Customer Loyalty

Revenue management in hotel...
Author:  vivian trinh

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This report examines the main influences on customer loyalty CL in a study framework where CL is the dependent variable and customer satisfaction CS , perceived price, quality of service SQ and trust are independent variables. The study also tests th

Customer loyalty is viewed as the strength of the relationship between an individual's relative attitude and repeat patronage. The relationship is seen as mediated by social norms and situationa...


The purpose of this study is to provide a brief overview of existing loyalty models. The focus is on key factors and prospects that can help academics and marketing professionals increase customer loyalty. A literature review was used to provide a fu

This study is to show how the customer satisfaction and loyalty in online and offline environment differs or remains the same. In this context we will be answering the following questions that are increasingly important to managers in service departm

Descripción: Reports seem to be mixed about the state of the economy but as we talk to you, there appears to be a wealth of success, opportunity, growth and desire for more. The need for more knowledge and supp...

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