Upani ads are the highest portion of Veda and upani ads are called as vedanta. It is the compound word of Sanskrit like upa ni sad, which denotes sitting at the feet or presence of a guru. The upani ads are called disclosure of god. There are one hun
case study
Space craft to solar system bodies must deal with multiple deviations under the in uence of gravity. The motion of satellite in one of the types of conic section strongly depends upon escape velocity. The goal of this paper is to nd the trajectory of
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hope it helpsFull description
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a study of retailer satisfection of wonder masalaFull description
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Green supply chain management GSCM is about incorporating the environmental idea in every stage of a supply chain. It has The LPP is the simplest way to calculate the profit and loss of a management. The important application of LPP is cost reduction
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Mathematics is one of the core subjects in secondary education different modern concepts and methods are introduced in the syllabus of mathematics at secondary stage. The curriculum revision is being undertaken by the state department of education SC
A STUDY ON MASALA PRODUCTS INTRODUCTION RETAIL The food industry is on a roller coaster ride as Indians continue to have a feast. With large disposable incomes the food sector is witnessing a remarkable change in consumption patterns, especially in terms of food. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Scope of the study Growing consumerism would be a key driver for organized food retail in I dia. Several demographic trends are favorable for the growth of convenience/packed food stuff, masala powders. The major factors which influence the usage of masala powders by women are: 1. Increasing urbanization 2. Growing young population 3. Tendency to spend now and save earlier. The usage of packed masala powders has come of age – from a period when food items were sold in small roadside grocery shops and mandis and bazaars to a stage when food products are retailed through super market stores where consumers can ambient and sill pay a fair price for the product. This study will bring in lights towards the consumer preference on masala powders. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY 1. To analyze the factors influencing the purchase of sakthi masala powders. 2. To analyze the level of satisfaction towards the sakthi masala powders. 3. To analyze the strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats in marketing sakthi masala powders. SAMPLE DESIGN The type of sampling, chosen is convenience sampling. Sampling The sample size is restricted to 120 from 1. House wives and 2. Working women
TOOLS Tools that are to be used for analysis are:1. Simple percentage analysis 2. Average rank analysis 3. Average score analysis 4. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) 5. Factor Analysis LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY This study would have certain limitations. They are, 1. The study is restricted only to the women customers using branded masala powders in Palakkad city. 2. The finding of this zone cannot be used to judge the overall performance. (of other zones) To collect necessary data, secondary sources would also be used.