Creation: The World Building Game
CJr# r(5 d )# 8 9 3
By Guy Fox and Okiju Smith
page 1
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Creation Points
page 3
Receiving Points Back
page 8
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Example of Play
page 11
Optional Rules
page 13
Incorporating This Game
page 14
Copy Right© B.Brother Press 2012
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Roleplaying games are games where players pretend to be someone or something like cops and robbers. However unlike unlike games such as cops and robbers roleplaying games tend to have more concrete rules and generally having a mechanism to determine uncertain actions such as fighting. This is because roleplaying games are trying to simulate a reality in a more detailed manner. The main goal of these games is to have fun; secondary goals can be anything from making a great story to relieving some stress. Most roleplaying games involve the use of dice to randomly determine outcomes, with modifiers to the roll such as more dice or added static values to represent natural talent, skill and circumstances. These rolls are only ever done to determine the result of an action with an uncertain outcome. Rolls should always matter and pointless rolling should be avoided when possible.
This game is great for playing quick sessions, between 2-6 hours long for the entire game. Longer campaigns are possible but are trickier to run. Also this game is perfect for slower methods of game play such as email campaigns and play by post on forums. Finally this game can be used as a tool for making your own game setting with the players help to to be run on any roleplaying game system.
To play this game you will need: pencils or pens although pencils are recommended and paper. If players want they could instead just use a computer or laptop. Also with some of the optional rules players may want some dice either standard standard six sided dice or a collection of polyhedral dice. It is also recommended that each player has a copy of this PDF. Please support the official release, which is this document.
For those that have played a lot of roleplaying games they may find that this game is somewhat unusual to what they are used to, since of course how does one represent what a god can do especially one that actually creates a world. For new players to this type of games, then this game will appear like a more traditional traditional game than your typical roleplaying games, so players should be aware that this game will be different. So what is this game you ask? This game is for players to take on the roles of gods probably ones that they have made themselves although according to the rules it could be any god or goddess they want. But unlike other games where players get to play as powerful entities the goal here will be to create a world or worlds from scratch.
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This is a simplistic and dice-less system; all player characters are doing is creating the world. Everyone starts with a number of ‘creation points’ these points can then be used to do one of a number of actions per turn, which will then create or define a setting. By actively describing their character actions in one way or another, players can then gain points back. If a player doesn’t create something then it should just be assume that our world rules or physical properties or species and so on exist. Unless everyone agrees against it in which case the agreed properties properties apply. Players may want to nominate a ‘game master’, this person’ s role will mainly be to adjudicate points that other players will receive back due to their descriptions, interpreting the rules, and keeping track of of what is happening in the game setting. For groups more familiar with roleplaying games, the role of the game master will be the same as in most other games. If no game master is nominated then all the players will have to act in unison as the game master and take the decisions as vote.
For groups that take this as a more literal game there are 2 ways to determine the ‘winner’ first ‘reward points’ can be given either by the game master or throw a consensus from the group. These points are awarded for good descriptions, interesting actions taken from the game, or whatever else the group or game master deems worthy of points. There is no official scoring system for this game and we encourage groups who use reward points to come up with their own scoring system to better suit their needs. The winner is the one with the most reward points.
The second way is more straight-forward s traight-forward and that is for the player with the god or goddess that is actually in control of the world. This is achieved by the the player that has spent the most creation points thought the game. This does mean that unlike most other role playing games, this game has a very literally and finite finite end; when all the players run out of creation points. For this to work out every turn a point spent tally should be kept for each player. First the players or the game master need to decide what level of game they wish to play and thus how many points they will start the game with. Players start with 50 creation points for quick games, 100 to represent weak gods, 200 creation points for standard gods, 500 for epic games and 1000 for universe creating gods. They can spend as many points as they have during any turn but only on one of the listed actions. So a god could create multiple heavenly bodies or land but not both. They receive points back based on how good the description of how they made their action in their turn is, and there is no limit in how many creation point their character can have at any point. Continual development of their ‘character’ will give points back as well. well. A turn is in this game is define as the collective action of all the players for the spent and regain of creation points. At the end of the turn the game master or group decides how many points the players receive back before the beginning of the next turn, also turns have other consequences described below since certain actions will force a player to effectively ‘miss’ a turn at least in the sense that they can’t spend creation points.
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1. Artefact 1-10pt 2. Civilization 7pt 3. Construction materials 10pt 4. Create animal 3pt 5. Create food staple 5pt 6. Create plant 1pt 7. Create underworld 35pt 8. Create weather 5pt 9. Curse race 5-15pt 10. Ecosystem 20pt 11. Empower race 5-20pt 12. Fundamental concept 60pt 13. Heavenly body 40pt 14. Hero 3pt 15. Hide or protect 5pt 16. Inspiration 2pt 17. Land 30pt 18. Landmark 1-10pt 19. Miracle 1-10pt 20. Monster 5-15pt 21. New technology 5pt 22. Organisation 3pt 23. Plane of existence 40pt 24. Prophecy 1-5pt 25. Race 15pt 26. Supernatural materials 20pt 27. Useless materials 1pt
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Creation myth 2-7pt Flawed creation 1-20pt Fundamental god story 1-10pt Fundamental sacrifice 3-15pt New deity 1-5pt Rest 1pt Slaying 1-20pt
Players can spend their creation points on the following actions, they can spend as many creation points as they have on any one action which may allow for the creation of multiple versions of the same action but players can only take one kind of action per turn. Where the cost of the action varies, it is up to the game master to t o decide the cost of each individual use of that action, which may lead to varying costs even in a single turn. Artefact 1-10pt - this is an artefact that has been build for the world, examples include a sword that can cut anything, to a gigantic lens that burns any intruders in a city. Artefacts are more or less permanent unless unless they are destroyed by a hero or monster but they can also be stolen, also artefacts are not for the gods since in all a ll fairness any equipment they have will be cinematic. An example of a 1pt artefact is a sword that never becomes dull and can cut most materials with ease. An example of a 5pt artefact is a shield that can never be destroyed and the user of the shield is protected from any damage coming from the direction of the shield. An example of a 10pt artefact is an armour that prevents the wearer from ever dying and they are constantly healed as long as they wear the armour, the armour itself can also never be destroyed. Civilization 7pt - this will build a civilisation for example the ancient Egyptians or Romans, there is no limit in how big the civilisation can become, how many races a single civilization may encompass or how many civilizations a single race can have. However this creation has two restrictions first all the races that will become part of the civilisation must exist before the use of this ability although they could be created in that turn and secondly the civilisation cannot originally occupy more than one Land that has been made although this
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could result in a civilisation ruling an entire planet for galactic games. Construction materials 10pt - this is the introduction of a construction material that anyone can use, the material can be found anywhere that the player decided but it should be accessible to at least one race in existence. This material can be anything from wood, stone or gold to more unusual materials such as plastic. The only limitation is that these materials can’t be anything better than what is found on earth and also fundamentally because of their nature they will be very common and most buildings could incorporate these materials so for example if gold is made into a construction material then most houses could be build out of gold Create animal 3pt - this creates a specific animal such as a cat, elephant or bacteria. There are a few limitations first the animal does not need to be something that exists on earth, however it will become common enough so there will always be more than a 1000 individuals of this species secondly it can’t be so powerful as to actually rival any race made or dominate the planet, and finally it can’t be sentient. Create food staple 5pt - this creates a staple food source that any race could use although it could be heavily tied to any individual race or civilisation this could be anything from a potato, to an easily and abundant animal or more exotic such as edible rocks. The only limitation is that the food source must either be large enough or replenish-able enough so that everything within at least one Land Land could eat it. Create plant 1pt - similar to create animal but it instead creates an immobile being. This can be anything from an actual plant, fungus to more exotic organisms such as living crystals. Again this will be a common thing so there will be more than 1000 individuals and it can’t be deadly enough or destructive enough to destroy any
civilisation or wipe out any race. Finally this thing can’t be so useful for construction so as to be their primary building material without spending for for the construction material as well Create underworld 35pt - this is the creation of a place where the dead will go to. It can have any restrictions that the player wants, such as only those that died in battle can journey to this underworld, underworld, and the plane plane can do whatever the player wishes it to do for example torture all the dead for eternity. There are a few restrictions first the underworld cannot be reached by normal means and generally only death, secondly it can’t kill or destroy those that will inhabit it although although they may be killed and reborn indefinitely and finally it can’t do the same job or have the same restriction as another existing underworld. Also note that the the underworld can never be overfilled with dead people and there will always be enough space for more to come in. Create weather 5pt - this allows the creation of permanent weather effects such as rain, thunder storms, hurricanes and the like. This is the creation of a permanent effect in the world and unlike miracle it can’t be used for a specific effect or to destroy anything created with creation points such as flooding a city.
-similar to empower race Curse race 5- 15pt -similar but it gives a handicap to the entire race, these handicaps can be anything from the race burning up with sunlight to them only being able to eat the flesh of a particular animal. There are a few restrictions first it cannot unmake or stop the empowerment that the race already has; it can’t also be so awkward that it will kill the race completely, and finally it can’t hinder the race enough for their civilizations, if they have any, to collapse. An example of a 5pt curse is being killed outright if they touch a rare element such as gold. An example of a 10pt curse is burning up when sunlight touches their 4|Page
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skin. An example of a 15pt curse is only being able to breathe with specialised masks on and drowning if these masks are ever removed from their face.
and they have to be able to make sense so you can’t for example make make a concept that stops gravity entirely but you could make a concept that negates gravity in some areas
Ecosystem 20pt - this creates an entire ecosystem in any one land, players do not have to explain everything that lives there but they should give some explanation as to roughly how creatures are such as if they are making a rain forest or a coral reef. The only limitation is that the animals within can’t be more dangerous than monsters and they should not be able to stop the progress of a civilisation and none of the creatures in the ecosystem can be sentient.
Heavenly body 40pt - this is an object that is visible to everything else in existence, for example a sun, the moon, a constellation of stars or something stranger such a gigantic statue. By definition it is impossible to reach such object through normal means, and great efforts involving an entire nation are the minimum requirements to reach them if they can be reached at all.
Empower race 5-20pt - this is an important add on to any race that should be more capable than humans in one way or another, for example this power can make the creatures no longer need to eat, be immortal or fly. This power can give multiple advantages and its cost will depend on how much more capable the race will end up being compared to normal humans. An example of a 5pt 5pt empowerment is making the race immune to the effects of fire or regeneration. An example of a 10pt empowerment is making the race capable of flying and able to see in i n complete darkness. An example of a 15pt empowerment is giving the race the ability to become immortal. An example of a 20pt empowerment is making the entire race capable of flying, having senses that are far superior to anything else on the planet and being immune to most forms of damage. Fundamental concept 60pt - this is the creation of a fundamental aspect of all reality, this can be anything from the creation of ‘good’, ‘love’ to more fundamental aspects such as gravity or concrete aspects such as magic. The limitation for this is that it can’t contradict an already existing concept although it could oppose it such as good goo d and evil, it should be well define since pre-existing concepts such as love may change with this
Hero 3pt - this creates a hero from one of the already existing races such as Achilles, the individual is unique and unless this power is spent again an individual such as this character will not exist again. The hero can be tasked with any task although they do have free will unlike the monster so so impossible tasks they will probably refuse to do, the hero will have any power that the player wishes but they can’t be powerful enough to destroy or build anything that requires creation points with the exception of other heroes, monsters or organisations which they can destroy destroy or find. Hide or Protect 5pt - this is a special power that prevents other gods form affecting any one thing that the god is hiding or protecting. This effect can only target one thing say a race, or a civilisation but it need not be one that the god made himself. Once this power is used no other god can intervene but monster, artefacts and heroes can be used to interact, albeit not perfectly, with anything that is being hidden or protected. Inspiration 2pt - this is a power that can be used to give any existing race a thought or a mode of conduct, for example the 10 commandments. The limitations of this are that it can’t be used to destroy anything that is made from creation points such as a race or civilisation but it could be used to add hate to any race or civilisation. Also laws
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given through Inspiration at best will be taken as the ideal way of life; it does not mean though that everyone that knows them will follow them. Inspiration also cannot be used to replicate any effect that could be done using another power such as adding a new technology l ife Land 30pt - this by definition is where life will or can exist in. It is reasonably accessible to other creatures and if left alone it will develop its own o wn creatures and ecosystems. Even though it’s called land it does not mean that it has to be rock, earth and soil it could be a gigantic plant, or a space ship. There is however one restrictions that should be imposed first at the start of the game to define the game that will be played. Kingdom games games have a land minimum size of a county or state and the land maximum size of a large country. Continental games have a land minimum size of a large country and a land maximum size of a continent. Both kingdom and continental games are therefore limited to a single planet which may be a restriction that the game master or the group wish to impose on the game. Finally there is galactic games, were the minimum land size is that of a small planet like earth and the maximum size of a land is that of a gas giant planet like Jupiter. Landmark 1-10pt - this creates a piece of scenery that has to reside inside a Land, it can be anything from a mountain to a very tall tower, the limitations though are that it can’t be bigger than the Land it is in although it could almost be the same size, si ze, and it can’t destroy or create anything that would require creation points, points, however landmarks could be used to connect one land to another or to go from one land to a plane or underworld. An example of a 1pt landmark is a small hill. An example of a 5pt landmark is a large mountain range that covers the entire coast. An example of a 10pt landmark is a colossal tower that reaches right into heaven and that all dead souls must clime it if they wish to get in.
-miracles are one off effects Miracle 1-10pt -miracles that will shape the land or history or nations that it affects, the potency of the miracle will determine its cost same as with monsters. Miracles can have any effect from raining fire to turning all the water in the land to wine or making all animals animals in a certain land into ash. There are a few restrictions to miracles, first they can’t undo what another player has made so you can’t end a civilization or eliminate an entire race no matter how many miracles you cast against them although you can reduce then to a very small number of individuals, secondly they can’t be permanent, and finally they can’t create something that would be covered with any of the other powers. An example of a 1pt miracle is for making it rain honey for an entire day, a 1pt miracle can’t have a fundamental change on any civilisation or land and it will affect an area the size of a city or less. An example of a 5pt miracle is creating a swarm of locusts that will ravage all the food in a land, 5pt miracles can change the behaviour of a civilisation and the can affect any 1 land. An example of a 10pt miracle is making it rain for 40 days and nights and flooding the entire world, do note though that 10pt miracles even though they can affect any number of lands and fundamentally change any number of civilisation they cannot on their own actually destroy any civilisation or race. Monster 5-15pt - this creates a monster that will roam the land from from this point until it it is slain, the more powerful the creature the more points it will cost players can ask for a cost but in it is up to the game master to determine the actual cost depending on what it is capable of doing. Monsters can be tasked with anything that the players want and they are one of the few things that will affect things that are hidden or protected by another god. However Monsters can’t be so powerful as to be able to destroy things, other than other monsters and heroes, which require creation points. points. In other
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words they can’t kill an an entire race or bring down a civilisation or destroy a land. An example of a 5pt monster is like the minotaur in that it is powerful but a prepared hero could easily kill it, and for the most part they do not have any supernatural powers other than cosmetic appearance. An example of a 10pt monster is like the medusa, it takes a very well prepared hero to defeat it, and even then there is a chance that the monster will triumph, also this kind of monster will have several supernatural abilities such as turning people into stone with its gaze or o r only being able to be slaying with a mistletoe. An example of a 15pt monster is a creature that will affect nations although although not outright destroy them such as a mighty dragon or a colossal giant, monsters of this magnitude will rarely be defeated by a single hero and they will most likely have a whole range of supernatural abilities such as regeneration, the ability to shatter mountains with a single blow and so on. With game master approval 13 to 15pt monsters may be allowed to affect or create their own land marks on the setting generally due to how big or powerful they should be. New technology 5pt - this is the creation of the fundamental innovation for a new set of technology that anyone in the setting is capable of using. Examples for this will include such fundamental technologies such as fire, electricity or metal working to more unusual technologies such as magic, alchemy or necromancy. This creation can also be used to represent technological level of a civilisation, each purchase of this power equating to an “age”. They must be purchase in order and the ages are as follows: Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Classical Age, Dark Age, Medieval Age, Renascence, Age of Discovery, Steam Age, Industrial Age, Modern Era, Digital Age, Space Fairing Age, Age of Miracles and Age of Creation. From From this list of ages we recommend that the game master or the gaming group place a limit if they wish to keep technological levels capped, for
example at the medieval age, to play a fantasy game. Also players should note that even though the order of ages is set, the standard age progression follows human technological progression however this will progress all technologies at the same rate, for example if players purchase necromancy then it will be relatively useless and limited at the stone age but it will be miraculous by modern era. This boils down to players purchasing the technologies available and then the technological level that is available to the world. Organisation 3pt - this creates an organisation that is tasked with any particular objective that the god wishes although all the members have free will and can choice not to do any task, these organisations can be fairly powerful but they can never rival a civilisation. They also can’t directly destroy or build anything that would require creation points points and they are not capable of sufficiently influencing a civilisation or for that matter another organisation, into changing completely.
-this is the creation Plane of existence 40pt -this of another realm of reality, for example the creation of heaven or the plane of magic. By definition this area of reality is extremely difficult to reach from outside of it, and unless a Land is also purchased, living creatures can’t survive inside of this area. The rules inside this area can be anything that the player desires and this area can be combined with the underworld so that other creatures other than the dead can also reside in this place. Prophecy 1-5pt - this does not actually make anything this turn, instead when points are spent in prophecy they make any outcome that the player wishes to make eventually come true. The more powerful or fundamental the prophecy is the more points it cost. Prophecies can do anything that the player wants even the entire destruction of everything that exist, but prophecies cannot have an exact date of
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when they will occur, and unlike any other creation they can be outright stopped or contradicted so one prophecy can be the exact opposite of another. Prophecies never actually take effect during the game. An example of a 1pt prophecy is the prediction of the death of any one hero that was made. An example of a 3pt 3pt prophecy is the end of a civilisation. An example of a 5pt prophecy is the end of all of creation. Race 15pt - this is the creation of an intelligent or sentient race of creatures. The default will be humans but any race of creatures can be made and they don’t need to be even vaguely humanoid so things like sentient robots or intelligent slime can exist from this power, there is one restriction and that is that just using this power will make things that are as capable as a human or less capable but not more powerful, so no supernatural powers, skills or abilities of any sort. Supernatural materials 20pt - similar to construction materials except that they are far rarer and they can have any effect that the god wishes, with the exception that the material cannot create or destroy in itself anything that requires creation points. Examples of supernatural materials include adamantine, living metal, uranium, or forcefields. Useless materials 1pt - useless materials are materials that can be extremely common and that for the most part are useless for most day to day tasks; examples include sand, clay or more unusual materials such as glowing rocks. However with time or new technologies these materials could be exploited. Also any useless material is almost worthless to any creature that can find it.
Players can receive a number of points from the following actions. Depending on how good the description of what your character does will reward you with a varying number of points according to which of these criteria you you wish to cover. You can use more than one one of these criteria at a time; however the conditions in the criteria have to be met. Creation myth 2-7pt - this is the typical method of regaining points, it details how the god formed wherever he spend creation points. For example a god who built an island by spending creation points in a Land could have created the island by throwing a pebble into the ocean which then absorbed water and grew. A 2pt creation myth is one or two sentences s entences long. A 5pt creation myth myth is about 2 paragraphs paragraphs in length. A 7pt creation myth is about the length of page in description or something that made the rest of the players laugh or impressed them. Flawed creation 1-20pt - this type of regaining points involve hindering something that the player has made, the worse they hinder what what they create the more points they gain back. For example a god who makes fish by spending creation points into making an animal could have used ash when he made the first fish, and because of this all fish now taste of ash. Fish have now become inedible due to their flavour of ash. A 1pt flawed creation is a minor hindrance such as creating an animal that has a horrendous smell. A 5pt flawed creation is a more substantial flaw such as making an animal that can only eat one type of plant. A 10pt flawed flawed creation is a major flaw and can only be applied to bigger things such as lands, for example creating a land that has almost no natural resources. A 15pt flawed creation creation is a great fault such such as making a celestial body like the sun but that it scorches all the lands every 10 years. A 20pt flawed creation creation is a truly hindered hindered
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creation such as making a land that is slowly sinking into the sea and will disappear completely in a 1000 years. Fundamental god story 1-10pt - this is a fundamental story that details either the origin of the god or explains more of how the god actually is. For example a god who creates a lake by spending creation points in a Land mark, could one day have been very thirsty so he drank drank and drank, on his his way home the sand tickled tickled his feet but because he was so full of water he couldn’t keep it in and so he threw up and formed the lake. A 1pt fundamental god story is a small story that gives just a hint of what the god actually is. A 5pt fundamental god story is a story that goes into more detail as to why the god is how he is, is, for example explain why the god is always angry. A 10pt fundamental god story is that t hat intrinsically defines the god, for example where he came from or explaining why he is the god of rain. Fundamental sacrifice 3-15pt - this type of regaining points involves the god giving up something that was very personal to them, it could be anything from their own hand, to a loved one or even a loved possession. For example a god who created the sun by spending creation points on heavenly body could have been a very greedy god, and his most precious possession could have been a golden ball. One day he became careless as he was playing and threw the ball high into the sky, he threw it so s o hard that it never came back. Now the god weeps every e very time the sun passes by. An example of a 3pt fundamental sacrifice is losing an object that was dear to the god, this does not need to have any mechanical effects in the game. An example of a 5pt 5pt fundamental sacrifice is sacrificing a body part of the god, for example a hand or a foot, with game master discretion this may make gods more vulnerable to confrontations, confrontations, and they count as having 1 creation point less when confronting another god/goddess. An example of a 10pt fundamental sacrifice is
sacrificing something more important such as the gods only weapon or his heart, although it should be noted that gods cannot die. A 10pt sacrifice may with game master discretion force the god to be more vulnerable to confrontations confrontations and they count count as having 5 creation points less when confronting another god/goddess or having to rest the next turn. A 15pt fundamental sacrifice is giving away almost the entire existence of the god away for example giving away his soul or his manhood. With game master discretion such sacrifices should cripple the god and they are now permanently at a disadvantage when confronting another god/goddess they count as having 10 creation points less and they have to rest on the next turn. New deity 1-5pt - this is a special form of regaining points, players can invoke this method of regaining points at any time. When they do the next turn the game master gets to do any action that would spend creation points to make one thing. Also players who use this must must define the new deity and explain where that person came from. A 1pt new deity creates a new deity that can spend up to 10 creation points or less next round. A 3pt new deity creates a deity that can spend 50 creation points or less for the next round. A 5pt new deity creates a deity that can spend up to 100 creation points on the next round. The points are spent on whatever the game master (or group) decide on but the new deity can only spend points on the following rounds and they never regain spent points. The player who created the deity has no say in where w here the points are spent. Rest 1pt - this is also another special action that players can take, instead of spending any creation points this turn the god can instead ‘rest’ and he automatically gets 1 creation point, as well they can use any of the methods above to regain even more points. A resting character cannot use the
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slaying option above to confront anything as a form of regaining points. Slaying 1-20pt - slaying requires the god to go out and confront something, he has to defeat whatever it is that he faced but he does not have to kill it, for example he could just wound the creature or capture it. The more impressive the creature the more points the player gains back. Gods can target creatures that just exist for that encounter so the player makes up the monster for this description without needing to spend points in its creation or he can target a monster or hero that has actually been made in game with creation points unless their hidden/protected, and the player then decides what happens to that individual. However if the player choices this second option during the next turn he must rest and who ever made the monster or hero in the first place also receives the same number of points. For example a god who made humans by spending creation points on race could have made humanity when he fought a gigantic serpent, when the god cut the monster with his sword the blood of the creature spilled to the ground. From the blood and dirt the first humans roused and there is where the race comes from. A 1pt slaying is facing a cinematic opponent that the player describes and has no mechanical effects on his character. A 5pt slaying is fighting a cinematic monster that is very impressive and at the discretion of the game master may hinder the character forcing him to rest for the next turn. A 10pt slaying slaying has to have a more mechanical effect with game master discretion for example fighting a cinematic monster that forces the god to now become vulnerable against other confrontations, against other gods the god now counts as having 5 creation points less. A 15pt slaying is a more epic fight than a 10 point slaying and with game master discretion may give a greater hindrance to the character such as forcing the god to rest for the next tern and making them vulnerable to consequent consequent confrontations,
against other gods the god now counts as having 10 10 creation points less. A 20pt slaying is a world shaking confrontation that mechanically can only happen when one god faces another god/goddess, the confronting god must also defeat the god he confronts and with game master discretion the confronting god must rest for the following two turns and the defeated god most rest for the next turn. Only the winning god receives the slaying points, but but the losing god may gain points from the confrontation due to one of the other methods such as a fundamental sacrifice.
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This is an additional part of game play that may crop up depending on the actions of the players. Since gods/goddess i.e. the players can crate heroes and monsters, as well as their deities fighting fighting said individuals there may be times when these confrontations will have to be solved. To determine who wins just compare the number of creation points spent on the hero/monster the one with the most points wins the confrontation. confrontation. The player who created the hero/monster gets to decide the fate of the vanquished party. Players may notice that heroes are only 3 points were as monsters start at 5, this is because heroes can use artefacts to boost their number of points by the same number of points as the artefact cost. Monsters may be allowed to do the same but this is down to the game master’s discretion and generally shouldn’t . Also multiple monsters/heroes may may face each other in the same ‘battle’, to determine the outcome of the fight the side with the most creation points points wins, and the player or players who won get to decide the outcome of the defeated side.
the defeated god/goddess must spend the next turn resting as explained above. Characters that are forced to rest by this manner or through the slaying condition above cannot confront and therefore slay another creature.
Here is an example of three turns of play between two god characters, the first if the god Okami, and the second is the goddess Xochi, the format of this example will be first the mechanical purchasing and then each turn will have a description to follow that explains what they purchased and also gives a rough idea as to how many points the description would give the character back. This example of play will also assume normal rules and that in the first turn there ’s a blank slate as it is nothing in play, it ’s were.
When a player’s god or goddess character confronts a monster or hero or multiple opponents of either/both the god or goddess character is always the victor. However as explained above in the slaying section on receiving creation points back the player or players who made the hero/monster gain the same number of creation points back as the god/goddess character who slay the creations.
Turn 1 Okami: in the first turn Okami creates a land (30pt). Okami regains points through a creation myth (3pt) and fundamental god story (2pt). The first god of creation was Okami, he came from the void a creature that was above all others as he made ma de himself in the very beginning. As Okami became self aware he shouted the word for land, and from the darkness the first planet came out into existence. As the world came into shape Okami felt a great loneliness and so the next word he spoke was life. With it the first trees grow and the first animals began to walk the earth.
For players who actively use their gods/goddess to confront creatures there is an option for their gods/goddess characters to face each other. When this occurs just compare the number of remaining creation points of both characters, whichever side has the most creation points remaining wins the contest. However unlike the other situations the victorious side does not get to say what happens to the defeated, instead
Xochi: in the first turn Xochi creates a heavenly body (40pt). Xochi regains points through a creation myth (2pt) and fundamental god story (2pt). In the darkness the first animals lived, one of them was Xochi the tiger. In the darkness there were no days and so there was no way to tell how long she spent there, hunting her pray. However Xochi was sad as she could not see and it was very difficult 11 | P a g e
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for her to hunt. One night she creapt all the way up a mountain, there she found a lump of gold, seeing the shiny metal gave her an idea. She sprinkled some wood shavings and set the whole thing on fire and with great force she threw it into the sky for it to become the sun.
approach the house that man lived in. As she reached the house however, she heard a horrible wail, the cries of the first child, and she got scared. In her fright she dropped her spear and ran as fast as the wind, and there is when man first learned of metal.
Turn 2 Okami: in the second turn Okami creates a race (15pt). Okami regains points through a creation myth (3pt) and a flaw creation (1pt) As the first day came and the sun rouse into into the sky Okami was moved by its beauty. Okami peered into the world to see what the others thought and found that not one of his world s inhabitants was interested in the sun. Okami became desperate that others should feel what he felt and so he rushed through the first day to gather clay from all the land. As the day started to settle he created the first man and woman and as he rushed he cut himself and sprinkled the blood on their bodies. As the t he first humans came into being the first thing they saw was their bleeding god, and they became afraid and ran into the hills to hide. Okami became sad, and to bring them out of their cave he built for them their own house. In that house humans would live during the night which is when they are most afraid, and they would marvel at the sun and join Okami in celebrating its beauty during the day.
Turn 3 Okami: in the third turn Okami rest (1pt) and gains additional points from a fundamental god story (1pt) When Okami found that man had started working with metal he felt that they no longer needed his help. He left them be so that they could grow and flourish however way they wanted, and so he went to the ocean on his own little boat made of reads and set sail to see the world he had made.
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Xochi: in the second turn Xochi creates a new technology (5pt). Xochi regains points through a fundamental sacrifice (3pt) and creation myth (3pt) When Xochi saw Okami create man she became angry and lonely. In her anger she roared to the heavens, her shout was so fears that it can be heard as thunder. In her loneliness she wept, and she cried for so long that her tears now fall from the heavens as rain. In this sate she did not eat or sleep and so she grew weak and feeble. After a year of crying she she decided to confront man, and so she built herself the first metal tool, a large iron spear, and
Xochi: in the third turn Xochi creates animal (3pt). Xochi regains points through a creation myth (3pt) and slaying (20pt). During the confrontation between Xochi and Okami, Xochi wins due to having more creation points (as Okami has spent 36pt and you don’t include the fact that he has rested this turn, and Xochi has spent 35pt). Because this is a fight between gods Xochi has forced Okami to rest for a turn and she in turn will have to rest for the following 2 turns. In her shame Xochi roam the land for many days, looking for Okami so that she could have a world with him. However the god had already left on his trip into the ocean, when Xochi found out that Okami had left she was furious. Believing that the god had abandoned abandoned her she chased after him. She took 13 years to find Okami and when she finally found him she was driven by rage to kill the god. A great fight then ensued from the two deities, and it was so fearsome that the ground where they fought turned to glass, the rivers and lakes dried up, and the mountains crumbled to dust. During the fight Xochi clawed at Okami and from every cut snakes poured out onto the earth were they slithered away in fear. In the end neither deity could kill the other. 12 | P a g e
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So they parted ways, harbouring hatred for all time.
For players who want more uncertainty in the game here are a few options: Heroic Variant Confrontations between monsters and heroes are determined randomly, this is done by rolling a six sided dice for both sides and adding how many creation points the monster or hero cost. The side with the highest value wins the confrontation. Terrestrial Variant For players who wish to add more emphasis on chance then all confrontations are determined by rolling, here heroes roll a 8 sided die, monsters use a 6 sided die and gods/goddess characters roll using a twelve sided die, god and goddess characters also only count as having 20 creation points to determine the outcome of confrontations between them and monster/heroes. Confrontation between two gods/goddesses are the same as above but both sides roll a 12 sided dice and add them to their corresponding number of creation points they have left. Thus this allows gods to always have the same chance of beating a hero or a monster, given the static value but against other gods the outcome is more tied to the number of creation points they have left.
creation points at the beginning of the game. Sage Variant For game masters who wish to minimise player control or wish to make player characters more closely resemble heroes can use this options. Players start with 20 creation points, and the game master must already have a ‘setting’ cre ated, this requires a minimum of 1 land, 1 celestial body, 1 ecosystem, 1 race, 1 civilisation and game masters may wish to add anything else that can be created using creation points as well. With this variant the the terrestrial variant or heroic variant should also be used to give a greater importance to chance.
For groups were there are less players, the assumption with the current rules are that the game has one game master and 4 players, however the game can easily accommodate any number of players, or the game master wants to give even more power to the players, they are encourage to give players 300 or 400 creation points to begin with. Do note that above 500 creation points any player can quite easily create everything needed for a civilisation to flourish in a single round. Game masters who use this option may wish wish to limit the number of creation points spent in any single round to either 50 or 100 points.
Interloper Variant For game masters who wish to have more control of the setting you can start by having anything defined with creation points already in play so players can affect them and depending on how much is already in play you may wish to remove some creation points from players, generally about 10 creation points for every 1 thing already in existence with the exception of heroes, monster and concepts. Using this variant, players should never start with less than 50
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More experience roleplaying gamers may realise that this game has a lot of other potential other than its main goal. This side effect is an intentional part of the game, since at its core this game is all about the telling of a creation myth. What this means is that for groups that are adventurous or who just wish to try something something new could do the following: run the game as it i t is detailed above and then run a campaign most likely using a different system afterwards using the setting that your group develop together. There are several benefits to using this approach, first and most obvious is that if your game group is ‘stuck’ ‘stuck’ on ideas on what to play next this has the benefit of setting up the setting as it were and it may even provide its own narrative or story hooks that the game master may need to run his next adventure. Another more overlooked benefit is that everyone who was present in the creation of the setting will know the setting, since they helped build it. This then means that when running another campaign in said setting all the players come to the table with the same information. However game masters should be aware that even though all the players may have the same information it does not mean that they come to the game with the same expectations and certain individuals may have more of a say on the setting simply because their characters made more. Another benefit to using this approach approach is that the game master doesn’t have to build the world from scratch or read several books on a pre-built setting to run the game. This is especially true considering that the players actually do most of the game for him using this approach. Using this approach allows game masters to work out what their players want in a campaign c ampaign by observing what their players make during this game. Although game masters
should be aware of two very important obstacles that using this approach may generate, first the more power given to the players on their say in the setting the more unexpected the outcome may be. Game masters should be prepared for players creating something completely unique that may have no comparison to anything else they have encountered before. A good example would be with something as simple as the create land power, there is no reason why it should be rock as stated in the power above, so a player could quite easily make a gigantic fly as a land. If a game where then set with said fly there would have to be some considerations made for example are the trees or just gigantic hairs that have the same function? Game masters should be aware of this potential hazard but they should also know that if they are taking this rote to creating a setting then telling your players what they can and cannot make is just going to frustrate frustrate the players if the game game master is limiting them at every turn. The second obstacle is in the actual running of the game, some settings made may very well be outside the rules provided provided by most roleplaying game systems. It is recommended that the game master uses a generic system when trying to make a setting using this approach but this is not to say that other systems won’t work. Game masters should just be aware that some systems may not support what their players have made, for example in a setting with no humanoid sentient beings, using a system that only allows players to play as a human may not be the best approach. Finally both game masters and players should be aware of the following point; this game is built on the assumption that any action as long as they follow the rules is a valid action. This means means that if a player wants to make a sentient sentient race of gelatinous humanoids he can. Both players and game masters need to be aware that this fact then implies that other players are not going to be very keen if they are denied d enied their actions 14 | P a g e
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regardless of how weird or unfitting they are. Remember this is just a game, if a setting is made in which no one o ne wants to play you can always just make it again, and also not that it never hurts to try something new, even if it fails remember you can always just try something else. Well that is the game in in a nutshell hope that people find this game both entertaining and useful for whatever endeavours you use it in, and remember this is just a game, if there are any rules or ideas you don’t like or disagree with feel free to change c hange them to better suite your liking and remember the main aim of this game is to have fun.
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