Project of Production and Operations Management
Topic - ISO 9000
Submitted to: by:
Ms Habiba Abbasi no.7
Abhishek Hasiza Page 1
Ankush Bhatia Ankush Soni Ayush Bhalla Divybhan Singh Mohit Khandelwal
Table Contents 1.
2. Intoduction to ISO 9000
Quality Management System Priciples
Why use ISO 9000?
Rationale For QMS Requirement of QMS
3. Company overview
4. ISO implementation in Samsung
5. References
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT With With grea greatt plea pleasu sure re and and prof profou ound nd priv privil ileg ege, e, We expr expres esss ou ourr grat gratit itud udee and and indebtedness along with sincere thanks to Ms Habiba Abbasi for giving us the opportunity to work on this project. We would also like to pay gratitude to our Project guide, Anurag Sharma (Senior software software Engineer) Engineer) and Soumya Soumya Samant Samant (Senior (Senior Software Software Engineer) Samsung Electronics , who has been a sincere advisor and inspiring force behind this project. This Th is Proj Projec ectt woul would d no nott have have been been a succ succes esss with withou outt the the help help of ou ourr grou group p members.
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Introduction to ISO 9000 Overview The ISO 9000 standard was developed to assist organizations, of all types and sizes, to implement and operate effective quality management systems. ISO 9000 describes fundamentals of quality management systems and specifies the term termin inol olog ogy y for for qu qual alit ity y mana manage geme ment nt syst system ems. s. ISO ISO 90 9000 00 crea create ted d by the the International Organization for Standardization International standardization began with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) in 1906. This led to the deve develo lopm pmen entt of the the Inte Intern rnat atio iona nall Fede Federa rati tion on of Nati Nation onal al Stan Standa dard rdiz izin ing g Associations (ISA) in 1926. ISO 9000 was conceived in 1987, updated in 1994, and again in 2000.
Quality Management System (QMS) Principles To lead and operate an organization successfully, it is necessary to direct and control it in a systematic and transparent manner. There are 8 quality management
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principles that can be used by top management in order to lead the organization towards improved performance: • Customer focus • Leadership • Involvement of people • Process approach • System approach to management • Continual improvement • Factual approach to decision making • Mutually beneficial supplier relationships These 8 principles form the basis for the quality management system standards within the ISO9000 Standards.
Why use ISO 9000 ? Working for a company that does not have a formalized method of management 1.Creates a chaotic working environment Time, money, and work hours go into wasteful utilization Higher likelihood of errors and faults appearing in a product 2. Provides a highly organized structure of operation An extensive documentation of processes Clearly defined responsibilities 3. Offers a competitive edge for companies Companies with ISO certification are preferred over ones that are not Sometimes is the main determinant for clients 4. Required for mere survival Clients may require that companies convert to ISO 9000 or lose their business Better to get certified before being forced to 5. Customer satisfaction A more organized procedure adapts to last minute changes better Confidence and trust is fostered with client Good relationship built with client means increased business with referred customers as well as returning ones • •
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Scope The International Standard describes fundamentals of quality management systems, Which form the subject of the ISO 9000 family, and defines related terms. This International Standard is applicable to the following: a) Organi Organizat zation ionss seekin seeking g advant advantage age throug through h the implem implement entati ation on of a quali quality ty management system b) Organi Organizat zation ionss seekin seeking g confid confidenc encee from from their their suppli suppliers ers that that their their produc productt requirements will be satisfied c) Users of the products20000 Introduction Toolkit d) Those concer ned ned with a mutual understanding of the terminology used in quality Management (e.g. suppliers, customers, regulators); e) Those internal or external to the organization who give advice or training on the Quality management system appropriate to that organization; f) Developers of related standards.
Rationale for QMS Qual Qualit ity y mana manage geme ment nt syst system emss (QMS (QMS)) can can assi assist st orga organi niza zati tion onss in enha enhanc ncin ing g customer Satisfaction. Customers require products with characteristics that satisfy their needs and Expectations. These needs and expectations are expressed in product specifications and collectively referred to as customer requirements. Customer requirements may be be spec specif ifie ied d cont contra ract ctua uall lly y by the the cust custom omer er of may may be dete determ rmin ined ed by the the organization itself. In either case, the customer ultimately determines the acceptability of the product. Beca Becaus usee cust custom omer er need needss and and expe expect ctat atio ions ns are are chan changi ging ng,, and and beca becaus usee of competitive pressures and technical advances, organizations are driven to improve continually their products and processes. The quality management system approach encourages organizations to analyze customer requirements, define the processes that contribute to the achievement of a produ product ct which which is accept acceptabl ablee to the custom customer, er, and keep keep these these proce processe ssess und under er control. A qu qual alit ity y mana manage geme ment nt syst system em can can prov provid idee the the fram framew ewor ork k for for cont contin inua uall improvement to increase the probability of enhancing customer satisfaction and the satisfaction of other interested parties. It provides confidence to the organization
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and and its its cust custom omer erss that that it is able able to prov provid idee prod produc ucts ts that that cons consis iste tent ntly ly fulf fulfil illl requirements.
Requirements for QMS The ISO The ISO 90 9000 00 Stan Standa dard rdss dist distin ingu guis ishe hess betw betwee een n requ requir irem emen ents ts for for qu qual alit ity y management systems and requirements for products. Requirements for products can be specified by customers or by the organization in anticipation of customer requirements, or by regulation. The requirements for products and in some cases associated processes processes can be contained in, for example, technical specifications, produ product ct standa standards rds,, proces processs standa standards rds,, contr contract actual ual agreem agreement entss and regula regulator tory y requirements.
Samsung Overview Founder :-
Byung-Chull Lee
Chairman & CEO : Vice Chairman:-
Kun-Hee Lee
Jong-Yong Yun
On March 1, 1938, founding chairman Byung-Chull Lee started a business in Taegu, Korea with 30,000 won. At first, Mr. Lee's little business was primarily in trade export, selling dried Korean fish, vegetables, and fruit to Manchuria and Beijing. But in just over a decade, SAMSUNG - meaning literally "three stars" in Korean - would have its own flour mills and confectionery machines, its own manufacturing and sales operations, and ultimately become the roots of the modern global corporation that still bears the same name today. Samsung India is the hub for Samsung's South West Asia Regional operations. The South West Asia Headquarters, under the leadership of Mr. J S Shin, President & CEO, looks after the Samsung business in Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Maldives and Bhutan besides India. Samsung India which commenced
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its operations in India in December 1995 enjoys a sales turnover of over US$ 1Bn in just a decade of operations in the country. Headquartered in New Delhi, Samsung India has widespread network of sales offi office cess all all ov over er the the coun countr try. y. Th Thee Sams Samsun ung g manu manufa fact ctur urin ing g comp comple lex x ho hous usin ing g manufacturing facilities for Colour Televisions, Mobile phones, Refrigerators and Washing Machines are located at Noida, near Delhi. Samsung 'Made in India' produ products cts like like Colour Colour Televi Televisio sions, ns, Mob Mobile ile pho phones nes and Refrig Refrigera erator torss are being being exported to Middle East, CIS and SAARC countries from its Noida manufacturing complex. In November 2007, Samsung commenced the manufacture of Colour televisions and LCD televisions at its state–of-the-art manufacturing facility at Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu. The Company is also manufacturing fully automatic fron frontt load loadin ing g wash washin ing g mach machin ines es at its its Srip Sriper erum umbu budu durr faci facili lity ty.. Sams Samsun ung' g'ss businesses harness the power of the digital revolution to create ground-breaking products and services that take consumers and businesses beyond imagination.
ISO IMPLEMENTATION IN SAMSUNG Samsun Samsung g Semico Semicondu nducto ctor, r, Inc., Inc., the the world' world'ss leader leader in advanc advanced ed semico semicondu nducto ctor r memory technology, today announced that it has received QS9000 certification for its memory memory and system system LSI (large (large-sc -scale ale integr integrati ation) on) facili facilitie tiess from from the BSI Inspec Inspector torate ate (Briti (British sh Standa Standards rds Instit Institute ute). ). This This certi certific ficati ation on is essent essential ial in the automotive industry and is strictly adhered to by the automotive top three: Ford, Chrysler and General Motors. QS90 QS9000 00 cert certif ific icat atio ion n is a supe supers rset et of ISO9 ISO900 001 1 spec specif ific ical ally ly tail tailor ored ed to the the automotive industry, setting the standards for the design, development, production, delivery, installation, maintenance and reliability of products and services. The purpose of Samsung's QS9000 certification is to empower the company to prevent defe defect cts, s, main mainta tain in qu qual alit ity y and and to prom promot otee cont contin inuo uous us enha enhanc ncem emen entt of its its semiconductor components used in automotive applications. With QS9000 certification, Samsung is now able to meet the growing needs of the automotive industry with quality-guaranteed semiconductor devices. The company expects a rapid sales increase in memory and system LSI devices. This is due to the growing number of networked electronics systems being incorporated into nextgenera generatio tion n motor motor vehicl vehicles. es. Applic Applicati ations ons range range from from engine engine contro control, l, anti-l anti-lock ock
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brakes, brakes, instrumen instrumentatio tation, n, through through global global positioni positioning ng systems. systems. All these systems contain a host of semiconductors. The QS9000 certification was awarded to Samsung during a recent ceremony at the corporate marketing office in Seoul, Korea. Samsung Electronics Memory Division President, Hwang Chang-Gyu, received the award on behalf of the company. Samsung has lead the industry in quality management system standards for the semico semicondu nducto ctorr indust industry ry since since 199 1993 3 when when the compan company y first first receiv received ed ISO900 ISO9001 1 certification of its plants in Korea. To date, Samsung continues to satisfy consumer requirements through its broad range of quality management system achievements: ISO9000, TL9000 and QS9000. The company's focus is to provide the industry's most complete portfolio of zero-defect semiconductor components. According to industry analyst firm, Dataquest, the demand for semiconductors utilized in automotive applications is forecast to grow 10 to 15 percent annually. Samsung plans to continue its leadership role in this market sector by offering an extensive portfolio of DRAM, SRAM and Flash memory components and LCD displays. Samsung's Quality Certificate Milestones: -- 1993
Receives ISO9001 for semiconductor plants in Korea
-- 1995
Receives ISO9001 for TFT-LCD plants
-- 1999
Receives ISO 9002 for semiconductor plants in Austin, Texas; and Suzhou, China
-- 1999
Receives QS9000 for System LSI plant in Korea
-- 2001
Receives TL9000 certification of all semiconductor and TFT LCD plants in Korea
-- 2002 Receives QS9000 certification for memory business, assembly and test plants in Korea About Samsung Semiconductor, Inc. Samsun Samsung g Semico Semicondu nducto ctor, r, Inc. Inc. is a wholly wholly owned owned US subsid subsidiar iary y of Samsun Samsung g Electronics Co., Ltd. Headquartered in Seoul, Korea, Samsung Electronics is a Page 9
mainstay of the global electronics industry. It is the world's leader in DRAM memory, SRAM memory, and TFT-LCD display products for industrial, mobile and desktop computing applications. Samsung Electronics is one of the world's largest semiconductor companies overall with a full line of semiconductor products products including Flash memory, microprocessor and custom ASIC components.
References 1.
2. Samsun Samsung g Indi India a , Noida Noida 3.
6. Refence Refence Cards: Cards: Anurag Anurag Sharma (Senior (Senior Softwar Software e Engineer) Engineer) Soumya Samant (Senior Software Engineer)
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