Detailed Lesson Plan in Arts Grade 9 I.
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1. Recognize the elements of arts. 2. Construct an artwor b! a""l!ing the elements of arts. 3. #how coo"eration and "artici"ation in the acti$it!.
I I.
Subject Matter: Topic: %he &lements of Arts. Reference:!a!/asia/sculpture/oc!a!/asia/sculpture/ocu!ents/vocabular" u!ents/vocabular".pf .pf
Materials: $isual aids, colors, and illustration board. III.
#roceure: T$%&'$R(S %&TI)IT*
%. #reparato #reparator" r" %ctivit %ctivit": ": '. Pra!e ra!err. (. Gree Greeti ting ngs. s. ). Chec Checing ing of of attend attendanc ance. e. . ,evelop!e ,evelop!ental ntal %ctivit %ctivities ies '. *oti *oti$a $ati tion on Class + am going to show !ou some artwors of random artists. %he teacher shows artwors-
Class what ha$e !ou notice in the rst "icture/ 0es, 0es, *acasu/ 1er! good.
ST+,$-T(S %&TI)IT*
7a! sir.
%he rst "icture "icture is a drawing drawing using using onl! lines.
2ow for the second "icture/ 0es, 0es, A""le/ 1er! good.
%he second second "icture "icture is an art consisting consisting of sha"es and colors.
(. Disc Discu ussio ssion n %he artwors artwors +3$e shown !ou are are drawings consisting of lines, sha"es, colors but there is more than that. +t also consist form, $alue, s"ace and te4ture. 5ased on what + said. 6ho can guess the lesson for toda!/ 0es 0es #imon. 1er! good. 7ur lesson for toda! is.
The $le!ents of
#ir the lesson for toda! is %he &lements of Art.
&lements of Art, in our rst list is:
I-$ 6ill !ou read/ Patric/ Line, An element of art dened b! a "oint mo$ing in s"ace. Line ma! be two;or three;dimensional, descri"ti$e, im"lied, or abstract. 6ho can gi$e me an e4am"le of line/ 0es, Angelica/
1er! good. As !ou now class lines are $er! im"ortant on creating an artwor. An! idea wh!/ 0es Aira/ %han !ou and correct.
5ecause we can3t form an!thing without lines.
2e4t element of art is:
S'%#$ 6ill !ou read/ 0es 8anr!/
%han !ou. 6ho can gi$e me e4am"les if sha"es/ 0es Lad! Lee/ 1er! good. #ha"es are also im"ortant not onl! in arts but also in life. Loo around !ou, the world is full of sha"es. Right class/
#ha"e, An element of art that is two; dimensional, =at, or limited to height and width.
#uare, triangle, circle, etc.
0es sir.
2e4t element is:
0or! 6ill !ou read/ Rauel.
%han !ou. 5asicall! form is how the artwor will $isualize itself. or e4am"le, )D cube. 6ho can draw a )D cube/
An element of art that is three; dimensional and encloses $olume> includes height, width and de"th as in a cube, a s"here, a "!ramid, or a c!linder-. orm ma! also be free =owing.
0es 5r!an, draw it on the board. 7a! sir. 5r!an will draw the )D cube -
2e4t element:
)alue 6ill !ou read/ 0es Argin.
6ell read. 1alue means artwor ma! e4"ress lightness or darness.
%he lightness or darness of tones or colors. 6hite is the lightest $alue> blac is the darest. %he $alue halfwa! between these e4tremes is called middle gra!.
2e4t element:
S ace 6ill !ou read/ 0es R!an.
%han !ou. *eans the em"tiness of a s"ot on an artwor. +t denes the sense of de"th or ?lalim@
An element of art b! which "ositi$e and negati$e areas are dened or a sense of de"th achie$ed in a wor of art.
2e4t element:
&olor %his is the element of arts made u" of three "ro"erties: '. low intensit! color is faint and dull-
Gi$e me the three "rimar! colors/ 0es Rose. 1er! good. #ir 5lue, Red and 0ellow. %he last element is:
Teture 6ill !ou read/ 0es Cordo$a.
+t refers to how smooth or rough the artwor feels.
An element of art that refers to the wa! things feel, or loo as if the! might feel if touched.
&. %ctivit"
Class + ha$e here ) sets of cardboard and colors. + want !ou to mae an artwor a""l!ing the elements of art, and e4"ress !our feelings about doing it, then "resent the artwor and tell us what and wh! did !ou draw it. #o + will gi$e !ou 'B minutes for maing it. 2ow start counting ' to ). #tart now. %he students start counting %ime3s u" class "resent !our drawing in front of the class.
#tudents will draw their artwor -
1er! good class. %he students will "resent their drawing %. eneraliation '. 6hat are the elements of art/
(. 6hat are the ) "ro"erties of color/ ). 6hat are the "rimar! colors/
Color, line, s"ace, sha"e, form, $alue, and te4ture.
I). $valuation ,irection: Read and answer the following uestions.
'. 6hat are the elements of art/ (. 6hat are the "rimar! colors/ ). +n !our own word, what is the most im"ortant element and wh!/ ). %ssi4n!ent
Draw a color wheel in a long bond "a"er.
Pre"ared b!: 2io Ronelle *ateo &ligino