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Department of Education Region III Division of City Schools Unlock Access to An East District
Exclusive 30 Angeles City Day Trial
Jose P. Dizon Elementary School
BSP_Tree Planting Proposal Project
School Year Year 201!201" Access Now No thanks, don't want my exclusive trial Save tomorrow!" I. TITLE: #S$ %oing %reen $ro&ect 'ith Ithe theme "Plant today,
(rees (rees are essent essential ial to our 'orld 'orld and offer offer a 'ide 'ide range range of )enefits )enefits to our environm environment* ent* (he )enefits from these trees spread far )eyond villages to our homes h omes in Cities+ School and Communities as 'ell* (rees increase our ,uality of life )y )ringing natural elements and 'ildlife ha)itats into ur)an settings* In the effort effortss to preser preserve+ ve+ conserv conservee and protec protectt -other -other .ature .ature++ and ultima ultimatel tely y the Earth+ Earth+ the school/s #S$ came up 'ith the idea of conducting a tree planting activity* (ree planting is the most effective and relevant 'ay to do it* ith tree planting+ even a small effort maes a huge difference in leaving an on!going environmental legacy in life* As a result of participating in this activity+ the troop lead leader erss and more more impo import rtan antl tly y the the scou scoutt mem) mem)er erss can can achie achieve ve a sens sensee of sati satisf sfac acti tion on and and accomplishment+ no'ing that they can made a positive difference* In addition+ the activity ena)les great great team team intera interacti ction on among among the leaders leaders and mem)ers mem)ers 'hile 'hile having having fun and giving giving )ac to the environment* -oreover+ the leaders and the mem)ers )ecome more ecologically a'are on the things they need to notice notice the 'orld around* #S$+ #S$+ on its part+ shall identify identify the planting sites 'ithin 'ithin the political &urisdiction of the ocal %overnment 3nit 4%356 provide manpo'er+ coordinate 'ith %3s in the implementation of safety and security measures among the participants during the tree planting activity6 mo)ili7e its mem)ers6 monitor all the areas identified and planted* ith ith the aforementioned statements+ the pro&ect leader is motivated to conduct a three!hour %oing %reen $ro&ect 'ith a theme 8$lant today+ Save tomorro'98 among scout leaders and mem)ers of the the school* (his activity is an environment environmental al education pro&ect* #y doing this activity activity the #S$ mem)ers mem)ers 'ill discover discover a'areness a'areness on the importance importance of tree planting+ planting+ and esta)lish esta)lish a connection connection to nature and 'hile learning 'hat they can contri)ute to save the future* (hus+ lie trees freshly planted+ their 'or 'ill pay for'ard for'ard the investment investment for years to come* :urthermore+ :urthermore+ this activity activity raises the value of friendship friendship++ unity+ unity+ and cooperation* cooperation* :inally+ :inally+ this three!hour three!hour tree planting planting activity activity is also our 'ay of addressing disaster ris reduction and mitigating the effects climate change*
(he #S$ %oing %reen $ro&ect 'ith a theme 8$lant today+ Save tomorro'98 aims to; 1* promote and integrate environmental values among scout mem)ers and the communities6 Unlock Access to An 2* inform the scout mem)ers a)out their environment and the means of protecting it6 and
Exclusive 30 Day Trial
<* promote the many )enefits of local tree planting for )oth leaders and mem)ers*
BSP_Tree Planting Proposal Project
(he groups of people 'ho 'ill )e 'oring on the pro&ect team are; 1* =ose $* Di7on Elementary School #S$ mem)ers* Access Now 2* $ro&ect eader+ Coordinators+ and (roop eaders* thanks, I don't want my exclusiveCity trial 4the cooperating agency5 <* (he ocal %overnment 3nit ofNo #arangay $andan+ Angeles
(he resources 'e need are the follo'ing; (ransportation
₱ 20
Certificates for the participants
₱ "0
Drining ater
₱ <0
.ative (rees
; Donations from the school community
(he proposed pro&ect focuses in San Ignacio+ #arangay $andan+ Angeles City* (he initial phase 'ill tae the form of a >pilot pro&ect? 'oring 'ith &ust one community 4San Ignacio5 to create a 'oring model to trial and demonstrate the various techni,ues 'hich are appropriate to this conte@t* If this pilot proves successful+ #S$ hopes to )e a)le to scale up the pro&ect to include other communities+ and #S$ )elieves that the e@istence of a successful model 'ill increase enthusiasm and 'illingness to participate*
cto)er 1B+ 201 ;00!11;00 a*m*
(he participants are e@pected to plant at least 2 native trees 'hich 'ill )e planted )y themselves* -oreover+ Survey a)out community perception of environmental pro)lems and the potential of tree planting to provide vital resources* astly+ community feed)ac and assessment at the end of the pro&ect*
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BSP_Tree Planting Proposal Project
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E@ecutive Scouting Commissioner
RE.E S* SA.(S $u)lic Schools District Supervisor