Roll for your Primary and Secondary Origins: Roll 1d6 to determine which chart to roll on, then 1d20 to determine your Origin. If you roll the same origin twice, your secondary origin is Engineered Human.
d6 d20 Origin
1 • 2 • 3
4 • 5 • 6
Type Power Skill Bonus
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Alien Int Android Int Arachnoid D ex Cockroach Con Cryokinetic Cha Doppelganger I nt nt Ectoplasmic Wis Electrokinetic Wis Empath Cha Entropic Cha Exploding Con Felinoid D ex Fungoid Con Gelatinous S tr Giant Str Grav Gr avit ityy Co Cont ntro roll ller er Co Con n Hawkoid W is Hypercognitave W is is Magnetic D ex
dark dark b io b io psi dark dark dark psi dark psi b io b io b io b io dark da rk b io psi dark
Conspiracy,, Mechanic Conspiracy Mechanics, s, FF8 Nature,, Science Nature Science FF9 Science GW36 Nature FF10 Mechanics GW37 Stealth FF11 Conspiracy G W3 W38 Perception FF12 Mec ha hanic s G W3 W39 Insight GW40 Science FF13 Athletics FF14 Stealth GW41 Interaction FF15 Stealth FF16 Athletics GW42 Athl At hlet etic icss GW43 GW 43 Perception GW44 Insight GW45 Mechanics FF17
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Mind Breaker Mind Coercer Mythic Nightmare Plaguebearer Plant Plastic Prescient Pyrokinetic Radioactive Rat Swarm Reanimated Seismic Shapeshifter Simian Speedster Telekinetic Temporal Wheeled Yeti
p si si p si si psi psi ps b io b io b io psi psi dark b io dark dark b io b io psi psi ps dark dark b io
Interaction In IIn nteraction Interaction Interaction Athletics Nature Acrobatics Interaction Interaction Science Stealth Athletics Athletics Interacti on on Athletics Acrobatics Mechanics Conspiracy Athletics Nature
GW46 GW47 FF18 FF19 FF20 GW48 FF21 FF22 GW49 GW50 GW51 FF23 GW52 FF24 FF25 GW53 GW54 FF26 FF27 GW55
Inte In tera ract ction ion Sc Scie ienc ncee
GW56 GW5 6
1 AI
I nt
Cha Cha Cha Int Con Con D ex W is W is Con D ex S tr St r Cha St r D ex Int W is Con St r
* En Enggin inee eerredHu edHuma man n Int Int
Abi Abilit lity y Sco Scores res
You get an 18 in the ability that matches your Primary You Origin’s type, and a 16 in the ability that matches your Secondary Origin’s type. If your origins have the same type, you get a 20 in that ability (Woohoo!). Roll 3d6 for each remaining ability, ability, and determine the modifiers for all of your abilities.
1 2–3 4–5 6–7 8–9
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1
10–11 12–13 14–15 16–17 18–19
+0 +1 +2 +3 +4
20–21 22–23 24–25 26–27 28–29
+5 +6 +7 +8 +9
1 2 3 4 5
You gain a +4 bonus to the skill(s) listed for both your Primary and Secondary Origins. In addition, roll 1d10 to determine one additional skill with which you gain a +4 bonus. If you get more than one bonus for a single skill, they add together. Aren’t you lucky? S ki kill (Ability)
S ki kill (Ability)
Acrobatics (Dex) Athletics (Str) Conspiracy (Int) Insight (Wis) Interacti on on (Cha)
6 7 8 9 10
Mechanics (Int) Nature (Wis) Perception (Wis) Science (Int) Stealth (Dex )
Weap We apon ons s & Ar Armo mor r
You start with Armor, one Melee Weapon, and one Ranged Weapon or Gun. You can decide the actual look and construction of the weapons and armor you have, but the game mechanics don’t change. Because really, what’s the difference between a torn stop sign and a battleaxe, after all?
Armor: There are two varieties of armor – Light and Heavy. Light armor sacrifices protection for mobility, while Heavy armor does the opposite. A shield can be used with any armor, but requires the full use of one hand — no two-handed weapons for you. Armor Type Benefit Special Sp Li gh ght Armor +3 AC Add Dex or Int Modifier to AC Heavy Armor +7 AC Reduce Speed by 1 Sh i e l d +1 AC Uses 1 hand Melee Weapons: Choose one. Light melee weapons rely upon finesse and skill, while heavy melee weapons thrive with brute strength and power. Melee Weapons Ability Accuracy Damage One-Handed Light Dex/Int +3 1d8 Two-Handed Light Dex/Int +3 1d12 One-Handed Heavy Str/Con +2 1d10 Two-Handed Heavy Str/Con +2 2d8 Unarmed Attacks: When all else fails, fists, claws, or pseudopods often work. Everybody can make the following attacks. Unarmed Attacks Ability Accuracy Damage Quick unarmed attack Dex/Int +3 1d4 Heavy unarmed attack Str/Con +2 1d8 Ranged Weapons and Guns: Choose one ranged weapon or gun. Guns have better range, and can be more accurate or deal more damage than their primitive counterparts. However, since ammo is scarce you need to be careful about how often you use your guns, lest you find yourself without any more ammo the next time something wants to eat you. Ranged Weapons Ability Accuracy Damage Range One-Handed Light Dex/Int +3 1d8 5 Two-Handed Light Dex/Int +3 1d12 10 One-Handed Heavy Str/Con +2 1d10 10 Two-Handed Heavy Str/Con +2 2d8 10 Guns One-Handed Light Two-Handed Light One-Handed Heavy Two-Handed Heavy
Ability Dex/Int Dex/Int Str/Con Str/Con
Accuracy +4 +4 +2 +2
Damage 1d8 1d12 2d6 2d10
Range 10 10 20 20
Starting Startin g Gear
Your character starts with an Explorer’s Kit, and 1d4+1 die rolls on the starting gear table below; roll a d6 and 1d20 per rolll to det rol determ ermineeach ineeach pie piece ce of equ equipm ipment. ent. You may exchange your Explorer’s Kit for an extra roll on the Starting Gear table, if you’re feeling lucky.
1 •2• 3
4•5 •6
d20 Item
d20 Item
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1 Lan Lanter tern n 2 La Lap to to p co mp mp ut ut er er 3 Lighter 4 Map, Local 5 Mat Match ches es 6 Motorcycle 7 N ig igh tt- vi vi si si on on g og ogg le le s 8 Pick Pickup up tr truc uck k 9 Po Po rt rt ab ab le le S to tov e 10 Radi o cell phone 11 Riding horse 1 2 S te te el el M irir ro ro r 1 3 S up up er erc ra ra zy zy G lu lu e 14 Tent 15 Um Umbr brel ella la 16 Wagon 17 Water purifier 18 Win Winte terr Ou Outfi tfitt 19 ReRe-rol rolll twi twice ce 20 Choose one item
2 Anci Ancient ent Jun Junkk rol rolls ls Be er Be er, 6 -p -p ac ac k Binoculars Bolt Cutter Camer Cam era, a, Di Digi gita tall Canoe Ca r,r, S ed eda n Chem-S Chem -Sti tick ck (4 (4)) Cl im Cl im be ber ’s ’s k itit Compass Crowbar Dra ftft h or or se se Du ct ct t ap ape Fi rs rst A id id Ki t Fue uel, l, 5 ga gall llon onss Gas Mask Generator (w/ 8 hrs of fuel) Hand Ha ndcuff cuffs, s, St Stee eell Heavy Hea vy flas flashlig hlight ht Keelboat
Explorer’s Kit: Backpack, Bedroll, Canteen, Flint and Steel, Trail Rations, 100ft of Rope.