Exquisite exposition of non-dualityFull description
States of Consciousness, by Charles T. Tart, examines how and why altered states of consciousness occur and the potentialities of such states.
early autobiography of (later controversial ) Swami Muktananda with many interesting spiritual insights in full awakening of kundalini
local government digest
Exquisite exposition of non-duality
It describes everything that is related to consciousness.Full description
For Social Studies ReferenceFull description
"You are reflectors of light within the darkness - bearing in mind darkness is simply the absence of light, light is love, it is knowledge, power, wisdom, and truth. Darkness is the antithes…Descrição completa
The approach taken in these lectures, as in our other courses that have been published in book form by the University of Human Unity, is an exploration of the points of view of various philosophers...