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Civil Law; Equitable Mortgage
vs. SPS. GASTON JAQUE and LILIA JAQUE G.R. No. 199852; Noveme! 12" 2#1$
A purported contract of sale where the vendor remains in physical possession of the land, as lessee or otherwise, is an indicium of an equitable mortgage.
Sps. Gaston Jaque and Lilia Jaque initiated a Complaint for Ownership and e!over" of #ossession against Sps. $elipe Solitarios So litarios and Julia %orda. Spouses Ja!que alleged that the" pur!hased Lot &'() from the spouses Solitarios in stages. *!!ording to spouses Ja!que+ the" initiall" bought one,half of Lot -o. &'() for +'''.''. %his sale is allegedl" eviden!ed b" a notari/ed 0eed of Sale dated Ma" (+ 1)(1. %wo months later+ the spouses Solitarios supposedl" mortgaged the remaining half of Lot &'() to the Jaques via a eal Estate Mortgage 2EM3 dated Jul" 14+ 1)(1+ to se!ure a loan amounting to 5+'''.''. *fter almost two 263 "ears+ the spouses Solitarios finall" agreed to sell the mortgaged half. 7owever+ instead of e8e!uting a separate deed of sale for the se!ond half+ the" e8e!uted a 0eed of Sale dated *pril 69+ 1)(5 for the whole lot to save on ta8es+ b" ma:ing it appear that the !onsideration for the sale of the entire lot was onl" 16+'''.'' when the Jaques a!tuall" paid 1)+'''.'' 1)+'''.'' in !ash and !ondoned !ondoned the spouses Solitarios Solitarios 5+'''.'' 5+'''.'' loan. *s a result+ result+ the title title was transferred and registered from spouses Solitarios to spouses Jaque. orse+ the spouses Solitarios even !laimed ownership over Lot &'(). %hus+ the Jaques filed the !omplaint with the %C. %C. $or their defense+ defendants spouses Solitarios ?denied selling Lot &'() and e8plained that the" merel" mortgaged the same to the Jaques after the latter helped them redeem the land from the #hilippine -ational @an: 2#-@3. I'')e( >hether the parties entered into a !ontra!t of absolute sale or an equitable mortgage.
Civil Law; Equitable Mortgage R)*+n,( %he Supreme Court de!lared that the transa!tion between the parties is a!tuall" one of equitable mortgage pursuant to the foregoing p rovisions of the Civil Code.
%he Court had held that a purported !ontra!t of sale where the vendor remains in ph"si!al possession of the land+ as lessee or otherwise+ is an indi!ium of an equitable mortgage. 0uring the period material to the present !ontrovers"+ the petitioners+ spouses Solitarios+ retained a!tual possession of the propert". %his was never disputed.