q.30 Q.30 Q.32 Q.34 Q.35 Q.37 .37
(a) (a) 3< 3<2<1 2<1; (b (b) 1< 1<2<3; (c) (c) 3< 3<2<1 2<1; (d (d) 2< 2<1<3; (e (e) 2< 2<3<1 3<1 Q.31 Q.31 (a) (a) 2; 2; (b (b) 1; 1; (c) (c) 2; 2; (d (d) 2 (a) 3<2<1 3<2<1<4; <4; (b) (b) 1<2< 1<2<3<4 3<4;; (c) (c) 3<1< 3<1<2 2 (a) 1>2>3; 1>2>3; (b) 1<2<3; 1<2<3; (c) 3<1<2; 3<1<2; (d) 2<1<3; 2<1<3; (e) (e) 1<2<3; 1<2<3; (f) (f) 1<2<3<4< 1<2<3<4<5 5 (i) (i) 4>3 4>3>1 >1>2 >2;; (ii (ii) 1<2; 1<2; (ii (iii) 1<2 1<2 Q.36 (a) 1<2<3 1<2<3;; (b) (b) 3>1>2; 3>1>2; (c) 1<3<2 1<3<2 (i) 1<2<3; 1<2<3; (ii) (ii) 1>5>2>3>4; 1>5>2>3>4; (iii) (iii) 1>2>3; 1>2>3; (iv) (iv) 1>3>4>2; 1>3>4>2; (v) 1>3>2; (vi) (vi) 2>1>3; (vii) (vii) 3>4>2>1 3 >4>2>1 (a) 3> 3>1>2; (b) 1> 1>2>3; (c) 2> 2>3>1 Q.40 .40 (a) 2; 2; (b) 2; (c) 1; (d) 1; (e) 1 (a) 2; (b) 2; (c) 2 Q. 42 (a) 1; (b) 2; (c) 2; (d) 1 –5 (a) (a) 4.2 4.25, 5, (b) 1.3 1.34× 4×10 10 , (c) (c) reac reacta tan nt Q.46 Q.46 (a) (a) 2; 2; (b) (b) 2; (c) (c) 1; 1; (d) (d) 1; (e) (e) 1 (a)2; (b) 2; (c) 2; (d) 2; (e) 1 Q. 48 (a) 2; (b) 2; (c) 1; (d) 2; (e) 1 (a) 2; (b) 1; (c) 1; (d) 1 Q. 50 (a)1; (b) 2; (c)1; (d) 2 (a) 2; (b) 1; (c) 2; (d) 1; (e) 2 Q. 52 (a) 1; (b) 1; (c) 1; (d) 1 (a) 2; (b) 2; (c) 2; (d) 1; (e) 2 Q. 54 a, b, c, d, e a, c, d Q. 56 b b Q. 58 Ta Tautamers
Q.39 .39 Q. 41 Q.43 Q.43 Q. 47 Q. 49 Q. 51 Q. 53 Q. 55 Q. 57
cysteine :
Q. 5 C Q. 6 B Q. 7 A Q. 12 A , (b) ii Q.15 (a) i, (b) i, (c) ii b (a) 2; (b) 1; (c) 1 (a) 1; (b) 1; (c) 1; (d) 1; (e) 2; (f) 1 (a) (a) 1; 1; (b (b) 1; 1; (c) (c) 1; 1; (d) (d) 1; 1; (e) (e) 2; (f) (f) 2; 2; (g) (g) 2; 2; (h (h) 1
( a )
, (c) no reaction
glutamic acid :
Q. 59
Q. 61
Q. 4 Q.11 Q. 14 Q. 18 Q. 21 Q.26 Q.26
Q. 60
both are more stable
Q. 62
Q. 63
( B)
Q.64 Q.65 Q.66 Q. 68
(a) 2>1>3 2>1>3>4; >4; (b) 3>2> 3>2>1; 1; (c) (c) 3>2>1; 3>2>1; (d) 3>1>2; 3>1>2; (e) 3>1> 3>1>2 2 (a) 3>1>2; 3>1>2; (b) 4>2> 4>2>1>3; 1>3; (c) 4>3>1> 4>3>1>2; 2; (d) (d) 1>3>4>2 1>3>4>2;; (e) (e) 3>2>4>1 3>2>4>1 enol enol form of triket triketocy ocycl clobu obutan tanee 3>1>2 Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Whi Which one one of of the the fol folllowing owing is is mi mixed xed keton ketone: e: O || (A) CH 3 − C − CH 3
O || (B) CH 3 − CH 2 − C − CH 3
O || (C) C6 H 5 − C − CH 3
O || (D) CH 3 − C6 H 4 − C − C6 H 5 (P)
In whi which ch of the follow followin ing g reacti reactions ons product product will will be alde aldehy hyde de?? (A) CH 3 − C === C − C 2 H 5 (i ) O3 → | | ( ii ) H 2O / Zn CH 3 CH 3 B H
2 6 (C) CH3–CH=CH2 →
NaOH , H 2O 2
CO / H 2 / CO2 ( CO )8 (B) CH3–CH=CH2 →
4 4 2 → (D) CH3–C≡CH
Gem Gem diha dihallide on hydrol drolysis sis give gives: s: (A) Vic diol (C) Carbonyl compound
(B) Gem diol (D) Carboxylic acid
Whic Which h one one of the the follow followiing alcoh alcohol olss cann cannot ot be oxi oxidise dised d by by K2CrO4? (A) Ethanol (B) Tert butyl alcohol (C) Is Isopr opropyl alcohol (D) Allyl alcohol
Q.5 Q.5
In the the given rea reaction tion::
OH OH | | HIO 4 CH 3 − CH — C − CH 3 → (a) + (b) | CH 3 (a) and a nd (b) respectively respect ively be: (A) CH3CHO and CH3CHO (C) CH3COCH3 and CH3COCH3
Aceto Acetoph phen enon onee can can be be obtai obtaine ned d by the di distil stillatio lation n of: of: (A) (C6H5COO)2Ca (B) (CH3COO)2Ca (C) (C6H5COO)2Ca and (CH3COO)2Ca (D) (C6H5COO)2Ca and (HCOO)2Ca
Arrange Arrange these these compounds compounds in decreasi decreasing ng order order of reactivi reactivity ty for for the nucl nucleophi eophili licc addition addition reaction: reaction: (I) Acid chloride (II) Aldehyde (III) Ketone (IV) Ester Select the correct corr ect answer from fro m the codes given given below: below: (A) I > II > III > IV (B) IV > III > II > I (C) III > II > I > IV (D) I > IV > II > III
Two isom isomeric eric ketones, ketones, 3-pentanon 3-pentanonee and and 2-pentan 2-pentanone one can can be be dis distin tingui guish shed ed by by : (A) I2 / NaOH onl only (B) NaSO3H only (C) NaCN / HCl (D) Both (A) and (B)
Acetal tal or ke ketal tal is: (A) Vic dialkoxy compound (C) α-alkoxy alcohol
(B) α, ω-dialkoxy compound (D) Gem dialkoxy compound Quest Tutorials
North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
In the the giv given reac reacti tion on O || ( i ) LiAlH 4 [X ] → CH 3 − CH 2 − C − CH 2COOC 2 H 5 → (A) ⊕ (ii ) H 2O / H
O || CH 3 − CH 2 − C − CH 2 − CH 2 OH + C 2 H 5OH
[X] will be: be: CH 2 − OH (B) | + H⊕ CH 2OH
(A) HCHO CH 2 − OH (C) | + CH 2 − OH Q.11
Consi Consider der the the structu structure re of of giv given en alcoh alcohol ol::
Quest OH | C 6 H 5 − C − CH 3 | C2 H 5
This alcohol can be prepared from:
O || (A) C6 H 5 − C − CH 3 and C2H5MgBr
O || (B) CH 3 − CH 2 − C − CH 3 and C6H5MgBr
O || (C) C 6 H 5 − C − C 2 H 5 and CH3MgBr
(D) All of these
Stabi Stabili lity ty of gemd gemdiiol dep depen ends ds on: on: (A) Steric hindrance (C) In Intramolecular hy hydrogen bonding
(B) Presence of –I group on gemdiol carbon (D) All of th these
In the reac reacti tion on seq seque uenc nce: e: NH 2OH / H ⊕ PCl 5 C6 H 5 − C − CH 3 → [X] → [Y] || O
[Y] will be: be: O || (A) C6 H 5 − C − NHCH3
O || (B) CH 3 − C − NH − C6 H 5
O || (C) C6 H 5 − CH 2 − C − NH 2
(D) Mixture of (A) and (B)
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
In the the gi given reac reacti tion on:: NH 2OH / H ⊕ C6 H 5 − C − H → [X] || O
[X] will be: be: (A) Only syn oxime (C) mixture of syn and ant i oxime
(B) Only anti oxime (D) secondary amide
Schif Schiff' f'ss bas basee is prep prepare ared d from from:: (A) Carbon Carbonyl yl compoun compound d and and primary primary ami amine ne (C) Carbo Carbony nyll com compou pound nd and and terti tertiary ary amin aminee
(B) Carbony Carbonyll compoun compound d and secon secondary dary amin aminee (D) All All of the these se
Schiff Schiff's 's reagent reagent is is used used for for the diffe differentia rentiation tion between: between: (A) HCHO and CH3CHO (B) CH3COCH3 and CH3CHO O O || || (C) C6 H 5 − CH 2 − C − CH 3 and C 6 H 5 − C − CH 2 − CH 3
(D) HCHO and C6H5CHO Q.17
Fehli Fehling ng solution solution gives gives red precipi precipitate tate with with:: (A) Aromatic aldehyde (C) Un Unsaturated aliphatic aldehyde
(B) Saturated aliphatic aldehyde (D) Both (B) and (C)
Silver Silver mirror mirror test with Tollens ollens reagent reagent is given given by by : (A) C6H5CHO (B) CH2=CH–CHO (C) C6H5–CH=CH–CHO (D) All of these
In the the reac reactio tion n seq sequen uence ce,, [X] is is keton ketonee :
CH 3 Θ | KMnO4 / O H / ∆ [X] → HOOC – (CH2)3– CH − COOH [X] will be: be:
Q.20 Q. 20
Which Which one one of the followin following g compounds compounds will will give give dimethy dimethyll glyoxal glyoxal with SeO2: (A) Aceton tone (B) Acetop tophenone (C) Ethyl methyl ketone (D) Propanaldehyde
In the the giv given reac reacti tion on
SeO 2 → [X]
[X] will be: be:
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Cons Consid ider er the the give given n rea reacti ction on : O O || || C6H 5COOOH CH 3 − C − CH 3 → CH 3 − C − O − CH 3
Q.23 Q.24
The above reaction is known as : (A) Baeyer-villiger oxidation (C) Periodate oxidation
(B) Oppenaur oxidation (D) Peroxide oxidation
Aceton Acetonee can can be be conve converted rted into into pina pinacol col by : (A) Mg/Hg/H2O (B) Zn/Hg/HCl
(C) Na/Hg/H2SO4
Arrange Arrange aci acidity dity of given given four compoun compounds ds in decreasi decreasing ng order: O O O || || || − − CH 3 CH C (I) CH 3 − C − CH 2 − C − CH 3 (II) 3
Select correct corr ect answer from the codes given below: below: Codes: (A) I > IV> III > II (B) I > IV > II >III (C) III > I > IV > II Q.25
(D) II > IV > I > III
Whic Which h one of the foll followin owing g compoun compounds ds will will not give give aldol aldol:: (A) CH3CHO (B) CH3–CH2–CHO O || (C) CH 3 − CH 2 − C − CH 3
(D) All of these
In the the giv given reac reacti tion on
OH | NaOH − − CH − CHO CH CH X + Y → 3 5°C | CH 3 (X) and (Y) will respectively respectively be: (A) CH3–CH2–CHO and CH3–CH2–CHO
(C) CH3–CHO and CH3–CHO Q.27
Numbe Numberr of products products in in the given given reaction reaction :
(B) CH3–CHO and CH3–CH2–CHO CH 3 | (D) CH3–CHO and CH 3 − C − CHO | CH 3
→ Product C6H5CHO + CH3–CHO will be (A) One Q.28 Q.28
(B) Three
(C) Two
(D) Four
In the the rea reaction tion : ⊕
OH / ∆
→ [X]
+ [X] will be :
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Perki Perkin n reac reaction tion is catal catalys ysed ed by by : (A) NaOH (B) HCl
(C) NH4Cl
Produc Productt of Perki Perkin n reacti reaction on is: (A) α, β-unsaturated aldehyde (C) β-Aryl-α, β-unsaturat ed acid
(B) β-cyclohexyl α, β-unsaturated -unsaturat ed aldehyde aldehyde (D) All of these
(D) Pyridine
The The prod produc uctt of the the reac reacti tion on:: NO2
CHO + (C6H5–CH2CO)2O [X]
will be :
(B) NO2
(D) NO2
CH = C − COOH | C6 H 5
In the the giv given reac reacti tion on
OH | (i ) Zn → C 6 H 5 − CH − CH 2 − COOC2 H 5 C6H5CHO + X ( ii ) HOH / NH 4Cl
[X] will be: be: (A) CH3–COOC2H5
(C) Br–CH2–COOC2H5
The The giv given reac reacti tion on (i ) Zn
→ C6H5–CH=CH–COOC 2H5 C6H5–CHO + Br–CH2–COOC2H5 (ii ) HOH / NH 4 Cl (iii ) ∆
is known as : (A) Perkin reaction (C) Reformatsky reaction Q.34
(B) Knoevenagel reaction (D) Claisen-Schmidt reaction
Canni Cannizz zzaro aro reaction reaction is exam exampl plee of : (A) (A) Redox Redox reac reacti tion on (B) (B) Di Dispro sprop porti ortionat onatiion (C) (C) Both Both (A) (A) and and (B) (B)
(D) (D) On Only oxi oxidati dation on
CH 2 OH | Aceta Acetald ldeh ehyd ydee can can be conve converted rted into into HO CH 2 − C − CH 2 OH by which which reagent? reag ent? | CH 2OH (A) KOH (C) excess of HCHO and KOH
(B) KOH followed by LAH (D) KCN followed by SBH
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Meta Metafformal ormalde dehy hyde de is: (A) Dimmer of HCHO (B) Trimer of formaldehyde (C) Tetramer of formalde fo rmaldehyde hyde (D) Polymer Polymer in which number number of o f HCHO unit is more tthan han 100
In the the gi given reac reacti tion on : O || Conc.H 2SO 4 CH 3 − C − CH 3 → [X] Distillation
[X] will be : (A) Methyl oxide (C) 1, 3, 5-Trimethylbenzene Q.38
(B) Phorone (D) 2-Butyne
Match list-I list-I with with list-II list-II and selec selectt the correct answer answer using using the codes give give below below the lists: lists: List-I List-II NaBH
4 (a) CH2=CH–CHO →
(i) Acetal
Quest H⊕
(b) C6H5CHO + Ph–NH 2 →
(ii) Schiff's base
H (c) C6H5COCH3+CH3–CH2–NH–CH3 → H⊕
(d) RCHO + 2RCH2OH → Codes:
(A) (B) (C) (D) Q.39
(a) (iii) (iii) (ii) (iv)
(b) (ii) (ii) (iii) (i)
(iii) (iii) Unsaturated Unsaturat ed alcohol
(iv) Enamine
(c) (iv) (i) (iv) (ii)
(d) (i) (iv) (i) (iii)
Match list-I list-I with with list-II list-II and selec selectt the correct answer answer using using the codes give give below below the lists: lists: List-I List-II Θ
(a) C6H5CHO + HCHO → C6H5CH2OH + HCO O Anhy.AlCl
3 (b) C6H5–H+CH3COCl → C6H5–CO–CH3
2 → C6H5–CHO (c) C6H6+CO+HCl
(i ) CHCl / Alc.KOH / ∆
3 →
(ii) Friedel Crafts Crafts reaction r eaction (iii) Reimer-Tiemann reaction
Cu 2Cl2
(i) Cannizzaro Cannizzaro reaction react ion
(iv)Gattermann-koch aldehyde synthesis
(ii ) H ⊕
(A) (B) (C) (D)
(a) (i) (i) (i) (iv)
(b) (ii) (ii) (iii) (ii)
(c) (iii) (iv) (iv) (iii)
(d) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Cross Cross Cann Canniz izzaro zaro reaction reaction is an examp example le of : (A) Re Redox rea reactio tion (B) Disproportionation (C) (C) bot both hA & B
(D) Oxidation
Whic Which h will will give give silv silver er mirror mirror test with Tollens ollens reagent reagent : (A) C6H5CHO (B) CH3–CHO (C) HCOOH
(D) All of these
Which Which one one of the combin combinations ations wil willl give give propanal propanaldehy dehyde de on dry distil distilla lation? tion? (A) (C6H5COO)2Ca and (HCOO) 2Ca (B) (CH3COO)2Ca and (CH3CH2–COO)2Ca (C) (CH3–CH2–COO)2Ca and (HCOO)2Ca (D) (CH3COO)2Ca and (CH3COO)2Ca
Grigna Grignard rd reagen reagents ts do not give give carbony carbonyll compoun compounds ds with with : (A) CO2 (B) RCOCl (C) RCN
In the reac reacti tion on seq seque uenc nce: e: (i) O
3 → (Z) Cyclohexane (X) (Y) → → (ii ) H 2O / Zn
hv / Cl 2
(Z) will be be : (A) Hexanal The The giv given reac reacti tion on
alc.KOH / ∆
(B) 2-Hexanone
(C) 3-Hexanone
(D) Hexanedial
Quest Aluminium tertiary butoxide
→ Acetone
is knows as : (A) (A) Kol Kolb be rea react ctiion Q.46
(B) (B) Ti Tischenko re reaction tion (C) (C) MPV MPV rea reacti ction
(D) (D) Opp Oppeeneur ox oxidation tion
In the the gi given reac reacti tion on:: H2C
NaBH 4
→ (X) O
(Y) (X) and (Y) are : (A) CH2
OH and HO CH2
(B) CH3
O and HO CH 2
(C) CH2
OH and HO CH 2
(D) CH2
OH and
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Cyanoh Cyanohyd ydrin rin of which which compound compound on hydroly hydrolysis sis will will give give lactic lactic acid? acid? (A) C6H5CHO (B) HCHO (C) CH3CHO
In the the rea react ctiion seq seque uenc nce: e: KHSO / ∆
(C H5O )3 Al 4 CH2OH–CHOH–CH2OH → (X) 2 → (Y)
(Y) will be: (A) CH2=CH–CHO (B) CH2=CH–CH2OH (C) Mixture of CH2=CH–COOH and CH2=CH–CH2OH O || (D) CH 2 = CH − C − O − CH 2 − CH = CH 2 Q.49
Acetal cetalde dehy hyde de cann cannot ot give give:: (A) Iodoform test (B) Lucas test
(C) Benedict test
(D) Tollens test
The The reac reacti tion on in whi which NaCN NaCN/C /C2H5OH/HOH is used is: (A) Perkin react ion (B) Benzoin condensation (C) Reimer-Tieman reaction (D) Rosenmunds reduction
Which Which one one of the followi following ng reactions reactions is is used for the conversi conversion on of ketone ketone into hydrocarbons hydrocarbons?? (A) Aldol condensation (B) W.K.reduction (C) Reimer-Tieman reaction (D) Perkin reaction
Schif Schiff' f'ss reagen reagentt gives gives pink pink colou colourr with with : (A) Acetaldehyde (B) Acetone
Q.53 .53
Compound (A) an aldol
(C) Acetic acid
formed by the the reaction of furfural ( (B) an acetal
(C) a ket al
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
(D) Methyl acetate
) with ethanol is (D) a hemiacetal
Q. 2
Q. 3
Q. 4
Q. 5
Q. 6
Q. 7
Q. 8
Q. 9
Q. 12
Q. 13
Q. 16
Q. 17
Q. 20
Q. 21
Q. 24
Q. 25
Q. 28
Q. 29
Q. 32
Q. 33
Q. 37
Q. 41
Q. 45
Q. 49
Q. 53
Quest Q.34
Q. 36
Q. 40
Q. 44
Q. 48
Q. 52
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Discipline is the bridge between goal and accomplishment. ALL THE BEST FOR JEE
Max. Marks: 90
INSTRUCTIONS Q.1 to Q.30 have one or more than one correct correct alternative(s) and carry 3 marks each. There is NEGATIVE marking and 1 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.
Whic Which h of of the the fol follow lowin ing g is is not not a poly polym mide ide fib fibre re (A) Nylon-66 (B) Nylon-6 (C) Teflon
(D) Terylene
Whic Which h one one of the fol follo lowi wing ng pai pairs rs is is correc correctly tly matched: atched: (A) Sucrose : reducing sugar (B) Glucose : mutarotation (C) Fruct ose : aldose sugar (D) Su Sucrose : mo nosaccharide
Match List-I List-I with List-II List-II and and select select the the correct correct answer answer usin using g the codes codes given given below below the lis lists: ts: List-I List-II
(a-amino acids)
(b) (c) (d)
Phenylalanine Tyrosine Serine
( ii) ( iii) ( iv)
(CH3)2– CH2OH– C6H5–CH2–
(B) (D)
(a) ii iv
Codes: (a) (A) ii (C) iv
(b) i ii
( c) iv i
(d) i ii i ii
(b) iv ii
(c) i ii i
(d) ii i i
Whic Which h of the the followi following ng wil willl not give give blu bluee colour colour during during the the test for 'N' 'N' in in sodium sodium extract extract
⊕ (A) C6H5 N 2 Cl
(C) NH2–NH2
An electri electricc current current is is passed passed through through an an aqueous aqueous soluti solution on (buf (buffered fered at pH = 6.0) 6.0) of ala alani nine ne (pI = 6.0) and ariginine (pI = 10.2). he two amino acids can be separated because (A) alanine migrates to anode, and arginine to cathode (B) alanine migrates to cathode, and arginione to anode (C) alanine does not migrate, while arginine migrates to cathode (D) alanine does nor migrate, while arginine migrates to anode
Gluco Glucose se and and fruc fructose tose form form ide identi ntica call osa osazon zones es bec becau ause se:: (A) they are monosaccharides (B) t hey are reducing sugars (C) t hey are epimers (D) their configurations differ only at C-1 and C-2
Whi Which of the the fol folllowing owing is a natu natural ral poly polymer (A) Nylon (B) Teflon (C) PVC
Q .8
Glucose ose re reacts with CH3OH to form (A) methyl glycoside (C) methyl ester of gluco nic acid
(D) Cellulose
(B) ethyl glycoside (D) No ne of t hese Quest Tutorials
North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
2,4-Di 2,4-Dini nitrof troflluoroben uorobenzen zenee is used used in in pepti peptide de chem chemistry becau because se:: (A) it has a characteristic colour (B) it undergoes nucleophilic substitution (C) it undergoes electrophilic substitution (D) it makes the amino acids insoluble in water and thus making them readily crystallisable
Mulli Mullikan kan and Barkers Barkers test for for the detection detection of the the nitro nitro group is is based based on (A) the reduction of nitrobenzene by hydrogen in the presence of a catalyst like Ni/Pt (B) the conversion of nitrobenzene to azoxy benzene (C) the treatment of nitrobenzene with zinc dust in the neutral medium. (D) the reduction of nitrobenzene with iron fillings and sodium hydroxide.
Q.1 Q.11
In the the give given n reac reacti tion on:: H ⊕ / ∆
Glucose + 3C6H5NH–NH2 → Osazone + A + B (A) and (B) are: (A) C6H5NH2 and NH3 (B) C6H5NH2 and NH2OH (C) C6H5NH – NHOH and NH3 (D) NH2OH and NHOH Q.12
In soluti solution on D-glucos D-glucosee exist exist in how how many many isome isomeri ricc forms? forms? (A) Two (B) Sixteen (C) Three
Quest (D) Four
Question No. 13 & 14 (2 questions) These questions consist of two t wo stat ements each, printed as assertion and reason, whil w hilee answering these questions you are required to choose any one of the following responses. (A) If assertion is true but the reason is false. (B) If assertion is false but the reason is true. (C) If both assertion and reason are true and the reason is a correct explanation of assertion. (D) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not a correct explanation of assertion. Q.13
Assertion : Reason :
Reducing sugar give brick red ppt with Fehling's solution and show mutarotation During mutarotation, one pure anomer is converted into mixture of two anomers.
Assertion :
A solution of sucrose in water is dextro rotatory but on hydrolysis in presence of H+, it it becomes becomes leavo leavo rotatory . Inversion of sugar follows first order kinetics.
Reason : Q.15
Teflon eflon,, Polys Polystyr tyren enee and and Neopren Neoprenee are are all all (A) Addition polymers (C) Co ndensation po lymer
(B) Chain growth polymer (D) Step growth polymer
Which Which of the followi following ng pairs pairs can be distin distinguis guished hed by Fehlin Fehling's g's solution? solution? (A) Glucose and fructose (B) Glucose and sucro se (C) Met hanal and et hanal (D) Hydro xy propano ne and benzaldehyde
Whic Which h of the foll followi owing ng is is monosa monosach chhar harid idee (A) Galactose (B) Sucrose
(C) Glyco gen
(D) Cellulose
Q.18 Q.18
In an amino amino acid, acid, the the carboxyl carboxylic ic group ioni ionises ses at pka1 = 2.34 and the ammonium ion at pka2 = 9.60. The isoelectric point of the amino acid is: (A) 5.97 (B) 2.34 (C) 9.60 (D) 6.97
Lysi ysine is is which which type type of ami amino aci acid: (A) β-Amino acid (B) Acidic
(C) Basic
(D) Neut ral
On hydroly hydrolysis sis,, which which of the foll followin owing g carbohydrate carbohydrate give give glucose glucose only only. (A) Sucrose (B) Lacto se (C) Malto se (D) Raffino se
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
An organic organic compoun compound d contains contains C, C, H, N, S and and Cl. Cl. For the detection of chlori chlorine, ne, the sodium sodium extract extract of the compound is first first heated with a few few drops dro ps of concentrated HNO3 and then t hen AgNO AgNO3 is added to get a white ppt of AgCl. The digestion with HNO3 before the addition of o f AgNO3 is (A) to prevent the formation of NO 2. (B) t o creat e a co mmon io n effect. (C) to convert CN– and S2– to volatite HCN and H2S, or else they will interfere with the test forming forming AgCN or o r Ag2S (D) to prevent the hydrolysis to NaCN and Na2S.
Consider Consider the followi following ng statements statements regardin regarding g the methyl methyl glucosid glucosides es obtained obtained by the reaction reaction of D-glucose with methanol in the presence of dry HCl gas (i) These These are are methy methyll ester ester of hemia hemiaceta cetall of glucos glucosee form formed ed by by intram intramole olecul cular ar reacti reaction on (ii (ii) There are enantiom tiomeers (ii (iii) These are inome omers (iv) (iv) In one one of the these se,, all all the the sub substi stitue tuents nts are equi equiatori atorial Which of the above statements are corrects (A) i and iii (B) ii and iv (C) ii, iii and iv (D) i, iii and iv
a-Ami a-Amino no aci acids ds can can be be iden identif tifie ied d by: by: (A) Baeyer reagent (B) Ni N inhydrin
Q.25 Q.25
(C) To llens reagent
(D) NaSO3H
Match List-I List-I with with List-II List-II and select select the correct correct answer usin using g the codes given given below below the lists: lists: List-I List-II (a) α-D and b-D gluco se (i) Enantio mers (b) D-glucose and D-galactose ( ii) Anomer s (c) Erythose and threo se ( iii) Epimer s (d) D-glyceraldehyde and ( iv) Diast ereomers L-glyceraldehyde Codes: (a) (b) ( c) (d) (a) (b) (c) (d) (A) iii ii i iv (B) ii i ii iv i (C) iii ii iv i (D) ii i ii i iv Whi Which am amino aci acid d is ach achiiral? ral? (A) Alamine (B) Valine (C) Proline (D) Glycine
If specif specific ic rotation rotation of glucose glucose solution solution is is 52° and and fructose solution solution is is –92° then then what what will will be be specific rotation of invert sugar? (A) –20° (B) +20° (C) –72° (D) + 72°
Which Which of the followi following ng compounds compounds reduces reduces Tolle Tollen's n's reagent? reagent? (A) Glucose (B) Sucrose (C) Methanal
Q.28 Q.28
(D) formic acid
The The give given n stru struct ctur uree of α-amino acid will exist at which pH?
COOH | ⊕ H3 N− C − H | R (A) 7 Q.29 Q.29
(B) 14
In the the gi given pol poly ypepti peptide de:: Arg—Try—Ile—Asn—Gly C-terminus amino acid is: (A) Gly (B) Arg
(C) 2.1
(D) 12
(C) Try
(D) Asn
Whic Which h one of the the foll following owing on reducti reduction on with with NaBH NaBH4 gives equimolar mixture of sorbitol and mannitol? (A) Glucose (B) Xylose (C) Fructo se (D) Manno se Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Max. Marks: 90
INSTRUCTIONS Q.1 to Q.30 have one or more than one correct correct alternative(s) and carry 3 marks each. There is NEGATIVE marking and 1 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.
Q.1 Q.1
A com compou pound nd with with molec olecul ular ar formul ormulaa C6H14O4 does not give litmus litmus test and do es not give colour with 2,4–DNP. It reacts with excess MeCOCl to give a compound whose vapour density is 117. Compound A contains how many hydroxy hydroxy groups? gro ups? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
When When isopentan isopentanee is subjected subjected to monochlori monochlorinati nation. on. What will will be the number number of monochlori monochlorinated nated product contain chiral carbon? (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5
The heat heat of hyd hydrogen rogenati ation on of 1-hexe 1-hexene ne is is 126 kJ mol. mol. When When a second second doubl doublee bond bond is introdu introduced ced in the molecule, molecule, the heat of o f hydrogenation hydrogenation of o f the resulting compound is found found to be 230 kJmol–1. The resulting compound (diene) is (A) 1 : 5 hexadiane (B) 1 : 4 hexadiene (C) 1 : 3 hexadiene (D) cannot predict fro m t he given info rmation
Q .4
2 2 → → CH3CH2CH3 A B
Quest Cl
h ν
h ν
A and B are:
Cl Br Br | | | (A) CH3CH2CH2Cl and CH 3CH − CH 2 − Cl (B) CH 3CHCH 3 and CH 3CHCH 2 Cl
Cl Cl | | (D) CH 3CHCH 3 and CH 3 − C − CH 3 | Br Whi Which one one of the the fol folllowing owing com compoun pounds ds give givess aceton acetonee (CH3)2C=O as one of the products of its ozonolysis? Cl Cl | | (C) CH 3CHCH 3 and CH 3CH − CH 2 − Br
2 Products →
Q.7 Q.7
Products obtained in the above reaction is (A) Di Diaster tereome omers (B) En Enantiom tiomeer Mon Monomer omer used used to pre prepa pare re Orl Orlon is: (A) CH2=CHCN (B) CH2=CH–Cl conc. H SO
(C) Meso comp ompoun ound (D) Si Single pure en enantiom tiomeer (C) CH2=CHF
(D) CH2=CCl2
Br / H O
2 4 2 (Y ) → (X) 2 → (Y)
Product (Y) of above reaction is
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
AlCl 3 Zn / Hg / HCl HF [Y] → [X] → → → [Z]. The structure of [Z] is +
H / H 2O
Q.10 Q.10
(D) none
Sel Select ect aromat aromatiic compou compound nds: s:
(A) I , II and IV
(B) I and II
(C) II and IV
(D) I, II, III and IV
CH 2 = CH − PPh 3BrΘ
→ (Y) → (X)
Product (Y) of above reaction is: (A)
(C) (C)
Zn Hg → A
Final major product of this reaction is 14
(A) CH3 CH 2 CH3 Q.13 Q.13
Q .1 4
(B) CH 3 CH2CH3
(C) CH3 CH 2 – CHO (D) CH 3 – CH2– CHO
Compou Compound nd A (mol (molec ecul ular ar form formul ulaa C3H8O) is treated treat ed with acidifi acidified ed potassium pot assium dichromate dichromate to form a product B (molecular formula C3H6O). B forms a shining silver mirror on warming with ammoniacal ammoniacal silver silver nitrate, B when w hen treated with an aqueous solution so lution of NH2NHCONH2 and sodium acetae gives a product C. Identify the structure of C. (A) CH3CH2CH = NNHCONH2
(B) CH 3C = NHHCONH2 | CH3
(C) CH 3C = NCONHNH2 | CH 3
(i ) PhCHO 2 2 → A Bu–C≡CH →C → B
(ii ) H 2O
Compound D of the above reaction is
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
→ (A) + (B) formed can be distinguished by (A) Iodo form
(B) Fehling
(B) (B) Propa Propan noic oic aci acid an and meth methan anoi oicc aci acid d (D) Non Nonee of the these
Which Which one of the followi following ng compounds compounds is the best best candidate candidate for being being prepared by an effi efficie cient nt mixed aldol addition reaction?
(D) 2,4-DNP
t he products pro ducts by dry distillation distillation of calcium salt salt of which of the Et − C − Me is prepared as one of the || O following acids: (A) (A) eth ethan anoi oicc aci acid d an and meth methan anoi oicc aci acid d (C) Pr Propa opanoic oic ac acid an and eth ethaanoic oic ac acid
(C) NaHSO3
OH O | || CCH 2CH | CH 3
O || CCHCH 3 | CH 2OH
Quest O || CH 2CCHCH3 | HO − C − CH 3 | CH 3
O O || || CCH 2CCH 3
aq. H 2SO 4
→ P MeCH (C (CN) CO CO Me Me ∆
(A) P giving +ve iodoform test & –ve test with Fehling solution. (B) P giving –ve iodoform test & +ve test with NaHCO 3 solution. (C) P gives +ve Lucas test & –ve test with NaHSO 3 solution (D) P gives +ve test with NaHSO 3 & cerric ammonium nitrate solution. Q.19
Correct Correct order of reactiv reactivity ity of followi following ng aci acid d deriva derivativ tives es is is MeCOCl MeCON3 MeCOOCOMe I II III (A) I > II > III (B) II > I > III (C) I > III > II
(S) :
5 →
(E): Migratory aptitude of
(A) (C) (C) (D)
(D) II > III > I
group is greater than migratory migratory aptitude of
during cation rearrangements. In question below a statement S and an explanation E is given. Choose the correct answers from the codes A, B, C, D given for each question. S is correct but E is wrong. (B) S is wrong but E is correct . Both Both S an and E are are corr correc ectt and and E is is corr correc ectt expl explan anati ation on of S. S. Both S and and E are correct correct but but E is not corre correct ct exp expla lana natio tion n of S. Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Find Find the reagent reagent used used to bring bring about about followi following ng convers conversion ions. s.
(A) ClCOCH2 – CH2 COCl (C) CH3 COCl
The reaction reaction of 4-bromoben 4-bromobenzy zylch lchloride loride with sodium sodium cyanid cyanidee in ethanol leads leads to (A) 4-bromobenzylcyanide (B) 4-cyanobenzlychloride (C) 4-cyanobenzyl cyanide (D) 4-bromo-2-cyanobenzyl chloride
In a comp ompoun ound
Quest C=C
the number of sigma and pi bonds respectively are (A) 19, 11 (B) 19, 5 (C) 13, 11
How many many stereoisom stereoisomers ers are possi possibl blee for the adj adjace acent nt compoun compound? d? (A) 2
(D) 7, 3
(B) 4
(C) 6
(D) 8
The µ values of the following are given below This is because of
(A) Steric inhibition of resonance (B) Me shows hyperconjugation effect whereas – NO 2 shows – R effect in structure II which oppose with each other (C) + I effects of four Me groups nullify – I effect of NO 2 group. (D) % of acinitro form of IInd structure is less w.r.t. % of acinitro form of I st structure Alan Alanin inee (2-ami (2-amino no propanoi propanoicc acid acid)) exists exists as as .............. .............. at pH 10 10 (A) CH 3 − CH − COO¯ | NH 2
(B) CH 3 − CH − COOH | ⊕ NH 2
(C) CH 3 − CH − COOH | NH 2
(D) CH 3 − CH − COO ¯ | NH ⊕ 3 Quest Tutorials
North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q.28 Correct order of stability of these carbocations is: (A) I > II > III (B) I > III > II (C) II > I > III Column I (reactants)
(D) II > III > I Column II (product)
Cl / ∆
PhCH3 2 →
CO (CO 4 )2 CH3– CH = CH 2 + CO + H2 →
Hg CH≡CH + H2O →
→ H2C = CH2 + O2 H O
H 2O / OH −
PdCl 2 ,CuCl2 2
Column I (organic compounds oxidised by HIO4)
Column II (products of HIO4 oxidation)
HIO4 (A) CH 3CH 2 CH — CH − CH 2CH 3 → | | OH OH
4 (B) PhCH 2CH — CH − CH 3 → | | OH OH
HIO4 (C) CH 2 — CH 2 → | | OH OH
2H2C = O
HIO 4 (D) CH 2 — CH 2 − CH 2 → | | | OH OH OH
PhCH2CH = O + CH3CH = O
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Max. Marks: 90
INSTRUCTIONS Q.1 to Q.30 have one or more than one correct correct alternative(s) and carry 3 marks each. There is NEGATIVE marking and 1 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.
Pick Pick an ether ether whic which h can can be be prepared prepared by by dire direct ct Wil Willi liam amson son's 's syn synthes thesis is.. (A) CH3CH2CH2–O–CH2CH2CH3 (B) Ph–O–CH2CH3 (C) (CH3)3C–O–C2H5 (D) CH3CH=CH–O–CH=CH 2 T
h e
g i v e n
p r o d
u c t
c a n
n o
b e
f o r m
e d
b y
h i c h
s e t
o f
r e a c t a n t s
i n
t h e
p r e s e n c e
l C
Quest + Cl –
+ CH3Cl
–Cl +
+ CH3Cl
The The fin final al majo majorr product product of the the fol follo lowi wing ng reacti reaction on is is conc . H 2SO 4
(CH3CO) 2 O
KMnO4 / OH —
→ C → A → B
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Question No. 4 to 6 (3 questions) A research scholar synthesised the compound A in the laboratory
He wanted to study this compound in acidic medium and kept for some time in it. After an hour, when isolated the compound, to his surprise, he got the mixture of two compounds B, C. He studied their properties and compared them with A. A B C reaction with HaHCO3 brisk effervescence no no blue litmus red no no no no yellow ppt. NaOI + no no silver - mirror [Ag(NH3) 2] H 3O + clue original → B + C carbon = 54.55% , A hydrogen = 9.1% B formed is
(A) Q.5
Quest (C)
(D) none
Compound C is O || (A) CH 3CCH 3
B is formed due to (A) cleavage of C–O bond bond followed by esterification between –COOH and –OH present. (B) decarboxylation of –COOH group (C) oxidation of –CH2COOH into –COOH (D) none HI → →A
conc. HI
→ B A & B are respectively:
(C) Both Q.8
(D) Both
An aromati aromaticc elec electroph trophil iliic sub substi stituti tution on reac reaction tion with with NaNO NaNO2 / HCl will be observed in
Whic Which h of the foll followi owing ng wil willl give give a product product with with phenol phenolic ic group on heati heating ng (A) Phenyl propyl et her (B) Phenyl allyl et her (C) Phenyl crotyl ether (D) Phenyl venyl ether Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Questions given given below below consis consistt of two statements statements each printed as Assertion Assertion (A) and and Reason Reason (R); while answering answering these questions quest ions you are required tto o choose any one of the following four four responses: r esponses: (A) if both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (B) if both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not correct explanation explanation of (A) (C) if (A) is true but (R) is false (D) if (A) is false and (R) is true Assertion : Two products, alkyl cyanide and alkyl isocyanide are obtained during the reaction of alkyl halides with KCN. Order of cyanide isocyanide ratio is : 1°>2°>3°. Reason : 3° alkyl halide undergo S N1 reaction react ion which which is non selective selective with respect to nucleophile nucleophile strength.
Q.1 Q.11
Sel Select ect true true statem statemen ent(s t(s)) (A) Every alcohol which gives red colour during Victor Meyor test will give turbidity only on heating with Lucas reagent. (B) Propanol and isopropanol can be differentiated by idoform test. (C) Butanol and isobutanol can be differentiated by Lucas test. (D) Both iso-pentyl alcohol and neopentyl alcohol give product with same functional group with H⊕KMnO4
Q.12 Q.12
In the the re reaction tion,,
Quest O || Base → + CH2 = CH − C − CH 3 ∆
how is the product formed? (A) Micheal addition followed by aldol condensation (B) Aldol condensation followed by Micheal addition (C) Mannich reaction (D) Knoevenagel reaction followed by aldol condensation Q.13 Q.13
Whi Which are are corr correc ectt statem statemen ents: ts: (A) Cannizzaro reaction is hydride transfer reaction (B) Hofmann-degradation of acid amide involves intramolecular migration of alkyl / aryl group from C toN (C) Fries migration is intramolecular (D) Cannizzaro reaction is disproportionation reaction
Q.14 Q.14
Whi Which is / are are true true state statem ments: ents: (A) CH 2 − CH 2 − COOH on heating is converted into CH 2 = CHCOOH | NH 2 (B) CH 2 − CH 2 − CH 2COOH on heating is converted into | OH
(C) CH COOH on heating forms 2 | OH (D) CH 2COOH forms Zwitter ion which moves towards cathode at pH = 4. | NH 2 Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q.15 Q.15
H 2O
→ B PhM PhMgBr + 2Ph 2PhCHO ∆ → A B is (A) Ph2CH–OH (B) Ph3C–OH
(C) PhCH2–OH
(D) Ph–OH
O || ⊕ NaOH Me − C − O − CH 2 − CH 2 − N H 3 → Q Q is:
O || (A) Me − C − O − CH 2 − CH 2 − NH 2
O || (B) Me − C − NH − CH 2 − CH 2 − OH
How many many asym asymmetric metric carbon atoms atoms are present present in the followi following ng compound compound Coccinel Coccinelli lin? n?
(A) 2 Q.18
Quest Coccinellin (B) 3
(C) 4
Whic Which h one one of the the follow followin ing g is is non-redu non-reduci cing ng sugar? sugar? (A) Glucose (B) Arabinose (C) Fructose
(D) 6
(D) Sucrose
Which Which of the followin following g molecule moleculess is is capable capable of forming forming Zwitter Zwitter ion? (A) CH3–CHOH–NH 2 (B) NH2–CH2–COOH (C) CH3–COOH (D) CCl3–NO2
Which Which of the followin following g option is is correct? Where Where a, b, c, d are positions positions of electrophi electrophili licc attack. Nf = Not favourable; f = favourable (for electrophilic attack)
(D) All All
H → X + Me2S
Structure of X is
OH OH | | (B) CH − CH 2 2
CHO | (C) CHO Quest Tutorials
North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
CH 2 − CH 3 (D) | OH
Q.22 Q.22
Identi Identify fy (X) of the the foll followi owing ng rea reacti ction: on:
Caro's acid
is convert ed into
(A) (i) KMnO4(ii) H+; ∆ (C) (i) Ag(NH3)2+ (ii) H+ ; ∆
(B) (i) Na2Cr2O7, H+ (ii) H+ ; ∆ (D) All of these
→ Olefinic product.
Identify major product (A)
(D) None of these
(C) Ph 3C − •O• H
O || (D) Ph − C − Ph
O || conc. H 2SO 4 → (A) Ph 3C − C − OH MeOH
A is: O || •• (A) Ph 3C − C − OMe (B) Ph 3C − O Me •• Q.26
An alkene cnH2n is converted by a reduction reduct ion procedure to t o c nH2n +2. The % change in the t he molecular weight = 3.57. What is the value of n? (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q.27 Q.27
The The produ product ct exp expec ected ted from from the reacti reaction on CHO | CH 2 | HIO4 CHOH → | excess CHOH | CH 2OH O || (A) H − C − CH 2 − CHO + HCOOH + HCHO
Column I (reaction)
Column II (name of the reaction)
20% NaOH 2C6H5CHO →
Benzoin cond ondensatio tion
20% NaOH C6H5CHO + HCHO →
Cannizzaro rea reactio tion
KCN / C 2H 5OH 2C6H5CHO →
Cros ross ca cannizzaro re reaction tion
→ C6H5CHO + (CH3CO)2O
Perkin react ion
(A) (B) (C) (D)
Column I (reaction) Wolf-kishner reduction Witting reaction Benzoin condensat ion Cannizzaro reaction
(P) (Q) (R) (S)
Column II (reagent) NaCN /C2H5OH (C6H5)3P = CH2 conc. NaOH NH2NH2 /KOH
Column I (compound)
Column II (pka)
O || CH 3 − C − CH 2 − COOC 2 H 5
O O || || CH 3 − C − CH 2 − C − CH 3
8. 9
(C) (D)
(R) (S)
10.7 5
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Max. Marks: 90
INSTRUCTIONS Q.1 to Q.30 have one or more than one correct correct alternative(s) and carry 3 marks each. There is NEGATIVE marking and 1 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.
The maj major or product product obtained obtained when when o-nitron o-nitronitrosob itrosoben enzen zenee is is treated with with chlori chlorine ne in in presen presence ce of Lewis acid.
Q.2 Q.2
Q.4 Q.4
(D) reaction will will not take place
Ease Ease of oxi oxida dati tion on in fol folllowin owing wil will be be
(A) I > II > III Q.3
(B) III > II > I
(C) I > III > II
Which is not alcohol ohol– – (A) CH2=CH–CH2OH (C) C6H5CH2OH
(D) II > III > I
The The Luc Lucas as test test is used used to deter determ mine the the type type of– of– (A) Amines (B) Alcohols (C) Acids
(D) Phenols
Q.5 Q.5
Cons Consiider der the the fol folllowi owing state statem ments ents abo about ut β-diketones: (A) They show keto-enol tautomerism. (B) The enol form is capable of forming an intramolecular hydrogen bonding (C) The methylene group flanked by two carbonyl groups can be easily deprotonated (D) None of these t hese
Q.6 Q.6
In the the gi given reac reacti tion on sequ sequen ence ce
OH / ∆ → (Q) → (P) ( i ) O3
( ii ) Zn / H 2O
& compound (P) and (Q) are
(A) Q.7 Q.7
Cons Consiider der the the foll ollowing owing statem statemen ents: ts: (A) 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds such as ethyl acetoacetate are usually mostly enolised. (B) The given compound (a) exists mainly in enol form (100%)
(C) The given compound (b) exists only in keto form
(D) None of these t hese Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Deca Decarb rbox oxy ylation ation wil will take take pl place ace on heati heating ng (A) methyl malonic acid (C) 2,2-dimet hyl acet oacetic acid
(B) succinic acid (D) in all cases
Alan Alanin inee forms forms Zwitte Zwitterr ion ion whic which h exi exists as : (A) CH 3 − CHCOO in acidic medium | ⊕ NH 3
(B) CH 3 − CHCOOH in a medium of pH = 4 | ⊕ NH 3
(C) CH − CH − COO in a medium medium of pH = 13 (D) CH 3 − CHCOO in a medium of pH = 2 3 | | NH 3 NH 3 Q.10
Which Which one of the followi following ng compounds compounds undergoes undergoes bromination bromination of its aromatic aromatic ring ring (electrophili (electrophilicc aromatic substitution) substitution) at the fastest rate? (A)
Quest H O⊕
PI ,∆
3 3 3 →C → A CH2 = CH2 → B
( 2 eq )
Structure of C is (A) CH 2 − CH 2 | | OH I Q.12
Zn − Hg
(B) CH2=CH2
(D) CH 2 − CH 2 | | I I
(CH ) CuLi
HBr 3 2 → R → T. → P → Q (B) → S
T is :
6 5 2 2 3 → V → W → X B → Y.
conc. H 2SO 4 (1 equivalent )
Y is :
(D) Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
2 → Q (major); Q would be:
Organic Organic hali halide de that posses a functiona functionall group that react react with R–MgX R–MgX cannot cannot themsel themselve ve form form a grignard reagent. Indicate which of the following chlorides need to have its other functional group protected prot ected in order to generate R–MgCl
Quest (B)
→ Step −II
→ Step − I
– H⊕
→ Step − III
Which of the following statements are correct? (A) First step is protonation reaction which is reversible (B) Second step is RDS (C) Second step is Nu addition reaction (D) Product of reaction is ester r
Urea may may be be identi identifi fied ed by which which of the the followi following ng test test (A) with CHCl3 / KOH, it gives very offensive odour (B) with HNO2, it evolves H 2 & CO2 (C) with NaOH and a drop of CuSO 4, it gives violet colour (D) with NaOH on heating, it gives smell of NH3 gas
Q.18 Q.18
On oxida oxidation tion of alcoh alcohol ol with with H⊕ K2Cr2O7, maximum yield of carbonyl compound will be obtained in (A) 1° alcohol (B) 2° alcohol (C) 3° alcohol (D) equal in 1° & 2° alcohol
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
H 3O⊕
→ X
Structure of X is (A)
How many many products are produced respectivel respectively y when optically optically pure glucose glucose and and fructose fructose are reduced reduced one by one by NaBH 4. (A) 1 & 1 (B) 2 & 2 (C) 1 & 2 (D) 2 & 1
Q.21 Q.21
Gluc Glucos osee and and mann annose ose are are:: (A) Anomers (C) Funct ional isomers
(B) Posit ional isomers (D) Epimers
Whic Which h of the foll followin owing g is is most most acidi acidic: c:
2 → (A)
4-nitrophthalimide. Identify (A). (A)
CH MgBr (1 eq.)
3 → ?
The product is:
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
TsCl Base → (A) → (B)
Q.26 Q.26
reac reacts ts with with Br2 /CCl4, the major product obtained is
(A) Q.27
R' O | || (C) R − C − C − H | R
O || (A) R − C
Column I (reaction) (A) C6H5CHO + NaOH → C6H5COOH + C6H5CH2OH
Column II (name of the reactions) (P) (P) Rose osenmund's rea reaction tion
Quest Anhyd.
→ C6H5CH3 (B) C6H6 + CH3Cl
(Q) Kolbe's Schmidt reaction
Pd / BaSO 4 (C) RCOCl + H2 → RCHO
(R) Friedel-Crafts reaction
→ (D) C6H5OH + NaOH + CO 2 +
(S) Cannizzaro's reaction
Column I (products obtaines on oxidation with HIO4) oxidation) (A) PhCH = O + CH3COCH3
Cyclopentan tane-1,2,2-diol
Ph − CH − C(CH 3 ) 2 | | OH OH
(C) (D)
O = CH(CH2)3 CH=O
+ H2C = O
Column II (compounds that gi give product by by HIO4
2H2C = O + HCOOH
Glycer ol
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Column I
Q.29 (A)
Column II
(B) CH3CH2CH = CH2 → CH3CH2CH2CH3 (C)
CHCl3 + aq. NaOH
O3 + H2O
H2 /Pd
Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists. List-I (Compound) List-II (Used for separated between) (A) NaHCO3 solut ion (P) CH3CH2NH2 and (CH3CH2)2NH (B) NaHSO3 (Q) Water ater insol insolub ublle amid amides es and and water water insol insolub uble le am amines ines.. (C) dil. HCl (R) CH3CH2OH and CH 3CHO (D)
Quest , KOH
Water insoluble carboxylic acids from wat er
insoluble phenols.
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Max. Marks: 90
INSTRUCTIONS Q.1 to Q.30 have one or more than one correct correct alternative(s) and carry 3 marks each. There is NEGATIVE marking and 1 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.
can be got from CHO | (A) CH 3CH 2CH − CH 2 − CH − CH 2CH 3 | CHO
+ CH3CH2OH → HCl
Quest and 2 units of ethylene glycol glycol
Giv Give the the cor corre rect ct orde orderr of initial tialss T or F for following statements. Use T if statement is true and F if it is false. Statement : 1 Many SN2 reactions of alkyl chlorides and alkyl bromides are catalyzed by the addition of sodium or potassium iodide. For example, the hydrolysis of methyl bromide takes place much much faster faster in the presence of sodium sodium iodide. iodide. Statement : 2 1-Bromobicyclo[2.2.1]heptane is extremely unreactive in either S N2 or SN1 reactions. Statement : 3 When ethyl bromide reacts with silver cyanide in methanol, the major product is CH3CH2CN. Some CH3CH2NC is formed as well. (A) FTF (B) TTF (C) TFF (D) TFT
Followi Following ng alky alkyll bromid bromides es were were subje subjected cted to hydrol hydrolis ises es in in a mix mixture ture of ethanol ethanol and water water (80% C2H5OH/20% H2O) at 55°C, (CH3)3CBr, (CH3)2CHBr, CH3CH2Br, CH3Br correct order of rate of reaction will be (A) (CH3)3CBr > (CH3)2CHBr > CH3CH2Br > CH3B (B) (CH3)3CBr > CH3Br > CH3CH2Br > (CH3)2CHBr (C) (CH3)3CBr < (CH3)2CHBr < CH3CH2Br < CH3B (D) (CH3)3CBr > (CH3)2CHBr > CH3Br > CH3CH2Br
Tetracyli Tetracyline ne is is called called a broad spectrum spectrum anti antibi biotic otic becau because se it it active agai agains nstt a wide wide variety variety of bacteri bacteria. a. How many chirality center does tetracyline have?
(A) 3
(B) 4
(C) 5 Quest Tutorials
North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
(D) 6
Q.5 Q.5
Cons onsider th the re reactio tion
OH −
→ X
+ here X is
A Natura Naturall occuri occuring ng elem elemen entt has has the consti constituti tutiona onall shown. How many stereoisomer may have this constitution? (A) 8 (B) 16 (C) 64 (D) 128
IUPAC name of CH 3 − CH 2 − N − CHO is | H
(A) N-ethyl aminoethanol (C) N-et hyl methanamide
(B) N-formyl aminoethane (D) ethanaminal
O Ph P =CH 2 ( 2 mole ) → → (A) → 3 → (B) 3 → (C)
liq. NH 3
Zn ( H 2O )
Product (C) in above reaction is (A) 1,4 1,4-hexadiene (B) 1, 1,4-Pentad tadiene Q.9
(D) None
(C) 1, 1,3-butad tadiene
(D) 1, 1,4-heptad tadiene
A compou compound nd [X] disc discha harge rgess brom bromin inee water water in CCl CCl4. The compound neither gives a any colour with FeCl3 nor effervescences with aq. NaHCO 3 solution. However, its hydrolysate with conc. KOH followed by acidification acidification gives another anot her compound Y which gives gives colour with FeCl3 solution as well as effervescences of CO 2 with NaHCO3 solution. Compounds X and Y respectively are (A)
MgBr + Ethyl ortho formate by → product. Product give –ve test with fehling
H3O +
O || C − CH 3 (B)
CH = O (D)
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
CH − CH 3 | CH = O
→ P (Product).
P is:
There are four four alcohols alcohols P, P, Q, R, S which which have have 3, 2, 1, zero zero alpha hydrogen hydrogen atoms, which which will will not give any color in Victor Meyer test: (A) P (B) Q (C) R (D) S
What What combination combination of diene diene and and dienophi dienophile le would you you choose in in order to prepare the followi following ng compound?
Ordinaril Ordinarily y the barrier barrier to rotation about about a carbon-carbon carbon-carbon double bond is quite high high but compound compound A was observed by NMR to have a rotational barrier of only about 20 K cal / mole
The reason for this is (A) (A) double bond having partial triple bond character because of resonance (B) double bond undergo flipping (C) double bond having very high single bond character because of aromaticity gained in both 3 & 5 membered membered ring. (D) + I effect of nC3H7 groups makes double bond having partial single bond character. Q.15
Catalys Catalystt used in in conve conversi rsion on of n-hex n-hexane ane into into benzen benzenee is: is: (A) AlCl3 (B) SiO2–Al2O3 (C) Cr2O3–Al2O3
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
(D) MnO2
Which Which of the amin amino o group in semi semi carbazide carbazide will will react react with carbon carbonyl yl group: O || H 2 N − C − NH − NH 2 (1) (2) (3) (A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 1 & 3
dry HCl + Me2C = O → A
Q.17 A is:
Quest KOH
→ P + CH3CHO
P is:
→ (X) + HCO 2Et
Identify unknown (X) in above reaction
Zn ( Hg ) 3 → → → (X)
Product (X) ( X) of above reaction is: is:
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q.21 Q.21
Guess ess th the pro produ ducct PCl5 CH3CH2CONH2 → ?
(A) CH3CH2–CN Q.22
These questions questions consis consistt of two statements statements each, each, printed printed as assertion and reason, reason, while while answering answering these questions you are required to choose any one of the following responses. (A) If assertion is true but the reason is false. (B) If assertion is false but the reason is true. (C) If both assertion and reason are true and the reason is a correct explanation of assertion. (D) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not a correct explanation of assertion. (A) HCHO has sp2-hybridised carbon and the following geometry: (R) The bond angles are changed due to greater multiple bond-single bond repulsion, then single bond- single bond repulsion.
Q.23 Q.23
Whic Which h of the fol follo lowi wing ng order order are are corre correct ct ? (I) Acidity order : o-nitrobenzoic acid > p-nitrobenzoic acid > m-nitrobenzoic acid (II) Basicity Basicity order : NH2— > EtO— > OH— > RCOO— > Cl— (III) Heat of hydrogenation: hydrogenation: cis-2-butene > trans-2-butene (IV) Ease of decarboxylation :
Ph − C − CH 2 − COOH = C6H5COCOOH = Ph − CH − COOH = Ph − CH − COOH | | || OH NH 2 O
(A) I & II Q.24
(B) I & III
(C) I & IV
Nylon-6 Nylon-6 is is prepared prepared by by linear linear condensa condensation tion homopoly homopolymeri merization zation reaction of: (A) caprolactum (B) hexamet hylene diamine and adipic acid (C) 6-aminohexanoic acid (D) acrylonit rile
+ HCN → A + B A & B are (A) (A) Meso com compo pou unds (B) (B) di diastere tereoi oissome omers (C) (C) een nantiom tiomeers
(D) I , II & III
(D) (D) both oth A & B
The follow followin ing g pair pair of compoun compounds ds represen represents: ts:
(A) sa same co compoun ound (B) di diaster tereomers
(C) een nantio tiomers
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
(D) stru tructur tural isomers
Correct order of yiel yield d of Hofma Hofmann nn alkene alkene in in followi following ng reaction will will be be CH 3CH 2CHCH3 | X
X may be F, Cl, Br or I
(A) F > Cl > Br > I (C) Cl > F > Br > I Q.28 Q.28
(B) I > Be > Cl > F (D) I > Br > F > Cl
Order Order of enol enoliic cont conten entt (I)
(A) II II > III > IV > I
(B) I > III > IV > II
(C) I > IV > III > II
(D) IV > III > I > II
Quest (A)
(A) is defined as (A)
2 → substitution take place at the position.
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
(D) bot h (A) & (B)
Q.2 Q.9 Q.16 Q.23 Q.30
Q. 3 Q.10 Q.17 Q.24
Q.4 Q.11 Q.18 Q.25
Sorbitol →
Q.5 Q.12 Q.19 Q.26
Q.6 Q.13 Q.20 Q.27
Q.7 Q.14 Q.21 Q.28
Q.6 Q.13
Q.7 Q.14
Mannitol →
B Q.2 C Q.9 A Q.16 A (This order D Q.23 D Q.29
C Q. 3 C Q.4 B D Q.10 B Q.11 B C Q.17 B Q.18 A is only for nucleophilic attack) A Q.24 A Q.25 D (A) Q, (B) R, (C) P, (D) P
Q.5 Q.12
Q.20 Q.26 Q.30
B Q.21 D A Q.27 A (A) Q, (B) S, (C) R, (D) P
Q.1 Q.8 Q.14 Q.20 Q.27 Q.30 Q.30
A,B,C Q.2 C,D Q.3 B Q.4 A,C Q.9 B,C Q.10 A Q.11 A,B,C,D Q.15 C Q.16 A Q.21 A Q.22 A Q.23 A Q.28 (A) Q, (B) R, (C) P, (D) S (A) (A) R, R, (B) (B) Q, (C) (C) S, S, (D) (D) P
Q.5 Q.12 Q.17 Q.24 Q.29
D Q.6 A Q.7 A Q.13 A,B,C,D A Q.18 D Q.19 A Q.25 B Q.26 (A) S, (B) Q, (C) P, (D) R
SELF ASSESSMENT SPEED TEST-4 Q.1 Q.7 Q.14 Q.20 Q.27 Q.29 Q.29 Q.30 Q.30
C Q.2 D Q. 3 D Q.4 B Q.5 A,B,C Q.6 A,B,C Q. Q.8 A, C Q.9 B,C Q.10 B Q.11 B Q.12 B Q.15 B,D Q.16 A,B,C,D Q.17 C,D Q.18 C Q.21 D Q.22 C Q.23 A Q.24 D Q.25 (A) S, (B) R, (C) P, (D) Q Q.28 (A) Q, (B) P, (C) R, (D) S (A) (A) R, R, (B) (B) S, S, (C) (C) Non Nonee ( CCl CCl4 + NaOH), (D) None(O3 + H2O + Zn) (A) (A) S, S, (B) (B) R, (C) (C) Q, Q, (D) (D) P SELF ASSESSMENT SPEED TEST-5
Q.13 Q.19 Q.26
Q.1 Q.8 Q.15 Q.22 Q.29
Q.7 Q.14 Q.21 Q.28
Q.2 Q.9 Q.16 Q.23 Q.30
Q. 3 Q.10 Q.17 Q.24
Q.4 Q.11 Q.18 Q.25
Q.5 Q.12 Q.19 Q.26
Q.6 Q.13 Q.20 Q.27
“ Waves Waves are my inspiration. Not because they rise and fall but because each each time tim e they fall, they rise again.” Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Consi Conside derr stru structu ctura rall form formul ulas asA, B an and C:
(a) (a) (b) (b) (c) (c) (d) (d) (e) (e) (f) (g) (h)
(A) (B) (C) Are A, B and and C cons constitu titution tional al isomers somers,, or are are they they reson resonan ance ce form forms? s? Whi Which struct structure uress hav havee a nega negativ tivel ely y char charged ged carb carbon? on? Which hich struc structur tures es hav havee a pos posit itiively ely ch charge arged d carb carbon on?? Whi Which struc structur tures es have have a posi positi tive velly char charge ged d ni nitrogen trogen?? Whi Which structu structures res have ave a negati egative velly char charge ged d nitr nitroge ogen? n? What is is the the ne net ch charge rge on on each ach str struc uctu ture re?? Whi Which is a more more stab stablle struc structur ture, e, A or B? B? Why Why? Whi Which is a more ore stab stablle stru structu cture re,, B or C? C? Wh Why?
Q.2 (a) (b) (c) Q.3
In each each of the follow followin ing g pairs, pairs, determine determine whether whether the two represent represent resonance resonance forms forms of a singl singlee specie speciess or depict de pict different different substances. If ttwo wo strictures strict ures are not resonance froms, explain explain why. why. and
Quest and
(a) (c) (e)
Match Match eac each h alk alken enee with with the the approp appropri riate ate heat heat of com combu busti stion: on: Heats of comb co mbustion ustion (kJ/mol) : 5293 ; 4658; 4650; 4638; 4632 1-Heptene (b) 2,4-Dimethyl-1-pentene 2,4-Dimethyl-2-pentene (d) (Z)-4,4-Dimethyl-2-pentene 2,4,4 ,4,4-T -Tri rim methy thyl-2-p -2-peenten tene
Q.4 (a) (a) (b) (b)
Choose Choose the more more stabl stablee alken alkenee in each each of the foll followi owing ng pairs pairs.. Expla Explain in your your reasoni reasoning. ng. 1-Meth 1-Methy ylcycl cycloh ohex exen enee or 3-meth 3-methy ylcycl cyclohe ohex xene ene Isopr Isoprope openy nyllcycl cyclope opent ntan anee or or al allylcycl cyclope openta ntane ne
(d) (d) (e) (e)
(Z)(Z)-C Cyclonon ononeene or (E) (E)-c -cy yclonon ononeene (Z)(Z)-C Cyclooc cloocta tade deccene ene or (E)-c (E)-cyclooc cloocta tade deccene ene
Rank the followi following ng sets of interm intermedia ediates tes in increas increasin ing g order of their their stabil stability ity givin giving g appropriate appropriate reasons reasons for your choice.
C 6 H 5+ , p − NO 2 (C 6 H 4 ) + , p − CH 3 − (C 6 H 4 ) + , p − Cl − C 6 H 4+
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q.6 Q. 6
For the followi following ng compounds, compounds, arrange arrange the labell labelled ed proton in increas increasin ing g order of their their ease of deprotonation. deprotonation.
Whi Which is stron stronger ger aci acid, A or B and and wh why?
Q.8 (a) (a) (b) (b) (c) (d)
Dis Discuss cuss the the fol folllowi owing obse observ rvati ation ons: s: C–Cl C–Cl bond bond in in viny vinyll chl chloride oride is is strong stronger er than than in in chl chloroet oroetha hane. ne. Carb Carbon on-c -carb arbon on bon bond d len length gth in eth ethene ene is is shorte shorterr than than in in CH2 = CHOCH3 CH3SH is stronger acid than CH3OH CH3CH2NH2 is stronger base than CH2 = CHNH2.
Disc Discus usss the bas basiic strengh strenghtt of two ni nitrogens trogens in in benz benziimida midazol zole. e.
Quest Benzimidazole
In the follow followin ing g structure, structure, which which is is better site site of protonation protonation and whywhy-oxy oxygen gen or nitrogen? nitrogen? +
H → →
Compare Compare the the C–N C–N bond-l bond-length ength in the followi following ng species: species:
Q.12 Q.1 2
(iii) (iii)
Rank the foll following owing in increasi increasing ng order of basi basicc strength, expla explain inin ing g reason for for your choice: choice:
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q.13 (i)
Answe nswerr the the fol folllowi owing: Whi Which of the ind indic icated ated H is is abstra abstracted cted rapi rapidl dly y by by brom bromin inee radic radical al and and why why??
One of of the the indicated ted pr proton oton Ha or Hb, is approxim appro ximately ately 1030 times more acidic than other, ot her, which is is more acidic and why?
In each of the foll followin owing g pairs pairs of ions ions which which ion ion is is more stable: stable: ⊕
(a) (I) C6H5– CH 2 and (II) CH2=CH– CH 2 ⊕
(b) (I) CH3– CH 2 (c) (I)
and (II) CH2 = CH
Quest and
(d) (I) CH 3 − CH − CH 3 and CH 3 − N − CH 3 | | CH 3 − C − CH 3 CH 3 − C − CH 3
Consi Conside derr the give given n reac reacti tion on::
Pd / C
+ 3H2 →
In the above reaction react ion which one of the given ring will will undergo reduction? redu ction? Q.16 (a)
Compar Comparee heat heat of hy hydrogenat drogenation ion (Decrea (Decreasi sing ng order) order) heat of hydroge ogenation
(i) (i)
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
(e) CH2 = CH – CH
and CH2 = C
Q.17 (a) (a) (b) (b) (c) (c) (d) (d) (e) (e) (f) (g) (g) (h) (h) (i) (j) (j) (k) (k) (l) (l) (m) (m)
Which Which of the the foll followi owing ng stateme statements nts is is (are) (are) true about about resonan resonance. ce. Reso Reson nance ance is an intra ntram molec olecul ular ar proc proces esss. Reso Resona nan nce invol nvolv ves del delocal ocaliizati zation on of of both both σ and π electrons. Reso Reson nance ance involv olves del delocal ocaliizati zation on of π electrons electro ns only o nly.. Reson Resonan ance ce decre decreas ases es potent potentia iall ener energy gy of a mol molec ecul ule. e. Reson Resonan ance ce has has no no eff effect ect on the the poten potenti tial al ener energy gy of a molec olecul ule. e. Reson Resonan ance ce is is the the only only way to inc increa rease se mol molec ecul ular ar stab stabiility. ty. Resona Resonanc ncee is is not not the the only only way to incr increas easee mole molecul cular ar stabi stabillity. ty. Any Any reson resonatin ating g mole molecul culee is is alway alwayss more more stabl stablee than than any any nonresona nonresonatin ting g mole molecul cule. e. The The cano canon nical stru structu cture re exp expllain ains all all fea featur tures es of a mol molec ecul ule. e. The The reso resona nanc ncee hy hybrid brid expl explai ains ns all all fea featur tures es of a molec olecul ule. e. Resona Resonatin ting g structu structures res are rea reall and and res resona onanc ncee hy hybrid brid is is im imaginar aginary y. Resona Resonanc ncee hyb hybri rid d is is real real and resona resonati ting ng structu structures res are imaginar aginary y. Resona Resonance nce hy hybrid brid is alway alwayss more stabl stable than all all canon canoniical structur structures. es.
. 1
s o
a n
Quest c e
( a )
c a n o n i c a l
( b )
. 1
o l e c u l e
e n
e r g
s t r u c t u r e s
a r o m
i l l
a r e
a t i c
r e
b e r
r e
e q u i v a l e n t
i l l
b e
t h a n
o l e c u le
o r e
i s
i f
c a n o n i c a l s t r u c t u r e s
n o t
s t a b le
a r o m
a r e
n o
n - e q u i v a l e n t .
a t i c .
i f
π bonds than if it has less number number of o f π bonds.
( a )
i t
(b) (b) (c)
(e) (e) (f)
the octets octets of all all atoms atoms are are comp comple lete te than than if if octets octets of all all atoms atoms are are not not compl complete. ete. it inv invol olv ves cycl cycliic del deloc ocal aliizati zation on of (4n (4n + 2) 2) π – electrons electro ns than if it it involves acyclic delocalization of (4n + 2) π – electrons. it inv invol olv ves cycl cycliic del delocal ocaliizati zation on (4n) (4n) π – electrons than if it involves acyclic delocalizationof (4n) π – electrons. +ve charge charge is is on more more electr electrone onegati gative ve atom atom than than if if +ve +ve charge charge is is on less less electr electroneg onegati ative ve atoms. atoms. –ve –ve char charge ge is is on more el electr ectron oneg egat atiive atom atom than than if –ve –ve
In which which of the foll followin owing g molecul molecules es resonance resonance takes takes place place through through out the entire syste system. m.
t h a n
c a n o n i c a l s t r u c t u r e
h a s
COOCH 3 (e) | COOCH 3
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Whic Which h of the foll followi owing ng groups cann cannot ot partici participate pate in in resonanc resonancee with other other suitabl suitablee group : (a) – COOH (e)
− C H2
(c) – COCl
= O−
− NH 3
− C H2
(g) CH 2
− CH 2 − C H 2
(f) – BH2
= N− | CH3
− CH 2 − C H 2
− P Ph 3
In which which of the foll following owing lone-pair lone-pair indicated indicated is is involv involved ed in in resonance :
Quest ••
Θ (e) CH2= CH – C H 2
Which Which of the follow followin ing g group can partici participate pate in in resonance resonance with with other suitabl suitablee group : (a) CH 2
Q.23 Q.2 3
− CO O
(f) CH2 = CH – CH = N H
In which which of the follow followin ing g lone-pai lone-pairr indic indicated ated is is not invol involved ved in resona resonance nce : ••
(a) CH2 = CH – N H – CH3 ••
(b) CH2 = CH – CH = O
(c) CH2 = CH – O – CH = CH2
(d) CH2 = CH – C
N ••
Identif Identify y electron electron – donati donating ng groups groups in resonan resonance ce among among the the follow followin ing g: (a) – CONH2 (b) – NO2 (c) – OCOCH3 (d) – COOCH3 (e) – CHO (f) – NHCOCH3
Q.26 Q.2 6
Identify Identify electron electron – withdrawin withdrawing g groups in in resonance resonance among among the followi following ng : (a) – COOH (b) – CONHCH3 (c) – COCl (d) – CN (e) – O – CH = CH 2
Q.27 Q.2 7
Which Which of the followi following ng groups can either either donate or withdraw withdraw a pair pair of electrons electrons in in resonance resonance dependin depending g upon situation : (a) – NO2 (b) – NO (c) – CH = CH (d) – CHO (e) – NH2 (f) – N = NH
Which Which of the foll followin owing g groups can only only withdraw withdraw a pair pair of electrons electrons in resonance resonance dependin depending g upon situation : (a) – Ph (e)
− N Me3
(f) – CONH2 Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Write the resonan resonance ce hyb hybri rid d of each of the foll followin owing g:
(a) CH 2
= CH − C H 2
(d) CH 2
= CH − C H 2
(e) CH2 = CH – CH2 Write rite the canoni canonical cal structures structures of each of the the foll followin owing g: ⊕
(a) R – CO – CH = CH 2
(b) CH3O – CH = CH – N Me3
(c) RCOCl
(d) HCONH2
Write the resonan resonance ce hyb hybri rid d of each of the foll followin owing g: (a)
(b) CH2 = CH – CH = O
(c) CH 2
=C= CH
(e) CH2 = CH – CH = CH2 Q.32
Write rite the canoni canonical cal structures structures of each of the the foll followin owing g:
(a) Q.33
(c) CH2 = C = O
( e)
In whi which ch of the foll followi owing ng mol molecu eculles π – electron elect ron density density in ring is minimum minimum :
(A) Q.34
Quest (b) CH 2
In whi which of the the foll followi owing ng mol molec ecul ules es π – electron electro n density in ring is maximum : (A)
Q. 35
CH2 = CH – CH = CH – CH 3 is more more stable than CH3 – CH = C = CH – CH 3 because (I) (II) (A) (A) ther theree is is res resonan onance ce in I but not in in II II (B) (B) th there ere is taut tautom omeeris rism in I but not in in II II (C) there is is hype hyperconj rconjugation ugation in I but not in in II (D) II has has more more cononical cononical structures than I.
Which Which of the follow followin ing g pairs pairs has has higher higher resonance resonance ener energy gy : Θ
(a) CH3COOH and CH3COONa
(b) CH2 = CH – O and CH2 = CH – OH
and CH2 = CH – CH = CH – CH = CH 2
Quest Tutorials N o r th
D e l h i :
E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Which Which of the foll followin owing g pairs pairs has has less less resonance resonance energy energy : (a) CO 32− and HCOO–
and CH2 = CH – CH = CH2
(e) Q.38
and CH2 = CH – CH 2− ⊕
and CH2 = CH – C H 2
Which Which of the follow followin ing g pairs pairs has has higher higher resonanc resonancee energy energy : (a)
(d) CH2 = CH – OH and CH 2 = CH – CH = CH – OH (e) Q.39
Which Which of the foll followin owing g pairs pairs has has less less resonance resonance energy energy : (a)
(d) Q.40
Which Which of the follow followin ing g pairs pairs has has higher higher resonanc resonancee energy energy : (a)
(b) CH2 = CH – O – CH = CH2 and CH2 = CH – NH – CH = CH2 (c) CH 2 (e)
= CH − N H and HN = CH − N H
(d) CH2 = CH – F and CH2 = CH – Br
and CH2 = CH – C H 2
← →
← → →
These are three t hree canonical canonical structures of naphthalene. naphthalene. Examine Examine them and find correct statement among the t he following : (A) (A) All C – C bon bonds ds are are of sam same len length gth (B) (B) CI CI – C2 bond bond is sho shorte rterr than than C2 – C3 C3 bon bond. d. (C) C1 – C2 bond is longer longer than C2 – C3 bond (D) none. Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Which Which of the foll followin owing g is is (are) (are) the correct order of bond lengths lengths : (A) C – C > C = C > C ≡ C > C ≡ N (B) C = N > C = O > C = C (C) C = C > C = N > C = O (D) C – C > C = C > C ≡ C > C – H
Identify Identify more stabl stablee canonic canonical al structure structure in each each of the foll followin owing g pairs pairs : Θ
(b) C H − C ≡ CH ← → → CH 2 2
(d) ⊕
(e) C H − CH = CH − O ← → CH 2 2
= C = CH
= CH − CH = O
Identify Identify less less stabl stablee canonical canonical structure structure in each of the foll followi owing ng pairs pairs : ⊕
(a) C H − O − CH ← → CH 2 2 3 →
= O− CH3
In which which of the followi following ng pairs, pairs, indi indicated cated bond bond is of greater greater strength strength : (a) CH 3 − CH 2 − Br and CH 3 − CH 2 − Cl
(b) CH 3 − CH = CH − Br and CH 3 − CH − CH 3 →| ↑ Br
and CH 3 − CH 2 − Cl
(d) CH 2
= CH − CH = CH 2 ↑
and CH 2
= CH 2 − CH 2 − CH 3 ↑
(e) CH 2
= CH − CH = CH 2 ↑
and CH 2
= CH − NO 2 ↑
and Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q.46 Q.4 6
In which which of the followin following g pairs, pairs, indicated indicated bond havin having g less less bond dissociation dissociation energy energy : (a)
and CH 2
= CH 2 ↑
Whi Which of the followi following ng has has longe longest st C – O bond bond :
Q. 48
Q.49 Q.49
(b) CH3 − C ≡ CH and HC ≡ CH
Quest (B)
CH2 = NH
I II III IV Among these compounds, the correct corr ect order or der of C – N bond lengths lengths is : (A) IV > I > II > III (B) III > I > II > IV (C) III > II > I > IV (D) III > I > IV > II C1 – C2 C2 bon bond d is is sh shortes ortestt in in
Among Among the foll followin owing g molec molecule ules, s, the correct correct order of C – C bond lengh lenghtt is (A) C2H6 > C2H4 > C6H6 > C2H2 (B) C2H6 > C6H6 > C2H4 > C2H2(C6H6 is benzene) (C) C2H4 > C2H6 > C2H2 > C 6H6 (D) C2H6 > C2H4 > C2H2 > C6H6
Q. 51
CH3O – CH = CH – NO 2 I CH2 = CH – NO 2 II CH2 = CH – Cl III CH2 = CH2 IV Which Which of the following following is the correct o order rder of C – C bond lengths among among these compounds : (A) I > II > III > IV (B) IV > III > II > I (C) I > III > II > IV (D) II > III > I > IV In which which of the foll following owing molecul molecules es resonance resonance is equival equivalent ent : Θ (A) HCOO (B) CH2 = CH – CH = CH2
Q.52 Q.5 2
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q. 53
CH2 = CH – CH = CH – CH = CH 2
CH2 = CH – C H – CH = CH – C H 2
C H 2 – CH = CH – CH = CH – C H 2
Among these three canonical structures (t hrough more are possibl p ossible) e) what would wo uld be their relative relative contribution in the hybrid hybrid : (A) I > II > III (B) III > II > I (C) I > III > II (D) III > I > II Q.54
For 1-methoxy 1-methoxy-1, -1, 3-butadie 3-butadiene, ne, which which of the foll followi owing ng resonatin resonating g structure is is the least least stable? stable? Θ
(A) H 2 C — C H –CH = CH – O – CH 3 ⊕
(C) H2C = CH – C H – C H – O – CH 3 Q.55 Q.5 5
(B) H 2 C — CH = CH – CH = O – CH3 Θ
(D) H2C = CH – CH – CH = O – CH3
Among Among the followi following ng pairs pairs identi identify fy the one which which gives gives high higher er heat of hydrogenati hydrogenation on : (a)
(c) CH3 – CH = CH – CH 3 and CH3 – CH2 – CH = CH 2 (d)
Quest and
Which Which of the the followi following ng stateme statements nts would would be true about this this compound compound :
(A) All All three C – N bonds ar aree of same length. (B) Cl – N and C3 – N bonds are o f same same length but shorter than C5 – N bond. (C) Cl – N and C3 – N bonds are o f same same length but longer than C5 – N bond. (D) Cl – N and C3 – N bonds are of diff different erent length but both are longer than C5 – N bond. Q.57
Write rite reso resona nati tin ng struc structur tures es of of σ complex formed formed when an electrophile (E⊕) attacks on (i) α and (ii) β position positio n of naphthalene. Also Also state stat e which is is more stable. st able.
Q.58 Q.5 8
Among Among the followi following ng pairs pairs identi identify fy the one which which gives gives high higher er heat of hydrogenati hydrogenation on : (a)
(c) CH3 – CH = CH – CH 3 and CH3 – CH2 – CH = CH 2 (d)
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q.59 Q.5 9
Number the the followin following g compounds in order of increasi increasing ng acidity acidity of indic indicated ated proton proto n givi giving ng mechani mechanistic stic reasoning:
Q.60 Q.6 0
From the foll following owing pair, pair, select select the stronger stronger acid acid providi providing ng clear clear reasoning: reasoning:
Q.1 Q. 2 Q. 4 Q. 6 Q. 13 Q. 17 Q. 19 Q. 23 Q. 26 Q. 34 Q. 37 Q. 39 Q. 41 Q. 44 Q. 46 Q. 49 Q. 53 Q. 56 Q. 59
a = Reson Resonan ance ce form form,, b= A, c = C, d= d= A & B, e=B e=B&C &C,, f = B, B, g = B, h = B (a) are resonance fo rm Q. 3 (a) 4658, (b) 4638, (c) 4632, (d) 4656, (e) 5293 (a) i , (b) i , (c) ii, (d) i, (e) ii Q. 5 (a) ii < iv < i < iii, (b) iii < ii < i 1<2<3 Q. 7 A=i Q.11 iii > ii > i Q. 12 III < II < I (i) Hc (ii) Ha Q.14 (a) I, (b) I, (c) II, (d) II Q. 15 A (a), (c), (d), (g), (j), (l), (m) Q.18 (a), (b) (a), (b), (c), (f) Q.20 (b), (c) Q.21 (d) Q. 22 (a), (e), (f), (g) (b), (d), (e) Q.24 (b), (d), (e) Q.25 (c), (f) (a), (b), (c), (d), (f) Q.27 (b), (c), (f) Q.28 (f) Q. 33 D B Q. 35 A Q.36 (a) II, (b) I, (c) I, (d) I, (e) I (a) II, (b) I, (c) I, (d) II , (e) I Q.38 (a) II, (b) I, (c) II, (d) II, (e) II (a) II, (b) II, (c) II, (d) II, (e) II Q.40 (a) I, (b) II, (c) II, (d) I, (e) I B Q.42 A,C,D Q.43 (a) I, (b) I, (c) I, (d) I, (e) II, (f) II (a) I, (b) II, (c) II, (d) II, (e) I Q.45 (a) II, (b) I, (c) I, (d) I, (e) II, (f) II (a) I, (b) I, (c) II, (d) I, (e) I, (f) I Q. 47 B Q. 48 C D Q. 50 B Q. 51 A Q. 52 A C Q. 54 C Q.55 (a) I, (b) I, (c) II, (d) I ⊕ C Q.57 E attack on α is more stable Q. 58 (a) I, (b) I, (c) II, (d) I III < II < IV < I Q.60 (a) I, (b) I , (c) II
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Q. 1
NiCl 4− the coloure colourelless spec specie iess are: are: Among TiF6 − , CoF6 − , Cu2Cl2 and NiCl 3
(A) CoF6 − and NiCl 4− 2
Q.2 Q.2
(B) TiF6 − and CoF6 − 2
(C) NiCl 4− and Cu2Cl2
(D) TiF6 − and Cu2Cl2
IUP IUPAC name ame of com complex plex K3[Al(C2O4)3] is : (A) Potassium alumino-oxalate (C) (C) Pota Potass ssiium alum alumiinium (III (III)) ox oxalat alatee
(B) Potassium trioxalatoaluminate (III) (D) (D) Pota Potasssium sium tri trioxal oxalat atoa oalluminate (IV) (IV)
Whi Which ion has has tetrah tetrahed edra rall geom geometr etry y: (A) [Fe(CO)5] (B) [Co(NH3)6]2+
(C) [NiCl4]2–
(D) [Ni(CN)4]2–
Tri Trioxal oxalato alum alumiinate nate (III) (III) and and tetrafl tetrafluoro-bor uoro-borate ate (III) (III) ion ionss are: are: (A) [Al(C2O4)3] , [BF4]3– (B) [Al(C2O4)3]3+ , [BF4]3+ (C) [Al(C2O4)3]3– , [BF4]– (D) [Al(C2O4)3]2– , [BF4]2–
Whi Which of of the ligan igands ds can can show show linkage nkage isom isomeri erism sm:: (A) CNS (B) NO2 (C) CN
Quest (D) All of these
Consi Conside derr the the foll ollowing owing stat statem emen ents ts:: According Accor ding the Werner' Werner'ss theory theor y. (1) Ligands are connected to t o the metal ions ions by covalent covalent bonds. (2) Secondary valencies valencies have directional properties propert ies (3) Secondary valencies valencies are non-ionisable non-ionisable Of these statements: (A) 1, 2 and 3 are correct (B) 2 and 3 are correct (C) 1 and 3 are correct (D) 1 and 2 are co rrect
From the stabi stabili lity ty constan constantt (hypotheti (hypothetical cal val values) ues),, given given bel below, ow, predi predict ct which which is the strongest strongest ligan ligand: d: 2+ 2+ 11 (A) Cu + 4NH3 l [Cu(NH3)4] , K = 4.5 × 10 (B) Cu2+ 4CN– l [Cu(CN)4]2–, K = 2.0 × 1027 (C) Cu2+ + 2en l [Cu(en)2]2+ , K = 3.0 × 1015 (D) Cu2+ + 4H 2O l [Cu(H2O)4]2+, K = 9.5 × 108
The The com compl plex exes es giv given below elow sh show: ow:
(A) Optical isomerism (C) Geometrical isomerism
(B) Co-ordination isomerism (D) Bridged isomerism Quest Tutorials
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In whic which h of the foll followi owing ng comple complexes xes the the nickel nickel metal metal is is in in hig highes hestt oxidation oxidation state: state: (A) Ni(CO)4 (B) K2NiF6 (C) [Ni(NH3)6](BF4)2 (D) K4[Ni(CN)6]
Q. 10
An ion M2+, forms the complexes [M(H2O)6]2+, [M(en)3]2+ and [MBr6]4–, match the complex with the appropriate colour. (A) Green, blue and red (B) Blue, red and green (C) Green, red and blue (D) Red, blue and green
Name Name the metal metal M which which is is extracted extracted on the basi basiss of followi following ng reactions: reactions: – – – 4M + 8CN + 2H2O + O 2 → 4[M(CN)2] + 4OH 2[M(CN)2]– + Zn → [Zn(CN)4]2– + 2M (A) Nickel (B) Silver (C) Copper (D) Mercury
The correct correct IUP IUPAC AC name name of the compl complex: ex:
CoCl2 is: is:
(A) Dic Dichl hlorodi orodime methy thylg lgly lyoxi oxima mate te cobal cobaltt (II) (C) Dim Dimethy ethylgly glyoxim oxime cobal cobaltt (II) (II) chlori chloride de
(B) Bis Bis (dim (dimethygl ethyglyox yoxim ime) e) dichl dichloro oro cobalt cobalt (II) (D) Dich Dichllorodi orodimethy ethylgly glyoxi oxime coba coballt (II)
Q. 13
[(C6H5)2 Pd (SCN)2] and [(C6H5)2 Pd (NCS)2] are: (A) Linkage isomers (B) Co-ordination isomers (C) Ionisation isomers (D) Geometrical isomers
Which one of the following square planar p lanar complex will will be able able to show s how cis-trans cis-tr ans isomerism: (A) MA3B (B) M(AA)2 (C) MABCD (D) MA4
A complex complex of platinum platinum,, ammoni ammoniaa and chloride chloride produces four four ions per molecule molecule in the solution. solution. The structure structu re consistent with the observation is: (A) [Pt(NH3)4]Cl4 (B) [Pt(NH3)2Cl4] (C) [Pt(NH3)5Cl]Cl3 (D) [Pt(NH3)4Cl2]Cl2
The total number number of possi possible ble isome isomers rs of the the compoun compound d [CuII(NH3)4] [PtIICl4] are: (A) 3 (B) 5 (C) 4 (D) 6
Q.17 Q.17
In the the com compl pleex Fe( Fe(CO CO))x, the t he value of x is: (A) 3 (B) 4
(C) 5
(D) 6
Cis-trans-i Cis-trans-isomeri somerism sm is is found found in square square planar planar complexes complexes of the the molecul molecular ar formula formula : (A and B are monodenate ligands): (A) MA4 (B) MA3B (C) MA2B2 (D) MAB3
The oxid oxidatio ation n state state of Mo Mo in in its its oxo-compl oxo-complex ex spec specie iess [Mo [Mo2O4(H2O)2(C2H4)2]2– is: (A) +2 (B) +3 (C) +4 (D) +5
The hy hydridi dridisati sation on and and unpai unpaired red el electrons ectrons in in [Fe( H 2 O) 6 ]2+ ion are : (A) sp3d2 ; 4
(B) d2sp3 ; 3
(C) sp3d ; 4
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(D) sp3 d2 ; 2
In whic which h comple complex x is is the transi transition tion metal metal in zero oxidati oxidation on state: state: (A) [Co(NH3)6]Cl2 (B) [Fe(H2O)6SO4] (C) [Ni(CO)4]
(D) [Fe(H2O)3](OH)2
Form Formul ulaa of ferroc errocen enee is: is: (A) [Fe(CN)6]4– (B) [Fe(CN)6]3+
(C) [Fe(CO)5]
(D) [(C5H5)2Fe]
The hybri hybrisa sation tion invol involve ved d in in [CoF6]3– is: is: 2 3 3 2 (A) d sp (B) d sp
(C) dsp3
(D) sp3d2
Whi Which of the follo ollowi wing ng is π complex: (A) Trimethyl aluminium (C) Diethyl zinc
(B) Ferrocene (D) Nickel carbonyl
Whic Which h compl complex ex is lik likel ely y to show optical optical activ activity ity:: + (A) Trans-[Co(NH Trans-[Co(NH3)4Cl2] (B) [Cr(H2O)6]3+ (C) Cis-[Co(NH3)2(en)2]3+ (D) Trans-[Co(N Trans-[Co(NH H3)2(en)2]3+
Whic Which h one is is the most lik likel ely y struc structure ture of CrCl CrCl3·6H2O if 1/3 of total tot al chlorine chlorine of the compound co mpound is precipitate by adding AgNO3 to its aqueous solution: (A) CrCl3·6H2O (B) [Cr(H2O)3Cl3]·(H2O)3 (C) [CrCl2(H2O)4]·Cl·2H2O (D) [CrCl(H2O)5]Cl2 ·H2O
Q.27 Q.27
The The com comp plex [Co( [Co(NH NH3)5Br]SO4 will give white ppt. with: (A) PbCl2 (B) AgNO3 (C) KI
Q.28 Q.28
The The tw two com compo pou unds [Co (SO 4 )( NH 3 ) 5 ]Br and [Co(SO 4 )( NH 3 ) 5 ]Cl represent: (A) Linkage isomerism (C) Co-ordination isomerism
(D) None of these
(B) Ionisation isomerism (D) No isomerism
The structu structure re of iron penta pentacar carbon bony yl is: is: (A) Sq Square pl planar (B) Trigonal bipyramid (C) Triangular
(D) No None of these
The EAN EAN of plati platinum num in in potassiu potassium m hexa hexachl chloropl oroplati atinate nate (IV) (IV) is: is: (A) 46 (B) 86 (C) 36
(D) 84
Dieth Diethy ylene ene tri triami amine is: (A) (A) Ch Chelat elatiing age agen nt (B) (B) Pol Polyden dentate tate li ligan gand (C) (C) Tri Tride den ntate tate li ligan gand
(D) (D) All All of of thes thesee
How many many moles moles of AgCl would be obtained, obtained, when when 100 ml ml of 0.1 M Co(NH3)5Cl3 is treated with excess of AgNO3? (A) 0.01 (B) 0.02 (C) 0.03 (D) none of these
Q.33 Q.33
0.0 0.001 mol of Co(N o(NH3)5(NO3)(SO4) was passed through thro ugh a cation exchanger and the acid coming out of it required 20 ml of 0.1 M NaOH for neutrali neutra lisation. sation. Hence, the complex is (A) [Co(NH3)5SO4]NO3 (B) [Co(NH3)5NO3]SO4 (C) [Co(NH3)5](SO3)(NO3) (D) none o f these
Q. 34
Cu2+ shows a coordinati coo rdination on number of (A) 2 only (B) 2 or 4
(C) 4 only Quest Tutorials
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(D) 4 o r 6
Whic Which h of the foll followin owing g is is not chel chelati ating ng agen agent? t? (A) thiosulphato (B) oxalato
(C) glycinato
(D) ethylene diamine
Whic Which h of the the followi following ng has has fiv fivee donor donor (coordinati (coordinating) ng) sites? sites? (A) Triethylene tetramine (B) Ethylenediamine tetracetate ion (C) Et Ethylenediamine triacetate ion (D) Diethylene triamine
A compound compound contains contains 1.08 mol of Na, 0.539 mol of Cu Cu and 2.16 mol mol of F. Its aqueous solution solution shows osmotic osmot ic pressure which is is three times t imes that of o f urea having having same molar molar concentration. conce ntration. The formula of the compound is (A) Na4[CuF6] (B) Na[CuF4] (C) Na2[CuF4] (D) Na2[CuF3]
The The IUPAC IUPAC nam namee of the red red coloure coloured d compl complex ex [Fe(C [Fe(C4H7O2N2)2] obtain obt ained ed from the reaction of Fe2+ and dimethyl glyoxime (A) (A) bi bis (dim (dimethy ethyl gly glyoxi oxime) ferrate errate (II) (II) (B) (B) bi bis (di (dimethy ethyl gly glyoxi oximato) ato) iron ron (II) (II) (C) bis bis (2, 3-butan 3-butanedi ediol ol dioxi dioxima mato) to) iron (II) (II) (D) bis bis (2, (2, 3-butan 3-butanedi edione one dioxi dioxim mato) iron iron (II)
The molar molar ionic ionic conductances conductances of the the octahedra octahedrall comple complexes. xes. (1) PtCl4·5NH3 (2) PtCl4·4NH3 (3) PtCl4·3NH3 (A) I < II < III < IV (B) IV < III
(4) PtCl4·2NH3 (D) IV < III < I < II
On treatme treatment nt of 10 ml ml of 1M soluti solution on of the compl complex ex CrCl3·6H2O with excess of o f AgNO3, 4.305 g of AgCl was obtained obta ined.. The complex is (A) [Cr(H2O)3Cl3]·3H2O (B) [Cr(H2O)4Cl2]Cl·2H2O (C) [Cr(H2O)5Cl]Cl2·H2O (D) [Cr(H2O)6Cl3
Which Which of the foll following owing species species is is not not expected to be a ligand ligand +
(A) NO
(B) NH 4+
(C) NH2– NH 3+
(D) CO
Q.42 Q. 42
The number number of donor sites in dimethyl dimethylglyoxim glyoxime, e, glyci glycinato, nato, diethylen diethylenee triamine triamine and EDTA EDTA are are respectively respectively:: (A) 2, 2, 3 and 4 (B) 2, 2, 3 and 6 (C) 2, 2, 2 and 6 (D) 2, 3, 3 and 6
EAN of the centr central al metal metal in in the the compl complex exes es – K2[Ni(CN4)], [Cu(NH3)4]SO4 and K2[PtCl6] are respectively. (A) 36, 35, 86 (B) 34, 35, 84 (C) 34, 35, 86 (D) 34, 36, 86
Which Which of the foll followin owing g pair of comple complexes xes have have the same same EAN of the central central metal metal atoms/i atoms/ions? ons? (A) [Cu(NH3)4]SO 4 and K3[Fe(CN)6] (B) K4[Fe(CN)6] and [Co(NH3)6]Cl3 (C) K3[Cr(C2O4)3 and [Cr(NH3)6]Cl(NO2)2 (D) all
The complex complex that that viol violates ates the the Sidgwic Sidgwicks's ks's rule rule of EAN EAN is is (A) Potassium ferro cyanide (B) Hexamine cobalt (III) Chloride (C) Tetram tramiine cop copper (II (II) su sulphate ate (D) Pot Potaassium dichlorod orodiioxa oxalato coba obaltate tate (III)
The IUP IUPAC AC nam namee for the coordi coordinati nation on compoun compound d Ba[BrF Ba[BrF4]2 is (A) Ba Barium tetrafluorobr obromate (V (V) (B) Ba Barium tet tetrafluorobr obromate (III) (C) (C) Ba Barium rium bis (te (tetr traafluorob orobro rom mate) te) (II (III) I) (D) (D) non nonee of of th these ese
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
The formula of the complex hydridot hydridotrimethoxoborate rimethoxoborate (III) (I II) ion is: 22(A) [BH(OCH3)3] (B) [BH2(OCH3)3] (C) [BH(OCH3)3]–
(D) [BH(OCH3)3]+
The complex complex ion which which has has no 'd' electrons electrons in in the central central metal atom is: is: (A) [Co(NH3)6]3+ (B) [Fe(CN)6]3– (C) [Cr(H2O)6]3+ (D) [MnO4]–
Oxidati Oxidation on number number of Fe Fe in in viole violett coloured coloured compl complex ex Na4[Fe(CN)5(NOS) is: (A) 0 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
Q.50 Q.50
Com Complex plexees [Co( [Co(N NH3)5SO4]Br and [Co(NH3)5Br]SO4 can be distinguished by (A) conductance measurement (B) using BaCl2 (C) using using AgNO3 (D) all
Q.51 Q.5 1
Amongst Amongst the foll following owing ions, ions, which which one one has the highest highest paramagneti paramagnetism? sm? (A) [Cr(H2O)6]3+ (B) [Fe(H2O)6]2+ (C) [Zn(H2O)6]2+ (D) [Cu(H2O)6]2+
Q. 52
Ni(CO)4 and [Ni(NH3)4]2+ do not differ differ in (A) magnetic moment (C) geometry
(B) oxidation number of Ni (D) EAN
Whi Which of the fol folllowing owing statem statement entss is not correct correct?? (A) Ti(NO3)4 is a colourless compound (B) [Cr(NH3)6)]Cl3 is a coloured compound compo und (C) K3[VF6] is a colourless compound (D) [Cu(NCCH3)4]BF4 is a colourless compound
Q.54 Q.54
The The geo geom metry etry of Ni(C Ni(CO O)4 and [Ni(P Ph3)2Cl2] are (A) both square planar (B) tetrahedral and square planar (C) both t etrahedral (D) square planar and tetrahedral
Of the following which is diamagnetic in nature? nature ? (A) [CoF6]3– (B) [NiCl4]2– (C) [CuCl4]2–
Q.56 .56
The The [F [Fe(CN)6]3– complex ion (A) exhibits planar geometry (C) should be very stable
(D) [Ni(CN)4]2–
(B) is diamagnetic (D) has 2 unpaired electro ns
50 ml of 0.2 0.2 M solution solution of a compoun compound d with with empi empiri rical cal formul ormulaa CoCl3.4NH3 on treatment with excess of AgNO3(aq) yields 1.435 g of o f AgCl. Ammonia Ammonia is not removed by treatment tre atment with concentrated concentrat ed H2SO4. The formula of the compound is: (A) Co(NH3)4Cl3 (B) [Co(NH3)4Cl2]Cl (C) [C [Co(N o(NH3)4Cl3 (D) [CoCl3(NH3)]NH3
In the the proce process ss of extr extract actio ion n of gold, gold, O2 – Roasted gold ore +CN– + H2O → → [x] + OH ; [x] + Zn —→[y] + Au [x] and [y] are: (A) [x] = [Au(CN)2]–, [y] = [Zn(CN) 4]2– (B) [x] = [Au(CN)4]3–, [y] = [Zn(CN)4]2– (C) [x] = [Au(CN)2]–, [y] = [Zn(CN)6]4– (D) [x] = [Au(CN)4]–, [y] = [Zn(CN)4]2–
Whic Which h of the the fol follow lowin ing g is is non–c non–condu onducti cting? ng? (A) CoCl3.6NH3 (B) CoCl3.5NH3
(C) CoCl3.4NH3
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(D) CoCl3.3NH3
Q.60 Q.60
Aque Aqueous ous sol soluti ution of of FeSO FeSO4 gives gives tests test s for both Fe2+ and SO 4 but after addition of excess of KCN, solution ceases to give test for Fe2+. This is due to the t he formation of (A) the double salt FeSO4.2KCN.6H2O (B) Fe(CN)3 (C) the t he complex complex ion [Fe(CN)6]4– (D) the complex co mplex ion [Fe(CN)6]3–
Which Which of the foll following owing statement(s) statement(s) is/are is/are correct with reference reference to Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions? (1) Fe3+ gives brown colour w with ith potassium pota ssium ferricyanide ferricyanide (2) Fe2+ gives blue blue colour co lour with potassium po tassium ferricyanide ferricyanide 3+ (3) Fe gives red colour with potassium thiocyanate (4) Fe2+ gives brown colour with ammonium thiocyanate thiocyanate (A) 1, 2 (B) 1, 4 (C) 1, 2, 3 (D) all of these
The num numbe berr of sig sigma ma bond bondss in in Zi Ziese's ese's sal saltt is: is: (A) 4 (B) 6
(C) 8
(D) none of these
Q.63 Q.6 3
The disodium disodium salt of ethylene ethylene diami diamine ne tetracetic acid acid can can be used to estimate estimate the followin following g ion(s) ion(s) in the aqueous solution (A) Mg2+ ion (B) Ca2+ ion (C) Na+ ion (D) both Mg2+ and Ca2+
The oxidati oxidation on num number ber of Co in in the the comp comple lex x ion ion
(A) +2 Q. 65
Q. 66
(B) +3
(C) +4
(D) +6
[Cu(NH3)4]2+ has hybridisation hybridisation and magnetic moment 3 (A) sp , 1.73 B.M. (B) sp3d, 1.73 B.M. (C) dsp2, 2.83 B.M.
(D) dsp2, 1.73 B.M.
[FeF6]3– has Fe atom at om ---hyb -- -hybridi ridised sed with unpaired unpaired ----electrons (A) d2sp3, 4 (B) d2sp3, 5 (C) sp3d2, 5
(D) sp3d2, 3
Whi Which of of the the foll followi owing ng statem statement entss about about Fe(CO) Fe(CO)5 is correct? (A) It is parama paramagneti gneticc and high high spin spin comple complex x (B) It is diama diamagne gnetic tic and high high spin spin complex complex (C) It is is diam diamagn agneti eticc and low spi spin compl complex ex (D) It is param paramagn agneti eticc and and low low spi spin compl complex ex
Which of the following statements is not true? t rue? 2
(A) MnCl4− ion has has tetrahedra tetrahedrall geome geometry try and and is is param paramagn agneti eticc (B) [Mn(CN)6]2– ion has octahedral geo geometry metry and is paramagnetic 2– (C) [CuCl4] has square planar goemetry go emetry and is paramagnetic (D) [Ni(Ph3P)2Br3] has trigonal bipyram bipyramidal idal geometry and one unpaired electron electr on Q.69
The increa ncreasi sing ng order order of magne magneti tism sm of (I) MnSO4.4H2O (II) FeSO4.7H2O (A) I < II < III < IV (B) IV < III < II < I
(III) NiSO4.6H2O (C) III < IV < II < I
(IV) CuSO4.5H2O (D) III < IV < I < II
Whi Which of the the fol following owing statem statements ents is is correct correct?? (A) Geometrical Geomet rical isomerism isomerism is not observed o bserved in complexes of C.N.4 having tetrahedral tetrahedr al geometry (B) Square Squa re planar complexes generally do not show sho w geometrical geometr ical isomerism isomerism (C) The square planar complex of general formulae formulae Ma3b or Mab3 exhibits cis–trans isomerism (D) The T he platinum glyci glycinato nato complex, [Pt(Gly) [Pt( Gly)2] does not show geometrical geo metrical isomerism isomerism
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Geometri Geometrica call isom isomeri erism sm can be shown shown by by (A) [Ag(NH3)(CN)] (B) Na2[Cd(NO2)4]
(C) [PtCl4I2]
(D) [Pt (NH3)3Cl][Au(CN)4]
Q. 72
[Co (en)3]3+ ion is expected to show (A) two optically opt ically active isomers: d and l forms (B) three t hree optical opt ically ly active active isomers: d, l and meso forms (C) four optical opt ically ly active isomers: cis, d and l isomers isomers and trans d and l isomers (D) none of these
The num number ber of geom geometri etrical cal isome isomers rs for for octahedral octahedral [Co(NH [Co(NH3)2Cl4]–, square planar [AuCl2Br2]– and [Pt(en)Cl2] are (A) 2, 2, 2 (B) 2, 2, no isomerism (C) 3, 2, 2 (D) 2, 3, no iso merism
Which Which of the foll followi owing ng statements statements is is not true about the complex complex ion ion [Cr(en) [Cr(en)2Cl2]+ (A) It has two geometrical geo metrical isomers isomers – cis and strans (B) Both Bo th the cis and trans isomers display optical activity (C) Only O nly the cis isomer displays optical opt ical activity (D) Only O nly the cis isomer has non–superimpossible non– superimpossible mirror image
Of the the foll followi owing ng confi configurati gurations, ons, the the optical optical isome isomers rs are
(A) I and II Q.76
Q.77 Q.7 7
(B) I and III
(C) II and IV
(D) II and III
Identi Identify fy the geometr geometric ical al isome isomers rs of the foll followi owing: ng:
(A) I wit h III (B) II wit h IV (C) I with II and IV (D) none of these Other than the the X–ray diff diffraction ractions, s, how could could be the foll following owing pairs pairs of isomers isomers be be distingu distinguis ished hed from one another by [Cr(NH3)6] [Cr(NO2)6] and [Cr(NH3)4(NO2)2] [Cr(NH3)2(NO2)4] (A) (A) el electr ectrol oly ysis sis of an aque aqueou ouss sol solution ution (B) (B) measu easure rem ment ent of molar olar con conduct ductan ance ce (C) measuring magnetic moments (D) observing their colours How the the iso isom meric eric compl complex exes es [Co( [Co(NH NH3)6][Cr(NO2)6] and [Cr(NH3)6][Co(NO2)6] can be distinguished distinguished from one another by (A) conductivity measurement (B) measuring magnetic moments (C) (C) ele electr ctrol oly ysis sis of thei theirr aqu aqueo eous us solu soluti tion onss (D) (D) opti optica call measu easure rem ment ent Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Which Which of the foll followin owing g ions ions are are optical optically ly active? active?
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) II and III
(D) IV only
Q.80 Q. 80
Which Which of the followi following ng polymeri polymerisation sation isomers isomers of the compound compound having having empirical empirical formula formula Cr(NH3)3(NO2)3 has the lowest molecular mass? (A) [Cr(NH3)4(NO2)2]+ [Cr(NH3)2(NO2)4]– (B) [Cr(NH3)6]3+[Cr(NO2)6]3– (C) [Cr(NH3)5(NO2)]2+[Cr(NH3)(NO2)5]2– (D) all
Octah Octahedr edral al com compl plex ex of Ni(II) Ni(II) mus mustt be (A) inner orbital (B) outer orbi o rbital tal (C) inner or outer o uter orbital depending depending upon the t he strong or o r weak field field ligand ligand (D) none of these
For the correct assignm assignment ent of electroni electronicc configuration configuration of a complex, complex, the valence valence bond bond theory often often requires the measurement of (A) (A) mol molar ar condu conducta ctanc ncee (B) (B) opti optical cal acti activi vity ty (C) (C) magne agneti ticc momen omentt (D) (D) dipo dipolle momen omentt
Q. 83
Mn forms a complex with Br– ion. The magnetic moment moment of o f the complex is 5.92 B.M. What could co uld not be the probable pr obable formula formula and geometry of the t he complex? 4– (A) [MnBr6] , octahedral (B) [MnBr4]2–, square plan p lanar ar 2– 3– (C) [MnBr4] , tetrahedral (D) [MnBr5] , trigonal t rigonal bipyramidal bipyramidal
How many many isome isomers rs are possi possibl blee for the the compl complex ex ion ion [Cr(NH [Cr(NH3)(OH)2Cl3]2– (A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5
Q.85 Q.8 5
A complex complex of certain metal has the magnetic magnetic moment moment of 4.91 BM whereas whereas another another complex complex of the same same metal with same oxidation state has zero magnetic moment. The T he metal ion ion could cou ld be 2+ 2+ 2+ (A) Co (B) Mn (C) Fe (D) Fe3+
Q.86 Q.86
The The te tetrah trahed edra rall [CoI [CoI4]2– and square planar [PdBr4]2– complex ions are respectively (A) (A) low low spi spin, hi high spi spin (B) (B) hi high spi spin, low low spi spin n (C) (C) both both low spi spin n (D) (D) both both high spi spin
Q.87 Q. 87
Ethylenedi Ethylenediami aminetetraaceti netetraaceticc acid acid (EDTA) (EDTA) is is the antidote antidote for lead lead poisoning. poisoning. It is admi admini nistered stered in the form form of (A) free acid (B) sodium dihydrogen salt (C) Calcium dihydrogen salt (D) none o f these
The speci species es havi having ng tetrahedra tetrahedrall sha shape pe is is (A) [PdCl4]2– (B) [Ni(CN)4]2–
Q.89 Q.8 9
(C) [Pd(CN)4]2–
(D) [NiCl4]2–
Which Which one of the followi following ng species species does not not represent cationic cationic species species of vanadium vanadium formed formed in in aqueous solution (A) VO 2+
(B) VO2+
(C) [ V ( H 2 O) 6 ]3+
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
(D) VO 22+
The compl complex ex ion ion has has two optical optical isom isomers. ers. Their Their correct confi configurati gurations ons are: are:
The The EAN EAN of metal etal atoms atoms in in Fe(N Fe(NO) O)2(CO)2 and Co2(CO)8 respectivel respect ively y are (A) 34, 35 (B) 34, 36 (C) 36, 36 (D) 36, 35
Follow Followiing Sidgwi Sidgwick' ck'ss rul rulee of EAN, EAN, Co(CO) Co(CO)x will be (A) Co2(CO)4 (B) Co2(CO)3 (C) Co 2(CO)8 (D) CO2(CO)10
On trea treatm tmen entt of [Ni [Ni(NH (NH3)4]2+ with concentrated HCl, two tw o compounds I and II having the same formula, formula, Ni(NH3)2Cl2 are obtained, o btained, I can be converted co nverted into II by boiling boiling with dilute HCl. A solution of I reacts r eacts with oxalic oxalic acid to form [Ni(NH3)2(C2O4)] wheras II does not not react. Poin Po intt out the correct statement of the following (A) I cis, II tr trans; both oth tetr tetraahedral (B) I cis, II II tra trans; both oth square planar (C) I tra trans, II cis; both tetrahedral (D) I trans, II ci cis; both oth square planar
Coordin Coordinati ation on isom isomeri erism sm could could be be shown shown by by (A) [Ag(NH3)2][CuCl2] (C) [Fe(NH3)6]2[Pt(CN)6]3
Quest (B) [Al(H2O)6][Co(CN)6] (D) [Co(NH3)5Cl]SO4
Point Point out the correct correct stateme statements nts amongs amongstt the the foll followi owing ng 3– 2 (A) [Cu(CN)4] has tetrahedral tetr ahedral geometry and dsp hybridization (B) [Ni(CN)6]4– is octahedral and Ni has d 2sp3 hybridization (C) [ZnBr4]2– is tetrahedra tet rahedrall and diamagnetic 3+ (D) [Cr(NH3)6] has octahedral geometry and sp3d2 hybridization
Q.96 Q.9 6
Among Among the foll followin owing g ions ions which which one has has the the highes highestt paramagneti paramagnetism sm 3+
(A) [Cr (H 2 O) 6 ]
(B) [ Fe(H 2O) 6 ]
(C) [Cu(H2O)6]2+
(D) [Zn((H2O)6]2+
Among Among the foll followin owing, g, the compoun compound d that is is both paramag paramagneti neticc and coloured coloured is (A) K2Cr2O7 (B) (NH4)2[TiCl6] (C) VOSO4 (D) K3[Cu(CN)4]
Which Which of the the followi following ng compoun compounds ds is is expected expected to be coloured coloured (A) Ag2SO4 (B) CuF2 (C) MgF2
(D) CuCl
Which Which compound compound is is formed formed when excess excess of KCN is is added to aqueous solution solution of copper sulphate? sulphate? (A) Cu(CN)2 (B) K2[Cu(CN)4] (C) K[Cu(CN)2] (D) K3[Cu(CN)4]
Q.100 Q.1 00 Which Which of the following following complex complex shows ionizati ionization on isomeris isomerism m (A) [Cr(NH3)6]Cl3 (B) [Cr(en)2 ]Cl2 (C) [Cr(en)3]Cl3 Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
(D) [Co(NH3)5Br]SO4
Q. 1
Q. 3
Q. 4
Q. 5
Q. 7
Q. 8
Q. 9
Q. 10 B
Q.11 B
Q. 12 D
Q. 13 A
Q. 14 C
Q. 15 C
Q. 16 C
Q. 17 C
Q. 18 C
Q. 19 B
Q. 20 A
Q. 21 C
Q. 22 D
Q. 23 D
Q. 24 B
Q. 25 C
Q. 26 C
Q. 27 A
Q. 28 D
Q. 29 B
Q. 30 B
Q. 31 D
Q. 32 B
Q. 33 B
Q. 34 D
Q. 35 A
Q. 36 C
Q. 37 C
Q. 38 B
Q. 39 B
Q. 40 D
Q. 41 B
Q. 42 B
Q. 43 C
Q. 44 D
Q. 45 C
Q. 46 B
Q. 47 C
Q. 48 D
Q. 49 B
Q. 50 D
Q. 51 B
Q. 52 A
Q. 53 C
Q. 54 C
Q. 55 D
Q. 56 C
Q. 57 B
Q. 58 A
Q. 59 D
Q. 60 C
Q. 61 C
Q. 62 C
Q. 63 D
Q. 64 B
Q. 65 D
Q. 66 C
Q. 67 C
Q. 68 C
Q. 69 B
Q. 70 A
Q. 71 C
Q. 72 A
Q. 73 B
Q. 74 B
Q. 75 C
Q. 76 C
Q. 77 B
Q. 78 C
Q. 79 C
Q. 80 D
Q. 81 B
Q. 82 C
Q. 83 B
Q. 84 B
Q. 85 C
Q. 86 B
Q. 87 C
Q. 88 D
Q. 89 D
Q. 90 D
Q. 91 C
Q. 92 C
Q. 93 B
Q. 94 A, B
Q. 95 C
Q. 96 B
Q. 97 C
Q. 98 B
Q. 99 D
Q.100 D
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Select one or more m ore than one correct options. Q. 1
compd. ( U ) + conc. H 2SO 4 (V)Red gas NaOH + AgNO3 ( T) T) im i mp ar ar ts t s vi vio le le t c ol olo ur ur → → (W)Red ppt. NH so ln .
3 (X) → (X)
dil. HCl (W) Red ppt. → (Y) white ppt.
(U) → (Z) gas (gives white fumes fumes with HCl) HCl) ∆
sublimes on
Identify (T) to (Z). (A) T = KMnO4, U = HCl, V = Cl2, W = HgI2, X = Hg(NH2)NO3, Y = Hg2Cl2, Z = N2
(B) T=K2Cr2O7, U=NH4Cl, V=CrO2Cl2, W=Ag2CrO4, X=[Ag(NH3)2]+, Y=AgCl,Z = NH3 (C) T = K2CrO4, U = KCl, V = CrO 2Cl2, W = HgI2, X = Na2CrO4, Y = BaCO 3, Z = NH 4Cl
(D) T = K2MnO4, U = NaCl, V = CrO 3, W = AgNO2, X = (NH4)2CrO4, Y = CaCO 3, Z = SO2 Q.2
The The num numbe berr of moles oles of aci acidif dified KMn KMnO4 required to convert one o ne mole of sulphite sulphite ion into sulphate ion is (A) 2/5 (B) 3/5 (C) 4/5 (D) 1
Q. 3
N2(g) + 3H2(g)
2NH3(g); Haber’s Haber ’s process, Mo is used as
(A) a catalyst (C) an oxidising agent
(B) a catalytic promoter (D) as a catalytic poison
Potash alum alum is a doubl doublee salt, salt, its its aqueou aqueouss solutio solution n shows shows the the charac characteri teristi stics cs of 3+ + 2– (A) Al ions (B) K ions (C) SO4 ions (D) Al3+ ions but but not K+ ions
Cr2 O 72−
2CrO 24− , X and Y are respectively
(A) X = OH–, Y = H + (C) X = OH–, Y = H 2O2
(B) X = H +, Y = OH– (D) X = H2O2, Y = OH –
Addition Addition of non-metal non-metalss lik likee B and C to the intersti interstitial tial sites sites of a transiti transition on metal metal results results the metal metal (A) (A) of of more ore duc ducta tab bility (B) (B) of less ess duc ducta tab bility (C) (C) les lesss mal mallleabl eablee (D) (D) of more hardn ardnes esss
Merc Mercur ury y is is a liqui quid at at 0°C 0°C bec becau ause se of (A) very high ionisation energy (C) high heat of hydration
(B) weak metallic bonds (D) high heat of sublimation
CrO3 dissolves in in aqueous NaOH Na OH to give (A) Cr2O72– (B) CrO42–
(C) Cr(OH)3
Q. 8
(D) Cr(OH)2
The correct correct statem statemen ent(s) t(s) about about trans transiition tion el elemen ements ts is/a is/are re (A) the most stable st able oxidation oxidation state stat e is +3 and its its stabi st abili lity ty decreases across acro ss the period (B) transition elements elements of 3d-series 3d- series have almost almost same atomic ato mic sizes sizes from Cr to t o Cu (C) the stability stability of +2 oxidation state increases across the period (D) some so me transition elements elements like Ni, Fe, Cr may show zero oxidation o xidation state in some of their compounds compo unds
An ornamental ornamental of gold gold havin having g 75% of gold, gold, it is of .............. .............. carat. (A) 18 (B) 16 (C) 24
Q.1 Q.11
Solut olutiion of MnO4– is purple-coloured purple-coloured due to (A) d-d-transition (C) (C) due due to both both d-dd-d-tra trans nsiition tion and and cha charg rgee tran transsfer fer
(D) 20
(B) charge transfer fro m O t o Mn (D) (D) non nonee of thes thesee
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
The ioni ionisati sation on energi energies es of transiti transition on elem elements ents are (A) less than p-blo ck elements (B) more than s-blo ck elements (C) less than s-block elements (D) more than p-block elements
Q.13 Q.1 3
Transition Transition elements elements are more more metalli metallicc than representative elements elements (s and p-block p-block elements) elements) due to (A) availability availability of d-orbitals d-o rbitals for bonding bond ing (B) variable oxidation states are ar e not shown show n by by transition elements (C) all electrons are paired in d-orbitals d-o rbitals (D) f -orbitals -o rbitals are available available for bonding
During During esti estima mati tion on of oxal oxalic acid acid Vs KMnO KMnO4, self indicato indicatorr is (A) KMnO4 (B) oxalic acid (C) K2SO4
(D) MnSO4
The meta metal( l(s) s) whi which does/d does/do o not form am amalgam algam is/a is/are re (A) Fe (B) Pt (C) Zn
(D) Ag
Q.15 Q.16
Whic Which h of the followi following ng stateme statements nts concern concern with with transi transiti tion on metals metals?? (A) compounds compo unds containi cont aining ng ions of transition elements are usually coloured (B) the most common oxidation oxidation state is +3 (C) they show variable oxidation oxidat ion states, states , which differ differ by by two units un its only (D) they easily form complexes co mplexes
Correc Correctt statem statemen ent(s t(s)) is/ar s/aree (A) an acidifi acidified ed solution o f K2Cr2O7 liberates iodine from KI (B) K2Cr2O7 is used as a standard solution so lution for estimation of Fe2+ ions (C) in acidic medium, M = N/6 for K2Cr2O7 (D) (NH4)2Cr2O7 on heating decomposes to yield yield Cr2O3 through throu gh an endot endothermi hermicc reaction
The high highest est oxid oxidation ation state shown shown by by transi transition tion elem elements ents is is (A) + 7 by Mn (B) + 8 by Os (C) + 8 by Ru
Quest (D) + 7 by Fe
Q.19 Q. 19
A compound compound of mercury used in cosmetics, inAyurvedic yurvedic and Yunani medicines medicines and known known as Vermi Vermilon lon is (A) HgCl2 (B) HgS (C) Hg2Cl2 (D) HgI
Org. solvent Aci Acidif dified chr chrom omiic aci acid d + H2O2 → X + Y , X and Y are (blue colour)
(A) CrO5 and H2O KI
(B) Cr2O3 and H2O
(C) CrO2 and H2O
(D) CrO and H2O
dil H SO
2 4 ↑ Y (g ) ← CuSO 4 → X(Blue colour) , X and Y are (A) X = I2, Y = [Cu(H 2O)4]2+ (B) X = [Cu(H 2O)4]2+, Y = I2 (C) X = [Cu(H 2O)4]+, Y = I 2 (D) X = [Cu(H2O)5]2+, Y = I 2
Transi Transition tion eleme elements nts are usually usually characteri characterised sed by vari variabl ablee oxidation oxidation states but Zn does not show t his his property because of (A) completion of np-orbit als (B) completion of (n–1)d orbitals (C) complet ion of ns-orbitals (D) inert pair effect
Q. 23
(NH4)2Cr2O7 (Ammonium (Ammonium dichromate) is used in fire fire works. wo rks. The green gr een coloured powder blown in in air is (A) Cr2O3 (B) CrO2 (C) Cr2O4 (D) CrO3
Q.24 Q.2 4
The d-block d-block element element which which is is a liquid liquid at room temperature, havi having ng high high specifi specificc heat, less less reactivi reactivity ty than hydrogen and its chloride (MX2) is volatile on heating is (A) Cu (B) Hg (C) Ce (D) Pm
Coin Coinage metal metalss show show the the prope properti rties es of (A) typical elements (C) inner-transition elements
(B) normal elements (D) transition element
Iron become becomess passive passive by ............. ................... ........ .. due to formati formation on of ............ ................... ......... .. (A) dil. HCl, Fe2O3 (B) 80% conc. HNO3, Fe3O4 (C) conc. H2SO4, Fe3O4 (D) conc. HCl, Fe3O4 Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Bayer’ Bayer’ss reagen reagentt used to detect detect oli olifini finicc double double bond bond is is (A) acidified KMnO4 (B) aqueous KMnO4 (C) 1% alkaline a lkaline KMnO KMnO4 solution (D) KMnO4 in benzene
Amph Amphoter oteriic oxi oxide(s de(s)) is/ is/ar aree (A) Al2O3 (B) SnO
(C) ZnO
(D) Fe2O3
Inters Intersti titia tiall compou compounds nds are formed ormed by by (A) Co (B) Ni
(C) Fe
( D ) Ca
The transi transition tion metal used used in in X-ray X-rayss tube tube is is (A) Mo (B) Ta
(C) Tc
(D) Pm
Q.29 Q.30 Q.31
The cataly catalytic tic acti activi vity ty of trans transiti ition on elem elements ents is is related related to their their (A) variable oxidation states (B) surface area (C) complex formation ability (D) magnetic moment
x, y and z are respectively r espectively (A) 1, 2, 3 (B) 1, 5, 3 Q.33 .33
(C) 1, 3, 5
(D) 5, 3, 1
Cu + conc. HN HNO3 → Cu(NO3)2 + X (oxide (o xide of nitrogen); then X is (hot)
(A) N2O
(B) NO2
(C) NO
(D) N2O3
Q.34 .34
When KMnO4 solution is added to hot oxalic acid solution, the decolourisation decolo urisation is slow in the beginning but becomes beco mes instantaneous instantaneous after some time. This is because 2+ (A) Mn acts as auto catalyst (B) CO2 is formed (C) Reaction is exothermic (D) MnO4– catalyses the reaction.
Q. 35
CuSO4 solution reacts with excess KCN to give g ive (A) Cu(CN)2 (B) CuCN (C) K2[Cu(CN)2]
(D) K3[Cu(CN)4]
Q.36 Q.3 6
The higher higher oxidati oxidation on states of transition transition elemen elements ts are found to be in the combi combinati nation on with A and B, which which are (A) F, O (B) O, N (C) O, Cl (D) F, Cl
Q.37 Q.37
In the the equ equat atiion: on: M + 8CN 8CN– + 2H2O + O2 → 4[M(CN)2]– + 4OH–, metal meta l M is is (A) Ag (B) Au (C) Cu (D) Hg
An eleme element nt of 3d-transi 3d-transition tion series series shows shows two oxidation oxidation states states x and y, y, diffe differr by two units units then (A) compounds co mpounds in oxidation oxidation state stat e x are ionic if x > y (B) compounds co mpounds in oxidation oxidation state stat e x are ionic if x < y (C) compounds co mpounds in oxidation oxidation state stat e y are covalent if x < y (D) compounds co mpounds in oxidation state y are covale co valent nt if y < x
Pick Pick out out the the inc incorr orrec ectt state statem ment: ent: (A) MnO2 dissolves in in conc. HCl, HC l, but but does d oes not form Mn4+ ions (B) MnO2 oxidizes oxidizes hot concentrated co ncentrated H2SO4 liberating oxygen (C) K2MnO4 is formed when MnO2 in fused KOH is oxidised by air, KNO3 , PbO2 or NaBiO3 (D) Decomposition D ecomposition of acidic KMnO4 is not catalysed cat alysed by sunlight.
Q.40 .40
1 mole of Fe2+ ions are oxidised oxidised to Fe3+ ions with the help of o f (in acidic medium) (A) 1/5 moles of o f KMnO4 (B) 5/3 moles of KMnO4 (C) 2/5 moles of KMnO4 (D) 5/2 moles of KMnO4
The metal metalss present present in insul insulin in and and haemogl haemoglobi obin n are respectiv respectivel ely y (A) Zn, Hg (B) Zn, Fe (C) Co, Fe Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
(D) Mg, Fe
To an acidi acidifi fied ed dic dichrom hromate ate solu solution, tion, a pinch pinch of Na2O2 is added and shaken. What is observed: (A) blue colour (B) Red colour changing to green (C) Copious evolution of oxygen (D) Bluish - green precipitate
The rustin rusting g of iron is form formul ulated ated as Fe Fe2O3·xH2O which involves the formation of o f (A) Fe2O3 (B) Fe(OH)3 (C) Fe(OH)2 (D) Fe2O3 + Fe(OH)3
Metre Metre scal scales es are mademade-up up of all alloy (A) invar (B) stainless steel
(C) elekt ron
(D) magnalium
Q.45 .45
Among ongst Cu CuF2, CuCl2 and CuBr2 (A) only CuF2 is ionic (B) both CuCl2 and CuBr2 are covalent (C) CuF2 and CuCl2 are ionic but CuBr2 is covalent (D) CuF2, CuCl2 as well as CuBr2 are ionic
A metal metal M which which is is not affe affected cted by strong acid acidss like like conc. conc. HNO HNO3, conc. H2SO4 and conc. solution of alkalies like like NaOH, KOH forms fo rms MCl3 which finds finds use for toning ton ing in in photogr phot ography. aphy. The metal meta l M is is (A) Ag (B) Hg (C) Au (D) Cu
Q. 47
Solid Cu CuSO4·5H2O having covalent, ionic as well as co-ordinate bonds. Copper atom/ion forms ................ ........ .......... co-ordinate bonds with water. (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
Q. 48
CuSO4(aq) + 4NH3 → X, then X is (A) [Cu(NH3)4]2+ (C) coloured
Q. 49
KMnO + HCl → H2O + X(g), X is a
4 (acidified)
(A) red liquid Q.50
(B) paramagnetic (D) of a magnet ic mo ment of 1.73 BM
(B) violet gas
Purp Purplle of cass cassiius is: (A) Pure gold (C) Gold (I) hydro xide
(C) greenish yellow gas (D) yellow-brown gas
(B) Colliodal solution of gold (D) Gold (III) chloride
Q.51 Q.5 1
Amongst Amongst the followi following ng species, species, maxi maximum mum covalent covalent character character is is exhi exhibited bited by (A) FeCl2 (B) ZnCl2 (C) HgCl2 (D) CdCl2
Num Number of mole oles of SnCl SnCl2 required for the reduct reduction ion of 1 mole mole of K2Cr2O7 into Cr2O3 is (in acidic medium) (A) 3 (B) 2 (C) 1 (D) 1/3
Amph Amphoter oteriic oxid oxide( e(s) s) of Mn is/ is/are are (A) MnO2 (B) Mn3O4
(C) Mn2O7
(D) MnO
Pick Pick out out the the inc incorr orrec ectt state statem ment: ent: (A) MnO 24− is quite quite strongly oxidizin oxidizing g and stable stable only in very very strong strong alkalies alkalies.. In dilute dilute alkali, alkali, neutral solutions, it it disproportionates. dispropor tionates. (B) In acidic solutions, MnO MnO −4 is redu reduce ced d to to Mn Mn2+ and thus, KMnO4 is widely used as oxidising agent (C) KMnO4 does not no t acts as a s oxidising agent in alkaline medium medium (D) KMnO4 is manufactured manufactured by the fusion of pyrolusite pyrolusite ore o re with KOH in presence of air or o r KNO3, followed followed by electroly electro lytic tic oxidation in alkaline alkaline solution.
The The aque aqueous ous sol solution ution of CuCr CuCrO O4 is green because it contains 2+ (A) green Cu io ns (B) green CrO42– ions (C) blue Cu2+ ions and green CrO42– ions (D) blue Cu2+ ions and yellow CrO42– ions
Mangan Manganese ese steel steel is used used for maki making ng rail railway tracks tracks becaus becausee (A) (A) it it is is har hard d with with high high perce percent ntag agee of Mn (B) (B) it it is is sof softt with with high high perce percent ntag agee of of Mn Mn (C) it is hard with small small concentration concentrat ion of manganese with impurities impurities (D) it is soft with small concentration of manganese with impurities Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
In nitr nitroprus oprussi side de ion, ion, the the iron iron exi exists sts as as Fe Fe2+ and NO as NO+ rather than Fe3+ and NO respectively. These forms of ions are established established with the help of (A) ma magnetic mome oment in soli olid stat tate (B) th thermal decomposi ositio tion method thod (C) by react io n with KCN (D) by action with K2SO4
Q.58 Q.58
Acidi cidiffied KM KMnO4 can be decolourised by (A) SO2 (B) H2O2
(C) FeSO4
(D) FeCl3
Transiti Transition on elem elements ents in in lower lower oxidati oxidation on states act act as Lewis Lewis acid acid because because (A) they form complexes (B) they are oxidising agents (C) they donate elect rons (D) they do not show catalytic properties
The lanth lanthani anide de contracti contraction on is is respons responsib ible le for the the fact fact that that (A) Zr and H f have same atomic sizes (B) Zr and H f have same same properties proper ties (C) Zr and H f have different atomi omic sizes (D) Zr and H f have different different properties p roperties
The Ziegl Ziegler-Natta er-Natta catalys catalystt used for polym polymeris erisation ation of ethene and styrene styrene is is TiCl TiCl4 + (C2H5)3Al, the catalysing species (active species) involved in the polym p olymerisation erisation is (A) TiCl4 (B) TiCl3 (C) TiCl2 (D) TiCl
An ion ion of defi defini nite te magneti magneticc moment moment (spi (spin n only) only) is is 3+ 3+ (A) Sc (B) Ti (C) Cu2+
(D) Zn2+
The electrons electrons which which take take part in order to exhi exhibi bitt variabl variablee oxidation oxidation states states by transiti transition on metals metals are (A) ns o nly (B) (n–1)d only (C) ns and (n–1)d only but not np (D) (n–1)d and np only but not ns
‘Bordeaux ‘Bordeaux mix mixture’ ture’ is used as a fungic fungicid ide. e. It is is a mix mixture ture of (A) CaSO4 + Cu(OH)2 (B) CuSO4 + Ca(OH)2 (C) CuSO4 + CaO (D) CuO + CaO
Whi Which of the the follow followin ing g reacti reaction on is possibl possiblee at anode? anode? (A) 2Cr3+ + 7H2O → Cr2O 27 − + 14 H+ 1
(C) 2 O 2 + 2H+ → H2O
(B) F2 → 2 F–
(D) None of these
Colourless Colourless solutions solutions of the followi following ng four salts are are placed placed separately separately in four diff different erent test tubes and a strip of copper is dipped d ipped in each one of these. Which solution will will turn blue? (A) KNO3 (B) AgNO3 (C) Zn(NO3)2 (D) ZnSO4
Q.67 Q.67
Peac Peacoc ock k ore ore is: (A) FeS2
Q.69 Q.70
(B) CuFeS2
(C) CuCO3.Cu(OH)2 (D) Cu5FeS4
“925 “925 fi fine si silver” ver” mean meanss an al alloy of: of: (A) 7.5 % Ag and 92.5% Cu (C) 80% Ag and 20 % Cu
(B) 92.5 % Ag and 7.5 % Cu (D) 90 % Ag and 10% Cu
Iron Iron sal saltt used used in in bl blue pri print ntss is: is: (A) FeC2O4 (B) Fe2(C2O4)3
(C) K4[Fe(CN)6]
(D) K3[Fe(CN)6]
When When aci acidif dified KMnO KMnO4 is added to hot oxalic oxalic acid solution, the decolourization is slow in the beginning, beginning, but becomes very rapid after some time. This is is because: (A) Mn2+ acts as auto catalyst (B) CO2 is formed formed as the product prod uct (C) Reaction is exothermic
(D) MnO −4 catal cataly yses ses the reac reacti tion on
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Question No. 71 71 to 80 Questions given below below consist of two statements each printed as Assertion (A) and Reason Reaso n (R); while answering answering these questions you are required to t o choose any one of o f the following following four responses: (A) if both both (A) and (R) are true tru e and (R) is the correct explanation explanation of (A) (B) if both (A) and (R) (R ) are true but (R) is not correct explanation explanation of (A) (C) if (A) is true but (R) is false (D) if (A) is false and (R) is true tru e Assertion :
KMnO4 is purple in colour due to charge transfer.
Reason :
In MnO −4 , there is is no no electron electron present present in d-orbitals d-orbitals of manganese manganese..
Assertion :
K2CrO4 has yellow yellow colour due du e to charge transfer.
Reason :
CrO24− ion ion is is tetrah tetrahed edral ral in sha shape. pe.
Assertion : Reason :
The The high highes estt oxida oxidation tion state state of chrom chromiium in its its compoun compounds ds is is +6. Chrom Chromiium atom atom has has onl only si six el electro ectron ns in in ns ns an and (n–1 (n–1)) d orb orbitals tals.
Assertion : Reason :
CrO3 reacts with HCl H Cl to form chromyl chloride chloride gas. Chromyl chlo ride (CrO2Cl2) has tetrahedral shape.
Assertion : Reason :
Zinc Zinc does does not show show cha charac racteri teristi sticc proper properti ties es of tran transi siti tion on metal metals. s. In zin zinc out outer erm most ost sh shell ell is com compl plet etel ely y filled. ed.
Assertion : Reason :
Tungs ungste ten n has has a ver very y high high melti elting ng poi point. nt. Tungsten ten is a cova ovalent co compoun ound.
Assertion : Reason :
Equivalent ma mass of of KMnO4 is equal to one-third one-t hird of its molecular mass mass when it acts as an oxidising agent in an alkaline alkaline medium. Oxidation tion number of Mn is +7 in KMnO4.
Assertion : Reason :
Ce4+ is used as an oxidising agent in volumetric analy ana lysis. sis. Ce4+ has the tendency of attain +3 oxidation state.
Assertion : Reason :
Prom Promet eth hium is a man made ade el elemen ement. t. It is is rad radiioact oactiive an and has has been een pre prepa pare red d by by arti artifical cal mean eans.
Assertion : Reason :
Cu+ ion is colourless. Four our wate ater mol molec ecu ules are coor oordinate ated to Cu+ ion.
Quest Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q. 2
Q. 3
Q. 4
Q. 5
Q. 6
Q. 7
Q. 8
Q. 9
Q. 10
Q. 12
Q. 13
Q. 14
Q. 15
Q. 16
Q. 17
Q. 18
Q. 19
Q. 20
Q. 21
Q. 22
Q. 23
Q. 24
Q. 25
Q. 26
Q. 27
Q. 28
Q. 29
Q. 30
Q. 31
Q. 32
Q. 33
Q. 34
Q. 35
Q. 36
Q. 37
Q. 38
Q. 39
Q. 40
Q. 41
Q. 42
Q. 43
Q. 44
Q. 45
Q. 46
Q. 47
Q. 48
Q. 49
Q. 50
Q. 51
Q. 52
Q. 53
A, A,B
Q. 54
Q. 55
Q. 56
Q. 57
Q. 58
Q. 59
Q. 60
Q. 61
Q. 62
B, B, C
Q. 63
Q. 64
Q. 65
Q. 66
Q. 67
Q. 68
Q. 69
Q. 70
Q. 71
Q. 72
Q. 73
Q. 74
Q. 75
Q. 76
Q. 77
Q. 78
Q. 79
Q. 80
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Q.1 Q. 1
Formation Formation of metalli metallicc copper copper from the sulph sulphide ide ore in the normal normal thermo-metal thermo-metallurgi lurgical cal process essential essentially ly involves involves which one of the t he following reaction: (A) CuS +
3 2
O2 → CuO + SO2;
O → CuO + SO2; 2 2 (C) CuS + 2O2 → CuSO4; (B) CuS +
(D) CuS +
3 2
O2 → CuO + SO2;
CuO + C → Cu + CO 2CuO + CuS → 3Cu + SO2 CuSO4 + CuS → 2Cu + 2SO2 CuO + CO → Cu + CO2
Q. 2
Ag2S + NaCN + Zn → Ag This method of o f extraction of o f Ag by complex formation and then t hen its displacement displacement is called: (A) Parke's method (B) McArthur-Forest method (C) Serpeck met ho d (D) Hall's method
Cal Calcin cination ation is is the the proce process ss of heati heating ng the ore: ore: (A) in inert gas (C) in the absence o f air
(B) in the presence o f air (D) in t he presence o f CaO and MgO
Whi Which of the foll ollowing owing does does not not cont contai ain n Mg: Mg: (A) magnetite (B) magnesite
(C) asbesto s
Quest (D) carnallite
Match the method method of concen concentrati tration on of the ore in in colum column n I with with the ore in colum column n II and sele select ct the correct correct alternate: I II X magnetic separation (a) Ag2S Y froth floation (b) FeCr2O4 Z gravity separation (c) Al2(SiO3)3 X Y Z X Y Z (A) (a) (b) (c) (B) (b) (a) (c) (C) (c) (a) (b) (D) (b) (c) (a)
Bess Bessem emer eriisati ation is car carri ried ed out out for for I : Fe, II : Cu, III : Al, (A) I , II (B) II, III
IV : silver (C) III, IV
(D) I, III
Ref Refining of silver is don done by by: (A) liquation (B) poling
(C) cupellation
(D) van Arkel method
Q.7 Q.8
These These are are foll ollowing owing extrac extracti tion on proce process ss of sil silver ver but but not: not: (A) as a side product in electro electroly lytic tic refinin refining g of o f copper (B) Parke's process in which Zn is used to t o extract ext ract silver silver by solvent extraction extract ion from molten lead (C) by reaction reactio n of silver silver sulphide with KCN and then reaction react ion of soluble complex with with Zn (D) by heating Na[Ag(CN)2]
Q.9 Q.9
Blister ter Cu Cu is is about: (A) 60% Cu
(B) 90% Cu
(C) 98% Cu
(D) 100% Cu
Which Which one of the foll followin owing g is is not a method method of concentrati concentration on of metal metals? s? (A) gravity separation (B) froth floating process (C) electromagnetic separation (D) smelting
In which which of the the foll following owing isolation isolationss no reduci reducing ng agent agent is required: required: (A) iron from haematite (B) aluminium from bauxite (C) mercury from cinnabar (D) zinc from zinc blende Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Chemi Chemical cal leac leachi hing ng is is useful useful in in the concen concentrati tration on of: (A) co pper pyrites (B) bauxite (C) galena
(D) cassiterite
Q.13 Q. 13
The element element which which could could be extracted extracted by electroly electrolytic tic reduction reduction of its oxide oxide dissolved dissolved in in a high high temperature melt is: (A) sodium (B) magnesium (C) fluorine (D) aluminium
Consi Conside derr the fol folllowing owing state stateme men nts: Roasting is is carried carried out to : conv onvert sulph ulphiide to oxi oxide and and sul sulp phate hate remove ove water ter of hydrati ation melt the ore rem remove ove ars arsen eniic and and sul sulphur phur im impuri puriti ties es Of these statements: (A) (i), (ii) and (iii) are co rrect (C) (i), (ii) and (iv) are correct
(B) (i) and (iv) are correct (D) (ii), (iii) and (iv) are correct
Iron obtai obtained ned from from blas blastt furan furance ce is: is: (A) wrought iron (B) cast iron
(C) pig iron
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv (iv)
Q.15 Q.16
(D) steel
Whi Which of of the foll following owing is is not not an an ore: ore: (A) malacite (B) calamine
(C) stellite
(D) cerussite
Whic Which h one one of the follow followin ing g stateme statements nts is not correct: correct: (A) Nickel forms Ni(CO)4 (B) All the transition metals form monometallic monometallic carbonyls carbonyls (C) Carbonyls Carbonyls are formed for med by transition metals (D) Transition Transition metals form complexes
In the extraction extraction of nic nickel kel by Mond process, process, the metal is obtain obtained ed by: by: (A) electrochemical reduction (B) thermal decomposition (C) ch chemical reductio tion by aluminium (D) re reduction tion by carbon
Q. 19
B4C (boron (boro n carbide) is is used except: (A) t o ext ract boron (C) for making bullet-p t-proof clothi thing
(B) as an abrasive fo r polishing (D) for making diboran rane
Boron can can be be obtai obtained ned by vari various ous meth methods ods but but not by by: (A) therma t hermall decomposition decomposition of o f B2H6 (B) pyrolysi pyro lysiss of Bl3 (Van Arkel) (C) reducing BCl3 with H2 (D) electrolysis elect rolysis of fused BCl3
The The corr correc ectt stat statem emen ents ts are are : (A) generally gener ally the calcination and ro roasting asting is done in blast furance (B) the t he sandy and rocky materials associated associated with ore are ar e called called matrix (C) froth frot h floatat floatation ion process is suitable for for sulphide ores (D) substance subst ance that reacts rea cts with gangue gang ue to form fusible mass mass is called called slag
When When copper is purifi purified ed by electrorefi electrorefini ning ng process, process, noble metals metals like like Ag and Au are found in in (A) cathode ode mud (B) electrolytic solution (C) anode ode mud (D) ove over catho thode or an anode
Q.23 Q.23
Form ormati ation of of Ni Ni(CO) (CO)4 and subsequent its decomposition deco mposition into into Ni and CO (recycl (r ecycled) ed) makes basis of Mond's process T T2 Ni + 4CO → 1 → Ni(CO)4 → → Ni + 4CO
T1 and T2 are: (A) 100°C, 50°C
(B) 50°C, 100°C
(C) 50°C, 230°C
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
(D) 230°C, 50°C
Match colum column n (I) (process) (process) with with colum column n (II) (ele (electroly ctrolyte) te) (I) (process) (II) (electrolyte) (i) Downs cell (W) fused MgCl2 (ii) Dow sea wat er process (X) fused (Al2O3 + Na3AlF6) (iii) Hall-Heroult (Y) fused KHF2 (iv) Moissan (Z) fused (40% NaCl + 60% CaCl2) Choose the correct alternate: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (A) Z W X Y (B) X Y Z W (C) W Z X Y (D) X Z W Y Question No. 25 to 28 are based on following reactions: (I) FeCr2O4 + NaOH + air → (A) + Fe2O3 (II) (A) + (B) → Na2Cr2O7
Q.26 Q.26 Q. 27
∆ Na2Cr2O7 + X → → Cr2O3
∆ Cr2O3 + Y → → Cr
Compou Compoun nds (A) (A) an and (B) (B) are: are: (A) Na2CrO4, H 2SO4 (C) Na2CrO5, H 2SO4
(B) Na2Cr2O7 , HCl (D) Na4[Fe(OH)6], H2SO4
(X) and (Y) (Y) are: re: (A) C and Al
(C) C in both
Quest (B) Al and C
Na2CrO4 and Fe2O3 are separated by (A) dissolving disso lving in in conc. H 2SO4 (C) dissolvin d issolving g in H2O
(D) Al in both
(B) dissolving dissolving in NH3 (D) dissolving in dil. HCl
High High temperature temperature ( > 1000°C) 1000°C) elec electroly trolytic tic reducti reduction on is necessa necessary ry for for isolatin isolating g (A) Al (B) Cu (C) C (D) F2
In froth-fl froth-floatation oatation process, process, palm palm oil functi functions ons as as (A) activator (B) frother (C) collector
(D) agitator
Q.30 Q.3 0
Collectors Collectors are the substances substances which which help help in attachment attachment of an ore particle particle to air bubble bubble in in froth. froth. A popular collector used industrially industrially is (A) sodium ethyl xanthate (B) sodium xenate (C) sodium pyrophosphate (D) sodium nitroprusside
Zone Zone refi refining ning is is based based on the pri princi ncipl plee of (A) fractional distillation (C) partition coefficient
(B) fractional crystallisation (D) chromatographic separation
Q.32 Q.3 2
Which Which of the followi following ng species species is (are) desirabl desirablee substance substance(s) (s) in extracti extraction on of copper but not in extraction extraction of iron? (A) CaSiO3 (B) FeSiO3 (C) SiO2 (D) coke
Poli Poling is is empl employ oyed ed in in refi refini ning ng of (A) iron (B) copper
(C) tin
(D) lead
Which Which of the foll followi owing ng reaction reaction(s) (s) do(es) not not occur o ccur in Bessem Bessemer's er's conve converter? rter? (A) 2Cu2S + 5O2 → 2CuSO4 + 2CuO (B) 2Cu2S + 3O2 → 2Cu2O + 2SO2↑ (C) 2CuFeS2 + O2 → Cu2S + 2FeS + SO 2 (D) FeO + SiO2 → FeSiO3
Q.35 Q.35
Dow' Dow'ss proce ocess (A) involv olves purification tion of copp opper (C) gi gives metal chloride as as pr product (E) results r esults in evolution of o f CO
(B) involv olves extra traction tion of magnesium (D) gi gives pure metal as product Quest Tutorials
North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q.36 Q.3 6
In the cyani cyanide de process invol involvi ving ng extraction of silver silver,, zinc zinc is used used industrial industrially ly as a(an) (A) oxidising agent (B) reducing agent (C) solvent (D) solvating agent
Carn Carnal alllite does does not conta contaiin (A) K (B) Ca
(C) Mg
(D) Cl
Q.38 Q.3 8
During initial initial treatment, preferential preferential wetting of ore by oil and gangue gangue by water takes place place in in (A) Levigation (gravity separation) (B) Froth floatation (C) Leaching (D) Bessemerisation
Sil Silica ica is added added to roasted copper copper ores ores during during extracti extraction on in in order order to remove remove (A) cu cuprous ous su sulphide (B) fe ferrous ous ox oxide (C) fe ferrous ous su sulphide (D) cu cuprous ox oxide
Addition Addition of high high proportions of mangan manganese ese makes makes steel useful useful in in makin making g rails rails of railroads, railroads, because because manganese (A) gives hardness to steel (B) helps the fo rmation o f oxides of iron (C) can can rem remove ove oxy oxygen and sulp ulphur (D) can show highest est ox oxidation tion state tate of +7
Among Among the the foll followi owing ng stateme statements, nts, the incorr incorrect ect one is is (A) (A) cal calam amiine and and sideri derite te are are car carbo bona nates tes (B) (B) arg argen enti tite te an and cup cupri rite te are are oxi oxide (C) zin zinc bl blende ende and and py pyrites rites are sul sulphi phides (D) malac alachi hite te and and azur azuriite are are ores of copper copper
Q.42 Q.4 2
In the comme commercial rcial electrochemi electrochemical cal process process for alum alumin inium ium extraction the electrolyte electrolyte used used is (A) Al(OH)3 in NaOH solution (B) an aqueous solution of Al2(SO4)3 (C) a molten mixture mixture of Al Al2O3 ,Na3AlF AlF6 & CaF2 (D) a molten mo lten mixture of AlO(OH) AlO(OH) and Al(OH) Al(OH)3
Match Lis List-I t-I with List-II List-II and select select the correct correct answer answer using using the the codes given given below below the lis lists: ts: List-I List-II (a) va van Arkel method 1. Ma Manufacture of of caustic so soda (b) Solvay process 2. Purification of titanium (c) Cupellation 3. Manufact ure of Na2CO3 (d) Poling 4. Purification of copper 5. Refini R efining ng of silver Codes: A B C D A B C D (A) 2 1 3 4 (B) 4 3 2 5 (C) 2 3 5 4 (D) 5 1 3 4
Bliste Blisterr copper is refin refined ed by stirri stirring ng molten molten impur impuree metal with with green logs logs of wood because because such such a wood liberates liberates hydrocarbon gases (like CH4). This process pro cess X is called called ________ _____ ___ and the t he metal contains impurities of Y is is _______. ___ ____. (A) X = cupellation, Y = CuO2 (B) X = polling, Y = Cu 2O (C) X = polling, Y = CuO (D) X = cupellatio n, Y = CuO
Sele Select ct the corre correct ct state statem ment ent : (A) Mag Magnetite tite is an ore ore of mangan ganese ese (C) Siderite is carbonate ore of iro n
Quest (B) Pyrolus olusiite is an ore ore of lead ead (D) FeS2 is rolled gold
Three Three most most occuri occuring ng elem elemen ents ts into into the the earth earth crus crustt are (A) O, Si, Al (B) Si, O, Fe (C) Fe, Ca, Al
(D) Si, O, N
An ore contai containi ning ng the impuri mpurity ty of FeCrO FeCrO4 is concentrated by (A) magnetic-separation (B) gravity separation (C) froth-floatation method (D) electrostatic method
A piece piece of steel is heated until until redness and then plugged plugged into into cold water or oil. oil. This This treatment of iron makes it (A) (A) sof softt and and mal mallleabl eablee (B) (B) ha hard but not brittl rittlee (C) (C) mor moree bri brittl ttlee (D) (D) hard hard and and bri britt ttlle Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Give Give the correc correctt order order of initi nitial alss T or F for following statements. Use T if statement is true and F if it is false. (i) Cu metal metal is extra extracted cted from its its sul sulph phiide ore by reduct reductio ion n of Cu2O with FeS. (ii) An ore ore of Tin conta ontaiinin ning FeC FeCrO4 is concentrated by magnetic separation method. (iii) Auto Auto reducti reduction on proc proces esss is is used used in in the the extra extracti ction on of Cu & Hg. (iv (iv) Cass Cassiiterit teritee and and Ruti Rutille are are oxid oxidee ores ores of the meta metals ls.. (A) TFTT (B) TTFT (C) FTTT (D) FFFT
In the the extra extracti ction on of alum alumiinium nium Process X : applied for red bauxite to remove iron oxide (chief (chief impurity) impurity) Process Y : (Serpeck's process) : applied for for white w hite bauxite bauxite to t o remove Z (chief impurity) impurity) then, process pro cess X and impurity Z are (A) X = Hall and Heroult's Hero ult's process pro cess and Y = SiO SiO2 (B) X = Baeyer's process and Y = SiO2 (C) X = Serpeck's Ser peck's process and Y = iron iron oxide (D) X = Baeyer's Baeyer's process pro cess and Y = iron iron oxide o xide
Which Which of the followi following ng statement(s statement(s)) is is / are incorrect? incorrect? (A) Liquation is applied when the metal has low melting melting point than that of impurities. (B) Presence Pre sence of carbon in steel makes it hard due to formation of Fe3C called cementite. (C) Less reactive react ive metals metals like like Hg, Pb and Cu are obtained obt ained by auto reduct r eduction ion of their sulphide sulphide or oxide ores. or es. (D) Amalgamation Amalgamation method metho d of purifi pu rificatio cation n cannot be appli ap plied ed for Au and Ag.
Si and and Ge used for semicon semiconductors ductors are required required to be of high high purity purity and and hence hence purifi purified ed by (A) zone-refining (B) electrorefining (C) Van-Arkel's process (D) cupellation pro cess
In electrorefi electrorefini ning ng of metals metals anode anode and cathode cathode are taken as thick thick slab slab of impure impure metal metal and and a strip strip of pure-metal pure- metal respectively while the electrolyte is solution of a complex metal metal salt. This method cannot be applied for the refining of (A) Copper (B) Sodium (C) Aluminium (D) Zinc and Silver
Corr Correc ectt stat statem emen ents ts is: (A) Black jack is ZnS (B) Sulphide ores are concentrated by floatation floatation method (C) Parke's Pa rke's process is based on distribution principle principle (D) All are are correct co rrect
Q.55 Q.5 5
The metal for which, which, its its property of formation formation of volati volatile le complex complex is taken in account for its its extraction is is (A) Co balt (B) Nickel (C) Vanadium (D) Iron
Matc Match h List List–I –I with with List List–I –III List–I (Property) I Explosive II Self-reduction III Magnetic material IV Verdigris (A) I–A, II–B, III–C, IV-D (C) I–D, II–B, III–A, IV–C
Quest List–II (Element/compound) A: Cu B: Fe3O 4 C: Cu(CH3COO)2.Cu(OH)2 D: Pb(NO3) 2 (B) I–D, II–A, III–B, IV–C (D) I–C, II–A, III–B, IV–D
A metal metal has a high high concentration concentration into into the earth crust and whose oxides oxides cannot cannot be reduced by carbon. The most suitable method for the extract ext raction ion of such metal metal is (A) Alumino thermite process (B) Electrolysis process (C) Van-Arkel's process (D) Cupellation
The The proces process, s, whi which ch does does not not use a catal catalys ystt is (A) (A) Con Contac tactt proc proces esss (B) (B) Th Therm ermite proc proces esss
(C) Ostwa Ostwalld's d's proc proces esss (D) Hab Haber's er's proc proces esss
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Refractory Refractory material materialss are are general generally ly used in in furnac furnaces es becaus becausee (A) they are chemically inert (B) they can withstand high temperature (C) th they do not co contain impurities (D) th they decrease meltin ting po point of of ore ore
% of si silver lver in in 'germ 'german an sil silver' ver' is is (A) 0 (B) 80
(C) 90
(D) 10
Modern Modern method ethod of steel steel man manuf ufact acturi uring ng is is (A) (A) ope open hea heart rth h pro proce cess ss (B) (B) L.D. L.D. Pro Proce cess ss
(C) (C) Be Besseme emeris risation tion
(D) (D) Cu Cupellati ation
Q.61 Q.62
When an impurity impurity in a metal metal has has greater affini affinity ty for oxygen and is is more easily easily oxidises oxidises than the metal itself. Then, the metal is refined by (A) cupellation (B) zone-refining (C) distillation (D) electrolytic process
Q.63 Q.6 3
The chemi chemical cal process of manufacturi manufacturing ng of steel from its its ore haemati haematite te involve involvess (A) oxidation (B) reduction followed by oxidation (C) (C) oxi oxidati dation on foll ollowed owed by redu reduct ctiion (D) (D) ox oxidati ation foll ollowe owed by deco decom mposi osition tion and red reduc ucti tion on
Q.64 Q.64
"Fool ool's gol gold" is (A) iron pyrites
(B) horn silver
(C) co pper pyrites
(D) bronze
Q.65 Q. 65
During During electrolyti electrolyticc reduction reduction of alumi alumina, na, two auxili auxiliary ary electroly electrolytes tes X and Y are added to increase increase the electric electrical al conductance and lower the t he temperature of o f melt melt in order to to making fused mixture mixture very conducting. X and Y are (A) cryolite cryolite and flourspar flourspar (B) cryolite cryolite and alum alum (C) alum alum and flourspar flourspar (D) flourspar flourspar and bauxite bauxite
For extraction extraction of sodium sodium from from NaCl, NaCl, the electroly electrolytic tic mix mixture ture NaCl + Na3AlF AlF6 + CaCl2 is used. During D uring extraction extract ion process, only sodium is deposited on cathode but K and Ca do not because (A) Na is more reactive react ive than K and Ca (B) Na is less reactive than K and Ca (C) NaCl is less stable than Na3AlF6 and CaCl2 (D) the discharge potential po tential of Na+ is less less than that of K+ and Ca2+ ions.
Q.67 Q.67
A solu olution tion of Na2SO4 in water is electrolysed using using inert inert electrodes. electro des. The products product s at cathode cathod e and anode are respectively (A) O2 ; H2 (B) O2 ; Na (C) H2 ; O2 (D) O2 ; SO2
Q.68 Q.6 8
Which Which of the foll following owing statemen statements ts is correct regarding regarding the slag slag formati formation on during during the extraction extraction of a metal metal like like copper or o r iron. (A) The slag is lighter lighter and lower melting than the metal (B) The T he slag is heavier heavier and lower low er melting than the metal (C) The slag is is lighter lighter and higher melting melting than the metal (D) The T he slag is heavier heavier and higher melting than the metal. met al.
Q.69 Q.6 9
Among Among the foll followin owing g groups of oxides, oxides, the group containi containing ng oxides oxides that cannot cannot be reduced by by C to give the respective respec tive metal is is (A) CaO and K2O (B) Fe2O3 and ZnO (C) Cu2O and SnO2 (D) PbO and Pb3O4
The benef benefic iciati iation on of the sulphi sulphide de ores is is usual usually ly done by by (A) Electrolysis (B) Smelting process (C) Metal displacement me method (D) Froth flotation method
In the the alum alumiino therm thermiite process, process, Al acts as as (A) An oxidising agent (B) A flux
Quest (C) A re reducing agent
(D) A solder
The process of the isolati isolation on of a metal by by dissolv dissolvin ing g the ore in a suitabl suitablee chemical chemical reagent reagent followed followed by precipitation precipitat ion of the metal by a more more electro elect ropositive positive metal is is called: (A) (A) hydrom dromeetal tallurgy urgy (B) (B) electrom tromeetal tallurgy (C) (C) zone one ref refining (D) (D) electror troreefining
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q.74 Q.75
Q.79 Q.7 9 Q.80
Q.82 Q.83 Q.84
Carbo Carbon n cann cannot ot be used used in the reduc reductio tion n of Al2O3 because : (A) it is is an expensive expensive proposition (B) the enthalpy of formation of CO CO2 is more more than that of o f Al Al2O3 (C) pure carbon carbo n is not easily available available (D) the enthalpy of formation of Al2O3 is too high. high. Froth floatation floatation process process for for concentration concentration of ores is is an illu illustrati stration on of the practical practical appli applicati cation on of: (A) Adsorption (B) Absorption (C) Coagulation (D) Sedimentation Which Which process process of purifi purificati cation on is represe represented nted by the the followi following ng equation equation : 250° C 1400°C Ti (Im (Impure ure) + 2I2 TiI4 → TiI → Ti (Pure) + 2I2 (A) Cupellation (B) Poling (C) Van-Arkel Process (D) Zone refining Mercu Mercury ry is puri purified by: by: (A) Passing through dilute HNO3 (B) Distillation (C) Distribution (D) Vapour phase refining Which Which of the the foll followi owing ng ore and and metal are correctl correctly y match matched: ed: Ore M et a l (A) Carnallite Zinc (B) Calamine Titanium (C) Ilmenite Magnesium (D) Chalcopyrite Copper Whic Which h of the foll followin owing g metal metal is is correctly correctly matche matched d with with its ore: ore: M et a l Ore (A) Zinc Calamine (B) Tin Azurite (C) Magnesium Cassiterite (D) Silver Ilmenite Which Which of the followi following ng employ employ(s) (s) thermal thermal decomposi decomposition tion of volatile volatile iodide iodide compounds? compounds? (A) (A) Th Therm ermite proce processs (B) (B) Hal Halll's proce process ss (C) Van-A an-Ark rkel el's 's proce process ss (D) Mond' Mond'ss proc proces esss The method method of zone zone refin refinin ing g of metal metalss is is based based on the the princi principle ple of: (A) Greater Great er mobility mobility of the pure pur e metal than that of o f impurity impurity.. (B) Higher melting point of the impurity than that o f the pure metal. (C) Greater Great er noble character of the soli so lid d metal than that of o f the impurity impurity (D) Greater G reater solubil so lubility ity of the impurity impurity in the molten state than t han in the soli so lid d Railwa Railway y wagon axle axless are made made by heatin heating g iron rods embedde embedded d in charcoal charcoal powder. powder. This This process is is known as: (A) Sherardising (B) Annealing (C) Tempering (D) Case hardening In the extraction extraction of copper from from its its sulphi sulphide de are the the metal metal is is formed formed by the reduction reduction of Cu2O with: (A) FeS (B) CO (C) Cu2S ( D ) S O2 Carna Carnalllite on elec electrol troly ysis sis give gives: s: (A) Ca and Cl2 (B) Na and CO2 (C) Al and Cl2 (D) Mg and Cl2 Among Among the the fol follow lowin ing g stateme statemetns, tns, the the inc incorrect orrect one is: is: (A) (A) Cala Calami mine ne and and sid sideri erite te are carb carbona onates tes (B) Arge Argenti ntite te and and cuper cuperiite are are oxide oxidess (C) Zinc Zinc blende blende and iron iron pyrites pyrites are sulphi sulphides des (D) Malachi Malachite te and azurite azurite are ores of copper copper
Match List List I and II and select select the correct answer answer using using the the codes given given below below the lis lists: ts: List I List II I. Cyanide process (1) Ultrapure Ge II. Floatation process (2) Dressing of HgS III. Electrolytic reduction (3) Extraction of Al IV. Zone refining (4) Extraction of Au (A) I–(3), II–(1), III–(4), IV–(2) (B) I–(4), II–(2), III–(3), IV–(1) (C) I–(3), II–(2), III–(4), IV–(1) (D) I–(4), II–(1), III–(3), IV–(2) Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q. 86
Match Column-I with Column-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below below . Column-I (Metals) Column-II (Method used for refining) (i) Iron & copper (P) Poling (ii) Zirconium & Titanium (Q) Bessemerisation (iii) Lead & Tin (R) Van-Arkel (iv) Copper & Tin (S) Liquation (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (A) P S R Q (B) Q S R P (C) P R S Q (D) Q R S P Question No. 87 87 to 100 100 Questions given below below consist of two statements each printed as Assertion (A) and Reason Reaso n (R); while answering answering these questions you are required to t o choose any one of o f the following following four responses: (A) if both both (A) and (R) are true tru e and (R) is the correct explanation explanation of (A) (B) if both (A) and (R) (R ) are true but (R) is not correct explanation explanation of (A) (C) if (A) is true but (R) is false (D) if (A) is false and (R) is true tru e Assertion : Sulphide Sulphide ores are concentrated by froth froth floatation process. Reason : Pine oil acts as a frothing agent in fro froth th floatation process. pro cess.
Assertion : Reason :
Platinum and gold occur in native state in nature. natur e. Platinum and gold are noble metals.
Assertion : Reason :
Wolframite impurities impurities are separat ed from cassiterite by electromagnetic separation. separat ion. Cassiterite being being magnetic is attacted attact ed by the magnet and forms a separate heap.
Assertion : Reason :
In smelting, smelting, roasted roast ed ore is heated with w ith powdered coke cok e in presence of a flux. flux. Oxides are reduced to metals met als by C or CO. Impurities are removed as slag.
Assertion : Reason :
Al is used as a reducing red ucing agent in aluminot aluminothermy hermy.. Al has a lower melting melting point than t han Fe, Cr and Mn.
Assertion : Reason :
Lead, tin t in and bismuth are purifi pu rified ed by liquation liquation method. Lead, tin t in and bismuth bismuth have low m.p. as compared to impurities. impurities.
Assertion : Reason :
Wolframite impurity is separated separat ed from fro m SnO2 by magnetic separation separat ion Tin stone sto ne is is ferromagnetic, therefore therefor e attracted attrac ted by magnet. magnet.
Assertion : Reason :
Titanium is purified by Van-Ark Van-Arkel el method. metho d. Ti reacts with I2 to form TiI TiI4 which decomposes at 1700 K to t o give pure Ti.
Assertion : Reason :
CuO can be reduced by C, H2 as well as CO CuO is basic oxide.
Assertion : Reason :
Alkali metals can not be prepared prepa red by the electrolysis of their chlorides in in aqueous aqueo us solution Reduction Reduct ion potentials pote ntials of alkali metals metals cations is much llower ower than t han that of H+.
Assertion : Reason :
Magnesium can be prepared by the electrolysi e lectrolysiss of aq. MgCl Mg Cl2. 2+ The reduction potential of Mg is much much lower than t han that of H+.
Assertion : Reason :
Titanium can be purif pur ified ied by Van-Arkel Van-Arkel proces pr ocess. s. TiI TiI4 is a volatile, volatile, stable compound. co mpound.
Assertion : Reason :
Magnesia and quick q uick lime are used as basic flux. MgO and CaO can withstand very high high temperatures.
Q.100 Assertion : Reason :
Nickel is purified purified `by the thermal decomposition decompo sition of nickel tetracarbonyl. tetracar bonyl. Nickel is a transitional element. Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Hoop's process of purifi purification cation of alumin aluminium ium involv involves es formati formation on of layers layers during during electroly electrolysi sis. s. It involv involves es (A) the three t hree layers have same densities but different materials. (B) the t he three layers have different different densities de nsities (C) the t he upper layer is of pure aluminium aluminium which which acts as a cathode (D) the t he bottom bott om layer is of impure impure aluminium aluminium which acts as an anode and middle layer layer consists co nsists of cryolite cryolite and BaF2.
Metallur Metallurgica gicall process of zinc zinc invol involves ves roasting roasting of zinc zinc sulphi sulphide de followed followed by reducti reduction. on. Metalli Metallicc zinc zinc distills distills over as it is volatile and impurit impurities ies like like Cd, Pd P d and Fe gets condensed. co ndensed. The T he crude metal meta l obtained is called called spelter, spelte r, which may may be purified pur ified by (A) elect rolysis process (B) fractional distillation (C) polling (D) heating with iodine
Calcin Calcination ation and roasting roasting processes processes of reduction reduction of ores to their their oxides oxides are benef benefic icial ial (A) to convert co nvert ores into porous po rous form so that t heir heir reduction becomes easier easier (B) as a s volatile impurities impurities like P, P, As, Sb, S are removed re moved (C) as organic impurities impurities are removed. (D) as the ores o res are converted convert ed into oxide form which which makes the reduction easier
In the the extracti extraction on of copper, copper, the the reaction reaction whic which h takes takes place place in in Bess Bessem emer er converter converter is is (A) 2Cu2O + Cu2S → 6Cu + SO2 ↑ (B) CuFeS2 + O2 → Cu2S + 2FeS + SO 2 ↑ (C) 2Cu2S + 3O2 → 2Cu2O + 2SO2 ↑ (D) 2FeS + 3O2 → 2FeO + 2SO2
Extrac Extraction tion of of si silver ver from arge argenti ntifferrous errous lea lead d (Pb +Ag +Ag)) invol involve vess (A) distillation method (B) cupellation (C) froth flotation method (D) treatment with NaCl
Q.6 Q. 6
In the manufacturi manufacturing ng of metall metallic ic sodium by fused salt-electroly salt-electrolysis sis method (Down's process), smal smalll amount of CaCl2 that added is known as auxiliary auxiliary electrolyte and is used to to (A) (A) im improv provee the the el electri ectrica call condu conduct ctan ance ce (B) (B) dec decre reas asee the the melti elting ng poin point of NaCl NaCl (C) stabilise the metal tallic sodi odium (D) increase the te temperature of electrolysis
Metal Metal(s (s)) whi which does does/d /do o not form form amal amalga gam m is/ is/ar aree (A) Fe (B) Pt (C) Zn
(D) Au
Auto Auto reduc reducti tion on proce process ss is used used in extra extracti ction on of of (A) Cu (B) Hg (C) Al
(D) Fe
Zone Zone ref refining ning is is use used d for for puri purifficati cation on of (A) Ge (B) Si
(D) Se
Q.8 Q.9
Quest (C) Ga
Which Which of the followi following ng process process (es) are are used for purif purific ication ation of Bauxite Bauxite ore? (A) (A) Hal Halll's pro proce cesss (B) (B) Ser Serpe pecck's k's pro proce cess ss (C) (C) Bae Baey yer' er's pro proce cesss (D) (D) Mon Mond's d's pro proce cess ss
Metal Metals which which can be extra extracted cted by by smel smeltin ting g process process (A) Pb (B) Fe (C) Zn
(D) Mg
Comm Common im impuri purities ties prese present nt in in Bauxi Bauxite te are (A) CuO (B) ZnO
(D) SiO2
Q.12 Q.13 Q.1 3
(C) Fe2O3
Which Which of the foll following owing reduction reduction reactions are actually actually employed employed in commerical commerical extraction extraction of metals? metals? (A) Fe2O3 + 2Al → Al2O3 + 2Fe (B) Cr2O3 + 2Al → Al2O3 + 2Cr (C) 2Na[Au(CN)2] + Zn → Na2[Zn(CN)4] + 2Au (D) Cu2S + Pb → Cu + PbS ↓
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Which Which of the followi following ng cannot cannot be obtained obtained by electroly electrolytic tic reduction reduction of their their compounds compounds in aqueous aqueous solution? (A) Barium (B) Cadmium (C) Potassium (D) nickel
Which Which of the the foll followin owing g ores is(are is(are)) concentrated concentrated by froth froth floata floatation? tion? (A) haematite (B) galena (C) copper pyrite
(D) azurite
Q.16 Q.1 6
Which Which of the followin following g statements statements is/are is/are common common between between roasting and sintering sintering?? (A) Both require re quire heating heating of the ore. (B) Both Bo th involve burning burning away of organic matter. matt er. (C) Both Bo th the process pro cess cause partial par tial fusion fusion of ore, resulting r esulting in in bigger lumps. (D) Both Bo th are performed onl o nly y for sulphide sulphide ores.
Whic Which h of the followi following ng reactio reaction(s n(s)) occur during during calci calcina nation tion?? (A) CaCO3 → CaO + CO2 (B) 4FeS2 + 11O2 → 2Fe2O3 + 8SO2 (C) 2Al(OH)3 → Al2O3 + 3H2O (D) CuS + CuSO4 → 2Cu 2SO2
Roasti Roasting ng is is usu usual allly perf perform ormed ed in in (A) blast furnace (C) Bessemer’s converter
Q.19 Q.20 Q.21
(B) reverberatory furnace (D) electric furnace
Which Which of the followi following ng is(are) is(are) sulphi sulphide de ores? (A) Argentite (B) Galena
(C) Anglesite
(D) Co pper glance
Whi Which of the foll followi owing ng is(a is(are) re) regarde regarded d as iron iron ores? ores? (A) Haematite (B) Magnetite (C) Limonite
(D) Copper pyrites
Which Which of the follow followin ing g employ employ downward downward movem movement ent of ore due due to gravity? gravity? (A) Gravity separation (B) Froth floatation (C) Blast furnace (D) Bessemer ’s coverter Calci Calcium um sil silic icate ate slag slag formed formed in in extracti extraction on of iron iron (A) pr prevents the the re reoxi oxidation tion of molte olten n ir iron. on. (B) cata catallyses th the com comb bustion tion of carb arbon. on. (C) reduces CO2 toCO at the bottom bottom of the furnac furnace. e. (D) is is used used in in cem cement indu industry stry..
Q.23 Q. 23
Amphoteric Amphoteric nature of alumin aluminium ium is employed employed in which of the followin following g process for extraction of alumin aluminium ium?? (A) Baeyer ’s process (B) Hall’s pro cess (C) Serpek’s process (D) Dow’s process
Noble metal( metal(s) s) which which are comme commerci rciall ally y extracted extracted by cyani cyanide de process is(are) is(are) (A) copper (B) silver (C) gold (D) mercury
Carbon Carbon reduction reduction method method is employ employed ed for for commer commerci cial al extraction extraction of (A) haematite (B) cassiterite (C) iron pyrite
(D) corundum
Q.26 Q.2 6
The chief chief rection(s) rection(s) occuring occuring in blast blast furnace furnace during during extraction extraction of iron iron from haematite haematite is(are) is(are) (A) Fe2O3 + 3CO → 2Fe + 3CO2 (B) FeO + SiO2 → FeSiO3 (C) Fe2O3 + C → 2Fe + 3CO (D) CaO + SiO2 → CaSiO3
Q.27 Q.2 7
Which Which of the the followi following ng are true for for electroly electrolytic tic extracti extraction on of alumi alumini nium um (A) (A) cat catho hode de materi aterial al conta contaiins gra graph phiite (B) (B) anod anodee mater ateriial cont contai ain ns gra graph phiite (C) catho de reacts away forming CO2 (D) anode reacts away forming forming CO2
During During extraction extraction of copper, copper, it is is obtained obtained in in the form of molten molten matte. Which of the following is not true? true? (A) matte is further treated reverbrator y furnace furnace (B) molten matte is electrolysed (C) It is treated with a blast of air and sand (D) It is dissolved in CuSiF6 and crystalli cryst allised. sed.
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q.29 Q.2 9
Which Which of the the followi following ng ores is is (are) concentrated concentrated industri industriall ally y by by froth floatation? floatation? (A) Co pper p yr it es (B) G alena (C) Do lo mite (D) Carnallite
Which Which of the foll followin owing g is true for for calci calcinati nation on of a metal metal ore? ore? (A) It makes the ore more porous (B) The ore is heated to a t emperature when fusion just just begins (C) Hydrated Hydrat ed salts lose their water of crystallisation crystallisation (D) Impur ities of S, As and Sb are removed in the form of their volatile oxides.
The The maj major or role role of fl fluorspa uorsparr (CaF (CaF2) which is added in small quantities quantit ies in in the electro lytic lytic reduction reduct ion of alumina dissolved dissolved in fused fused cryolite (Na (N a3 AlF6 ) is (A) as a cat alyst alyst (B) to t o make the fused mixtur mixturee very conducting (C) to lower the temperature of the melt melt (D) to decrease decre ase the rate of oxidation of carbon at the anode.
The diff differen erence(s) ce(s) between between roastin roasting g and cal calcin cination ation is (are) (A) roasting ro asting is highly highly endothermic while calcination is not. not. (B) partial part ial fusion fusion occurs in calcin calcination ation but not in roasting. (C) calcination ca lcination is performed in limited limited supply sup ply of air but roasting ro asting employs excess air. (D) combustion combust ion reactions occur in roasting roast ing but not in calcination. calcination.
Leac Leachi hing ng is is used used for for the conc concen entra tration tion of: of: (A) Red bauxite (B) Haematite
Quest (C) Gold ore
(D) Silver ore
Q. 1 Q. 8 Q. 15 Q. 22 Q. 29 Q. 36 Q. 43 Q. 50 Q. 57 Q. 64 Q. 71 Q. 78 Q. 85 Q. 92 Q. 99
Q. 1 Q. 5 Q. 9 Q. 13 Q. 17 Q. 21 Q. 25 Q . 29 Q. 33
Q. 2 Q. 9 Q. 16 Q. 23 Q. 30 Q. 37 Q. 44 Q. 51 Q. 58 Q. 65 Q. 72 Q. 79 Q. 86 Q. 93 Q. 1 0 0
ONLY ONE OPTION IS CORRECT. Q. 3 C Q. 4 A Q. 5 B Q. 10 D Q.11 C Q. 12 B Q. 17 B Q. 18 B Q. 19 D Q. 24 A Q. 25 A Q. 26 A Q. 31 B Q. 32 C Q. 33 B,C Q. 38 B Q. 39 B Q. 40 A Q. 45 C Q. 46 A Q. 47 A Q. 52 A Q. 53 B Q. 54 D Q. 59 B Q. 60 A Q. 61 B Q. 66 D Q. 67 C Q. 68 A Q. 73 D Q. 74 A Q. 75 C Q. 80 D Q. 81 D Q. 82 C Q. 87 B Q. 88 A Q. 89 C Q. 94 A Q. 95 B Q. 96 A
Q. 6 Q. 13 Q. 20 Q. 27 Q. 34 Q. 41 Q. 48 Q. 55 Q. 62 Q. 69 Q. 76 Q. 83 Q. 90 Q. 97
Q. 7 Q. 14 Q. 21 Q. 28 Q. 35 Q. 42 Q. 49 Q. 56 Q. 63 Q. 70 Q. 77 Q. 84 Q. 91 Q. 98
ONE OR MORE THAN ONE OPTION MAY BE CORRECT Q. 2 A,B Q. 3 A,B,C,D Q. 4 A,C,D Q. 6 A,B Q. 7 A,B Q. 8 A,B Q.10 A,B,C Q.11 A,B,C Q.12 C,D Q.14 A,C Q. 15 B,C Q.16 A,B Q.18 A,B Q. 19 A,B,D Q.20 A,B,C Q.22 A,D Q. 23 A,B Q.24 B,C Q.26 A,D Q . 2 7 A , B, D Q. 28 B,D Q . 3 0 A, C Q . 3 1 B, C Q.32 C,D Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Which is in incorr correc ectl tlyy match atched ed?? (A) CsBr3 l Cs+ + Br3−
(B) I4O9 l I3+ + (IO3− ) 3
(C) AgBrO3 l Ag+ + BrO3−
(D) I2O4 l IO2− + IO2+
(A) (X) = Pyrophosphoric acid (liquid), (liquid), (Y) (Y ) = Metaphosphoric acid (liquid) (liquid) (B) (X) = Pyrophosphoric acid (liquid), (liquid), (Y) ( Y) = Metaphosphoric acid (solid) (C) (X) = Pyrophosphoric Pyropho sphoric acid (solid), (solid), (Y) = Metaphosphoric Metaphospho ric acid (solid) (solid) (D) (X) = Pyrophosphoric acid (solid), (Y) = Metaphosphoric Meta phosphoric acid (liquid) (liquid) Q.3
∆ → → (X) + PH3 ; is H3PO2 is (A) Dehydration reaction (B) Oxidation reaction (C) Disproportionation reaction (D) Dephosphorelation reaction Whiich of the follow Wh followin ingg speci species es is not not a pseu pseudoha dohallide?
(A) CNO– Q.5
Q.8 Q. 8
(C) OCN–
(D) N 3−
An orange solid solid (X) on heating, heating, gives gives a colourl colourless ess gas (Y) and and a only only green residue residue (Z). Gas (Y) on treatement with Mg, produces a white solid solid substance ................. .......... ....... (A) Mg3N2 (B) MgO (C) Mg2O3 (D) MgCl2 Conc. HNO3 is yellow yellow coloured liquid liquid due to (A) dissolution of NO in conc. HNO3 (B) dissolution of NO2 in conc. HNO3 (C) dissolution of o f N2O in conc. HNO3 (D) dissolution of N2O3 in conc. HNO3 A gas at low low temperatur temperaturee does not react react with with the most of compoun compounds. ds. It isis almos almostt inert inert and and is is used used to create inert atmosphere in bulbs. The combustion of this gas is exceptionally an endothermic reaction. Based on the given information, we can conclude that t hat the gas is (A) oxygen (B) nitrogen (C) carbon mono-oxide (D) hydrogen When Wh en chlori chlorine ne gas isis passed passed through an an aqueous aqueous soluti solution on of a potassiu potassium m hal halid idee in the the presence presence of chl chloroform oroform,, a voilet colouration colouratio n is obtained. obta ined. On passing more of chlorine water, the voilet colour is disappeared and solution becomes colourless. colourless. This test confirms confirms the presence of ........... .......... . in aqueous solution. (A) chlorine (B) fluorine (C) bromine (D) iodine
140°C 250°C 316°C → A → B → C H3PO2 Compound (C) is (A) H2PO3 (B) H3PO3 (C) HPO3 (D) H4P2O7 Q.10 Q.1 0 An explos explosiive comp compound ound (A) reacts reacts with with water water to produce produce NH4OH and HOCl. Then, the compound (A), is (A) TNG (B) NCl3 (C) PCl3 (D) HNO3 Q.11 An inorgani inorganicc salt salt (A) is is decomposed decomposed at about about 523 K to give give products (B) and (C). (C). Compound Compound (C) is is a liquid liquid at roo room m temperature temperature and is neutral to litmus paper while oxide oxide (B) on burning with whi white te phosphoro phosphorous, us, given a dehydrating dehydrating agent (D). ( D). Compounds (A), ( A), (B), (C) and (D) will be be identified identified as (A) NH4NO3, N 2O, H 2O, P 2O5 (B) NH4NO2, K2O, H 2O, P 2O5 (C) CaCO3 , CaO, H 2O, CaCl2 (D) CaCO3 , CaO, H 2O, Ca(OH) 2
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q.12 Q. 12 An inorganic inorganic compound compound (A) made of two most occuring occuring elements elements into into the earth crust, havin havingg a polymeri polymericc tetra-headral tetra-headral network structur st ructure. e. With With carbon, compound (A) produces a poisonous p oisonous gas (B) which is is the most stable sta ble diatomic molecule. molecule. Compounds Co mpounds (A) and (B) will be (A) SiO2’ CO2 (B) SiO2’ CO (C) SiC,CO (D) SiO2’ N2 Q.13 A sulphate sulphate of a metal metal (A) (A) on heatin heatingg evolves evolves two gases gases (B) (B) and (C) (C) and an oxide oxide (D). Gas Gas (B) turns K2Cr2O7 paper pape r green while gas (C) forms a trimer in in which there is no no S–S bond. Compound Compou nd (D) with HCI, forms a Lewis base (E) which exists exists as a dimer. dimer. Compounds Compounds (A), (B), (C), (D) and (E) are respectively respectively (A) FeSO4, SO 2, SO 3, Fe2O3, FeCl3 (B) Al2(SO4)3, SO2, SO3, Al2O3, FeCl3 (C) FeS, SO2, SO 3, FeSO4, FeCl3 (D) FeS, SO2, SO3 , Fe2(PO4)3, FeCl2 Q.14 A tetra-atomic tetra-atomic molec molecule ule (A) on reaction reaction with with nitrogen(I)ox nitrogen(I)oxid ide, e, produces two substance substancess (B) and and (C). (B) is a dehydrating agent in its its monomeric form while substance subst ance (C) is a diatomi diato micc gas which shows almost inert behaviour. behaviou r. The substances (A) ( A) and (B) and (C) respect re spectively ively will be (A) P4, P4O10, N 2 (B) P4, N2O5’ N2 (C) P4, P2O3, Ar (D) P4, P2O3, H2 Q.15 First First compound of inert inert gases was was prepared by by scienti scientist st Neil Barthlete Barthlete in 1962. This This compound compound is (A) XePtF6 (B) XeO3 (C) XeF6 (D) XeOF4 Q.16 Q.16 Carb Carbon onge gene ne has X% of CO CO2 and is used as an antidote for poisoning po isoning of Y . Then, X and Y are (A) X = 95% and Y = lead po poisoni oning (B) X = 5% 5% an and Y = CO CO poi poissoni oning (C) X = 30% and Y = CO2 poisoning (D) X = 45% and Y = CO poisoning Q.17 The correc correctt order of aci acidic dic strength strength of oxi oxides of nitroge nitrogenn is (A) NO < NO 2 < N2O < N2O3 < N 2O5 (B) N2O < NO < N 2O3 < N2O4 < N 2O5 (C) NO < N 2O < N2O3 < N 2O5 < N 2O4 (D) NO < N 2O < N 2O5 < N 2O3 < N 2O4 Q.18 Q.18 Nitroge Nitrogenn dioxi dioxide de is is disso dissolv lved ed in in water water to produce produce (A) HNO3 and HNO2(B) only HNO3 (C) only o nly HNO2 (D) HNO2 and N2 Q.19 Q.19 Consi onside derr two two reac reacti tion onss I. Zn + conc. HNO3 (hot) → Zn(NO3)2 + X + H2O II. Zn + dil. HNO3 (cold) → Zn(NO3)2 + Y + H2O Compounds X and a nd Y are respectively (A) N2O, NO (B) NO 2, N2O (C) N2, N 2O (D) NO2, NO
T1 T2 red hot B O Q.20 H3BO3 → → 2 3 → X → → Y if T1 < T2 then X and Y respectivel respect ivelyy are (A) X = Metaboric Met aboric acid and Y = Tetrabo Tetraboric ric acid (B) X = Tetraboric Tetrabor ic acid and Y = Metaboric Metabo ric acid (C) X = Borax and Y = Metaboric acid (D) X = Tetraboric Tetrabor ic acid and Y = Borax Bora x Q.21 Q.21 Boron oron form orms BX3 type of halides. halides. The correct co rrect increasing increasing order of o f Lewis-acid Lewis-acid strength strengt h of these halides is is (A) BF3 > BCl3 > BBr3 > BI3 (B) BI3 > BBr3 > BCl3 > BF3 (C) BF3 > BI3 > BCl3 > BBr3 (D) BF3 > BCl3 > BI3 > BBr3 Q.22 Q.2 2 Which Which one of the followi following ng compounds compounds on strong heatin heatingg evolves evolves ammonia ammonia gas? (A) (NH4)2SO4 (B) HNO3 (C) (NH4)2Cr2O7 (D) NH3NO3 Q.23 Q.23 Th Thee com comppoun ound (Si (SiH H3)3N is expected to t o be (A) pyramidal and more basic than (CH ( CH3)3N (B) (B) pl planar anar and and les lesss bas basiic than than (CH (CH3)3N (C) pyrami p yramidal dal and less basic than (CH3)3N (D) (D) pl plana anar an and mor moree bas basiic th than (C (CH3)3N Q.24 The correct correct order of acidi acidicc strength strength of oxy-a oxy-acid cidss of chlorine chlorine is (A) HCIO < HCIO 2 < HCIO3 < HCIO4 (B) HCIO4 < HCIO3 < HCIO2 < HCIO (C) HCIO > HCIO 4 > HCIO3 > HCIO2 (D) HCIO4 < HCIO2 > HCIO3 > HCIO Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q.25 In a molecul oleculee of phos phosphoru phoruss (V)oxi (V)oxide, de, there are (A) 4P–P, 10 10P–O and 4P 4P=O bonds (B) 12P–O and 4P=O bonds (C) 2P–O and 4P=P bonds (D) 6P–P, 12P–O and 4P=P bonds Q.26 Q.26 Th Thee str struc uctu ture ress of of O3 and N3– are (A) linear and bent, respectively (B) both linear (C) both bent (D) bent and linear, respectively Q.27 .27 When conc onc. H2SO4 was treated with K4[Fe(CN )6], CO gas was evolved. By mistake, mistake, somebody used dilute H2SO4 instead of conc. H2SO4 then the gas evolved was (A) CO (B) HCN (C) N 2 (D) CO2 Q.28
( organic Compound )
+ O2
→X+Y + Z
Compound (A) ( A) in pure form does do es not give ppt. with AgNO3 solution. A mixture mixture cootainin coo tainingg 70% 70 % of (A) and 30% of ether et her is used as an anaesthetic. Compound Co mpound (X) and (Y) are ar e oxides while while (Z) is a pungent smellin smellingg gas. (X) is a neutral oxide which turns cobalt chloride paper pink. Compound (Y) turns lime water milky milky and and produces pro duces an acidic solution with water. Compounds (A), (X), ( X), (y) and (Z) respectively respec tively will be (A) CH4, H2O, CO2’ Cl2 (B) CHCI 3 , H2O, CO2, Cl2 (C) CH3OH, H2O, CO2, N 2 (D) NH2CONH 2, H 2O, N 2O, CO2 Q.29 Q.2 9 An inorgani inorganicc white white crystal crystalliline ne compound compound (A) (A) has a rock salt salt structure. (A) on reaction reaction with with cone. H2SO4 and MnO2, evolves a pungent smelli smelling, ng, greenish-yellow greenish-yellow gas (B). Compound (A) gives white white ppt. ppt . of o f (C) with AgNO3 solution. Compounds (A), (B) and (C) will be be respectivel re spectivelyy (A) NaCl, Cl2, AgCl (B) Na NaBr, Br Br 2, NaBr (C) (C) Na NaCl, Cl Cl2, Ag2SO4 (D) NazCO3 , CO2, Ag2CO3
Quest cu −powder
H 2O condensation → R SiCl Q.30 RCl → A → R2Si(OH)2 2 2 Si
Compound Compou nd (A) is (A) a linear silicone one (B) a chlorosilane (C) a linear silane (D) a network silane Q.31 Wh When en oxalic oxalic acid acid reac reacts ts with with cone cone.. H2SO4 , two gases produced pro duced are of neutral and acidic acidic in nature nature respectively respectively. Potassium Pot assium hydroxide absorbs one of o f the two gases. The product formed during this absorption absorption and the gas which gets absorbed are respectivel respect ivelyy (A) K2CO3 and CO2 (B) KHCO 3 and CO2 (C) K2CO3 and CO (D) KHCO3 and CO Q.32 Q.32 Conce oncenntrat trated ed HN HNO3 reacts with iodine to give (A) HI (B) HOI (C) HOIO 2 (D) HOIO3 Q.33 Conc. H2SO4 cannot be used to prepare HBr from NaBr because it (A) reacts slowly with NaBr (B) oxidises HBr (C) reduces HBr (D) disproportionates HBr Q.34 CH2
P4O10 , 150 °C → X
COOH Compound (X) is (A) malonic acid (B) carbon suboxide (C) tartaric acid Q.35 Q.35 Mol Molecul ecular ar shap shapes es of SF4, CF4 and XeF4 are (A) the same, with 2, 0 and a nd 1 lone pairs of electrons electro ns respectively (B) the t he same, same, with 2, 0 and a nd 1 lone pairs of electrons respectively r espectively (C) the different, with 0, 1 and 2 lone pairs p airs of electrons respectively (D) the different, different, with 1, 0 and 2 lone pairs of electrons respectively Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
(D) acetic acid
Q.37 Q.37 Q.38 Q.3 8
Q.39 Q.40
Q.41 .41 Q.42 Q.43
Matc Matchh List-I ist-I with with ListList-II II List-I Chemical reaction
List-II Na N ame of process
800°C / Pt 4NH3 + 5O2 → 4NO + 6H2O
Contact process
→ 2Cl + 2H O 4HCl + O2 2 2 450 −500° / V O
Ostwald's process
3230°C / CuCl 2
2 5
III. 2SO2 + O 2 → 2SO3 (c) Deacon's process Fe+ Mo IV. 2N2 + 3H2 (d) Haber's proces → 2NH3 (A) I-a, II-b, III-d, IV-c (B) I-b, II-c, III-a, IV-d (C) I-a, II-d, III-c, IV-b (D) I-a, II-c, III-b, IV-d Amm Ammoni onia can can be be dri dried by (A) conc. H2SO4 (B) P4O10 (C) CaO (D) anhydrous CaCl2 When When chlorine chlorine reacts with a gas X, an explosive explosive inorgan inorganic ic compound compound Y is formed. formed. Then X and Y will will be (A) X = O2 and Y = NCl3 (B) X = NH3 and Y=NCl3 (C) X = O2 and Y = NH4Cl (D) X = NH3 and Y = NH4Cl The solubi solubili lity ty of anhyd anhydrous rous AlCl AlCl3 and hydrous hydro us AlCl AlCl3 in diethyl ether are ar e S1 and S2 respectively respec tively.. Then (A) S1 = S2 (B) S1 > S2 (C) S1 < S2 (D) S1 < S1 but not S1 = S2 Which Wh ich one of the foll followin owingg statements statements is is not true regardi regarding ng diboran diborane? e? (A) It has two bridging bridging hydrogens and four four perpendic p erpendicular ular to the rest. rest . (B) When methylated, methylated, the product pro duct is Me4B2H2. (C) The bridging bridging hydrogens are in a plane perpendicular perpendicular to t o the rest. r est. (D) All All the B–H bond distances are equal. equ al. When AgNO3 is heated heated strongly st rongly,, the products pr oducts formed are (A) NO and NO 2 (B) NO2 and O2 (C) NO2 and N2O (D) NO and O2 HNO3 + P4O10 → HPO3 + A ; the product pro duct A is (A) N2O (B) N2O3 (C) NO2 (D) N2O5 Which Wh ich of the followi following ng is is the correct order of acid acidic ic strength? strength? (A) Cl2O7 > SO2 > P4O10 (B) CO2 > N2O5 > SO 3 (C) Na2O > MgO > Al2O3 (D) K2O > CaO > MgO
N Q.44 Ca + C2 → CaC2 → 2 → A Compound (A) is used as a/an (A) fertilizer (B) dehydrating agent (C) oxidising agent (D) reducing agent Q.45 A gas gas which which exists exists in in three three all allotropic otropic forms α, β and γ is (A) SO2 (B) SO3 (C) CO2 (D) NH3 Q.46 A red colou coloured red mix mixed ed oxide oxide (X) (X) on treatment treatment with with cone. cone. HNO3 gives a compound (Y). (Y ). (Y) with with HCl , produces a chloride compound (Z) which can also be produced by treating (X) with cone. HCl. Compounds (X) , (Y), and (Z) ( Z) will will be (A) Mn3O4, MnO2, MnCl2 (B) Pb3O4, PbO2, PbCl2 (C) Fe3O4, Fe 2O3, FeCl2 (D) Fe3O4, Fe2O3, FeCl3 Q.47 Q.47 Th Ther eree is is no no S–S S–S bond ond in in 2– (A) S2O4 (B) S2O52– (C) S2O32– (D) S2O72– Q.48 One mole mole of calcium calcium phosphide phosphide on reaction with with excess excess of water gives gives (A) one mole of phosphine (B) two moles of phosphoric acid (C) two moles of phosphine (D) one mole of phosphorus penta-oxide Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
230°C 638°C → Na2(P3O9) Q.49 NaH2PO4 → (NaPO3)n → D (glossy solid) Compound Compou nd (D) is sodium hexametapho hexametaphosphat sphatee which is known as (A) Bunsen’s salt (B) Graham’s salt (C) Reimann’s salt (D) Werner’s r’s salt Q.50 Three allotropes allotropes (A), (A), (B) and (C) of phoi phoiphorous phorous in the followi following ng chang changee are respectivel respectivelyy
(A) (A) whi white, te, black, ack, red red (B) (B) bl black, ack, whi white, red red (C) (C) red, red, blac black, k, whi white (D) (D) red red,, viol violet et,, bl black ack Q.51 Wh When en an an inor inorga gani nicc comp compoun oundd reacts reacts wi with SO2 in aqueous medium, medium, produces prod uces (A). (A) on reaction rea ction with Na2CO3, gives compound (B) which with sulphur, gives gives a substance (C) used u sed in photography photogr aphy.. Compound (C) is (A) Na2S (B) Na2S2O7 (C) Na2SO4 (D) Na2S2O3 Q.52 Borax is is actually actually made made of two tetrahedra tetrahedra and and two triangul triangular ar units units joined joined together together and shoul shouldd be written as: Na2[B4O5(OH)4]·8H2O Consider the following following statements stat ements about borax: bor ax: a. Each boron ato atom m has four B– B–O bon bondds b. Each boron oron atom tom has three ree B–O bonds onds c. Two boron boron atom atoms hav havee four four B–O B–O bond bondss wh while oth other two two have have thre threee B–O B–O bon bonds ds d. Each boron oron atom has one one –OH groups oups Select Select correct statement(s): statement(s): (A) a, b (B) b, c (C) c, d (D) a, c
Question No. 53 to 55 (3 questions)
Read the following following short write-up and answer the questions at the t he end of it The name 'silica' covers an a n entire group gro up of minerals, which have the general formula SiO2, the most common of o f which which is quartz. Quartz Quart z is a framewor frameworkk silicate silicate with SiO4 tetrahedra tetrahedr a arranged in spirals. spirals. The spirals spirals can turn t urn in a clockwise or anticlockwise direction direction – a feature that results in there being two mirror images, images, optically o ptically active, active, varieties of quartz. q uartz. Q.53 Q.5 3 The followi following ng pictures pictures represent represent various sili silicate cate anions. anions. Their Their formul formulae ae are respectivel respectively: y:
(A) SiO 32−
Si 3O 72−
(B) SiO 44−
8− Si 3O10
(C) SiO 24−
Si 3O92−
(D) SiO 34−
Si 3O87−
Q.54 Si3O96− (hav (haviing thre threee tetra tetrahhedra edrall) isis repr repres esen ente tedd as: as: (A)
(C) both (D) none Q.55 The sili silicate cate anion anion in the min mineral eral kin kinoite oite is is a chain chain of three three SiO4 tetrahedra that share corners with adjacent tetrahedra. tet rahedra. The mineral mineral also contains Ca2+ ions, Cu2+ ions, and water molecules in a 1:1:1 ratio mineral mineral is represented as: (A) CaCuSi3O10·H2O (B) CaCuSi3O10·2H2O (C) Ca2Cu2Si3O10·2H2O (D) none of these Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Question No. 56 to 57 (2 questions)
Questions given below are based on electronic electro nic configurat configurations ions of the elements. elements. The three elements elements X, Y and Z with the t he electronic electro nic configurat configurations ions shown below all form hydrides: Element
Electronic configuration
X 1s2, 2s2, 2p2 Y 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s1 Z 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 3d10, 4s2, 4p5 Q.56 Which Which lin linee of properties properties (A, B, C, or D) correctly lists lists properties of the hydrides hydrides of these elemen elements? ts? Hydride of X
Colourless gas insoluble in H2O
Colourless liquid, no reaction with H2O Colourless gas found naturally
(C) (D)
Non-polar compound reacts with Cl2 in light
Hydride of Y
Hydride of Z
Silver/grey solid, reacts with H2O to form an alkaline solution Silver/grey solid, forms H2 O Does not conduct electricity in the molten state Silver/grey ionic solid with formula YH2
Colourless gas form a strong acid in H2O Ionic solid with formula ZH Colourless gas, reacts with Cl2
(C) Z2
(D) all of the above
Forms when water is added to phosphorus and element Z
Q.57 Whic Whichh of the followi ollowing ng exi exists sts as as gas? gas? (A) X2 (B) Y2
Question No. 58 to 59 (2 questions)
Read the following following write-ups and answer the questions at the end of it. Silicons Silicons are synthetic synthet ic polymers polymers containing repreated repreat ed R2SiO units. Since, the empirical for formul mulaa is that of o f a ketone (R2CO), the t he name silicone silicone has been given to these materials. Silicones Silicones can be made into oils, rubbery elastomers and resins. They find find a variety of applications because of their chemical inertness, inertness, water repelli r epelling ng nature, heat-resistance heat -resistance and good go od electrical insulating insulating property propert y. Commercial silicon silicon polym po lymers ers are usually us ually methyl methyl derivatives derivatives and to a lesser extent ext ent phenyl derivatives and are synthesised synthes ised by the hydrolysi hydro lysiss of R2SiCl2[R=methyl (Me) or phenyl p henyl (φ)] Me Me Me | | | H 2O → O − Si − O − Si − O − Si − O − Me2SiCl 2 | | | Me Me Me Q.58 .58 If we mix Me3SiCl with Me2SiCl2, we get silicones silicones of the type: Me Me Me Me | | | | (A) Me − Si − O − Si − O − Si − O − Si − Me | | | | Me Me Me Me
Me Me | | − O − Si − O − Si − O − | | (B) O O | | − O − Si − O − Si − O − | | Me Me
(C) both of the above
(D) none of the above Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q.59 Q.59 If we star startt wi with MeSi MeSiCl Cl3 as the start st arting ing material, silicones silicones formed is: Me Me Me Me | | | | (A) Me − Si − O − Si − O − Si − O − Si − Me | | | | Me Me Me Me
Me Me | | − O − Si − O − Si − O − | | (B) O O | | − O − Si − O − Si − O − | | Me Me
(C) both of the above
(D) none of the above
Q.60 The molecul olecular ar shape shapess of dibora diborane ne is is shown shown:: Consider the following statements for diborane: 1. Boron is approximately sp3 hybridised 2. B–H–B angle is 180° 3. There here are are two two ter term minal B–H bonds onds for each each boron oron atom atom 4. There here are are onl only 12 bondi ondinng el electr ectron onss av available ble Of these statements: (A) 1, 3 and 4 are correct (B) 1, 2 and 3 are correct (C) 2, 3 and 4 are correct (D) 1, 2 and 4 are correct
Question No. 61 to 62 (2 questions)
The following flow flow diagram d iagram represents the industrial preparation preparat ion of nitric acid from ammonia: (A)
( B)
→ HNO + NO → NO → (C) NH3 + O2 water 3 900°C air (excess air)
Answer the questions given below: Q.61 Which Which lin linee of entry descri describes bes the undefi undefined ned reagents, reagents, products and and reaction reaction conditions conditions?? A B C (A) catalyst R.T. (25°C) NO2 (B) catalyst R.T. (25°C) N2 O (C) catalyst high pressure NO2 (D) high pressure catalyst N2 O 3 Q.62 Q.62 Form ormati ation of HNO3 when (C) is dissolved in H2O takes place through various reactions. Select the reaction not observed in this this step. (A) NO2 + H2O → HNO3 + HNO2 (B) HNO2 → H2O + NO + NO2 (C) NO2 + H2O → HNO3 + NO (D) none of these
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q.63 B(OH)3 + NaOH l NaBO2 + Na[B(OH) 4] + H2O How can this reaction is made to proceed pro ceed in forward forward direction? (A) addition of cis 1,2 diol (B) addititon of borax (C) addition of trans 1,2 diol (D) addition of Na2HPO4 Question No. 64 to 71 (8 questions)
Questions given below below consist of two t wo statements stat ements each printed as Assertion (A) and Reason (R); while while answering answering these questions you are a re required to t o choose choos e any one of the following following four responses: (A) if both (A) and (R) are true tr ue and (R) is the correct explanation explanation of (A) (B) if both (A) and (R) are true t rue but (R) is not correct co rrect explanation of (A) (C) if (A) is true but (R) is false false (D) if (A) is false and (R) is true tru e Q.64
Assertion : Reason :
Borax bead test is applicable applicable only to coloured c oloured salt. In borax bead test, coloured coloure d salts are decomposed to give coloured metal meta meta borates.
Assertion : Reason :
Aluminium Aluminium and zinc metal evolve evo lve H2 gas from NaOH solution Several non-metals such as P, P, S, Cl, etc. yield a hydride hydride instead of o f H2 gas from NaOH
Assertion : Reason :
Conc. H2SO4 can not be used to prepare prepar e pure HBr from NaBr NaBr It reacts reacts slowly with NaBr.
Assertion : Reason :
Oxygen is is more electronegative electro negative than sulphur, yet H2S is acidic, while H2O is neutral. H–S bond is weaker than O–H bond.
Assertion : Reason :
Al(OH)3 is amphot amphoteric eric in nature. It can not be used as an antacid.
Assertion : Reason :
Chlorine Chlorine gas disproportionates in hot & conc. NaOH solution. NaCl and NaOCl are formed in the above reaction. reac tion.
Assertion : Reason :
Silicones Silicones are ar e very inert poly po lymers. mers. Both Si–O S i–O and Si–C bond energies are very high.
Assertion :
Liquid IF5 conducts electricity. electricity.
Reason :
Liquid IF5 self ionizes as, 2IF5 l IF4+ + IF6−
Quest Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
When a compoun When compoundd X reacts reacts with with ozone ozone in in aqueous aqueous medi medium um,, a compoun compoundd Y is produced. produced. Ozone Ozone also also reacts with Y and produces prod uces compound Z. Z acts as an oxidi o xidising sing agent, then t hen X, Y and Z will will be (A) X = HI, Y = I 2 and Z = HIO 3 (B) X = KI, Y = I 2 and Z = HIO3 (C) X = KI, Y = I 2 and Z = HIO4 (D) X = HI, Y = I 2 and Z = HIO4
Which of the fol Whi follow lowiing state statem ments ents is/a is/are re correc correctt regard regardin ingg B2H6? (A) banana bonds are longer but stronger stro nger than normal B–H B–H bonds (B) B2H6 is also also known as 3c–2e compound c ompound (C) the t he hybrid state of B in B2H6 is sp3 while while that of sp2 in BH3 (D) it cannot be prepared by reacting BF3 with LiBH3 in the presence of dry ether
Which of the foll Which followi owing ng pairs pairs of nitrates nitrates gives gives the the same same gaseous gaseous products on therm thermal al decomposi decomposition tion?? (A) KNO3 and Pb(NO3)2 (B) KNO3 and NaNO3 (C) Pb(NO3)2 and Cu(NO3)2 (D) NaNO3 and Ca(NO3)2
2NO2 l N2O4The dimerisation of NO2 is accompanied with (A) decrease in paramagnetism (B) change in colour (C) increase in temperature’ (D) increase in paramagnetism
C(OH)4 is unstable unstable because a carbon atom at om cannot hold more than oone ne –OH groups but Si(OH)4 is a stable compound because (A) C–O bond energy is low (B) C–O bond energy is high (C) Si-O bond energy is low (D) Si-O bond energy is high
Which of the foll Which followi owing ng statements statements is/are is/are correct correct regardi regarding ng inter-h inter-hal alogen ogen compoun compounds ds of ABx types? types? (A) x may be 1,3,5 and 7 (B) A is a more more electronegative electro negative halogen than B (C) FBr3 cannot exit exit (D) the structures struct ures of ClF3 and IF7 show deviation from normal structures structur es and could be explained on the basis of VSEPR theory theo ry
When an inorga When inorgani nicc compound compound (X) (X) having having 3e-2e 3e-2e as well well as 2e-2e 2e-2e bonds bonds reacts reacts with with amm ammonia onia gas at a certain cert ain temperature, temperat ure, gives a compound (Y) iso-structur iso-str uctural al with with benzene. Compound (X) with ammonia ammonia at a high temperature, temperature, produces a hard substance (Z). Then (A) (X) is B 2H6 (B) (Z) is known as inorganic graphite (C) (C) (Z) (Z) havi having ng structu structure re si similar to graph graphiite (D) (Z) (Z) havi having ng structur structuree sim similar to (X) (X)
Boric acid (A) exists in polymeric polymeric form due to inter-molecular inter- molecular hydrog hydrogen en bonding. (B) is used in manufacturing of optical opt ical glasses. (C) is a tri-basic acid (D) with borax, it is used in the preparation of a buffer solution.
Quest Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
The correc The correctt statem statemen ent(s t(s)) relate relatedd to allotrop allotropes es of of carb carbon on is/ is/are are (A) graphite is the most stable allotropes allotro pes of carbon and having a two dimen d imensional sional sheet like like structure struct ure of hexagonal rings of carbon (sp2) (B) diamond is is the hardest allotr allotrope ope of carbon car bon and having having a three dimensional dimensional network network structure of C(sp3) (C) fullerene (C60) is recently discovered discovered non-crystalline non-crystalline allotrope of o f carbon having a football foot ball-like -like structure. structur e. (D) Vander Vander Waal's Waal's force force of attraction att raction acts act s between the layers layers of o f graphite graphite 6.14 6 .14 Å away from each other ot her
Q.10 Al2(SO4)3 + NH4OH → X, then (A) X is a white co colour oured com compo pouund (C) X is soluble in NaOH
(B) (B) X is in insolu oluble in in ex excess of NH4OH (D) X cannot be used as an antacid
Q.11 Q.11 The hy hybrid brid states states of phosphorou phosphorouss atoms atoms in in each each PCl PCl5 and PBr3 in gaseous phase are sp3d. But, But , in solid PCl5, phosphorous shows sp3d2 and sp3 hybrid states. While, While, P in PBr5 is in Sp3 hybrid state. This T his is is because (A) PCl5 in solid solid form exists as [ PCl4]+[PCI6]– (B) PBr5 in solid solid form exists as [PCI4]+[ PBr6]– (C) PCl5 in solid form form exists as a s [PCI4]+Cl– (D) PBr5 in solid form form exists as [PBr [P Br4]+Br–
Q.12 The speci species es that undergo(es) undergo(es) disproporti disproportionati onation on in an alk alkali aline ne medi medium um is/are is/are 2– (A) Cl2 (B) MnO4 (C) NO2 (D) CIO4– Q.13 Sel Select ect corr correc ectt stat statem emen ent(s t(s): ): (A) Borax is used as a buffer buffer (B) 1 M borax bora x solution reacts with equal volumes volumes of 2 M HCl solution (C) Titration of borax can be made using methyl methyl orange as the indicator (D) Coloured bead obtained obta ined in in borax-bead test contains cont ains metaborat metaboratee Q.14 Selec Selectt corre correct ct statem statemen entt abo about ut B2H6 (A) Bridging groups are electron-d elect ron-defi eficient cient with 12 valence valence electrons electro ns (B) It has 2c - 2e B–H bonds (C) It has 3c - 2e 2 e B–H–B bonds (D) All All of above are correct corr ect statements stat ements
Q.15 Which Which of the foll followin owingg is is / are correct correct for group 14 elem elements? ents? (A) The stabil sta bility ity of dihalides dihalides are in the order o rder CX2 < SiX2 < GeX2 < SnX2 < PbX2 (B) The abil ab ility ity to form fo rm pπ–pπ multiple bonds among themselves increases down the group gro up (C) The tendency for catenation decreases down the group gro up (D) They The y all all form oxides with the formula fo rmula MO2. Q.16 Match atch the the fol folllowi owing: ng: Column I
Column II
(A) Bi3+ → (BiO)+ (B) [AlO2]– → Al(OH)3
(P) Heat (Q) Hydrolysis Hydrolysis
(C) SiO 44− → Si 2O 67−
(R) Acidification
(D) (B 4O 72− ) → [B(OH)3]
(S) Dilution by water Quest Tutorials
North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q.10 B
Q.11 A
Q.12 B
Q.13 A
Q.14 A
Q.15 A
Q.16 B
Q.17 B
Q.18 A
Q.19 B
Q.20 A
Q.21 B
Q.22 A
Q.23 B
Q.24 A
Q.25 B
Q.26 D
Q.27 B
Q.28 B
Q.29 A
Q.30 A
Q.31 A
Q.32 C
Q.33 B
Q.34 B
Q.35 D
Q.36 B
Q.37 C
Q.38 B
Q.39 B
Q.40 D
Q.41 B
Q.42 D
Q.43 A
Q.44 A
Q.45 B
Q.46 B
Q.47 D
Q.48 C
Q.49 B
Q.50 A Q.57 C Q.64 A Q.71 A
Quest Q.51 D
Q.52 C
Q.53 B
Q.54 B
Q.55 C
Q.56 A
Q.58 A
Q.59 B
Q.60 A
Q.61 A
Q.62 D
Q.63 A
Q.65 B
Q.66 C
Q.67 A
Q.68 C
Q.69 C
Q.70 A
Q.10 A,B,C
Q.11 A,D
Q.14 B,C
Q.15 A,C,D
Q.13 A,B,C,D
Q.12 A,B,C
Q.16 Q.16 A – Q,S Q,S;; B – R; R; C – P; D – Q,R Q,R
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
The metal metal X is is prepared prepared by the elec electroly trolysi siss of fused fused chlo chloride ride.. It reacts with hyd hydrogen rogen to form form a colourl colourless ess solid from which hydrogen hydrogen is released on treatment tr eatment with water. wat er. The metal metal is : (A) Al (B) Ca (C) Cu (D) Zn
Magn Magnes esiu ium m has has polar polariising sing power power cl close to that that of (A) Li (B) Na (C) K
Q.3 Q.3
Q. 4 Q.5 Q.6 Q.7 Q. 8 Q.9
Morta ortarr is a mixtur ture of (A) Ca(OH)2 silica and water (C) CaO and silica
(D) Cs
(B) CaCO3 and SiO2 (D) CaCO3, SiO2 and water
Na2CO3 + Fe Fe2O3 → A + CO2 what is A in the reaction? r eaction? (A) NaFeO2 (B) Na3FeO3 (C) Fe3O4
(D) Na2FeO2
Ferro errous us sul sulphat phatee on heati eatin ng gi gives (A) SO2 and SO3 (B) SO2 only
(C) SO3 only
(D) S only
In compar comparis ison on of ferrou ferrouss sal salts, ts, ferri erric sal salts are are (A) more stable (B) less stable
(C) equally stable
(D) none of these
Sod Sodium burn urns in air air to to gi give (A) Na2O (B) Na2O2
(C) NaO2
(D) Na3N
Oxone is (A) CaO
(C) Na2O2
(D) NaBO3
(B) N2O
Whi Which of of the the fol folllowing owing is not not an ore ore of magne agnesi sium um?? (A) carnallite (B) magnesite (C) dolomite
(D) gypsum
At high high tem temperature, perature, nitr nitrogen ogen combi combines nes with with CaC CaC2 to give (A) calci calcium um cyan cyanid idee (B) calci calcium um cyan cyanam amid idee (C) calci calcium um carbon carbonate ate (D) cal calcium cium nitri nitride de
When magnesium magnesium burns in in air, air, compounds of magnesiu magnesium m formed are magnesium magnesium oxide and and (A) Mg3N2 (B) MgCO3 (C) Mg(NO3)2 (D) Mg(NO2)2
Whic Which h of the foll followin owing g is differen differentt from other three oxides oxides?? (A) MgO (B) SnO (C) ZnO
(D) PbO
When When alumi alumina na is is electrolys electrolysed ed in presence presence of cryoli cryolite, te, the gas liberated liberated at graphite graphite anode is is (A) F2 (B) O2 (C) CF4 (D) F2O
In Nes Nessl sler' er'ss reag reagen ent, t, the the ion ion pres presen entt is 2— (A) HgI (B) HgI42—
(C) Hg+
(D) Hg2+
Chrome Chrome yello ellow w is is chem chemic ical ally ly calle called d (A) lead chromate (B) lead sulphate
(C) lead iodide
(D) basic lead acet ate
Alum Alumin iniu ium m metal metal is pur purif ifie ied d by (A) (A) Hoo Hoope pe''s proc proces esss (B) (B) Ha Hall's proce rocess ss
(C) (C) Ser Serpe peck ck''s proc proces esss (D) (D) Bae Baey yer's er's proc proceess
Q.15 Q.16 Q.17
Whic Which h of the foll followin owing g is is true for magn magnesi esium um?? (A) It is more more electropositiv electropo sitivee that sodium so dium (B) It I t is manufactu manufactured red by electrolysis of aqueous magnesium chloride (C) It is a strong stro ng reducing agent. agent. (D) It resembles, resembles, in chemical chemical properties, propert ies, with its diagonally diagonally placed element element Boron Bo ron in 13 group of the t he Periodic Perio dic Table. Table.
A piece piece of magnesiu magnesium m ribbon ribbon was was heated heated to redness in a atmosphere atmosphere of nitrogen and and then then cooled with with water. The gas evolved in (A) Ammonia (B) Hydrogen (C) Nitrogen (D) Oxygen Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Magn Magnes esiium burn burnss in CO2 to form (A) MgO and Co (B) MgCO3
(C) MgO and C
(D) MgO2.
The more more common commonly ly used used bakin baking g powder contain containss about about 30% NaHCO NaHCO 3, 20% NaAl(SO4)2, 10% Ca(H2PO4)2 and 40% starch. Which of the following statements state ments are correct? correct ? (A) Ca (H2PO4)2 is acidic and and when moiste moistened ned it reacts react s with NaHCO 3 evolving CO2 gas (B) NaAl (SO4)2 slows down the decomposition reaction react ion of NaHCO3 so that CO2 is evolved more slowly. (C) NaAl(SO4)2 is acidic acidic and when moistened it reacts re acts with wit h NaHCO 3 evolving CO2 (D) Both Bot h (A) and (B)
Whic Which h of the the follow followin ing g salts salts does not not impar impartt colour colour to the flam flame? e? (A) MgCl2 (B) SrCl2 (C) BaCl2
(D) LiCl
Q.22 Q. 22
Alumini Aluminium um vessels vessels should should not not be washed washed with with materials materials containing containing washing washing soda since. since. (A) washing soda sod a reacts with aluminium aluminium to form fo rm soluble aluminate aluminate (B) washing soda is expensive (C) washing w ashing soda is easily easily decomposed (D) washing soda reacts react s with aluminium to form fo rm insoluble insoluble aluminium aluminium oxide
Al2O3 formation form aluminium aluminium and and oxy o xygen gen involves involves evolution of o f a large quantity of heat, which makes aluminium use in (A) deoxidiser (B) confectionery (C) indoor photog tography (D) (D) the thermite welding
AlCl3 on hydrolysi hydro lysiss gives (A) Al2O3.H2O (B) Al(OH)3
Quest (C) Al2O3
(D) AlCl3.6H2O
Which Which of the foll followin owing g methods cannot cannot be used used for the preparation of anhy anhydrous drous alumin aluminium ium chl chloride? oride? (A) Heating AlCl AlCl3.6H2O (B) Heating a mixture of alumina and coke in a current of dry dr y chlorine chlorine (C) Passing P assing dry HCl gas over heated aluminium aluminium powder (D) Passing P assing dry chlorine over heated heate d aluminium aluminium
Acidif Acidified ied solution solution of sodium sodium thios thiosulp ulphate hate are unstabl unstablee because because in thiosul thiosulpha phate te (A) The sulphur atoms are at unstable unst able oxidation oxidation state of o f +2. (B) The two sulphur atoms ato ms are at different different oxidation o xidation states of +6 and –2 (C) The S–S bonds are unstabl unst ablee bonds (D) Thio T hio compounds contai contain n sulphur sulphur in zero oxidation oxidation state
Alumi Aluminotherm nothermy y used used for for on the spot weldin welding g of large large iron iron structures is is based based upon the fact fact that (A) As compared to iron, aluminium has has greater great er affinity affinity for oxygen (B) As compared to aluminium, aluminium, iron has greater great er affinity affinity for oxygen (C) Reaction R eaction between bet ween aluminium aluminium and oxygen is endothermic (D) Reaction between iron and oxy o xygen gen is endothermic.
Hydrated Hydrated alum alumin iniu ium m chloride chloride is is ionic ionic and solubl solublee in water water giving giving 3+ — (A) Al and Cl ions (B) [Al(H2O)6]3+ (C) [AlCl2(H2O)4]+ and [AlCl4(H2O)2]— (D) none of these
When When copper is placed placed in the atmosphere atmosphere for for sufficie sufficient nt time, time, a green crust crust is formed formed on its surface. surface. The composition of the green crust is (A) Cu(OH)2 (B) CuO (C) CuCO3 (D) CuCO3.Cu(OH)2
Copper Copper is extracted extracted from from sul sulphi phide de ore using using the the metho method d (A) carbon carbon reducti reduction on (B) carbon carbon monoxid onoxidee reducti reduction on (C) auto reduction reduction (D) none none of the above above
The flux flux used used in the sm smeltin elting g of copper copper ores is (A) lime stone (B) magnesia (C) silica Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
(D) coke
High High purity purity copper copper metal metal is obtain obtained ed by (A) carbon carbon reduction (B) hy hydrogen reduction reduction (C) ele electroly ctrolytic tic reduction reduction (D) ( D) thermi thermite te reducti reduction on
Silic Silicaa is added added to roasted copper copper ores during during smel smelting ting in order to remove remove (A) cu cuprous ous sulphide (B) (B) ferrous ous oxi oxide (C) fe ferrous ous sulphide (D) cuprous oxi oxide
Roasti Roasting ng of coppe copperr py pyrites rites is done done (A) to remove moisture moisture and and volatil volatilee impuri impurities ties (B) to oxidise oxidise free free sulphur sulphur (C) to t o decompose pyrites pyrites into Cu2S an and FeS FeS (D) (D) for for al all the the ab above ove
In the electrol electroly ytic refi refini ning ng of copper copper,, Ag Ag andAu are foun found d (A) on cathode (B) on anode (C) in the anodic mud (D) in the cathodic mud
In a transition transition series, series, as the atomic atomic number number increa increases, ses, param paramagne agnetism tism (A) Increases gradually (B) Decreases gradually (C) First increases incr eases to a maximum aand nd then decreases (D) First decreases to t o a minimum minimum and then increases increases
Sodi Sodium thios thiosul ulph phat ate, e, Na2S2O3.5H2O is used in photogr photography aphy to : (A) Reduce Redu ce the silver bromide grains to metallic silver (B) Convert Co nvert the t he metallic silver to silver salt (C) remove undecomposed AgBr as soluble soluble silver thiosulphate complex (D) remove r emove reduced silver silver
Q.38 .38
When AgNO3 comes in contact with wit h skin, it leaves a black black stain. This is because of (A) HNO3 produced pro duced by hydrolysis of AgNO 3 (B) AgOH produced pr oduced by hydrolysis hydrolysis of AgNO3 (C) Its reduction to silver (D) Its oxidation to silver oxide
The ele eleme ment nt which which is is present present in every every amal amalgam gam is is (A) copper (B) Silver (C) Iron
Quest (D) Mercury
Whic Which h of the the follow followin ing g stateme statements nts is is incorre incorrect? ct? (A) Mercurous Mercur ous ion exists exists as Hg + (B) Mercurous M ercurous ion is diamagnetic diamagnetic and exists exists as dimer Hg 22+ (C) Mercurous Mercur ous ion is colourless colourless (D) There is a covalen covalentt bond between two Hg+ ions.
CuSO4 solution solut ion + lime is is called (A) (A) Luc Lucaa's rea reagen gent (B) (B) Ba Bafoed' oed'ss rea reag gent ent
(C) (C) Fe Fehling sol solut utiion A (D) (D) Bor Bord deaux aux mixture ture
Silv Silver er can can be separa separated ted from from lead by (A) fractional crystallisation (C) filteration
(B) amalgamation (D) addition of zinc
Red preci precipi pitate tate is obtained obtained when when silv silver er nitrate nitrate is is added added to (A) K2CrO4 (B) KI (C) KBr
(D) Na2S2O3
Photographic Photographic fil films ms or plates plates have have ......... as an essential essential ingredi ingredient ent (A) si silver ox oxide (B) si silver bro brom mide (C) silver thi thiosulphate (D) silver ni nitrate
Silver Silver nitrate nitrate is usually usually supplied supplied in coloured bottles because because it is is (A) oxidised in air (B) decomposes in sunlight (C) explodes in sunlight (D) reacts with air in sunlight
Disodi Disodium um hydrogen hydrogen phospah phospahte te in in presen presence ce of NH4Cl and NH4OH gives a white white ppt. ppt . with a solution of Mg2+ ion. The precipitate is : (A)Mg(H2PO4)2 (B) Mg3(PO4)2 (C) MgNH4PO4 (D) MgHPO4 Verdi rdigris ris is (A) (A) Ba Basic sic copp copper er aceta cetate te (B) (B) Bas Basiic le lead aceta cetate te (C) (C) Bas Basiic le lead (D) (D) Non Nonee
Q.47 Q.47
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Philoso Philosophe pher's r's wool when when heated heated with with BaO at 1100°C 1100°C giv gives es the compoun compound d (A) BaCdO2 (B) Ba B a + ZnO2 (C) BaO2 + Zn (D) BaZnO2
Whic Which h of the follow followin ing g compound compound is is used used as a purgati purgative ve?? (A) Cu2Cl2 (B) CuCl2 (C) Hg2Cl2
(D) HgCl2
Zinc Zinc carbonate carbonate is is precipiated precipiated from from zinc zinc sulph sulphate ate solution solution by by the addition addition of (A) Na2CO3 (B) CaCO3 (C) MgCO3 (D) NaHCO3
On addi adding ng amm ammonium onium hy hydroxid droxidee soluti solution on to Al Al2(SO4)3 (aq). : (A) a precipitate is formed which does not dissolve dissolve in excess of ammoni ammonium um hydroxide (B) a precipitate is formed which dissolves dissolves in excess of ammonia ammonia solution so lution (C) no precipitate is formed (D) none
Mercu Mercury ry on heati heating ng with aqua-re aqua-regia gia give givess (A) Hg(NO3)2 (B) HgCl2
Q.53 Q.54 Q.55 Q.56
(C) Hg(NO2)2
(D) Hg2Cl2
The iron obtained obtained from the bla blast st furna furnace ce is is call called ed (A) pig iron (B) cast iron (C) wrought iron
(D) steel
Stainl Stainles esss steel steel contai contains ns iron iron and and (A) Zn (B) Cu
(D) Cr
(C) Al
Nitridi Nitriding ng is is a proces processs of hea heatin ting g steel steel in in atmosph atmosphere ere of (A) ammonia (B) oxygen (C) carbon dioxide
(D) air
Rust is is (A) Fe2O3
(D) Fe3O4.xH2O
(B) FeO.xH2O
(C) Fe2O3.xH2O
When When dry ammonia ammonia gas is is passed passed over heated sodium sodium (out of contact of air) air) the product formed formed is is : (A) sodium hydride (B) sodium nitride (C) sodamide (D) sodium cyanamide
Crude common common salt salt is is hygrosc hygroscopic opic because because of imp impuritie uritiess of (A) CaSO4 and MgSO4 (B) CaCl2 and MgCl2 (C) CaBr2 and MgBr2 (D) Ca(HCO3)2 and Mg(HCO3)2
Magnes Magnesium ium wire wire burns burns in the atmosph atmosphere ere of of CO CO2 because : (A) magnesium acts as an oxidisin o xidising g agent (B) magnesium magnesium has 2 electrons in the outermost o utermost orbit o rbit (C) magnesium magnesium acts as a reducing agent and removes r emoves oxygen from CO 2 (D) none of the above
The The butt butter er of tin tin is is repre repressent ent by (A) SnCl2.5H2O (B) SnCl2
(C) SnCl4
(D) SnCl4.5H2o
Electroly Electrolytic tic bath bath in in electrol electrolyti yticc refini refining ng of lead lead contain containss (A) H2SiF6 only (B) PbSiF6 only (C) H2SiF6 in presence of gelat in (D) H2SiF6 and PbSiF6 in presence of gelatin
In Al2Cl6 , which statement is in incorrect correct : (A) Four Fou r Al–Cl Al–Cl bonds are of same length and two of different different length (B) Six Al – Cl bonds are of same length and two of o f different different length 0 0 (C) The T he angle Cl – Al – Cl is 110 and 93 (D) The angle Al – Cl – A All is 870
Gold Gold diss dissolv olves es in aquaaqua- regi regiaa form formin ing g (A) (A) Auric ric chlori oride (B) (B) Aurou rous chlori oride
(C) (C) Chloroa oroaur uriic acid cid
(D) (D) Aurou rous nitra trate
Q.64 Q. 64
Oxygen Oxygen is is absorbed absorbed by molten Ag, which which is is evolved evolved on cooling cooling and the silver silver particles are are scattered ; the phenomenon is known as: (A) (A) si silverin ring of mirror rror (B) (B) spi spitti ttin ng of of si silver (C) (C) fros frosti tin ng of of si silver (D) (D) hai hairi rin ng of of si silver
Whic Which h is is forme formed d when when iron iron reacts reacts with with carbon: carbon: (A) FeC2 (B) Fe3C (C) FeC3 Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
(D) Fe2C
Q. 1
When H2S is passed through thro ugh an ammonical ammonical salt solution of X, a black precipitat precipitatee is formed. The X can be: (A) cobalt salt (B) nickel salt (C) manganese salt (D) zinc salt
Whi Which of of the the fol follo lowi wing ng are are sol solub uble le in exce excess ss of NaOH NaOH?? (A) Al(OH)3 (B) Cr(OH)3 (C) Fe(OH)3
(D) Zn(OH)2
Which are are inter nterfferin ering g rad radiical cals? (A) SO 24
(B) PO 34
(C) BO33−
(D) C 2 O 24
A solution solution of a salt salt in HCl when diluted diluted with with water turns milk milky y. It indica indicates tes the presence presence of : (A) Zn (B) Bi (C) Fe (D) Sb
Which hich state statem ments ents ab about out mer mercu cury ry are are corr correc ect? t? (A) Hg is a liquid metal (C) (C) Hg forms orms no no am amalga algam m wi with iron and and pl platinu atinum m
(B) Hg forms two series of salts (D) Hg Hg does does not not show show vari variab able le vale valenc ncy y
When When exc excess ess of Sn(II) Sn(II) chloride chloride soluti solution on is is added added to Hg (II) chlori chloride de soluti solution, on, the substan substances ces form formed ed are: (A) Sn-amalgam (B) Hg2Cl2 (C) SnCl4 (D) Hg
Iden Identi tiffy the the corr correc ectt sta state tem ments ents:: (A) Fluorine is a super halogen (C) AgF is insoluble in water
Quest (B) Iodine shows basic nature (D) SCN– is the pseudohalide
Whi Which reac reactio tions ns are are used used for for the prep prepar arati ation on of the hal haloge ogen n acid acid?? (A) 2KBr + H2SO4 → K2SO4 + 2HBr (B) CaF2 + H2SO4 → CaSO4 + 2HF (conc.)
(C) NaCl + H2SO4 → NaHSO4 + HCl
(D) NaHSO4 + NaCl → Na2SO4 + HCl
Q.9 Q.10 Q.11
Q.14 Q.15 Q.16 Q.17
Availa vailabl blee chlorin chlorinee is lib libera erated ted from from blea bleachi ching ng powde powderr when when it: (A) is heated (B) reacts with acid (C) reacts with water
(D) re reacts with CO2
Which Which of the foll followin owing g gases gases on dissol dissolution ution in in water make make the soluti solution on acidic acidic?? (A) CO (B) CO2 (C) SO3 (D) PH3 Reducin Reducing g property of sulph sulphur ur dioxid dioxidee is is shown shown in the reaction reactions: s: (A) 2H2S + SO2 → 3S + 2H 2O (B) 5SO2 + 2KMnO4+ 2H2O → K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 2H2SO4 (C) SO2 + 2HNO3 → H2SO4 + 2NO2 (D) 4Na + 3SO2 → Na2SO3 + Na2S2O3 Whi Which statem statemen ents ts are are corre correct ct for for ozone ozone?? (A) It I t is obtained obt ained by silent silent electric discharge on oxygen (B) It I t can be obtained by the action actio n of ultraviolet rays on oxygen (C) It is regarded r egarded as an allotrope allotro pe of oxygen o xygen (D) Ozon Ozonee mol molec ecul ulee isparam paramag agne neti ticc like like oxyge oxygen n mol molec ecul ulee Phosphi Phosphine ne is is obtai obtained ned by the reac reaction tion when when:: (A) (A) wh white ph phosph osphor orus us is hea heated ted with with NaOH NaOH (B) (B) Ca Ca3P2 reacts with water (C) red red phos phospho phorus rus is heate heated d with with NaOH NaOH (D) phosp phosphor horus us is heate heated d in in a curren currentt of hydrog hydrogen en.. At high high tempera temperatures, tures, nitroge nitrogen n direc directly tly combi combines nes with: with: (A) Zn (B) Mg (C) Al
(D) Fe
The comp compound oundss obtained obtained by by heati heating ng of orthoph orthophosp osphori horicc acid acid are: (A) metaphosphoric acid (B) pyrophosphoric pyrophosphoric acid (C) P4O6 (D) P4O10 Whi Which are used used as as refri refrige geran rant? t? (A) NH3 (B) CO2 (C) CCl2F2 (D) CO Identif Identify y the correct statements statements regardin regarding g structure structure of dib diborane orane:: (A) (A) there there are are two two bridgi bridging ng hydro hydroge gen n atom atomss (B) each each boron atom forms orms four four bond bondss (C) the hydrogen hydrogen atoms are are not in the same same plan planee (D) each boron boro n atom at om is in sp 3 hybridized hybridized state stat e Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Point Point out the corre correct ct state statem ments: ents: (A) permanent hardness can be removed by boiling water water (B) temporary t emporary hardness is due to bicarbonates of calcium calcium and magnesium magnesium (C) permanent pe rmanent hardness is due to sulphates and chlorides of Ca and Mg (D) hardness of water depends depe nds upon its soap consuming consuming power
Ident Identiify the corre correct ct statem statemen ents: ts: (A) sodium so dium carbonate on heating evolves carbon dioxide dioxide (B) sodium so dium nitrate nitrate on heating evolves nitrogen nitrog en dioxide (C) sodium hydroxide hydroxide does not decompose on heating (D) sodium bicarbonate bicarbonate on o n heating evolves carbon dioxide. dioxide.
Ident Identiify the corre correct ct statem statemen ents: ts: (A) sodium so dium can be be prepared prepar ed by electrolysing electrolysing aqueous solution solut ion of NaCl (B) sodium so dium can be prepared prepar ed by electr electrolysing olysing fused fused NaCl (C) (C) sod sodiium is a stron trong g oxi oxidis dising ag agent (D) (D) sod sodiium is sol solub ublle in in liliqui quid am ammoni onia
Whic Which h of the followin following g compounds compounds is(are) is(are) explos explosiv ive(s)? e(s)? (A) NF3 (B) NCl3 (C) NBr3·NH3
(D) NI3·NH3
If M repres represen ents ts Gr.13 Gr.13 ele elem ment, ent, the correc correctt order order of H−M−H bond angle is (A) NH3 < PH3 < AsH3 < SbH3 (B) SbH3 < AsH3 < PH3 < NH3 (C) NH3 < PH3 < SbH3 < BiH3 (D) BiH3 < SbH3 < AsH3 < PH3
Whi Which of the fol follow lowin ing g is is true true for for N2O? (A) Its Its molecule is linear. linear. (B) Sym S ymmetric metric N−O−N is a favoured favoured structure struct ure as compared to N −N−O skeleton. (C) Bond orders order s are fractional fractional for N−N and N−O bo bonds. (D) It is a neutra tral oxi oxide.
Whi Which of the follo followi wing ng is true for N2O5? (A) It I t is obtained o btained by carefully carefully dehydrat dehydrating ing HNO3 with P2O5 (B) It is acidic oxide (C) No N−N bond exists in N 2O5(g) (D) It is ionic in solid stat e as NO2+NO3
Whic Which h of the followi following ng speci species es is is (are) forme formed d when when conc. conc. HNO3 is added to conc. co nc. sulphuric acid. (A) NO3 (B) NO2+ (C) NO + (D) HSO4 −
Q.26 Q.27
Whic Which h of the the foll followi owing ng wil willl relea release se CO CO2 when heated heated to 10000C? (A) KHCO3 (B) Li2CO3 (C) K2CO3
(D) PbCO3
Whic Which h of the the foll followi owing ng will will give give N2 when heated? (A) NaN3 (B) NH4NO2 (C) NH4NO3
(D) Mg3N2
Q.28 Q. 28
Which Which of the following following precipitat precipitates es dissolv dissolvee in in aqueous aqueous ammonia ammonia leaving leaving no no solid residue? (A) Cu(OH)2 (B) Ag2SO4 (C) Ni(OH)2 (D) Hg2Cl2
PH3 can be obtained by (A) heating hypophosphorus acid (C) reacting reacting white white phosphorus phosphorus with with hot conc. conc. NaOH
Q.30 Q.31
(B) heating orthophophorus acid (D) hydroly hydrolysi siss of calci calcium um phosph phosphide ide
Drops Drops of of ni nitric tric aci acid reac reacts ts wi with P4O10 to give (A) NO (B) NO2 (C) N2O5 (D) HPO3 Nitrating Nitrating mix mixture ture is is obtaine obtained d by mixi mixing ng conc. conc. HNO3 and conc. H 2SO4. Role of H2SO4 in nitrat nitration ion is (A) to force HNO3 to behave as a base (B) to supress the dissociation dissociation of HNO HNO 3 (C) to produce NO2+ ions (D) to remove the color of NO2 produced during nitration Which Which of the followi following, ng, when dissolv dissolved ed in water, water, will will liberate liberate ammon ammonia ia ? (A) NaNO3 (B) NaNO2 (C) NaNH2 (D) Na3N
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
(E) LiNO3
Column I
Column II
(A) Dithionous acid (B) Thiosulphuric acid (C) Caro's acid
(P) S–O–S bond is not present (Q) All S atom in the molecule has oxidation state tate +3 (R) Acidic strength of all H atoms present in t he molecule is different (S) at at least on one S at atom has oxidation tion state tate +5 in mole olecule
(D) Pyrosulphurous acid Q.2
Column I
(A) (B) (C) (D) Q.3
Column II
XeF5+ ICl4–
(P) (Q) (R) (S)
TeCl4 I3+
Two lone pairs Planar Non-planar sp3d2 (Hybridization (Hybridization of central at om)
Select Select the option option whic which h correctl correctly y repres represents ents the the order order of Boilin Boiling g points points of given given compou compounds nds.. Column I Column II (A) H2O NH3 HF (P) a>b>c [a] [b] [c]
(B) SbH3 [a]
PH3 [b]
(C) C2H6 [a]
C3H8 [b]
AsH3 [c]
C4H10 [c]
CH 2 − CH 2 | | OH OH
[a] [a]
[b] [b]
Q. 2 Q. 9 Q.16 Q.23 Q.30 Q.37 Q.44 Q.51 Q.58 Q.65
[c] [c]
Q. 1 Q. 8 Q.15 Q.22 Q.29 Q.36 Q.43 Q.50 Q.57 Q.64
Q. 3 Q.10 Q.17 Q.24 Q.31 Q.38 Q.45 Q.52 Q.59
ANSWER KEY ONE OPTION IS CORRECT Q. 4 A Q. 5 A Q.11 A Q.12 A Q.18 A Q.19 C Q.25 A Q.26 B Q.32 C Q.33 B Q.39 D Q.40 A Q.46 C Q.47 A Q.53 A Q.54 D Q.60 D Q.61 D
Q. 6 Q.13 Q.20 Q.27 Q.34 Q.41 Q.48 Q.55 Q.62
Q. 7 Q.14 Q.21 Q.28 Q.35 Q.42 Q.49 Q.56 Q.63
Q. 1 Q. 5 Q. 9 Q.13 Q.17 Q.21 Q.25 Q.29
A, B A,B,C,D B,C,D A, B A,B,C,D B,C,D B,D A,B,C,D
Q. 2 Q. 6 Q.10 Q.14 Q.18 Q.22 Q.26 Q.30
Q. 3 Q. 7 Q.11 Q.15 Q.19 Q.23 Q.27 Q.31
Q. 4 Q. 8 Q.12 Q.16 Q.20 Q.24 Q.28 Q.32
Q. 1 Q.3
(A) P,Q; (B)P; (C) P,R; (D) P,R,S (A) S, (B) S, (C) Q, (D) R
Q. 2
(A) R, S; (B) P, Q, S; (C) R; (D) P, Q
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q. 1
Cs+ ions impart impart violet colour to Bunsen flame. flame. This is due to the fact that the emitted radiations are of (A) (A) hi high en energy rgy (B) (B) low lower er freq requen uencies (C) (C) lon long ger wa wave-len -leng gths ths(D) (D) ze zero wa wave num numb ber
The comp compound ound(s) (s) of alk alkal alin inee earth meta metals ls,, which which are are amphote amphoteric ric in in nature nature is/a is/are re (A) BeO (B) MgO (C) Be(OH)2 (D) Mg(OH)2
An alkal alkalin inee earth metal metal (M) gives gives a salt salt with with chlorine chlorine,, which which is is solubl solublee in water at room temperature. temperature. It also forms for ms an insoluble insoluble sulphate whose mixture with wit h a sulphide of a transition transitio n metal is called called ‘lithopone’ ‘lithopo ne’ -a white pigment. Met Metal al M is (A) Ca (B) Mg (C) Ba (D) Sr
The reaction reaction of an elem elemen entt A with with water water produces produces combus combustib tible le gas gas B and and an aqueous aqueous soluti solution on of C. When another substance D reacts react s with this solution C also produces the same gas B. D also produces produ ces the same gas even on reaction with dilute H2SO4 at room roo m temperature. temperatu re. Elem E lement ent Aimparts golden yellow colour to Bunsen flame. flame. Then, A, B, C and D may be identified as (A) Na, H2, NaOH and Zn (B) K, H2, KOH and Zn (C) K, H2, NaOH and Zn (D) Ca, H2, CaCOH2 and Zn
The hy hydroxide droxide of alkal alkalin inee earth earth metal metal,, which which has has the lowes lowestt value value of solub solubil ility ity product product (Ksp) at normal temperature (25°C) is (A) Ca(OH)2 (B) Mg(OH)2 (C) Sr(OH)2 (D) Be(OH)2
Q.6 Q.6
The The cor corre recct sta state tem ment ent is is/are /are (A) BeCl2 is a covalent compound (C) BeCl2 can form dimer
Quest K CrO / H +
(B) BeCl2 is an elect electron ron deficient molecule molec ule (D) the hybrid st ate of Be in BeCl2 is sp2
dil. HCl
4 (Yellow ppt ) T ← 2 X → Y(Yellow ppt ) + Z ↑ (pungent smelling gas) If X gives green flam flamee test. te st. Then, X is (A) MgSO4 (B) BaS2O3 (C) CuSO4 (D) PbS2O3
Which Which of the the follow followin ing g carbonate carbonate of alkali alkali metals metals has the least least thermal thermal stabili stability? ty? (A) Li2CO3 (B) K2CO3 (C) Cs2CO3 (D) Na2CO3
The ‘mil ‘milk k of magnesi agnesia’ a’ used used as an an antac antacid id is chemi chemica call lly y (A) Mg(OH)2 (B) MgO (C) MgCl2
(D) MgO + MgCl2
The alkali alkali metals metals which which form normal normal oxide, oxide, peroxide peroxide as as well well as super oxides oxides are (A) Na, Li (B) K, Li (C) Li, Cs (D) K, Rb
The pai pairr of compounds, compounds, whic which h cann cannot ot exist exist together in in a solution solution is is (A) NaHCO3 and NaOH (B) Na2CO3 and NaOH (C) NaHCO3 and Na2CO3 (D) NaHCO3 and H2O
Mg2C3 + H2O → X (organic (or ganic compound). Compound X is (A) C2H2 (B) CH4 (C) propyne
The The hy hydrat dratio ion n ene energ rgy y of of Mg Mg2+ is (A) more than that of Mg3+ ion (C) more than t han that of Al Al3+ ion
(D) ethene
(B) more than that of Na+ ion (D) more than that of Be2+ ion
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
The golden golden yell yellow ow colour associated associated with NaCl NaCl to Bunsen Bunsen flam flamee can be explai explained ned on the basis basis of (A) (A) low low ionisation tion pote otentia tial of sodi odium (B) (B) em emission spectru trum (C) ph photosensitiv tivity of sodium (D) su sublimation of metal tallic sodium of yellow va vapours
Solution Solution of sodium sodium metal metal in in liqui liquid d ammoni ammoniaa is a strong strong reducing reducing agent agent due to presence presence of (A) solvated sodium ions (B) solvated hydrogen ions (C) (C) sod sodiium ato atom ms or sod sodiium hy hydrox droxiide (D) (D) sol solv vated ted el electron tronss
The order of solubi solubili lity ty of lithi lithium um halide halidess in non-pol non-polar ar solven solvents ts follows follows the order (A) LiI > LiBr > LiCl > LiF (B) LiF > LiI > LiBr > LiCl (C) LiCl > LiF > LiI > LiBr (D) LiBr > LiCl > LiF > LiI
The salt salt which which fin finds ds uses in in qualitati qualitative ve inorgan inorganic ic analy analysi siss is (A) CuSO4·5H2O or ZnSO4·5H2O (B) K2SO4·Al2(SO4)3·24H2O (C) Na(NH4)HPO4·4H2O (D) FeSO4·(NH4)2SO4·6H2O
Fire Fire exti exting ngui uish sher erss conta contaiin (A) conc. H2SO4 solution (C) NaHCO3 solution
(B) H2SO4 and NaHCO3 solutions (D) CaCO3 solution
CsBr3 contains (A) Cs–Br covalent bonds (C) Cs+ and Br3– ions
(B) Cs3+ and Br– ions (D) Cs3+ and Br33– ions
KO2 finds use in oxygen oxygen cylinders cylinders used for space and submarines. The fact(s) related to t o such use of KO2 is/are (A) it produces O2 (B) it produces O3 (C) it absorbs CO2 (D) it absorbs both bot h CO and CO2
The compoun compound(s) d(s) which which have have –O–O– –O–O– bond(s) bond(s) is/a is/are re (A) BaO2 (B) Na2O2 (C) CrO5
High temperatur e
(D) Fe2O3
CO in
2 → X → Y; compound Na + Al2O3 co mpound Y is
(A) NaAlO2
(B) NaHCO3
(C) Na2CO3
(D) Na2O2
The correct order of second second ionis ionisation ation potentials potentials (IP) of Ca, Ca, Ba and K is is (A) K > Ca > Ba (B) Ba > Ca > K (C) K > Ba > Ca (D) K = Ba = Ca
EDT EDTA is used used in in the the estim estimati ation on of 2+ (A) Mg ions (C) both Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions
(B) Ca2+ ions (D) Mg2+ ions but not Ca2+ ions
Highl Highly y pure pure dilu dilute te soluti solution on of sodiu sodium m in amm ammonia onia (A) shows blue blue colouration due to t o solvated electrons (B) shows electrical conductivity conductivity due to t o both bo th solvated electrons as well we ll as solvated sodium ions (C) shows red colouration colourat ion due to solvated el electro ectrons ns but but a bad conductor of electricity (D) produces pr oduces hydrogen hydrogen gas or carbonate
Q.26 .26
aq. NaOH + P4 (white) → PH3 + X; compound X is (A) NaH2PO2 (B) NaHPO4 (C) Na2CO3
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
(D) NaHCO3
The The corre correct ct orde orderr of solub solubiility is is (A) CaCO3 < KHCO3 < NaHCO3 (C) NaHCO3 < CaCO3 < KHCO3
(B) KHCO3 < CaCO3 < NaHCO3 (D) CaCO3 < NaHCO3 < KHCO3
The comple complex x formation formation tendenc tendency y of alkali alkaline ne earth metals metals decreases decreases down the group because because (A) atomic size increases (B) availability of empty d and f-orbitals increases (C) nuc nucllear ear char charge ge to vol volum umee ratio ratio incre increas ases es (D) all all the abov abovee
The alkal alkalin inee earth metals, metals, which which do not impart impart any colour colour to Bunsen Bunsen flame flame are (A) Be and Mg (B) Mg and Ca (C) Be and Ca (D) Be and Ba
∆ , 205° C ∆ ,120°C Y ← CaSO4·2H2O → X. X and Y are respectively (A) (A) pl plaste asterr of of pari paris, s, dea dead bur burnt nt plaster ster (B) (B) dea dead d bu burnt rnt pl plaste aster, r, plaster ster of pari pariss (C) CaO and plast er of paris (D) plast er of paris, mixture of gases
A metal metal M readil readily y forms forms water solubl solublee sulphate, sulphate, and and water insolub insoluble le hydroxi hydroxide de M(OH)2. Its It s oxide oxide MO is amphoteric, amphoter ic, hard and having high melting melting point. point . The alkaline earth eart h metal M must be (A) Mg (B) Be (C) Ca (D) Sr
When K2O is added to water, the t he solution becomes basic in nature because it contains cont ains a significan significantt concentration concentration of (A) K+ (B) O2– (C) OH– (D) O22–
Quest Na CO
2 3 2 4 A → B(Yellow ppt ) ( White ppt ) D ←
( in acetic acid)
dil. H 2SO 4 ↓ C( White ppt )
If A is the metallic metallic salt, then the white ppt. ppt . of D must be of (A) str stron onssium carbon rbonaate (B) (B) re red le lead (C) ba bariu rium carbona onate (D) ca calcium carbon rbonaate CO
Q.34 Q.34
2 (Mi (Milky Cloud) oud) C ← A + Na2CO3 —→Β + C The chemical formulae for mulae of A and B are (A) NaOH and Ca(OH)2 (B) Ca(OH)2 and NaOH (C) NaOH and CaO (D) CaO and Ca(OH)2
An aqueous solution solution of an an haloge halogen n salt salt of potassium potassium reacts reacts with with same same hal halogen ogen X2 to give KX3, a brown – coloured solution, in which halogen exists as X3 ion, X2 as a Lewis acid and X – as a Lewis base, halogen X is (A) chlorine (B) bromine (C) iodine (D) fluorine
The correct correct order of basi basic-stre c-strength ngth of oxides oxides of alk alkal alin inee earth metal metalss is (A) BeO > MgO > CaO > SrO (B) SrO > CaO > MgO > BeO (C) BeO > CaO > MgO > SrO (D) SrO > MgO > CaO > BeO
Whic Which h of the followi following ng compounds compounds are paramagn paramagnetic etic in in nature? nature? (A) KO2 (B) K2O2 (C) Na2O2
(D) RbO2
The order order of meltin melting g point point of chlorides chlorides of alkal alkalii metals metals is is (A) LiCl > NaCl > KCl < CsCl (B) LiCl > NaCl > KCl > CsCl (C) NaCl > KCl > CsCl > LiCl (D) LiCl > NaCl > CsCl > KCl
Q.39 Q.39
200° C NaO NaOH(So H(Sollid) + CO CO → X; product X is (A) NaHCO3 (B) Na2CO3 (C) HCOONa Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
(D) H2CO3
N ,∆
2 2 → Y → Z(colourless gas) → T(blue colour ) X
CuSO 4
Then, substances subst ances Y and T are (A) Y = Mg3N2 and T = CuSO 4·5H2O (C) Y = Mg(NO3)2 and T = CuO Q.41
(B) Y = Mg3N2 and T = CuSO 4·4NH3 (D) Y = MgO and T = CuSO4·4NH3
Weake eakest st bas basee among among KOH, KOH, NaO NaOH, H, Ca(OH Ca(OH)) 2 and Zn(OH)2 is (A) Ca(OH)2 (B) KOH (C) NaOH
(D) Zn(OH)2
If X and Y are the second second ionisa ionisation tion potentials potentials of alkali alkali and alkaline alkaline earth earth metals metals of same same period, then (A) X > Y (B) X < Y (C) X = Y (D) X << Y
The aqueous aqueous solutions solutions of lithi lithium um salts salts are poor conductor of electricity electricity rather rather than other alkali alkali metals metals because of (A) high ionisation energy (B) high electro electronegativi negativity ty + (C) lower ability of Li ions to polarize water molecules (D) higher degree of hydration of Li+ ions
Sodium Sodium metal metal is is highl highly y reactiv reactivee and cann cannot ot be stored under under (A) toluene (B) kerosene oil (C) alcohol
Quest (D) benzene
Which Which of the followi following ng substance(s substance(s)) is/are used used in in laboratory laboratory for for drying drying purposes? purposes? (A) anhydrous P 2O5 (B) graphite (C) anhydrous CaCl2 (D) Na3PO4
Nitrogen Nitrogen dioxi dioxide de cannot cannot be be prepare prepared d by by heatin heating g (A) KNO3 (B) AgNO3 (C) Pb(NO3)2
In Li LiAlH4, metal Al is present in (A) anionic part (C) (C) in in bot both h ani anioni onic an and ca cation tioniic par partt
(D) Cu(NO3)2
(B) cationic part (D) (D) ne neithe ther in in cation tioniic nor nor in ani anioni onic pa part
2 → CaCl2 + Y ↑; the effective ingredient of X is X – (A) OCl (B) Cl– (C) OCl+
(D) OCl2–
Which Which one one of the followin following g fluoride fluoride of alkali alkali metals metals has has the highes highestt lattice energy? energy? (A) LiF (B) CsF (C) NaF (D) KF
Crown Crown ether etherss and and crypta cryptand ndss form form (A) complexes c omplexes with alkali met metals als (B) salts of alkali metals (C) hydroxides of alkali m metals etals used for inorganic quantitative quantit ative analysis (D) organic salts of alkali metals metals
White White heavy heavy preci precipitates pitates are forme formed d when when BaCl BaCl2 is added to a clear solution of compound A. Precipitates Precipitates are insoluble inso luble in dilute HCl. H Cl. Then, the t he compound compou nd A is (A) a bicarbonat e (B) a carbonat e (C) a sulphate (D) a chloride
Q.52 Q.52
Among MgCl2, RbCl, BeCl2 and LiCl, the compouds with the highest and the lowest % of ionic characters are (A) MgCl2 and BeCl2 (B) RbCl and and BeCl2 (C) BeCl2 and MgCl2 (D) RbCl R bCl and LiCl LiCl
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
High temperatur e → Y + CO ; Y + 2H 2 O → Z + 2HCl X + C + Cl 2 of about 1000 K
Compound Compou nd Y is found in polymeric chain structure struct ure and is an electron electr on deficient molecule. mo lecule. Y must be (A) BeO (B) BeCl2 (C) BeH2 (D) AlCl3 Q.54
The The corre correct ct order order of of degree degree of hyd hydrati ration on of M+ ions of alkali metals is (A) Li+ < K+ < Na+ < Rb+ < Cs+ (B) Li+ < Na+ < K+ < Rb+ < Cs+ (C) Cs+ < Rb + < K + < Na + < Li+ (D) Cs+ < Rb+ < Na+ < K+ < Li+
BeCl2 + LiAlH4 → X + LiCl + AlCl3 (A) X is LiH (C) X is BeCl2·2H2O
(B) X is BeH2 (D) none
The order order of therm thermal al stabi stabili lity ty of carb carbona onates tes of IIA group group is is (A) BaCO3 > SrCO3 > CaCO3 > MgCO3 (B) MgCO3 > CaCO3 > SrCO3 > BaCO3 (C) CaCO3 > SrCO3 > BaCO3 > MgCO3 (D) MgCO3 = CaCO3 > SrCO3 = BaCO3
A pair pair of substances substances which which gives gives the same same products on reaction reaction with water is (A) Mg and MgO (B) Sr and SrO (C) Ca and CaH2 (D) Be and BeO
Na2SO4 is water soluble but BaSO4 is insoluble because (A) the t he hydration hydration energy of Na2SO4 is higher higher than that of its lattice energy (B) the t he hydrat hydration ion energy of Na2SO4 is less less than that of o f its its lattice latt ice energy (C) the t he hydrat hydration ion energy of BaSO4 is less less than that of o f its its lattice latt ice energy (D) the t he hydration hydration energy of BaSO4 is higher higher than t han that of its lattice latt ice energy
Whic Which h of the followi following ng is is not a anom anomal alous ous property property of lithi lithium um?? (A) Hydrated Hydr ated lithium ion is the largest among a mong alkali metals metals (B) The melting and boili boiling ng points of o f lithium are are comparatively co mparatively high high (C) Lithium is softer than that of other alkali metals (D) The T he ionisation ionisation potent po tential ial and and electronegativity electro negativity of lithium lithium are higher than those of other ot her alkali metals
The The inc incorre orrect ct state statem ment(s) ent(s) is/ is/are are (A) Mg cannot form complexes complexes (B) Be can form complexes due to a very ver y small small atomic size (C) the first ionisation ionisation potential po tential of Be is higher higher than t han that of Mg (D) Mg forms an alkaline hydroxide while Be forms amphoteric amphoter ic oxides
Q.61 Q. 61
The commerci commercial al method method of preparation of potassium potassium by by reduction reduction of molten molten KCl KCl with with metalli metallicc sodium sodium at 850°C is based on the fact that (A) potassium po tassium is solid solid and sodium distils off at 850 °C (B) potassium po tassium being being more volatile volat ile and and distils off thus shifting shifting the reaction react ion forward forwar d (C) sodium so dium is is more reactive react ive than potassium at 850 °C (D) sodium has less less affinity affinity to chloride ions in the presence of potassium pot assium ion ion
Be2C + H2O → BeO + X CaC2 + H2O → Ca(OH)2 + Y; Y; then t hen X and Y are respectively r espectively (A) CH4, CH4 (B) CH4, C2H6 (C) CH4, C2H2
Quest (D) C2H2, CH4
Whic Which h of the fol follow lowin ing g statem statements ents are fal false se?? (A) BeCl2 is a linear linear molecule in the vapour state but it is polym po lymeric eric in the solid state stat e (B) Calcium hydride hydride is called hydrolith. (C) Carbides of both Be and Ca react with water t o form acetylene acetylene (D) Oxides of both Be and Ca are amphoteric. Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Whic Which h of the follow followin ing g are ionic ionic carbid carbides? es? (A) CaC2 (B) Al4C3
(C) SiC
(D) Be2C
Which Which of the followi following ng groups of elem elements ents have have chem chemica icall properties properties that are most most simila similarr (A) Na, K, Ca (B) Mg, Sr, Ba (C) Be, Al, Ca (D) Be, Ra, Cs
MgBr2 and MgI2 are soluble in acetone aceto ne because of (A) Their ionic nature (B) Their coordinate nature (C) Their metallic nature (D) Their covalent nature
Which Which of the followi following ng is is not the characteri characteristic stic of barium barium?? (A) It emits electro electrons ns on exposure to light (B) It is a silvery silvery white white metal (C) It forms Ba(NO Ba(NO3)2 which is used in in preparation preparat ion of green fire (D) Its It s ionization ionization potential pot ential is lower than radium. Question No. 68 68 to 74 Questions given below below consist of two t wo statements stat ements each printed as Assertion (A) and Reason (R); whil w hilee answering answering these t hese questions you you are required to choose any one of the following four responses: (A) if both both (A) and (R) are ar e true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) (B) if both (A) and (R) are true tru e but (R) is not correct co rrect explanation explanation of (A) (C) if (A) is true but (R) (R ) is false (D) if (A) is false and (R) is true
Assertion : Reason :
Beryl Berylli lium um does does not not impar impartt any charac characteri teristi sticc colour colour to the bun bunsen sen flam flame. e. Due to its very very hig high h ioni ionizati zation on ener energy gy,, bery beryll lliu ium m requ require iress a large large amoun amountt of ene energy rgy for exciation exciation of o f the electrons.
Assertion : Reason :
In fus fused ed state, state, cal calci cium um chlo chlori ride de cann cannot ot be be used used to dry alcoh alcohol ol or NH NH 3. CaCl2 is not a good desiccant. desiccant.
Assertion : Reason :
Diag Diagona onall rel relations ationshi hip p is is shown shown betw betwee een n Be and and Al. Al. Ioni Ionizati zation on poten potenti tial al of Be is al almost ost the the sam samee as as that that of Al. Al.
Assertion : Reason :
Bery Beryll lliu ium m hal halid ides es diss dissol olve ve in organ organic solve solvents nts.. Beryl ryllium hali alides are ioni onic in in charact racteer.
Assertion : Reason :
BeCl2 fumes in moist air. a ir. BeCl2 reacts with moisture to form HCl gas.
Assertion : Reason :
Calc Calciium carbi carbide de on hydrol hydroly ysis sis give givess meth methan ane. e. 2– Calcium carbide contai tains C2 anion.
Assertion :
When CO2 is passed through through lime lime water, it first turns tur ns milky milky and then the solution solutio n becomes clear when the passage of CO 2 is continued. The The mi milkin kiness ess is is due due to th the form format atiion of insol solubl uble C CaC aCO O3 which then changes changes to soluble Ca(HCO3)2 when excess of CO 2 is present.
Reason :
Assertion : Reason :
MgCO3 is soluble soluble in water when a current of o f CO2 is passed. The solubilit y of MgCO3 is due to the formation of Mg(HCO3)2. Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q. 1
Q. 2
Q. 3
Q. 4
Q. 5
Q. 6
Q. 7
Q. 8
Q. 9
Q. 10
Q. 12
Q. 13
Q. 15
Q. 17
Q. 18
Q. 20
A, A,C
Q. 22
Q. 23
Q. 25
Q. 27
Q. 28
Q. 30
Q. 32
Q. 33
Q. 35
Q. 37
A, A,D
Q. 38
Q. 40
Q. 42
Q. 43
Q. 45
A, A,C
Q. 47
Q. 48
Q. 50
Q. 52
Q. 53
Q. 55
Q. 57
Q. 58
A, A,C
Q. 60
Q. 62
Q. 63
Q. 65
Q. 67
Q. 68
Q. 70
Q. 72
Q. 73
Q. 75
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
QUESTION BANK ON SALT ANALYSIS There are 102 questions in this question bank. Select the correct alternative : (Only one is correct) Q.1 In the precipitati precipitation on of the iron iron group in in qualitativ qualitativee analy analysis sis,, ammon ammonium ium chloride chloride is is added added before before addin adding g ammonium hydroxide hydroxide to to (A) decrease concentration concentration of OH— ions ons. (B) (B) pre prev vent ent in interf terfeeren rence by phos phosp phate hate ions ons. (D) in increase concentration of NH 4+ ions.
(C) increase concentration concentrat ion of Cl— ions. Q.2
A sal saltt give givess vio viollet vap vapours ours when when treated treated with with conc conc.. H2SO4, it contains cont ains (A) Cl–
(B) I—
(C) Br–
(D) NO 3−
The acidic acidic solution solution of a salt salt produced a deep blue blue colour with with starch iodide iodide solution. solution. The salt salt may may be be (A) chloride (B) nitrite (C) acet ate (D) bromide
When When a mi mixtur xturee of sol solid NaC NaCll, sol soliid K2Cr2O7 is heated with conc. H2SO4, orange red vapours are obtained. These are of the compound compou nd (A) chromous chloride (B) chromyl chloride (C) chromic chloride (D) chromic sulphate
Which Which of the foll followin owing g pairs pairs of ions ions would would be expecte expected d to form precipitate precipitate when dilute dilute solution solution are mixed?
Q.6 Q.6
(A) Na+, SO 24−
(B) NH4+ , CO 32−
(C) Na+, S22−
(D) Fe3+, PO34−
Nes Nessler's r's rea reagent is is (A) K2HgI4
(B) K2HgI4 + KOH
(C) K2HgI2 + KOH
(D) K2HgI4 + KI
When When bis bismuth muth chloride chloride is poured into into a large large volum volumee of water the white white precipi precipitate tate produced produced is is (A) Bi(OH)3 (B) Bi2O3 (C) BiOCl (D) Bi2OCl3
Ferri Ferricc ion ion forms orms a pruss prussia ian n bl blue colour coloured ed ppt. of (A) K4[Fe(CN)6] (B) Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3 (C) KMnO4
(D) Fe(OH)3
A mixture, ture, on heati eatin ng wi with con conc. H2SO4 and MnO2, librates librates brown vapour of (A) Br2 (B) NO2 (C) HBr (D) I2
Whic Which h one of the foll followi owing ng can can be be used in in place place of NH4Cl for the identification identification of the third t hird group radicals? (A) NH4NO3 (B) (NH4)2SO4 (C) (NH4)2S (D) (NH4)2CO3
At the occasion occasion of marriage, marriage, the fire fire works are used, used, which which of the foll followin owing g gives gives green fla flame? me? (A) Ba (B) K (C) Be ( D ) Na
Nitrate Nitrate is confirm confirmed ed by ring ring test. The brown colour colour of the ring ring is due due to formation formation of (A) ferrous nitrite (B) nitroso ferrous sulphate (C) ferrous nitrate (D) FeSO4NO2
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q. 13
Fe(OH)3 can be separated separat ed from Al(OH) Al(OH)3 by addition of (A) dil. HCl (B) NaCl solution (C) NaOH solution
(D) NH4Cl and NH4OH
If NaOH is added added to an aqueous soluti solution on of zinc zinc ions ions a white white ppt appears appears and and on adding adding exces excesss NaOH, the ppt dissolves. In this solution zinc exist in the (A) cationic part (B) anionic part (C) (C) both both in cati cation oniic and and ani anioni onic part partss (D) (D) th there is no zi zinc ion in the the solut olutiion
Mark Mark the comp compoun ound d which which is is solubl solublee in in hot hot water. water. (A) (A) Lead Lead chl chloride oride (B) (B) Merc Mercur urous ous chl chlori oride de(C (C)) Stron Stronsi sium um sul sulphate phate (D) (D) Sil Silver chl chlori oride de
Colour Colour of nicke nickell chlori chloride de sol soluti ution on is is (A) pink (B) black
(C) colourless
(D) green
Sometim Sometimes es yel yellow low turbi turbidi dity ty appea appears rs whil whilee passin passing g H2S gas even in the absence of II group gro up radicals. This is because of (A) sulphur su lphur is present in the t he mixture mixture as impurity. impurity. (B) IV group radical r adicalss are precipi pr ecipitated tated as sulphides. (C) the oxi o xidation dation of H2S gas ga s by some acid radicals. (D) III II I group radical r adicalss are precipitated as hydroxides.
The The ion ion that that cannot cannot be be preci precipi pitated tated by H2S and HCl is 2+ (A) Pb (B) Cu2+ (C) Ag+
Quest (D) Ni2+
Q.19 Q.19
In V grou group p, (N (NH4)2CO3 is added to precipitate out the t he carbonates. We We do not add Na N a2CO3 along with NH4Cl because (A) CaCO3 is soluble in Na2CO3. (B) Na2CO3 increases the solubility solubility of V group carbonate. (C) MgCO3 will be precipitated out ou t in V group. (D) None of these
Q. 20
CuSO4 decolourises decolourises on o n addition addition of o f excess KCN, the product is (A) [Cu(CN)4]2–. (B) Cu2+ get reduced to form [Cu(CN) [Cu(CN)4]3– (C) Cu(CN)2 (D) CuCN
Which Which of the foll followin owing g cations cations is is detected detected by the flam flamee test? (A) NH 4+
(B) K+
(C) Mg2+
(D) Al3+
Which Which one among the foll following owing pairs of ions ions cannot cannot be separated by by H2S in dilute dilute HCl? 3+ 4+ 3+ 2+ 2+ 2+ (A) Bi , Sn (B) Al , Hg (C) Zn , Cu (D) Ni2+, Cu2+
Q.23 Q.2 3
A metal salt salt solution solution gives gives a yellow yellow ppt with silv silver er nitrate. nitrate. The ppt dissolv dissolves es in dil. dil. nitric nitric acid as well well as in in ammonium hydroxide. The solution solut ion contains cont ains (A) bromide (B) iodide (C) phosphate (D) chromate
Q.24 Q.2 4
A metal metal salt salt solution solution forms a yell yellow ow ppt with potassium potassium chromate chromate in acetic acid, a white ppt with dilute dilute sulphuric acid, but gives no ppt with sodium chloride or iodide, it is : (A) lead carbonat e (B) basic lead carbo nate (C) barium nitrate (D) strontium nitrate Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Whi Which is sol solub ublle in in NH NH4OH? (A) PbCl2 (B) AgCl
(C) PbSO4
(D) CaCO3
Which Which of the followi following ng combi combines nes with with Fe(II) Fe(II) ions ions to form a brown comple complex x (A) N2O (B) NO (C) N2O3 (D) N2O4
Nessl Nessler' er'ss reage reagent nt is is used used to detect detect (A) CrO 24−
(B) PO 34−
(C) MnO 4−
Pruss Prussia ian n bl blue is form formed ed whe when n (A) ferrous sulphate reacts with FeCl3. (C) Ammonium Ammonium sulphate reacts with w ith FeCl3
(D) NH 4+
(B) ferric sulphate reacts with K4[Fe(CN)6]. (D) ferrous ferro us ammonium ammonium sulphate sulphate reacts react s with with FeCl3
What What product product is is form formed ed by mixi mixing ng the the soluti solution on of K4[Fe(CN)6] with the solution solut ion of FeCl3? (A) (A) Ferro-f Ferro-ferr erric icy yanide anide (B) Ferri Ferri-f -ferroc errocy yanide anide (C) Ferri Ferri-f -ferr erric icy yanide anide (D) None of these these
Q.30 Q.3 0
Which Which of the foll following owing will will not not give positive positive chromyl chromyl chl chloride oride test? (A) Copper Coppe r chloride, chloride, CuCl2 (B) Mercuric chloride, HgCl2 (C) Zinc chlor chloride, ide, ZnCl2 (D) Anillinium Anillinium chloride, C6H5NH3Cl
A blu bluee colou colourati ration on is not not obtai obtaine ned d when when (A) ammonium hydroxide dissolves in in copper cop per sulphate. sulphat e. (B) copper copp er sulphate solution reacts with K4[Fe(CN)6]. (C) ferric chloride reacts with sodium sod ium ferrocyanide. ferroc yanide. (D) anhydrous white CuSO4 is dissolved in water.
AgCl AgCl diss dissolv olves es in in ammon ammonia ia sol soluti ution on givi giving ng
(A) Ag+, NH 4+ and Cl—
(B) Ag(NH3)+ and Cl—
(C) Ag2(NH3)2– and Cl—
(D) Ag (NH 3 )2+ and Cl—
A white white crystall crystallin inee substance substance dissol dissolves ves in in water. water. On passi passing ng H2S gas in this solution, a black ppt is obtained. The T he black ppt dissolves completely in hot hot HNO3. On adding a few drops of conc. H 2SO4, a white ppt is obtained. This ppt is that of (A) BaSO4 (B) SrSO4 (C) PbSO4 (D) CdSO4
Q.34 Q.34
When When exce excesss of of SnC SnCl2 is added to a solution so lution of HgCl2, a white ppt turning t urning grey is is obtained. The grey colour is due to the formation of (A) Hg2Cl2 (B) SnCl4 (C) Sn (D) Hg
Q.35 Q.3 5
Of the followin following g sulphides sulphides which which one is insolubl insolublee in dil. dil. acids acids but soluble soluble in alkal alkalies. ies. (A) PbS (B) CdS (C) FeS (D) As2S3
When When chlorine chlorine water is added added to an aqueous solution solution of potassium potassium halide halide in in presence presence of chlorof chloroform, orm, a violet violet colour co lour is obtained. On adding more of chlorine water, the violet violet colour co lour disappears, and a colourl co lourless ess solution is obtained. This test confirms the presence of the following in in aqueous aqueou s solution (A) Iodide (B) Bromide (C) Chloride (D) Iodide and bromide
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q.37 Q.3 7
An aqueous solution solution of colourles colourlesss metal metal sulphate sulphate M, M, gives gives a white white ppt, with NH4OH. This This was soluble in excess of NH4OH. On passing H2S through t hrough this solution a white ppt is formed. The metal M in the salt is (A) Ca (B) Ba (C) Al (D) Zn
Q. 38
When AgNO3 is stro strongly ngly heated, the t he products product s formed are (A) NO and NO2 (B) NO2 and O2 (C) NO2 and N2O
(D) NO and O2
AgCl gCl is sol solubl uble in in (A) Aqua regia
(D) aq. NH3
(C) dil. HCl
A sub substa stanc ncee on treatm treatmen entt with with dil dil. H2SO4 liberates liberates a colourless co lourless gas which produces (i) ( i) turbidity with baryta water wat er and (ii) (ii) turns acidified dichromat dichromatee solution green. The reaction react ion indicates indicates the presence of o f (A) CO32−
(B) H2SO4
(C) SO32−
(B) S2–
When When copper copper nitra nitrate te is is strongly strongly heated, heated, it it is is converte converted d into into (A) Cu metal (B) cupric oxide (C) cuprous oxide
(D) NO 2−
(D) copper nitrate
A whi white te solid solid is first first heated heated with with dil dil H2SO4 and then with conc. H 2SO4. No action act ion was observed in either case. The solid s olid salt salt contains (A) sulphide (B) sulphite (C) thiosulphate (D) sulphate
A pale pale green green crystalli crystalline ne metal metal salt of M dissolves dissolves freely freely in water. On standing standing it gives gives a brown ppt on addition of aqueous NaOH. The metal salt salt solution so lution also also gives g ives a black ppt on bubbling bubbling H2S in basic medium. An aqueous solution solutio n of the metal metal salt decolourizes decolou rizes the pink pink colour of o f the permanganate solution. The metal in the metal salt solution is (A) copper (B) aluminium (C) lead (D) iron
On the addi additi tion on of a solu soluti tion on conta contaiining ning CrO 24− ions to the solution of Ba2+, Sr2+ and Ca2+ ions, the ppt
obtained obt ained first will will be of (A) CaCrO4 (B) SrCrO4
(C) BaCrO4
(D) a mixture of all the three
Turnb Turnbul ulll's blue blue is a compoun compound d (A) ferricyanide (B) (B) ferro ferric ricyanide
(C) ferrou rous cyanide
(D) ferriferrocy ocyanide
Sodium Sodium borat boratee on rea reacti ction on wi with conc. conc. H2SO4 and C2H5OH gives a compound co mpound A which which burns with a green gree n edged flame. The co compound mpound A is (A) H2B4O7 (B) (C2H5)2B4O7 (C) H3BO3 (D) (C2H5)3BO3
Q. 47
When K2Cr2O7 crystals are heated with conc. co nc. HCl, the gas evolved is (A) O2 (B) Cl2 (C) CrO2Cl2 (D) HCl
Whi Which is is most most sol solub ublle in in water water?? (A) AgCl (B) AgBr
Q.49 Q.49
(C) AgI
(D) AgF
On passing H2S gas in II group sometimes the solution turns t urns milky milky.. It indicates the presence pr esence of (A) oxidising agent (B) acidic salt (C) thiosulphate (D) reducing agent.
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q.50 Q.5 0
Dimethyl Dimethyl glyoxim glyoximee in a suitable suitable solvent solvent was refluxed refluxed for for 10 minutes minutes with with pure pieces pieces of nickel nickel sheet, sheet, it will result in (A) Red ppt (B) Blue ppt. (C) Yellow ppt. (D) No ppt.
Q.51 Q. 51
A mixture mixture of chlorides chlorides of copper, cadmium cadmium,, chromium, chromium, iron and aluminium aluminium was dissolved dissolved in water acidified acidified with HCl and hydrogen sulphide gas was wa s passed for sufficient time. It was filtered, filtered , boiled and a few drops dro ps of nitric acid were added ad ded while boiling. boiling. To To this t his solution ammonium chlor chloride ide and sodium hydroxide were added ad ded in excess and filtered. The filtrate filtrate shall give test for (A) sodium and iron (B) sodium, chromium and aluminium (C) aluminium and iron (D) sodium, iron, cadmium and aluminium
Q.52 Q.5 2
A metal metal is is brunt in in air air and the ash on moistening moistening smells smells of ammoni ammonia. a. The metal metal is is (A) Na (B) Fe (C) Mg (D) Al
Soluti Solution on of chemi chemical cal compoun compound d X reacts reacts with with AgNO AgNO3 solution to form a white ppt. ppt . Y which dissolves dissolves in NH4OH to give a complex Z. When Z is treated with dil. HNO3, Y reappears. The chemical compound X can be (A) NaCl (B) CH3Cl (C) NaBr (D) NaI
A white white ppt obtained obtained in a analy analysis sis of a mixture mixture becomes becomes black black on treatment treatment with NH NH4OH. It may be (A) PbCl2 (B) AgCl (C) HgCl2 (D) Hg2Cl2
A salt salt on treatment with dil. dil. HCl gives gives a pungent pungent smelli smelling ng gas and and a yellow yellow precipitate. precipitate. The salt salt gives gives green flame when tested. tested . The solution solutio n gives gives a yellow yellow precipitate prec ipitate with potassium pot assium chromate. The salt is: (A) NiSO4 (B) BaS2O3 (C) PbS2O3 (D) CuSO4
Whic Which h compoun compound d does does not not dissol dissolve ve in hot dil dilute ute HNO HNO3? (A) HgS (B) PbS (C) CuS
Quest (D) CdS
An aque aqueous ous solu soluti tion on of FeSO FeSO4, Al2(SO4)3 and chrome alum is is heated with excess of Na2O2 and filtered. The materials obtained are: (A) a col colourless ourless fi filtrate ltrate and and a green green resid residue. ue. (B) a yel yellow low fi filtrate ltrate and a green green residue residue.. (C) a yello ellow w fi filtrate trate and and a brown brown resid residue ue.. (D) a green green fil filtrate trate and and a brow brown n res resid idue. ue.
Whi Which of the the foll followi owing ng compoun compound d on reaction reaction with with NaOH NaOH and Na2O2 gives yellow yellow colour? colour ? (A) Cr(OH)3 (B) Zn(OH)2 (C) Al(OH)3 (D) None of these
Q. 59
CrO3 dissolves in in aqueous NaOH to give: (A) Cr2O72 −
(B) CrO 24−
(C) Cr(OH)3
(D) Cr(OH)2
Q. 60
B(OH)3 + NaOH l NaBO2 + Na[B(OH)4] + H2O How can this t his reaction is made to proceed p roceed in forward direction? (A) addition of cis 1,2 diol (B) addititon of bo rax (C) addition o f trans 1,2 diol (D) addition o f Na2HPO4
A sol soluti ution on whe when n di diluted uted with with H2O and boiled, it gives a white precipitate. On addition of excess NH4Cl/ Cl/ NH4OH the t he volume of precipi pr ecipitate tate decreases leaving leaving behind a white gelatinous precipitate. Identify the precipitate prec ipitate which dissolves in in NH4OH/NH4Cl (A) Zn(OH)2 (B) Al(OH)3 (C) Mg(OH)2 (D) Ca(OH)2 Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
An aqueous aqueous solution of a substance substance give givess a white white ppt. on treatment treatment with dil. dil. HCl, HCl, which which dissolv dissolves es on heating. When hydrogen hydrogen sulphide is passed through throu gh the hot acidic solution, a black ppt. is obtained. obta ined. The substance is a (A) Hg2+ salt (B) Cu2+ salt (C) Ag+ salt (D) Pb2+ salt
Whic Which h of the the foll following owing does does not react react with with AgCl AgCl?? (A) Na2CO3 (B) NaNO3 (C) NH4OH
(D) Na2S2O3
Which Which one one of the the followi following ng does not produce metal metalli licc sulphi sulphide de with with H2S? (A) ZnCl2 (B) CdCl2 (C) CoCl2 (D) CuCl2
Whi Which of the the fol follow lowiing statem statemen entt is correc correct? t? 2+ (A) Fe gives brown colour with ammonium thiocyanate. thiocyanate. (B) Fe2+ gives blue precipitat precipitatee with potassium pot assium ferricyanide. ferricyanide. 3+ (C) Fe gives brown colour with potassium po tassium ferricyanide. ferricyanide. (D) Fe3+ gives red colour with potassium pota ssium ferrocyanide. ferroc yanide.
Which Which metal metal salt salt gives gives a viole violett coloured bead in the borax borax bead bead test? 2+ 2+ 2+ (A) Fe (B) Ni (C) Co
Quest (D) Mn2+
Whi Which of the the foll followi owing ng gives gives a preci precipi pitate tate with with Pb(NO Pb(NO3)2 but not with Ba(NO3)2? (A) Sodium chloride (B) Sodium acetate (C) Sodium nitrate (D) Sodium hydrogen phosphate
Q.68 Q.6 8
Which Which of the followi following ng is is soluble soluble in in yell yellow ow ammonium ammonium sulphi sulphide? de? (A) CuS (B) CdS (C) SnS
(D) PbS
A chloride dissolves dissolves appreciably appreciably in in cold water. When When placed placed on a platinum platinum wire wire in Bunsen flam flamee no distinctive colour is n noticed, oticed, the t he cation would be: 2+ (A) Mg (B) Ba2+ (C) Pb2+ (D) Ca2+
A white white salt salt is readily readily soluble soluble in in water and gives gives a colourles colourlesss solution solution with a pH of about 9. The salt salt could be: (A) NH4NO3 (B) CH3COONa (C) CH3COONH4 (D) CaCO3
An ele eleme ment nt (X) (X) forms forms compoun compounds ds of the the form formul ulaa XCl3, X2O5 and Ca3X2, but does not form XCl5. Which of the following is the element X? (A) B (B) Al (C) N (D) P
Q.72 Q.7 2
A white white sodium salt dissolves dissolves readily readily in in water to give a solution which which is neutral neutral to litmus. litmus. When silver silver nitrate solution so lution is added to t he solution, a white precipi prec ipitat tatee is obtained which does not dissolve in dil. dil. HNO3. The anion could be: (A) CO32−
(B) Cl–
(C) SO 24−
(D) S2–
A mixture mixture of two salts is is not water soluble soluble but dissolv dissolves es completely completely in dil dil HCl to form a colourless colourless solution. The mixture could be: (A) AgNO3 and KBr (B) BaCO3 and ZnS (C) Fe FeCl3 and CaCO3 (D) Mn(NO3)2 and MgSO4
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Three separate separate samples samples of a solution solution of a singl singlee salt salt gave these these results. results. One formed formed a white white precipitate precipitate with excess of ammonia ammonia solution, one o ne formed a white precipitate with dil NaCl solution and one formed a black precipitat precipitatee with H2S. The salt could be: (A) AgNO3 (B) Pb(NO3)2 (C) Hg(NO3)2 (D) MnSO4
Which Which one one of the followi following ng ionic ionic speci species es will will impart impart colour colour to an aqueous aqueous solution? solution? 4+ + 2+ (A) Ti (B)Cu (C) Zn (D)Cr3+
When When a substance substance A reacts reacts with with water it produces a comb combusti ustibl blee gas B and a solution solution of substance substance C in water. When another another substance subst ance D reacts with this solution of C, it also pro duces the same gas B on warming but D can produce pro duce gas B on o n reaction with dilute sulphuric acid at room ro om temperature. temperature . A imparts a deep golden yellow yellow colour a smokeless flame flame to Bunsen burner. A, B, C and D respectivel respec tively y are: (A) Na, H2, NaOH, Zn (B) K, H2, KOH, Al (C) Ca, H2, Ca(OH)2, Sn (D) CaC2, C2H2, Ca(OH)2, Fe
Whi Which is is not diss dissol olve ved d by di dil HCl? HCl? (A) ZnS (B) MnS
(C) BaSO3
The The brown rown ring ring test test for NO 2− and NO3− is due to the t he formation of complex ion with formula: (A) [Fe(H2O)6]2+ (C) [Fe(H2O)5(NO)]2+
(D) BaSO4
(B) [Fe(NO)(CN)5]2– (D) [Fe(H2O)(NO)5]2+
In Nessl Nessler’ er’ss reage reagents nts,, the the ion ion prese present nt is: is: (A) HgI2–
(B) HgI 24 −
(C) Hg+
(D) Hg2+
The cation cationss presen presentt in sli slightl ghtly y acid acidic ic sol soluti ution on are Fe3+, Zn2+ and Cu2+. The reagent which when added in excess to this solution would identify and separte Fe3+ in one step is: (A) 2 M HCl (B) 6 M NH3 (C) 6 M NaOH (D) H2S gas
Which Which of the foll followi owing ng leav leaves es no no residue residue on heatin heating? g? (A) Pb(NO3)2 (B) NH4NO3 (C) Cu(NO3)2
Q. 82
When I2 is passed through thro ugh KCl, KF, KF, KBr : (A) Cl2 and Br2 are evo lved (C) Cl2, F2 and Br2 are evo lved
(D) NaNO3
(B) Cl2 is evolved (D) None of these
Q.83 Q.83
In the the se separa parati tion on of Cu2+ and Cd2+ in 2nd group quali qua litative tative analysis analysis of cations tetrammine copper (II) (II ) sulphate and tetrammi tet rammine ne cadmium cadmium (II) sulphate react r eact with KCN to form the correspo nding cyano cyano complexes. Which one of the t he following pairs of the complexes co mplexes and their relative stability enables enables the 2+ 2+ separation of Cu and Cd ? (A) K3[Cu(CN)4] more stable and K2[Cd(CN)4] less stable. (B) K2[Cu(CN)4] less stable and K2[Cd(CN)4] more stable. (C) K2[Cu(CN)4] more stable st able and K2[Cd(CN)4] less stable. (D) K3[Cu(CN)4] less stable and K2[Cd(CN)4] more stable.
Whic Which h one has has the the mini minimum mum solubi solubili lity ty product? product? (A) AgCl (B) AlCl3 (C) BaCl2
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
(D) NH4Cl
Whic Which h of the foll followi owing ng sulph sulphate ate is is insol insolubl ublee in water? water? (A) CuSO4 (B) CdSO4 (C) PbSO4
(D) Bi2(SO4)3
Q.86 Q.8 6
A metal X on heatin heating g in ni nitrogen gas gives gives Y.Y. .Y. on treatment treatment with H2O gives a colourless gas which when passed through CuSO4 solution gives a blue colour co lour Y is: is: (A) Mg(NO3)2 (B) Mg3N2 (C) NH3 (D) MgO
Whi Which of the the foll followin owing g gives gives blood blood red red colour colour with with KCNS? KCNS? 2+ 3+ (A) Cu (B) Fe (C) Al3+
(D) Zn2+
Which Which of the foll followin owing g is insolu insolubl blee in in excess excess of NaOH? (A) Al(OH)3 (B) Cr(OH)3 (C) Fe(OH)3
(D) Zn(OH)2
In the the bora borax x bead ead test test of Co2+, the blue colour of o f bead is is due to the formation of: (A) B2O3 (B) Co3B2 (C) Co(BO2)2 (D) CoO
Merc Mercuro urous us ion ion is is repre represe sent nted ed as: as:
(A) Hg 22+ Q.91
(B) Hg2+
(C) Hg + Hg2+
(D) Hg 2+
The metal metal ion whi which is preci precipi pitated tated when when H2S is passed with HCl: (A) Zn2+ (B) Ni2+ (C) Cd2+
(D) Mn2+
Which Which of the foll followin owing g is not not a prelim prelimin inary ary test test used to detect ions: ions: (A) borax bead test (B) flame test (C) brown ring test
(D) cobalt nitrate test
Q.93 Q.9 3
Which Which one of the foll following owing metal metal sulphi sulphides des has maxi maximum mum solubil solubility ity in water? water? –54 –30 –20 (A) HgS, Ksp =10 (B) CdS, Ksp=10 (C) FeS, Ksp =10 (D) ZnS, Ksp=10–22
The compoun compound d form formed ed in in the the borax borax bead bead test of Cu Cu2+ ion in oxidising flame is: (A) Cu (B) CuBO2 (C) Cu(BO2)2 (D) None of these
A gas ‘X’ ‘X’ is is passed passed through water water to form a saturated saturated solution solution.. The aqueous aqueous solution solution on treatment treatment with with AgNO3 gives a white white precipitate. pr ecipitate. The saturated sat urated aqueous aqu eous solution solut ion also dissolves magnesium magnesium ribbon ribbon with evolution of o f a colourless colour less gas Y. Y. Identify Id entify X and Y: (A) X = CO 2, Y = Cl2 (B) X = Cl2, Y = CO2 (C) X = Cl2, Y = H2 (D) X = H2, Y= Cl2
Read of the foll followin owing g statements statements and and choose choose the correct correct code w.r. w.r.tt true(T) and and false(F). false(F). (I) manganese salts give a violet borax bor ax bead test in reducing redu cing flame flame (II) from a mixed precipitate of o f AgCl and AgI, ammoni a mmoniaa solution solut ion dissolves only AgCl (III) (III ) ferric ions ions give a deep green precipitate, pre cipitate, on adding add ing potassium pota ssium ferrocyanide ferroc yanide solution solut ion + 2+ – (IV) on o n boiling boiling the solution so lution having K , Ca and HCO3 we get a precipitate of K2Ca(CO3)2 (A) TTFF (B) FTFT (C) FTFF (D) TTFT
Identi Identify fy the correct correct order order of solubi solubillity of Na2S, CuS and ZnS in aqueous aqueo us medium is: (A) CuS > ZnS > Na 2S (B) ZnS > Na2S >CuS (C) Na2S > CuS > ZnS (D) Na2S > ZnS > CuS
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
Q. 98
When H2S gas is passed through thro ugh the HCl containing aqueous solution of CuCl2, HgCl2, BiCl3 and CoCl2, it does not precipitate out: (A) CuS (B) HgS (C) Bi2S3 (D) CoS
Mark Mark the the cor corre rect ct sta state tem ment: ent: (A) I group gr oup basic radicals radicals precipitate as chlorides c hlorides (B) IV group basic basic radicals precipitates precipitates as sulphides. sulphides. (C) V group grou p basic radicals radicals precipitates as carbonates. (D) All All the above statement are correct. co rrect.
Q.100 Potassium Potassium chromate chromate solution solution is added to an aqueous solution solution of a metal chlori chloride. de. The precipi precipitate tate thus t hus obtained are insoluble insoluble in acetic acid. These are subjected to flame flame test, the colour of o f the flame flame is: (A) Lilac (B) Apple green (C) Crimso n red (D) Golden yellow Q.101 The specie speciess present present in in solution solution when CO2 is dissolved in in water wat er are (A) CO 2 , H 2CO 3 , HCO 3− , CO 32−
(B) H 2CO 3 , CO 32−
(C) CO 32− , HCO3−
(D) CO 2 , H 2CO 3
Q.10 Q.102 2 MgSO4 on reaction reactio n with NH4OH and Na2HPO4 forms a white crystalline crystalline precipitate. precipitate. What is its formula? (A) Mg(NH4)PO4 (B) Mg3(PO4)2 (C) MgCl2·MgSO4 (D) MgSO4
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439
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Q.100 B
Q. 1 0 1 A
Q. 1 0 2 A
Quest Tutorials North Delhi : E-16/289, Sector-8, Rohini, New Delhi. Ph. 65395439