Group IV – Topic III (negative/con team) 1. Dian Dian Rahma Rahmawat watii
120621 120621! !6 6
2. Devina Rivanti "ugita
%. &ne &neng ng &'ina &'inawat watii
120621 12062161 612 2
*ometic +urger, +hou'- e anne-
Assalamualaikum Wa Warahmatullahi rahmatullahi Wa Wabarakatuh..... barakatuh..... Good morning Madam chairman, ladies and gentlemen. First of all I want to say thank you to Allah SWT, because of Allah bless we can meet in this room today. And also, Im not forget forget to say thank you to Madam chairman, ladies and gentlemen gentlemen for attending attending this debate e!ent today. The to"ic for our debate today is #$osmetic surgery should be banned%. We the negati!e team do not agree with this statement because the cosmetic surgery gi!es more benefit for "eo"le who do that. And also, this is a serious "roblem and in fact this really ha""ening now& our "lan is to sol!e about that "roblem. My name is 'neng 'lisnawati, as the first s"eaker of the negati!e team, I will be e("laining first reason why that the cosmetic surgery should not be banned because "eo"le ha!e the right and freedom to choose how they look. My second s"eaker is )ian *ahmawati. She will e("lain about second reason+ banning cosmetic surgery wouldnt "re!ent it occurring, better for it to be legal and "erformed "ro"erly and also about the fact , that in reality "eo"le alwa ys udge on our a""earance all the time, so we must to look good. The last s"eaker name is )e!ina *i!anti -ugita, she will gi!ing summary from our our reason and also the conclusion. So, before I begin with my teams argument, let me first correct some errors made by the first s"eaker of the affirmati!e team. The affirmati!e team would ha!e you belie!e that the cosmetic surgery should be banned. owe!er, this is not correct because the cosmetic surgery still ha!e alot benefit for "eo"le who did the cosmetic surgery. surgery. Alraight, now I will e("lain the first reason why that the cosmetic surgery should not be banned. Its all about "eo"le the right and freedom to choose how how they look.
irt rgument 3eop'e have the right an- 4ree-om to chooe how the, 'oo5
According cha"ter /, 0aw number 12 year 3222 about human rights said that “right to personal freedom, mind, and conscience” so e!eryone ha!e their own right to make "ersonal decision included ha!ing a cosmetic surgery. 4esides, in cha"ter 2 said that “everyone have right to live, survive, and improve their live”. It means if someone thinks that they need cosmetic surgery to make their li!e better or feeling better, there is no reason to against someone to ha!e cosmetic surgery. So cosmetic surgery should not be banned because it will break the law about human right. Moreo!er who didnt want to look better if they ha!e a chance5
Re4erence 66 -o. 12 tahun 3222 Tentang ak Asasi Manusia
+econ- rgument In rea'it, peop'e a'wa, u-ge on our appearance a'' the time7 o we mut to 'oo5 goo-
There is a reason behind why someone did cosmetic surgery. Some reason are+ boosts their self7esteem, 8uality of life, self7confidence and inter"ersonal relationshi"s in the long term. In a recent study, Sarwer7an associate "rofessor of "sychology at the $enter for uman A""earance at the 6ni!ersity of 9ennsyl!ania School of Medicine on :;;< found that a year after recei!ing cosmetic surgery, =>? of "atients re"orted satisfaction f ollowing their surgery, including im"ro!ements in their o!erall body image and the body feature altered. They also e("erienced less negati!e body image emotions in social situations. The study, which was su""orted by a grant from the Aesthetic Surgery 'ducation and *esearch Foundation, a""eared in the May@une issue of the Aesthetic Surgery Journal BCol. :<, -o. 1, "ages :D17 :D2E. $osmetic surgery also can boost your career. The good7looking "eo"le tend to attracts e!eryone. According to :;33 research by ar!ard Medical School and Massachusetts General os"ital at Forbes :;3:, "eo"le assess your com"etence and trustworthiness in a 8uarter of a second B:<; millisecondsEbased solely on how you look. Syl!ia Ann ewlett7an economist and the founding "resident of the $enter for Talent Inno!ation B$TIE in -ew ork, also said, #a""earance is e(traordinarily "owerful because its the first filter%. According Forbes :;3:, studies show that attracti!e "eo"le are more likely to be !iewed as smart, ha""y, interesting and successful. According American Society of 9lastic Surgeons BAS9SE re"orts a difference in the reasons teens gi!e for ha!ing "lastic surgery and the reasons adults do+ Teens !iew "lastic
surgery as a way to fit in and look acce"table to friends and "eers. Adults, on the other hand, fre8uently see "lastic surgery as a way to stand out from the crowd. According to the AS9S, more than 1;;,;;; "eo"le 3= years and younger had either maor or minor "lastic surgical "rocedures in :;3:. For teens, "lastic surgery will sto" the bullying. H!er 1.: million students are bullied e!ery year and the number one reason is because of how they look. > of school shootings are by kids who were bullied. Suicide has become the third7leading cause of death among young "eo"le, and the maority of suicides are in res"onse to bullying. '(am"le such as -adia Ilse, she get bullying and that made she was crying herself to slee" and ski""ing school. She got free "lastic surgery "ro!ided by the 0ittle 4aby Face Foundation7a non"rofit foundation that "ro!ide free "lastic surgery for low7income children who ha!e facial deformities. After -adia got her ears "inned back, her nose fi(ed, and a chin im"lant her self7esteem went way u". She feel ha""y, confident, and feel like she dont want to hide her self anymore. So "lastic surgery will change how they look and it means they will not get bullying any longer. 4ut of course teens will do cosmetic surgery after many consultation, consideration, and "arents "ermission. $hanging a childs a""earance is an #e(treme% decision, but if families decide its right, e8ual attention must be gi!en to that childs social and emotional well7being in order to effecti!ely address the "roblem of bullying.
9icture 3. -adia Ilse before and after surgery
Goudreau, enna. B:;3:E. The seven you’re your boss is judging you apprearance. 3 -o!ember :;3/. htt";3:@33@1;@the7se!en7 ways7your7boss7is7udging7your7a""earance@
)ittmann, Melissa. B:;;>3:/DD )ahl, Mellisa. B:;3/E. Tormented over their loo%s" #ullied tens see% free plastic surgery from a &'( nonprofit. 3 -o!ember :;3/.
Thir- rgument anning cometic urger, wou'-n8t prevent it occurring7 etter 4or it to e 'ega' an- per4orme- proper',
According cha"ter 1>, clause 3, 0aw number :1 year 322: about health, said that #"lastic surgery and reconstruction can only be done by health workers who ha!e e("ertise and com"etence in certain health facilities. If banned, cosmetic surgery will de!elo"ed on black market. '!en cosmetic surgery is now already a!ailable on the black market but if banned then "otentially all the costumers who ha!e legal cosmetic surgery will become costumers for black market cosmetic surgery. This will increase the "rice and also it will be much more dangerous as it will by unscru"ulous surgeon and outside all the safety "recautions the legal en!ironment "ro!ides. '(am"les such as that of /= year old *aee -arinesingh, she was inected to(ic facial made from cement and tyre sealant from fake doctor Hneal *on Morris. Hneal *on Morris also "um"ed cement and tyre sealant into another "atients backside. '(am"les such as this would became much more of a common occurrence if cosmetic surgery was banned due to the increase in black market surgeries.
9icture :. A. *aee -arinesingh, /=, from Miami, Florida, she was inected to(ic facial made from cement and tyre sealant from fake doctor Hneal *on Morris& 4. Another Hneal *on Morriss "atient who ha!e been "um"ed cement and tyre sealant.
)aily Mail. :;3:. )*o+ens) disfigured in blac%mar%et plastic surgeries performed by )The *uchess) $ho closed $ounds $ith super glue and charged thousands to inject patients $ith tyre fi-er. 3 -o!ember :;3/. htt" :;=3<3;@)oens7disfigured7black7market7"lastic7surgeries7The7)uchess7Hneal7*on7 Morris.htmlJi(1siwK"F 66 -o. :1 Tahun 322: tentang Kesehatan
'!eryone ha!e their own right to make "ersonal decision included ha!ing a cosmetic surgery. If someone thinks that they need cosmetic surgery to make their li!e better or feeling better, there is no reason to against someone to ha!e cosmetic surgery. $osmetic surgery can boosts self7esteem, 8uality of life, self7confidence and inter"ersonal relationshi"s in the long term. $osmetic surgery also can boost your career because the good7looking "eo"le tend to attracts e!eryone and studies show that attracti!e "eo"le are more likely to be !iewed as smart, ha""y, interesting and successful. For teens, "lastic surgery will sto" the bullying If banned, cosmetic surgery will de!elo"ed on black market. '!en cosmetic surgery is now already a!ailable on the black market but if banned then "otentially all the costumers who ha!e legal cosmetic surgery will become costumers for black market cosmetic surgery. This will increase the "rice and also it will be much more dangerous as it will by unscru"ulous surgeon and outside all the safety "recautions the legal en!ironment "ro!ides.
$osmetic surgery should not be banned because that is e!eryone own right to make their li!e better from their a""earance, "eo"le always udge the a""earance first before they udge someone character or life or etc, can "re!ent suicide because of a""earance bullying, and also can reduce black market cosmetic surgery that can be dangerous Bif cosmetic surgery legalied and "erformed "ro"erly by the health workerE.