Channel, sales and distribution syatem in automobile industries
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Descrição: Electric Power Distribution Reliability
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In the course of recent years or thereabouts, India has taken quick walks in the improvement of the power part both regarding upgrading power age and also in making power accessible to broadly disseminated regions of the nation. Keeping in mind the e
Gsm parameter
To Study On Sale And Distribution Channel Of Pidilite Company in Pune Area
Cell Channel Power Distribution Parameters The common configurable cell channel power distribution parameters are listed here. Table 1 List of cell channel power distribution parameters No .
Table 1 List of cell channel power distribution parameters No .
Parameter ID
Parameter Meaning
Default Value
("#Power+ffse ("# transmit power %) dB t
ele!ant Command
"DD C'P*&))$#T L$T "IC' M&D "IC'P*&))$#T
. This parameter is the maximum downlin- transmitting power of the odeB.
. "t is used to determine the power of Primar/ P"# of a cell. The reference point is the antenna connector of odeB. "ts alue is related to the downlin- coerage in the networ- planning.
. These parameters are the transmit powers of P%$# and $%$# in relation to PP"#.
. This parameter is the transmit power of PP# bearing B# in relation to PP"#.
. This parameter defines the maximum '(# transmit power Max'achPower "n M+2 $P#, the maximum transmit powers of the two '(# channels are respectiel/ '(#1MaxPower and '(#!MaxPower in relation to PP"#.
. This parameter defines the transmit power of the P# channel in relation to PP"#.
. This parameter is the transmit power of the P"# channel in relation to PP"#.
. This parameter defines the transmit power of ("# in relation to PP"#. Miscellaneous Topic Parameters
Document form some other source on CPICH optimization Finally, in networks with very good inter-site distance a gain based approach is utilized. The idea is as simple as we decrease the CPIC power !or highly loaded cells and decrease it !or less loaded cell. For e"ample, i! the optimization engineer desires that the network power load is controlled at #$% he then might think that
he sets CPIC power to && d'm i! the tra(c power load is around )$% and to &) d'm whenever the tra(c power load o! the cells drops down to *$%. The gain based approach is +uite intuitive !or the network optimizer and it signicantly enhances network power utilization !or highly loaded network provided that the network is well designed physically. It outper!orms the uni!orm solution as well in the sense that it achieves a load balancing strategy. owever, this approach cannot be used generally !or any network and cannot guarantee ade+uate per!ormance especially that it doesnt take into account so!tso!ter handover gain and overhead.