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Strategic Management Case 5: Winnebago Industries – 2008
“Company’s Background: Winnebago is one of the leading companies in manufacturing recreational vehicles (RV). he! use computer soft"are for RV development such as computer#aided design ($%&) and computer#aided manufacturing ($%') for certain reasons lie cost reduction design evaluations and so. Winnebago "as founded b! an entrepreneur named *ohn +. ,anson "ho along "ith his colleagues influenced a $alifornia compan! to open a travel trailer compan! in -/8. or t"o !ears the factor! had a named based on the $alifornia but in -10 the factor! "as renamed to Winnebago. Winnebago has a ver! good brand image also the! have strong assets and not man! liabilities.
“Vision and Mission Statement Analysis: Vision Statement:
3ur vision is to become the 4lobal leader in manufacturing and sales of Recreational Vehicles.5 he vision is statement is reall! good as it is clear and concise. he statement is clearl! e6plains that ho" the compan! "ants to be recogni7ed. Mission Statement:
Winnebago Industries is a leading nited 9tates manufacturer of motor homes and related products and services. 3ur mission is to continuall! improve our products and services to meet or e6ceed the e6pectations of our customers. We emphasi7e emplo!ee team"or and involvement in identif!ing and implementing programs to save time and lo"er production costs "hile maintaining the highest :ualit! of products. hese strategies have allo"ed us to prosper as a business "ith a high degree of integrit! and to provide a reasonable return for our shareholders the o"ners of our business.55 he mission statement is also good enough as it is covering man! important components of mission statement such as products and services customers emplo!ees self#concept and so. ,o"ever given that it is a big manufacturing compan! the! need to add the component of environment.5 hese vision and mission statement are from !ear 2008.5
9? he compan! falls under aggressive profile "here the! can adopt certain strategies lie maret penetration product development maret development integration strategies as "ell.
9rand Strategy Matri: Rapid 'aret 4ro"th
Wea $om etitive ?osition
9tron $om etitive ?osition
In grand strateg! matri6 the compan! fall in :uadrant - "here the! can use intensive strategies as "ell as integrated strategies.
9lo" 'aret 4ro"th
;uantitative Strategic Planning Matri 2;SPM3:
H In G9?' "e established t"o ne" strategies one is to create eco#friendl! RVEs and the other is develop a Do"ableE 9egment. %ccording to the results Winnebago should opt for eco#friendl! RVEs development