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What operation is Operations refers to “any process that accepts inputs and uses resources to change those inputs in useful ways”.
What operations management is Operations is an activity that needs to be managed by competent persons. Aldag and Stearns accurately dened operations management as “the process of planning, organiing and controlling operations to reach ob!ectives e"ciently and e#ectively”.
Operations and the $ngineer %anager &he engineer manager is e'pected to produce some output at whatever management level he is.
(f he is assigned as the manufacturing engineer, his function is “to determine and dene the e)uipment, tools and processes re)uired to convert the design of the desired product into reality in an e"cient manner. &he engineer in charge of operations in a construction rm is responsible for the actual construction of whatever bridge or road his company has agreed to put up.
&he engineer, as operations manager, must nd ways to contribute to the production of )uality goods or services and the reduction of costs in his department. &he typical operations manager is one with several years of e'perience in the operations division and possesses an academic bac*ground in engineering.
&+$S O- &A/S-O%A&(O/ O0$SS &he engineer manager must have some *nowledge of the various types of transformation process. &hey are as follows1 %anufacturing rocesses 2 !ob shop 2 batch 3ow 2 wor*er4paced line 3ow 2 machine4paced line 3ow 2 batch5continuous 3ow hybrid 2 continuous 3ow
Service rocesses 2 service factory 2 service shop 2 mass service 2 professional service %A/6-A0&6(/7 O0$SS$S %anufacturing processes are those that refer to the ma*ing of products by hand or machinery.
Job shop 8 a !ob shop is one whose production is “based on sales orders for a variety of small lots”. Batch fow 8 the batch 3ow process is where lots of generally own designed products are manufactured. Worker-paced Assembly Line 8 an assembly line refers to a production layout arranged in a se)uence to accommodate processing of large volumes of standardied products or services
Machine-paced Assembly Line 8 this type of production process produces mostly standard products with machines playing a signicant role. Continuous fow 8 the continuous 3ow processing is characteried by the “the rapid rate at which items move through the system”.
S$9(0$ O0$SS$S Service process are those that refer to the provision of service to persons by hand or with machinery.
Service actory 8 a service factory o#ers a limited mi' of services which results to some economies of scale in operations. Service shop 8 a service shop provides a diverse mi' of services.
Mass service 8 a mass service company provides services to a large number of people simultaneously. !roessional services 8 these are companies that provide specialied to the other rms or individuals.
(%O&A/& A&S O- O:60&(9$ S+S&$%S roductive systems consists of si' important activities as follows1
!roduct desi"n 0ustomers e'pect that the products they buy would perform according to assigned functions. A good product design assures that this will be so.
!roduction !lannin" and Schedulin" roduction planning may be dened as “forecasting the future sales of a given product, translating this forecast into the demand it generates for various production facilities and arranging for the procurement of these facilities. !urchasin" and Materials Mana"ement -irms need to purchase supplies and materials re)uired in the various production activities.
#nventory Control (nventory control is the process of establishing and maintaining appropriate levels of reserve stoc*s of goods. Work-$low Layout Wor*43ow layout is the process of determining the physical arrangement of the production system.
%uality Control ;uality control refers to the measurement of products or services against standards set by the company.